Cinderella film wedding dress. Wedding dress Cinderella

Cinderella film wedding dress. Wedding dress Cinderella
Cinderella film wedding dress. Wedding dress Cinderella

The star of the series "Abbey Dounton" told, what was to play Cinderella and how she was preparing for the role of Natasha Rostova.

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March 5 New film "Cinderella" from "Disney". Palace, ball, the dress of the main character and her crystal shoes were luxurious.

Cinderella played the star "Daunton's abbey", 25-year-old Englishwoman Lily James, who is interested in us yet by playing Natasha Rostov in the new series "War and Peace", whose shooting has just begun under Peter.

The "interlocutor" met with the actress before the premiere of Cinderella in Moscow.

- Lily, your Cinderella goes to the ball in the lush dress itself (240 meters of fabric and 10 thousand crystals were gone), which I've ever seen. It was hard to dance in it?

- I do not know how much exactly it weighs, but when the prince (Richard Madden, known for the role of Robb Stark in the "Game of Thrones". - Aut.) Raised me at the end of our dance, he barely resist on his feet. He really strained.

In general, all the shooting of the dance resembled a military operation. The dress was so voluminous that we had to be specifically designed every step and adapt to not step on any of the attributes. It seems even on skates to learn how to slide is not so difficult! I barely breathe during filming, because the corset was very much tightened.

frame from the film "Cinderella" / Frame from the movie "Cinderella"

- Why do you corset? You have a waist and so less than 50 cm.

- The corset was very important, as it forced to keep in a certain way, more gracefully.

- Have you watched the previous screening of "Cinderella", such as Soviet?

"No, I watched only different cartoons to sort out the character of the heroine." But I read more than I watched: I did not want to influence me the execution of this role by other actresses. And read not only the classics from Charles Perro, but also "Cinderella" in the interpretation of the Grimm brothers, other fairy tales and penetrated.

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"You just started shooting in the" war and peace ", where they play Natasha Rostov. Is it for you just an interesting book character or a responsible role?

- Of course, responsible! Imagine how this series will be discussed when it will be released! For you, Russians, this heroine is something completely special, I know. I will try not to bring!

I do not come out of my head, even when resting. Sometimes I confuse, where I end, and where the Natasha begins. I like to find out more about my heroine's life - whether she is sleeping with open or closed curtains, which eats for breakfast, what dreams when walking around the garden ...

I try to find out or imagine a maximum of details: If I lived in her house, how would I feel? We have something in common, but it is more sublime than me.

The Disney studio continues to interpret old fairy tales on a new way: after successful "Malefisters" with Angelina Jolie in the lead role, the company took over the new version of Cinderella, in which Kate Blanchett and Helena Bonhem Carter will appear in very unexpected images. Removes the film British actor and director Kenneth Brahn, whom the audience remember the role of Professor Lokons in the ribbon "Harry Potter and a secret room."

In Cinderella, Kate Blanchett will appear as evil stepmother

As in the "Malefisent", this time disney makes a large bet on visuality, seeking to hit the viewer with the scenery of the palace, in which the prince and Cinderella will be circling in the romantic dance, and, of course, the main heroine shoes, which were Created in collaboration with Swarovski. The creation of the main heroine dress was needed240 meters of azure silk fabric and 10 thousand Swarovski crystals.Sandy Powell, x the splitter on the costumes of the film, admits that, although the fairy tale and timeless, she was still inspired by a concrete epoch - the 19th century with his luxurious and majestic ampir. Therefore, it is quite logical that ten layers of silk needed to create a lush skirt.

British Sandy Powell, one of the most famous Hollywood artists in costumes, three "Oscars" - for the ribbons "Shakespeare", "Aviators", "Victoria". Working over costumes, it is repelled not only from the era, but also his own feeling of the style of the character, and necessarily - from the dialogue with the actors. So, for example, Kate Blanchett, which in the Cinderella will play a harmful and evil stepmother Lady Tramlain, in working with costumes is very demanding and always expresses its vision. In the film, the actress will appear in images in which the New Look style elements are easily read, characteristic of the 1950s: rounded shoulders, a thin waist, lush skirts, long gloves, and hats with wide fields and even styling reminds of post-war hairstyles.

One of the most complex costumes turned out to be a good fairy outfit, which in the hylena Bonem Carter.To create its sparkling dress Sandy Powell used 120 meters of fabric, a thousand crystalsSwarovski and 400 LEDs.

They will repent viewers not only costumes, but also scenery. Everyone who watched the classic black film Disney 1950, remembers the ballroom, in which the heroes are dancing. Especially for filming the film Decorators Disney Studio created a hall with marble floor: he was decorated with 17 chandeliers made to order in Italy, 16 thousand artificial flowers from silk and 5 thousand handmade candles. Film's film designer - Italian Dante Ferretti, a cult film industry, who worked with Paolo Pasolini, Federico Fellini, Francis Ford Coppola and Tim Barton, received an Oscar as an artist for the film "Aviator" and repeatedly created scenery for performances of Milan "La Scala ".

On March 6, a new Disney Fairy Tale "Cinderella", which was based on the discneevsky Cartoon of 1950. We counted how many meters of fabric and swarovski crystals went to turn Cinderella into a real fabulous princess.

It is clear that the main thing in the film is, of course, the story that there is nothing more important than the kind heart and real love. But dresses should not be ignored too! We remember: Cinderella, definitely, struck the prince with beauty-kindness, but it was far from her bitch. She had a real fabulous dress from the fairy-godfather! And one thing is to naughntage him in a cartoon, but quite another thing is to wear Cinderella to the movies. So before the designer on the costumes Sandy Powell stood an hellish task: a) to describe on the cartoon of the 50s; b) come up with something your own; c) and so that it was all fabulous and fought us out. Sandy had to start work two years before the filming, and in her duties, in addition to all the dresses, included: Cinderella's ball gown on 12 layers, wedding dress and crystal shoes. Only a ball gown left 550 hours. Applaud!

Sandy made patterns on the illustrations of a classic fairy tale. "We decided to try to make a kind of fashionable female costumes of the forties of the twentieth century, which could wear in the nineteenth"- she explains. But let's start a detailed role!

Ball gown Cinderella

As you understand, it was impossible to miss. It was supposed to be something fantastic, the magical, similar to the dress from the cartoon and at the same time does not like anything. Ella was supposed to look like the most beautiful girl on the ball on the one hand, and on the other hand, to remain the simplest girl that everyone is offended. That's how it looked in the cartoon:

We make a discount of the 50s and understand: Sandy Powell had a place for maneuver. The designer decided to leave the blue color as a key, but wet his various shades and fabrics. As a result, more than 240 meters of fabric and 10,000 Swarovski crystals were taken to tailoring Cinderella dresses, more than 4800 stitches were made. For the filming of the film, 9 absolutely identical dresses were made - on every fireman. And here is the result:

Believe me, Cindskino dress turned out to truly magic! It sparkles, overflows with all the shades of blue (we climbed the lip from envy!), And when Cinderella starts spinning in the dance - Girls and boys Ahaut!

Sandy admits that in fact she turned over other options in color, went over everything that was possible, and understood: a magic dress Cinderella could not be red or yellow - only blue! But a monophonic blue color will tear us in longing - so the idea of \u200b\u200bshades came.

Sandy skirt made from light silk and polyester, which covered Big Crinoline. The fabric, in turn, was covered with tiny crystallines - 10 thousand, remind. Fairy-godfather was not fine! "Is it possible to imagine a Cinderella that does not sparkle?" - The designer is surprised. Before that film, we personally imagined, now - no.

Of course, it was not without a corset - Powell was inspired by the stourctural silhouette of the 50s. However, at the same time, a new dress looks more flying and free - all because of a thin waist and a giant skirt. "The most important thing that Cinderella does on the ball - dancing and runs down, so all the movements of the dress should be beautiful!" - Sandy says. Oh yeah! Beautiful movements of the dress - Madame knows a lot about women's desires!

Powell refused all the accessories from the cartoon - long gloves, black tapes on the neck and other things, but planted Cinderella to the corsage butterflies. "I wanted it to be like a haze. Cinderella should just stand and shine without any jewelry and decorations. She had to look very simple and innocent. The whole thing is in silhouette, color and movements. "

Not in the eyebrow, but in the eye. It was exactly how the designer thoughtfully. Here you have a sketch and result for comparison.

Wedding dress Cinderella

For someone, maybe this is the most important dress in life, but for Cinderella it is the second on the rating. Although, of course, the importance of its beauty is indisputable. Here the poor thing Sandy also had to be erupted, because there was something in the animation original.

It was a challenge, Sandy complains. Presentee yourself: You have just invented the biggest ball gown from the fairy-godfather, and you tell you - now banana! You give wedding! "I had to do something completely different and simple, - Says designer. - I wanted to achieve the effect of eupamerity, so we made an extremely rigid corsage lines with a long loop. "

Sandy came up with making a dress beige, with long sleeves, from organza and silk. On the plume - floral print. The designer thus emphasizes the kindness of Cinderella through her clothes. "I wanted it to remain humble and clean even becoming part of the Royal Society."

Over the wedding dress, 16 people in the end worked, everything went to it 550 hours. And after all this, Lily James, playing Cinderella, becomes on the promotional photo shoot too close to sofam, and the dress lights up. Shock designers can not be imagined! "It was a catastrophe! The entire top layer of dresses burned down, he had to restore it again! -screaming Sandy. "No one asked:" Did Lily all right? ", Everyone worried about the dress, because only one dress was made in the budget.". These are such passions in a literal sense.

Great fairy dress

Sorry, but to bypass the woman who arranged Cindushkina personal life, it is impossible. "How to make a princess from Cinderella? - Find the right godfather! " - also takes place. Sandy Powell also worked pretty and spent on creating a dress:

- 120 meters of fabric;

- 400 LEDs;

- Thousands of Swarovski crystals.

The width of the dress amounted to almost 120 centimeters. Everything looked in the spirit of the 18th century - Victorian era, noble and brilliant fabulous naphthalene. Right say, for Cinderella Fairy tried better than for himself.

Dress of angry machechi

This is the second woman who has determined Cutushkina fate - so let's talk about her. Moreover, for Kate, Blanchett came up with completely amazing outfits - everything is united. Sandy Powell was inspired by the fashion of the 1940s and such divas as Marlene Dietrich and Joan Crawford. For the stepmother, the ominous black and green gamut and shoes from Salvatore Ferragamo were chosen. "Remember when you meet someone perfectly dressed, neither hairs walked out of hairstyles, perfect makeup? There is always something terrible in this, right? - Laugh Sandy. - Such a style of Anna Winters. Everything is thought out, man like in armor ".

All the outfits are amazing, but this is a green dress for the ball - the most squeak!

Crystal shoes

The problem is stronger than all dresses. How to make such shoes and what?! Sandy Powell broke her head. Animators are easily - painted a crystal shoe and rejoice.

Mrs. Powell decided that she had the same, only cooler. Yes, yes, she also made crystal shoes! Swarovski came to the rescue, which made shoes from crystal and decorated them with their crystals. Sandy explains that he wanted not just glass shoes, but real magic shining instances.

Lily James at a press conference in Moscow complained, and did not come to her at all, so she was given them only to hold and took it, because they were shaking over them no worse than over the wedding dress. Therefore, in the film, in fact, the actress goes to another shoes, and all the crystals and crystal are later made using a computer.

Nevertheless, Swarovski was trying not in vain: their shoe was put up on all the premieres of "Cinderella" as a valuable exhibit. It is impossible to walk in it physically due to the high rise and lack of a platform. "But the crystal shoes are more fetish, right?" - Sandy argues.

Feats Sandy Powell inspired many designers on their own work. In addition to Sandy, the Magic inspiration of the creators gave and Disney, who concluded partnership agreements with many of the fashion designers. So, the Russian office asked the best designers to come up with their image of modern Cinderella. The project was connected to one of the main fashion stores in Moscow - the Central Committee, where until March 31, you can see the dresses in the showcases of Culkushkina in the windows of domestic trendy designers. We look at the sketches, inspire and creativity themselves.

A la russe anastasia romantsova

Alexander Arutyunov.

Alexander Terekhov.

Igor Chapurin and Brand Chapurin

Evgenia Linovich

Julia Kalmanovich and Brand Kalmanovich

Lublu Kira Plastinina.

Alice and Julia Ruban and Brand Ruban

Alla Verber (Tsum)

Oleg Ovsiev and brand VIVA VOX

Andrei Artemov and Brand Walk Of Shame

Katya Dobragova.

The shoe also became the source of inspiration - already for shoe designers. 11 Matters of the shoe business presented to the world of their versions of the crystal shoe, and, unlike the Fetish Swarovski, these shoes can be worn! Cinderella shots took part in the special exhibition Disney: In our country, the work of nine of the eleven designers are exhibited in the TsUM until March 23.

Alexandre Birman (Alexander Burman)

"To create crystal shoes, I was inspired by classic beauty and femininity, which, in my opinion, combine Cinderella and Brand Alexandre Birman. I created a new version of my company boats Johanna. Elegant bend, Silk and Swarovski crystals make this pair of fashionable and romantic shoes. It seems to me that it is such shoes that could wear a modern princess. "

Charlotte Olympia (Charlotte Olympia)

"For me, a great joy and honor was the proposal of disney to create its own version of famous crystal shoes. I worked with great pleasure over them and called them "If the shoe will have to do." The transparent platform is made of plastic, which I often use in my models. The shoes are decorated with stars and crystals, as befits shoes intended for princess. "

Salvatore Ferragamo (Ferragamo Salvator)

"Shoes that can turn a woman in a princess and give her a feeling that she steps on the clouds - the dream of many. The modern Tale of Cinderella opens a soft sensuality and power of femininity for us. The shoes are literally created from air and light: a wedge-shaped heel, a sign element of shoes from Salvatore Ferragamo, was covered with Swarovski crystals and seems absolutely weightless, "Massimiliano Geornetti, Creative Director of Salvatore Ferragamo.

Jerome C. Rousseau (Jerome Rousseau)

"I inspired the scene when the clock beat midnight - the most busy moment of a tale about Cinderella. Result - Saturated blue sandals on a very high heel. A wide transparent membrane reminds of a classic crystal shoe, and the fancy gold and silver finish adds them playfulness. I wanted to create such shoes, which would capture the prince even more. "

Jimmy Choo (Jimmy Chu)

"Any girl at least once in life dreams of feeling a cindering. This fairy tale awakens the love of shoes, which we carry through all your life. Even in adulthood, we continue to feel the power of the wonderful transformation, which struck us as in childhood. I wanted to create a truly magical couple of shoes, smearing, with a classic feminine silhouette, able to call those distant children's emotions, "Sandra commented on Jimmy Choo creative director.

Nicholas Kirkwood (Nicholas Kirkwood)

"Cinderella tender and, at the same time, a very strong heroine spirit. This is especially noticeable in the scene of her magical transformation. The character of Cinderella inspired me to create crystal shoes, the design of which was consonant with the magic of the film. "

Paul Andrew (Paul Andrew)

"Crystal shoes - the dream of each girl. The tale of Cinderella inspired me to use the classic for the brand Paul Andrew's shape shoes with a pointed nose. I decorated them with scattering swarovski crystals. With the help of transparent vinyl, it was possible to achieve a "crystal" effect, and the zone of the color of the ivory helped to put the volume shoes and create a rich texture. "

Rene Caovilla (Rena Kaowilla)

"The process of creating shoes awakens emotions and executes wishes. This is a real passion and a constant search for inspiration that are not limited to imagination. So the dreams are fulfilled in our fairy tale. "

Stuart Weitzman (Stewart Weizman)

"Cinderella in a new film is infinitely attractive. Translucent closed shoes, swept up with jewels, reflect my vision of the heroine. "

Moscow and Tsuma did not get the models of all women and especially the fans of the series "Sex in the Big City". Yes, yes - Manolo Blanik, too, created his tunnel of Cinderella, and we will show it now!

Another cult designer Christian Lobutan did not just create his version of the shoes, but also had an actress of Lily James in the Hollywood premiere!

Cinderella in Lubutanes - what can be modern and wish!

For the first time, the fabulous collection of all 11 shoes was shown in the framework of the Berlin Film Festival, where the premiere of Cinderella was held. Selected guests were able to enjoy the shoes to face and falling them on their cameras.

To tailoring Cinderella dresses, more than 240 meters of fabric and 10000 Swarovski crystals were gone, and more than 4800 stitches were made. For the filming of the film, 9 absolutely identical dresses were made.

The director of the film Disney Cinderella Kenneth Brahn was nominated for the Oscar Film Academy Award in five different categories: "Best Male Role", "The Best Male role of the second plan", "The best work of the director", "The best adapted scenario" and "Best Short feature film. " In the entire history of the award of the Oscar award, only three more actors - Warren Beatti, John Houston and George Clooney were nominated in such categories.

See you at the film crew of the film "Cinderella" Actresses Lily James (Cinderella) and Sophie Maksher (Drisella) took part in the filming of the popular British series "Abbey Dounton".

Photography Frame from the movie "Cinderella"

The ballroom of the royal palace is striking with its size: 46 meters long, and 32 meters wide.

Decor is not less impressive:

  • marble floors;
  • massive staircase;
  • curtains, on sewing which left more than 1,800 tissue meters;
  • 17 huge chandeliers custom in Italy;
  • more than 3,600 meters of turquoise velvet for the upholstery of the walls;
  • more than 16,000 artificial flowers from silk, as well as 5000 candles, each of which was made manually.

Photography Frame from the movie "Cinderella"

The executor of the role of King Derek Dzhakobi is the owner of two knightly titles, which His Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II entered, just another British actor twice honored such honor - it was Sir Lawrence Olivier. The director of the painting Kenneth Brahn was also dedicated to the knights for merit in the field of drama.

Shooting in the film Disney "Cinderella" for the actor of Derek Jacobi and director Kennet Brahn became the fourth collaboration, along with the films "Hamlet", "Heinrich V" and "die re-".

Photography Frame from the movie "Cinderella"

The width of the dress fairy-shaft was almost 120 centimeters. To create this dress at the artist in costumes Sandy Powell left:

  • 120 meters of fabric;
  • 400 LEDs;
  • thousands of Swarovski crystals.

Photography Frame from the movie "Cinderella"

The executor of the Magic role Kate Blanchett is the owner of six nominations for the Oscar. She received four nominations for a successful embodiment on the screen of real people's images: Elizabeth I in the film "Elizabeth", Catherine Hepburn in the film "Aviator", Bob Dilan in the film "There is no me here" and Sheby Hart in the film "Scandalous Diary".

Photography Frame from the movie "Cinderella"

In the Full-length film Disney "Cinderella" sisters Anastasia and Drisella are always dressed in the same style, but different in the color of the dress, as well as in the Animation masterpiece of Disney.

Photography Frame from the movie "Cinderella"

Behind the shoulders of the Dante Ferretti artist, not only many awards and nominations in the category "best work of the artist-director" of the Oscar and BAFTA cinema, but also works to design decorations for the most famous opera theaters of the world: "La Scala" in Milan, "Opera Bastille" in Paris and "Colon" in Buenos Aires. In addition, Ferretti created scenic decorations for the opera Verdi "Traviata" opera, as well as the operas of Puccini "Tosca" and "Bohemia".

Photography Frame from the movie "Cinderella"

The formulation of Cinderella's solemn ballroom dance and Prince entrusted the winner of the Tony awards and Emmy choreographer Rob Ashford.

240 meters of fabric and 10,000 Swarovski crystals I went to create a Cinderella dress. For the filming of the film, 9 absolutely identical dresses were made.

46 meters long and 32 meters wide - The size of the ballroom of the Royal Palace. The decor is impressive at no less: marble floors, a massive staircase, curtains, on sewing more than 1,800 meters of fabric, 17 huge chandeliers, custom in Italy, more than 3,600 meters of turquoise velvet for the upholstery of walls, more than 16,000 artificial silk colors, And also 5000 candles, each of which was made manually.

In 5 different categories It was nominated for the Oscar American Film Academy Award "Cinderella" Canenet Brahn: "Best Male Role", "The Best Male role of the second plan", "The best work of the director", "Best Adapted Scenario" and "Best Short Art Film" . In the entire history of the award of the Oscar premium, only three more actors - Warren Beatti, John Houston and were nominated in such a number of categories.

Frame from the film "Cinderella" Photo: WDSSPR

2 knightly titlesthe role of King Derek Jacobi, which he endowed the Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II. Only another British actor twice honored such honor - it was

Sir Lawrence Olivier. The director of the painting Kenneth Brahn was also dedicated to the knights for merit in the field of drama.

120 metersthe fabric went to create a dress for the fairy-godfather at the artist on the costumes Sandy Powell. The width of the dress amounted to almost 120 centimeters.

Poster for the film "Cinderella" Photo: WDSSPR

6th Nomination for the Oscar Prize And the role of stepmother Kate Blanchett. She received four nominations for a successful embodiment on the screen of real people's images: Elizabeth I in the film "Elizabeth", Catherine Hepburn in the film "Aviator", Bob Dilan in the film "There is no me here" and Sheby Hart in the film "Scandalous Diary".