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Download for free: Crimean Tatar music, videos, books, programs, reference books, photographs, anecdotes, Uzbek music, Turkish music, Crimean Tatar music.  Tatar names - r, s
Download for free: Crimean Tatar music, videos, books, programs, reference books, photographs, anecdotes, Uzbek music, Turkish music, Crimean Tatar music. Tatar names - r, s

The formation of Tatar names was influenced by other peoples, so scientists divide the names into ethnic groups:

  1. Altai;
  2. European;
  3. Turkic;
  4. Persian;
  5. Bulgarian;
  6. Arabic;
  7. Jewish.

The Tatar language belongs to the Turkic language family, in which personal names are ancient. Such names have a component "slan", which means "lion" in translation. Example:

  • Buguruslan;
  • Arslan;
  • Ruslan.

The male name in the composition may have the basis "timer", translated from Turkic - "iron". Example:

  • Timur;
  • Timerkhan;
  • Mintimer.

Another root is "bai", which means "wealth", for example:

  • Bayram;
  • Burunbay;
  • Bikbay.

Another group is Bulgar names, which are considered Old Tatar and are not very popular today.. For example:

  • Kildibek;
  • Agish.

There are names of Mongolian origin:

  • Genghis Khan;
  • Saikhan;
  • Batu;
  • Sarman.

Some names contain the roots of their Persian language. Ilnaz is a derivative of the words "il", which means earth and "naz", in translation - tenderness. Ilnur - consisting of "il" and "nur" - a ray of light. Arabic names began to spread after the adoption of Islam by the Tatars. This category is the most popular in the Tatar Muslim name book.

The naming of babies was previously done by mullahs, which explains the great influence of Arab Islamic traditions. But one cannot say that the Arabic names were completely borrowed and did not change, on the contrary, they changed over time.

The Arabic group includes Tatar dialects with the stem "ulla", which comes from the word "Allah", a prime example:

  • Gabdulla;
  • Abdullah;
  • Asadullah;
  • Zagidulla.

Also derivatives from the Arabic language are names containing the “din” component. Nasretdin - helping religion, Gaynutdin - rich in faith. Europe influenced Tatar male names, the following are considered European:

  • Arthur;
  • Marat;
  • Regina;
  • Emil.

The religion of Muslims had a huge influence on the names. Therefore, people believed that naming a child in a certain way could bring him closer to faith in higher powers. Many Tatar names are associated with specific character traits. Parents, naming the child, are sure that the name will influence the fate and development of the personality. Here are some examples:

  • Azat - is of Persian origin and means "free, noble youth";
  • Aziz - "mighty";
  • Amin is "honest and faithful".

There is another tradition - to call the boys the name of Muhammad, as well as the corresponding derivatives - Muhammad, Muhammadzhan, etc. Combinations taken from two or three different languages ​​\u200b\u200bare often mixed - Abdeljar, Gaynutdin, are a mixture of Persian and Iranian names.

After the revolution of 1917, names-names created in honor of its head - V.I. Lenin became very popular:

  • Wildan;
  • wil;
  • Leniz.

Another independent group of personal names - names from stones, toponyms and chemical elements. For example:

  • Ainur;
  • Diamond;
  • Amur;
  • Ural.

How to name a boy: Tatar traditions, ancient and modern options by month

At any time in every nation, the birth of a child is a responsible and solemn event. Therefore, the choice of a name for the baby should be approached responsibly. Some parents resort to the help of religious and national traditions, others try to come up with something unusual and unique themselves.

Starting from the 11th century, most Tatar families were guided by a Muslim personal name.. With each century, the Arabic names were replaced by the Turkic ones, as the new religion took root in the worldview. An important feature is diversity, parents chose a name that was not in the village or village. Also, in the same family, they tried to name all children consonant with their parents.

Often the names of children began on the same basis. Abdul, Abdulkashif, etc. It is also a tradition to name a boy after an ancestor as a sign of respect. These traditions are preserved in modern families.

A common occurrence is the same letter in children of one seven at the beginning: Rail, Razil, Raif, or consonance - Amir, Amina.

But the main feature that distinguishes the naming of children from past customs is the increased influence of Western trends.

Since the end of the 20th century, the child has been increasingly called Arthur, Robert, Camille. Both in the past and now, many names for boys are based on a Muslim root, supplemented by endings, prefixes, forming a new word with a new meaning. Where religion is revered, boys are named after prominent public figures and prophets.. In any case, the name should identify strength and masculinity.

During the holy holiday of Ramadan, the number of male names increases - Ramadan, Ramadan, so Muslims salute the great festival and religion. During the autumn month of the Islamic calendar, Safar, although rare, newborns are given an identical name.

List of all the most beautiful options alphabetically and their meanings


Among modern Tatar names, one can find those that have been popular throughout the long history of the Tatar people. Names of Arabic origin are now popular., there is a growing tendency to call children names that carry the coloring of human and personal qualities.

  • Ainur is a good option for naming a boy, the meaning is the light emanating from the moon.
  • Akram is a very generous person.
  • Amir is the master.
  • Arsene is fearless, courageous.
  • Anis is a good friend.
  • Anwar is a bright friend.
  • Asan - shining with health and strength.
  • Ayaz is a reliable person.
  • Bahadir - friendly, cheerful.
  • Bakhtiyar is a happy man.
  • Danis is a modern version of the "D", meaning "active, mobile."
  • Damir - honest, conscientious.
  • Kadyr - omnipotent, omnipotent.
  • Qasim - manager, distributor.
  • Mysore - victorious in wrestling.
  • Nazim is a good option for "N", the meaning is a person with "golden hands", a builder.
  • Radmir - caring for calm and peace.
  • Rahman is good-natured and decent.
  • Rafis is popular among people.
  • Ruby is a modern version of the "R", the meaning is a precious stone.
  • Ruzal - happy, making happy.
  • Savir is a person who loves luck.


Names that occur less frequently every year. But who knows, maybe in ten years they will become more popular than others. Rare names are:

  • Ahmad - famous for great deeds.
  • Amin is a person who is faithful.
  • Adip - having good manners and high education.
  • Ata - respected by all.
  • Ahad is the one and only.
  • Akhund is the master of all life.
  • Wahid is the first in business.
  • Wafa - faithful.
  • Gaden - paradise, pleasure.
  • Deniz is associated with the sea, a lover of water.
  • Zayd is a gift of fate.
  • Ishaq is a cheerful, funny person.
  • Ihsan - a good deed, a good deed.
  • Idris - student, teacher.
  • Kurbat - kinship, native.
  • Kayum - eternal, immortal.
  • Kadim - ancient, old.
  • Mukhlis is a rare variant on "M", the meaning is a devoted friend.
  • Nadir is a rarity with unique qualities.
  • Nariman - having a strong spirit and will.
  • Rabi - spring, inspiring life.
  • Sabah - morning, awakening.
  • Hasan is a good and bright comrade.
  • Shafiq is a compassionate helper.
  • Yuzim is a two-faced person.


When choosing a name for a newborn, parents want him to be strong in life, have a character that envious people and life circumstances cannot break. The translation of such names is often associated with the spiritual, helping the young man to go through difficulties. The strongest names are:

  • Alfir - superior to all around.
  • Arthur is a strong bear.
  • Arsen is a fearless warrior.
  • Akhund is the master of all life.
  • Agzam - high in spirit.
  • Akshin is a strong man, wrestler.
  • Amir is a king, a prince.
  • Bikbay - having a lot of wealth.
  • Bars is physically strong.
  • Gazim is a strong name with “G”, the meaning is a majestic husband.
  • Dayan is a judge, a fair person.
  • Zabir is a strong character.
  • Ildar - ruler, domineering.
  • Malik is the ruler.
  • Nurvali is a holy man.
  • Nail - bestowed, giving strength.
  • Rafgat - great things.
  • Timur is iron, strong in body and spirit.
  • Faiz is an interesting variant of naming “F”, the meaning is rich, happy, lucky.
  • Khabibullah is the favorite of God Allah.


Despite the fact that Muslims strive to name boys in an original and unique way, these names are the most common.

  • Adele is a noble young man.
  • Azat - independent from others.
  • Airat is an amazing environment.
  • Arthur is a strong bear.
  • Daniel is close to Allah.
  • Dinar - golden, craftsman.
  • Ilgiz is a wanderer, a traveler.
  • Ildar - a common variant of naming a boy for "I", means "ruler of the country."
  • Ilnaz is a tender motherland.
  • Ilnar - native flame.
  • Ilsur is the hero of the people.
  • Insaf - educated, highly moral.
  • Niyaz is a necessity, helping, caring.
  • Rail is the founder of the new.
  • Rayhan - bliss, pleasure.
  • Ramil is a magician who can surprise everyone.
  • Salavat is a laudatory prayer.
  • Timur is strong in spirit.
  • Eldar is the ruler of the state.

Crimean Tatar

This group of names is close in origin to the Turkic group, but differ in the way of formation, have a diverse sound, because The Tatars of this region were greatly influenced by different ethnic groups.

Having become acquainted with the traditions of naming newborn boys, with the peculiarities of names, we can conclude that Tatar Muslim names have a long history. Their main difference is that they are complex and bear the imprint of various peoples.

Future parents, sorting out names for a boy, first of all pay attention to their meaning. The influence of a name on the fate of a person is undeniable. Find out which Tatar boy names are the most popular.

The choice of a name is based not only on its meaning and possible influence on fate. In Tatar families, boys are often called so that their names are consonant with their parents or to reflect their inherent character traits.

Let's study modern male names and their meaning:

  • Origin:

Photo: Dictionaries and encyclopedias on Academician

Modern Tatar names for boys have a different origin. And that's why. Tatar belongs to the Turkic language group, so there are many ancient Turkic names among the names, and Arabic / Persian names came into the language simultaneously with the stage of the spread of Islam. It should be borne in mind that many old names sound relevant, but their meaning has not changed.

  • Names from the Turkic group:
  1. Arslan, Ruslan, Bugarslan. They have a common root, meaning ‘lion’ in translation.
  2. Timerkhan, Khantimer, Mintimer, Timur, Baitimer. Tatar names with a common root "timer", which means "iron". However, the name Timerkotlyk, formed from two Turkic roots, means ‘iron (strong) happiness’.
  3. Ravil, Ramil, Rem. Sounds have been added to the old Turkic names to modernize them.
  • Names from the Arabic group:
  1. The group of names ending in -ulla is a modified form of the word "Allah". Among such names there are many beautiful and popular ones: Khabibullah (‘God’s favorite’), Abdullah (God’s servant), Batulla (God’s house).
  2. A group with a -din component indicating ‘faith’. Among the famous names: Gaynutdin (‘rich in faith’), Nasretdin (‘helping religion’), Abzaltdin (‘noble believer’).
  3. There is a tradition of giving names in honor of the Prophet. The most common names: Muhammet, Mohammetzhan, Muhammad, Dinmohammed, Muhammad.

  • Compound names have their own special meaning. Names with a root that came from the Turkic language, il- (means 'homeland') acquire a new meaning in the presence of components of other cultures: s -naz ('tenderness' from Persian) - Ilnaz, s -nur ('beam' from Arabic) - Ilnur and -nar ('flame') - Ilnar.
  • Names originating from the Bulgar culture: Tutai ('flower'), Kanak ('child bringing joy'), Mongolian: Batu ('strong'), Sarman ('respected person'), Bayan ('famous'), Saikhan ( 'beautiful khan'), Kypchak: Agish ('happy'), Taktash ('granite'), Aidar ('worthy').
  • According to personal characteristics:
  1. From the Persian language, the name Azat is translated as 'noble', Gerey - 'worthy'.
  2. From Arabic, Amin is translated as ‘faithful, reliable’, Azim is ‘great’, Aziz is ‘mighty’, Mulatto is ‘desired’, Bilan is ‘healthy’, Harun is ‘stubborn’.
  • By consonance with parental names:
  1. The boy is called a name so that it has the same root as his father's: Abdurrauf ('slave of the Merciful'), Abdullah ('slave of Allah'), Abdulmajid ('slave of the Glorious').
  2. The names have a similar ending: Talgat (‘beautiful appearance’), Khidiyat (‘one who leads to the right path’).

All modern Tatar names are beautiful and sound modern. Depending on the history of their occurrence, they can have different meanings.

Despite the fact that many of them came from other cultures (mainly of Arabic, ancient Turkic origin), they are endemic. Choose your baby a name that suits his character and protects him.

Names of Tatar origin are distinguished by their peculiar beauty and symbolism. These are names with ancient history, and for both boys and girls, they are closely connected with events and outstanding personalities in the fate of the Tatar people. All these names have one thing in common - they are Tatar in origin. Today we will talk about how to choose the right name for a boy, look at the Tatar names of boys and their meanings, as well as the origin of this or that Tatar name. The modern language, called Tatar, belongs to the Turkic group of languages, and some names in it are borrowed from related languages ​​that also belong to this group, in addition, borrowings from Arabic and European dialects are traced.

Tatar names, among other things, often originate simply from beautiful combinations of sounds and words.

The Tatar name for a boy and his choice is a responsible and very important step in the life of every young person of this nation. Many believe that this choice will determine the future fate of the little man, his failures and successes. Therefore, when choosing a name, one must take into account the nature and inclinations of the child, which at an early age can be very difficult. Modern names are often meaningless, unlike the old names, the meaning of which was hidden in every syllable.

The Tatar names, characteristic of the boys of this nation, have roots in the old Turkic names, to which beautiful sounds are added for euphony, for example, Ramil, Ravil or Rem.
The name should be easy to remember and sound good, without causing negative analogies, so that his friends, and the boy himself, treat the name with respect and have no reason for ridicule. “Mistakes” when choosing a name, because of which the child is teased and called names, many children cannot forgive their parents until the end of their lives, respectively, the choice should be taken extremely responsibly.

Tatar boy names have a special appeal, which includes a certain amount of aggressiveness, which should emphasize the courage and strength of the owner of the name. Whatever the name, it personifies the future fate and character of the boy.
Tatar names rarely have a single meaning, their meaning can have several subtexts and shades. When choosing and thinking about the future name, you should, if possible, take into account all of them.

Tatar names are often referred to as Muslim, but, despite the relationship, it is the Tatar names that are endemic and common only among the Tatar people. Muslim names are relatively new, and many Tatar names, as well as Arabic ones, belong to an earlier, before the Muslim era.

Let's see the most common and popular Tatar boy names - in the list below, you can find the semantic meaning of each Tatar name, which will help you name your baby most successfully.

As you can see, the list of Tatar names is quite impressive, but you have to choose the only name that best suits your child.

Abbas (Gabbas) - gloomy, strict, severe; steep.
Abdullah is a servant of God.
Abdul - from "Abdullah"
Abdulkahar (Abdul + Kahhar) - slave of the Dominant Almighty
Abdulhamid (Abdul + Hamid) (arab.) - a slave of the praised Lord.
Abdurashid (Abd + Rashid) - the servant of the Lord, Leading on the right path.
Adil - fair, just.
Adip - 1. writer; 2. well-mannered, polite, tactful.
Azamat - knight, hero, hero.

Azat is free.
Aidan - 1. strength, power; 2. wide, great, spacious; 3. light, radiant; 4. distributor of "moon" light.
Aydar - 1. lunar 2. occupying a high position, noticeable, courageous.
Ainur - moonlight.
Airat- 1. amazing; 2. dear, beloved
Akram is the most generous, honoring, respectful, noble, well-behaved.
Alaskar, Aliaskar is a great warrior.
Ali - great, strong, mighty, courageous
Askyar - warrior, soldier.
Ali - high, sublime.
Alim is a scientist, knowledgeable, knowledgeable, knowledgeable.
Albert is a noble brilliance.
Alfinur - thousandfold light
Aman - healthy, strong.
Amanullah - the owner of good health
Amin - 1. faithful, reliable, direct, truthful, honest; 2. protecting, protecting. One of the names of the Prophet Muhammad
Amir - 1. ruler, leader, president; 2. ordering, giving instructions.
Amirkhan (Emirkhan) - Chief Executive
Anas - joyful, pleasant, good-natured
Anvar (Anver) - 1. the lightest, brightest (if the stress falls on the first vowel); 2. a person who radiates a lot of light (if the emphasis is on the second vowel - the plural of the word "nur" - light). The most correct pronunciation is Anver.
Anzor - 1. the most appropriate; 2. the most far-sighted; 3. most caring
Ansar - helpers, supporters, fellow travelers
Arsen - 1. bold, fearless; 2. person
Arslan is a lion.
Arthur - 1. mighty bear 2 strong.
Assad is a lion.
Asaf - 1. possessing good qualities. 2; dreamy, thoughtful
Afzal - the best, venerable, highly respected, worthy
Ahmad (Ahmed) - laudable, praised. One of the names of the Prophet Muhammad.
Ayub (Ayup) - 1. repentant; 2. giving a vow (vow). The name of one of God's prophets.
Ayaz - 1. cloudless, clear sunny day; 2. reasonable, quick-witted, savvy, smart.

Bagautdin - the radiance of faith.
Bagdat is a gift from the Almighty, a gift.
Badretdin (Bedreddin) is the "full moon" of religion.
Bakir - early, fast growing.
Baky - eternal
Batu (Batu) - 1. precious stone; 2. strong, healthy, reliable.
Bakhtiyar is happy.
Bashar is a man.
Bashir is a messenger of joy.
Borkhan (Borkhanetdin) - evidence, fact, honesty, reliability.
Bulat (Bolat, Polat) - very strong; steel


A vazir is a minister, a vizier is a high dignitary.
Vaiz - 1. instructing, clarifying, speaking; 2. speaker.
Vakil - 1. ambassador; 2. trusted, authorized; 3. deputy; 4. protector, patron.
Vafa - honest, keeping promises.
Veli - 1. close, dear; 2. patron, guardian; 3. owner, owner. 4. saint
Vildan - 1. sons (plural); 2. servant of paradise

Gazi - 1. making a hike, procession; 2. striving; 3. warrior.
Ghalib is the winner.
Ghani is rich, the owner of untold wealth. One of the names of the Almighty.
Gafur (Gaffar) - forgiving, merciful. One of the names of the Almighty.
Gayaz - assistant, helping.
Gayar - courageous, brave, courageous, resolute.
Gaias - savior, helper.
Gufran - forgiving.

Dalil - 1. accurate, correct, truthful; 2. conductor (pointing the way).
Damir - conscience, mind;
Danil (Daniyal) - 1. gift of God, a person close to God; 2. God is my judge.
Danis - knowledge, science.
Danif - the sun tending to sunset.
Daniyaz - desire, need, need, necessity.
Daniyar is smart, prudent, sensible.
Dauzhan is generous.
Daulat - 1. wealth, country; 2. happiness.
Daut (Daud) - beloved, endearing.
Dahi is the owner of great knowledge, foresight, a great writer.
Dayan - repaying for what he has done, a great judge. One of the names of the Almighty.
Dzhambulat - Bulat - very strong; Jan is the soul.
Jamil is handsome.
Diliyar - 1. sincere, cordial; 2. comforter.
Dindar is very God-fearing.

Jamal - camel (endurance and diligence inherent in this animal)
Zhaudat - 1. superior, irreproachable, spotless, without flaws; 2. generous, generous.

Zabir - strong, strong, hardy.
Zaid - growing.
Zakaria - 1. remembering the Almighty; 2. real man
Zaki - 1. smart, wise, capable; 2. clean, straight.
Zakir - 1. remembering, remembering; 2. praising God.
Zalim - the word "zalim" (the emphasis falls on the first syllable) is translated from Arabic as "unfair, cruel." But "zalim" (the emphasis falls on the second syllable) - like 1. ostrich; 2. oppressed, offended.
Zamil is a friend, comrade, colleague.
Zamin - land, founder, ancestor.
Zarif - 1. affectionate, attractive, sophisticated, handsome; 2. beautifully speaking; 3. resourceful, witty
Zafar (Zufar) - the winner who reaches the goal.
Zahid - pious, modest, Sufi, ascetic.
Zinnat - decoration, magnificent, elegant, beautiful, good
Zinnur - light, radiant, illuminating.
Zia - light, light of knowledge
Ziyad - growing, increasing, maturing.
Zobit (Dobit) - officer; rule, system, order, control.
Zubair is strong, smart.
Zulfat - 1. curly; 2. loving
Zulfir (arab.) - 1. predominant, superior; 2. a man with curly hair.

Ibrahim (Ibrahim, Abraham) is the father of nations. The same name has different sounds: Ibrahim is used in the Muslim environment, and Abraham - in the Jewish and Christian.
Idris - diligent, student, diligent. The name of one of the prophets of the Almighty.
Ikram - respect, reverence
Ilgiz is a wanderer, a traveler.
Ildan - glorifying the motherland.
Ildar - having a homeland, leader, master of the state.
Ildus - loving motherland.
Ilnar is the fire of the motherland, the light of the motherland.
Ilnur - the light of the motherland, fatherland.
Ilsaf - from a combination of "il" ("homeland") and "saf" ("pure, noble").
Ilham (Ilgam) - inspired, inspired.
Ilyas - Divine power, miracle
Iman - faith, conviction, worship.
Inal - 1. prince, aristocrat; 2. ruler, ruler.
Inar - make sure, believe
Insan is a person.
Insaf - educated, modest, conscientious
Irek - free, independent, independent.
Irken (Irkin) - generous, hospitable, secured
Irfan - enlightened, educated, educated.
Irshad - guide, guiding, pointing.
Iskander (Alexander) - conquering the courageous.
Islam - 1. obedient to the Almighty, worshiping.
Ismagil (Ismail) - derived from the phrase "God himself hears"
Ismatullah - "under the protection of God."
Israfil - warrior, fighter. The name of the angel who announces the coming of the Day of Judgment.
Ishak - joyful, cheerful. The name of one of the prophets.
Ikhlas - sincere, sincere, devoted
Ihsan - kind, good, showing mercy, helping.
Ihtiram - honoring, respecting.

Yoldyz (Yulduz) - a star, radiant, bright as a star.
Yosyf (Yusuf) - the owner of beauty. The name of one of the prophets.

Kavi - strong, powerful, powerful. One of the names of the Almighty.
Kavim - direct, honest, correct.
Kader - authoritative, respected, ambitious.
Kadir is powerful. One of the names of the Almighty.
Kazim - patient, balanced.
Kamal (Kamil) - 1. full, mature. 2. perfected
Kamran (pers.) - mighty, powerful, powerful, happy
Qari - a reader who knows the Koran, hafiz.
Karib (Karibulla) - 1. close friend ("close" to Allah person)
Karim - generous, revered, sacred.
Kasym (Kasim, Kasym) - dividing, distributing, fair.
Kausar (Kyavsar) -1. the name of the stream flowing in Paradise; 2. prosperous
Kafil - returning.
Kaharman - hero, hero.
Kahir is the winner.
Kahhar - possessing power. One of the names of the Almighty.
Kashshaf - revealing, revealing (all that is good).
Kayum - eternal, reliable, permanent. One of the names of God
Kiram - generous, noble, sincere, sincere.
Kudrat - strength; a man who can handle everything.
Kurban - sacrificing, not sparing himself for the sake of the Almighty.
Kutdus - respected, revered.
Qiyam - risen, resurrected.
Kamal - reached, matured.

Latif (Latif) - 1. open, merciful; 2. cheerful, witty.
Lokman (Lukman) - looking, caring.
Lutfulla is the grace of God, His gift.
Lyabib is smart, educated.
Lyaziz - sweet, tasty.

Maksud - desired, desired; target; meaning, meaning.
Malik is the master, leader, king.
Mansur - victorious, triumphant victory.
Marat is a new name that appeared among the Tatars after the 30s in honor of one of the leaders of the French Revolution, Jean-Paul Marat (1747-1793).
Masgood is happy.
Mahdi - walking the right path.
Mahmud - praised, revered.
Minniyar - helper, friend, comrade, doing good.
Mirza - lord, nobleman.
Michman is a guest.
Mubin - able to distinguish between truth and lies, open.
Muzaffar is a victorious warrior.
Muqaddas - holy, pure.
Mukim - corrective; building; establishing; performing; living, residing.
Munir - illuminating, spreading light.
Murad - desire, goal; something desired; intention.
Murtaza - chosen, outstanding, beloved.
Musa (Moses) - 1. son, child; 2.taken out of the water
Muslim - Muslim; obedient to the Creator.
Mustafa - equal, superior, best.
Muhammad - "praised, praised"
Muhsin - doing good, helping.
Mukhtar - the chosen one; having freedom of choice.

Nabi is a prophet.
Nadir is rare.
Nazar - far-sighted
Nazim - building, putting in order, collecting.
Nazif - clean, direct, healthy.
Nail - receiving; gift, gift; benefit, benefit.
Nariman - strong, hardy, strong.
Nugman - merciful, beneficent, gracious.
Nur - light, shining. Name component.
Nuriman is the light of faith.

Ravil - a teenager, a young man; spring sun; traveler
Radik is a ray of sunshine.
Rais is the leader, the head.
Rayyan is the name of the heavenly gates through which those who were obligatory fasting in a worldly abode will enter on the Day of Judgment.
Ramadan is the name of the 9th month of the Muslim calendar, the month of Holy Fast. This name was usually given to children born in this month.
Ramiz is a sign symbolizing the good.
Ramil - magical, magical.
Rasim - accelerated step, move, rapid movement.
Rasul - messenger; ambassador; envoy; apostle; precursor.
Rauf - merciful, sympathetic, compassionate. One of the names of the Almighty.
Raphael - healed by the Almighty. In the Torah - the name of one of the angels (Raphael)
Rafik - 1. friend, comrade, fellow traveler; 2. kindhearted.
Rahim - merciful, kind-hearted. One of the names of the Almighty.
Rahman - merciful, merciful, forgiving. One of the names of the Almighty.
Rashad - when stressed on the first syllable, the name is translated as "conscious, prudent"; "adult"; "walking on the right path", with emphasis on the second syllable - "consciousness, consciousness"; "health, prudence"; "right".
Rashid - walking on the right path.
Rida - contentment; agreement; benevolence, benevolence.
Rinat - updated, reborn.
Rifat - high position, nobility.
Rifkat - blessed.
Ruzil is happy.
Ruslan is a derivative of Arslan.
Rustam is a very big man, with a powerful body. In ancient Iranian folklore - a hero, a man of legend.
Rushan (Raushan) - bright, radiating light.

Sabir is patient.
Sabit - strong, honest, keeping a promise.
Sabur is very patient. One of the names of the Almighty.
Sadyk - 1. honest, sincere; 2. friend.
Said - master, nobleman.
Salavat - 1. praising; 2. blessing.
Salman is healthy, without grief.
Salah - 1. useful, necessary; 2. pious, God-fearing.
Samat - 1. eternal; 2. leader. One of the names of the Almighty.
Samir is an interlocutor, a narrator.
Sardar - commander-in-chief, leader.
Sattar - forgiving, protecting. One of the names of the Almighty.
Safa - 1. pure, sincere.
Suleiman (Solomon) - living in health and prosperity.
The Sultan is the king, the head of the state.
Sufyan - proper name

Tabris - 1. heritage, wealth; 2. pride, greatness.
Tavfik (Taufik, Tofik) - blessing; reconciliation, appeasement; success, luck, happiness.
Tair - flying, soaring.
Such (Tagi) - originally "Tagi" sounded like "Such", which in Arabic means "pious, pious".
Talgat (Talat) - appearance, face; beauty, attractiveness, grace.
Tahir - pure, sinless.
Timerlan (Timur) - iron, persistent. In ancient times, when physically weak children were born in a family, the next child was given the name Timer, putting in this a prayer for his health and resistance to illness and life's hardships.

Umar - 1. life, living 2. name of the second righteous caliph.
Umit (Umid) - expected, desired; dream.

Fazil is educated, talented.
Faiz is a winner who gets his way.
Faik - superior; excellent, excellent, amazing; conscious.
Fail - giving a good sign, which is a good omen.
Farid is unsurpassed, the only one.
Faruk - able to distinguish good from bad.
Fattah (Fattahetdin) - 1. opening the doors of happiness, the winner; 2. opening the doors of faith. One of the names of the Almighty.
Fatykh - 1. beginner; 2. winner.
Fayaz - rich, generous.
Fuad - heart; mind.
Fanis is a beacon that illuminates.

Khabib - favorite; favorite; Friend; dear, beloved.
Haidar is a lion.
Khairetdin is the best in worshiping the Almighty.
Hakim is a wise, educated, scholar.
Khalik - revitalizing, illuminating. One of the names of the Almighty.
Khalil - 1. close friend; 2. righteous.
Halim - soft, patient. One of the names of the Almighty.
Khamzat (Hamza) - agile, burning.
Hamid - commendable, worthy of praise.
Hammat - praising.
Hanif - 1. truthful, honest, truth-seeker.
Haris - guard, protector.
Harun is stubborn, stubborn, self-willed.
Hassan - good, handsome.
Hafiz - 1. knowing the Koran by heart; 2. having a good memory. One of the names of the Almighty.
Khezir (Khyzir, Khidr) is a proper name. The Holy Quran describes in detail several historical episodes, where the main persons are the prophet Moses and his teacher Khyzyr.
Husain - handsome, good.

Genghis - great, strong, powerful.

Shayzar (Shakhizar) is a large piece of pure, high-quality gold.
Shakir is grateful, content with what he has.
Shamil is universal, all-encompassing.
Sharif - venerable, generous, honored.
Shaukat - strength, power, dexterity, greatness.
Shafi - healing, healing; convincing.
Shahbulat - a particle "shah" - from the Farsi language, is translated as "khan, lord, master." Joining names, gives the meaning "very good", "very first", "largest". Bulat is an Arabic name meaning "strong".
Shukran - grateful.
Shukhrat - glory, fame; nobility; authority, prestige.

Elvir - protector, supporter.
Elmir - good, handsome.
Emil is a hard worker.
Emir - head, leader, boss.

Yunus - 1. dove; 2. Yunus was the name of one of the righteous, which is mentioned in the Holy Quran

Yavar is an assistant.
Yakub (Jacob) is a follower. The name of one of the prophets of the Almighty.
Yamin - witnessing the truth, right.
Yaran is a friend, a close person, an assistant.
Yarulla is a friend of God who follows His precepts.
Yasin is the name of the 36th sura of the Qur'an.
Yasser - small, light.
Jasmine is a jasmine flower.
Yahya is inspiring. The name of one of the prophets.

Abdullah- Slave of Allah, servant of God. Component of the Tatar and Arabic name.
Agdalia- The most fair.
Abid, (Abide) - worshiping, praying, believing; slave. Male and female name
Abulkhair- doing good
Adaleth- justice, fairness
Adil, (Adile) - fair. Male and female name
Adeline- Honest, decent.
Adip- Educated, writer, scientist.
Azat- Noble, free.
Azalea- From the name of the flower.
Azamat- Knight, hero.
Azhar- Very beautiful.
Aziz and Aziza - respected, revered, dear.
Azim- Great, determined
Aidar(Ayder) - 1. generic hair that has not been cut from birth in male babies. As a result, a large forelock grew; among the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, this was a sedentary. 2. worthy, from among worthy husbands.
Aydin- light, bright
Ainur- Moonlight. (Ai-moon, Nur - light or beam. A common Tatar name)
Airat- khairat-amazement, (mong.) forest people.
Aisha(Aisha) - Living (one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad).
Akim- Knowing, wise.
Akram- Generous.
AK Bars- Snow Leopard.
Alan- Good-natured.
Ali(Aliya) - Exalted. name of Prophet Muhammad's cousin
Alim(Alime) - wise, learned, noble.
Alsou- The most beautiful, the most beautiful; Scarlet water.
Amine and Amina - Faithful, honest.
Amir and Amira - Commander, prince.
Anwar- Radiant, light (one of the suras of the Koran).
Arsen- Strong, fearless.
Arslan and Ruslan - Leo.
Arthur- Bear.
Asan- Healthy.
Asie- Soothing, healing.
Ahmad and Ahmet - Illustrious.

-= B=-

Basyr- shrewd, perspicacious, far-sighted
Batal- brave, courageous, hero
Batyr- hero
Bakhtiyar- from pers. happy
Bekbay- Very rich.
Bekbulat- Iron Bek, sir.
Bulat- Iron, steel.
Belal- Healthy, alive.

-= B =-

Wahid and Vahit - One, the first.
Venus- Star, planet.
Vetan(Vetane) - Motherland.
Vibius- wandering.
wildan(from Ar. words valid, veled, evlyad) ¾ newborn children; slaves

-= G=-

Gabdulla- see Abdullah.
Gadel and Gadile - Direct, fair.
Ghazi- Fighter for faith.
Galim- Knowing, scientist.
Ghani- Rich, statesman.
Gafar, Gaffar, Ghafur, Ghafur - Forgiving.
Guzel- from the Turks. beautiful, good. Female name.
ghoul- A flower, blooming, a symbol of beauty.
Gulzar and Gulzifa - Flower garden. (Old Tatar name)
Gulnaz- Delicate as a flower.
Gulnara- Decorated with flowers, pomegranate.
Gulnur- Light as a flower.
Gulchechek- Rose.
Guzman, Gosman, Usman - chiropractor.
Garay- Worthy.

-= D=-

Davlet- Happiness, wealth, state.
Damir And Damira- persistent, rus. "Long live the world" or "Give the world revolution."
Daniyal- A person close to Allah.
Dayan- Supreme Court (religious).
Deniz And Denis- Sea.
Jamil, Jamal, Jamila- Beautiful.
Djigan- Universe.
Dilyaver- from pers. courageous, daring, courageous
Dilara- from pers. poet. gorgeous; sweet, beautiful, soothing heart
Dilbar- Beloved, charming.
Dina- Ding-faith.
Dinar And Dinara- from the word dinar - gold coin; apparently here in the meaning of precious.

-= W =-

Zaid- Present.
Zainab(Zeynep) - Complete. the name of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad,
Zakir And Zakira- Remembering.
Zalika- Eloquent.
Zaman- A man of our time.
For peace- Um, mystery.
Zamira- Heart, conscience.
Zarif- Affectionate, beautiful, amiable.
Zafer- reaching the goal; victorious, winner
Zahid- Ascetic, ascetic.
Zahir And Zahira- Assistant, handsome.
Zeki(Zekiye) - pure, without impurities, natural, genuine.
Zinnat- Decoration.
Zinnur- Radiant.
Zifa- Slender, stately.
Zia- Light, light.
Zulfat- Curly.
Zulfiya- Beautiful hair with curls.
Zufar- Winner.
Zuhra- Brilliant, bright, star, flower.
Zyyatdin- Spreading religion, missionary.

-= And =-

Ibrahim- Abraham, father of nations.
Idris- Learner, diligent.
Ishmael- see Ismagil
Izzet- greatness, respect.
Ikram- Honor, respect.
Ildar- Ruler.
Ilnar And Ilnara- Nar (Flame) + Il (Homeland).
Ilnur And Ilnur- Nur (Ray) + Il (Motherland).
Ilham(Ilhamie) - inspiration.
Ilshat- Pleasing to the motherland, in the meaning of the famous.
Ilyas- The power of Allah.
Ilgam- Inspiration.
Iman- Faith.
Inet- mercy, guardianship, caring.
indira- Goddess of war.
Insaf- Justice, educated.
Irada- Good wishes.
Irek And Irik- Will.
Irina- Calm.
Irfan- knowledge. Male name.
Isa And Jesus- God's mercy.
Iskander- Alexander - defender, winner of the Arabized form.
islam And Islamie- Dedicated to Allah.
Ismail And Ismagil- God heard.
Ismat And Ismet- Purity, abstinence; protection.
Ihsan- Benevolence, virtue.

-= K =-

Kadir And Kadira- Almighty.
Kazim- Patient.
Caila- Conversational.
Qaima- Standing firmly on its feet.
Kamal And Kamaliya- Perfection.
Kamaletdin- Religious perfection.
Camille And Camille- Perfect.
Karim And Karima- Magnanimous, noble, generous.
katiba And Katib- Writer, writer.
Kerim(Kerime) - generous, noble.
kurban- Victim.
kurbat- Kinship.
Kamal- Mature.


Lily And Lillian- White tulip flower.
Lenar And Lenar- Lenin's army.
Latifa- Beautiful.
Leniza And Leniz- Lenin's testament.
Lenora- Daughter of a lion.
Lenur- Lenin founded the revolution.
Lei- Antelope.
Liana- From the plant liana, thin.
Louise- Collision.
Lutfi(Lutfie) - kind, sweet. Male and female name
Laysan- Spring rain, the month of April according to the Syrian calendar.
Latife- gentle, soft. Female name.
Lale- tulip


Madina- A city in Arabia.
Mazit- Famous.
Mayan- From the month of May.
Mariam- On behalf of the Bible Mary.
Maksuz And Mahsut- Desired.
Mansour And Mansoura- Winner.
Marat- In honor of the leader Fr. bourgeois revolution Jean - Paul Marat.
Marlene- (German - Russian) Abbreviation for Marx and Lenin.
Maryam(Meryem) - the mother of the prophet "Isa,
Masnavi- from the Qur'an, "Giver", gave the name of a boy who was born a second male child.
Mahmoud- Illustrious.
Mirgayaz- Helping.
Mirza- The king's son. Name component.
Munir And Munira- Sparkling, illuminator.
Murat- Desired.
Murtaza- Favorite.
Musa- Prophet, child.
Muslim- Muslim.
Mustafa- Chosen One.
Mustafir- Smiling.
Muhammet- Praised.
Muhammetjan- Mohammed's soul.
Mukhtar- Chosen One.

-= N=-

Nabis- Prophet.
Nabib- Smart.
naked- Welfare.
Nadir And Nadir- Rare.
Nazar And Nazira- Look, Self-sacrifice.
Nazim(Nazmiye) - composing.
Nail And Naila- Dar. goal-achieving
Nariman- Strong-willed.
Nasretdin- Helping religion.
Nafise- very valuable; beautiful
Niyaz- Necessity; request, desire; present; grace.
Nedim(Nedime) - interlocutor
Nugman- Red, beneficence, sort of flower.
Nurvali- Saint.
Nurgali- Majestic.
Nuretdin- Ray of religion.
Nuri And Nuria(Nur) - Light.
Nurulla- Nur(light) + Allah.

-= O =-

Oigul- Aigul - Lunar flower. Another interpretation - Beauty and flower (Old Tatar name)

-= P =-

Ravil- Youth.
Radik- From chem. element.
Rail And Raila- Founder.
Rais- Supervisor.
Raykhan- (male and female old Tatar name) Basil, bliss.
Ramadan- Hot month, 9th Hijri month.
Ramiz- Identification mark landmark.
Ramil And Ramil- Miraculous, magical.
Ramis- Carpenter.
Rasim And Rasima- Artist.
Raphael- God healed.
Rafik- Good friend.
Rahim- Merciful.
Rahman- Benevolent.
Rashid And Rashad- Going the right way.
Renat And Renata- Reborn or Russian. option revolution, science, labor.
Refat- compassionate, kind
Riza, reed- Chosen One.
Rizvan- Favor, satisfaction.
Riyana- a beautiful stranger (Riyanochka Ablaeva)
Ruslan- from Arslan.
Rustem- Bogatyr, hero.
Rushen- Light, shiny.


Saadet- happiness
Saban- (Turkic-Tatar name) Plow, the name was given to a child born during plowing.
Sabah And Sabiha- Morning.
Sabir And Sabire- Patient.
Sabit- Strong, durable, resistant.
Sagadat And Sagid- Happiness.
Sadri And Sadria- First, chief.
Sadriddin- with faith in the heart
Sadik And Sadika- True, friend.
Said And Side- happy, lucky Mr.
Sayfulla- Sword of Allah.
Salavat- Praiseful prayers.
Salamat And Salim- Healthy.
Sania- Second.
Sattar- Forgiving.
Safiye- pure, without impurities
Selim(Selime) - no flaws
Selyamet- well-being, security
Sefer- journey
Subhi(Subhye) - morning
Suleiman- bible. Solomon, Protected.
Sultan and Sultana - Power, ruler.
Susanna- Lily.
Sufi- Doing no evil.


Tahir- Birds.
times- Won't go off the right track.
Talib- Seeking, desiring.
Tahir And Tagir- Clean.
Timur- Iron.
Tukay- (Mong.) Rainbow.

-= Y=-

Uzbek- name people, which has become a personal name for many peoples, Life.
Ulvi(Ulviye) - hill
Ulmas- Immortal.
Ulfat- Friendship, love.
Umida and Umid - Hope.
Uraz- Happy.
Usman- Slow, but the etymology is not entirely clear.

-= F =-

Fazyl And Fazil- Knowledgeable, humane.
Fayzullah- (male) (name of Arabic origin) The bounty of Allah.
Faiz- (male) (name of Arabic origin) Happy, rich.
Faik- (male) (arab.) Excellent.
Faina- (male) (gr.) Radiance.
fandas- (male) (arab.) Attached to science.
Fanis And Anisa- (pers.) Lighthouse.
Fannur- (male) (arab.) The light of science.
farit And. farida- (Arabic) Rare.
Farhad- (male) (Iran.) Invincible.
Fatima- (Arabic) Weaned, daughter of Muhammad.
Fatih and Fatykh - (arab.) Winner.
fauzia- (female) (arab.) Winner.
firuza- (female) (other Persian) Radiant, turquoise, happy.

-= X =-

Khabib and Khabiba- (arab.) Beloved, friend.
Khabibulla- (female) (arab.) Favorite of Allah.
Khadije(Khatije) - the first name of the wife of the Prophet Muhammad,
haidar- (male) (arab.) Lion.
Khairat- (male) (arab.) Benefactor.
Khazar- (male) (arab.) Citizen, a person with an average income.
Hakim- (male) (arab.) Knowing, wise.
Khalil- (male) (arab.) A true friend.
Halit- (male) (arab.) He will live forever.
Hamza- (male) (Arabic) Sharp, burning.
Hamid And Hamida- (Arabic) Glorifying, ascending.
Hammat- (male) - (arab.) Glorifying.
Hanif And Hanifa- (Arabic) True.
Haris- (male) (arab.) Plowman.
Hassan and Hasana - (arab.) Good.
Khattab- (male) (arab.) Woodcutter.
Hyatt- (female) (arab.) Life.
Hisan- (male) (arab.) Very handsome.
Hodge- (male) (pers.) Lord, mentor.
Husain- (male) (arab.) Handsome, good.


Genghis- (male) (Mong.) Great, strong.
Chulpan- (male) (Turk.) The planet Venus.


Shadide- (female) (arab.) Strong.
Scheide- (female) (pers.) Beloved.
Shaikhulla- (male) (arab.) Elder of Allah.
Shakir And Shakira- (Arabic) Thanksgiving.
Shafik And Shafkat- (male) (arab.) Compassionate.
Shahriyar- (male) (pers.) Sovereign, king (from the fairy tales "A Thousand and One Nights").
Shevket- majestic, important
Shemsi And Shemsia- (pers.) Sunny.
Shirin- (female) (pers.) Sweet (from folklore).
Sheriff- honorary
Shefik(Shefiqa) - kind, sincere
Shukri(Shukriye) - thankful

-= E =-

Evelina- (male) (fr.) Hazelnut.
Edgar- (male) (English) Spear.
Edib(edibe) - well-bred
Edie(pedie) - gift
Ekrem- very generous, hospitable
Eleanor- (female) (Heb.) Allah is my light.
Elvir and Elvira - (Spanish) Protective.
Eldar- (male) (Turk.) The ruler of the country.
Elmaz- gem, diamond
Elsa- (female) (German) swore before God, short for Elizabeth.
Elmir and Elmira - (English) Handsome.
Emil and Emilia - (lat.) Diligent.
Emin(Emine) - honest
Enver- very radiant, bright
enis(Enise) - a good conversationalist
Eric- (male) (Scand.) Rich.
Ernest- (male) (gr.) Serious.
Esma- very generous, hospitable
Eyub- the name of the prophet,

-= Yu=-

Yuldash- (male) (Turk.) Friend, companion.
Yuzim- (male) (Turkic-Tat.) Raisins, two faces.
Uldus- (female) (tat.) Star.
Yulgiza and Yulgiz - (Turkic - Persian) Long-liver.
Yunus- (male) (heb.) Dove.
Yusuf- the name of the prophet,

-= I =-

Yadgar- (male) (pers.) Memory.
Yakub(Yakub) - (masculine) (heb.) Following, the name of the prophet.
Yakut- (male) (gr.) Ruby, yahont.
Yamal- see Jamal, f. Jamila.
Yansylu- (female) (tat.) feather, beloved, Jan (soul) + sylu - (beauty).
Yatim- (male) (pers.) The only one. (Or lonely). An old Tatar name borrowed from the Persian language.
Yashar- from Turkic: life

If you know a name - which is not in this article - Send me an email [email protected] I will definitely add the site.