Works in dragoon for children read online. Deniskin's stories by Viktor Dragunsky: everything about the book

Works in dragoon for children read online.  Deniskin's stories by Viktor Dragunsky: everything about the book
Works in dragoon for children read online. Deniskin's stories by Viktor Dragunsky: everything about the book
Original language: Date of first publication:

"Deniskin rasskazy"- a cycle of stories by the Soviet writer Viktor Dragunsky, dedicated to incidents from the life of a preschooler, and then a junior schoolchild, Denis Korablev. Appearing in print since 1959, the stories have become classics of Soviet children's literature, were reprinted many times and several times were filmed. They were included in the list of "100 books for schoolchildren", compiled in 2012.


The stories take place in the late 1950s - early 1960s in Moscow (for example, the events of the story "An Amazing Day" fall on the day of Herman Titov's flight into space).

Denis lives with his parents in the center of Moscow - in various stories it is mentioned that he lives on Karetny Ryad ("Adventure"), not far from the Circus ("Not worse than you, circus artists"), in Trekhprudny lane ("There is a lot of traffic on Sadovaya"). This is an ordinary boy with whom funny or curious cases happen every now and then. So he pours his porridge out of the window in order to quickly go with his mother to the Kremlin, and when a citizen drenched in porridge comes to them with a policeman, he understands what mother’s words mean “The secret becomes apparent” (“The secret becomes apparent”). Once, during a trip to the circus, he sees an amazing girl on a ball, but the next time, bringing dad to look at her, he learns that she left with her parents for Vladivostok ("Girl on the Ball").

Another time in the circus, he accidentally changes places with another boy, as a result of which the clown Pencil grabs him and, swinging on a swing, takes him with him under the circus dome (“Not worse than you circus ones”). During a trip to the zoo, the elephant Shango almost eats up his new radio. At a children's party at the Metalist club, Denis drinks a bottle of citro to gain up to 25 kilograms of weight and win a subscription to the Murzilka magazine, which he shares with his friend Mishka (Exactly 25 kilos). He starts painting the entrance door with the hose left by the painters and is so carried away that he paints not only the door, but also the neighbor Alyonka, and the suit of the house manager Alexei Akimych (“From top to bottom, obliquely!”).

While playing hide-and-seek in a communal apartment, she crawls under the bed with her neighbor's grandmother, and when she closes up and goes to bed, she is afraid that she will spend the rest of her life there ("Twenty Years Under the Bed"). Denis suggests to his mother, who complains about the mountains of dishes, to wash only one appliance a day, and everyone will eat from it in turn ("The Tricky Way"). Denis also has a lot of adventures at school. He and Mishka are late for class, but they tell such different stories about the reason for being late that their cunning is immediately revealed ("A fire in the wing, or a feat in the ice ...").

At the carnival, Denis, with the help of Mishka, dresses up as a Cat in Boots, and then shares with Mishka the prize for the best costume ("Puss in Boots"). During a school trip to the cinema for a film about reds and whites, he raises the boys of the "attack" class, firing a toy pistol ("The Battle of the Clean River"). In music lessons, he loves to sing and tries to do it as loudly as possible ("Glory to Ivan Kozlovsky").

Participates in the school play backstage, but loses the call, and instead of hitting the chair with the board (pretending to be a shot), he hits the cat ("Death of Gadyukin's Spy"). Forgets to learn lessons, as a result of which he cannot recite Nekrasov's poem about a peasant with a marigold, and pronounces the name of the main river in America as Misi-pisi ("Main rivers").

Main characters

External images

List of stories

Screen adaptations

Several films based on Denis's Tales were shot in the 1960s and 1970s, including two two-part television films:

  • 1970 - Magic Power (novel "The Avengers from the 2nd B")
  • 1970 - Deniskin stories (from four short stories)
  • 1973 - Where is it seen, where it is heard (short)
  • 1973 - Captain (short)
  • 1973 - Spyglass (short)
  • 1973 - Fire in the wing (short)
  • 1974 - Glory to Ivan Kozlovsky (short, in the Yeralash newsreel)
  • 1976 - In secret to the whole world (2 episodes)
  • 1979 - The Amazing Adventures of Denis Korablev (2 episodes)


Performances based on the stories of the cycle have been staged several times in theaters. In addition, in 1993 the Ural composer Maxim Basok created the children's musical Deniskin's Stories (more than 20 versions of productions with different combinations of four stories, libretto by Boris Borodin). On April 5, 2014 the premiere of the play "Deniskin's Stories" staged by the "ChrisArt" Theater Company took place on the stage of the DK im. Zueva.


see also

  • "Little Nicolas" - a French series of funny stories about a school boy
  • A cycle of stories by Nikolai Nosov about schoolchildren Mishka and Kolya ("Bengal Lights", "Friend", "Our Skating Rink", "Telephone", "Mishkina's Porridge", as well as the story "Merry Family")

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Notes (edit)


  • (fragment of the musical by M. A. Bask, mp3)

An excerpt characterizing Deniskin's stories

Prince Vasily fulfilled the promise given at the evening with Anna Pavlovna to Princess Drubetskaya, who asked him for her only son Boris. He was reported to the sovereign, and, unlike others, he was transferred to the guards of the Semenovsky regiment as an ensign. But Boris was never appointed an adjutant or a member of Kutuzov, despite all the troubles and intrigues of Anna Mikhailovna. Soon after Anna Pavlovna's evening, Anna Mikhailovna returned to Moscow, directly to her rich relatives Rostovs, with whom she stayed in Moscow and with whom her adored Borenka was brought up and lived for years, just promoted to the army and immediately transferred to the guards ensign. The guard had already left Petersburg on August 10, and the son, who remained in Moscow for uniforms, had to catch up with her on the way to Radziwilov.
The Rostovs had Natalya's birthday girls, a mother and a younger daughter. In the morning, without stopping, trains drove and drove off, bringing congratulators to the large, all Moscow famous house of Countess Rostova on Povarskaya. The countess with her beautiful older daughter and guests, who did not cease to replace one another, were sitting in the drawing-room.
The Countess was a woman with an oriental type of thin face, about forty-five years old, apparently exhausted by her children, of whom she had twelve. The sluggishness of her movements and speech, which stemmed from the weakness of her strength, gave her a significant look that inspired respect. Princess Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya, like a domestic person, was sitting right there, helping in the matter of receiving and engaging in conversation with guests. The youth were in the back rooms, not finding it necessary to participate in receiving the visits. The count met and saw off the guests, inviting everyone to dinner.
“I am very, very grateful to you, ma chere or mon cher [my dear or my dear] (ma cheré or mon cher, he spoke to everyone, without exception, without the slightest nuance, both above and below him to the people standing) for himself and for dear birthday girls ... Look, come and dine. You will offend me, mon cher. I sincerely ask you from the whole family, ma chere. " These words, with the same expression on a full, cheerful and clean-shaven face and with an equally firm handshake and repeated short bows, he spoke to everyone without exception and change. After seeing off one guest, the count returned to the one or the other who were still in the drawing-room; pulling up the chairs and with the air of a man who loves and knows how to live, valiantly spreading his legs and putting his hands on his knees, he swayed significantly, offered guesses about the weather, consulted about health, sometimes in Russian, sometimes in very bad, but self-confident French, and again with the air of a tired man, but firm in the performance of his duty, he went to see him off, straightening his sparse gray hair on his bald head, and again called for dinner. Sometimes, returning from the hall, he entered through the flower room and the waiter's room into a large marble room, where a table was laid for eighty envelopes, and, looking at the waiters, who wore silver and porcelain, who were arranging tables and unfolding damask tablecloths, he called Dmitry Vasilyevich, a nobleman, to him, engaged in all his affairs, and said: “Well, well, Mitenka, see that everything is fine. So, so, - he said, looking around with pleasure at the huge open table. - The main thing is serving. Then that ... ”And he left, sighing smugly, again into the living room.
- Marya Lvovna Karagina with her daughter! The huge Countess, the visiting footman, announced in a bass voice, entering the drawing-room door.
The Countess thought and sniffed from the golden snuffbox with the portrait of her husband.
“These visits have tortured me,” she said. - Well, I’ll take her last. Very stiff. Ask, ”she said to the footman in a sad voice, as if she were saying:“ Well, finish it off! ”
A tall, plump, proud-looking lady with a chubby smiling daughter, rustling dresses, entered the living room.
"Chere comtesse, il ya si longtemps ... elle a ete alitee la pauvre enfant ... au bal des Razoumowsky ... et la comtesse Apraksine ... j" ai ete si heureuse ... "[Dear Countess, how long ago ... she must have been in bed, poor child ... at the Razumovskys' ball ... and Countess Apraksina ... was so happy ...] lively female voices were heard, interrupting one another and merging with the noise of dresses and the movement of chairs. , say: "Je suis bien charmee; la sante de maman ... et la comtesse Apraksine" [I am delighted; mother's health ... and Countess Apraksina] and, again rustling dresses, go to the hall, put on a fur coat or raincoat and leave. about the main city news of that time - about the illness of the famous rich and handsome man of Catherine's time, the old Count Bezukhoi and about his illegitimate son Pierre, who behaved so indecently at the evening with Anna Pavlovna Sherer.
- I am very sorry for the poor count, - said the guest, - his health is so bad, and now this grief from his son, it will kill him!
- What? - Asked the countess, as if not knowing what the guest was talking about, although she had already heard the reason for the upset of Count Bezukhoi fifteen times already.
- This is the current upbringing! Even abroad, - said the guest, - this young man was left to himself, and now in Petersburg, they say, he has done such horrors that he and the police were expelled from there.
- Tell! Said the Countess.
“He chose his acquaintances badly,” Princess Anna Mikhailovna intervened. - The son of Prince Vasily, he and Dolokhov alone, they say, God knows what they were doing. And both suffered. Dolokhov was demoted to the rank of soldiers, and the son of Bezukhoi was exiled to Moscow. Anatol Kuragin - his father somehow hushed it up. But they were expelled from Petersburg.
- What the hell did they do? The countess asked.
“These are perfect robbers, especially Dolokhov,” said the guest. - He is the son of Marya Ivanovna Dolokhova, such a respectable lady, and what? You can imagine: the three of them got a bear somewhere, put it in a carriage and took it to the actresses. The police came running to appease them. They caught the quartermaster and tied his back with his back to the bear and let the bear into the Moika; the bear swims, and the quarterly on it.
- Good, ma chere, the figure of the quarter, - cried the count, dying with laughter.
- Oh, what a horror! What is there to laugh about, Count?
But the ladies could not help laughing themselves.
“They rescued this unfortunate man by force,” the guest continued. - And this is the son of Count Kirill Vladimirovich Bezukhov is so cleverly amusing himself! She added. - And they said that he was so well brought up and smart. That's all the upbringing abroad has brought. I hope that no one here will accept him, despite his wealth. They wanted to introduce him to me. I resolutely refused: I have daughters.
- Why do you say that this young man is so rich? - asked the countess, bending down from the girls, who immediately pretended not to listen. - After all, he only has illegitimate children. It seems ... and Pierre is illegal.
The guest waved her hand.
“He has twenty illegal ones, I think.
Princess Anna Mikhailovna intervened in the conversation, apparently wanting to show her connections and her knowledge of all secular circumstances.
“That's the point,” she said in a significant and also half-whisper. - The reputation of Count Kirill Vladimirovich is known ... He lost count of his children, but this Pierre was beloved.
“How good the old man was,” said the Countess, “even last year! I have never seen a handsomer man.
“Now I've changed a lot,” said Anna Mikhailovna. “So I wanted to say,” she continued, “by his wife, the direct heir to the entire estate, Prince Vasily, but his father loved Pierre very much, was engaged in his upbringing and wrote to the emperor ... so no one knows if he dies (he is so bad that they expect this every minute, and Lorrain came from Petersburg), who will get this huge fortune, Pierre or Prince Vasily. Forty thousand souls and millions. I know this very well, because Prince Vasily himself told me this. And Kirill Vladimirovich is my maternal second cousin. He baptized Borya, ”she added, as if not attributing any significance to this circumstance.
- Prince Vasily arrived in Moscow yesterday. He goes to the audit, I was told, - said the guest.
- Yes, but, entre nous, [between us,] - said the princess, - this is an excuse, he actually came to Count Kirill Vladimirovich, having learned that he was so bad.
“However, ma chere, this is a glorious thing,” said the count, and, noticing that the older guest was not listening to him, he turned to the young ladies. - A good figure was at the quarter, I imagine.
And he, imagining how the quarterly waved his hands, again laughed with a sonorous and bass laugh that shook his entire full body, how people laugh, who always ate well and especially drank. “So please dine with us,” he said.

There was a silence. The countess looked at her visitor, smiling pleasantly, however, she did not hide the fact that she would not be upset now in the least if the guest got up and left. The guest's daughter was already straightening her dress, looking inquiringly at her mother, when suddenly from the next room I heard several male and female legs running towards the door, the rumble of a hooked and knocked down chair, and a thirteen-year-old girl ran into the room, wrapping something in her short muslin skirt, and stopped in the middle rooms. Obviously, she accidentally, from an uncalculated run, jumped so far. At the same moment a student with a crimson collar, a Guards officer, a fifteen-year-old girl, and a fat, ruddy-faced boy in a children's jacket appeared in the doorway.
The count jumped up and, swaying, spread his arms wide around the fleeing girl.
- Ah, here she is! He cried laughing. - The birthday girl! Ma chere, birthday girl!
- Ma chere, il y a un temps pour tout, [Honey, there is time for everything,] - said the Countess, pretending to be strict. “You spoil her all, Elie,” she added to her husband.

"Deniskin rasskazy"- a cycle of stories by the Soviet writer Viktor Dragunsky, dedicated to incidents from the life of a preschooler, and then a junior schoolchild, Denis Korablev. Appearing in print since 1959, the stories have become classics of Soviet children's literature, were reprinted many times and several times were filmed. They were included in the list of "100 books for schoolchildren", compiled in 2012.


The stories take place in the late 1950s - early 1960s in Moscow (for example, the events of the story "An Amazing Day" fall on the day of Herman Titov's flight into space).

Denis lives with his parents in the center of Moscow - in various stories it is mentioned that he lives on Karetny Ryad ("Adventure"), not far from the Circus ("Not worse than you, circus artists"), in Trekhprudny lane ("There is a lot of traffic on Sadovaya"). This is an ordinary boy with whom funny or curious cases happen every now and then. So he pours his porridge out of the window in order to quickly go with his mother to the Kremlin, and when a citizen drenched in porridge comes to them with a policeman, he understands what mother’s words mean “The secret becomes apparent” (“The secret becomes apparent”). Once, during a trip to the circus, he sees an amazing girl on a ball, but the next time, bringing dad to look at her, he learns that she left with her parents for Vladivostok ("Girl on the Ball").

Another time in the circus, he accidentally changes places with another boy, as a result of which the clown Pencil grabs him and, swinging on a swing, takes him with him under the circus dome (“Not worse than you circus ones”). During a trip to the zoo, the elephant Shango almost eats up his new radio. At a children's party at the Metalist club, Denis drinks a bottle of citro to gain up to 25 kilograms of weight and win a subscription to the Murzilka magazine, which he shares with his friend Mishka (Exactly 25 kilos). He starts painting the entrance door with the hose left by the painters and is so carried away that he paints not only the door, but also the neighbor Alyonka, and the suit of the house manager Alexei Akimych (“From top to bottom, obliquely!”).

While playing hide-and-seek in a communal apartment, she crawls under the bed with her neighbor's grandmother, and when she closes up and goes to bed, she is afraid that she will spend the rest of her life there ("Twenty Years Under the Bed"). Denis suggests to his mother, who complains about the mountains of dishes, to wash only one appliance a day, and everyone will eat from it in turn ("The Tricky Way"). Denis also has a lot of adventures at school. He and Mishka are late for class, but they tell such different stories about the reason for being late that their cunning is immediately revealed ("A fire in the wing, or a feat in the ice ...").

At the carnival, Denis, with the help of Mishka, dresses up as a Cat in Boots, and then shares with Mishka the prize for the best costume ("Puss in Boots"). During a school trip to the cinema for a film about reds and whites, he raises the boys of the "attack" class, firing a toy pistol ("The Battle of the Clean River"). In music lessons, he loves to sing and tries to do it as loudly as possible ("Glory to Ivan Kozlovsky").

Participates in the school play backstage, but loses the call, and instead of hitting the chair with the board (pretending to be a shot), he hits the cat ("Death of Gadyukin's Spy"). Forgets to learn lessons, as a result of which he cannot recite Nekrasov's poem about a peasant with a marigold, and pronounces the name of the main river in America as Misi-pisi ("Main rivers").

Main characters

List of stories

Screen adaptations

Several films based on Denis's Tales were shot in the 1960s and 1970s, including two two-part television films:

  • 1970 - Magic Power (novel "The Avengers from the 2nd B")
  • 1970 - Deniskin stories (from four short stories)
  • 1973 - Where is it seen, where it is heard (short)
  • 1973 - Captain (short)
  • 1973 - Spyglass (short)
  • 1973 - Fire in the wing (short)
  • 1974 - Glory to Ivan Kozlovsky (short, in the Yeralash newsreel)
  • 1976 - In secret to the whole world (2 episodes)
  • 1979 - The Amazing Adventures of Denis Korablev (2 episodes)


Performances based on the stories of the cycle have been staged several times in theaters. In addition, in 1993 the Ural composer Maxim Basok created the children's musical Deniskin's Stories (more than 20 versions of productions with different combinations of four stories, libretto by Boris Borodin). On April 5, 2014 the premiere of the play "Deniskin's Stories" staged by the "ChrisArt" Theater Company took place on the stage of the DK im. Zueva.


see also

  • "Little Nicolas" - a French series of funny stories about a school boy
  • A cycle of stories by Nikolai Nosov about schoolchildren Mishka and Kolya ("Bengal Lights", "Friend", "Our Skating Rink", "Telephone", "Mishkina's Porridge", as well as the story "Merry Family")

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Notes (edit)


  • (fragment of the musical by M. A. Bask, mp3)

An excerpt characterizing Deniskin's stories

- Life, my dear, consists of a tenth of what happens to us and nine-tenths of how we react to it. React fun baby! Otherwise, at times it can be very difficult to exist ... And what is not similar, so all of us at the beginning are somehow different. It's just that you will grow and life will begin to “adjust” you more and more to the general standards, and it will depend only on you, whether you want to be the same as everyone else.
And I didn't want to ... I loved my unusual colorful world and would not exchange it for anything and never. But, unfortunately, every beautiful thing in our life is very expensive and we really need to love it very much so that it doesn't hurt to pay for it. And, as we all know very well, unfortunately, you have to pay for everything and always ... It's just that when you do it consciously, there remains the satisfaction of free choice, when your choice and free will depends only on you. But for this, according to my personal concept, it is really worth paying any price, even if it is sometimes very expensive for oneself. But back to my starvation.
Two weeks had already passed, and I still, much to the chagrin of my mother, did not want to eat and, oddly enough, physically felt strong and perfectly fine. And since then, in general, I looked very good, I gradually managed to convince my mother that nothing bad was happening to me and that nothing terrible to me, apparently, was not threatened yet. This was absolutely true, since I really felt great, except for that "hypersensitive" mental state that made all my perceptions can be a little too "naked" - the colors, sounds and feelings were so vivid that from this sometimes it became hard to breathe. I think this "hypersensitivity" was the reason for my next and yet another "incredible" adventure ...

At that time, it was already late autumn in the yard and a group of our neighbors' children after school gathered in the forest for the last autumn mushrooms. And of course, as usual, I was going to go with them. The weather was unusually mild and pleasant. The still warm sunbeams galloped like bright bunnies over the golden foliage, from time to time seeping to the ground and warming it with the last farewell warmth. An elegant forest met us in its festively bright autumn dress and, like an old friend, invited us into its gentle embrace.
My beloved, gilded in the fall, slender birches, at the slightest breeze, generously dropped their golden "coin-leaves" on the ground and did not seem to notice that very soon they would be left alone with their nakedness and would bashfully wait when spring will dress them up again in their annual delicate outfit. And only the stately, evergreen spruces proudly shook off the old needles, preparing to become the only decoration of the forest during the long and, as always, very colorless winter. Yellow leaves rustled softly underfoot, hiding the last russula and milk mushrooms. The grass under the leaves was warm, soft and damp and as if inviting to step on it ...
As usual, I kicked off my boots and went barefoot. I loved to go barefoot always and everywhere, if only there was such an opportunity !!! True, these walks very often had to pay with angina, which sometimes was very long, but, as they say, "the game was worth the candle." Without shoes, the legs became almost "sighted" and there was a particularly acute feeling of freedom from something unnecessary, which seemed to interfere with breathing ... It was a real, incomparable little pleasure and sometimes it was worth paying for it.
The guys and I, as always, split up in pairs and went in all directions. Very soon I felt that I had been walking alone for some time. I can't say that it scared me (I was not afraid of the forest at all), but somehow I felt uncomfortable from the strange feeling that someone was watching me. Deciding to ignore it, I continued to calmly pick my mushrooms. But gradually the feeling of observation intensified and it already became not very pleasant.
I stopped, closed my eyes and tried to concentrate to try to see the one who was doing it, when suddenly I clearly heard someone's voice, which said: - That's right ... - And for some reason it seemed to me that it sounded not outside, but only in my mind. I stood in the middle of a small clearing and felt that the air around me began to vibrate strongly. A silvery-blue, transparent, shimmering pillar appeared in front of me, and a human figure gradually condensed in it. He was a very tall (by human standards) and powerful gray-haired man. For some reason I thought that he was ridiculously similar to the statue of our god Perkunas (Perun), for whom bonfires were made every year on the Holy Mountain on the night of June 24.
By the way, it was a very beautiful old holiday (I don't know if it still exists?), Which usually lasted until dawn, and was loved by everyone, regardless of age and taste. Almost the whole city always gathered for it and, which was absolutely incredible, no negative incidents were ever noticed at this holiday, despite the fact that everything took place in the forest. Apparently the beauty of customs opened even the most callous human souls to good, in the same way slamming the door for any brewing aggressive thoughts or actions.
Usually, bonfires burned all night long on the Holy Mountain, old songs sounded in round dances, and all this together strongly resembled an unusually beautiful fantastic fairy tale. Hundreds of lovers set off at night to look for a blooming fern flower in the forest, wishing to secure its magical promise to be “the happiest and always forever” ... And lonely young girls, making a wish, lowered wreaths woven of flowers into the Nemunas River, in the middle of each of which a candle burned. Many such wreaths descended, and for one night the river became like an amazingly beautiful heavenly road, softly flickering with the reflections of hundreds of candles, along which, creating trembling golden shadows, rows of good golden ghosts floated, carefully carrying on their transparent wings other people's desires to the God of Love ... And there, on the Holy Mountain, there is still a statue of the god Perkunas, to which my unexpected guest looked so much like.
The sparkling figure, without touching the ground with its feet, "swam" towards me, and I felt a very soft, warm touch.
“I came to open the Door for you,” I heard the voice in my head again.
- The door - where? I asked.
- To the Big World, - was the answer.
He stretched out a glowing hand to my forehead and I felt a strange sensation of a slight "explosion", after which there was a feeling really similar to the opening of a door ... which, moreover, opened right in my forehead. I saw amazingly beautiful bodies, similar to huge multi-colored butterflies, emerging from the very center of my head ... They lined up around and, tied to me with the finest silvery thread, created an amazingly colorful unusual flower ... something "unearthly" melody, which evoked a feeling of peace and fullness in the soul.
For a moment I saw many transparent human figures standing around, but for some reason they all disappeared very quickly. Only my first guest remained, who was still touching my forehead with his hand and from his touch a very pleasant "sounding" warmth flowed into my body.
- Who are they? - I asked, pointing to the "butterflies".
“It's you,” was the answer again. - It's all of you.
I could not understand what he was talking about, but somehow I knew that a real, pure and bright Good was coming from him. Suddenly, very slowly, all these unusual "butterflies" began to "melt" and turned into an amazing star fog sparkling with all the colors of the rainbow, which gradually began to flow back into me ... There was a deep feeling of completeness and something else that I could not understand, but only felt very strongly with all my gut.
“Be careful,” my guest said.
- Careful about what? I asked.
- You were born ... - was the answer.
His tall figure began to hesitate. The glade spun. And when I opened my eyes, to my greatest regret, my strange stranger was nowhere to be found. One of the boys, Romas, stood opposite me and watched my "awakening". He asked what I was doing here and if I was going to pick mushrooms ... When I asked him what time it was, he looked at me in surprise and answered and I realized that everything that happened to me took only a few minutes! ..
I got up (it turned out that I was sitting on the ground), dusted myself off and was about to go, when I suddenly noticed a very strange detail - the whole clearing around us was green !!! As amazingly green as if we found it in early spring! And what was our general surprise when we suddenly noticed that even beautiful spring flowers appeared on it from somewhere! It was absolutely amazing and, unfortunately, completely inexplicable. Most likely, it was some kind of "side" phenomenon after the arrival of my strange guest. But, unfortunately, I could not yet explain or at least understand this.
- What have you done? - asked Romas.
“It's not me,” I muttered guiltily.
“Come on, then,” he agreed.
Romas was one of those rare friends of the time who were not afraid of my "antics" and were not surprised at anything that constantly happened to me. He just believed me. And so I never had to explain anything to him, which for me was a very rare and valuable exception. When we returned from the forest, I was shaking with chills, but I thought that, as usual, I had just caught a little cold and decided not to bother my mother until something more serious happened. The next morning everything went away, and I was very pleased that this fully confirmed my "version" of a cold. But, unfortunately, I didn't have to rejoice for long ...

On October 4, at the Yasnaya Polyana recreation center, a creative meeting of the Tula people with Denis Dragunsky, the writer, the prototype of the famous “Denis’s stories” by Viktor Dragunsky, took place.

Last year marked the 100th anniversary of the birth of the remarkable children's writer Viktor Dragunsky, the author of Denisk's Stories. These stories were written half a century ago. Now the third generation is reading them.

Victor Dragunsky

During this time, a lot has changed, - says Denis Viktorovich Dragunsky.- When I went to school for Denisk Korablev - there was a completely different life: different streets, different cars, another yard, other houses and apartments, other shops and even food. Several families lived in a communal apartment - one room for each family. Mom and dad, two children and another grandmother used to live in one small room. Schoolchildren wrote with iron feathers dipping them into inkpots. The boys went to school in a gray uniform that looked like a soldier's. And the girls wore brown dresses and black aprons. But on the street, you could put a three-kopeck coin into the machine, and he would pour you a glass of soda with syrup. Or take two empty milk bottles to the store and get one full in return. In general, wherever you look - everything was completely different than now.

Viktor Dragunsky was often asked: “Did all this really happen? Do you know Deniska? " He replied: “Of course I know! This is my son! "

At the creative meeting, Denis Viktorovich was asked questions, and he answered them frankly and with humor. And before the meeting, journalists managed to ask Dragunsky a few more questions.

- How did your peers treat you?

Absolutely wonderful. They did not see Deniska in me from the stories, although my dad did a few, and everyone laughed and clapped. But not a single person told me that it was about me. This is because we were taught literature very well at school, and the guys understood the difference between a hero and a prototype. The questions began later. When I became a student and the children grew up to whom moms and dads read Deniskin's stories. It was then - that is, about ten years after the first appearance of "Denis's Tales" - the name Denis became quite popular. And when I was born it was a very rare name. First, the old one. And secondly, some kind of folk, as if even rural.

Friends said: "How strange Vitya Dragunsky called his son - either Denis, or Gerasim!" And at school the teachers mistakenly called me Maksim, then Trofim, or even Kuzma.

But now, I say, the first generation of readers of Denisk's stories has grown up. And they began to ask me: “Is this about you? Did you come from school or come running from the yard and tell your dad, and he wrote everything down? Or did he just look at you and describe your adventures? And in general - was it all true? " There are two answers. "Of course not!" and "Of course, yes!" Both answers are correct. Of course, Viktor Dragunsky composed his "Deniskin stories" completely independently, without any prompts from a ten-year-old boy. And anyway, what nonsense? It turns out that any literate person can become a children's writer in no time. Ask your child what happened at school today, write it down and run to the editorial office! Moreover, I am sure that many children at school or in the yard had adventures a hundred times more interesting than Deniska's. But the writer must compose himself. So all "Deniskin's stories" were invented by my dad. Perhaps, except for the story "The third place in the butterfly style" and a few pieces from the stories "What I love", "... And what I don't like." It really happened. Especially often I am asked if I poured semolina from the window onto the hat of a passer-by. I declare - no, I didn’t pour it out!

Victor Dragunsky with his son Deniska

- Are the people described in the stories real?

Yes! Deniska's mom is my mom. She was a very beautiful woman with stunning green eyes. “The most beautiful mother in the whole class,” as Mishka Slonov admitted. What can I say, if it was she who won a huge competition and became the leading concert of the legendary USSR ensemble “Berezka. Our teacher was Raisa Ivanovna.

Mishka and Alyonka are real people, I am still friends with Mishka. But Mishka and I could not find Alenka, they say she went abroad.

There was also a dacha neighbor Boris Klimentievich with his dog Chapka, and Vanka Dykhov (the famous director Ivan Dykhovichny). And the house manager Alexey Akimych - he was.

How interesting will these stories be for today's children? After all, they simply do not know many of the things that are written there.

These stories continue to be reprinted, which means there is a request for them. Probably because there are not adventures related to things, but about the experiences, feelings of the guys, the relationship between them. About envy, lies, truth, courage ... All this exists now and it is interesting to read about it.

- Which childhood, in your opinion, is more interesting - this or modern?

My childhood was more interesting to me. Now, it seems to me, guys spend more time on some technological things, on moving their fingers across the screen. I once calculated that in my entire life I took the elevator for two weeks. Can you imagine this skyscraper? Remember how Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy thought that he had been sitting in the saddle for seven years (smiles). All these endless games, gadgets, contacts are wonderful, I myself am a member of social networks and as a writer I started in LiveJournal. But it wastes time.

- How do you feel about modern children's literature and what would you advise children to read now?

I don't really like modern children's literature.

Good children's books will only appear when they are written by those who were born in the 90s.

Earlier, adults and children belonged to the same civilization, they understood each other. Now if I write a story in which the hero is standing under the clock and has been waiting for his friend Mishka for half an hour, but he still does not go, any child will immediately say to me: “What nonsense! And what about a mobile phone? " Read The Adventures of Dunno to the children, a totally wonderful three volumes for young children. And, of course, Viktor Dragunsky's Deniskin Stories.

Deniskins stories, Deniskins stories watch
literary cycle

Victor Dragunsky

Original language: Date of first publication:

"Deniskin rasskazy"- a cycle of stories by the Soviet writer Viktor Dragunsky, dedicated to incidents from the life of a preschooler, and then a junior schoolchild, Denis Korablev. Appearing in print since 1959, the stories have become classics of Soviet children's literature, reprinted many times and several times filmed. They were included in the list of "100 books for schoolchildren", compiled in 2012.

The prototype of the main character of the stories was the son of the writer Denis, and one of the stories mentions the birth of Denis's younger sister Ksenia. As Yuri Nagibin wrote in his jubilee essay about Dragunskoye, “Deniskin's stories grew out of his immeasurable love for his son, out of greedy attention to the world of childhood that was revealed to him”.

  • 1 Plot
  • 2 Main characters
  • 3 List of stories
  • 4 Screen adaptations
  • 5 Performances
  • 6 Exhibitions
  • 7 See also
  • 8 Notes
  • 9 References


The stories take place in the late 1950s and early 1960s in Moscow (for example, the events of the story “An Amazing Day” fall on the day of Herman Titov's flight into space).

Denis lives with his parents in the center of Moscow, on Karetny Ryad ("Adventure"), not far from the Circus ("Not worse than you, circus artists"). This is an ordinary boy with whom funny or curious cases happen every now and then. So he pours his porridge out of the window in order to quickly go with his mother to the Kremlin, and when a citizen drenched in porridge comes to them with a policeman, he understands what mother’s words mean “The secret becomes apparent” (“The secret becomes apparent”). Once, during a trip to the circus, he sees an amazing girl on a ball, but the next time, bringing dad to look at her, he learns that she left with her parents for Vladivostok ("Girl on the Ball"). another time in the circus, he accidentally changes places with another boy, as a result of which the clown Pencil grabs him and, swinging on a swing, takes him with him under the circus dome (“Not worse than you circus ones”). During a trip to the zoo, the elephant Shango almost eats up his new radio. At a children's party at the Metalist club, Denis drinks a bottle of citro to gain up to 25 kilograms of weight and win a subscription to the Murzilka magazine, which he shares with his friend Mishka (Exactly 25 kilos). He starts painting the entrance door with the hose left by the painters and is so carried away that he paints not only the door, but also the neighbor Alyonka, and the suit of the house manager Alexei Akimych (“From top to bottom, obliquely!”). While playing hide-and-seek in a communal apartment, she crawls under the bed with her neighbor's grandmother, and when she closes up and goes to bed, she is afraid that she will spend the rest of her life there ("Twenty Years Under the Bed"). He asks the mother, who complains about the mountains of dishes, to wash only one appliance a day, and everyone will eat from it in turn ("The Tricky Way").

Denis also has a lot of adventures at school. He and Mishka are late for class, but they tell such different stories about the reason for being late that their cunning is immediately revealed ("A fire in the wing, or a feat in the ice ..."). At the carnival, Denis, with the help of Mishka, dresses up as a Puss in Boots, and then shares with Mishka the prize for the best costume ("Puss in Boots"). During a school trip to the cinema for a film about reds and whites, he raises the boys of the "attack" class, firing a toy pistol ("The Battle of the Clean River"). In music lessons, he loves to sing and tries to do it as loudly as possible ("Glory to Ivan Kozlovsky"). Participates in the school play backstage, but loses the call, and instead of hitting the chair with the board (pretending to be a shot), he hits the cat ("Death of Gadyukin's Spy"). Forgets to learn his lessons, as a result of which he cannot tell Nekrasov's poem about a peasant with a marigold, and pronounces the name of the main river in America as Misi-pisi ("Main rivers") ...

Main characters

External images
Victor Dragunsky with his son Denis
  • Denis Korablev is a Moscow boy, in some stories he is still a preschooler, in some he is a student of 1, 2 or 3 grade "B" (first an Octobrist, and then a pioneer).
  • Denis's dad.
  • Denis's mom.
  • Mishka Slonov is Denis's classmate and best friend, his companion in most of his adventures.
  • Kostik is a friend of Denis and Mishka.
  • Alyonka is a girl younger than Denis and Mishka, Denis's neighbor.
  • Raisa Ivanovna is a school teacher of literature.
  • Boris Sergeevich is a school music teacher.

List of stories

  • Englishman Pavlya
  • Watermelon lane
  • White finches
  • Main rivers
  • Goose throat
  • Where has it been seen, where has it heard ...
  • Twenty years under the bed
  • Girl on the Ball
  • Deniska was dreaming
  • Childhood friend
  • Haze and Anton
  • Uncle Pavel the stoker
  • Pets' corner
  • Enchanted letter
  • The smell of the sky and makhorochka
  • Healthy thought
  • Green leopards
  • And we!
  • When I was a child
  • Puss in Boots
  • Red balloon in the blue sky
  • Chicken bouillon
  • Sheer Wall Motorcycle Racing
  • My friend the bear
  • There is a lot of traffic on Sadovaya
  • You gotta have a sense of humor
  • Not bang, not bang!
  • Not worse than you circus
  • Independent Gorbushka
  • Nothing can be changed
  • One drop kills a horse
  • It is alive and glows ...
  • First day
  • Before bedtime
  • Spyglass
  • The Fire in the Wing, or the Exploit in the Ice ...
  • Dog kidnapper
  • Wheels sing - tra-ta-ta
  • Adventure
  • Sour cabbage professor
  • Workers crushing stone
  • Talking ham
  • Tell me about Singapore
  • Exactly 25 kilos
  • Knights
  • From top to bottom, obliquely!
  • My sister Ksenia (New Year's gift)
  • Blue dagger
  • Glory to Ivan Kozlovsky
  • Elephant and radio
  • Elephant Lyalka
  • Death of the spy Gadyukin
  • Battle of the clear river
  • Old sailor
  • The secret becomes clear
  • Quiet Ukrainian night ...
  • Third place in butterfly style
  • Three in behavior
  • Amazing day
  • The teacher
  • Fantomas
  • Sly way
  • Man with a blue face
  • Chiki-bryk
  • What Bear Loves
  • That I love…
  • … And what I don’t like!
  • Grandmaster hat

Screen adaptations

Several films based on Denis's Tales were shot in the 1960s and 1970s, including two two-part television films:

  • 1962 - Funny stories
  • 1966 - Girl on the ball
  • 1970 - Magic Power (novel "The Avengers from the 2nd B")
  • 1970 - Deniskin stories (from four short stories)
  • 1973 - Where is it seen, where it is heard (short)
  • 1973 - Captain (short)
  • 1973 - Spyglass (short)
  • 1973 - Fire in the wing (short)
  • 1974 - Glory to Ivan Kozlovsky (short, in the Yeralash newsreel)
  • 1976 - In secret to the whole world (2 episodes)
  • 1979 - The Amazing Adventures of Denis Korablev (2 episodes)


Performances based on the stories of the cycle have been staged several times in theaters. In addition, in 1993 the Ural composer Maxim Basok created the children's musical Deniskin's Stories (more than 20 versions of productions with different combinations of four stories, libretto by Boris Borodin). On April 5, 2014 the premiere of the play "Deniskin's Stories" staged by the "ChrisArt" Theater Company took place on the stage of the DK im. Zueva.


  • In January-February 2013, the State Literary Museum hosted an exhibition "Denis Korablev and others" about the family and books of Viktor Dragunsky, timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the author. The exhibition was attended by Denis and Ksenia Dragunsky, more than 50 works of the permanent illustrator of the books of Dragunsky and his friend Veniamin Losin were presented.

see also

  • "Little Nicolas" - a French series of funny stories about a schoolboy

Notes (edit)

  1. V.I. Abramov. DRAGUNSKY, Victor Yuzefovich // Brief literary encyclopedia: 9 volumes - T. 2: Gavrilyuk - Zulfigar Shirvani / Ch. ed. A. A. Surkov. - M .: Sov. encycl., 1964.
  2. Alla Dragunskaya. About Victor Dragunsky. Life, creativity, memories of friends. M .: "Chemistry and Life", 1999. - S. 102.
  3. Works for musical theater: operas, musicals
  4. The author of "Denis's stories" composer Maxim Basok celebrates the anniversary
  5. Gala evening dedicated to the exhibition "Denis Korablev and others"
  6. "Denis Korablev and others" To the 100th anniversary of Viktor Dragunsky


  • Site dedicated to stories about Denis Korablev
  • A selection of illustrations for the stories of different artists
  • Deniskin's stories - He's alive ... (fragment of the musical by M. A. Bask, mp3)

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Deniskin's stories Information About

Who among us does not remember Deniska Korablev, the famous hero of funny stories? This wonderful book was written by Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky. "Deniskin's stories" are easily perceived by ear, so they can be read to children from four years old. Younger schoolchildren will be happy to recognize themselves in the book: after all, they also do not always want to do their homework, read books, or study additionally during the summer holidays, when it is hot outside and all their friends are playing in the yard.

A summary of the book by Viktor Dragunsky "Deniskin stories" will help you in a situation where you need to immediately refresh your memory of the names of the main characters. Want to know what this book is about? Below is a retelling of the work "Deniskin's stories". The summary of the text will allow you to remember the main points of the story, the characters of the main characters, the true motives of their actions.

"He is alive and glows"

This story begins with the boy Denisk waiting for his mother in the yard. She probably stayed late at the institute or in the store, and does not even suspect that her son has already missed her. The author very subtly emphasizes that the child is tired and hungry. Apparently, he does not have the keys to the apartment, because it is already starting to get dark, the lights are on in the windows, and Deniska does not budge. Standing in the yard, he feels that he is starting to freeze. While he is watching what is happening around him, his friend Bear of Elephants runs up to him. Seeing a friend, Deniska rejoices and for a while forgets about his sadness.

The bear praises his toy dump truck, wants to exchange it and offers Denis various items and his toys. Deniska replies that the dump truck is a gift from dad, so he cannot give it to Mishka or even exchange it. Then Mishka uses the last opportunity to get a toy dump truck - he offers Denis a living firefly that glows in the dark. Deniska is fascinated by the firefly, its magnificent radiance that spreads from a simple matchbox. He gives Mishka a dump truck, saying: "Take my dump truck, for good, and give me this asterisk." The bear goes home, satisfied, and Denis is no longer so sad to wait for his mother, because he felt that there was a living creature next to him. Soon my mother returns, and together with Deniska they go home to dinner. Mom is sincerely surprised how her son could exchange a good toy for "some kind of firefly"

This is just one of the stories from Deniskin's Tales. The summary shows that the main theme is loneliness and abandonment. The boy wants to go home, he is tired and hungry, but his mother lingers somewhere and thereby prolongs Deniska's feeling of inner suffering. The appearance of a firefly warms the child's soul, and it becomes not so hard for him to wait for his mother to appear.

"The secret becomes clear"

A funny story in which Deniska refuses to eat semolina for breakfast. However, Mom remains adamant and tells him to eat everything to the end. As a “reward,” she promises her son to take him to the Kremlin immediately after breakfast. Deniska is very inspired by this prospect, but even this cannot help overcome his dislike for semolina. After another attempt to put a spoonful of porridge in his mouth, Deniska tries to salt and pepper it, but from these actions it does not improve, but only deteriorates, acquiring a completely unbearable taste. In the end, Deniska goes to the window and pours the porridge into the street. Satisfied puts the empty plate on the table. Suddenly, the front door opens and a man enters the apartment, smeared with semolina from head to toe. Mom looks at him in confusion, and Deniska realizes that he will no longer get into the Kremlin. The man indignantly tells that he was going to be photographed, so he put on his best suit, and suddenly hot porridge poured out of the window on top of him.

This is the second story featuring Deniskin's Tales. The summary shows that sooner or later everything that is hidden is revealed and brings big trouble.

"Top - Down - Oblique"

Once Deniska, Mishka and a neighbor's girl Alyonka were walking near the house. And in their yard there was a renovation. The guys heard and saw how the painters were about to leave for lunch. When the painters left for dinner, it turned out that they had left the barrels of paint in the yard. The guys began to paint everything that came to hand: a bench, a fence, an entrance door. It was very interesting for them to watch how the paint itself comes out of the hose and rapidly colors everything around. Alyonka even managed to paint her legs to look like a real Indian.

This is the third story featuring Deniskin's Tales. The summary shows that Deniska, Mishka and Alyonka are funny guys, although they got a lot for that paint incident.

"Green leopards"

Do you like to get sick? No? But Deniska, Mishka and Alyonka love. In this story, they share with readers the benefits of different types of diseases, from the common cold to chickenpox and sore throat. Moreover, the most "interesting" disease, friends consider chickenpox, because at the time of exacerbation of the disease, they had the opportunity to be like leopards. And also, the guys think, "the main thing is that the disease is more terrible, then they will buy what you want."

The main idea of ​​the story is fully illustrated by its summary. V. Dragunsky (Deniskin's Stories) emphasizes that attention to a sick child is always greater, but it is very important to stay healthy all the same.

"Fire in the wing or feat in the ice"

Once Deniska and Mishka were late for school. On the way, they decided to come up with a worthy excuse so that they would not get too bad from the class teacher, Raisa Ivanovna. It turned out that coming up with a plausible version is not so easy. Deniska offered to tell that they allegedly saved a small child from the fire, and Mishka wanted to tell about how the baby fell through the ice and his friends pulled him out of there. Before they had time to argue that it was better, they came to school. Each of them put forward his own version, which made it clear to everyone that they were cheating. The teacher did not believe them and gave both unsatisfactory marks.

The main idea of ​​this story is emphasized by its brief content. V. Dragunsky ("Deniskin's stories") teaches that one should not deceive adults. It is better to always tell the truth, whatever it may be.

"Where has it been seen, where has it been heard"

An amusing story in which Deniska and Mishka undertake to perform at a school matinee. They volunteer to sing a duet, tell everyone that they can handle it. Only at the performance suddenly there is a misunderstanding: Mishka for some reason sings the same verse, and Deniska, due to the situation that has arisen, has to sing along with him. Laughter is heard in the audience, it seems that their debut was not a success. Key point: you need to better prepare for important events.

"A tricky way"

In this story, Deniska is struggling to come up with a way that would allow mom to be less tired in housework. Once she complained that she barely had time to wash the dishes for her household and jokingly announced that if nothing changed, she would refuse to feed her son and husband. Deniska began to think, and he came up with a wonderful idea to take food alternately, and not all together. As a result, it turned out that the dishes would go three times less, which is why it would be easier for mom. Dad came up with another way: to commit himself to washing the dishes every day with his son. The main idea of ​​the story is that you need to help your family.