How to learn to write interesting articles. Personal: How to learn to write interesting texts

How to learn to write interesting articles. Personal: How to learn to write interesting texts
How to learn to write interesting articles. Personal: How to learn to write interesting texts

Music has always been and will be a significant part of being. The words of each composition reflect the experiences, tell stories and describe events that exciting one or another side of the human soul. Poets and composers can give many tips on how to write a song, but none of them will find for you the main components - spiritual flight, enthusiasm and inspiration. With this, each author must cope with himself. If you feel ready to create, read further. Ahead of you will be waiting for the mass of valuable tips, which will help to transform the flow of thoughts into a musical work.

Structure of writing songs

There is a limited set of structural variations of songs used in the overwhelming majority of compositions. If you decide to engage in creating texts, remember them as "our own". The process of developing the structure cannot be called the most exciting and exciting part of the training, but it is necessary. Perceive it as a basis, without which success is impossible. So, for most song compositions, the following variations of the structure are used:

  • coupling - chorus - a verse - chorus - chorus;
  • couplet - a verse - chorus - a verse - Chorus - Bridge - Chorus - Chorus;
  • coupling - Coupling - Bridge - Coupling;
  • couplet - Chorus - Coupling - Chorus - Bridge - Chorus - Chorus;
  • the verse - chorus - a verse - chorus - a verse - chorus - chorus.


The main task of the purchase is the transfer of information that brings the listener to the meaning of the composition. The verse tells the story and sets the mood. It should contain a plot, and another action and details of the emotional picture. The words of each couplet in the same composition will be different, but the motive must be maintained invariably. The number of syllables in the lines should be calculated so that the performer can escape all the couplets in one rhythm.


An additional element inside the population can be pre-chorus, which is one or two pairs of lines that are directly before the start of the church. The task of this component is to prepare the listener to the chorus. It is not considered obligatory, however, if you used it in the first purchase, you will have to continue throughout the text. Melody for all pre-dress will be the same. Words can repeat or differ - at the discretion of the author.


This part of the song is designed to be the most sensual. Chorus clings the listener for the soul. If you decide to write lyrics, think over the chorus for all 100%. It should be short and emotional. Chorus will bring the composition popularity if the main idea will be expressed in it. Use the words that will be combined with the text of the chorus, and do not attempt to make new information. To poems normally relate to music, do not make significant differences between the chills at the beginning and end.


With this element, you can dilute your song, make a variety and for a second to distract the listener from the main idea, so that the next couplet / chorus again seize attention and dip in the previous emotional atmosphere. A properly compiled bridge will be appropriate in the song of any subject and directions. It may be a composition about love or about friendship, a frank lyrics under a guitar or a textbook for rap. Building Bridge is a difficult task. To understand how to cope with it, take some examples of popular groups of various genres.

Song writing technique

If you decide to create music, proceed from what the heart prompts, but do not forget that the work that will end in the final result should be pleasant for the ear of the listener. To achieve this, follow next rules:

  • Watch out for the conformity of the text structure. Consider with the number and order of the components of the elements of the work.
  • Watch out for matching the text size. Words should be such that they can be escaped.
  • Strictly withstand the stylistics. Do not try to write a humorous text under the sad melody.
  • Try to make concise text with simple rhymes, especially if you write a song in English.
  • Do not led the listener's attention from the meaning concluded in the title of the composition.
  • Build the plots so that they fully disclose the meaning of the name.
  • Avoid morals and instructions.

Ideas for the topics of songs

In order for your creative work to be appreciated, learn to choose topical topics and turn your works in small stories. The overall plot can be drawn from real events or personal experiences. Do not forget that the modern listener finds music through the online search. Try to do so that your works stand out from the vast mass of the compositions of little-known performers. If you have to write a song to order, difficulties with the choice of subjects will not arise: the task is limited to the disclosure of the meaning laid in the title.

Creating a legend for a song

To clearly understand how to write lyrics, you must clearly represent the plot. Draw in the imagination story with specific events that will describe the composition. Here you need to show a creative approach, find the original idea that it wants to connect with music, to execute and write down. The words of each next element must continue the main idea.

Working text

If you decide to write a song about your feelings and experiences, be prepared for universal recognition such a work will not gain. Favorites will understand you, but there is nothing bad. To create a People's Hit, which will be appreciated in your city and beyond, use words and speeds available to a wide audience. Such a composition you can sell profitable. The main role is played by the manner of interpretation of thought.

How to compose a song yourself: Step-by-step instructions

A real hit cannot be born by chance: you have to create it. This requires several important components collected in the correct order. A step-by-step plan of self-writing text of the song is as follows:

  • Generate ideas. You must clearly feel the promise that will be disclosed in the work.
  • Soch the name. The composition of the composition forms the first impression in the head of the listener. If it is repulsive or not sufficiently attractive, no one will be interested in the song.
  • Observe the story. Write down on paper a chain of events that will be presented to the listener.
  • Start. Write an entrance hall, trying to invest the most valuable information in it, which will interest and intrigue the listener.
  • Medica. Bright, emotional verse, which will blow up the emotions caused by the first part of the song. Perhaps the bridge is useful.
  • Ending. The last lines of the text must hint on what the plot comes to an end. Make sure that they put the point started history. The thread of events to approach the final, otherwise the sense of incompleteness will remain.

How to learn to write rap

The author of the draft rap compositions should clearly know what rhymes come, and own them perfectly. This style of music is incredibly complicated, so many novice rappers fail, despite the efforts made. How to start writing rap, we can speak very long, but at the same time you must understand the main thing: there are no strict rules and canons. Each author forms its individual style, so it is necessary to think through all the elements of the song to the smallest detail. Rhymes for rap can be the most diverse. It is only necessary to remember that they should be filled with meaning.

A person who appeals for help in the creation of his own song to a computer is unlikely to represent where to start and how to finish. Solve this problem will help the roller below. Successful musicians, composers and producers will prompt where to find a source for inspiration. Use this video as a hint - and you will understand how to write a beautiful song using your own imagination and poetic talent.

Already in the literature lessons in primary classes, the teacher invites students to continue the well-known lines of writers with their copyright rows. Someone it turns out well, and someone and two words can not connect rhyme.

In adolescence, a prisoner love comes, the soul rushes to the will, I want to write and create. Sweet speeches come to mind, a person screams with the words about his feelings. As far as professional lines are difficult to judge, because these words are pouring from the soul and are intended only to beloved or beloved.

And how to learn how to write poems so that you feel free to demonstrate their society, proud of their fruits of creativity? Basic recommendations from famous creative personalities!

Write or not to write?

  1. The magical form of the stying is included in the following concepts: knowledge + feelings + imagination \u003d result of creativity. Not in vain, everyone speaks about Muse, which visits a person and gives him with painted thoughts, so it turns out a poem.
  2. It is important to know the rules of the rhythm of the verse, the alternation of unstressed and shock syllables in the string. The poetic dimensions are divided into kerity and yamb (doubled) and dactyl, amphibrachia, anapest (three-sided). These features are distinguished by the prose from the poemy.
  3. You need to work on studying the rhythm, of course, you should not sit for hours and invent rhymes to one word, but to choose the logical end of the string - a simple matter! Having mastered the rhythm, it will be possible to write not only the simple four bought poems, but to encroach on more literary "thoughts."
  4. The use of artistic means will allow you to decorate your creativity, express your feelings in a hidden form, encrypt the messages to readers, etc. It is important to master the metaphor, metonymy, hyperbola, allegory, comparison - and then the poem will play with new fertile colors.

So that the poetry is not so boring and monotonous, you need to read the classics daily, to fill your vocabulary, learn to form proposals, creating your own, individual style, which will be your business card for the future.

Feelings in the shower are not harnessed!

When a person is worried about something, the words will jump on the paper, they are reverent and sincere rows. Write under the order - it turns out dull and heartlessly. Even if these lines of the highest literary quality. Live thoughts become in words, give birth to their brainchild - a poem that makes readers empathize, rejoice at Il to cry with the main hero of poetry.

If, after reading your poem, a person has nothing to say, he is full of emotions, in the soul bubble feelings - it means that you correctly picked up the words and rhythm of poetry. Raised for the secret strings of the reader's souls - it costs a lot!


Yes, such poems are filled with exquisite images, surprise and pleasure to readers. Encrypted meanings, lost thoughts, mysterious images - this is the purpose of this art. To achieve such results - you need to read a lot, think, dream, mentally create images for the future poems.

Beginner writers should be remembered about the rhythm of the poem, one extra syllable can destroy the whole composition. It is not worth sacrificing the meaning for the intricate phrase, the easier - the more affordable for society.

Creativity is a process, and not the result. It is impossible to say in the morning - so I will write a poem today, because Muse is visiting a person in a state of mental experiences, emotions, and in the "dry" schedule, the talent lines are useless.

In order for the poem to be poetic to avoid stamped rhyms, they say, tears-dreams, heavens-wonders. It's simple and boring. And you do not need to imitate anyone, your style should be individual and unique!

  1. Write every day, let out of 10 poems 9 will go to the garbage basket, but you will hone the skill of the storm. Learn to properly select involvement and particle inclusive, skillfully use metaphorical structures, look for their unexpected and clinging images.
  2. Do you think that all poems about love? Of course not. You can try yourself in the genre of messages, tell friends, relatives, and even unfamiliar people about their feelings and experiences. Open your soul, to become a moment closer to others, give them a warm word and a good mood!
  3. Increase overall literacy, study the grammar rules, read, write dictations, retell texts, enjoy the learning process and inspire new literary accomplishments for your loved ones.

"A poetic gift has few, but everyone can learn to write poems!"

There are many ways to express our thoughts, we list the main types of poetic works:

  • white verse, despite the fact that there is no rhyme - the size and rhythm is clearly saved;
  • acrosth - the first letters of each row form a new word, and maybe two or three;
  • mixed verse combines several types of rhymes;
  • poems in prose - a particularly expressive style of transmission of the writer's senses, may also relate to poems;
  • verlibre - a difficult style, is distinguished by the special construction of rows, saturation of images and the absence of the installed rhyme.

What kind of poetic work is used - the choice of the author! The main thing is that the inspiration is near, and the words asked for paper for the paper.

Enjoy the poetic creativity of classics, modern writers, create your masterpieces - and make the world more beautiful, kinder and happier! Here is the main task of the writer's word!

Do you like to listen to your child, and you have already read all the books and do not know where to get something new? Try to write a fairy tale yourself. It's not hard. But that it turns out to be good, you must comply with several rules. Read and find out what.

A good idea. It's not difficult to find an idea. Just look around, see what surrounds you. Any event is suitable, an interesting animal. For example, your grandmother's cat. Tell us about how he travels to distant countries in search of adventures.

Heroes of life. Children love themselves when the main characters of fairy tales are real people or animals they know. The child will love your story about the events that have occurred with close people. As the main character of the fairy tales, try to choose who enjoys an authority to the crumbs so that he would like to be like him.

No need to make perfect people from them, let them just be fun and resourceful. A story about how some baby was able to overcome the adult, will cause genuine joy from the child. It is also desirable to introduce some fantastic character in a fairy tale (house, fairy, wizard).

Not a terrible story. No need to tell stories with a large number of traps and dangers. It can frighten the crumb. Better choose funny situations. For example, about the cat, which is entangled in the ball of threads. Such situations will make a baby.

The presence of a negative hero. A negative hero must be present in the fairy tale (not from close people). Such a role is suitable for a fictional hero. At the same time, it should not be terrible, let this character be awkward, clumsy. Because the baby in no way should be afraid of him.

Child in the center of events. Make a crumb one of the heroes, he will definitely like it. But the fairy tale in which your baby participates, should not be terrible, no dangers should appear in the plot.

Still prepare for the fact that not all your fairy tales like Karapuzu. In 2-3 years, he sometimes like to invent heroes independently. And if you do not guess his desire, he can indignant. In this case, it may be necessary to the urgent replacement of some events and heroes.

Bright vocabulary. Try that your stories are figurative, with an abundance of bright, expressive vocabulary. So you are not only entertaining the baby, but also introduce it to idiomatic expressions, new words, speech turns.

Dynamic plot. The composition of fairy tales should be entertainment, both for a child and for mom. During the story you need to adapt to the baby, since he can have his favorite heroes that must be defeated. Favorite toy crumbs can also become one of the characters. It should like Karapuzu.

More emotions. To tell the fairy tale you need as emotionally as possible. Try to play intonation. You can imitate the voices of animals or birds if they are found in the fairy tale. Do not forget that your facial expressions and gestures also play the last role in the perception by the child's heard story.

Thank you so much. Your article helped me very much !! \u003d)

Recently, fascinated by the writing of fairy tales with our son. I learned a lot of useful after visiting a talentherapy seminar with an amazing person - * In Love * Anna Kashina. Here is a good interview with her _http: //

You are absolutely right! The most important thing is that it is really easy and interesting even for mom. Even the smallest will appreciate your efforts if they have more emotions and intonations.

  • Tutorial

On my way there were a variety of people of writing professions: from editors, copywriters, ricketers simply to these writers. He backed up to everyone with a request to teach writing, and an intelligible answer, how to write it? - I did not hear, but all the answers can somehow rank.

"This is not all given ..."

This answer is the most terrible. There are two reasons for this (to choose from): a) consciously or not a person sees a competitor to you b) a person does not own technology, but uses intuition level techniques.

"Well, this is art ..."

Any creativity or art, call as you want, can be called a process, and how the process can be called technology. Female writing is that few people own, and few people speak about it and tells. No, it's not an art, the artist has paints, technique, does not paint the air?

"Well, read something for example ..."

You can read all your life, and when writing? Yes, and if you read "Fausta" - how can I write something after that? Feel yourself with a mouseless, which you just need to be silent and listen, that is, read. There is a lot of examples when a person in no way associated with the writer became a writer.

For a happy random, I met a writer who earned a living than wrote. He sent me to the right track that the writing is the same profession or, more precisely, craft.

How does the skill begins?

With exercises. For a writer, the most important and first exercise is writing an essay. This is a brief literary form - the basis for the construction of large novels. For example, we open the remark "on the Western Front without Change" - sit in the trench - essays on the full-page, full-time set about the memoirs about the house, then a full-time full of bombing - thick novels were obtained from the remark. The topic for the essay can anything - a pillar, thoughts of the homeless dog, and at least the last day - an essay will be a record in the diary. The size of the essay can be from a pair of proposals to several pages. Essays for the writer - as well as an etude for the actor, like plays or vocalize for the musician.

I will try to present a few principles that helped me in the development of crafts:

1. Do not lie. Writing only the truth. It is difficult to explain - but it is impossible to lie to yourself, otherwise people are not a fool - they will see deception. Here you need skill not to lie at least yourself, not others. There are 2 extremes: a) Striptease (there is a negative subconscious) b) the fear of speaking something at all, because we often do not think. No, write as sincerely as possible, even if you are sincerely mistaken, it will be your truth. But if you betray the truth that within you is fraught not only for your texts, but also for your head.

2. Proise. Write harder. Consonance should be pleasant to external and inner hearing. "The game or business is eating Mars boldly" - the combination of deaf and hissing is not the most pleasant in Russian. There are better to avoid such combinations: "Design - beauty in functionality" - this phrase is not functional, due to the monstrous combination of sounds. So you need to look for other options - they are, you just need to look. Check fabulility is easy - read what I wrote - if the rumor cuts - rewrite.

3. Seven words in the sentence. Yes, yes, I know, now he will break a lot of people - they say, we have a bagatoo and mighty that there are complex and complex offers. Thank you, I know - the complex offers are beautiful, I do not argue, but we are talking about the beginning. Immediately write / play symphonies, immediately think / write with complex structures, and readable, moreover, so that it is nice to read - no one is taken for this - it will not work. It is necessary first to learn bricks to burn, and then it is for something more complicated. Writing long offers is the highest pilot, not every writer knows how. Remember kilometer proposals from Tolstoy in the "War and the World", is not sure that all these phrases inspire. I advise you to listen to once again and calculate the words: "My uncle of the most honest rules, when not in the joke of Zalenor ...", etc.

4. No inspiration. This word is so raped that it is simply ashamed to use it. There is an objective reality, and think that something "over" will fall into my head, or on the head is naive. We have a huge and powerful car - subconscious, it needs to be loaded correctly, and it will give high-quality and necessary things. I mean this: what questions do you specify? What are you thinking about? What are you reading about? What do you dream about? How do you look at others on the world? What do you have "boiled" in your head? - It depends on what and how you will produce on paper. The man "under inspiration" is still that "under the buzz" - nothing cleans, captured by his condition and does not see anything around - it is possible to drive a bike for a long time, but you can safely go on a truck. Inspiration is the schizophrenia of a creative person, smaller inspiration.

Open any memories of recognized classics on how they wrote. You will not find a word about "inspiration." You will find information about how they set up the process. It is the technological process: as the thoughts recorded, as worked with drafts, as and when they returned to the text, as they found the topics for Scripture, as the text was treated and reached. This is what it is about, and not about inspiration that will never be afraid. It is necessary not to wait, but to work - and not inspiration will come, and you will write the text - something will be already something, which you can return and finish, and will not be empty thoughts.

Usually all that was recorded when the flow was going, requires harsh and hard check. After that, it needs to calm down, and choose the most valuable when you are no longer under "inspiration." It seems that "Oh! I wrote such a cool thing! Wow, what to twist! " Call a friend. To read his creation to him, and he, as he called, does not take the phone. Here is a damn, yes this is a masterpiece, here with ..., does not take the phone! Then you get up in the morning, you go to the toilet, your creation comes across my eyes, and you think - how good that yesterday did not take the phone ...

5. "Any fight begins with the first strike" - as my coach spoke, and any text begins with a shock phrase. Insert into one sentence all you want to say and even more. Make it with a slogan of your text. The shock phrase you put the point and lead the line - you illustrate / open / decrypt the shock phrase. For example, in a shock phrase to this text, I laid everything that I prove, show that the writer's craft is the same earthly as everyone else professions. The shock phrase may consist of several words and from one word: "Moscow. How much in this sound, for the heart of the Russian merged. " Impact phrase - Moscow. If in a conversation you need an intonation, try to put all this in one word - then everyone will be understood by that sense that you have invested. And here there is no paper and the reader, you are not near, to comment - here you need to put everything in the first phrase, to set the desired Taming the reader to read no longer your text. It already belongs to the reader, and he is free to read it as he wants.

The shock phrase, by the way, decide the eternal dilemma - "What to write about?" And "where to start?". Come up with the shock phrase - and everything, the case is already the case of this shock phrase to paint in the text.

6. During the writing of the text, you must make the discovery. If you did not - throw out the text to the basket. To learn something new for yourself, even seemingly from everyday items. If your text is solid banalities - throw away.

7. Form out of the form. Words in the text you need to use so that you come out for the everyday meaning of words. It seems like in poetry - when the same words receive a new meaning and sound. This item is difficult to explain, you need work in theline and examples. In a word, it is linked to the previous one: there is no discovery - it means that they did not go beyond the limits of the form, they did not go beyond the form - there will be no discovery.

8. Appreciate the paper. In our age terabyte, it is difficult to explain. Paper has not become cheap, but generally free. And you imagine that paper on which you want to write something from the antelope skins for a whole month. Here's one or a few people worked for a whole month so you could write something there, or even better you walked for a long time to make this paper? After that, you will not write garbage, and many times think many times, they stretch on the sand, before you write something to such paper. And so! SELL! Wrapped on the keyboard - and voila! Batz! Weak, what are you, here, all are ready. The word depreciates with paper. So for training it is better to write on paper, and not on the computer - you will appreciate more paper, and words, respectively. Habr, in this respect is also a very good thing - wrote something wrong, there will be no permissible rights, or you need to try very much.

Please do not be surprised by the primitiveness of these principles - but they work. This is just the beginning, only start, for a writing person, so that he knows where to start, so that he has a technology for doing something in his hands. It is clear that to become a big master, observing only these principles, it is impossible, but it is possible to start mastering the craft.

Exercises for the brain

Another important exercise for the writer is the transfer of abstract things into concrete and vice versa. Those. If you have a good mood - you should write in what is concrete it is expressed (rapid session or something else), or something happened to you, you did something - you must express for yourself to withdraw abstract conclusions, generalizations on this occasion. Speaking language of the Internet - online (thoughts) needs to be transferred to Offline (specific), and offline translate online.

By the way about philosophy. You want or not, but when you write will be visible your philosophy. Therefore, most often writing is a discipline of the mind. If there is no slender judgment in your head, then do not feed the illusions - they will not be on paper. If I am the failures somewhere, then on paper they will be so brightly visible that it becomes very nauseous from these mistakes. But then there is a big plus - we can work with it.

You need to carry a notebook with you. Write to pieces. As one philosopher said: "If you have an idea that you have arisen not recorded at the same second - then you will never write anymore." And do not take themselves the illusions of the completeness of the head - check yourself, write on paper what you think - everything will become clear right away.

What mistakes do novice writers?

The very first and main: to be a writer. I mean - it will be a mistake to constantly remember "What I am a writer" and pretend. No, you just need to write. Otherwise, this posture is read very quickly and bored. If you ask the current writers now - who they feel, many will simply say - I am writing and all, and they pay for it.

A good way to test your writings is to go with them by editors if they pay at least 10 dollars - it means it is worth it. If not, you still need to continue.

I will say again - these recommendations are not a panacea, this is what I personally helped to start writing, and I sincerely believe that if a person wants to learn how to write, he should refer to writing as a craft. Of course, not all artisans become masters, but not becoming an artisan, you will not have a single chance to become a master.

I do not want to give myself for smart, and say that this is all my ideas - it will be untrue. There are books and sources from where some ideas are taken for this notes. But I can not bring exact links - I do not remember where my, and what rethought and give out for his own. Therefore, just links:

Ain Rand. Art of fiction
Gustav Voddy. Courses of writing skills
Nora Gal. Word Living and Dead
Ditmar Elyashevich Rosenthal. Practical Stylistry of the Russian Language

UPD from commentators (not read):
Mario Vargas Losa. Letters to the young Romanist
Yuri Nikitin. How to become a writer
Leonid Kaganov.

To succeed on this field, you must comply with at least the minimum of rules. And they should not be taught, just remember! It was all taught to write articles in school in the Russian lessons. Remember how you broke your head over the War and Mire? That's what it is .

First you need to choose what to write. In fact, this is not so easy - find an unresossible topic, which is also interesting to a large number of people. There is another option - to write about what I like, but first see what search engines are given on this request on the first page, and write better. Much better!

Sometimes, of course, I just want to write about something, regardless of the "Weather". About your mood, impressions about the film, thoughts about life. If you want, write, but do not forget that this topic may be unpopular.

Before you start writing, you need to collect as much information as possible, find a couple of funny facts, a bit of statistics, all this is analyzed, and then compile a plan of the article. Of course, those who write a long time ago, in most cases the plan does not require: the writing scheme itself is in mind, it becomes clear what and why write. But a newcomer, so as not to sit in front of an empty monitor, it is better to immediately pop up the work plan.

Usually the article consists of the following parts:

  1. Announcement - a summary or just an explanation why you decided to write on this topic (so often make bloggers who write from the first person). It is necessary to indicate why this article will interest the reader and that he draws out of her for himself.
  2. Introduction - Facts that exist views on the problem under consideration, statistics. The questions you want to consider in the article.
  3. Your vision of the problem and theses- The largest part of the article where the author expresses its judgment and argues it, cites comparisons, reveals the topic. The main task here is not to pour water, write only essentially. From whether the reader will see a professional approach to business, whether the fresh thoughts will find on this issue and whether the author's style will feel, it depends, he will remain with you or not.
  4. Conclusions and recommendations- Conclusion that the author wanted to convey to readers.

The plan may vary depending on the theme, the style of the author, the volume of the text and other factors. In addition, it is not necessary to write in order, because no one sees that you started from the middle or in general from the end. The main thing is to start. Gradually will be a clear picture of the future article.

If the inspiration disappeared, you should not force yourself to work. It is better to get up because of the computer and do something else: drink tea, remember the pillow, wash the dishes, or take the garbage. After 10 minutes, you can return to work.

When the article is ready, let it get sideways and look at it the next day - you will find a lot of interesting things, maybe even a revet. The final version must be carefully checked for errors. You can use for this special services.

Why we write

When there is and you must always write there, a motivation becomes one of the serious problems. How to write articles if the blog is young, brings some losses, the cat visits to see, but not comments?

In general, the motives are all different: some blogs are the sake of money, the second is to self-realize, the third - because everyone is doing. Therefore, for some of the best motivator, there will be a photo of an expensive thing on the desktop, for others - the first real money on the Internet, and for the third - the attention of readers and their comments. First of all, you need to sit down and think that you are best motivated.

My motivation is a desire to share information, leave useful thoughts for readers. Be not just an observer, but also a creator, a small creator. It happens, of course, too lazy, and sometimes such a fortune lasts long, but we are all people. Sooner or later, inspiration comes or an event occurs, which I want to tell, and everything returns to the circles.

Search for inspiration

  • Read comments on the posts on the site.
  • Describe the public events that you plan to visit or in which you will take part.
  • Expose myths or legends.
  • Write an article about the event of a national or international scale.
  • Find an unusual solution to a common problem.
  • Take a look into your favorite groups in social networks, suddenly there is discussing something juicy.
  • Write about the success of an interesting person.
  • Tell us about any new service, gadget or supermen you have tried.
  • Remember some film that surprised you or change your views.
  • Tell us about the study of something. This can be anything, at least hydroponics.
  • Take someone's interview.
  • Make up your top movies, games, blogs, books or TV shows.
  • Explore carefully popular resources and try to understand what they are interested in others.
  • Refracture some product or service that you would never advise others.
  • Tell the amazing story on the verge of fiction.
  • Take a serious topic and open it with humor.


If you are just, remember the following advice:

  • Come up with a chain title.
  • Structure the post.
  • It is better to write less often yes better than more and worse.
  • Look inspiration.

Success comes only to those who write and whom they read, but how to write articles interesting? This skill appears with experience. Pay attention to the first and last articles of famous bloggers - the sky and the Earth, as if different people wrote, and only 1-2 years passed. They just studied, remembered the best chips of competitors, tried different options, stuffed with a hand.

This path will have to go through everyone who wants to write quickly, interesting and efficiently, in this matter no program will replace a living person. Write, do not stop.

It's good to write - this is a useful skill, and it is not so difficult to work out. The best way is through "", a free and cool course of writing skills from the editors of Lifehaker. You are waiting for the theory, many examples and houses. Create - it will be easier to perform a test task and become our author. Sign up!