What are the features of the composition master and margarita. Features of the composition of the novel "Master and Margarita"

What are the features of the composition master and margarita. Features of the composition of the novel
What are the features of the composition master and margarita. Features of the composition of the novel "Master and Margarita"

Mikhail Bulgakov Roman "Master and Margarita" received universal recognition, although it happened after the death of his author. The history of the work of the work covers several decades - after all, when Bulgakov died, his work continued his work, and it was she who achieved the publication of the novel. Unusual composition, bright heroes and them non-easy fate - All this made a romance interesting for any time.

First Chernoviki

In 1928, the writer first appeared the idea of \u200b\u200bRoman, who later called the name "Master and Margarita". The genre of the work was not yet determined, but the main idea was to write a work about the devil. Even the first book names were talked about this: "Black Mag", "Satan", "Consultant with hoof". Existed a large number of Chernovikov and versions of the novel. Some of these papers were destroyed by the author, and the remaining documents are published in the general collection.

Bulgakov started working on his novel in very hard times. His plays were forbidden, the author himself was considered a "needless" writer, and his work was proclaimed hostile towards a new building. The first text of the work was destroyed by Bulgakov - he burned his manuscripts on fire, after which he had only the sketches of the scattered chapters and a couple of draft notebooks.

Later, the writer is trying to return to work on the novel, but bad physical and psychological conditioncaused by heavy overwork, do not give him to do this.

Eternal love

Only in 1932, Bulgakov returns to work on the novel, after which the master is created first and then Margarita. Her appearance, like the emergence of the idea of \u200b\u200beternal and great LoveThey associate with the marriage writer on Elena Shilovskaya.

Bulgakov no longer hopes to see his novel in print, but continues to work on it hard. Having devoted to the work for more than 8 years, the writer prepares the sixth black edition, complete in meaning. After that, the development of the text continued, amended was amended, the structure, genre and composition of the "Master and Margarita" novel was finally developed. It was then that the writer finally decided on the name of the work.

Mikhail Bulgakov continued to edit the novel to death. Even before his death, when the writer is almost blind, he ruled the book with his wife.

Publication of Romana

After the death of the writer, his wife had a major goal in life - to achieve the publication of the novel. She independently edited the work and printed it. In 1966, the novel was published in the magazine "Moscow". Then followed by its transfer to European languages, as well as the publication in Paris.

Genre of the work

Bulgakov called the novel his work "Master and Margarita", the genre of which is so unique that the disputes of literary critic about the category of books do not subside. It is defined as a novel myth, philosophical novel and medieval drama on the themes of the Bible. Roman Bulgakov connects almost all directions of literature that is in the world. A unique product makes his genre and composition. "Master and Margarita" - a masterpiece, with whom it is impossible to hold parallels. After all, such books do not have any domestic, nor in foreign literature.

Composition of Romana

Composition "Masters and Margarita" is a double romance. Two stories are told - one about the master, and the other - about Pontius Pilate. Despite opposition to each other, they create a single integer.

Two times intertwined in the novel "Master and Margarita". The genre of the work allows us to combine the biblical period and Moscow of Bulgakov.

The question of the fate of a person in the novel

The tie of the book is a dispute between Berlioz, a homeless and stranger on the existence of God. The homeless believes that the person himself manages the order on earth and all the fate, but the development of the plot shows the misunderstanding of his position. After all, the author says that the knowledge of man is relative, and his life Path Predefined in advance. But at the same time argues that a person is responsible for his fate. Throughout the novel, such topics raises Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita", whose genre comes into the story even the biblical chapters, awakens questions: "What is truth? Are there eternal values \u200b\u200bremaining unchanged? "

Modern life merges together with the history of the Master, did not survive against the injustice of life, but was able to receive immortality in eternity. The "Master and Margarita" novel is gossiping both line of the plot in one place - eternity, where the master and pilat could find forgiveness.

Question of personal responsibility in the novel

In its own, shows the fate as a string of interrelated events. In terms of the case, the Master and Margarita acquaintance occurred, the death of Berlioz, and the life of Yeshua became dependent on the Roman governor. The author emphasizes man mortality and believes that by planning his life, it is impossible to exaggerate its capabilities.

But the writer leaves for heroes a chance to change his lives and correct the direction of fate to a more favorable. For this you need to break your moral principles. So, Yeshua can lie, and then he will live. If the master starts to write, "like everything", then it will be taken into a circle of writers, and the works will be printed. Margarita should commit murder, but can not agree to this, even if a person who ruined the life of her beloved will be a victim. Some heroes change their destinies, but others do not use the chances provided to them.

Image of Margarita

All characters have their twins, which are shown in the mythological world. But people similar to Margarita are not in the work. This emphasizes the uniqueness of a woman, which for the sake of salvation of his beloved concludes a deal with the Devil. The heroine combines love for the master and hatred for his persecutes. But even in the power of madness, thumbs up the apartment of the literary criticism and the jumping of all residents of the house, she remains merciful, soothing the child.

Master Image

Modern literary crowns agree that the image of the Master of autobiographies, because there is a lot of common among the writer and the main hero. This is partial external similarity - Figure, hat-Ermolka. But also this embracing them both spiritual despair from the fact that creative work Decided "in the table" without any future.

The theme of creativity is very important for the writer, because he is convinced that only the full sincerity and the ability of the author to convey the truth to the heart and mind can provide the work eternal value. So, the master who puts his soul in the manuscript, opposes the whole crowd, so indifferent and blind. Literary critics Pour masters, bring it to madness and abandoning their own work.

The fate of the master and Bulgakov are inextricably linked, because both of them considered their creative duty to help people return faith in the fact that justice and good remained in the world. And also call readers to find the truth and loyalty to their ideals. After all, the novel says that love and creativity will be able to overcome everything in their path.

Even after many years, Roman Bulgakov continues to contact readers, defending the topic of real love - Faithful and eternal.

Each artwork eventually occupies its deserved place in the literature. Did not exception and the most famous novel Mikhail Bulgakov "Master and Margarita". These pages are striking the meaning of the meaning, there is nothing superfluous.

Let's start with the composition, which is very unusual: Roman in the novel. Hero of the work, writes a novel about the procurator of Judea Pontius Pilate. And the lines of his works are folded into a kind of weave with the novel of the author himself.

Such an acceptance of a nonsense is chosen by Bulgakov, because it helps to achieve main Goal - Touch a lot of problems: the creativity is false and true, crime and punishment, love and dedication, courage and cowardice. In addition, the author shows a new interpretation of biblical events.

The end-to-end idea of \u200b\u200bRoman Bulgakov is the value of this creativity. For her disclosure, he introduces us with two heroes - Berlioz, stupid and limited chairman of a large Moscow literary Association, editor of the magazine, and a poet, Ivan Homeless, who prints his poems on the pages of this periodic publication. Berliosa views, the narrowness of his thinking is no longer changed, he immediately dies on tramways. But the poet has a chance to be reborn. And it is this that happens to him and takes place in the clinic for mentally ill.

The topic affected is not accidental. She was painful for the author himself. Many critics believe that the Master is hidden any other like Bulgakov.

To portray the topic of creativity in the entire fullness, the writer offers to look at the members of the massolist, the penis, who have one desire - to fill the stomach. The master is completely different, it is knocked out of this environment and simply expelled from there. But there are those who will appreciate this genius - otherworldly forces and Margarita, who loved him before dating.

- Image perfect womanwhich is true and experiencing real feelings. Their meeting with the master is not accidental, it is, as they say, fate. Margarita does not need that life that will arrange the majority of "ordinary" women. She is very alone, and it clearly give out eyes. Roman heroine - embodiment copyright ideal Wives, girlfriends great creator.

Grass makes masters to hide from everyone in the clinic for mentally ill, but beloved and in such a situation it remains true to him. This is a real dedication, clean and deprived of any breath. This topic is also important for Bulgakov.

Master's novel transfers a different interpretation biblical motifs. Yeshua on the pages of his work is not God, but an ordinary stray philosopher, who is not alien to ordinary human suffering and fears.

Bulgakov in his creation affects the problem of conscience. It is revealed through the image. He perfectly understands that Yeshua is not guilty and brings people only good. But the desire to keep the high chin pushes him to the sentence - fatherland. But Pontia also does not avoid payback - the immortality and the flour of conscience will become his eternal punishment.

In the novel "Master and Margarita" revealed great amount Those, the interpretation of which amazes with its unusual and depth.

Features of the composition, genre peculiarity of the novel

"Master and Margarita"

Type of lesson: Lesson study

All came true ... to everyoneThe purpose of the lesson:

It will be given by his faith!1) understand the wrist of the writer,

reflect on genre and

the compositions of the novel,

tit and comprehend

chky lines work

calculate the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel;

2) develop analytical

thinking, work skills

with artistic text

with ICT, monologue;

3) instilling interest in creative

your writer, understand the moral


During the classes.

I. introduction Teacher .

Mikhail Bulgakov Roman "Master and Margarita" Multicalem, as an art itself: it is romance and realism, painting and clairvoyance. In many senses, this is the romance of secrets that are not opening with everyone and not everyone. Let's try to open the veil of the secrets and look into the world of Bulgakov's heroes. We will try to understand what the essence of the multifacetedness and the multi-levelness of the narrative, for which such a novel is written, what lessons we must extract from this work.

The novel, which entered the infinity of the time and the immenseness of space, interesting today, because he is about the tragedy of talent and love, about good and evil, about the flour of conscience. And this is characteristic of people at all times. He and today does not allow our soul to be lazy, forces it to reflect on the problems of the novel, and, it means to touch our.
What strengths are the fates of people and the historical process itself? What is the basis of human behavior - a confluence of circumstances, a number of randomness, predestination or following selected ideals, ideas? And if a person's life is really worn out of accidents, can he vouch for tomorrow, for his future, responding for others? What is the truth in this chaotic world? Are there any unchanging categories or it is fluid, changeable, and then we are moving only fear of force or death, thirst for power and wealth? - These are the questions that the author puts in their novel. Isn't it our questions, questions of life today?
Roman Bulgakova "Master and Margarita" is unique. And, as any significant work, the unknown depths are in themselves.

Fill the table "I know, I found out, I want to know"


Found out

I want to know

2. Call stage. Teacher's word:

I distribute cards with text.

Do you mark with graphic icons + - knew? - It is not clear, - I do not agree, * - I can add.


Bulgakov read the novel "Master and Margarita" first with his acquaintances, and the novel, distinguished by a large political sharpness, produced big impression on listeners. In the first edition, the novel had named options: "Black Mag", "hoof engineer", "juggler with hoof", "Son Veliaria", "Voland's Gastro". But this option was burned by the writer himself, there were some roots of the manuscript. When work resumed, Margarita and her satellite appeared in draft sketchs - the future master. Due to work in Big Theater Bulgakov did not have time to straighten the written text, and he had the idea to leave work in the theater. The novel recognized the main thing about life designed to define the fate of the writer. "Finish before dying!" - Bulgakov writes on the fields of one of the pages, feeling the approach of the fatal disease - nephrosclerosis.

Already in the early editions of the novel, the action began with a scene on the patriarching ponds, there was a session of black magic, and a scene with fantastic money, and Berlioz's funeral. When preparing for writing a novel, the Bulgakov read a lot: the Bible, Russian and foreign classic, "Life of Jesus" E. Renan, F. Farrara "Life of Jesus Christ", A. Muller "Pontius Pilate, Fifth Procurator Judea and Judge Jesus from Nazareth", D. Strausa "Life of Jesus", dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron, work on demonology, studied artists. The researchers are calculated that in total in the novel 506 characters. The first version of Bulgakov completed in 1934, and the last - in 1938. During the life of the writer, the novel was not published, although for 20 years the wife of the writer Elena Sergeyevna undertakes 6 attempts to break through censorship. At the end of 1966 The magazine "Moscow" still publishes the novel, while 12% of the text was seized. The appearance of a novel, which is not all read, even in a trimmed form, made a stunning effect. To publish works by Bulgakov, studying his work began only in the eighties of the XX.

The novel is of great popularity, attention, both from readers and from critics literary critics.

Teacher's word:

Roman "Master and Margarita" has a very complex composition. Literary criticians allocate three in it of different world: Yerschalaimsky times of Jesus Christ, a modern author - the action takes place in Moscow, the eternal supreme externally.

Question: Why is the action takes place in modern Bulgakov atmosphere clearly, but how to explain the parallel appeal of the writer to the evangelical events of two thousand years ago, to the world is extinguished?

History of creating a novel.

The start time of work on the "Master and Margarita" of Bulgakov in different manuscripts dated 1928, then 1929. In the first edition, the novel had the names of the names "Black Mag", "hoof engineer", "juggler with hoof", "Son V.", "Gastro". He was an exploded devilia, where the action was concentrated around Moscow's Moscow's voland. The first edition of the "Master and Margarita" was destroyed by the author on March 18, 1930. After receiving the news of the ban on the "Kabala Svyatosh" play. Bulgakov reported this in the letter to the government: "And personally, I, with my own hands, threw a draft of the novel about the devil ..."

Work on the "Master and Margarita" resumed in 1931. A draft sketches were made to the novel, and here the Margarita and its nameless satellite, called Faust, and in the final text - the master, and the wave got his violent retinue. The second editors had a subtitle "Fantastic Romance" and the names of the names "Great Chancellor", "Satan", "That I", "Black Mag", "Consultant Consultant".

In the second half of 1936, Bulgakov wrote new options for the first five chapters. So work was started on the third editorial office of the novel, which was originally called "Prince of Darkness", but in 1937 there was now well-known title "Master and Margarita". In May - June 1938 full text For the first time was reprinted. The epilogue was written by M. Bulgakov on May 14, 1939.

Mikhail Afanasyevich was very strictly written. On one of the manuscripts, he made a mark: "Do not die until I finish." Elena Sergeyevna Bulgakova remembered: "When at the end of the illness, he almost lost speech, he sometimes came out only the ends of words or the beginning of words. There was a case when I was sitting near him, as always, on the pillow on the floor, near the head of his bed, he gave me to understand that he had something that he had something he wants from me. I offered him a medicine, drink, but I understood it clear that this is not the case. Then I guessed and asked: "Your things?" He nodded with this appearance as "yes" and "no". I said: "Masters and Margarita?" He, terribly delighted, made a sign head that "yes, it is." And he squeezed out two words: "To know that they knew."

Bulgakov wrote "Masters and Margarita" a total of more than 10 years. At the same time, with the writing of the novel, it was working on the play, drapes, libretto, but this novel was a book with which he could not part, the Roman-fate, the Roman-testament. The novel absorbed almost all of the written Bulgak works:

Moscow life imprinted in the essays "On the eve",

Satyrian fiction and mystic, tested in the ages of the 20s,

The motives of the Knight's honor and troubled conscience in the novel " White Guard», - dramatic theme The fate of the starry artist, deployed in the "Molver", the play about Pushkin and the "Theater Roman" ...

In addition, the picture of the life of an unfamiliar eastern City, captured in "Run", was preparing the description of the Yerschalaim. And the method of moving in time back - to the first century of the history of Christianity and forward - to the utopian dream of "rest" reminded of the plot of "Ivan Vasilyevich".

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" was not completed and during the life of the author was not published. The fact that it is the greatest literary work It came to the reader, we owe the wife of the writer Elena Sergeyevna Bulgakova, who in the difficult Stalin's times managed to keep the manuscript of the novel. She became an angel - the keeper of her husband, never doubted him, his talent was supported by his faith. She recalled: "Mikhail Afanasyevich said to me once:" There was a whole world against me - and I am alone. Now we are together, and I'm not scary to me. " Dying her husband, she swore to print a novel. I tried to do it 6 or 7 times - unsuccessfully. But the strength of her loyalty overcame all obstacles. 26 years after the death of Bulgakov in 1966, the novel was printed in the magazine "Moscow", though in the abbreviated version (159 text seizures were made). In the same year, Roman was published in Paris completely and immediately translated into many European languages. At the homeland of Bulgakov, the full text "Master and Margarita" appeared only in 1973.

3. Increase

1. And now let's try to determine the genre of the work. That this is a novel, I think no one doubts. We simply remember the definition of this genre once again using reference books.

Work with reference books. (Presentation)

Compilation of cluster (Appendix No. 2)

Roman (from French - Roman) - Genre narrative literaturerevealing the history of several, sometimes many human fate for a long time, sometimes - whole generations. Specific feature The novel in its classical form is the branchedness of the plot, reflecting the complexity of relations in society, drawing a person in the system of its social relationships, in terms of the condition of the medium. Thus, the novel is such a genre that allows you to transfer the deepest and complex processes of life.

^ Students lead evidence

Characters in the novel - 150

The plot is a system of events in artistic workdisclosing characters acting persons and the ratio of the writer to the vital phenomena

4 Scene lines:

Philosophical - Pontius Pilate and Yeshua ha - Noesri

Love - Master and Margarita

Mystical - Woland and his retinue

Satyric - Moscow and Muscovites.

^ Teacher's word

So, I believe that you were able to prove that the novel before us. But the novels are different: historical, adventure, scientific - fantastic, etc., it all depends on the subject or ideological - emotional assessment. What definition would you give Roman Bulgakov? Let's express our opinions and try to argue them.

Student responses.

Love (History of the Master and Margarita relationship)

Mystical (Woland and his Sweet, Satan Ball)


Household (paintings of Moscow residents)

Philosophical (raised eternal themes: good and evil, truth and lies, loyalty and betrayal, responsibility for their actions, etc.)

Autobiographical (the situation of persecution, the lack of livelihoods, full renovation from the literature and public Life, permanent expectation of arrest, denominations, dedication and dedication of the beloved woman.)

(The guys make up a cluster, reads one of the pair)

2. And now let's turn to the composition of the work. What is the composition?

(Appendix No. 4), compilation of cluster

^ Working with a directory

Question: What is the unusual building (composition) of the novel "Master and Margarita"?

In conjunction in one novel novel about these two worlds. This is an affair in the novel. And one world is reflected in the world with a friend, as in the mirror.

At home, you had to make a table and fill it out:

"Two worlds. Parallels and reflections "

World of Moscow 30s. 20V.

The world of Yersshalaima Nach. ad.

1. Depicted soviet authority (cruelty, persecution of dissent).

1. The power of the emperor Tiberia is depicted. (Governor, subordinate power, - Pontius Pilate. All whispering about him that he is a cruel monster).

2. In the center - fate creative personality - Masters, the fate of his novel about a wandering philosopher.

2. In the center - the fate of a stray philosopher, which wakes up in Pontiya Pilat, a cruel procurator of the Jews real humanity.

3. Punishment of dishonest people - for example, Baron Maygel's traitor, Berliosis conjunctover, thigh-bucket, writing brethren, etc.

3. Punishment of Judas, punishment of Pilate and TD.

The table continues the disciples, read the possible parallels and explain why they decided that episodes are parallel.

Table can be issued as individual card on the computer. Or suggest creating an e-book-encyclopedia, where all stages of the novel analysis will be reflected on separate pages.

Composition (from lat. Compositio - compilation, connection, connection) - construction, location and interconnection of all parts, images, episodes, scenes of the work.

What is the feature of the composition of the novel "Master and Margarita"? (Roman in the novel: Bulgakov writes a novel about the master, and the master - about Pontiya Pilate)

What is the difference between the composition of the novel "Master and Margarita" from other novels in the novel? What chapters tell about Pontae Pilate?

^ Student responses (work with text)

Chapter 2 "Pontius Pilate" (Woland tells Berliozu and homeless). Chapter16 "Cassen" (homeless saw in a dream in a crazy house) Chapter 19- Azazello reads an excerpt from a manuscript. Chapter 25, Chapter 26 "Break", Chapter 27 - Margarita reads the resurrection manuscripts in the basement.

^ Teacher's word

The chapters of the plug-in novel about one day of the Roman procurator are not followed by one after another, and dispersed in the main narration.

To connect everything together, uses a special composite reception - "Fixes", repetitive proposals that end up one chapter and beginners are the following (students lead examples from the text).

Novels are written as if different peopleTherefore, they are opposed to the manner of the narration.

The story of the events that occurred in Yerschlaim is cold, is tragically tense and unnamed. The author does not declare himself - neither appeals to the reader nor the expression of his opinion about what is happening.

Most otherwise, a novel about the master, Voland, Muscovites written. He was marked by the person's personalized person who drew all his story to the reader. This author expresses its attitude to what is happening events and heroes: sympathy, joy, grief, indignation.

The plot of the novel written by the master is one of depth traditions world literature. It is enough to remember in this connection such works as "Returned Paradise" by J. Milton, "Jesus Christ in Flanders" O. Balzaka, "Christ is visiting men" N. Leskova and others. We have already noted that in the Roman Bulgakov there are many fantastic scenes. Let's think

In which part of the work miracles should occur? Why do you think so? Is it really in the Roman Bulgakov? From the description of what events did the author refused?

Where do fantastic events occur? Give examples.

3. Reflection


· Have we found the answer to the question made at the beginning of the lesson?

Summing up the whole thing on today's lesson, I once again want to say, the work of Bulgakov is unusual and by genre, and on the composition. I think you could make sure of this today. But we just started the study of the novel, and there are still many amazing discoveries ahead of us.

^ Homework.

We will endure in the next lesson on the events that took place in Ershalaim. Name the names of the heroes that will sound in the next lesson. (Pontius Pilate, Yeshua ha - Noesri, Levy Matvey, Judas, Rats, Caifa, Afrani)

2. By desire to prepare a message about one of the characters.

3. Answer the questions of the test of the title chapters

The novel "Master and Margarita" is not in vain called "Romance" M. Bulgakov. For many years he rebuilt, supplemented and grinding his final work. All that I survived M. Bulgakov in my century - and happy, and heavy, all the most important thoughts, the whole soul and all the talent gave it to this novel. And creation was born truly unusual.

An unusual work, first of all, by genre. Researchers still can not determine it. Many consider "Master and Margarita" a mystical novel, referring to the words of the author: "I am a mystical writer." Other researchers call this work satirical, the third consider Roman M. Bulgakov fantastic, and the fourth is philosophical. It must be said that for all these definitions there are grounds, in which we will make sure.

But at first a few words about the composition of the novel, without the analysis of which it is impossible to understand it genre of peculiarities. Two plots are distinguished in the book: real world Moscow of the 1930s, where the Master and Margarita live, and the world of ancient Yershlalia, where Yeshua and Pontius Pilate are operating. It should be noted that the second story in a sense is canonical - since the display of evangelical events is one of the deep traditions of world literature. It is enough to remember in this connection such works as "Returned Paradise" by J. Milton, "Jesus Christ in Flanders" O. Balzaka, "Christ is visiting men" N. Leskova and others.

The plot of Yeshua is written in the genre of Roman Proverbs. The story about events is objective, is tragically tense and unnamed. The author does not declare himself - neither appeals to the reader nor the expression of his opinion about what is happening. Based on the events described, we could expect precisely in this reservoir of the Bulga Kovka novel to express mystical beginnings - various wonders, transfigations. But there is nothing like that in the Master's novel - all events are absolutely real. The author refuses even from the Scene of the Resurrection - as from the sign of the presence of a miracle in the human world.

Roman-Padcha is a kind of reference point, of which the events of the modern M. Bulgakov are developing. Truth, unrecognized in the ancient Yarslaim, again comes to the world. In the narration of this world, the whole mysticism is a paradoxically moved. She is also serious - remember at least the phenomenon of the living dead on the ball in Satan or the transformation of Volan and his suits in the finals of the novel. She and Grotescan, turning around the mystics of the current modernity and manifesting themselves in the mysterious movements of the steppe Lyarkayev, and in miracles in the variety, and in the "bad apartment", from which people disappear. She is ironic: it is enough to remember the beginning of the novel when the devil asks from Berlioz if there is a devil, and, having received a negative answer, complains: "What about you - what you have enough - there is nothing." The connection of satire and mysticism, thus determines the genre nature of the novel about the wizard.

A very peculiar philosophy arises from the collision of the two worlds and two novels.

From the first pages of the novel, the topic of fate arises. The sudden death of Berlioz immediately puts philosophical questions: who breaks the thread of life? Is it possible to influence human fate? The answer to these questions will be given, but not immediately, and not even in this time and space. Yeshua denies the possibility of one person to influence the fate of another in the earthly life. But in the life of another, in the world, it is possible; it is possible; Margarita frees the masters and brings for forgiveness by Frida, and the master gives Pontium to Pilate the desired meeting with a stray philosopher. This arises in the novel to the understanding of the unity of being and non-existence, the real fate of a person and a posthumous life.

The need to talk about it arises because the writer is deeply convinced: the truth of the historical process is forgotten, and humanity is not the way. Roman about Yeshua and there is a return to this error when Pontiy Pilate first made moral choiceFor which humanity is paying for more than two thousand years. The story of the master himself is the repetition of the same mistake. But the repetition of the error carries and a new return - as a reminder of the truth in the new turn of history.

So, we made sure that the genre nature of the novel M. Bulgakov is complex and originally. But this should have been a work that survived in so many history cataclysms. Such must be a manuscript that has not burned down.

    • When people are completely robbed, as we are with you, they are looking for salvation among otherworldly. M. Bulgakov. Master and Margarita Roman M. A. Bulgakova "Master and Margarita" is unusual for the fact that the reality and fiction worked closely in it. Mystical heroes are immersed in the whisker of the turbulent Moscow life of the 30s, and this erases the boundaries between the world by the real and world metaphysical. In the appearance of Woland, no one else appears in all of its beauty, as the ruler of Darkness, Satan. The purpose of his visit to [...]
    • With the arrival of Margarita Roman, Dotole reminded the ship in the punching of the storm, climbed the transverse wave, straightening the mast, put the sail to the buzzard wind and rushed forward to the goal - good, she came out, but rather to say, it opened - like a star in a closing of clouds. A guide landmark on which you can rely on how a reliable spent on hand. Probably, no one is in doubt that one of the main topics of the novel is the topic of "love and mercy", "love between a man and a woman", "True [...]
    • In a letter to Stalin Bulgakov called himself a "mystical writer." He was interested in the unrecognizable, which is the soul and the fate of man. The writer recognized the existence of mystical in real life. Mysterious surrounds us, it is next to us, but not everyone can see his manifestations. The world of nature, the birth of a person cannot be explained by one mind, this mystery is not yet solved. The image of Voland is another original interpretation by the writer of the devil's essence in the understanding of people. Woland Bulgakov [...]
    • Personally, I read the novel "Master and Margarita" 3 times. Debut reading, like most readers, probably caused bewilderment and questions, was not too impressed. It was not clear: what is this finding many generations of residents of the entire planet in this book? Religious places, somewhere fantastic, some pages - full of nonsense ... After some time, I again pulled me to M. A. Bulgakov, his fantasies and insinuations, controversial historical descriptions and unclear conclusions that he provided [...]
    • Depicting the Moscow reality of the 20-30s in the novel "Master and Margarita", M. Bulgakov uses the reception of satire. The author shows the passing and scoundrels of all the masters. After the revolution, the Soviet society turned out to be in spiritual and cultural self-insulation. According to the leaders of the state, high ideas They had to quickly rely on people, make them honest, truthful builders of the "New Society". The media overlooked labor feats soviet people, their loyalty of the party and the people. But [...]
    • Ancient Yershalaim is described by Bulgakov with such skill, which is remembered forever. Psychologically deep realistic images Diplast heroes, each of which is a bright portrait. The historical part of the novel produces an indelible impression. Separate characters and mass scenes, city architecture and landscapes are equally talented by the author. Bulgakov makes readers by participants tragic events In the ancient city. The theme of government and violence has a universal character in the novel. Words of Yeshua Ga-Nochri o [...]
    • "The novel, I love more than all my things," wrote M. Bulgakov about the "White Guard" novel. True, then the vertex novel "Master and Margarita" was not written. But, of course, the "White Guard" occupies a very important place in literary heritage M. Bulgakov. This is an opinion historical, strict and sad story about the great fracture of the revolution and the tragedy of the civil war, about the fate of people in these difficult times. Salver from the height of time looks like a writer this tragedy, although civil War only ended. "Great [...]
    • "... all the horror is that he is not a dog, but the human heart. And the most lousy of all that exist in nature. " M. Bulgakov When in 1925 was published a story " Fat eggs"One critics said:" Bulgakov wants to become a satyric of our era. " Now, on the threshold of the new millennium, we can say - he became it, although she was not going. After all, by nature, he is a lyrics. And the Satyrian made him an era. M. Bulgakov disgusting were bureaucratic forms of management [...]
    • Sonya Marmeladova for Dostoevsky is the same as Tatyana Larina Pushkin. The author's love for his heroine we see everywhere. We see how he admires her, borsotman and somewhere even protects from misfortunes, oddly enough it sounds. Sonya is a symbol, a divine ideal, the victim in the name of the salvation of mankind. It is like a guide thread, as a moral sample, despite its occupation. Sonya Marmaladova - Skolnikov Antagonist. And if we separate the heroes on positive and negative, then the splitters will [...]
    • Created eight centuries ago by the genius of the Russian people, the "word" retains the meaning of the neurotic sample for modernity, for the future - and its powerful patriotic sound, and the inexhaustible wealth of the content, and the unique poetchiness of all its elements. For Ancient Russia Very characteristic dynamic style. It turns out to be in architecture, in painting and literature. This style, within which the most significant and beautiful seems to be majestic. Chronicles, authors of life, church words [...]
    • In the February book of the Russian Bulletin, the Roman Turtennev "Fathers and Children" appears. This novel, obviously, is a question ... refers to young generation And loudly asks him the question: "What are you for people?" This is the real meaning of the novel. D. I. Pisarev, Realists Evgeny Bazarov, according to the testimony of letters I. S. Turgenev to friends, "the most pretty of my figures", "This is my favorite brainchild ... on which I spent all the paints in my arrangement." "This clever, this hero appears in front of the reader in nature [...]
    • The assessment of representatives of the intelligentsia in the story of Bulgakov is far from unambiguous. Professor Preobrazhensky - a scientist famous in Europe. He is searching for funds for the rejuvenation of the human body and has already achieved significant results. Professor is a representative of the old intelligentsia and confesses the principles of morality and morality. Everything, according to Philip Philippovich, should be engaged in this world: in the theater - sing, in the hospital - to operate. Then there will be no destruction. And reach the material [...]
    • Bulgakov knew how to talentedly unite the contradictions of the era to one whole, emphasize their relationships. Writer in his story " dog's heart"Showed phenomena and heroes in their entirety of their contradictory and complexity. The topic of the story - a person as a public creature, over which totalitarian society And the state produces a grandiose inhuman experiment, with cold cruelty, embodying the ingenious ideas of their leader theorists. Personality is destroyed, crushed, all its centuries-old achievements - spiritual culture, faith, [...]
    • One of the best works Bulgakova became the story of the "dog heart", written in 1925. Representatives of the authorities immediately appreciated it as a sharp pamphlet for modernity and banned to publish. The topic of the story of the "dog heart" becomes an image of a person and peace into a complex transitional era. On May 7, 1926, a search was made in the apartment of Bulgakov, the diary and the manuscript of the story "The dog's heart" was made. Attempts to return them to nothing. Later, the diary and the story were returned, but the Bulgakov diary burned and more [...]
    • Plan 1. Introduction 2. "One-counter-revolution ..." (difficult fate of Bulgakov's story) 3. "This does not mean to be a person" (Transformation of Shariarikov in the "new" proletarian) 4. What is the danger of ballkins? Critique is often called social phenomena or types by works portrayed them. So "Manovshchina", "Oblomovshchina", "Belikovshchina" and "Sharikovshchina" appeared. The latter was taken from the work of M. Bulgakov "The dog's heart", which served as a source of aphorisms and quotes and remains one of the most famous [...]
    • The system of images in the story of M. Bulgakov "Dog's Heart" - a question of discussion. In my opinion, two opposite camps are clearly visible here: Professor Preobrazhensky, Dr. Bormental and Schwonder, Sharikov. Professor Preobrazhensky, Already a person lives, lives secluded in an excellent landscaped apartment. The brilliant surgeon is engaged in profitable rejuvenation operations. But the professor thinks to improve the nature itself, he decides to compete with life itself and create a new person, transplanting [...]
    • Life M. Gorky was unusually bright and seemed truly legendary. She made it such first of all the inseparable communication of the writer with the people. The talent of the writer was combined with the talent of the revolutionary fighter. Contemporaries fairly considered the writer chapter of advanced forces democratic literature. IN soviet years Gorky performed as a publicist, playwright and prose. In his stories, he reflected a new direction in Russian life. Legends about Larre and Danko show two concepts of life, two ideas about it. One [...]
    • I believe that the label of the "politically harmful author" M. Bulgakov received completely "fair" from its high-ranking contemporaries. He glanced too frankly negative side modern world. No work of Bulgakov, in my opinion, did not have such popularity in our time, like a "dog heart." Apparently, this work caused interest among readers of the widest layers of our society. This story, like everything I wrote Bulgakov, got into the discharge of prohibited. I will try to argue [...]
    • Stanislav Julianovich Zhukovsky is a famous Russian artist. His paintings are known in many countries of the world. Despite the fact that Stanislav Julianovich had the Polish-Belarusian origin, he always considered Russia for his homeland. That is why most of his paintings reflect Russian landscapes. One of the most famous works - "Autumn. Veranda". This landscape displays one of the most wonderful times of the year - autumn. During this period, all nature is preparing for an ambulance hibernation, but before splashing his whole [...]
    • In general, the history of the creation and ideas of the play "Thunderstorm" are very interesting. For some time there was an assumption that the basis of this work was the real events that occurred in the Russian city of Kostroma in 1859. "Early in the morning of November 10, 1859, the Kostroma Meshchanka Alexander Pavlovna Klykov disappeared from home and whether herself rushed to the Volga, or was strangled and cast there. The investigation found out a deaf drama, which walked in an unlikely, living narrowly trading interests in the family: [...]
  • About the novel Roman Bulgakov is a multidimensional and multi-layer work. It combines mysticism and satire, fantasy and realism, light irony and philosophy. One of the main philosophical problems The novel is the problem of the relationship of good and evil. This topic has always occupied leading place In Russian philosophy and literature.

    History of creating a novel The first editorial office The start of work on the "master and margarita" of Bulgakov in different manuscripts dated then 1928, then 1929. The first edition of the "Master and Margarita" was destroyed by the author on March 18, 1930 after receiving the news about the ban on the play "Kabala Svyatosh". This was reported to Bulgakov in a letter to the government: "And personally, I, with my own hands, threw a draft of the barn of the novel about the devil ...". Work on the "Master and Margarita" resumed in 1931.

    History of the creation of a novel Second editors Second edition was created until 1936. The third edition of the third edition was launched in the second half of 1936. On June 25, 1938, the full text was first reprinted (it was printed by O. S. Bochanskaya, sister E. S. Bulgacova). The author's right lasted almost until the death of the writer (1940), Bulgakov stopped her on the phrase of Margarita: "So it became, the writers behind the coffin go?" ... The novel "Master and Margarita" did not publish the author. He was first published only in 1966, 26 years after the death of Bulgakov, with bills, in a reduced journal version. Writer's wife Elena Sergeyevna Bulgakov during all these years managed to keep the manuscript of the novel.

    The genre genre uniqueness of the novel "Master and Margarita" - the "last, voltage" Work of M. A. Bulgakov still causes disputes from literary critics. It is defined as a novel, philosophical novel, Menippey, Roman - Mystery, etc. In the "Master and Margarita", it was very organically united unless everyone existing in the world genres and literary directions. According to the English researcher creativity Bulgakov, J. Kurtis, the form of "Master and Margarita" and its content, make it unique masterpieceParallel with which is "difficult to find both in the Russian and in the Western European Literary Tradition".

    Composition Composition Roman Multi-Flag: This is a "novel in the novel." As part of one work, two novel interacts: the narrative of the life of the master and the novel created by him about Pontae Pilate. The fate of Bulgakov is reflected in the fate of the master, and the fate of the master - in the fate of his Hero Heshua.

    Time and space The time of action of the novel refers directly to two epochs separated by almost two millennia. Both lines of work - modern (4 days in Moscow of the 1930s of the XX century) and Evangelskaya (1 day in Ancient Rome) - overlap with each other, connecting at different narrative levels of text. The long-time past is not irrevocably, but exists in parallel with modernity.

    Heroes of the novel. The Yershlahim heads of the stray philosopher Yeshua, named Galazri, who does not remember his parents who have no means of existence, nor family, nor native, nor friends, he is a preacher of good, love and mercy. His goal is to make peace cleaner and kinder.

    Pontius Pilate Pilate Pilate - the Roman Procurator of Judea in the late 20s - early 30s. n. E., in which Jesus Christ was executed. The procurator is an imperial official who possessed the highest administrative and judicial authority in a small province. Photo Film Retrograd

    Pilate announces the verdict: "He walked for a while, knowing that he could not be signed by the crowd, until she exhausted everything that had accumulated from her inside, and she would not be wondered. And when this moment came, the procurator threw up up right hand, And the last noise blew up from the crowd. " Illustration of Nikolai Queen

    Woland and his retinue ... So who are you finally? "I am part of the strength that he always wants evil and always makes benefit." Goethe "Faust" Woland is the devil, Satan, "Prince of Darkness", "Spirit of Evil and Lord of Shadows" (all these definitions are found in the text of the novel). Illustration of Nikolai Queen

    Schaka Volanda settles on the apartment of the steppe Likameev "The guest was in the bedroom no longer alone, but in the company. In the second chair, the same type was sitting in front of the front. Now he was clearly visible: the mustache-feathers, the pensle glasses flashes, and there is no other glass. But it was in the bedroom stuff and worse: someone's third jewelry in the jewelry pose was collapsed by a third, just - a terrible sizes of a black cat with a stack of vodka in one paw and a fork on which he managed to make a pickled mushroom "Illustration of Nicholas Queen

    The role of biblical chapters in gospel chapters - a peculiar ideological center of the novel - the most important questions Human Being, exciting people at all times, "eternal questions". What is the truth? What is good and evil? Man and his faith. Man and power. What's the point human life? Internal freedom and a person's non-free. Loyalty and betrayal. Mercy and all expectation.

    Azazelo Azazello - "Demon Desert Defend, Demon-Killer." The name of Azazello is formed by Bulgakov from the Old Testament name of Azazel (or azazel). So call fallen angelwho taught people to make weapons and decorations. This character personifies death. Photo Film Retrograd

    Hippopot Cat Hippopotamot - Cat - Werewolf and Favorite Jester Voland, Satyric Character, as it is represented in the form of a thick black cat, who knows how to talk and ever "fools fools." Occasionally he turns into a slender young man. Photo Film Retrograd

    The role of Sweet Voland Sweet Voland personifies evil, but in each of them it is presented peculiar. The character and the purpose of each of them is different. Voland's statement that it is against the background of good that it is possible to see evil that good without evil is worthless, explains their actions by the fact that good and evil are inseparable things. Messir does not create evil, he is trying to clean the world, opening and exposing human flavors.

    "Moscow" chapters. Massing the house in which the mass is located, is called "Griboedov's House". This is a parody of the house of hardworking. People's dining room here turned into a luxury restaurant. There is no library - it is not needed by the members of the massate, because Berlioz colleagues are not readers, but writers. Instead of employment institutions, there are compartments related only to rest and entertainment: "Fish-country section", "Cassa", " Housing problem"," Billiard room "and more. Main attraction - Restaurant." Griboedov "in the novel - a symbol of not writing, and incessing brethren, a symbol of transformation of literature into a source of satisfaction of non-harmony appetites.

    Berlioz Mikhail Alexandrovich Berlioz - Chairman of the massolist, located in Griboedov's house. Berlioz received material benefits in exchange for beliefs and refusal freedom of creativity. It follows a punishment: he dies under the wheels tram immediately after talking to the devil. Photo Felustration Jean Lurier

    Margarita at the beginning of the margarita novel - a master's girlfriend, compassioned the beloved, with success lying to her husband. Gradually, it is reborn and at the end of the story acquires moral strength, making it capable of resolving evil. When "all the deceptions disappeared" and the beauty of Margarita, before "deceptive and impossible," is transformed into the "beauty of unearthly", it eliminates the master from suffering. Photo Film Retrograd Master and Margarita The history of the Master and Margarita, as if a transparent stream, crosses the entire space of the novel, breaking through the ruins and the abyss on its path and leaving the other world, in eternity. Margarita and Master did not deserve light. Yeshua and Woland awarded them eternal Region. Photo Film Retrograd

    "He walked accompanied by Bangui, and next to him was a wandering philosopher. They argued about something very complex and important, and none of them could defeat the other. They did not converge in anything with each other, and from this their dispute was particularly interesting and endless. "Retrograd photoillustration

    Roman Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" Roman Bulgakov Master and Margarita is great Bookbecause in it great ideas were expressed: about the greatness of a person and the amorality of power as manifestations of violence against man; On the beauty of love and people capable of love; about compassion and mercy, courage and loyalty to their vocation as the highest human qualities, on the continuity of good and evil, life and death ... such manuscripts really do not burn! ..