Reading fairy tales about the new year. New Year's tales for children

Reading fairy tales about the new year.  New Year's tales for children
Reading fairy tales about the new year. New Year's tales for children

New Year's Eve came at twelve o'clock, and at that time I was always already asleep. So many New Years have passed! And I haven't seen one. Both mom and aunt Vera met him, and I slept. I always fell asleep before the New Year. And I woke up in the morning, and my mother gave me gifts and said: "Well, New Year!" But I knew that ...

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  • A bedtime story about the New Year - for new impressions, for your Have a good mood, for a calm, happy sleep. New Year is a holiday that makes hearts kinder, gives hope for the best, fills the soul with warmth and joy. The New Year is full of secrets, miracles, surprises and magic. And it's charming! Happy New Year! Peace, fulfillment of desires, happiness, understanding, beauty!

    Listen to a fairy tale (6min42sec)

    Bedtime story about New Year

    Once upon a time there was Santa Claus. He was tall, handsome and with a rich white beard. He lived in a beautiful little house with painted shutters, a high porch and patterned glass in lighted windows. Every winter, Santa Claus congratulated all the inhabitants of the Fairytale Forest Happy New Year. The inhabitants of the Fairy Forest dressed up in carnival costumes, and it was impossible to understand who was a fox and who was a hare. Santa Claus congratulated everyone, and often visited the neighboring, Azure Forest, to congratulate local residents Happy New Year.

    One day a story happened. Early, early, a small titmouse flew to Santa Claus and told him that Baba Yaga was asking her to visit her.

    - What does a venerable rogue want? - thought Santa Claus, but did not refuse the invitation.

    - I'll come to dinner, - said Santa Claus.

    But he did not manage to come to dinner, and he showed up at the house on chicken legs only in the evening. At the very house of Baba Yaga there was a stump. Santa Claus accidentally touched him with his staff, the stump swayed, dusted himself off and mumbled:

    - On some such matter, did you come?

    - Baba Yaga herself called, - said Santa Claus.

    - Come in, - said the stump peacefully.

    Baba Yaga treated Santa Claus with bagels, and then says:

    - In the most distant, far-away forest, you, Frost Red Nose, have never been seen. And there were no fir trees there; there only oak-sorcerers grow. Get ready, take there christmas tree yes gifts to the inhabitants of the forest.

    - And what am I going to use there? - asked Santa Claus. “My horses don't even know the way there.

    - So be it, let's go together in my mortar, - said Baba Yaga.

    - But it will be too small for the two of us, - said Santa Claus.

    “Don't worry about that,” said Baba Yaga.

    - What have you become so kind? - Ded Moroz doubted.

    - So for what centuries you gave me a present today - you gave me a new broom and repaired the stove, otherwise I, the old one, began to freeze completely.

    And they decided the next morning to fly to the Far-far-away forest. Santa Claus put on a warmer fur coat, took gifts and a New Year tree. And Baba Yaga found fur mittens, but pulled on woolen socks, but did not take any gifts, because Baba Yozhki did not give any gifts, and she was waving a broom.

    Baba Yaga knocked on her stupa with a broom, it immediately increased in size, Santa Claus and Baba Yaga sat in the stupa and flew.

    How long or short, but they flew to the Far-far-away forest. As the inhabitants of the forest saw Baba Yaga flying, they hid in all directions.

    Santa Claus and Baba Yaga have landed, they have gathered to congratulate the inhabitants of the Far-Far Forest with the New Year, but there is no one. They shouted, they strained themselves, no one was there. What to do? Whom to congratulate?

    And with them in flight, the small titmouse tied up. When Santa Claus and Baba Yaga were getting ready for the journey, she slipped into the pocket of Santa Claus's fur coat, and sat there all the way.

    When Santa Claus and Baba Yaga began to search for animals and birds, she got out of her pocket and said:

    “Don’t worry, I’ll bring the animals and birds to you.

    And she flew to look for the local titmouse. I found and told them that Santa Claus and Baba Yaga had arrived to wish everyone a Happy New Year and give gifts. And they brought something else.

    It turned out christmas tree, which was seen by the inhabitants of the Far-Far-Distance Forest, who came running to the Silver Glade. They were invited by numerous tits.

    The inhabitants of the most distant, far-distant forest gasped at the beautiful Christmas tree with toys, lanterns and lights. Santa Claus presented everyone with gifts, and Baba Yaga told a New Year's tale. A small titmouse made riddles.

    And when the clock of Santa Claus struck twelve times, everyone shouted in unison:

    - Happy New Year! Hooray!

    And they played round dances together. And then the little sparrow said that he was tired and wanted to sleep. Foxes, cubs, squirrels also wanted to sleep.

    Well! Sleep is also a small holiday. A holiday of happy events, fabulous transformations. In a dream, children grow up. This is great!

    Grow up and you, my friend. Gain strength and health. Santa Claus asked me to tell you that everything will be fine with you!

    The author of the work: Yakshin Semyon, student of the 6th grade of the Municipal Educational Institution "Zaykovskaya Secondary School No. 1"
    Job title: Author's story "Miracle of the New Year"
    Supervisor: Pechnikova Albina Anatolyevna, teacher of literature, MOU "Zaykovskaya secondary school No. 1"
    Work description:
    The author's story "Miracle of the New Year" was written by a schoolboy at the circle literary creation"Silver feather" on New Year's Eve, when all the guys want the fulfillment of their cherished desires. Children truly believe in miracles and look forward to them. The story written by a student poses the eternal question of all children: "Do you believe in the miracle of the New Year?" This work of authorship can be used in kindergarten in the work of educators, teachers primary grades in speech lessons, in middle grades when studying the topic "Dialogue" or when holding a New Year's theatrical performance for children 4-9 years old.
    Target: Development creativity children.
    1) To educate the ability to perceive the world creatively through the prism of imagination and fantasy;
    2) Instill a love for the book, the desire to read and independently compose stories on given topics;
    3) Develop creative imagination, oral and written speech children, the ability to draw up dialogues and speak in front of an audience.

    Everyone's favorite New Year is coming soon. The children could not wait for the holiday. One boy was especially looking forward to the New Year's magic.
    “When will the New Year come?” Sasha asked his mother.
    - Soon soon.
    - Well, when? - Sasha asked impatiently.

    Mom was busy preparing dinner and could not answer Sasha. Then he went to dad and began to persistently pester him, pulling the edge of the newspaper:
    - Dad, when a new one will come year?
    - Soon, Sasha, soon.
    - So when?
    Dad hid behind the newspaper and pretended to be busy. Adults often do this, and Petka's dad is always busy, he works on the Internet. Sasha trudged off to his grandfather.
    - Grandfather, and grandfather, when is the New Year?
    - New Year? Do you know the story about the miracle of the New Year?
    - Miracle of the New Year? No, tell me!
    - Every time in the New Year, a miracle happens. In the night sky, one star becomes brighter and begins to move. Some people think that it is just such a vision. But in fact it is Santa Claus on his sleigh, starting the journey.
    - Wow, can you see how this star moves? - asked Sasha.
    - You can only if you really want to, - replied the grandfather.

    Sasha looked out the window until the New Year, and when the restless grandson had already ceased to hope, he noticed a bright radiance out of the corner of his eye. The boy turned around and saw a little star moving quietly across the night sky.
    - Mom, dad, grandfather, take a closer look: is this a miracle of the New Year? Mom and Dad said:
    - No, son, it seemed to you.

    But grandfather winked at Sasha. The boy then watched for a long time as the little star moved across the sky. And at night ... Sasha quietly made his way into the closet, found old photographs of his grandparents, made himself comfortable and began leafing through his dilapidated album of photographs. It even seemed to him that his grandfather was slyly squinting, as if reminding him of the New Year's miracle.

    Here is granny at the rink. She is carefully supported by the strong hand of her grandfather. But the grandfather gives the grandmother a flower, and she recalls her young years, her eyes are moistened, and she smiles affectionately in return.

    But ... Sasha came across a picture of a puppy running next to a little boy carrying a Christmas tree in a sleigh ... So this is dad! Did he, too, once have a dog ?! Blimey! Maybe this year I will also be allowed to have a puppy !? Sasha, just in case, took this picture and went to bed, hoping that in the morning he would show his dad this photo and ask him sternly: “I suppose he played with his faithful dog, why shouldn't I? "

    With these thoughts, the boy looked sadly out the window, he again saw the helpless face of a puppy, who seemed to be calling: "Well, become my friend as soon as possible!" This vision soon spread across the night sky, and Sasha fell asleep. But for a long time a smile wandered over his face, because there was a dog next to him!

    In the morning he woke up as usual, but he was struck by the extraordinary silence in the house. Where is everyone? Where is Dad? Mama? Grandfather and grandmother ?! And suddenly he saw in the box a small ball of happiness!

    It was a dog! Small, with a wet nose and protruding ears. She could barely sit, helplessly staring at the boy with her eyes-coals. “Is this my dog ​​?!” Sasha shouted loudly. He was afraid to frighten off this indescribable state of expectation. Suddenly the door quietly opened, and on the threshold the boy saw the happy eyes of his loved ones. Dad was holding the same picture that Sasha was holding so tightly in his hand yesterday before going to bed. "This is my dog?!" - words of joy and hope escaped from him again.
    -Yes, now it's your dog! - said the grandfather happily and winked at Sasha again.
    -Do you believe in the miracle of the New Year?

    If it seems to you that your knowledge of themed New Year's fairy tales is limited “ Snow Queen”And the story about Chuck and Gek, then you are wrong. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the list below, and memories from childhood will rush like a snowball. To the New Year's theme, I include not only stories about Santa Clauses, Snow Maidens and other characters that are heard by every kid. Fairy tales about the wonders that occur in winter, on the eve of one of the most beloved holidays, can also create an enchanting magical atmosphere. I will tell you about imperishable children's classics and interesting novelties that can be a great gift for a Christmas tree.

    1. Of course, it's worth starting with the Russians. folk tales... I still have a collection published in the late eighties, so it didn't work out with illustrations. Today on sale you can see great amount collections in which there are such tales as "Frost", "Frost - Blue Nose", "Po pike dictates"," Little fox sister and grey Wolf", As well as the works of P. Bazhov" The Silver Hoof ", the Brothers Grimm" Grandma Blizzard ", S. Marshak" Twelve Months ".

    2 ... How without the fairy tales of Gianni Rodari! Chippolino and Gelsomino can wait for now, but in “ Amazing book fairy tales and poems ”you will find amazing stories that can happen only on the eve of the New Year. Here you are about cats saving the holiday, and about trade shops with gifts that have magical properties. I recommend planning reading an hour earlier than usual, because the child will ask for more and more. By the way, it was in this book that I found New Year's poems that children will tell Santa Claus at matinees. There are a lot of them in the book! Gianni Rodari has a few more New Year stories: “Planet Christmas trees"," The Journey of the Blue Arrow ".

    3 ... The writer Elena Rakitina became a discovery for me not so long ago. Unlike some newfangled authors, her syllable is so simple and easy to understand that children listen to fairy tales without stopping. "Adventures Christmas toys”, I think, will not be an exception. The reviews posted by users, who often share my opinion, say that the stories are easy to remember and fascinating. Intended edition for younger children school age.

    4 ... The book "Christmas of the Dwarfs", written by Hagen Veal, is so beautifully designed that I want to add it to the collection of children's literature. A story about prankster gnomes, who celebrate Christmas for a month, challenge each other unusual gifts and fool around. A five to seven year old child should like the book.

    5 ... I can't help but mention one of my favorite childhood stories, written by the Finnish writer Tove Jansson. In the edition “ Magic winter»The author tells amazing story about cute Moomin trolls. The main character After dangerous adventures and amazing encounters with his friend Mu, they arranged a grandiose celebration in the forest. Adventure child fairytale characters will definitely please!

    6 ... Children's fairy tales by G.Kh. Andersen have become classics for a long time, but it seems to me that some of them are too sad. For example, "Girl with matches", "Story of the year" and "Snowman", despite new year theme, I would not read to preschoolers. Too tragic ending. But the fairy tale "Fir-tree" (I also saw the version of the translation "Fir-tree") is excellent and with a happy ending.

    7 . Fun Adventures Uncles Fyodor, Sharik and Matroskin are liked by both adults and children. The collection "Winter in Prostokvashino" by E. Uspensky also contains a story about how the heroes celebrated the New Year.

    8. The story of two boys, familiar to everyone from childhood, written by A. Gaidar, is still relevant today. "Chuk and Gek" is a great family fairy tale with instructive notes, which ends with a happy New Year's celebration.

    9. The book “ Christmas miracle... Stories of Russian Writers ", which contains the works of N. Leskov, F. Dostoevsky, A. Kuprin, A. Chekhov and other geniuses Russian literature... it quality edition hardcover will be a great gift for a child over 12 years old who loves to read. Here and classic fairy tales with a merry ending, and there were Christmas ones. An excellent purchase for a home collection.

    10. And, of course, the stories of Charles Dickens, the ancestor of the Christmas and New Year books. These pieces are suitable for older children. Good and Evil are intertwined in amazing stories, they are filled with mystical characters. At the end of each story, an epic denouement awaits us, in which Good will definitely win.

    Book market novelties

    Among the expected novelties of children's literature, there are also many books dedicated to our favorite holiday. How are publishers ready to please us and our kids?

    J. Kerr "Happy New Year, Miauli!" - a fairy tale for the little ones happy ending.

    "New Year. A Terribly Confused Business "- stories for young detectives who want to get to the bottom of the truth and find out if Santa Claus really exists.

    J. Yurie "New Year's book of rabbit stories - lyrical and very touching stories about a family of rabbits, in which there are many, many hares. They take turns and become the heroes of stories.

    A. Usachev "The ABC of Santa Claus", "New Year at the Zoo", "Santa Claus and Santa Claus" - a series of books about new year adventures and miracles.

    "House of Santa Claus" - great gift for a two-year-old baby in the form of a postcard book with a 3D effect.

    Reading books with kids or acquiring them for older children for independent reading, you not only set them up for the magic of New Year's Eve, but also expand their horizons, develop their intellect. Give children a real miracle!

    A fairy tale for junior schoolchildren about new year miracle

    Egorova Galina Vasilievna.
    Position and place of work: homeschool teacher, KGBOU "Motyginskaya comprehensive school- boarding school ", settlement Motygino, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
    Material description: This tale was written for primary school age. Therefore, it will be of interest to primary school teachers. This tale tells about a little Christmas tree who really wanted to become a beauty in new year's eve... The content of the tale is aimed not only at raising children of different ages, but also instilling faith in the miracles of New Year's Eve, the power of magic. This tale can be used in the classroom extracurricular reading at school and for family reading.
    Target: Formation new year mood through the content of the tale.
    -educational: tell about the importance of belief in miracles and magic on the example of the heroes of a fairy tale;
    -developing: develop memory, attention, imagination, ingenuity, logical thinking, ability to analyze and draw conclusions;
    -educational: foster a sense of faith in miracles, empathy, interest in reading fairy tales.
    The tale of a little Christmas tree.
    This story took place in a fairy tale winter forest, in which one could find a beautiful squirrel, and a hare in a white fur coat, and a gray toothy wolf, and a cunning fox. The wondrous forest was covered with a white blanket woven from a scattering of millions of snowflakes. And there was one wonderful little Christmas tree in this fairy forest. It was the most ordinary green tree. She grew up surrounded by slender white birches, mighty pines, old firs and the same neighbors of fir trees.

    With the arrival of a harsh winter, the forest seemed to stand still in sleepy silence. Only occasionally will you hear the knocking of a woodpecker harvesting seeds from fir cones... The winter sun rarely gave its warmth to the inhabitants of the forest. But our Christmas tree was not frightened by either severe frosts, or snow blizzards and blizzards. She was warm and comfortable among the high snows. And she always dreamed the same dream. As if she is turning into a smart beauty, decorated with colorful lights, lots of toys and a bright star on the top of her head.
    One morning a bunny ran past our tree.
    - Good morning! - said the tree to the hare.
    - Hello! He replied.
    - Where are you in such a hurry? - asked the tree.
    - Don't you know? After all, the New Year is coming soon!
    - New Year? What is New Year?
    - New Year is a holiday, magic, gifts from Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, fun, round dance, joy and laughter! - answered the bunny and galloped on.
    The Christmas tree was left alone with her thoughts. She really wanted to see this holiday and receive a gift from Santa Claus. And before the New Year, our tree made a wish to become the beauty that she saw in her dream.
    And on New Year's Eve a miracle happened. The Christmas tree sparkled with bright lights, sparkled with the sparkle of fabulous toys and a large star sparkled on its crown.
    All the inhabitants of the forest gathered to see this miracle. And how joyful and fun it was for everyone to dance around elegant christmas tree, under which everyone found their new year gift from Santa Claus and Snow Maiden!