What can be painted at home with a pencil. Draw a beautiful house with a pencil Paradom with children

What can be painted at home with a pencil. Draw a beautiful house with a pencil Paradom with children
What can be painted at home with a pencil. Draw a beautiful house with a pencil Paradom with children

Now we draw a simple house, it is not necessary to detail it, only the main lines can be drawn. We must need a ruler, so that the house turned out to be smooth.

Step 1. Do we draw two rectangles, upper slightly below the bottom.

Step 2. Draw a squeeze sides of the roof and additional decorative lines.

Step 3. We wash the horizontal side straight from the rectangle, then draw the door and windows.

Step 4. Put the grille on the windows, we will have an attic from above.

Step 5. Play the window in the attic and this can be finished, but who wants to draw the whole house, continue. Draw parallel lines on the roofs.

Step 6. Draw a tile. Let's start from the bottom row. We plan the middle of the house and spend the horizontal straight line in the very first bottom row. Then we draw to the left, while every time we make a line straight right to the right, then you draw right, making the farther, the greater the slope of the left line. Now go to the second row of the bottom. Each straight line draws is drawn in the middle between each tiling of the first row, do not forget the closer to the side, the one should be inclined to the other side. We continue to do so on the top row inclusive. Then we draw patterns and on the sides and on the roof of the attic. I drew wavy lines with circles, you can come up with your pattern, it is not fundamentally.

Fabulous houses are different from our houses by the fact that they can be ridiculous and unusual, colored, curves, very small and soft, and sometimes even edible, or vice versa - poisonous. Let's try together with you draw a fabulous housein which the gnomes could live, and also learn How to draw a house in the form of a christmas gingerbread. How do you like the idea? Like? Then we went!

I prepared for you several options for fabulous houses. One of them in the video.

How to draw a house for gnomes step by step

You can also slightly designate where the walls will end and the roof began.

2. Draw the walls and roof. The most interesting in the process of creating a drawing of a fabulous house is that you can draw walls and a roof of any shape, the main thing is to fantasize as much as possible and make the house original.

3. If the main elements of the house are ready, time to take care of windows and doors, because the fairy-tale house should be not just ridiculous and original, but also to serve the gnomes cozy housing. Windows and doors can also be different forms: curves, round, oval, square. In short, fantasy!

4. Now you can go to the details. Denote the roof patterns that will remind us the tile, and draw brick walls.

5. Add a few more details of the house drawing: chimney, as well as a flashlight, so that at night the gnomes were not scary to return home. And now draw elements of the background: bushes, trees, flowers, clouds.

6. Congratulations! Fairytale house Ready! Color to his bright colors with the help of pencils, or paints. Color you can give the drawing at home even greater fantasy and originality.

How to draw a house in the form of a christmas gingerbread

1. First of all, think about the placement of the house on paper. Denote the extreme upper and lower point of the drawing and compatible with their central line. She will help us keep symmetry.

Also on central line Check where the walls will end and the roof began. For convenience, through the marks, you can spend a horizontal line.

2. This house will be somewhat more similar to the houses in which people live, so let's try to start to build it from the geometric figures familiar to us. Rectangle - for walls, triangle - for the roof. Mark also doors and windows. Now this house has become similar to usual, but we will add fabulous fabulousness.

3. Dorisuham to the walls of two caramel columns on the sides, make a roof in the form of glazes flowing onto a small window. Also at this stage draw the windows and doors in detail.

4. All the main elements are ready, let's go to sweet details? Decorate the drawing of the house, as you want. For example, I decorated my house with garlands with different sweets. And from the bottom for the decor added caramel stones.

At this stage, it is also necessary to draw elements of the background. Our house is Christmas, so the background should be winter: snow, festive Christmas tree and the like.

5. Congratulations! Sweet christmas house ready! Coloring it with pencils, or paints, if desired. Success in creative work!

Hello everyone interested in my! Today we have very interesting lessonwhich I think will like and will be useful to everyone! But before you can subscribe to community VKontakte So you can share your jobs, receive advice and new lessons!

Let's see where we are now on our thirty-day way. You captured the skill of drawing, and the most important thing - learned to apply a compass of directions (I told about it in detail in the class of cubes). Now you will use these skills to draw even more real objects. In this chapter you will learn how to start painting the house, then you draw mailbox.

1. Draw a cube very, very easy to press a pencil.

2. Put the reference point in the middle of the lower right side of the cube.

3. Spend very easily vertical line up from this point. It will be our guide line to create a roof of the house.

4. Connect the front of the roof. Please note that the Middle Sunshine is longer than on the other side. This is an excellent example of how size and location give the depth of the pattern. The closest part of the roof is longer so that it becomes more and created the illusion that she is closer to the viewer.

5. Using the lines that you have already drawn, as a sample, draw the top of the roof, be careful, do not downhill the line too high (like here):

This is the problem of many newbies. To avoid this, consciously and specifically go back to your first line drawn in the direction of the North-West.

6. Draw a fallen side of the roof by making an inclination with the front edge. When I draw at home, it seems to me that if the far edge of the roof is tilted slightly less than the closest, it looks more realistic.

This is only a quick look at the two-member perspective. In the future, we will get acquainted in more detail with the law of perspective. I just want to play your appetite for new tests in drawing!

See how fun to see the house built on the compass in the directions of the North-West and the Northeast and see how these lines merge at the point of departure from each side of the object. In fact, you have already effectively used this advanced science of a two-member perspective, not even knowing this! How? When? You ask…

But I print on my laptop, at absolutely not imagining how it really works. You can also safely control the car without understanding how the engine works. Similarly, you can (and should!) Successfully learn how to draw basic forms, not aware of all laws and rules. I do not say that you should not study the foundations of an angle in drawing, because you have to, and you do it in the following lessons. But the immediate introduction of excessive, tedious information can greatly interfere or completely block the pleasure of drawing the initial foundations in the beginners. When newcomers overload information, they begin to overcome anxiety, they naturally begin to get upset. They are experiencing failures and take an absolutely false assumption that they are deprived of talent and, therefore, do not have the opportunity to learn how to draw. The truth is that learning drawing has nothing to do with talent. You felt it on yourself, fulfilling these lessons.

The best way to introduce students with the trepidation of 3D drawing is, first of all, offering immediate success. Immediate success causes delight, enthusiasm and interest. More practice inspires more practice. More practice strengthens confidence. And confidence perpetuates the desire of the student to learn more and more. I call it a "self-breathing learning cycle."

We have seen in all previous lessons what drawing is absolutely trained skill. In addition, the ability to draw can drastically increase your communication skills, which in turn may have an extreme impact on your life.

7. Draw the horizon line over the house and place the light source. Slide your drawing, severts guide lines.

8. Using already drawn lines in the SZ direction, as a sample, easy to apply a frame for bitumen tiles. Draw a guide line on the SUS on Earth to add a falling shadow. Apply shadows along the roof base. The closer to the roof, the darker paint the line along it, pushing it deeper into the picture.

9. Complete a simple house tiled on the roof, the near tile do more and reduce it as distance. Draw a window, make sure the lines are parallel to the edges of the paper. The same with the door. Draw vertical doors lines corresponding to the vertical lines of the central and right side of the house. You can preize additional parts, for example, in the form of bushes.

10. Add the slopes on the window and doors. Complete the drawing using hatching. Great job! You drew a cute little house in the steppe.

Lesson 12: Practical Task

Understanding as basic figures, such as a cube or sphere, can turn into objects real Mira - This is the main goal of this book. Look at the mailbox drawing. Try to draw this box yourself. Start with the conversion of the cube in the mailbox. Next, form the front part of the box on the right and left. Again, note that the melee edge of the box is longer. This is another example of how size creates a depth. Draw a pillar and drawer details. Look at how a dark shadow pushes a pillars under the box. Complete your mailbox by adding other details. These small details are the postage flag, the handle, address and, especially the texture of the tree, - perfectly completes this drawing. The texture adds visual sensations of the surface of the objects: fur on the cat, cobblestone on the street, scales on the fish. The texture is a delicious "aroma" that adds your drawing a highlight.

Do not forget to brag about your work in

Everyone wants to have a shelter, in order to hide there from this world. I will tell you how to draw a house with a pencil. Perhaps in the future you can build your own cozy shelter. The house is the permanent monastery of the people and all the goodness of them in the form of a TV, unlimited internet and cat. Carefully coats the owner, hesitated for the winter and serves as a venue cultural events. On the territory of the rashki, most often is a communal service in Khrushchek, less often an apartment in the center of Moscow or Bobruisk. In distant from civilization, this can be a two-storey barn with the flowing roof. Brings a loss in the form of permanent renovations and communal Dani, needs expensive armored doors to protect property and attach beauty appearance. Gives protection from acid rain and hurricanes of small scuffle, as well as from Gypsy, Eyvon agents, and Jehovah's Witnesses. Specific variety of houses:

  • Madhouse (synonyms: a mental hospital, a psychiatric hospital, Kashchenko) - the habitat of creative and talented people. Equipped with equipment for conduct of experiences Treating and improving the soul. Settlement on special invitations.
  • The White house . The pumped version of the ordinary madman for the elite of this world. Heading the Black Lord distributes democracy around the world, absolutely free, preference is given to countries with oil and dangerous terrorists.
  • House-2 is almost the same as the madhouse, only there patients also pay money.

And now let's create a project of your home.

How to draw a house with a pencil phased

Step one. Draw a small standard house, as it looks in the village, with a triangular roof.
Step second. Slightly align the structure, add a few formal bushes around and boil the roof edge.
Step Three. Add design this hut, beautiful porch and facade ornament.
Step fourth. Now draw several windows in front on both floors, as well as from the side of several pieces. You still need some trees on the background and a path to the entrance.
So my house will look, and what kind of house would you like to build? Draw and attach your work at the bottom under this article. It will be useful for you to learn more.

"My house is my fortress," says famous proverb. But for such a reliable construction is needed for a long time, considerable costs, great experience.

We offer to start with the "Buildings" (it will be drawing) a small house. Consider how quickly draw the house with a pencil in stages for children to complete the task easily and interesting. And for adults, such drawing is a great opportunity to go back to childhood.

What instruments need to draw a house of our dreams, you ask? Just a pencil and ruler on initial stage. What else will you need, learn when you do all actions.

So, step by step perform such steps.

From this article you will learn

Step 1

We plan to the future house.

Initially, the line and pencil gently, exactly draw a rectangle. To him a little later, we will "add" other elements. Then we divide it into two halves. For example, one half at home is a living room, and the second is a kitchen. It all depends on your desire, because the future housing you are planning.

At the bottom of our house, we draw a low rectangle for the future foundation, which we will also change too soon.

Step 2.

Draw the roof and windows.

Draw the sides of the roof with a pencil and spend the same parallel lines on it. So that our construction looked beautifully, you need to draw the windows.

To do this, in your chosen half the house we draw two rectangles with jumpers. Windows can choose small and large, square and oval up. Form and size choose to your taste and discretion.

Agree, when we fully fulfill everything, it turns out beautiful and neatly. Although in shape it is already reminded of a dwelling, but go to the next step. What is the next step? Of course, the door!

Step 3.

We add styled doors and chimney.

Now you need to draw the doors in the other left of the remaining half. Do not forget about the door handle. It is easier to create it with the help of a ruler to get a small square. Slightly harder - a small circle.

He will remind the door handle shaped. And for those who are ready to try more, there is another version of the handle for the door resembling hammer. It will take only patience and accuracy.

After that, on the roof of your home, I draw a pencil chimney. In your opinion, place it on the right either on the left.

And finally, the final stage - we decorate the resulting housing. After all, comfort and comfort, even if only in the picture, pleases our eyes.

And now expect a designer profession. Surely, you already guessed what we are talking about. All finished elements of our "Buildings" will decorate. Such drawing is a real scope for your imagination!

Step 4.

Draw a pencil the foundation of your home, dividing the rectangle from below to the cells. Parallel lines on the roof can be divided into alternating squares: it turns out that - similar to the tile. Instead of square tiles, draw round lines from below. So it will also work beautifully!

On the windows of the house you can draw curtains and even a pot with flowers. And the smokey smoke from the pipe will come together for the idea of \u200b\u200bwelcoming owners. Items back, you will need to attach a little more effort and efforts. But after all, your house will work out beautiful and unique!

Step 5.

For those who love to draw.

Color colored pencils, paints, markers. Near it can be painted - a green lawn with beautiful flowers, tall trees, Blue sky with a bright sun or what you like.

Your house drawn by a pencil gradually, ready! We hope for children such drawing is a real pleasure!