"The disease did not become a surprise for me, I felt it": How did Dmitry Khvorostovsky left? Dmitry Hvorostovsky managed to say goodbye to the parents "I can't say that in the last minutes he was conscious"

"The disease did not become a surprise for me, I felt it": How did Dmitry Khvorostovsky left? Dmitry Hvorostovsky managed to say goodbye to the parents "I can't say that in the last minutes he was conscious"

On November 22, one of the most famous singers of the Russian and global opera scene Dmitry Khvorostovsky died in London. Last month he was 55 years old. Since 2015, the singer struggled with an oncological disease.

In November 2017, Cancer took the life of such iconic personalities as Mikhail Zadornovwho died due to progressive disease, as well as the TV host Boris Notkinwho has chosen voluntary leaving after he was diagnosed to the fourth stage of cancer. The sad list continued: November 22, died of cancer Dmitry Khvorostovsky - The world's famous Opera singer, People's Artist of Russia, the owner of numerous premiums and regalia, speaking on the scenes of the best opera theaters. About his death told Joseph Kobzon, Singer and deputy of the State Duma, who himself is not familiar with this disease. According to him, Hvorostovsky died in Switzerland. The artist told about the testament of the opera singer: According to him, Hvorostovsky asked that after death his body was cremated, and the dust is divided into two parts, one of which should be buried in Moscow, and the second - in his native Krasnoyarsk. Kobzon clarified that the singer's spouse should make a final decision on this issue.

Singer and composer Alexander Gradsky: "It's too sad to talk something now. We were just very friendly. It is necessary to get used to it. "

Also about the death of Hvorostovsky reported the pop artist Dmitry Malikovwho posted in his microblog in the social network Twitter corresponding post, which was subsequently removed. According to Malikova (RIA Novosti refers to them), the singer died in London at 3:36 am local time, and the poetess Liliya Vinogradov, who was located next to Khvorostovsky reported. Later this information was confirmed by the representatives of the singer.

Fighting Long in 2.5 years

About Hvorostovsky's disease became known in June 2015. Then the singer said that he was diagnosed with brain cancer, but the disease was able to "hook" at an early stage, and he begins treatment. The fight against the tumor was hard and with varying success, because of her, Hvorostovsky has repeatedly had to cancel their speeches and abandon participation in opera performances.

Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for International Cultural Cooperation Mikhail Shvydka: "We all knew that he was seriously ill, but everyone hoped for a miracle, he was miracle."

The press accurately followed the health of the singer: the media wrote about chemotherapy courses, pneumonia, with which Rubestovsky was in the hospital in December 2016, and even about the death of the singer - the message appeared on October 11 turned out to be false alarm and caused a perturbation of the artist's spouse Florans Illy. And his director Mark Hildr. This time, the sad news found official confirmation.

Path to glory. Retrospective

Dmitry Khvorostovsky was born in Krasnoyarsk in 1962. After graduating from the Music Department of the Local Pedagogical School and the Vocal Faculty of the Krasnoyarsk State Institute of Art, became the soloist of the Opera and Ballet Theater. In 1987 she won the All-Union Glinka vocalists competition, then won the International Vocal Competition in Toulouse. World recognition came to the singer in 1989 after his victory at the vocal competition in Cardiff, when he received an informal title of "the best voice of the world."

People's Artist of Russia Lev Leshchenko: "He was a surprisingly subtle and sensual man, not prone to any pathos, star."

Khvorostovsky took Opera Nice, Metropolitan Opera, "Covent Garden", Paris Opera, "La Scala" and other leading opera scenes. He participated in prestigious festivals, and in 2004 he spoke with a solo concert on Red Square. In September 2017, a presidential decree was published on the awarding of the Hvorostovsky Order of the IV degree "For merit to the Fatherland". On October 16, the singer celebrated his 55th anniversary.

Official sources reported that Dmitry Hvorostovsky died - the cause of death is already known for its numerous fans. The biography of the opera artist was very rich and rich in interesting facts - he was known for the whole world.

Two years ago, Dmitry was raised a terrible diagnosis - brain cancer. Singer for a long time fought with an oncological disease, but, unfortunately, the treatment did not give results, and on November 22, 2017, the artist died in London in his country house.

In 2015, fans learned that Dmitry Hvorostovsky was raised a terrible diagnosis of brain cancer. Doctors strongly recommended the artist as small as possible, and more rest. Dmitry did not want to give up the speeches, but still the singer was worse, because of what he had to cancel several planned concerts.

Hvorostovsky from the very beginning of treatment sincerely believed in his healing, and continued to rejoice in life, although brain cancer caused a serious deterioration of well-being.

As an artist fought with a dangerous diagnosis

Today, the biography and the cause of the death of the famous singer are actively discussed, because at night died.

As friends and close artist say, Dmitry, in the last few weeks, he very often visited the hospital, since his state of health deteriorated significantly, and the disease progressed. The last year for the singer was especially difficult, he was seriously worried about his illness, and was depressed.

Native singers argue that the last few weeks before Dmitry's death tried to avoid any meetings with them, and more often was alone.

Some time ago, photos appeared on the Internet, where Dmitry looks happy, hugging her family. But the fans noticed that for the period of the disease he was very many and began to look very tired. Yet the singer until the last moment did not give his hands and struggled with his disease.

Even when the disease worsened, Dmitry did not lose hope to defeat the tumor. For this reason, the artist did not cancel, but postponed all his speeches and concerts. Hvorostovsky gave all the free time with the procedures in the hospital, as well as reducing therapy, but, unfortunately, the treatment did not give positive dynamics.

The death of the famous artist

As it became known, Dmitry Hvorostovsky died at night at 3:36. At the moment, the biography of the singer and the cause of death are the most discussed topics, because millions loved him.

Some time ago, October 11 of the current year, an announcement of the death of the artist appeared on the Internet, but this information did not find confirmations. Today, relatives and close singers confirmed the fact of the death of Hvorostovsky.

On the official website in Facebook there was a record from the family of the deceased, which states that Dmitry died aged 55 years from the brain cancer.

Two years of fighting oncology did not give any result, the tumor increased and led to the death of the artist. The record said that the singer died next to his home in London, and before his death next to him was his whole family.

Biography of the opera artist

Dmitry Aleksandrovich Hvorostovsky was born in 1962 in the city of Krasnoyarsk, it was there he graduated from an ordinary school, and then entered the pedagogical school.

After the singer graduated from the faculty of choral singing, he was able to enter the Institute of Art, where he received new knowledge. Artist's parents from an early age were taught Dmitry to opera music, so already at the Hvorostovsky school knew who would be in the future.


Dmitry's father was a chemist for education, but Alexander had an excellent voice and loved music very much.

All my life, Dmitry's father teared his son to music, often sang and even knew how to play piano. In the House of Hvorostovsky, from early childhood, classical music played, to which parents were taught Dmitry from the first days of life.

Since childhood, parents graduated from Dmitry to classical music

In four years, the artist first tried to sing an excerpt from Aria, and almost perfectly got into notes. It was then that the father decided to teach Dmitry to play the piano.

After a few years, Hvorostovsky went to study at a music school, where she was successful for the piano, the teachers were confident that Dmitry would have a brilliant future, but at that time everyone saw him as a performer of music. However, the artist preferred to sing in the choir, and he liked this class more game on the instrument.

As Dmitry himself told, in an ordinary school he studied very badly, he wanted to deduct him several times. When the long-awaited certificate was received, the singer was able to continue his way to success without being distracted by school classes in the evenings.

Musical career

When Dmitry studied at the third year in the School, he was invited to take part in the troupe of the Krasnoyarsk Opera House. In just a few weeks of work, the singer took the solo parties in the production and main roles. Often Dmitry took part in contests for young performers, and held prestigious awards.

First, Hvorostovsky gave concerts in London, but later he was invited to the cities of Russia, most often the concerts took place in the Mariinsky Opera House. This is the first opera singer who was able to speak on Red Square, but Dmitry himself preferred to speak directly in the Kremlin Palace in Moscow.

Personal life

The first wife of Dmitry became Ballerina Svetlana Ivanova, he met her in his hometown. In 1996, the Artist had two twins at the light, but the marriage broke up just three years after the birth of kids, as Dmitry found out about the treasures of his wife.

Later, the singer had a new love, the girl was called Florence Ill, after some time after the beginning of the relationship the couple played a wedding, and Florence gave birth to Dmitry two children.

Soon the artist had a brain tumor, it was operable, but he refused surgical intervention. As the media say, the death of Dmitry Hvorostovsky has come at night on November 22, 2017.

Dmitry Khvorostovsky died in London after a long illness. This TASS reported the representative of the artist in Russia Anna Ilyin.

"It's really, unfortunately, it happened," she said.

Also about the death of Hvorostovsky reported RIA Novosti Singer Dmitry Malikov.

"I have information from my poetess of Lily Vinogradova, who was very close to him and which was there with him. She wrote to me that he died at 3.36 in the morning in London time, "said Malikov.

Hvorostovsky died at the 56th year of life after a long and long illness. At the end of June 2015, the singer, which has been living in London for many years, announced that he suffers from brain tumor.

Biography Dmitry Khvorostovsky

Dmitry Alexandrovich Hvorostovsky was born on October 16, 1962 in Krasnoyarsk in the family of Alexander Stepanovich and Lyudmila Petrovna Kvorostovsky. Father worked as a chemist engineer, a mother - a gynecologist.

In 1972-1977, Dmitry Khvorostovsky was engaged in the city music school number 4, he studied Solfeggio and the game on the piano.

In 1982 he graduated from the musical branch of the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical School. A. M. Gorky (now - Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical College No. 1. M. Gorky), in the mid-1980s - the Vocal Faculty of the Krasnoyarsk State Institute of Arts in the class of Professor Catherine Efel. Sing voice - Bariton.

In 1985-1990, he was the soloist of the Krasnoyarsk State Opera and Ballet Theater.

In 1987, he was awarded the first prize at the All-Union Vocalist Competition. M. I. Glinki (Baku, Azerbaijan SSR; now - Azerbaijan Republic), in 1988 he received the Grand Prix at the international contest of singers in Toulouse (France).

In 1988, he made his debut on the European stage, fulfilling the Yeletsky party from the "peak lady" Peter Tchaikovsky on the stage of the Opera House of Nice (France).

Dmitry Khvorostovsky received widespread fame in 1989 after the victory at the IV international competition of the singer of the world in Cardiff (Wales, United Kingdom; held since 1983 once every two years under the auspices of the BBC). This success brought the Contractor sentence to perform on leading world theatrical sites: Covent Garden (London, United Kingdom), Bavarian and Berlin State Operators (Germany), La Scale (Milan, Italy), Vienna State Opera (Austria), Metropolitan Opera (New York, USA), etc.

The repertoire of Dmitry Khvorostovsky included the main parties in Operators: "Evgeny Onegin", "Iolanta" and "peak lady" Peter Tchaikovsky, "Rigoletto", "Traviato", "Simon Bokkanto" and "Othello" Giuseppe Verdi, "Favorite" and "Love drink" Gaetano Donizetti, "Wedding Figaro" and "Don Juan" Wolfgang Amadey Mozart, "Demon" Anton Rubinstein, "Tsarist Bride" Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, "Seville Barber" Joakkino Rossini, "Faust" Charles Guno, "Rural Honor »Pietro Maskanya," PAYTS "Rujsero Leonkallo and others.

Along with the opera parties, the singer performed Russian folk songs, romances of Russian and foreign composers, baroque arias of Western European composers of the XVI-XVII centuries, etc.

In different years, Dmitry Hvorostovsky collaborated with New York and Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestras, as well as with leading domestic and foreign conductor - Yuri Temirkanov, Vladimir Spivakov, Valery Gergiev, Vladimir Fedoseev (Russia), James Livina and Lorin Maazel (USA), a teubin (India), Bernard Haigitsky (Netherlands), Claudio Abbado (Italy), etc.

In 1995, the composer of George Sviridov specially for Duet Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Pianist Mikhail Arkadyev created the music poem "Petersburg" for voice and piano for the words of Alexander Blok. Her world premiere took place in May 1996 in London Wigmor Hall.

Especially for Dmitry Zherostovsky and San Francisco Symphony Orchestra (USA) Georgian composer Gia Kancheli composed the work "Do not burn!". His premiere was held in May 2002.

On May 28, 2004, Dmitry Hvorostovsky became the first opera executor who spent with the orchestra and chorus on Red Square in Moscow. During a charity concert, he performed the Soviet Songs of the War of Years, Aria from the operas of Russian and Italian composers, Russian romances and neapolitan songs. Speech was broadcast in more than 30 countries.

In 2005, at the special invitation of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, the singer committed a tour of the cities of Russia dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Since 2006, the Contractor regularly performed in Moscow and St. Petersburg with concerts as part of the Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Friends created by him. At his invitation, leading opera performers from different countries of the world took part: Ekaterina Surin, Ekaterina Gubanova, Ildar and Askar Abdrazakov (Russia), René Fleming and Sondra Radvanovski (USA), Barbara Frittoli and Marcello Jordani (Italy), Sumi Cho ( South Korea), Jonas Kaufman (Germany), Ramon Vargas (Mexico), etc.

From the beginning of the 2010s, Dmitry Khvorostovsky collaborated with the Russian composer Igor Cool. At different times, their joint concerts were held in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev (Ukraine) and New York.

September 25, 2012 Dmitry Hvorostovsky, accompanied by the choir of the Academy of choral art. V. S. Popov and the State Academic Symphony Orchestra of Russia. E. F. Svetlana opened the tenth season of the Moscow International House of Music.

In 2014-2016, the singer regularly performed at different platforms with Charitable Concerts "Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Friends - Children."

On May 9, 2015, Dmitry Hvorostovsky gave a concert "Songs of the War Years" in Moscow in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. His speeches dedicated to the holiday were also held in Tyumen, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, etc.

On June 24, 2015, it was officially announced that Dmitry Hvorostovsky was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The singer passed the course of treatment, but continued professional activity. In particular, he spoke with Anna Netrebko to the Metropolitan Opera (September 2015), with the Latvian singer Elina Garanta in the State Kremlin Palace (October 2015), in the Gala concert on the Palace Square for the Day of St. Petersburg (May 2017 ) and etc.

Throughout the career, the singer has released more than 40 music disks with records of solo and opera performances. As of November 10, 2017, the release of the next disk was scheduled - with the recording of the Opera Rigoletto, in which Khvorostovsky performed the title party.

People's Artist of Russia (1995).

He was awarded the orders of Alexander Nevsky (2015) and "For merits to the Fatherland" IV degree (2017).

Winner of the State Prize of the RSFSR them. M. I. Glinka for 1991.

He was an honorary citizen of Krasnoyarsk (2000) and the Krasnoyarsk Territory (2015), Kemerovo Region (2006).

He was an honorary professor of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov (2006), a member of the Board of Trustees of the Russian State Music TV and Radio Center.

He was married to the second marriage on the Italian singer Flowrans Ill. In the family, two children are the son of Maxim (born 2003) and the daughter of Nina (Rod. 2007). The first spouse - Ballerina Svetlana Ivanova (died in 2015). From marriage, he had twin children - daughter Alexander and Son Danil (Rod. 1996). Also overshadowed the child Svetlana from her previous marriage - Maria.

In honor of Dmitry Khvorostovsky named asteroid of the main belt 7995 Khvorostovsky.

The Life and Creativity of the singer is devoted to the book Natalia Chernova "Dmitry Khvorostovsky. Episodes ... "(2006) and Sofia Benoit" Dmitry Khvorostovsky. Two women and music "(2015), as well as documentary films Natalia Chernova" Dmitry Khvorostovsky. Science of distant wanderings ... "(2002) and Niki Strizhak" Dmitry Khvorostovsky. This is me and music ... "(2012).

"It's too sad to say something now. We were just very friendly. It is necessary to get used to it, "the RBC of Friend of the Hvorostovsky, singer and composer Alexander Gradsky told RBC. "Everyone thought it could happen, but when it happens, you understand how disgusting this event," he summarized.

Another friend of Hvorostovsky, People's Artist of Russia Igor Butman called the opera singer "Great Artist." "You can talk about it for a very long time and a lot. I know that he was sick, and his illness [was] very bad, "he said, noting that" this is a huge loss and grief. " "The person was good and kind, talented," concluded Butman.

The singer's classmate brought his condolences in connection with the death of the artist and close to Hvorostovsky, Vladimir Kudeshev. "This is a huge loss for the global opera. We are all grieving, "he said RBC, adding that this, of course, predictable end. "But we all hoped that he could overcome this disease. But, unfortunately, the disease took the top, "said Kudeshev.

About Hvorostovsky's disease became known in 2015. Then the artist announced that he suffers from the brain tumor and begins treatment. Subsequently, because of this, the opera singer repeatedly canceled his speeches. In particular, in connection with this, in September last year, a concert of Hvorostovsky in Vienna was canceled, and in December of the same year - in Moscow. Later in the same month, the singer refused to participate in opera performances, and in June 2017 the speeches in the Vienna State Opera planned by the artist for the 2017/18 season.

A month ago, October 11, the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper said about the death of Hvorostovsky without specifying the source of information. After that, the State Duma Deputy Elena Mizululin and Singer Sergey Lazarev expressed their condolences. A few hours later, the data on the death of the artist his director Mark Hildre. In the "Komsomolskaya Pravda", this material was then called "a puncture", promising in connection with this in the editorial office "".

Friend of the Hvorostovsky and the former Commissioner under the President of Russia for the Rights of the Child Pavel Astakhov later told RBC that the publication about the death of the singer of the sleepless night in the artist's family. "All night there were calls. Everyone was on the nerves. Very scary information, "said Astakhov.

The artist was born in 1962 in Krasnoyarsk. In 1982, he graduated from the musical branch of the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical School. A.M. Gorky, and in the mid-1980s - the Vocal Faculty of the Krasnoyarsk State Institute of Arts in the class of Professor Catherine Efel.

In 1987, the singer was the winner of the All-Union Vocalist Competition by the name of Glinka, and a year later I won the International Vocal Competition in Toulouse. In 1989, Hvorostovsky won a prestigious vocal competition in Cardiff, where the unofficial title of "best voice of the world is assigned.

After the debut in the "peak lady" Tchaikovsky in Opere Nice Khvorostovsky began to perform on leading opera scenes of the world, such as Covent Garden, Metropolitan Opera, Paris Opera, Bavarian and Vienna State Opera, La Scala, Lyric Opera Chicago, and Also on the most prestigious festivals, including Salzburg. Since 1994, Hvorostovsky lived in London.

The music of George Sviridova was held in a special place in the artist repertoire. In particular, Hvorostovsky first performed his vocal poem "Petersburg" to the poems of the block, written in 1995 and dedicated to the singer.

In May 2004, Hvorostovsky spoke with a solo program on Red Square. Popular Soviet works of war years, Aria from the operas of Russian and Italian composers, several Russian romances and non-political songs. The concert telecast was carried out by more than 30 countries of the world. Artist's speech was visited by Vladimir Putin and Hosni Mubarak, at that time he held the post of President of Egypt.

In September 2017, the President of Russia signed a decree awarding the Hvorostovsky Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky was 55 years old since he was born in 1962, the singer died on November 22, 2017, the opera singer died in the morning in the circle of relatives and the closest calmly went to heaven, Dmitry Hvorostovsky more than two years fought with brain cancer. The first death of Dmitry Malikov was informed about the death of death. Death came early in the morning at 3:30, the singer died in London in the hospital.

A terrible event happened, Dmitry Khvorostovsky died, who for several years fought with a cancer brain tumor. Many fans of the singer's talent hoped that a miracle would happen, but it did not happen. At 56, the life of the Khvorostovsky did not. The singer selflessly fought with cancer over the past two years.

Opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky was only 55 years old. He struggled with brain cancer since 2015, that is, two and a half years. Alas, he died in the morning on November 22, 2017 in London in a circle of his family. Dmitry Hvorostovsky lived for many years and worked in the capital of our region of Krasnoyarsk. In Krasnoyarsk, as in general, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, he was very loved. Very and very sorry.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky died. How many years have it been? How many years fought with cancer?

On November 22, 2017, it became known about the rest of the famous Russian People's Artist of Opera Bariton Singer Dmitry Khvorostovsky. He was 55 years old, he literally recently noted this anniversary.

For the past two and a half years of his life, Hvorostovsky fought with brain cancer, this diagnosis was delivered in June 2015.

Subsequently, the singer passed several chemotherapy courses in London.

In August 2015, he returns to the stage and spoke in New York on the Metropolitan Opera scene.

However, in December 2016, health sharply worsen, and he again canceled all his speeches.

And here is the sad news, Hvorostovsky gave us forever.

In the last minutes, he was not conscious. In the morning 21 to him in London, in the oncological clinic "Royal Marsden", where he was treated, parents flew. They even managed (as far as it was possible) to talk. They said goodbye to him, although before the latter no one believed that Dima would not become.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky received broad fame in 1989 after the victory at the international competition of vocalists in Cardiffs »Singer of the world," and in 1995 he became a popular artist of Russia. Light memory to him.

Today it became known (November 22, 2017) that a talented man and a magnificent singer with baritone, world celebrity, Opera singer Dmitry Khvorostovsky (Rod 16.10. 1962). He was only 55 years old, just a month ago, an anniversary took place. He died in London, where he had long lived, at 3.36 in the morning.

The fact that the singer died actually became known from Lily Vinogradova, as well as Dmitry Malikova. Later, the information was confirmed by members of the artist family.

The reason was the tumor of the brain. With cancer, the artist fought for two and a half years. His performances on the stage helped to cope with the ailment.

After the death of Mikhail Zierny, who had a similar problem, we still hoped that Dmitry Khvorostovsky would be able to overcome the disease, but she was beyond the great singer. In our city, also planned his concert, but did not take place two years ago. It seems quite recently, in September or October, rumors about the death of Dmitry Khvorostovsky were refuted. And today, many doubted their truthfulness. But, unfortunately, it turned out to be true.

After two years of dealing with serious illness, brain cancer, on the 56th year of life, the great singer and pets of the public Dmitry Khvorostovsky died in the early morning in London today on November 22, 2017. And this sad news has already been officially confirmed. It remains only to grieve and busty about such a loss.

But his art will remain forever in the memory of people, the records of his concerts can be placed and looking, enjoying his talent again and again. This great artist left a deep mark in opera art.

Today, at three o'clock in London, the wonderful singer D. Hvorostovsky died. Without exaggeration, we can say that great talent and this is a big loss for the musical world. Besides the fact that a wonderful singer, this is also a handsome man. It is a pity that such a person went so early, for 56 years of life.

Being sick, he performed, kept and looked well and believed that he could cope with the disease. Alas, a miracle did not happen.

At the famous opera singer singer was diagnosed oncological disease and doctors could not do anything.

The singer died at the age of 55.

The diagnosis was made two and a half years ago.

To the huge grief it became known about the death of the Great Singer and Artist Dmitry Khvorostovsky ... ..

55 years…. Very little, the dawn of life and career. But Dmitry fought for a long time with a deadly disease. His heart stopped in London at 3-36 local time.

Two years ago, the singer was discovered a brain tumor. But the artist continued on a number of treating the active lifestyle, without canceling concerts.

Artist has four children from two marriages. We condemn everything ...

November 22, 2017 Stopped the heart of the famous opera singer Dmitry Khvorostovsky. Relatives and friends of Hvorostovsky confirmed this sad news.

Very young, Dmitry Hvorostovsky was only 55 years old.

At the singer in 2015, the doctors discovered the brain tumor. Two years Dmitry Khvorostovsky fought with this disease. He was treated with London, in the oncological clinic "Royal Marsden".

Even during treatment, he sometimes went on stage, even in early June 2017 he sang in the Big Concert Hall of Krasnoyarsk. Leaving the scene, and the audience did not want to let him go, Dmitry Hvorostovsky said: "I do not say goodbye, I tell you" goodbye "."