Children are heroes of fairy tales and I am in grimm. True Tales of the Brothers Grimm

Children are heroes of fairy tales and I am in grimm.  True Tales of the Brothers Grimm
Children are heroes of fairy tales and I am in grimm. True Tales of the Brothers Grimm

Even those who do not like fairy tales are familiar with the plots of Cinderella, Rapunzel and Little Boy. All these and hundreds more were recorded and revised by two linguistic brothers. They are known all over the world under the names Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm.

Family business

The sons of the lawyer Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm, were born a year apart. Jacob was born in early January 1785. The second son of the Grimm family, Wilhelm, appeared a year later, on February 24, 1786.

The young men were orphaned early. Already in 1796, they passed into the care of an aunt, who did her best to support their desire to study, new knowledge.

The university for lawyers, where they entered, did not captivate their inquisitive minds. The Brothers Grimm became interested in linguistics, compilation German dictionary, and also from 1807 they began to write down fairy tales heard on their travels in Hesse and Westphalia. There was so much “fabulous” material that the brothers Grimm decided to publish the stories they recorded and reworked.

Fairy tales not only made the brothers famous, but also gave one of the linguists family happiness. So, Dorothea Wild, from whose words the stories about Hansel and Gretel, Lady Blizzard and the story of the magic table were recorded, later became the wife of Wilhelm.

Fairy tales turned out to be interesting a wide range of readers. During the lifetime of the brothers, their collections of fairy tales were translated into more than a hundred languages. The success kept Jacob and Wilhelm interested in their work, and they enthusiastically looked for new storytellers.

How many fairy tales did the Brothers Grimm collect?

The initial publication of the collected material by the Brothers Grimm consisted of 49 fairy tales. In the second edition, which consisted of two volumes, there were already 170 of them. Another Grimm brother, Ludwig, participated in the printing of the second part. However, he was not a collector of fairy tales, but skillfully illustrated what Jacob and Wilhelm reworked.

After the first two editions of the collections of fairy tales, 5 more editions followed. In the final, 7th edition, the Brothers Grimm opted for 210 fairy tales and legends. Today they are called "fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm."

The abundance of illustrations, closeness to the original source made fairy tales a subject for discussion and even controversy. Some critics accused linguists of too "childish" details of the published fairy tales.

To satisfy interest young readers to their work, the brothers Grimm in 1825 released 50 edited fairy tales for children. To the middle 19th century this collection of fairy tales has been reprinted 10 times.

Recognition of descendants and modern criticism

The legacy of the linguists Grimm was not forgotten even after years. They are read to children by parents of the whole world, they are used to stage performances for young viewers... The popularity of fairy tales for a century and a half has grown so much that in 2005 UNESCO included the work of the Brothers Grimm in the list of "Memory of the World".

The writers play up the plots of Grimm's fairy tales for new cartoons, films and even TV series.

However, like any grandiose work, the tales of the Brothers Grimm are still subject to criticism and various interpretations. So, some religions call only a few fairy tales from the brothers' heritage "useful for children's souls", and the Nazis used their stories to propagate their inhuman ideas.

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In the first edition of 1812 - that is, in the bloodiest and most terrible. Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm like Charles Perrault together with an Italian storyteller Giambattista Basile, plots were not invented, but they were rewriting folk legends for subsequent generations. The blood runs cold from the primary sources: graves, severed heels, sadistic punishments, rape and other "non-fabulous" details. has collected original stories that should not be told to kids at night.


It is believed that the earliest version of "Cinderella" was invented in Ancient egypt: while the beautiful prostitute Fodoris was swimming in the river, the eagle stole her sandal and took it to the pharaoh, who admired the small size of the shoes and eventually married the harlot.

The Italian Giambattista Basile, who recorded the collection folk legends"Tale of fairy tales", everything is much worse. His Cinderella, or rather Zezolla, is not at all the unfortunate girl we know from Disney cartoons and children's plays. She did not want to endure humiliation from her stepmother, so she broke her stepmother's neck with the lid of the chest, taking her nanny as an accomplice. The nanny immediately hurried up and became a second stepmother for the girl, in addition, she had six evil daughters, of course, it was not possible for the girl to interrupt all of them. Saved the case: once the king saw the girl and fell in love. Zezolla was quickly found by His Majesty's servants, but she managed to escape, dropping - no, not crystal slipper! - the rough pianella with cork soles worn by the women of Naples. The further scheme is clear: a nationwide wanted list and a wedding. So the killer of the stepmother became the queen.

Actress Anna Levanova as Cinderella in the play Cinderella directed by Yekaterina Polovtseva at the Sovremennik Theater. Photo: RIA Novosti / Sergey Pyatakov

61 years after the Italian version, Charles Perrault released his tale. It was she who became the basis for all "vanilla" modern interpretations... True, in Perrault's version, the girl is helped not by the godmother, but by the deceased mother: a white bird lives on her grave, making wishes come true.

The Brothers Grimm also interpreted the plot of Cinderella in their own way: in their opinion, the mischievous sisters of the poor orphan should have received what they deserve. Trying to squeeze into the cherished shoe, one of the sisters chopped off her toe, and the other - the heel. But the sacrifice was in vain - the prince was warned by the pigeons:

Look, look
And the slipper is covered in blood ...

The same flying warriors of justice ended up pecking out the eyes of the sisters - this is the end of the fairy tale.

Little Red Riding Hood

The story of a girl and a hungry wolf has been known in Europe since the 14th century. The contents of the basket changed depending on the area, but the story itself was much more unfortunate for Cinderella. Having killed the grandmother, the wolf not only eats her, but prepares a treat from her body, and a certain drink from her blood. Hiding in bed, he watches as Little Red Riding Hood devours his own grandmother with gusto. The grandmother's cat tries to warn the girl, but she also dies terrible death(the wolf throws heavy wooden shoes at her). Little Red Riding Hood does not seem to be embarrassed by this, and after a hearty dinner she obediently undresses and goes to bed, where a wolf is waiting for her. In most versions, this is where it all ends - they say, rightly so for the stupid girl!

Illustration in the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood". Photo: Public Domain / Gustave Dore

Subsequently, Charles Perrault composed an optimistic ending for this story and added morality for everyone whom all sorts of strangers invite to their bed:

Little kids are not without reason
(And especially for girls,
To beauties and spoiled girls),
Meeting all kinds of men on the way,
You can't listen to insidious speeches, -
Otherwise, the wolf can eat them.
I said: wolf! Wolves are countless
But between them there are others
Dodgers so wicked
That, sweetly exuding flattery,
The maiden's honor is guarded
Accompany their walks home,
They take them bye-bye through the dark alleys ...
But the wolf, alas, than it seems more modest,
So he is always cunning and more terrible!

Sleeping Beauty

The modern version of the kiss that awakened the beauty is just childish babble in comparison with the original plot, which was recorded for posterity by the same Giambattista Basile. The beauty from his fairy tale, named Thalia, was also cursed with a spindle prick, after which the princess fell asleep without waking up. The inconsolable king father left in small house in the forest, but could not imagine what would happen next. Years later, another king passed by, entered the house and saw the Sleeping Beauty. Without thinking twice, he carried her to bed and, so to speak, took advantage of the situation, and then left and forgot about everything for a long time. And the beauty raped in a dream nine months later gave birth to twins - a son named Sun and daughter Luna. It was they who woke Talia: the boy, in search of his mother's breast, began to suck her finger and accidentally sucked a poisoned thorn. Further more. The lustful king again came to an abandoned house and found offspring there.

Illustration in the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty". Photo: / AndreasPraefcke

He promised the girl mountains of gold and again left for his kingdom, where, by the way, his legal wife was waiting for him. The king's wife, having learned about the homeless woman, decided to exterminate her along with the whole brood and at the same time punish her unfaithful husband. She ordered to kill the kids and make meat pies from them for the king, and burn the princess. Just before the fire, the cries of the beauty were heard by the king, who came running and burned not her, but the annoying evil queen. And finally, the good news: the twins were not eaten, because the chef turned out to be a normal person and saved the kids by replacing them with a lamb.

Defender of maiden honor Charles Perrault, of course, greatly changed the tale, but could not resist the "moral" at the end of the story. His parting words read:

Wait a little,
So that my husband turns up
Handsome and rich man besides,
It is quite possible and understandable.
But for a hundred long years
In bed, lying, waiting
It's so unpleasant for the ladies
That no one can sleep ...

Snow White

The Brothers Grimm flooded the tale of Snow White interesting details, which in our humane time seem wild. The first version was published in 1812, supplemented in 1854. The beginning of the tale no longer bodes well: “One snowy winter day, the queen sits and sews by a window with an ebony frame. Accidentally she pricks her finger with a needle, drops three drops of blood and thinks: "Oh, if I had a baby, white as snow, ruddy as blood and dark as an ebony." But the witch is really creepy here: she eats (as she thinks) the heart of the murdered Snow White, and then, realizing that she was mistaken, comes up with all new sophisticated ways to kill her. These include a suffocating dress string, a poisonous comb, and a poisoned apple that we know worked. The ending is also interesting: when all is well with Snow White, it is the turn of the witch. In punishment for her sins, she dances in red-hot iron shoes until she falls dead.

A still from the cartoon "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs".

The beauty and the Beast

The original source of the tale is neither more nor less ancient greek myth about the beautiful Psyche, whose beauty everyone envied, from the older sisters to the goddess Aphrodite. The girl was chained to a rock in the hope of feeding the monster, but miraculously she was saved by an "invisible creature." It, of course, was male, because it made Psyche his wife, provided that she would not torment him with questions. But, of course, female curiosity prevailed, and Psyche learned that her husband was not a monster at all, but a beautiful Cupid. Psyche's husband was offended and flew away without promising to return. Meanwhile, Psyche's mother-in-law Aphrodite, who from the very beginning was against this marriage, decided to completely eliminate her daughter-in-law, forcing her to perform different challenging tasks: for example, bring the golden fleece from rabid sheep and water from rivers of the dead Styx. But Psyche did everything, and there Cupid returned to the family, and they lived happily ever after. And the stupid, envious sisters threw themselves off the cliff, hoping in vain that an "invisible spirit" would be found on them too.

Closer to modern history version was writtenGabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuvein 1740. Everything is complicated in it: the monster is, in fact, an unfortunate orphan. His father died, and his mother was forced to defend her kingdom from enemies, so she entrusted the upbringing of her son to someone else's aunt. She turned out to be an evil sorceress, in addition, she wanted to seduce the boy, and when she was refused, she turned him into a terrible beast. The Beauty also has her own skeletons in the closet: she is not really dear, but stepdaughter merchant. Her real father- a king who has sinned with a stray good fairy. But an evil sorceress also claims the king, so it was decided to give the daughter of her rival to the merchant, whose youngest daughter had just died. Well, and a curious fact about Beauty's sisters: when the beast lets her stay with her relatives, the "good" girls deliberately make her stay in the hope that the monster will go berserk and eat her. By the way, this subtle related moment is shown in the latest film version of "Beauty and the Beast" withVincent Cassel and Leia Seydoux.

Still from the film "Beauty and the Beast"

Surely everyone knows the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. Perhaps, parents told many in childhood fascinating stories about the beautiful Snow White, the good-natured and cheerful Cinderella, the capricious princess and others. The grown-up children then read the fascinating tales of these authors themselves. And those who did not particularly like to spend time reading a book were sure to watch cartoons based on the works of legendary creators.

Who are the Brothers Grimm?

Brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm are famous German linguists. Throughout their lives, they worked on the creation of German. Unfortunately, they did not have time to finish it. However, this is not why they became so popular. It was folk tales that made them famous. The Brothers Grimm became famous during their lifetime. "Children's and Household Tales" were translated into different languages... The Russian version was released in the 60s of the 19th century. Today, their tales are read in almost 100 languages. Many children from different countries... In our country, they gained wide popularity in the 30s of the last century thanks to the retellings and adaptations of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak, and

What is the secret of the popularity of the Brothers Grimm fairy tales?

All fairy tales have a unique and interesting plot, a happy ending, the victory of good over evil. Entertaining stories, which came out from under their pen, are very instructive, and most of them are dedicated to kindness, courage, resourcefulness, courage, honor. In the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, the main characters are people. But there are also stories in which actors become birds, animals or insects. Usually such stories make fun of negative traits person: greed, laziness, cowardice, envy, etc.

In the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, there are also elements of cruelty. So, for example, the murder of a brave tailor of robbers, the demand of the stepmother to bring her internal organs(liver and lung) Snow White, the harsh re-education of his wife by King Thrushbeard. But do not confuse the elements of cruelty with the pronounced violence, which is not here. But the frightening and scary moments present in the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm help children to realize their fears and subsequently overcome them, which serves as a kind of psychotherapy for the child.

The Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales: List

  • An extraordinary musician.
  • Brave little tailor.
  • About the fisherman and his wife.
  • Mrs. Blizzard.
  • Golden bird.
  • The poor man and the rich man.
  • An ungrateful son.
  • Belyanochka and Rosochka.
  • Hare and Hedgehog.
  • Golden Key.
  • The queen of the bees.
  • Friendship of a cat and a mouse.
  • Successful trade.
  • Bell.
  • Straw, ember and bean.
  • White Snake.
  • About a mouse, a bird and fried sausage.
  • Singing bone.
  • Louse and flea.
  • An outlandish bird.
  • Six swans.
  • Knapsack, hat and horn.
  • Golden goose.
  • Wolf and fox.
  • The goose girl.
  • Kinglet and bear

The best tales of the Brothers Grimm

These include:

  • A wolf and seven little kids.
  • Twelve brothers.
  • Brother and sister.
  • Hansel and Gretel.
  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
  • Bremen street musicians.
  • Clever Elsa.
  • Thumb boy.
  • King Thrushbeard.
  • Hans is my hedgehog.
  • One-eyed, two-eyed and three-eyed.
  • Mermaid.

In fairness, it should be noted that this list is far from the ultimate truth, since preferences different people can be radically different from each other.

Annotations to some fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm

  1. "Hans is my hedgehog." The tale was written in 1815. Talks about extraordinary boy and his difficult fate... Outwardly, he looked like a hedgehog, but only with soft needles. He was not even liked by his own father.
  2. "Rumpelstichtsen". It tells about a dwarf who has the ability to spin gold from straw.
  3. Rapunzel. The tale of a beautiful girl with chic long hair... She was imprisoned in a high tower by an evil sorceress.
  4. "A table - yourself - cover yourself, a golden donkey and a club from a sack." The tale of the mind-blowing adventures of three brothers, each of whom possessed a magical object.
  5. "The Tale of the Frog King or the Iron Heinrich". The story of an ungrateful queen who did not appreciate the act of a frog who pulled out her favorite golden ball. The frog has turned into a beautiful prince.

Description of Jacob and Wilhelm

  1. "Brother and Sister". After the appearance of the stepmother in the house, the children have a hard time. Therefore, they decide to leave. On their way there are a lot of obstacles that they need to overcome. The stepmother witch, who bewitches the springs, complicates everything. Drinking water from them, you can turn into wild animals.
  2. "The Brave Tailor". The hero of the fairy tale - brave tailor... Satisfied with a calm and boring life, he sets out to perform feats. On the way, he encounters giants and a vile king.
  3. "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". It tells about the delightful daughter of the king, who was gladly accepted by the seven dwarfs, saving and protecting her in the future from the evil stepmother who owns a magic mirror.

  4. "King Thrushbeard". A fairy tale about a city and a beautiful princess who did not want to get married. She rejected all her potential suitors, mocking their real and imaginary flaws. As a result, the father passes her off as the first comer.
  5. "Mrs. Blizzard". Can be categorized as " New Year's tales brothers Grimm. "It tells about a widow who had own daughter and reception. The stepdaughter had a hard time with her stepmother. But a sudden accident, in which the unfortunate girl dropped a spool of thread into the well, put everything in its place.
  6. Categories of fairy tales

    Conventionally, the tales of the Brothers Grimm can be divided into the following categories.

    1. Tales of beautiful girls who are constantly spoiled by evil witches, witches and stepmothers. A similar storyline many of the brothers' works are permeated.
    2. Fairy tales in which people turn into animals, and vice versa.
    3. Fairy tales in which various objects are animated.
    4. which people become and their actions.
    5. Fairy tales featuring animals, birds or insects. They ridicule negative character traits and praise positive traits and inherent virtues.

    The events of all fairy tales take place in different time years without focusing on it. Therefore, it is impossible to single out, for example, the spring fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. As, for example, A. N. Ostrovsky's "Snow Maiden", which is accompanied by the name " spring tale in four acts ”.

    "Witch Hunters" or "Hansel and Gretel"?

    The last motion picture, based on the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm, is Witch Hunters. The film premiered on January 17, 2013.

    The tale "Hansel and Gretel" is presented in a succinct form at the beginning of the film. Mother's father unknown reasons leaves her son and daughter at night in the forest. In despair, children go wherever they look and come across a bright and delicious house of sweets. The witch who lured them into this house wants to eat them, but the savvy Hansel and Gretel send her to the oven.

    Further events unfold according to the director's own plan. Many years later, Hansel and Gretel begin to hunt for witches, which becomes the meaning of their lives and a way of making good money. By the will of fate, they end up in a small town teeming with witches who steal children to perform their rituals. Heroically they save the whole city.

    As you can see, director Tommy Virkola filmed the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm in a laconic form, adding his own continuation to it in a new way.


    Fairy tales are essential for all children, without exception. They are able to broaden their horizons, develop imagination and creative imagination, and foster certain character traits. Be sure to read fairy tales by different authors to your children, including the Brothers Grimm.

    Just when choosing works, do not forget to pay attention to their publication. After all, there are publications in which episodes are missing or added. This is often overlooked in the notes. And this is not a small nuance, but a significant drawback that can distort the meaning of a fairy tale.

    It will also be great if you take the time to talk about the Brothers Grimm fairy tales or play some of your favorites at your leisure.

For the first time the collection of fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm was published in 1812 and it was called "Children's and Family Tales". All works were collected in German lands and processed to give literary and some miraculous magic that the children liked. It makes no sense to read all the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm at the same age. The list of them is long, but not all are good, besides, not every one will be useful for young children.

Publication of the first book by the Brothers Grimm

In order to publish their book, the brothers Grimm had to endure many hardships, events unfolded from a completely unimaginable side. Having printed the manuscript for the first time, they passed it on to their friend. However, it turned out that Clemens Brentano was not their friend at all. Having considered a gold mine in the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, he simply disappeared from the sight of his friends and, as they later began to suspect, decided to publish fairy tales on his own behalf. The manuscript was found many years after the death of the authors. It contained 49 fairy tales, unique in their kind, heard from the narrator Gessen.

Having survived the betrayal best friend, The Brothers Grimm caught on and decided to publish the book without any excesses and expenses: illustrations and decorations. So on December 20, 1812, the first book of the authors was published, the first volume already contained 86 works - this is the first time simple people read the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. After 2 years, the list of fairy tales has increased by another 70 fairy tales for children.

Everyone began to read fairy tales!

Absolutely everyone began to read the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, stories were passed from mouth to mouth, and gradually the authors-storytellers became widely known persons, respect and love for whom grew by leaps and bounds. People came to them, helped them in whatever way they could, and thanked them for a piece of joy that they bring to their beloved children. Inspired by the idea of ​​collecting as much as possible folk works, to add a little magic and educational nuances useful to children, the brothers worked tirelessly until the end of their lives. So for more than 20 more years, the brothers released not many, not less than 7 editions, and already with abundant illustrations and a high-quality cover for those times.

At all times, both children and adults loved to read the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, although some people did not consider them suitable for small children. Too adult stories and sometimes profound reasoning frightened the parents. Therefore, the brothers Grimm were not too lazy and edited some of the tales, reorienting them to the youngest children. In this form, they have come down to us. On our site, we tried to add fairy tales in the original children's version only in best translations into Russian.

And it also happens ...

The fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm seriously influenced the attitude towards fabulous creativity, if before them fairy tales were often too simple, then the stories of the brothers can be called a literary innovation, a breakthrough. Subsequently, many people were inspired by the search for wonderful folk tales and their publication. Including the authors of the site decided to contribute to the development and entertainment of modern children.

Among other things, let us not forget that the tales of the Brothers Grimm appear as much as international fund UNESCO in the section dedicated to memorable, great works. And such a recognition says a lot and a lot of things cost two good storytellers Grimm.

Almost seventy percent of all adults on Earth love to read fairy tales. Reading fairy tales, you seem to be immersed in another Magic world moving away from real realities. Each storyteller had his own way of writing fairy tales: Charles Perrault wrote in romantic style, Andersen is vital and about life common people, and the Brothers Grimm's fairy tales had a slight mysticism, and some of their fairy tales can be confidently called frightening. Let's talk today about the Brothers Grimm: folklorists, linguists, researchers of German folk culture, and then the storytellers from Germany Jacob and Wilhelme.

Briefly about the life and career choices of the Brothers Grimm

Brothers Jacob (1785-1863) and Wilhelm (1786-1859) Grimm were born eight years apart in ordinary family in the German city of Hanau. The storytellers' brothers showed their love for folklore even in childhood, when their mother told them old legends and tales, and in adolescence their interest grew first into a hobby, and then into the meaning of their life. Strange brothers traveled across the country in search of surviving witnesses ancient folklore, gathered eyewitnesses by writing down valuable information from their words. Throughout my life and creative activity, Jacob and Wilhelm created and published several collections called "Tales of the Brothers Grimm", which quickly became popular and reached our ears. Now let's remember the most famous, most interesting and scary tales of the Brothers Grimm.

"The Tale of the Frog King, or Iron Henry"

This tale is the very first story in the first volume of their collection of fairy tales and legends. The story of an ungrateful princess and a kind frog who regretted crying girl and believed her promises of eternal friendship, took her golden ball from the bottom of a deep well. But as soon as the princess got her ball back, she immediately forgot her promise. The frog turned out to be real enchanted prince, but this will be revealed much later.

"White and Rose"

I wanted to put this fairy tale at the very beginning of our list, since it is my favorite. The tale of two sisters Belyanochka and Rosochka with kind hearts who fell in love with a bear and a falcon, not knowing that they are the prince and his friend bewitched by a formidable forest sorcerer-bearded man.

One of the Brothers Grimm's most instructive tales is that pride and arrogance are bad allies and friends. The proud princess could not choose her betrothed in any way and only ridiculed all the applicants. And once a real king came to the palace to ask her hand in marriage, and in response he heard offensive speeches. And then the wise king decided to teach the cruel princess a lesson by pretending to be a poor musician.

The most famous and popular fairy tale of brothers storytellers who knew how to tell life stories in a fabulous manner. The beautiful princess, nicknamed Snow White for her snow-white skin, was born too beautiful than she crossed the road angry stepmother and part-time a sorceress who wants to be the most beautiful in the whole kingdom. The king's father could not destroy his daughter, but also leave her in the palace too, so he left her in the forest, but here too kind heart Snow White found refuge and comfort among the little gnomes - the inhabitants of this wonderful forest.

This fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm can be called the most beloved and popular not only in the post-Soviet space, but throughout the world. Wandering beast musicians heading to the city of Bremen roam the world, singing songs and performing under open air for curious onlookers and onlookers. But one day a donkey, a rooster, a cat and a dog stumble upon the hut of the bandits and, with their singing, make them leave their home and go wherever they look, and the cunning friends, the musicians, have forever remained masters in their house.

And about the best, read the site on our website by clicking on the link.

A fairy tale about a king and his curious servant, who poked his nose into everything. After a long meal, the king always ordered another meal to be brought. No one could know what this dish was, not even the servant. But one day curiosity overcame the guy so much that he could not resist and opened the lid of the dish. From what he saw, he was very surprised, a white snake was lying on a platter. The servant could not resist not to try this tidbit... As soon as he put it in his mouth, he heard outside the window not the usual singing of birds, but as thin as Sun Ray vote. He realized that the meat of the snake was magical and now he can hear the voices of beasts. From that day on, the servant no longer wanted to serve the king, he decided to wander the world in search of better life... And as happens in fairy tales, after many dangerous (and not so) adventures, he found his princess, married her and became a king.

Highly instructive tale about the wanderings and dangerous adventures of brother and sister, who were betrayed by their parents, leaving to die in the forest. What helped two small children survive in terrible impassable places where there are many wild animals and evil robbers? This, of course, is friendship, trust. And also the fearlessness of the elder brother Hansel, whose goal and great desire was to protect his sister Gretel from the terrible hands of an evil sorceress. The tale was created for children, but we, parents should read it and rethink a lot and learn a lot from these persistent and not childishly sensible children, and most importantly, to understand that there is no greater happiness and wealth than our own children in the world. And no sorrows and misfortunes should force us to abandon them in trouble.

By the way, on our site there is a site interesting article about that should be on every child's shelf.

From the first lines of the tale, we learn about the difficult fate of the little stepdaughter, about the evil stepmother and the lazy daughter, whom we cherished and pitied when the stepdaughter got all the dirty and hard work. Once the stepdaughter dropped a spindle into the well, confessing this to her stepmother, she heard an angry answer: "I dropped it myself and get it out." The poor girl had no choice but to jump into the well. When she touched the bottom with her feet, she saw Wonderland... Walking past the windows of one beautiful house, the stepdaughter saw Mrs. Blizzard. She liked the girl so much, and she invited her to serve with her. The stepdaughter remained, she was hardworking and did her job conscientiously. When the time came to return home, Mrs. Metelitsa generously presented the girl with gifts. Seeing this, the stepmother burst into anger, envy overcame her heart. She sent her daughter to the well and ordered to bring even more gifts. But the lazy and clumsy daughter deserved only a cauldron of resin, which overturned on her. So the stepmother could not wash her from her daughter. Laziness and envy are bad fellow travelers, it is better to be kind and hardworking - this is the moral of this tale.

Goose maker

The tale of a beautiful princess who, by the will of fate, had to graze geese. By deception and slander of the evil servant who took her place, the princess was left in the castle out of pity and allowed to help the goopas. Over time, they began to call her that - Gusyatnitsa. But the girl was so beautiful, sophisticated and aristocratic that everyone who saw her did not believe that in front of him was a commoner. The princess had a talking horse named Falada. The maid, who was pretending to be the queen, was very afraid that Falada would expose her and ordered the horse to be slaughtered.

The princess was very upset, but there was nowhere to go, she asked the flayer to nail the horse's head under the gate leading from the castle. So he did, and every morning the princess spoke to the head of a horse as she drove the geese to the pasture. Time passed, and for a long time the princess would have tended the geese, but the old king found out about it, and everything became clear to him. He took a real princess by the hand and led her to the prince, and ordered the maid to be executed. Good always triumphs over evil, even if not in life, but at least in a fairy tale.

The most scary tale brothers grimm

Once Lucifer himself came to the miller and demanded for all the wealth that he once gave him, now give him what he had behind the mill, and at that time the miller's daughter was sitting there spinning yarn. When the miller's daughter refused to go with Satan, he ordered her father to cut off her hands and drive her out of the house. So, the poor girl wandered through the forest for a long time until the king met her and fell in love, despite her injuries.

The most short tale brothers grimm

"Three Spinners"

The plot of this tale is really quite laconic and short. One day, driving past a village, the queen heard a girl crying and stopped to ask about the reasons. The girl's mother could not tell the queen that her daughter did not know how to spin and lied that she could not take her daughter away from the spinning wheel so much she spins, and since she cannot do what she loves, she cries bitterly. Then the queen wished to take the girl with her, because she has enough yarn for the whole kingdom and if she spins all the flax in a short time, then the queen will marry her off to her son. Three spinners came to the aid of the girl who did not know how to spin ...


Each storyteller has his own style and manner of writing fairy tales. Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm from old Germany all their legends and retellings for some reason turned out to be rather gloomy, mystical, and sometimes even scary, but no less intriguing and interesting. Today we remembered the most beloved and famous fairy tales Brothers Grimm, each of their fairy tales, as you can see, has its own morality and science.