What is memoir literature definition. Examples of the use of the word memoirs in the literature

What is memoir literature definition. Examples of the use of the word memoirs in the literature
What is memoir literature definition. Examples of the use of the word memoirs in the literature

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The meaning of the word memoirs

memoirs in the Crosswordist Dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


memoirov, un. No, m. (Fr. mmoires).

    The literary work in the form of notes about past events, a contemporary or a member of the second was the author (lit.).

    One of the names of the printed works of scientific institutions (feasible).

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. IGOV, N.Yu.Shvedova.


S. Notes, literary memories of past events made by a contemporary or participant of these events. Military m.

arr. Memian, -ay ,y. M. Genre.

A new intelligent-word-formational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    The literary work that tells in the form of notes from the author's face about the events of the past, the participant or witness he was.

    1. study. Scientific works, notes.

      Collection of scientific articles published by scientific society or institution.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


Memoirs (Franz. Memoires - memories) A \u200b\u200bvariety of documentary literature, a literary story of a participant in public, literary, artistic life about events and people, the contemporary of which he was. Cf. autobiography.


(Franz. Mémoires, from Lat. Memoria ≈ Memory), memories of the past, written by participants or contemporaries of any events. Created based on personal experience Their authors, but meaningful in accordance with their individuality and socio-political views of the time of writing M. The main source of information for M. are memories of the authors of the experience, but along with them sometimes use various documentation, diaries, letters, press, etc. M. It is often literary works and constitute special genrewhose type of vehicles are autobiography and travel notes (see travel). Some M. ≈ Outstanding Artworks ("Confession" J. Zh. Rousseau, "Purchase and Duma" A. I. Herzen). Often M. Used as a means of political and ideological struggle ("Thoughts and memories" O. Bismarck; "Memories" S. Yu. Witte, etc.), and the reactionary historical figures sometimes resort to distortion of truth. M. are also sources of historical, because They reflect the events of political and military history, cultural life, life and morals of society and others. The value of M. for historical science is determined by their concreteness, the ability to reflect the author's personal attitude to the events in which he participated. But the subjectivity and tendentiousness of M. complicate the work of the researcher.

Close to M. Works were known even in antiquity (Anabasis Xenophon, "Notes about the Gallic War" Julia Caesar). The Middle Ages gave a number of writings (mainly in the form of chronicles, biographies, the lives of saints), similar to M. and containing records of the written author. The emergence of M. in modern understanding is associated with the revival, with the awareness of the historical significance of the human personality, individual experience. In 18-20 centuries. There was a large, diverse in shape and comprehensive for the content of memoir literature. The authors of M. are most often political and military figures, cultural workers and science. In Russia, the appearance of M. refers to the 17th century. ("The Life of the Avvakum Protopopa" and others), the flourishing of them as literary genre Begins at 18 V. After the Great October Socialist Revolution, due to the democratization of culture and other areas of public life, various layers are involved in the creation of M. soviet people. Many M. dedicated to the October Revolution 1917 and Civil War 1918≈20, Great Patriotic War 1941≈1945 and others. The most important events of the history of the USSR. Writing M. requires from their authors of truthfulness, accuracy, clarity of class estimates. A series of M. ≈ "Military Memories" (militant), "On Life and About Me" (politicization), "Literary memoirs" (Publisher) are published in the USSR fiction).

LIT.: MINTSOV S. R., Review of notes, diaries, memories, letters and travels related to the history of Russia and printed in Russian, in. 1≈5, Novgorod, 1911≈12; The history of the Soviet society in the memoirs of contemporaries, T, 1≈2 (p. 1≈2), M., 1958≈67; Cardin V., today yesterday. Memoirs and modernity, M., 1961; Chernomorsky M. N., work on memoirs when studying the history of the CPSU, 2 ed., M., 1965; Kurtinov A. A., Takes by the inner criticism of memoirs, in the book: source studies. Theoretical and methodological problems, M., 1969; Golubtsov V.S., Memoirs as a source on the history of the Soviet Society, M., 1970; Ginzburg L. Ya., On psychological prose, L., 1971; Source studies, History of the USSR, M., 1973.

A. A. Kurnosov.



Memoir literature, memoirs - Notes of contemporaries telling about the events in which the author of Memoirov participated or who are known to him from eyewitnesses, and the people with whom the author of Memoirov has been familiar. An important feature of memoirs is a claim for the accuracy of the recreated past and, accordingly, on the documentary nature of the text, although in reality not all memoirs are true and accurate.

Memoirs are not identical to autobiography and chronicle of events, although in everyday life these concepts can be used as synonyms. The memoist is trying to comprehend historical context own Life, describes its actions as part of a common historical process. In the autobiography (for example, the "Confession of the Opium Smokers", "Confession" Rousseau) The emphasis was made on inner life The author and on the development of his personality. From the chronicle of modern events, memoirs are distinguished by subjectivity - the fact that the events described are refracted through the prism of the author's consciousness with their sympathy and disappointment, with their aspirations and species.

Many memoirs are written by persons who played a prominent role in history (Winston Churchill, Charles de Gaulle, Catherine II). They can cover a considerable period of time, sometimes the author's life, connecting important events With small details everyday life. In this regard, memoirs serve historical source paramount importance. However, memoirists, not always consciously, try to imagine themselves before the descendants in the advantageous light, to justify their failures, which inevitably puts the question of the accuracy of the one inevitable. For example, the subsequent ideas about Cellini as a rare dextering and about Casanov as an irresistible hang, they take place exclusively to their memoir notes and other historical sources are not confirmed.

Examples of the use of the word memoirs in the literature.

Value memoirov Annenkova is that they help us feel the atmosphere of ideological struggle around Gogol, although the character and acuity of this struggle are not always correctly revealed by the author, possessing large literary advantages, the works of Annenkova resurrect portraits of many prominent participants in public and literary movement of their time on a wide background Which is reconstructed the image of Gogol.

This damn memoirov Annenkova received a positive assessment by Chernyshevsky.

All this must be remembered when reading memoirov Annenkova, since they do not simply record the visible and heard, but are at the same time an attempt to criticize the personality and creativity of Gogol.

In the preface to his memoram., published in the United States, the Deputy Secretary of State Talbott frankly recognizes that Mr. Arbatov became another America since the 70s.

In my quiet rent, I may still have time to write memoirs And several articles about the history of the German raidness.

I repeat, Surname Atki in memochi Not named, otherwise why would I pull out all this long chain of assumptions and conclusions?

About Atka I thought right away, barely found in memochi German fascist submarine Mention of Russian translator.

Beetles unreasonable repression in their memochi Reinforces a high percentage of proletarius commanders, immigrants from workers and peasants, as well as the Bolshevysia of the army.

If Estergazy escaped to England or to America and sold there, as he sometimes threatened to do, his memoirs and diaries, the whole world would know the whole measure of the crimes of the French General Tips: And the fact that they condemned drift without guilt, and what they knew about who was the author Bordero, and the fact that the secret document convinced Judges, he was a fake, thrust from their knowledge to the appointment room of the court.

Prince Dolgoruky reported to him about the suppression of the Bulavinsky uprising, Romodanovsky - about Streletsky Bunte, Sheremetev, Repinn, Golitsyn, Apraksin wrote to the Cabinet laconic memoirs About how they fought against the Swedes.

At the same time, local legends are also the most valuable historical source, although it is subject to inspection and understanding, like the chronicle, epics, memoirs.

Come on the memory these words of Chekhov, when I start writing memories, so unlike the usual memoirs.

But the German Gellerter wrote two fat volumes to prove that memoirs Casanowans are a very reliable historical source of the eighteenth century.

These were the years of his painful relationship with Tuchkka and they caused infinite family conflictsMeanwhile, even the name Tuchkov does not appear in memochi.

Ahead of events, I will say that with the German edition memoirov The row did not come out.



(from Franz. Mémoires - memories), literary narration of the participant of public, political, literary and artistic life about events, witness or acting person which he was, about people with whom he was in contact. Memoirs are a type of documentary literature and at the same time, one of the types of confessional prose (autobiography, confessation), adjoin the historical prose, essay, biographies. Memoirs may contain memories of an ordinary person about their "ordinary" life, transmitting the fragrance of a certain era, thoughts, feelings, mindsetting and expectations of "medium" people of one or another time, of one or another social, age, psychophysiological or age status. In this regard, memoirs belong to genres, border between the actual literature and household letters and diaries, not designed to publish.
The emergence of memoirs is associated with the memories of xenophon (approx. 445 - approx. 355 BC. E.) about Socrates and "Notes about the Galley War" Julia Caesar (100 or 102-44 BC). In further literature, "History of My Disasters" (1132-36) P. Abelian, « New life"(1292) Dante, "Poetry and truth from my life" (1811-33) I. V. Goette, "Confession" (1766-69) J. J. Rousse, "Ten years in exile" (neoconch., Ed. In 1821) J. de Stelle; In Russian literature - "Poison and Duma" (1855-68) A. I. Herzen, "Imprinted Labor" (1921-22) V. N. Figner, "People, Years, Life" (1961-65) I. G. Ehrenburg, Trilogy V. P. Kataeva "Holy Well" (1966), "Grass of oblivion" (1967), "Diamond Moen" (1978); "On the banks of the Neva" (1967) and "on the shores of the Seine" (1983) I. V. Odoin, "the eyes of a person of my generation" (publ. 1988) K.M. Simonov, "Callel booted with oak" (1990) A. I. Solzhenitsyn. Special place among memoirs are notes and memories of prominent public figures, including Russian Empress Catherine II, the heads of the English government in the period of the 2nd World War W. Churchill. Sustainable signs of the genre: Factographicity, events, retrospectivity, immediacy of copyright, painting, documentality. The indispensable property of memoirs is their subjectivism in the selection of facts, in their lighting and evaluation; Completed admission of artistic characteristics - portrait. Memoirs - an indispensable source of information about the events of the past time, tastes, theirs, customs, the system of aesthetic and spiritual values, an important director for literary, socio-historical and cultural research. Memoirs in the "pure" form can be identified with the works of the fiction of a memoir nature ("Pedagogical Poem", 1933-1936, A. S. Makarenko), often with "encrypted" characters ("Diamond MY Crown" V. P. Kataeva). The memoirs of the mysteries are known (a fake "diary" of Freillins of the last Russian Empress A. A. Trubova). In 20-21 centuries. Memoirs in the form of memories, sketches, fictional dialogs, controversy " backdating», diary records And so on - one of the most relevant genres. In Russia, this is the so-called "camp" literature, carrier not only the truth about the tragic pages of the newest domestic history, but also a powerful charge of social and political indishes: "steep route" (1967-80) E. S. Ginzburg, "Archipelago Gulag" (1973) A. I. Solzhenitsyn, "Dive in the darkness" (1987) O. N. Volkov, "Kolyma stories" (1954-73) V. T. Shalamov et al. Memoram includes collective compilations of memories, combined either by the community of authors (profession, age, nationality, biography, ideological, artistic and aesthetic proximity), or the object of memories (memories of contemporaries about A. S. Pushkin, Memories of participants literary flow imazinism).

Literature and language. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Edited by prof. Gorkina A.P. 2006 .


MEMOIRS - Fr. Word, notes of contemporaries about memorable events in which they took direct personal participation, or known to them from eyewitnesses. As historical materials and documents, notes have more or less significant value for the significance of the events described, with accuracy, accuracy, details and paintings of reported information and depending on the personal properties of the author's notes. Very often, the memoirs shed light and the personality of their compiler. Presenting a living connection of the household real details of a living life with a material of scientific importance, memoirs have long been made up one of the favorite departments of the historical reading, and more than once they were published with the names of prominent persons of the memoirs, which provided to the sublext. Classical antiquity knows the wonderful memories of Xenophon about Socrates and the author's notes about his low-unity campaign (Anabazis) and notes Yulia Caesar about the war in Gaul, in form representing the imitation of xenophon, but more dry. In individual historical literature Different countries we find the unbarrous number of memoirs, starting with the Middle Ages, and the private notes are often shed light on whole epochs, not enough illuminated by other materials. About Russian memoirs there is an extensive bibliographic work S. R. Minklova "Review of notes, diaries," memories ", Novgorod, 1911-12, 5 issues. See memories.

V. Ch. Literary encyclopedia: Vocabulary literary terms: In 2 tons / edited by N. Brodsky, A. Lavretsky, E. Lunina, V. Lviv-Rogachevsky, M. Rosanova, V. Cheshikhina-Wind. - m.; L.: Publishing house L. D. Frenkel, 1925


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    - (Fr., From Memoire Memory). 1) Apply an eyewitness about events. 2) Notes of scientists. Vocabulary foreign wordsincluded in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. Memoirs notes of contemporaries about events and persons having historical meaning,… … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    Memoirs - Memoirs FR. Word, notes of contemporaries about memorable events in which they took direct personal participation, or known to them from eyewitnesses. As historical materials and documents, notes have more or less significant ... ... Dictionary of literary terms

    memoirs - OV, MN. Mémoire m. memory. 1. Ed. and mn. Writing, article. As for those sent .. Memoirov about artillery Mr. de Remy, then I will feel so reckoning that the other day already reported it. 1731. Tatishchev Shumacher. // T. Zap. 148. The Dissertation about ... ... Historical Dictionary Galticisms of the Russian Language

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    - (French memoires memories), a kind of documentary literature, a literary story of a participant in public, literary, artistic life about events and people, the contemporary of which he was ... Modern encyclopedia

    - (Franz. Memoires memories) The type of documentary literature, the literary narration of the participant in public, literary, artistic life about events and people, the contemporary of which he was. Cf. Autobiography ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Write, read) Remove. Cf. This is me, recently, I read one poet to Memoch. Boborakin. Corpse. 2. CP. Mémoire (Memoria) memory, notes, memorable entry. Cf. Memini, I remember ... Large intelligent-phraseological dictionary of Michelson (original spelling)

    Memoirs, memoirs, units. No, husband. (Franz. Mémoires). 1. The literary work in the form of notes about past events, a contemporary or a member of which was the author (lit.). 2. One of the names of the printed works of scientists of institutions (statute). Well ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

Memoir literature- Literature in the genre of memoirs (Franz. Mémoires, from Lat Memoria Memory), a type of documentary literature and at the same time one of the types of "confessional prose". Implies memories notes historical face On the real events of the past, the eyewitness of which he happened to be. The main prerequisites of the memoirist - strict compliance with the historical truth, the factographicity, the chronicle of the story (maintaining a story on the milestones of the real past), the refusal of the "game" plot, conscious anachronism, deliberately art techniques. These formal signs bring together memoirs with a genre of a diary, with the essential difference that, in contrast to the diary, memoirs imply a retrospection, appeal to a sufficiently distant past, and an inevitable mechanism for reassessing events from the height of the experience gained by the memoirist. In memories The history of my contemporary (1954) So I expressed the ideal aspirations of the memoirist: "In my work, I was striving for a complete historical truth, often sacrificing her beautiful or bright features of the truth of art. There will be nothing here that I have not found in reality, which I did not feel, did not feel, did not see. "

According to its material, the reliability and lack of fiction of memoirs close to historical prose, scientific and biographical, autobiographical and documentary and historical essays. However, from the autobiography of the memoir distinguishes the installation to the mapping not only and not so much the author's personality, how many of its historical reality, external events - socio-political, cultural, etc., to which, to a greater or lesser extent, it turned out to be involved. At the same time, unlike strictly scientific genres, memoirs imply an active presence of the author's voice, its individual assessments and inevitable bias. Those. One of the constructive factors of memoir literature is the author's subjectivity.

Memoir literature is an important source of historiography, material of historical sources. At the same time actual accuracy The memoir reproduced material is almost always inferior to the document. Because historians are forced to expose event facts from public memories and cultural figures Critical reconciliation with existing objective information. In the case when a memoir fact does not find any confirmation, no refutation in the available documents, certificate is considered historiography as scientifically, only hypothetically.

Sustainable signs of memoirs as a form of literature - the factographicity, predominance of events, retrospectivity, the immersion of evidence that they do not provide "the purity of the genre". Memoirs remain one of the most moving genres with extremely fuzzy borders. Not always memoir signs indicate that the reader is dealing with memoirs. So, on the first page endowed with all the above-mentioned signs of the book S.Maem Summing up(1957) The author warns that this work is not a biography and not memoirs. Although his view invariably goes into the past, the main installation here is not in the recreating the past, but in the confession of the artistic faith, summing up the half-century literary path. By genre, the Book Moem is not a memoir, but an unfolded essay.

In the 19th century, as the principle of historicism develops, the memoir prose has already reached the maturity is reflected as an important source of scientific and historical reconstructions. Immediately make itself felt attempts to abuse such a reputation of the genre. There are pseudomommaras and a variety of memoir sophistication. Especially obviously, these trends are noticeable in writings devoted to purely mythological figures of history and already completed the cycles of the past. As a result, annoying historical errors in the works constructed on unjust memoir sources are possible. So, D.S.Mergekovsky in his etude about A.S. Pushkin from the cycle Eternal satellites (1897) The entire concept of creativity of the poet was built on the notes of the friend of Pushkin A.O. Smirnova. However, after a few years, it turned out that these memories are fully falsified by her daughter, O.N. Smirnova. Another example - Memoirs Petersburg winter Ivanov, dedicated to the reconstruction of the atmosphere of the pre-revolutionary years of the "Silver Century". There is reason to consider it art textbased on conditional literary technique. The literature of Russian post-revolutionary emigration, in which memoirs played a particularly significant role in general, gave up with the masterpieces of prose in the genre of memories and many samples of mystified and falsified memorarians (a fake "diary" of the Freillina of the Empress Alexandra, Patronizer. ).

In literature 19-20 centuries. Often, purely artworks with a fictional plot are styled for memoirs. The purpose of such a reception can be different: from reconstitution through the genre of the atmosphere of time ( Captain's daughter (1836) Pushkin, where the use of a memoir genre in the "notes" of Peter Greeneva is one of the main forms of literature of 18 V. - performs the admission to the stylization "under the Catherine Epoch") before giving the text of special sincerity, reliability, compositional freedom and the illusion of independence from the "will will" ( Network Nezvanov (1849) and Little hero (from unknown memoirs) (1857) F.M.Dostoevsky).

Often autobiographical works In their literary qualities are indistinguishable from memoirs. But these genres can pursue and different tasks. Autobiography is easier to inflattening fiction, transition to artistic literature. So, B. autobiographical trilogy L.N. Tolstoy Childhood (1852), Defense (1854), Youth (1857) memories are subordinate not to the memoir, but an artistic task - psychological research Character and creative understanding of important philosophical categories (consciousness, mind, understanding, etc.). For this reason, in the genre attitude, the trilogy of thick closer to the novel than the memoirs.

Possible and directly opposite cases. So, B. Family chronicle (1856) and Children's years Bagrova grandson (1858) S.T. Asksakova The main character acts under the fictional name, which is natural for fiction. However, the task of the author here is purely memoir: the resurrection of the past and its "atmosphere", the truthful memory of the past. In the genre attitude both books belong to the memoir literature. Not accidentally frankly memoir documentary Memories (1856) Aksakov is perceived as a direct continuation of the Dilogy of Baghrov.

The mobility of the memoir genre contributes to its stylistic variability. The narration here can be marked and colorful artistic prose (Childhood (1914) and In people (1916) M. Gorky), and journalistic advanity ( People, years, life (1960-1965) I. Erenburg), and a strictly scientific substantiation of what is happening (5-7 parts Being and Dum (1852-1867) A.I.Getzen). The blatacity of the boundary between memoirs and artistic, journalistic, scientific genres decided in Russian and western European literature Already by the middle of the 19th century. The crisis of romanticism and strengthening a new aesthetics aimed at imitating reality in its social concreteness, a lothettius of realism. VG Belinsky in the article Look at russian literature 1847 (1848) already fixes this genre amorphy of memoir prose: "Finally, the most memoirs, completely alien all sorts of fiction, valuable only as the correct and accurate transmission of real events, the most memoirs, if they are writing, are written up as if the last line in the area of \u200b\u200bthe novel, Need it with her. "

An unsurpassed sample mature and at the same time extremely difficult in genre, multi-storey memoir prose - Purchase and Duma Herzen. As the author's plan is realized, this essay turned out of notes on purely personal, family-run past in the similarity of the "biography of mankind". Here is an intentional merger genre signs memories and journalists, "biographies and creatures", diary and literary portraits, Belletristic novel, scientific factories, confession, essay and pamphlet. As a result, such literary form, which, according to the author, "does not lace anywhere and does not make anywhere." The hero of the book is not the author itself (as in ordinary, one-dimensional from the point of view of the genre of memoirs) and not a modern history (as in historical chronicles), but the most difficult process of the eventual and spiritual interaction of the individual and society in a certain era. The Book of Herzen went out for the natural boundaries of the memoir prose actually and became the most important program text of the era " critical realism"In European literature. It is characteristic that Western criticism could see even wider historical and literary meaning behind this text. So, feedback about the author White and Dum In one of the rooms of the London newspaper "The LEADER" for 1862, completed with the conclusion: "Goethe could see in it a vivid confirmation of the theory of the upcoming universal literature."

In the first floor. 20 V. In the epoch of the so-called. "The end of the novel", when literature experienced the crisis of traditional conditional forms and switched on the border between fiction and document, a series of synthetic texts appears ( On the west Front without change (1929) E.M. Rake, Life in bloom (1912) A.France, Noise of time (1925) O. Martelstam, later in line with the same tradition - Diamond my crown (1978) V.Katayev, etc.). In them, the memoir began included in the organic artistic literature. The historical material, the real life of the author implements the fact of art, and the stylistics is subordinate to the task to make an aesthetic effect on the reader. On the maturity and completion of the process of "adoption" of the memoir prose with fiction literature 20 V. testify the facts of parody use of its laws in the genre of the novel ( Recognition of Aventurer Felix Cool (1954) T.manna).

The measure of the historical meaningability of memoirs and the very type of their practical use of various humanitarian disciplines as sources in many ways depend on the personality of the author. If the memoirist is a bright and extremely significant personality for the history and culture, the focus of interest in the readership and research perception of his text is inevitably oriented on the author himself. The historical material is moving on the side of attention. Bright example writings of this kind - Ten years in exile (1821) Madame de Steel, an outstanding woman of the era, one of the brilliant writers and cultural activities of romanticism. A sample of other type memories left the Duke of Saint-Simon. His Memoirs (publ. In 1829-1830) are valuable primarily by small facts, details, scrupulously transmitting the atmosphere of the court life of Paris of the last twenty-feet of the reign Louis Xiv. and regency period. As a result, Madame de Stelle's memories are the object of attention primarily by literary critics, Saint-Simon Memoirs - historians. From the 1940s, thanks to researchers of the "School of Annals" (L. FEVR, F. Berdel, J. Le Hoff, etc.) historical science I am experiencing a surge of interest in memorizing memories with no remarkable and non-public people. Their writings (by type: "Notes of the German Melnik of the mid-17th century", "Notes of the London Muse middle Hand Started 18 in. " etc.) help restore the objective history of life, identify certain social stereotypes that fix the characteristic, standard, and not exceptional. Memoir products of this kind are an important source of history of civilization and historical sociology.

Memoir literature leads its origin from the memories of Xenophon on Socrates (4 V. BC) and his Anabasisa (401 BC) - notes about the military campaign of the Greeks. Antique samples of the genre, to which the notes also belong to the Gallic War of Julia Caesar (I century BC), impersonal and the historical chronicle. Christian Middle Ages ( Confession(OK 400) bl. Augustine History of my disasters (1132- 1136) P.Abelar, partly New life (1292) Dante and others. Monuments) introduces to the genre developed feeling Internal "I" narrator, moral self-analysis and repentant tonality. The liberation of the personality and the development of an individualistic consciousness in the Renaissance, reliefly reflected in Life Benvenuto Chellin (1558-1565), prepared the flourishing of memorarians in the 17-18th centuries. (Saint-Simon, Cardinal J. Mazarini, J.-Z.Russo et al.)

In 19-20 centuries. One of the leading genres of literature becomes memories of writers and writers. Thus, the literary memoirism is being formed, I.-V.Get, Standal, G.Genen, G.-kh. Andersen, A.Franz, R.Tagigor, Mr.mann, R.Rollan, J.-P. Sartre, F.Moriak, etc.

In Russia, memoir literature began from Stories about Great Prince of Moscow (Ser. 16 century) Andrei Kurbsky. Important milestone In the formation of personal self-consciousness in Russian literature - autobiographical Life (1672-1675) Protopopaavakum. Bright monuments of Russian memorarist 18 V. - Life and adventures of Andrei Bolotova (OK 1780), Power notes Empress Catherine II (publ. in 1907), Notes (publ. in 1804-1806) E.R. Dashkova, Other recognition in the affairs of my and thoughts (1789) D.I.Fonvizin. The rapid development of memoir literature in Russia 19 V. associated with the memories of N.I.Turgenev, Decembrists I. Pushchina, I. Yakushkin, M.Bestuzhev, writer N. Grecha, Tsenzorov A. Kistenko, E.Faoktistov, writers I.Sturgeneva, I.A. Throtharova, and others . Actual details in the descriptions of the literary life of the 2nd floor. 19th century Venas memoirs A.Ya. Panayeva, N.A. Hareva-Tuchkova, T.A. Kuzminskaya. The social situation of these years is reflected in Notes revolutionar (1899) P.A. Kropotkin, On life path (publ. In 1912) A.F. Koni.

The revival of memoir literature associated with a series of published in the USSR and in the emigration of memories of the pre-revolutionary and revolutionary era, falls on the 1920-1930s. (Memoirs K.Stanislavsky, V. Series, A. Bel, Khulkova, etc.).

The new surge of the memoir literature in the USSR, caused by the Khrushchev Thaw, begins with the mid-1950s. Numerous memories of writers not fully stolen with the structure are published. soviet ideology: V.MAKOVOVSKOM, S.Senin, Yu.Tynyanov and others. The numerous memoir essays of K. Chukovsky are published, the story of life (1955) K. Powhtsky, compilations of memories of E. Shvartsev, I. Life and E.Petrov. In the "Fiction" publishing house in the 1960s, the "Literary Memoirs" series are printed by memories A. and P. Panayev, P.Annenkov, etc. Parsec, collections of Memoirov about N.V. Gogol, M.Yu.Lermontov, V.G. Belinsky, L.N. Tolstom, F.M.Dostoevsky.

Since the late 1980s, materials are published on the art life of the Silver Age and the memories of representatives of Russian emigration ( On Parnassa Silver century (1962) K. Makovsky, On the shores of the Neva (1967) and on the shores of the Seine (1983) I. Odoyevseva, Bade calf with oak (1990) A. Solzhenitsyn, Italic Mo.N. Berberov and others), previously not published.

Since the beginning of the 1990s, avalanche of memoirs, many of which are rather a fact of public life, which is more likely to be a fact of public life, in Russia from the beginning of the 1990s.

Vadim Polonsky


Gennadi G. Notes (memoirs) of Russian people. Bibliographic instructions // Reading in Imperial society History and antiquities of Russian at Moscow University. 1861, kN. four
Dustyev M.I. Notes of Russian people// Historic Bulletin, 1890. T. 39
Pointer memories, diaries and travel notes of the XVIII-XIX centuries. M., 1951.
Annotated Memian Literature Index. Part 1, M., 1985. Ch. 2, 1961
Cardin B. . Today yesterday. Memoirs and modernity. M., 1961.
Katanyan V. O. working memoirs // New World, 1964, № 5
Elizabetina The formation of genres of autobiography and memoirs // Russian and western European classicism . Prose. M., 1982.
Literary memoirs of the 20th century: an annotated pointer. 1985-1989. M., 1995. Part 1-2

Everyone seeks to leave behind the mark in this world. For someone it is important to continue the genus, to raise children, seeing in them a particle of himself. Other people, especially those who possess giftedness in the literature, prefer to write essays throughout their life, diary notes, which ultimately become the embodiment of their lives. In this article, you will learn what memoirs are, what kind of species are and whose memoirs are the most popular.

Etymology words

French Word with Latin origin Mémoire in the literal translation means "memory". There are also such interpretations of meaning as "think", "memorize". And indeed, memoirs are memories embodied in the letter. The process of writing such works requires the ability to think, analyze your own actions - to reflect. Only reflection helps a man spiritually grow. For many professional writers, it is important to "enter" their own personality in literary works. This technique was used by artists, inserting themselves, their friends and contemporaries in own pictures. An example is the picture of Rafael Santi "Athens School".

History of literature

Fashion on such creations arose no year and not even a century ago. What kind of memoirs knew the French classic writers of the seventeenth and eighteenth century well. According to written memories of famous French, these days put theatrical performancesThey are no less relevant on their own issues than a few centuries ago. Memoirs wrote courtiers, servants of kings and even mistresses of rulers.

It is amazing that such texts read more residents of French provinces, rather than Parisians, and after the French king weakened the printed censorship, the memoirs were spread by thousands of thousands not only in France, but also throughout Europe. They wrote such work and prominent ladies at the courtyard of Mary-Antoinette, these writers had to survive the most cruel tests with revolution, imperialism, emigration. At the same time, the notes of the court ladies at the time were created by the most powerful fashion for this genre.

What is memoirs?

Memoirs are a collection of personal memories, a kind of chronicle, in the events of which the writer himself was directly involved. They can describe not only events, memorable days, but also people who met the author throughout his life or a specific period of time. Often these works are the nature of the documentary, they have a claim to be the original source of the truth.

Historians often turn to memoirs, analyze the biographies of iconic historical personalities, trying to see the dependence between the events of public and personal life. However, it is worth noting that not all of them can be truthful, on the contrary, each such work has a share of fiction, the exception is the memories of the war written by simple people. Usually, powerful emotions It seems of fear, anxiety, pain loss are transmitted by a person as much as possible.

Russian memoirs

Representatives of the highest classes were also fascinated by the French fashion for memoir notes in the Dopepar Epoch, but, unlike European writers, Russian writers collected these copyrights into collections about Russian people and Russian life. After the collections, periodic author's magazines began to appear in Russia, which also produced memoirs with an indication of authorship, and less often anonymous. Thanks to these works, foreigners, and the Russian people themselves managed to know the extraordinary mentality in the century, the culture of our people.

In Soviet times, memoirs have lost their popularity, and if they were printed, then in single specimens, underground. Censorship did not miss unnecessary, critical and satirical essays. And they had their own reasons, but still many writers managed to maintain their work and their publication during thaws could be compared unless with the declassifier of state important cases - such a strong public resonance created these works.

Memoirs about war

Literary creativity in the twentieth century was somewhat marked by the epoch of the military autobiographies. One of the most loud name Among the pilots, the Second World War is the name of Alexander Ivanovich Tashkin, the pilot of the air force of the Red Army. His memories of the war are reflected in the memoirs "to know ourselves in battle." Stalin's falcons "against Asov Luftwaffe. 1941-1945". On the account of the author of these works 59 enemy aircraft. The head of the Guards Aviation is also the author of his own military tactics. That is why Tincan's recordings are so important - he was part of the local leadership, he knew everything about special operations, courageously held by the Red Army.

Memoir books telling about the events of the war, endowed bright descriptions Air fighting, deep reflections about the place of man in war, about his behavior and disclosure of their own essence. In war, according to Tashkin, a person learns his own faces of the possible. What are memoirs for the front-line writer? This is primarily a way to reflect all the worst of the experienced on paper and finally give your mind to forget the terrifying paintings of the war.

For those who have something interesting is a relatively rare specialty memorarist who is and what is so notable - read further.

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Who are these?

Most often with memoirs are not only writers, but also prominent political figures, and just people who have something to tell. The author of Memoirov can be anyone who can describe his life or life of another person.

What is memoirs?

Under the memoirs are the records of memories, a variety of notes written by contemporaries of events or people. Facts may be made relative to various types of events in which the author participated was a witness or knew people who participated in them.

The most important difference from ordinary fiction literature is the initial installation for some documentality of presentation. This kind of document will qualify for accuracy and even objectivity.

Features of the work of memoirists

The authors of the memoirov, in contrast to the writers of various chronicles or fiction in the first place, withdraw themselves, and all the narration is based on what they saw, felt, survived. At the same time, they express their subjective opinion regarding the described events mentioned by a person or group of persons.

  • Most often, people who have a place for art, sports, who managed to have an impact on society or participating in historical events are treated for memoirs.

It is for this reason that it is often possible with the help of memoirs historians to recreate a lot of events, which were officially known very little.

The peculiarity of memoirs is also that they may reflect the whole historical layer, with a description of the smallest things known only to the author of memoirs, which can help recreate certain picture what happened at this or that time.

All this can use scientists of historians, for which it is very important to get similar information to replenish gaps in common picture events.

Therefore, from the memoirist very important to describe their feeling, experiences and what they see around themselves what is happening in the world.

Since the very concept of "memoirs" suggests that it will be reasoning or memories of a particular person or to go a story about a person, a group of persons or events, then a person who describes all this needs to be expressed in consistently without disturbing historical integrity.

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For someone, memoirs are a great way to speak, tell about your difficult creative or work path. For someone, the way to earn additionally, using what is in the Zenith of Glory.

As you can see, the memoirs make it possible to express one to the other, and to others to explore a certain stage of history, focusing on the stories of contemporaries of those events.

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