Castaneda - biography. Encyclopedia of modern esoteric Who is Carlos Castaneda

Castaneda - biography. Encyclopedia of modern esoteric Who is Carlos Castaneda

Carlos Castaneda is one of the greatest mysteries of the XX century. With confidence about him, it is possible to say that he is the author of ten unique books, each of which became a bestseller, as well as the founder of the publishing company "Cleargreen Inc.", currently owning the rights to all his creative heritage. Any other information is only speculation, riddles and assumptions.

Puzzles biography Castaneda

For almost all of your life Carlos Castaneda hid his "personal history", categorically forbidden himself to take pictures (although, several photos of Castaneda are still available) and for the whole life he gave only a few interviews. In addition, he denied what was ever married. But Margaret Renyang in his book "Magic journey with Carlos Castaneda", which presents her memories of life with Castaneda, assures that they were married.

Carlos Castaneda was a master of mystifications "Speaking about yourself, he invented all the new place of birth, new Father and Mother, a new legend. In most cases, Castaneda claimed that he was born in the Brazilian city of São Paulo in 1935 in Christmas in a very respected family, and his father was an academician. In some of their conversations, Carlos implicitly hinted on the fact that one of the famous people of that time - revolutionary and diplomat Osvaldo Aran accounted for him to his native uncle. Among other "popular" versions of Castaneda was the one that he was born not in 1935, and in 1931, and that his homeland is generally the Peruvian city of Kahamarka. In other words, the True Biography of Castaneda went to the grave (in the grave?) Together with him.

But one of the most accurate versions of the biography of the Hero of our article was published by the "Time" magazine in 1973. Below we offer her to your attention.

Biography of Castorend according to the magazine "Time.»

Carlos Castaneda (Full name - Carlos Cesar Aran Castaneda) born in Sao Paulo (Brazil) December 25, 1925. His father Cesar Aran Castaneda Burgnar was a watchmaker, and about Mother Susanna Castanda Novoa is not known anything, except that she was an elegant fragile girl with very weak health. By the time of birth of Carlos, his father was only seventeen, and the mothers are sixteen years old. When Carlos turned 24 years old, his mother died.

In fictional and genuine stories of Carlos about their lives, his grandmother and grandparents are also mentioned, with whom he lived in childhood. The grandmother had foreign roots, quite likely Turkish, and was not very beautiful, rather large, but very kind woman. Carlos loved her very much.

And here grandfather Castaneda was a very peculiar man. He had Italian origin, was red-haired and syseglazy. He was all the time the carlos of various bikes and stories, and also invented all sorts of things, which from time to time presented to all family members.

Already later, when Castaneda met a Mexican magician named Don Juan Matus, his mentor was insisted on the fact that Carlos would forever slippage with his grandfather. However, even the death of the grandfather did not affect the ward of Don Juan - the impact on the life of Castaneda his grandfather was maintained for many years. Carlos recalled that farewell to the grandfather was the most severe event in his life. Saying goodbye to his grandfather, he presented it as detailed as possible, and told him: "Goodbye."

In 1951, Castaneda emigrates in the US. And in 1960 an event occurs, in the root changing the life of Carlos and a huge number of people who later get acquainted with his books. As a student at the University of California in Los Angeles, and having gone to Mexico to collect the "field material" necessary for him for his graduation work, at the Greyhaound bus station in the Mexican Town of Nogalles on the border of the American state of California and the Mexican Staff of Sonora, Carlos meets Indian Shaman from the Tribe Tribe - Maga Don Juan Matusa. In the future, Don Juan will become the spiritual mentor of Castaneda, and for twelve years will devote him to the wisdom of magic, giving the innermost knowledge to them from the ancient crowds - people of knowledge. It is impossible to establish the reliability of further events with 100% confidence, but they are all described in detail in the books of Castaneda.

At this stage, we can finish talking about the biography of Carlos Castaneda and move to a brief description of the Carlos training process at Don Juan and the appearance of the first works of Castaneda.

Start of learning from Don Juan

The first and main task of Don Juan Matus was the destruction of Castaneda's consciousness of the usual and established paintings of the world. He trained Carlos to how to see new aspects of reality and perceive all the multifaceted world in which we live. In the course of study, Don Juan resorted to a variety of all sorts of receptions and technicians, and what was also said in the books, but initially, given the "Izmpnostiy" of the worldview of his student, don Juan used the most hard teaching methods, namely: Used psychotropicsuch as sacred for American indians Cactus Peyote (Lophophora Williamsii), hallucinogenic Mushroom Mexican Psilocybin (Psilocybe Mexicana ) And a special smoking mixture on the basis of dope (Datura Inoxia). It is for this reason that the future opponents of Castaneda began to blame him that he promotes the use of drugs.

However, in the future, all these accusations were presented with significant counterproofs. It should also be said that the speech about psychotropic substances is only in the first two books of Castaneda. In the rest of his works, absolutely different ways of changing the consciousness and knowledge of the secret aspects of human existence are presented. These include such as Stoking, conscious dreams, erasing personal history, stopping internal dialogue, contemplation and many others.

The work of Castaneda

At the beginning of his training, Mexican Maga Carlos asked him permission to record their conversations. So the first sensational book of Carlos "Teaching Done Juan: The Way of Knowledge of Indians Yaki" appeared. In the blink of an eye, this book became a bestseller and dreamed of a huge circulation. Further, her fate was repeated and the following nine books. All of them tell about how Carlos first studied at Don Juan, compiled the secrets of the magical teaching and interacted with other people; As then he trained a group of magicians, after in 1973, Don Juan left our world, "burners on fire from the inside"; And also about how I tried to clarify the essence of all the events that happened to him in previous years.

From the moment of the appearance of the first book of Castaneda and to this day, people argue on whether Don Juan was generally a real man or a collecting man invested Carlos. For example, the above Margaret Renyang Castandeda in his book says that the name Juan Matus meets in Mexico as often as in Russia Peter Ivanov, and also that, inspired in his field notes, Carlos simply talked about Elderly Indian, who began to train him - Huang Matus's name appeared somewhat later. In addition, Matus, according to Margaret, is the name of the Red Wine, which they with Carlos loved to drink at the time of their youth.

If you believe the words of the author's most famous works, don Juan was a real person Very modest by nature, but, in reality, the most real shaman, powerful Bruchi, the last representative of the toltec magician lines of the Toltec Mages. He began to teach Carlos due to the fact that on Carlos, he was indicated by the SpiritAnd the fact that he discovered in Castaned an energy configuration suitable for neophyte to become the new leader of the next line of the magicians called the nagal party.

Howbeit, people familiar with the work of the Great Mysteritor are divided into two camps - These are those who fully accept on faith, everything is said in the books, and those who seek by all their might disprove the accuracy of the information provided and debunk the myths about Castaneda, Don Juan and his teaching.

Mystery personality Castaneda

As known, Carlos Castaneda sought to enhance his personality fog And all that is connected with his life. This desire to escape from a human gaze and avoid any definiteness stems from the main requirement, which is presented to the magicians of the Don Juan line - always remain flexible, elusive, not limited to any framework, stereotypes and opinions of people, as well as avoid any behavioral patterns and reactions. In the terminology of Toltec magicians, this is called "erasing personal history". Based on this basic background, you can say for sure that humanity will never recognize all the details of the life of Carlos Castaneda and whether the Don Juan really existed.

If even Carlos managed to effectively erase his personal history, then Don Juan did it simply flawlessly (by the way, the concept of impeccability is one of the central in the teaching of Don Juan), without leaving behind any trace, leaving this world "together with shoes."

According to Carlos Castaneda, his teacher don Juan managed to fulfill the main task of all his life - "burn in the fire from the inside", Having reached the maximum awareness and finally developing its energy body, thus moving on a new level of perception. However, regarding his own death, Carlos had no doubt that he would not be able to achieve such a result. Many supporters of Castaneda are confident that he, in spite of everything, managed to achieve what she was striving, i.e. left the world in the same way as Don Juan. But the audience of realists (as well as the official necrologist) converges in the opinion that Carlos Castaneda died of liver cancer. It happened on April 27, 1998, Castaneda's body was cremated, and the dust was transferred to Mexico.

Heritage Castaneda

From the moment the world learned about the existence of Carlos Castaneda and Don Juan and still, tretecian magician's teachings are gaining more and more adherents worldwide.. Many people regard the books of Castaneda not just as artistic works, but also as practical guidelines for action. These people go along the "Way of the Warrior", the basics of which are described in the books of Castaneda. They strive for the knowledge of the secretions, transformation of the personality, the strengthening of the awareness, the development of their maximum potential, as human beings, the transition to another method of perception and the level of being. Some followers even managed to join learning, which was held by Castaneda himself and his companions - Thai Abelar, Florind Donner Grau and Caroltiggs In the 90s of the last century, and now they are held by their closest students and corporation "Cleargreen Inc.".

Books Carlos Castaneda trembled a whole generation, gave rise to a new wave of movement in the culture of worldview and even the world of music ( music direction "New Age" appeared at that time), forced humanity, if you really see the world in a new way, then at least try to do it; He became the starting point in the path of spiritual seekers around the world.

To date, the authors as Armando Torres, Norbert Class, Viktor Sanchez, Alexey Ksenjyuk and some others are their work on similar topics. Done Juan's teaching itself continues to practice a huge number of people.

Below you can read the list of books Carlos Castaneda. And you can read them by simply by purchasing in a bookstore or downloading on the Internet.

Bibliography Castaneda

Carlos Cears Salvador Arania Castaneda (Iz. Carlos Cesar Salvador Araña Castaneda). Born on December 25, 1925 (either 1931, or 1935) in Kahamarka, Peru (or Mayripran, Brazil) - died on April 27, 1998 in Los Angeles (USA). American writer and anthropologist (doctor of philosophy of anthropology), the ethnographer, the thinker of the esoteric orientation and mystic, the author of the Bestseller books dedicated to shamanism and the presentation of the worldview unusual for Western person.

Castaneda himself used the term magic, however, according to him, this concept does not fully convey the essence of the exercise based on the traditions of the ancient and new "seeing" - Toltecs - "Ways of the Warrior". The books of Carlos Castaneda for some time after their publication retained the reputation of anthropological studies, but at present the academic anthropological community considers them as fiction.

Since under the influence of Don Juan Carlos Kastanda, according to his own words, set himself a goal to erase a personal history (as one of the elements of the spiritual practice known as the "Warrior path") and for many years it was purposefully held in secret many aspects of his life and enveloped The fog of its activity, his biography became the object of numerous speculation and conflicting versions of versions, which causes the complexity to compile an accurate biography, as it seems that it is impossible to find a source in this case that can be completely trusted.

There are several types of sources of information about Carlos Castaneda:

first, a natural source is the information that Castaneda himself provided in books, articles and some interviews;
Secondly, this is information from books and articles in various media, the authors of whom directly or indirectly argued that they have learned information from the documented sources;
Thirdly, the documents themselves (really existing or fictional);
Fourth, subjective memories of Karosha's personally who knew Carlos or who argued that they knew him.

It is necessary to note the position of Carlos Castaneda, which for many years deliberately did not respond to numerous contradictory publications in the press relative to his life, activity and even alleged death.

Another characteristic feature relating to the erasure of personal history is the ban of Castaneda on video, photographing and using a voice recorder during interviews and public lectures. Castaneda explained this by the fact that, according to ethnic esoterica of Don Juan, a man of knowledge (that is, a warrior, or a magician, in his terminology) cannot afford the fixation of himself, even if the video or photographs or photographs, so the essence of his teachings are changes , "Fluidity."

One of the traditionally controversial moments of the biography of Carlos Castaneda can be considered the date of his birth. 1925 - such a year of birth suggested the Magazine "Time" (March 1973). According to Castaneda, he first did not want to give an interview to such a major publication as "Time", but he persuaded Don Juan, who considered such an action appropriate. Castaneda expressed discontent about the information published in this room. 1931, which is offered as a likely year of birth in some articles. Castaneda himself in some interviews called the date of his birth on December 25, 1935, and the place of birth - the village of Juquery (from 1948 - MairiporÃ) "Near San Paulo in Brazil".

Place of birth also calls questions: the version is known that Castaneda was not born in Brazil, but in Peru in the city of Kahamarka. Carlos Castaneda commented on his Peruvian origin that they were probably caused by a strong desire by anything to find in it "Indian Blood". In favor of the "Brazilian" version, the fact that Castaneda was free to express in Portuguese.

According to Carlos Castaneda, he originally called Carlos Aranya (Carlos Aranha; Port. Aranha - Spider) (later in 1959, in obtaining American citizenship, he accepted the Mother's name - Castaneda, and not Father - Aran). He was born in a secured family on December 25, 1935 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. At the time of birth, his mother's age was 15 years old, and the father - 17. Subsequently, the circumstances of conception, he described as a rapid copulation "behind the door" (which don Juan in the memoirs of Castaneda described as "boring copulation"). He was transferred to the upbringing of one of the mother's sisters. She died when he was six years; Castaneda treated her as a mother. The real mother of Castaneda died when he was twenty-five. Little Carlos was distinguished by unsteady behavior and often fell into trouble.

When it was about 10-12 years old, Carlos Aranu was sent to Boenos Aires to the boarding school. In the year of fifteen (1951), he was sent to the United States. Apparently, parents found him a receiving family in San Francisco, in which he lived until he finished learning at school (Hollywood High School). Having received a diploma of secondary education, he went to Milan to study at the Academy of Fine Arts. However, the visual art was not given and soon he returned to California.

In the period between 1955 and 1959, he visited various courses in literature, journalism and psychology in City College in Los Angeles. At the same time, he worked as an assistant from one psychoanalyst, where his task was to streamline hundreds of tape recorder audio recordings made during therapeutic procedures. "They had about four thousand, and when listening to complaints and sobs, I found that all my fears and suffering are also reflected in them."

1959 becomes a year of obtaining US citizenship. When completing the documents, he takes the name Carlos Castaneda. He decides to sign up to the University of California in Los Angeles and approximately two years later completes training in the specialty anthropology.

In January 1960, Carlos Castaneda enters into Margaret Ranian marriage, but in July of the same year they diverge. Officially, the divorce was decorated only on December 17, 1973.

Carlos Castaneda remains at the university, posting for study without interruptions until 1971. In 1968, he receives a master's degree for the work of Don Juan's teachings (1968), and in 1973 - the Philosophy degree in anthropology for its third book - "Journey to Ikstlan" (1972).

In March 1973, the magazine "Time" publishes an extensive article about Carlos Castaneda. Subsequently, Castaneda refuted the information printed in it, assuming that incorrect, from his point of view, the information was given in pursuit of sensation. According to the magazine, in 1951, someone Carlos Cears Arania Castanda really came to San Francisco, as evidenced by the records of the immigration service. However, the date of his birth was December 25, 1925 (and not 1935, as Castaneda claimed), and Peru was consciented by citizenship.

According to "Time", his father was a jeweler and a watchmaker named Cesar Arania Burungaray, and Mother, Susan Castanda Navoa (in one of the interviews Castaneda, said that this name was the fruit of the journalist's fantasy), he died when he was twenty-four. Carlos Castaneda studied for three years in the middle school of Kahamarka, and then in 1948, together with his family, moved to Lima. There he graduated from the National College of St. Virgin Mary Guadeloopskaya. Then he studied painting and sculpture at the National School of Fine Arts Peru. It is probably precisely because of the authority of the magazine "Time" against the background of the lack of official information about Carlos Castaneda, during that period, this version was widely distributed and repeatedly copied by other publications.

Carlos Castaneda claimed that he met Indian from the Yaki tribe, Mexican Mage Huana Matus in 1960, which completely changed his life.

At first, Castaneda, as part of anthropological practice in the University of California, in Los Angeles, wanted to investigate Cactus Peyote, and precisely for this purpose he turned to Don Juan, which was a connoisseur of local plants. For a happy chance, they have a common familiar together. According to Castaneda, in the future, Don Juan, who considered himself the tradition of magicians (Tottems in the terminology of the latter), chose him into students based on a specific feature, which Don Juan called the special structure of its "energy body". As it was subsequently, Don Juan saw in him Nagal, or the leader of a group of seen, capable of continuing the magician line to which Don Juan belonged to Don Juan.

According to the books of Castaneda, Magic Toltecas consisted in the ability to change their perception, which, according to teachings, it makes it possible to significantly expand and even dramatically change the ideas about learning and about life as a whole. That is, "magic" is not focuses with the delivery of "something" from nowhere, but the practice of expanding perception beyond the boundaries of a well-known person. Also, the magic in the teachings of Toltecs is not intended to be power over other people, interference in their fate and health. The goal is the so-called "combustion of fire from the inside" - the achievement of a different form of existence in the "energy body". There is an opinion that, like everything on "Burning Earth", it's just a look from another point of view (a look at the purpose of man). So "Saving Soul" is described in other words, perhaps more accurate. At the end of the training, Carlos Castaneda became convinced that he was a witness to a completely different cognitive system ("syntax of a different type"), rather than European. The term "magic" of Castaneda was dissatisfied, as he considered him inaccurate, so subsequently in the search for a more accurate term replaced him to the word "shamanism", which also did not quite fit reality, as it displays knowledge of interaction with the surrounding spirits, which is only very Small part of the exercise.

As part of the preparation of the master's thesis at the Faculty of Anthropology of the University of California in Los Angeles, Carlos Castaneda decided to conduct a field study. His interest in the field work was openly supported by Professor Clement Mager. The opinion of other scientists was distinguished: they believed that Castaneda should first accumulate the necessary baggage of academic knowledge. According to Castaneda, in decision to carry out the field work, he was guided by the fact that the time released on the study of the mental processes of indigenous American cultures was rapidly expired and could be simply late. The venue of this field work was Arizona, USA, and Sonora, Mexico, and the result of a long-term work - the book "Teaching of Don Juan" and acquaintance with Juan Matus.

In the summer of 1960, planning to write an article on medicinal plants of the North American Indians, Carlos Castaneda began his work. He went on a suggestion of his friend on a trip to the southwest of the United States and in Nogales, Arizona, first met a man known in his books under the name of Don Juan Matus, Shaman from the Yaki tribe. Soon he went to Don Juan to Sonor and for several years with interruptions, from 1961 to 1965, he studied his training. In the fall of 1965, due to psychological stress, Castaneda stopped the apprenticeship and returned to Los Angeles. In 1968, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS published the first book, Done Juan's Teaching, thanks to which a year later he received a master's degree. The book immediately became a bestseller, like all the subsequent works of the author. Her multimillion editions made Castaneda millionaire.

In 1968, Castaneda returned to Sonor and resumed learning from Don Juan. In 1971, his apprenticeship made fruit in the form of a book "Single Reality", and in 1972 he published a book "Journey to Ikstlan", which receives a doctoral degree. In this paper, accents are shifted to the use of "plants of power" to the teaching of the shaman to increase the awareness, called "magic", or "warrior". Gradually, Carlos Castaneda envelops his personality fog. The number of interviews is reduced, the stage of "erasing personal history" begins. In 1974, the last book was published, describing the immediate experience of communicating with Don Juan, - "Fairy Tale about strength", in which, as it turned out in the subsequent time, Don Juan leaves this world, or "burns on fire from the inside." In the following books, Carlos Castaneda works with his memories to deal with the complex system of the worldview of Juan Matus.

In the period from 1977 to 1997, the remaining eight books of Carlos Castaneda came out. From the first half of the 1970s to the end of the 1980s, Carlos Castanda almost completely cut himself from society, having completed concerns about social contact for intermediaries. During this period, until the end of the life, being the successor of the Shamann line of Don Juan, he kept an active magical practice according to Done Juan's teaching along with his group. The group included Florinda Donner-Grau (Florinda Donner-Grau), Tisha Abelar (Taisha Abelar), Carol Tiggs, Patricia Partin (Patricia Partin, is the same "Blue Scout") and a few more people. Since the early 1990s, he began to lead a more public lifestyle, read lectures at the University of California, first to train for free - small groups, and then arrange paid seminars and lectures in the United States and Mexico.

On June 16, 1995, he founded his publishing organization "Cleargreen" to distribute Tensegriti, as a place for meetings and lectures and for other tasks.

In 1998, the two last books of Carlos Castaneda were published - "Wheel of Time" and "Magical Passions". The first summarizes the most important moments of Done Juan's teachings in the form of aphorisms with comments, the latter presents a description of the system of magical passages, which, according to him, he learned during the discipleship from Don Juan and which was denoted by the borrowed term "Tensegriti".

Carlos Castaneda died on April 27, 1998. The official cause of death - liver cancer, reports in newspapers appeared only on June 18.

Currently, students continue to lectures themselves and seminars for teaching Tensegritis around the world, including in Russia.

Done Juan's teachings:

In his books, Carlos Castaneda describes training from Juan Matus - Maga, a representative of an ancient shaman knowledge. Many critics indicate the incredibility of the events described by Castaneda, but his ideas won many followers around the world. Don Juan Castaneda is a wise Shaman, whose image does not coincide with the stereotype of the Indian sorcerer, and the knowledge he is divided does not coincide with the ideas of academic science on the Shaman's culture of the Indians. Castaneda believed that Don Juan described the type of cognitive system, an unfamiliar Europeans, usually oriented on something "a priori" existing (on his ideas about how the world should be arranged, harshly formed under the pressure of socialization).

According to Castaneda, Don Juan taught his students a special way of life, having the name of the warrior path, or the way of knowledge. As the main premise of the path of the warrior, Don Juan argued that people (like other living beings) are "perceivers" (PERCEPTOR); This term has a more active value than the term "perceive" (eng. Perceiver). A person, according to his concept, does not passively perceives the finished picture of the outer and inner medium, but his perception actively interprets the energy signals, which are full of the universe, constructing the model of the world (usually received for the world itself). The whole world is clean energy from which perception creates a description of the world. It is understood that, no matter how adequate human knowledge, it is limited.

The area is perceived and conscious, commonly known to human attention, is a ton - enough narrow and does not reflect all sorts of aspects of the Universe - Nagal, that is, a tonny as a stereotypical man's world there is only a meager part of the incomprehensible nagal. However, the ability to perceive, according to Don Juan, can be improved, following the Ways of the Warrior - a practical system, the final purpose of which is the Energy Transformation of the Individual and the achievement of "infinite awareness". The ability to perceive energy fields is called a vision, and a prerequisite for it is an appropriate intention.

In the creation of a picture of the world, along Don Juan, the position of the assembly point is played by the leading role - a special (limited) place of the human energy body, through which he perceives the energy signals of the outside world and the position of which it is possible to change. The degree of mobility and the position of the assembly point define different types of attention:

The first attention corresponds to the everyday stable description of the world; Hard fixed assembly point.
The second attention corresponds to the attention configured to the perception of various worlds; The assembly point can take many positions.
The third attention corresponds to the highest state of development of attention, in which there is a complete awareness of the energy fields.

According to Don Juan, a prerequisite for the development of attention is to achieve the state of impeccability and stopping the internal dialogue responsible for fixed structures of perception, in everyday life. To achieve the state of impeccability, a person should get rid of faith in his own immortality, a sense of self-important and pity for himself (the reverse side of the sense of own importance). Instruments to achieve goals on the path of warrior for humans are Stoking and the art of a dream.

"Teaching Don Juan" tells about the unexpected meeting of the author, a student-anthropologist, with Don Juan. Castaneda shows an interest in medicinal plants and does not yet suspect that this meeting will forever change his fate. After a while, Don Juan decides to teach Carlos by the secret knowledge that possessed.
Castaneda managed to collect extensive material on the stories of Don Juan, but he understands that the only way to truly knowledge is to survive everything. Only this will lead it to the cost of strength ...

Separate reality (1971)

The reality of the Indian sorcerers and their allies is so dangerous for the usual system of perception, that Castaneda, creating his first book, tries to forget about it forever. But the force managed otherwise - after 2 years it returns to start a new stage of his learning from magicians. "A separate reality" is the author's story about the experience, which he still does not quite aware and understands. Not just so many esoterics advise to leave reading this book in finally, and first get acquainted with the main provisions of Don Juan's teachings ...

Travel to Ikstlan (1972)

After many years of study at the Mage-Indian Don Juan and thorough, in-depth knowledge of the essence of his teachings changed the fate of the hero of the book. Now his vision and attitude towards the world is completely different. Don Juan for a long time and persistently led his student at this point, gradually forming the image of a new reality in his consciousness, which differs from the usual and traditional painting of the world. Having learned about all this, Carlos will have to make the last step - to leave the world ...

Tales of strength (1974)

"Tales of strength" is the most incredible and fantastic book of Castaneda.
Readers learn that the picture of the world is familiar to us - only a small island in the endless world of magic - Nagal. In this book, Castaneda completes the story about his training from Don Juan. To achieve the full cycle, only an incomprehensible mind jumping into the abyss remains. Carlos and two more students need to jump from the top of the mountain. On the same day, the teacher and the benefits leave this world forever ...

Second Force Ring (1977)

Raced from the rock in the abyss and survived. Castaneda decides to return to Mexico to understand whether this fantastic leap was real. On the road, he meets several women-magicians, don Juan's students, and at this moment he discovers an incredible ability to leave his body, turning into a powerful double. He understands that all attacks on him were made by Don Juan himself, so that he could discover the abilities in himself and to realize himself in a different guise. As a result, Carlos is ready to take responsibility for the new batch of Nagal ...

Dar Orel (1981)

"Dar Eagle" tells how the author decides to become the leader of the new detachment of magicians. But at first everything goes extremely bad. Pupils, one by one, are experiencing strange memories of events that did not occur and could not occur in the world of familiar perception. Because of this, quarrels begin between Castaneda and his wards. La Gorda comes to the rescue, thanks to which the nuddle recalls that, due to the specific structure of its energy body, he is not able to be their leader. As a result, the disciples leave him, and he, together with La Gorda, heads to Los Angeles ...

Fire from the inside (1984)

"Fire from the inside" tells about the new stage, which is experiencing Castaneda. This time there is a complete coup in the perception of Done Juan's teachings. Thanks to these experiences, the author will finally be able to gain its integrity. Don Juan also appears in the book again, and the interesting concept of "small tyrants" is described, which calls to consider any negative life event in the form of a means of learning and getting rid of a sense of self-important ...

Silence force (1987)

In his new work, the "power of silence" the author continues to tell readers about the teachings of the famous Don Juan. He will present a unique knowledge that was a glimpse that illuminated the deep sections of the human mind. Magic is presented as the main need of an individual. After all, only non-standard techniques and superpowers make it possible to know yourself and our world with his mysteries and secrets. Castaneda represents a system that will allow a person to develop himself and realize in society ...

Dream Art (1994)

After the six-year silence of Castaneda presents its new work "the art of a dream." This book again becomes a real revelation for readers. It reveals the techniques, with which you can use dreams to open the world of the spirit, as well as turn them into conscious dreams.
Having studied this book, readers will be able to learn why the ways to other reality lie through the conscious dreams and how the great shamans and magicians are actively used.

The active side of infinity (1995)

"The active side of infinity" is the tenth book of the famous writer of the 20th century.
This book includes not only memories of conversations with Don Juan and magical practices, but also completely unique information - about the life and work of the author in Los Angeles - in very non-magic conditions ...
In addition, the author will give an explanation why we are not able to be the presents, by whom we are in powerful creatures? Because of what happened so? And is it possible to fix it? ...

Time Wheel (1998)

"Wheel of the Time" - the Book of the Immortal Carlos Castaneda, which is significantly different from its previous works by the fact that is a collection of the brightest quotes and statements. The book contains all the magical wisdom of Shamans ancient Mexico, which was studied through the magician of Don Juan. Thanks to the books of Castaneda, millions of people were able to change their presentation not only about the world, but also about their destination ...
"Time Wheel" - a wonderful collection of quotes, which carries a strong charge of something otherworldly, which goes beyond the human consciousness ...

Magic Passions (1998)

"Magic Passions" - the final series of Carlos Castaneda, which was published in 1998. In his work, Carlos Kastanda describes the system of energy exercises "Tenshegriti", which he learned from Don Juan Matus. These magical passes and exercises are performed to achieve a state of physical and mental well-being.
The book is divided into 3 parts. In the first part, the author talks about the origin and purpose of magical passes. In the second tells about the tensegriti exercise system. The third, most informative, part includes a detailed description of the execution technique of 6 series of tensegriti.

First of all, this article is addressed to those who have already read Castaneda and has at least general ideas about who he is also about his books. But in all major positions, you can spend parallel and with any other spiritual search system that you may be familiar.

For those who are not in the subject. Castaneda is American or writer, or an anthropologist, or a mystic. He became famous for writing a series of book reports on his training from the Indian Shaman Don Juan, the real existence of which, however, remained in question. General information can be leaning from Wikipedia - there is enough. And we will turn to the essence of the case.

The main critica fell into Castaneda because of his first two books, where more attention is paid to magical practices conjugate with the reception of various natural hallucinogen. And although Castaneda did not mean any narcotic propaganda, it happened that the first books were perceived by many, as a call to lick brands, chew cacti and smoke grass.

But since the third book, Castaneda himself admits that, incorrectly putting emphasis, made a mistake, and now re-tells the same story, but already in a completely different way. It is from the third book that Castaneda begins, who truly changed the course of many personal stories.

On this topic of the "narcotic" danger of Castaneda books, we close as banal and boring, and go to the psychological impact, which is much more interesting.

Don Carlos

Behind the entire mystical attributes of the book of Castaneda hide a completely simple and clear system of views, which, however, often escapes from the most reinstaters.

The concept proposed by Castaneda in the smallest details describes the path of preparing a student from its full social unconsciousness to the state of enlightenment. There is everything: from solving basic socio-psychological problems that our psychology is engaged in, to the technology of achieving fundamentally different and higher states of consciousness, which are usually engaged in spiritual teachings.

The complexity of the understanding of the books of Castaneda is that these books are artistic, and as such, they do not have their own integrity situations of the esoteric knowledge system. And although Castaneda is trying several times to decompose everything along the shelves, the holistic system can be restored only after repeated reading and reflection.

But the excellent literary framing itself has a powerful impact - it acts as a trap for the mind, forcing him in pursuit of the plot, dive into the magic world. And the format of diary records, gives the narrative almost tangible realism and calls the reader to enter the door off in front of it.

What do not say, and Castaneda is a great writer who knows how to carry the reader for himself, tear it from the ground, from the usual mental buildings and to custody him in a completely different world - a mysterious, frightening, unpredictable, but fabulous.

The main canvas of the story unfolds around the Warrior's path - a special worldview and an appropriate lifestyle, which gradually transforms an ordinary social person in a real sage, a man of knowledge. Both of these concepts are conditional, since no particular warlikeness is implied here. These are simply images that are well transmitting a harsh spirit of opposition to their own demons.

In other traditions, the Warrior's path correlates with the practice system necessary for cleaning and preparing consciousness for future transformation, and enlightenment that comes when consciousness is finally ready for this, meets the status of a person's knowledge. As Don Juan says, "when you become a human knowledge, the warrior's path ends."

Thus, the Warrior's path is a kind of bridge from the socially determined state of consciousness, to the state outside of all conventions, to complete freedom, which is the ultimate goal of any path.

The principles of the warrior's path without any contradictions include all modern psychology, and even beyond that - far go beyond its framework. Whether Castanda screams inspiration from already existing teachings or worked out something - also not so important. Even if it is just a talented compilation, its values \u200b\u200bdoes not diminish.

The language of Castaneda is simple and whistest, he knocks down, without leaving the reader the chance to slip away from the truth about himself. And the expressive clarity of the wording and the razor sharpness of the observations made, Castaneda easily boils over the belt of all academic psychologists, forced for considerations of political correctness to walk around and about. Castaneda is talent to call things by their own names, and it should learn to any psychologist.

The theoretical database and the practical side of the Warrior's path to describe here it is meaningless - pensive researchers are scattered entire volumes about this. Kohl will appear, it will be possible to continue this topic in other articles, so write interested comments. In the meantime, moving on.

Shilo on soap

How do people at all fall into esoteric? Where does the desire arise to make a warm and cozy habitual life on adversity and the warrior path?

The first, the most common and most unhealthy cause is self-deception loser. Once nothing works - I will go to the warriors. Such people make up the main backbone of any mystical flow. They are attracted to stand in the pose and demonstrate to everyone around their sublime unusualness. Someone then this stage passes and moves further, and someone gets stuck in it until the very end.

The second reason is a kind of spiritual nonconformism, the romance of the search or escape from boredom. For these people, the warrior's path becomes a hobby - an unusual entertainment that can be given some of the amount of free time, and then boast to friends with their discoveries. Again, some of them then go further, but most simply find another entertainment.

The third group is the most small - these are those who Sami himself put before the choice, those whose survival was on the verge, and the Warrior's path became the only possible way out of the situation. There are few such people. Sometimes, they meet their Don Juan, as it was with Castaneda (he, by the way, was then on the verge of suicide), sometimes, looking for his way to the touch, sometimes, find their teacher inside, as it was with Jung.

Anyway, no one by the goodwill will not leave the spaced place.

Only a holey pot can try to become a person knowledge of his will. A sober-minded person needs to be delayed on the way with cunning. There is a lot of people who will gladly want to learn, but these are not counting. Usually they are already with a crack. As a drying bottle of pumpkin, which is in mind, but begins to flow at the same moment as water is poured into it and pressure appears.


But the quote from the world of psychology.

Just coercion makes the nature, including human. Nothing changes without need, and the least human personality. She is monstrously conservative, if not to say inert. Only the most acute need is able to scare it. So the development of the person will obey not the desire, not by order and not intent, but only the need: personality needs a motivating coercion by destroying from the inside or coming from the outside.

... But also a conscious moral decision should give its strength to the process of personal development. If the first, that is, the necessity is absent, then the so-called development will be a simple acrobatics of the will; If there is no latter, namely a conscious decision, then the development will get into the blunt unconscious automation. However, it is possible to decide on your own way only if it seems to be the best way out.

K. G. Yung
The path of the warrior is only a counterweight of the usual social life, and not independent value. "Military" value system is needed only to snatch a person from the habitual rut, from the usual view system, but to change the sewer on soap is completely meaningless. The essence and purpose of the Warrior's path is not to subordinate themselves to more correct values, but to abandon the values \u200b\u200bat all.

Otherwise, if there is no complete abandon from all values, the person is crucified on the cross of the principles contradictory. The faith in the righteousness of the Warrior's path does not allow more to enjoy the usual social games, and depressed, but not discarded, social interests do not give to the whole to devote themselves to military lifestyle.

A monstrous internal conflict arises, from which a person becomes twice insecure: now the member of the society from it is a nikudny, and the Warrior is lousy - neither then. And from this on the soul it becomes completely hard.

Warrior's path is only a wedge that needs to knock out another wedge. No more. Ultimately, loyalty to itself is important, and not a different lifestyle. The system of values \u200b\u200bof the warrior's path is important as a point of support that can be used to turn the world of familiar looks. To make religion from him - extremely dangerous.

Superposable instead of enlightenment

Yogov has a wonderful metaphor that illustrates this problem well. They say that there is a way, and there are flowers at the road. These flowers are beautiful and wonderfully smelling, but they are not the purpose of the journey, they only accompany him, and it is not necessary.

The world described by Castaneda, the world of magicians with their abilities turn into animals, instantly move in space and be in two places at the same time - these are only flowers at the road. The essence of the Warrior's path is not to develop these skills in itself, and the actual progress on the way does not depend on them. The tree is chicted - the sins fly, but not the opposite.

Superpasses are most interested in just those losers who could not be established in social life, and now they want to lose their nose with their magical focus. Sometimes, it turns out that they are psychologically, they remain naive little little men with exorbitant ambitions.

Castaneda repeatedly draws attention to the fact that the ultimate goal of the path is freedom, and first of all, this freedom from the need for self-affirmation, in consolation, in recognition. The sense of own importance is very heavy burden. It is possible to become a real magician, but so to stay with the utmost insignificance.

And see what the Forums of Castane's lovers are filled out - one continuous self-confidence and pursuit of special effects. As the Indians predict, in the era of Kali-Yugi, a cheap demonstrative esoteric becomes very popular.

The real path of the warrior is absolutely free - there is nothing to brag and not to whom. Neither the roofs above the head nor the solid soil under their feet are one solid obscurity and complete loneliness. "The warrior has neither honor, nor dignity, nor family, nor name, no homeland, there is only the life you need to live" - \u200b\u200bwho needs such a journey?

Promotion of personal development is, in the view of an outsider, unpopular enterprise, an indivible dodging from the direct path, ancoholic originality. Therefore, it is not surprising that only a few frightened to such a strange adventure. If they were all fools, we would have the right to exclude them from the sight of our interest as spiritual "private individuals." Unfortunately, however, individuals are, as a rule, the legendary heroes of humanity, those who cause admiration, love and worship, the true children of God, whose names "will not let go in the eon." They are genuine color and fruit, seeds that generate a tree of human race.

K. G. Yung

The cult of missing personality

Another danger that lies in the home-grown warriors is the desire to join this or another community of Castaneda lovers.

Multiple RPCs in his book on (popular) sectorate lists several organizations operating in this direction, including in Russia.

This curious document calls Castrange the founder of the sect, but the main criticism directs not the essence of the teachings, but on the activities of these very centers, groups and societies of witnesses of the followers of Castaneda.

But the danger is not that, hypothetically, you can get under the influence of these grief sectors from Castaneda, and in the striving to find a spiritual refuge, the circle of associates-like-minded people.

Around any significant teaching, various kinds of parties are beginning to occur sooner or later. People communicate with each other, share their experience, discoveries and experiences, and at some stage such interchange may well contribute to this development. But if you stay within such a party longer than necessary, it quickly ceases to be a help and becomes an obstacle for further development.

In the case of Castanedian teaching, everything is also complicated by the fact that it itself implies the creation of its group. Don Juan had a group of magicians, Castaneda was also, that's readers believe that they urgently need to look for a group of themselves or pinch their own.

The same applies to the search for their personal Don Juan. In the books, it is mentioned several times that only the teacher can show the disciple "Dark Side of Power." And now they go to Sonor's followers of Castaneda from around the world, they collect crystals, looking for Mescalito, roam the desert, gather their eyes into a bunch, and stick to the old Indians in shabby hats. And others who like a similar active search do not afford and not in spirit, sigh and generally refuse every search - there is no Don Juan at hand, it means there will have to live a common life.

However, this search always occurs alone, alone with him, and the farther, the more deeper internal privacy it requires. Teacher, Guru or Benemanny, even with all his desire, will not make knowledge from a student of a person. They can suggest, push, show an example, but to grow in themselves a new personality can only himself. Only he is responsible for the results of his search.

Don Juan says - "Trust your personal strength, one will already be enough to go through your way." "But did I choose for this path?" - doubts the student. And the answer is one: the degree of own chosenness can only determine the student himself, having entered the path and passing on it.

The development of personality means loyalty to his own law. To transfer the word "loyalty", it seems to me mostly applicable Greek word from the New Testament, which was due to the misunderstanding as "faith." However, it, strictly speaking, means trust, gullible loyalty. Our own law is the trust of this law, loyal exit and trusting hope, and at the same time - the installation is like the one that the believer should have in relation to God.

K. G. Yung

To move on his way, I don't need a teacher, you don't need travelers and do not need the doctrine itself, you need only faith in yourself and your destination, and only by faith this will be rewarded.

And still…

In the last books of Castaneda, there was a very hoax, and the Tensegriti movement began at the new wave and looks at all contradictory. He himself, of course, brings some explanatory base for this business, but it looks awkward and confidence does not cause.

It would be assumed that such a turn of events is associated with the need for money, but this also does not seem convincing, since the fees for constantly reprinted worldwide book should have been fabulous. Maybe he confused some traces, he could not be discharged, and he could finally moved from his experiments.

A lot of controversy goes about the real personality of Castaneda, about how he really was and how important the ideals of the warrior path. Stories go all sorts - to believe them or not, let everyone decide for himself.

Also do not stop and, probably, the Peresakhi will never cease about whether Dov Juan was a real person or this is only a collective image. Castaneda, until the very end, adhered to his legend and argued that Don Juan and his line of magicians actually existed, and he really passed their training.

There is also something in question whether Castaneda has reached its ultimate goal. The necrologist says that Castaneda died of liver cancer in 1998. On the Internet there is a scan of an official certificate of death of a certain Carlos Castaneda, but for the "believers in Castanda" there is always hope that Don Carlos still wanders around the ground, and if not, it is not because his office has a disease of ordinary mortals Because he came to his hour and he believed to the real person of knowledge, burned down from the inside.

And still…the books of Carlos Castaneda for many people turned out to be the very cubic centimeter of the chance that opens the way to real freedom. The harsh men's spirit of his fairy tales about strength is just what is so lacking modern culture that is sinking in infantile abusive femininity.

The Warrior's path is a deadly battle for their own freedom, a fight with their fears and demons, in which it is still unknown who will win. Castaneda does not argue about Divine Love and Justification, he is merciless in his judgments. Society mired in pity for himself, people are weak and stupid, but everyone has a chance to snatch themselves from this dorm.

And we will finish another quote of Swiss Don Carlos, who shared and preached the same values.

What does a person encourage a person to choose their own way and thus break out, like fog's shoe, from the unconscious identity with the mass? It can not be need, because the need comes to everyone, and everyone saves conventions. It cannot be a moral choice, because people tend to choose the convention. What then inexorably inclines the choice in favor of extraordinary?

This is what is called to the destination; A certain irrational factor that fatally pushes to emancipation from herd with his fault paths. The real person always has the purpose and believes in it; He has Pistis to him, as a god, although it would probably be an ordinary person who would say - just a sense of individual purpose. This destination is valid, however, as a divine law, from which it is impossible to evaporate. The fact that many people die on their own way, nothing means to have a destination. He must obey his own law as if it was a demon who seduced him with new, strange ways. Who has a destination who hears the voice of the depths, is doomed.

K. G. Yung

P. S.

If you still think that it was Critica Castaneda, I congratulate you from all my heart - you didn't understand anything! Throw all the prejudices from the head and re-read again. If the article would be called "what the scalpel is dangerous" and told about how easily they cut them down in their dull, would you also perceive it, how to criticize the scalpel?

The article is not that Castaneda is bad. Like any tool, he has strengths and weaknesses. But the article and not about this too - it is about what problems the surface acquaintance and irresponsible use of any tool leads to.

Carlos Castaneda is an American writer, researcher of Indian magic. The author of bestsellers told in books on how to expand the boundaries of perception, know the universe. The work of Castaneda in the scientific community was considered fiction, but some information was of interest for scientists.

Childhood and youth

Information in the biography of Carlos Castaneda varies. The scientist told that the papers indicate the name Carlos Aranya, but after moving to America decided to take the name of the mother - Castaneda.

The writer also talked about what was born on December 25, 1935 in the territory of the Brazilian city of São Paula. Parents were wealthy citizens. The young age of mother and father did not allow them to raise their son. At that time, parents were barely turned 15 and 17 years old, respectively. This affected the fact that the boy was handed to raising her mother's sister.

But the woman died when the child was 6 years old. And in 25 years, the young man lost both the biological mother. Carlos did not hear an obedient child. The young man was often punished for relations with bad companies and violations, including school rules.

At 10, Carlos went on a journey, which ended in the boarding school Buenos Aires, but after 5 years Castrange again waited for the move. This time San Francisco became the destination. Here youth brought up a receptional family. After completing training at Hollywood High School, Carlos went through the ocean - to Milan.

The young man entered the Academy of Fine Arts Brera. But for a long time to comprehend the basics of visual art did not manage due to the lack of relevant talent. Castaneda takes a difficult decision and returns to the California bank of the United States.

Gradually, love for literature, psychology and journalism woke up in the soul of Carlos. A young man for 4 years attended courses in City College, located in Los Angeles. To keep the guy was no one, so Castaneda had to work hard. The future writer invited a psychoanalyst assistant.

Carlos work was to streamline records. Every day Castaneda listened to sobs and complaints of other people. Only after some time, the young man realized that many psychoanalyst customers were like him. In 1959, Carlos Castaneda officially became a citizen of the United States of America. After this important step, the young man did another one - he entered the University of California, where he received a degree in anthropology.

Young Carlos Castaneda

Time magazine proposed another version of the writer's biography. In 1973, an article was published in which it was said that the author of bestsellers was born on December 25, 1925 in Cahamarka, the city in the north of Peru. As a confirmation, journalists used the data of the immigration service .. did not coincide with the data on the directions of the writer's studies. According to the researchers, Castaneda studied at the National College of St. Virgin Mary Guadelupe in Lima, later enrolled in the National School of Fine Arts, located in Peru.

Literature and philosophical thought

Castaneda did not stop scientific work. The man wrote articles about medicinal plants that used North American Indians. On a business trip and got acquainted with a person who changed the perception of the world Carlos, - by Juan Matus.

The books of Carlos Castaneda are impregnated with the knowledge gained during the training of Juan Matus. This man became famous for magical abilities. The expert in this area was well familiar with the ancient shamanic practices. Critics were not perceived seriously the information presented in the works of Castaneda, calling it impossible and incredible.

But it did not repel the fans of Carlos. The man had followers who continue to be the activities of Castaneda today. In the teachings, Don Juan appears to wise shaman. Some people see in the description of the magician of the Indian sorcerer. But, according to the writer, this is more a representative of academic science.

In the books of Carlos described the submission of Juan Matus about the world, which is based on unknown for Europeans. Castaneda presented a new device of the world, which was influenced by socialization.

Don Juan's disciples preferred to live according to the rules of the teacher. This lifestyle was called the Warrior's path. The magician argued that all living beings, including people, perceive energy signals, not objects. The body and the brain process the data obtained and create your own model of the world. According to Matus, it is impossible to know everything. Any knowledge will be limited. Introduced this idea to books and Castaneda.

Usually a person perceives only a small part of the information received. In Done Juan's teachings, it is denoted as a tonal. And the part in which all aspects of the life of the universe are included, was called a nucleon. Carlos Castaneda truly believed that it was possible to expand the ton, but for this you need to go through the warrior.

The writer told in books about the possibility of changing the location of the human energy field, which contributes to the absorption of external signals and development. According to Juan Matus, the points can be divided into a rigidly fixed, multiple position, complete awareness.

The maximum level of attention is capable of achieving in case of termination of the internal dialogue. For this, there will be a pity for his own personality and life, refuse faith in immortality, comprehend the art of a dream. The result of many years of cooperation with Matus was the book "Teaching Don Juan". This work allowed Castaned to get a master's degree.

In 1968, Carlos continued to learn from Don Juan. This time the writer collected a sufficient amount of material to create a new book "Separate Reality". Work published only three years later. A year later, the next bestseller Castaneda, called "Journey to Isstlan". Career scientist develops rapidly. Proceedings written under the influence of the Indian Mage helped get a doctoral degree.

From this day about Carlos Castaneda begin to walk rumors. Gradually, the writer "erases personal history." In the teachings of Don Juan, this stage is described as the first stage to development. Communication with the Indian ends with the book "Fairy Tales of Silence." Here Castaneda talks about the fact that Matus leaves the world. Now Carlos has to remember and independently deal with a new system of worldview.

For 20 years of life, Carlos Castaneda created 8 books, each of whom became a bestseller. The works of the author disassembled quotes. Gradually, the writer left the ordinary and preferred to live in a secluded place, without communicating with anyone. For concerns about the life of the life, publications of books were engaged in third parties.

In addition to creating books, Castaneda tried to comprehend magic. A man practiced this direction as he taught Don Juan. With Carlos, Tisch Abelar, Florinda Donner Grau, Carol Tiggs, Patricia, Patrod, tried to comprehend the world. Only in early 1990, the author of bestsellers again appeared in society. The scientist returned to teaching in the University of California. Later began to ride the United States and Mexico with paid seminars.

In 1998, the world saw two books from Carlos Castaneda. This is "magic pass" and "time wheel". The work turned out to be the result of the life of the writer. In writings, the author talks about the most important points of comprehension of the Universe, represents complex information in the form of aphorisms. In the book called "Magic Passions", Carlos describes a set of movements that has become a tool for expanding the boundaries of knowledge.

Among the works of Carlos Castaneda there are bestsellers "Power of Silence" and "Fire from the inside". About the mysterious personality of the author of books were filmed not one documentary film.

Personal life

In the personal life of Carlos Castaneda was not all simple. A year after receiving American citizenship, the writer took to Altar Margaret Ranian. No information has been preserved about the girl.

Nevertheless, the marriage lasted only six months. Despite this, with the official divorce of the spouse, who no longer lived together, were no riser. Paper issued 13 years later.


Riddles pursued Carlos Castrange throughout his life. The official date of the death of the American anthropologist is indicated as April 27, 1998. But the world is known about the death of the writer on June 18 of the same year. Experts argue that for a long time Carlos suffered from severe illness - liver cancer, which killed the author of numerous books.


If you do not like what you get, change what you give.
It is useless to spend your whole life on a single way, especially if this path has no heart.
People, as a rule, do not give themselves the report in that at any moment everyone can throw out of their life anything. Anytime. Instantly.
Art consists in preserving the balance between horror to be a man and a miracle to be a man.
You should not confuse loneliness and privacy. Loneliness For me, the concept of psychological, spiritual, privacy is physical. The first squeezes, the second - soothes.


  • 1968 - "Done Juan's teachings: the path of knowledge of the Indians Yaki"
  • 1971 - "Separate reality"
  • 1972 - "Journey to Ikstlan"
  • 1974 - "Tales of strength"
  • 1977 - "The Second Ring of Power"
  • 1981 - "Darrla"
  • 1984 - "Fire from the inside"
  • 1987 - "Silence force"
  • 1993 - "Dream Art"
  • 1997 - "The active side of infinity"
  • 1998 - "Wheel of Time"
  • 1998 - "Magic Passs: Practical Wisdom of Shamans Ancient Mexico"