Simple drawing on a military theme. How to draw war to make a picture of a certain meaning

Simple drawing on a military theme. How to draw war to make a picture of a certain meaning

Step-by-step instructions for practical drawing of tanks, airplanes and helicopters in the process of mastering the art of black and white and halftone graphics.

We offer you to learn the phased method to draw domestic, mostly Russian, samples of military equipment in their modern form.

Remember! Any error made at the very beginning of the drawing process can be immentable to spoil the final result. Perhaps at first it will be difficult for you to draw curvilinear contours (round, egg-shaped or similar to sausage) or generally notify the pencil on paper to the planned point. Do not despair! Keep enthusiasm, keep painting with persistence and patience. The more practice, the higher the skill. If desired, you can use the Circula - Professionals artists do not consider it a gap for themselves.

Objects necessary for work: a pure white sheet of paper of good quality, a pencil with a stylist of medium hardness or soft, eraser. Circle, mascara, pyrshko, brush, ballpoint pen, felt-tip pen - at will.

Choose a sample of military equipment that you want to draw. Easy touch of pencil, without pressure, very carefully and carefully apply the strokes on paper, constituting the initial (first) step - usually it is in the upper left corner on the scheme you have chosen. Then make the second "step" - also without pressure and as thoroughly. Watch not only behind the direction and curvature lines, but also over the distance between them, that is, their mutual location. The size of the picture must correspond to the size of your sheet of paper - to be not too small and not too large. The first "steps" seem to be the least complex, but it is necessary to perform them with special accuracy, because any error made at the beginning of the process can spoil the final result.

It is also very useful from time to time to look at the reflection of your work in the mirror - it is able to identify distortion that you can not see anything otherwise.

New for each "Step" line is shown in the scheme more fat, so that you feel it easier to recognize that it is exactly necessary to add to your drawing at the next stage. Continue the work is still light, thin strokes. If some line turned out unnecessarily thick or dark - brighten it with an eraser: spend them along the line without a special pressure, not seeking to erase it completely.

And a few more tips. Remember that with all the seeming complexity of some objects, they can always be reduced to simple geometric forms: ball, cone, pyramid, cube, parallelepiped, cylinder.

Try to draw the equipment not frontally, but in more winning angles, taking into account the prospects, so that they look not flat, and voluminous.

You can also slightly "snatch" when you see complex parts: In order not to be distracted by the integrity of the image and not spend too much time, you can draw them approximately as a complex of expressive strokes, points, underscores, wavy lines.

Well, of course, let's say, the ships do not exist by themselves, but as a rule, organically fit into the surrounding landscape. Therefore, the elements of the landscape - the sea, river, rock, even if only slightly scheduled, - significantly revive and enrich the drawing.

Having finished the application of light strokes, that is, fulfilling eight "steps" shown on the selected scheme, and making sure that all the elements of your drawing correspond to the desired image, circle them with confident movements of a pencil with the desired pressure. After this final finish, the drawing can be considered ready. If you wish, you can strengthen the contrast of the lines using the mascara (using a thin bruster or steel flip), a ball handle or a felt-tipper. When the mascara, the paste or ink is dried, remove unnecessary traces of a pencil eraser.

Remember: if the first attempts to draw do not lead to the desired result - continue trying. This is very important - not to lose perseverance, patience, enthusiasm. In the end, your efforts are crowned with complete success - at that moment you may not immediately believe yourself, but you will still be pleasantly surprised to achieved.

We sincerely hope that your drawing skills will improve and for a long time spent on the reconstitution of images of all these terrible and in its own way beautiful samples of the equipment will not be disappeared.

We draw the average tank T-34 (USSR)

Draw Tank T-VIB "Royal Tiger" (Germany)

Draw tank T-V "Panther" (Germany)

Draw Tank T-72 (USSR)

Draw tank "Leopard-1" (Germany)

Draw a heavy tank KV-85 "Klim Voroshilov" (USSR)

Draw a heavy tank IP-3 "Joseph Stalin" (USSR)

Draw Tank "Challenger" (United Kingdom)

Draw Tank Strv-103 (Sweden)

Draw the Tank "Centurion" (United Kingdom)

Anti-aircraft missile complex "Strela-1" (Russia)

Anti-aircraft self-propelled installation SSSU-23-4 (Russia)

Draw an armored personnel carrier BRT-80 (USSR)

Draw a combat intelligence and sabotage machine BRDM-2 (USSR)

BMP-3 infantry combat (USSR)

Starting installation of strategic missiles "Topol M" (Russia)

We draw a system of salvo fire "Katyusha" (USSR)

Draw a zenith rocket complex (Turkey)

Draw an armored personnel carrier Steyr (Austria)

Draw a self-propelled artillery unit M 110 A2 (USA)

We draw a system of salvo fire "Grad" (40-barreral mortar) (Russia)

Draw an anti-aircraft missile complex SPC S-300B (Russia)

We draw a reactive system of salvo fire "Tornado" (Russia)

We draw an IL-2 aircraft (USSR)

We draw a fighter Me-109 "Messerschmitt" (Germany)

Draw a bomber PE-2

Draw a JU-87B bomber "Junkers" (Germany)

Draw an airplane F15-C (USA)

Draw the Fighter MiG-21 (Russia)

Draw the Su-27 fighter (Russia)

Draw the Su-24 aircraft (Russia)

Draw an attack aircraft OV-10A "Bronko" (USA)

Draw the Fighter MiG-23 (Russia)

Draw the Fighter MiG-29 (Russia)

Draw the A-10A attack aircraft (USA)

Draw a fighter-bomber F-111 (USA)

Draw the fighter-bomber "Mirage" 2000-5 (France)

Draw an airplane "Invisible" B-2 "Spirit" (USA)

Draw "Flight Fortress" B-52G (USA)

Draw the Mi-14 helicopter (USSR)

Draw the Mi-24 helicopter (Russia)

Draw an An-64a Helicopter "Apache" (USA)

We draw a transport-landing helicopter CH-47A "Chinuk" (USA)

Draw the S-55 helicopter "Sikorsky" (USA)

Draw a Helicopter Ka-50 "Black Shark" (Russia)

Draw an atomic submarine "Kursk" (Russia)

Draw a rocket ship (Russia)

Draw a torpedo boat (Russia)

Draw the cruiser "Kirov" (USSR)

Draw a submarine (Turkey)

Draw "Tank"

In general, the drawing of a person is not easy task. We have already tried to depict the eye, face, human body, smile. You can even remember these lessons before starting. Since today the task has become more complicated. Not only need to be determined by the proportions of the body, you will need to think about the details: pose, items in hands, clothes, facial expression. That is, everything that will help us to show a brave, armed, but at the same time drawn soldier. And in general, the homeland is to defend - a difficult thing. So, thought for a second, remembered films, and maybe someone from familiar who walk in military uniform. Now proceed.

Step one. All our drawing depends on it. Draw a fine line, carefully and neatly. Oval head, with axial lines in the form of a cross. Vertical neckline, wide shoulders, passing into a large body, consisting of two large parts. Confident leg stand. Two shogged hands in the elbows so far only outlook large details. In this picture, our soldiers seemed to hold a stick in his hands. In the future, it should turn into a decent weapon.

Step second. To the oval of the face we will with the chin, his form will give the character to a person. Rectangular will make it more courageous, triangular - more energetic, and oval - soft and kind. Draw the supervised part of the head. From the level of the eye, we will show your ears down.

Step Three. At the outlined level, we draw eyes along the vertical line - but the mouth. And then the details: a sharp collar, rectangular straps, hat.

Step fourth. Let's show the details of firearms. Dorisuye hand.

Pitch fifth. We draw in detail the second hand, a military jacket, bag, buttons and pockets on it.

Step six. A few more details on the machine and large pockets on the pant. By the way, the number and location of the pockets you can define yourself or see photos to find out how to draw a soldierpresent.

Step seventh. It remains a bit - these are boots

Step eighth. We wash axial lines on the face. We emphasize and circulate large details. Well, ready for battle our drawn soldier. And the machine is in his hands almost as a real. I am sure that you will now know how to draw a soldier with a penciland everything will turn out. Good luck!

Military pencil drawings can be created in stages even to small children. There are many lessons and instructions on the network, pictures for drawing, which allow you to independently transfer military equipment of different types to paper.

The drawing on the military theme with a pencil will like to draw the boys, but such pictures can be created by girls, for example, in the grandeur of the big holiday on May 9 or February 23. For the Victory Day, the drawing will become an excellent gift to veterans or relatives who served in the army.

Military plane drawing with a pencil

A military aircraft can look interesting in the form of a simple drawing without coloring with paints or colored pencils. To begin with, it is worth checking the availability of the instruments you need to create an artistic project:

  • line;
  • pencil;
  • blank paper;
  • eraser.

If there is an opportunity, choose pencils solid and soft, which are convenient to make auxiliary lines or bring maintenance. The next simple instruction will allow small artists to create their own beautiful military aircraft on paper.

  1. Create the main lines that serve as a base for placing an airplane on the leaf. With the help of the line, draw a long line that we til down a bit. The second will cross the first, it is necessary to maintain it from the bottom bottom corner of the leaf to the upper right, it is the basis for wings and tail. To make the tail of the plane realistic, add a small short line on the first basic, it should be perpendicular to.
  2. If the lines are not a good guideline to draw the correct form of the aircraft, create additional points that serve as the faces of the nose, tail and the wings of the object. It is recommended to start with an extreme right point where the nose will be located.
  3. Smooth lines draw the plane cabin. Movements should be smooth, it is not worth putting a pencil on paper. The cabin lines must be slightly narrowed as it approaches the extreme left point where the tail of the aircraft is located.
  4. From the main lines of the cabin, focusing on the second auxiliary with the same soft and smooth movements, draw the wings of the aircraft.
  5. An important final base step is to draw the tail part. At military aircraft, the tail can be of different shapes, with additional elements, so it is desirable to look at the drawing an example and ask the child to copy the finished shape.
  6. The last stage is adding important elements to revive the plane. A child can add various emblems on the aircraft body, do not do without drawing the front glass and side windows.
  7. After the lines are posted, with the help of the eraser remove the auxiliary lines and points, extra touches that were the sketch base.

All drawings of military equipment with a pencil are created on such a database: auxiliary lines intersecting in the right places as a reference point for creating basic contours.

Military Ship Picture Pencil

Military pencil drawings allow the child not only to understand the basics of creating complex drawings, but also explore the structure of various transport. Many children like to create a warship and drawing with a pencil that requires the execution of the instruction.

Unlike the previous drawing, children begin an artistic project with the drawing of the waves of the sea, which are located at the bottom of the leaflet. Waves are curves lines that can be drawn to young artists.

On the waves you need to arrange one horizontal line without inclination. A ruler will come to the rescue. The length of the main horizontal line should be medium length, taking into account the fact that additional lines will diverge in the sides, continuing the ship body base, they are made using a ruler. For this, the ruler has a little tilt to the outer sides of the leaf. Connect these two lines can be one solid. The ship's base is ready.

Next, you should focus on an example-picture with which the cabin compartments copied, deck details. It is mandatory to draw guns, and the main "highlight" of such creation will be the flag of the ship. An important piece of drawing. At the end, several curves of wave lines around the ship add to create the illusion of the movement of military transport.

Such military drawings with a pencil for children may seem simple to look simple, but with hatching decorate a picture, and if there is a desire, then a little color is added with the help of paints.

Figure soldier

Drawing a military soldier with a pencil to make small children. The main thing is to prepare to repeat the main geometric shapes and learn how to do neat lines.
As in the case of a pattern of a military pencil aircraft for children, it is worth creating several auxiliary lines with which the soldier's body proportions will be correct.

  1. To begin with, he will work on marking. Frame frame - base of the body of a soldier. On the vertical line from above, we draw oval, which serves as a base for the head. Just below draws two trapezoids - the base of the body. From the trapezion make the lines for hands and line below for the legs. An important point - the drawing makes more larger to display well all the details.
  2. In the zone of the oval, it is possible for accuracy with thin strokes of the auxiliary line: one horizontally slightly above the center of the oval, the second vertical clearly in the center, crossing the area of \u200b\u200bthe future of the soldier. From oval on the sides of neat curved lines, we draw ears. According to the auxiliary horizontal line, add eyes and exactly above them with two souls of eyebrows. At the bottom will be located, and between the sodes created by the details. From above, you can paint bangs.
  3. We draw a pilot. If it is difficult to repeat its shape, you can stop on a small triangle, which "sits" exactly over the oval.
  4. From oval down to the trapezes of smooth lines.
  5. From the neck we go to drawing the shape of the body, making a trapezium is not so angular. At this stage, you can immediately do such details as the gate, other elements of clothes in the form of a belt and pagia.
  6. Do not forget about pockets, buttons and an asterisk on the strap.
  7. Lower part - trousers. With them, the kids are worthwhile, because not all small artists will be able to repeat the line of folds of the trousers. Complete this part with boots.
  8. Stepodno, not in a hurry drawing hands, the sleeves of the form, of which the hands of the soldier can see. Drawing hands not necessarily. Kids can dwell on a schematic image.

How to draw cheburashka pencil phased

Well, now I will proceed to the drawing ... just five steps.

Step one

Let's start with my head. In the top of the sheet, in its center, draw a large circle. On the left and on the right side of it - ears. They are also rounded and large enough, but less than the head. We party torso - this is a major oval. It remains - rugs and legs.

Step two

We turn outlined figures in body parts. Call my head then ears. One foot of Cheburashka is hidden for the back. Draw a T-shirt and legs.

Step Third

Consolidate the head of the head to get a face. Show two big eyes. Highly above them are small rounded eyebrows. It remains to be a triangular nose and a small mouth. A finger stretches to mouth.

Now pay attention to the ears.

Step fourth

Draw your eyes, or rather pupils. And now we can cloud our cheburashka in the fur coat. At the same time pay attention to the bangs and ears.

Pitch fifth

On a t-shirt of our hero, we draw a small suitis drawing. Well, almost ready. It remains to paint.

How to draw a protein with a pencil

Step one. We begin as usual from drawing position. Making the sketch of the position of the Body Skinchka. We draw a circle that will designate the stomach, after that we will add two oval shapes to it and one large top, it's legs and chest. And at the very top you draw another circle, but already smaller, it is naturally a head.

Stepping on. Draw raised legs up and add a tail. It should be fluffy. In shape, it resembles the tail of the mermaid, which we painted in the previous lesson. After that, we draw the legs of the protein.

Step Three. Make an elongated shape for the face of the protein. It is also just like a Tiger face. On it draw the front sharp teeth. Add ears on your head.

Step fourth. Go from sketch to drawing real forms. We supply wool conees around the tail and legs. On the face we draw eyes, ears and nose like death.

Pitch fifth. We continue in the same spirit and with the rest of the body. Dorisse the paws and fingers on them. Squirrel's eyes round, add black pupils. And draw the exposed language. Still take a few teeth on the upper jaw.

Step six. Now we wash the auxiliary lines of the eraser and circle the contours of the picture.

It remains to add some details of the background. Draw palm trees and nut (or is it coconut?) Which protein holds in his hands. (As he only keeps him, is it clear more and harder?)

And finally, I still painted with colored pencils drawing to be more fun. This is how it happened:

How to draw a barboski pencil phased

How to draw cartoon pencil

Step one. We define the position of the head. It is big enough and wide. Moreover, you can draw not very even oval. On the face, not in the center, and closer to the cheek, we carry out the axial vertical line. Short line will make iteping the nose level. And now it is necessary to neatly, ranging from the vertical auxiliary line to draw the mouth: first right, then left. The cat is in the field in our side, therefore the mouth seems to be not symmetrical. Now we have a torso. We try to work out as in the picture. From the body down will spend two straight lines - legs. An uneven line will make a bending of the tail. I will depict two large formless oblong feet.

Step second. First draw big oval eyes, and there are small rounded ears over them. Now I will round a smile on the edges. On the already scheduled level, put round a spout. Hands folded on the chest: they are not easy to show. Draw three thumbs, and already from them we conduct the second hand. Along one axis, you will spend two lines, we get a leg. On the feet two bent strips - fingers.

Step Three. Inside the ears will draw a line along the edge, so we get an ear sink. Under the already painted hand, we show the second looking hand: almost round, but uneven at the same time. Along the second axis, you will spend two lines to depict the leg. Draw a foot. Note a fluffy tail. Inside large eyewear, we draw a horizontal line at the bottom, and under it a small pupil painted with a pencil.

Step fourth. Take the tail: we spend the top line along the axis. Garfield is full: you will show parallel strips, make the tip of the tail darling.

Pitch fifth. We will remove all auxiliary and axial lines with an eraser. The main circuit of the cat can be broken and brighter.

How to draw a motorcycle phased

Step one

The first thing to be done is to draw an axial horizontal line for the wheels. So we will immediately ask and send our drawing. Now the wheels themselves. Note horizontal axes. The visual effect is that we see them not very round, but a little stretched vertically. Moreover, the wheel is bigger to us larger.

From above - an angular motorcycle contour.

A column visa with a horizontal.

Step two

We will make the wheel close to us. Show the width of the rear wheel rubber and its wide fork. On the motorcycle case itself, we will need to make a lot of direct support lines that we need further. Carefully consider the drawing and try to do as well.

Step Third

We continue to draw wide wheels. Above them - wide wings. Let's show a surcharge and front operenim.

Step fourth

All details of the two-wheeled friend are needed from angular to turn into smooth and elegant. Carefully identify the details.

Pitch fifth

The edge of the base will argue, make brighter. Here, our brainchild is already visible.

Step Six

On the case of a couple barely noticeable inscriptions. But we noticed them and draw them. Now you need to give the shadow to some detail in depths darkened. Well, ready!

How to draw a pencil war in stages

Step one

At first, make people in motion. Heads, position of the body, hands, legs.

Step two

Now we think that it will be around our soldiers: this is a fence, stones, logs. Show their contours.

Step Third

Out of our fighting: helmet, pants, boots. We supply one of them bag. The nearest to us draw a face profile. We envelop the fence of barbed wire.

Step fourth

Add details: Spinners on the wire, belts on the clothes of people, shovel, etc.

Pitch fifth

Perform a hatching. On the clothing in the seed grounds - darker plots. Dimming areas on the poles. Well, here are the soldiers against the background of a military and completely non-living landscape.

let's try draw Harley Quinn..

Step one.

Draw in the center of the leaf Circle. It will be Harley's head. On both sides of her sketch of the clothes of Harlequin.

Step second.

Draw eyes and folds on clothes.

Step Three.

Then you draw a small neck, from it 3 lines, and on them the mug behind them shoulder, and the girl's chest under them. The axial line on the place of the hand. Next, draw an elegant posture.

Step fourth.

Hello! In today's lesson, we will tell you how to draw a Soviet soldier.

The fact is that this theme concerns each of us - after all, "there is no family in Russia, where it would not remember his hero." Taking this opportunity, I would like to ask for every reader, whose heroes are alive, healthy, express their attention, recognition and care.
This article is written on the eve of the Great Holiday - the Victory Day, but we would very much like our heroes get greetings, and respect not only in this important day, but all the other 364 days a year. Call your grandmothers, help your home assistance in domestic issues, ask about their health, give them a cool complex pattern, which you personally have created in their honor. Here with the last item, the team of our site can help you - let's start drawing a real hero - a Soviet soldier!

Step 1

This lesson is quite complicated, but we will begin to draw it with a very simple stycling - a little man of sticks and circles. However, do not be deceive by his simplicity - the fact is that this stage is the most important of the entire lesson, because the mistakes made here will be fixed in the future. Before you start drawing stycotes, we remember the basic rules of the proportions of the body: the human growth is equal to the sum of lengths of approximately 7 goals, and 3 of them come on a torso (from the neck to the belt), and 4 to the feet. Hands stretched along the seams reach the middle of the distance from the belt to the knee joint, and the torso in the width is equal to the sum of two heads (also in width).

However, be extremely attentive in this stage, because the soldier is not worth a complete growth (such as in one of our lessons), and it takes a position immediately before the shot - it rests onto the knee and aims.

Pay attention to the features - the hands seem too short, but this is an illusion that arises due to their folded position and the lack of volume at this stage on the backdrop of the head. By the way, the head should be drawn into the shoulders, that is, the neck here will not be visible - again, such a visual effect arises due to the non-standard "aiming" posture of the soldier.

Step 2.

Now we will work a little over the top of our drawing. End to the top of the head of the helmet line in the top of the head, the remaining lower part is placing two lines - vertical, which will designate the front symmetry (note, it is slightly bevelled to transmit head slope) and the eye line perpendicular to it.

We also draw part of the silhouette of helmets and chant weapons in the hands of the soldier (the butt should close the lower part of the person). Complete stage drawing rectangular fists.

Step 3.

Let us give the volume of the hands and the upper part of the body. In fact, in this stage, we only circle the lines scheduled. We will not draw muscles here, since the vesting of the soldier is not fitting.

Step 4.

Now we will do the same operation with the bottom of the body. This will be much easier to accomplish if presenting parts of the body in the form of figures - the belt and the inguinal area in the form of a triangle, legs - in the form of cylinders, knee joints in the form of a mug and flattened oval. Again, nothing complicated, as it does not require anatomical drawing of muscles and tendons.

Step 5.

"Volume stylable", that is, a silhouette of a soldier is ready, you can proceed to its drawing. If you doubt the accuracy of the location of the soldier or the proportions of his body, bring the sketch of this stage to the mirror and look at the reflection - in it all errors will be very throws and noticeable.

And now, in fact, we continue: erase the extra guide lines with helmets and finish its outline, draw the strap on the cheeky of a soldier. Then draw your eyes - one of them must be flown.

The general plan will be approximately:

Step 6.

We usually draw and detail the drawings always from top to bottom, that is, in the direction of the head to the legs. And this lesson will not be an exception, therefore, we continue to detail our soldier.

We will work on the twig. Draw the sleeves, make the folds of the fabric and cuffs. Then we denote the belt that goes through the whole torso diagonally, the collar and strokes, which will subsequently become large pockets located on the chest.

Palm is the most movable part of the body, so therefore their drawing causes the greatest number of difficulties. To do this, we decided to make a couple of close-ups:

Actually drawing palms here is not particularly difficult, you only need to correctly convey their position and how they hold weapons.

By the way, do not forget to draw the weapon itself, namely the legendary Mosina rifle. General plan:

Step 7.

Sunday lower and draw the bottom of the body and the feet of the soldier. First, draw the belt and side pockets, and then - the bag and freely lying lower part of the node (pay attention to the smooth bend of the nurse of the nurse in the area of \u200b\u200bthe legs close to us, it is necessary to designate it, it emphasizes the pose).

Next - legs. The excess guide lines, an overhead of the contours, giving the "baggy" a stunner - that is, the contour itself make a slightly wavy and weaving the folds on the fabric. Yes, such a moment - legs should turn out very voluminous, again in order to emphasize the free cut of the pants.

Step 8.

Great, already very close to what we need. Now they will draw the final drawing of the body and the legs of our soldier. In this stage, the head of the warrior's arm and the edge of the rifle and the rifle edge from us are detailing and detail.

Carefully consider our sample and try to repeat all our actions in your drawing - be sure to draw such, at first glance, imperceptible details, as a patch on the elbow, edging cuffs, buttons and folds. Draw knuckles on the outside of the hand.

Step 9.

Now we will repeat the same operation, but already on another, right from us with you hand. Here only, in contrast to the previous stage, nails are visible on the fingers and we will need to designate them. Also notice the touches of the phalange of the fingers, and otherwise all the same is the cuff cuffs, buttons, patch in the elbow area and folds.

Step 10.

Draw a mosine rifle. Do not forget that most parts of the trunk of this weapon were made of wood to visually convey this material, draw several lines along the barrel in its front. Also designate short horizontal lines going across the trunk - the first one is located next to the flies, and the last one in the area of \u200b\u200bthe brush right from us hands. Draw the sight, trigger and belt (pay attention to the belt buckle and its inverted position).

Step 11.

Detailing torso. Distribute strips on the collar, horizontal line of clashes and pockets. Pay attention to the drive, which is located on the edges of pockets and folds coming from the belt. Do not forget to also edge the belt bags and draw a buckle.

Step 12.

Draw your legs, let's start with the left from us. Endress it, keeping the outline of the wavy contour, mark the line of the shill on the pants, take a rectangle in the knee area and draw a shoe on the thick, coarse sole. Apply several short folds to the shoe material.

Step 13.

Now detail the other leg. Endress it, mark the folds, draw the fabric strips in the shin area. Draw a thick sole of the shoe, mark the lacing and a pair of strokes on the shoe material, which will be denoted by folds.

Step 14.

It goes well, isn't it? Let's now work with shadows. First, we leave the shadow on the helmet of our soldier. Do not forget to see the 6th stage of the lesson dedicated to the work - first, there is a structure of a realistic shadow, and secondly, the shadow on the grape brush in the level of diffusion is very similar to the shadow that lies on a soldier helmet from this lesson.

Before applying shadows, determine the location of the light source - our light falls on the soldier in front, the source is approximately at the height of its growth, and since the soldier will turn to the right from us slightly, we will shade the left of us.

The shadow on the helmet we will be imposed on a light, but frequent hatching cross-closer, seeking to us densities with the help of adjusting the press on the pencil and choose the optimal amount of the stratified hatching. Do not forget to designate a strip of reflex light, which is located on the edges of the helmets.

Step 15.

We appline a shadow on your left from us. Please note that almost every fold drops a light shadow, and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe trapezoidal and deltoid muscles, the shadow is especially thick.

Step 16.

Light cross-hatching designation shadows on the body, increasing the number of layers in the most densely shaded places.

Step 17.

At the end, I would like to show you one video, the quote from which we used at the beginning of our lesson. This impressive video was created from the personnel of the cult Soviet film "Officers", and the music was written by a talented composer Evgenia Agranovich.

Actually, it remains to apply a very easy shadow on the feet of the soldier and our drawing is ready.

It was a lesson about Tom from the DrawingForall website, you all are good, do not forget your grandparents - your attention is incredibly important for them. Come to us for new lessons and write in the comments of the wishes regarding their topics. All happy holiday!