The family of alexander rosenbaum. Alexander Rosenbaum: "I'm sticking out" from my grandchildren

The family of alexander rosenbaum.  Alexander Rosenbaum:
The family of alexander rosenbaum. Alexander Rosenbaum: "I'm sticking out" from my grandchildren

Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum (September 13, 1951) is a famous Russian singer, songwriter, poet and literary figure. Since 1996 he has been an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, and in 2001 he received the title of People's Artist.


Alexander Yakovlevich was born on September 13 in Leningrad. His father and mother met each other while still students of the 1st Medical Institute. Immediately after graduation, they played a wedding and after a while left for the city of Zyryanovsk, located in Eastern Kazakhstan. There, being doctors, they got a job in a city hospital: their father as a urologist, and their mother as an obstetrician-gynecologist. It was there, in Zyryanovsk, that Alexander's elder brother, Vladimir Rosenbaum, was born.

After six years of stable work in the hospital, the Rosenbaum family decides to move to Leningrad, as the hospital is slowly starting to empty and there is no longer a need for a large number of specialists. Realizing that sooner or later they will be laid off, Alexander's parents move to Leningrad, where they have a second son - a future singer and songwriter.

Alexander's musical abilities and talent began to manifest themselves at the age of five. In parallel with the secondary school, he enrolls in a music school, where he learns to play the piano. Prominent teachers of that time became his teachers, therefore, a year later, under the leadership of Larisa Ioffe and Maria Glushenko, Rosenbaum began to show incredible musical abilities, participating in numerous competitions. In addition, he also learns to play the guitar with his neighbor, the talented Mikhail Aleksandrovich Minin, who, at the request of his parents, starts teaching the young genius all the basics.


After elementary school, Alexander Yakovlevich is transferred to an educational institution on Vitebsky Prospect, as his parents want their son to learn languages. So Rosenbaum finds himself in a school with an in-depth study of the French language, which, by the way, was never given to him due to his passion for music. Alexander often skipped classes, and while in the classroom, he sat and composed his own compositions, paying absolutely no attention to the teachers.

At the same time, sport appears in the life of young Sasha. On the advice of his friends, he enrolls in the figure skating section, from which he leaves already a month later, and then to the Labor Reserves section of boxing, but he does not stay there either, preferring music to any occupation. By this time, everyone already knows that Alexander has truly enormous musical abilities: the singer's friends, his school teachers and even neighbors. He plays the guitar at home, at a party, in the yard, at amateur evenings and school competitions, and declares himself that he was "literally born with a guitar in his hands."

However, for a long time, music remained for Rosenbaum only a hobby and a pleasant pastime. At the insistence of his parents, in 1968 he entered the 1st Medical Institute in Leningrad. A talented guy does not succeed in completing his education the first time: he is expelled after a year, and then by accident (he is confused with another student who did not pass the exam on time). When the error is clarified, it is too late to re-submit the documents, as Alexander receives a summons from the military registration and enlistment office.

But, fortunately, he was never taken into the army due to minor vision problems, so a year later the young man restores his documents to the institute and continues his studies until 1974. He graduates from a higher educational institution with the specialty of a general practitioner and almost immediately after graduation goes to work at the First substation, located not far from the educational institution.

Musical career

Despite the fact that at the time of entering the institute, Rosenbaum had already created songs of his own composition, he professionally decided to devote himself to music only in 1980. At various times he participates in such ensembles as "Argonauts", "Admiralty", "Pulse" and "Six Young", everywhere performing under the pseudonym "Ayarov" (from his initials). However, in none of the musical groups Rosenbaum finds what he was looking for, going into the world of music, so he does not stay for a long time in any of the ensembles.

As a solo artist, Alexander Yakovlevich began performing already in 1983, actively participating in city musical events, most of which were held in the Derzhinsky House of Cult of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. There he performed for the first time such compositions as "Romance of General Blacks", "Song of the Horse of Gypsy Blood", "On the Don, on the Don", "Prophetic Destiny", "Oh, if it were possible ...", "I often wake up in silence " and many others.

Popular recognition came to Rosenbaum at the same time. His songs had different meanings and were devoted to completely different topics. Aleksandr Yakovlevich was keenly interested in the post-revolutionary Russia of the 20th century, devoted compositions to gypsy customs and Cossacks, wrote philosophical and lyrical songs, as well as compositions supporting military personnel. By the way, Rosenbaum often performed with charity concerts in military units and even traveled several times to Afghanistan.

Musical style

Today, Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum is known by millions of listeners around the world, and this success was achieved not only thanks to the singer's talent, but also to the original musical style that has remained with him from the very beginning of his professional career on stage.

Rosenbaum has always performed his songs on the Russian seven-string (a kind of guitar that lacks the fifth string, which gave it the name OPEN G). The only exception was one of Alexander's performances with the Pearl brothers, when he used a twelve-string guitar to perform. The rest of the time, the author-performer uses only a bright and effective playing on the Russian seven-string with several rhythms of combat. By the way, Alexander Yakovlevich is one of the few musicians who does not use a pick during a performance, which makes the compositions more lively, and the sound is many times richer.

Personal life

Rosenbaum's family life began very early. Like his parents, he met his first love while still a student at the 1st Medical Institute. However, unlike the previous generation, the young did not wait for the graduation from the educational institution and got married 2 months after they met.

As a result, after nine months, the marriage broke up, and Alexander fell in love with a colleague at work - Elena Viktorovna Savshinskaya - a radiologist at the First substation, where Rosenbaum went to work immediately after graduating from medical school. In 1976, Alexander and Elena had a daughter, Anna.

Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum, born September 13, 1951 in Leningrad (USSR), Soviet and Russian author, performer, singer, composer, poet, actor, writer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum was born on September 13, 1951 in Leningrad, in a family of fellow students from the 1st Medical Institute, Yakov Shmarievich Rosenbaum and Sofia Semyonovna Milyaeva. Yakov and Sophia graduated from the institute in 1952, and then the Rosenbaum family went to live in East Kazakhstan, in the city of Zyryanovsk, where there was no railway. Yakov, a urologist, became the chief physician of the city hospital there; Sophia's profession is an obstetrician-gynecologist. For six years, Sasha's father and mother have been treating residents of Zyryanovsk. In the same period, another son was born in the family - Vladimir Rosenbaum.

Pinochet overwhelmed only three thousand of those who opposed the regime in arms. An ordinary tavern labukh Viktor Khara also got there, from which they made God knows what. And he just went with everyone to excite.

Rosenbaum Alexander Yakovlevich

Alexander began to study music from the age of five. He graduated from school on Vosstaniya Street - school number 209, the former Pavlovsk Institute for Noble Maidens, his parents used to study here, then his daughter. He graduated from music school No. 18 in piano and violin, first under the guidance of Larisa Yanovna Ioffe, and then - the talented teacher Maria Alexandrovna Glushenko. His grandmother's neighbor was the famous guitarist Mikhail Aleksandrovich Minin, from whom he learned the basics, he learned to play the guitar himself, participated in amateur performances, then graduated from the evening music school in the class of arrangement. Played for friends, played at home, played in the yard. According to Alexander Yakovlevich, he has been “on stage since the age of five”. I went to figure skating, at the age of 12 I switched to the boxing section “Labor Reserves”.

In 1968-1974 he studied at the First Medical Institute in Leningrad. He still gives concerts there every year. By chance he was expelled from the institute, but was not taken into the army due to poor eyesight. Alexander Rosenbaum went to work at the hospital. A year later, Rosenbaum recovered at the institute and completed his education. In 1974, having passed all state exams with excellent marks, Alexander received a diploma as a general practitioner. His specialization is anesthesiology and resuscitation. I went to work in an ambulance at the First substation, located on Professor Popov Street, 16B, not far from my native institute.

He studied at the evening jazz school at the Palace of Culture. S. M. Kirov. He began writing songs in 1968 at the institute for skits, student performances, vocal and instrumental ensembles and rock groups. In 1980 he went to the professional stage. He played in various groups.

The one who did not know the trouble, he did not find the least bit of happiness.

Rosenbaum Alexander Yakovlevich

Rosenbaum's family life began early, but the first marriage did not last long. A year later, Rosenbaum married again, this time to his classmate, and they had a daughter, Anna. Alexander Rosenbaum had a choice between the profession of a doctor, in which he had already worked for 5 years and found himself in it, and a pop career. The choice was made in favor of music.

He performed in groups and ensembles: "Admiralty", "Argonauts", VIA "Six Young", "Pulse" (under the pseudonym Ayarov, from "A. Ya. Rosenbaum").

Those who did not recognize the pain did not find sincere joy.

Rosenbaum Alexander Yakovlevich

In 2003 he was elected to the State Duma of Russia from the United Russia party.

Vice President and Artistic Director of the Concert Department of the Great City Society.

Chairman of the Board of the Kronstadt Historical Heritage Development Fund. "The restoration of the Naval Cathedral of the city of Kronstadt and its return to the people to serve the idea for which it was created - to be the main sea temple of the country, - in the opinion of the Chairman of the Council of the Foundation Alexander Rosenbaum, is a" sacred task. "

Age is a state of mind that sometimes conflicts with the body.

Rosenbaum Alexander Yakovlevich

On June 28, 2005, among 50 members of the public, he signed a letter in support of the verdict of the former leaders of Yukos.

Lives and works in St. Petersburg.

Among 42 well-known Petersburgers, he signed an open letter to President Dmitry Medvedev in support of the construction of the Okhta Center.

Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum - photo

Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum - quotes

I am not fixing anything. This is the norm. The norm for a strong person whom I would like to consider myself.

The bard Alexander Rosenbaum was at the center of the discussion after a recent strange incident - at four in the morning in Moscow, an ambulance delivered him with a knife wound to Sklif.

I was a witness of everything that happened, - told us a friend of Rosenbaum. - My friends and I gathered for a small party in the famous house on Kotelnicheskaya embankment. There was a bard Oleg Mityaev with his wife, me and a few other people. Sasha Rosenbaum also joined the company. His friend brought him in her car Nissan Murano, she was driving. We drank, sang songs. Sasha began to open a jar of pickles with an opener, but the opener broke. He took a knife and began to uncork the iron lid with it. The hand trembled, the knife fell, and the blade went down the left hand, just above the hand. A vein was touched, blood began to flow. Sasha tried - he's a medic - to stop the bleeding. But his girlfriend, worried about him, still insisted on calling the ambulance. That's the whole story.

- And what kind of girl accompanied the singer?

This girl has been friends with him for a long time. Her name is Inna, she is a businessman, director of a large pasta company. I know her precisely as a friend of Rosenbaum. But I don’t climb into my soul, what have they got there ...

As they say, Alexander Yakovlevich has recently been in the capital more than in St. Petersburg. Even bought an apartment in Moscow - friends gossip, perhaps to see Inna more often?

We met Rosenbaum in an unusual way, ”one former FSB officer told KP. - I was on the train, Sasha was in a nearby SV carriage along with his headmistress Bella, a spectacular lady. And at one station there was an emergency - someone threw a stone into the glass of their compartment. Glass to smithereens. The conductor began to look for free places for them. I went to SV alone. Rosenbaum asked me to move to another compartment - he and Bella wanted to go together. But I brushed it off - I had already undressed. The lady grumbled, but left. And Rosenbaum and I ordered vodka. All night Sasha played the guitar, we sang and drank. And then he opened up and said that he had a wife and two more lovers. And it seems like everything is dear to him ... The next morning Bella knocked in our compartment. Seeing the ward somewhat rumpled after a sleepless night, she reprimanded him. Both of us, tired of hours of libation - hardly anyone can drink Rosenbaum, and even sing too! - barely crawled out of the car.

Sasha Rosenbaum is an addicted person. It seemed to me that he liked his producer Bella, a bright, interesting woman. She organized his tour. They have been working together for more than ten years, ”one famous singer, who asked not to be named in the newspaper, told KP. - But the appearance in the life of the singer of a Moscow businessman Inna could affect the relationship with Bella. The party said that Bella left Rosenbaum and went to work for the singer Trofim. Something was happening between Rosenbaum and Bella, but how it all ended, I don't know: someone else's soul is darkness.

We phoned Bella Mikhailovna with questions.

I am not offended by Alexander Yakovlevich. It's just that now I'm working with two artists at once - Rosenbaum and Trofim, - the producer answered.

- They say that Alexander Yakovlevich is getting divorced because of his girlfriend?

No, she is not getting divorced. I don't know anything about the girl! - the lady answered categorically.

As they say, the singer's wife is a wise woman. Some of Rosenbaum's acquaintances have recently started talking that Sasha does not live in a family. But his father-in-law does not confirm this information - I am sure everything is in order in his daughter's family.

Alexander Rosenbaum

Zodiac sign:

Eastern horoscope:

Place of Birth:

singer, composer, actor

The weight:
73 kg

174 cm

Biography of Alexander Rosenbaum

Childhood and family of Alexander Rosenbaum

Alexander's hometown is St. Petersburg, although at that time it was called Leningrad. He was born into a family of doctors. His parents started a family while studying at the same medical institute. For some time after the parents graduated from the university, the family lived in Kazakhstan, and later everyone returned to their hometown.

Sasha's upbringing was taken up by her grandmother, since her parents were not always at home, they "disappeared" at work. He grew up, in his own words, a very good child, but he was not alien to all the problems of any yard boy. Rosenbaum recalls that he started smoking at thirteen. Already a teenager, he tried port wine with the boys.

Sasha began going to music school at the age of five. It was important for parents to give their son a decent education. At first, he did not like to study at all, but since he did not want to contradict his parents, he continued to attend lessons at a music school. He studied both violin and piano. But as a teenager, the boy learned to play the guitar himself, at that time he began to write his first poems.

Alexander Rosenbaum without a mustache

As a high school student, Rosenbaum became seriously interested in boxing. By the end of the tenth grade, he was already a candidate for master of sports. With such successes, if desired, one could make a successful career in sports. However, medical parents managed to convince their son to continue the family tradition. Sasha entered the same medical institute where his mom and dad studied and met at one time.

The beginning of the career of the singer Rosenbaum

The sixties passed. In many universities, their own musical groups were formed - VIA and rock bands. When the "Argonauts" ensemble was organized at the Alexander Institute, he, of course, took a worthy place there, being a vocalist, guitarist and songwriter. Very quickly the team became famous in St. Petersburg, young people danced to their songs, some of them became real hits.

Alexander left the group in the mid-seventies. He graduated from the institute, but not without incident. It so happened that he was accidentally expelled, which is why he had to recover and finish his studies the next year. Moreover, the graduate of the institute left its walls with honors.

Alexander Rosenbaum - Waltz-Boston

Rosenbaum combined his main work in the specialty with pop activity. Internally, he was torn, as he felt that he had found himself in medicine, but even without a stage he could no longer imagine life. A choice had to be made. He made it in favor of the stage. For five years of work after the institute, Alexander managed to work as a medical assistant, and then as an ambulance doctor.

Solo career of Alexander Rosenbaum

Due to the fact that thieves' songs with a guitar were popular in the late seventies, Alexander decided to build a solo career in this direction. Impressed by the stories of I. Babel, he wrote a whole cycle of similar songs, which quickly spread throughout the country on cassettes. With this cycle, Rosenbaum performed for some time in various research institutes and clubs until, because of this, he had problems with law enforcement agencies. All this made the performer unnerved, so he decided to become not an underground, but a professional artist. Alexander got a job at Lenconcert.

A. Rosenbaum - "Duck Hunt"!

In the early eighties, the repertoire underwent significant changes. Now these were not thieves' songs, but songs about his hometown, friendship, love, war, favorite heroes of books. During that period, the cycle "Gulliver's Travel", "Capercaillie", "Waltz-Boston", "Black Tulip" and others appeared. His song "Black Tulip" told about the war in Afghanistan, which the performer knew firsthand. He visited there and more than once participated in military raids. During that period, Rosenbaum performed a lot in front of the military and in front of prisoners.

In 1993, viewers were able to see Alexander in the role of a cool mafia. He played this hero in the movie "To survive". The Kinotavr Festival awarded this work with a prize.

Alexander Rosenbaum today

Since the mid-nineties, the performer has released a lot of CDs and cassettes. There are some of his songs performed by Mikhail Shufutinsky. He often began to give large solo concerts, including in the United States and in European countries.

The performer is still popular today. For two years since 2003, he was a State Duma deputy, being a representative of the United Russia party.

Personal life of Alexander Rosenbaum

The singer's first marriage happened at a very young age, when he barely entered college, its duration is only nine months. A year later, his second marriage took place. Elena Savshinskaya, a student of the same institute, became the chosen one. Their daughter Anna was born in 1976. Today Rosenbaum is a happy grandfather with four grandchildren.

Alexander Rosenbaum with his wife in his youth

Alexander Rosenbaum had a serious alcohol dependence. This refers to the period of the late eighties. This was the reason that concerts were organized less and less, they did not want to invite him mainly because of these problems. He gave up drinking when, due to excessive drinking, he almost died of a heart attack. This happened during another concert in Australia. Since then, the singer does not drink alcohol.

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Who does not know the famous "Waltz-Boston" by Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum? Perhaps the song, like the performer himself, is familiar to everyone. The artist is widely known on the Russian stage

His unique manner of performing songs is especially noticeable. The incredible charisma, the original talent of Alexander Rosenbaum, did a lot for the artist to gain popularity and public recognition. In 2006, he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

The artist is a rather versatile personality. This is a unique singer, a talented author and performer, a poet, an excellent musician, a wonderful composer, and also an actor. Alexander Rosenbaum has a huge number of fans. He is respected by his stage colleagues. The artist's biography is becoming more and more popular. It is full of bright and interesting events.

Many are interested in the personality of Alexander Rosenbaum. What is he like externally and internally? And if it is difficult for us to fully reveal the character of Alexander Rosenbaum, we will dwell on the physical parameters of the artist, namely, we will tell you what his height, weight, age are. How old is Alexander Rosenbaum? - first question. So, knowing the artist's date of birth, we find out that Alexander Rosenbaum has lived for 66 years. Photos in his youth are still quite popular on the Internet.

Alexander Rosenbaum is a stately man with a height of 174 centimeters. The artist weighs about 73 kilograms. The singer was born in the year of the Rabbit, which determines his charisma, and according to the sign of the zodiac, he belongs to the creative and distinctive Virgo.

Biography and personal life of Alexander Rosenbaum

Alexander Rosenbaum paved his life path in St. Petersburg. He was born on September 13, 1951. His father is Yakov Shmarievich Rosenbaum and his mother is Sofya Semyonovna Milyaeva, at that time they were classmates of the Medical Institute. The family also had one child, the brother of Alexander Rosenbaum - Vladimir.

As a child, the artist studied piano and violin at a music school. He also learned to play the guitar. He graduated from the evening music school in the class of arrangement. He went in for sports - boxing and figure skating.

In 1974 he graduated from the Leningrad Medical Institute. She has a diploma as a general practitioner. Later he worked in an ambulance.

At the age of seventeen, Alexander Rosenbaum began to write songs, which he himself performed. Since 1980 he began his professional music career.

Since 2003, he has been a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation for several years.

Alexander Rosenbaum is engaged in business, he is a co-owner of pubs with an interesting name "Fat Fraer".

Alexander Rosenbaum is a happy grandfather. He has four grandchildren, all boys - grandson David, grandson Alexander, grandson Daniel and grandson Anthony.

Today, singer Alexander Rosenbaum is still a popular artist on the Russian stage. He often performs not only in his homeland, but also gives solo performances in Europe and the USA. Many love and respect him. The biography and personal life of Alexander Rosenbaum is full of interesting events, he achieved good results both in creativity and in family life.

Family and children of Alexander Rosenbaum

Fans and fans of the artist want to know as much information as possible about their idol. In particular, they are interested in the topic Family and children of Alexander Rosenbaum.

In addition to the parental family, to which the artist is grateful for the upbringing and the opportunities provided, Alexander Rosenbaum has his own hearth. He is married. He has a wonderful daughter. But the most important thing is that Alexander Rosenbaum is the grandfather of four grandchildren.

The artist considers his family to be the most important thing in his life. She has always been and is on the first together. He is proud of his daughter and just adores his grandchildren. We can say with confidence that Alexander Rosenbaum became successful not only in creativity, but also in his personal life.

Daughter of Alexander Rosenbaum - Anna Savshinskaya

In 1976, Alexander Rosenbaum became a happy father. On October 20, the artist's only child was born.

The daughter of Alexander Rosenbaum is Anna Savshinskaya, a unique girl. The baby was born rather weak. From early childhood, she was sick a lot and often. Her parents had to make a lot of effort to get the girl out. Their patience, love and concern helped to cope with the difficulties, and their efforts were later rewarded.

When Anna grew up, she married an Israeli citizen Tibireo Chaki and gave Alexander Rosenbaum and his wife four grandchildren. They are all lovely and smart boys.

Ex-wife of Alexander Rosenbaum - Natalia

The artist's first serious love happened in his youth, when he was a student. He fell in love with a girl 5 years older than him. The ex-wife of Alexander Rosenbaum, Natalya, was not approved by the artist's parents. Their marriage only lasted nine months.

But Alexander Rosenbaum still remembers that student love. He says that these were really strong feelings, and, perhaps, if not for his parents, the singer's life would have turned out completely differently. Now Natalia and Alexander do not communicate. The woman lives in Pskov and works as a doctor.

Alexander Rosenbaum's wife - Elena Viktorovna Savshinskaya

The artist's second marriage turned out to be more successful and long-term. The wife of Alexander Rosenbaum is Elena Vkitorovna Savshinskaya. They have been together since 1975. They also met during their student years at the medical institute. Elena Savshinskaya is a radiologist by profession.

A year after marriage, a replenishment happened in their family, a daughter, Anna, was born. The girl grew up as a smart child, but was often ill. Now everything is in order with her health and she is raising four children.

Alexander Rosenbaum is incredibly happy and grateful to fate for the donated family.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alexander Rosenbaum

As mentioned earlier, the artist has a large number of fans of his work. Therefore, it is not surprising that Alexander Rosenbaum's Instagram and Wikipedia are quite popular on the Internet.

Note that the artist has an Instagram account. The page is closed and there are no photos in it. Another thing is with the artist's Wikipedia. Here is a wealth of information about the singer Alexander Rosenbaum. So, you can get acquainted with the biography and work of the people's artist, his discography, awards, plans and facts from the artist's personal life.