How to develop a sense of humor: exercises, books, practical advice. How to be a humorist never complain

How to develop a sense of humor: exercises, books, practical advice. How to be a humorist never complain
How to develop a sense of humor: exercises, books, practical advice. How to be a humorist never complain

Be energetic and vigor. Even the best jokes do not impress if you Prevent them as if you do not believe in their comicness. When you wait a timely hand during the story or facial expressions and gestures to support him, he will greatly benefit from it. Whatever you say, tell this with all the body.

  • For example, one comedian Aziz Ansari successfully jokes when he speaks of his attempts to get acquainted with the girls. His none of them loves, so he calms himself with words: "Nothing. At least my friends love me." Not particularly funny lines! But he says it with such a heat, almost anger, inflating his lips and rounding his eyes. Here everything solves his charm and emotions, which he transmits.
  • Become an expert on pop culture. Can, you Ride from laughter from jokes, understandable "their own", but for others they will not mean anything. The meaning of your jokes should be understood by everyone. So that everyone in the room is laughing, there should be references to pop culture in your acunts. Make sure what happens in the world right now - so everyone will be aware and understand the joke.

    • What do you do and what do your friends pay attention? Do you have favorite TV series? Music that you like most? Favorite celebrities? Mentill them in your jokes! Stoney Gangnam Style to the music at the phenomenon. Tighten the tongue and obsorate like a cat when your friend's iPod plays the Miley Cyrus song. Cited your friend your favorite TV series when it is possible. Be prepared for this!
  • Take sarcasm for weapons. One of the most common types of humor is sarcasm. If he fits you in character, it can become your chicken. He is usually dry, caustic, a little absurd and faces one or the one who has become a conversation object. When people know what you are talking to sarcasm, and not seriously, the conversation can become scolding!

    • Sometimes sarcasm helps to say the opposite of what you actually have in mind. For example, lines: "Boris Yeltsin was the best president of all times" or "Wow, this is the best of your ideas!" Or you can sarcastically say something completely absurd: "Do you love dogs? And I love dogs. Let's exchange recipes!"
    • In your tone there may be a significant part of sarcasm. If you say that Yeltsin was the best president, with a serious face and with an offended view, people will not catch, you are joking or not. This method can also work - just need to know when to lower the mask so that they understand the joke.
  • Be observed. To be constantly funny (and you want to seem witty all the time, and not only sometimes, right?), You need to stay at the ready with your jokes. Suppose your friend comes into the room and sits down. Not missing the case, you turn to all the rest and speak with a cunning look: "Do you think he already noticed us?" Constantly watch what is happening around so as not to miss your opportunity!

    • Try ordinary everyday and routine things to turn into a climax. When you are listening and observed, it will be good for you. Suppose a girlfriend shows you your holiday photos and says: "Oh, I look so tolstoy." You answer: "This is normal; they say the camera adds 5 kg. How many cameras are you sent here?" Just make sure your friends will not get angry!
  • Be self-critical. Good, enough laugh at others. Even more funny when you swing yourself. No one will be offended and, except that you are scolding, you also do not eat illusions and modest. Victory!

    • Need an example? For example, his teacher has just called your friend. He does not know what to say, so it gives something intense with: "MM ... I ... not ... oh .... yes ??" Then you say: "God, I'm just like a pouring when you need to talk to the girls." Instead of laughing at him, you take the whole fire on yourself!
  • People with a good sense of humor trust more than the rest. They are always happy at work, at home, in a noisy company. Joker makes it easier to carry stress, are easier to relate to problems, practically do not have complexes. They were unambiguously lucky, and you? Learn right now, how to learn to joke to be fun to be, and not seem. After reading the article to the end, you will not be able to keep the smile.

    1. Become sociable.

    Communicability is that trait without which it is difficult to be ridiculous. Almost all Kashov Comedy Heroes have similar qualities: talkativeness, fussiness, optimism, funny temper. Sample examples - ranging from the donkey from the Cartoon "Shrek", ending with the inimitable Jim Kerry in all its cinematicism.

    3. Laugh at itself.

    Selfaronia is an effective weapon against stress and. Psychologists argue that everyone is useful to learn how to joke on themselves. How to do it? Forget about the constraint - let it be a reason for a joke. But when we rink themselves, surrounding noticeably arrange, which you can not say if we begin to praise yourself.

    4. Training empathy.

    Even the funniest jokes are failing. For example, when they are not appropriate. In order not to look strange, you need to learn to feel people, their locality, mental state. The black humor is also a place in this world, but it should be doubly neat. Tact and - not the most losing qualities in this case.

    5. To gain experience.

    To keep yourself well and confidently, you need to perform more and observe how others do. A visit to KVN, humorous parties, viewing a variety of comedy shows - everything is appropriate. The one who wants to know how to learn to joke, should always ask himself questions "What was funny / well, and what is not very?". Accordingly, the strengths should be made, and try to avoid errors.

    6. Search funny everywhere.

    To learn how to joke, you need to look for a funny side in everything. About any event or situation, especially which takes place with you, it is necessary to find something funny. How to learn to joke in 7 days? Invent an unusual Challenge for himself - not to empty the negative, not to be indignant, testing only, not to regret yourself, to be in a constant search for a reason for a joke.

    At first, it may not be possible, because it is easy to joke when everything is fine in life, and a laugh in the face difficulties is the present skill.

    7. Create a collection of win-win jokes.

    Everyone strive to ensure that the jokes are unique and original. But learn to create your own humorous masterpieces can be started from collecting funny stories, kalaburov or jokes. The main thing is not to assign authorship yourself, but it is openly acknowledged: "somehow a friend told ...", "With my grandmother, such a story happened ..." and so on.

    8. Be yourself.

    Almost all famous people possessed bright charisma. Their style is recognizable, the manner is attractive, and the texts are always at the height. But it is impossible to imitate the famous meters - the plagiarism is always easily recognizable. Probably there is nothing worse than hearing something like "yes this joke has been 100 years old," so all the time is already joking. "

    You can learn how to joke only the remaining one who does not look like individuality, having your own style, Manru, Charizm.

    9. Do not give up.

    Everyone has a different sense of humor. This is especially noticeable at watching a comedy in the cinema. Some already from the first personnel are closed with laughter under the seat, others only giggle from time to time, and others look at the whole movie with a stone face. That is, it is quite natural that one laughs with the fact that the second it seems "flat".

    10. Practical exercises.

    Jokes most often comes spontaneously. It is unlikely that who manages to predict that it will be ridiculous in one way or another. Nevertheless, there are some designers of humorous statements, which can always be used. Why not learn them right now? To the one who wishes to learn how to joke appropriate and funny, we offer some exercises, each of which reveals one or another kind of joke.

    We are looking for a contrast.

    If we see a person with a rest behind the workplace, you can seriously ask: "What, relaxing?". It is unlikely that the conversation will establish or discharge the atmosphere. "And so it can be seen that I rest, why ask," he will think. But if you use a fundamentally opposite sense, it may be quite funny dialogue. For example: "Enough to work, it's time to relax."

    Connect unsecast.

    Probably, everyone knows the joke "Something I want to: is it married, or whether seeds". Hearing this phrase for the first time, rarely which girl manages to keep the smile. An analogue can be created similar characteristics, one of which should be completely neither to the village or to the city. And the absurd last phrase, the brighter will be the reaction. For example: "I like black laconic shoes that you can conquer a man, to pass through the dance floor and, if necessary, crush the scolender."

    Play with words.

    Search double meaning is one of the main tasks of a person who wants to understand how to learn how to joke easily and easily. To do this, it is worth pulling out a word or phrase from the context, use homonyms. For example:

    - Turn the handle.

    - What is the right or left?

    Create an illusion of empathy.

    It is necessary to pretend to be understood by the hidden motives of a person, impart seriousness, and then express some nonsense. For example, "I look, you come back for the second time in the last five minutes. Probably, just pretending to have forgotten something, but in fact you just like to turn there and here the key in the keyhole, right? "

    And yet, how to learn how to joke so that everyone laugh? The first is very wanted, the second is to listen to our advice, the third is to do the exercises every day. And there, as they say, it will turn off itself.

    Do you hear in your address that you are a bore without a sense of humor and generally lagging behind a person? This time is time to do something, or rather, urgently start working on yourself. Interesting people with an excellent sense of humor are not born, they become. Someone is lighter, it is more difficult for someone, but we are all capable of becoming a funny and interesting person. It remains only to turn out of the company's novel in the Soul. Assist to become a funny person the following rules.

    Always be on a positive

    But in moderation! People like to feel safe and comfortable, especially in the company of their friends, so the first thing you have to do is relax and have fun with everyone. Start with compliments, laugh more and smile, it will demonstrate your openness and ease. In general, try to relax as much as possible, because your voltage you infect everyone around and no fun will not succeed. Do not forget to pay attention to your friends, hide the phone away, it will definitely not help you become interesting and funny.

    Call a lot of jokes

    Do you think how to become very funny? For this, it is not necessary to have a sense of humor, like well-known comedians. Usually people who are not afraid of themselves are not afraid to look silly or ridiculous, cause sympathy from others, beyond any doubt, people will be fun with you. You can do this as follows: Learn to parody colleagues or acquaintances, but not only in a supreme form, dance when it is appropriate and not even very, sfing songs, wear funny clothes and do not be afraid to joke! Anyone will appreciate your humor.

    Always be prepared for adventure

    It is impossible to become funny and interesting without love for adventure. Do what they never did. Let the spontaneity be your second name, let people eager to communicate with you just because you are unpredictable. If you are the most person who can always come up with an funny occupation, your friends will consider you a fun and interesting character. More often, agree to the offers of friends, feel yourself the hero of the film "Always say yes." So you will constantly deal with something new, it will allow to expand the horizons and become an interesting person, because in stock you will have a lot of funny stories. It is impossible to become funny without it.

    Combine people

    If you do everything so that in your company people keep a good relationship, I learned better than learning each other and more often, you will become an indispensable person in the life of everyone. If you are in the company of people who have little common to conversation, call their mutual interest. Strengthen the relationship between people, offering to do something funny, and everyone will start to perceive you as a funny and interesting person. The more fun will be with you, the better.

    Talk and ask questions

    Feel free to start a conversation, ask a question that even a unconscious person felt comfortable next to you. Even such banal questions are suitable as the last good film a man watched. It may be so that you also watched it, so a new topic will appear for conversation. Ask about the most strange place in which there was a person about funny children's situations and so on.

    Never complain

    Do you think how to become a funny and interesting person? First of all, keep positive in any situation. Nobody has no nobody man. If you are worried about something serious, write it on a sheet of paper, tell us close, but do not work at parties in the company of friends. The principle "I have a bad mood, ruin it to everyone" is not the best strategy on how to become funny and interesting. And if you surround the whins, try to cheer them, translate the topic of complaints into a joke or send a conversation to a positive channel.

    Be an open person

    Selfaronia - the key to success

    To joke over others, learn how to treat yourself with irony. This will allow you to relax those who surround you, and will also help discharge a tense atmosphere. Tell the funny stories about how they joked above you, as you got into awkward situations and so on. If you suddenly blurted out something nefple, make fun.

    For example, get acquainted with new people, be prepared to listen, it will help a person to start trusting you and be open to communication. Even if your new acquaintance is the opposite of you, try to find in this plus and enjoy communication. Absolutely anyone can teach you something new, so the more friends you have and acquaintances, the more funny stories.

    Get out of the comfort zone

    Fight your fears

    Try to get rid of all your phobias. Let you be afraid to swim or height, find the strength to overcome your fear. And you will be surprised to do what. And with what burning eyes you will talk about it to others, charges those surrounding the accuracy of great cases.

    To become a good interlocutor, a faithful friend and just an interesting and funny person, you need to include the following rules in your life:

    • Be honest with others and with yourself, fulfill the promises, earn a reputation as a reliable person.
    • If you are difficult to maintain a conversation, make a list of those in which you understand, and use one of them when the embarrassing pause hangs.
    • Strive for knowledge, read, recognize something new.
    • Beware of gossip and rumors.
    • Laugh together with friends, not over them.
    • Smile and love everyone around.

    To become a funny and interesting person is actually very simple, the main thing is not to be afraid of yourself.

    Want to learn how to joke in any situation? You need to understand how jokes work. As you will see, the comedic conflict and the joke is not entirely inseparable. The joke is just a structure (), which is designed to create a comedic conflict. All jokes create a comedic conflict, but not all comedy conflicts are created from jokes.

    Understanding the comedy conflict significantly increases your repertoire as a comedian. The audience is not passive in standing comedy. As you learn from this article, a lot of effort is required to get a joke. That is why the comedy, as a rule, lasts only about 90 minutes or less. In addition, the audience will have more difficulties in maintaining, because they will have low energy.

    When someone "jokes", he or she passes three steps to: build (understand the setting), calculate (recognize the problem or inconsistency) and decide (eliminate the problem).

    How to learn to joke: construction joke

    Building is how the audience creates a joke understanding. This is especially important if you want to learn how to joke cool in any situation. When the audience listens to jokes, they take all the information (the words of the comedian, gestures, sounding, the situation, etc.). And try to connect all this significant way. For example, take this setting (we will add a punch later):

    The bus driver says:

    While you read this joke, you "built" an understanding of this in your mind. You did this by choosing information that seemed important. Since you (presumably) did not know what punch, you cannot be sure which information will really be important until the joke is over. What you consider important could look something like this:

    Female Sits in bus with its kid.
    Bus driver says:
    "Fu, it's the most roda childI've ever seen! "
    Woman comes to the back of the bus and sits down smoke. She tells a man next to her: "The driver is just insult me!" . Man says: "So go to it and pretty dust.
    Come on, and I'll hold your ... "

    Just remembering the dedicated words in a joke, you probably could turn around and tell someone this joke. You yourself wanted to learn how to joke in any situation. Of course, you can switch to a few words, but highlighted words carry all important information for a joke.

    How to learn how funny to joke in any situation

    When you built jokes, you also started building forecasts. These are those predictions that create a comedic conflict, which we will look at a little later. While you read the last string, you probably automatically filled out the last sentence to say: "Come on, and I will now hold your child," because this is what we expect from this person. Understanding the structure of jokes and comedy conflict will help you learn how to write funny and joke in society or on stage.

    How to learn cool to joke: payroll

    Payback, the second phase of joke - that's what makes a joke joke. The audience recognizes inconsistency or a problem with their initial understanding of history - their prediction was wrong. Incorrect prediction causes the audience to rethink the setting.

    A woman sits on a bus with her child.
    The bus driver says:
    "Fu, this is the most ugly child I have ever seen!"
    A woman comes to the back of the bus and sits down, smoke. She says a man next to her: "The driver just insulted me!" The man says: "So go to him and the straggle is pretty.

    The word (or words), which cause shift, are keywords. In this joke "Chimpanzee". If you replaced the word "chimpanzee" to the "child", then it is a pretty simple story. It does not become a "bad joke," she just ceases to be a joke. But you wanted to learn how to joke ridiculous, and not just squeeze in any situation. The guy offers to keep a child while a woman shouts at the bus driver. At best, this story is slightly interesting, but, of course, not funny.

    How to learn cool to joke

    But when you get to the word "chimpanzees", you need to find out why the man said "Chimpanzee" instead of a "child". This causes a shift. Now you have to look for a new way to understand the story that makes sense.

    Please note that if you return through an ugly children's joke several times and change the way you speak every line, nothing changes. No matter if you deliver it, as if you are excited or sad. It doesn't even matter if you or I say this joke. The keyword overshadows everything. Humor is completely based on words. It is important to assimilate to immediately write jokes right and ridiculously joking under any circumstances.

    Keywords is an instant moment for a joke. There is very clear before and after. As soon as you go to the keyword, you have nothing to do. The audience has all the necessary information for laughter.

    You will notice that the keywords are almost always found at the very end of the joke, often as the last word. The keywords always go at the end, because they cause a shift. Adding new information after Pumpcha will kill the joke. Please note how to continue after the keyword depletes humor from the joke.

    A woman sits on a bus with her child.
    The bus driver says:
    "Fu, this is the most ugly child I have ever seen!"
    A woman comes to the back of the bus and sits down, smoke. She says a man next to her: "The driver just insulted me!" The man says: "So go to him and the straggle is pretty.
    Come on, and I'll hold your chimpanzee yet. "

    Come on, and I'll hold your chimpanzee yet so that you can go
    And tell this guy how rude it is.

    Technically, these are the same jokes. But when you continue after a keyword, the audience's attention is moving with you. You fall into the keyword, but instead of allowing the audience to connect fragments to get a joke, the audience still listens to additional information. By the time additional words are completed, the word "chimpanzee" is no longer surprise.

    How to learn to joke: Resolving Situation

    During the creation of an ordinary joke, we collected information about this joke and created a forecast. Going to the calculation phase, we learned that our prediction (or presentation) was wrong. Solving this joke is the last step. He answers the question: "If my first idea was wrong, then what is right?". Think about it as a moment when you think: "Oh! I get a joke. " At the permission stage, you understand the second joke.

    How to learn to joke well

    The word "rink" is a keyword. You decide to change the understanding of the word rink "Now the pun has a sense.

    Again. To learn how to joke ridiculous and writing jokes, you must start with the construction of an understanding of the story. You choose the ideas that seem important ...

    Now all parts are suitable for each other, and your new understanding of the joke makes sense. If you have not switched to a new view, you would be very embarrassed when the joke is over. As soon as you understand that there is no other line, you might think: "Wait, what I missed?".

    How to learn how to joke well: point click

    The time spent on that the audience leaves the stage of construction, the calculation was calculated and ended at the resolution stage, called the "point of click". This is the time when everything snaps. It is important to remember if your goal is to learn to joke well in any situation and quickly generate humor.

    If everything goes well, the point of clicking should occur in about 0.3 seconds after the keyword (although the physical laughter comes much later). All other things being equal than the shorter point of click, the greater the surprise and the better laughter.

    A long click point creates fewer surprises than short. Have you ever had to understand the joke and someone explained it to you? You hear the joke for the first time, but do not quite understand it, then your friend slowly explains. However, when it is explained, never happens ridiculous in a joke. This is due to the fact that the point of click is too long. Instead of collecting everything together in 0.3 seconds, it can take three full seconds ... and you have a lot of time that your brain jumped in front of you and killed any surprise.

    So here. There are still many subtleties in how to learn how to joke ridiculous in any situation, how to create slaughter jokes and how to develop your sense of humor. And I willingly share them on leave an application right now and continue to comprehend the depths of this to the disgrace of interesting science.

    Regardless of whether a person wants to gain popularity on the stage or literary field, or simply hesitate to be fun and enjoyable in communication among his surroundings, first it is necessary to simply learn to communicate with people. It should be more likely to be in the company, learn to support any conversation and take people as they are.

    Acquisition of the first skills of humorist

    However, you do not need to immediately try to joke. First you should learn to witness and exciting jokes. Rough and tasteless humor can only push people. In addition, you always need to be able to choose the right place and time for jokes. If someone else is in the center of attention, you should not try to switch attention to yourself.

    It is not necessary to immediately invent jokes yourself. To begin with, you can read humorous literature, listen to the performances of famous humorists, pick up jokes suitable for yourself and their surroundings. Then you should learn and test on acquaintances those of them seemed to be the most successful.

    Not bad version of Yumuru - reading and jokes. Reading a lot of short funny stories, it is not difficult to learn the principles of their construction, which can later be used to create their own jokes. In addition, telling jokes, you can learn the art of filing a humorous work.

    Do not forget that jokes must first be relevant. In no case should not be offensive for people. Also, it is not necessary to annoy others and try to turn out to be in the spotlight at all costs. Jokes should be kind and fun, then they will attract people like a magnet.

    Writing your own jokes

    Over time, the ability to compose their own jokes will come. It should be remembered that they should not be too complicated for understanding. Otherwise, their author will seem strange. Writing jokes should become a cheerful and exciting game. Only in this case it will turn into a light, fast and very interesting occupation. Browsing the performances of famous humorists, you can gradually adopt their ways to create and feed jokes, and then, on their basis, invent your own.

    The obtained humorous skills can be used in a wide variety of areas. You can conquer popularity among friends and colleagues, make an impression on the girl you like, and you can become a member of the KVN team or try to start writing