How did Christian Bale lose? Careful change in the weight of Christian Baila for the sake of roles (11 photos).

How did Christian Bale lose? Careful change in the weight of Christian Baila for the sake of roles (11 photos).
How did Christian Bale lose? Careful change in the weight of Christian Baila for the sake of roles (11 photos).

American criminal tragicomedy shot by director David O. Russell / David O. Russell.

Main roles in the film " American scam"/" American Hustle "Played Christian Bale / Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper / Bradley Cooper, Amy Adams / Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner / Jeremy Renner, Jennifer Lawrence / Jennifer Lawrence. The film also starred Robert de Niro / Robert de Niro.

Movie script wrote Eric Warren Singer / Eric Warren Singer, then David O. Russell rewrote it. The plot is based on real story FBI special operations in the late 1970s - early 1980s.

The picture received seven nominations for the Golden Globe Prize.

Scam Film Team American
  • Director: David O. Russell.
  • Actors: Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper, Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner, Jennifer Lawrence, Robert De Niro, Alessandro Nivola.
Scene of the movie Scam American

In 1978, a small businessman and fraudster Irving Rosenfeld (Christian Bale) met at the Sydney Stripper Party (Amy Adams). Irving began to change his unbalanced Rosalin wife (Jennifer Lawrence), but he did not want to divorce with her, as he was afraid to lose his son Danny.

Irving develops a scheme of next fraud and gives Sidney for the British aristocrat of Edith Greensley to attract investors. However, the victim of the Irving fraud becomes Richie Dimazo (Bradley Cooper). He catches Irving and Sydney and offers a deal to them: he will release them if they help catch other fraudsters. Richie convinces Sydney that Irving will remain with Rosalin to cause her sympathy.

With the help of his friend, depicting Arab Sheikh, Irving is coming in contact with the carmine polito (Jeremy Renner) - the new mayor of Camden, allowed gambling In Atlantic City. Richie comes up with an operation and requests Torsen Torsen from his boss ( Louis S.K. / Louis C.K.) Two million dollars on its implementation. He refuses, but Richie is able to receive money for his kick and support the head of Torsen Anthony Amado (Alessandro Nivola / Alessandro Nivola).

Meanwhile, Irving acquainted with polito personally and penetrates sympathy. However, at the party, he records how Mafiosi Victor Kealthy (Robert de Niro) offers political bribe for providing American citizenship Sheikh, who allegedly going to invest money in his new casino in Atlantic City.

Torsen refuses to give Richie more money. Irving begins to worry that Teedjio will find him and revenge when he finds out about fraud. Rosalin changes her husband with a subwoofer Keellia Pit and tells the lover about his relationship with the FBI. Telligio requires Irving to prove that Sheikh is real.

Interesting facts about the movie Scam American

Scenario Erica Warren Singer He entered the top ten "black list of unshielded scenarios" 2010.

After receiving the offer to make a movie, David O. Russell rewrote the script, making the heroes closer to their prototypes.

Christian Bale said that during filming, actors had to be constantly improvised, as the director was more interested in the heroes than the plot.

Filming " American scam»Began in March and ended in May 2013. The film was filmed in Boston and New York. The shooting had to be suspended when the terrorist attack occurred during the Boston Marathon.

The budget of the film "Scam Indian" amounted to 40 million dollars.

The nomination for the film received Christian Bale, Amy Adams., Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, as well as David O. Rassell - For the director and script. The picture was put forward on a premium in the nomination " Best comedy or musical. Jennifer Lawrence Received a nomination for a premium of the guild of film actors as the best actress of the second plan. At the International Film Festival in Palm Springs film received a reward for the best acting ensemble.

On January 30, British actor Christian Bale was born. He is one of the most prominent actors of modernity, and thanks to not only the talent, but also its extreme recovery with which he is taken over each role. One of the evidence of this is its transformation for the film - in particular, weight transformation. Perhaps, few actors overcome such fluctuations in weight as Christian Bale.

(Only 12 photos)

1. News sellers (1992)

Seventeen-year-old Christian appeared in the familiar image in the musical news sellers. His hero with a handkerchief on her neck so professionally sang and danced that Bale was nominated for the "Young Actor" award.

2. Velvet Golden Core (1998)

One of the most subtle and elegant transformations in Kristian's career. This film about Glam-Rock shows an artist as an absolutely adult person. A man who sometimes uses shadows, but at the same time commits courageous acts.

3. American Psychopath (2000)

For the role of the maniac and the killer Bail had to dial a little muscular mass. To create such sculptural forms, he spent four months, engaged in gym three hours six times a week.

4. Machinist (2004)

For the Trevor role of Reznik in the film "Machinist", Bale dropped 28.5 kg. This is one of the most famous roles. The actor had to get rid of its athletic forms and reset 26 kg in just four months. His diet consisted of water, coffee and one apple a day. For the role in this film, Christian Bale received a reward as the best actor in the Catalan Film Festival in Sitges.

5. Batman: Start (2005)

Before the actor, the task of gaining weight in a short period in order to portray the uncomplicated Batman in all its glory. Bale switched to a highly carbonate diet and returned to three-hour training. Scored 27 kg before the film and 18 kg during filming. The MTV Award was noted as the "best hero."

6. Saving Dawn (2006)

Already being a professional in the field of weight control, Bale easily dropped 24 kg for the role of the hero, who is forced to endure deprivation to survive. Stunning makeup depicting the last stage of soda, made his image extremely realistic.

7. Terminator: May Savior comes (2009)

New loop in American slides change weight. To successfully fight the uprising of cars, the film was required by an actor who has a sufficient volume of muscles. Bale again went to the gym.

8. Fighter (2010)

In order to play a cocaine-dependent former boxer, Bail had to be intensively engaged in cardiac creatures to throw the weight and reliably depict the addict. For this role, he received the Oscar Award, the Golden Globe, as well as the US Cinema Actors Guild award in the nomination "The best men's role of the second plan" and was generally critics.

9. The Dark Knight: Revival Legends (2012)

Christian Baila's body can change as much as you like, unlike Batman, which should look unchanged athletic and muscular. It is for the role in the third part of the trilogy of Bale again grown muscles.

10. From Pekla (2013)

Goodbye, muscles, welcome, bones. The actor once again it was necessary to significantly reset the weight for the role of the tortured and drunk work plant.

11. American American Scam (2013)

For the sake of role in the criminal tragicomedy "Afraire of American", where he fulfilled the role of a fraudster of the Irving Rosenfeld, Bale had launched on the wrong food, mainly to Cheeseburgers, and scored 20 kg. For this role, Christian was nominated for the Oscar Award, on the Golden Globe Prize, as well as the British Academy of Cinema and Television Arts BAFTA in the nomination "Best Male Role".

12. Exodus (2014)

Since, in fact, no one knows exactly what weight was at Moses, Christian Bale just returned to his usual weight and standardly slender will appear in Ridley Scott film.

Among the modern actors Christian Bale is one of the most talented. The art of actor is largely assessed by its ability to reincarnate, and Bale in this matter is a real master.

We admire self-dedication and wonderful roles, for whom Christian Bale literally turns into his hero, who has nothing to do with him. Similar transformations in different films are particularly visual, when Bale significantly changes its weight.

Below are several examples of changes in weight, in Toron reduction and increase that few of the actors committed so often and so critically like Christian Bale.

Wikipedia Help: Christian Charles Philip Bale - British film actor from Wales, who received American citizenship in 2010. Laureate of the Golden Globe and Oscar premiums in the nomination "The best men's role of the second plan" for the film "Fighter".

News sellers (1992)

Seventeen-year-old Christian appeared in the familiar image in the musical news sellers. His hero with a handkerchief on her neck so professionally sang and danced that Bale was nominated for the "Young Actor" award.

Velvet golden lived (1998)

One of the most subtle and elegant transformations in Kristian's career. This film about Glam-Rock shows an artist as an absolutely adult person. A man who sometimes uses shadows, but at the same time commits courageous acts.

American Psychopath (2000)

For the role of the maniac and the killer Bail had to dial a little muscle mass. He spent four months on the creation of such sculptural forms, engaged in the gym for three hours six times a week.

Machinist (2004)

For the Trevor role of Reznik in the film "Machinist", Bale dropped 28.5 kg. This is one of the most famous roles. The actor had to get rid of its athletic forms and reset 26 kg in just four months. His diet consisted of water, coffee and one apple a day. For the role in this film, Christian Bale received a reward as the best actor in the Catalan Film Festival in Sitges.

Batman: Start (2005)

Before the actor, the task of gaining weight in a short period in order to portray the uncomplicated Batman in all its glory. Bale switched to a highly carbonate diet and returned to three-hour training. Scored 27 kg before the film and 18 kg during filming. The MTV Award was noted as the "best hero."

Christian Bale is one of the favorite, popular and highly paid Hollywood actors. Long list of remembering bright roles, indisputable highest level Acting, which is confirmed, among other things, the Oscar obtained for the role of the second plan in the film. But there is another circumstance that Cristiana Baila stands. This is what kind of self-sacrifice he goes for roles - not only in morally, Burning to the role, but also in physical, then gaining weight, but dropping it to completely unreal limits. In this article, we will try to trace the entire path of the actor Christian Bale and see reincarnation of his image and incredible transformation of his body.

Let's start with the fact that for the first time on TV Christian Bale appeared back in 1986, at the age of 12. And the first of his noticeable role was already in 1987, in the film that you can remember from childhood (or remember the book Astrid Lindgren, on which he is removed) - "Mio, My Mio." The film was filmed in Sweden, Scotland and in the Crimea with the joint participation of the Soviet, Swedish and Norwegian studios. Vladimir Grammar spoke by the director, and acting It was international - in addition to Christian Bale, Christopher Lee was also shot there. Such participation of the Union in the production of the film was the reason for which he was popular in the USSR, as well as the reason why you can remember it. But why do you probably do not remember Baila there, it's because he played not main role (Mio / Boss), and the role of his friend (YUM-Yum / Benka). Here's what a very young Bale looked like:

Christian Bale is a little older - 17 years old, singing and dancing in the Music Musicle "newsmen" (Newsies) (in the center of the frame):

Easy, thin young man - Christian Bale is quite familiar to us.

And now in 2000. When all the most interesting from the point of view of the transformation of the body of the actor began. American Psycho (American Psycho).

Six times a week at three o'clock in the gym for four months. 81 kilograms (I had to significantly gain weight compared to the previous "slender" youthful roles) and an impressive terrain terrain.

For filming in the "power of fire" (Reign of Fire) in 2002, Christian Bale scored two more kilograms (83 kg) and began to look more courageously.

Usually in Hollywood, if the actor reaches a good relief, he tries not to lose its position - it is very convenient for filming in the role of athletic brutal supermen in the militants and macho lovers in the light comedies and love dramas. But, as you understand, this is not the case of Christian Bale. However, as it turned out later, it is absolutely not a problem in the form for the actor. And in any.

This is most convincing proved 2004 - the film "Machinist" (The Machinist). After the perfect muscle relief and weight of 81 kilograms, Baleh, as a result of the cruel diet (water, coffee and one apple a day), drops 26 kilograms for four months and reaches a 55 kilogram. Not every girl weighs less, but at the same time the growth of the actor is 183 centimeters.

Changes were split and even frightening. In addition, so low weight for an adult man makes a problem in terms of health - there is a risk of serious complications with heart and vessels (up to death). But the task of acting was performed - Christian fully passed the image of a person, exhausted by a long insomnia.

One of the most memorable roles of Bale and one of the most incredible transformations of his body.

Already next year (2005), Bale had to play Batman in "Batman: the beginning" (Batman Begins) - for this you needed to regain the superman's body. For the actor, it was already covered with a three-hour training session + carbohydrate diet, and before the shooting actor scored 26 kilograms, and during filming five more.

With persuasive combat image of Batman there were no problems.

If Bale gained weight, then it will soon have to do that? Right, reset. For a "saving dawn" (Rescue Dawn) in 2006, Christian dropped twenty-five kilograms, so that the way it looked naturally and the grimers had less work.

It is curious that in the same film Christian is shown with normal weight:

The difference is striking. The same trick was both in the "engine", and it also looked impressive.

Again in the Batman's costume (2008) for the "Dark Knight" ( The Dark. Knight), again plus 25 kilograms, training and serious relief is not a problem.

In 2010, Bale played the role for which Oscar was received - Dicky Eklund, former boxer in film . It was necessary to depict a drug addict, and therefore physical exhaustion was a completely necessary factor. Already familiar mechanics, the actor dropped twenty kilograms (up to 66 kg of weight), and, as we see, criticism this noted (however, as the audience, most important).

Since the output of the third part of Batman, no one was going to cancel, then for the "revival of the legend" (The Dark Knight Rises) again had to build muscles (2012) ...

... And for "from the baked" (Out of the Furnace) in 2013 had to reset them again and return to the form approximate to the skeleton.

Moscow, 5 Feb - RIA Novosti. Bradley Cooper presented in Moscow on Wednesday Nominated on the Oscar film David O. Russell "Afraina American". At a press conference dedicated to the exposition of the picture in Russian rental, the actor spoke about improvisation on the set, hair twist, and also about the stomach of his partner in the court of Christian Bale, who had to recover almost 20 kilograms.

"I hoped that the entire film crew would be able to come to Moscow, but, unfortunately, you only have me," Cooper journalists welcomed.

The plot of the criminal comedy "A-American Scam" is partially based on real events - a secret government operation, during which several congressmen were detained on charges of corruption. A pair of fraudsters (Christian Bale and Amy Adams) are caught with political and, in order not to please go to prison, agree on a deal with the Richie Di Mass Agent (Bradley Cooper Plays), which intends to implement in their criminal network and thus expose unclean On the hand of politicians and mafia bosses. According to Cooper, this is the story of people who do not fail to change their lives, this is a story about the art of survival. "

© Sony / Columbia (2013) Frame from the movie "Afrai American"

© Sony / Columbia (2013)

The actor admitted that he most often asked about the hairstyle of Richie, which appears on the screen with curls, and told that at first it was about using a wig. But, having experienced several options, Cooper decided that, like her character, hair would be curling. The film takes place in the 70s, so the heroes here wear not only unusual hairstyles, but also bulluminous jackets, cervical scarves and shiny dresses with deep neckline.

"The characters of the film does not have self-irony, they do not realize how funny looks. In particular, Richie Di Masso, he behaves like a 12-year-old boy who dreams of becoming a man and who does not work in any way. He curls hair, imitating black players in Baseball, he tries to dress not like everything goes to the club "Studio 54," said Cooper.

If the cooper for working on the role learned to use the curiosity, then the header of the main character - the Irving Rosenfeld fraudster - Christian Bale had to not only get a false lodge, but also recover by 18 kilograms.

"Let's talk about the belly of Christian in this film. The belly is the first thing that appears on the screen, and the point here in the transformation - both Bale itself, and his character who, and this is also shown in the film, sticks artificial hair and dress up onto Lisin As an Englishman, although we know that he is from the Bronx, "Cooper shared with journalists.

According to him, Bale studied the biography of Melvina Wainberg, who served as a prototype for the image of Irving, and David O. Russell allowed him to add some characteristic external features to the image.

"Afraire American" became a record holder in the number of nominations for the Oscar Prize this year - the film was marked by the Academy in 10 categories, and Bradley Cooper reaffections for the second year in a row best actorThis time - for the role of the second plan. Answering the question whether he is waiting for this award, the actor honestly admitted that he does not think about a statuette for himself, but it really hopes how the producer of the film is that the "scam" will still be recognized by the Film Academy best picture of the year.

In addition, the gold statuette can also receive David O. Russell, and both as a director, and as a screenwriter. Bradley Cooper, who works with David O. Russell over the second film in a row (last year the picture "My boyfriend") did not hide, did not hide that I was happy to work with this director again, and shared with journalists some details of the shooting process.

"It cannot be said that we improvised, we had a scenario, but David O. Russell wrote him in the course of action - he stood next to the camera and composed the dialogues for the heroes, which at this moment were in the frame," the actor said.

The guild of the US film actors noted the Ribe "Afrai American"The guild of the US film actors called on Saturday evening the acting tape "Scam American" the best in 2013. The criminal tragicomedy of the director David O. Russell about the real operation of the FBI on the fight against corruption in the 70-80 years of the last century has won grand Prize Sag.

Answering the question of how the places for filming were chosen, Cooper said that the actors and the director did not interfere with the shooting that on the very first day had to go to the apartment in Boston, which in the film becomes Richie. The dining table was moved to the kitchen, and so the idea was born that the coper hero eats sitting in the bathroom, as the mother and the unloved bride do not endure.

"Africa in American" can be viewed in Russian cinemas already on February 13. As for the creative plans of Bradley Cooper, then the actor did not hide that in currently Preparing for the role in the picture of the clint Istuda "American Sniper", the shooting of which can begin already in March, and in the summer of him and Jennifer Lawrence can be seen in the film Susanna Bir "Serena".