The strangest customs of the peoples of the world. Interesting traditions of different countries of the world

The strangest customs of the peoples of the world. Interesting traditions of different countries of the world
The strangest customs of the peoples of the world. Interesting traditions of different countries of the world

Its traditions, customs and rites have every nation existing in our world. And how many of these peoples, so many traditions are of various, unusual, funny shocking, romantic. But whatever they were, their honor and transmit from generation to generation.

As you could already guess, today we will be acquainted with the most interesting traditions of peoplesAs well as their customs.


Imaging at the meeting sniffing each other. For them, it is more likely to tribute the ancestors than a serious ritual. Sometime, so the self-suican tried to find out where the person with whom they greets. The smell could tell how many people went through the jungle or when the last time he eaten. But most often, the smell was determined by a stranger.

New Zealand

In New Zealand, representatives of the indigenous population, Maori, at a meeting with each other relating to the noses. This tradition leaves for distant centuries. It is called "Hong" and symbolizes the breath of life - "Ha", ascending to the gods themselves. After that, Maori perceive a person as her friend, and not just as arriving. This tradition is observed even at meetings at the "highest level", so do not be surprised if you see on TV, as the president of some country rubs with a nose with a representative of New Zealand. This is etiquette and cannot be broken.

Andaman Islands

The indigenous resident of Andaman Islands sits towards another kneel, hugs behind the neck and crying. And do not think that he complains about his destiny or wants to tell some tragic episode from his life. Thus, he rejoices the meeting with his friend, and tears are the sincerity with which he meets his tribesman.


The Masai tribe is the oldest in Kenya, it has its ancient and unusual rites. One of these rituals is the welcome dance Adam. It is performed only by men of the tribe, as a rule of war. Dancing become a circle and begin to jump high. The higher jump - the brighter it will show his bravery and courage. Because Masai lead the natural economy, they often have to jump when they hunt for lions and other animals.


At Tibet, at the meeting show each other language. Such a custom is still with the IX when Tibet Rules Tsar-Tiran Landarma. He had a black tongue. So the Tibetans were afraid that the king after his death could settle in someone else and therefore decided to show the tongue to protect themselves from evil. If you also want to follow this custom - make sure that you did not eat anything painting your tongue in a dark color, otherwise a misunderstanding may occur. At the same time, usually kept crossed on the chest.

In Japan

And not only in Japan, and everywhere in the east you should be prepared for one of the main traditions of the nations of the East - immediately remove the shoes. In Japan, you will be offered slippers to overcome the distance between the entrance door and the living room, where you will again have to remove slippers before entering the tatami (reed mat). Of course, you must be sure that your socks are flawlessly clean. And leaving the living room, be careful and do not put on other people's slippers.

China or Japan

Sticks should be leaning to a dish and raised up two-thirds. You never need to hit on sticks as a spear, cross them with each other on a plate, put on different sides of the dish, pointing with chopsticks to people, use wands to pull themselves the dish closer or, worse than everything, stick them in Fig. This is exactly what the Japanese do at the funeral, leaving rice with vertically stuck in him with chopsticks. The traditions of the people of Japan do not allow a frivolous attitude to death.


In countries where most of the population professes Buddhism, a person's head is considered to be a sacred storage of the soul, and the attitude towards it is considered to be a serious insult even for the kid. Another well-known gesture in the tradition of these peoples - the point for some kind of item is considered to be rude in Malaysia, for this purpose the Malaysians use a compressed fist with an outperfilled thumb pointing the direction. The Philipins are still more detained and modest in guidelines on the subject or direction of movement, they will rather indicate you the direction of lip or eyes.

An unusual and even funny may seem like a wedding tradition some districts of India. The fact is that there are places in India (for example, Punjab), where there is a ban on the third marriage. You can choose myself twice my wife, four - also not rebel, but three - it is impossible. However, the ban applies only to marriage with a living person, and therefore those men who did not limit themselves to the second marriage to marry ... Tree. Yes, on the usual tree, but with all the necessary ceremonies and honors (maybe, except, a little more modest). After the wedding celebration is completed, the guests help the happy bridegroom "widow", simply cutting this tree. And now there are no obstacles to the third marriage!

A similar custom is used and in cases where the younger brother decides to marry before it does older. In this situation, the elder brother chooses a tree in his wife, and after it is also easily freed from the marriage bonds.

In Greece The young wife is not afraid to seem like anonya, coming to the leg at the time of dance. On the contrary, it is her who tries to do throughout the holiday. If the newlyweds manifests this maneuver - it is believed that she has every chance of becoming a chapter in the family.

And back in Greece Children appear in the first marriage night. No kidding! There is a custom - so that in the family it was all safely, it is necessary to launch in their bed in their bed in their bed. Let them run, jump on the bed - and then young people already have exactly how it is necessary.

In Kenya It was accepted by a husband to dress up in women's clothing, in which a man should go to a minimum within a month. It is believed that in this way the husband will be able to fully feel a complex and serious female share and with more love to relate in the future to his young wife. By the way, this wedding custom is observed in Kenya strictly and no one objects. Especially a wife who is happy to make a photo of her husband and retains the received photos in the family album.

In Norway With the obligatory treats of the wedding celebration since ancient times, the porridge was preparing from wheat with cream. Porch was filed after the bride shot his wedding outfit and disguised himself in a married woman costume. With porridge, there are always a lot of jokes in Norway and fun, the boiler could even steal and demand the redemption.

On the Nicobar IslandsFor example, if the guy expressed the desire to marry a girl, he must become a "slave" in the girl's house, and it can last it from 6 months to a year. During this time, the chosen is determined, she wants such a husband or not. If the girl agrees, the Rustic Council announces their husband and wife. Well, if not, the guy returns home.

In Central Nigeria Girls on grace are placed in separate huts for fattening. Only their mothers, who for many months, and the whole year (depending on success) bring a huge amount of flour food, so that they sprouted their daughters. Fullness in their tribe is highly appreciated and is a guarantee of a successful marriage.

Here they are interesting traditions of peoplesMany of which may seem ridiculous to us, funny, and some are generally ridiculous. Tell your friends about it and surprise them by the unusual traditions and customs of the peoples of the world.

Customs and Traditions: The most stringent examples

What are customs and traditions? Customs are historically established certain actions and orders that have long become in the habit of the entire people. Under the traditions, we "decipher" a certain "cultural code", which is transmitted by people from generation to generation.

Traditions and customs are very similar in their meaning. Sociologists even allocate E. . They are closely connected not only with history, but also with religious views. It was with the advent of beliefs that the beginning of customs and traditions was laid.

We all follow some traditions and customs, but not each of us truly knows their purpose and their history. I believe that people should show special attention to history, because all traditions and customs are not essential part of the culture of the people, the history of generations and religion, as well as one of the components of the education of a person and his worldview.

The history of the emergence of customs and traditions

Initially, customs and traditions arose due to the need for survival. So the so-called hunting magic originated. It should be understood that people in antiquity were much more dependent on nature than we are with you. Hunting could be successful - or unsuccessful. Therefore, rites arose, which were thought could attract good luck to the side of hunters. Knowledge of such rites had elders, so the old men were treated with due respect, not that now.

There were other customs and traditions in the ancients: do not wake the sleeping (his soul may not have time to return from the world of dreams), not to fall during hunting - it is fraught with an uncontrolled birth rate, etc. By the way, it is precisely as part of hunting magic that people wanted Attract the spirit of the animal to your side.

Such customs and traditions were accompanied by the life of an ancient person. They entered our culture so much that we don't even notice them and do not track! For example, look at the teenager at the bus stop. He smoked, flattened and wiped the hack on the asphalt foot. What is it? This is a genetic memory: in fact he destroyed a track of himself. After all, earlier people believed that through saliva, hair and other remnants of a person could be brought to him. Do not believe? Read the textbook "History of Primitive Society" for universities!

Wedding traditions are generally solid antiquity: white color (dress, veil) is a symbol of transition to another condition. We wear white on the rite three times in life: when we born, get married or get married and when you die. Did you know about all this? Write in the comments!

Customs related to food. You come to a new job - it is necessary to "stupid", go on vacation - similarly. Wedding table, parties, - a lot of food is connected by eating food. Why? It turns out in antiquity there was such a custom of the grace when the leader of the tribe fed all his communities. This meant that he made him good - it is necessary to answer the same! And today: I went on vacation, and we work? We have stress! Need to get! And the "simple" arises. Did you graduate from school, got a certificate? Do you have stress? School ball, graduation again connected with food. Did not notice

Interesting customs and traditions of the peoples of the world

The peoples of the whole world there are many traditions and customs, and all the peoples they are different. For example, the Russians have a tradition of celebrating the New Year - a holiday that connects the past and the future. This holiday carries bright feelings and many wonders, but, like most other traditions, the new year is rooted in deep antiquity.

An integral part of the new year is a Christmas tree with funny and clockwork toys, bright and glossy balls and, blinking different colors, garlands. Do you know why everyone is so rapidly decorating the Christmas tree before this holiday? Because by customs, people believed that she was decorating the Christmas tree, they make evil forces that surround them, good. Currently, many forgot about these forces, and decorated with a Christmas tree - still remains a symbol of the New Year holiday. This magical holiday is described in many Russian fairy tales and verses, the authors of which everyone known by A. S. Pushkin, S. A. Yesenin and others.

Also, the Russian people have interesting customs that are incomprehensible to foreign inhabitants. For example, on the eve of the Great Easter - a bright holiday, which appeared in Russia at the end of the tenth century, in honor of the resurrection of Christ, we paint chicken eggs. And many paint them with the help of onion husks, because it gives a burgundy-red shade, such a shade symbolizes blood crucified on the cross, Christ. A chicken egg in turn is a symbol of the birth of a new life.

But not only the Russian people are famous for their traditions and customs. Abroad exists with all the famous eve of all saints or, as we call it, Halloween. The holiday has become a tradition of several centuries ago and, as is known from the book "Scarlett", the author of which Alexander Ripley, this holiday was roots from Ireland. The attribute of such a tradition is a pumpkin, which symbolizes simultaneously harvesting, evil forces and fire that scares them.

There are no less interesting traditions in the countries of the East. For example, polygamy. The polygamy also went into life from ancestors and persists in the countries of the East to this day. For example, the "Book of Mormon" can tell us a lot about such a tradition. From the book it is known that in deep antiquity with a nomadic lifestyle, a considerable care for numerous herds of horses or camels was required, so the owner forced to have several women who could provide care for mares or camels. The camel fur gave the opportunity to have warm and light blankets, and camel milk appreciated highly. All this could be practiced exclusively a woman, men had no time to do the economy, they were breadcrumbs. Currently, in Eastern countries, polygamy determines the prestige of the man, which is not very important for the inhabitants of the East.

Leaving the stories of the traditions of polygamy of eastern countries, it is impossible not to remember about the unitouch of the Caucasus. How sadly did not sound, but wars always occur in countries, and later, the number of men decreases sharply. Girls are usually born more than boys, and in the future many adult maidens lacks husbands, and as a result of families and children.

In general, if we remember that in the history there were cases when only one surviving from the men's population was returned to the village. However, after some time, the population has again become at the same level.

So during the Caucasian war of the nineteenth century, the leader of the Caucasian Highlanders Imam Shamil, facilitated the fate of widows and lonely women. They were allowed to choose her husband at their discretion, which actually suaconed the established relationship. As S. Essadze wrote: "A named man, idle or married, was obliged to marry the one that chose him."

I propose to remember the customs and traditions of the inhabitants of such an interesting country as Thailand. Thailand is famous for its exotic customs. During the calendar year, indigenous Tispers have many customs and traditions that are delighted tourists. Solemn holidays are celebrated by all the Kingdom of Thailand. In general, one of the most interesting rituals can be observed from the "backward" crops whose supports live in.

An example of this can serve one of the most beautiful holidays of Thailand - Loi Kratong, dedicated to the spirits of water. This day falls at the beginning of November on the day of the full moon. Thais, launching on the rivers their boats are cramps, in which candles are bright and live flowers, coins, various incense. Thai believe that with the help of these boats, on this night, the spirits of water will melt with them all the sins of the previous year.

In each country of our huge world there are special customs, traditions that determine the way of life and the culture of people, and often we hear about the customs and traditions of China? One of the most special traditions of China is a greeting. In the old days, the Chinese welcomed each other, bowing, folding their hands on his chest. It was believed: the lower the bow, the more a person shows respect. The modern Chinese today simply make a small bow of head. However, if they want to show respect, they can bow below.

The customs and traditions of the whole peoples of the world inhabiting the land are very extensive and multifaceted. They are directly related to the factors that are rooted into the deepests of history, and with a religion that helps a person to realize and perceive the world around, believing in the supernatural. It is necessary to respect and honor not only the customs and traditions of their country, their people, but also other countries and its inhabitants.

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© Sokolova E. A.

Editorial Andrei Puchkov

Its traditions, customs and rites have every nation existing in our world. And how many of these peoples, so many traditions are of various, unusual, funny shocking, romantic. But whatever they were, their honor and transmit from generation to generation.

As our reader could already guess, today we will be acquainted with the most unusual greetings of the peoples of the world, as well as their traditions and customs.



Imaging at the meeting sniffing each other. For them, it is more likely to tribute the ancestors than a serious ritual. Sometime, so the self-suican tried to find out where the person with whom they greets. The smell could tell how many people went through the jungle or when the last time he eaten. But most often, the smell was determined by a stranger.

New Zealand

In New Zealand, representatives of the indigenous population, Maori, at a meeting with each other relating to the noses. This tradition leaves for distant centuries. It is called "Hong" and symbolizes the breath of life - "Ha", ascending to the gods themselves. After that, Maori perceive a person as her friend, and not just as arriving. This tradition is observed even at meetings at the "highest level", so do not be surprised if you see on TV, as the president of some country rubs with a nose with a representative of New Zealand. This is etiquette and cannot be broken.

Andaman Islands

The indigenous resident of Andaman Islands sits towards another kneel, hugs behind the neck and crying. And do not think that he complains about his destiny or wants to tell some tragic episode from his life. Thus, he rejoices the meeting with his friend, and tears are the sincerity with which he meets his tribesman.


The Masai tribe is the oldest in Kenya, it is famous for its ancient and unusual rites. One of these rituals is the welcome dance Adam. It is performed only by men of the tribe, as a rule of war. Dancing become a circle and begin to jump high. The higher jump - the brighter it will show his bravery and courage. Because Masai lead the natural economy, they often have to jump when they hunt for lions and other animals.


At Tibet, at the meeting show each other language. Such a custom is still with the IX when Tibet Rules Tsar-Tiran Landarma. He had a black tongue. So the Tibetans were afraid that the king after his death could settle in someone else and therefore decided to show the tongue to protect themselves from evil. If you also want to follow this custom - make sure that you did not eat anything painting your tongue in a dark color, otherwise a misunderstanding may occur. At the same time, usually kept crossed on the chest.


In Japan

And not only in Japan, and everywhere in the east you should be prepared for one of the main traditions of the nations of the East - immediately remove the shoes. In Japan, you will be offered slippers to overcome the distance between the entrance door and the living room, where you will again have to remove slippers before entering the tatami (reed mat). Of course, you must be sure that your socks are flawlessly clean. And leaving the living room, be careful and do not put on other people's slippers.

China or Japan

Sticks should be leaning to a dish and raised up two-thirds. You never need to hit on sticks as a spear, cross them with each other on a plate, put on different sides of the dish, pointing with chopsticks to people, use wands to pull themselves the dish closer or, worse than everything, stick them in Fig. This is exactly what the Japanese do at the funeral, leaving rice with vertically stuck in him with chopsticks. The traditions of the people of Japan do not allow a frivolous attitude to death.


In countries where most of the population professes Buddhism, a person's head is considered to be a sacred storage of the soul, and the attitude towards it is considered to be a serious insult even for the kid. Another well-known gesture in the tradition of these peoples - the point for some kind of item is considered to be rude in Malaysia, for this purpose the Malaysians use a compressed fist with an outperfilled thumb pointing the direction. The Philipins are still more detained and modest in guidelines on the subject or direction of movement, they will rather indicate you the direction of lip or eyes.

Funny wedding traditions of the peoples of the world

Unusual and even funny may also seem like a wedding tradition of some areas India. The fact is that there are places in India (for example, Punjab), where there is a ban on the third marriage. You can choose myself twice my wife, four - also not rebel, but three - it is impossible. However, the ban applies only to marriage with a living person, and therefore those men who did not limit themselves to the second marriage to marry ... Tree. Yes, on the usual tree, but with all the necessary ceremonies and honors (maybe, except, a little more modest). After the wedding celebration is completed, the guests help the happy bridegroom "widow", simply cutting this tree. And now there are no obstacles to the third marriage!

A similar custom is used and in cases where the younger brother decides to marry before it does older. In this situation, the elder brother chooses a tree in his wife, and after it is also easily freed from the marriage bonds.

IN Greece The young wife is not afraid to seem like anonya, coming to the leg at the time of dance. On the contrary, it is her who tries to do throughout the holiday. If the newlyweds manifests this maneuver - it is believed that she has every chance of becoming a chapter in the family.

And in Greece, children appear in the first marriage night. No kidding! There is a custom - so that in the family it was all safely, it is necessary to launch in their bed in their bed in their bed. Let them run, jump on the bed - and then young people already have exactly how it is necessary.

IN Kenya It was accepted by a husband to dress up in women's clothing, in which a man should go to a minimum within a month. It is believed that in this way the husband will be able to fully feel a complex and serious female share and with more love to relate in the future to his young wife. By the way, this wedding custom is observed in Kenya strictly and no one objects. Especially a wife who is happy to make a photo of her husband and retains the received photos in the family album.

IN Norway With the obligatory treats of the wedding celebration since ancient times, the porridge was preparing from wheat with cream. Porch was filed after the bride shot his wedding outfit and disguised himself in a married woman costume. With porridge, there are always a lot of jokes in Norway and fun, the boiler could even steal and demand the redemption.

On the Nicobar IslandsFor example, if the guy expressed the desire to marry a girl, he must become a "slave" in the girl's house, and it can last it from 6 months to a year. During this time, the chosen is determined, she wants such a husband or not. If the girl agrees, the Rustic Council announces their husband and wife. Well, if not, the guy returns home.

IN Central Nigeria Girls on grace are placed in separate huts for fattening. Only their mothers, who for many months, and the whole year (depending on success) bring a huge amount of flour food, so that they sprouted their daughters. Fullness in their tribe is highly appreciated and is a guarantee of a successful marriage.


Let's start with greeting. You can say hello, just shook your hand, as we used. But there are some subtleties. It is considered a bad tone to shake the hand with whom she was not previously familiar. In addition, women should not say hand with Hindu, as it can calculate for insult. The most respectful greetings from Indians - Namaste is the United's Palm at the chest level.

When meeting the Hindu, it must be remembered that their names consist of several parts. Initially, his own name is, then the name of his father, then the name of the caste, in which he includes and the name of the settlement of his stay. For women, the name contains its own name and name of her spouse.

When selling, the Indians raise the palm and mashed with fingers only. We, too, sometimes use a similar gesture, only in India say goodbye to the girl. If you are forgiven with a man - just get the palm.

The following gestures should not be applied:

* Just as we have, it is considered to be impolite to point wherever the index finger;

* Do not wink a pretty girl. This gesture is indecent and talks about a specific sentence. If a man needs a representative of an ancient profession, it is necessary to show an index finger on the nostril;

* No need to click with your fingers to attract whose attention. This is perceived as a challenge;

* Vibration with your fingers, compressed in a beam-sign to the interlocutor, that he is afraid;

* Double cotton palms is a hint of another orientation.

IN India exists cult animal. Some representatives of the animal world are elevated to the rank of sacred. Especially for monkeys chose. For example, the famous wind palace, where monkeys live in such quantities and so aggressive that tourists do not recommend even go there! Other sacred animals are packed through the streets of settlements - cows. They live their own lives and die with their death, as they are forbidden to take into eating.

Another animal is peacock. Live in the literal sense of the Nadvyuchi - sing their shockful songs everywhere: in the temples, on the streets and in the courtyards of private houses.

Visiting the temple, you need to remove shoes when entering and enter barefoot. Products made of genuine leather is better to exclude from their wardrobe. This is considered blasphemy.


* When you present a gift, we again show modesty again, saying something like: "Sorry, that this is such a trifle" or: "Perhaps you will not like a gift."

* When guests come, they necessarily offer any treat. Even if a person appeared unexpectedly, he would usually be offered to a snack, even if it would be just a cup of rice with pickled vegetables and tea. If you were invited to a Japanese-type restaurant, unforeseen situations may arise, from which invited with pleasure will help you find a decent way out. For example, tell us when and where you need to remove shoes.

It is not necessary to sit in a Japanese manner, pursing his legs. Most Japanese, as well as Europeans, quickly get tired of it. Men are allowed to cross legs, the women show more stringent requirements: they must sit, pursing their legs under themselves, or, for convenience, shifting their side. Sometimes a guest can offer a low chairs with a back. Pulling the legs forward not accepted.

* When you offer some drink, you need to lift the glass and wait until it is filled. It is recommended to provide a response service to your neighbors.

* And in the Japanese House, and in the conference room, the honorable place is usually away from the door next to the toconom (wall niche with a scroll and other decorations). Guest can refuse to sit down from modesty. Even if, because of this, a small hitch will arise, it is better to do so that then they did not speak about you as an indiscreet man. Before sitting, you need to wait until the honorary guest is sitting. If he is delayed, then everyone gets up on his arrival.

* Before starting food, Osibori is served - a hot wet towel, they wipe their face and hands. Food begin with the words "Itadakimas!" And slightly bow, they say it all who sits at the table and take part in the meal. The word is meaningful, in this case means: "I'm starting to eat with your permission!". The first begins to the mead of the owner or the one who, say, invites to the restaurant. As a rule, the first soup and rice is supplied. Rice is generally served to all dishes. If you need to independently rearrange the cups or plates, rearrange them with two hands.


Vietnamese never look into the eyes when talking. Perhaps due to the inherent inner shyness. But the main reason is that, following the tradition, they do not look into the eyes of those who respect, or having a higher rank.

The smiles of Vietnamese often can cause a misunderstanding of foreigners and even lead to awkward situations. The fact is that in many Eastern countries a smile is also a sign of grief, anxiety or awkwardness. A smile in Vietnam is often an expression of courtesy, but may be a sign of a skeptic relationship, misunderstanding or non-recognition of incorrect judgment.

Loud disputes and hot discussions are not approved, and rarely come among Vietnamese. Well-educated Vietnamese are well trained in terms of self-discipline. Because the loud voices of Europeans are often perceived with disapproval.

In the conversation, Vietnamese very rarely go straight to the goal. Make it means to show the absence of tact and delicacy. Directness is highly appreciated in the Western world, but not in Vietnam. Vietnamese do not like to say "no" and often answer "yes" when the answer must be negative.

In the daily life of Vietnamese many different taboos. For example, the following:

* Do not praise a newborn baby, as evil spirits near and can steal the child because of its value.

* Going to work or in the case, avoid seeing the first woman. If coming out of the door, the first thing you see will be a woman, come back and postpone the event.

* On the entrance doors often hang mirrors outside. If the dragon wants to get into the house, he will see his reflection and thinks that there is already another dragon there.

* You can not put one bowl with rice and one pair of chopsticks on the table. Be sure to set at least two. One bowl - for the dead.

* Do not let your chopsticks touch the other wands and do not attach them without the need. Do not leave sticks in food.

* Do not stretch the toothpick.

* Never buy one pillow and one mattress, always buy two. * Do not use your relatives towels.

* Do not turn the musical instruments and do not knock on both sides of the drum at the same time.

* Do not cut nails overnight.

* In the restaurant with Vietnamese, it is not customary to pay "Popolas". Let me pay him, or pay the account yourself. Always pays a higher grade person.

Gifts to the bride and the bride always give a pair. One gift symbolizes the rapid ending marriage. Two cheap gifts are always preferable to one dear.

* Educated people and everyone who do not belong to peasants do not handle hard labor. Do this, means to take away the work from a poor peasant and is considered unworthy.


The head of any person in Thailand regardless of age, gender and social status is considered sacred. According to the centuries-old Thai belief, the spirit of man who protects his life is located in the head. Therefore, stroking your head, climb the hair or just touch the man's head is perceived as a real insult.

Thai women in principle should not be touched without their consent, since most of them adhere to conservative views, and can also take this gesture as an insult.

You should not point out anything and even more so on someone's foot, the bottom of the body, which is considered to be "contempt."

For the same reason, in no case cannot sit on the foot on the leg, sending the feet towards the statue of the Buddha. Thais read every image, so beware of climbing the statue or rely on them in order to take pictures.

According to tradition in Thailand, before entering the temple or Thai dwelling, you should remove the shoes, even if the owners are hospitably assured that you can not go.

In communication is welcomed by a discreet, calm benevolent tone and a constant smile. Do not allow familiarities and increase the voice.


Lunar eclipses - Special days, when the evil spirit of Rahukin-chan ("Rahu - devouring the moon") eats the moon. It is not recommended to sleep in this night, but you need to go outside and noise very much to drive the bastard from the dwelling. At the same time, they call for the help of good spirits that should fight Rahukin-chan. Pregnant must be sure to stick the needle in a shirt to protect the child who has yet unborn baby.

Fear of falling stars Conducted a legend about the spirit of Phehiphungtai, which thus tries to return to our world. This Spirit is a collective image of all the dead who are trying to return through other children. Pregnant women can not look at the falling stars and can not even talk about it.

Wednesday is the most dangerous dayWhen evil spirits go to our world. It is impossible to start affairs, you can not travel and even go to the hairdresser. Away from large cities on Wednesday, many do not work in order not to bring trouble.

Cannot drive nails to home floorwill hurt the belly.

Thais do not like owls, considering their harbingers of misfortunes. Well, if Owl somehow passed by the dwelling, only the monks that should be invited to the house and treat the house and treat.

Inadvertently discovered in the house of sand Brings good luck.

It is impossible to play a dull in the houseThis is annoying evil spirits.

Through the threshold of the house should be repaidnot to offend good spirits.


One of the most important rules of behavior for visiting is a ban on smoking in public places. You can smoke only in hotel rooms and in a number of restaurants in a special zone. On the street, in clubs, cinemas, beaches, smoking is strictly forbidden, up to several hours of arrest.

Zanzibar Island is known for its strictest law on the preservation of nature, one of the items of this law is a ban on the use of polyethylene packages. All products here are issued in paper.

Most hotels, even in the most expensive in the rooms there will be kerosene lamps - interruptions in power supply - the most important trouble of modern Tanzania.

Despite sometimes even too courteous to appeal to foreigners from the local population, a unknown tradition to make fun on them. Do not ask the road at the first oncoming, smiling cute, he will tell you a completely wrong road. The experienced tourists recommend in such situations to introduce themselves with a journalist, the English here is well understood, then the chance of deception decreases.

Greetings are very important. The type of greetings depends on the status of a person and its age. The usual survival among the tribes was a greeting in a circle of well-known people - "Khudjambo, Khabari Gani" ("How are you?", What news? ") Or just" Jumbo! ". The group of people welcomed the word "Khatujambo". The word "Shikama" is used to greet the respected people. Little children teach greet the elders, kissing their hands or getting up to their knees. Friends who meet after a long separation, usually exchange hands and kiss each other in both cheeks. In communicating with foreigners, a handshake and traditional English "Hallo" are often used.

In Tanzania, as in many other regions of Africa, the right hand is considered "pure", and the left is "dirty". Therefore, the right hand is used to eat or sharing gifts. A polite method of receiving a gift is to first touch the right hand of the gift, and then the right hand of the giving.

The behavior at the table is also determined by the set of rules. Typically, the traditional meal passes on the floor mats, food is put on low tables. But in many continental families, the meal takes place in Europe - at the table. You can take food with a common plate with your hands and put on your plate, and you can eat from a common dish. The main thing is to ensure that the eating crumbs do not fall into the common dish and on other people's plates. On Zanzibar, it is customary to give guests fresh clove shoots to aromatize the mouth before meals. The sequence of dishes is traditional for East African countries - first served soup, and then snacks and hot. Ending dinner coffee and sweets. Light snacks and greens usually stand on the table.

It is impossible to bypass praying in front. When entering the mosque and at home, shoes should be removed.

The overall lifestyle of Tanzanian people can be characterized by two phrases - "Akun Matata" ("no problems") and the "field-field" ("quietly", "not rushing"). These phrases can describe the attitude of Tanzanians to the whole surrounding. Service in a restaurant or turbuer is extremely slow. If Tanzanius said "one second", then it may mean 15 minutes, and half an hour. At the same time, all attempts to hurry their local residents are radiant smiling and continue to act in a leisurely rhythm. Somehow it is useless to influence it, you just need to accept and try to live in this rhythm yourself.

Customs Spain

To express your admiration, the inhabitants of Spain are three fingers, pressed them to lips and reproduce the sound of a kiss.

The sign of neglect of the Spaniards express the hand with a brush, which tortured away from ourselves at the chest level.

Touching the ear of the ear, the Spaniard regards as an insult.

To point out someone on the door, the Spaniards use a gesture, quite similar to our click with your fingers.

The appeal to "you" is used by them in most situations, even students in schools often turn to their teachers. This is a private story. But the appeal to "you" can even offend a person from time to time.

Meeting, they are noisy and fun greeting. The most common greeting is "Hola" - "Hi." When meeting and with parting, they pressed the cheek to the cheek, imitating the kiss and hugging. For the Spaniards, a short distance when communicating means that you are a pleasant interlocutor for him. But if you, for example, in Germany, when talking, you will save the distance stretched out, then the Spaniard will understand it as a sign of neglect.

Everything constantly happens later than the planned term. There is no fixed time for breakfast, it all depends on when the Spaniard will come to work. They have no habit of breakfast at home, except for drinking a cup of coffee, because the 2nd cup together with a sandwich, will be a guide at first the working day. Soon the dinner time will come.

It is necessary to highlight this paradox as Spanish Siesta. She begins with an hour of day and lasts until 5 o'clock in the evening. At this time, all stores are closed, the staff of the cabinets will spread home for lunch and afternoon sleep. Not every tourist is able to understand this, standing in front of closed doors of the souvenir shop. He is surprised, upset and even angry, but ... Siesta!

For Spaniards there are certain topics - taboo. They prefer not to talk about death, do not ask people their age. Not accepted also to talk about money, especially when they are. No one says: "I earn a lot" or "I am pretty I get." Instead, you will hear: "I can not complain" either "I live in littleness". On other topics, the Spaniards are miserable and, as foreigners say, too loud.

For them, it is absolutely not necessary to know a person great in order to chat with him with a clock. And from time to time it happens that the long conversation ended, and the name of the interlocutor remains unknown ... This is the Spaniards.

All the peoples of the world exist their traditions and customs. They displays the features of the life of the people, its habits and relationships between people. Traditions originate in antiquity, are transferred from generation to generation and are carefully complied with all members of society. Customs and traditions can be associated with nature forces, spirits and other points that can affect people in any way. The violation of traditions was previously considered unacceptable and strictly punished.

customs of the peoples of the world

In some countries there are very unusual traditions, romantic and shocking, beautiful and extravagant.

Very rich in custom Japan

With each time of the year, certain rites and actions are associated with the Japanese. The most beautiful, world famous tradition is "loving flowers." Flowering chrysanthemums, sakura, peaches produce an indelible impression on residents of this country, they perceive the appearance of flowers like a miracle. Sakura is a symbol of the country of the rising sun, her gentle and beautiful flowers personify the beauty of human life. And in antiquity it was believed that the souls of dead ancestors live in colors. On the eve of Sakura flowering, television constantly reports in which area and what days the appearance of the first colors is expected, and the Japanese begin to prepare for this event. The companies are declared a working day off. All employees go to the park to enjoy beauty along with their employees and bosses. They are sitting under the trees and argue about the meaning of life, the laws of being, about love and devotion. At the same time drink sake and eating pieces of chicken and rice sweets. The procedure is like that of our picnic, only more meaningful and spiritual. By evening, tired, but very satisfied they go home. Here is such a beautiful tradition.

Tourists, going on a journey to Japan, should know that in no case cannot break the Sakura branches, it is impossible to even be struggled to flowers, they can only be contemplate.

Unusual tradition connected with Merry Christmas

It exists in Finland. For Finns, this is a special holiday - the day when all the relatives are going together. In the morning, they go to church, and at lunch they sit at the festive table, drink hot grog and eat baked pork leg, which is watered with a lingonberry jam. At the same time, gifts give each other and say wishes. And closer to night, the whole family is going and sent to the cemetery. In the Christmas night there are a large number of people, they happily congratulate everyone on the holiday, light candles and put them native on the graves. Against the background of snow-covered paths and graves, burning lights look fabulously and mysteriously. After they guide the dead loved ones, the Finns go to the sauna, where they rest and having fun until the morning.

Therefore, if you came to Finland under Christmas, which happens quite often, and you are offered to go to the cemetery, you should not be surprised and refused.

Customs related to the celebration of the New Year

They are practically in all countries. For example, in our country, as in many others, it is customary to put a New Year tree in the house, decorate his toys and leave gifts under it. We are waiting for the battle of the Kurats and only after that we congratulate everyone on the holiday and wish you a happy New Year. But in Italy there is a rather unusual tradition. Extravagant and temperamental Italians with the arrival of the new year throw all unnecessary, old things from the windows of their housing. Many get rid of even from furniture, throwing her onto the street. The more old things will throw a person, the more successful will be for him the coming year.

Celebrating the New Year in Italy, remember this custom and do not cause the police to "calm the neighbors".

Customs and traditions of the Caucasus countries

This edge is really famous for them. Residents of these seats are masters in the manufacture of homemade wine. Everyone knows how beautiful, aptly and subtle inhabitants of the Caucasus can pronounce toasts. Congratulatory speech can delay for many minutes. But all this time, guests invited guests should not speak or disconnect the glasses - this is considered indecent and offensive. Everyone is closely listening and watching only a person who utters speech.

Tourists must know about it, otherwise the risk is in an awkward situation.

There are many interesting traditions worthy of attention. Many of them are common to different countries and nationalities. Some are found only in a certain area and affect tourists with their originality. But all the traditions and customs, like the culture of other nations, must be honored and respect.

Its traditions, customs and rites have every nation existing in our world. And how many of these peoples, so many traditions are of various, unusual, funny shocking, romantic. But whatever they were, their honor and transmit from generation to the generation. As our reader could already guess, today we will be acquainted with the most unusual greetings of the peoples of the world, as well as their traditions and customs. For each other. For them, it is more likely to tribute the ancestors than a serious ritual. Sometime, so the self-suican tried to find out where the person with whom they greets. The smell could tell how many people went through the jungle or when the last time he eaten. But most often, the smell was determined by a stranger. In New Zealand, representatives of the indigenous population, Maori, at a meeting with each other relating to the noses. This tradition leaves for distant centuries. It is called "Hong" and symbolizes the breath of life - "Ha", ascending to the gods themselves. After that, Maori perceive a person as her friend, and not just as arriving. This tradition is observed even at meetings at the "highest level", so do not be surprised if you see on TV, as the president of some country rubs with a nose with a representative of New Zealand. This etiquette and it is impossible to violate it. On Tibet, at the meeting, show each other language. Such a custom is still with the IX when Tibet Rules Tsar-Tiran Landarma. He had a black tongue. So the Tibetans were afraid that the king after his death could settle in someone else and therefore decided to show the tongue to protect themselves from evil. If you also want to follow this custom - make sure that you did not eat anything painting your tongue in a dark color, otherwise a misunderstanding may occur. At the same time, the hands are usually kept crossed on the chest. The points should be leaning to the dish and raised up two-thirds. You never need to hit on sticks as a spear, cross them with each other on a plate, put on different sides of the dish, pointing with chopsticks to people, use wands to pull themselves the dish closer or, worse than everything, stick them in Fig. This is exactly what the Japanese do at the funeral, leaving rice with vertically stuck in him with chopsticks. The traditions of the people of Japan do not allow a frivolous attitude to death. Let's one with greeting. You can say hello, just shook your hand, as we used. But there are some subtleties. It is considered a bad tone to shake the hand with whom she was not previously familiar. In addition, women should not say hand with Hindu, as it can calculate for insult. The most respectful greeting among Indians is Namaste - these are the connected palms at the chest level. If you meet the Hindu, you must remember that their names consist of several parts. Initially, his own name is, then the name of his father, then the name of the caste, in which he includes and the name of the settlement of his stay. For women, the name contains its own name and name of her spouse. In terms of farewell, the Indians raise the palm and wave only with his fingers. We, too, sometimes use a similar gesture, only in India say goodbye to the girl. If you are forgiven with a man - just get the palm. To express your admiration, the inhabitants of Spain are three fingers, press them to lips and reproduce the sound of a kiss. The dissemination of the Spaniards is expressed by the brush of the hands, which to the side of him at the chest level. Ear Spaniards regarded as an insult. To specify someone on the door, the Spaniards use the gesture, rather similar to our click. The infection on "you" is used by them in most situations, even students in schools often turn to their teachers in schools. This is a private story. But the appeal to "you" can even be offended by a person from time to time. Everything is worse, they are noisy and fun greeting. The most common greeting is "Hola" - "Hi." When meeting and with parting, they pressed the cheek to the cheek, imitating the kiss and hugging. For the Spaniards, a short distance when communicating means that you are a pleasant interlocutor for him. But if you, for example, in Germany, when talking, you will save the distance stretched out, then the Spaniard will understand it as a sign of neglect. Everything constantly happens later than the planned term. There is no fixed time for breakfast, it all depends on when the Spaniard will come to work. They have no habit of breakfast at home, except for drinking a cup of coffee, because the 2nd cup together with a sandwich, will be a guide at first the working day. Soon the dinner time will come.