The secondary characters of the comedy "grief from the mind. Incoming and episodic characters and their role in comedy A

The secondary characters of the comedy
The secondary characters of the comedy "grief from the mind. Incoming and episodic characters and their role in comedy A


Young lady Natalia Dmitrievna and her husband Platon Mikhailovich. Both old familiar Chatsky, which becomes known in 5 phenomenon of the third action. Griboedov's horizon depicts ironically smiling.

Younger than you, fresh steel;
Fire, blush, laughter, game in all the features.
Natalia Dmitrievna
I'm married.
You would say long ago!


Toguhovskiy come to the ball to the Magazus one of the first. They are spouses, and come here mainly to search for rich grooms for their daughters. In their field of view, Chatsky falls, but since he is not rich, they quickly lose interest in Chatkom. Prince Toguhovsky, following the logic of the surname, deaf. Almost all of his replicas - interjections. He is a podkin, not hesitating his wife. The princess is distinguished by an evil temper and ulcer.


Countess Hryumina: Grandmother and Granddaughter. Granddaughter - Sonya spinster. Chatsky responds no less sharply on her caustic comments. He compares it with French modists.


A special place in the comedy is occupied by reheetles and chassis. Critics refer to them secondary heroes, but they are not the arms of his defenders, explicitly they do not do anything bad, but they are their "silent consent" important questions In the life of other people. Zagoretsky is represented by the author as a frequenter of living rooms and a canteens, "Lyubhanik, gambler and thief."

Toguhovsky, Hrumina, Zagoretsky - Satire on the Moscow society of those times.


Reetales appears in comedy in the fourth action as a guest on the ball at Famousov. Griboedov in the "grief from the mind" gives speaking surnames many characters, so translated from french surname Reetales means "repeat". So the author emphasizes that reheetles can only repeat in words high ideas Decembrists, not delight in their true meaning. He becomes a central figure fourth action. Near him, guests traveling around the ball, starting with Chatsky, and from conversations of guests with a reheetling, the gossip of madness comes to him.


Servant in the house of Famusov. Famuses are drawn to him with words that have become covered: "Read not as a pearler, but with feeling, with a sense, with the arrangement."

sy of the characters play performs its feature function. Episodic characters shade and complement the features of the main characters. Introductory characters although they do not act straight, but play important role: They indicate that the Cartcom is opposed to powerful and efficient reaction force. All heroes, taken together, create a bright, full-blooded picture of the Moscow Nobility Society. Famusov's ball gather on the ball for the elite of the noble Moscow. They are many belts, but all of them have common features: Ferrical views, ignorance, sinovation, korestoloby. Episodic characters appear in comedy, replacing each other. Consider them in the sequence in which they are depicted in the comedy.

The first of the guests on the ball appears Chet Gorichi. This is typical Moscow married couple. Chatsky knew Plato Mikhailovich before the latter entry into marriage. It was a vigorous, living person, but after marriage to Natalia Dmitrievna, he changed a lot: he fell under his wife's heel, became a boy, a boy, a servant. " Natalia Dmitrievna does not give her husband even "mouth to open": she is responsible for him to Chatsky's questions, talking to him in an ordinary tone: "Listen to the time, cute, fastening soon." Gyach perfectly understands his position and has already humbled with him.

He bitterly tells Chatkomu: "Now, brother, I'm not the same." In general, the motive of her husband's submission to his wife passes through all the work. Griboedov holds a parallel between Plato Mikhailovich and was silent otherwise. Spouse Natalia Dmitrievna says: "There is, to take: / On Flute, I'm staring duet / a-mole." The author of this phrase refers to the reader to the beginning of the comedy, when Molchanin and Sophia behind the scene play a duet on the piano and flute. Sophia gives preference to silence, although she could choose a scalosis or Chatsky. Molchanin deserved her love by the fact that he is "the enemy of audacity." Sophia is raised in the Magazin spirit, and she needs the same husband as Gorich, - "husband-boy", "husband-servant".

Lackey Petrusha in the comedy almost does not speak, they are disposed of Famuses, which orders him: "Look", "I went hurried." And he obeys. However, Lisanka speaks of him: "How not to love the parsuer's buffetber?" Petrusha can obey, it also likes it: he loved Lisanka.

A family of Toguhovsky comes to the ball. Princess is very concerned about the search for the grooms for his daughters. The reader understands it almost from its first words. Having barely freezing the Chatsky in learning that he was not married, she sends her husband, the same "boy's husband", "Musha-Servant", invite the potential groom to himself. But as soon as she finds out that Chatsky is not good and he has no high rank, she "what is urine" shouts: "Prince, Prince! Back! " The figure of the princess of the Toguhov-Skoy helps to understand the nature of the Famous. Pavel Afanasyevich wants to give his daughter to marry a rich, possessing power noticeable in the society of man. Princess Tugo-Khovskaya pursues the same mercenary purposes. Through the figure of Princess, Griboedov emphasizes in the character of Famousov such features like korestolyviy and gasping. In the Famow Society for rich brides choose the grooms for this principle:

* Be bad, but if the shower thousands of two generics are cheated,
* That and the groom, as well as "who is poor - that you are not a couple."

Countess Hryumina appear on the ball. It's embittered on the whole the world Hrumnna granddaughter with his half-blood grandmother. Hrumina-granddaughter cannot find a decent groom and therefore dissatisfied with everything that happens around her. I barely arrived at the ball, she regrets that he came too early. Leaning from the ball, the granddaughter's countess so responds about him: "Well, the ball! .. And not to say who, and not to dance!" She is angry that she did not get acquainted with anyone to the ball for whom it would be married. Hrumina-granddaughter shows his admiration for all foreign, reveals addiction to "fashionable shops". She often uses French words, even pronounces a few whole phrases in French, which no one does in comedies. In her face, Griboedov rises another characteristic feature of the nobility of the time: a worship in front of all foreign.

Chatsky in his monologue talks about the "French from Bordeaux," which feels in Russia "Little Tsarka", although he left his country "with fear and tears." This Frenchman not only did not meet in Russia "barbarians", but he heard his everywhere native language, I saw the ladies wear the same dresses as in France. With the help of the image "French from Bordeaux" Griboedov shows that noble society So imitates the French nuts and customs that the Russian nobles cannot be distinguished from the French - they are "phoned".

Zagoretsky more than other episodic heroes "involved" in comedy. It is almost the most vicious person from Postess at the Ball of Famusov. Everyone is frankly talking about him: "Anchored fraudster, Plut", "Lgunushka he, gambler, thief." But, despite such a destroying characteristic, it is taken in the light, the doors of the Famovsky house for him are open, even Heshov said about him good word: "God forbid him health!" Zagoretsky covered off with his helpfulness, he says Sofier, that no one would help her that he "hit everyone," pulling tickets to the performance, confess that "kidnapped by force."

This phrase reveals the lowness of the Zagoretsky nature. He will do everything to serve necessary person in the right moment. When the old Hersest wanted "from him and the door to constipation," he helped her, giving the Arapchonka, whom he apparently took out some kind of dishonest way, thereby placing her to himself. Feature One of the main heroes of the comedy - Molchalin - coincides with the main characteristics of Gorodetsky. Molchanin says: "My father bequeathed to me: first, to please all people without the withdrawal." Chatsky expresses his opinion on silence: "In it, Zagoretsky did not die." Indeed, Griboedov shows the Zagoretsky "selected fraudster", "liarishkoy", "Pluto" to reveal the same lightness of the soul in silence - the future tape.

The sixty-year-old Baryna Hlesov also comes to the ball. This is a serf, powerful and self-width, according to Goncharov, "The remainder of the Catherine Century". In the image of the chille-howl, Griboedov reveals the cruelty of serfs, in which people relate to people like dogs. Hersestow takes with him arapy-girl and a dog. " For her, a fortress man is like a dog. She asks Sophia: "He was fed to feed them, my friend" - and immediately forgets them. In the comedy, it is invisibly present another character who belongs to the people subject to him as dogs. Chapsky tells about him, calling him "Nestor of the villains of noble." This person changed his faithful servants who saved his life and honor, on hunting dogs. The image of "Nestor" also testifies to how severe people who have power, with those who are subordinated to them.

In a conversation with Sofia, Chatsky mentions several people with whom he was familiar before departure abroad. He recalls a person who lives at the expense of his artists ("Tolsta himself, his artists of Torshi"), only having fun. Chatsky speaks about him: "It is written on the forehead:" Theater and Masserand ". This "Theater and Masserad" remembered him because he hid a man in the "room at some" on some ball in "Solovy's" room. " Then Chatsky tells

Magovsov gives a characteristic and other women, episodic characters: "Judges around, everywhere, there are no judges over them," they can command the army, sitting in the Senate - they can all. Famusovskoe society, despite the existence of the emperor, lives in the state with the female rule.

The author acquaints readers with equally important and significant ladies who occupy a high position in society - Princess Marya Alekskova and Tatiana Yurievna. Therefore, Molchalin advises Chatsky to go to Tatiana Yurevna, because "the official and all her friends and all their relatives". And Famusov himself very worries, "What will say the princess of Marya Alekskna". For him, a state official, the court of princess is terrible, because her word is very significant in society. Also, many are afraid of the ships of the chilly, because its opinion is also public. In addition, she, like many other representatives famow Society, very loves to take offaches. Grandman's granddaughter is an embittered gossip, as "a whole century in girls." It is dissatisfied with the fact that many are leaving abroad and marry there.

Natalia Dmitrievna greets with princes a thin voice, they kiss and inspect each other with the legs to the head, trying to search for disadvantages, which will be a reason for gossip. Gossip reign in the society of Moscow bar. It was the gossip about the madness of the Chatsky, fleeing his beloved Sofia, makes the hero of a social madman, is observed smart man on exile.

Among the insignificant characters, not only the representatives of the "century of the past", but also like-minded Chatsky can be distinguished. it cousin Skalozuba, who condemns the Company for the fact that "Chin followed him: he suddenly left, in the village of books began to read." He missed the opportunity to get a rank, and this is unacceptable from the point of view of the Famówovsky society, besides, for them "leaving the plague." Or Prince Fedor, the nephew of Knyagini Toguhovskaya, - "He is a chemist, he is nerd," "runs from women", as well as professors of the Pedagogical Institute, "Exercises in the split and peccurs."

I should be said about Lisa, the maid at the House of Famusov.

It has a practical mind, everyday wisdom. She gives the characteristics of the heroes: "Like all Moscow, your father is such," she says Sofye about Famusov, who "Monastic is known to be ignorant" and do not mind to learn for Liza, but the heart of Petrusha. On the cliffsube Lisa low opinion: "Cleancher, and he does not hurt." She is more favorable to Chatkoma: "Who is so sensitive, and cheerful, and Oster." Lisa is the second resonant in the comedy, expressing the opinion of the author himself. Characteristics of heroes, data Lisa, are additional strokes to portraits created by Griboedov. Interestingly, the author of many heroes gives associative surnames: reheetles, Toguhovsky, Scalozub, Hlesov, Molchanin.

Thus, episodic and incoming character Help to reveal the characters of the main characters, expand the spatial and temporary framework of the play, and also help to create a picture of the life and morals of the life of the Moscow nobility of the 10-20s of the XIX century, contribute to the deeper disclosure of the conflict of the play - the collision of the "century of the present" with the "century last" .

Thanks to the images of foreigners-teachers and "French from Bordeaux", it is possible to draw conclusions about the attitude of the Famus Society for Enlightenment and Education, the quality of this upbringing, to imitate everything ingenus. "Old-Gold" Madame Réier, despite the "rare rules", "for those extra five hundred rubles to savor themselves by others." And the dancer, the "born", and the Mentor of Chatsky and Sophia with "all signs of the teaching" (bathrobe, cap and index finger) produce a comical impression rather. What kind of education could give such people? What could they teach? They only inspired a passion for French boulevard novels, distant from life, dancing and all kinds of orders. And in the end, the picture of the "empty, slave, blind priority" by the external attributes of the culture of the West, which Khatsky says and which see Moscow "French from Bordeaux":

Oh! France! There is no better edge in the world! -
Two Princess, sister, repeating
The lesson who is crazy to them from childhood.

It is not surprising that a man from the city of Bordeaux feels in Moscow "Little Tsarka".

But the characters of the accusatory monologues of the Chatsky: "Nestor of the climbing noble" and the landowner-theater. They give us an idea of \u200b\u200bthe serfdom reigning in the environment of serfs, about their arbitrariness in relation to peasants and servants. "Nestor's noblewood" ended the loyal servants on the "greyhound three dogs", and the ballet lover soldered his "marshmallow" and "Amurov" one for paying debt.

As for the characters, the jesters, then with their help, the author demonstrates the most comic features of the Famow Society. This is aunt Sophia, who "forgot the hair to black and after three days,", having lost the young fan lover, and "Three of the boulevard, who from half a century," and theater, who kept the shirms of a man who "Solovy's", and "The Books of the Enemy, who demanded" oath, so that no one knew and did not study ", and Princess Vlasov, which fell from the horse and now looking for a husband" to support "- they all personify full absurdity, the celebration of the pastime of those who defend the talked traditions "Becamined."

There are among the insignificant characters and those whom to some extent alien to the customs of the Famówovskaya Moscow. For example, the Baron Cloots von, who was afraid of "reproach for the weakness as if to relate to the family," or the formed Prince Fedor, Chemist and Botanist, who "runs from women" and "the ranks does not want to know."

    The comedy "grief from the mind" is kept by some mansion in the literature and is distinguished by a dailyness, freshness and stronger vitality from other works of the word. I.A. Goncharov. Evaluating the Comedy of Griboedov "Woe from Wit", Belinsky wrote that she put ...

    Apparently, Griboedov appeared in 1816. Begichev appears that "the plan of this comedy was made from him back in St. Petersburg 1816 and even wrote a few scenes; But I do not know, in Persia or in Georgia, Griboedov has largely changed ...

    It would be glad to serve sissing. A. Griboedov Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov was one of the talented and small people His time. He received a brilliant education. Knew several eastern languages. According to the evidence of contemporaries, ...

    Even the name of the comedy Griboedov speaks for itself. It would seem, could there be a grief from the mind? And in fact can. And this topic is relevant and in our time. The main character Comedy - Alexander Andreevich Chatsky. He comes to Moscow to his beloved. But with ...

Each of the characters play performs its feature function. Episodic characters shade and complement the features of the main characters. Available characters Although they do not act directly, but play an important role: they indicate that the Cartcom is opposed to powerful and efficient reaction force. All heroes, taken together, create a bright, full-blooded picture of the Moscow Nobility Society. Famusov's ball gather on the ball for the elite of the noble Moscow. They are multi-lines, but all of them have common features: serfs, ignorance, kindness, korestoloby. Episodic characters appear in comedy, replacing each other. Consider them in the sequence in which they are depicted in the comedy. The first of the guests on the ball appears Chet Gorichi. This is a typical Moscow married couple. Chatsky knew Plato Mikhailovich before the latter entry into marriage. It was a vigorous, living person, but after marriage to Natalia Dmitrievna, he changed a lot: he fell under his wife's heel, became a boy, a boy, a servant. " Natalia Dmitrievna does not give her husband even "mouth to open": she is responsible for him to Chatsky's questions, talking to him in an ordinary tone: "Listen to the time, cute, fastening soon." Gyach perfectly understands his position and has already humbled with him. He bitterly tells Chatkomu: "Now, brother, I'm not the same." In general, the motive of her husband's submission to his wife passes through all the work. Griboedov holds a parallel between Plato Mikhailovich and was silent otherwise. Spouse Natalia Dmitrievna says: "There is, to take: / On Flute, I'm staring duet / a-mole." The author of this phrase refers to the reader to the beginning of the comedy, when Molchanin and Sophia behind the scene play a duet on the piano and flute. Sophia gives preference to silence, although she could choose a scalosis or Chatsky. Molchanin deserved her love by the fact that he is "the enemy of audacity." Sophia is raised in the Magazin spirit, and she needs the same husband as Gorich, - "husband-boy", "husband-servant". Lackey Petrusha in the comedy almost does not speak, they are disposed of Famuses, which orders him: "Look", "I went hurried." And he obeys. However, Lisanka speaks of him: "How not to love the parsuer's buffetber?" Petrusha can obey, it also likes it: he loved Lisanka. A family of Toguhovsky comes to the ball. Princess is very concerned about the search for the grooms for his daughters. The reader understands it almost from its first words. Having barely freezing the Chatsky in learning that he was not married, she sends her husband, the same "boy's husband", "Musha-Servant", invite the potential groom to himself. But as soon as she finds out that Chatsky is not good and he has no high rank, she "what is urine" shouts: "Prince, Prince! Back! " The figure of the princess of the Toguhov-Skoy helps to understand the nature of the Famous. Pavel Afanasyevich wants to give his daughter to marry a rich, possessing power noticeable in the society of man. Princess Tugo-Khovskaya pursues the same mercenary purposes. Through the figure of Princess, Griboedov emphasizes in the character of Famousov such features like korestolyviy and gasping. In the Famovskogo society, for rich brides, pick up the grooms for this principle: * Be bad, but if there are two thousand people of a thousand birthday, * that and the groom, as well as "who is poor - that you are not a couple." Countess Hryumina appear on the ball. It is embittered on the whole world of Jumnna granddaughter with his half-blood grandmother. Hrumina-granddaughter cannot find a decent groom and therefore dissatisfied with everything that happens around her. I barely arrived at the ball, she regrets that he came too early. Leaning from the ball, the granddaughter's countess so responds about him: "Well, the ball! .. And not to say who, and not to dance!" She is angry that she did not get acquainted with anyone to the ball for whom it would be married. Hrumina-granddaughter shows his admiration for all foreign, reveals addiction to "fashionable shops". She often uses French words, even pronounces a few whole phrases in French, which no one does in comedies. In her face, Griboedov rises another characteristic feature of the nobility of the time: a worship in front of all foreign. Chatsky in his monologue talks about the "French from Bordeaux," which feels in Russia "Little Tsarka", although he left his country "with fear and tears." This Frenchman not only did not meet in Russia "barbarians", but heard his native language everywhere, saw that the ladies wear the same dresses as in France. With the help of the image "French from Bordeaux", Griboedov shows that the noble society imitates the French bushes and the customs that the Russian nobles cannot be distinguished from the French - they are "phoned". Zagoretsky more than other episodic heroes "involved" in comedy. It is almost the most vicious person from Postess at the Ball of Famusov. Everyone is frankly talking about him: "Anchored fraudster, Plut", "Lgunushka he, gambler, thief." But, despite such a destroying characteristic, it is taken in the light, the doors of the Magazovskoye house for him are open, even a good word about him: "Give him health! "Zagoretsky bumps off with his helpfulness, he says Sofier, that no one would help her that he" hit everyone ", pulling tickets to the performance, confess that" kidnapped by force. " This phrase reveals the lowness of the Zagoretsky nature. He will do everything to serve the right person at the right moment. When the old Hersest wanted "from him and the door to constipation," he helped her, giving the Arapchonka, whom he apparently took out some kind of dishonest way, thereby placing her to himself. The characteristic feature of one of the main heroes of the comedy - Molchalin - coincides with the main nature of the character of Gorodetsky. Molchanin says: "My father bequeathed to me: first, to please all people without the withdrawal." Chatsky expresses his opinion on silence: "In it, Zagoretsky did not die." Indeed, Griboedov shows the Zagoretsky "selected fraudster", "liarishkoy", "Pluto" to reveal the same lightness of the soul in silence - the future tape. The sixty-year-old Baryna Hlesov also comes to the ball. This is a serf, powerful and self-width, according to Goncharov, "The remainder of the Catherine Century". In the image of the chille-howl, Griboedov reveals the cruelty of serfs, in which people relate to people like dogs. Hersestow takes with him arapy-girl and a dog. " For her, a fortress man is like a dog. She asks Sophia: "He was fed to feed them, my friend" - and immediately forgets them. In the comedy, it is invisibly present another character who belongs to the people subject to him as dogs. Chapsky tells about him, calling him "Nestor of the villains of noble." This person changed his faithful servants who saved his life and honor, on hunting dogs. The image of "Nestor" also testifies to how severe people who have power, with those who are subordinated to them. In a conversation with Sofia, Chatsky mentions several people with whom he was familiar before departure abroad. He recalls a person who lives at the expense of his artists ("Tolsta himself, his artists of Torshi"), only having fun. Chatsky speaks about him: "It is written on the forehead:" Theater and Masserand ". This "Theater and Masserad" remembered him because he hid a man in the "room at some" on some ball in "Solovy's" room. " Then Chatsky tells about the man who slears on the "fortress ballet" of children, "spinless" from his parents, and "made the whole of Moscow to divide their glory," and then sold them alone. So Griboedov identifies social inequality, in which you can choose children with parents. Another familiar Chatsky "settled in the scientific committee" and "with cry" protested against education. This character identifies ignorance and uneducation of the Famovsky society. The most latter, to the "haguard disaster", the ball is repenetry. This character in the image of Griboedov is a man, reinforcing and discrediting ideas of time, he with his "secret union" and "secret meetings on Thursdays", where only "noisy" and "drink champagne to slaughter", acts as nothing to do , Boltun, for which all advanced ideas Not more than fashionable hobby. Repe'shlov calls some people who are authoritative to the "Secretary Union", but the reader understands that all these people cannot bring a real update to society: one is characterized by the fact that "speaks through the teeth", the other, What sings, two more - just "wonderful guys", and Ippolit Markelich Udushyev - "Genius", because he wrote in the magazine "Excerpt, look and something." In the image of the reheet of Griboedov rises random people In the circles of progressive society. On the ball a lot of other representatives of the Famow Society. Griboedov did not give them even full names. Such, for example, the Lord N. and B. The author does not say anything about them, but they are involved in the spread of gossip about Chatsky's madness. Mr. ^. Does not believe it, but he is interested in what others say about it. Sophia perfectly knew all this mechanism, and it was worth it to tell to two "gentlemen" a few words, as all Magazovskoye society spoke in full voice about the madness of Chatsky. In the images of these minor gossip groups, Griboedov shows what the noble society is engaged in: the spread of gossip and rumors.

The events shown in the play occur in the post-war years (after the war of 1812), when two opposing camps begin to unfold. These are advanced nobles and conservatives. In the plays of advanced nobles, Chatsky is represented, and conservatives - all


In a private conflict, an epoch conflict reflected. But the public would not be so significant if he had not been associated with specific persons, albeit fictional. Smart and honest, outdoor young man fights the vicious age of last.

In the work of two scene lines: Love and public. Begins comedy with love. There was no three-year-old Chatsky in the house of Famousov, he is met by the daughter of the owner of Sofya. "Woe from the mind" represents a love plot. Chatsky is in love and waits from a girl reciprocity. Further love line intertwined with public.

Chatsky and Pharmuses embodied two opposite camps in society. The conflict of Alexander Andreich with the last century becomes inevitable, as soon as Chatsky crosses the threshold of the Famus House. He with his honest glances and ideas is encountered on the viciousness, shaggy and chalobality.

Speech of heroes and talking surnames

If we talk about the speech of the characters of the comedy, it pretty brightly characterizes their features. For example, the cliffs often uses military lexicon, which speaks of his profession. Chlestov also uses rich, saturated vocabulary. The main character of the Chatsky masterfully owns a Russian speech, which only his monologues are standing, performed by such lively and beauty ("And who are the judges?"). Chatsky not only in love with a young man, he is primarily an ardent evidence of the defects of the Famus society. Only with words and nothing more champions of the tastelessness of the surrounding. Many phrases embedded in the mouth of the main character became covered. Chatsky's speech, on the one hand, close to the Radishchev's language, on the other, was very peculiar. A.S. Griboedov was fundamentally refused to comedy in the monologues of the main character from book speech and foreign words.

The names of the characters can be bolded to call speaking. Molchanin in the comedy "grief from the mind" (from the word "silence") - a few, quiet young man. This list can be supplemented with such names as Toguhovsky, rehearsals, rockozub.


The main task of the comedy considered the writer to outlines the images of the Famusov society. There are no extra characters in the work. All images are important for the characteristics of both the main characters and all their environments.

Scalozub is coarse frills with characteristic manners and appearance. In speech manifests ignorance, stupidity and spiritual impoverishment this person. This typical representative of the Famow Society opposes sciences and education as such. Naturally, Sergey Sergeich Scalozub is a welcome guest of the Famusov family and the like. In addition, it is precisely in the image of the rockozuba Griboedov shows the type of a careerist who does not bear any means when moving through a career ladder.

Prince and Princess Toguhovsky, His

In the satirical key showing Toguhovsky. Prince Toguhovsky - a typical rebelnik of his wife. He almost hears anything and only unquestionlessly obeys the princess. Prince is Magazov in the future. His wife is an ordinary representative of the surrounding society: stupid, ignorant, negatively applies to education. In addition, both gossips, since the first to deal with rumors that Chatsky went crazy. No wonder critics were partitioned by all secondary characters into three groups: Famuses, a candidate for Famuses, a loser form.

Khlestova is represented by the non-latter lady, however, it is subject to general opinion. In her opinion, honesty, human intelligence directly depend on social status and wealth.

Reetales and Zagoretsky

Repetitions and there is a type of Famusov-loser in a comedy "grief from the mind." Character without any positive traits. He is stupid enough, Pesalbrene, loves to drink. He is a superficial philosopher, a kind of parody of the Chatsky line. From repetillas, the author made a parody twin of the main character. He also promotes public ideas, but this is just following fashion and nothing more.

Another losermouse is Zagoretsky A.A. In characteristics, data from the rest of the heroes, you can see words-synonyms for the term "fraudster" several times. For example, Gyric says: "The selected fraudster, Plut: Anton Antonich Zagoretsky." However, all his fraud and lies remains within the surrounding life, in the rest he is quite a law-abiding citizen. In Zagoretsky, even more from silence than from Famusov. He needs everything, despite the fact that the gossip and liar. Not only picks up a rumor about Chatsky's madness, but also complements his fantasies.

The character to which Griboedov showed a bit of sympathy - this is a horrgy. "Woe from the mind" brings to the scene a friend of Chatsky, who arrived on the ball to the Famow, along with his wife. It good person, soberly estimating the surrounding reality. It is not included by the author in any group. A friend and companion of Chatsky earlier, now, having heard his "illness", does not believe it. But it is not devoid of flaws. Having a soft character, after the marriage of the rich became a podkin-wife and forgot his beliefs. His image is the image of a husband-servant.

In other words, in the comedy "grief from the mind", this character and a number of others personify the age "past" with his rules, ideals and habits. All this is limited in its development individuals, which are categorically against the whole new, and most importantly, against the open truth.

The difference between the comedy from the literature of the 18th century

Huge I. fundamental difference Comedy Griboedov from the works of the 18th century is that there are almost all heroes in it - not just positive or negative types, they are shown a multilateral. In the "grief from the mind", the charm of Pharmuses is outlined not only as a person who is in the spiritual stool; Famuses - good father His family, a real barin. Chatsky is very ardent and sensitive, at the same time witty and intelligent.

Chatsky in the comedy "Mount from the mind" is leaving, disappointed in the subject of his love. On the question of who he is - a winner or defeated, can be answered like this: Chatsky was broken by the number of old power, but won last century The quality of the power is new.

So the social typing of characters is manifested. If the author leaves here from classicism, then in love intrigue, on the contrary, trying to comply with the laws of this direction. There is a heroine and two lover, a suspected father and a maid that covers her hostess. But in the rest of the similarity with the classic comedy there. Neither Chatsky nor Molchanin is not suitable for the role of the first lover. In the comedy "grief from the mind" of the Heroes-lovers from classicism: the first - loses, the second is not positive in all respects hero.

Can not be called perfect heroine and Sophia. "The grief from the mind" presents our attention to our unfortunate, but a girl in love with a worthless silence. He is comfortable for her. He is the one who can be all life to wash. She does not want to listen to Chatsky and is the first one who dismissed his rumor about his madness.

Lisa is more resonant than Subrete. Among other things, the second, comic love line and the third, associated with relations between Liza, silent, Petrush and Famine, are traced in the comedy.

Incoming character

In addition to the main and secondary characters, the craftic hand of the writer in the work was introduced insignificant characters. They are needed in order to increase the scale of the conflict of the two centuries. These characters embody both the century and the current one.

Recall at least Chamber Kuzma Petrovich, who is rich himself, and was married to the rich. This is Tatyana Yuryevna and Praskovya, nearly detailed foreigners who came to Russia for earnings. These images and a number of others apply the reader to the thoughts on the widespread conflict presented brightly in the play "Mount from Wit". A character that shows the reader that Chatsky is not one, behind him there are those who will promote the solidarity of it ideas are also presented, and not one way, but a few. For example, in the comedy, the cousin of the village of the village of the village is mentioned, the relative of Prnyagini Togukhovskaya.

The main task that the writer was performed by depicting the heroes of the play, show their views on society, and not to reveal them psychological peculiarities. Griboedov is primarily a writer writer, so in each image it is brightly drawn by certain mathematical qualities or their absence. It typing features and character qualities and immediately individualizes them.

Chatsky overtakes his age in everything. That is why it became a sample of sincerity and nobility, and the migrass and rockosub are a symbol of vulgarity and stagnation. So, for example, 20 persons the writer reflected the fate of the whole generation. The glances of Chatsky are the views of the entire advanced movement of future Decembrists. Chatsky and Famuses are representatives of the two generations, two centuries: the centuries of the enlightened and the century of the talked.