Peppy long stocking in the theater of the young spectator. Tickets for the performance of Peppy Long Stocking

Peppy long stocking in the theater of the young spectator.  Tickets for the performance of Peppy Long Stocking
Peppy long stocking in the theater of the young spectator. Tickets for the performance of Peppy Long Stocking

For all fans of Astrid Lindgen's fairy tales, the new musical performance of Pippi Longstocking will be an excellent gift. Director Vera Annenkova and her creative team created a real enchanting performance on stage, in many ways reminiscent of a circus performance. And all this was dictated by the very nature of the fairy tale about a cheerful, never discouraged girl, completely unlike the inhabitants of the town where she had to live. Bright stage costumes, wonderful scenery and masterful acting make the performance unforgettable. From the first minutes of the performance, young viewers will be involved in a series of exciting pictures.

The main heroine of the fairy tale, a girl with an unusual name Peppilotta and an even more unusual surname, comes to a small town and settles in the "Chicken" villa. She does not live there alone, but with her animal friends: the monkey, which she calls Mr. Nelson and the horse. But where are the parents of this unusual girl? She herself says that her mother has long gone to heaven, and her father, a former captain, has now become the leader of a black tribe. He also left his cheerful daughter a large suitcase filled with gold coins, which allows her to live in peace.

And she lives the way any child in the world would like to live. The heroine goes to bed when she wants, does not deny herself the purchase of sweets and does not go to school. What more could you want? However, local residents believe that the girl must be re-educated without fail. But is it possible to re-educate such a free heroine? The production will include many musical and dance performances and even real circus acrobatics. Many people already want to see the performance of the famous fairy tale. Therefore, it is better to buy tickets in advance for the performance of Pippi Longstocking.

A. Lindgren

Children's musical performance based on the story by Astrid Lindgren - burlesque, a real theatrical feast. Parents who come with their children to this performance will be able to plunge into the bright, mischievous, fantastic world of childhood. The play is conceived as such a mischievous game when no one can sit still. And is it really necessary? If you can dance incendiary dances with PEPPI herself, play ball with Kukaryamba, take part in a real circus performance - no one will be bored with us! The production was done in the best Vakhtangov traditions - a bright, almost circus form, and a subtle, deep content. Girl Sun, small and very powerful, not obeying social traditions, transforms the world around her, painting it in bright colors, and most importantly - BELIEVES IN MIRACLES! And thus gives hope to everyone who is disappointed, has become boring and gray, has forgotten that he himself comes from childhood. Returning to that world and looking at everything through the eyes of a child is so exciting!

Duration of the performance: 2 hours with intermission.

Stage director: Vera Annenkova
Artist: Sergey Timonin
Composer: Egor Shashin
Choreographer: Vyacheslav Suetin

Characters and performers


“On February 2, I was with my son at the performance of Pippi Longstocking. I liked it very much. Children's play, many children. Everyone watches with bated breath. We will definitely go to Aladdin. "

"We watched the children's play" Pippi Long Stocking "with my son on January 27th.) And the child liked it, and I enjoyed it. A very worthy performance and a wonderful play of actors! I would especially like to mention Anna Voronkova and Maxim Dementyev (Maxim was also watched in Aladdin, also incredible)! Many thanks to everyone for a good mood! "

“We are delighted with the performance !!! The theater itself is very beautiful and modern, a cozy hall and comfortable chairs) I would especially like to express my gratitude to the theater staff, the ticket holders are very polite, friendly, helped to orient themselves, which is especially pleasant - they greet the audience with a smile, and this, in turn, creates a good mood!) Afterwards, it is easy immersed in a fairy tale; bright costumes, thoughtful scenery, interactive with kids, brilliant acting! Of course, this theater has become our favorite! Thanks to all the members of the Cherry Orchard! "

“We visited a wonderful theater with children 5 and 11 for the first time! I am absolutely delighted with the performance! Everyone smiled and laughed! Thank you very much!"

“We visited the Cherry Orchard ITC for the first time on June 30, after watching the play“ Pippi Longstocking ”. We enjoyed it immensely. Wonderful performance, successful production, good scenery and costumes. I would especially like to note the play of the actress Anna Voronkova-Pippi Longstocking. Playful, sparkling, moderately hooligan, kind dreamer. This is how you see her when reading the book by A. Lindgren. The performance went on in one breath. The child was delighted and asked him to buy tickets for this performance again. We wish the entire troupe creative success, especially Anna Voronkova, and now we will be your regular spectators. Thank you very much for your pleasure. 06/30/2018 "

“Today we arrived with our daughter from the neighboring region specially for the performance. Good game! We are delighted. Well, the policeman (Dementyev) is beyond praise! Thank you very much for your work. "

"Good day! We attended the performance "Pippi Longstocking" with my son. Excellent performance! Cheerful, dynamic. Many thanks to all the actors. We will definitely visit the theater again. "

“07/08/2017 were with the child at the play" Pippi Longstocking ". What word can describe our emotions? V O S T O R G !!! Peppy said: “Adults are never really fun. They are busy with boring work or fashion magazines, spoil their mood with various nonsense, and most importantly, they do not know how to play ... "Thanks to EVERY actor, the whole audience felt how you surrendered completely to the world of Peppy and enjoyed playing with her and for us! A man with his son sat down in front of us. Our grandmother was worried that he would block the view of the child with his height. To which, the man hastened to reassure us: "This son will watch the performance, but I’ll sleep for now ..." BUT IT WAS NOT HERE: - ) The man could not tear himself away from the action on the stage, and sometimes he laughed louder than a child)))) A colorful, musical, interactive performance! We advise all children from 6 years old! Adults and children, get a charge of positive emotions! PS Now we dream to get on "Aladdin" and for the production for adults ... Thank you very much, Cherry Orchard Theater! Bravo, encore! "

“We have just returned from the performance of Pippi Longstocking. Dear actors, directors and everything, everything, everything ... you are the best! Wonderful performance, excellent acting! Thank you so much for doing your job so well. A month ago we looked at Aladdin - great! I go to theaters a lot and watch children's performances for 20 years. Your children are the best of all that I have seen, and I have seen a lot. Dear, wonderful, I ask you not to stop, put more for the children! You are good at it. Low bow to you and thank you very much! You are doing a great job! Children ask to go to both performances again and we will definitely come ?? "

"I liked Anna Voronkova's performance very much! Thank you! And, in general, a good production."

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Composer - Yegor Shashin. Choreographer - Vyacheslav Suetin.

Artists: Alina Gorbenko, Alexander Troshin, Mikhail Malikov, Alexander Savelyev, Alina Maznenkova, Evgenia Mironova, Vladimir Roganov, Vladimir Bochkov, Igor Brovin, Maxim Dementyev, Aksinya Oleinik, Alexander Volochienko, Pavel Arkhipov and others.

This musical performance based on the story by Astrid Lindgren is a burlesque, a real theatrical feast. Parents who come with their children to this performance will be able to plunge into the bright, mischievous, fantastic world of childhood. The play is conceived as such a mischievous game when no one can sit still. And is it really necessary? If you can dance incendiary dances with PEPPI herself, play ball with Kukaryamba, take part in a real circus performance - no one will be bored with us!

The production was done in the best Vakhtangov traditions - a bright, almost circus form, and a subtle, deep content. Girl Sun, small and very powerful, not obeying social traditions, transforms the world around her, painting it in bright colors, and most importantly - BELIEVES IN MIRACLES! And thus gives hope to everyone who is disappointed, has become boring and gray, has forgotten that he himself comes from childhood. Returning to that world and looking at everything through the eyes of a child is so exciting!