Unusual names for boys. The most beautiful and rare names for boys

Unusual names for boys. The most beautiful and rare names for boys
Unusual names for boys. The most beautiful and rare names for boys

The birth of a boy in the family, the time of time is considered great joy, especially for the Father. The son carries his last name, continues, and a simple phrase "I had a son" already fills the pride of every dad. It is very important to choose the male name so that it is combined with the patronymic and the surname, sounded well in a diminutive version and did not particularly cut the rumor when children will begin to exchange smokers. And it is possible that the most appropriate version will tell you the heart when you first take your baby on your hands.

Russian names for boys

The name plays a very important role in the life of every person. And the Russian names are a rich history. Many names are preserved from ancient Russia to our time. Russian names are closely related to the history of our country, and each of them has their own meaning. Even in the chronicles of the XI century, you can find well familiar names: Oleg (Saint, Sacred), Igor (warful), Gleb (owning the world), Svyatoslav (sociable, friendly), Vladimir (obedient, tidy). These names are associated with the antiquity, the heroic and glorious campaigns of the Old Russian princes.

Do you know that the Russian name Ivan (pardoned by God) has a large number of analogues worldwide: John - in England, Johanes or Johann - in Germany, Jean - in France, Giovanni - in Italy, Yuhan - in Sweden, Jens - Denmark, Juan - in Spain, Yuhanna - in Arab countries. Perhaps the simple Russian name Vanya will become most suitable for your young traveler?

Orthodox names for boys

Previously, there were no questions about how to name the newborn. The name was chosen according to the sacnesses - a book, which is a complete list of the names of all saints, whom the Orthodox Church honors. Batyushka in the church offered parents several of the names of the saints, whose memory was honored on the birthday of the baby. Now the tradition of adventures across the sacnes is relevant. The Orthodox book has more than 1,500 names. We chose the most beautiful and rare today: Aristarh, Askold, Bogdan, Borislav, Vsevolod, Gerasim, Demyan, Efim, Zakhar, Ippolit, Kim, Lazar, Makar, Matvey, Nicodem, Ostap, Prokhor, Rodion, Seraphim, Trifon, Thomas, Hariton, Eraste, Yakov.

Modern names for boys

According to the statistics of the Moscow Government last year, Alexander, Mikhail, Ivan, Maxim, Artem, Daniel, Dmitry, Kirill, Andrei, were included in the top 10 popular men's names among newborns.

Also, young parents are increasingly preferred by unusual names that are becoming more and more massive: David, Mark.

Rare names for boys

According to the management of the registry office, a citizen under the name of Mercury appeared in Moscow in 2015. Unusually, isn't it? The owner of this name must certainly become a cosmonaut! The registry offices noted that the citizens in the choice of an unusual name are increasingly turning to the traditional Slavic and Greek options. For boys, the names of Makar, Miron, Savely and Arseny are often choosing.

Foreign names for boys

Fashion call children to a foreign manner does not lose its relevance. From time to time you can hear mom, which calls His Matthew, Edgar, Richard, Adam, Benjamin, Michael or Harry. Despite the fact that many Russian names are considered a kind of international (Ivan - John, Stepan - Steve), should not be guided by a fantasy alone or call your son in honor of the popular film actor. Think about whether the name of the patronymic and family name will be fit. It is worth remembering that a competent approach to the choice of name for the boy will develop strong male qualities in the child.

Selection of the Year of the Year

Astrologers argue that the time of year is able to play a role in the formation of the character of the heir. You can explore the main features of the character that inherent in different months of the year so that you are easier to decide on the name.

The boys born in winter possess an inflexible character. With such a man, you can not be afraid of problems and attacks of fate. They achieve their goals and do not stop before difficulties. Winter names - Gregory, Valery, Daniel, Efim, Sergey, Timofey.

Spring guys in character are vulnerable, indecisive and shivering. An important role in the cultivation of character can play a name. Among the born in the spring, many gifted people who easily give accurate science. To activate the best of their qualities, name the child Tikhon, Felix, Yaroslav, German or Konstantin.

Born in summer - optimists in life. Regnant and energetic in childhood, they will remain a soul of the company and in older age. They also have a kindness inherent in relation to all surrounding and to the brothers to our smaller. A good names of the name for such children will be Arkady, Nikita, Roman, Ruslan, Eduard, Dmitry, Bogdan, Svyatoslav.

The mind, intelligence and wisdom - the characteristics of the autumn guys. They are careful, cautious, do not like to take hasty decisions. In the conscious age, they will become tearing and will not be scattered with money to the right and left. The boys born in the fall, the following names are suitable: Paul, Rodion, Yuri, Victor, Gleb, Matvey, Igor.

The time of time, in the territories of our country, knew that the person's name had secret, sacred meaning. In ancient times, Rusi believed that the blind child was determined by his life path. Therefore, in each name, a certain meaning was investing, which has a direct impact on its further fate. In this article, we will look at beautiful Russian and Slavic male nameswith their detailed description. And we can determine what name is suitable for your kid most.

Men's names for the child Popular in 2019 by months

To help for future mothers, we have prepared namelists for boys,
Based on information from the church calendar.


Gregory, Lev, Andrei, Roman, Arseny, Stepan, Vladislav, Nikita, Gleb, Mark, David, Yaroslav, Evgeny, Matvey, Fedor, Nikolay.


Alexey, Andrei, Artemy, Victor, Nikita, Daniel, Denis, Egor, Igor, Leon, Leonid, Paul, Peter, Roman, Ruslan, Sergey, Semyon, Timofey, Timur.


Stepan, Vladimir, Timofey, Yaroslav, Pavel, Egor, Sergey, Vladislav, Fedor, Konstantin, Maxim, Artyom, Nikita.


Yuri, Plato, Denis, Yaroslav, Miron, Vasily, Lev, Stepan, Eugene, Savely, David, Grigory, Timur.

Kirill, Victor, Fedor, Bogdan, Konstantin, Adam, Leonid, Roman, Pavel, Artemy, Peter, Alexey, Miron, Vladimir.


Nikolay, Ruslan, Alexey, Yuri, Yaroslav, Semen, Eugene, Oleg, Arthur, Peter, Stepan, Ilya, Vyacheslav, Sergey, Vasily.


Stepa, Fedor, Stas, Vyacheslav, Georgy, Anton, Boris, Zakhar, Arseny, Victor, Rodion, Svyatoslav, Igor, Gordes.


Yuri, Miroslav, Luka, Egor, Igor, Gleb, Kolya, David, Leon, Zhenya, Vasya, Miron, Savely, Oleg, Daniel, Savva, Denis, Svyatoslav.


Roma, Kirill, Nikolay, Artyom, Kostya, Vladimir, Stepa, Vyacheslav, Denis, Pasha, Victor, Mikhail, Andrei, Vadim, Anatoly.


Ilya, Stepa, Fedor, Georg, Semen, Oleg, Lev, Demyan, Anton, Vladislav, Artem, Elisha, Radik, Boria, Stas.


Mark, Vlad, Yang, Pasha, Vitya, Leonid, Vasya, Ignat, Yura, Peter, Anatoly, Valera, Eric, Marat, Miron, Vitya, Anatoly.


Roman, Nika, Plato, Serge, Timur, Zhenya, Semen, Anatoly, Oleg, Adam, Igor, Phil, Arthur, Marseille, Valera, Yang, Nazar, Leon.

Modern male names

Fashion spreads its influence on all spheres of human life. Even choosing the name to children, we are guided by its trends. On the one hand, it limits the allowable names. And on the other hand, the desire to name the child is rare and beautiful name.

List popular male namesfor 2019:

  • Alexander -defender, protecting husband.Brave, energetic, confident young man. Easily finds yourself friends and buddies for interest. Reaches any goals. Excellent leader with good intuition. A sense has been developed for a long time.
  • Andrewcourageous, brave, man. The soul of the company, quickly gets along with the surrounding people. Hardworking and purposeful guy. Very kind, adheres to generally accepted moral values \u200b\u200band traditions. May occupy senior positions. Cheerful and cheerful, appreciates family and loved ones.
  • Alexei -guarding, defender.Active, energetic, with fine intuition. Man is a strong spirit. I am confident in my success and goes to a victorious end. Resistant in any situation, finds a way out of the established difficulties. Well adapted to life, but does not like global change. The faithful husband and caring father.
  • Vladimir -owning the world.Obedient, tidy, smart boy. She strives for constant self-education. Leader in nature. In humans appreciates dedication and loyalty. May be a rare intellectual, capable manager. His reputation is important to him. Thoughtful family man.
  • Victor -winner.Adventure, loves adventure. Developed sense of debt. Dead and patient in work. Wins others with the help of factories and patience. Good, but demanding father. It helps the spouse in everything.
  • Vadim -case with attractiveness.Not malicious, disposal, does not remember the offense. Applies maximum effort in all the cases started. Straightline, tells the truth in the eye. Do not shy your desires. Template for commerce. Below the family, but turns her late.
  • Denis -owned by Dionysus, merry.Very movable, curious, easily learned, quickly remembers information. Principled, but does not impose his opinion around. Favorites of society. The companion in life chooses the likeness of his views and interests.
  • Evgeny -noble, with good genes.Great vanity, everywhere shows a seammer. Prefers to find compromises in a peaceful way. Sophisticable, notes even the smallest details. Disassembled in the technique, is fond of logical tasks. Approximate spouse and otmnaya dad.
  • Konstantin -resistant, permanent, flint.Patient, balanced, capable of a serious deed. Conscientious and decent worker. It delicately feels great, sees the work of art in his own way. Appreciates loved ones.
  • Kirill -vladyka, Mr. Inquisitive absolutely in everything. The smart, he has a strong will. Analytical mindset, analyzes every effect. She strives to rule. There is a tendency to entrepreneurship. Does not pay attention to the opinion of others when choosing life aspirations.
  • Maxim -the greatest, reaching heights.Noble, achieves a lot in life. Energetic, proud and very cool guy. An extraordinary and outstanding personality. Well manipulates people, a psychologist with developed intuition and fantasy. Faithful husband and father.
  • Mark -hammer, marquis.Smiling, polite, capable of self-sacrifice. Makes an excellent career. Few people completely opens, it is difficult for him to express feelings. His companion must be in the whole reliable assistant and rear.
  • Roman -roman, from Rome.Movable and flexible, witty pioneer. Pronounced abilities for art. He loves freedom, both in thoughts and actions. True to his ideas and principles. Embodies their desires.
  • Ruslan -light, with blond hair.Emotional, brave, relaxed, confident. Very purposeful, goes on a lot for his desires. She strives for fame. Popular in his company. He loves his children.
  • Sergey -notable, high, servant of God.Very sociable and charming, open to everyone and everyone, Dobryak. Creative, cunning and smart, develops its talents. Can find a solution to any problem. Cares about his wife, an approximate family man.
  • Stanislav - I became a glorious, who established glory.Good, but quick-tempered nature. Movable and energetic, prone to leadership. Generous, unpretentious, but emotional man. Witty and funny friend.
  • Timur -strong, iron, steel.It has undoubted hardness of character. Persistent and purposeful, realizes its desires and dreams. Loves travel and adventure. He reads a lot and engaged in sports. Patient and good-natured dad and spouse.
  • Yuri -high, high place.Calm, balanced, concentrated, thoughtful and intellectual young man. Volga personality, with a large share of Harizma. Finds faithful friends. House owner loves comfort and order. It is considered with the opinion of loved ones.
  • Yang - God's mercy.Educated, intelligent, conservative, sober mind. Guided by logic. Persistent and resistant, gets desired under any circumstances. Itself makes all the decisions. Hospitable, beautiful owner of the house. Rarely manifests tenderness, but immensely loves the family.

Russian men's names

The main part of our namesal was formed after the arrival of the Christian faith on Russia. Now, these names are very common and familiar to our hearing. However, most of them are Greek, Latin, Germanic, Syrian and Slavic origin.

List and description russian men's names:

  • Anatoly -eastern, sunrise, dawn.Calm, quiet, balanced, who knows his way. He loves to fantasize, instracted, read books. Sensitive and attracting with his bright personality. Enjoy authority at work. Fair, does not allow offense. He needs a patient woman.
  • Anton -anti-confrontation.Active, with flexible mind and fine intuition. Reliable comrade and friend. Deep-minded, can arrange to himself. Talent in the field of medicine. Marries late.
  • Boris -prominent, strong, wrestler.Overcomes all obstacles and difficulties. Prefers to communicate with talented people. Emboss to leaders. Does not tolerate outsiders in the family affairs. Thoughtful family man.
  • Basil -royal, king.Patient and balanced guy. Endowed with intelligence, sociable, at the same time solves several cases. Open, never gets out of myself. Impeccable moral behavior. Tied to the family, readily spends time with them.
  • Vitaly -vissal, giving life.Solid character, with pronounced leadership qualities. It always finds an interesting occupation. Hardworking, a specialist in the selected area. Keeps harmony and warmth in relations in any way. It goes on concessions relatives.
  • Gregory -witched, not sleeping.Friend, inquisitive, energetic young man. Polite, sensitive, tactful, cares about others. He likes applied sciences. Reads a lot. Reliable in marriage.
  • Dmitriy -dedicated to the goddess dimension.Good, active, volitional man. Devotee friend and comrade. Template for technical sciences. Makes a good career. In cases relies on logic. Galanten with girls.
  • Egor -agriculture.Practical and business young man. Hardworking, diligent, keeps the order in all endeavors. Does not tolerate deception, himself is genuine with other people. Pronounced leadership qualities. Looking for a decent and good-natured girl.
  • Ivan -pardoned by God.Active and volitional, distinguished by enviable rapid response. Amazes surrounding its extraordination, choleric. Very hardy, calmly and persistently goes on his way. Versatile nature, supporter of preservation of customs. Does not tolerate compromises, highly agreed, devoted to the family.
  • Ilya -believer, my God is the Lord.Artistic, ironic, multigl. The company is cheerful and sociable, kind and not conflict, easily makes friends. Thin intuition helps to make the right solutions. Looking for a woman close in spirit.
  • Mikhail -equal, similar to God.Beautiful, gentle and smart guy. It developed a sense of excellent, well versed in art. Trying to live in harmony with the outside world. Beautiful, generous and hospitable friend. He needs the second half.
  • Nikita -winner.Cheerful and stubborn, implements its fantasies in creativity. Curious and charming, he is always called visit. Loves to travel, can radically change the place of residence. Will be happy if the wife is similar to him in nature.
  • Nikolai -winner of peoples.Hidden, striving for movement, despite the obstacles. Analyzes all the events. Clean and smart, reaches heights in a career. He needs a sensual and soft wife.
  • Oleg -lucky, clear, holy.Devotee friend and comrade. Oleg always has its own opinion. Does not change its principles. A sharp mind and a tendency to accurate sciences make it successful in his career. Concentration, accuracy, sequence - its features. Attentive and home owner.
  • Peter -solid, reliable, stone, rock.Manly, independent, temperamental and generous young man. Performs your desires with the help of unshakable will. Good worker. He loves beauty, kindness, honesty, cleanliness and sincerity in every person. From the spouse is waiting for devotion and understanding.
  • Semen -God heard. Soft, merciful, generous, women dream of him. Thoughtful father and spouse, attentive son. Reliable and devoted comrade. Smart and volitional, beautiful worker. Able to hidden manipulate people. Appreciates the work of others.
  • Stepan -wreath, crown.Differs in observation. Cheerful, sociable, not conflicting, having to himself. Strong and outstanding personality. Practical mind warehouse and excellent memory. Harmony in the family will be with a girlfriend of a calm gear.

Slavic male names

Our ancestors, choosing the name of the child were guided by a specific algorithm. It was founded on the most ancient knowledge of the universe, nature and human origin. Unfortunately, only the graves of this information reached us. Today, we know the definition of some rare and beautiful Slavic names for boys.

List slavic male names Described:

  • Belogor -elevated, high spirit, sacred mountain.A pronounced need for dominance. Winner in any dispute, a dangerous competitor. It always strives to be "above, stronger, faster" others. Reaches the goals, works on the result. A devotee.
  • Vladislav -good ruler owning glory.Smart and attentive, capable of solving all the tasks and problems. Volve, solid and bold character. It has a sense of self-esteem, not afraid of truth. Successful, thoughtful, leader. Attentive to his woman and descendants.
  • Vsevolod -owner who owns the situation.Poor, but possessing a gift of conviction. Curious, knows how to avoid unpleasant situations. Manly, defender and support for loved ones. Looking for peace and comfort in the house, will honor the woman organizing him. Appreciates relatives and comfort in communicating with them.
  • Vyacheslav -more glorious, looking for glory.Need approval, he always needs to be the center of attention. Developed leadership qualities, a dangerous opponent. Painstaking and hardworking, seeks to be first. Gifted by many talents. Adores children.
  • Darislav -dominant, with a gift of glory.Charming, charming, friendly, will find a common language with any person. Polon energy, enthusiasm and desires. Interested in accurate sciences and modern technologies. Looking for understanding and sincerity in its half.
  • Dobrynya -reel, kind, kindness itself. Emotional and very inquisitive, knows how to do several cases at once. He has a strong spirit and will to victory. Reaches the goals. He has many friends, surrounded by a noisy company. He needs a calm and balanced woman.
  • Zlatozar -accessive eye with clear eyes. Movable, intellectual, walking on its path. Endowed with a gift foreseen, sensitive intuition. Developed logical thinking. The leader in nature occupies a high position in society. For the sake of beloved and children are ready for everything.
  • Miloslav -good, glorious, loved to everyone.Observant, discreet, cautious guy. The first place in his life occupy high moral values. Romantic nature. Very attached to the family.
  • Mstislav -able to take revenge, nice defender.Ambitious, seeks to be in all the first and better than others. Persistent, stubborn, hardy, reaches its goals. Does not tolerate monotony, it works on itself. His spouse will feel in complete safety. Tied to relatives.
  • Miroslav -planned peaceful.Always calm, smiling and friendly young man. But does not tolerate when he imposes someone else's opinion. Troubled and stubborn, can become an athlete. At the same time, a creative person, with many ideas and ideas, rich imagination. Faithful husband and father.
  • Ratibor -fearless fighter, strong warrior. A multifaceted personality, with great interest in everything unknown in the universe. Handyman. He loves to travel to long-range edges, make a wood and metal, to invent something new. Appreciates your home. Respets native people.
  • Svyatoslav -light, sacred greatness.Calm, balanced, keeping an excerpt in any situation. Friendly and sociable, soul of the company. Ambitious, adventurer, looking for adventures. Workable and hardworking young man. Thoughtful dad and attentive husband.
  • Svetosar -illuminating light.Sincere, decent, pleasant in all respects. Loves of fate and environment. Principal, stubborn, with high moral principles. Adherent traditional values. Reliable family man.
  • Yaroslav -bright, nice vital power. An independent, energetic and movable, seeks to be the best in everything. Strong leadership qualities, leads the crowd. Confidently moves to the intended goals. Wife and children for him always in the first place

Our names are very diverse, sometimes it is difficult to decide on the choice of name for your baby. Do not forget that it should be combined with patronymic and be comfortable for a child in the future. To not guess, choose the name with a soul and heart.

Write in the comments how you want to call your child)

For most of us it is no secret that the name of the child to some extent determines its character and future fate. Rare and beautiful and their meaning They gain increasingly popular among modern parents. The range of such names is very wide and most importantly, when it is selected, do not rearrange. It is very important not to forget about the consonance of the name named. For example, with a typical Russian surname of Ivanov somehow awkwardly will look at the name of Jonaton. This moment should not be ignored, because in orphanage the baby can tolerate regular ridicule on the part of their peers.

The names for boys are rare and beautiful by months:

Traditionally, many parents try to call their son in any way orthodox nameAnd in recent years, fashion is returned to old names. The list of such names is very large. If you pick it up month Birth, then you can tie it with the name days. Let's see in more detail what the names are suitable every month, and learn their meaning.


In January, people give rise to people who are characterized by difficulties in making complex decisions. And at the same time, they very rarely resort to the help of outsiders, and all their problems are trying to solve themselves. Most often they live their lives, but nevertheless they can remain loyal comrades . Names for boys rare and beautifulborn in January:

  • Ignat - tranquil and peace-loving boys grow under this name.
  • Emelyan is the name of Orthodox and Ancient Greek origin. It is characterized by calm, equilibrium and businesslikeness.
  • Makar - happy.

If you plan to call your son in any way short name, It is worth staying on:

  • Mark is a Russian name that is translated as a "hammer".
  • Adam is the name of Jewish origin, in translation denotes "man".


The February boys are customary to call "rain people", due to their extraordinary tenderness and sensitivity. They are very wounded, but at the same time are the best advisers and parents. They are easily given a job that requires increased perfection and accuracy. The most popular modern names For boys born in February, are:

  • Daniel is a name that in translation denotes the "court of God".
  • Nikanor is a Greek name that in translation denotes "Seeing victory."
  • Kirill - "Little Mr.".
  • Hippolyte is men who are distinguished by love for their native home and a special attachment to it.
  • Savva - old man.


In March, rainbow people are born, which are endowed with definite optimity. A unique sense of humor helps them always stay a soul company. In cases of defeat, they never give up, this is the opposite pushes them to the next new actions. Most Popular orthodox names For boys born in March:

  • Lion - conscientious;
  • Archka - boss over horses;
  • Fedor - God's gift;
  • Nikifor - victorious;
  • Timofey - Honor of God;
  • Eugene - noble;
  • Alexander - Defender;
  • Taras - with Greek "bring to confusion."


April boys very often compare with the wind. They are characterized by energy, dynamism, they are not delayed for a long time in one place. To meet your needs, they need regular changes. But this in no way speaks of their windiness in relationships. They, on the contrary, can surprise their devotion and loyalty. The most beautiful Russiansnames for boys born in April:

  • Lazar - Help of God;
  • George - landpashets;
  • Rodion - Rose or Rosehip;
  • Maxim - the greatest;
  • Terenthy - driving;
  • Kondrat - Square;
  • Nikita - victorious.


May boys characterize the word "dawn". They feel great in a big company. And thanks to its optimism and energy, even the most intense relationship can be smoothed. They cannot be called carefree, since if necessary, they take completely all responsibility for themselves. For May boys fit a lot short names, among which:

  • Kuzma - the organizer of the world;
  • Mark - hammer;
  • Arsen - courageous;
  • Makar - happy;
  • Bogdan - God's God;
  • Gleb - the favorite of the gods;
  • Denis - God of vitality.


In June, those boys who are always born in life will be accompanied by luck. They easily find an approach to the opposite sex and enjoy authority among staff. In addition, the Jun boys are characterized by excellent health. Sometimes they can manifest themselves, but in most cases it is caused by a permanent movement to the unexplored. Great popularity enjoy modern names:

  • Elisha - saved by God;
  • Timofey - Honor of God;
  • Savva - old man;
  • Mstislav - Nice Avenger;
  • Manuel - definition of God;
  • Makar - happy;
  • Severin is strict, serious.


The boys who were born in July are distinguished by leadership qualities. They are characterized by organizationalness and confident desire for the goal. They quickly and clearly make decisions, and never regret them. Relax can only if there are alone with them. Names for July boys rare and beautiful:

  • Leonthy - Lionin;
  • Gleb - the favorite of the gods;
  • Julian - wavy, fluffy;
  • Hermann is the only beggar German;
  • Kuzma - the organizer of the world;
  • Emelyan - affectionate, friendly;
  • Cyril is a small lord.


August boys enjoy special confidence. If you told them our most intimate secrets, you can be 100% confident in its preservation. They do not share even with their best comrade. For boys born in August, the principle and most of these principles are not disturbed. At the same time, they almost always retain their loyalty and constancy . The most beautiful Orthodox names For August boys:

  • Cornelius - Kizyl berry;
  • Davyd - Favorite;
  • Yermolai - the government;
  • Elizar - God's help;
  • Leonid is a similar lion;
  • Maximilian is the greatest;
  • Lavrenty - laurels crowned.


Boys who appeared in September, are distinguished by their mobility. Often are the "soul of the company", with them is never boring. Literally in minutes come up with ideas that help brighten up leisure. Not prone to conflict and too trusting. September boys can be called the following rare russian Names:

  • Samuel - heard by God;
  • Andrian - strong, brave;
  • Bogdan - God's God;
  • Zakhar - God's memory;
  • Theodosius is God given;
  • Herman is the only beggar Germany.


Boys who are born in October are often associated with a stone. They can easily be azart and strive to experience everything, with which they are faced in life. Always all things bring to logical completion. You will never see these people bored. Most Popular orthodox names For October boys.

Immediately after the future mother finds out the sex of the child, the question arises of how named it to call. The choice of male names is unreasonable, each has its own charm. But how to guess what the future boy is suitable?

Many women still know the names that their children will be called. However, such a choice is considered not entirely true - after all, at the time of choosing the name, the baby has not yet existed and did not participate. Now, when he is in his belly at Mom, he feels all her feelings, knows all thoughts, he has the right to take part in the choice of name, which he will have to wear a lifetime. But it is known that every name has its own value, and it affects the life of the future child. An alien name, like someone else's dress, will not suit the baby and make him suffer all his life.

How to choose a name for a boy

So you only need to choose a name together. The easiest and most pleasant option will be the following: the future mother sits more comfortable, pulls out the entire list of men's names that she likes, and begins to read it leisurely and pick up. The baby will definitely inform if somehow he likes it. Message Mom will go in the form of a push. Which name will be a push, then you can choose.

If, from the first attempt, I could not interest the baby, you can expand the list and continue to read it. If the boy will persist and dismiss, it will be possible to choose after it is birth. Sometimes mom grabs one glance to understand who lies in front of it.

The list contains the most beautiful male names. Perhaps among them there is both what your boy will wear.

Avangard (new) - unpredictable
Avddy / Avdii (old.) - ...
Averky (old.) - ...
Avksente (Star.) - Alien "Xenos"
Auror / Aurry (new) - Son of the morning dawn
Agei / Agga (Star.) - ...
Adam (Star.) - "From Red Clay"
Adolf (new) - "Noble Wolf"
Adonis (Star.) - Vladyka
Akim (nar. From old. Ioakim) - ...
Alan / Allan (new) - ...
Alevutin (new) - alien bad
Alexander (old.) - People's defender
Alexey (Star.) - Defender
Albert (new) - wise
Alvin (old.) - ...
Alfred (new) - good adviser
Anania (old.) - ...
Anastasius (Star.) - Risen
Anatoly (old.) - Eastern
Andrei (Star.) - Man and Defender
Andrian / Andreyan (Nar. From Adrian) - ...
Andron (Nar. From Andronic) - ...
Anis / Anisions (old.) - Sweet smelling
Antip (old.) - ...
Anton / Anthony (Star.) - Entering
Antonin (old.) - Good
Antoine (new) - Anneasual reading of Anton
Apollo (Star.) - Sun God
Arvid (new) - ...
Argent (new) - from Franz. Argent - Silver
Aria (old.) - ...
Aristarkh (Star.) - Chapter of the Best
Arkady (old.) - Shepherd or "A resident of Arcadia"
Arlen (new) - ...
Arnold (new) - the first
Arsen (new) - courageous
Arseny (old.) - Mougly
Artyom / Artemy (old.) - Credit
Arthur (new) - big as a bear
Archka (old.) - ...
Askold (Dr.-Rus.) - ...
Atheist (new) - not believing
Athanasius (old.) - Immortal
Athenogen (old.) - ...
Ahmat / Ahmet (new) - ...

Bagrat (new) - ...
Bazhen (Dr.-Rus.) - Holy
Bayan (nar. From old. Baian) - ...
Benedict (old.) - Blessed
Bogdan (Slav.) - This God
Boolslav (Glory) - famous in battle
Boleslav (Glory) - more glorious
Borimir (Glory) - fighting for peace
Boris (old.) - "Woolesh"
Borislav (Slav.) - Fighting for Glory
Boyan (Glory) - ...
Bronislav (Glory.) - Nice Defender
Bruno (new) - ...
Budimir (Dr.-Rus.) - Peace-loving
Bulat (new) - "strong"

Vadim (old.) - Singing Trouble
Valentine (old.) - Healthy
Valery (old.) - Strong
Valerian / Valerian (old.) - ...
Walter (new) - managing people
Varlam / Varlaam (Star.) - ...
Varlen (new) - ...
Bartholomew (Star.) - ...
Vasily (old.) - Tsarsky
Vasilko (Nar. From Vasily) - Tsarevich
Vakhtang (new) - ...
Velimir (Glory) - Lord of the World
Velislav (Glory) - Malcked
Velor / Veliy (new) - wealthy
Veniamin (old.) - Ancient Russia. "Jr"
Vincent (Star.) - ...
Victor (Star.) - Winner
Vilen (new) - a reduction from V.I. Lenin
Willy (new) - ...
Vilor / Vilory (new) - ...
Wilorg (new) - ...
William (new) - ...
Vintage (new) - ...
Vissarion (Star.) - Forest man
Vitaly (Star.) - Life
Witold (Glory) - Forest Relief
Vlad (Slav.) - Welfing
Owned (new) - ...
Vladimir (Star., Glory) - owning the world
Vladislav (Star., Slave.) - owning glory
Vlas / Mills (Star.) - ...
Warrior (Dr.-Rus.) - "Warrior"
Wistoislav (Slav.) - "Milk in War"
Volodar (Staroslav.) - "Vladyka"
Voldemar / Waldemar (new) - the famous rulers
Volmir / Volvevey (Slav.) - Lord of the World
Tungsten (new) - ...
Vsevolod (old., Dr.-Rus.) - The Lord of the Nature
Vyacheslav (old., Slave.) - Not once famous

Gabrielle / Gabriel (new) - ...
Gabriel / Gavril / Gaburlo / Gavril (Star.) - Divine Warrior
Gaidar (new) - ...
Galaktion (Star.) - Star
Gary (new) - ...
Garald / Harold (new) - ...
Garibaldi (new) - ...
Harry / Garry (new) - tolerant
Gaspar / Kaspar (new) - ...
Hector (new) - ...
Helian / helium (new) - Sunny
Genius (new) - "Genius"
Gennady (Star.) - Rooded
Heinrich / Henry (new) - ...
George (old.) - agriculture
Gerald / Gerold (new) - ...
Gerasim (old.) - ...
Herman (old) - native
Hermogen (old.) - ...
Gerontians / Geront (Star.) - ...
Gertrud (new) - work hero
Gleb (old, Dr.-Rusk.) - Big, high
Horace (new) - ...
Gordes / Gordies (Glory.) - Proud
Gorimir (Slav.) - "Light World"
Gorislav (Glory) - "Light Glory"
Granite (new) - "Solid"
Gregory (old.) - Do not sleep
Guriy (old.) - ...

Davyd / David (old.) - Favorite
Damir (new) - Peaceful
Dan (Star.) - God of the Moon
Daniel / Danila / Danilo / Danil (Star.) - "God's court"
Dar (new) - "Dar"
December (new) - Winter
Dementi (Nar. From Star. Doodies) - ...
Demyan (Nar. From Star. Damian) - ...
Denis (nar. From old
Dionysius) - God of the Life Forces of Nature
Gerald (new) - other reading of Garald
Joseph (new) - other reading Joseph, Joseph, Osip
John (new) - other reading of Ivan
Didim (old.) - ...
Dean (new) - ...
Dionysius / Dionysis (old.) - God of vegetation
Dmitry / Dimitri (Star.) - God fertility
Donalt (Star.) - The Lord of the World
Donat (old) - strong

Eugene (old.) - Noble
Evgraph (old.) - ...
Evdokim (old.) - Well-glured
Evlampius (old.) - ...
Essay (Nar. From Eusevius) - ...
Eustafium (old.) - ...
Egor (nar. From Georgy, Highness) - agriculture
Elizar / Elyazar (old.) - ...
Emelyan (nar. From old. Emilian) - ...
Eremeye (Nar. From Star. Yermia, Ermey, Jeremiah) - ...
Ermak (nar. From Ermolai) - ...
Yermolai (old.) - ...
Erofey (old.) - ...
Erulan (Dr.-Rus.) - "Leo"
Efim (old.) - Pious
Ephraim (old.) - ...

Waiting (Dr.-Rus) - waiting

Zakhar (old.) - "Lady Memory"
Zinovy \u200b\u200b(Star.) - Zevov Power
Zorii (new) - Morning
Zosim / Zosima (old.) - ...
Tar (nar. From old. Zotik) - ...

Ibrahim (new) - other reading Abram, Abraham, Avrome
Ivan (Nar. From John) - "God's gift"
Igor (Star., Dr.-Rus.) - Defender of God
Jerome (old.) - ...
Izmail / Izmailo (nar. From Star. Ismail) - ...
Ikar (new) - fallen in the sea
ILARIA / Ilar (Star.) - Cheerful
I orodor (old.) - ...
Illarion / Hilarion (old.) - Joyful
Ilya (old.) - The power of God
Innokenty (old.) - Innocent
John (old.) - "God's gift"
Joseph (old.) - Most
IPPOLIT (old.) - straightening horses
Irakli (old.) - ...
IRM (new) - ...
Isai / Isaiah (old.) - ...
ISE (nar. From old. Iessey) - ...
July (new) - Summer

Casimir (Glory) - announcing the world
Kalina / Kalin (nar. From old. Callinik) - ...
Karl (new) - brave
Karm / Karmiy (new) - ...
Kaspar / Gaspar (new) - ...
Kasyan (nar. From old. Cassian) - empty
Kim (new) is the communist international world.
Cyprian (old.) - Native of Cyprus or Copper
Cyril (Star.) - Vladyka
Claudius (old.) - Chrome or from the genus Claudiyev
Clement (old.) - gracious
Climeti / Clementy (Nar. From Clement) - Meek
Colombius (new) - "Pigeon"
Kondrati / Kondrat (old.) - ...
Konon (old.) - ...
Konstantin (Star.) - Resistant and Permanent
Roots (nar. From old roots) - ...
Krasnoslav (new) - beautifully glorified
Christoph (New) - from Christophore / Christopher - Carrying Christfor
Kuzma / Kozma (Nar. From Star. Kosma) - Decorated
Kupriyan (Nar. From Cyprus) - a native of Cyprus or Copper
Curie (new) - ...

LAVR (old.) - Famous
Lavrenty (Star.) - Laurels
Lazar (old.) - "God's help"
Larion (Nar. From Hilarion) - joyful
Lion (old.) - "Lion"
Lel (Dr.-Rus.) - ...
Lenar (new) - ...
Leon (new) - "Leo"
Leonard (new) - strong
Leonid (old.) - Son of Lion
Leontius (old.) - Lion
Leopold (new) - ...
Liebert (new) - free
Livadiy (new)
Lionel (new) - ...
ENT (new) - ...
Lorence (new) - ...
Lojangrin (new) - ...
Luka (old.) - "Happiness"
Lukyan / Lucian (old.) - Happy
Love (Dr.-Rus.) - Handsome
Lubomir (Glory.) - Loves of the World
Ludwig (new) - ...
Luxene / Lucian (new) - light

Mauritius (old.) - Black
Maeslav / Maeslav (new) - famous in May
Makar / Makariya (old.) - Happy
Max (new) - Music
Maxim (old) - Music
Maximilian / Maximilian (old.) - Music
Manfred (new) - ...
Marat (new) - ...
Marian / Marian (Star.) - ...
Mark (Star.) - People's patron
Markel (old.) - ...
Marlene (New) - Marx Lenin
Mars (new) - "God of war"
Martyn / Martin (Star.) - Military
Matvey (old.) - God's man
Mercury (old) - "God cattle breeding"
Monslav / Mechezlav (Glory) - marked by glory
Milen (Glory) - ...
Meliya (old.) - Cute
Millug (Slav.) - Cute
Miloslav (Glory) - Glory Mila
Miron (old.) - Good
Miroslav (Glory) - Winner
Mikhail / Mikhailo (old) - equal to God
Moses (old.) - Extracted from water
Monolith (new) - unshakable
Mstislav (old., Glory) - defender of glory
Murat (new) - ...
Myd (new) - ...

Nazar / Nazarie (old) - dedicated to God
Nazim (new) - ...
Nathan (old.) - Given
Naum (old.) - Consolation
Neon (old.) - Shining
Neonyl (old.) - principal
Nestor / Nester (old.) - Returning to his homeland
Nikandra (Star.) - Winner of Men
Nikita (Star.) - Winner
Nikifor (Star.) - Carrying victory
Nicodemus (old.) - ...
Nikolai / Nikola (old.) - Winner of peoples
Nison (old.) - Calm
Neil (old.) - ...
Ninel / Ninel (new) - ...
Novomir (new) - "New World"
Noah (old.) - ...
Nord (new) - North (n)

Oxar (new) - ...
Octavian (old.) - (Roman) - eighth
Oleg (Star., Dr.-Rus.) - Holy
Oliver (new) - ...
Omar (new) - ...
Onysim / Anisim (old.) - ...
Orest (Star.) - Dick
Osip (Nar. From Joseph) - multiplied
Oscar (old.) - "God's spear"
Ostap (nar. From Eustafium) - ...
Ostrichir (Dr.-Rus.) - ...

Paul (old) - small
Pantelemon / Pantels (Star.)
Panfil (old.) - Loving all
Pat (old.) - ...
Peresvet (Dr.-Rus.) - Light
Peter (old.) - "Rock" or "Stone"
Pimen (old) - ...
Plato (Star.) - Widewiering
Potap (nar. From old. Patapia) - ...
Proor (Slav.) - ...
Prophyus / Prokokiy (old.) - ...
Prokhor (old.) - Head of Choir

Radii (new) - "Radi"
Radims (Slav.) - Native
Radislav (Glory) - Glad Glory
Radomir (Glory) - Rad to the world
Raul (new) - ...
Rafael (new) - ...
Rashid (new) - ...
Revir (new) - revolutionary world
Renat / Rinat (new) - ...
Reed (new) - ...
Richard / Richard (new) - ...
ROALD (new) - ...
Robert (new) - ...
Rodion (Star.) - A resident of Rhodes
Rozhero (new) - ...
Roland / Roland (new) - ...
Roman (old.) - A resident of Rome
Romain (new) - ...
Rostislav (Glory) - growing for glory
Ruben (new) - red
Rudolph (new) - red wolf
Ruslan (new) - "Lion"
Rousseau (new) - ...
Rustam (new) - ...
Rustem (new) - ...

Savva / Sava (old) - desired
Savely (Star.) - Desired
Light (new) - "Light"
Svetlan (Slav.) - Light
Svetoslav (Glory) - "Glory of Light"
Svyatogor (Dr.-Rus.) - "Holy Mountain"
Svyatoslav (Glory) - "Slava Saint"
Severin (Star.) - Cold
Nighborne / Severian (old.) - Northern
Semyon (nar. From Star. Simeon) - heard by God in prayer
Serapion (old.) - ...
Sergey (old.) - High
Sigismund (new) - ...
Sidor (nar. From old. Isidore) - ...
Sylvest (old.) - ...
Simon (old.) - ...
Glory (new) - nice
Socrates (old.) - ...
Solomon (old.) - ...
Sophon (old.) - ...
Spartak (new) - ...
Steel / Stal (New) - Solid
Stanislav (Glory) - will be glorious
Stepan / Stephen (old.) - "Wreath"
Straton (Nar. From Stratonik) - ...

Tair (new) - ...
Taras (old.) - Restless
Teimuraz (new) - analogue Timur
Theodore (Star.) - This God, analogue Fedor
Terenty (old.) - ...
Tigran (new) - "Tiger"
Timofey (old.) - Honor of God
Timur (new) - good
Tikhomir (Glory) - Quiet and peaceful
Tikhon (old.) - Happy
Thorium (new) - ...
Tristan (Star.) - Sad (Tristia)
Trifon (old.) - Winged
Trofim (old.) - Pet

Ustin (nar. From old. Justin) - ...

Farid (new) - ...
February (new) - Winter
Fedor (old.) - God's gift
Fedor (old) - God's gift
Felix (old) - succeeding
Feodosius / Fedosius (old.) - ...
Feofan (old.) - ...
Philaret (old.) - ...
Filat (nar. From old. Feofilakt) - ...
Filimon (old.) - Favorite
Philip (old.) - Loving horses
Phlegont (old.) - ...
Florenz (new) - blooming
Florin (new) - blooming
Thomas (old.) - ...
Fotii / Photo (old.) - ...
Franz (new) - Frenchman
Frol (nar. From old. Flor) - blooming

Khariton (old.) - Blaretaker
Herbra (Dr.-Rus.) - Brave
Christophe (Star.) - (Christopher) - Carrying Christ

Caesar (Wed Star. From Caesha) - Ruler

Charles / Charles (new) - ...
Cheslav (Glory) - "Honest Glory"

Shamil (new) - ...
Schmidt (new) - ...

Evald (new) - ...
Edward (new) - ...
Oedip (new) - ...
Edmund / Edmond (new) - ...
Eduard (new) - concerned about property
Einar (new) - ...
Electron (new) - amber
El (new) - ...
Elbrus (new) - "Mountain"
Elmir (new) - ...
Emilian (old. From Emilian) - ...
Emily (old. From demilia) - ...
Emmanuel (old. From Emmanuel) - ...
Engel (new) - ...
Energies (new) - energetic
Erasmus (old. From Erazm) - ...
Erast (old. From Yerast) - ...
Eiya (new) - ...
Eric / Erich (new) - ...
Erlen (new) - ...
Ernest / Ernst (New) - Serious

Juvenali (old. From Iwenaliy) - Young
Eugene (new) - noble
Julian (old. From Iulian) - Curly
Julius (old. From Iuliy) - fluffy
Yum (new) - ...
Jupiter (new) - "Jupiter"
Yuri (old., Nar. From Georgy) - agriculture
Justin (Star., From Justin) - ...

Yakov (old. From Jacob) - imitating God
Yang (new) - "The God of the Sun"
Yanuaria (old. From Janaria) - January
Yaromir (old., Glory.) - "Sunny World"
Yaropolk (old., Glory.) - "Sunny"
Yaroslav (old., Glory.) - "Burning Glory" or famous Yaril