Illustrations of paintings by Russian artists for children. Pictures for children

Illustrations of paintings by Russian artists for children. Pictures for children
Illustrations of paintings by Russian artists for children. Pictures for children

Natalia Ignatova

lEVEL ONE Educational Project Lecturer and Certified Art Histor

Integrate children with an art exhibition not so difficult, as it seems at first glance. And under the power of all parents. To go to the museum to become a good family tradition, take into account the age of a young spectator and study art in a game form. Knowing your child, you can tell him the story of the picture is unobtrusively and accessible, and therefore, do not overload unnecessary information.

Preschool children

Kids from 4 to 6 years not very interesting, who wrote this or that picturesque canvas and why. To begin with, they need to simply explain what the museum is and in general the paintings. Most children at this age are already familiar with photos. They probably have already tried to shoot dad and mom or their toys. Therefore, we can say that the paintings are something like photos. It's just no smartphone, no cameras, and people could only draw - not only reality, but also fairy tales.

In preschool age, first of all you need to teach the child carefully look at the paintings. At the same time, consider that the gallery hangs the cloth with the image and nude nature, and scenes of violence. So think in advance the route. In the Tretyakov Gallery, it is best to immediately go to the hall with the pictures of Viktor Vasnetsov (Hall No. 26). Ideal work for the perception of kids is "hero."

Not every artist will decide to write a children's portrait, the images of children on the canvases appeared quite late. Of course, earlier painters sought to portray children, but they more resembled miniature copies of adults, but the children's viability, characteristics, movement, gestures to convey quite difficult.

It is very nice to look at such pictures, but it's hard to draw babies, because to force the child for several hours to pose the artist is very difficult. Nevertheless, famous artists succeeded perfectly, we will talk about their paintings.

Pierre Auguste Renoir left a lot of heritage, among his paintings there are a lot of pictures of children. Children peering into books or a child leaning against the mother's side - everything is shown so truthful and beautiful that it is simply impossible to resist.

It is impossible not to mention the artists who wrote children's portraits. Western European masters took several centuries to improve the spiritual sphere of a children's portrait, Russian artists achieved amazing results with an accelerated pace. Children's images in painting are filled with amazing light, they are touching and gentle. Portrait of Strogan's Brush Jean Batista Gosza, Mika Morozov and children written by the Russian painter Serovy, a boy's head written by tropinic, Harlam Girl and others.

Diego Velasquez is also a very bright representative of the Golden Age of Spanish Painting.

He is known, first of all, portraits, including children, as well as genre compositions. Being a court artist, he wrote portraits of kings, their courtiers, as well as family members. Special attention in this category deserve portraits of infanta: suits of that era, soft outlines of individuals, more childish angular, excellent combination of shades.

Recalling the paintings on which small children are present, let's turn to the image of Madonna with a baby. From the most bright masterpieces, the picture of Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael is highlighted. Images created by the brush of these masters are familiar to the whole world.

Many foreign artists depicted children by creating a special composition. It seems to be a child and a basic acting person, and at the same time is a participant of what is happening. This example is the picture "Balvanized Child" Jean Batista Gleza. In observers, it causes the most controversial emotions: and sympathy for nyan, and indignation towards the child. "The belt would be good" - many will say, but in fact, to this day, the bald siblings are found in many families, so it is quite possible that the artist sought to display the social problems of society.

The exact opposite sensations from the picture of Sharden "Prayer before lunch". Mom, feeding food on the table, spiritualized faces of two daughters, pronounced the prayer in front of the meal - it would seem, the characters are the same, a woman and a child, but as the atmosphere changes!

"Girl on a bowl" - a famous Picasso canvas, a flexible and elegant figure of a child balancing on an unstable ball, and Bogatyr-Salo watches the number. It would seem a simple plot, but that of her less, this picture is known to connoisseurs from around the world.

Let's not forget about Russian painters whose canvases are children. First of all, the "rider" of Bryullov. Of course, the central place in the picture is allocated by the beauty of the horses - so thin and sophisticatedly to portray these animals, only Bryullov knew how. But look closely: Near the fence with an enthusiastic view, the girl is watching mom in a pink dress. Cute dark curls, big brown eyes shining from Azart, accurate sponges - This girl is a real beauty from the aristocratic family!

The "first snow" plastov presents our eyes another picture: a wretched sruba, dirty, dirty courtyard - and a clean white snowball drops from the sky. Children living in poverty rarely see something sparkling purity, perhaps that is why they are so rejoicing the first snow.

The leaning pity and longing overwhelms the heart and when looking at the picture "Troika" Perova, students of the master, who from the strength of 10 years, carry a heavy frozen barrel with water. Fatigue, despair is clearly read on their faces and simply cannot touch the hearts of random spectators.

Light sadness arises and when looking at the picture of Vasnetsov "Alenushka". Probably there is no need to retell to everyone a famous fairy tale, everything is clear to whom the older sister hurts, sitting on a large stone and looking into the muddy water of the pond.

Children, allowing soap bubbles of Ivanov's brush and swimming baby Kustodiyev - this is a bright example of child carelessness, which is delighted and causes smiles. Rural Free School Morozova is another retrospective, but on the faces of children you can read all the emotions: from the interest before the frank boredom.

The "birds" of Pereov's brush, "did not wait for" Repin, "Children running from a thunderstorm" Makovsky are bright examples of how differently you can accommodate images of children into a common composition.

Reveal the theme of the images of children in the pictures of famous artists, it is worth remembering about the picture V.Serova "Girl with Peaches". The canvas is made in gentle pastel colors and how it is impossible to emphasize the fragility and tenderness of youth. This is one of the best and most memorable artist's paintings.

Soviet realism is displayed in the "Again Two" picture. On the canvase depicted a family meeting from school son. A girl in a pioneer tie and tired Mom with reproach looks at the unavoyous son and brother, the youngest son does not yet understand what is the matter, and it seems that one is only a dog is glad that her little owner returned from school. Life picture, which happened in the life of many people when they were children.

And finally, one of the most positive and kind modern artists - American Donald Zolan. Only a person sincerely loving and understanding children can create such miracles. Dreamhood and mischief, sadness and vitality - children in the paintings of Zolan are different, but they all remind that childhood is really a happy time, awakening amazing memories in adults.

▫ There is something. There are no words. But Grozno, the meek sourly is already love Istorg. It can be seen how his coming outline joins the brothers and sisters. How it all dark like a stupid. Who brother to whom and who sister? All to anyone. When the word comes, it does not know long-range kinship. It kisses safeguard in the mouth. Response exhalation - hearing and great. Only the word trampled nonsense and chaos and seemingly about immortality. Bella Ahmadulina 1982 (passage, but I hope that all poetry lovers are well known music!) 6176621-A151550 Vladimir Nikolaevich! Thank you! It is logical and I like this answer to the question. And he originated, because there was a caustic epigram from Anna Akhmatova, rather from Alina Aleksandrovna in her comments. Yet, I looked through the popularity rating of poems from the domestic lyrics. For every 10-15 poets, the men flashes 1 woman. And Marina Tsvetaeva stands above the Ahmatova, the third (confidently) is Bella Ahmadulin, then Larisa Rubalskaya, Yulia Drunina, Veronica Tushnova .... And finish you still have your opinion on this: `Each poet is in controunding! And the fate of all people are different. And everyone respected by someone, and everyone writes `on perfectly`, in its own way everything is interesting .... (c) each of us has the most important !!! And not alone! And at different periods of life, new! Today will be fair to note here on the page the birthdays of our favorite poets! On May 16, Olga Fedorovna Berggolts (May 3, 1910, St. Petersburg - November 13, 1975, Leningrad) - Russian Soviet poetess, Proseca. 6582469-A151550 May 16 Born Igor Northerner (most of the literary activities The author preferred writing Igor-Northerner; Real Name - Igor Vasilyevich Lotarev; 4 (16) May 1887, St. Petersburg - December 20, 1941, Tallinn) - Russian poet `Silver Century ". 6465544-A151550 Thanks for the conversation, Vladimir Nikolaevich! Good evening to everyone!
▫ Inna Viktorovna, `Colonel says that he, damn, soldier, and not with a ... ny comedian!` (`Killer`) Olga Alekseevna, comrades for weapons, the above mentioned does not kica ...
▫ Simply through them, the useless education will be properly, that's all. In this, they may be the best .... if their model will be introduced in our schools, do not say that you do not like. Himself wanted, because. Do you want your pencil to write and do all the homes in 15 minutes?\u003dFBP6NNEHUDM All their super-poopares are just that they will not throw a child` with ignorance of the topic`, will explain to the last. And we have tightly with this, very tight, but it is deficing directors. But the same Amonashvili and Lysenkov are still dozen years ago before Finland, we developed techniques that allow without screams and forced to absorb most of the material. But the Finns surrendered to us.
▫ There.
▫ There are no modern scientists there, because while Finn announces the following stop .. it is already prohaha allegiaiiiii, so we joked at school. And suddenly ... something changed? Yes, nothing has changed. They have no better education in the world.

Even many of us, the art exhibition is sometimes raised and associated with something boring and uninteresting: well, the picture, well, is - and what? And it seems that the child will not understand anything. But if you choose the appropriate story, discussing together and share your impressions - it will be fun and children, and you. Therefore, so that there are no indifferent adults, learn to understand art and respect the work of the master is better from an early age.

With its secrets, how to instill love for the beautiful, with "Letdor", Natalya Ignatova shared the lecturer LEVEL One educational project and a certified historian of art.

Natalia Ignatova

lEVEL ONE Educational Project Lecturer and Certified Art Histor

Integrate children with an art exhibition not so difficult, as it seems at first glance. And under the power of all parents. To go to the museum to become a good family tradition, take into account the age of a young spectator and study art in a game form. Knowing your child, you can tell him the story of the picture is unobtrusively and accessible, and therefore, do not overload unnecessary information.

Preschool children

Kids from 4 to 6 years not very interesting, who wrote this or that picturesque canvas and why. To begin with, they need to simply explain what the museum is and in general the paintings. Most children at this age are already familiar with photos. They probably have already tried to shoot dad and mom or their toys. Therefore, we can say that the paintings are something like photos. It's just no smartphone, no cameras, and people could only draw - not only reality, but also fairy tales.

In preschool age, first of all you need to teach the child carefully look at the paintings. At the same time, consider that the gallery hangs the cloth with the image and nude nature, and scenes of violence. So think in advance the route. In the Tretyakov Gallery, it is best to immediately go to the hall with the pictures of Viktor Vasnetsov (Hall No. 26). Ideal work for the perception of kids is "hero."

V. M. Vasnetsov "Bogatyri" (1898)

The plot of this picture, which the artist loved, tell in the form of a fairy tale: "There were three heroes. The name of their Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyasha Popovich. And they guarded their lands from the invasions of enemies. And once they came out in the field and ... ". Here you can ask the child, as he thinks: do they see enemies or not? Pay attention to the baby on how the sword put forward, cooked an arrow, as the characters of the paintings look - in general, push it to the conclusion that the enemy is somewhere nearby. Fantasize together, and what will happen next. Invite the child to think about what the epic heroes are different, what are their characters.

By the way, it was this painting that became the last in the collection of Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov, which he bought himself and hung with Vasnetsov to the place where the cloth hangs and now.

In addition to fabulous plots, children will gladly study pictures with an image of animals, household scenes and still lifes.

I. F. Khrutsky "Flowers and Fruits" (1839)

Go to the still life of Ivan Khrutsky (room number 14) and explain to the child that artists often draw everything that see. Inspar it, what fruits and vegetables are in the picture, where the insect hid, which paints used the artist, who likes what color more. It will be more interesting if the parents also share their impression.

With younger schoolchildren, it is no longer necessary to run into specific halls, fearing that they will see the scenes of war or tender embrace of lovers. You can start with portraits and explain what it is for the genre.

By choosing images of different people, ask the child if they differ from us and what, and also play the game "Guess, who is it?". Military, merchant or, let's say, the king, with the attributes of power - the power and the scepter. Also, tell me that portraits differ in the genre - there are parade portraits, in full growth, and there are chamber - on the belt, and offer to determine where which one.

In addition, pay attention to the child on the emotions of the heroes. To do this, consider, for example, the faces of men in the picture of the Keesta Cyprosen "Readers of newspapers in Naples" (Hall No. 8).

O. A. Kiprensky "Readers of newspapers in Naples" (1831)

One of them reads a newspaper. You can ask: what do others do? They listen - it can be seen along the turn of the head of one and thoughtful look of the other. Then it is worth asking a question: why does one read everything? And the parents themselves will be helped with him, having prepared a bit. All these people in the picture are foreigners, and the language on which the newspaper is written, only one of them knows. And he translates. It is less interesting to read the dog, which looks at the viewer and does not understand at all what it is about. Try to show the child that you also listen to someone, and offer him compare how much your face looks like a faithful picture characters.

I. I. Levitan "Golden Autumn" (1895)

Also at this age, you can admire landscapes, well-understandable and bright. Consider with the child "Golden Autumn" Isaac Levitan (hall number 37). Ask him: Why is it autumn, to which period there is a landscape, which colors used the artist, which mood causes a picture.

Try to guess what time of year in the picture "Wet meadow" Fedor Vasilyeva (hall number 18). Green trees are drawn there, flowers grow and the sun breaks through the clouds.

Also introduce the child with scenery of Konstantin Korovin (room number 43). In his picture "In winter" you will see the courtyard, covered with snow, and a horse harvested in Sani.

Make a friend of Alexei Savrasov "Grachics flew" to familiar from childhood "(Hall No. 18). The artist depicted the middle of spring when he gets warm, so birds are returned from the south, but the leaves have not yet blocked and the snow has not melted.

I. I. Shishkin "Morning in the Pine Forest" (1889)

Well, how to go through a small sweet tooth past such a familiar picture (hall number 25). Be sure to share with your short-term secret: the shaggy animals on a broken pine painted another artist - Konstantin Savitsky. At one time he told his relatives that the author sold the picture for 4 thousand rubles, and therefore became a "participant in the 4th share." Savitsky first put his signature under the work of Savitsky, but then removed.

Pay attention to the child to the fact that many trees trees seem to be cut and not fit even on canvas - this artist wanted to pass their power and magnifier. And we, like bears, find ourselves inside the thickens.

Children from 9 years old and older

Children aged 9-11 years can already be told about the personality of the artist and his life. True, for this, adults will have to prepare or take an audio guide.

Before pre-school education is an important task - to teach children from an early age to understand and appreciate the works of art, in particular the visual.

In kindergarten, children get acquainted with a variety of visual arts, including painting.

Experience shows that the older preschoolers are able to understand the works of painting of all genres: a portrait, landscape, still life, plot painting.

How to familiarize preschool children with paintings by artists

Selecting works for children, it is necessary to proceed from the availability of their content. Most available for children of preschool age Landscapes of Levitan, Shishkin, Savrasova, Plastov, John and other artists. These wonderful paintings of Russian nature cause children a sense of love for homeland and pride for her, bring up a feeling of beautiful, produce the ability to see, understand and love nature.

Forms of dating children with visual art in general, and in particular with landscape painting can be different: conversations, organization of viewing and discussion of exhibitions.

The first conversation should be devoted to a conversation with children about the artist's work. First of all, you need to introduce children with the artist's profession, to tell about the diversity of the species of its activities. It would be very good if an artist, a professional or amateur adopted participation in a conversation - he would show his equipment, easel, paints, as they use.

And it is important to say that the artist creates paintings that can portray nature - landscape, man - portrait, flowers, fruits, utensils - still life or scene from life. With this conversation it is necessary to show one, two pictures of each genre.

Acquaintance of children with paintings by artists must begin with landscapes. Pictures depicting Russian nature closest to the child. This is due to the fact that the child begins to know the world from nature. While a walk, Mom introduces plants, tells about the clouds and the sun, draws attention to the phenomena - such as rain, sunset, sometimes dawn, fog, dew on the grass and much more.

Among the authors of landscape players can be noted A.K. Savrasova ("Grachics flew", "Raduga", "River Coast", etc.), I.I. Levitan ("Ples", "After the rain", "Golden Autumn", etc.), I.I. Shishkin ("Morning in Pine Bor", "Rye", "Winter", etc.), V.M. Vasnetsova ("Ivan - Tsarevich on a gray wolf", "Alenushka" and others).

Children from an early age are beginning to read books, fairy tales and poems, which are easily remembered, but they have a special pleasure to browse the illustrations. Therefore, you can begin the acquaintance of children with the work of artists from the works of Ilistors artists. The most famous representatives of this genre can be called V.M. Konashevich, E.I Charushina, E.M. Racheva. It is important that the illustrations that consider kids are understandable and plausible, corresponded to the age group.

Gradually, you can move to the plot pattern, where certain actions of people or animals are depicted. The famous canvas V. Serov "Bogatyri" can be demonstrated after the story about their actions and valor.

Still lifes to children are not difficult for children, as they are often in drawing classes depict fruits or vegetables on a dish, flowers in a vase. The last stage is a portrait. Here you need to guess the mood of a person and the age category.

The acquaintance of preschoolers with the work of artists must be accompanied by conversations, reasoning and games, which will ensure the best understanding of art.

Video materials on the topic of the article

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