A summary of musical entertainment in the older group "Meeting in the Forest. Material (senior group) on the topic: Music entertainment in the older group "On a visit to Misha"

A summary of musical entertainment in the older group
A summary of musical entertainment in the older group "Meeting in the Forest. Material (senior group) on the topic: Music entertainment in the older group "On a visit to Misha"

Music quiz

"Tale, doors to us open!"

in senior group

Scenario Music Quiz "Tale, Doors Open We!"

Subject: music quiz "Tale, doors to us open!"

Age group - Senior group, 6th year of life.

Purpose: development musical abilities, Formation of the basics of musical culture.

Software content:

Educational tasks: attach children to a variety of species musical activity, Forming the perception of music and the simplest performing skills in the field of singing, rhythm, games in children's instruments.

Developing tasks : Develop musical creativity in joint activity Pedagogues with children, musical memory Through the recognition of the melodies, the feeling of rhythm, the ability to transmit the nature of the music through the movement, its emotional-shaped content.

Educational tasks : educate love and interest in music, understanding of beauty musical works, friendly relationship between children.

Preliminary work: repetition of the song about friendship "If next to you friend" (from the cartoon "Once in the morning" (1981), Music - Vladimir Shansky, Words - Mikhail Danzkovsky); games "Lavata", "Wovers", games - Horses relay; conversation about the days of the year, fabulous image Spring-red, fairy tales; learning of folk flops and poems about spring, spring birds; guessing mysteries on the days of the year; Hearing music from fairy tales and cartoons.

Equipment: Easels (2 pcs.), Command emblems (2 pcs.), Smiley points (8 pcs.), Laptop, video projector, synthesizer, slides, ringtones for quiz, games and relay, wooden horses (2 pcs.), Sports inventory - cones (2 pcs.), Disks for overwork (2 pcs.).

Characters: Leading,Spring-red.


Children are organized in the hall. Drive round dance. Then they are attached to chairs from two sides of the hall.


Spring in his post passed away,

The heat of the earth gave the whole

And sunlight bright beam

With a smile entered each house.

There is a mother-in-spring, revoke the gate!

The first March came - white snow went away,

And for him and April - opened the window and the door,

And how can Mae come - the sun in Terem invite!

Guys let's sing and dance

Spring red glorify!

Spring-red music is included in the hall. Dancing.


Hello, maiden girls!

Hello, well done!

I am a sophisticated Spring.
I'm meadows, and forest, and field
Wound from sleep.
Melted ice and snow,
Gave people a light!

I am spring-red!

You brought warmly!

Enough to sit on the becks,

Go to the circle to dance yes song sing!

But first I will make you riddles!

Who is without hands and without swirl

Best of all brings

Who is it? (Nightingale)

Everyone likes it

Without it, we cry

And barely appear,

Having taken away, hiding.

It hurts it bright,

Yellow and roast! (The sun)

Sossels cry under the blinding sun.
Their tears fall on the window.
Downstairs sparkles the pool.
What outside the window Spring ... (drops)

Spring: Guys, do you know any verses about the spring?

The center of the hall is published.

1st child:

We call you, Spring,

Come to us not alone.

Bring your girlfriends

Singers birds and frogs.

2nd child:

We, winter, you're tired

And we had all the bread,

All firewood

With the roofs of the straw carried away!

Spring, spring, wake up from sleep!

We are bored with us,

The cold is vulnerable!

3rd child:

Spring, Spring, Spring Day,

Spring day where it is born?

In the valleys, ravines are born,

Between the two mountains of spring appears!

Spring: Thank you very much for such beautiful poems! I invite you to my magic fabulous country! Do you like fairy tales?

Children : Yes!

Spring : What do you know fairy tales? Who is your favorite fabulous hero?

Children: Answers.

Spring : How much you know fairy tales, it's wonderful!

Let's split for 2 teams: let them call " Sun bunnies"And" Spring droplets ". Each team has its own emblem! Look, here are the easels on which the emblems are located! For the victory in games, I will hand one team your gift - a sunny smiley score, stick it to the easel! Which team will have more emoticons, the team won. You are ready?

Children : Yes!

Task 1. Game "Guess the melody".

Spring : Guys, now the song will sound. You will need to guess what kind of cartoon it is, and call it?

Song sounds "Clouds, White Horses". Children guess.

Spring : Proper, guys! This is a cartoon song "Shake! Hello! ", In which the bear was gave to friends a hedgehog and hare a fabulous country" Tilimylitrymdia ". You want to rush to this magic country on rolling horses?

Children : Yes!

Spring : Then boys from both teams go out, in two columns become! Here you have a sharp horses. You need to go to the cone on the horse, to restart the cone, go back and transfer the horse to the next participant. Each participant becomes a disk for overwork and only from there begins to move. Girls will be hurting for you!

The game-relay game "Horses" with boys.

Leading : Spring-red! Our girls also want to ride into the Magic Country "Tilimylitrymdia" on overseas horses! Will you let them?

Spring: Sure! Girls are in 2 columns, and boys, sit down on the chairs and please for girls!

The game-relay "Horses" with girls is held.

The winner team receives a smiley score.

Task 2. Riddle about a fairy tale.

Spring: I will make you a riddle, and you guess what kind of fairy tale!

The house is built in the forest.

The mouse he joined the fox,

and frog, bunny, wolf.

And the bear came without a sense -

Bear to the house could not get out -

oblocked ... ("Teremok").

Spring : Proper, guys! Let's help the heroes of fairy tales to build teremok, play the game "Woven". Go to the center of the hall.

Each team will build 2 weeks: one woven build boys, the second woven build girls. In total, we will get 4 weeks.

Become a square: Girls in front of girls, boys in front of boys. Keep behind the hands of the cross. Begin the game girls. Under rhythmic music, the first woven makes 4 steps forward and bowed, then 4 steps ago. Then the second woven, behind him the third and fourth. When it sounds fast funny music All participants run up and move randomly around the hall. When the music stops, everyone must form 4 weeks again as the game at the beginning.

Plumbing is held

Leading : Spring-red, who will you give your emoticon? Who has won?

Spring : It's hard for me to identify the winner. Let's play again!

Repeated game "Winning". The winner is determined.

Task 3. Game "Guess the Melody".

Spring : Guys, now one song will sound. You will need to guess what kind of fairy tale, and call it?

Song "Bu-Ra-Ti," from the film "Adventures of Pinocchio".

Spring: Correctly guys! Pinocchio gave you the game. It is called "Lavata".

The game "Lavata" is held.

Children, standing in a circle and without holding hands, move with the withdrawal steps first in one, and when he repeated words - in the other side, pronouncing:

We dance together - the tra-ta, the tra-ta
The dance is our beloved - this is "lavat".

Lead says:"My hands are good, and the neighbor is better." (Children are taking hands and go in a circle. Stop.)
Then, alternately leads other tasks:

My shoulders are good, and the neighbor is better. (Children get into the column, put hands on the shoulders ahead standing child, go in a circle. Stop.)
My legs are good, and the neighbor is better. (Children are taken by arms and go in a circle with an appropriate step. Stop.)
My chair is good, and the neighbor is better.(Children sit on their chairs).

Spring: How wonderful you dance guys! I can't choose the best among you, so I give every team one point.

It is time to summarize our musical quiz. Each team scored the same number of points. We have 2 winners! You are all so talented!

Leading: Spring-red, we are not only talented, but we are also very friendly! That is why today the friendship won! True guys?

Children : Yes!

Leading: Spring-red, you want, we will sing a song about friendship?

Spring: Of course, I want!

Children become a semicircle and sing the song "If next to you friend"

Spring: Guys, do you know how popular people meet? Birds are encouraged, they say: "Forty-forties fly, the spring is carried." But most of all people love the ringing singer - Lark,which with his own triads makes nature awaken from winter sleep. Today, on March 22, when the day became in the length of the night, earlier in the villages and villages, in every house he was baked from the dough of birds - larks, smeared them with sweet fragrant honey. The kids loose birds from clay, mastered from rags. Festive dressed girls and children walked around the village and sang songs - shallows.

Guys, I give you my larks. Keep them. You can release them to the will - raise birds on the trees on your site. Let everyone rejoice in the arrival of birds!

Distribution of larks.

Spring: Let's and we will sing the spring of the Sprinkle. Raise your larks up. I will talk first, and you repeat!

Flashorushka, arrive!

Spring red jam.

To snow rolled,

The water river appeared.

Bring spring on your tail,

At the dry, on the harrow, on oat-brain.

Birds arrive! Speat nests!

Fly, fly! Spring glorify!

Spring: And now I have time, I'm saying goodbye to you! I have a lot of things: I warm the earth, the flowers and the grass awaken! Bye!

Spring leaves.

Leading : Guys, today we are in winter and frost. Spring red and sun clear met, spring birds jammed. And now let's continue our holiday for a festive tea party.

Children are organized from the audience.

Self-analysis of musical entertainment:

In the process of interaction between musical employee, teachers mentors and me was identified a form of musical entertainment, namely, a music quiz on the topic " Spring fairy tale" It was decided to combine such two subicles as the arrival of spring and a trip to fairy tales. On the eve of the children repeated songs, dance and musical Games, Dancing, learned verses about the spring. During the entertainment, games and songs from the matinee dedicated to spring and mom were used!

That managed to spend well : In my opinion, the event has passed fun, harmoniously, with a high emotional lift. The children tried very much, sang, danced, read poems, were happy to participate in games, sincerely empathized with their peers, supported them, they rejoiced their victories and their own. Children are really cohesive and friendly, very diligent and talented!

By organizing this event, we very adults really wanted not the winner and defeated, and both teams won. But for this I did not have to take any special efforts. Everything happened by itself. Both teams received an equal score of 4: 4, showing high level Organizations, diligence, skill.

All participants (and adults, and children) received a lot of positive emotions, pleasure, joyful excitement. Our holiday was easy and, one might say, magical, thanks to the cooperation of adults and involvement in this amazing creative world. There was no formalism. We all lived this fairy tale really, rejoicing with the children.

Difficulties during the event did not arise.


Sun bunnies


Spring droplets

Slide show

Spring forest.



Children's friendship.

Equipment: Reproduction of paintings:

1. I.I. Levitan Great water».

2. A.I. Queenji "Dnipro in the morning."

3. I.I. Levitan Golden autumn».

4. I.E. Grabar "February azure".

Musical accompaniment:

1. Grig E. "Spring".

2. Strauss I. "Waltz".

3. Tchaikovsky PI "Seasons. April".

4. Vivaldi A. "Seasons of the Year."

5. Russian folk song "Red Sarafan".

6. Russian folk song "With the Bureau".

7. Romance on the verses of S. Yesenin "Skilled Foliage Golden".

8. Gaidn I. "Seasons of the Year."

9. Glazunov "Seasons".

Lead: Guys, our today's meeting is devoted to the time of year. Remember, as in the story of Konstantin Dmitrievich, the Mitya boy is rejoicing to each of the seasons: in each of them he finds his charm. Many poets, composers, painters depicted in their works of seasons. Why do we start our evening today? Let's call for help Queen Harmony! Agree guys? Then quietly, I already hear her steps.

(Waltz sounds I. Strauss. The queen appears, dancing.)


Since childhood, each with me is familiar

I am the Queen of Harmony.

Quietly, I do not hear to you in the house,

Praise and attention worthy.

Hello, friends! Why did I need you?

Leading: Hello, respected queen! The guys with the guys decided to travel at the time of the year, but do not know where to start?

Queen: What do you think here? Of course - from spring! Not in vain, after all, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin called the spring "in the morning of the year."

Lead: You're right. Spring is the beginning of life, the awakening of nature. Look, what spring is on the picture I.I. Levitan "Greater Water". The look is lost in the spacious spacious spacious.

Queen: I suggest listening to the excerpt from the play by E. Grieg "Spring".

(The passage from the play by E. Grieg "Spring".)

Lead: Gaining strength, spring comes into their rights. At the first protalynes appear snowdrops.


Crying Snow Maiden, Winter Wrong,

It was sad for her sad, alone in the forest in the forest.


Where she was crying and rushed, touching birch,

Snowdrops rose,

Snow Maiden tears.

Queen: As poetically poem A. Maikova. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky in the "times of the year" there is a wonderful play "April. Snowdrop". Let's listen to her.

(Sounds of "Dance of Snowdrops" PI Tchaikovsky sounds.)

Lead: Nature in the spring is updated, dresses in a luxury outfit. Often, when describing the same phenomenon in music and poetry, you can find something similar. S. Yesenin, for example late spring, fading, attracts.

Queen: Something consonant is heard in music 2 parts of the "Seasons" A. Vivaldi. Let's listen.

(The passage from the "Seasons" by A. Vivaldi sounds, children read S. Yesenin to the music.)


Cherry Slaughter Snow

Greens in color and dew.

In the field, leaning towards shoots,

Graci walk in the strip.


Nicknut silk herbs,

Smells a resinous pine.

Oh, you, meadows and dublava,

I am twisen in spring.

Leading: So we came up to the summer, when the warm sun warms the Earth with its rays, and the light breeze is quietly silly, brazed pigtails with slender birch.


Green hairstyle, virgin breasts,

Oh, thin birch, what looked into the pond?

What whispers the wind to you, what does sand ride?

Il want in braids branches you moon scallop?

(Under the melody "Red Sarafan" performed "Dance Berez".)

Leading: TO summer topic Many painters appealed. Pay attention to the landscape of A.I. Queenji "Dnipro in the morning." Nature seemed to froze in anticipation. But the sun will soon go, the fog and the meadow will mark the paints of herbs and flowers. As in the poem E. Trutneva.


Meadow, just like a sortstene, all colors of the scarf, -

Do not understand where the butterfly, where is a live flower.


Forest and field in greenery, blue river.

White, fluffy in the sky cloud.

Queen: There are many Russians folk songs on summer theme. They very much like children and adults. Let's see the dance performed by the group of our girls and try to guess its name.

(Performed dance-dance "with the view".)

Leading: The autumn, gold, royal, as in the painting I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn". What other lines will be better talking about her?


Autumn time, eyes charm,

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me.

I love the magnificent nature of fading,

In the bazhret and gold, dressed forests.

(Sounds of violin are heard.)

Leading: What kind of wondrous sounds! Have you recognized this voice guys? Whose is he? (Children's answer.) That's right, Violin's voice.

Queen: This is my gift. What could be better living, trepidate sounds? Let's listen to the romance accompanied by a violin.

(The duet of educators performs the song "Skilled Foliage Golden".)

Leading: It's great!

Queen: But do not forget: everything goes to your woman, and in the fall it follows the winter, snow, crystal.


Under the blue skies

Magnificent carpets

Shiny in the sun, the snow lies;

Transparent forest one black

And spruce through frost green,

And the river under the ice shines.

Leading: A.S. Pushkin is green through the fir fir. In the picture I.E. Grabar "February azure" as in lace stands white birch. Very consonant with this image the poem of S. Yesenin. Let it be a gift for you, Queen. Children are now very unusually presenting you the image of a winter birch.

(The poem "White Birch" in the drainage to the music of I. Gaidna from the oratory "Seasons".)

Queen: Thank you very nice! Our meeting came to the end, it turned out beautiful. We once again were convinced that any time of the year was fine in my own way. It manites an artist, poet, composer with its special beauty, giving birth to his creature, a special feeling.

Musical holiday for senior children preschool age, Dedicated to the music of R. Shuman

Hall registration:Silver Christmas trees, candle holders with candles, small tables, trays with floral cards of bed tones, Portrait of R. Shuman.

(R. Shuman's "melody" sounds quietly from the "Album for Youth", the candles are lit, the living room includes children, greet guests.)

Music lounge: Hello, children! I am very glad to see you again in our music lounge. See how beautiful here! (Music is silent.) You fell into the magical kingdom of music, which will tell us about winter. Today, the works of the greatest german composer Robert Shuman. We know well with you that winter road Starts with the distant north. From there, winter winds fly to us and sing their songs, calling to come in winter.

(The hostess of the living room invites children to comfortably sit on the chairs, to cook carefully listen to music as it is taken in the music lounge.)

(North Song sounds R. Shuman.)


Spilled winter:

On the jacket of fros

From transparent ice


All in diamonds, pearls,

In multicolored lights

Pouring around the shine

Whispering spell:

"Lie, soft snow,

On the forest and on the meadow.

Shutter trails

Fall branches!

On the windows, Santa Claus,

Scattering crystal roses.

Light visions

Clear plexes.

You, Metelitsa, Cui,

Horics Creek,

Jumping whirlpool white

In the field of the head!

Sleep, my earth, alloy,

Dreams Magic store:

Wait for passing,

New Dawn! " (M. Foirov)

(The musical work of R. Shuman "Winter" sounds.

By the end of the work, the hostess living room gradually extinguishes the candles. A few moments in the musical living room are dark, then the light will gradually light up.)

You, probably, everyone heard and understood, felt the poet told about winter verses, the composer painted musical sounds winter picture. Try and you become artists and with different colors And their shades pass the mood, which he expressed the composer Robert Schuman in this work.

(Music work "Winter" again, children pick cards with fit color and lay out the colors gamut on the floor.)

I see that in my compositions you used warm, gentle tones ... What did you get winter?

(Children's responses.)

You are right, winter is different. You got the winter quiet, sad, sad, thoughtful ... But Robert Shuman has another work on winter topic A completely different character. Listen. (The musical work of R. Shuman "Santa Claus" sounds.)

What winter told us music in this work? (Children's responses.)

Yes, there is a cold winter, barbed, evil, frosty, with a purgy, the upgrade of the north wind, angry ... The composer called this musical work "Santa Claus".

Now remember what poems about Santa Claus you know. (Children tell poems.)

Now I will read you a poem about Santa Claus.

Santa Claus slept in bed.

I got up icicles links:

"Where are you, blizzards and blizzards?

What would not be me? "

Flew blizzards

Thought: U-U-y!

Slashped: SSS-SSS-CSS!


Forest groaned: mmm-mmmmm.

Oaks ocked: mmmmmm-mmm.

Birch moisons: mmmmmmmmm.

And Santa Claus sorts:

"Way, blizzards!

Rotate below, pine, fir!

All that is in my forest,

I'll fall asleep everything! "

(S. Marshak)

We are not afraid of frost! Remember, children, how fun winter to play snowballs!

Snowballs fly and flicken,

Snowball Face plus,

Snowball eyes blind to us,

Snowballs we all cheerful!

(E. Alekseeva)

(The musical work of R. Shuman "Hunting Song" sounds.)

That ended our evening in the music lounge, dedicated to creativity Robert Shuman! Until the following meetings!

Characters: Princess - music leader; king; detective; Courtnic - 2-4 people; donkey; cock; cat; dog; children; Fehestovors - 4 people; foreign guests.

Props: Box with the inscription "Surprise"; inscription with the name and dow number; shiny cutting; 2 cube or stool; 2 drapery; camera; magnifier; branches with flowers in the number of children; musical instruments: guitar, drum, pipe, microphone; mobile phone; swords; balloons - 8 pcs; Dolls: Dog, cat, donkey, cock; Scroll with a decree; inscriptions with numbers; Veser; handkerchief

The course of entertainment

The music of N. Mangini "Pink Panther" sounds. On the bait careful step is a detective. He installs a large box in the center of the scene with the inscription "Surprise", neatly knocking on it and looks at the clock. In the box something ticks. The detective, looking around, giggles, rubs his hands and runs away for the scenes. Here the clock was stopped. Imitation explosion. The box is revealed, a brilliant cutting cut out of it and a child appears. He has a sign in his hands with the inscription "Dow No. ___".

The song sounds the song "We drove to you for an hour", music. Gladkov, SL. Y. Entin.

Bremen musicians run out of the hall, and from behind the scene - the court (support team). Everyone together sing the verse and chorus this song and dance.

We drove to you for an hour

The whole world is in our hands,

We are the stars of the continents!

Broke in fluff and dust

We are competitors!


We drove to you for an hour!

Hey! Bonzhur! Hellow!

Well, more likely love us

You are very lucky!

Well, all together ...

Ears cheer

Better in good

Chloy in your hands!

Princess. Not pleased! I want nothing!

King. Daughter, in your honor declare the ball of arts. I hope that it will help you.

All characters, discussing heard, leave the scene. Sounds solemn music "Minuet". Young dancers appear on the scene. They perform Menuet. At the end of the room, they line up in a "live corridor" and raise up the branches, seized with flowers, forming the arch. According to this "corridor", the king and princess come to the scene. Courtful convert the scene to the throne zap (Cuba IPI chairs, drape, flowers). Princess and King performed the duet of Princess and the King (music. Gladkov, Sl. Yu. Entin).


Oh, you're my poor Trubadochka,

See how the figure was stood.

I care for you enclosure!

Princess. I want nothing!

King (after the song complains of court). What to do? How do we be? Princess how to cheer? (Sighs. Courtful sympathize: fooled by versions, tackle a handkerchief)

Princess (courtier).

Boring to live I'm tired!

I want a big deal!

To delight and amaze!

Creative life to know!

Court (advise).

Detectives you invite.

He will help you, understand!

King (makes a call from a mobile phone).

Detective, in the palace hurry

And princesses help!

Song "Ingenious Detective" sounds. Dance of the detective (music. Gladkova, Sl. Y. Entin).


I am a brilliant detective

I do not need help.

I will find even a pimple

On the body at the elephant.

How lion fight in a fight.

Sailing like flomb

And Nyuh, like a dog,

And the eye, like an eagle!

After the song, the owner quickly examines the traces in the forest, takes pictures and produces other detective actions.


The essence of the problem is understandable to me -

Live without a goal unpleasant.

We will try to help

Strank princess overcome.

I invite guests to you,

To be fun.

Performances of guests can follow the type of non-stop, or they can declare a detective: East magician, fencing on the swords, Flamenco dance and others.

The princess is not like seen.

Princess. All is not that, not that, not that ...

Everyone in amazement is bred by their hands.


Sing I want and dance!

More ability to give.

Joy to bring to the children

From longing the guys save! (Screaming for the scenes)

Musicians, help!

Miracle of childhood create!

On the stage under the "Song of Friends" (music. Gladkov, Sl. Y. Entin) appear Bremen musicians.

Donkey. We will understand the desire.

Cock. And for all it is pleasant.

Everything. We will help you now.

Cat. Let the king publish a decree ...

Dog (Deploying the scroll, reads loud as herald).

Sadness there is no place!

Music Our Secret

Knows everyone let the child ...

Everything. Both baby and daughters.

King. This decree take it now!

Princess (claps in your hands).

Daddy, you're just a class! (Kisses in the cheek)

Musicians, do not pull

Todders soon call!


Well, Princess, this moment -

Highly important argument! (Go)

The record sounds a song about kindergarten from the fairy tale "About faith and anfisa" (music. Gladkov, Sl. E. Uspensky). The king with princess is dancing. Children appear on the stage. At the end of the dance, they surround the princess and to discuss something emotionally to discuss. Suddenly the discussion ends.

Princess (Children).

We agreed with you,

You with art made friends.

We start to burn

Fantasize, create.

Children. Present a panorama children's creativity kingdom preschool institution № ____ .

Everything. 1, 2, 3! Started!

Showing Popourry numbers of pupils Dow No. ___ under the guidance of a musical leader. Inserts in the popurry is music theme bremen Musicians "At the privala." The names of the rooms can be taken from the "Surprise" box.

Children(After PPURRI).

Life is understandable to us.

She is pleasant for the soul.

We will continue the holiday

Boring adults correct.

Our sweet princess

Helps us guys -

Cute reoxoiths.

The record of the song of the Bremen Musicians (Muses G. Gladkov) sounds in the record. All heroes performed the final song.

Nothing in the world is better not -

Music learning the subject.

Those who are busy are not terrible anxiety.

Creative we need roads!

We will not forget your call:

Laughter and joy we bring people!

Never we have gray worries

Do not replace the creativity of freedom!

At the end of the final song, the musicians leave the scene through auditorium, distributing on the go stylized under merry face balloons. All others leave the scene headed by the music director.

MBDOU D / S "Sunny" p. Crop

Belogorsky District of the Republic of Crimea

Open musical entertainment

in the senior group

"Journey to the world of music"

Music leader:

Gerasimtseva Zhanna Vladimirovna

2018 year

Types of childhood activities: creative, communicative, perception of musical works, performing.

Integration of educational areas: "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Social and communicative development", " Physical development"," Speech Development ".

Motivation:attach children to K. music creativity; Create conditions for the opportunity to reveal yourself in different types musical activity; Cause a desire to show yourself in motion, singing, game for musical and noise instruments Ivostip positive qualities character, formation in children of concepts about friendship and mutual respect, talerance in relation to each other, continue to form simple skills dance motions: Cotton, Breakers, Mahi Hands, continue to develop dynamic rumor and attention.

Musical repertoire: O. Gasmanov "I am a sailor, you are sailor", words and muses G. Truva "In my Russia", the words S. Kozlova, Muz M. Minkov Song "We came to the port today", "Song Katter" Words S.Kozlova, MUZ. M. Aminkova, Russian Nar. Song "Ah, you are Song, my sense", Crimean-Tatar nar. Dance "Haytarma", Music D. Lvov - the company of the word V.Vakmarov "Friends Kids of the whole Earth", the song "Chunga-Chang" Words of Yu. Entin Music V.Shainsky from the cartoon "Catering", Spanish dance "Pasodobl", " Birch's field stood "Russian folk song.

Necessary equipment: piano, music - noise Tools, laptop, multimedia board, costumes: Russian sundresses, Crimean-Tatar, Captain costume, sailors costumes, portraits of the composer Vladimir Shainsky and Poet Yuri Entin.

Structure occupation

The music of Oleg Gazmanov's song sounds in the record "I'm sailor, you are sailor"

Children enter the hall. Greetings sounds.




Children: Hello!

MUZ. Hands.Guys, look at how much guests we have today. Let's say hello to guests and give them their smiles.

Children go to the center of the hall and show the teacher Hello (speech with the movements of finchiko-having game: "Hello! Author I. Bograchenko.

Hello, Golden Sun - Hands Make Sun

Hello, sky blue - hands up

Hello, free breeze - swing at the top

Hello, Little Dubok - Show in the bottom

Hello Morning! - Show right hand In the right,

Hello day! - Show left hand in left,

We greet do not laziness.-Dissolve both hands aside.

MUZ. Hand: Sit on chairs.

Children sit on chairs along the wall.

MUZ. Hands.Today we have not ordinary lesson. We will go on a trip to the world of music.

I really want that during the trip you were merry, active. We live in huge world, It has forests and fields, seas and rivers, sky and sun. You can observe floating clouds, listen to wind noise and rain. You can draw all this, take a picture. It will be frozen picture. Only music will give the movement of the clouds: both the sea storm and the noise of rain, will force us to be sad and have fun.

Today you will hear modern: Russian, Tatar, Spanish national melodies, Nature's music.

So are you ready for the journey?

We go on a journey through the sea on the ship. I will be your captain. You are my team.

Sounds in the record of the song "We came to the port" the words of S. Kozlov, music M. Minkov.

And we are waiting for us on the pier. They want to wish a happy swimming and 7 feet under the keel.

Children at the highlights of the senior group perform movements in the text of the song: Rhythmic cotton, showing "socks", "Swing" movement.

Because of the Sailboat's screen, 5 pairs of sailors come out and dance dance "I'm a sailor, you are sailor" O. Gasmanova.

MUZ. Hand:Thank the applause of the guys 2nd junior Group.

Turn on the imagination, and lift the sail, give mooring.

The record sounds "Creek Chickets of Sea Noise"

Music hands.Oh, how the waves spiked

Seagulls cried in the sky

Behind the wave is running

Our ship is flying in the distance.

From the Black Sea we hit the Mediterranean Sea to the shores of Spain. And here we are waiting for a surprise.

Children preparatory group Performed "Spanish Dance" Pasodobl "

Spanish dance sounds.

MUZ. Hand: Refers to the guys of the senior group

MUZ. Hand:I liked music " spanish dance"? There is a hot sun, the noise of the city and the sea. Passion and love. And the name of the dance is the same rapid "Posalobl" Let's applaud the girls for - bright, temperamental Spanish dance.

The children of the preparatory group overlook the hall.

MUZ. Hand:Go further on the journey! Warm Mediterranean Sea escorts us. Go ahead.

The record sounds the song "Dolphins" Words S. Kozlov, M. M. Minkov's music.

On the screen the diving dolphins.

MUZ. Hand:What are they dolphins? (Good, wet, with smart eyes)

We will show a friendly hand

How to dive dolphins need.

The guys of the senior group by hand movements imitate diving "dolphins."

MUZ. Hand:Behind the song and time on the road flew quickly. Where are we now?

Plays joining the song "Chunghan" Words of Yu.ntina Music V.Shinsky from the cartoon "Catering". Music sounds quiet throughout the dialogue.

MUZ. Hand: Miracle island before us

Get acquain your friends.

The music director sits down for the piano. Children perform the song "Chung-Chang". On the screen "Miracle Island"

MUZ. Hand: And this amazing island of the poet Yuri Entin and the composer Vladimir Shansky came up.

On the multimedia board, the music director shows portraits of the authors of Yuri Entin and Vladimir Shainsky.

MUZ. Hand:Let's say goodbye to the island; Return to the ship.

Raise sail, pay mooring.

Song sounds "Well, and if the captains" in the record.

MUZ. Hand:Open your eyes wider - look at the fairy tale!

They say that in our hall, miracles ....

So let's hurry and look at a miracle.

On the scene, children are searched by a 2nd junior group.

MUZ. The head draws attention to a huge chest that stands on a chair that appeared near the piano.

MUZ. Hand: The chest is unique here.

Our chest is musical.

It will be for the guys surprise!

Hey guys marry!

The musical leader opens the chest and pulls out wooden spoons.

MUZ. Hand:Dinner soup eating

By evening "Conspiring"

Wooden girls,

Music sides,

Play and you are a little

On beautiful, bright


Deliver painted, our naughty spoons!

So spoons are just a miracle!

Good master Mastery - and guys presented.

The musical leader distributes wooden spoons with children.

MUZ. Hand:Here still lies a surprise!

Maracas we take the fun to play.

MUZ. The head disperses the children of the older group of Maracas.

MUZ. Hand: "Oh, she rings, rings,

All playing fun.

And just three strings

Who is she? Guess-ka!

Well, of course…..


That's right, "Balalaika". People from her joy and fun.

She is famous for the whole world. Everyone knows that balalaika is Russian folk instrument! Rings her voice in Bella Light and famous Russia!

The music director gives Balalyca Dimka (senior group) and Sergei and Ametkhan. (Children of the 2nd Junior Group, who are sitting in the center of the hall).

MUZ. Hand: Good Master Mastery and Guys presented.

There is still a surprise.

Hey. Guys getting!

The musical leader gets the Bubenz and distributes the guys of the older group.

MUZ. Hand:Tuberes will soon take and play on them.

Let's quote and say!

Bubrenitsy so just a miracle

Good master smart

And the guys presented.

MUZ. The head takes the tambourine and gives him the children of the senior group.

There are bubrels on it,

On him we beat loudly!

We will play with him now,

Give in hand


What is a triangle?

Every schoolboy knows it,

But not everyone knows

What in the orchestra he plays!

In the most fabulous moment

This tool will enter.

Quietly, gently shine.

As if everything is concern,

And then silent soon

According to the foster of the conductor.

MUZ. The head distributes the triangles to the children of the senior group.

MUZ. Hand:So let's seek, play fun.

Children playing the Orchestra "Ah, you are Song, my sense" Russian folk.

MUZ. Hand:Thank the guys with the 2nd younger group

For an excellent performance.

Children of the 2nd younger group leave the hall.

Our ship is very happy

Take home guys.

We hurry, we hurry home

Hello Crimea You are our native.

Song "My Russia" Song sounds.

Slide show on the text of the song.

MUZ. Hand:I love birch Russian

Then light, then sad

In Belyona Sarafanchik

With handkerchiefs in pockets.

Song sounds "in the field of Bereza stood" Russian folk. Girls of the senior group in Russian sundresses dance dance.

MUZ. Hands. FROMhave got you in the lesson there are guys in national costumes crimean Tatars. Let us play in Crimean - Tatar game "Tubeteka".

Children become a circle. To music, children take turns on the head of a tubette and on whom will remain a tubette, when music stops, he goes into a circle and dances to the music of Haytarma and so on

Music leader organizes children for the game "Horovod - Friendship" showing them movements, children repeat.

MUZ. Hands. Wider circle wider circle,

Music is calling ...

Children make a few steps from the center of the circle.

All friends, all girlfriends

In a noisy dance!

Children walk in a circle to the right.

Friend birds in the embroidery,

Friends are friends in the depths ...

Children stop, raise hands up, smoothly swaying with their hands, lean.

Friendly with the ocean ocean,

Friends are friends of different countries.

Children put hands on the shoulders to each other, and standing still, swaying into tact of music.

Friends Sun and Spring,

Friend stars and moon ...

Children take hands, go to the left in a circle.

Friends in the sea ships,

Kids friends all the earth!

Children converge to the center, holding hands, raise them up.

MUZ. Hands.What is happening in this song?

ChildrenIn this song, go about friendship!


MUZ. Hands. one.Where were we with you?

2. What dance did you like?

3. What music today sounded?

4. What tools were in magic chest?

5. Who remember what is called the melody to the Crimean tatar game "Tyubice"?

Childrentalk about your impressions. I say goodbye to the teacher's pedagogy "Goodbye", to the music of the song Oleg Gazmanov "You are a sailor, I am a sailor" children leave the music hall.