How to draw summer? Councils to young artists. Drawing for children on the topic: Summer How to draw summer drawings

How to draw summer?  Councils to young artists.  Drawing for children on the topic: Summer How to draw summer drawings
How to draw summer? Councils to young artists. Drawing for children on the topic: Summer How to draw summer drawings

Summer- this is one of the most amazing, beautiful and long-awaited seasons. This is the sun, a hot season with long days and short warm nights. Summer is hot sand and gentle wave on the seashore, good mood and unforgettable impressions. Summer is different for each of us. And everyone has it different! Those who visited this summer on the southern coast of Crimea immediately presented the following picture: the sea, mountains and bizarre pine trees growing along the slopes of the mountains to the sea coast.

Let's try to draw together with the children drawing on the theme "Summer"- a memory of summer, based on the step-by-step instructions for the image of the seascape.

The master class is conducted by Vera Parfentieva, a technology teacher, head of a preschool circle, and a reader of Native Path. The article is illustrated with drawings of Vera's little pupils.

Drawing on the theme "Summer" step by step step by step

Step 1. Horizon line.

We draw a straight line with a simple pencil at the bottom of the sheet (in this way, we introduce the kids to the techniques of working with a ruler). This is the horizon line. Children will learn a new concept: the horizon line is an imaginary line where the sky seems to touch the ground or water. In this case, with the sea.

Step 2. The sun.

We draw the sun going beyond the horizon line.

Step 3. Draw the mountain in the background.

Draw an arbitrary curved line from the horizon line - this is the mountain in the background.

Step 4. Draw the second mountain.

Draw a curved line for the mountain protruding forward.

Step 5. Draw the shore.

Draw the shoreline in the foreground.

In another version, you can make the composition of the picture "vice versa", in a mirror image.

Step 6. Draw a pine tree.

On the slope of the mountain we draw a pine tree bent over the sea under the influence of the winds. Pine trees in the Crimea have a bizarre shape, low, with crooked trunks, but firmly holding their roots to the rocky ground. If you were in another place - draw trees characteristic of this area.

Step 7. Make our drawing on the theme of "Summer" in color.

Well, now the most interesting thing: take watercolors or gouache paints of red-orange color and paint Sun. The brush is best held upright and dabbed with the tip of the brush.

Paint over with dark brown paint mountain in the background (drawings by Sasha 7 years old and Nastya 6,5 ​​years old). Drawing with "poke" makes it possible to express the relief of the mountain.

Paint over near mountain light brown paint. There is a large area of ​​the drawing, so it is more convenient to hold the brush with a tilt, pressing it against the sheet with a full nap.

Add green, gradually mixing it with the brown paint that has not yet dried.

We draw the summer sea.

It is better to complete this point one point earlier, because the mountain blocks the sea. The children hurried a little. Paint over an area of ​​the sea with blue paint. Move the brush horizontally in one direction, from left to right. It is desirable to draw a line along the horizon without separation. The rest of the lines can be drawn with a smooth wavy brush. Do not allow the brush to move back and forth without lifting the brush from the sheet. Then, under the setting sun on the water, make a few strokes with the tip of the brush and blur them. Thus, a reflection of the sun receding beyond the horizon is obtained on the water.

We draw a pine tree. Keep the brush upright. First, "poke" to go along the contour of the pine crown, and then fill the internal space, in some places leaving gaps.

Draw the shore (in the way described above - we hold the brush with an inclination, pressing it against a sheet of paper with a full nap.

Draw lines on the trunk and branches of the pine.

When drawing lines on the trunk and branches of a pine, the hand should always remain to the right of them, tilting the brush vertically in the same direction, touching the paper only with the tip. The brush is drawn along the pile. The hand remains in the canopy, not leaning on the sheet, so as not to smear the drawing.

We slightly shade the crown and trunk of the pine with white paint.

Here's what happens (drawing by Nastya, six and a half years old)

We draw poppies.

Draw poppies if you wish. Put dots on the grass with a toothpick. These are the flowers of poppies. They say that red poppies bloom where fierce battles took place during the Great Patriotic War.

Creative task for children:

  1. Close your eyes. Transfer yourself to the southern coast of Crimea. Imagine the sea, coast, mountains. Hear the sound of the sea wave, the cry of seagulls and the whistle of the ship. Paint your landscape.

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This summer has turned out to be truly strange. I practically did not leave the house, I have been did not see my friends and almost never during the whole summer picked up a guitar. I was busy with something else. It truly captured all my attention, I went headlong into my new hobby! I stopped sleeping at night, because night is that short period of time when you are truly free and belong only to yourself. Night is a time of magic. And I really did magic all summer. I drew drawings with a pencil!

When I started to paint in front of me opened just a boundless world of flight of fantasy. The world in which I was both God and king. In which I decided who to bloom and who to wither. Whom to rule and to whom to be subservient. This is my world, which I myself invented and transferred to paper every night. This is a world in which there are no standards, laws of physics, criminal code or morality. This is the world which I want to see or the world in which I'm afraid to live. These are people who were once dear to me, but also those whom I hated all my life. Drawings are not just art. Drawings are a lifetime. And a pencil is a magical tool that transfers all my dreams and fantasies to paper. Giving them life and the right to exist, when some other thoughts disappear from my memory forever - what I paint forever remains with me.
I've been painting all summer. I discovered this new world and after that my old life seemed boring and meaningless to me. Call me a fanatic? Psycho? So be it. Everyone has his own path. You may find it more pleasant to live in cages and hear on TV every day that you are free. And it is more pleasant for me to be a "psycho" who creates his own world, writes his own history. Who decides for himself what will happen tomorrow. And unlike you, I am able to fix my world. After all, I only need an eraser for this. And you have destroyed your world so much that nothing and no one will save it. And when you meet someone who does not live by the imposed rules, you simply cannot forgive him for this. You cannot understand why he is not like everyone else? Why doesn't he go in the same flock with you? And you start to get angry, because you yourself are not capable of it. And I am capable. Because I am an artist. And my world has no boundaries. And your world consists only of them.
All summer I did nothing but draw pencil drawings. This is how I spent my summer. And you know what I'll tell you? It was the best summer of my life. Even though this summer I ended up in a psychiatric hospital.

Summer ... For everyone, this time of the year is associated with something of his own. For some it is the sea and volleyball on the sand, for others it is the first love. Someone sees summer cool, in the canopy of dense green trees, and someone - bright and sunny.

How can you draw summer? There are many answers to this question. After all, every person is an artist at heart, even if he does not have professional skills. Human fantasy is limitless, and the more memories a person has, the brighter his ideas. This article will discuss how to draw summer. It is very important for aspiring artists to learn the sequence of actions in order to paint a good work. In fact, there is no single algorithm, but knowing a few useful tips, you can create a decent picture.

How to draw summer: getting started

The easiest way to depict summer is to paint a landscape. It can be an image of the sea, a flower field, an urban view, or green mountains.

Select the size for the picture and the layout of the sheet. Horizontal or vertical orientation - depending on the composition you want to paint.

Divide the sheet into two unequal parts: heaven and earth. The sky can be either smaller or larger than the earth, depending on what the artist considers the main thing in his drawing.

Decide immediately which detail will be the main one. In the case of the field, this is a few elaborate blades of grass and flowers in the foreground; if this is the sea - the waves closest to the artist. If you are faced with the task of depicting the sky, it is worth "writing out", that is, to draw in detail, to clarify several clouds. The background is usually drawn blurry, indistinct, but the shapes of objects should be guessed from the outlines.

How to draw summer: landscape

If you work with color (gouache, oil, watercolor, acrylic), this is called picturesque landscape. In this technique, colors and their shades should be evenly applied to different parts of the work, leaving no empty spaces.

Remember to mix colors on the palette. It could be a plastic palette or a piece of paper. The main thing is not to write with pure colors "from a jar".

Graphic landscape is another, no less interesting technique. Working with pencils of different softness, pens, liners, etc. is another way to draw summer. A classic example of a graphic landscape is any work of Shishkin. Graphics do not require special rules, the main thing is accuracy in the execution of details.

The most important advice regarding not only graphics, but also painting: at the very beginning of the work, determine what will be the main and what will be secondary. In the case of graphics, without selecting the main thing, it is very easy to darken the background. After that, it will be almost impossible to emphasize the main thing.

Trees can be depicted as shaded clouds of leaves, shadows as dark spots, and any object in the foreground can always be highlighted by making it more contrasting (black). In contrast to painting, where mood and general impression are assessed, in graphics, accurate reproduction of form is important. The shape of tree trunks, stumps, leaves and branches - all these seemingly insignificant nuances create a coherent work.


This version of how to draw summer is suitable for those who like to portray people. The main idea of ​​the painting "summer-image" is the image of someone who personifies the idea of ​​this time of year. For the image of summer, the presence of attributes is required: ripe fruits, impenetrable foliage, bright flowers or golden ears.

People are usually chosen for images. Summer can represent a child, a woman or a man. The image of the summer image does not exclude the writing of a full-length figure.

Summer portrait

Let's consider the option with a portrait. Portrait- just for those who want to know how to draw summer in stages. Use a medium-soft pencil to outline the main lines. These are the head, neck, hair cloud and image attributes. Make sure that the compositional picture looks competent: do not draw a person too large or too small on the sheet. It is advisable to retreat from the top and bottom of the sheet by approximately the same distance (a little more from the bottom). If everything that you have in mind fits into the paper and there is still space left, the first step is passed.

Start working on different parts of the face with the material that you have chosen. If it is a pencil, be attentive to contrasts: light and shadow are very important points in every

Don't forget to paint the background at the end of the portrait. It can be fields, sea or something related to summer.

Summer mood

Abstraction- the simplest and most interesting idea of ​​how to draw summer. Such a drawing is especially easy for children: they are emotional and sincere, therefore they are not afraid to splash their feelings on paper with bright colors.

Such work is done with any materials, you can even make an applique, mix several techniques in one drawing. Complete freedom of the artist is the main
feature of abstract works. Patterns, irregular lines, colored spots, various textures - all this can be combined into a general idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe summer.

Summer still life

Still life painting is the best way to learn all about shape and color for aspiring artists. Still life is a group of objects united by some common idea. Usually in still lifes they paint vases, fabrics, food, cutlery, flowers and other things that come to hand first. Objects are united according to their belonging to a certain sphere: bathroom still life, kitchen or garden (country) still life. However, it is possible to distribute items by the seasons as well.

Summer still life will look like a transparent vase or glass with a bouquet of small flowers of different colors and shades. Nearby, you can put a light, the same translucent fabric and a few berries or fruits. Such a composition will look light and colorful at the same time.

The best materials for such a painting are watercolor or oil. Depending on the technique, you can clarify different details on a glass, a bouquet, or draw subtle folds of fabric.

Summer color combinations

Such a drawing will be unforgettable if you make it bright and balanced in color. Color combinations in paintings are a fine line between beauty and illiteracy, which is very easy to cross. When creating a drawing, remember the basic rules for combining colors.

The main contrasts that look advantageous in the works:

  • Red Green.
  • Blue is orange.
  • Purple is yellow.

By combining these and their shades, you can achieve good results. But you cannot add them to the drawing in equal proportions. Each of the two colors should be present in smaller quantities, as if diluting the picture.

Do not use pastel, that is, light, diluted with white tones, they are more suitable for fresh spring. For a summer painting, juicy colors are suitable. It can be a contrast of primary colors or some few bright tones with black. Here you need to be careful: there should not be many dark areas in the picture, this will ruin the color balance.

In this lesson, we will look at how to beautifully paint summer with gouache paints in stages. Let's draw a bright sunny day.

Very little time was spent on this sketch. She worked on A4 format, that is, a simple album sheet. The space of the sheet was divided into approximately three parts. The top two will be the sky, and on the bottom we will draw the earth.

I used white and yellow paint for the sky, gently mixing and creating white and yellowish areas.

Approximately in the middle of a horizontally placed leaf, start drawing tree trunks. If you don't have brown paint in your kit, you can easily get it by mixing red and green paint. By adding more of this or that color, you can achieve different desired shades. You can add quite a bit of blue to get a darker, almost black, color.

We will not draw the bark of the tree realistically, it is enough to generally divide the tree into separate branches. You can add yellow and green to brown. without waiting for the gouache to dry.

Let's draw branches and white highlights on the trunk.

Draw the second tree in the same way.

First we draw the foliage with a total mass, then we will highlight the details. For her, I used green, yellow, a little blue for a more realistic color. I painted with a large brush. In some places I applied gouache with an almost dry brush.

Determined with a thin brush the location of the trees in the background. The foliage was made with a brush and a sprinkling method. I sprayed with a hard brush, but you can also use an old toothbrush for this. It depends on usability. Sprayed on the trees of the foreground, first with dark green gouache, a little yellow and white.

In the necessary places, I straightened the crown of trees with a thin brush, mixing green gouache with white and yellow.

On the right side, I painted a distant forest, mixing blue, white and yellow paint. Note that the edge of the nearby tree's foliage should be light yellow. This will create a backlight effect.

To make the glare of light in the gaps of the foliage bright, we first apply yellow spots in the right places, and then put a small dot in the middle with white gouache.

Draw a yellow stripe with gouache where the grass in the foreground begins.

But before drawing the ground, let's draw a distant forest on the other, right, side. We also mix white, blue, yellow gouache. With darker paint, paint the barely distinguishable tree trunks and sprinkle with a little white gouache.

Use wide strokes to paint the ground in the foreground.

Draw a shadow under the tree and some yellow spots of light.

Put white strokes in the middle of the spots and sprinkle with white paint from a hard brush or toothbrush.

Author: Marina Tereshkova

In this tutorial, we will look at how to draw summer with a pencil step by step. Shows all the stages and techniques of drawing with a summer pencil. In this lesson, there is a video and pictures from it in sequential order, everything will also be explained. If your Internet allows you, then be sure to watch the video, it shows the entire drawing process, how to hold the pencil and what movements to make with it. If you are looking from a mobile, then immediately go to images - a step-by-step drawing of summer. how to draw a village in summer.

This will be a small drawing, take a thick sheet of paper, a landscape sheet for drawing is also suitable. You can, so that there are clear edges, mark the size of the drawing with a pencil, the author separated it with paper tape. First of all, draw the horizon - this is a horizontal line in the middle of the sheet, then we start drawing the house.

Draw a mountain in the distance and on the right, with jagged and knotty curves, the silhouette of a tree and greenery. Draw a country road near the house, windows in the house itself. The lines should not be bold - this is a sketch. To see a larger image, click on the picture.

On the left, draw silhouettes of trees, a fence.

Take a pencil, as you usually hold and draw branches, they are darker than the foliage, then in the same way draw a second tree peeping out at the edge of the roof.

Place the auxiliary sheet of paper on the edge of the house and do shading with a light tone of the part up to the silhouette of the bushes on the left. Blend.

Using the curls method (curls method), depict the dense bushes on the left.

Draw the grass around the house.

Paint over the windows and doors of the rural house, make the fence stakes bold, draw the branches of a dry tree in the center of the picture (you can make it alive, draw woo), then start drawing the foliage of the trees on the right.

On the left, where you just drew the foliage, draw tree branches between them. Draw some grass on the edge of the country road on the right, and some grass on the right, and blend it. Make points on the road to show if the road is uneven.

Here is the finished drawing of summer.

If you go over the edge, you can take a ruler and hold it against the edge of the drawing and go over with an eraser. Then the edges of the picture will also be smooth.