What is the worst in the theory of Skolnikov. Territory theory: its essence and consequences (by novel FM

What is the worst in the theory of Skolnikov. Territory theory: its essence and consequences (by novel FM
What is the worst in the theory of Skolnikov. Territory theory: its essence and consequences (by novel FM

Break what you need, once and forever, and

only; And suffering to take on yourself!

FM Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

"Crime and Punishment" - one of the best works Great Russian Writer Second halves XIX. century F.M.Dostoevsky. The writer worked on it in a difficult time of the late 60s, when Russia entered the twilight, transitional era. The decline of the Public Movement of the sixties began, a wave of a government reaction was rising in the country. Hero of Dostoevsky is not only an immediate participant in events, but also a person who is ideologically estimating what is happening.

Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov - a former student. Already at the very beginning, on the first pages, we learn that "a strange thought is climbing in his head, like from chicken egg." It consists in the following: "Kill an old woman, take her money," doomed to the monastery ", not to take yourself - for dying dying from hunger and vice, and" justice will be restored. "Raskolnikov decided that historical progress and all development is carried out for An account of someone's suffering, victims and even blood. The hero creates the theory, according to which all people are divided into "having the right" and on the "creatures of trembling". Share people into two categories, Raskolnikov faces the question: to which category of people he belongs to himself ? "... Did I like everything, or a man? Can I cross it or can't? I dare to heat up and take it or not? Do I have a trembling or right? .." The murder of the old woman - the percentagers is the self-test of the hero. Having nearing The idea in his inflamed consciousness, the Raskolnikov dreams of the role of the Lord of the Lord (Napoleon) and the Savior of Mankind (Christ) at the same time. There are many crime motives. Hero himself explains them as follows: First, "... I wanted Napoleon to do, because killed ... ", secondly," wanted to help the mother, save sister ... all new career arrange a new, independent road to become ... ", thirdly," I just killed; I killed for myself, for myself one ... I needed to know then, and quickly see if I did, like everything, or a person? .. Do I have a trembling or right? .. ". So, the murder was committed with a fair goal - to take money and void them with a poor humanity? And no crime no? .. We now move on to the moments when the Raskolnikov is aware of their mistake.

After Rodion makes murder, he is trying to find a person who can tell his terrible, painful secret and who will understand him. Sonya Marmaladova was just such a person. Having learned that it was the splitter who killed the interest officer and Lizaven, Sonchka in the first minute "... moved away from him to the wall, with a completely baby frightener, exactly, exactly like small children, when they suddenly begin to scare something, watch motionless and restless to frightening their subject. " She saw deep suffering and regret in his face. "No, there is no you no longer anyone in the whole world!" - she exclaimed. After a long and painful conversation, she became even more sorry for Rodion. She suggested that he did it not for himself, but for the sake of him expensive him. At the same time, the Raskolnikov makes an opening for themselves. Previously, based on his theory, he believed himself to "having the right," and now he is convinced that his theory is not true and that he falls into the category of "creatures trembling". I realized this, the hero believes that life should not continue: "Did I kill the old woman? I killed myself ... And the old woman killed this feathery, and not me ... "But Sonya tells him the way out:" Looking for now, I'm a minute, become at the crossroads, the kiss first the land that you defiled, and then worship the whole world, on All four sides, and tell everyone aloud: "I killed!" ... suffering to accept and redeem yourself, that's what you need. "

Shortly before the recognition from the Raskolnikov, almost decay of consciousness begins, he seems to lose the mind. It covers that painful anxiety, then panic fear, then complete apathy. He no longer owns his thoughts, will and feelings, tries to escape from the clear and complete understanding of his position. All of his arithmetic is wrapped in a terrible lie, and the theoretical crime is complete nonsense. Not honey not a minute, the hero goes to the office, where it does other recognition: "I killed the old woman to the old woman and my sister Lizaven Topor and robbed." With all immutortion, it opens the terrible truth for him - his crime was meaningless, he destroyed himself in vain, did not reach the goal. Of course, we understand how much will will need to have to come with the obey and tell everything. Raskolnikov cruelly punished. But in this punishment - his salvation.

The idea enslaved Skolnikov, deprived of freedom of action, turned into a pawn, devoid of will. After the recognition of the hero is sent to Siberia to Katorga. Raskolnikov, a child of a huge gloomy city, turns out to be in a new, unusual world for him, he is cut from a fantastic sick life of St. Petersburg, from the artificial soil that has grown his terrible idea. This is different, they are alien to him, the world - the world people's Life, forever renewing nature. The sentence was gracious than it could be expected, judging by the crime. But the judges took into account the fact that "his position was the cause of everything, his poverty and helplessness, the desire to strengthen the first steps of his life career With the help of at least three thousand rubles, which he expected to find from the murdered due to his frivolous and unimustal nature, irritated above that deprivation and failures. " And so, he is alone, without friends, without the expensive people, without a dream, without a goal in life, in a gloomy empty cold fortress.

And yet, despite the heavy darkness, enveloping the picture of the human being, written by Dostoevsky in the "crime and punishment" of human being, we see the clearance in the life of the hero. We believe in moral strength, the courage and determination of Raskolnikov to find the path and means of true ministry to people. After all, he was and remained a "man and a citizen."

The theory of Skolnikov (according to the novel of the Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment").
The socio-philosophical novel "Crime and Punishment" was written in 1866. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky reproduces the picture of life in Russia in the mid-19th century, when the active struggle of new revolutionary forces began, even more deepened social contradictions. In his novel, the author opposes the existing social device Society that pushes a person to a crime. Dostoevsky shows not just a crime, but feelings, thoughts, the experiences of a person and the cause of his atrocities.
The main hero of the novel is Rodion Raskolnikov, a former student, a difference who lives in deep poverty without any hope of improving its position. It is endowed with many positive qualities: mind, kindness, responsiveness. In it quite good began, but the need, heavy life circumstances bring it to exhaustion. And around themselves, the splitters sees poverty and disagree. It was in such a situation where he was forced to live in a hero, and his inhuman theory could be born. According to the theory of Skolnikov, people are divided into "creatures of trembling" and on special peoplewhich "right have" to commit a crime for the sake of great tasks. "Unusual" are those people who manage the world reach heights in science, technology, religion. They can and are obliged to destroy everything in their path to achieving the goal required by all mankind.
The theory is based on the statement that happiness for most is possible by destroying the minority. Self the main character Trying to find out who he is: "Creating a trembling" or "eligible". Raskolnikov is trying to attribute to latest category. He decides to perform a trial to make sure its belonging to strong personalities. Raskolnikov goes to the killing of the old woman. Wishing to make the world better, to save him from injustice, the hero becomes a killer. Dedicated evil to anyone does not benefit. Dostoevsky begins to refute the theory of Skolnikov. The murder was the beginning of all moral suffering of Rodion. He is tormented by conscience, he is afraid to be caught, afraid to give out himself and make an extra step. The hero failed an experiment on himself. He could not remove the conscience to "cross through blood". Raskolnikov comes to the conclusion that it is the same "creature trembling", like all other people. The consciousness of the senselessness of the perfect atrocity is heavy blowing on the soul of Rodion. But while he does not want to burst into his theory in any way, continues to consider his ideas correct. The death of the old woman sliced \u200b\u200bhim from others. The theory, which was supposed to withdraw him from a dead end, started it in an even more hopeless deadlock. Raskolnikov feels his full peopling from the world and people. It is impossible to understand the truth that happened in such loneliness: the Hero Consciousness cannot escape from the circle of ideas defined by theory. He smelled in search of a living soul that could listen to him and alleviate suffering. Rodion opens Sona Marmaladeova, which is also a criminal, who broke the moral law that destroyed his soul. Under the influence of Sony, Raskolnikov confesses the murder and receives a fair punishment. Even at Katorga, he does not want to retreat from his theory. The awareness of guilt and repentance is given to Rodion not immediately. It is a kindness, faith in people and in the God of Sonchi Marmaladyovaya help the hero to abandon their inhuman theory. The final collapse of the idea occurs in its last dream in which people kill each other in the name of the happiness of all mankind. Desert land - here is the logical result of the theory of Raskolnikov. And only after this sleep begins the release of it from under the power of the idea, its gradual return to people begins. Rodion begins to understand that all people are the same and all worthy of happiness to which everyone should strive to help others. He refuses his theory, comes to Christian values, understands that happiness cannot be built on a crime. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe hero on the right of a strong crime was absurd. Life wins this theory.
Thus, Dostoevsky in his novel conducts the idea that the crime is unacceptable in human societyThe theory aimed at the destruction of even one person has no right to exist.

The meaning of the theory of Raskolnikova

The origins of the theory of Skolnikov

Dostoevsky wrote that the theory of Raskolnikov is the ideas "worn in the air".

First, this is the idea of \u200b\u200brejection of evil and violence. Raskolnikov passionately wants to change the world and is looking for ways to rescue "humiliated and offended."

Secondly, in Russia in the 60s of the XIX, the ideas of "Bonapartism" spread, that is, the ideas of a special purpose of a strong personality and frequentness of its general laws.

The theory of Skolnikov is born under the influence of many reasons. This is a social - society in which the hero lives is really based on evil and violence. This is personal - your own need, unwillingness to take the victim of mother and sister.

Dreaming to redo the world, Raskolnikov seeks to bring good people, but it is good, in his opinion. It can only make a "extraordinary person", and the world can only remake the "extraordinary person." Therefore, one of the reasons that pushes him to a crime is the desire to check who he is strong personality or "Creating a trembling".

The main provisions of the Territory theory

1. Raskolnikov divides all people for two discharges: on "ordinary" who live in obedience, and "unusual", which are capable of "in the medium a new word to say."

2. These "extraordinary" people, if they require their idea, allow themselves to "cross at least through the corpse, and through blood."

Kepler and Newton, for example, be on their way an obstacle would have right and even had to eliminate 10 or 100 people to convey their discoveries to the world.

Collapse theory of Skolnikov

Arguments, exposing the theory of Raskolnikov

Dostoevsky cannot accept the "social arithmetic" Raskolnikov, which is based on the destruction of at least one life. Therefore, he from the very beginning proves the inconsistency of the theory, believing that there are no such criteria for which people could be divided into "ordinary" and "unusual."

Wanting to save people and bring good "humiliated and offended", the splitters instead during the commission kills Lizaven, one of those whom he wanted to save.

Wanting to bring good people, Raskolnikov becomes the culprit of many tragedies (the death of the mother, the conclusion of Molki et al.).

The vulnerability of their theory feels himself. "This is a person," says Sonya. "Yes, after all, I know that I don't lie," replies the splitters.

On the theory of Skolnikov, Sonya, Katerina Ivanovna, Dunya, his mother - the people of the lowest category, and they should be despised. However, he loves mother and sister, bowing to dreams, that is, conflicts with his theory.

Wanting to be among the "extraordinary", he becomes like a nudge, Svidrigailov, but it is precisely these people deeply hates, that is, hates those people who live according to his theory.

For Skolnikova, Luzhin, Svidrigaylov, the old-year-old people - the people of the lower, however, on the other hand, for the same Luzhin of the Raskolnikov himself - the person of the lowest variety through which you can cross.

Having committed a crime, the splitters suffer, suffer, and after all, the "extraordinary" man would have made it "without any thoughtfulness." And these flour conscience - evidence that a man did not die in the Raskolnikov.

The dream, who dreamed of Raskolnikov at Katorga, is proof that his theory leads to chaos, to the death of mankind.

At Katorga there is a spiritual healing of Raskolnikova when he admits in the insolvency of his theory and takes the truth of Sony, the truth of Christian humility and forgiveness.


1. Introduction

2. The essence of the theory

3. Causes of theory of theory

4. Conclusion

The uniqueness of the novel "" In the fact that Fedor Mikhailovich presented and experienced an unusual theory for strength, which she told the mouth of his Hero Skolnikov. IN this essay The theory itself and the causes of its failure will be considered.

According to the main hero of the novel "Crime and Punishment", the whole society is divided into two unequal parts: ordinary, unrevious people and outstanding personalities. The first is a huge live mass, which is ruled by the second. The ordinary part of humanity is simply necessary in their actions to rely on any rules, and the second is not only possible, but it should be overpowering through the law in the name of a bright future. And only those who are able to challenge the fate, laws and society as a whole can control the lively mass and be called unusual people. The life of the majority does not deserve regrets, since their insignificant life is not worth a penny. They are forced to die for something great and important.

Outstanding personalities can cross through anyone's corpse if the idea really requires it. In addition, the leaders can be forgiven their atrocities if they were made for good. Conscience may not torment such people, as the living mass for that created to sacrifice it for the sake of sublime ideas. As a rule, inconsistent people did not leave their mark in history, and the activities of the extraordinary part of society were aimed at the destruction of the old, creating a new, changing the lives of humanity. Among the outstanding personalities of Raskolnikov allocated Solomon, Napoleon, Likurga, Magomet. "Is it possible to gain happiness, sacrificing people and breeding moral laws" is the main question that the main character attempted to answer.

By the end of the work of the Raskolnikov, and he himself made sure that his theory could not exist. This happened for several reasons. First, the murder of one people, which was the basis of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe main character, cannot be the key to the happiness of others. As Rodion noted correctly, instead of the desired death of the old woman, he received his own moral end. Secondly, the division of society into two unequal parts was originally not a chance for success. The instability that is inherent in society refutes the existence of any fixed labels for those or other people.

The theory of "outstanding" and "ordinary" people, described in the novel "Crime and Punishment," influenced many, including on the Rodion of Raskolnikov. Thanks to this idea of \u200b\u200bthe main character of the work, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel is revealed: murder even for the sake of good goal can not make anyone happier. Mortal sin only worsen the position of the killer.

Today we will talk about the theory with which I introduces F. Dostoevsky in the novel "Crime and Punishment". What ideas wanted to convey the author and what is the erroneousness of the theory of Skolnikov?

About book

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky created wonderful book About human insanity called "Crime and Punishment". She was written back in 1866, but the relevant remains to date. Writer lifts a veil over life ordinary people in Russia XIX. century. At this time, the struggle between various revolutionary currents is activated, and social contradictions are becoming more acute. In his book Dostoevsky did not pursue the goal to create negative hero: He makes it on the forefront of the problem of society that creates the reasons forcing a person to go for a crime. To show it, he describes in detail the thoughts, doubts, torment and causes of Rodion.

The main character

The main character is Rodion Raskolnikov - a modest person, a former student who works around where he has to and lives in a striking poverty. Any lumen in life he does not see, he understands it perfectly. The theory of Raskolnikov in the novel "Crime and Punishment" reveals to readers gradually in order to convey the entire depth and doom. It is worth understanding that Rodion is not the last scoundrel and a best, he is quite clever, which is clearly visible in the process of reading the book. The guy is not deprived of such qualities as responsiveness and kindness. Is there no crime paradox? After all, units from all over the world, which can be calculated on the fingers, have really animal inexplicable rigidity, which is not dictated by anything other than the thirst for blood. There are not enough such people, and crimes are performed everywhere. How so? Each criminal also has something good, no matter how much it is difficult to recognize it. It is easy to argue about it, in practice it is not so simple, but still the point does not change. We understand that Rodion has near positive qualitiesBut his surrounding poverty hits the feelings. In addition, he sees a complete impassion and the doomedness of the same as he himself. All this brings the hero to a complete spiritual exhaustion, in whose conditions and its inhuman theory originates.

The essence of the theory of Skolnikov

What thoughts tried to calm himself Rodion? Did it manage it? The theory of Raskolnikov in the novel "Crime and Punishment" is that it divides people into two types: completely disadvantaged people and those who can criticize the law for their personal purposes. This is the main idea that the main character develops in the course of the book. Over time, it is slightly modified, some new features of two categories of people appear. The most funny thing that initially the Raskolnik him the theory seemed to be a joke, he did not perceive her seriously, and considered it just entertainment in order not to think about the affairs of the urgent. The more Rodion is "having fun" in this way, the more truthful, rational and correct it seems to him his own theory. He begins to let everything under it and reflect on people only on the basis of this position.

Find yourself

What is the theory of Raskolnikov, we already know, but what place in it is given to himself? During the book, he himself is trying to answer this question. The theory of Raskolnikov in the novel "Crime and Punishment" argues that for the happiness and well-being of the majority it is necessary to destroy the minority. Through difficult thinking and analyzing his mind, Rodion decides that he belongs to the category of people who have the right to perform any actions for the achievement of the goal. In order to verify good luck and make sure your elite belongs to the "Elite", Rodion is solved on the murder of an old interest officer. The essence of the theory of Skolnikov is deceptive, because he, trying to make the world better, makes a terrible crime - murder.


Wanting to improve the world around him, the splitters understand that the perfect crime does not benefit to anyone. He realizes the meaninglessness of his act. At this moment, Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky begins to refute the already famous theory. In the book, this is happening against the background of the strong torment of Rodion, which he is experiencing after the murder. Raskolnikov's theory in the novel "Crime and Punishment" tolerates the collapse, and the main character himself feels a drunk beast, because on the one hand, it is tormented by conscience, and on the other - he is afraid to make a mistake and give himself.


The main character holds a very unsuccessful experiment on himself, which leads to apathy and depression, because problems remained unresolved, and in addition, the conscience is tormented every night. What is the scaller theory after the crime? For him, she remained the same, but he had to take the fact that he, apparently, who had an accidental trembling creature. Until the latter, he tries to keep his eyes. The death of the old woman slices him from the surrounding world, he is completely immersed in inner life. The theory of Raskolnikov, the quotes of which are striking the cruelty of even adults should have helped young man To find peace, but started it in the terrible debris of my own conscience.

He is trying to find some salvation, for it feels that the oppression of thoughts will destroy him soon. Raskolnikov wants to find a person who can tell his terrible secret. He decides to trust Sona Marmalade - a girl who broke the laws of morality. Raskolnikov facilitates the soul. A young man continues to communicate with a girl and repent of its influence in a crime before the law. The theory of Raskolnikova (briefly in the article it is described) tolerates fiasco.


Refusal of views is given to Rodion very hard. The faith in people in God and the immeasurable kindness of Sony Marmaladova has a great influence on it. The theory of Skolnikova (summarized above) suffers the utmost collapse only after he sees a dream, where everyone kills each other, and as a result, the earth becomes empty. Full absurdity. Finally, Rodion understands the fallacy of his theory, because it is the fact that there will be no people. After Sleep, the main character gradually begins to return faith in people and in good. It is not easy, he stubbornly refuses past views. Rodion begins to understand that everyone should be available happiness. He will also come to a deep understanding of Christian values. Happiness and well-being can not be built on a crime. It is unacceptable to kill even one person, because people are absolutely equal in nature. Below we give some quotes from the book:

. "The authorities are given only to someone who dares to lean and raise it. Here only one thing, one: you just need to dare! "

. "What a man is, the less suspects that he will be discharged on simple. The crucible man should be taken on the simplest. "

. "... and you will reach the line that you will not overshadow it - you will be unhappy, but will oversail," maybe, even more unhappy ... "

So today we learned what the theory of Skolnikov is.