Prayer to win the case in court. Prayer before the court for a prosperous outcome of the case

Prayer to win the case in court. Prayer before the court for a prosperous outcome of the case
Prayer to win the case in court. Prayer before the court for a prosperous outcome of the case

Win money in the lottery dreams of many. However, luck smiles far from everyone. To turn out to be winning, not only special prayers. Conspiracy to win a lottery to read in a full moon or on the growing moon, especially if it passes on the sign of twins, Sagittarius, Libra, Capricorn and Virgin. What rituals will help win a large amount of money and get the long-awaited material well-being?

Strong conspiracy on the winning lottery: read to attract good luck

He is pronounced before coating the numbers. In order for the ritual to run, you need to take:

  • several large banknotes;
  • several coins are better than different;
  • gold if there is;
  • lottery ticket;
  • blue or green candle;
  • paper and handle.

After a day, spread coins and bills on the table. In the middle, put a high candle on the lottery ticket, burn it and look at the flame with the words:

"Gold to gold, coin to a coin, bill, to bills, money for money. So it was, there will be. Let the ticket be happy and will also dare to the money, gold, coins and bills, let it be so. Amen".

Focus on the flame of the candle, look at it carefully. Then concentrate on the numbers that you turned first attention, cross them. After that, it is believed that the ticket will bring money to your home.

Full version of the ritual when you need a conspiracy to win a lottery read on 3 day after the start of the rite is suitable if you have time. A few tickets can take part in it. To carry out a full ritual, you need to take:

  • several major bills, coins, gold;
  • square box;
  • lottery tickets;
  • green braid or tape;
  • 3 Green or orange candles.

Money needs to be located in the corners of the box - they symbolize the parties of light and cash flows. Then put coins and gold on them, and on top of unfilled lottery tickets. Light one of the candles with the words:

"Flows from the north, south, the east and west merge into one river flow to me. Like water to water, a drop to a drop is striving and money for money, coins to coins, gold to gold go into my hands. The streams go to me, good luck, the house is filled, happiness and wealth add. Maybe so, Amen! ".

Conspiracy is read 3 times. Then quench the candle and put together with bills and tickets. It is advisable to spend a ritual before bedtime. The next day, pay attention to the coincidences and details, numbers and numbers that you remember. Some people can see them in a dream. After a noon, the conspiracy to win the lottery needs to be read again, the first, the first who came to mind, numbers, numbers.

On the third day, the last time they read a conspiracy, after which the numbers shook and are waiting for the final result.

In which cases the ritual may not affect

Remember that for the ritual should not take stolen bills, coins and jewels. It is desirable that the magical text read a person who does not suffer from alcoholic, narcotic and game addiction, kleptomania and mental disorders. It is extremely undesirable to appeal to the highest forces with a request to those who steal or sitting in prison for theft, robbing or murder. Conspiracy may not work if the phone rang on the moment of reading the phone or someone reading the reading.

If you want the ritual to strengthen his action, then the conspiracy on the rapid win in the lottery should be read after 18 o'clock in the evening, putting on something green or gold. You can also get decorations or clothing ,. Then the ritual will necessarily work, and you will win money in the lottery.

Rites on the lottery winning should be carried out on the growing moon

General information about conspiracies for lottery win

The desire to have more money is characteristic of all people. Bright dreams about how you once will win a lottery of a huge amount, and you will live. Such dreams can become a reality.

The rites should be carried out on a growing moon, preferably on Wednesday, if there is no possibility - you can on Sunday. You need to tune in to the financial well-being and to win money.

You should know that any magic has consequences. To the opposite effect can lead if the rite is incorrect, you will be confused in the words of the conspiracy, you will think about something else. The consequences can be mitigated or partially avoided. Remember: no one can tell you that you are going to hold a rite for winning.

For good luck

For good luck in conspiracies for gambling, you can use various amulets, such as four-leaf clover, horseshoe, which horse wore for a long time, rabbit foot. But know that the main success factor is your attitude and concentration on the goal.

  1. You can put in the wallet three-knitted red thread among themselves Chinese coins with a square hole in the center.
  2. Always take the surrender. If you have fallen a coin - pick it up. Let us make money folded in half, corners to another person.
  3. Do not hang out a person who may not be returned to them. In the corner of your bedroom should stand a piggy bank, in which you will be thrown every day of the coin, thinking about how the profit is growing.

Rites on winning

We will proceed to the rites themselves. Ritals, which are conducted independently, without the help of the Magic, should be carried out at home. There should be no one in the room besides you. It is recommended to close in an empty room., leaving even pets in other rooms so that they do not distract your attention.

At forty candles

The first rite is the strongest in my magical practice. To attract a big amount win, you will need:

  • forty blue candles;
  • the coin is not the largest nominal value, best, if it is one, two or five kopecks;
  • salt.

How to spend ritual

This ritual should be carried out not as all ordinary rituals. Not as everyone advise: not on Thursday, not a clear day, not during the increasing moon.

  1. We choose a cloudy, maybe even a rainy day or evening during a decreasing moon. On such days, people are usually most often customized on the failure, which will be in your hand.
  2. Put your most unwashed and old clothes, necessarily dull colors: gray, brown, dark blue, dark green, etc. Put the coin in the left pocket.
  3. Before going to the street, let's say a plot on the threshold:

    "Wealth, come to me!".

    Go to the place where there are reservoirs. Preferably lakes, streams. Become near the shore, face to the north, take a coin from my pocket to my right hand. On the coin you need to speak:

    "Money into the water - I will win!",

    after that, throw a coin into the water.

  4. On the shore, you can capture not an angular stone, put it in your pocket and carry home, with thoughts that you are not a stone, but a magnet to attract money.

The strongest rite - on forty-blue candles

Go home avoiding visual and verbal contact with anyone. If you have someone at home, ask them to go. First of all, do not forget about the magnet that you found. Draw on it with a marker or proofreader, a monetary symbol: dollar, euro or what you like more. Put this stone on the most prominent place in the house so that he always came across your eyes, and you remember that this stone is a cash magnet that will definitely attract large sums into your home.

How to complete Ritual

  1. In the evening, lay on all the corners of the ass with salt. On the perimeter of the room, closer to the walls, arrange forty-blue candles.
  2. Closer to midnight, google them, and go in a circle, from the candle to the candle counterclockwise.
  3. When all the candles store, sprinkle with salt with corners.
  4. Collect all in the croke, go to the same water and pour the contents of the Kulka as possible.

In the coming days, wait for the money inflow, and on the day of the announcement of the results of the lottery, be prepared for a major win.

Rituals and conspiracy from Vangi

Another way to attract winnings, as reported by experienced magicians, he was compiled by Wanga - Bulgarian predictor. This universal conspiracy on winning money from Vanga can be read often, albeit every day. If there is a desire, then the coin is not only in your clothes but also in clothes of kids and husband. In the process you need to read the same strong conspiracy for good luck in cash.

On a coin

  1. Take your favorite clothes and coin.
  2. Sewing coins in clothing: in lining or hem. While you need to select:

    "As a thread with a needle all the time together, so let me be inseparable. As a thread behind the needle stretches, so wealth will reach me. Hem Sewing - weathered to themselves. Come to me Money different, large and small, copper and silver, gold and paper, I am on joy and in God's grace. "

  3. Hang overnight in a closet with clothes, put on the morning.
  4. Wear this piece of clothing, as you can, and all the time think about winning.

Lunar conspiracy

  1. Take twelve coins of a different nominal value, but the main thing is that the sum of all coins equal to the number of your age.
  2. Go out into the courtyard, become a face to the moon, stretching out the open hand with coins to her, so that the moon would illuminate them. Stand so that the moon shook on the coins and start reading:

    "All that in the world grow and lives, multiplies from the light of sunny, and the money - from the lunar light grow, multiply, fruit." Me (name) enrich me, come to me. May it be so!"

  3. Then close your palm and go to the house.

Put coins to the rest of the money in the wallet, so that the conspiracy for winning the lottery began to act immediately, and your profits grew.

Photo ritual

To carry out such a ritual you will need:

  • seven photographs of successful people who won the lottery and invested this money in the case, thanks to which they are now successful;
  • seven multicolored (non-flavored) candles, one white;
  • your photo.

How to spend ritual

The rite must be made at midnight on the growing moon.

  1. Draw on the table with a chalk seven-pointed star. At every end of the star put on the photograph of a successful person, and in the center of the star his photo.
  2. Near each photo put on a multi-colored candle, near your photo put a white candle.
  3. Light the wicking of the candles in the direction of the clockwise direction and read the prayer for the lottery win:

    "Your luck and luck for my victory zeal. You're lucky, and I'm seven times lucky, my luck will find me everywhere. Amen!".

  4. After reading the conspiracy, burn white, your candle.
  5. Represent within a few minutes your winnings, your delight and happiness at the same time. Then remove from the table and go to bed with thoughts about winning.

For ritual, you will need seven photos of successful people who won the lottery

This ritual should be held every day at the same time for seven days.

Another simple rite

The ritual must be carried out on the growing moon.

How to spend ritual

  1. Buy the first loss lottery ticket.
  2. Take a coin or bill of any nominal only, provided that there will be a number five.
  3. Sew coins or banknotes in the element of clothing, which will be worn until the lottery.
  4. While you will sew a conspiracy:

    "As a needle with a thread is inseparable and wealth will be with me. Let it take me to me like a needle the fabric is stitched. Good luck, I open the way, the hem-to-yourself, for copper, malicious, silver yelling the paper. For happiness, I, for the grace of God. Amen".

  5. Then go, buy six more tickets. The number seven is the number of successful and lucky people. It will increase your chance for good luck.
  6. Do not forget to wear a clothes element in which the money has sewn. Do not erase the husk from the tickets until you have all seven tickets.

Erase the shell with a coin, in which there is a number five.

Strong rite for a big win

You will need:

  • orange peel, mandarin and lemon;
  • coins;
  • cherry bones;
  • bank with a lid, through which the content will not be seen (can be from under coffee).

How to spend ritual

  1. We post everything in the bank everything you have in the following order: the peel of orange, bones, the crusts of the mandarin, (you can add chitrus bones), coins, lemon peel.
  2. We clog the bank and read three times a plot:

    "Baba went to the forest, found berries. Where did not look - I found a berry everywhere. Baba burned along the track, found three casuals. Turned, looked back and everywhere I stumbled upon. She began to sharpen Easter, it turned out lush yes odorous. So that and to me, as the Baba was lucky, yes luck with me was all troubles for evil! "

Creating an amulet Maudich

In addition to reading conspiracies and rituals for attracting fortune, I suggest you also acquire special talismans for good luck and luck. Remember that the talismans of this kind are better not to buy and do on their own, so their strength is much more powerful.

  1. Buy seven happy lottery tickets (the sum of the first three digits of the code must be equal to the sum of the last three digits).
  2. You will also need a leaf of green paper, your photo seven on seven and brown candle. Put a photo to the center of the two-way green sheet, lay out from above seven lottery tickets.
  3. Bend paper ends inside, forming an envelope.
  4. Light wick candles and bring it to the center of the sheet. The wax will drip on the corners, beyond the middle, thus sealing the paper.
  5. While the wax will drip, read the plot:

    "Happiness came, other happiness and good luck led. Ticket to a ticket, win win. As the numbers on tickets agreed, so in the lottery the figures for winning came. I will grow fire, I closes wax, I urge good luck. May it be so!".

    Read three times.

  6. Wait until the wax hardens.

Amulet ready. Always carry it with you in the left pocket.

Amulet is made of orange peel, mandarin and lemon

Candle ritual

Take two candles: white and green, you will also need a gold ribbon. Ritual spend on the growing moon. Secure the candles at a distance of twenty centimeters from each other. White candle symbolizes you, green - your future money. Fit your wick, wait three minutes, at this time thinking about how you will become richer and spread candles. The ritual spend every day at the same time for ten days, every time signing the candles for two centimeters to each other (two centimeters to the center of a white candle, two centimeters in the center of green). After the candles come into contact, tie the remnants with a gold ribbon and store in a secluded place.

Another ritual with a candle

You will need:

  • green candle;
  • covers for which you can buy a lottery ticket;
  • lottery ticket.
  1. On Wednesday, take the bill for which you will buy a lottery ticket.
  2. Speak bills with the following words:

    "I will give one money, I will get a lot!".

    You need to repeat seven times.

  3. Then go and buy a ticket, which first falls on the eyes.
  4. Go home and do not look around, do not talk to anyone.
  5. On the parish home, burn the green candle, drive a ticket over it so that he does not touch the fire, saying a conspiracy to win a lottery seven times:

    "Biletik conspired I hold, money and winnings attract yourself. We have wealth and prosperity, all coins and victories call me! ".

  6. Hide ticket until the lottery results announce.

The growth of money is used by something growing: yeast dough, tree, flower, animal. Also use new things, clothing or interior items, attributes for needlework.

After you have won money - and you will definitely win - you need to keep yourself in your hands and do not spend your entire state in the days. If you do not believe in your strength, and you think it is better to be restrained, below I will give a few examples of rites and conspiracies to preserve and increase money.

Create money rattles

  1. In the evening, while descending the moon we buy a tin beer can of green.
  2. Beer pour, or drink, as you please.
  3. You wash the jar and dry.
  4. You take fifty-five coins with a par value of five, twenty-five or fifty kopecks.
  5. Fill the bank with these coins.
  6. Take a hole on top of a plasticine or wax.
  7. During the descending Moon, early in the morning, at dawn, go out. It is desirable that no one has seen you. Start walking in a circle with the right leg clockwise, shaking the jar in your hand and presenting how rain rains from large money. Moreover, imagine the amount of three times more desired. Join the conspiracy:

    "Veda Vaya'na Ma'ni Go'ry."

  8. Imagine how you join the world of large money, how large banknotes and gold coins fall on you.

After passing the forty time in a circle, hide the rattle near the place where you usually keep the money at home, and do not get it month to attract as much financial flows as possible. Ritual stands from time to time to repeat if it seems to you that he did not provide due results.

Human life can not pass without problems. Although many believe that Christianity is a spiritual "airbag", it is wrong. Just believers look different things in a different way, because they believe that there is still a different reality, spiritual. If you have to participate in the proceedings, it will help prayer before the court.

Who is looking for help

In the Bible, you can find many examples of how the Spirit of God acted through the judge. But not everyone who is clothed in power is characteristic of King Solomon. It is often quite the opposite. If there is a hard day dedicated to litigation, it is necessary to read prayers before the court. Many saints help in these issues.

  • Spiridon trimifuntsky. The wonderworker was very revered in Russia, he was simple origin, so it is able to understand the needs of ordinary people who fight for survival. The day before you can worship his icon, the elder's image is in many temples. It will not hurt to order the church prayer Spiridon in front of the court.
  • The Holy Range of God Nikolai Mirliki. One of the famous episodes of his life tells an interesting story. Several people are unjust accused, threw in the dungeon. I do not regret the time and strength, SVT. Nikolay rushed to his aid, having passed a long distance walking. He managed to free the convicts on death. Be sure to contact him, the prayer of St. Nicholas to the court will help, support, help himself to behave correctly.
  • Holy Anastasia. Not in vain, it was nicknamed by a sideline. The righteentie greatly sympathized with those who got into the dungeon. I visited the prisoners, comforted them, brought food, tied out the wounds.

These are the most famous righteous, which still invisibly go on the ground to help us, sinful. You can contact both the holy, whose name you wear.

Prayer in front of the Court of St. Nikolai

"About all-in-law Nicholas, waters of the preigenous Lord, warm our intercession, and everywhere in the rabid quick assistant. Pomping, sinful and dull, in the present seizure, the mind of the Lord God to lease all my sins, Eliko Sogrey, from youth by Moyya, in all lives, business, word, thinking and all of my feelings; And in the outcome of the soul, Muya Pomping, the Okayannoye, the mind of the Lord God, the All Creedies of the Created, save me the air of air solarms and the eternal torment, and always glorify the father and son and the Holy Spirit and your graciousness, now and is also confused and forever. Amen"

Prayer for a successful outcome of the case in the court of the Great Martyr Anastasia

"On the long-suffering and leading the Velomarter of Christ Anastasia! You are the soul in the skies of the throne of the Lord of the prestigation, on the land, this is graceful to you, a variety of healing committees. Woofs are mercifully on us (names), asking for your help: sending the Holy Prayers of your prayers about us, and we succeed to leaving our sins, unsushable healing, mournful and distinguishing ambulance; The mind of the Lord, let us give us a Christian to the death and a good answer to the terrible court of His, however, we will advise you and we are buying with you Slaviti Father and Son and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen"

What rituals will help

In many cases, holy fathers advise to distribute alms. For what? So a person shows what he thinks not only about himself. Helping another, he acquires goodwires who may pray for him. And the more people bring the request, the more quickly rises to the sky.

After each service, the temples are the beggars - distribute them the challenge, ask prayers. Do not be shy, this is a very effective method. The Lord repeatedly pointed out that it was necessary to give money to the poor. You can donate to the needs of people close to you who are familiar. Help is not only material - many products are needed for children.

If you constantly go to the temple - ask for prayer support from familiar and the confessor. Believers will never refuse such. Order prayers, all demands that you can. In order for the prayer before the court influenced the prosperous outcome, it is necessary to clean the soul with repentance, to resemble services.

Prayer to win the triumphuntie holy spiridon court

ABOUT SPLATE SPIRIDON! The misconceptions of the man of the man of God, so will not condemn us on our lawlessness, but will create with us for their mercy. We succeed as we, the servants of God (names), of Christ and God of our peaceful and serene life, health spiritual and bodily. Get rid of us from all sorts of mental and bodies, from all languages \u200b\u200band the diatoles. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and the mind of the Lord, and I will give many of our sins forgiveness, a messy and peaceful life, yes gives us, the death of the abdomen of the restless and peaceful and bliss ever in the future will encourage us, yes incessantly releasing glory and thanks to Father and son and son and son The Holy Spirit, now and is constant and forever.

When everything is in the hands of God

To win the court, it is not always enough to be right. Much depends on the decision of the person who performs the important role of the judge. Prayers before this responsible business can be sent to ensure that the Lord supports you and all who are connected with the case. Any in its place is in dire need of its protection. It is necessary to have faith - because the saints always defended justice. On your side - truth, it means that help will be provided.

Through the Holy Spirit, even the most worn person can come to the right understanding of the situation. Prayer before the meeting should be relentless, with faith in the heart. It is necessary to ask for so long as much forces. Christian righteous shown their crushing, kneeling. And modern people it sometimes does not hurt.

The number and price of the candles delivered here will not play a significant role. The most important thing is faith, sincerity, hope. Help you Lord and all the saints!

Prayer before the court to win the case Was Last Modified: July 8th, 2017 by Bogolub.

Excellent article 0.

Some sacred texts are read in order to man smile at luck. This prayer for winning the lottery is no exception, because everyone in life wants to feel a little closer to his own victory. True, before you begin to pray hard, it is important to clean your own body from all the negative energy that has accumulated over the entire period. It is said that the lottery is not lucky for one simple reason - not your day.

All this is not true, did not bother the desired number, or did not have a taught combination just because in a person who plays, fully negative emotions. From this you need to get rid of before you start reading the prayer for winning.

Strong prayer for winning in the lottery

The sacred text is very powerful, as it really attracts wealth to the house of the believer, is able to fulfill the most secret desires about which a person is silent. Read prayer is necessary when the moon is growing. This is a special rule associated with all the money rituals. The best time for the tweet is Tuesday. Exactly 9 weeks should repeat the same prayer, not missing the day. If for some reason the conversation with the saint interrupted, then you should start all over again.

Prayer for winning in the lottery

Oh Holy March, you're miraculous!
I appeal to you for help!
And completely in my needs
And you will be your assistant in my tests!

I promise to you with gratitude
What I will disseminate this prayer everywhere!
Poor, tearfully ask -
Comfort me in my concerns and hardships!

Submissively, for the sake of great joy,
Which filled your heart
Toy you please -
Cotton about me and my family

So we saved our god in your hearts
And those who have deserved the saved Most High Mediation,
First of all, with that care,
Which me now (hereinafter desire).

Toy you please
Assistant in every need
Win you so much as you defeated the snake
Until I was lying near your feet!

At the end, read "in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

Prayer Spiridon about money

Later, this saint was surprised by the usual parishioners in that he could have been able to treat sick people and even resurrect from the dead just herself. But the most important thing is that Spiridon knew how to communicate with the Mother-Nature, he could agree with the strength of the wind, the rain and the sun, so that they were favorably to the rest of the people. Why are Spiridon pray only that there were well-being in the family?

The fact is that he lived in a poor family that did not see the money. Spiridon trimifuntsky knew what material problems were. That is why since his death, many still come to church and put candles for this saint, asking for family happiness and material well-being. And the most important thing is that the wealth that spiridon can give does not measure in golden money.

It can be huge crops that have not been on site before, or a good harvest. For each person, the word "wealth" means its meaning. If the believer has a monetary problem, very complex financial difficulties, and simply there are no harmony in the family, then it is necessary to pray to this particular saint. The prayer of Spiridon trimifuntsky about money and the well-being will surely help find harmony. In general, this text refer to the category of acathists, which should be read about 40 days in a row without a break (if, of course, there is no post). Rules Some and the same during the tweet:

  1. Think about what is written in the text, to drive off all the extraneous thoughts.
  2. Buy the icon of St. Spiridon home to pray without visiting the church.
  3. The entire Akathist is pronounced standing.
  4. Time can be chosen any - the main thing is that it is convenient for the believer.
  5. It is important to believe in what is read, and represent everything that is written in the sacred text, otherwise the prayer will not bring any results.

Prayer Spiridon trimifuntsky about money

The misconceptions of God's thoroughly, and they will not condemn us on our lawlessness, but will create with us for their grace. We succeed in us, the servants of God (names), Christ and God our peaceful serene lives, the health is spiritual and physical. Get rid of us from all sorts of mental and bodies, from all languages \u200b\u200band the diatoles.

Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and the mind of the Lord, but I will give many of our sins forgiveness, there is a soulless and peaceful life yes, the death of the abdomen of the restless and peaceful and bliss ever in the future will prompted us, yes incessantly re The saint, now and is dreaming, and in the eyelids.

Do not put money at the head of everything else. Family, faith and love - that's the most important thing in this life. The Holy Spiridon should be treated in cases where it is completely difficult and unbearable. Monetary problems are not constant, they come and go. Therefore, the believer cannot be abused by this prayer. Let all every parishioner be good both financially and in the family.

Excellent article 0.

The life of modern society is difficult to imagine without money and play entertainment. Behind them, you can not only spend your free time, talking with friends, but also to win money, thus combining pleasant with useful.

Gambling in the casino, the lottery according to religious postulates relate to entertainment that adversely affect each person and are considered to be sin. Because, playing in them regularly, each risks big to lose, leaving behind everything that was once acquired or accumulated. However, exceptional moments may come in life when it simply needs to have a huge amount of money to solve the established problems. And the only possible way out of this kind of situations is to buy a lottery ticket and using a special prayer for winning the lottery.

One of the most popular varieties of gambling with high monetary winnings is the lottery called the Russian Lotto. Attending your luck in the hope of winning a cherished prize every day a huge number of people are solved. However, only one participant always turns out the winner.

For those who are going to take their participation for the first time, before buying their first lottery ticket, it is necessary to remember that in such gambling games there is no system or an accurate algorithm that allows you to win with a greater share of probability. Since it all depends on the case. Therefore, experienced players in the hope of ripping their kush are often resorted to the appeal to God's help.

Testing the lottery helps 2 main prayers:

  • Prayer of the Holy March;
  • Prayer Nicholas Wonderworker.

Prayer for good luck in the Lottery of the Holy March

The text of the prayer is literally translated into modern Russian, so problems with the perception and pronunciation of cherished words in people will certainly do not arise.

People who were in due time could help the prayer of the Holy March highly appreciate its strength. However, in order for it to work properly, it is important that sacred words addressed to the saint are pronounced in combination with other Orthodox prayers.

For example, to obtain a lottery jackpot, it is important to pronounce the following prayers in turn:

  • Prayer of the Holy March - Pronounce 1 time;
  • Prayer of the Lord (Our Father) - 1 time;
  • Prayer of the Virgin - 1 time;
  • "Glory to Father and Son ..." - 1 time;
  • The request for the intercession of the Holy Martha is 9 times.

It is important to remember that during the pronouncement of prayer words, a person who appeals to March with his desire must accurately keep the entire prayer rite. It involves the use of the following elements:

  • candles;
  • icons;
  • prayers.

This event can be carried out at home without visiting the church. Once all the necessary components are prepared, you can proceed to the exercise of the ritual. It consists of 9 cycles, which should be carried out only on Tuesdays. Each rite is carried out in order to implement only one desire.

Before reading a prayer for good luck in the lottery, you need to put flowers on the table, the icon of the Holy Martha and the lit candle that you need to be located on the right.

An important nuance is the burning of the candle. To fulfill the desire, it is necessary that it can do to the end.

The text of the prayer to win a large amount in the lottery looks like this:

Oh Holy March, you're miraculous!
I appeal to you for help!
And completely in my needs, and you will be an assistant
In my tests!

I promise to you with gratitude
What I will disseminate this prayer everywhere!
Poor, tearfully ask -
Comfort me in my concerns and hardships!

Submissively, for the sake of great joy,
which filled your heart
Toy you please - cotton about me and my family,
so we saved our god in your hearts

and those who have deserved the saved Most High Mediation,
First of all, with that care that me is now ....

... you please tearfully, the assistant in every need,
win you so much as you defeated the snake
Until I was lying near your feet!

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker for Lottery Win

Nikolai waters were known among his citizens as a person who devoted his whole life to serving God and charitable affairs.

From the ornament, he regularly visited the local church in which he prayed and read God. And at night, after performing school tasks, he sat down and read the sacred literature. When the parents did not become, all the wealth that went from wealthy parents, Nikolai completely handed over to charity to help poor and starving children. At the same time, he did not leave almost nothing.

The miracles of Nicholas the Wonderworker went to a long-standing legend even when he was in life.

Prayer Nicholas The Wonderworker in its miraculous properties is universal. People turn to her for help not only for healing, but in order to experience luck, for example in the lottery or casino.

The text of prayer looks like this:

Oh all-walled, great miracle, St. Nichrae, St. Nicholas!
Molim, Budy Hope for all Christians, the faithful defender, accurate feeder, crying cheerleh, sick, by the sea of \u200b\u200bfloating ruler, poor and siery feeder and all the fast assistant and patron, and peaceful Zea will live in life and you will advise the video of the glory of the chosen And with them incessantly chanting one in the trinity of the worship of God forever. Amen.