Louis XIV (Fourteenth) - biography. History and Ethnology

Louis XIV (Fourteenth) - biography. History and Ethnology

The King of France from the Bourbon dynasty ruled in 1643--1715. Son

Louis XIII and Anna Austrian. R .: 1) G 1660 Maria Teresia, King's daughter

Spain Philip IV (born 1638 died 1683); 2) since 1683. Francoise

Saint-Germain-O-Le. Before that, for twenty-two years, the marriage of his parents

it was fruitless and, it seemed to remain so continue. Therefore, contemporaries

met news of the newly awaited heir to the remittance

live joy. The simple people saw in this sign of God's mercy and called

newborn Dofina Bogodan. Preserved very little news about his

early childhood. Hardly he remembered his father well, who died in

1643, when Louis was only five years old. Queen Anna shortly after

this was left the Louvre and moved to the former Palace Richelieu, renamed

in Palace Royal. Here in a very simple and even wretched atmosphere. Young king

held his childhood. The widowing queen Anna was considered a government

France, but in fact, the Favorite Cardinal Maazarini peavorita told all the affairs. It

was very stingy and almost did not care about the delivering pleasures

king's child, deprived him not only games and fun, but even items first

need: the boy received only two pairs of dresses a year and was forced

walking in paid, and on the sheets there were huge holes.

For childhood and adolescence of Louis came the rapid events of civilian

wars known in history as a frond. In January 1649. Royal

family accompanied by several court and ministers ran into

Saint-Germain from the rebellion of Paris. Mazarini against which

mostly, discontent was sent, I had to look for refuge yet

inner world. But in the following years, until the death of Mazarini

firmly kept in his hands the breasts of the board. In foreign policy, he also

achieved important success. In November 1659, the Pyrenean World was signed

with Spain, who placed the end of a long-term war between two kingdoms.

The contract was fastened with the marriage union of the French king with his cousin,

spanish infanta Maria Teresia. This marriage turned out to be the last act.

mazarinie. In March 1661 he died. Until death, despite

the fact that the king has long been considered adults for a long time, Cardinal remained

full ruler of the state, and Louis in all obediently followed him

instructions. But barely mazarini did not, the king hurried to free himself from any

guards. He abolished the position of the first minister and, convening the state

the council, declared an imperative tone, which he decided to be his first

minister and does not want anyone from his name to sign even the most

minor Ordonance.

Very few at that time were familiar with the present character

Louis. This young king, who turned out only 22 days, to that

pores paid attention only to the tendency to the focus and love

intrigues. It seemed that he was created exclusively for idleness and pleasures.

But it took quite a bit time to make sure about the opposite. IN

childhood, Louis received a very bad upbringing - it was barely taught to read and

write. However, by nature, he was gifted by common sense, wonderful

the ability to understand the essence of things and solid determination to support its

royal dignity. According to the Venetian envoy, "Nature itself

tried to make Louis XIV in such a person who is destined to

personal qualities become the king of the nation. "He was high in growth and very beautiful.

In all his television drives, something courageous or heroic was predicted. It

possessed very important for the king skill to be expressed brief, but clearly and

it is no more and no less than what has been needed. All my life he diligently

engaged in state affairs from which he could not tear off

entertainment, neither old age. "Reign by work and for labor, loved

repeat the Louis - and wasting one without the other would be ungrateful and

disrespects regarding the Lord. "Unfortunately, his innate greatness and

hardworking served as a cover for the most disassembled selfish. No one

the French king before was not distinguished by such monstrous pride and

egoism, none of the European monarch so clearly prevented himself over

others and did not smoke with such pleasure Fimiam their own greatness.

It is clearly seen in everything that Louis has concerned: in his court and

public life, in his internal and foreign policy, in his love

hobbies and in its buildings.

All the former royal residences seemed to Louis unworthy of his

persons. From the first days of the reign, he was concerned about the conceit

the new palace, more corresponding to his grandeur. He did not know how long

from the royal castles to turn into the palace. Finally, in 1662 the choice of his fell

on Versailles (under Louis XIII it was a small hunting castle). but

over fifty years passed before the new magnificent palace was ready

in their main parts. The construction of the ensemble was about 400

millions of francs and absorbed every year 12--14% of all state

expenses. For two decades, the construction was walked, the royal

the courtyard did not have a permanent location: until 1666 he was located in

mostly in the Louvre, then, in 1666-- 1671. - in Tuileries, during the following

ten years old - alternately in Saint-Germain-O-Le and Versailles under construction. Finally, B.

1682 Versailles became the permanent residence of the courtyard and government. After

this, until his death, Louis was in Paris only 16 times with short


Extraordinary makeup of new apartments corresponded

installed king complex rules of etiquette. Everything here was thought out to

smallest things. So, if the king wanted to quench thirst, then it was required "five people

and four bows "to bring it a glass of water or wine. Usually

the exit from its bedroom Louis went to church (the king is regular

observed church rituals: every day he went to dinner, and when he

took the medicine or was unhealthy, then ordered to serve her lunch in his

room; He was adjacent on large holidays at least four times a year and

strictly observed posts). From the church, the king was going to the council whose meetings

continued until the lunch hour. On Thursdays he gave an audience to any

i wished to talk to him and always listened to the petitions with patience and

courtesy. In an hour, the king was served lunch. He was always abundant and consisted of

three excellent dishes. Louis has eaten them alone in the presence of courtiers. Moreover

even the prince of blood and dofine did not relieve the chair at this time. Only brother

king, Duke Orleans, served a stool on which he could sit down

behind Louis. Trapeza usually accompanied by common silence.

After dinner, Louis was removed in his office and softenedly fed

hunting dogs. Then followed the walk. At this time, the king traveled deer,

he shot in Zagins or attended work. Sometimes he appointed walks with ladies

and picnics in the forest. In the afternoon, Louis worked alone with

government secretaries or ministers. If he was sick, advice

she was going to the King's bedroom, and he presided over him, lying in bed.

The evening was devoted to pleasures. To the appointed hour in Versailles

numerous court society passed. When Louis is finally

settled in Versailles, he ordered to crumble medal with the following inscription:

"The Royal Palace is open to universal entertainment" indeed, life when

the yard was distinguished by festivities and external shine. So-called "big

apartments, i.e., Iobsal salons, Venus, Mars, Diana, Mercury and

Apollo, served something like a parishion for a large mirror gallery,

which was 72 meters long, 10 meters wide, embroidered - 13 meters and,

according to Ms. Sevinier, he was distinguished by the only royal splendor in the world.

The continuation for her served on one side of the salon of war, on the other hand

Salon of the world. All this was a magnificent spectacle when decorations from

color marble, trophies made of gilded copper, large mirrors, paintings

Brena, solid silver furniture, ladies and the boredral toilets were lit

thousands of candelabres, Lirandoles and torches. In the entertainment of the courtyard were

installed unchanged rules. In winter, a meeting took place three times a week.

total yard in large apartments, which lasted from seven to ten o'clock. IN

luxurious buffets were arranged abundance of abundance and Venus. In the hall Diana

there was a game of billiards. In the salons of Mars, Mercury and Apollo stood

tables for playing in Landsknecht, in Rivers, in Lomber, in Pharaoh, in portico and

other. The game was made in an indomitable passion and at the courtyard, and in the city. "On the

thousands of Liudorov crumbled with a green table, - wrote Ms. Sevier, - bets

there were no less than five, six or seven hundred liduorov. "Louis himself refused

from a major game after in 1676 lost 600 thousand for six months

livres, but to please him, it was necessary to risk one party huge

amounts. Comedy appeared to other three days. First italian comedies

alternated with french, but the Italians allowed themselves

obscenity that were removed from the courtyard, and in 1697, when the king became

submit to the rules of piety, expelled from the kingdom. French

the comedy performed on the stage of the Cornel Plays, Racina and in the particular Moliere,

which was always a favorite royal playwright. Louis loved very much

dance and many times played the roles of Benserade, Cinema and Moliere ballet. It

refused this pleasure in 1670, but did not stop at the court

dance. Maslenitsa was the season of masquerades. On Sundays there was no

no entertainment. In the summer months frequently satisfied with

trips to Trianon, where the king dinner along with the ladies and rode in the gondola

channel. Sometimes Marlley was elected as the final destination

Compine or Fonteb-Lo. At 10 o'clock served dinner. This ceremony was less

poor. Children and grandchildren usually shared with the king of meals, sitting at one

table. Then, accompanied by bodyguards and court Louis passed

in your office. He spent the family in a circle, but could sit with it

only princesses and prince Orleans. About 12 hours king fed dogs,

wanted good night and went to her bedroom where with many ceremonies

located to sleep. On the table beside him left a sleeping dish and drink on

In his youth, Louis was distinguished by a fermented temper and was not very indifferent to

pretty women. Despite the beauty of a young queen, he is neither one

a minute was not in love with his spouse and constantly looking for love entertainment

on the side. In March 1661, Brother Louis, Duke Orleans, married

daughters of the English king Charles 1, Henrie-Th. First, the king showed

little interest in the daughter-in-law and began to visit her in Saint-Germain, but then

he became interested in her Freillan - seventeen years Louise de la Walter. According to

contemporaries, this girl gifted by a living and gentle heart was very

launched and was a little ripping, but had beautiful blue eyes and

blond hair. Her love to the king was sincere and deep. According to

Voltaire, she delivered Louis, then rare happiness that he was love only

for the sake of themselves. However, the feelings that the king of Putal to de la Walter,

also had all the properties of true love. This is confirmed by this reference.

many cases. Some of them seem so unusual that with

learning can be trusted in them. So once during the walk, thunderstorm broke out,

and the king, hiding together with de la Walter under the protection of a branched tree, in

the flow of two hours was under the rain, covering it with his hat. Louis

bought for La Walher Palace Biron and visited her daily here. Communication with Ne.

continued from 1661 to 1667. During this time, the favorite gave birth to the king of four

children from whom have survived two. Louis leaked them under the names of the graph

Verda and Maiden de Blois. In 1667, he complained his mistress

the ducal title has since become gradually moving away from her.

The new passion of the king became Marquis de Montiespan. And in appearance and

according to the nature of the marquise, it was the exact opposite of La Walter: torture,

black-haired, she was very beautiful, but perfectly devoid of tominosts and

tenderness that were characteristic of her rival. Possessing clear I.

prak-Tichngm mind, she knew well what she needed, and was preparing very

it is not suiced to sell your caresses. Long time king blinded by love for la

Walter, did not notice the advantages of her rival. But when the old feelings

lost their sharpness, the beauty of the Marquis and her living mind made due

impression on Louis. Especially brought together their military campaign of 1667 in

Belgium, turning into a fusion journey in places

hostilities. Noticing the indifference of the king, unfortunate La Walter once

dares to make Louis reproach. The angry king threw her knees

little dog and, saying: "Take, madam, for you pretty and this!"

Ms. De Montsapan went to the room, located nearby. Making sure

that the king finally sobbed her, La Walter did not interfere with the new

the favorite, retired to the monastery of the carmelite and kneaded there in 1675

Marquis de Montiespan, as a smart woman and highly educated,

patronized all writers who glorified the reign of Louis XIV,

but at the same time, she did not forget about his interests for a minute: rapprochement

marquises with the king began with the fact that Louis gave her family of 800 thousand

livra for paying debts, yes, excess of that 600 thousand Duke of VIVON

marriage. This golden rain did not indulge in the future.

The king's connection with the Marquis de Montespan lasted sixteen years. Per

this time in Louis was many other novels, more or less

serious. In 1674, Princess Subiz his son, very similar to the king.

Then by the attention of Louis, Ms. De Ludud, Countess Grammon and Maiden

Geds. But all these were fleeting hobbies. More serious rival

marquis met in the face of the girl Fontand (Louis granted her in the duchess),

which, according to Abbot Shoazli, was good as an angel, but before

ensure stupid. "The king was very in love with her in 1679. But the poor thing

too quickly burned his ships - she did not know how to support fire in

the heart of the sovereign, already saturated with consideration. Ambulance

disfigured her beauty, the birth turned out to be unhappy, and in the summer of 1681 Ms.

The font died suddenly. She was like a meteor that flashed

at the court sky. Marquis Montespan did not hide malicious joy,

however, the time of her Favor also came to an end.

While the king was given to sensual pleasures, Marquis Montespan on

during the years he remained an unaid queen of France. But when

Louis began to cool down to love adventure, his heart collapsed

female of a completely different warehouse. It was Ms. D "Harm, the daughter of the famous

Agrippes D "Obaron and the widow of the Skarron poet, known in the story under the name

marquis de Mrenthenon. Before making a favorite king, it is long

time consisted of a governess in his side children (from 1667 to 1681

marquis de Montespan gave birth to Louis eight children from which four

reached a mature age). All of them were given to the upbringing of Ms Scarron.

The king, very loved his children, did not pay attention for a long time

educator, but one day, chatting with a little duke Manya, he stayed

i am very pleased with his taking answers. "Sovereign," the boy answered him, - not

surprise my reasonable words: I am brought up by a lady that you can

call the embodied mind. "This review made Louis more carefully

take a look at the governess of the son. Chatting with her, he has repeatedly had a case

ensure the justice of the words of the Duke Manga. Evaluating Mr. Scarron by

merits, king in 1674 complained to her Manor Mentenon with the right to carry

this is the name and title of Marquis. Since then, Ms. Mennon began struggle for the heart

the king and every year she climbed Louis to her hands. King

i talked for a whole clock with the marquise about the future of her pupils, visited her

when she was sick, and soon it was almost indelible with her. Since 1683, after

removal of the Marquis de Montiespan and the death of Queen Mary Teresiai, Ms. De

Mentenon acquired an infinite effect on the king. Their rapprochement ended

a secret marriage in January 1684 approving all orders of Louis, Ms. De

Mentenon, chance, gave him advice and led them. King Pital K.

marquis deepest respect and trust; under her influence he became very

religiode, refused all love ties and began to lead more

moral lifestyle. However, most contemporaries believed that

Louis from one extreme switched to another and from a breakdown turned to

headache. Be that as it may, in old age, the king absolutely left noisy

breaks, holidays and performances. They were replaced by sermons, reading moral

books and dismissed conversations with Jesuits. Through this influence of Ms. Mentenon

public affairs and in particular religious was huge, but not

always beneficial.

The constraints who from the very beginning of the reign of Louis were exposed

huguenotes were crowned in October 1685 by the abolition of the Nange Edic.

Protestants allowed to remain in France, but banned publicly

make your worship and raise children in the Calvinist faith.

Four hundred thousand Huguenov preferred exile to this humiliating condition.

Many of them fled from military service. During mass emigration from France

60 million livra were taken out. Trade fell in decline, and in

enemy fleets entered the service of thousands of the best French sailors.

Political and economic situation of France, which at the end of the XVII century and

so it was not brilliant, worsened even more.

The brilliant atmosphere of the Versailling court often forced to forget

how difficult the then mode for a simple people and especially for

peasants, on which lay the burden of state duties. Neither for one

the former sovereign France did not led so much large-scale

conscious Wars, as in Louis XIV. The beginning of them put the so-called

Devolutionary war. After the death of the Spanish king Philip IV Louis from

the name of his wife announced claims to part of the Spanish inheritance and

i tried to conquer Belgium. In 1667, the French army took possession

Armantier, Charleroi, Berg, Fury and the whole southern seaside

Flanders. The deposited Lille surrendered in August. Louis showed personal

bravery and all inspired his presence. To stop

the offensive movement of the French, Holland in 1668 connected with Sweden

and England. In response, Louis moved troops to Burgundy and Franche Conte. Were

besancon, Salin and Grade taken. In May, under the terms of the Aachen peace treaty,

the king returned the Spaniards Franche-Conte, but retained the conquest made in


But this world was only a breather before a big war with Holland.

It began in June 1672 with a sudden invasion of French troops. To

stop the invasion of the enemy, the staff of Wilhelm Orange ordered to open

gateways dams and flooded the whole country with water. On the side of Holland soon got up

emperor Leopold, Protestant German princes, Danish king and king

Spanish. This coalition received the name of the Great Union. Military actions

we conducted a part in Belgium, part on the banks of the Rhine. In 1673, the French took

Maistricht, in 1674 traded fanstont. The Dutch was broken in

bloody battle at Senef. Marshal Trewren, who commanded French

the army, broke the imperial troops in three battles, made them retreat for

Rhine and captured all Alsace. In the following years, despite the defeat when

Constarbruck, the success of the French continued. Conde, Valencienne,

Buchera and commerce. Wilhelm Orange was defeated under the cassel

(1675--1677). At the same time, the French fleet won several victories over

spaniards and began to dominate the Mediterranean Sea. However

the continuation of the war was very ruinous for France. Reached before

the population's extreme poverty raised uprising against excessive taxes. IN

1678--1679. Peace treaties were signed in Nyvegen. Spain gone

Louis Franch Conte, Er, Kassel, IPR, Cambray, Bu Shen and Some Others

cities in Belgium. Alsace and Lorraine remained for France.

The reason for the new European war was the seizure by the French in 1681

Strasbourg and Casale. The Spanish king declared Louis War. French people

they won several victories in Belgium and took Luxembourg. On regensburg-mu

a truce to France was departed by Strasbourg, Kel, Luxembourg and a number of fortresses.

It was the time of the highest power of Louis. But it was not

continuous. In 1686, the efforts of Wilhelm Orange was created new

coalition against France, known as the Augsburg League. It includes

Austria, Spain, Holland, Sweden and several German principalities. War

started in October 1687 by the invasion of Dofin in Palatinate, capture

Filippsburg, Mannheim and some other cities. Many of them, including

the number of Speyer, Worms, Bingen and opponent, were destroyed to the base. These

senseless devastation caused a wave of hatred throughout Germany. Between

those in England there was a revolution concerned with the lowland of Jacob II.

Wilhelm Orange was taken in 1688 by the English king and now included

his new subjects to the Augsburg League. France had to wage war

against all of Europe. Louis tried to raise a Catholic uprising in

Ireland in support of the deployed Jacob II. The English fleet was divided into

two battles: in the Benthry Bay and near Cape Bichi-Ging. But in the battle on

boyon's shores Wilhelm inflicted the Irish army decisive defeat. TO

1691 All Ireland turned out to be newly conquered by the British. In 1692

the French squadron suffered a strong damage during the battle in the Sherburg

harbor, after which the Anglo-Dutch fleet began to dominate the sea. On the

success war was at the same time on the shores of Moselle, Rhine, in the Alps and Eastern

Pyrenees. In the Netherlands, the French Marshal Luxemburg won the

Fleur-sa, and in 1692, broke Wilhelm Orange near Steinkerka and

Neeervinden plain. Another French Marshal Katina broke in 1690

the army of the duke of Savoy-Skoy at the Staffard. Next year he mastered Nice,

Monme Lian and Savoy County. In 1692, the Duke of Savoy invaded

Alps, but retreated in a big disorder. In Spain in 1694 was taken

Girona, and in 1697 - Barcelona. However, fighting without allies with

numerous enemies, Louis soon exhausted its funds. Ten years

wars cost him 700 million livra. In 1690, the king was forced to

send to the mint for the melt of the magnificent furniture of his palace

from solid silver, as well as tables, candelabra, stools, clothes,

smokes and even your throne. Collect taxes every year became all

harder. In one of the reports of 1687 it was said: "Everywhere significantly

the number of families has decreased. Poverty dispersed peasants in different directions; they are

they went to ask alms and then died in hospitals. In all areas

noticeably significant reduction in people and almost ubiquitous ruin. "

Louis began to look for the world. In 1696, he signed an agreement with Savoy

duke, returning all the conquered areas. Next year was concluded

general Ribrivik Treaty, heavy for France and Digging personally for

Louis. He recognized Wilhelm by the king of England and promised not to exert any

support stuarts. The emperor was returned to all the cities of the Rhine.

Lorraine, occupied in 1633 by the Duke of Richelieu, went to her former duke

Leopold. Spain again received Luxembourg and Catalonia. So this

the bloody war ended with the holding of one Strasbourg.

However, the most destructive for France was the war for Spanish

inheritance. In October 1700, the childless Spanish King of Karl II announced

his heir to the grandson of Louis XIV, Philip Anzhuy, however,

the condition that Spanish possessions never joined French

crown. Louis took this testament, but retained for his grandson (which

after the coronation in Spain, received the name fi lippa v) the rights to french

the throne and introduced French garrisons into some of the Belgian cities.

In view of this, England, Austria and Holland began to prepare for war. In September

1701. They restored the Great Coalition of 1689. The war began in the summer of that

years since the invasion of imperial troops under the command of Prince Evgenia

Milan Duchy (which belonged to Philip as Spanish King).

At first, military actions in Italy developed successfully for France, but

treason In 1702, the duke of Savoy delivered the advantage of the Austrians. In Belgium

the English army led by the Duke of Malboro landed. At the same time

war began in Spain, complicated by the fact that the Portuguese king moved

to the side of the coalition. This allowed the British and the Son of the emperor Carlo to start

successful actions against Philip directly in his state.

Zaria Germany became the fourth theater of hostilities. French people

occupied Lorraine, joined Nancy, and in 1703 they put forward to the shores of the Danube

and they began to threaten the Vienna itself. Malboro and Prince Evgeny hurried to revenue

emperor Leopold. In August 1704, a decisive battle occurred at

Göchsttet, in which the French suffered a complete defeat. All South Germany

after that, they were lost, and the long time of failure began,

persecuted the great king to death. In Versaille reigned sadness under

the influence of unpleasant news, constantly obtained from all sides. In May

1706 The French were broken down during Ramili, near Brussels and should

was Clear Belgium. Antwerp, Ostend and Brussels, duke surrendered

Malborough without any resistance. In Italy, the French failed defeat

under the Turin from Prince Evgenia and retreated, throwing all his artillery.

Austrians seized the dukes of Milan and Mantuansky, joined

neapolitan territory and were well accepted by the local population.

The British seized Sardinia, Minorkoy and the Balearic Islands. In June 1707.

g. The Sorokyatsya Austrian Army crossed the Alps, invaded Provence and

the toulon besieged for five months, but without achieving success, retreated in the big

disorder. At the same time, in Spain, things went out of hand badly: Philip was

expelled from Madrid, the northern provinces were deposited from him, and he resisted on

the throne is only due to the courage of the Castillas. In 1708, the allies won

the victory under Udanard and after the two-month siege took Lille. War was not

seed end, and meanwhile, the French began to experience terrible deprivation. Hunger I.

poverty have been strengthened unprecedented harsh winter 1709. Only in Il de France

about 30 thousand people died. Versailles began to precipitate crowds who asked

almighty. All Golden Royal Ware was sent to the smelter, and

even at the table, Ms. de Mentenon began to serve black bread instead of white.

In the spring there was a fierce battle in Malplake, in which on both sides

palo more than 30 thousand people. The French again retreated and passed the enemy

Mons. However, the promotion of the enemy in the departure of the French territory was worth

he is all big victims. In Spain, Philip managed to break the course of the war in his

benefit, and he won several important victories. In view of this, the British became

go to the world. Negotiations started, but military actions continued.

In 1712, the prince of Evgeny made another invasion of France, which ended

bloody defeat from Denen. This battle put an end to war and

allowed Louis to complete it on fairly acceptable conditions. In July

1713 in Utrecht was signed a peace treaty. Peaceful conditions with Austria

agreed the following year in Rashtadt castle. France's losses were

not very significant. Much more lost Spain, deprived of this

war of all its European possessions outside the Pyrenean Peninsula. Besides

togo, Philip V refused all claims to the French throne.

Foreign diseases were accompanied by family misfortunes.

Waprele 1711. The son of the king, the Great died in the hoodle from malignant smallpox

dofin Louis. The heir to the throne was announced his eldest son Duke

Burgundy. The next 1712 GOD preceding the conclusion of Utrecht

the world, became the year of grave-cue loss for the royal family. In early February

suddenly, the wife of the new Dofene, Duchess Burgundse died. After her death

correspondence opened, which she led with heads of hostile powers, issuing

they are all French secrets. Soon the duke of the Burgundy Zalenor fever

and died ten days after the death of his wife. By law, the successor of Dofina

should be his eldest son, the duke of Breatnes, who, but also this child

duke Anzhuy, at that time a breast child. But misfortune on it is not

stopped - soon and this heir got sick of some kind of malignant

rash, connected to a handy and signs of dry house. Doctors expected it

death with hour per hour. When he still recovered, it was perceived

as a miracle. But on this chief deaths did not stop: the second grandson of Louis

XIV, Duke Berry, suddenly died in May 1714

After the death of children and grandchildren, Louis was selected and sullen. Violating

all the laws of etiquette, he adopted the lazy elder habits: got up late,

accepted and dried, lying in bed, sat for a whole clock, immersed in his

large chairs, despite all the efforts of Ms. Mentenon and doctors stir

his - he could no longer oppose his stiffness. The first signs are senile

the incurable disease was found in the king in August 1715 on the 24th

the patient on his left leg seemed the spots of Antonov Fire. Made obvious

that his days are considered. 27th Louis gave the last death

order. Former with him in the room of the camera lackey wept. "Why do you cry?

Said the king. - When to die, if not in my years. Or did you think

i wanted the last sigh.

The French king Louis XIV (1638-1715) remained in history as the author of the saying "The state is me." The system of state power, in which the monarch (king, king, emperor) can make decisions only in their will, without any representatives of the people or nobility, is called absolutism. In France, absolutism was still at the father of Louis XIV, Louis XIII (his time is described in the famous Roman A. Duma "Three Musketeers"). But Louis-dad himself did not rule the country, he was more interested in hunting. All things solved the first Minister Cardinal Richelieu. Little Louis early left without his father, and before his adulthood the country was ruled by another first minister, also Cardinal, Maazarini. The Queen Mother, Anna Austrian, provided a great influence on state affairs. The young king seemed to be interested in only dancing, balas and music.

But after the death of Mazarin, he sharply matured, did not appoint the first minister and he himself every day she was engaged in cases. His main concern was public finance. Together with the state controller of Finance, Zh. Kohlberom King sought an increase in government revenues. For this, the development of manufactories was encouraged, the history of famous Lyon silk, tapestries began. It was in the era of Louis XIV France became rapidly turning into a legislature of modes of the whole world. Even the enemies of the British tried to copy the Paris Sticks of Clothing and Hairsters (and this was the era of very bizarre mod). Wishing to give shine to his reign, Louis made his yard dazzling and luxurious and surrounded himself with all the arts as the outstanding rulers of antiquity.

His court players were Moliere, Rasin and Cornell, a favorite composer - Lully, and artists, furniture makers, jewelers created products unprecedented until the grace.

In childhood, Louis moved a lot of unpleasant minutes during the uprising of the Parisian townsowns of Fronnd ("Slogaty"). Therefore, he decided to build a new luxurious residence of Versailles outside of Paris. All this required huge expenses. Louis XIV introduced several new taxes, which were a heavy burden on the peasants.

The rapid industrial development of France entered an explicit contradiction with its medieval lifestyle, but Louis did not touch the privileges of the nobility and left the class division of society. However, he put great efforts to organize overseas colonies, especially in America. The territories here were named Louisiana in honor of the king.

The king-sun - so called the king flattened courtiers. However, Louis overestimated his greatness. He canceled the Decree on the Validity of his grandfather, Heinrich IV, so hundreds of thousands of Protestants left the country, many of whom were wonderful craftsmen. Transferring to England and Germany, they created a textile industry there, which subsequently successfully competed with French. He quarreled even with the Roman dad, making the French Church independent of Rome. And he fought with all his neighbors. And these wars ended for France as a whole unsuccessful.

Some territorial acquisitions were too expensive. By the end of the reign of Louis, France entered the time of economic recession, only memories remained from the former wealth of peasants. The heir to Louis XIV became his great-grandfather Louis XV, famous, in turn by the phrase: "After us, at least a flood." The magnificent facade of the state of the King Sun concealed rotten supports, but only the Great French Revolution showed how they rotted. However, the country's cultural influence approved the European championship for the long age.

In 1661, 23-year-old King France Louis XIVhe arrived in a small hunting castle of his father, located not far from Paris. The monarch ordered the large-scale construction of his new residence here, which was supposed to become his stronghold and refuge.

The dream of the king-sun came true. In Versaille, created by his desire, Louis held the best years, here he finished his earthly path.

Louis XIV de Bourbon, who received name at birth Louis-Didonne("Bogodinny"), appeared on September 5, 1638.

Anna Austrian. Photo: Commons.Wikimedia.org.

The name "Bogodinny" appeared for no accident. Queen Anna Austrian The heir to light aged 37 years, after more than 20 barren years of marriage.

Already at the age of 5, he became the king after his death father, Louis XIII. The management of the state in connection with the juvenile age of the king took over his mother, Anna Austrian, and first Minister - Cardinal Mazarini.

State is me

When Louis was 10 years old, actually broke out in the country, in fact, the civil war in which the Opposition Frond was opposed by the authorities. The young king had to survive the blockade in Louvre, the secret escape and many others, by no means royal things.

Louis XIV in the image of God Jupiter. 1655 year. Photo: Commons.Wikimedia.org.

It was during these years that his character and his views were formed. Remembering the troubles of childhood, Louis XIV was convinced that the country could flourish only with a strong, no limited power of the autocrat.

After the death of Cardinal Mazarini in 1661, the young king gathered the State Council on which he announced that he was now intending to rule himself without appointing the first minister. At the same time, he conceived to build a big residence in Versaille, so as not to return to the unreliable Louis.

At the same time, the king, what is called, worked perfectly with the frames. The actual head of the government for two decades was Jean-Batist Colber, Talented financier. Thanks to Kohlbera, the first period of the reign of Louis XIV turned out to be very successful from an economic point of view.

Louis XIV patronized science and art, since he considered impossible to prosperity of his kingdom without a high level of development of these areas of human activity.

Jean-Batist Colber. Photo: Commons.Wikimedia.org.

War against all

If the king would be engaged only by the construction of Versailles, the economy and the development of the arts, then, probably, respect and the love of subjects to the king-sun would be limitless. However, the ambitions of Louis XIV stretched much further than the borders of his state. By the beginning of the 1680s, Louis XIV possessed the most powerful army in Europe, which only diluted his appetites. In 1681, he established the decontamination chambers for the location of the rights of the French crown for those or other terrain, exciting all new land in Europe and Africa.

Louis XIV crosses Rhine on June 12, 1672. Photo: Commons.Wikimedia.org.

In 1688, the claims of Louis XIV to Palatinate led to the fact that all of Europe was dried against him. The so-called war of the Augsburg League stretched out for nine years and led to the parties to retain the status quo. But the huge costs and losses incurred by France led to a new economic decline in the country and the depletion of funds.

Louis XIV under the siege of Namura (1692). Photo: Commons.Wikimedia.org.

But already in 1701, France was drawn into a long conflict, called the name of the War for Spanish inheritance. Louis XIV extended to defend the rights to the Spanish throne for his grandson who had to become the head of two states. However, the war that covers not only Europe, but also North America, ended for France unsuccessfully. The world, concluded in 1713 and 1714, the grandson of Louis XIV retained the Spanish crown, but the Italian and the Netherlands ownership were lost, and England was destroyed by the Franco-Spanish fleets and the conquest of a number of colonies laid the foundation of his marine dominion. In addition, the project of the unification of France and Spain under the arm of the French monarch had to be refused.

Sale of posts and exile of Huguenots

This last Military campaign of Louis XIV returned him to where he started - the country was mired in debt and moaning from the severity of taxes, and here, then there were uprisings, the suppression of which demanded new and new resources.

The need to replenish the budget led to non-trivial solutions. With Louis XIV, the flow of trade by state positions, which has reached the maximum scope in the last years of his life has been delivered. To replenish the treasury, all new and new positions were created, which, of course, made a chaos and annoy the activities of state institutions.

The ranks of the opponents of Louis XIV replenished French Protestants, after in 1685, the Edict Fontainebleau was signed, which canceled the Nantes Heinrich IV.Guaranteeing Huguenotes freedom of religion.

After that, more than 200 thousand French Protestants were emigrated from the country, despite the strict punishment for emigration. The outcome of tens of thousands of economically active citizens is another painful blow to France's power.

Louis XIV on coins. 1701. Photo: Commons.Wikimedia.org.

Unloved queen and meek chromium

At all times and the epoch, the personal life of the monarchs affected politics. Louis XIV in this sense is no exception. One day the monarch noticed: "I would be easier to reconcile the whole of Europe than a few women."

His official spouse in 1660 was the peers, Spanish Infanta Maria Teresia, who came to Louis cousin and the Father, and the mother.

Louis XIV Marriage was concluded in 1660. Photo: Commons.Wikimedia.org.

The problem of this marriage, however, was not in close relatives of the spouses. Louis simply did not love Maria Teresia, but persogently agreed to marriage, which had important political importance. The spouse gave birth to the king of six children, but five of them died in childhood. Only the firstborn survived, as well as father, Louis and entered the story under the name Great Doughne.

Louise de Lavalier. Photo: Commons.Wikimedia.org.

For the sake of marriage, Louis broke a relationship with a woman who really loved - niece cardinal Mazarini. Perhaps parting with his beloved influenced the attitude of the king to the legitimate spouse. Maria Teresia has resigned with his fate. Unlike other French queens, she did not fly intrigue and did not climb into politics, playing a prescribed role. When in 1683, the Queen died, Louis Ozrinok: "This is the only concern in the life she caused me."

The lack of feelings in marriage king compensated for relationships with favorites. Nine years old lady Heart Louis became Louise Francoise de la Ben lebla, Duchess de Lavalier. Louise was not distinguished by dazzling beauty, besides, due to the unsuccessful fall from the horse, a lame remained with a horse. But the meekness, friendly and sharp mind of chromons attracted the attention of the king.

Marquis de Montespan on the picture of an unknown artist. Photo: Commons.Wikimedia.org.

Louise gave birth to Louis of four children, two of whom lived to mature age. The king cost Louise enough severely. Becoming to her, he set up a rejected mistress next to the new favorite - marquis Francoise ATENASA DE MONTESAP. The herohyde de Lavalier was forced to carry the bullying of the rival. She endured with her inherent meekness, and in 1675 he had grown in the nun and lived in a monastery for many years, where she was called Louise Mercy.

In Mrs. to Montespan there was no shadow of the meekness of the predecessor. A representative of one of the most ancient noble gods of France, Francoise not just became the official favorite, but for 10 years turned into the "true Queen of France."

Francoise loved luxury and did not like to count money. It was Markiza de Montiespan who launched the board of Louis XIV from the deliberate building of the budget to rampant and unlimited spending. Capricious, envious, powerful and ambitious Francoise knew how to subordinate the king of his will. For her, new apartments were built in Versailles, she managed to arrange for significant state posts of all their close relatives.

Francoise de Montespan gave birth to Louis of seven children, four of whom lived to mature age.

But the relationship between Francoise and the king was not so faithful as Louise. Louis allowed himself hobbies and besides the official favorite, which caused the rage from Mrs. de Montespan. To preserve the king with you, she began to engage in black magic and even was involved in a loud business about poisoning. The king did not punish her death, but deprived her favorite status, which was much worse for it.

Like its predecessor, Louise Le Lavalier, Marquis de Montiespan replaced the royal chambers to the monastery.

Madame de Mentenon. Photo: Commons.Wikimedia.org.

Time for repentance

New favorite Louis became marquis de Mentenon, Widow poet Scarronwho was the governess of the king of the king from Mrs. de Montespan.

This favorite of the king was called the same as its predecessor, Francoise, however, women were distinguished from each other as the sky and the Earth. The king led with the Marquis de Mentenon long conversations about the meaning of life, about religion, about responsibility to God. The royal courtyard changed the brilliance on chastity and highly morality.

After the death of the official wife, Louis XIV was combined with a secret marriage with Marquis de Mrenthenon. Now the kings did not occupy balls and festivities, but the Mass and reading of the Bible. The only entertainment that he allowed himself was hunting.

Marquis de Mentenon founded and led the first in Europe to the women's secular school, called the Royal House of St. Louis. School in Saint-Sira has become an example for many such institutions, including for the Smolny Institute in St. Petersburg.

For strict temper and intolerance to secular entertainment, the Black Queen received a nickname. She survived Louis and after his death removed to Saint-Sir, having lived the rest of the days in a circle of his school pupils.

Louis XIV and his family in the clothes of the Roman gods. Photo: Commons.Wikimedia.org.

Illegitimate bourbons

Louis XIV recognized his extramarital children and from Louise de Lavalier, and from Francoise de Montespan. All of them received their father's surname - de Bourbon, and Dad tried to arrange their lives.

Maria Teresia, wife of Louis XIV, with their only surviving son, the Great Downey Louis. Photo: Commons.Wikimedia.org.

Louis, Son from Louise, has already been produced into French admirals for two years, and Military campaign, together with his father, went to a military campaign. There at the age of 16, the young man and died.

Louis-Auguste, Son from Francoise, received the title of Duke of Mensky, became a French commander and in this capacity took on military internship sceress Peter I.and Praded Alexander Pushkin Abraha Petrovich Hannibal.

Francoise Maria, the youngest daughter of Louis, was issued married Philip Orleansky, becoming the duchess of Orleans. Possessing the character of the mother, Francoise Maria with his head plunged into political intrigues. Her spouse became a French regent with a young king Louis XV, and the children of Francoise-Maria marriage were married with the siblings of other monarchs of Europe's dynasties.

In a word, not many illegitimate children of the ruling people went to such fate, which fell to the share of sons and the daughters of Louis XIV.

"Did you think that I will live forever?"

The last years of the life of the king was a serious test for him. A man who defended the monarch's glooming all his life and his right to the autocratic board, worried not only the crisis of his state. His close people left one after another, and it turned out that she simply had to transmit power.

Great Downey Louis. The only surviving legitimate child of Louis XIV from Mary Teresia Spanish. Photo: Commons.Wikimedia.org.

On April 13, 1711, his son died, the Great Dowfin Louis. In February 1712, the eldest son of Dofene, Duke of Burgundy, passed away, and on March 8 of the same year and the eldest son of the last, the juvenile duke of Breton. On March 4, 1714 fell from the horse and a few days later, the younger brother of the Duke of Burgundy, Duke Berrysky died. The only heir was the 4-year-old Grand King, the younger son of the Duke of Burgundy. If this kid died, the throne after the death of Louis would stay vacant.

Statue of Louis XIV. Photo: Commons.Wikimedia.org.

This forced the king to enter the list of heirs even their illegal sons, which was thrust in the future internal intersuboil in France.

In his 76 years, Louis remained active, active and, as in his youth, regularly traveled to hunt. During one of these trips, the king fell and damaged his leg. Doctors found that injury provoked Gangren, and offered amputation. The Sun King refused: it is unacceptable for royal dignity. The disease has progressed rapidly, and soon agony began stretching for several days.

At the time of clarification of the consciousness, Louis looked at her last aphorism attending and greeting:

- Why do you cry? Did you think that I will live forever?

On September 1, 1715, at about 8 am, Louis Xiv died in his palace in Versailles, four days without surviving up to the 77th anniversary.

Versailles Castle is a grand monument of architecture of Louis XIV. Photo:

Booker Igor 11/23/2013 at 17:07

A frivolous public willingly believes in the fairy tale about the lover of the French king Louis XIV. Against the background of the then morals, the number of love victories of the "Sun King" simply fade. A timid young man, knowing women, did not become a notebook. Louis had generosity attacks in relation to the ladies left them, which continued to use many milles, and their siblings received titles and estates. Among the favorite is allocated Madame de Montiespan, whose children from the king became Bourbon.

The Marriage of Louis XIV with Maria Teresia was a marriage political and the French king missed his wife. The daughter of the King of Spain was a pretty woman, but there was no charm in it (despite the fact that she was a daughter Elizabeth French, French charm in either the Grand Prix) and there was no greasic. At first, Louis looked at Generate English, his brother's wife, who experienced a disgust to her husband, a fan of same-sex love. At one of the court balls, Duke Philip Orleans, who manifested the courage and commander qualities on the field, changed clothes in a women's dress and danced with his handsome-cavalier. The unattractive 16-year-old dilda with the head of the lower lip possessed two advantages - the adorable opal color of the face and conspiracy.

Modern French writer Eric Decodt (Eric Deschodt) in the biography of Louis XIV written by him shows: "The relationship of Louis and Henrietta does not remain unnoticed. Monsieur (title Monsieur. gave a native brother of the King of France, following him for seniority - ed.) Mother complains. Anna Austrian Branit Henrietta. Henrietta offers Louis to take suspicion from herself, make a look as if he cares for one of her Freinin. They choose Louise De Louise De La Blanc (La Vallière Louise De La Blanc), the seventeen-year-old native of the Turnya, a delightful blonde (in those days, as later in Hollywood, men prefer blondes), - The voice of which is capable of taming even the will, and look - to soften the tiger. "

For Madame - Title Madame. The wife of his brother of the King of France, next to Him on the seniority and who had the title "Monsieur" - the result turned out to be deplorable. It is impossible to say not looking, but Louis met the dubious charms of Henrietta on blond beauty. From Mary Teresia, who in 1661 was given to the Great Downey (the Senior Son of the King), Louis Tail his novel in the greatest secret. "Contrary to every visibility and legends, from 1661 to 1683, Louis XIV always tries to keep his love connections in the big secret," writes the French historian Francois Blush (François Bluche). "He does it first to spare the queen." The surroundings of the Army of Catholic, Anna Austrian stayed in despair. Lavalier from the "king-sun" gives birth to four children, but alive will remain only two. Louis recognize them.

For a farewell gift mistress will be the duchy of the world, then she will learn to the Paris Monastery of Carmelite, but for a while she precipitated the bullying of the new favorite Françoise ATENASE DE ROSHÉNAER DE ROCHOUCHOUARD DE MORQUISE DE MARKISE (MARQUISE DE Montespan). Historians are difficult to establish an accurate list and chronology of lovelines Louis, especially since he is noted, often returned to his former passas.

The witty compatriots even then noted that Lavalier loved the monarch as a mistress, Mentenon - like a governess, and Montespan - as Mrs.. Thanks to Marquise, De Montiespan was held on July 18, 1668, a "grand royal holiday in Versaille" took place, bath apartments, porcelain trianon were built, Versailles boss were created, an amazing castle was built ("Palace of Armid") in Clania. Both contemporaries and current historians say that the attachment of the king to Madame de Montespan (where spiritual proximity played no less role than sensuality) continued after the cessation of their love relationship.

At 23, Madmoiselle de Tonnay-Charante (Mademoiselle de Tonnay-Charente) was married to Marquis de Montspan from Pardaillan (Pardaillan). The spouse constantly feared arrest for debts, which is extremely annoyed atneus. She answered the call of the king, who was already less timid and shy than during Amurov with Louise de Lavalier. Marquis could lead his wife to the province, but for some reason he did not. Having learned about the treason of Marquise, Gasconian Blood woke up in the rhodasse and once he read the notation of the monarch and ordered a memorial to his wife.

Louis was not Samodur and, although the Gasconian was decently fed to him, not only did not put him in prison, but also in every way promoted the legitimate son of Marquis and Marquis de Montespan. At first, he made him Lieutenant General, then the Director General of Construction Work and Finally, he complained to him the titles of Duke and Par. Madame de Montiespan awarded title maîtresse ROYALE EN TITRE "The official mistress of the king, gave birth to Louis of eight children. Four of them achieved mature age and were legalized and made by Bourbons. Three of them were married with the most royal blood. After the birth of the seventh bastard, Count Toulouse, Louis avoids the proximity to Montespan.

Not even on the horizon, and almost in the royal rest appears from the overnight Maria Angelica de Skorrail de Roussille (Marie Angélique De Roussille), the girl Fontanda (Fontanges). The aging king falls in love with 18-year-old beauty, according to contemporaries, "What have not seen in Versailles for a long time." Their feelings are mutual. With Montespan, the virgin Fontande Rodnith High-meter, manifested in relation to the former and forgotten Louis Favoritsa. Perhaps it was not enough for her only peeled and acute tongue de Montiespan.

Madame de Montespan stubbornly did not want to give his place for cool, and the king in the warehouse of character was not inclined to go to an open gap with the mother of his children. Louis allowed her to continue to live in his luxury apartments and even from time to time visited his former mistress, flatly by refusing an intima with a fastened favorite.

"Maria Angelica sets the tone," writes Eric Chelodt. "If during the hunting of Fontaineblo, she tales of the ribbon of hair strand, then the next day it makes the whole yard and the whole Paris. The hairstyle" A la Fontand "is still mentioned in the dictionaries. . But the happiness of the one that he came up with, was not so long. A year later, Louis is already bored. The beauty is replacement. It seems that she was stupid, but it was unlikely that it was the only reason for Opal. " Duchess de Fantange King appointed a pension of 20 thousand livres. A year after the loss of the prematurely born son, she died suddenly.

The subjects said their love adventures to their monarch, which would not say about the Lord historians. The Kingdom of Marquis de Montiespan and its "resignation" of historiographers were associated with non-residential affairs, such as "case of poisoning" (L "Affaire des Poisons)." On the investigation, they spoke very soon about the miscarriages, about the evil flashes, about witchcraft, about damages. , black messes and any other diamond, and at first it was only about poisoning, as it appears from his name, under which he appears until today, "the historian of Francois Besch clarifies.

In March 1679, the police arrested a certain Catherine Deshayees (Catherine Deshayees), Momvuisen's mother, which was simply called Voisin (La Voisin) suspected of witchcraft. Five days later, Adam Keker or Cobre was arrested, he is dubuisson, he "Abbé Lesage". Their interrogation revealed or allowed to imagine that witches and sorcerers were pleased with the hands of justice. These, according to the expression of Saint-Simon "Fashion crimes", was engaged, established by Louis XIV, a special court, nicknamed Chambre Ardente. - "Fire Chamber". This commission included high-ranking officials chaired by Louis Bushra, the future Chancellor.

(1715-09-01 ) (76 years)
Versailles Palace, Versailles, Kingdom France Rod: Burbones Father: Louis XIII. Mother: Anna Austrian Spouse: 1st: Maria Teresia Austrian
Children: From 1st marriage:
sons: Louis Great Dowfin, Philip, Louis-Francois
daughter: Anna-Elizabeth, Maria Anna, Maria Teresa
many extramarital children, some legalized

Louis Xiv de BourbonI received the name of Louis-Didonne at birth ("Bogodinny", FR. Louis-Dieudonné.), also known as "King Sun" (Fr. Louis XIV Le Roi Soleil), also Louis Great (Fr. Louis Le Grand.), (September 5 ( 16380905 ) , Saint-Germain-An-Le - September 1, Versailles) - the king of France and Navarre from May 14, reigned for 72 years - longer than any other European king in history (from European monarchs longer was only some rulers Small principalities of the Sacred Roman Empire).

Louis, in the orphanages of the wars of the fronds, became a convinced supporter of the principle of the absolute monarchy and the divine law of the kings (he is credited with the expression "the state is me!"), He combined the strengthening of his power with the successful selection of statesmen to key political posts. The reign of Louis - the time of considerable consolidation of the unity of France, its military power, political weight and intellectual prestige, the flourishing of culture, entered the story as the Great Age. At the same time, the long-lasting military conflicts in which France participated during the reign of Louis Great, led to an increase in taxes that a heavy burden fell on the shoulders of the population and caused folk uprisings, and as a result of the adoption of Edicta Fontaineblo, who had canceled the Nante Edict about the kindness inside the Kingdom, 200 thousand Huguenots emigrated from France.


Childhood and young years

Louis XIV in childhood

Louis XIV joined the throne in May 1643, when he was not even five years old, therefore, according to his father's will, the regency was transferred to Anna Austrian, which is the rules in close tandem with the first Minister Cardinal Mazarini. Even before the end of the war with Spain and the Austrian house, Princes and Higher Aristocracy, supported by Spain and in the Union with the Paris Parliament, began unrest, which received the common name of the Front (1648-1652) and ended only with the subordination of Prince de Down and the signing of the Pyrenean World (7 November).

State Secretaries - The main posts of secretaries were four (on foreign affairs, in the military department, in the maritime department, according to the "reformist religion"). Each of the four secretaries received a separate province in control. The posts of secretaries were sold and with the permission of the king they could be inherited. The posts of secretaries were very well paid and influential. Each subordination had their clerks and clerks appointed at the personal discretion of secretaries. There was also the position of Secretary of State on the Royal Yard, which was an adjacent one of the four state secretaries. The position of the general super controller was often adjacent to secretaries. There was no accurate delimitation of posts. State advisers - Members of the State Council. There were thirty people: twelve ordinary, three military, three spiritual and twelve semester. The hierarchy of advisors was headed by Dean. The posts of advisers were not sold and were lifelong. The place of adviser gave the noble title.

Management of provinces

At the head of the provinces were usually located governors (Gouverneurs). They were appointed by the king from noble families of the dukes or marquiz for a certain time, however, this could often be inherited from the permit (patent) of the king. The responsibilities of the governor included: to keep the province in obedience and peace, to protect it and maintain in readiness for defense, to promote justice. Governors had to live in their provinces for at least six months a year or be in the royal court, if there was no other King's permissolution. Signal of the governors was very high.
In the absence of governors, they were replaced by one or more lieutenant general, who also had deputies, whose posts were called as royal governors. In fact, none of them ruled the province, but only received a salary. Also were the posts of chiefs of small districts, cities, citades, who were often appointed military.
Simultaneously with the governors of the Office were engaged intendants (Intendants de Justice Police et Finances et Commissaires Departis Dans Les Generalites Du Royaume Pour L`execution des Ordres du Roi) in geographically separate units - areas (generalites), which in turn had 32 and the boundaries of which did not coincide with the boundaries of the provinces. Historically, the posts of the Intendants arose from the posts of the heads of the petitions, who were sent to the province to consider complaints and requests, but remained to implement continuous control. The term of service was not defined.
In the subordination of the foreheads were the so-called subdellegments (elections) appointed from the mines of the lower agencies. They were not entitled to take any decisions and could only speak of the roles of speakers.
Along with the governor and internal management in many regions, the class management in the face has been preserved collections of class In which representatives of the church, nobility, the middle class (Tiers Etat) were. The number of representatives from each class varied depending on the region. The assemblies of the estates were mainly issues of filters and taxes.

Management cities

Management of cities dealt city Corporation or Council (Corps de Ville, Conseil de Ville), consisting of one or more Burgomistra (Maire, Prevot, Consul, Capitoul) and Advisors or Schifenov (Echevins, Conseilers). Posts were initially up to 1692 by elected, and then purchased with life-lifted substitution. Requirements for compliance with the replaced position was established by the city independently and varied from the region to the region. The city council was engaged in city affairs, respectively and had limited autonomy in police, shopping and market affairs.


Jean-Batist Colber

Inside the state, a new fiscal system meant only an increase in taxes and submissions to the challenges of military needs, all the severity of the peasantry and a small bourgeoisie. Particularly unpopular was to apply for salt - Gabel, which caused several excitement throughout the country. The decision to introduce a tax on the rear of the country during the Dutch war in 1675 during the Dutch war, in the west of France, primarily in Brittany, a powerful rebellion of stamp paper, partly supported by the Bordeaux and Renna regional parliaments. In the West of Brittany, the uprising has grown into anti-refortion peasant performances, depressed only by the end of the year.

At the same time, Louis, as the "first nobleman" of France, gentle the material interests of the loss of the nobility and, as the faithful Son of the Catholic Church, did not demand anything from the clergy.

How figuratively formulated the finant of the Finance of Louis XIV - J. B. Colbert: " Taxation is the art of drawing a goose so to get the maximum feathers with a minimum of pisis.»


Jacques Savari.

In France during the reign of Louis XIV, the first codification of trade law was conducted and ORDONANCE DE COMMERCE was adopted - the Trade Code (1673). Significant advantages of the Ordonance of 1673 are due to the fact that it was preceded by a very serious preparatory work on the basis of reviews of knowledge of knowledge. The head of the employee was Savari, so that this order is often called the Savari Code.


The emigration issues acted Edict Louis XIV, published in 1669 and operating until 1791. Edict decided that all the persons who would leave France without a special permission of the royal government would subjected to confiscation of their property; The same, which will enter into a foreign service as shipbuilders, are subject to, after returning to their homeland, the death penalty.

"Considering of birth," said Edict, - connecting natural subjects with their sovereign and fatherland, the most close and most inseparable from all existing in civil society. "

The specific phenomenon of French public life was the sale of state positions, both permanent (offices, charges) and temporary (Commissions).
For a permanent position (Offices, Charges), the face was appointed for life and could be filmed from it only by the court for a severe violation.
Regardless of whether the official was shifted or a new position was established, any people suitable for her could acquire it. The cost of the post was usually approved in advance, and the money introduced for it was simultaneously pledged. In addition, the assertion of the king or patent (Lettre de Provision) was also required for a certain cost and completed by the king's seal.
Persons who spent one position for a long time, the king issued a special patent (Lettre de Survivance), according to which this position could be transferred to the Son of an official inheritance.
The situation with the sales of posts in the last years of Louis Louis XIV has reached the fact that only 2,461 newly created posts for 77 million French Livra were sold in Paris. Officials mainly received salary from taxes than from the state treasury (for example, the supervisors for slaughterings were required by 3 liters for each bull imported to the market, or for example, brokers and commissioners on the wine parts that received a duty with each purchased and sold Barrels of wine).

Religious policy

The political dependence of the clergy from the dad he tried to destroy. Louis XIV intended to even form the French Patriarchate independent of Rome. But, thanks to the influence of the famous Bishop of Moscow Bossyuet, French bishops abstained from rupture with Rome, and the views of the French hierarchy received an official expression in so-called. Statement of the Gallican clergy (Declaration Du Clary Gallicane) 1682 (see Gallicanism).
In matters of the Faith, Louis XIV, the Louis (Jesuits) made him an obedient gun of the very old Catholic reaction, which affected the non-merciful persecution of all individualistic movements in the Church environment (see Yansenism).
A number of harsh measures were taken against Huguenov: they took the temples, the priests were deprived of the opportunity to baptize children according to the rules of their church, to make marriages and burials and send worship. Even mixed marriages of Catholics with Protestants were forbidden.
Protestant aristocracy was forced to apply to Catholicism, so as not to lose their social advantages, and against Protestants from the environment of other estates, shye decays, ended with Dragonads of 1683 and the abolition of the Nange Edicta in 1685, despite the strict punishment for Emigration, forced more than 200 thousand hardworking and enterprising Protestants to move to England, Holland and Germany. In Seven, an uprising even broke out. The increasing sowing of the king found support from Ms. de Mentenon, which after the death of the queen (1683) was connected to him with a secret marriage.

War for Pafalts

Even earlier, Louis legalized his two sons from Madame de Montiespan - the Duke of Men's and Count Toulouse, and gave them the surname of Bourbon. Now he has appointed them by members of the Regency Council and announced the Eventual Law on the Swallopoles. Louis himself remained active to the end of the life, firmly supporting the court etiquette and the decor of his "Great Age" began to fade.

Marriages and children

  • (from June 9, 1660, Saint-Jean de Luce) Maria Terezia (1638-1683), Spanish infanta
    • Louis Great Doughne (1661-1711)
    • Anna-Elizaveta (1662-1662)
    • Maria Anna (1664-1664)
    • Maria Teresa (1667-1672)
    • Philip (1668-1671)
    • Louis Francois (1672-1672)
  • (from June 12, 1684, Versailles) Francoise d'Binje (1635-1719), Marquis de Mentenon
  • Outbre Communication Louise de la Ben Blanc (1644-1710), Duchess de Lavalier
    • Charles de la Ben lebla (1663-1665)
    • Philip de la Ben le Blanc (1665-1666)
    • Maria Anna de Bourbon (1666-1739), Mademoiselle de Blois
    • Louis De Burbon (1667-1683), Count de Vermandua
  • Outbre Communication Francoise ATENASA DE ROSHESHEWOR DE MOREMEM (1641-1707), Marquis de Montspan

Madmoiselle de Blois and Madmoiselle de Nantes

    • Louise Francoise de Bourbon (1669-1672)
    • Louis-Auguste de Bourbon, Duke Mesan (1670-1736)
    • Louis Cesar de Bourbon (1672-1683)
    • Louise Francoise de Bourbon (1673-1743), Mademoiselle de Nantes
    • Louise-Maria Anna de Bourbon (1674-1681), Mademoiselle de Tour
    • Francoise Maria de Burbon (1677-1749), Mademoiselle de Blois
    • Louis-Alexander de Bourbon, Count Toulouse (1678-1737)
  • Outbre Communication (1678-1680) Maria-Angelica de Skray de Russa (1661-1681), Duchess de Fontand
    • N (1679-1679), the child was born dead
  • Outbre Communication Claude de Ves (OK.1638 - September 8, 1686), Mademoiselle Dez Oyu
    • Louise de Mesonblans (1676-1718)

History of the nicknames of the King Sun

In France, the Sun acted as a symbol of royal power and personally to the king and to Louis XIV. The luminaire became the personification of the monarch in verses, solemn oodas and court ballets. The first mentions of the solar emblems will go up to the Board of Heinrich III, enjoyed her grandfather and father of Louis XIV, but only with it solar symbols received truly widespread.

When Louis XIV began to rule on his own (), the genre of the court ballet was put in the service of public interest, helping the king not only to create its representative image, but also to manage the court society (however, like other arts). The roles in these productions were distributed only by the king and his friend - Count de Saint-Mainyan. Princes of blood and courtiers, dancing next to their sovereign, depicted different elements, planets and other suspended salts and phenomena. Louis itself continues to appear before subjects in the form of the Sun, Apollo and other gods and heroes of antiquity. The king came down from the scene only in 1670.

But the emergence of the nickname King-Sun preceded one more importantly, the cultural event of the Baroque era - the carousel of the Tuileries of 1662. This is a festive carnival cavalcade, which is a cross between a sports holiday (in the Middle Ages it was tournaments) and Masquerad. In the XVII century, the carousel was called "equestrian ballet", as this action has more resembled a performance with music, rich costumes and a fairly serial scenario. On the carousel of 1662 years, given in honor of the birth of the firstborn of the royal couple, Louis Xiv Garcel in front of the audience on horseback in the costume of the Roman emperor. In the hand, the king was a golden shield with the image of the sun. It symbolized that this shine protects the king and with him all France.

According to the historian of the French Baroque F. Bossean, "it was on a large carousel of 1662 in some way and born the king-sun. His name was given not politics and not the victory of his armies, but equestrian ballet. "

The image of Louis XIV in mass culture

Louis XIV is one of the main historical characters of the trilogy about Musketeers Alexander Duma. In the last book of the Viscount de Brazhelon trilogy, the impostor was involved in the conspiracy (allegedly twin brother King Philip), which are trying to replace Louis.

In 1929, the film "Iron Mask" comes to the screens, based on the novel of Duma-father "Vikont de Brazheon", where Louis and his twin brother played William Blackwell. Louis Hayward played twins in the 1939 film "Man in the Iron Mask". Richard Chamberlain played them in the screening of 1977, and Leonardo di Caprio - in the remake of this film in 1998. In the French film "Iron Mask" in 1962, these roles performed Jean-Francois Poron.

For the first time in modern Russian cinema, the image of King Louis XIV performed the artist of the Moscow New Dramatic Theater Dmitry Shileev, in the film Oleg Ryaskova "servant of sovereigns."

About Louis XIV in France Musical "King Sun".

see also



The best sources for familiarization with the character and way of thoughts L. are its "Oeuvres" containing "notes", instructing dofine and Philip V, letters and reflections; They were published GrimoIRD and Grouvelle (P., 1806). The critical edition of Mémoires de Louis XIV was Dreyss (P., 1860). Extensive literature about L. opens with an essay of Voltaire: "Siècle de Louis XIV" (1752 and more often), after which the name "Age L. XIV" was included in the general consumption for the designation of the end of the XVII and early XVIII centuries.

  • Saint-Simon, "Mémoires Complets Et Authentiques Sur Le Siècle de Louis XIV ET La Régence" (P., 1829-1830; new ed., 1873-1881);
  • Depping, "Correspondance Administrative Sous Le Règne de Louis XIV" (1850-1855);
  • MORET, "QUINZE ANS DU RèèGNE DE LOUIS XIV, 1700-1715" (1851-1859); Chéruel, "Saint-Simon Considéré Comme Historien de Louis XIV" (1865);
  • NoOrden, "Europä Ische Geschichte Im XVIII Jahrh." (Düsseldel. And LPC., 1870-1882);
  • Gaillardin, "Histoire du Règne de Louis XIV" (P., 1871-1878);
  • Ranke, "Franz. GESCHICHTE "(t. III and IV, LPC., 1876);
  • Philippson, "Das Zeitalter Ludwigs XIV" (B., 1879);
  • "Mémoires du Marquis De Sourches Sur Le Règne de Louis XIV" (I-XII, P., 1882-1892);
  • de Mony, "Louis Xiv Et Le Saint-Siège" (1893);
  • KOCH, "DAS UNUMSCHRÄNKTE KÖNIGTHUM LUDWIGS XIV" (with extensive bibliogr., V., 1888);
  • Koh G. "Essays on the history of political ideas and state administration" S.-Petersburg, Edition S. Skirmunt, 1906
  • Gurevich Ya. "The value of the reign of L. XIV and his personality";
  • Le Mao K. Lyudovik XIV and Parliament Bordeaux: very moderate absolutism // French yearbook 2005. M., 2005. P. 174-194.
  • Trachevsky A. "International policy in the era of Louis XIV" ("J. M. N. Ave., 1888, No. 1-2).


  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 tons and 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
Kings and emperors of France (987-1870)
Cappeting (987-1328)
987 996 1031 1060 1108 1137 1180 1223 1226
Hugo Cape Robert II. Heinrich I. Philip I. Louis VI Louis VII. Philip II. Louis VIII.
1498 1515 1547 1559 1560 1574 1589
Louis XII. Francis I. Heinrich II. Francis II. Karl IX. Heinrich III.