Anna Celebova: What was the girlfriend Rasputin and the last Russian Empress & nbsp. Anna Celebova: Great sinner or great martyr

Anna Celebova: What was the girlfriend Rasputin and the last Russian Empress & nbsp. Anna Celebova: Great sinner or great martyr
Anna Celebova: What was the girlfriend Rasputin and the last Russian Empress & nbsp. Anna Celebova: Great sinner or great martyr

Anna Alexandrovna Taneyev is better known as Anna Celebov on the surname of her husband. However, she was buried under the girl's New Same Taneyev.

Interest in Anne Taneva is caused by a number of reasons. First, the time segment of her life fell on a special period of Russian and world history. Anna Alexandrovna was in the epicenter of events related to the reign of Nicholas II. She was not just a witness and an eyelid, but one of the main participants of these events. Therefore, its testimony deserves special attention.

Secondly, attention to this woman is also caused by the fact that she was prepared by God an amazing fate, amazing with his turns, wonderful events.

Thirdly, Anna Taneva's personality is interesting in itself. She possessed the wonderful qualities of the soul, which in her life was manifested by concrete actions and affairs.

Finally, the fourth, she, as a historic figure, was the Freillian Empress Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.

But she was not just Freillan, she was a personal friend of the queen. All members of the royal family perceived it as a native, close man, almost a member of the family. In turn, Anna Taneyev (Cubeova) was warmly loved by the sovereign, like the whole royal family, and remained her Freillina all his life. In some publications dedicated to Anna Celebovoy, it is the opinion that until the end of his days her hair was tied to a black ribbon precisely as a sign that she never stopped his Freint's ministry. It can only agree with this, since other no less good reasons that prompted it should not part with a black mark. Namely: Having accepted the monastic stop, Anna Alexandrovna continued to live in peace, and the black ribbon in the hair was the only subject of her toilet, which served as a visible symbol of monasticism. Perhaps the Black Tape was a sign of permanent mourning and grief in his crowded friends.

Anna Aleksandrovna Taneyev (Cubilava) and along the Father's line, and on the mother's mother led his pedigree from noble noble birth. But, above all, Anna Aleksandrovna is a Russian woman. Russian and by origin, and in education, both in nature, and in spirit. In her fate, as in her character, all those properties that have distinguished and decorated and decorated with a Russian man for centuries, and who were largely lost by representatives of the estates to which Anna Alexandrovna belonged to which Anna Aleksandrovna belonged to.

Why loved her and brought the Empress's sovereign to him? You can specify a lot of features that could contribute to this rapprochement: it is belonging to the circle of Russian aristocrats, and secular education, and wonderful musical abilities, finally, its simplicity, sincerity and greasibility of the lava. All this could be the cause of rapprochement. But, as it seems to us, the cause of friendship was much deeper. The sovereign found in Anna Taneva's soul. Yes, they turned out to be relatives in spirit, affinations in spirit. That was the main thing. Anna Taneyev was not just one blood, but one spirit with the sovereign and with a state truck, and, we note immediately, with Gregory Rasputin. And this spirit is the authentic spirit of the Russian people. Spiritual relationship - genuine relationship, the closest, the most durable foundation of the life union of people. Such an alliance is inseparable, since it is bonded by the Uzami of genuine love, the unity of faith, the unity of ministry, the unity of vital ideals and goals.

Throughout the life of Anna Taneva, special, iconic events were happening, which, firstly, testified to her deep religiosity, and, secondly, about the special fishery of God in the fate of this woman, her prehistibrance over.

At the age of 17, it was made a miracle on the prayers of the righteous, Archpriest John Kronstadt. The Lord through the disease pointed her the path of her ministry: royal ministry, and the fact that on this path she will be accompanied by a miracle and help of God. Indeed, so much wonderful was in her life.

In 1907, another iconic event that determined her fate took place. Young Freillina Anna Taneyeva met Grigory Efimovich Rasputin-new. Thus, fate joined Anna Alexandrovna firmly and with the royal family, and with Gregory Efimovich. Although it was much surviving them all, this union was never terminated until her death. For the honor of being a member of this union, she paid dearly, all his life I suffer and rugging from contemporaries that did not stop and after her death. Envy, offensive accusations, and then frank slander chased Anna Alexandrovna. The main squall of charges fell on her, since 1914, imposing a heavy, tragic imprint for its entire subsequent life.

The war marked the beginning of the terrible etch of the four of the Russians, as well as their closest friends. The power of God's anointed restrained the power of centrifugal, destructive, pushing the world to the abyss leading humanity into the kingdom of Antichrist. On the path of their plans, the Russian autocrat was stood, the king, the anointed of God.

Unfortunately, in Russia, at that time, few of the highest classes perceived the idea of \u200b\u200bthe royal power, as a life principle, as a guide to action, few who have invested these thoughts in their heart, who submitted their will, who set the purpose of their lives to protect these Life, truly Russian ideals. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe royal autocratic power, as a rule, was perceived only as speculative, distracted, only as an image of thoughts, but not as an image of action, lifestyle and ministry. The Russian intelligentsia preferred to go widely by retreat and carried away a significant part of the Russian simple people, seduced, seducing, who blasting him, depriving spiritual power.

But the defenders of the original Russian ideals were still in the medium of each Russian class. And this is, first of all, first of all, the Russian king himself, the sovereign Emperor All-Russian Nicholas II, the autocrats and the united owner of the land of Russian, God's anointed, the first defender of Faith and the Church, the concept of God for the Russian people.

In the spirit of the truth about the anointed of God, the great prayerhouse for the king was and the old man of Grigory Efimovich Rasputin-New. This man whose spiritual power was tested by many of his contemporaries, was the true God's Messenger, the earthly angel for the royal family, as well as for the entire Russian people.

In the spirit of the truth about the anointer of God, Anna Alexandrovna Taneyev (Celebova) stood. A considerable place in the relationship between the royal family with older Grigory was given to the fate of it. She was a trustee and queen, and Grigory Efimovich and often served for them as a reliable, binder.

Often, the Anne Celebovoy was sent to the telegrams from Pokrovsky, she had meetings in the house with older Grigory members of the royal family. She herself read the Father Grigory as a lightweight, inspired elder and prayer.

The daughter of Grigory Efimovich Matrena in his memories points to the fact that her father from the circle of his admirers always highlighted Anna Cutpore, and really appreciated, respected and loved her. Appreciated in it, above all, her kindness, simplicity and faith, of course, the dedication of the royal family, sincerely love for them, as well as devotion and love for himself, Grigory Rasputin. From the elder Grigory, she enjoyed a perfect location and confidence.

So this circle of close like-minded people, devoted to Russian ideals: the king - God's anointed, inseparable from him the burglary queen, God's envoy Grigory, the faithful boyfriend Anna. It was the kernel, the center, the backbone, around which healthy in spiritual, moral and political relations were to be formed. Efforts and sovereign and sovereign were sent to the formation of such state bones. In accordance with these aspirations, people were selected, appointments were held, acts were committed. The spiritual Union, which established at the very top of the Russian statehood, served as the key to the salvation of the Orthodox Power.

That is why this group of Russian people caused a storm of hatred from the spiritual and ideological opponents of the king and the royal autocratic power.

A fully campaign was tallying the anointed to God touched and the good name Anna Crowbal. I say little that she was mixed with mud. She was insulting as a woman. She was considered a cunning intrigue, an omnipotent favorite of the courtyard, they did not dream of calling her the "dirty depressor", the "royal bedding," was accused of espionage in favor of Germany, they considered the "heir's poisonment". The more terrible and offensive charges did not exist. All this had to be survived, endure.

Everything was turned upside down. White became black, and black white. In accordance with this, the "society" related to them is not otherwise as "dark forces". Yes, they were strength, but not dark, but bright. These were bright forces: the king with the queen, their faithful peasant and the faithful boyfriend forever will remain a way and the symbol of the Holy Russian people.

What is Anna Aleksandrovna? She fully divided all the adversity of his expensive Fatherland. Even before the February coup, she had to survive a terrible railway catastrophe. The Lord has retained her life on the prayers of the righteous of Gregory, although she remained crippled. I found consolation only next to the queen, as well as in her own climb for crippled warriors. Anna Alexandrovna Anna Alexandrovna organized for money paid to her by rail for injury suffered. Then the February coup, a severe sickness of measles, from which the new authorities did not give her to recover. It was arrested by the patient, raised from bed, separated from the royal family, taken to the Petropavlovsk fortress, entered into a single chamber of an ominous tubing bastion. She suffered mockery of moral and physical, but it remained alive, and her spirit was not broken. Miraculously was saved from execution. Wandering on the distraught, revolutionary petrograd. Next, flight with the mother on the ice of the Finnish bay in Finland, life in emigration.

Settling in the ancient Russian city of Vyborg, she met good people - a Russian family who sheltered her with her mother in her house. Near my mother. But the main thing is the relative proximity of the Valaam monastery. After all that she experienced, she strived with all his heart and, apparently, thoroughly thought about it. In his memoirs, she writes that, being in prison and praying to the god about liberation, promised the rest of the days to devote to the ministry of God and near. Once at freedom, when many deprivation remained behind, she did not slow down to fulfill their promise. The posture took place in 1923 on Valaam in Smolensk Skit. Her monastic name is Maria. Her first spiritual father was a collapse, more precisely, the Skitonachal of Smolensky Skita Alder of Jeroshimona Ephraim (strokes). After his death in 1944, the spiritual father of the nun Mary became another Valaamskaya older - Schiigumen John (Alekseev). His letters have been preserved to Mary's nun. Letters demonstrate how deeply the nun Mary penetrated the spirit of monastic piety. She asks the senior council about the post, prayer rule, Jesus prayer. Since the Mary's nun did not take into the women's monastery, she had to be a secret nun in the world, and for all the external remains still Anna Alexandrovna Taneva (Ceper).

In the fact that she was not accepted into the women's monastery, you can catch the action of God's fishery. While in the walls of the monastic monastery, she could hardly have to fulfill obedience, undoubtedly assigned to her God, and also to complete the main case of life - the service of the king Nicholas II and Queen Alexandra. They were not alive, but the service continued them. Who knows, perhaps, it is for this reason that the Lord has retained the Life's life to his chosen. We are talking about writing Anna Alexandrovna Taneva's books of memories "Pages of my life."

Anna Taneva's testimony. Her memories depict a true picture of events, recreate the authentic appearance of members of the royal family. At the same time, she calls things with their own names, gives an assessment to all acting persons, pays attention to the role of everyone, correctly puts emphasous, puts points over "I". So in the light of her memories, many figures from the royal environment are blocked. The treacherous role of the imaginary worships about the welfare of Russia are highlighted about the welfare of Russia, those who are inclined to consider themselves to be rescuers of the Fatherland. She tells the truth and does not hide anything.

It is necessary to note another important circumstance, which allocates genuine memories of Anna Taneeva (cutting) from a number of many memoir publications about the royal family. The word truth about the Russian king and the queen sounded in full force together with the word of the truth about their friend, Grigory Efimovich Rasputin-new. That is why her memories are those spiritual weapons that destroys, not leaving the stone on the stone, the myth of the "dark forces."

Who stood up for the honor of the king and the royal family? Army? General? Or officers, strong courageous, brave people? Being relatives, they still retain their position in this world, some means to life, the remains of the former power. But no. For the Russian king and his family, for their honor, not a hero, not brave knight, not a strong world of this, but a lonely, weak, crippled, besides, and all the despised woman, strong only with his faith And love! She, although, of course, fear, but could not be silent. And it talks about the strength of her spirit, about the strength of her love for the royal family and to his people. Only perfect love overcomes the fear of death. It was a real feat, the feat, undoubtedly spiritual, prayerful. The feat of a Russian man, a Russian woman who has become for faith, king and fatherland, in addition, in addition, their voice in defense of the truth about a simple Russian man. Thus, she signed a sentence. For the world, earthly well-being she was lost, the world brutally Amestil her.

Despite the common misfortune and suffering in exile, there was no convergence of Anna Aleksandrovna with the society of Russian emigrants. Not by its fault. She continued to bear the cross slander and are spread and outside of their fatherland. She continued to be considered guilty of the troubles, comprehended by Russia - terrible accusations, the hardest injustice. By virtue of this, her lifestyle was closed, almost accuming. There were few Russian emigrants of friends. Even a bath with a mother tried to visit in those days and hours when there could not be representatives of the Russian emigrant community, so as not to excite dislike.

She had to seek help from the head of the Finnish government, the former Tsarist General, Baron Gustav Mannerheim. It was sufficiently humiliating, since Baron, although he was a noble man, still fully shared the overall opinion regarding Anna Crowbal and her connection with a man Rasputin. It was impossible to avoid when meeting questions on this topic. And it's amazing, so much time passed, Anna Alexandrovna experienced so much, has undergone, she could all think about, weighing, evaluating his mistakes, because time heals, and despite everything, in the cabinet Marshal Mannerheim, she continued to defend Efimovich Grigory, knowing that it could affect On the decision of Mannerheim relative to material assistance.

In financial assistance, Mannerheim refused. However, he wrote a letter of recommendation, in which he assured everyone, to whom Anna Aleksandrovna will be spoken, which is noble, worthy of respect for them, and it does not have to deal with it. This letter helped to solve the apartment question.

During the war she had to leave the Vyborg and hide in Sweden from fear to get into the occupation zone of the Soviet Army. Of course, she was afraid of the Russian soldiers themselves, her wonderful relations were with her. She was afraid to get into the paws of the forces who still wanted to hide the truth from the Russian man and sought to check the traces of a terrible crime. And she was not only a witness, but also the victim of this crime. In Sweden, she was sheltered by the Swedish Queen Louise, the relative of the sovereign Alexandra Feodorovna. Queen Louise appointed a small monetary retirement she received throughout the remaining life. Then Anna Alexandrovna (Mary's nun) returned to Finland and settled in Helsinki. After the end of the war, she, together with the girlfriend, faith, had to literally to dwell, having a piece of bread, no money, no permanent refuge. No one wanted to contact the cutting and help her.

Yet the Lord God on the prayers of the Holy Royal Martyrs and Martyr Gregory kept the Mary of Martyr and filed all the securely in this life. The last days Anna Alexandrovna spent relatively calmly. She managed to acquire or exhaust the cottage, where they spent the summer time with her girlfriend.

And last. Until the end of his days she kept a ban imposed by her in the will to publish any materials belonging to her relating to the life of the royal family. This is the last touch to her terrestrial feat. The fact is that she some miracle managed to send all his personal photo archive (hundreds of photos) to Finland. I found publishers who were offered Anna Alexandrovna in 1939 to publish her photographic materials with the accompanying text. She wrote the text, and the materials were preparing for the publication. However, something happened why this work was discontinued. What happened, remains unknown. The publication of photographic materials about the royal family was promulil not from the need for a weak woman some fees. But the work stopped. Moreover, Anna Alexandrovna imposes a ban on any publication of materials belonged to it. Only the following may happen: she was offered a deal. That is, in the alleged edition to the pleases now healthy, which has retained their ambitions and some political weight of the figures, should have been smoothed by those places where it is an impartial assessment of these political figures from the royal environment. Particularly annoying the disclosure of the topic Gregory Rasputin in a frankly favorable light for him.

Anna Alexandrovna, faithful to his royal friends and historical truth, did not go. It can be assumed that it was seriously pressure on it and she had to resort to accessible legal protection methods. To stop any attempts to manipulate it with memories and photographic materials, which should have serve the truth, and not in favor of compromising themselves to players from politics, she wrote an official testament-prohibition.

Having fulfilled his life debt, Anna Aleksandrovna Taneyev, the secret nun Mary after a short disease was pressed to the Lord in 1964 at the age of 80. It is buried at the Orthodox cemetery of Helsinki.

Anna Alexandrovna Taneyev (Cubeva), a nun Mary, can be called a happy man, because so much of the human malice, by all the abusive woman, already in his life, received an invaluable reward in the form of manifestation of sincere friendship and love both from his venance friends and from Their extraordinary friend is Gregory Rasputin-New, and from ordinary Russian people who had happiness to closely go with her in life and evaluate her extraordinary soul. We believe that in the heavenly abode, the Lord joined the faithful Anna with the Holy Tsarist family and their devoted friend.

Outside of this article, the topic of the "fancy" and so, called "unpublished memories", artificially binding to the name Anna Crowbal. These topics are devoted to individual chapters of the book "Verifying God, King and Fatherland. Anna Aleksandrovna Taneyeva (Celebova) - Mary's nun ", which came out in Russia, at the homeland of Anna Aleksandrovna, in the St. Petersburg Publishing House" Tsaroe Business "in 2005.

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Comments 29.


29. Elena L. : Reply to 24., Rovenna:
2012-12-25 at 07:04.

Let me complete the conversation.

What are you here, Elena, saw the teachings? You express your opinion, we are their own. And the fact that I advise you to read spiritual literature, there is nothing offensive. Then you will not do so many lapels. Another then it is noticeable.

28. Yuri Rasulin : Reply to 26., Pravdich:
2012-12-25 at 00:39

Honestly, exactly such formulations in the memoirs of A. A. Taneyeva (Ceper) "Pages of My Life" I did not meet. Most likely, you used the text T.N. "Unpublished memories" or something close to them. I would not want to seriously consider these texts. I hope the RLN publishes an article where I explained in detail my position on the issue of "unpublished memories."
Did Anna Taneev considered the Holy Father Grigory? That is how she called him, despite the fact that he was a worldly man. And this is the highest degree of expression and recognition of spiritual height for layman. Next - judge yourself.
Here you have a psychological key to understanding its official position in relation to Grigory Rasputin, who voiced it at interrogations and stated by it in memories. Tell me, if you constantly drop on your head in the same place, do you try to somehow reject your head aside or not? The same happened with Anna Crowbal. She was constantly dripped onto the brains at the same place and crossed the closets of Rasputin alone, in which the disgusting and offensive hints were concluded. Would you become in her place provoke additional stupid transactions? Or would you try to answer somehow veiled, so as not to tease with a red bull rag? For this reason, she could not say anything.
To understand how A. A. Taneyev belonged to Gregory Rasputin actually, read the book "faithful to God, King and Fatherland", as well as the book "Great Righteous Older Passionerpian Grigory". You will be clear how she treated him.

"He (Rasputin) was neither holy nor the devil. For Niki and Alex, he remained the one who actually was, a peasant with a strong faith in God and the gift of healing "(V.K. Kolga Aleksandrovna) I wonder if Holy Grigory Rasputin Anna Taneyev considered holy? I did not find reliable evidence. The sovereign, judging by the fact that he asked the sovereign to not interfere with the "our friend" (Rasputin) in the affairs of this Meniation did not adhere to the case.

27. Yuri Rasulin : Reply to 25., Pravdich:
2012-12-25 at 00:12

"Yuri, and who is such a kobylin, did you not confuse anything?

You are right, I was wrong. I meant the head of the Tsarskostsky garrison, then the head of the guard of the royal family in Tobolsk Colonel Kobylinsky Evgeny Stepanovich. I apologize and thank you for the remark.

26. Pravdichi : Re: Anna Aleksandrovna Taneyev (Celebova) - the feat of the royal ministry
2012-12-24 at 22:24

"Later, especially during the war, those who wanted to blame the throne went to Lasputin. There were always journalists around him and officers who drove him in the kabaks and soldered or sat down in his small apartment - in other words, they did everything possible to expose G. Rasputin in a bad world to universal attention and in order to indirectly harm the sovereign and the sovereign. Soon the name of Rasputin was contacted. "
"The sovereign knew well that almost all close relatives were configured against him and plotting him from the throne to mash the Sovereign Kirill Vladimirovich"
(From the memories of Anna Taneva)
"He (Rasputin) was neither holy nor the devil. For Niki and Alex, he remained those who in fact, a peasant with a strong faith in God and the gift of healing "(V.K. Kolga Alexandrovna)
I wonder if Holy Grigory Rasputin Anna Taneyev considered the holy? I did not find reliable evidence. The sovereign, judging by the fact that he asked the sovereign to not interfere with the "our friend" (Rasputin) in the affairs of this Meniation did not adhere to the case.

25. Pravdichi : Reply to 18., Yuri Rasulin:
2012-12-24 at 21:42.

I looked through your link: "If the Russians wanted to kill the sovereign, they would have killed him already in Tobolsk. But from the memories of the head of the guard of Koblin, it follows that the soldiers subordinate to him were warmly treated to the sovereign and family, not to mention the population. And this sympathy has ever increased . Koblin had to be removed, and his subordinates dissolve. Why did you need to carry the royal family from Tobolsk to Ekaterinburg? "
Yuri, and who is such a kobylin, did you confuse anything?

24. Roverena : Warrior and Elena L.
2012-12-24 at 18:54

Many tips, what to do is necessary, but there is only one thing - which is not necessary - no need to be clever.
I do not advise you anything? I don't advise absolutely nothing and advise you.
Your ancestors, Elena, eyelids as learned to read. The serfs were not able to read the serfs, and it was better for you: an excuse or not an excuse of Hula's sin on the Holy Spirit.
Let me complete the conversation.

23. Warrior : 7. Rovenna
2012-12-24 at 17:00

I agree with you, Elena.
Chin "National Repentance" was a disgusting provocation. Another spit into the soul of the Russians.
At the same time, I, as a representative of the Russian people, I feel the feeling of guilt - and for indifference to the killing of the sovereign, and for heavily to the destruction of our Great Motherland.
If, for which the Lord punishes our people, so it is for our drowsiness, heat shift, indifference to your own destiny.
Need to be corrected. Otherwise - the end.

22. Elena L. : Reply to 19., Rovenna:
2012-12-24 at 14:42.

In general, the organizers of Repentania in Tyaninsky was O.Petre Kucher from the Bogolyubsky Monastery of the Vladimir Region. Obviously, this rank is also drawn up, and not by Jews.

21. Elena L. : Reply to 7., Rovenna:
2012-12-24 at 14:06.

That's the point, Elena, that there is a huge difference between heaven and earth.
If the criminal is not caught in the earthly court, they will not prove his guilt, or he will not come with the obese (repentance), no one will condemn it. And if he comes and declares, he can and condemn it.
God is not so. If a person does not go to repentance, he does not forgive him, he is already convicted. Or, if he comes to repentance, but it will not be declared (will hide a certain sin), then it is doubled him. If he argued on his confession to himself too much, those sins that he did not commit, he never immediately immediately, it was even commendable, so many saints did. They often attributed to themselves the sins of other people, who were prior to themselves. Could choose any terrible sins other than heresy and split.
Also, how, having tried in sin, you can take it on yourself? On the contrary, the sins are forgiven in the sacrament of repentance, and not superimposed. It is necessary to study your Orthodox faith anymore, more to read the spiritual literature, especially the lives of saints, then in many ways they won't be mistaken.

20. Elena L. : Reply to 12., TRD:
2012-12-24 at 09:54

finally: "... The sin of the queue that occurred in the indifference of Russian citizens, the people of our not Raskaya" (the message of the Sacred Synod of the ROC MP to the 75th anniversary of the killing of Emperor Nicholas II). After 5 years, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia of Alexy II and the sacred synod: "We again testify that" the sin of the zaryabiism, which happened with the indifference of Russian citizens, the people of ours are not Rowner. We call for repentance all our people ... "

Indeed, in 1998, Patriarch Alexy II urged the whole of the people to repent of the sin of the kingdom. Twice called for a break in 5 years. Did Russian people repented in it? Of course, many have gone rank repentance in the Thainsky and in other cities of Russia. But in the rank, except for the sin of the queuy, which was not intended. People walked mainly in sins against the king, and there and the Inn, and what was not. Much is questionable, but the organizers of the rank are prohibited by other formulations.
It was not as followed by the rank of repentance in February 1607. Representatives from all over the people and the Patriarch Job himself released the entire Russian people then the sin of the king's retreat. And soon the troubled ceased.

19. Roverena : Pravdichi
2012-12-23 at 23:33

The whole thing is that the text of the "Repentance rank" is extremely competent. But unfortunately - Jews.
Pravdich, no now naive. We were deceived. His hierarchs.
As for the comments in the quotes given - this is a big conversation. Of course, I have an opinion. But in three words you can not say. If you try, it will be approximately like this:
It is necessary to correctly qualify the crime, determine the event, time, object, the subject of the crime, the objective side and the subjective side.
To unite the oath, tsarubietia, Christ, heresy and hang everything into the Russian people - it's like the prosecutor to bring the accused of the court, presenting all the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation entirely.
If prosecutors teach this not to do, then do not teach priests in seminary?
And most importantly: the subject of crimes is the Russian people. First, decide what is the subject. Nothing is not told about him in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, on which the ROC lives, nor in the documents of the ROC, or in the documents of other denominations.
Who, what historical person is to blame today? Phantom? And what?
And if that, that would be faithful to the king, there is no more of it in the constitution of your own state.
And there is no court.
Pravdich, while there is no Russian people legally, there is no conversation.
And in fact, of course, we are alive, healthy and even cheerful.

18. Yuri Rasulin : Reply to 12., TRD:
2012-12-23 at 23:08

Ask for interfering. But in paragraph 6, the links to comments about the quotes you have given. If interesting, of course ...

17. Yuri Rasulin : Reply to 9., Elena Sergeeva:
2012-12-23 at 22:58.

Save me, God! I suspect this is your comment number 7 (Rovenna). So or not, but I fully agree with Rovenna. Very acutely felt all the absurdity of the appeal to false repentance for someone else's misfortune.

16. Yuri Rasulin : King complaints, but does not favor a psar
2012-12-23 at 22:50

Well, we, of course, more visible. Yes, we are inxicate of them, the kings, and, of course, we will not become victims of intrigue. Poor kings. Poor Grigori Efimovich. So then friendship is the royal! As they say, "the king complaints, and the psar does not complain." This is me not about you. I'm talking about those who launched the mechanism of dirty, prayer, treacherous slander. Of course, you have no relation to them. You only admit a little that they are right. It is very interesting for the sim your reasoning about repentance for the murder of the king.

15. Pravdichi : Reply to 14., Rovenna:
2012-12-23 at 21:55

In my answer, I copied my comment to the Deadpencription and did not write anything. What does it mean?

Only that, dear Elena, which flew out once again the answer, or rather your text, followed by the answer. Michael

13. Pravdichi : Reply to 11., Yuri Rasulin:
2012-12-23 at 19:04

I wish you to understand everything and not become a victim of the "spoiled phone."
Yuri Rasulin

Dear Yuri! I also wish you to understand this issue to the end and not to become a victim of the blind, albeit sincere love for the king and the queen. After all, they were alive and gullible with their own, they often became victims of all sorts of intrigues. A number of facts testify to this. In addition, as not to understand the feelings of the mother, who holy believed in the healing power of Rasputin, who facilitated the suffering of the heir. But Rasputin did not heaile Cesarevich, and the holy people resurrected even from the dead. The outstanding Russian doctor of Botkin objectively found the usefulness of Rasual treatment, explaining its success with ordinary coincidences. Similar in medicine, by the way, is often found.
Rasputin was, of course, slander, for thus the shadow was striking on the royal family.
He sincerely loved the king and the queen. On this and stop. It will judge.

12. Pravdichi : Reply to 7., Rovenna:
2012-12-23 at 18:42.

Dear Elena! The question is, in fact, much more difficult than it seems. The idea of \u200b\u200brepentance was simply rudely compromised by the illiterately composed of repentance. Next, everything was done that the repentance of the Russian people would not take place.
But repentance is the cornerstone in Orthodox teaching. To repentance of the Russian people called on: SVT. John Maksimovich (he used words: "In the sin of zaryabiyism"), Seraphim Rose, SVT. Seraphim Sobolev ("In the grave of the junk against the autocratic conquering sin"), Schomonakh Nicodem (Karulsky) ("rejected the royal power, gave the king of the king ... and fell under the satanic power"), SVT. Averky Taushev ("Weak consolation for us is that the immediate killing of the royal family was not Russian ... The whole Russian people brings guilt for this heavy sin, which was held in Russian land"), EP. Netary (Kontesevich): "The mortal sin of the zaryabiyism is over all Russian people, and, consequently, to one degree or another above each of us";
"Will or unwittingly unwittingly, consciously or unconsciously all the people participate in the kingubius at least because it burns him, not seeking to ride the terrible sin of an entry with repentance and correction (Metropolitan John (Snychyev); Finally:" ... the sin of the queuity that occurred in the indifference of Russian citizens, Nash's people are not Rasnouncement "(Message of the Sacred Synod of the ROC MP to the 75th anniversary of the killing of Emperor Nicholas II). After 5 years, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Alexy II and the Holy Synod:" We again testify that "the sin of the zaryabiyism, which happened in the indifference of Russian citizens , our people are not Rowner. We call for repentance all our people ... "
Comment, please, these statements.

11. Yuri Rasulin : Reply to 8., TRD:
2012-12-23 at 18:11

Dear Mikhail!
You listed many people who left their opinion about Grigory Rasputin. I dare to say that in the list of those who spoke about Rasputin, listed persons - the figures are minor. But you forgot why they mention the main witnesses, those who not only personally knew the elder Grigory or heard something inaccier about him, but those who were his friend who shared his faith with him, his hope, his love. Namely, you after many forgot to mention - the sovereign of the emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich, the sovereign of Empress Alexander Feodorovna, Anna Alexandrovna Taneyev (Cubeva). It was the king, the queen, the nun Maria (Taneev-Cubov) gave a worthy submission, including the Bishop of Faofan Poltavsky. It is strange to declare your love for the royal family, to exalt their spiritual and mental advantages and do not believe them in the most important issues in those in which they are the main witnesses and experts.
More detailed these thoughts are set forth by me in the book "Great Righteous Startist Passion Mergory". There was also an analysis of many testimony and the price of these testimonies is indicated. And the price of many turned out to be very low. You can disagree, but, let's say, the opinion was led. Princess Elizabeth Feodorovna can not be considered any weighty for one simple reason - it was never personally familiar with Gregory Efimovich Rasputin-New, and his idea formed under the influence of the information that "goodwires" was provided to her confidence in her confidence . In particular, members of the Yusupov family, one of the siblings of which became the killer of the elder Grigory.
As for your telephony, it is impossible to believe in one of them for a word without a critical analysis of telephone information. I wish you to understand everything and not become a victim of the "spoiled phone."
Yuri Rasulin

10. Pravdichi : Reply to 7., Rovenna:
2012-12-23 at 18:10

Simple checking of the Heavenly Earth: If you come to court and take the guilt of Satanist - Manyaka, the court will not justify you, but sentences to death or life imprisonment without any gifts.

Yes, in your mind?

8. Pravdichi : Reply to 5., Yuri Rasulin:
2012-12-23 at 11:28.

Dear Yuri Rasulin!
The topic is very serious, in order to do not respond to it, considering that about 30 years and inexpressively engaged in the Orthodox monarchy, as well as the most decent representatives (regardless of the estates and public grades).
Of course, the beacons in such research are needed. But these days, unfortunately, the principle of induction has a very powerful influence, when one after another writing the authors repeat the conclusions of the previous authority, only a bit embellishment, in characteristic of themselves, the conclusions already made by their predecessors. An immense one is impossible to argue, and the work in the archives takes not a clock, but entire years of life. I know it on my own. You brought a whole pleiad of modern historians. With their works, I am well acquainted (except, it seems, the works of Smirnov). However, they are opposed not only Radzinsky, meanings and Miller, but also Pierre Gilor, V.K. Olga Aleksandrovna, Lily Den, Baroness Buksghevden, Archbishop Feofan Poltava (Bystrov), Dr. Botkin E.S., Gen. Mosolov, Sergey Bekhteev and many, many other faces. I no longer take into account the authors as Purishkevich, F. Seupov, Rodzianko and the like.
Most of the above was personally knew Rasputin, they had at home, had the opportunity to personally draw conclusions regarding his "holiness".
I really appreciate the works of the historians listed by you, but almost every one had to celebrate serious inaccuracies, subjective views, political burning, for example, Stalinism, to which you should know, negatively.
Unfortunately, very often a number of historians initially set a certain task, and then only summarize the results of their researchers under the desired result corresponding to their faith and political preferences. In telephone conversations with the descendants of people who were close to the king, I repeatedly asked questions related to Gregory Rasputin. Some of them, parents or grandmothers personally knew Grigory Rasputin, but unfortunately, the impressions of the meetings with the older were also very negative. I understand that this is not an argument for scientific conclusions, but nevertheless ...
I think that the most objectively about Rasputin wrote girlfriends of the sovereign: Lily Den, Baroness Sofia Buxhevden, Archbishop Feofan (Poltavsky) and V.K.olga Alexandrovna. I am generally honestly, it is not entirely clear whether it will be (on the basis of new research!) Disprove their look at Rasputin. After all, their memories were written in different places, but they all actually agree among themselves. Truth, as always - in the middle!
I will try to read your new book about Rasputin.
I hope I answered clearly to your questions.
I wish you success.
Mikhail Pravdirch

7. Roverena : Grandfather Pensioner
2012-12-23 at 10:20

You somehow acted for the prohibition of literature, and write poetry themselves. Call people to repentance, argue that the Russians made sin worse than Jews.
When you go to confession, do you confess your own sins or at the same time and all neighbors on the entrance? Why do you think that coming to court and saying the judge: "I killed!" - The judge will not believe you? It will believes and prescribe the death penalty.

The Thainskoye-hidden place of Russia, where M. Nagae recognized the Falseedmitria with her son, where the Lhadmitria camp was located, and the Russian People's Militation of Minin and Pozharsk was also located. There is now transferring guilt over bloody, blasphemous, satanic crimes, induced by Jews on Saint Rus, - to the soul of the Russian people.
"It's blood on us and on our children!" - I shouted the Jews, demanding to kill God, knowing that the punishment would suffer and not afraid of him, looking, took the guilt of Roman murderers for themselves and those rescued Roman killers from responsibility. The Russian people repeats the same phrase, but at the same time it expects for forgiveness, the grace and tanning of the anointed.
Does the Russian people understand what punishment and instead of which he takes on his children? Whether it seems that those mortal sins for which he voluntarily dirt instead of Jews is not subject to forgiveness.
Simple checking of the Heavenly Earth: If you come to court and take the guilt of Satanist - Manyaka, the court will not justify you, but sentences to death or life imprisonment without any gifts.
According to the rank of repentance, the Russian people have been repeated for many years in church split 17th century / PP.2 /, in the ritual satanic murder of the anointed of God of the King Nikolai 2 and his holy family, in the murder of 22 thousand the best sons and subsidiaries of the Fatherland / PP.9/, for participation in collectivization, in the destruction of the peasantry, the Cossacks, officers, clergy, for the artificial creation of hunger / PP.10/, for participation in the coup of 1825 / PP.5/, for participating in Spiritis: 8/, for staying in Masonic Lodge /p.11/. It turns and takes on the guilt of all without the disaster of his ancestors - those the most frozen peasants, shot the clergy, boring the Cossacks with Satanists, the faithful king of white officers. It takes the blacks of their memory, maras of the Zhid wines, themselves, their children and grandchildren. Commonly and most importantly - regularly! - Scines the Russian people in the Tynchik: "Their blood on us and our children!". The priests of the ROC lead this devilish action.
Shouldn't they add to the 34 points of "China Repentance" the collapse of the country, the execution of parliament, the looting of Russia, the genocide of the Russian people? It remains to force the people to repent in the fact that he himself destroys itself, do not forget to launder the blood of all those killed in the process of the implementation of the Dulles and Plan "Golden Billion", to take the fault of the members of the current government and the Russian parliament for their participation in Masonic beds, laundering the acts Gays and pedophiles, respond to the Lord for all explosions of houses, terrorist acts, for all devotees and the soldiers' soldiers, for children Beslan, for the destruction of the planning of each Russian family, for high-paying bloody abortion called Russia ...
In the Thainsky Russian people pronounces terrible: the blood of all of our kings - on us and on our children, we will answer. Blood ritually killed and brought by Jews sacrificing Satan - on us and on our children, we will answer. The blood of all those who worried about the prince of the world of this - on us and on our children, the blood of the anointed of God and his holy family, the blood of our grandfathers and great-grandfather, the faithful anointed to us and on our children! We will answer! We are to blame for everything! Forgive us, Lord! Give us a king!
Yes, in your mind?
Cleaning the spiritually Jews, having accepted the goats of their sins before God, giving up into their bloody dresses, we are now forced to fulfill the role prescribed by the Russian people by the devil - help Jews put their Moshiaha.
You can be wrong, but you can not be silent. Another cunning chess movement on the prepared field was made. The game is carried out carefully and without unnecessary conversations. Need a national dictator from the human environment of the spiritual - there will be a spiritual dictator. Need for this war - will be war. We are waiting for the Russian king - we call it Russian for you, but you should expect from this "Russian" king only Russian executions and decisive battle with Orthodoxy from the inside.

5. Yuri Rasulin : Reply to 4., TRD:
2012-12-23 at 01:52

Dear Mikhail Pravdich!
Judging by the fact that you left your comment, this topic has touched you. In this case, it is necessary to be consistent until the end. First of all, give an answer to yourself, it is interesting to you or not, and how interesting. Perhaps your interest is superficial. It is worth "downloading the ether". If interest is still quite serious, but not so much to go to the archives or dive with your head into memoir literature, in this case, it would be logical to trust the authoritative person in this matter. However, in choosing an authority, again, you should be honest in front of yourself and in front of people. The Christian conscience encourages us. And if we are honest, then we will give preference to someone who spent more works, intellectual and mental talents to understand this topic. If we are honest, we will not pay attention to other motives and other priorities of our sympathies. Only conscientious work, a conscientious study should be in the field of our vision. In this regard, the works of those people who, firstly, has proven themselves as an honest person, principled, and secondly, really devoted part of his earthly life in conscientious (precisely in good faith) research of materials about Gregory Rasputin. Experts in this matter are the historians-Professionals: Oleg Platonov, Sergey Fomin, Alexander Buchanov, Tatyana Mironova, local history and countrymen Grigory Rasputin - Vladimir and Marina Smirnov, writer Igor Evsin. These researchers unites similar conclusions and the positive assessment of Gregory Rasputin. They confront a number of other authors, the conclusions of which are opposite, in particular: E. Radzinsky, I. Midtles, L. Miller. Everyone is free to choose those who do he in accordance with their principles, with their understanding of decency, honesty, and spiritual priorities.
The third option is to do all this work yourself, even if you are not a professional, but burn the desire to learn the truth. If you go through this way: get the blessing of spiritually experienced Orthodox elders, we will work in the archives, we will collect the testimony of contemporaries, analyze the texts of memories, raise all the correspondence of the members of the royal family, look at that era, while you are not in a hurry, we will weigh everything and come to clear defined, clear and understandable, first of all, for you yourself, conclusions - then your position will have weight and price. That way I was and sinful. The result of my efforts was the book - "Great Righteous Startist Passion Mergory." Actually, in this book, a well-thought-out, weighted, can be said, awarded and fully formulated response to all your and other questions.

4. Pravdichi : Reply to 3., Rovenna:
2012-12-22 at 17:17

Dear Elena!
Unfortunately, I personally did not deal with Rasputin, in the sense that I did not work item on this topic in the archives, did not thoroughly thoroughly all the combination of information and evidence about this outstanding person.
Nevertheless, I had to hear evidence of children and grandchildren, those who met Rasputin or was close to the royal family. I was transferred not quite flattering reviews, along with positive. Honestly, for myself I still did not fully understand and I can be wrong. But today the idealized image of Grigory Rasputin seems to me still hasty and erroneous.
I think that otherwise she wrote about the father and his daughter, Matrona, if she was confident in his holiness. Here a lot of unflattering talked about Svetlana Allyluve, I think only for the fact that she said the truth about her father.
You are talking about "written brain products." Unfortunately, what is attributed to Rasputin, I not only did not inspire me, but also did not make some special impression.
But besides "writing products", there are still other witnesses, for example, a person-person-person-soul mirror. In the appearance of Rasputin, in my opinion, the holiness is used to be very difficult, except that especially sublime perception.
The words of the king and the queen indicate that Rasputin they loved; He fell in love as a person from the people, to whom they so sought, and even the gift to facilitate the suffering of the heir.
Didn't this have anything for unfortunate parents? Nevertheless, the royal family had his own confessor, and in policy issues, according to people close to the king, the influence of Rasputin was very dubious.
Sometime and I was ready to believe in St. Gregory. I think that in this matter you should not hurry, and here, apparently, absolutely our patriarchs are right: now the heard and deceased.
I repeat that I can be wrong and I would be glad if my opinion turned out to be erroneous.
Sincerely, Mikhail Pravit

3. Roverena : Pravdichi
2012-12-22 at 15:34

Dear truth!
I never argued with you, for he always agreed.
But on the question of Rasputin - and his murder, oddly enough, is the root of treason to the king and the beginning of the end - I do not agree with you.
The personality of man, his soul is revealed in the "written brain products" (as rudely expressed criminalists, experts, psiators, conducting psychological and hand-writing, graphological and other examination) for many years I have been, as a writer, I receive a gift for other writers and poets as a gift. It is enough to read a couple of pages to either send a book on the garbage, or put it on the rear shelf, or on the shelf next to the classics.
Rasputin is found on his books. Read. Your heart will rejoice. Your - for sure. But not everyone.
And with respect to testimony, cutting - many questions. The main of which is the one that the investigator in the protocol is usually written in his own words, and the interrogative usually does not argue with the investigator.
The main testimony in this serious business is the words of the king and the queen. Their attitude towards Rasputin.
After all, you do not dispute the Apostle Peter, three times betrayed Christ, do not doubt Pavle? And in all nor who fled without a look from the cross, when the Lord was still alive on it? Do not doubt the holiness of those who scared and threw God, knowing that he would die inevitably. Ran out. And you have no doubt.
And Rasputin did not escape. And it was not afraid of attempted nor dirty woven, nor fabricated abominations. It was faithful to the end like no one and never in the history of mankind, including the Apostles of Christ.

Started with the Lord to the end only two Mary.

2. grandfather : tsarubytsy.
2012-12-22 at 14:05

Thank God that there were people like Anna Aleksandrovna. But the sin for killing the king is still on us. For Russia's salvation, repentance of the people is necessary. I want to place my verse on the site.


We were born at different times.
Divide us months, years, century,
But in the murder of the king passion
Everyone is probably probably.

Who was the same as Nicholas
I heard about him, maybe even knew
Did not say against his death: "I objeed", -
He knew a lie, but still silent.

Word believed an evil naval
And they did not even think
That the participants of God Testament
Where they shouted the "Jesus Cork".

Who was small and did not think at that time
But he studied, the story knew
He took the false killing he burden
And he justified the murderers.

I was born in the war -
Pioneer, Komsomolets, Party,
Although all adversity fell on the shoulders,
I'm the king anyway, because the gill.

Werewind our eyes stuck -
Communism We saw Dal.
Bell tents and temples were cracked -
Collected sins and sadness.

No forgiveness - Major we killed.
He is anointed Russian land,
And the king and we thoroughly
And the disbelief in God came.

Killed priesthood everywhere
And the stage led to the camp,
Even Judas survived
The blood of innocent absorbed the earth.

Radious time,
No tips already in risen.
Man reset unbelief burden
And go to the repentance you are now.

Swim the blood tears
Sweat so as a hail with tears rolled,
From the cradle in sins you admit
To sin the murder to say goodbye.

Temples are open everywhere
Souls shoot the monasteries,
After all, we are not Jesuits -
We manage to repent. Look.

Only repentance
From the knees will raise Russia
And only sins recognition
Save it sick.

Holy rus let it be,
As it was in the old days.
All on prayer stand up
Save only so the country.

1. Pravdichi : Feat Anna Tamneva
2012-12-22 at 11:34

"In the spirit of the truth about the anointed of God, the great prayer for the king was and the old man of Grigory Efimovich Rasputin-New. This man whose spiritual power was tested by many of his contemporaries, was the true God's Messenger, the Earth Angel for the royal family, as well as for the entire Russian people. ".
Too loudly said. The statement does not manage to today objectively confirm. And the memories of eyewitnesses (including close to the royal family and well-known Rasputin), as well as archival data - indicate in the other. Although Rasputin was Oklevtan, but he was actually neither an old man nor the holy, nor a great prayer officer for the king of Russia. This, in fact, wrote another Olga Aleksandrovna, his native sister of the sovereign Nikolai II. The article repeats obvious intelligence, from one extreme ("holy black" picule) rushed to another ("slandered elder"). Probably, Fauofan Poltava (fast) in its definition of Rasputin was close to Truth. Yes, and Celebov itself, at the interrogation of Rasputin, already speaks completely in a different tone without the shadow of Ezital, to Kratro, unfortunately, is inclined. Nevertheless, Anna Taneyev (the most crime of it) really deserves the greatest respect, love and sustain and can serve as an example of the sacrifice, loyalty to the king and Russia. Personality is completely unique and wonderful, in what no reason to doubt!

Anna Celebova (Taneyeva) is an approximate last Empress of the Russian Empire, subsequently - a nun. For Alexandra, she was the first and closest girlfriend, and the royal person called her "cute martyr."

How it all began

The nee Taneva, who lived in the life of Ceper, Anna accounted for the famous Kutuzov of the far-relative, or rather, the grandfest. For about two decades, Freilina's father worked at the court as a state secretary, filled the imperial office as the main person himself. However, for Taneev it was not a surprise - in the same post, his father worked before him, and earlier - grandfather. The position belonged to the family at five emperors.

Surprisingly, many contemporaries, as you know from the book, Anna Crowbova, considered it simple origin. A similar stereotype was wrong and incorrect. Coming out married, the woman lost its status of Freilina, nevertheless, remained for the reigning empress the closest friendly man. This, by the way, is known from the terms that the reigning person applied to her loved ones: she had two Baby, a small son, big - Anna.

Life and death are woven so close

Former Freilina, Anna Celebova, was very different from the main imperial environment. When Alexander, having married the Russian emperor, came to a new country for her, she immediately decided to take the local faith. The woman showed responsibility, but soon noticed that people around would like to talk about God, while the life of the Lord was not trying to behave. The only one who was in the root differed from others was Anna, who became a faithful girlfriend for his life soon for Alexandra. In many ways, that is why the Empress called once a friend "Mile Martyr". However, the vital path of Freilins fully justified such a name. Showing the present Christian of humility, Anna faced a series of difficult tests, but they were all sentenced with honor.

As is known from the biography of Anna Crowbal, being eighteen years old, the girl suffered a typhoid. At that moment she was literally on the edge of death. Freilin itself explained the fact that he was able to survive, the location of John Kronstadt, his spiritual defender and the intercessor.

Misfortunes do not retreat

After 11 years after the serious illness of the Freillus, the sovereign, Anna Celebov, was a victim of a catastrophe on the railway. It seemed to save her would not work: numerous fractures did not leave hope, the victim of the accident did not come to themselves. She fell into his hands to Rasputin, who, how the eyewitnesses assured, revived her.

After a few more years, in the notorious 1918, when Anna was shooting under the supervision of the Red Army soldier, in the crowd she met a friend - they often turned out to be simultaneously at the burial of the saints of the remains of John Kronstadt in Karpovka. In this monastery, both pious ladies have crawled to the Lord. The woman asked Anna not to surrender to enemy hands, said he would pray for her, and promised salvation - it should have come from St. John. As is known from the biography of Anna Crowpova, she soon happened to be lost in the crowd, then he met a friend previously received from the former Freillina. Now it came to help, and the man handed 500 rubles a woman. It seemed that Anna was a miracle.

True and untrue

It is very difficult in the domestic history to find another woman who would be so carefully and diligently tried to blacken in the eyes of the people. Many are convinced that in the biographies of Freillan Anna Ceubular you can find only multiple vicious stories about life situations. Rumors about it spread long before the revolutionary events, and the simple people were firmly convinced that the imperial power would only suffer from such an environment. They said that thanks to the cutoff near the king got his place Rasputin, grew up of the earliests, which they together organize. Moreover, they said that Anna seduces the imperial wife - and achieved success.

A book was published for the authorship of Anna Crowpova - "Pages of My Life". In it, the former Freillus told in detail how rumors were born in those days. For example, Anna's sister described it as a lady of Delfelden in the morning, early with pride with pride, he was engaged in creating rumors: allegedly the imperial wife solders her husband. The surrounding listened, literally opening the mouth - and everyone believe that they hear.

Rumors and their base

Anna Alexandrovna Vyrubova was slander more than once - but people familiar with her personally did not believe in vicious rumors spread by ill-wishers. They said that only an acquaintance with Anna could have changed a person for the better. Amazing memories have survived from Rudnev chosen by the investigator in the case of Anna. When he went for the first time for the first time for the interrogation of the former Freilina, was configured to the woman was categorically unfriendly - and this is not surprising, because he heard all that others said about her. When he first saw her, it was impressed with his eyes, their expression - meek, literally unearthly. Further communication with the woman fully confirmed the impression of the above-mentioned meeting.

Anna Alexandrovna Zubruova, for his life, learned well that such an invoice was - five times she turned out to be in places of compulsory conclusion. For the first time she fell there at Kerensky, subsequently - at the Bolshevik government. Anna tortured. It is known that one of the most hated persecutors, a row of soldiers, who constantly pursued a woman, although unfamiliar with her personally, once suddenly changed. Brother on the wall he saw a photograph of Anna and said that during the year she cared for him in the hospital as if he was her son. From the day and while there were opportunities, this man tried to help Cubened than could.

Responsibility and its absence

As is known from those left by Rudnev memories, Anna Celebov was persecuted while he was in prison. He himself recognized about them, talking to a woman's mother. The former Freillus did not speak of bullying, and on a direct question answered that her tormentors do not understand what they do, and therefore, they cannot be blamed.

Create good - to the best of the forces

From the diaries of Anna Cubilankov, it is known that the railway paid her compensation for injury associated with the catastrophe, the victim of which former Freillus became. In 1915 she received 80,000 rubles. In those days it seemed a fabulous, incredibly large sum. While the woman was restored, the Russian Empress looked daily to her daily. The first time Anna could move only on a wheelchair, then used crutches, a stick. The money received from the railway, she invested in the construction of a hospital intended for the war of soldiers who received heavy injury. The institution was conceived as a place where the disabled people would teach the craft in order to ensure their lives. To create the institution, the emperor allocated an additional 20,000 rubles. A ready hospital could simultaneously serve about a hundred visitors. The last Russian Empress, her girls and the closest girlfriend worked within the walls of the institution as sisters of mercy.

When they talk about good and holy, usually the haters of the former Freillina in the peak mention her connection with Gregory Rasputin. Anna Celebova, according to a comma, introduced this person to the imperial family. However, historical facts contradict such convictions. As follows from reliable sources, this empress introduced his girlfriend with an older from Siberia. As soon as they met, as a man said that the main desire of Anna is to serve the imperial family to death, and it will be. He predicted that Anna would be married that her marriage would be unhappy.

Life shows ...

... that Rasputin was right. Young Freillina Taneyev married, was captured in the photo of Celebov Anna Aleksandrovna, young and happy - but not long. Just a year after the conclusion of marriage, a woman divorced.

In the future, on how the path of Anna, it will largely affect Rasputin. She was sure that in the 1915th survived only thanks to his efforts. Rumors related to the proximity with the elder will turn Anna to the Exchange among emigrants - people will be ashamed to file her hands, being heard about orgies and other inability.

The inconsistency in which Anna Celebov is on a par with the old man, Gregory allegedly took an active part, no more than invented haters. In 1918, the official medical examination confirmed that the woman still remains virgin. However, evil tongues could not calm down.

New places and new events

The 1920th in the life of Anna Crowzova was marked by a panic movement to Finland. The woman escaped from his native country along with her mother. To leave Petrograd, it was decided to go through the ice of the bay - other paths seemed even more dangerous. In 1923, a new nun appeared on Smolensk Skitu - Maria. True, her health was so weak that no monastery agreed to take a new one, and the woman became a secret nun, continuing to live among ordinary people. For the last name Taneyev, she dwells in Finland for more than 40 years, and died, being eighty years old, in 1964.

In the emigration years, Anna Celebova issued a book. She chose her name itself - "Pages of My Memory." For the first time, the edition appeared in the press in 1922 in Paris. In the USSR, they considered that such a book could disrupt the image of the power, to become a subruptive instrument against the Bolshevik ideology. Naskoro was compressed and published "Diary of Cutpiezova". For the writing of this book, former Freulin does not have any relationship, the publication is entirely and fully - the hoax and fake. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis book is to expose the imperial family and the nearest environment of these people in the most bad light. Nowadays, the fake of this book is officially proved, although sometimes even "scientists" resort to it, trying to find support for their opinions. It is assumed that the "Diary of Cutpiezova" wrote in the co-authorship of the shchegolev and Tolstoy.

Life is a complicated thing, and near the king - near death

In the 1920s, Anna Cerubova was able to escape from Petrograd only thanks to the promotion of his sister, by this time already living in Finland. Taking a mother, having only Sani with me, they crossed the bay in the night. Cubeov walked barefoot, and the conductor, seeing it, gave her his own socks.

In 1926, the woman read the "spotlight", published in those days in the USSR a popular magazine. The cheerful poems in it were interspersed with chronicles and news, indicating how well there is a life at the councils, essays challenged excellent everyday life, and a photo of Anna was published in the April issue. The article it was written that by this time the woman had already died, and during his life she was a Rasputa fan, in many ways determined the worst years of the royal power. The article indicated the deposit of Protopopov, who came to power allegedly thanks to Anna. The necrologist also pointed out that the appointment for many state posts were passing through it.

What felt, looking at her photo, Anna Cubeov, knows only only she. An unfair attitude, resentment for the fact that she was again shared - such feelings could be completely natural. Perhaps the woman felt ease - after all, the bullshit, about whom they said and wrote, did not have anything in common with the real, and Mol Polva buried that Monster, which created his own.

But the beginning was such promising!

It seemed from the very birth of children Taneyev was guaranteed a good, stable life in the honors, respect and contentment. The state employee devoted to the emperor was a relative of the famous composer, was friends with Shalyapin. Tchaikovsky spoke about him well. Anna's father got an impeccable education and tried to give the same children. When girls from noble families are growing up, the best of the best can become the Freillians of the Empress - about this Taneev knew from the small years, and for Anna such status was the limit of dreams. Beautiful and simple blue-eyed girl has not yet known that it will be a victim of gossip and ridicule, insinuations that will surround it until death.

The first ball is so beautiful in his maiden simplicity and innocence - and this reflects the ancient photo - Anna Ceper, more precisely, in those days still Taneva, happened in 1902. It was then that for the first time it was presented to the Imperial Surrounding. At first, shy, the girl was soon mastered and only at the first winter season visited 32 bala. However, after a few months, she was fatally sick and only he survived. After the first aid rendered by John Kronstadt, Anna was treated in Baden and Naples. Since then, until the end of his days, John and nobody other, honing him with his strongest and distinct intercession will be remembered in the prayers of Anna.

Career is developing

His unique cipher, meaning the status of the Imperial Freillus, Anna received in 1903. She was given the initials decorated with magnificent diamonds, which meant an honorable position. Subsequently, one of the personal Freulin was punished and for temporary replacement, women were chosen by Taneyev. The Empress was immediately attached to her, seeing his loved one who left him. Intrigues and gossip that filled the palace did not give a woman to breathe calmly, and only the presence of Anna slightly facilitated the atmosphere of the approaching catastrophe.

The nee Alice, who chose the name of Alexander, the Empress was not at the courtyard of Romanovs, and noble people perceived the wisest elected by Nicholas. She felt unfriendly attitude, carefully masked by etiquette. Know appreciated flawless appearanceHe demanded to speak French, as if in his native language, expected a person to behave immaculately and show the same manners. The Empress, however, was mistaken in speech in French, violated the small subtleties of etiquette and could not go from the mother-in-law, which was still trying to concentrate in his hands the maximum of power.

Relationship and cruel reality

For others, to look at the tenderness between royal spouses was real flour. Alexander was shy from nature, and many it seemed to be a manifestation of arrogance. Every palace corner was full of gossip, and the Empress could not find a single girlfriend. And here Anna appeared - a simple and sincere, cheerful and charming girl seemingly not yet spoiled by the etiquette and poison of society.

The girlfriends had the opportunity to talk about everything in the world, to show each other photos, read lines from books. Participation and warmth - invaluable things, about whom they have repeatedly wrote in their creations of classics, and only with the advent of Anna, they entered the life of the last Russian Empress. Having left Finnish schhers with the reign family, Anna heard an amazing recognition from the state truck - that she would no longer be lonely, because she has a girlfriend sent by the Lord.

Where is true?

The surroundings hated a young girl for such an easily and fast privilege of the imperial girlfriend. People could not believe that the young girl had no dark intentions and hidden purposes. However, as friends recognized, Anna, and in fact, just disinterestedly desired to be near the empress who loved her. Freinty status was quite prestigious, each of his owner lived in the palace, had a servant and a wagon, the driver, and being personal Freillan - annual salary, but the imperial girlfriend could not count on material support. Officially, in the status of Freilina, she spent only a few months before her wedding. However, many envied this, because it was believed that Freillins had the ability to conclude the most profitable of possible marriages. In the case of the young Taneva, it ended with a true nightmare.

About personal life

It so happened that as a spouse, the Empress picked up for her beloved friend of the officer of the Fleet of Cubov. He was a participant in the tragedy at CSUME and survived literally miracle. The catastrophe has not passed the gift - the man was a victim of depression, and genetic disorders influenced mental state. It was not noticeable from this, so the empress did not even imagine who would give his close. Almost immediately after the wedding, Anna understood - there will be no life in such a marriage, this man is dangerous for her. She lived with her husband, waiting for a divorce, a year, filled with constant fear for his life.

Statuses and opportunities

As married, so the divorced woman is not entitled to hold the Freinty post, but Anna remained at the court, being for the empress as if sister. She became her close friend, was with her in disturbing days and happy nights. Without tired, the girlfriend worked side by side in a military hospital, not embarrassed by the RAS and injuries. The imperial family called a woman dulling.

Anna was good and knew about it, they used. She helped the wounded, but not only - constantly the pockets of her dresses were fulfilled by the notes of those who pray for assistance. People convinced themselves that the former Freillus is omnipotently, and turned to her for all, from helping to receive a high post before promoting in the acquisition of overcoats so that you could go to learn. Yes, only the forces of the Anna were little, and any protection from her side rather harmed, rather than it was for the benefit - she was not sure about the courtyard. Of course, to refuse Anna could not, tried to help in the measure of opportunities, and for it was considered an intrigue.

A total of 12 years have passed under the auspices of the empress at the court. Anna recognized in his memoirs that these years were the most happy for her. She passed the godfather with his close people to the very end. She supported Alexander at the time when her husband was renounced by the throne and fited into his diary a memorable phrase, recognizing that he was surrounded by only panties and traitors. She looked around with Alexandra's sick cortex of royal children - until they infected themselves.

How everything ends

Afterutaria, Anna was in Finland, where the authorities reacted with respect for the first time. She was interrogated, clarified plans. First, the woman and her mother settled in the terrifers, from there moved to Vyborg. Life was difficult, health faced, had to survive in poverty. Other emigrants avoided Anna, and she herself did not try to support contact with them. Instead of communication, she chose a prayer for himself. In 1939, it was decided to move again - the Soviet Union began the war with Finland and there were serious concerns of Vyborg's waste under the power of the Soviets. The shelter was found in Sweden, where at that moment the queen was the niece of Alexandra, the former friend of childhood Anna. The royal person gave Anna a small pension that was sufficient to decent to live the rest of his life in Helsinki, on Topelus Street. Near his house, Anna is buried - at the Ilyinsky cemetery. Woman died from old age on July 20, 1964.

The last Russian Empress called his Freilline "My Big Baby" and "Mute Martyr". Anna Celebova was for Alexandra Fedorovna the main girlfriend of life.

Courtless simplicity

Anna Ceubov (in Dev. Taneyev) was a grandfather of Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov. For 20 years, her father has occupied the responsible post of the State Secretary and the Major Government of the Imperial Majesty of the Office. The same post was held by his father and grandfather under Alexander I, Nicolas I, Alexander II and Alexander III.
At the same time, in the public consciousness about Anna Ceper, the opinion was entrenched that she was a common woman. This is at least incorrect. Even having ceased to be Freillan because of marriage, Anna Ceubov remained, in fact, the main girlfriend of the Empress. Alexandra Fedorovna called her "Big Baby". "Little Baby" was the Empress was the son of Tsarevich Alexey.

Three times resurrected

Alexandra Fedorovna, having arrived in Russia, adopted Orthodoxy and reacted with all the responsibility. However, the people surrounding her were in the ministry were not so jealous and rather loved to talk about God, than to conduct an awake life. Everything, except for Anna Crowbal - Freillans of the Empress, and then her faithful girlfriend.

The Empress called Anna "my cute martyr." And it was not an exaggeration. All the life of Anna Crowbal - a series of tests, which she took with a truly Christian humility.

At the age of 18 she had sobbed a typhoid. From death she was saved, as she herself believed, the spiritual intercession of John Kronstadsky.

After 11 years, Anna Cerubova got into the railway catastrophe and her who had been unconscious, with multiple fractures "revived" Grigory Rasputin. Finally, in 1918, when Krasnoarsets was led to shooting, Anna saw a woman in the crowd, who was often prayed in the monastery on Karpovka, where the relics of St. John Kronstadt. "Do not go into the hands of enemies," she said. - Go, I pray. Batyushka John will save you. " Anna Ceper turned out to be lost in the crowd. And then another encountered acquaintance, who was once helped, handed over her 500 rubles.

"Bo do not know what they do"

There was no, perhaps, in the Russian history of a woman, on the silence of whose name would be thrown so much strength. Rumors about the vicious life of Anna Crowbowed rushed in the people before the revolution. They said about her that it was she who introduced the surroundings of the king Rasputin that she with Rasputin himself participates in different inconsistencies, that she allegedly seduced by the Empress itself.

Celebov in his book told how similar rumors appeared in pre-revolutionary Russia.

She wrote from the words of his sister: "Ms. Derfelden flew to me in the morning with the words:" Today we dissolve rumors at the factories that the Empress solders the sovereign, and they believe it all. "

And all this really believed. Anyone who did not know Cubeva personally. Acquaintance with her changed people. The investigator Rudnev recalled how he walked to interrogate the cut and was tuned to her negatively - hearing everything that was told about her. He writes: "When Ms. Celebova entered, I immediately struck me a special expression of her eye: the expression was full of unearthly meekness, this is the first favorable impression in my next conversations with her quite confirmed."

Cubage was put in prison five times. And under Kerensky, and in the Bolsheviks. She was tortured. Once in prison with a row soldier, one of the most malicious persecutors of Anna, suddenly changed sharply. Visiting Brother, he saw a photo of Anna on the wall. He said: "For a whole year in the hospital, she was like a mother." Since then, the soldiers hardly helped the best cut-down.

Already mentioned by the investigator Rudnev recalled that he did not know from the very cut-down, but from her mother, that Anna is mockery in prison. At the interrogation Anna, it was only meekly confirmed and said: "They are not to blame, they do not know what they are doing."


In 1915, Anna received huge money for compensation from the railway for injuries received during the accident, 80 thousand rubles for those times. Half a year Anna was chained to the bed. All this time, the Empress visited Freillan daily. Then Anna Alexandrovna moved on a wheelchair, and further on crutches or with a wand. All the money former Freulin spent on the creation of a hospital for disabled people, where they would be trained by the craft, so that they could feed themselves in the future. Another 20 thousand rubles added Nicholas II. At the same time in the hospital there were up to 100 people. Anna Celebova, together with the empress and daughters, served there in other hospitals with sisters of mercy.

Old man and Anna

Contrary to the problem of misconception, not Anna Cerubov introduced into the house of Empress Rasputin, and Alexander Fedorovna introduced his Freillin with the Siberian Starter. At the first meeting, the elder promised that the desire of Anna "all his life put on the ministry of their majesty" will be implemented. Later he will predict that Freulin will marry, but will not be happy.

So it happened. In 1907, Anna Taneyev married, but divorced in a year.

Rasputin played in his life a cutting huge role. It was how he thought she believed, saved her after the railway catastrophe in 1915, however, it was rumors about their relationships made the cutting of the "neuropean" from a significant part of emigrants.

All the conversations about the allegedly designers in which she participated with Rasputin is refuted by one simple fact: a medical examination in 1918 hesnopanovilo, that Celebov was a virgin.

"Diary cutting"

In December 1920, together with his mother, Cubaov fled from Petrograd on the Ice of the Finnish bay abroad.

In 1923, at Valaam in the Smolensk Skeit Anna adopted Monastic defeat named Maria, but for no health in anyone did not receive and remained a secret monk in the world.
Under his maidesturn, she lived in Finland more than four decades. Died in 1964 at the age of 80.

In Emigration, Anna Taneyev wrote the autobiographical book "Pages of My Life". In 1922, she was published in Paris. In the Soviet Union, apparently, they decided that such an idea of \u200b\u200bthe royal family can ideologically harm and published the so-called "Diary of Celebular", the hoax, where the entire royal environment and the king himself are presented in the worst light.

Despite the fact that today the fake of the "diary" has already been proven, so far in a scientific environment you can meet excerpts from it. The Soviet writer Alexei Tolstoy and Professor of History, an expert on the end of the 19th century Pavel Shvogolov, are considered the most likely authors of the "Diary of Ceubular".

In the hospital with injured on the fronts of the Great (First World War). On the left - the first female surgeon in Russia, Princess Vera Gedroitz (in the header) and her nurses (in white handkerchiefs) - the Great Princess Tatyana, Empress Alexander Fedorovna and Anna Celebova. Sits - the Great Princess Olga.

Anna Celebova The nee Taneyev (1884 - 1964) was the daughter of the State Secretary and the Chief Manager of the Office of the Russian Emperor and the Prapress of Field Marshal Kutuzov. Freillin and the nearest girlfriend Empress Alexandra Fedorovna. It was considered one of the hot admirers of Grigory Rasputin. For which the "democrats" of the temporary government and the Bolsheviks was repeatedly slander.

From the beginning of the Great (First World War) of the war, together with the Empress and her daughters worked the sister of mercy in the hospital. In 1915, after the railway catastrophe, there was a ribbon for life, moved on crutches or a wheelchair. A military hospital was organized on monetary compensation for the injury in the royal village. After the February Revolution of 1917, Democrats were arrested on suspicion of espionage and betrayal and was kept in the Petropavlovsk fortress. It was released due to the lack of evidence using Trotsky. Medical examination found that she was a virgin, and could not be a mistress Grigory Rasputin.

In his memoirs ("Pages of my life ", The first edition, Paris, 1922) so described the approaching catastrophe and death of the Russian Empire: "It is difficult and disgusting to talk about the Petrograd Society, which, despite the war, having fun and combined all day. Restaurants and theaters flourished ...

In addition to the bushes, the society was entertained by a new and very interesting occupation - by dissolving all sorts of gossip about the sovereign Alexander Feodorovna. "

"In practice, the Great Light Princes and other representatives of the Supreme Society were a frivolous lifestyle, did not pay attention to the people, which was at a low standard of living, did not pay attention to his culture and education. Bolshevism originated by their fault. ... Russia's death occurred not with the help of outsiders. It is necessary to recognize the fact that the Russians themselves, those from the privileged classes, are to blame for her death. "

In January 1921, the relatives miraculously managed to ship her, the disabled wheelchair, on the ice of the bay in Finland. In 1923, in the Smolensk Skece of the Valaam Monastery, she was secretly tonsured in a nun with the name Maria. Back in St. Petersburg, she gave the vow, that if she was able to run in Finland with her mother, she would devote his remaining life to God. The spiritual father becomes Heroshimons Ephraim (stobosts).

In the autumn of 1939, the winter war began. Anna Cubruov leave Finland (Vyborg) to Sweden and lives near Stockholm in a small shelter on full provision. Expenses paid a Swedish yard. The Swedish Queen of Louise was the daughter of the sister of the Russian sovereign Alexandra Fedorovna. Anna was familiar and friendly with the Queen Louise.
At the request of Anna Crowbova, Marshal Mannerheim, with whom she was personally familiar, gave her the following recommendation in 1940: "Over thirty years I am familiar with Mrs. Anna Taneva, with its respected parents and with many members of their kind and ask these all those Who will communicate with the Mrs. Taneva - a lot of stuck, in addition, who became disabled after the railway catastrophe - refers to it sympathetically and with understanding. " Anna Ceper was granted a modest apartment in Helsinki.

Freillina of the last Russian Empresshe was buried at the Ilyinsky Russian cemetery of Helsinki. Modest, but well-groomed grave testifies that the memory of her and her martyrdom lives in the hearts of people.

Anna Alexandrovna Celebova - Freillin and close girlfriend Empress Alexandra Fedorovna.


It was born on July 16, 1884 in St. Petersburg. Family: Father-Alexander Sergeevich Taneyev-Stat-Secretary and the Major Directory of his own imperial majesty of the Office (twenty years of service), and was also a composer; The hope of the hope of Hilarionna is fat, the Rights of Field Marshal Kutuzov. Anna spent his childhood in Moscow and in a generic estate near Moscow. In 1902 he entered his studies at the St. Petersburg academic district to the title of home teacher. Anna was good, gullible, sincere, meek, deeply believing man. In January 1904, Anna Taneyev was approved by Freillina to the Imperial Dvor. The empress immediately experienced warm feelings to Anna. They spent sophisticated conversations from the piano, as Alexander Fedorovna who arrived in Russia, he felt a cool attitude towards himself. Having become a close friend of the Empress, Anna more than one year faithfully served the royal family, accompanied them on travel, was located in closed family meetings. For proximity to the royal family, Anna Alexandrovna had to endure humiliation, gossip and even accusations of espionage. Enviously distributed a lot of not good rumors. The reason was the hard situation in the country, the bourgeois revolution and the renunciation of Nicholas II from the throne. Anna Cerubova was sometimes used to insult the emperor's family. Taneyev was not interested in politics at all, had no relation to her. She was a fan of Grigory Rasputin. In 1907, Anna Taneyev was responsible with the Maritime officer Alexander Cubepov, but the family did not work out. After the unfortunate experience, she no longer had a personal life.

World War II and Revolution

In the first world war, Celebova worked in Lazarut Sister of Mercy next to the Empress and her daughters. She took part in helping the front. January 2, 1915 there was a railway catastrophe. Anna Cubruov went to the city at five in the morning and a few kilometers before St. Petersburg, everything happened. Anna suffered very much. Cubtain survived, remained disabled for life: moved in a wheelchair, later on crutches; At an older age - with a wand. The railway issued Anne compensation for the disability to which she created a military face for the disabled soldiers, where they were rehabilitated. Anna, as nobody understood them. After the February revolution of 1917, Cubov was captured by a temporary government. Despite the state of health, in inhuman conditions was kept in the Petropavlovsk fortress on suspicion of espionage and betrayal. She was spoiled in her face, filmed upper clothes and underwear, beat along the face (at that time she was hardly moved on crutches), after which "for the lack of a crime" was issued to freedom. Anna was repeatedly subjected to arrests and interrogations. In August 1917, the Interim Government issued a decision to send it outside of Russia, it was even written in newspapers. At the end of September, the mother of Ceper screamed the liberation of Anna. Anna was brought to Smolny and released again. Yet the danger of the inevitable new arrest hung over her. For more than a year she was hidden from acquaintances and friends. I lived in poor people, students, people who once helped. In December 1920, Celebova, together with his mother, was able to illegally move to Finland, and accepted a tonsure in the Valaam monastery, where she lived for forty years of life with the name of Taneyev. Their Majesty's Freillus died in July 1964 (she lived eighty years). He was buried at the Orthodox Cemetery in Helsinki.


In the emigration, Anna Taneyev outlined the facts of his life in the autobiographical book "Pages of My Life". The book was in 1923 in Paris. In the authenticity of reprinting publications, you can even doubt. The authorities of the country in every way distorted the facts.

Empty of the history of life

In 2005, Finnish television showed a documentary about Anne Ceper, where a difficult life was shown, intrigue around Anna, accusations of her address. It is shown in the film, as a victim of conspiracies and the hostage of devotion to the imperial family. In Russia, the tape "Anna Taneyev-Cubeova" (2011) was published.