The statements of great and successful people about the influence of music on a person. Music - Higher Art: A selection of quotes and aphorisms about music from all noise known to man

The statements of great and successful people about the influence of music on a person. Music - Higher Art: A selection of quotes and aphorisms about music from all noise known to man
The statements of great and successful people about the influence of music on a person. Music - Higher Art: A selection of quotes and aphorisms about music from all noise known to man

Music is designed to give birth to the flame in the soul - L. Beethoven

Perfect music gives incredible feelings. It is thanks to her that you can feel separation, parting, love, betrayal. You can be with your loved one, even when it is far from music. - Standal

This music turns any event, action, feeling in something perfect, in what you want to love. It is in it, like in any other art, a vital force and inspiration manifests itself. - I. Goette

Music is a medicine that helps to overcome depression, gloomy side of life, problems and failures. And then - gives the desire to live on. - V. Kleevsky

Music is the most close relationship with the people. She can change his views, give a new worldview, make you love to love something new, instruct another way. Penetrates the depths of consciousness. - Mozart.

Music does not think, she only embodies other people's thoughts. - L. Beethoven

When it is impossible to express something to speech, ordinary words, music comes to the rescue. - E. Hoffman

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Of all the earthly music closest to heaven - the beating of a truly loving heart. Henry Becher

Notes that I take, no better than many other pianists. Pause between notes - that's where art is lurking! Arthur Shnabel

I do not know if the angels are in the presence of God only Bach play; But I am sure that in his home circle they play Mozart. Karl Bart

L. Beethoven - Music should carve fire from human soul.

I liked your Opera. Perhaps I will write music to her. Ludwig van Beethoven

My music is best understood by children and animals. Igor Stravinsky

Akhmatova A. A. - From all arts Music is the most humane and widespread.

Music is a mind embodied in beautiful sounds. - I. Turgenev

Happy music is still happier, unfortunate - even more unhappy. - V. Krachkovsky

The song that mother sings from the cradle is accompanied by a person all his life, to the coffin. - Biger G.

Plato - large composers always also draw attention to the melody, as the leading start in music. Melody is music, the main base of all the music, since the perfect melody implies and causes its harmonious design to life.

Jean Paul - What is music? She takes place between thought and phenomenon; As a predestal mediative, it is worth it between the Spirit and matter; Relative to both, it is different from them; This is a spirit that needs a measuring time; This is matter, but the matter that costs without space.

R. Bagner - Melody - the only form of music; Without a melody, music is unthinkable, and the music and melody are inseparable '.

Music is capable of providing a certain impact on the ethical side of the soul; And once the music has such properties, it is obviously, it must be included in the number of youth education items.

R. Wagner - Music - Truly Universal Language.

It's not so difficult to write music, it is most difficult to write extra notes. - I. Brahms

Aristotle - Music is an intermediary between spiritual and sensual life.

Without music life would be a mistake. Friedrich Nietzsche

Music is a mind embodied in beautiful sounds. - Turgenev I. S.

Bach almost makes me believe in God. Roger Frey.

Music does not have the Fatherland; The fatherland is all the universe. - F. Chopin

Chekhov A. P. - Music is the best consolation for a saddled person.

Of all the arts, music is the most humane and widespread. - J.-P. Richter.

Music as little needs words, like sculpture. Anton Rubinstein

Music - meditally between the life of the mind and the life of feelings. - L. Beethoven

Xunjez - music encourages us to think eloquently.

Music is the unconscious exercise of the soul in arithmetic. - Leibniz

Shakespeare W. - The greatness of art clearly manifests itself in music.

Fingers should create on a piano what the head wants, and not the opposite. - R. Schuman

The music of his melody brings us to the very edge of eternity and gives us the opportunity for a few minutes to comprehend her greatness. - T. Karleil

Heine G. - Music is the stenography of feelings.

Talk about music - I don't care what to dance about architecture. David Byrne

Music is a universal language of mankind. - Longfello

God gave us the music so that we first entertained it to be up ... - Nietzsche F.

Music, not mentioning anything, can say everything. - I. Erenburg

Chesterton - Music inspires the whole world, supplies soul with wings, contributes to the flight of imagination; Music gives life and fun to existing ... it can be called the embodiment of the entire wonderful and all sublime.

Goethe - Music - Universal language of mankind.

About music! Szvuk distant harmonious world! The sigh of the angel in our soul! When the word freezes, and the embrace, and the eyes filled with tears, when our silent hearts are languishing about the bastard of our breast - oh, then only thanks to you they may send each other a response from their prisons, to connect their distant moans in one desert. - Jean Pol

R- Bagner - the best music will have an unenviable fate if it trusting mediocre poetry.

The music is washing away from the soul dust of everyday life. - B. Averbach

Any art is committed to becoming music. Walter Pater

Tolstoy L. N. - Music shows a person the opportunity of greatness that is in his soul.

Emerson W. - ... Note herself when wildly in the steppes of the herd of the herd of the young horses of the Liya Tabun - they madly jump, roar and rzut, - then the blood plays them in them. Hot. But it is worth it to heal only the sound of the pipe or other what sound music - how the inscuffed will become instantly everything, and a wild look under the power of the charming melody in humility and meekness will go ...

Music during lunch is insulting for cooks, and for violinist. - Chesterton

Play always as if you are listening to the artist. - R. Schuman

G-Handel - Music - in the best sense of the word - less needs novelty; On the contrary, than she is the older, the more correct, the stronger it affects.

Music - True Universal Human Speech. - K. Yu. Weber

Nothing reminds so past as music; She not only reminds him, but causes him, and, like the shadows of those who are dear to us, it appears, shrouded with a mysterious and melancholic haze. - Anna Steel

Music one is a world language and does not need to be translated, for he says the soul. - B. Averbach

If a person does not humilize that he will understand in music? Confucius

Aristotle - no on earth of a living being as hard, steep, evil's hellishness, so as he could not, although one hour, one in it is music to accomplish the coup. Who does not wear music in yourself, who is cold to harmony adorable, he can be a traitor, a liar, robber, soul his movement dark, like a night, and, like Ereb, black his pleasant. Such a person do not trust.

There are no music in the world sweeter than the sound of your beloved voice. - J. Labryuer

The song is similar to a tender millet that, rising from the lake, bottled on a silent dol. - Osian

Music can not think, but she can embody the thought. - R. Wagner

K. Beber - every music goes from the heart and must reach the heart again.

Give me an account from the laundry, and I will put it on music. Joakkino Rossini

Longfello G. - Music Shuffling Sadness.

The only possible comment on the musical composition is another musical composition. Igor Stravinsky

A variety of melancholy, which torments me, you can't pass the word. Here you need music.

Perfect music leads the heart in exactly the same condition that you experience, enjoying the presence of your beloved creature, that is, the music gives, undoubtedly, the most striking happiness, which is possible on earth. Standal

Music is the highest art in the world. Lev Tolstoy

The area of \u200b\u200bmusic is spiritual unrest. The purpose of music is to excite these excitement, and she herself is also inspired by them. - Georges Sand.

B. Armen - When the music is crying, with her, everything is crying together, crying all nature.

Who does not play with the piano, does not play on it. - R. Schuman

Music - air poetry. - Jean Pol

Götte I. - Music - the acoustic composition, causing an appetite in us to life, as well-known pharmaceutical compositions cause appetite to food.

Music, like the rain, a drop behind the drop seeps in the heart and revives it. - Rolland R.

A. Bergson - Music - this revelation is higher than wisdom and philosophy.

Piano game - the movement of the fingers; Execution on the piano - the movement of the soul. We usually hear only the first. - A. Rubinstein

Klyuchevsky V. - And the one who we call for music for the lack of the best name will save us?

Shakespeare W. - The music of his melody brings us to the very edge of eternity and gives us the opportunity for a few minutes to comprehend her greatness.

Emerson W. - Music during lunch is an insult for cooks, and for violinist.

G. Hauptman - I would very regret, if my music only entertained my listeners: I sought them to do better.

Rock stars have always been the subject for adoration and imitation. It is impossible to just take and become a rock star. These people were always personalities who, thanks to their views on life and the worldview in general, became idols of millions.

In this issue: Exle Rose, Bob Marley, Keith Richards, Anthony Kiddis, Jimmy Handrix, Jimmy Page, Kurt Cobain, Frank Zapap, Tom York, Marilyn Manson, Dave Groz, Kate Flint, Lemmy, John Bon Jovi.

So what they think rock idols about the world, women, sex, alcohol, love, music, drugs and themselves - in our article:

"Quotes of great musicians. VOLUME I. "

Exce Rose - Guns`N`roses

"I'm not God. And if I were, then 3/4 of you would be girls, and the rest are pizza and beer. "

In original:
"I'm not God But If I Were God, ¾ of You Would be Girls, And The Rest Be Pizza and Beer."

Bob Marley

"Some people feel rain. Others simply wet. "

In original:
"Some People Feel The Rain. OTHERS JUST Get Wet. "

Kit Richards - The Rolling Stones

"I could never lie in bed with a woman only for sex. I am not interested in me. I want to hug you, and kiss you, and make you feel good, and protect you. And the next day get a cute note - be in touch "

In original:
"I've Never Been Able to Go to Bed with a Women Just for Sex. I'VE NO INTEREST IN THAT. I Want to Hug You and Kiss You and Make You Feel Good and Protect You. And Get A Nice Note The Next Day, Stay in Touch. "

P.P.S. By the way, Joni DEPP tried to imitate the gait and Maneru of Cate conversation in the image of Jack Sparrow. And then asked Richards to play the role of Jack's father in the Pirates of the Caribbean. Guitarist agreed.

Anthony Kidis - Red Hot Chilli Peppers

"It seems chaos in the world accelerates, but with him and beauty is in consciousness more and more people"

In original:

Jimmy Handrix

"When the power of love will surpass love for strength, the world will reign on earth"

Jimmy Page - Led Zeppelin

"Music is like making love. Sometimes I want gently and gently, and sometimes hard and rude. "

Kurt Cobain - Nirvana

"I love to complain and do nothing to improve the situation."

Frank Zapap

"Without deviation from the norm, progress is impossible"

P.S. Frank Zapap - American composer, singer, multi-processist, producer, songwriter, musician experimenter, and sound and film director. "A man who taught everyone to play guitar"

Tom York - Radiohead and Atoms for Peace

"I want to be alone and want people to notice me - both, and the other at the same time."

Marilyn Manson

"I found a big difference between the desire to die and the reluctance to live. When you want to die you at least have a goal. When you do not want to live you just empty "

For many centuries, the music lives in the hearts of people, makes us create, gives inspiration and helps to disclose new talents. Ingenious paintings and amazing poems written under the influence of music - no less than the stars in the sky.

For each of us, the music is a particle of the soul, something that is impossible to describe words. But there are those who found suitable letters and created statements, surprisingly clearly reflect the essence of music. Perhaps something from the thoughts of great minds coincides with your feelings and emotions?

Statements about the music of great composers

"Music is a folk need."
"Music - meditally between the life of the mind and the life of feelings."
"Music is a higher revelation than wisdom and philosophy."
"Music should carve fire from human hearts"(Ludwig van Beethoven).

"Music even in the most terrible dramatic positions should always captivate the rumor, always to remain music" (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart).

"True music is always revolutionary, she splits people, worrying them, calling forward.
This music is able to express only humane feelings, only advanced humane ideas.
Music accompanies man throughout life. Without music, it is difficult to imagine a person's life. Without sounds of music, she would be incomplete, dechah, poor ... People need all kinds of music - from a simple pit, they swirled to the sound of a huge symphony orchestra, from an imperious popular song to Beethoven Sonatas.
Love and explore the great art of music. It will open you a whole world of high feelings, passions, thoughts. It will make you spiritually richer. Thanks to the music you will find new unknown for your strength. You will see life in new colors and paints " (Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich).

"Music goal - touch hearts" (Johann Sebastian Bach).

"Music material, that is, a melody, harmony and rhythm, of course, inexhaustible.
Music is a treasury, in which any nationality contributes to the general benefit " (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky).

"Music has no fatherland; her fatherland is the whole Universe" (Freedigar Francishek Chopin).

"Music can not think, but she can embody the thought" (Richard Wagner Wagner).

"Music is the noblest, the very ideal, incentive, the most adorable, the finest of everything that the human spirit has invented.
Music as little needs words as sculpture " (Anton Grigorievich Rubinstein).

"Music is like drama. The queen (melody) enjoys the greatest in power, but the decision remains always for the king" (Robert Schuman).

Statements about the music of great philosophers

"Music inspires the whole world, supplies soul with wings, contributes to the flight of imagination"(Plato).

"Music reflects the morals.
Music is able to provide a well-known impact on the ethical side of the soul " (Aristotle).

"Without music life would be a mistake" (Friedrich Nietzsche).

"Music is the unconscious exercise of the soul in arithmetic" (Gotfried Wilhelm Leibniz) .

"Music encourages us to think eloquently.
Music shows a person those the possibility of greatness that is in his soul " (Ralph Waldo Emerson).

Statements about the music of great Russian writers

From the pleasures of the life of one love, music is inferior, but also love - melody "(Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin).

"Music is the highest art in the world."
"Music is the stenography of the senses."
"Music makes me forget my true position, she transfers me to some other, not its position" (Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy).

"Music is a mind embodied in beautiful sounds" (Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev).

"Do not believe that a person can understand the music at once. It is impossible. It is necessary to get used to it first.
Music is more connected with the moral actions of a person, rather than usually think "(Vladimir Fedorovich Odoyevsky).

"Sayings about the music of great foreign writers
Where music is bad can not be! " (Miguel de Servantes).

"Music - air poetry.
About music! Szvuk distant harmonious world! The sigh of an angel in our soul! " (Jean Paul Richter).

"Music is a thinking noise" (Viktor Marie Hugo).

"Music shuffling sadness" (William Shakespeare).

"The music for me is the same poetry and of all kinds of poetry deeper than all exciting.
Music is the road to us because it is the most deep expression of the soul, the harmonious echo of her joys and sorrow.
Music, like the rain, drop behind the drop, seeps into the heart and revives it " (Romen Rolland).

"Music is the only worldwide language, it is not necessary to translate, soul speaks with soul"(Bertold Auerbach).

"Music is a universal language of mankind" (Henry Worseworth Longfello).

"Perfect music leads a heart in exactly the same condition that you experience, enjoying the presence of your beloved creature, that is, music gives, undoubtedly, the most striking happiness, which is only possible on Earth" (Standal).

"The area of \u200b\u200bmusic is spiritual unrest. The purpose of music is to excite these excitement, and she herself is also inspired by them." (George Sand).

"Music is the language of the soul and a melody of gentle bins, oscillating the strings of feelings; it is thin fingers resurrecting on the pages of fantasy memories of the clock genuine grief and despair or about brief moments of true joy and fun" (Khalil Jebran).

"Nothing causes with such a power of past, like music; it reaches more: when she causes him, it seems as if it passes in front of us, shrouded, like the shadows of those who are dear to us, mysterious and sad cover" (Germen de Stelle).

"The music of his melody brings us to the very edge of eternity and gives us the opportunity for a few minutes to comprehend her greatness" (Thomas Carlel).

"Sayings about the music of other famous personalities
Music - True Universal Human Speech " (Karl Julius Weber).

"Music is a mighty source of thought. Without musical education it is impossible for a full mental development.
Music combines moral, emotional and aesthetic human spheres. Music is a language of feelings. " (Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky).

"Any art seeks to become music" (Walter Suoreysho Pater).

"Music - an acoustic composition that causing me appetite for life as well-known pharmaceutical compositions cause food appetite" (Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky).

"Music as well as every other human language should be inseparable with the people, with the soil of this people, with his historical development" (Vladimir Vasilyevich Stasov).

"Music is not only a factor of a refining, educational. Music - Health Healer"(Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev).

Of course, the music was mentioned much more beautiful. May be. We missed your favorite quotation or do you have something to say yourself? The team of music school "Virtuosos" is waiting for your own statements with trepidation, and will also be grateful for valuable additions on the topic "Great minds about music"!
Although ... "Talk about music is like dancing about architecture," said the American musician David Byrne.

Music - This is a mind embodied in beautiful sounds. (Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev)

Music - meditally between the life of the mind and the life of feelings. (Ludwig van Beethoven)

Music - The source of the joy of wise people. (Xun Tzu)

Music - This revelation is higher than wisdom and philosophy. (Ludwig Beethoven)

Music "The only world language, he doesn't need to translate, soul speaks with soul." (Bertold Averbach)

Music - Folk need. (Ludwig Beethoven)

The greatness of art is clearer everything is manifested in Music. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

When we perceive the ear rhythm and melody, we change soul mood. (Aristotle)

Music - This is a kind of art that embodies ideological and emotional content in sound artistic images.

Music - It is an art, the subject of which is the sound changing over time.

Music Just little needs words, like sculpture. (Anton Rubinstein)

Music is part of our life, some of each person. In one or another musical direction, he is looking for self-expression and strives for self-knowledge. Music helps fun to spend time, she can also immerse in meditation and helps to better know their inner world. We offer you an interesting selection of quotes, aphorisms and statements about music that will help understand how important music is in life.

Music is immortal. Who believes that listening to old songs is not fashionable, he does not only understand anything in music, he does not mean anything and in life. Music, which performers give from the soul - eternal. Proof of this is the work of legendary groups and performers. In 2004, Rolling Stone magazine published an article "Immortal: 50 of the greatest performers of all time." This list includes such legendary names as Beatles, Elvis Presley, Bob Marley, Nirvana, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Elton John, Queen, Tina Turner and others. As for the Russian stage, there is also their cornea here too. Among them Alla Pugacheva, Philip Kirkorov, Valery Leontyev, a group of gentle May, etc.

There are many musical styles and directions, but, love for music should always begin with the classics. Among the most famous composers who created ingenious works, it is worth named with such names as L. Beethoven, A. Mozart, I. Bach, I. Straus, P. Tchaikovsky, F. Schubert.

Music shuffling sadness (W. Shakespeare).

But sad music can only strengthen it.

Music - Universal language of mankind (Longfello).

We can listen to the music of other nations, while not needing to translate.

The greatness of art is more clearly manifested in music (Goethe).

Neither painting nor sculpture leaves so many memories as music.

Without music life would be a mistake (F. Nietzsche).

Maybe without music, and there would be no life - people would die of longing.

Talk about music - it's like dancing about architecture (D. Byrne).

Music need to listen, and there will be a soul about her.

Music is a mighty source of thought. Without musical education it is impossible for a full mental development (V. Sukhomlinsky).

Music upbringing should begin with birth.

Music can not think, but she can embody the thought (R. Wagner).

Music with thoughts is not necessarily music and words, sometimes the melody without words embodies much more thoughts than with them.


Music always plays for victory, even when she is sad. and sadness go hand in hand with music ...

Music is not a hobby for me, and not even a passion. Music is me myself.

In music, everyone is reflected.

Music is a natural soothing.

No sedative will calm down as music.

Music is a stenography of feelings.

Music reflects all feelings, emotions and achievements.

Music - air poetry.

The notes can be recorded on paper, and the music itself can turn only in the air and live in the hearts.

Live without music is how to breathe without air.

Who does not like music, he does not live.

Music is that for what it is worth having ears.

This is an art that does not comprehend the eyes.

Quotes of great people and musicians

Classical music is the basis of a civilized society. And a sign of a sophisticated mind (Henry Morgan).

Musical taste is primarily love for classics.

Music - meditally between the life of the mind and the life of feelings. Music is a higher revelation than wisdom and philosophy (L. Beethoven).

Philosophy for each own, and music is one for everyone.

Music - the best consolation for a saddled person (M. Luther).

Oddly enough, but when we feel bad, we turn on sad music, but it becomes more fun.

Music, like the rain, drop over the drop is seeping into the heart and revives it (R.Rollan).

Music is able to heal the wounds.

The purpose of the music is to touch the hearts (I. Bach).

And also penetrate the soul ...

Music is autonomous and makes forget about everything else (V. Mozart).

She leaves the mark in the shower that is not erased.

Music is not in notes, but in silence between them (V. Mozart).

About music and soul

Music is not Bach, and not Beethoven, but an canning knife for opening the soul.

No one and nothing can penetrate the soul as music.

Music browsing nations and nationality, destroys the language barrier.

Genius, opening the lid of the piano, henspone all the shrine!

And only insensitive and soulless remain indifferent to music.

Only the greatest art - music - can touch the soul depths.

Music not only Blood Blood, but also touches the soul for the living.

Music is the only worldwide language, it is not necessary to translate him, soul speaks with soul.

The literature is translated - the meaning is lost and the pristine entity is lost, and the music always retains its authenticity.

The music is washing away from the soul dust of everyday life.

Music heals and cleans a person.

Music one is a world language and does not need to be translated, for he says the soul.

The soul is able to understand music without any translators.

About rock music

When Tsoi died, everyone became rockers. Michaljackson died - pops. Be healthy, Elton John!

Musicians die, music remains forever alive.

Rock is the ability to make freedom to peace, into the mind of people.

Want to feel freedom - go to the rock concert.

Rock is a movement, it is a story, it's true and freedom, it is a force capable of moving the mountains and combine common efforts. In Rock there is no place for hypocrisy, showing, parodies, lies. Rock is not just music. Rock music is life.

Listening to rock, I want to live and create, and not sit and inactive.

Rock should be heavy enough for guys and cute enough for girls. Thus, everyone will be happy, and it will be much more fun.