Common in the folklore of the peoples of the ancient Slavs. Seasonal destruction of Drema, a stray day

Common in the folklore of the peoples of the ancient Slavs. Seasonal destruction of Drema, a stray day

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According to cultural studies
topic: "The culture of the ancient Slavs"
      Velesova Book
        History of book
        Velesova Book about the origin of the Slavs
        Triglav Gods
        Maternal cult
      Spiritual kinship of cultures of Slavs and Indoariyev
      Perun and Swavenit
      Communication of customs with natural forces
      Dvelverie: paganism and Christianity
    Writing ancient Slavs
      First alphabets
      What was first: verbolic or Cyrillic?
      Nature writing
      Pictographic letters
Knowing the past is the key for understanding and present, and the coming. A person who does not know and does not like the past, does not have the future. It is very important to hear the voice of the ancestors, feel like a particle of a historical flux that is not interrupted for thousands of years,
Ancient Slavs preached vedic culture. An ancient Slavic religion is more correct to call not paganism, but by Varism. The word "Vedas" is classified with Russian "to know", "lead". Represents a peaceful religion of the high-cultural agricultural people, related to other religions of the Vedic root, - beliefs Ancient India and Iran, ancient Greece.
    Myth and folklore of the ancient Slavs
It is said that the texts of the ancient sacred Slavic songs, the myths died after the adoption of Christianity in Russia. In the domestic historical science, even a little bit that remains - Velezova , written by Novgorod priest to IX century, considered invalid (fake). Still argued about the essence of mentioned in the chronicles slavic gov. Nevertheless, the oldest Plast of Slavic myths remained better than Greek, Indian, Iranian or biblical. The reason for this is a special way to develop the culture of Slavs.
Mythical legends of other nations were distorted when recording and processing already in ancient times. Slavic folklore - This is a lively oral tradition, weakly undergoing changes under the influence of written culture.
Peace slavic folklore Colorful and volumetric. Folk-ethnographic interest in the Russian people was revived in the XVIII century. At this time, a number of records, collections and books appear, among which the collections are marked Kirsi Danilov and the dictionary M. D. Chulkov "ABEVEGA RUSSIAN SUVERIES". Treasures of oral culture - folk songs, fairy tales, epics, spiritual poems - begin to connect and recorded only in the first half of the XIX century. By the middle of the XIX century, the study of popular worldview, mythology and folklore turned out to be so intense and deeply that A.N. Afanasyev (1826-1871) carried out the publication first of the collection of "People's Russian Fairy Tales" (1855-1864), and then to summarize the "Poetic views of Slavs in nature" (1865-1869). The ten-year publication of "Songs collected by Kirievsky" in 1860-1874, the posthum of the outstanding activity of the Russian archeographer and folklorist was published. P.I. Kirievsky (1808-1856), who collected and edited a lot of texts of mythical and historical songs, fairy tales and epic. In this direction, the mobility work was carried out by ethnographer P.I. Yakushkin (1822-1872), poet N.M. Languages (1803-1847), ideologist of Slavophiles A. S. Khomyakov (1804-1860).
In the second half of the XIX-XX centuries. Consistently formed whole schools of Russian folklores and mythology as science.

1.1 Velesova Book
1.1.1 Book history

Currently, a huge work is made to restore Slavic anthropotoocomogrammic myths based on the folklore and texts of the wather book. History of the book that is dedicated to the God of wealth and wisdom of the ancient Slavs Veles or Hair Mysterious and tragic. During the Civil War of 1919, she was found by an officer of the White Army F.A. Isenbeck near the Great Barluk station near Kharkov in the estate of Kurakin Prince. In Brussels, the book fell into the hands of the writer Yu.P. Mirolyubova in 1924 The writer rewritten and decrypt ancient records of 15 years, coping about 75% of the text. In the occupied by the Germans, Brussels after the death of the Isenbe, his entire archive disappeared in 1943, as well as the original of the velée book. Only the records of Yu. P. Mirolyubova and a photo of one table remained.

1.1.2 Velesova Book about the origin of the Slavs

Velesova Book - a complex and volume monument. It is as difficult for fake it, as it is impossible to create Rigveda, Avesta or Bible again. This book allows an ancient dispute about the origin of the Slavs. She tells the fate of various tribes that participated in Slavic ethnogenesis. The oldest event presented in it is the outcome of the Indo-European tribes from the seven, a region that focuses near Lake Balkhash and is currently the same name due to seven rivers flowing into it. The migration of Indo-European tribes, according to archeology, from Central Asia occurred in the last third of the II thousand to n. e. And unfolded in a huge territory from the Balkans (Ellina-Doriyza) to Yenisei and North China (Massagenets and Saki). Velesova The book shows the events of the mythical and the oldest history of the Slavs of the end of the II mil. BC. e. - the end of the first thousand n. e.

1.1.3 Triglav Gods

The beginning of the veleage book is shown to the call bent before Triglav Gods: Svaroga, Perun and Splatte. This Slavic Archaic Trinity is close to Hindu Vedic Trimurti, in which the ancient Arias involved Varuna - Heavenly God (Slavs Slavs), Indrogo-Strumberza (analogue of Perun) and Shiva - God of the Destroyer of the Universe (Slavic Hair or Veles). Different priests of the Old Schools understood the sinus of the Trinity in different ways. In Kiev, they included SVAGOR, Dazhboga and Stroboga. In addition to their, the most revered was the god of fire SEMARGL The mediator between people and the heavenly gods, which appeared in the form of the Holy Falcon of Rarog and won the first battle of the bright and dark forces of the Black Snake; God of wealth and livestock Veles, Explorer B. afterworld And his king, the destroyer of the Universe and at the same time a symbol of wisdom, son of the heavenly cow Zemun Perun's opponent in a wedding myth, lowered to Earth from the heavenly arch; Mother of happy lot, goddess of fate and water element Mankos, which together with the assistants Share and Nesolyby Speak the threads of human destiny, like antique Moram; sisters goddess life and death Alive and Madder (Marmara).
Triglav in Novgorod understood differently. Initially, it was included Svarog, Perun and Veles. The reflections of such an understanding have been preserved in the velebook under the names Did - oak - sheaf. Later Veles was replaced Splatte. Heavenly Father, the grandfather's grandfather, Novgorod believed only Svary, who expects people in Heavenly Iria, or Svarle Yasuni. He is the beginning of all kind, male half, hyposta. The oldest Supreme Male Deity of Slavs was Rod - God sky, thunderstorms, fertility. Rod-lord of all living moving. The genus, according to the ancient Slavs, is the whole universe, but he also understood him as a home defect, God-ancestor, ancestor. Rod, as an individual, rarely, was rarely glorified by himself, but the male embodiment of the kind - Svarog. He performs the Creator of the Universe, pulls the land from the ocean. Having hit the hammer on the "Belochob stone", like a blacksmith heaven, revives SEARMAL (God of fire) and creates the first people, teaching them for a blacksmith craft, giving them laws. Women's hyposta of the kind and spouse of Svaraga Mother Gods Lada. She is a guy, mother-rhodium - helps at childbirth. Lada is the goddess of marriage, abundance, the time of crop ripening. The goddes treated prayers, petitions, pliers. Her name has repeatedly met in the chirms of songs - "Oh, Lado!"

1.1.4 Maternal cult

Worship of female ancestors is closely related to widespread maternal cults. From France and to Baikal everywhere you can meet the stone figures of female gods, the feminines with pronounced features of the floor, which were called paleolithic evening And served as the peculiarities of fertility magic. During the patriarchate, maternal cults change to the women's hypostasis of the gods, while maintaining the entire severity of the archaic semantic load and symbolism. At the same time, they acquire a certain single function - become patrons of the house, hearth, fire, territory, country, man, family, love in the form of hostesses (hostess of the copper mountain in the joy of the Bazhov), grandmothers, mothers (for example, the mother of India or Mother Sva, bird patrone Rus, incarnation of the Great Mother). Women's cults, in whatever changes, they always rush to one of their two manifestations: either they personify the world of love of heaven (Ishtar, Astarta, Aphrodite, Venus, Slavic Lelia), or - earthly (Gay, Juno, Slavic cheese mother Land).

    Cosmogonical representations of the ancient Slavs
Long studies have shown that the pre-Christian paganism in Russia relied on astral cult. It was the worship of fire and water in which the gods symbolized heavenly shining. Heavenly fire took place from the triad shone: the sun, the moon and Venus.
Folklore of Slavic nations Polon legends about the egg capable of accommodating huge kingdoms. According to archaic legends, until the moment of creation, the world was in a stupor and placed inside the cosmic egg. The shell wrapped the gigantic snake - original chaos. Life start by his creative impulse breaks the egg and the world comes to life. Hence the ritual of breaking in the spring, when the dormant nature awakens, Easter eggs - pianok.

2.1 Svagal

Increasing the harrification of the structure of the social and political life of Slavs caused a nomination to the forefront of the god of an ordered space - Svarog. The name is welded from SUR (Sanskr.), Suar, Svar, Svarga, from here - Svarog. Researcher D. Undechko points out an explanation in the annals of the Old High Sur (Svor) by the word Zodiacus - the zodiacal path of the Sun (Ecliptic). In the Ipatiev Chronicle "Sun - King Son of Welders, hedgehog there is Dazhbog", according to other sources, the son of Svarog - the Sun, calls for fire: "And the fires pray, the name is Mozhvikh." In Ukraine, the zodiac or the zodiac path of the sun was considered to be heavenly fire, which in every constellation acquired the characteristics and properties of the new deity.
Svarog is the god of the sky (as space), and Dazhbog - Fire (Light) Heavenly. Dazhibogog is one of the most famous gods of the East Slavonic tribes. The author of "Words about the regiment of Igor" calls all Russians by giving grandchildren. That is, it is literally our grandfather, ancestor, Prasrat, the progenitor. This is God who gives, the executor of earthly goods, as well as God guarding his genus. He gave a man all the main thing (on cosmic standards): the sun, heat, light, movement (nature or calendar - the change of day and night, the seasons, years, and T, d.).
The archaic philosophy of the ancient peoples, the level of their spiritual maturity is most accurate and fully reconstructed on the cosmogonic myths of the main scriptures. With name Svary The ancient cosmogonic myth of Slavs is connected, which opens the content of "Russian Vedas":

Before the birth of the light of White Darkness, the world was shrouded. Was in the darkness only the genus is our progenitor. Rod is the spring of the Universe, the father of the gods.
He was at the beginning of the genus prisoner in the egg, he was a seed with an unlucky, he was a bit of inconspicuous. But the end came imprisonment. Rod gave birth to love - Lado Mother.
The genus destroyed the dungeon by the power of love, and then the world's love was filled.
And he gave birth to the kingdom of heaven, and under him created the Middle Kingdom. The umbilical cummy cut the rainbow, separated the ocean - the sea is blue from the celestial waters of the solid stone. In heaven, he erected three arches he. Divided the light and darkness, truth with krivo.
Then then gave birth to Earth-Mother, and the earth went into the abyss dark, in the ocean she was shone ...
The birth was born to the love of heaven and all insecure. Rod is the father of the gods. Rod and mother gods. Rod - Born by himself and will be born again.
The genus is all the gods and all the ways. Rod - what was and what to be to what was born and what would be born.
Rod God gave birth to heavenly and breathed his mighty spirit into him. He gave four heads to him, so that he looked at the world in all directions ... Here the Svarog in the sky, he looks back and his poses. She sees - the sun rolls over the sky, the month will see the stars, and under it the ocean spreads ... he looked around his possession, did not notice the land Mother.
- Where is the mother earth? - Sealed.
Here he noticed - the point is small in the ocean-sea drawn. That is not a point in the sea drawn, it is dodged gray floats, gray foam generated.
- You do not know if the earth lies? - He began torturing the welsh sacre camp.
"Land me under me," she says, "cane in the ocean ..."
- At the deception of the genus of heaven, by wanting the woven the earth, you alive from the depths of the marine!
I didn't say anything dodder, the ocean-Sea dived and was hiding for three years in the Pochin. As the term ended - rose from the bottom.
In the beak, the handful of land she brought.
He took the weld handful of earth, became in his palms to mive.
- Heating-ka, red sunshine, lightening-ka, the month is light, you, the winds of the rain, - blow! We will sculpt from the ground. Raw earth-Mother, Mother-Kormilitsa. Help us. Rod! Lada, help!
Earth Multiple Svarog - Heats Sun, the month shines and winds blow. The winds blurred the land from the palm, and she fell into the sea blue. Her Red Sun was heated - the mother of the earth stuck on top of a crust, the cooled of her month is light.
So Svaroga created the land Mother. Three underground villas, he established in it - three underground, hoeful kingdoms.
And so that in the sea, the land did not leave again, the genus gave birth to a powerful rush under it - the serpent of the wondrous, multi-power. His share is heavily - to keep him the years and century, the Mother Land.
So the mother of cheese land was born. So she was stubbornly on the snake.
If Yusha-snake moves - the mother of cheese land will turn.

2.2 Spiritual Rodation of the cultures of Slavs and Indoariyev

In the sacred books of the ancient peoples, cosmogonic myths are always closely woven with legends on the origin of the gods (Theogonia) and people (anthropogonia), The world of which is repeated to boring space forces, but closely contacts them. The 129th Anthem 10th Mandala Rigveda clearly shows the commonality of cosmogonic ideas of Slavs and Indoariyev, the spiritual relationship of two Vedic cultures of antiquity:

There was no non-existent nor essential ... There was no death or what lives forever; No sign, separated by night and day. This single breathless breath is only his own essence. In addition to him there was nothing at all. There was darkness: hidden first in darkness, all this was a shapeless chaos. Everything that existed then was empty and shapeless. The great power of heat was born this is one. Then it appeared at the beginning of the desire - the primary seed and the embryo of the Spirit ... who knows truly and who can say here when it was born and when this act of creation was led?
The gods appeared later the creation of this world. Who then knows when the world appeared? He is the original source of everything created, anyway, he created all this himself, or not. The one whose eye hits behind this world from the height of the sky, he truly knows it, and maybe he does not know.

The united sacred basis, which existed the once common spiritual cradle caused a similarity of ideas in the Slavic and Indian Vedic cultures on the initial anthropomorphic creature, the highest owner life principle - love or heat - tapas, and initial grain, gold like an embryo (Hirana Harpx), germinating during the formation of mankind, - The strength of desire.
Thus, the power of love in Slavic mythology was called to the sun, from the face of the kind, the month is bright - from his chest, the stars are frequent - from his eyes, the dawns are clear - from his eyebrows, the nights of the dark - from the Duma, the winds of the rains from the breath of him , Rain, snow, hail - from his tears, thunder and zipper - from his voice. In the source of India, the Upanishads such an initial anthropomorphic creature of Purusha ("Purusa", literally from SanskR. Man, man), the keeper of the worlds was removed from the waters of Atman, those who were truly first one, and who gave purus an appearance.

2.3 Perun and Navnit

Son Svarya Perun, The second face of the Slavic Trinity Triplan, the God of War and Thunderstorm, revived the manifested, followed peaceful order, rotating the solar golden wheel.
The cult of the winner of the beast Skiper, Tsar Becla, the Maritime Tsar and Veles was supported by the highest layers of the patriarchal Slavic society, princes and warriors, especially in the era of opposition to the world of nomadic tribes. After the Christianization of Russia, the cult of Perun was changed by Ilyona-Prophet, and in the folk tradition - Ilya, Muromers and Hirith of Brave.
The third hatch of Novgorodsky Titlava-Svovenit Initially, there was a god of light from the Western Slavs. His four-headed idol stood in Arcone, the main thing sanctuary Baltic Slavs on the island of Ruyan in the Baltic Sea. Belief in it was brought in Novgorod migrants from Western lands - encrypses and rugs. Velesova The book speaks of the great secret of the trinity of Svary - Perun - Snovet, whose strength penetrated all levels of life, named the worlds of gods and people with the authorities of love. The sacred knowledge of the ancient Slavs possessed monotheism But combined it with primitive forms of religion: totemism, fetishism, animism and magic.
So, for the worldview of the Indo-European peoples, and for the worldview of the ancient Slavs was characteristic anthropotokosmis, i.e. the absentness of the spheres of human, divine and natural, reflected in each other. This is what Heraclite placed in the concept of "sphere" as a world not created by anyone, "forever living fire, dimly tanning and measuringly swelling, for which all things that are splashed from it like ingots from golden sand."
Signs of cult of ancestors who were called manism The most brightly set out in the fact of the construction of the pedigree Slavs to the forefans, the relatives of the gods, who trained people with various crafts and the ability to handle iron. Knowledge is represented as instant penetration of the entire existing, carried out with the help of magical operations, and in order to streamline the habitat of an ancient person from the chaos. Sacrifice to the deified forces of nature, which was based on the sun, included in the practice of the magic of life, not dismembered by the word and case and served the goals of the victory of a person over non-essential, over death.

    Rites and customs of the ancient Slavs
3.1 Communication of customs with natural forces

The incessant struggle and the changing victory of the bright and dark forces of nature are most pronounced in the ideas of Slavs about the cycle of the seasons. Its starting point was the onset of the new year - the birth of a new sun at the end of December, the celebration that received the Greco-Roman name from Slavs "Wheels" (Calendae - the first day of the new month). The final victory of the new Romovnik over the winter - "death" on the day of the spring equinox they coped the rite of funeral Marines. The custom is the custom to walk with may. (Spring symbol), a small Christmas tree, decorated ribbons, eggs, paper. The deity of the Sun, Watching for the Winter, got a name Joys And back Yarily and Kostroma. In one of old monuments XVII century It was described in this way:

In the evening, the on the eve of Ivanov of the day are going together and girls and weave wreaths from different colors, putting them on their heads or raising at the belt. They light the bonfire and, holding hands, dance around him and sing songs in which they often mention dome. Then they jump over the fire.

Burning or saccination in the river of the straw stuffed or other images of the joons recalls the connection of the holiday with the sunny deity.
Ancient folk holidays, such as New Year's fortune telling, ragged carnival, dance and green birchings "Semika", "RUSSIAL Week" and many others, were accompanied by spell magical rites and were like prayers to the gods about universal well-being, a crop, deliverance from thunderstorms and hail. Thus, in Gloomy Ilyin, the Russian peasants are still in the XIX century. Challenged the bull-signed by the whole village in honor of the Lastnaya Lord, the perception of ancient Perun.
Big deep vessels in Ancient Russia Called Charas and used for New Year's fortune-yield (Sorceress). They often painted 12 different pictures of the form of a closed circle - a symbol of 12 months. In the village of Lepolovka, the ancient sanctuary of Chernyakhovsky culture II-IV was found on Volyni. The altar of the sanctuary was collected from fragments of large clay bowls. In the wedense, one of them was an ornament from 12 rectangular frames with various drawings. They had three oblique cross, which denoted three times of major sunny holidays: December 25, March 25 and June 24. On three other pictures, the ferry, ears and wins braided was depicted, which is similar to the months: April - Pahoma Ralle, August - harvesting and October - Flax fins. Lepoff Chara - a characteristic ritual vessel of ancient Slavs, cooked for New Year's fortunenesses. Vessels used for rites of sowing harvest, spring-summer water rites conducted in sacred groves, Spring and related to the goddess-Virgin, patroness fertility.

3.2 Twistering: paganism and Christianity

By the time of the adoption of Christianity, the Slavic religion did not have time to develop strict forms of cult. The priests have not yet treated a special estate. The victims of the generic and heavenly gods were presented by representatives of the generic unions, and about intercourse with the lower demons of the Earth, about the deliverance of people from their harmful influence and on obtaining different services from them were cared for volunteers. Place of sacrifice kapic It did not turn into a temple even during when a cap-idol depicting gods began to put in this place (Cappope).
Upcoming in Kiev, Vladimir I was produced in 980. a kind of pagan reform. In an effort to lift the ancient folk beliefs to the level of state religion, next to its Teremes, on the hill, the prince ordered to put the wooden idols of six gods: Perun with a silver head and golden mustache, Horsa, dashbog, striboga, semarlang and makosh. Vladimir even established human sacrifices to these gods, which should have given their cult tragic, but at the same time, and very solemn.
The cult of the main god of the druzinny nobility was introduced in Novgorod a good one. Near the idol Perun, eight negascinable fires burned there, and the memory of this eternal fire was maintained at the local population until the XVII century.
By the end of the period of paganism in connection with the development of a druzen element, deeply became more complicated The funeral rites of Slavs. With noble rules burned their weapons, armor, horses. According to the Arab traveler Ahmed Ibn Fadlan, who made a trip to Volzhskaya Bulgaria as an ambassador of Baghdad Caliph, he saw Russian funerals and described a ritual murder on the grave of the rich Rusa of his wife.
A huge Kurgan height with a four-storey house ("Black grave" in Chernigov) confirms this. According to legend, Chernigov Prince was buried at this place. In the process of excavations in Kurgan, golden Byzantine coins, weapons, female decorations, rhogany horn, horn, were found, with the chased patterns of the epic story - the death of the blasphemy of the immortal in Chernihiv forests.
From ancient times, a person who protects himself from evil strength, covered with clothes and a dwelling with images - overalls Glowing protective symbolism into a single image of the universe. That is exactly what the heads of the Old Russian Princess, the time of the duals (paganism and Christianity) and images on the facades of Russians, preserved in the north to the present.
Princess's headdress symbolized the sky and was crowned with the image of the main celestial forces, there was a Dazhiboga or Christ in the center (depending on the pagan or Christian there was a whole journey). Chelo Knyagini decorated temporal rings Meaning the movement of the Sun in the sky. Down from the crown came the chains - rye Symbolizing airspace. They were covered with images or jets of rain, or birds, or seeds falling from the sky. To Ryasnam hang out chop (suspension) with the image of mermaids, winged forks, irrigating fields. These rolls were located at one level with necklaces depicting the dissolved sprouts. Pictures were presented on women's bracelets rusali (Spring holidays in honor of the goddesses - rain servers). The neck was put on a long chain with two heads of the lizard, bonded by a ring symbolizing the sun. Thus, in a female costume, the entire picture of the world of mineos is reflected - the sky, the earth and the underworld.
On the facade of the Russian hut, the heavens and the course of the Sun were depicted. The sky was represented by a two-layer, consisting of "solid" and "hlybays", i.e., inexhaustible stocks of water. Prickly depicted by wavy lines. On the solid, located below the hlybay, the position of the Sun was shown in three positions - in the morning, at noon and evening; To emphasize that it moves below the loaf, the image of the shine was placed on wooden "towels" descended from the roof. Especially brightly and richly decorated with a pattern of the central "towel", symbolizing noon, - there the brightly luminous sun depicted several times, or the sign of the sun (the circle divided into eight sectors) was duplicated by the ridge of the roof, meaning the sun-horse. On the central "towel" often placed a thunder sign (the circle divided into six sectors) is a symbol of a kind or perunun, who has protected the house from getting into it.

Thick S.M., Tolstoy N.I. and others - Slavic and Balkan folklore.

Folklore. Epos. Mythology

For the collection of 1978:
The works of the folklore tradition of the Slavic and Balkan peoples are investigated in the works, rites, customs and symbols associated with the Slavic Archaic folk culture are given, genetic surveys in the field of Slavic folklore are given, many new folk recordings are given on the territory of Polesia.

Slavic and Balkan folklore: Genesis. Archaic. Traditions. M.: Publishing House "Science", 1978.
Slavic and Balkan folklore: rite. Text. M.: Publishing House "Science", 1981.
Slavic and Balkan folklore: Spiritual Polesia culture on a general Slavonic background / d. ed. N. I. Tolstoy. M.: "Science", 1986.
Slavic and Balkan folklore: reconstruction of the ancient Slavic spiritual culture: sources and methods / d. ed. N. I. Tolstoy. M.: "Science", 1989.
Slavic and Balkan folklore: beliefs. Text. Ritual. M.: "Science", 1994.
Slavic and Balkan folklore: ethnolinguistic studies of woodland. M.: Publisher "Indrik", 1995.
Slavic and Balkan Folklore: People's Demonology. M.: Publisher "Indrik", 2000.
Slavic and Balkan folklore: semantics and pragmatics of text. M.: Publisher "Indrik", 2006.

1) Slavic and Balkan folklore: genesis. Archaic. Tradition / answer ed. I. M. Sheptunov. M.: "Science", 1978.

L. N. Vinogradova. Spell formulas in the calendar poetry of Slavs and their ritual origins
V. V. Usacheva. Rite "Polax" and its folk elements in the SERBSKOCHORVATS LANGUAGE AREAL
V. K. Sokolova. Maslenitsa (its composition, development and specificity)
A. F. Zhuravlev. Security rituals associated with case of livestock, and their geographical distribution.
N. I. and S. M. Tolstoy. Notes on Slavic paganism. 2. Ticking the rain in Polesie
S. M. Thick. Materials for the description of the Polesky Kupaul rite
E. V. Pomerantsev. Inter-ethnic community of believes and polesack about an afternoon
A. V. Gur. Symbols of the hare in Slavic ritual and song folklore
F. D. Klimchuk. Song tradition Wesnopoless village Simonovichi

2) Slavic and Balkan folklore: rite. Text / resp. ed. N. I. Tolstoy. M.: "Science", 1981.

Yu. I. Smirnov. Field of comparative studies on folklore
L. N. Vinogradova. Maiden fortune telling about marriage in the cycle of Slavic calendar rituals (West East Slavic parallels)
N. I. and S. M. Tolsty. Notes on Slavic paganism. 5. Protection against hail in Dragachev and other Serbian zones
A. V. Gur. Laste (Mustela Nivalis) in Slavic folk ideas
O. A. Ternovskaya. To the description of some Slavic ideas associated with insects. One system of rituals of home insects
L. G. Barag. The plot of Smeaking on the bridge in the fairy tales of East Slavic and other peoples
N. L. Rumchna. Genetic connections of the Acite Epos and Cleft Songs
Yu. I. Smirnov. Epica Polesia (according to records of 1975)
The application is the pointers to the article N. I. and S. M. Tolstoy "Notes on Slavic paganism. five"

3) Slavic and Balkan folklore: Spiritual Polesia culture on a general Slavonic background / d. ed. N. I. Tolstoy. M.: "Science", 1986.

Materials to the Polesky ethnolinguistic satin. Experience mapping

Preface (N. T., S. T.)
The sun plays (S. M. Tolstaya)
Ritual uncertainty of young people (S. M. Tolstaya)
Troitskaya Greens (N. I. Tolstoy)
River Spine, Roads (S. M. Tolstaya)
Frog, Other animals in rites of causing and stopping rain (S. M. Tolstaya)
Sretenskaya and Thursday Candle (S. M. Tolstaya)
Rain during the wedding (A. V. Gur)
Spring cursing (T. A. Agapkin)
The daughter-in-law became in the field of the poplar (N. I. Tolstoy)

O. A. Pashin. Calendar Songs of the Spring-Summer Cycle Southeast Belorussia
V. I. Kharitonov. Polesa tradition of inland in Polesie on East Slavic background

Articles and research

V. E. Gusev. Driving "Arrows" ("Sulya") in East Polesie
T. A. Agapkin, A. L. Toporkov. To the problem of the ethnographic context of calendar songs
L. N. Vinogradova. Mythological aspect of the Polisan "RUSSIAL" tradition
N. I. Tolstoy. From observations over the priests

Materials and publications

A. V. Gur. From the Polesian wedding terminology. Wedding ranks. Dictionary: N - Mushka
S. M. Thick. Polessky folk calendar. Materials for ethnicular dictionary: K - P
Yu. I. Smirnov. Epica Polesia

4) Slavic and Balkan folklore: reconstruction of ancient Slavic spiritual culture: sources and methods / resp. ed. N. I. Tolstoy. M.: "Science", 1989.

N. I. Tolstoy. Some considerations about the reconstruction of Slavic spiritual culture
V.N. Toporov. About the Iranian element in Russian spiritual culture
V. V. Martynov. Sacred world "Words about the regiment of Igor"
V. V. Ivanov. Ritual burning of the horse skirt and wheels in Polesie and its Indo-European parallels
M. Mattitching. About the mythical creatures from Slovenians and specially about Kurt
L. N. Vinogradova. Folklore as a source for reconstruction of ancient Slavic spiritual culture
L. Radedkovich. Symbols of color in Slavic conspiractions
S. E. Nikitina. On the interaction of oral and written forms in folk culture
E. Croatova. Traditional youth unions and initiative rites western Slavs.
Z. Mikhail. Ethnolinguistic methods in the study of folk spiritual culture
T. V. Tsivyan. On the linguistic foundations of the model of the world (on the material of the Balkan languages \u200b\u200band traditions)
M. Vickylala-Svetzovska. The terminology of agrarian ritual as a source of studying the ancient Slavic spiritual culture
S. M. Thick. Terminology of rites and beliefs as a source of reconstruction of an ancient spiritual culture
T. A. Agapkin, A. L. Toporkov. Sparrow (Ryabinovaya) Night in the language and beliefs eastern Slavs
A. A. Phebenza. On the origin of the names of some Slavic pagan deities (preparing the text V. Yu. Franchuk. Notes N. E. Afanasyeva and V. Yu. Franchuk)
About the work of A. A. Pothebni, devoted to the origin and etymology of the names of Slavic pagan deities (V. Yu. Franchuk)

5) Slavic and Balkan folklore: beliefs. Text. Ritual / answer ed. N. I. Tolstoy. M.: "Science", 1994.

N. I. Tolstoy. Once again about the topic "Tuchi - Beef, Rain - Milk"
L. N. Vinogradova, S. M. Thick. To the problem of identification and comparing characters of Slavic mythology
O. V. Sannikova. Polish mythological vocabulary in the structure of folk text

T. A. Agapkin. South Slavic beliefs and rites associated with fruit trees, in the general Slavonic perspective
S. M. Thick. Mirror in traditional Slavic beliefs and rites
I. A. Sedakova. Bread in traditional Bulgarian rituals: Motherland and the main stages of the child's development

N. I. Tolstoy. Vita Herbae et Vita Rei in Slavic Folk Tradition
T. A. Agapkin, L. N. Vinogradova. Braveness: Ritual and Text
G. I. Kabakova. Structure and geography of legends about the March old woman
V. V. Usacheva. Voiced formulas in folk medicine Slavs
N. A. Ipatova. Turnover as a property of fabulous characters
E. E. Levkievskaya. Materials in Carpathian demonology

Correct add-ons to article N. I. Tolstoy "Vita Herbae et Vita Rei in Slavic folk tradition"

6) Slavic and Balkan folklore: Ethnolinguistic study of Polesia / OT. ed. N. I. Tolstoy. M.: "Indrik", 1995.

N. I. Tolstoy. Ethnocultural and linguistic study of Polesia (1984-1994)

I. Polessky ethnolinguistic Atlas: research and materials
T. A. Agapkin. Essays of the Spring Frewell
A. A. Plotnikova. The first pasture of livestock in Polesie
L. N. Vinogradova. Regional features of the Polessian belief about the houses
E. E. Levkievskaya, V. V. Usacheva. Polessky water on a general Slavonic background
L. N. Vinogradova. Where do children come from? Polessian formulas on the origin of children
V. L. Switvoskaya. Experience mapping of Poleski funeral ritual
M. M. Valentsova. Materials for mapping Types of Polesesky Divorces
M. Nikonchuk, O. Nikonchuk, Orlenko. Devyi Thermali Material Bodybuilding in Govriks Right-Bank Poli
O. A. Pashina. Calendar cycle in North-Western villages

II. Ethnolinguistic dictionaries. Publications

S. M. Thick. Polessky folk calendar. Materials for the ethnialialectric dictionary: R - I
A. V. Gur. From the Polesian wedding terminology. Wedding ranks. Dictionary (winds - w)
F. D. Klimchuk. Spiritual culture of the Polessky village Simonovichi

III. Applications

N. P. Anthropov, A. A. Plotnikova. Chronicle of the Polessian expeditions

List of human settlements of Polessky ethnolinguistic satin

Reduced names regional centers and districts

7) Slavic and Balkan folklore: People's Demonology / T. ed. S. M. Thick. M.: "Indrik", 2000.


N. I. Tolstoy. "Without four corners of the hut is not built" (notes in Slavic paganism. 6)
L. N. Vinogradova. New ideas about the origin of the unclean power: the demonology of the deceased
S. M. Thick. Slavic mythological ideas about the soul
E. E. Levkievskaya. Mythological characters B. slavic tradition. I. East Slavic Houses
Dagmar Klimova (Prague). Hospodářík in the beliefs of the Czech people
T. V. Tsivyan. About one class of lower mythology characters: "Professionals"
N. A. Mikhailov. To one balto-South Slavic folklore-ritual formula: lit. Laimė Lėmė, LTSH. Laima nolemj, star. Sojenice Sodijo.
L. R. Hafizova. Beech as a children's folklore character
T. A. Agapkin. Demons as Characters Calendar Mythology
A. A. Plotnikova. Mythology of atmospheric and heavenly phenomena at the Balkan Slavs
V. V. Usacheva. Mythological representations of Slavs about the origin of plants
A. V. Gur. Demonology properties of animals in Slavic mythological representations
V. Ya. Petrukhin. "Gods and demons" of the Russian Middle Ages: Rod, Rozenitsa and the problem of Russian dual
O. V. Belova. Judas Israariot: from the evangelical image to mythological character
M. M. Valentsova. Saints-Demons Lucia and Barbara in West Slavic Calendar Mythology
Polessian and Western Russian materials about houses

8) Slavic and Balacian folklore: semantics and pragmatics of text / d. ed. S. M. Thick. M.: "Indrik", 2006.


Pragmatics of text
T. A. Agapkin. The plot of East Slavic conspiracies in a comparative aspect
O. V. Belova. Slavic biblical legends: verbal text in the context of the rite
E. E. Levkievskaya. Pragmatics of mythological text
L. N. Vinogradova. The socioregulative function of superstitious stories about the violators of prohibitions and customs
S. M. Thick. Motive of posthumous walking in beliefs and ritual

Text and ritual
A. V. Gur. The ratio and interaction of action and verbal codes wedding rite
V. V. Usacheva. Verbal magic in agricultural rites of Slavs
A. A. Plotnikova. Spring spell formulas "Exile" of reptiles at the southern Slavs (in the apeal perspective)

Vocabulary and phraseology and their role in treating text
M. M. Valentsova. Calendar Palevia Western Slavs
E. L. Berezovich, K. V. Pyankova. Food code in the text of the game: Porridge and kvass
A. V. Gur. Lunar stains: methods of constructing mythological text
O. V. Chehi. Language and cultural image of the lunar time in the Polisan tradition (young and old month)
E. S. Upenly. The ratio of chrononym and legends (the holiday of St. Trifon in the Aral Perspective)

Folklore and its main forms. Literature Orthodox

slavs in the XI-XVI centuries. Modern Slavic literature

The theme of folklore and Slavic literatically affected by our manual only in connection with the Slavic verbal culture as a whole, and in the details of this topic (in particular, in the discussion of the current state of folklores) we do not deepen. There are many valuable benefits specially dedicated to Folklore as such (Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian, etc. Folk creativity), as there are similar benefits relating to Russian and other Slavic literature. We are sending readers interested in an in-depth meeting with this topic.

Slavic peoples created such an important folk genre as fairy tales, and the richest set of fabulous plots (magic, domestic, social, etc.). In the fairy tales, the colorful human characters endowed with folk smelter - Ivan-Fool in the Russians, tricky Peter at Bulgarians, etc.

By witty observation of F.I. Buslaeva, "The tale chants the advantage of heroes, heroes and knights; The princess, it is usually called it, very often not called by name and, married a hero or Vityaz, comes off from the stage of action. But, yielding to men in the hectares and glory, the declined military feats, a woman in the era of paganism ... was a semi-hardey, witch ...

Very naturally could folk fairytale To the mental strength of a woman to give and physical. So, Starov a young wife, surrounded by the ambassador, won the wrestlers of Vladimirov " 175 .

Eastern Slavs developed epic. Among them are the Kiev cycle (epics about the peasant Mikule Selininovich, Holy Svyatogore, Ilya Muromster, Dobryne Nikitic, Alyosha Popovech and others) and the Novgorod cycle (epics about Vasily Buslaev, Sadko et al.). The unique genre of the heroic epic, Russian epics constitute one of the most important accessories of national verbal art. Serbs, heroic epic is represented by the plots about Milo-Oehich, Korievic Marco and others. There are similar characters in the epic of Bulgarians - secuel Children, Daichin-Voevoda, Yankul and Momgil, and others. 176 Western Slavs have a heroic epic due to a number complex causes I did not show myself so impressively.

Epos is not a historical chronicle, but an artistic phenomenon. Russians usually feel well the distance between the real personality of the Rev. Elii Muromets and the above-mentioned hero of Ilya Muromets. About the Serbian epic his researcher Ilya Nikolaevich Glenchev-Kutuzov(1904-1969), for example, wrote:

"In addition to events that do not disturb the boundaries of reliable,<...> In the songs of the Koričie Marko, there are stories about the winged horses talking to the human voice, about serm and mountain wizards-vilach " 177 .

As expressively characterized by the oral folk creativity F.I. Buslaev, "the people do not remember the beginning of their songs and fairy tales. They are conducted by the time of the century and are transmitted from the kind to the genus, according to legend, like older. Another Singer Igor, although he knows some kind of Boyana, but the ancient folk legends calls already "old literacy." In the "Ancient Russian poems", a song, or a legend, called "Starino": "Topic Starina and End", says the singer ... otherwise the song content narrative is called "epic", that is, the story that it was.<...> Therefore, an ending song, sometimes the singer adds the following words: "That" Starina ", then" Action ",", expressing this verse that the idea that his episoda is not only an old man, a dedication, but it is a dedication about the really happened "act" " 178 .

W. slavic peoples Preserved legends associated with their origins. And the Western and Eastern Slavs are known to legend about the brothers Czech, Lehe and Ruse. In the Eastern Slavs, the foundation of Kiev is associated with the legendary Kiem, cheek, choriv and sister their liberation. Polyakov, according to legend, in the title of Warsaw, they captured the names of the children of the forester here: the boy named Var and the girl named Sava. Very interesting, carrying a variety of information about the absolutes of legends, legends and legends about Libuch and Premysla, about the Great War, about the Blanky Knights in Chekhov, about the Phalkov, Krak and Vanda, and so on.

For example, the plot of the Devlage of the Great War makes you remember about the struggle of the matriarchal and patriarchal started in the Slavic society of ancient times.

According to him, after the death of the legendary Czech government, Libushov, who appeared on the girls and women and even holding a female squad, to rule her husband Premysl. However, the girls who got used to rule rebelled against men, built the fortress Devin and settled in it. Then they broke the detachment of men, frivolously tried to capture the fortress - and three hundred of Vityazhi died, and the seven personally swollen the leader of the Wistra's female troops (in the past, the first warrior in the squad of Libushi). After this victory, women inside the young Vityaz Ztirad, who rushed to save his beauty tied to the oak, and drove it. In response, men united in the ardor and completely defeated women, killing Vlastla and capturing Devin in battle 179 .

The poetic genres of folklore in the Slavs are extremely varied. In addition to the epics and myths here include various songs - Unacky and Gaidutski in South Slavs, robbing in the Eastern Slavs, etc., historical songs and ballads, Ukrainian Duma, etc. 180 Slovaks have a very interesting cycle folk Works About the noble robber Yurai Janoshika.

Many poetic works were performed under the accompaniment of various musical instruments (Russian husli, Ukrainian bandura, etc.).

Small genres of folklore (proverb, saying, mystery, etc.) are of particular interest for philologists engaged in semaxiologicalproblems. So, for example, A.A. Sreaty dedicated in his work " From lectures on the theory of literature»Special section" Takes to turn a complex poetic work in the proverb ", emphasizing:" The entire process of compressing a longer story in the proverb belongs to the number of phenomena that have a huge importance for human thought "(these phenomena of sweebantza called" thoughts condensed ") 181 .

Among the meetings of Russian proverbs are allocated " Russians folk proverbs and parables"(1848) I.M. Snegiva, " Russian proverbs and sayings"(1855) F.I. Buslaev and " Proverbs of the Russian nation"(1862) V.I. Dal.

Among the collectors of Slavic folklore are presented the largest cultural figures (for example, A.I. Afanasyevand IN AND. Distanceamong the Russians Owl Karadzhichserb). In Russia, these cases were engaged in talented enthusiasts, similar to Kirch Danilov, and philologists-professionals PN Rybnikov, A.F. Hilferding, I.V. Kireevskyand others. Ukrainian folklore collected, for example, ON THE. Cerevyev, M. Maksimovich, Y. Golovakand others. Southern Slavs have done a huge work brothers Miladinov, P.R. Slavelets, etc.,at Polyakov Vaclav Zalessky, Zhilt Pauli, Z. Dolenga-Khodakovskyand others, in Chekhov and Slovakov F. Chelakovsky, K. Erben, P. Dobshinskyand other philologists.

Slavic literature is very diverse. Ancient Russian literature, a characteristic manifestation of the literature of the so-called "medieval type", existed from the XI century. Recall several important important moments related to it.

Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likchev(1906-1999) Recognitively wrote: "Ancient Russian literature not only was not isolated from literatures of the neighboring - Western and South countries, in particular - from the same Byzantium, but within until the XVII century. We can speak absolutely about the opposite - the absence of clear national borders in it. We can talk about the commonality of the development of the literature of the eastern and southern Slavs. Exist unified literature(italics mine. - Yu.M.), a single writing and a single (Church Slavonic) language of the Eastern Slavs (Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians), Bulgarians, Serbov from Romanians "(as already mentioned above, Romanians as Orthodox actively used the Church Slavonic language to the second halves XIX. century) 182 .

Expression DS Likhacheva "Unified Literature" should not be absoluting. Further, he explains his thought: "The main fund of church-literary monuments was common. The liturgical, preaching, church-omitative, agiographic, partly world-historical (chronographic), partly the narrative literature was united for the entire Orthodox South and East of Europe. The generals were such huge monuments of literature, as a prologous, Minei, Solemniki, Triodi, Partly Chronicles, Palese of various types, "Alexandria", "Tale of Varlaam and Joasafe", "Tale about Akir Promudrome", "Bee", cosmography, physiologists, Shestronev, apocryphas, separate lives, etc., etc. 183 .

Understandable, were not common Word about the regiment of Igor», « Teaching»Vladimir Monomakh, "The word about the death of Russian land», « Zadonchina», « Daniel Charcoat"And some other works are perhaps our contemporaries most interesting in the Old Russian literature. However, for a medieval reader, a heart facing primarily to God, and not to earthly human problemsThey were not "the most important thing" in a number of literary texts. No matter how difficult it is to comprehend this fact to a person of the XXI century., But the gospel, the lives of the saints, Psalms, Akathists, etc., and by no means "the word about the regiment of Igor" and the landslide of the artificial literature were in the center of attention of the Old Russian readers (exactly Therefore, "the word" was so easily lost and only accidentally discovered at the end of the XVIII century).

After the explanations made above, it is impossible not to join the thesis D.S. Likhacheva, that "Old Russian literature before the XVI century. It was one with the literature of other Orthodox countries " 184 . As a result, if you turn to the leadership of the type "Olderbian literature", "Ancient Bulgarian literature", etc., the reader will immediately meet a lot of works known to him at the Epistle Coursa.

For example, in the "History of Slavic Literature" Academician Alexandra Nikolayevich Pypina(1833-1904) and Vladimir Danilovich Supzovich(1829-1906) As an ancient-baulian (and not ancient Russian!) The above-mentioned academician Likhachev appear " Prologue», « Palese», « Alexandria" and etc. 185 Moreover, according to the authors, it was Bulgarians who was created in the old Slavonic language "Extensive literature, which has passed entirely to Russian and Serbam"; "The church relations of Russians with Bulgarians and with Athos, the nearest neighborhood of Serbs with Bulgarians established the manuscripts between them"; "As a result, the Serbian writer presents the overall type that is visible in the writer of this kind of Bulgarian and ancient Russian" 186 .

In turn, I.V. Yagich in his "History of Serbo-Croatian Literature" stated the same tendency: "Herbal original(italics mine. - Yu.M.) Works make up a very minor part of the rest of the literature " 187 .

I.V. Yagich admitted that "from our current point of view" "The subtle notebook of medieval folk songs and the like" seems more important than the "all of the huge reserve of biblical-theological and liturgical works" seems more important than the Orthodox Slavs. However, he immediately stressed that it was necessary to "vividly imagine the views of the then times, for which there was no lesson more sacred than" 188 .

Unfortunately, the real find of "thin notebooks" of this kind is an extremely rare matter. As a result, in the era of romanticism, some Western Slavic patriots (in the Czech Republic) could not resist the compilation of such artistic mysticsas Babelaworsk manuscript(1817, "detected" in the town of Kravodvor) 189 .

This "notebook" of the "newest works of the ancient-Czech literature", as Ironized V.I. Laman, is a collection of workshops of stylization under Slavic antiquity. The collabian manuscript includes, for example, epic songs about knightly tournaments and feasts, about the victory of Chekhov over Saksami, about the expulsion of Poles from Prague, about the victory over the Tatars, etc. In the lyrical verses, there is an ordinary love topics, and the influence of Russian folklore is noticeable.

The author of the text was Vaclav Ganka(1791-1861), a well-known Czech cultural figure and educator. And soon the student Joseph Linda"Found" a manuscript with the "Love Song of the King Waclav I" "(Zelenogorsk manuscript). Thought of the categories of romanticism, they both obviously wanted to raise the historical past of their people, after the defeat of the Chekhov in the battle of White Mount (1620) actually enslaved by Austrian feudal feud.

Many believed in the authenticity of the collabian manuscript almost until the beginning of the XX century. Exposed this beautiful scholars-philologists - linguists and paleographs, who found errors here in times of verbs, endings impossible in antiquity of the shape of letters, etc., as well as historians who indicated actual inconsistencies. At the same time, it is undoubted that the stylization of Ganka and Linda had a great positive impact on the modern literature, bringing a lot of bright artistic variations that appeared in them figures and plots.

In about the middle of the XVII century. It came to replace the ancient Russian literature and amazingly quickly - throughout the life of two generations - the literature of the new time was entrenched in society. It is understood as literature in the narrow strict sense of the word - an artist who has the usual system of genres to this day (poem, poem, ooda, novel, story, tragedy, comedy, etc.). Of course, such a rapid spread of the new literature is due to the fact that the prerequisites for the emergence of it in Russia gradually folded and invisibly accumulated over several preceding centuries.

It is easy to feel the differences in the literature of the new time from Old Russian, comparing, for example, "Life of Sergius Radonezhsky" (written in the era of Dmitry Don Epiphania wisdom) with the novel of Lion Tolstoy (or even with the "Avvakum Protopopa") or comparing the ancient Orthodox-Christian Akathist and the Spiritual ORD Derzhavin. In addition to clearly manifested specific genre-style differences, global relationships were also.

The author of the holy and compiler of the chronicle, the author of the Church Akathist was engaged in the sacred craft - the aesthetic beginning to the measure of personal talent, of course, was given in their works, but still as a side effect. In ancient Russian writing there were separate creations, where, just as in the literature of the new time, the art side prevails (the above-mentioned "Word about Igor's regiment", "teaching" Vladimir Monomakh, "The Word about the killed Russian land", "Daniel Charpecling", etc. ). However, they are few and stand in a mansion (although we repeat the reader of the XXI century. Just these artistic in the narrow sense of the word of the work is perhaps the most interesting and internally close).

The creative tasks of the chronicler, the author of the historical legend, the author of Paterician lives, solemn church preaching, akathist, etc. corresponded to the special (a senseless man of our time without special philological training) "Aesthetics of canons" (or "aesthetics of identity").

Such aesthetics confessed the loyalty to the "corrodent" authoritative samples and sophisticated reproduction of their main features in their own creativity (with subtle innovations in detail, but not in general). Thus, the ancient Russian reader lived in advance, as the author's life path will be described in advance - the genre of life included the system of canonically strict rules, and the living works were like each other, as if native brothers, their content was in a number of features predictable.

This feature of ancient Russian literature, reflecting the socio-psychological features of people of the Russian Orthodox Middle Ages, as well as the essence of the complex cultural and historical phenomenon, which is now called "Old Russian literature", was changed in the XVII century. Alive to this day "aesthetics of novelty".

Writers of the new time do not "sacred craft", and art as such; aesthetic principle - the first condition of their creativity; They take care of the fixation of their authorship, seek their works not to be like the work of predecessors, were "artistically original", and the reader appreciates and considers the natural condition for the unpredictability of the artistic content, the uniqueness of the plot.

New Russian literature at the initial stage was literature baroque.Baroque came to us through Poland and Belarus. The actual height of the poetry of the Moscow Baroque Simeon Polotsky(1629-1680) was Belarusian invited to Moscow by King Alexei Mikhailovich. Among other are the most bright representatives Baroque poetry can be called Kiev Ivan Velichkovsky,a B. early XVIII in. - St. Dimitri Rostovsky(1651 - 1709), Faofan Prokopovich(1681 - 1736), Satir poet Antioch Cantemir(1708-1744) and others. At the sources of prose era Baroque there is a powerful protopopic figure Avvakum Petrov(1620-1682).

It is necessary to take into account the special status in the cultural consciousness of the Baroque grammatical exercises. "Grammar - according to the expression of F.I. Buslaeva, "I thought the first step ... Distortians of science and arts." He reminds about the grammar of the look away that "she studied in the time of Peter the Great; She was the gates of wisdom and for Lomonosov himself. In addition to literary and educational significance, it hurts the holy between the Old Believers (Buslaev implies its Moscow edition of 1648 - Yu.M.), Because in the verses or poems attached to this book for example, the form of Isus is used - obviously, for verse and measures, VM. Jesus. This explains the extraordinary high cost of the edition of 1648. " Next, Buselaev is frankly laughing at such religious honors of grammar by Old Believers, reminding that the girl "obeyed the dad and was union" 190 .

M. Watchtsky, graduate of the Jesuit Vilensk Academy, in the future, really, a supporter of Ulya with Roman catholic ChurchFrom an early age, it was in contact with circles that cultivated typical baroque ideas, ideas and theory (Baroque in Catholic countries was heard much earlier than in Russia, and the Jesuit Baroque was his real branch).

It should be noted that our baroque was closely connected, sometimes merged, with other arts. Speaking in other things, it was distinguished artistic synthesis.For example, literary image Often, closely intertwined in the works of this time with a picturesque way.

In the field of painting XVII century. There were changes similar to the literary. It quickly consists of secular painting - a portrait, genre scene, landscape (earlier the painting of religious - icon, fresco, etc. dominated here. The iconography itself evolves - the authors appear, creating the so-called "alike" icons, and the acute struggle between them and supporters of the old manner 191 .

Wonderful text manuals for icon painters, the so-called "original", existing and earlier, acquire new qualities of these works of literature. Speaking about this phenomenon, F.I. Buslaev wrote:

"Thus, more and more expanding its limits, and more and more approaching the interests of literary, the Russian artistic script is insensitively merged with Azbukhuknik, who was not only a dictionary and grammatology for our ancestors, but also the whole encyclopedia. More friendly, more harmonious consent of the interests of pure artistic and literary are difficult to imagine after this, so to speak, organic merging of such opposites, what are painting and grammar with a dictionary " 192 .

Buslaev further disassemble the example of the picturesque "symbolism of letters" in the original "Sillabic Vizhr" script (that is, the Baroque era. - Yu.M.), where "On each page, a cinnabar is written in a consistent manner for one letter" named "Jesus Christ", "And an explanation is placed in Sillabic Vizhs, namely:

І (First letter name in old spelling. - Yu.M.) in the form of a pillar with a rooster at the top:

Until Pillars іisus Christ is tied,

Always from the torment of evil ledges.

FROMwith the image inside his Srebrennikov:

For thirty Srebrenik іisus bought.

In order to condemn his death., in the form of ticks:

Nails from hand, out of the legs were taken out by ticks,

Always removed from the cross.

FROMwith the image inside its four nails.<...>

X.with the image of the cane and spear arranged by the cross.<...>

Rin the form of a bowl ...<...>

ANDin the form of a staircase ...<...> the form of a cross ...<...>

ABOUTin the form of a throat crown ...<...>

FROMwith hammer and guns of punishment ...<...>» 193 .

The picturesque start penetrated into the literature and more deeply than in such Sillabic Twokers. So, Simeon Polotsky, Ivan Velichkovsky and other authors created a number of poems-drawings (in the form of a star, heart, cross, bowls and other figures), they wrote such a specially semantically built texts like palulrromons, crayfish, labyrinths, etc. They were used in figurative purposes the letters of different colors.

Here is an example of "Cancer of the pre-locomotive" in Ivan Velichkovsky - according to his expression, verse, "whose words, pour reading, nasty (opposite in meaning. - Yu.M.) Text express ":

BCA with my life is not the fear of death, EVVA

I do not die.

That is: "With my life, not the fear of death, I do not die with me" (Virgin Mary); "Death Fear, not life with me, dare, not whatever" (Eva).

On his own historic path Russian literature from the second half of the XIX century. He managed to take the position of one of the world leaders. Already I.S. Turgenev, without claiming, called the best writer Europe Gangra Brothers, Georges Sand, Flaubert. Soon won tremendous authority all over the world as an artist and thinker L.N. Tolstoy. Later readers all over the world discovered F.M. Dostoevsky, A.P. Chekhov, A.M. Gorky, M.A. Sholokhov, MA Bulgakov ...

The contribution of other Slavic literatures into the world literary process was not so global. So, the writers of the Malorossiysk (Ukrainian) origin in the XVIII - XIX centuries. most often wrote in Great Russian (Moscow) adverbs, that is, became figures russianliterature. It refers to Vasily Vasilyevich Capnist(1757-1823), Vasily Trophimovich Nasrezno(1780-1825), Nikolay Ivanovich Gallet(1784-1833), Alexey Alekseevich Perovsky(1787-1836, alias Anthony Pogorelsky), Ores Mikhailovich Somov(1793-1833), Nikolay Vasilyevich Gogol(1809-1852), Nestor Vasilyevich Puppetser(1809-1868), Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy(1817-1875), Vladimir Galationovich Korolenko(1853-1921) and others. 194

N.S. Trubetskoy noted: "The founder of the new Ukrainian literary language consider Kotlyarevsky. Works of this writer ("Aneida", "Natalka-Poltavka", "Moskal-Charіvnik", "by Prince Kurakin") written on a common small Malorussian showing Poltava region and belongs to the same genre of poetry in which the intentional use of a common language is quite It is appropriate and motivated by the content itself. Poems of the largest Ukrainian poet, Taras Shevchenko, written for the most part In the Spirit and in the style of Malorussian folk poetry and, therefore, again, their contents will motivate the use of a common language. In all these works, just as in the stories from the national life of good Ukrainian prose people, the language is deliberately common, that is, as if deliberately non-leaturated. In this genre of works, the writer deliberately limits himself to the sphere of such concepts and ideas for which in the undessel native language There are already ready words, and chooses such a topic that gives him the opportunity to consume only those words that really exist - and moreover, in this meaning - in the living folk speech " 195 .

The Balkan Slavs, and in the West, the Czechs and Slovaks have been under a foreign oppression for several centuries.

The Bulgarian and Serbs did not occur parallel Russian processes of the change of medieval literature of the literature of a new type. The point was in a completely different way. Bulgarian and Serbian literature experienced more than a four-time break in their development. This regretty cultural and historical phenomenon directly follows from the occupation in the Middle Ages Balkans of the Turkish Ottoman Empire.

Bulgarians - Slavic people, but the name of this nation comes from the name of the Turkic nomadic tribe bulgar,in the VII century n. e. Under the leadership of Hana Asparuha, seven Slavic tribes in the Danube. On these lands, Asparuh founded his Bulgarian kingdomwith the capital in the city Plisch.Soon the conquerors were assimilated in an incomparably more numerous Slavic environment. 196 .

In 1371, the Bulgarian king Ivan Shishman after decades, all the more weak resistance recognized himself with the Turkish Sultan Murada I. Then in 1393 the Turks took the then Bulgarian capital Veliko-Tarnovo. Three years later, the last support of the Bulgarian statehood was taken by storm - the city of Vidin (1396). In Sofia, the Turkish governor settled.

Serbia fell under the Turkish Igo after his defeat in the battle with the Turks on Kosovo Field(1389), that is, about the same years (in Russia for nine years earlier, a battle was held with the Tatars on the Kulikov field had a completely different outcome for Russians).

The indigenous Bulgarian and the Serbian population was engaged in peasant labor, the Turks paid unbearable taxes, but the Islamization was stubbornly resisted. However, real picture The subsequent peripetics of the history of both peoples was very ambiguous and difficult. Feudal gravestones led to the fact that part of Slavs from time to time turned out to be in certain military clashes against Christian Catholics on the side of the Muslim Turk. In relation to Serbian history, a number of facts of this kind led in its monograph "Epos Peoples of Yugoslavia" I.N. Kutuzov-Kutuzov, wrote:

"Thus, from the end of XV to the end of the XVIII century. Serbs were in both camps, fought for the work of Christian sovereigns and Turkish sultans ... There was no period in which the Serbian people would have no weapons. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe amorphous Serbian peasant mass ... does not correspond to historical reality.<...>

In the XV - XVII centuries in Serbia, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Montenegro and Dalmatia, there was not a single area in which Haiduki would not have operated 197 .

Part of the Serbs and Croats were still forcibly addressed to Muslim. The descendants of them are now a special ethnos, referred to muslimans"(I.e." Osshusulmanny ") 198 . Bulgarian and Serbs survived some Orthodox monasteries, where the rewriting and reproduction of literary texts continued (Bulgarian typography has not yet known even in the XVII century) - on Athos, the Bulgarian zografsky and Serbian Khilandar monasteries, and the Trojansky, Rylsky (he was destroyed several times, but restored); "In the monastery, Manassia there was the last center of the National Culture of Serbs in Middle Age": "There were workshops, where they rewrite and decorated the manuscripts on Church Slavonic, who was a literary language. Serbian scribes were under the strongest influence of the destroyed Bulgarian school of the Vine School of Language in Tarnov " 199 .

On the old handwritten book, the oppressed people gradually began to look at the national shrine.

The Bulgarian and Serbian priests were actually the only books (and indeed competently) people in this hard for the cultures of the South Slavs era. They often left to study in Russia and then wrote in a language in which, in addition to the Church Slavonic foundation, were attended not only words from the folk language, but also Rusisma 200 .

In 1791, the first Serbian newspaper was published in Vienna " Serbian Novini." In 1806, the first printed Bulgarian work appeared " Weekly"Sophrony of the doctor.

Bulgarian monk Paisiusin 1762, he wrote an imbuilt desire for national independence to the Bulgarian history, which the decades spread to the manuscript, and was published only in 1844 in Serbia and Montenegro, the people of Chernogorsk Prince (and Metropolitan) were won by their fiery sermons. Peter Petrovich Yehush(1813-1851). Chernogorets on the origin and the largest poet Romantic, he wrote a dramatic poem " Mountain Venets» ( Gorsky Wizenac,1847), who called the Slavs to the union and the conventional life of the Montenegrin people.

In the era of romanticism, the Bulgarians and Serbs begins to develop fiction. Her origins in Bulgaria are poets Petko Slaveykov(1827-1895), Luban Karavelov(1835-1879) and Hristo Bothev(1848-1876). These are revolutionary romance, the bright talent of which to manifest itself in full force objectively prevented only the absence of the necessary national literary and artistic traditions behind their shoulders.

Under the great fruitful influence of Russian literature, the great Bulgarian poet, Proseca and playwright worked Ivan Vazov(1850-1921), author of the historical novel " Under IGG"(1890) 201 .

Serbian poetic romanticism is represented by such poets as Jura Yakshich(1832-1878) and Lazi Kostich(1841 - 1910), Chernogort residents - for example, the work of the king Nikola I Petrovich(1841-1921). In the region of Voivodina in the city of Novi Garden there was a center slavic culture. A wonderful educator acted here Assist of Ukrainefrom Vojvodina (1739-1811), the actual founder of the literature of the new time.

In Serbian literature, later appeared possessed by a sparkling satirical gift of playwright Branislav Nushich(1864-1938), author of the comedy " Suspicious person"(Based on the Gogol" auditor ") (1887)," Protect"(1888)," Mrs. Ministry"(1929)," Mr. Dollar"(1932)," Heat-shaped relative"(1935)," Dr. R."(1936)," Deceased"(1937) and others, as well as executed self-irony" Autobiography».

Laureat Nobel Prize In 1961, Bosnian Serb became Ivo andrich(1892-1975). Among his historical novels should be noted primarily " Bridge on Drine"(1945)," Herbal chronicle"(1945)," Damned yard"(1954) and others.

Czech and Slovak literature, literature of the Balkan Slavs (Bulgarians, Serbs, Croatians, Chernogortsev, Macedonians, etc.), as well as cultures of these Slavic peoples in general, essentially survived the centuries-old breakin development.

If you keep in mind Chekhov, this truly tragic collision is a consequence of the capture of Czech lands by Austrian feudalities (that is, by the Germans Catholics) after the destruction of the Chekhov in the battle at white grief in the XVII century.

Medieval Czechs were courageous and freedom-loving people. For a half a century before the reform movement of Calvinists, Lutheranians, etc., the Catholic world split the Catholicism, which fought the Czechs against Catholicism.

Great Worker of Czech Culture, Preacher and Church Reformer Jan Gus(1371-1415), Abbot of Bethlehem Capella in the old part of Prague, and subsequently the rector of the University of Prague, in 1412 he sharply opposed the Catholic practice of trade in indulgences. Earlier, GUS began to read the sermons in Czech, and not on Latin. He criticized and some other Catholic establishes relating to church property, Pope authorities, etc., wrote Gus and on latinUsing his knowledge for the initiation of the defects in the Catholic Church (" About six baldah»).

Speaking as a folk enlightener, Jan Gus gave strength and philological work. In his essay " About Czech spelling"He suggested for Latiza, the firm signs that allowed the sounds of the sounds characteristic of the Czech language.

Catholics lured Gus to the Cathedral in Constance. He got a security certificate, which after his arrest was brazenly disavowed on the grounds that promises, the data "heretic", invalid. Yana Gusus burned on a fire (he is not "rehabilitated" by the Catholic Church to this day). The Czech people responded to this atrocity by a national uprising.

The head of the Gusites got no burden Jan Ziage(1360-1424), which turned out to be a wonderful commander. He fought back in Grunwald, where he lost his eyes. The All-Kazakhstan Army was discouraged by several crusades organized by Catholic knights against gusites. Ian Zhizi created a new type of troops, moving on armored carts and had artillery. The carts built into a row or in a circle and bonded with chains turned into a fortress on wheels. More than once, the gusites descended hardly loaded carts from the mountain, and turning around the knights, many times superior to them with their numerous.

Having lost the second eye in battle, the fat and blind continued to command the troops. Only when he died from the plague in the siege of the Prybislav, the combined Catholic forces managed to curb the Gusitsky movement, which had fear for the whole of Europe for more than 20 years.

In the next XVI century, Austrians penetrated the throne in Prague. Of these, ERCGERSOG Rudolph The second Habsburg remained in history as a patron and ruler, inclined to religious tolerance. Under it, Astronomers quietly Brage and Kepler worked in Prague, hid from the Inquisition of Jordan Brune. Protestantism spread in the Czech Republic.

In 1618, the Protestant Czech Republic rebelled against the power of the Catholics-Austrians. This is a rebellion and ended with a defeat in the battle of white grief (1620).

Entering Prague, the winners arranged a brutal massacre. Slavic aristocracy diligently destroyed. The Austrians put their task from now on and forever suppress the folk ability to resist. Even the tomb of Yana Allify in 1623 (199 years after the death of the commander) was ruined on the orders of the Austrian Emperor, and his remains were thrown away.

The era of 300 years of domination in the Czech Republic of the Austrian Dynasty of the Habsburgs came (it ended in 1918 after the collapse of the Austria-Hungarian Empire and the creation of independent Czechoslovakia). Austrian feudalists and their minions systematically suppressed national culture in the Czech Republic.

In the Czech Republic already in the XIV century. There was a developed medieval literature in his native language (the chronicles, the lives of saints, knightly novels, dramaturgical works, etc.). In Czech, written writings (sermons, messages and other philosophical-theological works) of the great reformer Yana Gus. Having a big artistic gift bishop Jan Amos Komensei(1592-1670), teacher and theologian, enjoyed along with Latin Czech. In Czech, it is written, for example, its distinguished high literary advantages of the allegory " Maineing Maze and Heart Heaven"(1631). However, I. Komensky died in exile in Holland. The Germans were commissioned at the Motherland.

In 1620, the written tradition was interrupted. From now on, the Czechs began to write in German, and this was controlled by the winners with a truly German punctuality. The winners in the destruction of the Slavic culture of the defeated first and a half century were especially learned. A counterfeit, violent germanization; Jesuits burned on fires Czech books. As a result, in the past, independent Czechs were reduced to the position of German serfs (the serfdom was abolished here in 1848). The national nobility was destroyed (the surviving Slavic nobles basically tried to mimicarize in the "Germans").

In the Peasant Slavic environment in the century Austrian Zasil, the oral folk creativity continued to develop. But here are writers of Slavic nationality, when they appeared, created their works in German. The art of Baroque in the conquered lands was cultivated by the medium of Catholic churchmen, did not give significant works and had no direct attitude towards the culture of Slavs as such.

Only at the end of the XVIII century. Patriotic philologist Josef Dobrovsky(1753-1829) engaged in grammatical description czech language And questions of Czech literature, writing (in German) its history, and substantiates the rules of Sillav-tonic poetry scientific poetry for Czech poetry. Newly had to create a literary language. N.S. Trubetskaya talks about this situation as:

"Thanks to the activities of Yana Gus and the so-called Czech brothers Czech to the XVI century. accepted a completely decorated appearance. But adversely established circumstances interrupted him further development, and the Czech literary tradition for a long time almost completely dried up. Only at the end of the XVIII and early XIX century. The revival of the Czech literary language began. At the same time, Czech Renaissance figures turned not to modern folk dialects, but to the interrupted tradition of the old Czech language of the end of the XVI century. Of course, this language had to rejoint somewhat, but still, thanks to this, the adjoining to the interrupted tradition, Novosheshsky received a completely peculiar appearance: he was archaic, but Archaic was artificially, so the elements of completely different eras of the language development in it get along with each other in artificial cohabitation " 202 .

The practical investigation of this is that the literary Czech language is sharply different from the conversational. Having learned how to play the works of Czech literature, a foreigner unexpectedly faces the fact that he does not understand the living speech of Chekhov, and they do not understand it when trying to communicate.

Creativity in Czech began poets-romance Frantishek Chelakovsky(1799-1852), Vaclav Ganka(1791-1861), Karel Yaromir Erben(1811-1870) and others began to reprinted Starochie literary monuments.

In the second half of the XIX century. In the Czech Republic, the brightest poet and prosais of the national revival period appeared Swatopluk Czech(1846-1908). It is defiantly bold " Songs Rab» ( Pisně. otroka.) The name of the Czech people to the struggle for freedom. Historical poems from the glorious Czech past were distinguished by a rich story and also enjoyed a big reading success. Satyrian novels " Genuine journey Mr. Broachka on the moon» (« PRAVY VYLET PANA Broučka Do Měsice", 1888) and" New epoching journey Mr. Broachka, this time in the fifteenth century» (« Novy Epochalni Vylet Pana Broučka, Tentokrat Do Patnacteho Stoleti» , 1888) anticipated satirical prose Y. Gashek and K. Chapeka 203 .

Contemporary S. Czech Alois Irayek(1851 - 1930) began as a poet, but by going to prose with plots from Czech history, became a classic of national literature (wrote and historical dramas). He created a cycle of novels about the gusites " Between currents» ( MEZI PROUDY,1887-1890), " Against all» ( Proti VSEm,1893), " Brotherhood» ( BratrStvo,1898-1908); Pieces about Yana Gusa and Jan Jiggy.

In Czechoslovakia, formed after the end of the First World War, satiric and humorist were popular Yaroslav Gashek(1883-1923) fromhis anti-war novel " Adventure of the Brave Soldier Schweik» ( Osudy Dobreho Vojaka Švejka Za Světove Valky1921-1923). Hashek was a communist and a participant in the Civil War in Russia, which contributed to his fame in the USSR.

Karel Chapec(1890-1938), playwright and prosaik, glorified by plays " Macro Tool» ( Vec Makropulos,1922), " Mother» ( Matka,1938), " R..U .R.» ( Rossumovi Univerzalni Roboti,1920) and others, novels " Factory Absolita» ( Tovarna Na Absolutno,1922), " Krakatit» ( Krakatit,1922), " Gordbal» ( HORDUBAL,1937), " Meteor», « War with salamanders "(Valka s Mloky,1936) and others. Along with the Pole S. Lem Chapeca can be recognized as a classic of philosophical fiction. Karel Chapek died, heavily survived the Munich collusion, who gave him his homeland into the power of the Germans.

The centuries of the slave dependence on the Germans, apparently, did not pass for the Czechs as a nation without a trace, after having escaped them to perceive the infancy of fate. As you know, Hitler in 1939 met desperate resistance in Poland. A year earlier, the fascist troops invaded the Czech Republic almost without a single shot. Czech Republic - at that time, a powerful industrial country that had an excellent defense industry and a strong army, which had the most modern weapons (much stronger than the Polish army), surrendered to the Germans. (Subsequently, Czech tanks fought during the Great Patriotic War against the USSR, and the Czech soldiers were emitted in the army of Hitler.)

In 1938, in some way in the Czech Republic felt more than the usual hosts returned - the Germans ... These dramatic days resembles a poem from the whole soul that loved the Czechoslovakia of Marina Tsvetaeva " One officer" This work of the Russian poetess presented the following epigraph:

"In courts, on the Forest Czech border, an officer with twenty soldiers, leaving the soldiers in the forest, went on the road and began to shoot at the right Germans. The end of it is unknown ( From September newspapers 1938)».

Tsvetaeva writes:

Czech Forestry -

The most forest.

Year - nine hundred


Day and month? - vertices, echo:

The day, as the Germans entered the Czechs!

Forest - reddish,

Day - blue-gray.

Twenty soldiers

One officer.

Cructible and circularities

The officer wakes the border.

My forest, circle,

My bush, circle,

My house, circle,

My - this house.

Forests do not pass,

I will not pass at home

Edges do not pass,

Piles do not pass!

Deciduous darkness.

Heart fright:

Is Prussian?

Does the heart knock?

My forest, goodbye!

My age, goodbye!

My edge, goodbye!

My - this edge!

Let the whole region

To the enemy legs!

I - under the foot -

Stone will not pass!

Topot boot.

Germans! - Leaf.

Screens of glands.

Germans! - Whole Forest.

Germans! - Rascat

Mountains and caves.

Threw soldiers

One is an officer.

From a locker - a living manner

On bulk - yes with a revolver!


Good news,

What - saved

Czech honor!

So - Country

So not handed over

Means war

Yet - was!

My edge, Vivat!

Issue, Herr!

Twenty soldiers.

One officer.

The consequences of a break in cultural and historical development during the XVII-XVIII centuries. Already visible by the visual fact that Czech literature, unfortunately, has shown little at the international level. However, writers like A. Iraceka and K. Chapeq, and the authors translated into foreign languages \u200b\u200badequately carry her ideas and topics into a variety of countries. With a huge sympathy, Russian readers belong to the Czech literature.

Land of Slovaks still in the early Middle Ages found themselves as part of Hungary, the feudal authorities of which are invariably and severely suppressed the Slovak national culture. However, in the XVI century. Hungars have lost national independence. In Hungary was introduced germanAnd the local feudalists themselves had fallaciously. Together with long oppressors, hungarians, Slovaks were pleased under the Scypter of the Austrian Dynasty of the Habsburgs, soon absorbing and Czechs. The nuance is that for Slovaks at the same time by their Austrians, i.e., the Germans, weakened cruel domination over them hungarianagainst which Slovaks have fought for centuries 204 . In addition, unlike the Chekhov Slovaks were catholics,like the Austrians, that is, there was no religious confrontation here. And today a noticeable majority of citizens formed in 1993, the Slovak Republic - Catholics (almost all other Protestants, as in the Czech Republic).

(For the first time the Slovak state was created - from political considerations - Nazi Germany after the capture of Czechoslovakia. After the liberation of Czechs and Slovaks, Soviet troops were restored (as a socialist), a single Czech Republic. In other words, in the period 1918-1993. Slovakia was almost always in Composition Czechoslovakia.)

In the Slovaks, the Czech culture in general and literature, in particular, were considerable. From the XVI century With Czech culture, those Slovaks that became particularly intensely informed protestants.In this environment, you willingly wrote in Czech - for example, poets Yurai Palkovich(1769-1850), author of the books of the poems "Muse of Slovak Mountains" (1801), and Boguslav Tables(1769-1832), one by one who published his collections "Poetry and Records" (1806-1812). Tables issued and the anthology of the Slovak poetry of the XVIII century. "Slovak poems" (1804) - also in Czech.

IN colicslovak circles at the end of the XVIII century. A philologically interesting attempt was made to create a Slovak spelling system (the so-called "Bernolacin" - by the name of its creator, Slovak Catholic priest Antonina Bernolaka(1762-1813). A number of books were published on Bernolacchin. Although subsequently, this cumbersome system never passed, Bernolac has attracted the efforts of national cultural figures to the creation of a Slovak literary language. However, N.S. Trubetskoy made a tearful and capacious observation:

"Despite the desire of the founders and chief leaders of Slovak literature from Czech language, the adjoining of the Czech literary and literal traditions for Slovaks is so natural that it is impossible to confuse him. The differences between Slovak and Czech literary languages \u200b\u200bare mainly grammatical and phonetic, the vocabulary of both languages \u200b\u200bis almost the same, especially in the sphere of concepts and ideas of higher mental culture " 205 .

In Slovak began to write poems Jan Collar(1793-1852), which created OA, Elegy, who wrote a patriotic poem " Daughter of glory"(1824).

Slovak by nationality was one of the largest philologists of the Slavic world Pavel Josef Shafarik(1795-1861). For many years living in Prague, he wrote mainly in Czech. The most famous work is " Slavic antiquities"(1837).

Philologist and philosopher-hegelian Lyudewit sudore(1815-1856) in the 1930s of the XIX century. He headed the Department of Czechoslovak Literature in the Bratislavsky Lyceum. He promoted the loyalty to the writer in the spirit of the people, which was refracted in oral folk art.

Under the influence of the ideas of the Stope created the poet Romantic Yanko Krable(1822-1876), for which the rebellious motives are characterized (for example, the cycle of his poems on the "Slovak Robin Hood" robber of Janoshika) and the prose Jan Kalinchak(1822-1871), writing historical stories about the struggle of Slavs for independence - " Bozkovichi"(1842)," Milko's grave"(1845)," Prince Liptovsky"(1847) and others.

In fact, called the authors and some of their contemporaries played the role of the young people of the young (by historical scale, and a half century after a very young) Slovak literature. This literature is full of fresh strength, but its access to the wide international arena is the case of the future.

The Polish people centuries developed their culture in their own state. At the end of the XIV century. The Polish Queen of Jadvig married the Lithuanian King Yagailo (subsequently the military-political leader of the Grunwald battle). The Grand District of Lithuanian has preserved autonomy, but less than a century (June 28, 1569) took place Lublin Ulyaaccordingla, Poland and Lithuania have become a common state. The Orthodox Belarusians and Ukrainians were addressed to Polyakov-Catholics as a result.

A few years later, the King of Poland was elected Catholic Hungary Stephen Batorius(1533-1586), which led the decisive military action against the Orthodox Russia Ivan IV. In parallel, Catholicism has intensified its confessional offensive on Orthodoxy.

In 1574 Jesuit Peter Skarga(1536-1612), a large Polish Catholic figure published his famous book " About Jednośći Kośćtioła Bożego"(" On the unity of the Church of God and about Greek from this unity of the retreat "), in which the Orthodox priests accused of marrying and therefore are immersed in a sinful worldly life, and they also know Latin badly and therefore do not differ in the necessary theological scholarship. Especially he attacked the Church Slavonic language, arguing that with him "no one can become scientists." Church Slavonica allegedly does not have grammar rules, and it is also poorly understood everywhere. This depressing picture of SKARGA contrasted, naturally, Catholicism with his Latin - in which, to recognize, various techniques of logical scholasticism and intellectual sophistiquation were sophisticated.

Answering Peter Skarge, Athos Inok Ukrainian Ivan Vishensky(1550-1623) pointed to the mantle of the Church Slavonic language, "fruitful from all languages", but precisely because he was hated by Dilovol, which "tolly envy is imagined to Slovenian." This language "God is a favorite: Fucking without braking tricks and guidelines, there is, grammatics, rhetoric, dialectic and other cunks of vain, the disruptedness of all 206 .

In 1596, Catholic church circles, with the support of Poland's authorities, carried out religious ulya. On this so-called Brest,the Orthodox people living in Poland were submitted to the Roman dad, although they retained the right to lead the religious service in Church Slavonic.

The Malorosiysk and Belarusian folk masses of the Ulya did not accept. In many respects, it was that the Ukrainian people pushed the Ukrainian people on a series of armed performances against the rule of Poles. In the end, this struggle headed Bogdan Mikhailovich Khmelnitsky(1595-1657) - Koshevaya Ataman Troops Zaporizhia, subsequently Hetman Ukraine.

Constantinople Patriarch, who arrived at his rate, called Khmelnitsky to create an Orthodox state, and to abolish the Ulya. However, Hetman understood that in his war with the Poles, the power was too unequal, and after the major military defeats gathered on January 8, 1654. In Pereyaslavl, Rada, on which people supported his intention to go to the citizenship "Tsar Moskovsky". With Pereyaslav, the Rada originates the reunion of Ukrainians and the Russians, which lasted until the end of 1991, that is, almost to the present day.

Poland also survived in the XVII - XVIII centuries. A number of heavy cataclysms. Already a few years after Pereyaslavskaya, he was literally filled with the so-called "Flood" - the invasion of the Swedes. From him the country no longer recovered. In 1703, the Swedes of Charles Xii again occupied Poland, took Warsaw and even planted the King of His Miller Stanislav Leschinsky.

In the XVIII century Adverse circumstances are increasingly multiplied for speech together. With the growing aggressiveness defended his "democratic rights", the gentry joined the fight against the King Stanislav understood, who was supported by Russia, and formed a "confederation" against him. The king asked Russia for help. As a result, the so-called first and second sections of Poland between Russia, Austria and Prussia took place.

In 1794, Polish Confederates led by an outstanding commander Tadeushe Kostyushko(1746-1817) were headed Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov(1730-1800), and the third section of Poland occurred. Poland as a state ceased to exist. For Poles as the original Slavic nation, it was a tragedy.

In Polish literature there were world-famous authors (Adam Mitskevich, Henrik Senkevich, Stanislav Lem, Cheslav Milos, Vislav Shimborsk, etc.).

Polish secular artistic literature went beyond the "Catholic Esperanto" (Latin language) in the XVI century. N.S. Tubeckova writes:

"The Language of Staropolsky became a literary Literary Later Czech, and since there was quite lively cultural communication between Poland and the Czech Republic, and Polish and Czech languages \u200b\u200bin the XIV century existed. It was phonetically and grammatically much closer to each other than at present, it is not surprising that at the beginning of their literary existence, the Staropolis language experienced an extremely strong Czech influence. At its core, the Staropolian literary language has developed from the spoken language of the Polish gentry, and this connection with a certain estate, and not with a certain terrain, has affected that he has not reflected any specific local, dialectical devils in himself and never coincided Neither with one local people talking: while, for example, the Russian literary language regarding pronunciation can be definitely localized in the field of medium-unit welcomes, the Polish literary language is not at all amenable to localization on a dialectical map of ethnographic Poland. The literary tradition of the Polish language with the XIV century. never stopped, so that the duration and continuity of the literary tradition of the Polish language among Slavic literary languages \u200b\u200boccupies the following place after the Russian " 207 .

Polish successfully used the poet Nikolai Rei.(1505-1569), author of morality verses (collection " Menagerie", 1562) an allegorical poem" Genuine image of a worthy person in which, like in a mirror, everyone can easily convert their actions "(1558), books of short comic poems (" frace») « Funny stories"(1562) and others. Jan Kohanovsky(1530-1584) was the largest poet of his time, the author of such didactic on the tonality of works as " Susanna"(1562)," Chess"(1562-1566)," Consent"(1564)," Satyr"(1564) and others. Few managed to write a poet SMP Shazhinsky(1550-1581) It is considered a peculiar predecessor of Polish baroque. One of the most famous baroque representatives in Poland - Jan Angey Morstyn.(1621-1693), in whose work Poles see the impact of a large figure of Italian baroque J. Marino (1569-1625).

Becoming at the end of the XVIII century. Part of the Russian Empire, Slavic Poland experienced a strong and fruitful cultural and historical impact on the part of its Russian brothers. With regard to literature, this fact is undoubtedly captured in the work of the classic of Polish romanticism Adam Mitskevich(1798-1855), former personal friend A.S. Pushkin and a number of modern Russian writers. Comparison of the works of Mitzkevich and Pushkin more than once makes it possible to feel that the creative search for these two great contemporaries (and at the same time leaders of two Slavic literats) were largely parallel to each other (they even lived in Odessa, Moscow and St. Petersburg, both loved these cities).

« Crimean sonnets"(" Sonety Krymskie ", 1826) A. Mitskevich is consonant with Pushkin poems of the southern period. In turn, A.S. Pushkin brilliantly translated some poems of Mitskevich (" Budryas and his sons», « Voevoda"). Gorgeous epic poems Mitskevich " Konrad Valentrod"(1828) and" Pan Tadeusch"(1834). In 1834, the poet finished and the dramatic poem " Diad"(Surriously the most strong 3rd part), imbued with mystical fiction motifs and motifs of Polish paganism, after that, unfortunately, almost ceasing to identify poems. A. Mitskevich owns many sonnets, romances, lyrical poems and ballads. He wrote a peculiar romantic prose.

Among the Polish poets of the following generations are allocated primarily Julius Slovak(1809-1849), also speaking as playwright, and tragic Ciprian Norvid(1821-1883), who has a little published a poet Lirik and poet philosopher.

In the second half of the XIX century. In Poland, a whole pleiad of wonderful prosaikov was ripe.

Yuzef Ignatsi Krashevsky(1812-1887) wrote prose, poems and plays, leaving more than 500 volumes of writings (one of the most prolific European writers), but more than all of it glorified 88 historical novels. In their row stand out " Countess Kozel"(1873)," Bruh"(1874)," Old legend"(1876) and others. Among the largest Polish Prosaikov XIX century. It was Krashevsky first became systematically poetizing the historical past of Poland, at the end of the XVIII century. Lost state independence and dismembered.

Krashevsky lived in the (main) part of the former question of the compulculation, which went to Russia, and was contemporary I.S. Turgenev, F.M. Dostoevsky, N.S. Leskov and other largest Russian prose people. Since 1868, humanity has become more and more widely familiar with the Great Roman L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", which influenced the work of historical novelists in various countries (as previously managed to carry out their work at the beginning of the XIX century. Romantic Walter Scott). Krashev's novels laid a powerful tradition of historical prose in Polish literature.

Alexander Glovaksky(1847-1912), who wrote under the pseudonym Boleslav Pruss,he loved to joke, which consumes a pseudonym, because it is shyless of the fools from his feather. Despite such ironic self-criticism, the pear was the master of the pen. Starting as a humor writer, he was then famous for realistic novels and stories " Forpost"(1885)," Doll "(1890)," Emanciphat"(1894) and others, as well as a wonderful historical novel" Pharaoh"(1895).

Prose Classic, Nobel Prize laureate Henrik Senkevich(1846-1916) was also focused primarily in the image of the great past Poland. Novels " Fire and sword"(1883-1884)," The flood"(1884-1886)," Pan Volodaevsky"(1887-1888) constitute a trilogy dedicated to the military exploits of the Polish gentry of the old days (in the novel" Fire and Sword "the Poles fight with the Ukrainian brothers headed by Hetman Bogdan Khmelnitsky). Historical novel " Kamo Sitting"(Quo Vadis), who wrote in 1894-1896, transfers the action in the first centuries of Christianity (the times of the rule of Emperor Nero).

Best Roman Senkevich " Crusaders"(1900) depicts Poland the face of the XIV-XV centuries. The plot action is allowed by the Grunwald battle, in which the combined forces of Slavs inflicted a crushing defeat by the Teutonic Order.

Stefan Zheromsky(1864-1925), who wrote prose and play, became famous for the historic novel from the era of the Napoleonic Wars " Ash"(Popioły, 1904). Among his other works (as a rule, a novel "is permeated with pessimistic intonations)" History of sin"(Dzieje Grzechu, 1908) and the trilogy" Fighting Satano"(Walka Z Szaatanem, 1916-1919).

Creativity Prosaika and playwright Stanislav Pshibyshevsky(1868-1927), the actual leader of the Polish modernism of the beginning of the XX century, appreciated Russian symbolists. He created novels, plays, poems in prose, essay, etc. Many works of Psibushevsky wrote in German (he grew up in the Prussian part of Poland), then translated himself to Polish. These include " Homo Sapiens.», « Children of Satan», « DE.pROFUNDIS» and etc.

In the first decades of the XX century. A bright poetic Pleiad was both in Poland. Poets treated her Boleslav Lesmyan(1877-1937), Leopold Staff(1878-1957), as well as younger authors formed by the "Scamandan" group - Julian Tuwym.(1894-1953), Yaroslav Ivashkevich(1894-1980), Kazimierz Verayian(1894-1969) and others adjoined to this group a revolutionary poet Romantic Vladislav Bronvorsky(1897-1962).

A wonderful talented was one of the largest Polish poets of the XX century. Constants Ildepon Galchinsky(1905-1953) - a wonderful lyrics, but moreover, the author is ironic, prone to fiction and grotesca, if the case is bright and strong satiries. Pre-war lyrics Galchinsky is mainly combined in " Utwory Poetyckie."(1937). Taken by the Germans captured, the poet spent the years of World War II in a camp for prisoners of war where he had undermined his health. After the war, Galchinsky published the books of poems " Enchanted yeast"(" Zaczarowana Dorożka ", 1948)," Wedding rings"(Ślubne Obrączki, 1949)," Lyrical poems"(Wiersze Liryczne, 1952), the poem" Niobe"(" NiOBE ", 1951) and the poem about the medieval Polish sculptor" WIT svosha"(" Wit Stwosz ", 1952). In the post-war years, the poet worked a lot like satirik - created a poetic cycle " Letters with violet"(" Listy Z Fiołkiem ", 1948).

There is reason to believe that K.I. Galchinsky, whose work is marked by the features of the genius, was generally the last in chronology greatpolish poet. The authors of subsequent generations basically prevailed modernist mindings, creativity acquired a rather rationalistic character. 208 .

This has to be attributed even to such major figures, as the Nobel Prize (1980), Polish-Lithuanian Poet Cheslav Milos(1911-2004), since 1951, who stayed in emigration, and Tadeush Ruhezhevich(1921) with its tough program of saving figurative means (refusal of rhyme, poetic rhythm, etc., that is, the transition to vers libre,refusal of metaphorics, etc.). Even more significant in this plan, the work of famous poets of later generations - for example, Stanislav Baranjka(1946), speaking parallel to the Scriptures of poems as a theorist of literature, and Valdemara Zelaznoe(1959).

In 1996, the Nobel Prize in literature was awarded the Polish poetess Volewe Shimborskaya(1923). This act several late official recognition encourages to point to this poetess as a classic woman in modern Polish literature.

Genuine pride of modern Polish culture is a multifaceted creativity Stanislav Lema(1921-2006). Since 1961, when his fantastic novels were published one after another Solaris», « Return from stars», « Bath Diary"And" Book Robot"It became clear, what a writer of what scale (Prosaik, philosopher-essist, critic) appeared in one of the Slavic countries. S. Lem was an innovator who updated the genres system of native literature. Famous worldwide and widely influenced the world literary fiction creativity Lem has a huge artistic value.

If we generalize all of the above, it is deeply obvious that the Slavic world made a powerful contribution to the global verbal culture. Slavs created the most important literary monuments of the Middle Ages. Slavic writers (primarily Russian) confidently occupy leadership positions on a number of areas of world literary development.

Slavs (in antiquity Slovenia) - the largest group of related ethnic groups in East and South-Western Europe, combined with the generality of origin. Depending on the language and cultural intimacy, Slavs are divided into three large groups: Eastern, Western and South.

As you know, at first the Slavs were pagans. For each type of activity, they were supposed to be in God. So, the god of appetite Zhor is known, the god of sleep mass and the god of drinking went. To draw his gods, Slavs brought them in ...

Chernobog (black snakes, blasphemes) - Master Navi, Darkness and Hoeful Kingdom. God of cold, destruction, death, evil; God madness and the incarnation of all bad and black. Slavs share the whole world into two halves: good and evil ...

Foreign chronicles considered Triglava one of the numerous host of the Slavic gods, not understanding that in this most important symbol, the very essence of our ancient faith was expressed: God is one, but he has many manifestations. ...

All nations know the very first God - this is a lively, creating thought, endless in time and space universe. Soca one, and, at the same time, his infinitely much. In the "book of Veles" recorded: "God is one, and ...

Every year, April in Slavs began to be spring holidays for the revival of life. In the villages of Slavs, a young red-haired rider appeared on a white horse. He was dressed in a white mantle, with a wreath of spring flowers on his head, in ...

In the "Tale of Bygone Years", the chronicler Nestor calls the Veles "Slow Bog", the patron saint of domestic animals. Perhaps this monk knew the doharistian mythology of Russia badly or tried to inhabit the meaning of the son ...

Mother Cheese Earth - an important character in Slavic mythology from ancient times. The Earth was represented by the imagination of the pagan, which deified nature, alive manoid creature. Herbs, Flowers, Shrubs, ...

Many rites of Slavs are associated with the main Slavic pagan cults, which, changing a little, moved into Christianity. Ubiquitous donation of bread beggar, wanderers, treat children ...

About the wizard Winter, which is the name of another hostess, which "shook his perinkas - over the world of empty", the people folded a lot of proverbs and sayings. Of course, the main theme in them is cold. Here, for example, how much ...

Rusich and other Slavic peoples celebrated the day of the houses of the house. Immediately after dinner, the hostess of the house left a pot of porridge behind the ovens, after putting it by hot coals. It was done in order ...

Before referring to the history of this ancient toolI would like to clarify one fact from the history of the origin of Russian music. It is common that the music in Russia appeared only in the XIX century, during the time ...

The tradition of the Gusls in Novgorod, Chuda, Vologda, Arkhangelsk, Tikhvin continues to live.

The Vedic tradition of ancient Russia has kept knowledge about us that many thousand years ago on our blue planet ter. Ra - Tereme Ra - Sun Terme ("Ra" - the name of the God of the Sun in ancient Russia and ancient ...

The name of the plant is the dye source - the color of the paint marrow white (win) .chenopodium album L. Grass red.

The group of elegant clothes includes dress-costumes, ensembles. Their appearance serves as a rule, the goals of man decoration. This is the main function of elegant clothes feature of aesthetic. Utilitarian function ...

In the very center of Russia, the Nizhny Novgorod Territory, there is Lake Svetloyar - the pearl of Russian Nature. This lake is sometimes called a small Russian Atlantis: his story is heated by legends.

Slavs on the description of historians who depict them were vigorous, strong, tirelessly.

The image of Santa Claus for us is habit since childhood. But what do we know about his origin? Of course, it is not worth a unambiguous answer and not worth it. Like the epic heroes, the image of Santa Claus has been transformed with time - ...

Now 7516 in traditional summer.

What was the costume and clothes in women on ancient Russia? Nakhodka archaeologists, the old chronicles help us to restore, from what fabrics went clothes, how and what they were decorated. Let's see what was laid out on their shelves ...

White way Book Light Barey First. Start a rawy second. The birth of a rawy third. Great Assa Barey Fourth. Arrival of Worlds Book of Wisdom Perun Circle First Sanytia Sanyty 2 Sanyty 3 Sanya 4 ...

Here you ask how it all in the older times was. Different happened. So I'll tell you now, it was all on the fact.

Etymological and ethnic study of the clothes of the Slavs of the early era.

He lived, was the king of Berendia, he had three sons ...

Previously, the Slavic peoples were generally called the Slavs.

December 25 - Kolyada. Winter solstice. According to astronomical data, it comes on December 21-22. According to the Roman calendar, the calendar began the beginning of the new year. Next - the shints.

"God of Heaven and Lightning. Written sources mentioning Perun, rather numerous, and folk material belonging to it is extremely abundant.

Horse. Among the statues of the gods established in Kiev during the time of Vladimir, there was a choir. "The Word and Revelation of the Holy Apostles", mentioning Horsa, reports that he existed in reality and allegedly lived in Cyprus. "Talk about three ...

The word "spirit" and "soul" exist and now almost in all modern Slavic languages.

There was a husband with my wife, and they had a daughter. Wife got sick and died. Heorevalo-grown man and married another.

In some kingdom, there was a merchant. Twelve years lived in his marriage and passed only one daughter, Vasilisa is beautiful.

Lived a man da baba. They had a little daughter, small.

In some kingdom, in some state there was a king, and there was three sons: the older was called Fedor, the second Vasily, and the younger Ivan.

The princess went on the steep mountains, she walked from the mountain to the mountain,

For the thirty lands, in the thirtieth of the state lived - there was a king with the queen; They did not have children. I went to the king on foreign land, on far, did not have been home for a long time; At that time, the Queen of the Son gave birth to him, Ivan - ...

There was a king of Svezar. He has the king, there were two sons and a beautiful daughter.

I drove somehow Cossack by expensive and drove into the dense forest; In that forest on Protalyanka costs a stack of hay.

Mythology is an oldest way to understand the world. Ancient Slavs, like most peoples, shared the whole world to the upper, "mountain", where gods lived, on the middle, "Dolia", in which people lived, and the lower, the world of the dead or ...

Alkonost (Alkonos) is a fabulous paradise bird, in apocryphs and legends bird of sadness and sorrow.

Bot Tale of the past years, from where the Russian land comes from, KTO B Kiev became the first to pronomize and Kak arose Russian land so let's start the story of this.

Baba - Yaga is known for Russian folk fairy tales as the old woman-witch, living in the dark forest in the hut on the couch legs (chicken was a traditional memorial dish in the Eastern Slavs), surrounded by a fence from the poles ...

In the Slavic lower mythology - ghost, vision; Spirit in the appearance of a woman, death.

Makosa is one of the most mysterious and conflicting female deities in East Slavic mythology.

It is possible to start with the fact that the whole world is divided into bright and dark (not to be confused with good and evil - there are simply no such concepts!).

In that epoch, the casual wear of each person was his full "passport".

"The Russian peasant family in the past century was not easy and difficult life. In the spring and summer - heavy work in the field. It was necessary to plow and sow the earth, put vegetables, prepare for the winter hay for livestock. Autumn - ...

One day, the Sun-Dazhbogu with Brother Perun traveled together in the Hoody country. And here because of the edge of the universe was a dark star without rays, with a long bloody tail. She wanted to fight the firmly sleeping firmly ...

What are the origins of Slavic culture? What are her customs and traditions? What should modern disciples about the past of their culture?

A huge layer of Vedic culture reached us in the form of Russian folklore. It also hid the wisdom of antiquity. Tale of fairy tales, proverbs, fables, dances, driving rounds and much more permeated deep ...

Folklore and Literature in Slavs

Folklore and its main forms. The literature of the Orthodox Slavs in the XI-XVI centuries. Modern Slavic literature

The theme of folklore and Slavic literatically affected by our manual only in connection with the Slavic verbal culture as a whole, and in the details of this topic (in particular, in the discussion of the current state of folklores) we do not deepen. There are many valuable benefits specially dedicated to Folklore as such (Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian, etc. Folk creativity), as there are similar benefits relating to Russian and other Slavic literature. We are sending readers interested in an in-depth meeting with this topic.

Slavic peoples created such an important folk genre as fairy tales, and the richest set of fabulous plots (magic, domestic, social, etc.). In the fairy tales, the colorful human characters endowed with folk smelter - Ivan-Fool in the Russians, tricky Peter at Bulgarians, etc.

According to the ingenious observation of F. I. Buslaeva, "the tale heats the advantage of heroes, heroes and knights; The princess, it is usually called it, very often not called by name and, married a hero or Vityaz, comes off from the stage of action. But, yielding to men in the hectares and glory, the declined military feats, a woman in the era of paganism ... was a semi-hardey, witch ...

Very naturally could a folk tale for the spiritual power of a woman to give and physical. So, Starov a young wife, surrounded by the ambassador, defeated Vladimirov's fighters. "

Eastern Slavs developed epic. Among them are the Kiev cycle (epics about the peasant Mikule Selininovich, Holy Svyatogore, Ilya Muromster, Dobryne Nikitic, Alyosha Popovech and others) and the Novgorod cycle (epics about Vasily Buslaev, Sadko et al.). The unique genre of the heroic epic, Russian epics constitute one of the most important accessories of national verbal art. Serbs Heroic Epos is represented by the plots of Milo-Oehich, Koriushe Marco and others. Similar characters are in the epic of Bulgarians - Single Children, Daichin-Voevoda, Yankul and Momgil, and others. At the Western Slavs, the heroic epic for a number of difficult reasons did not show itself so impressively showed .

Epos is not a historical chronicle, but an artistic phenomenon. Russians usually feel well the distance between the real personality of the Rev. Elii Muromets and the above-mentioned hero of Ilya Muromets. About the Serbian epic his researcher Ilya Nikolaevich Glenchev-Kutuzov (1904-1969), for example, wrote:

"In addition to events that do not disturb the boundaries of reliable,<…> In the songs about Koriči, Marko there are stories about the winged horses talking to the human voice, about series and mountain wizards-vilas. "

As expressively described the oral folk creativity F. I. Buslaev, "the people do not remember the beginning of their songs and fairy tales. They are conducted by the time of the century and are transmitted from the kind to the genus, according to legend, like older. Another singer Igor, although he knows some kind of Boyana, but the ancient folk legends already calls "old words." In the "Ancient Russian poems" a song, or a legend, called "Starino": "Topic Starina," says the singer ... otherwise the song content narrative is called "epic", that is, the story that it was.<…> Therefore, an ending song, sometimes the singer adds the following words in conclusion: "That" older ", then" Action ",", expressing this verse that the idea that his episoda is not only an old man, a dedication, but it is a presenter about the really happened "act" "

Slavic peoples have preserved legends associated with their origin. And the Western and Eastern Slavs are known to legend about the brothers Czech, Lehe and Ruse. In the Eastern Slavs, the foundation of Kiev is associated with the legendary Kiem, cheek, choriv and sister their liberation. Polyakov, according to legend, in the title of Warsaw, they captured the names of the children of the forester here: the boy named Var and the girl named Sava. Very interesting, carrying a variety of information about the absolutes of legends, legends and legends about Libuch and Premysla, about the Great War, about the Blanky Knights in Chekhov, about the Phalkov, Krak and Vanda, and so on.

For example, the plot of the Devlage of the Great War makes you remember about the struggle of the matriarchal and patriarchal started in the Slavic society of ancient times.

According to him, after the death of the legendary Czech government, Libushov, who appeared on the girls and women and even holding a female squad, to rule her husband Premysl. However, the girls who got used to rule rebelled against men, built the fortress Devin and settled in it. Then they broke the detachment of men, frivolously tried to capture the fortress - and three hundred of Vityazhi died, and the seven personally swollen the leader of the Wistra's female troops (in the past, the first warrior in the squad of Libushi). After this victory, women inside the young Vityaz Ztirad, who rushed to save his beauty tied to the oak, and drove it. In response, the men united in the ardor and completely defeated women, killing Vlast in battle and capturing Devin.

The poetic genres of folklore in the Slavs are extremely varied. In addition to the epics and myths here include various songs - Unack and Gaidutski in the South Slavs, robbery in the Eastern Slavs, etc., historical songs And ballads, Ukrainian dooms, etc. The Slovaks have a very interesting cycle of folklore works about the noble robber of Yurai Yanoshik.

Many poetic works were performed under the accompaniment of various musical instruments (Russian husli, Ukrainian bandura, etc.).

Small genres of folklore (proverb, saying, mystery, etc.) are of particular interest for philologists engaged in semaxiological problems. So, for example, A. A. Plebenza dedicated in his work " From lectures on the theory of literature»Special section" Takes to turn a complex poetic work in the proverb ", emphasizing:" The entire process of compressing a longer story in the proverb belongs to the number of phenomena that have tremendous importance for human thought "(these phenomena of Flebenza called" thoughts condensed ").

Among the meetings of Russian proverbs are allocated " Russian folk proverbs and parables"(1848) I. M. Snegiva," Russian proverbs and sayings"(1855) F. I. Buslaeva and" Proverbs of the Russian nation"(1862) V. I. Dalya.

Among the collectors of Slavic folklore are presented the largest cultural figures (for example, A. I. Afanasyev and V. I. Dal. among the Russians Owl Karadzhich Serb). In Russia, these cases were engaged in talented enthusiasts, similar to Kirch Danilov, and philologists-professionals P. N. Rybnikov, A. F. Gilferding, I. V. Kireevsky and others. Ukrainian folklore collected, for example, N. A. Certer, M. Maksimovich, Y. Golovatsky and others. Southern Slavs have done a huge work brothers Miladinov, P. R. Slaveykov et al., Poles Vaclav Zalessky, Zhilt Pauli, Z. Dolenga-Khodakovsky and others, in Chekhov and Slovakov F. Chelakovsky, K. Erben, P. Dobshinsky And other philologists.

Slavic literature is very diverse. Ancient Russian literature, a characteristic manifestation of the literature of the so-called "medieval type", existed from the XI century. Recall several important important moments related to it.

Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likchev (1906-1999) Recognitively wrote: "Ancient Russian literature not only was not isolated from literatures of the neighboring - Western and South countries, in particular - from the same Byzantium, but within until the XVII century. We can speak absolutely about the opposite - the absence of clear national borders in it. We can talk about the commonality of the development of the literature of the eastern and southern Slavs. Exist unified literature (italics mine. - Yu. M.), a single writing and a single (Church Slavonic) language of the Eastern Slavs (Russian, Ukrainians and Belarusians), Bulgarians, in Serbs in Romanians "(as already mentioned above, Romanians as Orthodox used the church Slavonic language to the second half of the XIX century) .

Expression D. S. Likhacheva "Unified Literature" should not be absoluting. Further, he explains his thought: "The main fund of church-literary monuments was common. The liturgical, preaching, church-omitative, agiographic, partly world-historical (chronographic), partly the narrative literature was united for the entire Orthodox South and East of Europe. The generals were such huge monuments of literature, as abnormalities, Mini, solemnies, triodes, partly chronicles, paneans of various types, "Alexandria", "Tale of Varlaam and Joasafe", "The Tale of Akir Promudrome", "Bee", cosmography, physiologists, Shestronev, apocryphas, separate lives, etc., etc..

Understandable, were not common Word about the regiment of Igor», « Teaching»Vladimir Monomakh," The word about the death of the Russian land», « Zadonchina», « Daniel Charcoat"And some other works are perhaps our contemporaries most interesting in the Old Russian literature. However, for a medieval reader, a heart facing God, and not to earthly human problems, they were not the "most important thing" in a number of literary texts. No matter how difficult it is to comprehend this fact to a person of the XXI century., But the gospel, the lives of the saints, Psalms, Akathists, etc., and by no means "the word about the regiment of Igor" and the landslide of the artificial literature were in the center of attention of the Old Russian readers (exactly Therefore, "the word" was so easily lost and only accidentally discovered at the end of the XVIII century).

After the explanations made above, it is impossible not to join the thesis D. S. Likhacheva, that "Old Russian literature before the XVI century. It was one with the literature of other Orthodox countries. " As a result, if you turn to the leadership of the type "Olderbian literature", "Ancient Bulgarian literature", etc., the reader will immediately meet a lot of works known to him at the Epistle Coursa.

For example, in the "History of Slavic Literature" Academician Alexandra Nikolayevich Pypina (1833-1904) and Vladimir Danilovich Supzovich (1829-1906) As an ancient-baulian (and not ancient Russian!) The above-mentioned academician Likhachev appear " Prologue», « Palese», « Alexandria"Also, moreover, according to the authors, it was Bulgarians who was created in the Old Slavonic language" Extensive literature, which has fallen into Russian and Serbam "; "The church relations of Russians with Bulgarians and with Athos, the nearest neighborhood of Serbs with Bulgarians established the manuscripts between them"; "As a result, the Serbian writer presents the general type that is visible in the writer of this kind of Bulgarian and old Russian."

In turn, I. V. Yagich in his "History of Serbo-Croatian literature" stated the same trend: "Version original (italics mine. - Yu. M.) The works are a very insignificant part of the rest of the literature. "

I. V. Yagich admitted that "from our current point of view" "The thin notebook of medieval folk songs and the like" seems more important than the "all of the huge stock of biblical and theological and liturgical works" seems more important than the Orthodox Slavs. However, he immediately emphasized that it was necessary to "vividly imagine the views of the then times, for which there was no lesson more sacred than it."

Unfortunately, the real find of "thin notebooks" of this kind is an extremely rare matter. As a result, in the era of romanticism, some Western Slavic patriots (in the Czech Republic) could not resist the compilation of such artistic mysteries, as Babelaworsk manuscript (1817, "detected" in the town of Korhlodvor).

This "notebook" of the "newest works of ancient-Czech literature", as Ironized V. I. Lamansky, is a collection of workshops of stylization under Slavic antiquity. The collabian manuscript includes, for example, epic songs about knightly tournaments and feasts, about the victory of Chekhov over Saksami, about the expulsion of Poles from Prague, about the victory over the Tatars, etc. In the lyrical verses, there is an ordinary love topics, and the influence of Russian folklore is noticeable.

The author of the text was Vaclav Ganka (1791-1861), a well-known Czech cultural figure and educator. And soon the student Joseph Linda "Found" a manuscript with the "Love Song of the King Waclav I" "(Zelenogorsk manuscript). Thought of the categories of romanticism, they both obviously wanted to raise the historical past of their people, after the defeat of the Chekhov in the battle of White Mount (1620) actually enslaved by Austrian feudal feud.

Many believed in the authenticity of the collabian manuscript almost until the beginning of the XX century. Exposed this beautiful scholars-philologists - linguists and paleographs, who found errors here in times of verbs, endings impossible in antiquity of the shape of letters, etc., as well as historians who indicated actual inconsistencies. At the same time, it is undoubted that the stylization of Ganka and Linda had a great positive impact on the modern literature, bringing a lot of bright artistic variations that appeared in them figures and plots.

In about the middle of the XVII century. It came to replace the ancient Russian literature and amazingly quickly - throughout the life of two generations - the literature of the new time was entrenched in society. It is understood as literature in the narrow strict sense of the word - an artist who has the usual system of genres to this day (poem, poem, ooda, novel, story, tragedy, comedy, etc.). Of course, such quick distribution new literature It is due to the fact that the prerequisites for the emergence of it in Russia gradually folded and the invisibly accumulated over several preceding centuries.

It is easy to feel the differences in the literature of the new time from Old Russian, comparing, for example, "Life of Sergius Radonezhsky" (written in the era of Dmitry Don Epiphania wisdom) with the novel of Lion Tolstoy (or even with the "Avvakum Protopopa") or comparing the ancient Orthodox-Christian Akathist and the Spiritual ORD Derzhavin. In addition to clearly manifested specific genre-style differences, global relationships were also.

The author of the holy and compiler of the chronicle, the author of the Church Akathist was engaged in the sacred craft - the aesthetic beginning to the measure of personal talent, of course, was given in their works, but still as a side effect. In ancient Russian writing there were separate creations, where, just as in the literature of the new time, the art side prevails (the above-mentioned "Word about Igor's regiment", "teaching" Vladimir Monomakh, "The Word about the killed Russian land", "Daniel Charpecling", etc. ). However, they are few and stand in a mansion (although we repeat the reader of the XXI century. Just these artistic in the narrow sense of the word of the work is perhaps the most interesting and internally close).

The creative tasks of the chronicler, the author of the historical legend, the author of Paterician lives, solemn church preaching, akathist, etc. corresponded to the special (a senseless man of our time without special philological training) "Aesthetics of canons" (or "aesthetics of identity").

Such aesthetics confessed the loyalty to the "corrodent" authoritative samples and sophisticated reproduction of their main features in their own creativity (with subtle innovations in detail, but not in general). Thus, the ancient Russian reader lived in advance, as the author's life path will be described in advance - the genre of life included the system of canonically strict rules, and the living works were like each other, as if native brothers, their content was in a number of features predictable.

This feature of ancient Russian literature, reflecting the socio-psychological features of people of the Russian Orthodox Middle Ages, as well as the essence of the complex cultural and historical phenomenon, which is now called " old Russian literature"Replaced in the XVII century. Alive to this day "aesthetics of novelty".

Writers of the new time do not "sacred craft", and art as such; The aesthetic beginning is the first condition for their creativity; They take care of the fixation of their authorship, seek their works not to be like the work of predecessors, were "artistically original", and the reader appreciates and considers the natural condition for the unpredictability of the artistic content, the uniqueness of the plot.

New Russian literature at the initial stage was literature baroque. Baroque came to us through Poland and Belarus. The actual height of the poetry of the Moscow Baroque Simeon Polotsky (1629-1680) was Belarusian invited to Moscow by King Alexei Mikhailovich. Among other brightest representatives of Baroque poetry can be called Kievan Ivan Velichkovsky, and at the beginning of the XVIII century. - St. Dimitri Rostovsky (1651–1709), Faofan Prokopovich (1681-1736), Satir poet Antioch Cantemir (1708-1744) and others. At the sources of prose era Baroque there is a powerful protopopic figure Avvakum Petrov (1620–1682).

It is necessary to take into account the special status in the cultural consciousness of the Baroque grammatical exercises. "Grammar - according to the expression of F. I. Buslayev," they believed the first step ... the rolling of science and arts. " He reminds about the grammar of the look away that "she studied in the time of Peter the Great; She was the gates of wisdom and for Lomonosov himself. In addition to literary and educational significance, it hurts the holy between the Old Believers (Buslaev implies its Moscow edition of 1648 - Yu. M.), Because in the verses or poems attached to this book for example, the form of Isus is used - obviously, for verse and measures, VM. Jesus. This explains the extraordinary high cost of the edition of 1648. " Next Buselaev is frankly laughing at such religious honors of grammar by the Old Believers, reminding that the girl "obeyed the dad and was union."

M. Forersky, graduate of the Jesuit Vilensk Academy, in the future, indeed, a supporter of Ulya with the Roman Catholic Church, from an early age in contact with circles, cultivated typical baroque ideas, presentations and theory (Baroque in Catholic countries was much earlier than in Rus, And "Jesuit Baroque" was his real branch).

It should be noted that our baroque was closely connected, sometimes merged, with other arts. Speaking in other things, it was distinguished artistic synthesis. For example, a literary image is often closely intertwined in the works of this time with a picturesque way.

In the field of painting XVII century. There were changes similar to the literary. It quickly consists of secular painting - a portrait, genre scene, landscape (earlier the painting of religious - icon, fresco, etc. dominated here. The iconography itself evolves - the authors appear, creating the so-called "alike" icons, and the acute struggle between them and supporters of the old manner begins.

Wonderful text manuals for icon painters, the so-called "original", existing and earlier, acquire new qualities of these works of literature. Speaking about this phenomenon, F. I. Buslaev wrote:

"Thus, more and more expanding its limits, and more and more approaching the interests of literary, the Russian artistic script is insensitively merged with Azbukhuknik, who was not only a dictionary and grammatology for our ancestors, but also the whole encyclopedia. More friendly, more harmonious consent of the interests of pure artistic and literary are difficult to imagine after this, so to speak, organic merging of such opposites, what are painting and grammar with a dictionary. "

Buslaev further disassemble the example of the picturesque "symbolism of letters" in the original "Sillabic Vizhr" script (that is, the Baroque era. - Yu. M.), where "On each page, a cinnabar is written in a consistent manner for one letter" named "Jesus Christ", "And an explanation is placed in Sillabic Vizhs, namely:

І (First letter name in old spelling. - Yu. M.) In the form of a pillar with a rooster on top:

Until Pillars іisus Christ is tied,

Always from the torment of evil ledges.

FROM With the image inside his Srebrennikov:

For thirty Srebrenik іisus bought.

In order to condemn his death.

W. Church-Slavic, in the form of ticks:

Nails from hand, out of the legs were taken out by ticks,

Always removed from the cross.

FROM With the image inside its four nails.<…>

X. With the image of the cane and spear arranged by the cross.<…>

R In the form of a bowl ...<…>

AND In the form of a staircase ...<…>

T. In the form of a cross ...<…>

ABOUT In the form of a throat crown ...<…>

FROM With hammer and guns of punishment ...<…>».

The picturesque start penetrated into the literature and more deeply than in such Sillabic Twokers. So, Simeon Polotsky, Ivan Velichkovsky and other authors created a number of poems-drawings (in the form of a star, heart, cross, bowls and other figures), they wrote such a specially semantically built texts like palulrromons, crayfish, labyrinths, etc. They were used in figurative purposes the letters of different colors.

Here is an example of "Cancer of the pre-locomotive" in Ivan Velichkovsky - according to his expression, verse, "whose words, pour reading, nasty (opposite in meaning. - Yu. M.) Text express ":

BCA - With my life is not a fear of death, - Evva

I do not die.

That is: "With my life, not the fear of death, I do not die with me" (Virgin Mary); "Death Fear, not life with me, dare, not whatever" (Eva).

On its historic path, Russian literature from the second half of the XIX century. He managed to take the position of one of the world leaders. Already, I. S. Turgenev, without claiming, called the best writer of Europe Brothers Hangors, Georges Sand, Flaubert. Soon won tremendous authority all over the world as an artist and thinker L. N. Tolstoy. Later, readers all over the world discovered for themselves F. M. Dostoevsky, A. P. Chekhov, A. M. Gorky, M. A. Sholokhov, M. A. Bulgakov ...

The contribution of other Slavic literatures into the world literary process was not so global. So, writers of the Malorosi (Ukrainian) origin in the XVII-XIX centuries. most often wrote in Great Russian (Moscow) adverbs, that is, became figures russian Literature. It refers to Vasily Vasilyevich Capnist (1757–1823), Vasily Trophimovich Nasrezno (1780–1825), Nikolay Ivanovich Gallet (1784–1833), Alexey Alekseevich Perovsky (1787-1836, alias Anthony Pogorelsky), Ores Mikhailovich Somov (1793–1833), Nikolay Vasilyevich Gogol (1809–1852), Nestor Vasilyevich Puppetser (1809–1868), Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy (1817–1875), Vladimir Galationovich Korolenko (1853-1921) and others.

N. S. Trubetskoy noted: "The founder of the new Ukrainian literary language consider Kotlyarevsky. Works of this writer ("Aneida", "Natalka-Poltavka", "Moskal-Charіvnik", "Oda Prince Kurakin") written on a common Malorussian showing Poltava region and in its content belong to the same genre of poetry, in which the intentional use of a common language is quite It is appropriate and motivated by the content itself. The poem of the largest Ukrainian poet, Taras Shevchenko, is written mostly in the spirit and in the style of Malorussian folk poetry and, therefore, again, their own content will motivate the use of an ordinary language. In all these works, just as in the stories from the national life of good Ukrainian prose people, the language is deliberately common, that is, as if deliberately non-leaturated. In this genre of works, the writer intentionally limits himself to the sphere of such concepts and ideas, for which there are already ready-made words in the undisputed folk language, and chooses such a topic that gives him the opportunity to consume only those words that really exist - and moreover in this meaning - In live folk speech. "

The Balkan Slavs, and in the West, the Czechs and Slovaks have been under a foreign oppression for several centuries.

The Bulgarian and Serbs did not occur parallel Russian processes of the change of medieval literature of the literature of a new type. The point was in a completely different way. Bulgarian and Serbian literature experienced more than a four-time break in their development. This regretty cultural and historical phenomenon directly follows from the occupation in the Middle Ages Balkans of the Turkish Ottoman Empire.

Bulgarians - Slavic people, but the name of this nation comes from the name of the Turkic nomadic tribe bulgar, in the VII century. n. e. Under the leadership of Hana Asparuha, seven Slavic tribes in the Danube. On these lands, Asparuh founded his Bulgarian kingdom With the capital in the city Pliber. Soon the conquerors were assimilated in an incomparably more numerous Slavic environment.

In 1371, the Bulgarian king Ivan Shishman after decades, all the more weak resistance recognized himself with the Turkish Sultan Murada I. Then in 1393 the Turks took the then Bulgarian capital Veliko-Tarnovo. Three years later, the last support of the Bulgarian statehood was taken by storm - the city of Vidin (1396). In Sofia, the Turkish governor settled.

Serbia fell under the Turkish Igo after his defeat in the battle with the Turks on Kosovo Field (1389), that is, about the same years (in Russia for nine years earlier, a battle was held with the Tatars on the Kulikov field had a completely different outcome for Russians).

The indigenous Bulgarian and the Serbian population was engaged in peasant labor, the Turks paid unbearable taxes, but the Islamization was stubbornly resisted. However, the real picture of the subsequent pepieties of the history of both peoples was very ambiguous and difficult. Feudal gravestones led to the fact that part of Slavs from time to time turned out to be in certain military clashes against Christian Catholics on the side of the Muslim Turk. With reference to Serbian history, a number of facts of this kind led in its monograph "Epos of the Peoples of Yugoslavia" I. N. Golenishchev-Kutuzov, wrote:

"Thus, from the end of XV to the end of the XVIII century. Serbs were in both camps, fought for the work of Christian sovereigns and Turkish sultans ... There was no period in which the Serbian people would have no weapons. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe amorphous Serbian peasant mass ... does not correspond to historical reality.<…>

In the XV-XVII centuries in Serbia, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Montenegro and Dalmatia, there was not a single area in which Guyduki would not have operated. "

Part of the Serbs and Croats were still forcibly addressed to Muslim. The descendants of them are now a special ethnos, referred to muslimans"(I.e." Omusulmannenny "). Bulgarian and Serbs survived some Orthodox monasteries, where the rewriting and reproduction of literary texts continued (Bulgarian typography has not yet known even in the XVII century) - on Athos, the Bulgarian zografsky and Serbian Khilandar monasteries, and the Trojansky, Rylsky (he was destroyed several times, but restored); "In the monastery, Manassee there was the last center of the National Culture of Serbs in the Middle Ages": "There were workshops, where they rewrite and decorated the manuscripts on Church Slavonic, who was a literary language. Serbian scribes were under the strongest influence of the destroyed Bulgarian school of the Old School of Language in Tarnov. "

On the old handwritten book, the oppressed people gradually began to look at the national shrine.

The Bulgarian and Serbian priests were actually the only books (and indeed competently) people in this hard for the cultures of the South Slavs era. They often left to learn to Russia and then wrote in the language in which, in addition to the Church Slavonic foundation, were attended not only words from the folk language, but also Rusism.

In 1791, the first Serbian newspaper was published in Vienna " Serbian Novini." In 1806, the first printed Bulgarian work appeared " Weekly"Sophrony of the doctor.

Bulgarian monk Paisius In 1762, he wrote an imbuilt desire for national independence to the Bulgarian history, which the decades spread to the manuscript, and was published only in 1844 in Serbia and Montenegro, the people of Chernogorsk Prince (and Metropolitan) were won by their fiery sermons. Peter Petrovich Yehush (1813-1851). Chernogorets on the origin and the largest poet Romantic, he wrote a dramatic poem " Mountain Venets» ( Gorsky Vizenz, 1847), who called the Slavs to the union and the conventional life of the Montenegrin people.

In the era of romanticism, the Bulgarians and Serbs begins to develop fiction. Her origins in Bulgaria are poets Petko Slaveykov (1827–1895), Luban Karavelov (1835-1879) and Hristo Bothev (1848-1876). These are revolutionary romance, the bright talent of which to manifest itself in full force objectively prevented only the absence of the necessary national literary and artistic traditions behind their shoulders.

Under the great fruitful influence of Russian literature, the great Bulgarian poet, Proseca and playwright worked Ivan Vazov (1850-1921), author of the historical novel " Under IGG"(1890).

Serbian poetic romanticism is represented by such poets as Jura Yakshich (1832-1878) and Lazi Kostich (1841-1910), Chernogort residents - for example, the works of the king Nikola I Petrovich (1841-1921). In the region of Voivodina in the city of Novi Garden there was a center of Slavic culture. A wonderful educator acted here Assist of Ukraine From Vojvodina (1739-1811), the actual founder of the literature of the new time.

In Serbian literature, later appeared possessed by a sparkling satirical gift of playwright Branislav Nushich (1864-1938), author of the comedy " Suspicious person"(Based on the Gogol" auditor ") (1887)," Protect"(1888)," Mrs. Ministry"(1929)," Mr. Dollar"(1932)," Heat-shaped relative"(1935)," Dr. R."(1936)," Deceased"(1937) and others, as well as executed self-irony" Autobiography».

The Nobel Prize laureate in 1961 became Bosnian Serb Ivo andrich (1892-1975). Among his historical novels should be noted primarily " Bridge on Drine"(1945)," Herbal chronicle"(1945)," Damned yard"(1954) and others.

Czech and Slovak literature, literature of the Balkan Slavs (Bulgarians, Serbs, Croatians, Chernogortsev, Macedonians, etc.), as well as cultures of these Slavic peoples in general, essentially survived the centuries-old break in development.

If you keep in mind Chekhov, this truly tragic collision is a consequence of the capture of Czech lands by Austrian feudalities (that is, by the Germans Catholics) after the destruction of the Chekhov in the battle at white grief in the XVII century.

Medieval Czechs were courageous and freedom-loving people. For a half a century before the reform movement of Calvinists, Lutheranians, etc., the Catholic world split the Catholicism, which fought the Czechs against Catholicism.

Great Worker of Czech Culture, Preacher and Church Reformer Jan Gus (1371-1415), Abbot of Bethlehem Capella in the old part of Prague, and subsequently the rector of the University of Prague, in 1412 he sharply opposed the Catholic practice of trade in indulgences. Earlier, GUS began to read the sermons in Czech, and not on Latin. He criticized and some other Catholic establishes relating to church property, Pope's authorities, etc., wrote Gus and in Latin, using his knowledge for the initiation of defects nesting in the Catholic Church (" About six baldah»).

Speaking as a folk enlightener, Jan Gus gave strength and philological work. In his essay " About Czech spelling"He suggested for Latiza, the firm signs that allowed the sounds of the sounds characteristic of the Czech language.

Catholics lured Gus to the Cathedral in Constance. He got a security certificate, which after his arrest was brazenly disavowed on the grounds that promises, the data "heretic", invalid. Yana Gusus burned on a fire (he is not "rehabilitated" by the Catholic Church to this day). The Czech people responded to this atrocity by a national uprising.

The head of the Gusites got no burden Jan Ziage (1360-1424), which turned out to be a wonderful commander. He fought back in Grunwald, where he lost his eyes. The All-Kazakhstan Army was discouraged by several crusades organized by Catholic knights against gusites. Ian Zhizi created a new type of troops, moving on armored carts and had artillery. The carts built into a row or in a circle and bonded with chains turned into a fortress on wheels. More than once, the gusites descended hardly loaded carts from the mountain, and turning around the knights, many times superior to them with their numerous.

Having lost the second eye in battle, the fat and blind continued to command the troops. Only when he died from the plague in the siege of the Prybislav, the combined Catholic forces managed to curb the Gusitsky movement, which had fear for the whole of Europe for more than 20 years.

In the next XVI century, Austrians penetrated the throne in Prague. Of these, ERCGERSOG Rudolph The second Habsburg remained in history as a patron and ruler, inclined to religious tolerance. Under it, Astronomers quietly Brage and Kepler worked in Prague, hid from the Inquisition of Jordan Brune. Protestantism spread in the Czech Republic.

In 1618, the Protestant Czech Republic rebelled against the power of the Catholics-Austrians. This is a rebellion and ended with a defeat in the battle of white grief (1620).

Entering Prague, the winners arranged a brutal massacre. Slavic aristocracy diligently destroyed. The Austrians put their task from now on and forever suppress the folk ability to resist. Even the tomb of Yana Allify in 1623 (199 years after the death of the commander) was ruined on the orders of the Austrian Emperor, and his remains were thrown away.

The era of 300 years of domination in the Czech Republic of the Austrian Dynasty of the Habsburgs came (it ended in 1918 after the collapse of the Austria-Hungarian Empire and the creation of independent Czechoslovakia). Austrian feudalists and their minions systematically suppressed national culture in the Czech Republic.

In the Czech Republic already in the XIV century. There were developed medieval literature in his native language (the chronicles, the lives of the saints, knight's novels, dramaturgical works, etc.). In Czech, written writings (sermons, messages and other philosophical-theological works) of the great reformer Yana Gus. Having a big artistic gift bishop Jan Amos Komensei (1592-1670), teacher and theologian, enjoyed along with Latin Czech. In Czech, it is written, for example, its distinguished high literary advantages of the allegory " Maineing Maze and Heart Heaven"(1631). However, I. Komensky died in exile in Holland. The Germans were commissioned at the Motherland.

In 1620, the written tradition was interrupted. From now on, the Czechs began to write in German, and this was controlled by the winners with a truly German punctuality. The winners in the destruction of the Slavic culture of the defeated first and a half century were especially learned. A counterfeit, violent germanization; Jesuits burned on fires Czech books. As a result, in the past, independent Czechs were reduced to the position of German serfs (the serfdom was abolished here in 1848). The national nobility was destroyed (the surviving Slavic nobles basically tried to mimicarize in the "Germans").

In the Peasant Slavic environment in the century Austrian Zasil, the oral folk creativity continued to develop. But here are writers of Slavic nationality, when they appeared, created their works in German. The art of Baroque in the conquered lands was cultivated by the medium of Catholic churchmen, did not give significant works and had no direct attitude towards the culture of Slavs as such.

Only at the end of the XVIII century. Patriotic philologist Josef Dobrovsky (1753-1829) engaged in the grammatical description of the Czech language and issues of Czech literature, writing (in German) its history, scientifically substantiated for Czech poetry the rules of Sillavo-tonic poetry. Newly had to create a literary language. N. S. Trubetskaya speaks about this situation:

"Thanks to the activities of Yana Gus and the so-called Czech brothers Czech to the XVI century. accepted a completely decorated appearance. But the unfavorable circumstances interrupted its further development, and the Czech literary tradition for a long time almost completely dried. Only at the end of the XVIII and early XIX century. The revival of the Czech literary language began. At the same time, Czech Renaissance figures turned not to modern folk dialects, but to the interrupted tradition of the old Czech language of the end of the XVI century. Of course, this language had to rejoint somewhat, but still, thanks to this, the adjoining to the interrupted tradition, Novosheshsky received a completely peculiar appearance: he was archaic, but Archaichen artificially, so the elements of completely different eras of the language development in it get along with each other in artificial cohabitation. "

The practical investigation of this is that the literary Czech language is sharply different from the conversational. Having learned how to play the works of Czech literature, a foreigner unexpectedly faces the fact that he does not understand the living speech of Chekhov, and they do not understand it when trying to communicate.

Creativity in Czech began poets-romance Frantishek Chelakovsky (1799–1852), Vaclav Ganka (1791–1861), Karel Yaromir Erben (1811-1870) and others began to reprinted Starochie literary monuments.

In the second half of the XIX century. In the Czech Republic, the brightest poet and prosais of the national revival period appeared Swatopluk Czech (1846-1908). Its defiantly bold " Songs Rab» ( PISN? Otroka.) The name of the Czech people to the struggle for freedom. Historical poems from the glorious Czech past were distinguished by a rich story and also enjoyed a big reading success. Satyrian novels " Genuine journey Mr. Broachka on the moon» (« PRAVY VYLET PANA BROU? Ka Do M? SICE", 1888) and" New epoching journey Mr. Broachka, this time in the fifteenth century» (« Novy Epochalni Vylet Pana Brou? Ka, Tentokrat Do Patnaacteho Stoleti", 1888) anticipated satirical prose J. Gashek and K. Chapeka.

Contemporary S. Czech Alois Irayek (1851-1930) began as a poet, but by going to prose with plots from Czech history, became a classic of national literature (wrote historical dramas). He created a cycle of novels about the gusites " Between currents» ( Mezi Proud, 1887-1890), " Against all» ( Proti vsem., 1893), " Brotherhood» ( Bratrstvo., 1898-1908); Pieces about Yana Gusa and Jan Jiggy.

In Czechoslovakia, formed after the end of the First World War, satiric and humorist were popular Yaroslav Gashek (1883–1923) from his anti-war novel " Adventure of the Brave Soldier Schweik» ( Osudy Dobreho Vojaka? VEJKA ZA SV? TOVE VALKY, 1921-1923). Hashek was a communist and a participant in the Civil War in Russia, which contributed to his fame in the USSR.

Karel Chapec (1890-1938), playwright and prosaik, glorified by plays " Macro Tool» ( Vec makropulos., 1922), " Mother» ( Matka., 1938), " R.U.R.» ( Rossumovi Univerzalni Roboti, 1920) and others, novels " Factory Absolita» ( Tovarna Na Absolutno., 1922), " Krakatit» ( Krakatit., 1922), " Gordbal» ( Hordubal, 1937), " Meteor», « War with salamander» ( Valka S Mloky., 1936) and others. Along with Pole S. Lem Chapeca can be recognized as a classic of philosophical fiction. Karel Chapek died, heavily survived the Munich collusion, who gave him his homeland into the power of the Germans.

The centuries of the slave dependence on the Germans, apparently, did not pass for the Czechs as a nation without a trace, after having escaped them to perceive the infancy of fate. As you know, Hitler in 1939 met desperate resistance in Poland. A year earlier, the fascist troops invaded the Czech Republic almost without a single shot. Czech Republic - at that time, a powerful industrial country that had an excellent defense industry and a strong army, which had the most modern weapons (much stronger than the Polish army), surrendered to the Germans. (Subsequently, Czech tanks fought during the Great Patriotic War against the USSR, and the Czech soldiers were emitted in the army of Hitler.)

In 1938, in some way in the Czech Republic felt more than the usual hosts returned - the Germans ... These dramatic days resembles a poem from the whole soul that loved the Czechoslovakia of Marina Tsvetaeva " One officer" This work of the Russian poetess presented the following epigraph:

"In courts, on the Forest Czech border, an officer with twenty soldiers, leaving the soldiers in the forest, went on the road and began to shoot at the right Germans. The end of it is unknown ( From September newspapers 1938)».

Tsvetaeva writes:

Czech Forestry -

The most forest.

Year - nine hundred


Day and month? - vertices, echo:

The day, as the Germans entered the Czechs!

Forest - reddish,

Day - blue-gray.

Twenty soldiers

One officer.

Cructible and circularities

The officer wakes the border.

My forest, circle,

My bush, circle,

My house, circle,

My - this house.

Forests do not pass,

I will not pass at home

Edges do not pass,

Piles do not pass!

Deciduous darkness.

Heart fright:

Is Prussian?

Does the heart knock?

My forest, goodbye!

My age, goodbye!

My edge, goodbye!

My - this edge!

Let the whole region

To the enemy legs!

I - under the foot -

Stone will not pass!

Topot boot.

Germans! - Leaf.

Screens of glands.

Germans! - Whole Forest.

Germans! - Rascat

Mountains and caves.

Threw soldiers

One is an officer.

From a locker - a living manner

On bulk - yes with a revolver!


Good news,

What - saved

Czech honor!

So - Country

So not handed over

Means war

Yet - was!

My edge, Vivat!

Issue, Herr!

... twenty soldiers.

One officer.

The consequences of a break in cultural and historical development during the XVII-XVIII centuries. Already visible by the visual fact that Czech literature, unfortunately, has shown little at the international level. However, writers like A. Iraceka and K. Chapeq, and the authors translated into foreign languages \u200b\u200badequately carry her ideas and topics into a variety of countries. With a huge sympathy, Russian readers belong to the Czech literature.

Land of Slovaks still in the early Middle Ages found themselves as part of Hungary, the feudal authorities of which are invariably and severely suppressed the Slovak national culture. However, in the XVI century. Hungars have lost national independence. In Hungary, German language was introduced, and the local feudal feudals had fallaciously. Together with long oppressors, hungarians, Slovaks were pleased under the Scypter of the Austrian Dynasty of the Habsburgs, soon absorbing and Czechs. The nuance is that for Slovaks at the same time by their Austrians, i.e., the Germans, weakened cruel domination over them hungarian, against which Slovaks have fought for centuries. In addition, unlike the Chekhov Slovaks were catholics, like Austrians, - that is, there was no religious confrontation here. And today a noticeable majority of citizens formed in 1993, the Slovak Republic - Catholics (almost all other Protestants, as in the Czech Republic).

(For the first time the Slovak state was created - from political considerations - Nazi Germany after the capture of Czechoslovakia. After the liberation of Czechs and Slovaks, Soviet troops were restored (as a socialist), a single Czech Republic. In other words, in the period 1918-1993. Slovakia was almost always in Composition Czechoslovakia.)

In the Slovaks, the Czech culture in general and literature, in particular, were considerable. From the XVI century With Czech culture, those Slovaks that became particularly intensely informed protestant. In this environment, you willingly wrote in Czech - for example, poets Yurai Palkovich (1769-1850), author of the books of the poems "Muse of Slovak Mountains" (1801), and Boguslav Tables (1769-1832), one by one who published his collections "Poetry and Records" (1806-1812). Tables issued and the anthology of the Slovak poetry of the XVIII century. "Slovak poems" (1804) - also in Czech.

IN colic Slovak circles at the end of the XVIII century. A philologically interesting attempt was made to create a Slovak spelling system (the so-called "Bernolacin" - by the name of its creator, Slovak Catholic priest Antonina Bernolaka (1762-1813). A number of books were published on Bernolacchin. Although subsequently, this cumbersome system did not take it, Bernolak attracted the efforts of national cultural figures to create a Slovak literary language. However, N. S. Trubetskoy made a dressed and capacious observation:

"Despite the desire of the founders and chief leaders of Slovak literature from Czech language, the adjoining of the Czech literary and literal traditions for Slovaks is so natural that it is impossible to confuse him. The differences between Slovak and Czech literary languages \u200b\u200bare mainly grammatical and phonetic, the vocabulary of both languages \u200b\u200bis almost the same, especially in the sphere of concepts and ideas of higher mental culture. "

In Slovak began to write poems Jan Collar (1793-1852), which created OA, Elegy, who wrote a patriotic poem " Daughter of glory"(1824).

Slovak by nationality was one of the largest philologists of the Slavic world Pavel Josef Shafarik (1795-1861). For many years living in Prague, he wrote mainly in Czech. The most famous work is " Slavic antiquities"(1837).

Philologist and philosopher-hegelian Lyudewit sudore (1815-1856) in the 1930s of the XIX century. He headed the Department of Czechoslovak Literature in the Bratislavsky Lyceum. He promoted the loyalty to the writer in the spirit of the people, which was refracted in oral folk art.

Under the influence of the ideas of the Stope created the poet Romantic Yanko Krable (1822-1876), for which the rebellious motives are characterized (for example, the cycle of his poems on the "Slovak Robin Hood" robber of Janoshika) and the prose Jan Kalinchak (1822-1871), writing historical stories about the struggle of Slavs for independence - " Bozkovichi"(1842)," Milko's grave"(1845)," Prince Liptovsky"(1847) and others.

In fact, called the authors and some of their contemporaries played the role of the young people of the young (by historical scale, and a half century after a very young) Slovak literature. This literature is full of fresh strength, but its access to the wide international arena is the case of the future.

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