First theater for kids Nutcracker. For the smallest

First theater for kids Nutcracker. For the smallest
First theater for kids Nutcracker. For the smallest

With amazingly "alive" performances for children from 10 months "First Snow" and "Water". Also with the project, the director of Marfa Gorwitz, the author of the interactive performance participating in the Golden Mask festival, "Fairy Tales from Mamina Bags". Own productions of "Baby scene" - "I do the world", where civilization is born from the paper sheet. Also, the kids from 1.5 years were addressed by the performance of graduates of the experimental rati (guitis) "Caterpillar".

Project "First Theater"

Playgrounds: Tent in the foyer of the Russian State Children's Library, in Mamas' Place Family Clubs in CSK "Garage", Theater "House Fanny Bell",family Center "Hunt Family",children's Center "Logos", "Vedogon-Theater" and El Theater Studio.
From 1 year

The "First Theater" creates performances that acquaint kids aged 1 to 4 years old with the device of the surrounding world - interactive productions about snow and water are most popular. The artist, director and artists work above. In the performances, water and other natural elements are used, as well as modern theatrical devices - for example, projections. Sometimes live music sounds on performances. During the play, the kids can communicate with the actor and directly affect the plot.

Theater for the little ones Baby Lab (Baby Lab)

Theater "Together with Mom"
20 branches "together with mom" in different parts of Moscow
From 1 year

The oldest Moscow project, whose specialization is living concerts and chamber performances for kids from 1 year to 4 years with parents. On performances, you can walk around the hall, lying on the floor, communicate and touch the heroes, actively participate in the presentation. The authors of the performances are professional actors and musicians - use tactile impressions using sand, water. The plots of performances are kind and instructive, but just enough to be understandable to the kids. The unconditional hit of the repertoire - the play "How Spring Worms Saved". Other performances are no less good, so tickets are better to buy in advance, the theater is always anchlag. The performances go in the 20 branches of the project "Together with Mom".

Moscow Theater of Cups

m. Baumanskaya
From 1 year

The oldest puppet theaters of the capital - the Moscow Theater of Dolls - was founded in 1930. The performances take place on three venues: in small and large halls, as well as in the game room, which is located in the lobby. It is in the lobby, the performances of the "Theater on the palm", addressed to the most babies from 1 year. The kids show the performances "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn", "Winter". These representations are interactive - in the spring can be spanking on puddles, and in the winter - to touch the ice.

Moscow Children's Puppet Theater

m. ogovova
From 2 years

Moscow Children's Theater Puppets is the theater with more than 25 years of history. In the repertoire of the theater 13 puppet performances, some are addressed to the audience from 2 years. For example, an interactive musical fairy tale "Three Merry Piglets", the musical based on the "Kolobka" - "Aunt Lasha and Kolobok Vanyusha" and others.
The performances of the Moscow Children's Theater Puppets are held on the stage of the "Center for Dramaturgies and Directors" on the running.

Children's puppet theater "Fees"
m. Kurskaya
From 1 year

In the Puppet Theater "Fees" work professional directors and artists in the active participation of children's psychologists. Today, the repertoire of the Theater "Fees" has four puppet performances, of which three are suitable for kids: the musical fairy tale "Three Piglets" (from 1 year), the play "Gus-Swans" (from 2 years old), the cheating fairy tale "Teremok" (from 1 year), as well as New Year's programs for children from 2 years. The performances are interactive: Children not only watch the events, but also take an active part in what is happening. doll theater (Teatrik.kom)
m. Novogoreevo, Vykhino, TRP Rio, TRT Vegas
From 10 months

In the repertoire of the "Tencek.kom" - several interactive musical ideas for children from 6-12 months: "Kolobok", "Three Merry Piglets", "Naughty Kitten". The play "Goat-Dereza" will be interested in children from 1.5 years. During the New Year holidays, the children show thematic performances - for example, New Year's fairy tales.

Theater "Semisweetics"
m. Timiryazevskaya
From 6 months

The theater recently turned 4 years old, three performances for the smallest times in the repertoire. The atmosphere in the Chamber Theater and cozy, the actors are young. Kids from 6 months "SemiChivietic" offers to visit the premiere play "It's time to sleep!" And the performance created from the real gloms of cozy wool "woolen fairy tale". And for children from 2 years old - a puppet play on the stories of the Oster "Kitten named Gav".

Interactive Theater "Live Fairy Tale"
TRI Rio (Reutov), \u200b\u200bTRV "Vegas"
From 2 years

Interactive Chamber Theater "Live Fairy Tale" was discovered for the most young spectators. Kids from 2 years old are invited to performances: "Three piglets" based on the English folk tales, "Alenushka and Brother Ivanushka" based on Russian folk fairy tales, the musical performance "duckling".

Interactive Babi Theater
m. Belorusskaya
From 8 months

Interactive Babi Theater is chamber mini performances for children from 8 months to 3 years. There is no classic scene and the auditorium, because children at this age are very non-permanent. Kids can be located as it is convenient. There are no words and complex plot in the productions, only understandable to the kids of emotions and actions. The uniqueness of the performances lies in a large number of interactive inclusions.

Children's educational theater "Comic"
m. Kuznetsky Bridge
From 2 years

Cognitive-educational theater "Comic" leads its history since 1985. The performances and playing programs of the theater will help parents to explain the child around the world. Each performance of the "comic" is a theatrical response to endless "Why?" Email child. Why do not you poke your fingers in the outlet? Why "matches children are not a toy"? Why don't you talk with outsiders on the street? A variety of output parental installations in the performances of the "comic" turn into a fascinating guide for small to the large adult world.

Your baby has already stepped over the threshold in 1 year? :))) Congratulations to you with this joyful event and invite you to the chamber theater for kids from 1 year. No, no, not early :))) To be accurate, our viewers are attached to the art from 8 months :))). "The Tale of the Snow Meltelka", "Ocean Secrets", "Forest Tale" are exciting performances for kids in Moscow. All our stories, though puppet performances, but special! Kids look at the heroes not from afar, but communicate with them, perform their tasks.

Atmosphere of homemade utya

We can comfortably be located in close proximity to the conditional "scene" on the soft blankets and pillows right on the floor - a favorite place for kids games :). In the hall is always cozy and comfortable. It supports the optimum temperature for children, there are no extraneous odors and drafts, sharp and frightening sounds.

Interactive space

Chamber interactive performances are designed for a small group of young spectators, carefully thought out and delivered in accordance with the world canons of the Baby theater. The kids are happy to follow the dynamically changing actions and with delight there are colorful characters - understandable and good, involving amazing events in the whirlpool, entertaining and teaching at the same time.

Involvement children

The one-year-old babies of nonsense in nature, and it would be a mistake to leave them only by observers, so they not only follow the occurrence on the stage, but also driven by professional actors, they are directly involved in the play itself: help the heroes perform interesting and fun tasks.

(for children from 10 months to 3.5 years) -

musical interactive performance for the smallest Spectators - will introduce the signs of autumn, tells about the kindness and mutual execution of fabulous forest inhabitants. The play is the music of the great composers in the execution of soloists of famous orchestras.

T. eatter for kids: look, participate, learn

To introduce a child with art, no need to wait when he will achieve older age. You can instill culture from the very early age, making it unobtrusively and in a game form. "Tim - Tilim" is the theater for the smallest spectators who are able to listen and imitate, perceive jokes and enjoy them, actively participate in the presentation and communicate with other children.

Our performances are always good, conquering evil! An interactive approach to the perception of entertainment material contributes to the fact that the child is involved from the first minutes of presentation. Little viewer, "rotten" in the plot, becomes a part of what is happening. The theater for kids helps them to feel yourself in the homely atmosphere. Even such simple attributes like the pads used during the performance instead of familiar chairs are facilitated.

Presentations for children from year

The repertoire for a small visitor is thought out with special care. Early children are so good "in the company" of forest animals. They will open a magical forest where every journey will bring new impressions and knowledge: they will play with fabulous friends, draw, sculpt and learn about the world that surrounds them. And all this is accompanied by live music, which adds the importance of our ideas for children from the year.

The age of small spectators

"Tim-Tilim" is one of the few theaters that can boast the age of his viewer. Our performances can visit the kids who have reached 10 months. They will be involved in the game, like their parents. The repertoire of performances for small designed by our specialists with great love and is designed for age from 10 months to 4 years.

If you decide to visit the theater for children from the year, then Tim - Tilim is waiting for you with impatience!

Plots of performances

A good fairy tale, or rather - useful, has its own nuances who were thought out by our specialists. The first fairy tales with a simple educational plot are ideal for the young viewer.

Good fairy invites children to draw, but paints are stolen! An exciting adventure will enjoy both young children and older babes. In the autumn forest, filled with magic and amazing music, the Datvora learns a good story, which will make the heroes and participate in a fairy tale. Equally, the exciting plot is waiting for kids on the eve of New Year holidays. Hurry to participate in an interesting adventure of snowflakes!

Theater for children 2 years has linear plots, which are ideal for perception, and also contribute to the development of imagination and speech. Agree, dear parents, sometimes it is so difficult to pay attention to all this, since there is not enough time and, often, skills. Tim-Tilim doors are always open to their inquisitive visitors. Our team will help in the development and upbringing of your baby using all the best that is in our hearts.

Toddles in the usual theater are difficult to stop in place. A dark hall, a deep chair, from where nothing can be seen, and your favorite characters high on stage - do not reach, do not talk ... How about the interactive theater? This where you can freely move around the hall, get acquainted with the characters of fairy tales, touch them and take an active part in what is happening. We compiled our list of interactive theaters for kids from 1 year to 3 years.

"First Theater"

Having studied the experience of foreign baby theaters and children's psychologists, the creators of the first theater came up with their own principle of performances for small spectators. There are no scenes and halls, the actors and small spectators together create a cozy and safe space of presentation and games where you can enable, crawl and run, and if you wish to look from the side. Scenes of the first theater short, capacious. Pretty plots are taken as the basis - the change of seasons and weather, the sea, the snow and others are "water", "first snow", "snail", "Nutcracker". Kids watch the phenomena of the surrounding world and participate in them. In the first theater there are puppet characters, they are realistic and taken from life, because for kids it is important to see something familiar. By the way, playing performances almost without words, because not all kids still understand speech. A pleasant surprise will be gifts to every viewer at the end of the performances. Wardrine glass, lantern-star or shell with sea song.

Age: from 10 months to 4 years
Price:from 1500 r. Adult + child
Addresses and other information

"Fanny Ball" house

This is a family chamber theater in bright and modern space, which is openly located near the playground in the garden them. Bauman. Almost every idea in the Fanny Bel's house allows children and parents to become its participants. At the heart of the performances of the plots of classical literature and unique ideas arising from the directors of the director's team. The auditorium is only designed for 50 people. During performances, live music and actors are played at the same level with the audience. The kids do not have to do the head to see the favorite characters on the stage. The play "Port", for example, will tell about the incredible adventures of white tiger in the Mediterranean port. There will be a busy port there, and giraffes-lifting cranes, and tricks with trees under living music. And in the play "Caterpillar", sitting on a soft green carpet of kids get acquainted and play with a friendly caterpillar. What is the secret of the transformation of a nondescript worm in one of the most beautiful creatures on the planet?

Age:from 2.5 years
Address:ul. Old Basmannaya, d. 15
Price:from 750 r.

"Together with my mother"

Together with mom is a team of organizers who every month create a unique poster of events for parents with children. Concerts of jazz and classical music, English lessons, excursions in Moscow Museums and children's interactive performances. On performances of the theater for kids, you can touch the heroes and talk to them, sitting on the floor or actively participate. In each performance, there is an opportunity for tactile impileity, for example, sand or water. Roles are performed by professional actors, and live music helps to dive into a fairy tale. The names of the ideas speak for themselves - "how the worms of spring saved", "as a parrot learned to be friends" and others.

Age: from 1 year to 4 years
Price: 1100 p. Adult + child, 2 adults + child 1400 and +300 p. Another adult or child
Ticket schedule and booking


This is not just a theater, but a whole program for the development of the kid. All performances are built into a unique line of development. The creation of performances take part directors, actors and children's psychologists. At the beginning of the puppet view (which lasts 30-40 minutes), the actors spend a fifteen-minute game so that the kids can be mastered. During the performance, too, there will be a lot of opportunities to raise with characters, answering questions, connecting to an interactive game and saving the main characters. The plots in the "functions" are familiar with almost every kid - "three pigs", "teremok", "gee-swans". Now they are good.

Age: From 1 year
Address: Chedrolova, d.14cp.3, Children's cinema "Salyut", ul. Earth shaft, d.27str.3, DC "Gaidarovets"
Price: 600 p.

"Live fairy tale"

Spectators who came to the performance, from Mala to Great, take an active part in what is happening. Professional actors Theater "Live Fairy Tale" try to convey the most kind and fair, accumulated centuries in folklore of different nations. Now in the repertoire, two fairy tales for kids are "three piglets", "Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka." And at the end of October, the theater team will show the kids two new performances "as a kitten Mama searched" and "Duckling Nikanor".

Age: from 2 to 9 years
Address: TRI RIO (2 km MKAD) 4 floor, shopping center Vegas (24th km μAD) -1 floor
Price: 600 p.

"Theater on the palm"

Babi Theater at the Moscow Theater of Dolls on Spartakovskaya shows 4 performances for the smallests based on different times of the year. Presents are 45 minutes. "Spring" children are allowed ships in a stream, "winter" snowflakes and ice floes, "in summer" play carrot shoes, and the mushrooms are collected in the forest "in the fall."

Age: from 1 year to 3 years
Address: Moscow Puppet Theater, Spartakovskaya Street, House 26/30
Price:800 r.
Poster and other information


In this interactive theater, children become the main participants in all ideas and help the heroes to unravel the most confusing stories. For the smallest in the repertoire there are performances of the "Bureau of Toys" (the audience fall into the toy workshop and, together with the wizard, they will repair all the broken toys), "Visiting the Wizard" (you have to split your favorite heroes), "paints" about how to reconcile between It is all colors. And many others. Children are sitting separately from adults, and at the end arrange the battle with pillows.
Age: from 2-3 years old

Address: ul. Earth shaft, d.33 TRK Atrium -1 floor
Price:from 600 r.

A unique contact theater for children in Moscow "Stalekin House" offers a wide repertoire, which includes children's performances for kids from 1 year. These are bright theatrical representations on the basis of Russian and foreign folk fairy tales, which are carried out in an interactive format and involve guys in a fabulous world, full of amazing adventures and magical wonders.

Do you know what is an interactive performance for children from 2 years? These are unusually bright and interesting musical scenes based on popular fairy tales and cheerful games with the participation of children, and their favorite fabulous heroes. What can be more exciting for kids, which is just 2-3 years old, than a convergent fairy tale!

Presentations for the little ones in Moscow

"Stalekin House" - the first Russian theater museum offering such an unusual contact format with viewers as interactive performances. For such a format, kid preferences are especially important - even if he is just 2 years old!

To choose an idea for a child up to 3 years will help our poster, telling about the theater week in the theater museum. Here you can not only find out which performances for kids in Moscow offers "Tajikin House" in the coming week, but also see brief descriptions of fabulous theater ideas for the smallest - to choose a performance that best meets the character and temperament of your baby.

Watch out for our poster: We constantly update the repertoire, offering young spectators new fascinating performances and acquaintance with new fabulous heroes!