Buy tickets for concerts and performances. Performance Scandal (Backstage Comedy) Theater on Serpukhovka Performance Scandal

Buy tickets for concerts and performances.  Performance Scandal (Backstage Comedy) Theater on Serpukhovka Performance Scandal
Buy tickets for concerts and performances. Performance Scandal (Backstage Comedy) Theater on Serpukhovka Performance Scandal


DISCOUNT! Second ticket for half the price!

Tickets can be bought at the "Full House" box office tel. 03-522-66-46

Petah Tikva 18.04 at 20-30, Heikhal ha-Tarbut hall

Tel Aviv 20.04 at 20-00 zal "Beit ha-Hayal"

Ticket prices from 160 NIS up to 310 NIS

Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes, with intermission

Organizer - Rest International.

Shakespeare once said - "The whole world is a theater, and people are actors in it."

It is the actors that are of particular interest, because their backstage life is hidden from view - the unknown, hidden, secret - what is happening behind the CLASSES ...

One of the favorite and unique works in this genre is "Theatre"- the most famous novel by an English writer Somerset Maugham. And films - brilliant screen adaptations of the same name - Soviet (1978) with Via Artmane and American-Canadian (2004) with Annette Bening in the lead roles. Maugham's favorite heroine is actress Julia Lambert - her novels and backstage life for more than half a century have been an unusually attractive topic for theater lovers and not only, many know this novel by heart, remember the quotes of the heroes - so many wise people have found the fair sex in such a wonderful work!

And in the same breath with this great work, the theme does not disappear, but, on the contrary, takes on a sharper interest in the behind-the-scenes comedy of French playwrights Gerard de Nerval and Jean de Marsan.

According to the plot of the play - on the sidelines of the famous French fashion theater, its director Herve Montaigne (Dmitry Nazarov) preparing a premiere - about the life of Napoleon and his love for Josephine de Beauharnais!

Everything is all right, but only ... there is no main character! And his ex-wife is invited to the role, with whom he did not speak for several years - the star of the stage Gabriel Tristan (Anna Terekhova / Vera Sotnikova). And so it began! .. The director of the theater Robert Guise gets into a whirlwind of situations. (Konstantin Bogdanov), and his mediocre wife Nicole (Olga Vasilieva), and Gabrielle's new husband - Jean Bayard (Sergey Kolesnikov) ... and many others (Olga Turaeva, Evgeny Tikhomirov, Maria Chernyaeva). And there is a SCANDAL, which is much MORE for fame than success!

In the main role of a loving director and, of course, in his place (the role is simply spelled out for him) - the leading actor of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, People's Artist of Russia Dmitry Nazarov!

The audience will be delighted with the inimitable game and facial expressions of Nazarov, he literally bathes in his role, seducing a young actress and flirting with his ex-wife. By the way, the audience will be amazed at how much TV makes Dmitry Yuryevich fat - on stage the actor is very slender and tall - 1.95 in height.

The viewer will not fail by devoting the evening to the theater - the artists play easily, the performance turned out to be bright, incredibly funny, and most importantly SCANDAL!

  • As the same Somerset Maugham said, - "Only actors are terrible, not their roles!"

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So let's start over. The tickets were bought with the help of the website bigbilet, which practices e-ticket sales for events (the idea is great, the execution is usually lame).
as the big ticket reminds us before the performance: clause 7 When entering the auditorium, inform the administrator (ticket collector) that you have an e-ticket, clause 8 The ticket collector will ask you to enter the PIN code on the keypad of the ticket issuing terminal and, finally, clause 9 Enter the PIN code on the keypad and the terminal will immediately print your tickets.
In the case of the Tvorchestvo theater, do not believe a single word above. Approaching the ticket office, you will be sent to the box office of the Mayakovsky Theater (fortunately, it is around the corner), where you will find a queue from the box office to the very exit from the theater, consisting of tired, agitated people trying to get to the performance with counter-tickets, invitations, sales and other joys of life. But! before the show, you will receive a courteous SMS with information that tickets can also be obtained at the box office of the Mayakovsky Theater with the inscription "electronic tickets". don't believe that either. at the box office with such an inscription, electronic tickets are not issued, even if you wait for the whole queue (which we did), .. you will find out that you must get tickets .. from the administrator, where there is another giant queue.
Even if after hardships and hardships you still find yourself in the hall, you will be delighted that you will not be late with all your desire, because the performance was delayed for 30 minutes (apparently, they are waiting for the tickets to be sold out in full, by the way, yes, the hall is full to capacity, weekday, Wednesday).
As for the performance itself.
If I were asked to describe it in one word, that word would be "disappointment" or "mediocrity." Weak lyrics, weak plot, weak humor. I feel sorry for the artists involved in this production. The performance is similar to a rural or institute amateur performance with a guest star, in the role of which is Mr. Nazarov.
The artists themselves, I'm sure, are wonderful people, worthy representatives of art, but the performance does not represent them in the best light, precisely as professionals in their field, does not reveal from the most rosy angles and does not show strong, beautiful sides.
After the first 15 minutes, I generally wanted to get up and leave, a dull setting, a gray beginning, only by the middle of the second act began at least some kind of "movement" and then not for long.
I would not advise any of my friends to spend 2 hours and 40 minutes of their time on this. It's better to sleep well, by the way, which is what some of the specimens were doing right in the hall. As for the audience. A very different audience, they were asleep, they were enthusiastic, there were aggressively indignant at the delay of the performance, there were quarrelsome ladies swearing between the rows, but thunderous applause as it is impossible to confirm - the people hawala. It haws a low-level community, cheap stuff .. because nowadays it is fashionable to develop, it is fashionable to attend cultural events in order to be known as a secular "knowledgeable" all-round undeveloped person.
Well, a spoonful of honey. The choice of music is really good, no complaints.
Of course, this is just my opinion about the event, the opinion of a common spectator, layman, but a person who loves a quality product.

Unfortunately, the Scandal event has already passed. Leave your e-mail to never miss your favorite events again.

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About the play

“Who are they - these inaccessible Celestials, these artists - the elves of our spectator Soul ?! Do they, like us, the audience, live the same way: breathe, sleep, eat? Do they fall in love like ordinary people? Oh, how many destinies have been ruined by this light of the dressing rooms, the smell of the wings! Yes ... Actors are people, but with a completely spoiled psyche! On the sidelines of the French fashion theater, its artistic director Hervé Montaigne (DMITRY NAZAROV) is preparing a new premiere - about the life of Napoleon and his love for Josephine de Beauharnais!

Everything is all right, but only ... there is no main character! And the ex-wife is invited to the role - the star Gabriel Tristan (ANNA TEREKHOVA). And it began! .. The director of the theater Robert Guise (KONSTANTIN BOGDANOV) and his wife Nicole (OLGA VASILIEVA) and the new husband of Gabrielle - Jean Bayard find themselves in a whirlwind of situations ... (SERGEY KOLESNIKOV) And there is a scandal that is much MORE than success !

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Why Ponominalu?

Unique places

Don't delay your purchase

Why Ponominalu?

Ponominalu has an agreement with the Teatrium on Serpukhovka for the sale of tickets. All ticket prices are official.

Unique places

Ponominalu has an exclusive quota of seats - the presented tickets are not sold at the box office of the Teatrium on Serpukhovka or from other operators.

Don't delay your purchase

Closer to the date of the performance, the most demanded and optimal places in terms of price and location are running out.

Theater address: metro station Serpukhovskaya, Moscow, Pavlovskaya st., 6

  • Serpukhovskaya

Teatrium on Serpukhovka

History of the Teatrium on Serpukhovka
The year of foundation of the Teatrium on Serpukhovka is considered to be 1991. Initially, it was a small theater stage, where mainly children's comedy performances were performed, in which clowns played. But later his repertoire has undergone significant changes. Now the playground's program is based on classical works for children, as well as original numbers and unusual performances. Most of the Teatrium performances combine dances, pantomime, parodies, acrobatic tricks, magic tricks and other clown techniques in one act. By the way, a pleasant feature of the venue is the presence of a live orchestra, which accompanies the action in some productions. Also in the consolidated poster you can see “adult” performances, as well as performances of other touring theaters.

Teatrium building on Serpukhovka
There are two halls in the Teatrium building on Serpukhovka. The large one can accommodate about 1000 people, and the small one is designed for 130 spectators. You can get to children's performances both in the evening and in the daytime. Before each performance, animators always work with children, who entertain young spectators with contests and games. Also, periodically, the theater hosts a number of international festivals, such as "Gavrosh", "Territory", the festival named after A.P. Chekhov.

How to get to the Teatrium on Serpukhovka
The theater is located in the Zamoskvorechye region. You can easily find it by first driving to the Serpukhovskaya station along the Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya line. Then, passing through the turnstiles, you find yourself on Pavlovskaya Street, on which the building you are looking for is located. Then you need to go to it on foot, since the traffic is one-way here and the buses go in the direction that is opposite to the desired one. This will take you about 15 minutes at a relaxed pace.

Photography - the official site of the theater.