The shortest fairy tale of brothers Grimm. Scary, already horror

The shortest fairy tale of brothers Grimm. Scary, already horror
The shortest fairy tale of brothers Grimm. Scary, already horror

Even those who do not like fairy tales is familiar with the plots of Cinderella, Rapunzel and "C-Finger Boy." All these and even hundreds of fairy tales were recorded and reworked by two linguistic brothers. They are familiar to the world under the names of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm.


The sons of a lawyer of Grimma Jacob and Wilhelm appeared on the light with a difference in the year. Jacob was born in early January 1785. The second son in the family of Grimm, Wilhelm, appeared a year later, February 24, 1786.

Young men are early orphaned. Already in 1796, they switched to the care of the aunt, who struggled their desire for study, new knowledge.

University for lawyers, where they did, did not make their inquisitive minds. Brothers Grimm became interested in linguistics, the preparation of a German dictionary, and since 1807 began to record fairy tales heard in traveling on Hesse and Westphalia. The "fabulous" material got so much that the Grimm brothers decided to publish recorded and reworked by their stories.

Fairy tales not only made brothers famous, but also presented with one of the linguists family happiness. So, Dorothea Wilde, according to which stories about Genel and Gretel recorded, Mrs. Metelitsa and the story about the magic table later, was subsequently his wife Wilhelm.

Fairy tales turned out to be widespread by a wide range of readers. Only during the lifetime of the brothers of their assembly of fairy tales transferred more than hundreds of languages. Success supported the interest of Jacob and Wilhelm to his work, and they were looking for all new favors with enthusiasm.

How many fairy tales collected brothers Grimm?

In the initial publication of the collected material brothers Grimm consisted of 49 fairy tales. In the second edition, which consisted of two volumes, there were already 170. Another brother of Grimm, Ludwig, was participating in the seal of the second part. However, he was not a collector fairy tales, but skillfully illustrated what Jacob and Wilhelm were reworked.

After the first two editions of the assembly of fairy tales followed 5 more camps. In the final, 7th edition, the Grimm brothers stopped their choice on 210 fairy tales and legends. Today they are called "fairy tales of the Grimm brothers."

An abundance of illustrations, approximate to the original source made fairy tales with the subject for discussions and even disputes. Some critics accused linguists in too "nonsense" details of published fairy tales.

To satisfy the interest of young readers to their creativity, the Brothers Grimm in 1825 released 50 edited fairy tales for children. By the middle of the XIX century, this collection of fairy tales was reprinted 10 times.

Recognition of descendants and modern criticism

The heritage of Grimm linguists was not forgotten years later. They are read by children parents of the whole world, they put performances for young spectators on them. The popularity of fairy tales for a half century has so increased that in 2005, UNESCO included the work of the Grimm brothers in the list of memory of the world.

Scripts beat the plots of Grimm fairy tales for new cartoons, film and even serials.

However, as every grand job, the fairy tales of the Grimm brothers are still subject to criticism and various interpretations. So, some religions are called only a few fairy tales from the heritage of the brothers "useful for children's souls", and the Nazis at their time used their plots to promote their inhuman ideas.

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One evening there was a young drummer alone along the field. He is suitable for the lake, sees - lying on the shore three pieces of white linen fabric. "What a subtle cloth," he said, and put one piece in his pocket. He came home, and about his find and thought forgot and lay down in bed. But only he fell asleep, as he made himself, as if he was calling him by someone named. He began to listen and heard a quiet voice that brought him: "Drummer, wake up, drummer!" And the night was dark, he could not discern anyone, but it seemed to him that was going to his bed, then the upward was swept away, then down the figure down, some kind of figure.

What do you want? - he asked.

He lived on the light of a poor shepherd. Father and his mother died from him, then he gave him the bosses to the house to one rich so that he fed him and raised him. But the heart of evil's heart was rich and his wife, and with all their wealth they were very stingy and to people are unfriendly and always angry if someone used at least a piece of their bread. And just as a poor boy neither tried to work, they fed him a little, but they beat a lot.

He lived on a mill old miller; There was no wife or children, and he served three workers. They stayed with him for several years, so he says to them once:

I already became old, I would now sit on the furnace, and you go on the white light to wander; And who will lead me home the best horse, I will give me a mill, and it will feed me to death.

The third worker was on a snowmill, and they considered him all the fool and the mill he did not even be referred; Yes, he did not want himself at all. And they left all three, and, applying to the village, they say Hans-fool:

In the old days, when the Lord God went on the ground, it happened that one day he was tired of the evening, his night caught, and there was no place to spend the night. And they stood on the road two houses, one against the other; There was one big and beautiful, and the other is small and on the kind of non-pieces. The big house belonged to rich, and a little poor man. The Lord thought: "I won't make a rich, I'm also at him." Heard the rich thing that knocks on him at the door, opened the window and asked the stranger, that he was needed.

For a long time ago, there lived the king in the world, and he was famous over the whole earth with his wisdom. Everything he knew it as if someone had served him in the air about the most intimate things. But he had a strange custom: every noon, when everything from the table was cleaned and no other outsider remained, brought him a reliable servant another dish. But it was covered, and even servant, and he did not know what was on this dish; And no one person knew about it, because the king opened the dish and started to eat only when it remained completely alone.

So it lasted for a long time, but once overclocked curiosity, he could not cope with him and carried a dish into his room. He covered the door as the door, raised a cover from dishes, sees - there is a white snake there. He looked at her and could not resist, so as not to try it; He cut off a piece and put it in his mouth.

One woman came out once with her daughter and a paddle on the field - to chop herbs, and the Lord God appeared to them in the image of the beggar and asked:

How can I get closer to the village?

Kohl Want to know the road, "the mother replied," they themselves and look for her.

And if you are worried that the roads do not find you, then take yourself a habitable.

There was a poor widow alone in his hut, and she had a garden in front of her hut; Growing two pink trees in that garden, and bloomed on one white roses, and on the other - scarlet; And she had two children, similar to these pink trees, called one - Snow White, and the other is an alochetics. They were such humble and kind, such workers and obedient, that there were no such things in the world; Only Snow White was even quieter and gentle than an alochetics. Alocetics was more and more jumped and ran through the meadows and fields, collected flowers and caught butterflies; And the Snow White - she was more sat at home near the mother, helped her at the farm, and when there was no work, I read something aloud to her. Both sisters loved each other so much that if you were going somewhere, they always kept hands, and if Snow White, it happened, says: "We will always be together," then Alozvetik will answer her: "Yes, while we are alive, we never Perhaps "- and the mother added:" What will be one of you, let them share with the other. "

A long time ago there was a beautiful queen. Once she sewed at the window, inadvertently rooted needle a finger and a droplet of blood fell on the snow lying on the windowsill.

So beautiful it seemed to her a scarlet color of blood on a snow-white cover that the queen sighed and said:

Oh, however, I wanted to have a child with white, like snow, lear, with aluminum, like blood, sponges and curls black, like Smin.

Almost seventy percent of all adult inhabitants on Earth love to read fairy tales. Reading fabulous stories, you, as if immerse yourself in another magical world, leaving these realities. Each storyboard had his own manner of writing fairy tales: Charles Perra wrote in a romantic style, Andersen is vital and about being a simple people, and a light mystic attended the Grimm brothers in fairy tales, and some of their fairy tales with confidence can be called frightening. Let's talk today and talk about the brothers Grimm: folklinists, linguists, researchers of the German folk culture, and then talenters from Germany, Jacob and Wilhelme.

Briefly about life and choosing the profession of brothers Grimm

Brothers Jacob (1785-1863) and Wilhelm (1786-1859) Grimm were born with a difference of eight years in an ordinary family in the German city of Khanau. The love of folklore from the Brothers Brothers manifested itself in childhood, when Mom told them the old legends and legends, and in the youth of the age of their interest in the passage at the passion, and then in the meaning of their lives. Strange brothers chased throughout the country in search of the preserved witnesses of the ancient folklore, gathered eyewitnesses to write information to them with their words. In all his life and creative activity, Jacob and Wilhelm created and published several collections called "Tales of Brothers Grimm", which very quickly became popular and reached our ears. And now let's remember the most famous, the most interesting and most terrible fairy tales of the Grimm brothers.

"The fairy tale of Korole-frog, or about Iron Henry"

This fairy tale is the very first story in the first volume of their collection of fairy tales and legends. The story of an ungrateful princess and good frog, who regretted the crying girl and believed her promises about eternal friendship, pulled her golden ball out of the bottom. But as soon as the queen received his ball back, immediately forgot his promise. The frog turned out to be a real enchanted prince, but it turns out much later.

"White and rose"

I wanted this fairy tale to put on the very beginning of our list, as it is my favorite. The fairy tale of two sisters of white and rose with the good hearts of the loved bear and falcon is not knowing that it is enchanted by a terrible forest sorcerer-bearded prince and his friend.

One of the most instructive fairy tales of the Grimm brothers is about the fact that pride and arrogance are bad allies and friends. Proud of the princess could not choose a narrowed and all the applicants only ridicule. And once the Palace came the real king to ask her hands, and in response he heard offensive speeches. And then the wise king decided to teach a cruel princess, pretending to be a poor musician.

The most famous and popular fairy tale of brother-in-law brothers who knew how to tell life stories in a fabulous manner. A beautiful princess, called the snow-white skin, was born too beautiful than the way of an evil stepmother and concurrently, wishing to be the most beautiful in the whole kingdom. The king's father could not destroy his daughter, but also leave in the palace too, so he threw her in the forest, but here the good heart of Snow White found a refuge and fade among little dwarfs - residents of this wonderful forest.

This fairy tale brothers Grimm can be called the most beloved and popular not only in the post-Soviet space, but also around the world. Stray musicians-beasts, going to the city of Bremen, wheel around the world, dried songs and speaking in an open-air for curious spectators and zooak. But once donkey, a rooster, a cat and a dog stumble on the hut of the gangsters and their singing make them off their house and serve where the eyes look, and the cunning friends of the musicians remained forever in their home the owners.

And about the best, read on our website the site by clicking on the link.

The magic fairy tale of the king and his curious servant, which all sowed his nose. The king after a long meal always ordered to bring another dish. What kind of dish no one could know even the servant. But in one day curiosity so overcame the guy that he could not resist and opened the lid of the dish. From what he saw was very surprised, the white snake was lying on the dish. I could not resist the servant so as not to try such a tidy. As soon as he put it in his mouth, he heard outside the window not the usual singing of birds, and the thin like a sunny ramp of voice. He realized that the meat of the snake was magical and now he can hear the voices of animals. From this day, the servant no longer wanted to serve the king, he decided to wander around the world in search of a better life. And as happens in fairy tales, after many dangerous (and not very) adventures, he found his princess, married her and became king.

Very instructive fairy tale of wandering and dangerous adventures of brother and sisters, which parents betrayed, throwing to die in the forest. What helped to survive two little children in terrible impassable places where many wild animals and evil robbers? This is, of course, friendship, trust. As well as the fearless of the older brother of Genzel, the goal and the huge desire of which was to protect his sister Gretel from terrible hands of an evil sorceress. The fairy tale was created for children, but also to us, parents should read it and rethinking it and will learn a lot from these persistent and not childish sensitive children, and most importantly, to understand that more happiness and wealth than their own children are not in the world. And no sorrows and misfortunes should make us throw them in trouble.

By the way, on our website there is an interesting article about who should be on the shelf of each child.

From the first rows of the fairy tale, we will learn about the difficult fate of a little stepdaughter, about the evil stepmother and the lazy daughter, who was cherished and sorry, when the feverite got all dirty and hard work. Once the stepdaughter dropped to the well spine, admitting a stepmother in this, she heard an evil response: "herself dropped herself and deliver." Nothing remained a poor girl, how to jump into the well. When she touched the bottom of the bottom, a magical country appeared her gaze. Passing by the windows of one beautiful house, Padderitsa saw Mrs. Meltelitsa. She liked the girl so much, and she invited her to serve her. Padderitsa remained, she was hardworking performed her work in good faith. When the time came back home, Mrs. Metelitsa generously bestowed the girl with gifts. Seeing this, the stepmother was flooded with anger, envy defeated her heart. She sent her daughter to the well and ordered to bring even more gifts. But the lazy and clumsy daughter deserved only the Kazan resin, who overturned on her. So I could not wash her from my daughter. Laziness and envy - bad travelers, it is better to be kind and hardworking - such a morality of this fairy tale.


The fairy tale of a beautiful princess, which, by the will of fate, had to graze geese. The deception and slander evil maid who took her place, the princess of pity left in the castle and allowed Hussopasus. Over time, she began to call it - gooseman. But the girl was so beautiful, sophisticated and aristocratic, that everyone who saw her did not believe that in front of him a commoner. The princess had a speaking horse nicknamed Falad. The maid who pretended to the queen was very afraid that the Falad would expose her and ordered to slaughter a horse.

The princess was very upset, and there was nowhere to go, she asked her head her head horse to nourish under the gates leading from the castle. So he did, and every morning the princess spoke with his head horse, when he drove geese in the pasture. Time went, and for a long time it would be so grazing geese princess, but I learned the old king about it, and everything became clear to him. He took the hand of the princess and led to the prince, and the maid was ordered to execute. Good always wins evil, albeit not in life, but at least in a fairy tale.

The most terrible tale of brothers Grimm

One day, Lucifer himself came to Melnik and demanded for all the wealth that he gave him, now to give him what he has a mill, and at that time the miller's daughter was sitting there. When the daughter of Melnik refused to go with Satan, he ordered the father to cut his hands to her and drive out of the house. So, a poor girl wandered around the forest for a long time until he met the king and loved, despite her injury.

The shortest fairy tale brothers Grimm

"Three straight"

The plot of this fairy tale is really pretty concise and short. Once, driving past one village, the queen heard the girl's crying and stopped asking about the causes. The girl's mother could not say the queen that her daughter could not spin and licked that he could not tear off the daughter of the ribbons so much she was hiding, and since she could not do a loved one, bitterly crying. Then the queen wished to pick up a girl with me, because she had enough yarns to all the kingdom and, if she straightened the whole Lyon in a short time, then Queen would give her marriage for his son. For the help of a girl who did not know how to spin, three straight ...


Each fairy tale has its own style and manner of writing fairy tales. At Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm from the old Germany, all their tales and retells were obtained rather dark, mystical, and even terrible, but not less intriguing and interesting. Today, we remembered the most favorite and famous fairy tales of the Grimm brothers, each of their fairy tales, as you have managed to notice to have their own morality and science.

For many years since the "children's and home fairy tales" of the Grimm brothers were first published. The publication was the most modest and appearance, and by volume: the book was only 83 fairy tales instead of 200 printed at present. The preface, presented by the collection by the brothers Grimm, was signed on October 18 of the submemblingment 1812. The book was assessed in advantage of this era of the German self-consciousness, in this era of the awakening of the hot nationalist aspirations and lush heyday of romance. After the life of the Grimm brothers, their compilation, constantly complied with them, has already registered 5 or 6 publications and has been translated almost to all European languages.

This collection of fairy tales was almost the first, the youthful work of the Grimm brothers, the first attempt to attempt on the path of scientist gathering and the scientist of the processing of monuments of the ancient German literature and nationality. Following this path, the brothers Grimm later achieved highly glory to shone European science and, devoting all his life with their huge, truly immortal written works, had an indirectly very strong influence and Russian science, and to study Russian, antiques and nationalities. The name of them enjoys loudly in Russia, quite well-known fame, pronounced our scientists with deep respect ... In view of this, we recognize that there will be a brief, compressed biographical essay of the life and activities of the famous brothers Grimm, who are fairly called "fathers and the heddonarchists of German philology. "

By origin, the brothers Grimm belonged to the middle class of society. The Father was first a lawyer in Ghanau, and then entered the service under the legal part to the prince Ganau. Brothers Grimm were born in Ghanau: Jacob - January 4, 1785, Wilhelm - February 24, 1786. From the earliest youth, they were associated with the closest bings of friendship, which did not stop the coffin. Moreover, both of them, even at the very nature of their own, as if complemented each other: Jacob, as the elder, was and physically folded tightly Brother Wilhelma, which is constantly very painful and fastened with health, just for old age. The Father died in 1796 and left his family in a very cramped position, so that only thanks to the generosity of her aunt from the mother, the Grimm brothers could finish the study, to which brilliant abilities have already shown very early. They studied at first in the Kassels Lyceum, then they entered the University of Marburg, with the firm intention to study legal sciences for practical activities for the example of the Father. They really listened to lectures on the legal faculty, were engaged in and studying law, but the natural tenders began to affect them in a completely different direction. All leisures are still at the university, they began to dedicate to the study of domestic German and foreign literature, and when in 1803 the famous romantic Tik published his "Minnesinger's Songs", which he prepixed a hot, felt preface, - Brothers Grimm at once felt the strongest attraction to the study of German antiquity and Natopolis and decided to familiarize themselves with the ancient manuscript literature on the originals. Having soon at leaving the university to this path, the Grimm brothers no longer went with him until the end of life.

In 1805, when Jacobu Grimmu had to be removed to Paris with a scientific target, the brothers who were accustomed to live and work together, felt a lot of this separation, which was never laid for any purposes - to live together and share everything In half in half.

Between 180,51809, Jacob Grimm consisted of service: there was some time a librarian of Germa Bonaparte in Wilhelmsheg, and then even Stat Auditor. After the end of the war with France, Jacob Grimm received from the Kassel instruction, to go to Paris and return to the Kassels library those manuscripts that were taken out of it by the French. In 1815, he was sent together with the representative of the Kassels of Kassels to the Vienna Congress, and he even opened an unsuitable diplomatic career. But Jacob Grimm felt a complete disgust for her, and in general, in office sessions he saw only no obstacle to the science of science, which was devoted to the whole soul. That is why in 1816 he left the service, rejected his professors from him in Bonn, refused to the major salaries of the salary and preferred the modest place of the librarian in the Kassel, where his brother had already been the secretary of the library since 1814. Both brothers retained her modest position until 1820, diligently indulging at this time with their scientific research, and this period of their life was fruitful with respect to their scientific activity. In 1825, Wilhelm Grimm married; But the brothers were still not separated and continued to live and work together.

In 1829, the director of the Kassel library died; His place, of course, in all rights and justice would have to move to Jacob Grimma; But he was preferred by a stranger who did not declare himself with any merit, and both brothers Grimm, offended by this blatant injustice, found themselves forced to resign themselves. Self itself, of course, the brothers Grimm, at that time had already had time to acquire highly loud fame with their works, did not remain without affairs. Jacob Grimm was in 1830 invited to Göttingen by Professor of German Literature and Senior Librarian at the University of Library. Wilhelm came there by the younger librarian and in 1831 he was erected into extraordinary, and in 1835 - in ordinary professors. To both scientists, the brothers lived here thoroughly, especially because here they met a friendly circle, which included the first shining modern German science. But their stay in Göttingen was short-sighted. The new King of Hannover, who joined the throne in 1837, conceived the pen set to the constitution, given Hannover with his predecessor, than, of course, and opened against himself throughout the country a common displeasure; But only seven of Ghettingen professors had enough civilian courage, to vastanly declare a protest against such a unauthorized violation of the main state law. Between these seven coughs were brothers Grimm. At this protest, the King Ernst-Augustus answered the immediate dismissal of all seven professors with their posts and expulsion from the Hannover limits of those of those who were not Hannover natives. In three days, the Grimm brothers had to leave Hanover and temporarily settled in Kassel. But for the famous scientists there was a public opinion of Germany: there was a general subscription to provide the Grimm brothers from needs, and the two major German Publisher (Reimer and Gillazel) appealed to them with a proposal to compile together the German dictionary on the widest scientific basis. The Grimm brothers adopted this proposal with the greatest readiness and after the necessary, rather long preparations began to work. But they did not have to be in the Kassel for a long time: friends took care of them and found them an enlightened patron in the face of the Friedrich-Wilhelm Prussky Kronprint, and when he entered the throne in 1840, he immediately called the scientists of the brothers in Berlin. They were elected to the members of the Berlin Academy of Sciences and as academics received the right to read lectures at the University of Berlin. Soon, Wilhelm, and Jacob Grimm began to read the lectures at the university and since then they lived in Berlin as soon as of death. Wilhelm died on December 16, 1859; Jacob followed him on September 20, 1863, on the 79th year of his thorough and fruit life.

As for the importance of the scientific activities of the Grimm brothers, then it is, of course, are not subject to our assessment in this brief biographical note. We can restrict ourselves to only the listing of their most important works that gave them a loud fame of European scientists, and indicate the difference that existed in the activities of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm and to some extent characterized their personal attitude to science.

Information sheet:

The exciting fairy tales of the Grimm brothers are a mansion in fabulous world creativity. The content of them is so fascinating that he will not leave any child indifferent.

Where did your favorite fairy tales come from?

They came from German lands. Folk fairy tales, collected and treated with connoisseurs of language and folklore - native brothers. For several years, writing the best oral legends, the authors were able so interesting and beautifully improved them that today we perceive these fairy tales, as written directly by them.

The heroes of the fairy tales of the Grimm brothers are kind and better than they were in oral folk art and this is a wonderful sense of work that scientists have been done. In each work, they invested the idea of \u200b\u200bthe unconditional victory of good over evil, the superiority of courage and life, which is taught all the plots.

How they were published

Fairy tales tried to steal the person whom the brothers considered something else, but did not have time. In 1812, collectors were able to carry out their first edition. Not immediately the work was recognized as children. But after professional editing, the country was laid by large circulations. For 20 years, reprinted 7 times. Increased list of works. Fairy tales from the discharge of simple folk art turned into a new literary genre.

Brothers Grimm implemented a genuine breakthrough, which was valued all over the world. Today, their work is included in the international list of the Great Heritage of the Past, created by UNESCO.

What is the modernity of the fairy tales of the brothers Grimm?

The names of many fairy tales adults remember from childhood. Because the works of the Grimm brothers with their magic style of the narration, a variety of plots, preaching of vitality and perseverance in any life situations admire and attract unusually.

And today we are happy to read them together with the children, remembering what fairy tales I liked more, comparing with interest with those popular today.