Grimm "Brave Tailor. Brothers Grimm: Brave Tailor

Grimm "Brave Tailor. Brothers Grimm: Brave Tailor

Once the summer morning sat in his chair at the window, it was fun, and he was silent. And passed down the street of that peasant, shouting: "Good jam sell! Good jam sell! " It was nice to hear the calm, he pulled his housing neck in the window and shouted:

- Hey, Golubushka, come up, here your product and sell!

A woman rose to his hard basket for the tailor on the third floor and began to unleash all his pots before him. He looked after all of them, looked up, everyone looked like, she said and finally said:

- Jam, it seems good. Well, the shock to me, a balloker, four lots, and then, perhaps, and all a quarter of the pound will take.

A woman, reading a lot of his goods, sold the tailor as much as he asked, and gone, grumbling from annoyance.

- Well, God bless the Lord is jam! - exclaimed the tailor. - And he will send me a vigor and power!

With these words, the tailor took bread from the locker, I revealed myself the edge and smeared it with jam.

"It will, perhaps, thoroughly," he said. - But first I finish the jacket, and then as you follow and sing.

He put a piece of bread around him and continued to sew further, and he began to sew large stitches on joy. And the smell of sweet jams meanwhile everywhere throughout the room, and the many flies sitting on the wall, soaked it and the whole swarm went on bread.

- Hey, who are you who called you here? - said the tailor and began to drive the unborn guests.

But the german flies did not understand, did not obey him, and their even more had them. Here, the tailnasy, as they say, patience, finally burst, he went out of himself, rushed, grabbed the cloud and with a cry "Wait, I ask you!" Without any pity slammed the whole strength on the flies. He took the cloud, looked, he said, and lay in front of him, stretching his feet, not less than seven flies killed.

- That's what I am well done! He said he himself and was surprised his courage. - It is necessary that the whole city has learned about this.

I chose the tailor to the row belt, she sewed him and launched him with large letters on it: "he broke into seven in one fellible."

- What is the city, - he continued to reason on, - all the world should learn about! - And his heart beat him from joy, precisely barracks tail.

And she was bombarded by a tailor belt and was going to go on the white light, considering that the tailoring workshop was too close for his courage. But before you go on the road, I began to fool all over the house, there is no such thing that could be seized with me, but he did not find anything except the head of the old cheese, and he took her with him. At the gate, he saw the bird, caught her in the bushes and also climbed at the same time with cheese in his pocket. Then he worked safely in the path - and he was a slightly agona and when he climbed on the top of the top, he saw a huge giant there, who was sitting and calmly glanced.

Tailor boldly approached him, spoke to him and asked:

- Hello, comrade! What are you sitting here and look at the whole world, drove and wide? Here I go to wander around Bella, I want my happiness to try, do you want to go with me?

The Giant looked contemptuously on the tailor and said:

- Hey you, Terravana! Man is poor!

- No matter how! - answered the tailor, unbuttoned his caftan and showed a giant belt. - Here, you can read myself what I am for a person.

The Giant read: "Breaked by seven in one fellible" and thought that he was talking about people who killed the tailor, and felt some respect for this little man. But he wanted to test him first: here he took a stone in his hand and squeezed him so that the water came out of it.

"So you try the same way," said the Giant, "if you have enough strength."

- Is it all? - asked the tailor. - Yes, this is what is just fun.

The tailor took out the head of soft cheese from his pocket and squeezed so that the juice from it is flown.

"Well," he said, "Perhaps it will be better?"

The giant did not know what he was said - he did not expect this from the little man. And then raised the giant stone and threw it up, so it's so high that he disappeared from sight.

- Well, you, spleen, try too.

"Well, throws well," said the tailor. - But the stone, however, he fell to the ground; And I'll bother so that he will not return back.

The tailor took from the pocket of the bird and threw it up. The bird, attening freedom, soared, rose high in the sky and did not return.

- Well, how do you like? - asked the tailor.

You know how to throw, "said the Giant. - But let's see if you are able to bear a big weight.

The giant led the calm to a huge oak, which lay, cut down, on Earth, and said:

"If you are strong enough, help me to endure a tree from the forest."

"Okay," the little man replied, "you put the trunk to yourself on your shoulders, and I will raise and rushing the bitch and the branches, this will be much sick.

The giant trunk was hampered on his shoulders, and the tailor sat on one of the branches, and had to be giant, who could not look back in any way, to drag all the tree and even the tailor. And there was a tailoring cheerful and looked like a song: "Three tailors drove up to the gate," like a tree was dragging for him a funny fun.

He dragged the Giant Ignorant not far, and then I was not able to carry and shouted:

"Listen, and I have to throw a tree."

Here the tailor jumped back from the branch, grabbed the tree with both hands, for sure he is his own, and said the giant:

- You're so big, and you can't carry the tree.

They went further together; Passing by the cherry tree, grabbed his giant for the top, on which the most ripe cherries hung, hit her down, handed over to the tailor and began to treat him. But the taillegament was too weak, it was not able to keep the tree, and when the giant let go, it rose, and the tailor took off with him up. He fell safely to Earth, and the Giant and says: "What's wrong with you, can you keep this little twist?"

- There is enough forces enough, "answered the tailor," do you think that this means something for someone who broke the seven in one fear? I jumped through the tree, because at the bottom of the hunters shoot the bushes. Well, jumped you, if you can.

The Giant tried it, but he could not jump over the tree and he was hung on the branches, so that the tailor was over.

And said the Giant:

"If you're such a brave, then let's go with me to our cave, you spend you."

The tailor agreed and went after the Giant. They came to the cave, and there are also other giants by the fire, and each of them is in hand on fried sheep, and each eats it. I looked at the tailor and thought: "And here, there is much more spacious than I have in the tailor." The giant pointed him the bed and said that he was lying as he had slept. But the bed for the tailnation was too large, and he was not lying on her, but he climbed into the very corner. Midnight came, and the Giant, thinking that the taillegament was sleeping deeply, got up, took a large iron scrap and broke the bed in half, thinking that he had already destroyed the "grasshopper". Early in the morning, the giants went into the forest, and about the calf and forgotten, and he suddenly leaves the fun and faint of them to meet. Then the giants were frightened and thought that he would have run them all, and the tricks were killed.

And the taillegament moved further, where the eyes look. He wandered around for a long time, and finally came into the courtyard of the Royal Palace and, feeling fatigue, arriving at the grass and fell asleep. While he lay, people came, began to look at it from all sides and read from him on the belt: "beat seven in one fellible."

"Oh," they said, "what does this great hero want here in peacetime?" This must be some powerful person.

People went and announced the king, thinking that in case of war it will be important here with a person here and necessary and that it should not be released in any case. I liked the king this advice, and he sent one of his courtes to the calm, who was supposed to offer him when he wanted to go to the king for military service. The messenger came to sleep, waited until he began to sneak and opened his eyes, and then the royal order outlined him.

"I've got here and came here," said the tailor. - Well, I am ready to go to the king to the service.

Courtnic accepted the tailor with the honors and took him a special place. But the royal warriors reacted to the newcomer badly and wanted to sell it somewhere away. "What will come out of this? - They spoke among themselves. - If we argue with him, then he, which is good, will be painted on us and beat seven in one fell. Here, none of us will not stand against him. " And they threatened this way: everyone went to the king and began to resign.

"Where we have to resist," they said, "next to such a person who breaks seven in one fell."

The king was sealed that he had to lose all his loyal servants because of one, and he wanted to get rid of him quickly from the tailor, so that he could not be more on his eyes. But he did not decide to give him a resignation: he was afraid that he would beat him, but at the same time and courtesy, and himself sits on his throne. He thought for a long time he thought and finally hesitated to do so. He sent to the calf and told him to announce that as a great military hero he wants to make him a certain sentence. In one of the forests of his kingdom, two giants settled that robbery, and a great harm, a lot of great harm were learned; And no one dared to come close to them, without being taught. If he overpowering these two giants and kill, he will give him his only daughter to his wife, but in the dowry of the polingement; And a hundred riders will go with him on the hell. "It would be nice for such as me," said the tailor, "to get a beautiful kingdom to his wife, and even half the kingdom in addition, this is not falling out every day."

"Oh yes," he said in response, "I don't need the giants of these giants, and I don't need hundreds of riders for this: who breaks one fear of seven, there is nothing to be afraid.

And so got a tail in a hike, and traveled behind him a hundred riders. Going to the edge of the forest, he said to his warranty:

"You're stay here, and I really disappear with the giants yourself."

Tailor snorted into the forest, glancing on the sides. Soon he saw two giants; They lay under the tree and slept, and snapped with might and main, so the branches on the trees swore.

Tailor, do not be lazy, fought himself both pockets with stones and climbed onto a tree. He took up to half of the tree, climbed onto the branch, sat just above the sleeping giants and began to dump one of them on the stone's chest. The giant noticed anything for a long time, but finally woke up, pushed his buddy in the side and asked:

- Do you beat me?

"Yes, it will dream of you," he answered him. - I do not bone you at all.

They went to bed again; And the tailor took a stone and threw it on the second giant.

- What is it? - exclaimed the second. - What are you thrown in me?

"I do not throw in you," the first answered and began to grumble.

So they quarreled for some time, and when both of it were tired, they stopped quarrel and fell asleep again. And the taillegament began his game again: chose the stone more and threw it with all his strength in the chest first giak.

- This is too much! - shouted the first giant.

He jumped like insane and so pushed his friend about the tree that it treated. The second paid for him the same coin, and they came to such a rage that they began to pull out the trees with the root, Koperate them each other, until they finally fell to death. Here the tailor jumped from the tree. "Happiness is still," he said to himself, "that they did not pull the tree on which I was sitting, and I would have had to, perhaps, jump, precisely protein, from one tree to another. Well, we are more people! " He pulled his sword and hit the whole strength and of the other in the chest; Then came out of the forest to the riders and said:

- The case was done, finished it both, but I had to be difficult for me: they, having been having troubled, the whole trees from the ground were pulled out to defend themselves, but it helped them little, once I had such a thing that I would beat seven in one feather.

- Are you not injured? - asked riders.

- managed well, - answered the tailor, - and the hair on the head was not touched.

Riders did not want to believe him and headed into the forest. And they saw the giants there, which was floating in their own blood, and around them were angry with the root of the trees.

And the tailor demanded from the king the award promised him, but he really repent in his promise and began to invent again, as if he would get rid of such a hero.

"Before getting my daughter in my wife and half of the kingdom in addition," he said to him, "you have to make another heroic business." Unicorn lives in the forest, he hurts great harm, you must catch it.

- Unicorn I am afraid even less than two giants.

He took with him the rope and the ax, went to the forest and told people who were given to his help, wait for him again on the edge of the forest. Long to look for him did not have to; The unicorn soon appeared and rushed directly on the tailor, gathering him immediately to put on his horn.

"Potache, hiding," said the tailor, "so fast will not go.

He stopped and waited until the beast approached him closer, then jerbously bounced and hidden over the tree. The unicorn was ruined with all his might and looked his horn to the trunk, and so hard that he didn't have enough strength to pull him again. So he was caught.

- Now I have a bird in my hands, "said the tailor, came out of the tree, threw the unicorn on the neck of the rope, then cut off the horn with an ax, which was stuck in the tree, and when everything was in order, brought the beast from the forest and brought him To the king.

But the king and now did not want to give him the promised award and set the third demand. Should have been tailor to the wedding to catch wild boar, which causes in the forest

"Okay," answered the tailor, "it's like a children's fun for me."

He did not take hunters in the forest, and they remained very satisfied with it, because the wild boar has repeatedly met them so that they and the hunt disappeared after him to chase. When Kaban remarked the tailor, he rushed to him with foam at the mouth and with grinned fangs, going to knock him down; But the clever hero jumped into the chapel, which was located nearby, and immediately jumped out from there through the window. The boar ran down behind him, and the tailor ran around the chapel and slammed the door behind him. Here is a fierce beast and caught, he was too heavy and embarrassed to jumped out of the window. Tailoring of hunters, so that they were looking at the caught beast, and our hero went to the king, and as he didn't want to keep his promise, and he had given his daughter and half of the kingdom to Podach.

He would know that it was not the great hero before him, and the tailoring, it would be no longer for him. And they celebrated the wedding with the great puff and a little joy, and so became the tailor of the king.

After some time, he heard the young queen at night, how his spouse is talking in a dream: "Small, and well, you are a jacket and you are a jacket, and I will donate you by Arshin." Here she guessed, from which alley of God, she said to another morning about her sorrow, she began to ask him to save her from such a husband - after all, he turned out to be a simple tailor. Became the king to consult her and said:

- At that night, you don't stick your oversight, my servants will stand at the door, and when he falls, they will enter, they will contact him and attribute to the ship, and it will be tired of distant countries.

The queen remained this satisfied, but the royal squire, who heard all this and was devoted to the young king, told him about this intent.

- With this case I am governed, - Milns Tailor.

In the evening, he was lying in the usual time to bed with his wife; She thought he was already sleeping, got up, opened the door and lay down again in bed. And the taillegament pretended, as if he was sleeping, and began to scream with a loud voice: "Small, saush you a jacket da dug pants, and not that I will donate you by Arshin! I broke the seven in one fear, two giants killed, took the unicorn from the forest and caught a wild boar, - Lee to be afraid of those who stand (outside the door! "The servants heard, which says the tailor, and attacked them great fear, and they ran away As if she was chanting for them on the heels of the fighter army, and no one had no longer loyal to touched the tailor.

And so, as the tail in the king, so they remained for all their lives.

Brothers Grimm.

He lived yes there was one tailor. He worked one day in his workshop at the table and suddenly heard a female voice in the yard.

- Jam, sell jam!
The tailor looked out of the window and shouted:
- Go here, a pretty woman. I will buy your jam.
The merchant picked up a heavy basket, climbed along the steep steps into the tailor workshop and laid out his jams and marmalade before him, opened all the jars and sniffed their content. Finally he said:
- That's it will take three spoons.
The merchant was disappointed that he took so little, but still first measured and went ravis.

The tailor smeared the jam a piece of bread and put on the table.
"I'll finish this shirt and then eat," he said to himself.
Fly flourished on the smell of jam soon.
- Let's go away! - shouted the tailor. But the flies did not understand his words and continued to circle over jam.
The angry tailort swallowed onto them with a cloth and seven dead flies fell to the floor.
- At once seven. Unprecedented business! Exclaimed the tailor. "Everything needs to learn about it."
He made him a leather belt with the inscription: in one feather seven broken. She put his new belt to the tailor and went through the light. And in order not to get drunk, put a piece of cheese in his pocket. Found a bird in the yard and also put it in his pocket.

On the outskirts of the city, the tailor met a terrible giant.
"Hello," said the tailor. - I go through the light in search of wealth. Will you wish to draw me a company?
The giant just looked around:
- There must be unhappy crumb, completely crushed.
To the living hurt this tailor:
- Look at my belt, then you will find out who I am.
The Giant read the inscription and thought that the tailor killed seven people. However, he could not believe that such a silence with the appearance of a little man could be so strong. I decided the giant to experience the tailor. He grabbed the stone and squeezed so that water flowed out of the stone.

It will not be for you, "he said to the tailor.
The tailor took out a piece of cheese from his pocket and squeezed him so that serum flowed from cheese.
However, it did not convince this giant. He grabbed the stone and threw him away far away.
"Try," said the Giant.
"Not bad," agreed the tailor. - But notice, the stone still fell to the ground. - With these words, he pulled out a bird from his pocket and threw it into the sky. The bird was delighted with freedom and disappeared in the sky.

"But if you are so strong, help me raise this tree," said the Giant, showing on a huge oak.
"With pleasure," said the tailor. - You will be thrown for the trunk, and I carry the branches, because they are much more and they are harder.
The giant walked ahead and did not notice that the tailor sat down among the branches.
Soon the giant said:
- I'm tired and must stay a minute.
Tailor jumped quickly from the tree, grabbed over the branches and it would see for a tree with a giant.
- It can be seen, you are not so strong as you think - I noticed the tailor.
They went further until they saw a cherry tree, covered with berries. The most ripe cherries were on the top and the giant tilted the tree so that the tailor could disrupt them.
But when the tailor grabbed the top, the tree suddenly straightened and the tailidity of one fell in one fell on the other side.
- also me. Even a twig can not hold, "said the Giant.
"Of course I can," said the tailor. - That I specifically jumped through the tree. Well, try. Let's see if it will be possible.

The giant tried to jump, and one leg was confused in the branches. In this time, the king was passing by his retinue.
- What's going on here? - he asked.
- Yes, nothing special, your royal majesty, - answered the tailor. - I just caught the giant.

For many years, announced the Giant to local residents and the grateful king gave a tailor in the award of a gold bag.
The news about how a brave tailor caught a terrible giant instantly spread throughout the light. So the tailor has become famous and rich. And he began to live-wait yes good story.

In one German city there lived the tailor, his name was Hans. He sat all day on the table at the window, pursing his feet, and sewed. Jackets sewed, pants, vests sewed.
Somehow sits the tailor Hans on the table, sews and hears - screaming on the street: "Jam! Drain jam! Who jam? "
"Jam! - thought the tailor. - Yes, even plum. It's good".
He thought so and shouted into the window:
- Aunt, aunt, go here! Give me jam!
He bought this jam half a letter, cut off a piece of bread, smeared him with jam and became a vest to milk.
"Here, - thinks -. We give a vest and jam. "
And in the room at the tailor Gansa there was a lot of flies, just not count how much. Maybe a thousand, and maybe two thousand. Fly flies that jam smells and flew to bread.
"Flies, flies," says the tailor to them, "who called you here?" Why did you get on my jam?
And the flies do not listen to him and eat jam. Here the tailor was angry, took a rag Yes, as I would hit a rag on the flies, so seven flies immediately and killed.
- What is I brave? - said the tailor Hans. - This is the whole city should learn. What is the city? Let the whole world find out! I hide myself a new belt and by over with large letters: "When I am angry, I kill seven."
So he did. Then he put on his new belt, put a piece of cottage cheese on the road in his pocket and left the house.
The most of his gates saw the bird confused in the shrub. Bird beats, shouts, and can't get out. Caught Hans Bird and put it in the same pocket, where he had a curd cheese.
He walked, she walked and finally came to a high grief. She climbed to the top and sees: Sitting on the mountain, the giant and the circle looks.
- Hello, buddy! Says his tailor Hans. - Let's go with me in the light of Western.
"What a friend you are," Giant answers. "You are weak, small, and I am big and strong." Leave, so far.
- Did you see it? - says tailor Hans and shows a giant of his belt. And on the belt at Hans embroidered with large letters: "When I am angry, I kill seven."
I read the giant and thought: "Who knows him, maybe he is really a strong person. We must experience it. "
He took the giant in the hands of the stone and squeezed him so tightly that water flowed out of the stone.
"And now you try to do this," said the Giant.
- Only and everything? - says the tailor. - Well, for me it is empty.
He took out slowly from his pocket a piece of curd cheese and squeezed in his fist. From the fist, the water was poured on the ground.
The Giant was surprised, but decided to experience Hans again. Raised the stone from the ground and threw it into the sky. So far threw that the stone was not visible.
"Well," he says the tailor, "try and you.
- You will throw high, "said the tailor." And yet your stone fell to the ground. " So I'll bother, so straight on the sky the stone is zakin.
He put his hand in his pocket, snatched the bird and threw it up. The bird signed highly high in the sky and flew away.
- What, buddy, what is? - asks tailor Hans.
"Not bad," says Giant. "But let's see now, can you carry a tree on the shoulders.
He summed up a tailor to a large foolish oak and says:
- If you are so strong, so help me make it a tree from the forest.
"Okay," said the tailor, and I thought about myself: "I am weak, and a smart, and you are strong, and stupid." I always deceive you to Sumey. "
And says Giant:
- You only took the trunk on your shoulders, and I carry all branches and branches, they will be harder.
- So they did.
The giant wound his own trunk on his shoulders and carried. And the tailor jumped onto the branch and sat on her riding. Takes the Giant for himself all the tree, and even tailor in addition. And you can not look back. He branches branches. Rides tailor Hans riding on a branch and a song sings:

How did our guys go
From the gate to the garden ...

Long dragged the giant tree, finally tired and says:
- Listen, tailor, I'll cut a tree on the ground now. I'm very tired. Here the tailor jumped out of the branch and grabbed the tree with both hands, as if he was all the time walked behind the giant.
"Oh, you," he told Giant, "so big, and you see, you have little."
They left the tree and went further.
They walked and finally came to the cave. There, the fire was sitting five giants, and each in his hands was on the roasted Baraman.
"That's," says the Giant, who brought Hans, "we live here." Take a while on this bed, lie down and rest.
Looked in the tailor on the bed and thought:
"Well, this bed is not for me. He is too large. "
He thought so, found a corner in a cave darker and went to bed. And at night, the giant woke up, took a large iron scrap and struck with a swing on the bed.
"Well," said the Giant his comrades, "now I got rid of it.
I got up in the morning all six giants and went to the forest firewood chop. And the tailor stood too, washed, combed and went behind them. They saw the giants in the forest of Hans and frightened.
"Well," they think, "if we don't even kill him with scrap, so he will overgo all of us."
And they fled the giants in different directions.
And the tailor laughed at them and went where the eyes look.
He walked, she walked and finally came to the royal palace. There, the gate, he lay down on green grass and fell asleep firmly.
In the meantime, he slept, he saw his royal servants, leaned over him and read the inscription on him on the belt: "When I am angry, I kill seven."
"That's how Silay came to us," they said, "you need to core about it."
Royal servants ran to their king and say:
- Lies at the gate of your palace Salo. It would be nice to take it to serve. If the war is, he will come in handy.
The king was delighted.
"True," says, "call him here."
Slended the tailor, the wipe of eyes and went to serve as a king.
He serves the day, serves another. And the royal warriors began to talk to each other:
- What do we have a good waiting for it? After all, he happens when evil happens, seven kills. So he has written on the belt.
They went to the king and said:
- We do not want to serve with him together. He will overdue us all if it becomes angry. Let us go from service.
And the king himself regretted himself that he took such a stronghold to his service.
"And suddenly, he thought," this strongman will actually get angry, the warriors will take myself, it will be bored and myself will sit on my place. How would you get rid of it? "
He called the tailor Gansa and says:
- In my kingdom, two robber live in a dense forest, and both of them are such strongholds that no one dares to come to them. I order you to find them and overcome. And I give you a hundred riders to help.
"Okay," said the tailor. "I, when I am angry, I kill seven." And with two robberies, I am jokingly handle.
And he went to the forest. And one hundred royal riders behind him crushed.
On the edge of the forest turned the tailor to the riders and says:
- You, riders, wait here, and I handle one with robbers.
He entered the thicket and began to look around around. Sees: lying under a large tree two robber and so snoring in a dream that the branches over them pegs.
The tailor, not thinking, scored the full pockets of the stones, climbed into the tree and began to throw stones in one robber above. That in the chest will fall to him, then in the forehead. And the robber snaps and hears anything.
And suddenly one stone knocked the robber on the nose. The robber woke up and pushes his comrade in the side:
- What are you beat me?
"What are you," says another robber. "I don't beat you, you can see, dreamed."
And again they fell asleep.
Here the tailor began throwing stones in another robber.
He also woke up and began to shout at the comrade:
- Are you throwing stones in me? You are crazy?
Yes, how to hit your buddy on the forehead. And that. And they began to fight with stones, sticks and fists.
And until then, they fought, until each other was not killed.
Then the tailor jumped off the tree, went to the edge of the forest and says the riders:
- It is done. Both killed. Well, the evil these robbers - and the stones they were thrown into me, and the fists were hidden on me, so what to do with me? After all, I, when I am angry, I kill seven.
The royal riders in the forest entered and see: True, two robber lie on Earth, lie and do not move - both killed.
Returned tailor Hans to the palace to the king. And the king was cunning. He listened to Hans and thinks:
"Well, with the robberies you coped, but now I ask you such a task that you will not stay alive."
"Listen," says Gansa King, "the way you are again in the forest, the fierce animal of the unicorn.
"Oregular," says the tailor Hans, "I can." After all, I'm when I am angry, I kill seven. So with one unicorn I can only cope with.
He took with him an ax and rope and again went to the forest.
For a short time, I had to look for a unicorn tailor to the tailor: the beast himself to meet him to meet - scary, wool end, horn sharp, like a sword.
Rounded on a tailor Unicorn and wanted to pierce him with his horn, and the tailor was hidden behind the tree. Unicorn with a scatter so hooked his sharp horn into the tree. Ranged back, and can't pull out.
- Now you won't leave me! Said the tailor, sketched the unicorn on the neck rope, cut off his horn from the tree with an ax and led the beast on the rope to the king.
He led the unicorn right to the royal palace.
And the unicorn as soon as he saw the king in the Golden Crown and the Red Mantle, stuck, stuck. His eyes have blood flooded, wool end, horn as a sword sticks out.
The king was frightened and rushed to run. And all his warriors behind him. The king ran far away, so far that the road will not be able to find back.
And the tailor has become calmly live yes, wander, jackets, pants and vests sew. He hung his belt on the wall and no longer giants, nor the robbers, nor unicorns at her century did not see.

A hot summer day was sitting one tailor, crossed legs, at his desk at the window; He was in a very good mood and worked as an needle that was urine.

And then it happened that the woman was walking down the street and shouted: "plum jam, plum jam!" This Creek of the taillegament was very impressed; He put his head in the window and shouted too: "Go here, aunt! There is a buyer on your product."

Baba rose to three stairs with their heavy box to the calm in the camork and had to set all the pots with jam before him. He looked after all and said everything, and finally said: "It seems good thing! And well, aunt, the aunt, the aunt of this good lot from four, and then, perhaps, the whole quarter of the pound."

The merchant, who, judging by his call, hoped to make his goods decently to him, hesitated him a quantity, but he left him very unhappy and with a grill.

"Well, now we will eat it into the glory of God," the tailor exclaimed cheerfully, and both with both the forces will reinforce. " Then I got the bread from the closet, I revealed myself a slove in the whole loaf and smeared jam on a hunk. "It will taste thoughtlessly," he said, "yes, here I only get the vest at first, and then I'll get for a hunk."

He put a taller piece closer to himself, began to sew again, but, wanting to grasp the sewing to graduate, hurried and did stitches more and more.

Meanwhile, the smell of a tailed piece was pulled out flies, which a great set was sitting on the walls; The smell of them brushed, and they flew to a piece of cloud-cloud. "Ege! Who called here?" - said the tailor, and began to drive away the uninvited guests. But the flies of his tongue did not understand and persuasion did not listen, and flew to a piece from everywhere. Here, the taillegament did not suffer, he grasped the rag, he was alerted: here I, they say, I will ask you, but as the rag of the ongoing flies!

I looked, I counted and sees - seven flies killed to death: immediately the legs stretched, heart. "That's what I'm a brave!" He said he himself, he himself. "The whole city should learn about it!" And immediately he chose himself a wide belt, she sewed him and embroidered him with big letters: "One female seven broken!"

"What is the city! Let the whole world know all the world!" - said his tailor, and the heart beat him from the proud consciousness of his own courage.

And here the tailor stuck with his belt and designed to go on the white light, because his workshop seemed to him too close to him delete.

But before it is to be worse, he began to smoke all over the house, there is no such thing that he could take with himself on the road; However, I did not find anything, except for curd cheese, which heeded just in case in his pocket. Near the gate he saw a bird confused in the shrub, and that put in his pocket.

And then started in the road and, as it was agoned and legally, it did not feel any fatigue from walking. The road led him to the mountain, and when he reached her top, he saw a giant there: sits on the road, it looks around. It came straight to him straight to him, spoke with him and said: "It's great, comrade! What are you sitting here, look at the white light? So I thought about the light to quickly, happiness to try; so do you want to go with me in comrades?"

Giant looked contemptuously on the tailor and said: "Ah you, rubbish! Pattle creature!" - "And! That's how! - he answered his tailor, and unbuttoned the top dress, and showed his belt to the giant: - Well, read, what is me!" The giant read: "One feather seven broken!" - thought that the tailor could immediately beat seven people and imbued with some respect for this kid.

However, he wanted to experience him; He picked up a stone yes so gritted that water flowed out of stone. "And well, try to do it, if you are strong!" Said the Giant. "Only and everything? - said the tailor. - Have a lot, yes, it is believed to be trivia!" Cold cheese snatched from his pocket and squeezed him together with a stone so that the juice was commissioned. "What? I suppose that will be your now?"

The Giant himself did not know what to tell him, and it could not believe that this man had such a force.

And then raised the giant from the ground a stone and threw it up with such a force that it was barely visible, and said: "Well, you, a lot, throw so!" - "Throwing thumbs up," said the tailor, "but your stone still fell on the ground; but I'll throw a stone to you so that he never falls to the ground!"

He put his hand in his pocket, snatched a bird from there and threw it into the air. Bird, Radeshenka, that freedom broke out, sulmed highly high and did not return more. "What? What is comrade?" - asked the tailor. "Throw you thumbs away," said the giant, "but we will see if you can demolish a decent weight?"

He led the calm to a powerful oak, which was fed and lay on the ground, and said: "If you are strong, so help me pull out this tree from the forest." "Estimated," said the tailor, "only you took the trunk on my shoulders, and I would carry the branches and branches - after all, it will be, tea, the stem will be."

The giant took himself a trunk of oak on the shoulders, and the tailor sat down on one of the branches, and the giant, who could not look back, had to drag all the tree and except even the tailor ... And the tailor rode myself on the branch, having mastered the cheerful song : "That's how our guys went to right from the gate," - trying to show this that this burden is something like that.

The Giant, dragged the terrible weight on the decent distance, got out of his strength and said: "I hear, I'll cut the tree now!" The tailor immediately jumped out of the branch, grabbed the tree with both hands, as if he was carrying him, and said the giant: "I wondered on you! You're hard, and you can not demolish such a tree!"

They went further, reached the cherry tree; Giant grabbed him for the top, near which were the most mature berries, burned, gave the tail in his hands and began to treat it with berries. But the villager did not have a silenka to keep the tree for the top, and when the giant released him out of his hands, the tree broke off, and the tailor threw up. When he, however, without any harm, he jumped out again from the tree to the ground, the giant asked him: "What is it? You have no power even to keep this whip in your hands?" - "Not in strength is the case! - Boldly answered the tailor." This is a bangful trifle for the one who seven beats! And I wanted to jump over the tree, because I saw that the hunters were shot in the bushes under the tree. Try you to jump in my opinion. ! " The Giant tried to jump, and yet, through the tree, he could not jump over and hung on the branches of him, so that the tailoring took him over him.

The Giant said: "If you are so brave, so go with me to our cave and post me!" Tailor agreed and followed him.

They came to the cave and saw the tailoring there near the fire also from other giants, and each in his hands was on the roasted Baran, which they were flying.

The tailor looked around and thought: "Yes, there is a more reasonful than I have in the workshop." The giant pointed him on the bed and said: "Lit on it yes, you have a good one." But the calm was the bed too large; He did not think to lie on her, and climbed himself into the corner.

At the most midnight, the giant, thinking that the taillegament was sleeping with a strong sleep, rose from his bed, took a large iron scrap and one blow to cast a bed in half, and thought that he was from this Malya and the Spirit of Zagan Won.

Ransenko in the morning, the giants headed into the forest, and forgotten about the calf and think about; And here it goes here, it turns out. The giants were frightened - it seemed to them that he would now take them all, and who was reassured.

And the taillegament went on his own expensive, where the eyes look. He walked for a long time and finally came to the courtyard of the royal palace, and since he was ordained, he stretched out on the grass and fell asleep.

During his sleep, people from the royal chelyadi approached him, looked at it from all sides and read the inscription from him on the belt: "One female seven broken."

"Uh," they said, "Yes, what do you need this bogatyr here in peacetime? After all, it is necessary to believe that this is not a simple person." They went and reported to the king, and expressed this opinion that in the case of war of war, the newcomer could be very and very useful and that he was not traced in any kind.

The king, this Council came on the Nutra, and he sent one of his courtes to the calm, and gave such an assignment: "Look, go around, until he falls across, and when he wakes up, offered him to enter my army for service."

The sent stated near the sleeping stranger, waited until he began to sway and finally exfoliated his eyes, then he handed him what he instructed to convey the king. "That's it, I came here for this," answered the court tailor, "and ready to go to the king to the service." Here he was taken to the service with the honors, and he was given special housing.

All royal warriors were very unhappy with the arrival of the tailnation and desired from the soul, so that he fell into the thievesal kingdom. "What do you want to wait for good?" They said between them. "After all, what a good one, if we argue with him, he will throw it on us, so from each seven who did not happen! Where is our brother with him?"

Then they decided to go to the king together and ask him about resigning. "Where we," they said, "to stand next to such a removal, which one ingest seven beats!"

The king was very sad against the fact that because of this one, he should lose so many faithful servants; He regretted that he had picked up his service, and began to think about how to get rid of it from this removal. However, he did not decide to directly give him a resignation: "Which is good, he will kill me, and my whole rip out, and the king will sit down on my place."

For a long time he was so and the case was thinking about and invented finally how he should act.

I sent the king to the calm and ordered him to say: "Already you are such a hero, so I will offer you that. In one of the forests in my kingdom, there were two giants and huge harm with their embezzles, murders, devastation and arson. Nobody to them I do not dare to come, without exposing your life to the greatest danger. Now, if you beat these both of the giants and kill, I will give you my only daughter in my spouses and my collections in the dowry. " At the same time, the king suggested that a hundred riders follow him and would provide him in all support.

"Would be thumbsy for such a well done as I, - thought the tailor, - also a beautiful quarrel to pick up. Well, yes, and the half-selling is also being turned off every day!"

And he sent to tell the king: "Okay, I will overcome the giants; and your hundred riders, perhaps, is not necessary for your hundreds of riders; who breaks seven in one feather, one, of course, may not be terrible."

And here the taillegament was put on a hike, and a hundred riders followed him.

Going to the edge of that forest where the giants lived, he told his satellites: "You suspend here, and I have been managed by one with the giants," and chemged into the forest, and it became inspired. A little later, he frightened both giants: they slept under the tree and snores so that the branches were broken over them.

Tailor, do not be stupid, stuffed itself both pockets with stones and climbed the tree under which the giants slept. Having rummaged there, he sat down on a branch just above them and began to dump a stone on a stone on the chest one of them.

For a long time he could not ensure that the giant felt it, but still he woke up, pushed his comrade and said: "What are you beat me?" - "You can see it, dreamed," he answered, "I didn't think you." And again they got to sleep.

Then the tailidity of the stone threw the stone on the second. "Is that what? What did you think to throw with stones?" "Yes, I don't throw at all," "the first giant answered and began to grumble. They were knightened between themselves, but since both were tired, then they were slaughtered and the eyes were closed again.

And the taillegament began again for the same: I chose the stone of Poisic and threw it out of all the strength in the chest first giant. "Well, these are too much!" "He shouted, jumped up like a pollen, and so moved his comrade about the tree that the tree was hushed up.

He did not remain in debt, and they both came to such a frenzard that they began to pull out the trees with roots and the trees to beat each other, until finally they had fallen dead on the ground.

Here and tailor jumped from the tree. "It's still happiness," he said, "that they did not pull the tree on which I was sitting, and I would not have to me like a squirrel, to another to jump: Well, yes, we are agile!" And he took out his sword, and inflicted each of the giants in two good impacts in the chest; Then he left the forest to the riders and said: "The case is done! I have done them both! And the roast was the case: they were turned the trees with the root and they were fighting them, but they could not do anything against me, because I beat one feather seven." - "And you are not injured?" - asked his companions. "Everything is safe," said the tailor, "they did not remember the hairs on me."

Those did not want to believe and drove into the forest: they found the giants of bloody, and the trees were lying around them with the roots.

Tailor demanded from the king of the promised award, and he had already managed to repent in his word and began to invent, as if he would sell this to a removal from his hands. "Before you get the hand of my daughter and half of my kingdom in the dowry for her," said the king, "you have to make another feat. In the same forest there is a unicorn, and we have suffered a lot from him. Here you are and withers! " - "One unicorn I'm even less afraid than two giants. Seven in one fellible - this is my business!"

He took the ax and rope with his own, headed to the forest and again ordered to wait on the edge of those who ordered him to accompany him.

For a short time I had to look for: the unicorn soon and himself went to him and straight rushed to the tailor, going to immediately pierce him with his horn. "Wait, wait, hiding! - said the tailor. - So soon it is impossible!" And while the beast really sharpened on him, he hung over a tree. The unicorn from all over the run jumped into the tree and so firmly hooked his sharp horn in his barrel, which was unable to get it right away and found himself as if at the riser. "Well, now you will not leave me," said the tailor, rided the rope of the unicorn neck, then cut off his horn from the tree trunk with an ax and quietly brought the beast from the forest and led to the king.

The king and then did not want to still honor his promised award and invented the third condition. Before the wedding, the tailor was to be caught by a terrible wild boar in the forest, which caused a great harm to the forest; The royal merger should have assisted in this.

"Why not catching up? - said the tailor. - This is for us a whiser!" Henmen he did not take with him to the forest, and those were pleased with the Radishenki, because this Kaban had a fear that had disappeared such that they had disappeared every hunt for him to chase.

When Kabar envy the tailor, he, with a foam at the mouth and grinding the fangs, rushed to him, intending to stir up from his feet; But our dexhot managed to jump into the chapel nearby, and from that chapel immediately jumped into the window. Caban - behind him; And he had already managed to run around the chapel and slam her door; The fierce animal was caught in such a way as in the Western, since with its thickness and clumsy it could not jump into the window.

And here the tailor called for hurkers, and they had to see the caught beast their own eyes; And our delets went to the king, and that will, will, will or unillets, should finally finally fulfill his promise and give him a daughter into spouses and policing in the dowry.

Kaba he knew yes I waded that he was awarded not a real hero, but a simple tailor, he would still be more painful! Be that as it may, and the wedding played richly and not very fun - and so a simple tailor became the king.

A few times later, the young queen heard once at night, as her spouse spoke in a dream: "Hey, small! Success to me a vest and a masterpiece pants, it's not that Arshin's passive!" Tug she guessed, from where her husbands come from.

She became another morning to complain to his father and asked him to save her from her husband - a simple tailor. The king tried to comfort her and said: "Next night, do not clic down your bedroom, my servants will be ready, and just will fall asleep, they will contact him and demolish it to the ship that will take him for the sea."

The queen was pleased with this, but one of the leggirls of the old king, who heard the whole conversation and, moreover, was very devoted to the young king, he told him about this venture. "Well, I will manage to manage with him!" - said the tailor.

In the evening, on an ordinary hour he lay down in bed, and his wife is also. When, according to her assumption, he already fell asleep, she rose, reigned a bedroom door and again lay down in his place. The tailor only pretended to be sleeping, and he heard it all; And now he began to shout loudly: "The mild, saush me a vest and a shtopay pants, and not I beat you with an Arshin! I beat seven in one fell swoop, two giants killed, the unicorn on the rope to the king brought, the boar caught - so really those who are scared who are there behind the doors? "

When those heard these speeches of the tailor, they attacked them a great fear and they all rushed to escape, as if unclean power was chasing them; And no one ever thought about raising his hand on him.

So it happened that our tailoring and for life before his death remained the king.

In one German city there lived a tailor. The named Hans. He sat all day on the table at the window, pursing his feet, and sewed. Jackets sewed, shivers, vests shill. And somehow sits the tailor Hans on the table, sews and hears - screaming on the street:

- Jam! Drain jam! Who jam?

"Jam! - thought the tailor. - Yes, still plum. It's good".

He thought so and shouted into the window:

- aunt, aunt, come here! Give me jam.

He bought this jam half a letter, cut off a piece of bread, smeared him with jam and became a vest to milk.

"Here," he thinks, "we will give a vest and jam."

And in the room at the tailor Gansa there was a lot of flies - it was not to count how much. Maybe a thousand, and maybe two thousand.

Fly flies that jam smells, and flew to bread.

"Flies, flies," says the tailor to them, "who called you here?" Why did you get on my jam?

And the flies do not listen to him and eat jam. Here the tailor was angry, I took a rag Yes, how I would hit the rag on the flies - Seven I immediately killed.

- That's what I am strong and brave! - said the tailor Hans. - This is the whole city should learn. What is the city! Let the whole world find out. I hide myself a new belt and over with large letters: "When I am angry, I kill seven."

So he did. Then she put on a new belt, put a piece of curd cheese into his pocket on the road and left the house.

At the very gate, he saw a bird confused in the shrub. Bird beats, shouts, and can't get out. Caught Hans Bird and put it in the same pocket, where he had a curd cheese.

He walked, walked and finally came to the high grief. He climbed to the top and sees - the giant is sitting on the mountain and looks around.

- Hello, buddy, "says his tailor. - Let's go with me in the light of Western.

- What a friend you are! - answers the Giant. - You are weak, small, and I am big and strong. Leave, so far.

- Did you see it? - says tailor Hans and shows a giant of his belt.

And on the belt at Hans embroidered with large letters: "When I am angry, I kill seven."

I read the Giant and thought: "Who knows him - maybe he really is a strong person. We must experience it. "

He took the giant in the hands of the stone and squeezed him so tightly that water flowed out of the stone.

"And now you try to do this," said the Giant.

- Only and everything? - says tailor. - Well, for me it's empty.

He took out slowly from his pocket a piece of curd cheese and squeezed in his fist. From the fist, the water was poured on the ground.

Surprised the Giant of this force, but decided to experience Hans again. Raised the stone from the ground and threw it into the sky. So far threw that the stone was not visible.

"Well," he says the tailor, "try and you.

"You throw high," said the tailor. - And yet your stone fell to the ground. So I'll bother, so straight on the sky the stone is zakin.

He put his hand in his pocket, snatched the bird and threw it up. The bird signed highly high in the sky and flew away.

- What, buddy, what is? - asks tailor Hans.

"Not bad," said Giant. - But let's see now, can you demolish the tree on the shoulders?

He led the tailor to a large foolish oak and says:

- If you are so strong, so help me make it a tree from the forest.

"Okay," answered the tailor, and I thought about myself: "I'm weak, and you can, and you are stupid, and Sillen." I always deceive you to Sumey. "

And says Giant:

- You only took the trunk on your shoulders, and I carry all the branches and branches. After all, they will be cold.

So done. The giant wound his own trunk on his shoulders and carried. And the tailor jumped onto the branch and sat on her riding. Takes the Giant for himself all the tree, and even tailor in addition. And they can not look back - it branches branches. Rides tailor Hans riding on a branch and a song sings:

How did our guys go

From the gate to the garden ...

Long dragged the giant tree, finally tired and says:

- Listen, tailor, I'll cut a tree on the ground now. I'm very tired. Here the tailor jumped out of the branch and grabbed the tree with both hands, as if he was walking behind the giant all the time.

- Oh you! - said the tailor giant. - So big, and the strength, you see, you have little.

"That's," says the Giant, who brought Hans, "we live here." Take a while on this bed, lie down and rest.

I looked at the tailor on the bed and thought: "Well, this bed is not for me. He is too large. "

He thought so, found a corner in a cave a darker and went to bed. And at night, the giant woke up, took a large iron scrap and struck with a swing on the bed.

"Well," said the Giant his comrades, "now I got rid of it.

I got up in the morning all six giants and went to the forest trees to chop. And the tailor also got up, washed, she was combed and went behind them.

They saw the giants in the forest of Hans and frightened. "Well," they think, "if we don't even kill him with scrap, so he will have allions all of us."

And they fled the giants in different directions.

And the tailor laughed at them and went where the eyes look.

She walked, she came and finally came to the fence of the royal palace. There at the gate lean on green grass and fell asleep firmly.

In the meantime he slept, he saw his royal servants, leaned over him and read the inscription on his belt: "When I am angry, I kill seven."

- That's how Silay came to us! - they said. - It is necessary to kill about it.

Royal servants ran to their king and say:

- Lies at the gate of your palace Salo. It would be nice to take it to serve. If the war is, he will come in handy.

The king was delighted.

"True," says, "call him here."

Slended the tailor, the rubber eyes and went to serve as a king.

He serves the day, serves another. And the royal warriors began to talk to each other:

- What do we have a good waiting for it? After all, he happens when evil happens, seven kills. So he has written on the belt.

They went to their king and say:

- We do not want to serve with him together. He will take all of us if it becomes angry. Let us go from service.

And the king himself regretted that she took such a stronghold to his service. "What if, he thought," this strongman really gets angry, the soldiers will run my warriors, and he himself will sit on my place? .. How would you get rid of it? "