What brings the Raskolnikov and Sonya. The image of "Eternal Sonchiki" in the novel f

What brings the Raskolnikov and Sonya. The image of "Eternal Sonchiki" in the novel f

Exposed and drooped student Rodion Romanovich Romanov - central character Epochal novel Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment." The image of the Sony marmalade is needed to the author to create a moral counterweight of the theory of Skolnikov. Young heroes are in critical life situationWhen you need to decide how to live on.
From the very narrative of the narration, the splitters behaves strangely: he is suspicious and disturbed. In the sinister idea of \u200b\u200bRodion Romanovich, the reader penetrates gradually. It turns out that Raskolnikov is "MONOMAN", that is, a person obsessed with the only idea. His thoughts are reduced to one: by all means he should experience in the case of his theory of fission of people into two "discharge" - on the "highest" and "creatures of trembling." This theory of Raskolnikov describes in the newspaper article "On Crime". It is an article, "Higher" endowed with the right to cross over moral laws and in the name great goal Sacrifice any number of "creatures of trembling". The latter splitters consider only material to reproduce their likes. It is these "simple" people need, according to Rodion Romanovich, in biblical commandments and morality. "Higher" is "new lawmakers" for the gray mass. For Raskolnikova, the main example of such a "legislator" - Napoleon Bonaparte. Rodion Romanovich himself is forced to start her path of "higher" from the actions of a completely different scale.
About Sona and her life circumstances For the first time, we will learn from the story of the former Titular adviser to Marmaladov - her father addressed to Raskolnikov. Alcoholic Semyon Zakharovich Marmaladov stirred together with his wife Katerina Ivanovna and three young children - the wife and children are starving, drinking marmalands. Sonya - his daughter from the first marriage - lives on a removable apartment "on the yellow ticket". Marmaladov explains the Raskolnikov that she decided to go on such an earnings, without preparing the permanent reproaches of a caring stepmother, who called Sonya Darming, which "eats and drinks and is in warmth." In fact, this is meek and unrequited girl. With all the might, she is trying to help seriously sick Katerina Ivanovna, starving summary sisters and brother and even his unbelievable father. Marmaladov tells how he gained and lost his job, drank a new, bought his daughter Mundir, after which she walked to ask her "on the hangover." Sonya did not blame him: "Thirty kopecks carried out, with their own hands, the last, all that was, I saw ... I didn't say anything, I just looked at me."
Raskolnikov with Sonya are on the same plight of life. "Future Napoleon" lives in the attic in the wretched Camork, which the author describes such words: "It was a tiny nurse, six-length steps, having had the most pitiful look with his yellow, dust and everywhere we retarded with wallpaper, and before that a little bit high person It became terribly in her, and it seemed that you were about to chase my head about the ceiling. " Rodion Romanovich reached the extreme feature of poverty, but in this position it is might of a strange grandeur: "It was difficult to more go down and erased; But the Raskolnikov was even nice in his present state of the Spirit. "
Simple leaving of heavy financial situation Rodion Romanovich considers murder. However, in this decision, turn into a bloody criminal main role They do not play any money, but the insane idea of \u200b\u200bRaskolnikov. First of all, he seeks to test his theory and make sure that he is not a trembling creature. " To do this, it is necessary to "cross" through the corpse and reject universal moral laws.
The victim of this moral experiment was chosen an evil old-term percentage of Alena Ivanovna. Its splitters believes "insertion", which he, ςᴏᴦ of its theory, can crush without any pity. But, having shutting Alena Ivanovna and her step sister Lizaven, Rodion Romanovich suddenly discovers that he can no longer communicate normally with people. He begins to seem to seem all around his act and sophisticatedly mock it. In the novel with a subtle psychologist, it was shown how, under the influence of this erroneous conviction, the splitters begins to play with his "accusers". For example, he deliberately closes the conversation about the murder of an old-year-old worker with a noteworthy, writing of the police office.
At the same time, the splitters are still able to distracted from time to time from their rich internal life And pay attention to what is happening around it. So, he becomes a witness of an accident with a seed Marmaladov - a drunken official falls under the horse. In the scene of confession of crushed and living last Minutes Marmaladova Author gives the first description of Sofia Semenovna: "Sonya was a small height, years of eighteen, slender, but a pretty pretty blonde, with wonderful blue eyes." Having learned about the incident, she resorts to his father in her "working clothes": "Her fence was a penny, but disgraced by street, the taste and rules established in his special world, with bright and shamefully an outstanding goal." Marmaladov dies in her arms. But even after that, Sonya sends younger sister Litten catch up with Raskolnikova, who sacrificed his latest money on the funeral to learn his name and address. Later, she visits "benefactor" and invites him to commemorate his father.
This peaceful event does not do without scandal: Sonya is unjustly accused of stealing. Despite promotional outcome Cases, Katerina Ivanovna with children deprive the bed - they are expelled with a removable apartment. Now all four are doomed to ambulance. Understanding this, Raskolnikov suggests that it would have done, whether she had power in advance to deprive the life of her slander her. But Sophia Semenovna does not want to answer this question - she chooses submissions to fate: "Why, I can't know God's fishery ... and what you ask what you can not ask? What are such empty questions? How can it happen that this from my decision depended? And who put me here: who live, who does not live? "
Despite his beliefs alien to him, the split soul feels in Sona, because they are both rejected. He is looking for her sympathy, because he understands that his theory was insolvent. Now Rodion Romanovich places the perverted pleasure of self-esteem. However, unlike the ideological killer, Sonya is "Dzcher, that the step of evil and consuming, children of someone else's and juvenile betrayed." She has a clear moral landmark - the biblical wisdom of the cleansing suffering. When Raskolnikov tells the marmalade about his crime, she regrets him and, resting on the biblical parable about the resurrection of Lazarus, convinces repentance in the deed. Sonya intends to divide with the Raskolnikov infancy of a cautious life: she considers himself guilty of violating the biblical commandments and is "suffered" to be cleaned.
An important feature for the characteristics of both characters: the convicts who have served a punishment along with the Raskolnikov are experiencing a burning hatred for him and at the same time very loved by Sonya. Rodion Romanovich says that "walking with the ax" is not a Bar region; He is called a bootiness and even want to kill. Sonya, following his times and for all, established concepts, does not look down to anyone, it treats all people with respect - and the hardships respond to her.
Stasive conclusion from the relationship between this pair central heroes Roman: without life ideals Sonya Raskolnikov's path could end only suicide. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky offers the reader not only embodied in the main hero of a crime and punishment. Sony's life leads to repentance and cleansing. Thanks to this, the "continuation of the way" the writer managed to create a holistic, logically completed system of images. A look at what is happening from two substantially different points of view gives action an additional volume and persuasiveness. The great Russian writer managed not only to breathe life in his heroes, but also to bring them to the safe resolution of the most severe collisions. This artistic completion puts the novel "Crime and Punishment" in one row with the greatest novels world literature.

Lecture, abstract. Rodion Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmaladov in the Roman F. M. Dostoevsky Crime and Punishment is the concept and species. Classification, essence and features.

The Rodion Romanovich Romanov's inflicted and drooped student is the central character of the Epochal Roman Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". The image of the Sony marmalade is needed to the author to create a moral counterweight of the theory of Skolnikov. Young heroes are in a critical life situation when it is necessary to decide how to live on.

From the very beginning of the squallers, it behaves strangely: he is suspicious and disturbed. In the sinister idea of \u200b\u200bRodion Romanovich, the reader penetrates gradually. It turns out that Raskolnikov is "MONOMAN", that is, a person obsessed with the only idea. His thoughts are reduced to one: by all means he should experience in the case of his theory of fission of people into two "discharge" - on the "highest" and "creatures of trembling." This theory of Raskolnikov describes in the newspaper article "On Crime". According to the article, the "highest" endowed with the right to cross over moral laws and in the name of the great goal to sacrifice any number of "creatures of trembling". The latter splitters consider only material to reproduce their likes. It is these "simple" people need, according to Rodion Romanovich, in biblical commandments and morality. "Higher" is "new lawmakers" for the gray mass. For Raskolnikova, the main example of such a "legislator" - Napoleon Bonaparte. Rodion Romanovich himself is forced to start her path of "higher" from the actions of a completely different scale.

For the first time, we will learn about the Sone and its life circumstances, we first learn from the story of the former Titular adviser to Marmaladov - her father. Alcoholic Semyon Zakharovich Marmaladov stirred together with his wife Katerina Ivanovna and three young children - the wife and children are starving, drinking marmalands. Sonya - his daughter from the first marriage - lives on a removable apartment "on the yellow ticket". Marmaladov explains the Raskolnikov that she decided to go on such an earnings, without preparing the permanent reproaches of a caring stepmother, who called Sonya Darming, which "eats and drinks and is in warmth." In fact, this is meek and unrequited girl. With all the might, she is trying to help seriously sick Katerina Ivanovna, starving summary sisters and brother and even his unbelievable father. Marmaladov tells how he gained and lost his job, drank a new, bought his daughter Mundir, after which she walked to ask her "on the hangover." Sonya did not blame him: "Thirty kopecks carried out, with their own hands, the last, all that was, I saw ... I didn't say anything, I just looked at me."

Raskolnikov with Sonya are on the same plight of life. "The Future Napoleon" lives in the attic in the wretched Camork, which the author describes these words: "It was a tiny nurse, six-length steps, having the most pitiful look with his yellow, dust and everywhere we retarded with walls, and before A little bit of high man became terribly in her, and it seemed that you were about to knock on your head about the ceiling. " Rodion Romanovich reached the extreme feature of poverty, but in this position it is might of a strange grandeur: "It was difficult to more go down and erased; But the Raskolnikov was even nice in his present state of the Spirit. "

Simply exit from the difficult financial situation Rodion Romanovich considers the murder. However, in this decision, it is not money to turn the main role in the bloody criminal, but the insane idea of \u200b\u200bRaskolnikov. First of all, he seeks to test his theory and make sure that he is not a trembling creature. " To do this, it is necessary to "cross" through the corpse and reject universal moral laws.

The victim of this moral experiment was chosen an evil old-term percentage of Alena Ivanovna. Its splitters considers the "login", which he, according to his theory, can crush without any pity. But, having shutting Alena Ivanovna and her step sister Lizaven, Rodion Romanovich suddenly discovers that he can no longer communicate normally with people. He begins to seem to seem all around his act and sophisticatedly mock it. In the novel with a subtle psychologist, it was shown how, under the influence of this erroneous conviction, the splitters begins to play with his "accusers". For example, he deliberately closes the conversation about the murder of an old-year-old worker with a noteworthy, writing of the police office.

At the same time, the splitters are still able to distract from time to time from their rich inner life and pay attention to what is happening around it. So, he becomes a witness of an accident with a seed Marmaladov - a drunken official falls under the horse. In the scene of confession of the crushed and lively the last minutes of Marmaladov, the author gives the first description of Sofia Semenovna: "Sonya was a small height, years of eighteen, slender, but a pretty pretty blonde, with wonderful blue eyes." Having learned about the incident, she resorts to his father in her "working clothes": "Her fence was a penny, but disgraced by street, the taste and rules established in his special world, with bright and shamefully an outstanding goal." Marmaladov dies in her arms. But even after that, Sonya sends younger sister Litten to catch up with Skolnikov, who sacrificed his latest money on the funeral to learn his name and address. Later, she visits "benefactor" and invites him to commemorate his father.

This peaceful event does not do without scandal: Sonya is unjustly accused of stealing. Despite the prosperous outcome of the case, Katerina Ivanovna and children are deprived of the lower - they are expelled with a removable apartment. Now all four are doomed to ambulance. Understanding this, Raskolnikov suggests that it would have done, whether she had power in advance to deprive the life of her slander her. But Sophia Semenovna does not want to answer this question - she chooses submissions to fate: "Why, I can't know God's fishery ... and what you ask what you can not ask? What are such empty questions? How can it happen that this from my decision depended? And who put me here: who live, who does not live? "

Despite his beliefs alien to him, the split soul feels in Sona, because they are both rejected. He is looking for her sympathy, because he understands that his theory was insolvent. Now Rodion Romanovich places the perverted pleasure of self-esteem. However, unlike the ideological killer, Sonya is "Dzcher, that the step of evil and consuming, children of someone else's and juvenile betrayed." She has a clear moral landmark - the biblical wisdom of the cleansing suffering. When Raskolnikov tells the marmalade about his crime, she regrets him and, resting on the biblical parable about the resurrection of Lazarus, convinces repentance in the deed. Sonya intends to divide with the splitter of the transformation of a cautious life: she considers himself guilty of violating the biblical commandments and agrees to "suffer" to be cleaned.

An important feature for the characteristics of both characters: the convicts who have served a punishment along with the Raskolnikov are experiencing a burning hatred for him and at the same time very loved by Sonya. Rodion Romanovich says that "walking with the ax" is not a Bar region; He is called a bootiness and even want to kill. Sonya, following his times and for all, established concepts, does not look down to anyone, it treats all people with respect - and the hardships respond to her.

Stasive conclusion from the relationship between this pair of central heroes of the novel: without the vital ideals of Sony, the Raskolnikov path could end only suicide. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky offers the reader not only embodied in the main hero of a crime and punishment. Sony's life leads to repentance and cleansing. Thanks to this, the "continuation of the way" the writer managed to create a holistic, logically completed system of images. A look at what is happening from two substantially different points of view gives action an additional volume and persuasiveness. The great Russian writer managed not only to breathe life in his heroes, but also to bring them to the safe resolution of the most severe collisions. This artistic completion puts the novel "Crime and Punishment" in one row with the greatest novels of world literature.

    • Former student Rodion Romanovich Romanov - the main character "Crimes and punishment", one of the most famous novels of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. The surname of this character tells the reader about many: Rodion Romanovich is a man with a split consciousness. He invents his own theory of fissioning people into two "discharge" - on the "highest" and "trees of trembling". This theory of Raskolnikov describes in the newspaper article "On Crime". According to the article, the "highest" are endowed with the right to cross through moral laws and in the name [...]
    • Sonya Marmaladova - Heroine Roman Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment." Poverty and extremely hopeless marital status Forced this young girl to make money on the panel. The reader first finds out about the stories of the former Titular Counselor of Marmaladov - her father addressed to Raskolnikov. Alcoholic Semyon Zakharovich Marmaladov stirred together with his wife Katerina Ivanovna and three young children - the wife and children are starving, drinking marmalands. Sonya - his daughter from the first marriage - lives on [...]
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    • Roman F. M. Dostoevsky named "Crime and Punishment". Indeed, there is a crime in it - the murder of the old woman, and punishment - the court and Katorga. However, for Dostoevsky, the chief was the philosophical, moral trial over the Raskolnikov and its inhuman theory. The recognition of Raskolnikova is not fully connected with the debate of the very idea of \u200b\u200bviolence in the name of the good of humanity. Rassowing comes to the hero only after his communication with Sonya. But what then makes Skolnikov go to a policeman [...]
    • Hero of Roman F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" - a poor student Rodion Raskolnikov, forced to reduce ends meet and therefore hate strong Mira This is for the fact that they trample weak people And they humiliate their dignity. Raskolnikov very sensitively perceives someone else's mountain, trying to somehow help the poor, but at the same time he understands what to change anything is not in his power. In his suffering and exhausted brain, the theory gives rise, according to which all people are divided into "ordinary" and "unusual." [...]
    • In the novel "Crime and Punishment", F. M. Dostoevsky showed a tragedy of the person who sees many contradictions of his era and, confusing finally in life, creates the theory that goes against the main human law. The idea of \u200b\u200bRaskolnikova that there are people - "creatures trembling" and "right with", finds a lot of refutation in the novel. And, perhaps, the brightest exposure of this idea is the image of a marmalade siek. It was this heroine that was destined to divide the depth of all soul flour [...]
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    • Human soul, Her suffering and torment, the flour of conscience, moral drop, and the spiritual revival of man has always been interested in F. M. Dostoevsky. In his works, there are many characters endowed with a truly trepidate and sensitive heart, people, good in nature, but for one reason or another reasons for themselves on the moral day, who have lost respect for themselves as a person or who have fallen their souls in morally. Some of these heroes never rise to the previous level, but become real [...]
    • In the center of Roman F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" is the character of the hero of the 60s. XIX century, the difference, poor student Rodion Skolnikova. Raskolnikov commits a crime: kills the old woman to the percentage and her sister, harmless, simple-minded Lizaveu. Murder is a terrible crime, but the reader does not perceive Skolnikov negative hero; He appears the hero of tragic. Dostoevsky endowed his hero with perfect features: Raskolnikov was "wonderful good, with [...]
    • In world famous novel Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" The image of Rodion Skolnikov is central. The reader perceives what is happening from the point of view of this character - an impoverished and lowered student. Already on the first pages of the book, Rodion Romanovich behaves strangely: he is suspicious and disturbed. Small, completely insignificant, it would seem, the incident he perceives very painful. For example, on the street he scares his hat - and the splitters here [...]
    • Sonya Marmeladova for Dostoevsky is the same as Tatyana Larina Pushkin. The author's love for his heroine we see everywhere. We see how he admires her, borsotman and somewhere even protects from misfortunes, oddly enough it sounds. Sonya is a symbol, a divine ideal, the victim in the name of the salvation of mankind. It is like a guide thread, as a moral sample, despite its occupation. Sonya Marmaladova - Skolnikov Antagonist. And if we separate the heroes on positive and negative, then the splitters will [...]
    • Raskolniki Luban Age 23 years about 45 years of occupation is a former student, threw a study because of the impossibility of paying a successful lawyer, a survival counselor. The appearance is very good, dark blond hair, dark eyes, slim and thin, growth above average. Dressed extremely badly, the author indicates that the other person would even dare to go out into such a street. Emotion, Osanist and Choporn. On the face constantly expressing obese. Dark babenbards, hair curlers. Face fresh and [...]
    • Porfirya Petrovich is an investigative affair, a distant relative of the Raulmichina. This is a smart man, cunning, insightful, ironic, outstanding. Three meetings of Raskolnikov with the investigator - a kind of psychological duel. Petrophry Petrovich has no evidence against Raskolnikov, but he is convinced that he is a criminal, and his task as an investigator sees either to find evidence or in his recognition. Here's how Porfiry Petrovich describes his communication with the criminal: "Seed a butterfly in front of the candle? Well, it's all [...]
    • Roman Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" can be read and reread several times and all the time find something new in it. By reading it for the first time, we follow the development of the plot and ask questions about the correctness of the Raskolnikov theory, about the holy Sonya of Marmalade and the "tricky" Petropyrov Petrovich. However, if we open the novel a second time, other issues appear. For example, why exactly those, and not other heroes introduce the author in the story, and what role they play in all this story. This role is on the first [...]
    • F. M. Dostoevsky was a real humanist writer. Pain for man and humanity, compassion for the meal human dignityThe desire to help people are constantly present on the pages of his novel. Heroes of Dostoevsky's novels are people who want to find a way out of a life deadlock in which they were for different reasons. They are forced to live in a cruel world that enslaves their minds and hearts, makes act and act as people would not want, or no matter how they did, being in others [...]
    • In the center of Pension F. M. Dostoevsky "Pencing and Punishment" - Hapaktep of the sixties of the sixties of the nineteenth century, the Paznocyintrian, the poor stage of Rodion Raskolnikov. Raskolnikov consists of pins: Ybies Stoykhy-PPCTCTCCYY and her sispery, harmlessly, posy Lizabyt. Massage is terrible, but I, like, probably, and other readers, do not perceive the Raskolnikov negative hero; It seems to me the hero of tragic. What is the tragedy of Skolnikov? Her Hero Dostoevsky endowed beautiful [...]
    • The theme of a "little man" was continued in the social and domestic, psychological, philosophical novel-reasoning F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" (1866). In this novel, the topic of a "little man" sounded much louder. The place of action is "Yellow Petersburg", with its "yellow wallpaper", "bile", noisy dirty streets, slums and close courtyards. Such is the world of poverty, unbearable suffering, the world in which people are born sick designs (the theory of Skolnikov). Such pictures one after another appear [...]
    • The origins of the novel go to the time of Kathers F.M. Dostoevsky. On October 9, 1859, he wrote a brother from Tver: "In December I will start a novel ... Do not remember whether I told you about one confession-romance that I wanted to write after everyone, saying that I still need to survive. The other day I absolutely decided to write it immediately. My heart with blood will rely on this novel. I conceived it in Katorga, lying on the horses, in a difficult moment of sadness and self-disconnection ... "Initially, Dostoevsky conceived to write" Crime and Punishment "in [...]
    • One of the strongest moments of the novel "Crime and Punishment" is his epilogue. Although it would seem to have the clima of the novel for a long time passed, and the events of the visible "physical" plan had already occurred (a terrible crime was conceived and soded, confession was committed, it was performed by punishment), in fact only in Epilogue Roman reaches its genuine, spiritual peak. After all, as it turns out, making recognition, the splitters did not repent. "That's one, he recognized his crime: only that he did not charge [...]
    • We all look at Napoleons, two-legged millions of millions for us one ... A. S. Pushkin. Each age in the history of mankind is associated with some person, which expressed its time with the greatest completeness. Such personality, such a person is called great, genius and the like words. The century of bourgeois revolutions has long been associated with the consciousness of readers with the phenomenon of Napoleon - a small Corsican with a straight hair that fell on the forehead. He began with participation in the Great Revolution, which revealed his talent and talents [...]
  • The novel "Crime and Punishment" was written by Dostoevsky after the cattle, when the persuasion of the writer
    accepted religious color. The search for the truth, the impact of the unfair device of the world, the dream of "happiness
    humanity "are combined in Dostoevsky with disbelief into a violent alteration of the world. Thinking that in any
    the device of society does not avoid evil that the human soul will always remain the same that evil comes from her
    herself, Dostoevsky rejects the revolutionary path of transformation of society and, by setting a question only about moral
    improving every person, rushes his eyes to Christ. Rodion Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmaladov -
    these are the two main characters of this work. It is their worldview and constitutes the ideological part of the novel.
    "Crime and Punishment". The Sonya Marmaladov is played in the novel. It is she primarily
    personifies the truth of Dostoevsky. If in one word to determine the sony nature, then this word will be
    "Loving". Active love for neighboring, the ability to respond to someone else's pain (especially deeply manifested
    the scene of the recognition of Raskolnikov in murder) make the image of Sony "ideal." From the standpoint of this ideal in
    the novel and pronounces the sentence. For Sony, all people have the same right to life. No one can seek
    happiness, your or someone, by crime. Sin remains a sin, who and in the name of anything to do it.
    Personal happiness can not be put on behalf. A person has no right to egoistic happiness, he must endure
    and through suffering, it reaches true, not selfish happiness. In the epilogue of the novel, we read: "Their
    resurrected love ... "Man, if he is man, feels responsibility not only for his own actions, but
    and for any evil committed in the world. That's why Sonya feels that she is to blame for a crime
    Raskolnikova, that's why it takes this crime so close to the heart and shares together with
    "Breakdown" his fate. Dostoevsky wrote: "Sonya - Hope, the most impossible." Meekness sony, her
    the sympathy of humiliated, compassion for them - these qualities are brought up in it by a democratic environment. Sona
    opens splits your terrible mystery. Sony's love revived Rodion, resurrected him to a new life. it
    resurrection is expressed in the novel symbolically: Raskolnikov asks Sonya to read from the New Testament of Evangelsk
    the scene of the resurrection of Lazarus and the meaning of the read correlates with it. Touched Sony's sympathy, Rodion for the second time
    "It goes to her already as near friend, he himself admits to her murder, trying to understand the reasons, explain
    she, why did he do it, asks her not to leave him in the misfortune and receives a fence from her: go to the square,
    kissing land and repent of all the people. " In this Council, Sonya seems to be heard by the voice of the author himself,
    aspireing to bring his hero to suffering, and through suffering - to the atonement of guilt. Sacrifice, faith,
    love and chastity are the qualities that the author embodied in Sona. Being surrounded by vice forced
    sacrificing his dignity, Sonya retained the purity of the soul and faith in the fact that "no happiness in comfort, happiness
    bought by suffering, man will not be born for happiness: a person deserves his happiness, and always
    suffering ". And here Sonya, also" overwhelming "and ruining his soul," High Spirit ", one" discharge "
    with Raskolnikov, condemns him for contempt for people and does not accept his "BunTa", his "ax", which, as
    it seemed to Raskolnikov, was raised in her name. The heroine, according to Dostoevsky, embodies the national beginning,
    russian element: patience and humility, immense love for man and god. Therefore, the collision of Raskolnikova and
    Sony, whose worldview is opposed to each other is very important. The idea of \u200b\u200b"rebellious" of Rodion, on thought
    Dostoevsky, - Aristocratic idea, the idea of \u200b\u200b"Favorites" is unacceptable to Sony. Only people in the face of Sony
    may condemn the "Napoleonic" Bunkolnikov Bunkolnikov, make him obey such a court and go to Katorga -
    "Suffering to take." Successful hopes for God, on a miracle. Raskolnikov with his evil, honed skepticism is sure that
    There is no God and the miracle will not. Rodion mercilessly reveals the futility of her illusions before son. Little of,
    Raskolnikov even says Sona about the uselessness of her compassion, about the infraryness of her victims. Not shameful
    the profession makes a dream with a sinner, and the population of her victim and her feat. "And you great sinnerthen it is so
    "He added almost enthusiastically," and the most common, these are the sinner that you have taken away and betray yourself. " Yet
    it would not be horror ... that you live in this dirt that you hate so much, and at the same time you know that anyone
    you do not help with this and do not save anyhow! " Raskolnikov judges Sonya with different weights in their hands than
    the dominant morality, he judges her from a different point of view than she herself. The heart of the hero was pierced by the same pain that
    and Sony's hearts, only he is a man thinking that everything generalizes. Raskolnikov leans before sonia and kisses
    she's legs. "I didn't bow to you, I bow to the whole suffering, - somehow he uttered and moved away
    to the window. " Seeing the meekness of Sony, Raskolnikov understands that she is humble in slave. Life in Life B.
    the last and already completely hopeless angle, Sonya and in the face of death trying to do something. She, like
    Raskolnikov, acts under the law of free choice. But, unlike Rodion, Sonya did not disagree in people,
    it does not need examples to establish that people by nature are their kind and deserve light lobes.
    The whole family of marmalades, including a brightfish father and Katerina Ivanovna, who pushed her into the panel.
    able to compassion the Raskolnikov, as it does not confuse or physical ugliness, neither uglyness is social
    fate. It penetrates "through the corrosion" into the essence of human souls. Seeing evil, in no hurry to condemn; The heroine is feeling that
    for external evil, some unknown or incomprehensible reasonswho led to the evil Raskolnikov and
    Svidrigaylova. Internally stands out of money, outside the laws of Torzing Her World. As herself, in his will, went
    she is on the panel, so herself, by its solid and disadvantaged will, she did not put on her hands. Before Sonya
    i got up the question of suicide, "she thought of him and chose the answer. Suicide in her position would
    too selfish output - it would save it from a shame, from torment, it would rescue it from a flicker
    pits. "... After all, it's fair, - Skolnikov exclaims, - a thousand times more and more wisely it would be right
    head into the water and once to donate! - And what will happen to them? - Sonya asked weakly, looking at
    his, but at the same time, as it were, not at all surprising his suggestion. " The measure of will and determination from Sony was higher
    what could it be assumed by Rodion. Raskolnikov repeated the old morality, understanding who she is beneficial and who she
    binds. Sonya was dominated by the old morality, she recognized all her dogmas, all the rules of church prescription.
    To keep suicide, she needed more resistance, more support on yourself than in order
    to rush "head into the water." From the water she kept not so much the thought of sin as "about them, their own." Sone
    the debauchery was pretty death. In a developing novel between Raskolnikov and Sonya, the mutual role is played
    respect and mutual cardiac delicacy, so sharply different from the morals of that society. Rodion because I.
    i could confess to the murder that loved her and knew that she loves him. In the way, in the novel
    "Crime and Punishment" Love is not a duel of the loops of the receding fate into a single union and choose,
    what way to go to common goal - Duel of two truth. The presence of contact lines and unity lines did
    the fight of Sony with the Raskolnikov is unsuitable, and if Sonya in the very novel, before his epiloga, did not win and not
    i reborn the Raskolnikov, then she, in any case, contributed to the final collapse of his inhuman

    In the novel "Crime and Punishment" Sonya and Raskolnikov are the main acting persons. Through the images of these heroes Fedor Mikhailovich trying to convey to us the main idea works, find answers to life important questions Genesis.

    At first glance, there is nothing in common between Sonya Marmalade and Rodion. Their life roads are intertwined unexpectedly and merge into one.

    Raskolnikov - a poor student who has taken into account at the Law Faculty, which created terrible theory On the right strong personality And intricate brutal murder. Man formed, proud and vain, he is closed and unimportant. His dream is to become Napoleon.

    Sophia Semenovna Marmaladova - a timid "scored" creature, according to the will of Rock, it turns out at the bottom itself. An eighteen year old girl is uneducated, poor and unhappy. Without another opportunity to earn, she trades her body. To keep such a lifestyle, it made her pity and love for close and native people.

    At the heroes different tempers, a different circle of communication, the level of education, but the equally unfortunate fate of "humiliated and offended". They are united by a committed crime. Both have turned the moral trait and turned out to be rejected. Raskolnikov kills people for the sake of idea and fame, Sonya violates the laws of morality, saving their family from hungry death. Sonya suffers under the severity of sin, and the splitters do not feel guilty. But they are insurmountable to pull each other ...

    Stages of relationship


    A strange coincidence, a random meeting faces the heroes of the novel. Their relationship is developing in stages.

    Rodion Raskolnikov learns about the existence of Sony from the tangled story of a drunken Marmaladov. The fate of the girl was interested in the hero. Their acquaintance happened much later and with enough tragic circumstances. Young people are found in the room of the Marmaladov family. A close passing angle, a dying official, unfortunate Katerina Ivanovna, frightened children - here is the appearance of the first date of the heroes. Rodion Raskolnikov is unceremoniously looking at the girl who entered, "timidly looking around." She is ready to die from shame for his obscene and inappropriate outfit.


    Sony and Skolnikov roads in the novel "Crime and Punishment" often intersect as if completely accidentally. At first, Rodion Raskolnikov helps a girl. He gives her the last money for the funeral of the Father, exposes the mean idea of \u200b\u200bthe pointer, who tried to blame Sonya in theft. In the heart young man there is no place for great lovebut he wants to communicate with Sonya Marmaladova. His behavior seems strange. Avoiding communicating with people, swaying with relatives, he goes to Sona and only she confesses in his terrible crime. Raskolnikov feeling inner powerThe heroine itself was suspected of.

    Pity to the criminal

    Rodion of Raskolnikov and Sonya Marmaladov in "Crime and Punishment" two rejected people. Their salvation in each other. Probably, therefore the hero's soul exterpassed by doubts stretches to the disadvantaged Sona. He goes to her to regret, although he does not less compassion. "We are cursed together, together and let's go," the splitters think. Unexpectedly Sonya opens for Rodion on the other side. She is not afraid of his confession, does not fall into hysterics. The girl reads the Bible "story about the resurrection of Lazarus" and crying from pity for his beloved person: "What are you who you did it!

    There is no you unhappy anyone now in the whole light! " Sony's belief force is that it makes it conquer. Rodion Raskolnikov on the advice of the girlfriend goes to the site and does other recognition. Throughout the path, he feels the presence of Sony, its invisible support and love.

    Love and devotion

    Sonya - Natura deep and strong. Having loved the person, she is ready for him for everything. Without thinking, the girl goes for a condemned Raskolnikov in Siberia, deciding to be alongside a lot of eight years of cavities. Her sacrifice is striking the reader, but leaves indifferent to the main character. Sonic Sony finds a response in the souls of the most cruel criminals. They rejoice in her appearance, turning to her, say: "Mother you are, tender, disease." Rodion of Raskolnikov is still cold and rude when dating. His feelings woke up only after Sonya got sick and slightly sick. Raskolnikov suddenly understands that she became necessary and desired. Love and loyalty of a weak girl managed to melt the frozen heart of the criminal and awaken in it the good sides of his soul. F. M. Dostoevsky shows us how, having survived the crime and punishment, their love was resurrected.

    Victory of good

    The book of the Great Writer makes you think about the eternal issues of being, believe in force of real love. She teaches us good, faith and mercy. The kindness of weak Sony was much stronger than the evil that settled in the soul of Raskolnikov. She is omnipotent. "Soft and weak wins hard and strong," said Lao Tzu.

    Test on the work

    The motives of the crime of Rodion Raskolnikov and Sony Marmaladeova.
    In the novel \\ "Crime and Punishment \\" F. M. Dostoevsky concerns deep social problems societies XIX. Century, trying to solve important moral and philosophical questions. From the first pages of the work we fell into terrible world Petersburg life: disadvantaged simplicity exist in constant needs, forced to suffer humiliation. And next to rich delints enjoy life, taking advantage of the work and sufferings of others. In such an atmosphere, there is a crime everywhere, in each one you can see a criminal who, one or another, crossed the line of law and morality.

    What pushes these people to a crime? If we carefully look at each of the heroes, we will see how different are \\ "criminals \\".

    Luzhin and Svidrigaylov - criminals, a crime is their nature itself. They enjoy, mocking and deceiving people. Many other feelings cause such heroes such as Rodion Rolochnikov and Sonya Marmaladov. They can be attributed to criminals, those who crossed the norms of morality, but also the motives of criminal acts they have very different.

    Two years, Rodion Raskolnikov studied at the University of St. Petersburg, interrupting the cheap lessons and the liquid support of the mother who lived in the province. Soon it was tired of him, he could not stand, \\ "called \\", threw his studies, \\ "As a spider in his cone was scored \\". The hero existed on the cutting money, which sometimes received from the interest officers for the last valuable things under the monstrous interest.

    The hero was thinking about how to live on. The feeling of pride did not allow this talented, smart man To put up with a miserable conditions of existence, with \\ "pantry \\", which was more like a closet than on the room. The question appears in his thoughts: can human man, suffering for suppressed humanity, allow himself a murder at least one \\ "miserable \\" creatures for the sake of deliverance from the suffering and difficulties of many noble, honest people?

    Answer to this question main character Trying to find in the theory \\ "or I am a trembling creature, or have the right \\". Raskolnikov is confident that it belongs to \\ "superluetas \\", which are allowed all that can go on a crime in the name of a noble goal. But by this he all divided people on the \\ "highest \\" and \\ "below \\" varieties, assigned to himself and others \\ "above \\" the right to judge, execute, repaid human and divine laws.

    Rodion Raskolnikov is trying to solve own problems at the expense of other people. It differs from Sony Marmaladova, who lives all his life in God's commandments and laws of conscience. Sonya is very holistic inner world, lives in harmony with himself thanks to her faith in God. His faith is not passive, the girl constantly proves it with his actions. It was the faith in God forced her to go on the "yellow ticket \\" instead of killing himself. And to choose Sonya could only between these two ways, because life did not give her another opportunity. The heroine decided to preserve this life, and with him the life of his family.

    Sonya also crosses through the laws of morality, it becomes on the path of trading with its own body. The girl is forced to go on such a terrible act to feed the sick stepmother and her little children. Sonya embodies a bright start in the novel, she understands that sin, feels his guilt before God and himself, his conscience.

    The idea of \u200b\u200bsacrifice raises the image of Sony to the symbol of human suffering. Exactly big love To the neighbor, to all people helps the heroine of Dostoevsky Save moral purity And the dignity in that dirt, which pushed his life. Unlike Rodion, Sonya never shared people on \\ "decent \\" and \\ "unworthy \\" on \\ "highest \\" and \\ "lower \\". She is able to see the soul in every person, can justify any crime, because even in criminals, the killer Sonya sees a man. That is why she justifies both Katerina Ivanovna, and a drinking father, and the Raskolnikov himself.

    Although the views of the heroes are slightly different, but there is something that brings them to a dead end, a dead end, which pushes their lives, forcing the crimes against morality and conscience, against themselves. The society set the heroes before choosing such paths, which in different ways, but necessarily lead to a moral decline.

    In his works, F. M. Dostoevsky developed a special type of philosophical, psychologically in-depth realism, based on an exacerbated study of the most complex and controversial parties to life, to reliably reveal in the pictures public Life And the moral face of the heroes of deep problems, contradictions of the whole era. Analyzing the disease of the mind and heart of the individualist, intellectual, criminal or suicide, writer in difficult, \\ "fantastic \\" facts mental life Heroes shows all historical life mankind.