Cossack is who? The history of the Cossacks. Cossack troops in the territory of the Russian Empire (11 photos)

Cossack is who? The history of the Cossacks. Cossack troops in the territory of the Russian Empire (11 photos)
Cossack is who? The history of the Cossacks. Cossack troops in the territory of the Russian Empire (11 photos)

Cossacks are not some special nationality, these are the same Russian people, however, with their historical roots and traditions.

The word "Cossack" of Turkic origin and in a figurative sense means "free man." In Russia, the Cossacks called free people living on the outskirts of the state. As a rule, in the past it was a runaway serf peasants, chores and urban poor.

Leave the spaces of people forced their dysfunction, poverty, serfs. These fugitives were called "walking" people. The government, with the help of special detectives, was trying to search for those who went into run, punish them and waters on the old place of residence. However, mass shoots were not stopped, and gradually on the outskirts of Russia there were whole free areas with their Cossack control. The first settlements of the axial fugitives were formed on Don, Yaika and Zaporizhia. The government eventually had to accept the existence of a special estate - the Cossacks - and try to put it on their service.

Most of all the "walking" people went to the driving don, where the indigenous Cossacks began to settle from the XV century. There were no mantles, no mandatory service, no governor. Cossacks had their own electoral management. They were divided by hundreds and dozens who were led by the centuries and the foreman. To solve social issues, the Cossacks were going to gatherings, which were called "circles". At the head of this free class, Ataman, who had an assistant, was chosen by the circle, who had a circle. Cossacks recognized the power of the Moscow government, were considered consistent with him in the service, but did not differ in great devotion and often participated in peasant uprisings.

In the XVI century, there were already many Cossack settlements, whose inhabitants in accordance with the geographical principle were called the Cossacks: Zaporizhzhi, Donskim, Yaitsky, Grade, Teres, etc.

In the XVIII century, the government transformed the Cossacks in a closed military estate, which was obliged to carry military service in the general system of the Armed Forces of the Russian Empire. First of all, the Cossacks had to guard the borders of the country - where they lived. In order for the Cossacks to retain loyalty to autocracy, the government endowed the Cossacks with special benefits and privileges. Cossacks were proud of their position, they had their own customs and traditions that were transmitted from generation to generation. They considered themselves the special people, and the inhabitants of the remaining regions of Russia were called "non-residents". So it lasted until 1917.

The Soviet authorities ended up with the privileges of the Cossacks and eliminated the separated Cossack region. Many of the Cossacks subjected to repression. The state did everything to destroy the traditions of the traditions. But it could not completely forget about their past. Currently, the traditions of Russian Cossacks are reborn.

The definition of the Cossack

Cossacks are an ethnic, social and historical group who united Russian, Ukrainians, Kalmykov, Buryat, Bashkir, Tatars, Evenkov, Ossetian, etc.

Cossacks - (from Turk.: Cossack, Cossack - delets, free person) - Military estate in Russia.

Cossacks (Kozaki) is a sub-ethnic group of the Russian people living in the southern steppes of Eastern Europe, in particular, Russia and Kazakhstan, and earlier - and Ukraine.

In a broad sense, the word "Cossack" meant a person belonging to the Cossack class and a state in which there was a population of several local areas of Russia, which had special rights and obligations. In a narrower sense of the Cossacks, part of the Armed Forces of the Russian Empire, mainly cavalry and horse artillery, and the very word "Cossack" means the lower rank of Cossack troops.

External general characteristics of the Cossacks

Comparing the symptoms designed separately, we can note the following features that are characteristic of Don Cossacks. Straight or slightly wavy hair, a thick beard, a straight nose with a horizontal base, a wide eye cut, a large mouth, blonde or dark hair, gray, blue or mixed (with green) eyes, relatively high growth, weak sub-abacitalia, or mesotacephalia, relatively wide face. Taking advantage of the last signs, we can compare the Don Cossacks with other Russian peoples, and they, apparently, are more or less common for the Cossack population of Don and other Veligual groups, allowing, with a wider comparison scale, to attribute Don Cossacks to one prevailing Don Cossacks In the Russian plain, anthropological type characterized in general the same differences.

Character of Cossacks

The Cossack cannot consider himself to be a Cossack, if he does not know and does not comply with the traditions and customs of the Cossacks. During the years of the Liphethey and the destruction of the Cossacks, pretty weathered and distorted under the influence of these concepts. Even our old men who are already born in Soviet times are not always correctly interpreted by unwritten Cossack laws.

Ruthless to enemies, the Cossacks in their environment were always complacent, generous and hospitable. At the heart of the nature of the Cossack was some kind of duality: then he was cheerful, joking, funny, then unusually sadness, silent, unavailable. On the one hand, this is explained by the fact that the Cossacks, looking constantly in the eyes of death, tried not to miss the joy dropped on their share. On the other hand, they are philosophers and poets in the soul - often reflected on the eternal, about the bustling of things and the inevitable outcome of this life. Therefore, the foundation in the formation of moral and moral mains of Cossack societies amounted to 10 Christ commandments. Earing children to comply with the commandments of the Lord, the parents on the people of their perception passed: do not kill, do not steal, do not worry, work on the conscience, do not envy the other and for goodbye offenders, take care of their children and parents, most valuable chastity and female honor, help the poor , do not be offended orphans and widows, protect from the enemies Fatherland. But first of all, the Orthodox faith believes: go to church, observe posts, clean your soul - through repentance from sins, pray to the whole God to Jesus Christ and added: if something can be possible, then we can not - we are Cossacks.

The origin of the Cossacks

There are many theories of the emergence of the Cossacks:

1. Eastern hypothesis.

According to V. Shambarova, L. Gumileva, and others. Historians, Cossacks arose by the merger of Kasov and Porodnikov after the Mongol-Tatar invasion.

Kastogi (Kaja, Kaucha) - the ancient Circassian people, who settled the territory of Lower Kuban in the X-XIV centuries.

Podpnikov - the people of Turkic-Slavic origin, formed in the lower reaches of Don in the XII century (then the border area of \u200b\u200bKievan Rus.

The time of the emergence of the Don Cossacks is still there is no single point of view among historians. So N. S. Korsikov and V.N. Korolev believe that "In addition to the widespread point of view about the origin of the Cossacks from Russians of runaway and industrialists, there are hypotheses and other points of view. According to R. G. Skrynnikov, for example, the initial Cossack communities, consisted of the Tatars, to which the Russian elements were joined. L. N. Gumilyov offered to lead the Don Cossacks from the Khazar, who, mixed with the Slavs, made apricots that were not only the predecessors of the Cossacks, but also direct ancestors. More experts led to the fact that the origins of the Don Cossacks should be seen in the ancient Slavic population, which, according to the archaeological discoveries of the last decades, existed on the Don in the VIII-XV centuries. "

Mongols looked loyally to the preservation of their religions, including people entering their military units. There was also a Saraisian-panion bishoprosis, which allowed the Cossacks to preserve their identification.

After split the Golden Horde, the remaining and on its territory Cossacks retained the military organization, but at the same time were in full independence and from the fragments of the former Empire - the Nogai Horde and the Crimean Khanate; And from the Moscow state that appeared in Russia.

In Polish chronicles, the first mention of the Cossacks refers to 1493, when the Cherkasy Voivode Bogdan Fedorovich Glinsky, on the nickname "Mamai", forming the border Cossack squads to Cherkassy, \u200b\u200bcaptured the Turkish fortress of Ochakov.

The French ethnographer Arnold Van Gennepe in the book "Traite Des Nationalites" (1923) expressed the idea that the Cossacks should be considered separate from the Ukrainians, since the Cossacks are probably not at all the Slavs, but by-primed and Christianized Turks.

2. Slavic hypothesis

In other points of view, the Cossacks were initially immigrants from Slavs. So the Ukrainian politician and historian V. M. Litvin in his triple "History of Ukraine" expressed the opinion that the first Ukrainian Cossacks were Slavs.

According to his research, the sources talk about the existence of the Cossacks in the Crimea at the end of the XIII century. In the first mentions, the Turkic word "Cossack" meant "guard" or vice versa - "Robber". Also - "Free person", "Exile", "Adventurer", "Broadcasting", "Defender of the Sky". This word often indicated free, "drawing" people who were arranged with a weapon. In particular, according to the Staror Russian episodes, relating to the time of the board of Vladimir the Great, the Bogatyr Ilya Muromets is called "old Kozak". It is in this meaning that it consolidated for the Cossacks

The first memories of such Cossacks are dated 1489. During the campaign of the Polish king of Yana Albrecht to the Tatars, the Cossacks of Christians indicated the road to Tatars. In the same year, the detachments of Atamanov Vasily Vasily, Bogdan and the Barshusa attacked the Tavaban crossing in the lower house of the Dnieper and, breaking the Tatar guard, robbed merchants. Subsequently, Chan's complaints on Cossack attacks become regular. According to Litvin, considering how usual this designation is used in the documents of the time, it can be considered that the Cossacks-Rusichi were known not one decade, at least from the middle of the XV century. Considering that the testimony of the phenomenon of the Ukrainian Cossacks was localized in the territory of the so-called "wild field", it is possible that Ukrainian Cossacks borrowed their neighbors from the Turkic-speaking (mainly Tatar) environment, but also a lot of other words, an appearance, organization and tactics, mentality . Litvin V. believes that the Tatar element occupies a certain place in the ethnic composition of the Cossacks.

Cossacks in history

Representatives of various peoples participated in the formation of the Cossacks, but the Slavs prevailed. From an ethnographic point of view, the first Cossacks were divided at the place of occurrence of the Ukrainian and Russians. Among both those and others can be distinguished by free and serving Cossacks. Russian servant Cossacks (city, regimental and guard) were used to protect die-cast damns and cities, receiving salary and land for lifelong possession. Although they were equated with "to serve people on the instrument" (Sagittarius, Pushkari), but unlike them had a podal organization and a wired military system. In this form, they existed until the beginning of the 18th century. The first community of Russian free Cossacks arose on Don, and then on the rivers YiK, Terek and Volga. Unlike the serving Cossacks, the centers of the free Cossacks have become the coast of large rivers (Dnipro, Don, Yaika, Terek) and steppe spaces, which imposed a noticeable imprint to the Cossacks and determined their life-lifestyle.

Each major territorial community as the form of the military-political association of independent Cossack settlements was called the army. The main economic occupation of free Cossacks was hunting, fishing, animal husbandry. For example, in the Don Troy until the beginning of the 18th century, the breadthup was forbidden under the fear of the death penalty. As the Cossacks themselves believed, they lived "with herbs and water."

War played a great importance in the life of the Cossack communities: they were in conditions of permanent military confrontation with hostile and militant nomadic neighbors, so one of the most important sources of existence was military prey (as a result of hiking "Zipunov and Yassey" in Crimea, Turkey, Persia , in the Caucasus). River and marine trips on the stops, as well as horse raids. Often, several Cossack units united and made joint land and maritime operations, all captured became a common property - Duvan.

The main feature of the Public Cossack Life was a military organization with a elective management system and democratic order. The main decisions (issues of war and the world, the election of officials, the court of guessed) were taken on the general meeting of meetings, stanic and military circles, or glads that were the highest governments. The main executive authorities belonged annually to the removable military (Koshoy in Zaporizhia) ataman. At the time of hostilities was elected campaign ataman, the subordinate to which was unquestioned.

Diplomatic relations with the Russian state were supported by sending winter and light villages to Moscow (embassies) with the appointed Ataman. Since the exit of the Cossacks, the historical arena of his relationship with Russia was distinguished by duality. Initially, they were built on the principle of independent states that had one enemy. Moscow and Cossack troops were allies. The Russian state acted as the chief partner and played a leading role as the strongest side. In addition, Cossack troops were interested in obtaining monetary and military assistance from the Russian king. Cossack territories carried out the important role of buffer in the southern and eastern borders of the Russian state, covered it from the raids of steppe hordes. Cossacks also participated in many wars on the side of Russia against neighboring states. For the successful implementation of these important functions in the practice of Moscow kings, the annual parcels of the individual troops of gifts, monetary salary, weapons and combat seals, as well as bread, as the Cossacks did not produce it. All the intercourse between the Cossacks and the king was conducted through the Embassy Order, that is, as with a foreign state. Often, Russian authorities were beneficial to represent free Cossack communities as absolutely independent from Moscow. On the other hand, the Moscow state was displeased with the Cossack communities that constantly attacked Turkish ownership, which was often contracted with Russian foreign policy interests.

Often, the cooling periods occurred between allies, and Russia has stopped all assistance to the Cossacks. Moscow discontent caused the constant care of subjects in the Cossack region. Democratic orders (all equal, nor authorities, no taxes) have become a magnet that attracted all new enterprising and bold people from Russian lands.

Russia's concerns were not bothering - during the 17-18 centuries, the Cossacks went in the forefront of powerful anti-government speeches in the forefront, the leaders of the Cossack and peasant uprisings came out of his ranks - Stepan Razin, Kondrati Bulavin, Emelyan Pugachev. Great was the role of the Cossacks during the events of the vague time at the beginning of the 17th century. Having supported Falseedmitria I, they accounted for a significant part of its military units. Later, the Russian and Ukrainian Cossacks, as well as Russian servant Cossacks, took an active part in the mill of various forces: in 1611 they participated in the first militia, in the second militia, nobles were prevailed, but at the Cathedral of 1613, it was the word of Cossack Atamans that was decisive when the election of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanova.

In the XVI century, with King Stefan Data, the Cossacks were formed in the regiments of the Commonwealth for the border guard service and as an auxiliary army in wars with Turkey and Sweden. These Cossack detachments received the name of the registry Cossacks. As an easy cavalry, they were widely used in the wars, which led the compulciety. Among the registry Cossacks also distinguished the shell Cossacks, which occupied the niche of the middle cavalry - the lighter of the winged hussar, but heavier than the usual registrant Cossack troops.

Cossack communities ("troops", "hordes") began to form on the territory of the Moscow kingdom of the XVI and XVII centuries. From the composition of the guard and ground services, which protected the border areas from the ruinous raids of the Horde of Crimean Tatars and Nogaev. However, the oldest of all Cossack formations according to the official version, Zaporizhzhya Sch is considered, founded in the second half of the XVI century on the territory of the current Ukraine, which was then part of the Polish state. After a long period of nominal dependence on the compulculation speech, it was part of the Russian Empire in the middle of the XVII century, and Catherine II was destroyed in the XVIII century. Part of the Zaporozhtsev left for the Danube, to the territory belonging to the then Turkey, and founded the Sannaya Schish, the part retained the Cossack status, but was resettled to Kuban, as a result of which the Kuban Cossack army arose.

In the Moscow State of the XVI and XVII centuries, the Cossacks were part of the guard and ground services, protected border areas from the ruins of Crimean Tatars and Nogaev. The central administration of the city Cossacks was first the Streletsky order, and then the discharge order. Siberian Cossacks conducted a Siberian order, Zaporozhye and Little Russian Cossacks - Malorosiysk order.

Don Cossacks swore Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in 1671, and since 1721, the army was subordinated to the St. Petersburg Military Collegium. By the end of the reign of Peter the Great Following the Don and Yaitsky Cossacks, the remaining Cossack communities were transferred to the department of the military panel. The internal device was transformed, the hierarchy of government authorities was introduced. The subordination of the Cossacks authorities among 85 thousand people, the government used them to colonize newly conquered lands and the protection of state borders, mainly southern and eastern.

In the first half of the XVIII century, new Cossack troops were created: Orenburg, Astrakhan, Volzhskoye. At the end of the XVIII century, Ekaterinoslavian and Black Sea Cossack troops are created.

Over time, the Cossack population has moved forward to uninhabited lands, expanding the state limits. Cossack troops took an active part in the development of the North Caucasus, Siberia (Ermak Expedition), the Far East and America. In 1645, the Siberian Cossack Vasily Poyarkov flew over the Amuru, reached the Okhotsk Sea, opened North Sakhalin and returned to Yakutsk.

The ambiguous role that the Cossacks played in troubled times, forced the government in the 17th century to pursue a sharp reduction in the detachments of serving Cossacks on the main territory of the state. But in general, the Russian throne, given the most important functions of the Cossacks as military force in the border areas, showed long-suffering and sought to subordinate his power. To consolidate the loyalty to the Russian throne, the kings, using all the levers, managed to achieve the end of the 17th century, the adoption of the oath by all the troops (the last army of Donskoy - in 1671). From voluntary allies of the Cossacks turned into Russian subjects.

With the inclusion of southeastern territories, the Cossacks remained only a special part of the Russian population, gradually losing many of their democratic rights and conquests. Since the 18th century, the state has constantly regulated the life of the Cossack regions, modernized the traditional Cossack management structures in the desired channel, turning them into part of the administrative system of the Russian Empire.

Since 1721, Cossack parts were carried out in the authority of the Cossack Expedition of the Military Collegium. In the same year, Peter I abolished the election of military attacks and introduced the Institute of Associated Atamans appointed by the Supreme Power. The recent balances of the independence of the Cossacks lost after the defeat of Pugachevsky Bunth in 1775, when Catherine II eliminated Zaporizhia Sch. In 1798, by decree of Paul I, all Cossack officers were equated to the Ochetarmesky, and their owners received the rights to the nobility. In 1802, the first position was developed for the Cossack troops. Since 1827, the heir to the throne began to be appointed by all Cossack troops. In 1838, the first convoy charter was approved for the Cossack units, and in 1857 the Cossacks were transferred to management (from 1867 the main management of irregular (from 1879 - Cossack) of the military ministry, since 1910 - to the subordination of the Main Staff.

Since the XIX century until the October Revolution, the Cossacks mainly performed the role of defenders of Russian statehood and support of the royal power.

At the beginning of the 20th century, three Cossack shelf was part of the Russian guard. Cossack Life Guard Regiment was formed in 1798. The regiment distinguished himself in battles near Austerlitz and Borodino, hiking to Paris in 1813-1814 and for the Danube in 1828. Life Guard Ataman Regiment was formed as part of Don Troops in 1775; In 1859 he became Guards; It was considered exemplary among the Cossack regiments. The consolidated-Cossack Life Guard regiment was formed in 1906, its composition was included in one hundred from the Ural and Orenburg Cossack troops, on the semolot from the Siberian and Transbaikalsky and the suspension from the Astrakhan, Semirechensky, Amur and Ussuri Cossack troops. In addition, its own imperial majesty formed from the Cossacks.

During the Civil War, most Cossacks opposed Soviet power. Cossack areas have supported white motion. The largest anti-Bolshevik armed formations of Cossacks were the Don Army in the south of Russia, the Orenburg and Ural Army - in the East. At the same time, part of the Cossacks served in the Red Army. After the revolution, the Cossack troops were disbanded.

During the Civil War, the Casual population was subjected to mass repression in the process, according to the wording of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of January 24, 1919, a merciless mass terror in relation to the versals of the Cossacks "By the magnitude of their extermination", and the Cossacks, "those who took any direct or indirect participation in The fight against the Soviet government ", initiated by the Central Committee of the Central Committee in the person of his chairman Ya. M. Sverdlova.

In 1936, restrictions on the Cossack service in the RKKK detachments were removed. This solution has received great support in the Cossack circles, in particular, the following letter published in the Red Star newspaper dated April 24, 1936 was sent to the Soviet Government, published in the Soviet Government.

"Let our Marshals of Voroshilov and Budyannouanted, we switched to the protection of our Motherland ... Cossacks in good body, the sharp Kolkhoz Cossacks are ready to fight the Soviet Motherland ..."

In accordance with the order of the Commissar of Defense K. E. Voroshilov No. 67 of April 23, 1936, some cavalry divisions received the status of Cossack. On May 15, 1936, the 10th territorial Cavalry North Caucasian division was renamed the 10th Terco-Stavropol Territorial Cossack Division, the 12th territorial Kavdivia, located in Kuban was renamed the 12th Kuban territorial Cossack Division, 4th Cavalry Leningrad Knevencious Division named after Comrade Voroshilov was renamed the 4th Don Cossacks of the K. E. Voroshilov, the 6th Cavalry Chong Karnencious Name of Comrade Budennye was renamed the 6th Kubano-Terk Cossack of the Red Banner Division. S. M. Budenny, the 13th Don Territorial Cossack Division was also formed on Don. Kuban Cossacks were served as part of the 72nd Cavalry Division, the 9th Plastic Rifle Division, the 17th Cossack Cavalry Corps (later renamed the 4th Guards Kuban Cavalry Corps), Orenburg Cossacks served in the 11th (89th) , then the 8th Guards Rivne Order of Lenin, the Order of Suvorov Cossack Cavalry Division and the militia Cossack Division in Chelyabinsk.

Cossacks who previously served in the White Army were sometimes included in the detachments (such as, for example, K. I. Help). A special act was restored by wearing a previously prohibited Cossack form. Cossack parts commanded N. Ya. Kirichenko, A. G. Selivanov, I. A. Pliev, S. I. Gorshkov, M. F. Maleev, V. S. Headskaya, F. V. Kamkov, I. V. Tutarins , Ya. S. Scharaburko, I. P. Kalyuzhny, P. Ya. Strepukhov, M. I. Surzhikov and others. Also, Marshal K. K. Rokossovsky can also be attributed to such commanders, which was commanded by the Kuban Brigade in battles at the CER. In 1934, in 1936, a parade form for the Cossack units was approved. In this form, the Cossacks in the Victory Parade on June 24, 1945, the first parade in the RKKA with the participation of the Cossack Parts was to pass on May 1, 1936. However, due to various reasons, participation in the Military parade of the Cossacks was canceled. Only on May 1, 1937, the Cossack units as part of the Red Army were a military parade in Red Square.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the Cossack parts, both regular, as part of the Red Army, and volunteer, took an active part in combat actions against the German-fascist invaders. On August 2, 1942 near the village of Kushchevsky 17th Cavalry Corps General N. Ya. Kirichenko, as part of the 12th and 13th Kuban, 15th and 116th Don Cossack divisions, stopped the offensive of the major forces of the Wehrmacht, moving away from Rostov to Krasnodar . In the Kushchev attack Cossacks, up to 1,800 soldiers and officers were destroyed, 300 people were captured, 18 guns and 25 mortars were captured.

At the Don Cossack Sota from the village of Berezovskaya under the command of the 52-year-old Cossack, Senior Lieutenant K. I. Invalubova, in a fight under Kuschevsky on August 2, 1942, in a hand-to-hand fight, more than 200 soldiers of the Wehrmacht destroyed, of which 70 were destroyed by K. I. Nevalubovyov The title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

In most cases, the newly formed Cossack parts, the volunteer Cossack hundreds were poorly armed, in the detachments, as a rule, the Cossacks with cold weapons and collective farm horses came. Artillery, tanks, anti-tank and anti-aircraft drugs, units of communication and sappers in the detachments, as a rule, were absent, in connection with which the detachments carried huge losses. For example, as mentioned in the leaflets of the Kuban Cossacks, "they jumped from the saddles on the armor of tanks, they closed the observed gaps with burks and sinels, set fire to the cars with bottles with an incendiary mixture." Also, a large number of Cossacks were poured by volunteers to the national part of the North Caucasus. Such parts were created in the fall of 1941 following the example of the experience of the First World War. These cavalry parts among the people were also called "wild divisions." For example, in the autumn of 1941, 255 separate Chechen-Ingush cavalry regiment was formed in Grozny. Its composition had several hundred Cossack volunteers from among the people from the Sunzhen and Tereg villas. The regiment was fought near Stalingrad in August 1942, where in two days of battles, on August 4-5, the station (driving) of Chilekovo (from Kotelnikovo to Stalingrad) lost in battles against parts of the 4th tank army of the Wehrmacht 302 fighters led by Commissioner Shelf, Art. Politruk M. D. Madaev. Russian-Cossacks among the dead and missing this regiment in these two days - 57 people. Also, the Cossacks-volunteers fought in all national cavalry divisions from the remaining republics of the North Caucasus.

Since 1943, the Cossack Cavalry Divisions and Tank Parts has occurred, and therefore the equestrian-mechanized groups were formed. The horses were used to a greater extent to the organization of rapid movement, the Cossacks were involved in the battle as infantry. Flawan divisions were also formed from Kuban and Terek Cossacks. From among the Cossacks, 262 cavalrymen received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, 7 Cavkorpusov and 17 Kavdivisia received guards ranks.

In addition to the Cossack parts of recreated under Stalin, there were many Cossacks among well-known people during the Second World Wars, who were not fought in the "branded" Cossack cavalry or plastic units, but in the entire Soviet army or distinguished themselves in military production. For example: Tank AC No. 1, Hero of the Soviet Union D. F. Lavrinenko - Kuban Cossack, a native of the village of fearless; Lieutenant-General of Engineering Forces, Hero of the Soviet Union D. M. Carbyshev - Generic Ural Cossack-Kryashen, a native of Omsk; Commander of the Northern Fleet Admiral A. A. Golovko - Terksky Cossack, the native of the village of Cool; Designer-gunsmith F. V. Tokarev - Don Cossack, a native of the village of the Egorilyk region Troops of the Donsky; Commander of the Bryansky and 2nd Baltic front, Army General, Hero of the Soviet Union M. M. Popov - Don Cossack, a native of the village of Ust-Medvytsky region Donskoy Troops, etc.

Cossacks took an active part in the suppression of the Warsaw uprising in August 1944.

Cossack troops

By the beginning of the First World War existed eleven Cossack troops:

1. Don Cossack army, seniority - 1570 (Rostov, Volgograd, Kalmykia, Lugansk, Donetsk);

2. Orenburg Cossack Army, 1574 (Orenburg, Chelyabinsk, Kurganskaya in Russia, Kustanai in Kazakhstan);

3. TERSK CACHIR COICE, 1577 (Stavropol, Kabardino-Balkaria, S. Ossetia, Chechnya, Dagestan);

4. Siberian Cossack Army, 1582 (Omsk, Kurgan, Altai Territory, North Kazakhstan, Akmolinskaya, Kokchetav, Pavlodar, Semipalatinskaya, East Kazakhstan);

5. Ural Cossack Army, 1591 (up to 1775 - Yaitskoe) (Ural, former Guryevskaya in Kazakhstan, Orenburg (Ileksky, Tashlinsky, Pervomaysky districts) in Russia;

6. Trans-Baikal Cossack Army, 1655 (Chita, Buryatia);

7. Kuban Cossack Army, 1696 (Krasnodar, Adygea, Stavropol, Karachay-Cherkessia);

8. Astrakhan Cossack army, 1750 (Astrakhan, Volgograd, Saratov);

9. Semirechensk Cossack Army, 1852 (Almaty, Chimkentskaya);

10. Amur Cossack Army, 1855 (Amurskaya, Khabarovsky);

11. Ussuri Cossack Army, 1865 (Primorsky, Khabarovsky);

During the collapse of the Russian Empire and the Civil War, several Cossack state entities were proclaimed:

· Kuban People's Republic;

· Don Cossack Republic;

· The TERSKA Cossacks Republic;

· Ural Cossack Republic

· Siberian-Semirechensky Cossack Republic;

· Transbaikal Cossack Republic;

In addition to differences in the form between various Cossack troops, there were also differences in the color of uniforms, a sharovar and a lamp masses with harshes of caps:

1. Amur Cossacks - Dark green uniforms, yellow lamps, green pursuit, dry-green powder with yellow shame;

2. Astrakhan Cossacks - blue uniforms, yellow lamps, pursuit Yellow, shrinking blue with yellow shame;

3. Volga Cossacks - blue uniforms, red lamps, a red pursuit with a red edge, a cap blue with red shake;

4. Don Cossacks - blue uniforms, red lamps, pursuit of blue with red edging, blue powder with red shakes;

5. Yenisei Cossacks - protective color uniform, red lamps, pursuit of red, sticking of protective color with red shaker;

6. Transbaikal Cossacks - Dark green uniforms, yellow lamps, pursuit of yellow, powdered dry-green hair with yellow shakes;

7. Kuban Cossacks - black or so-called lilac cherkestam with gazery, black harees with raspberry alone, papa or Kubanka (at the plastuna) with raspberry riding, raspberry straps and scam. The same at the Terek Cossacks, only the colors of light blue;

8. Orenburg Cossacks - Dark-green uniforms (Chekken), Sharovari gray-blue, light blue lamps, pursuit of light blue, Tula Fughams Dark green with light blue edge and shaker;

9. Siberian Cossacks - protective color uniform, scarlet lamps, scams scarlet, forage of protective color with scarlet shakes;

10. Theory Cossacks - Black Uniform, Light Blue Cant, Pulley Blue Blue, Frame Black with Light Blue Solly;

11. Ural Cossacks - blue uniforms, raspberry lamps, raspberry pursuit, blue cap with raspberry shame;

12. Ussuri Cossacks - Dark green uniforms, yellow lamps, pursuit Yellow with green Crate, dry-green powder with yellow shakes;

Cossacks Cossacks

ethnic cable groups as part of Russian and some other nations. The total number of about 5 million people in Russia. Russian language distributed bilingualism. Believers - Orthodox, there are representatives of other denominations. See also Cossacks.


Cossacks, ethnic group, mainly as part of the Russian people. The number in the Russian Federation is 140 thousand people (2002), the number of descendants of the Cossacks is estimated at 5 million people. In the Turkic languages \u200b\u200b"Cossack" - a free person, so the nomadic peoples called people torn away from their social environment, for various reasons who did not want to carry a cargo of community and family duties. Bulking relationships with the reason, the Cossacks went to the border areas of the settlement of their people, were shot down in groups, lived at the expense of hunting and crafts, as well as robberized plates on the land of neighboring peoples. Cossacks willingly took part in the wars, constituting the advanced, light-block part of the nomadic troops.
After the Mongol-Tatar invasion, the Cossacks appeared in the Border Guard of Russia and the Golden Horde. Their ranks began to be intensively replenished by people from East Slavic lands, and in a relatively short time, the Slavic ethnic component of the Cossacks became the predominant. But even before the Mongol-Tatar invasion, the people from Russia appeared in the steppe, constituting the generality of the type of Cossacks (sponsors); Strongly blister and part of nomads settled in Russian borders (black hoods).
The term "Cossacks" in Russia is known from the 14th century. Initially, the instability of their organization is characterized by the Cossacks, frequent habitats. In general, in the 14th and 15th centuries, Cossacks called free people, soldiers united in "Vatagi" or "Shayki", which lived in the southern and eastern borders of Russia, the Lithuanian principality, Polish state. At the same time, the Cossacks are opposed to the orders, they are characterized by Christian religion. By 1444, an entry in Russian chronicles on the Cossacks of the southern regions of the Ryazan Principality. In the southern Kiev region and the eastern Podolia Cossacks appeared in the second half of the 15th century. Russian princes tried to attract Cossacks to their service. In 1502, "City Cossacks" were mentioned for the first time, which for the border security service received land and money salary from Prince. From this time you can talk about the estate of the Cossacks (cm. Cossacks)In parallel, two of its groups are developing - serve Cossacks and free Cossacks. The line between seruners and free Cossacks was easily overcome. Often, the serviced Cossacks were "to draw in the field", and the free services came to the "Sovereign Service".
In the 16th century, the communities of the Don, Grade, Teresk, Yaik and Volzhsky Cossacks were formed. Their number grew rapidly due to the faded population from different social groups, especially during periods of internal political crises, wars, hunger. After the reforms of Patriarch Nikon, the flow of Raskolnikov to the outskirts of Russia, including the Cossack outskirts, was intensified.
The ethnic core of the Cossacks was the Eastern Slavic population from different regions of Russia and Ukraine. In social terms among the Cossacks, the former landlords prevailed, thus delivered from the serfdom. From the second half of the 16th century, Russian Government and Commonwealth of Commonwealth attracted free Cossacks to protect borders, participation in wars. In Ukraine, the registered Cossacks were formed, receiving a remuneration for the service. The royal salary in the 17-18th centuries became one of the main sources of the existence of the Cossacks. In the 17th century, the formation of the Cossack troops has completed the formation of the Cossack troops as relative to independent military-political education associated with the center of contractual relations. Cossack community combined the functions of a social, military and economic organization.
Significant contribution to the Cossacks in the development of attached lands in Siberia, Kazakhstan, in the Caucasus and the Far East. The main sources of the acquisition of new Cossack troops in the 18-19 centuries were rural migrants from the center of Russia, serviced Cossacks from other troops, retired soldiers. In 1733, the Volga army was created. Many of the new Cossack troops were disbanded, and the Cossacks were translated into other troops. The process of the formation of the Cossacks into a special military service was completed in the 19th century. The state has passed on the "Eternal use" of the Cossack troops of the Earth, which they occupied, freed the Cossacks from the recruitance and paying state filings. Cossacks enjoyed the rights of duty-free trade by some goods, irrelated fish, salted. The main duty of the Cossacks was the military service to which they were on their horse, with full weapons and outfit (except for firearms). Since the beginning of the 18th century, the Military Service of Cossacks has practically turned into regular. Service life in the 18th century - 25-35 years, in the 19th century - 20 years, from the Ural Cossacks - 22 years. In addition to military service, the protection of borders, the Cossacks carried road and postal, repair (often at the expense of the military treasury) of the Means, conducted the survey of land, population census, tax collection.
In the 18th century, the Cossacks were attracted to suppress the peasant uprisings, performances of the Mining workers of the Urals. In the 19th century, security features were assigned to the Cossacks, including the suppression of folk performances against self-adjusting in the center and on the outskirts. Cossacks participated in almost all wars of the 18th - early 20th centuries.
On the eve of the 1917 revolution, there were 11 Cossack troops - Amur, Astrakhan, Donskoy, Transbaikalskoye, Kuban, Orenburg, Semirechensk, Siberian, Teresk, Ural and Ussuriyskoye. The population in the regions of the Cossack troops as of January 1, 1913 - 9 million people, of which the military unit - 4.165 million, the share of the military population in different troops ranged from 97.2% in Amur until 19.6% in Terek army. Cossacks spoke in Russian, there were showli - Don, Ural, Orenburg. The speech of the Kuban Cossacks (descendants of the Zaporozhtsev) who had aburchased by Ukrainians was originally. Among the Cossacks in the 19th century, bilingualism was widespread, especially in the Don, Ural, Teresk, Orenburg, Siberian troops. For a long time, the ownership of the Tatar language was considered from the Cossacks a sign of good tone. The believers of the Cossacks in the overwhelming majority were Orthodox, the Old Believers constituted a significant part in the Urals, Siberian, Don Troops; Other denominations were also presented.
In ethnically, different groups of the Cossacks were not identical. Similarity was determined by the generality of origin, social status and household text; Local originality - specific historical, geographical and ethnic factors. As part of most Cossack troops dominated Russians. Among the Cossacks were representatives of the peoples of the Caucasus, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Siberia and the Far East (Kalmyks, Noga, Tatars, Kumyki, Chechens, Armenians, Bashkirs, Mordva, Turkmen, Buryats). In a number of troops, they formed individual groups that retained ethnic identity, language, beliefs, traditional culture and life. The participation of non-Russian peoples in the ethnocultural processes of the formation of the Cossacks imposed a fingerprint on many parties of life and culture.
In the early period of the existence of Cossack communities on Don, Terek, Volga and Yaik, the leading occupation was the breeding of livestock, the restless character had fisheries, hunting and Bortniche. Until the end of the 18th century, there was a ban on agriculture exercise. But since the beginning of the 19th century, agriculture is usually in all Cossack regions. In the Don, Urals, Astrakhan, Orenburg and Siberian troops, the sealing system of pools was dominated for a long time, three-poly crop rotation appeared later and did not have widespread. Main agricultural crops in the Don Troy: Wheat, Oats, Millet, Barley; in Orenburg - rye, spring wheat, millet; In Kubansky - winter wheat, buckwheat, millet, peas, lentils, beans, flax, hemp, mustard, sunflower, tobacco. Arable guns - Plow, Sabah, for loosening the soil used a ferry with wooden and iron teeth, harrows; Cleared bread with sulfur, braids (litolois). When wrapped, stone and wooden rollers were used, threatened grain with animals - chasing bulls and horses on cunning dismoccations. In rich farms from the end of the 19th century, cleaning machines were used, often the Cossacks in the folder rented or bought agricultural equipment.
The animal husbandry had a commodity in the Don, Ural and Siberian troops, from the late 19th century - in the Kuban and Togo troops. Leading sectors in Kuban and Terek were horse breeding and sheep. In the Cossack farms, Don kept the cattle (horses and bulls), cows, sheep, bird and pigs. In the Urals forces - horses, camels (in south), cows, sheep, bird and pigs (in the north). In Kuban troops, a cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and a bird were bred. At the end of the 19th century, a commodity acquired beekeeping. Fishing was commercial in Don, Ural, Astrakhan, partly in Kuban, Teresk and Siberian troops. Fisheries tools in most troops were similar: Fishing rods, Bedni, rewar. In the Urals, there were special tools of Lov (Yarga - bag from the network). The fisheries system in most troops (Donskoy, Terek, Astrakhan and Urals) was based on a natural course of fish from the sea into the river and back. The originals were distinguished in the Urals, strictly regulated, which had community in most cases. Fish of sturgeon and particle breeds in fresh, dried, smoked and dried, caviar were the subject of export in the Urals, Don and Siberian troops. From other crafts, salmon, the collection of wild plants, is released down the dwarfs (Orenburg army), home cloth and felt, the billet of the Kyzyak and Hunting. The realcy was of great importance in the Urals, Orenburg, Siberian and Amur Forces.
For settlements, the Cossacks were chosen favorable place in strategic attitude: steep banks of rivers, elevated areas protected by ravines and swamps. The villages were surrounded by a deep moat and an earthen shaft. Often there were cases of changing the place of settlement.
In 18-19 centuries, the nature of the development and layout of the military Cossack settlements, the distance between them was regulated by special government orders. The main types of such settlements were Stitsa, Fortresses, Forps, Recanits and Pickets (small watchdogs). The construction of fortification facilities (fortress walls, shafts and regions) was intensified during periods of exacerbation of military political relations between Russia and Caucasian, Central Asian states. After "climbing" disappeared and strengthening around the settlements, their layout changed. The farm, wintering, cochetic and evicted, in which the Cossacks contained livestock were purely economic importance, in which the Cossacks contained. A sharp increase in the number and sizes of farms in the Don, Teresk, the Ural troops was caused by the transition to agriculture in the 18th - early 19th centuries. Many of them have become permanent settlements whose residents were not only the Cossacks, but also hired non-resident workers.
The average sizes of the Cossack centers were far exceeded the sizes of the peasant villages. Initially, the Cossack settlements had a circular development that had facilitated defense at an unexpected attack of the enemy. In the 18-19th centuries, the planning of Cossack villages and outposts was regulated by the Government and the local military authorities: the street-quarterly layout and division on the quarters were introduced, inside which the Cossacks were distinguished by the estate, the facade line was strictly observed.
In the center of the Cossack Stanitsa was the church, Stanic or Tax Board, schools, shopping shops. Most of the Cossack settlements were located along the rivers, sometimes stretching 15-20 km. The outskirts of the villages had their names, their inhabitants sometimes differed in ethnic or social sign. The houses of nonresident were found both among the Cossack estates and in some distance from them.
Cossack estates were usually covered with deaf high fences with tightly closed gates, which emphasized the closure of the Cossack life. Often, the house was placed in the depths of the yard or turn to the street with a deaf side. The earliest dwellings of the Cossacks are dugouts, semi-winds and shala. In the residential buildings of the 18th and 19th centuries in Kuban, traits inherent in Ukrainian and South Russian dwelling were dominated; Ural Cossacks have a lot of similarities with the Russian residential area of \u200b\u200bthe central districts; Orenburg and Siberian Cossacks intertwined the traditions of the North and the South of Russia. The material for construction in different regions served a tree, stone, clay, reed, in a row of areas of the Terrain Forest called. Household buildings (bases, sheds, glaciers, canopies, fences for livestock) most often constructed from local building materials. In the Cossack estate, a summer kitchen was always built, in which the family moved to the warm season.
The most common type of house in the 19th - early 20th century was two- and three-chamber houses. The inner plan of the hut is presented by different options, most often the Russian oven was in the rear corner - to the left or right of the entrance, the mouth is addressed to the side long wall (in Orenburg troops also to the front wall of the house). Diagonally from the furnace - the front corner with the table. In the second half of the 19th century, the size of the residential area of \u200b\u200bthe house is increased, the kitchen and a bedroom are highlighted. In Donskoy, Kuban, Teresk, Astrakhan and Urals, multi-room homes ("round", that is, square) spread; Often with an iron roof and a wooden floor, two entrances - from the street and from the courtyard. Rich Cossacks built brick houses in the villages (single and two-story), with balconies, galleries and large glazed verandas. The walls of the Cossack Huts were decorated with weapons and horse babies, paintings with the image of military plots, family portraits, portraits of Cossack Atamans and members of the royal family. Under the influence of the mountain peoples, the Terek Cossacks in the houses of the shops were covered with carpets, the bed was removed in the foot in a prominent place.
For traditional clothing, the use of purchased fabrics is characterized by the use of purchased fabrics from the middle of the 19th century. In the second half of the 19th century, urban clothing has almost completely supplanted a traditional costume. Everywhere the dissemination received a jacket, trousers, vest, coat, in women - skirts with a shirt, dress. In the Cossack environment of the late 19th - early 20th century, hats (scarves, shawls, jams), shoes (shoes and shoes) and decorating factory production were popular with popularity. The Cossacks for military uniforms were special. The shape and forage stored as family relics. The form has kept a number of elements of the traditional male suit (Beshmet, Cherkess, Chekmen, Bark). Separate components of the form were distributed as casual wear: piano, gymnaster, halifa, dad. In the Cossack men's costume, the influence of other peoples is traced. The traditional costume of the Trench, Kuban and Don Cossacks, Burk, Basholyk, Cherkesska, Beshmet, borrowed almost unchanged among the peoples of the Caucasus were entered. The Ural Cossacks in the 18th - the first half of the 19th century wore a bathrobe, Chekken, Besht and Malahai, soft boots - Ichigi, which are similar to Crow's boots at Tatars, Bashkir, Nogai. The most common type of shoes were boots. Winter wore boots. The lapties were almost no existed (at the end of the 19th century are known as mortal shoes).
The main complex of women's clothing at the end of the 19th century was everywhere, a skirt with a shirt. In the 18th and first half of the 19th century, the Don Cossack Dress (Cubell), Sarafan, Sarafan, Sarafan, were distributed from the Don Cossacks. At the end of the 19th century, Sarafan is rare, mainly as a festive and ritual ritual clothing. The traditional women's shirt had tunic-like cut (at the Don Cossacks), the shoulder inserts from the Urals, Orenburg and Siberian Cossacks. Since the second half of the 19th century, a unbreakable shirt spread, as well as a shirt on the coquette (with Talek). Sleeves from the Don Rubach strongly expanded the book at the expense of Plumbing Wedges; Collar, sleeves, chest and hem of shirts were decorated with bright red woven patterns. The feature of the Ural shirt was lush, colorful sleeves, decorated with a galoon, embroidery gold or silver thread. Skirts with sweepers sewed from the cloth of one (couple) or different colors. The skirt and sweaters were decorated with ribbons, lace, cord, glass. Sundars had a different cut. The Orenburg and Siberian Cossacks - direct and kosoclinic, in Urals are predominantly kosoclin. The sundress was subjected, decorated with ribbons from Galun, lace, embroidery.
In the 18th century, in the upper women's clothing, it was dominated by a swinging cut, at the end of the 19th century straight, with side wedges. Winter clothes - fur coat, Tulup, casing, coat. In the Don, Kuban and Togo troops were popular "Don fur coats" - bell-shaped with deep smell and long narrow sleeves. They were sewed on fox, squirrel and hare fur, covered with cloth, wool, silk, shtof, atlas. Less wealthy Cossacks wore sheepskin coats. Cotton coats (plins, clips) and sweaters (dwellers, chododas) wore everywhere in the cold season.
In the 18th and first half of the 19th century, a female headdress was distinguished by a variety. Don Cossacks wore a complicated headdress from the horns, Soroki, Nanic and Purchase; On top of it put on a handkerchief. The ancient headdress of the Ural Cossack consisted of kichk, Kokoshnik (Soroki), on top of which he was told. The slip is a headdress in the form of a small round hats, put on the hair knot, wearing the Kuban and Don Cossacks. The disappearance of ancient hats in the second half of the 19th century is associated with the influence of the city. The girl's headdress: most often the tape decorated with beaded subname, pearls, beads, embroidery, was observed around his head. Old Believers' clothing was distinguished by the conservatism, the predominance of dark tones, the preservation of the archaic parts of Croy and wearing methods. After the 1917 revolution, traditional clothing was maintained as part of casual wear (gymnaster, nodel, dad) predominantly in old men. An old Cossack costume was found as a festive (wedding) or scenic clothing.
The basis of the Cossack nutrition was agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries, vegetable growing and gardening. Among the methods of cooking and eating food, the traditions of Russians were dominated, the influence of Ukrainian cuisine was strong. In techniques for processing, storage and conservation of food products there are many borrowing among the peoples of the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Volga region, Siberia and the Far East (freezing of meat, fish, dumplings, milk, drying of cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits and berries). Everywhere the most common bread made of sour dough on yeast or sourdough. Bread was baked in a Russian oven (on the jam or in forms), baked cakes, pies, changs, boots, pancakes, pancakes from sour dough. The Ural Cossacks in the bread, designed on the road, baked eggs. Festive and casual dish were pies with filling from fish, meat, vegetables, croup, fruit, berries.
From fresh dough baked pellets (copper), Bursa, koloboki, knuckles, makans, nuts, rosants (twig). They prepared them in a Russian oven or fry in oil. The pellets were often prepared in a frying pan without fat, similar to the traditions of bread maker at nomadic peoples. Bills and pretzels prepared from sour custard test. Flour dishes, brewed in boiling water, - Zatiruha, Jurhma, Balamyk, Salamat made up the basis of a lean diet, they were prepared during fishing fishery, on the road, on a hay. Galyushki, dumplings, noodles, dumplings were included in the number of dishes of the daily and festive table. From the flour, they also cooked Kulagu (the flour was brewed with fruit decoction), kissel for remembered and lean meal. Circular played a large role in the nutrition; Porridge on water and milk, vegetables (pumpkin and carrots) added in them. On the basis of Kash prepared swrennels (from millet and rice), with the addition of eggs and oil. "Porridge with fish" was known from the Ural, Don, Teresk and Astrakhan Cossacks.
The basis for the preparation of many dishes was acidic milk. Dried cheese (cool) was distributed in many troops. Kuban Cossacks made cheese according to the traditions of Adyghesky cooking. Caimac was added to many dishes - fused in the Russian Furnace. Remcheuk, Sarsu - Acid milk dishes borrowed from nomadic peoples, existed from the Urals, Astrakhan, Don Cossacks. The milk was also made by Varenets, ripples, sour cream, cottage cheese.
Fish dishes - the base of the power of the Don, Ural, Astrakhan, Siberian, Amur, partly Kuban Cossacks. Fish was cooked (ear, scherb), fried (ferry), languid in the oven. Fish fillet prepared the cutlets and a dormant - a dish, well-known at the pomps. On the festive table served pies with fish, fuel and stuffed fish. From caviar of the particle fish did a cutlery and meatballs. The fish was dried, smoked, ridiculously (Balyk). The first meals were prepared from meat (borsch, soup, noodles, chowder, soup), second dishes (roast with vegetables, ferry, fires), filling for pies.
The most popular vegetable dish of the Kuban, Don and Terek Cossacks was soup with meat, from the Urals - soup from meat, cabbage, potatoes and cereals. Carrot, pumpkin, stewed cabbage, fried potatoes entered the casual diet. Kuban and Terek Cossacks prepared dishes from eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, according to the traditions of Caucasian cuisine. Also, as well as Turkmen, the Ural Cossacks did drikhushki from melon, only after bating on the sun they tomil them in a Russian oven. Vegetable dishes with kvass (okroshka, radish rubbing) were popular with the Siberian, Transbaikal, Orenburg, Ural and Don Cossacks. Bakhchy cultures - watermelons, melons and pumpkins dominated the food of many troops in the summer. Watermelons and melon shed. The flesh of the watermelon was filled with salted tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage. A widespread dish of watermelon and melon molasses in the Don, Astrakhan, the Ural Cossacks was Bekmes. Teresk and Kuban Cossacks added spicy feels from herbs into dishes. Wild fruit (Turn, cherry, currant, allycha, apples, pears, nuts, rosehips) were used everywhere. The Teress and Kuban Cossacks cooked Mamalygu from corn, batted her in a Russian oven, druck out. From beans, peas and beans boiled porridges and liquid dishes. Cherryukhi was widely used by Trans-Baikal Cossacks, gingerbread baked (Curnsus), made a filling for pies.
Cossacks saw kvass, compote (Uzvar), sour milk, diluted with water, sow from honey, buzz from a licorice root. Crumpled drinks were served to a festive table: Braga, Kisushka, Chihir (young grape wine), Moonshine (Gorilka). Among the Cossacks, tea was very popular. It penetrated into everyday life in the second half of the 19th century. All festive, often daily meals ended with tea. Transbaikaltsi drank tea with "bark" from milk, oil and eggs, adding wheat flour and hemp seed into it. Old Believers observed the ban on the use of tea, brewing wild herbs and roots.
For the Cossacks, a large unrequited family was characterized. At the Don, Ural, Teresk, Kuban Cossacks, there were three-four-focal families whose number reached 25-30 people. Along with the big, small families, consisting of parents and unmarried children, were known. The estate of the Cossacks in the 19th century limited the circle of marriage connections. Marriages with nonresident and representatives of local peoples were rare even at the beginning of the 20th century. However, traces of marital unions with non-Russian peoples in the early period of the existence of the Cossack communities are traced in the anthropological type of Don, Teresk, Ural and Astrakhan Cossacks.
The head of the family (grandfather, father or older brother) was a fatal owner: distributed and controlled the work of its members, all incomes were fling to it. A similar position in the family occupied the mother in the absence of a host. The originality of the family text of the Cossacks was the relative freedom of women Cossacks compared with the peasant. Youth in the family also enjoyed great rights than the peasants.
The long-term coexistence of the Cossack agricultural, commercial and military community determined many parties of public life and spiritual life. Customs of collective labor and mutual assistance were manifested in the union of working cattle and inventory for the period of urgent agricultural works, fishing instruments and vehicles during Putin, joint graasing of livestock, voluntary gratuitous assistance during the construction of the house. For the Cossacks are characterized by traditions of joint leisure activities: public meals after the end of agricultural or commercial works, wires and meetings of the Cossacks from the service. Almost all holidays were accompanied by competitions in cutting, shooting, Djigitovka. The characteristic feature of many of them was "gurbious" games, staged military battles or the Cossacks "Volnitsa". Games and competitions were often held at the initiative of the military administration, especially equestrian competitions. Among the Don Cossacks, there was a custom "walk with the banner" on Maslenitsa, when the chosen "Vatazhnaya Ataman" went by the banner of the houses of the stands, taking treatments from them. On the bars of the boy "dedicated to the Cossacks": they put on him a saber and put on a horse. Guests brought a newborn (on a teeth) of arrows, cartridges, rifle and hang them on the wall.
The most significant religious holidays were the Christmas of Christ and Easter. Widely marked the throne holidays. The common holiday was considered the day of the saint - the patron of troops. The agrarian calendar holidays (shints, Maslenitsa) accounted for an important part of all festive rituals, they reflected traces of pre-Christian beliefs. In festive ritual games, the influence of contacts with Turkic peoples can be traced. Ural Cossacks at 19 in. The festive fun included entertainment known in the Turkic peoples: without the help of the hands from the bottom of the boiler with a flour chowder (Balamyk), it was necessary to get a coin.
The originality of the household population of the Cossacks led the character of oral creativity. The most common folk genre of the Cossacks were songs. A wide life of the song was promoted by a joint life in campaigns and at the charges, the implementation of settlement works to all the "world". The military authorities encouraged the passion for the Cossacks singing, creating a choir, organizing the collection of vintage songs and the publication of text collections with notes. Music literacy was trained by schoolchildren in bed schools, the basis of the song repertoire was vintage historical and heroic songs. The ritual songs accompanied the holidays of the calendar and family cycle, popularly loved and comic songs. Significant distribution received historical legends, epics, toponymic stories.

In the ancient times on our land, the state did not come into contact with their borders as it is now. There were gigantic spaces between them, on which no one lived - it was or impossible due to the lack of conditions for life (there is no water, land for sowing, it is impossible to hunt if little game), or is simply dangerous because of the raids of steppes-nomads. It is in such places that the Cossacks originated - on the outskirts of Russian principalities, on the border with the Great Stepha. In such places, people were gathered who were not afraid of a sudden walkway steppes, who miserable and survive, and fight without any assistance.

The first mentions about the Cossack detachments are also related to Kievan Rus, for example, Ilya Muromets were "the old Cossack". Mentioning about the participation of the Cossack squads in the Kulikov battle under the team of the Voivdron Dmitry Bobrot. By the end of the XIV century, two large territories were formed in the lower reaches of Don and the Dnieper, on which many Cossack settlements were created and their participation in the wars, who led Ivan Grozny. Cossacks distinguished themselves with the conquest of Kazan and Astrakhan Khanni and in the Livonian War. The first Russian charter of the Stanic Watchman was compiled by Boyarian M. I. Vorotnsky in 1571. On him, Static (guard) Cossacks or Stannikniki, the city (regimental) Cossacks were protected by the city. In 1612, together with the Nizhny Novgorod militia, the Don Cossacks freed Moscow and expelled the Poles from the Russian Earth. For all these merits, the Russian kings approved for the Cossacks the right to own a quiet Don forever.

The Ukrainian Cossacks at the time were divided into the register in service from Poland and the lower, which created Zaporizhia. As a result of political and religious pressure on the part of the speech, the Ukrainian Cossacks have become the basis of the liberation movement, raised a number of uprisings, the last of which, led by Bogdan Khmelnitsky, had reached its goal - Ukraine was reunited with the Russian kingdom of Pereyaslav Rada in January 1654. For Russia, the agreement led to the acquisition of part of the lands of Western Russia, which justified the title of Russian kings, - the Sovereign of All Russia. Moskovskaya Rus became a collector of lands with the Slavic Orthodox population.

And Dnipro, and the Don Cossacks at the time were at the front edge of the struggle against the Turks and Tatars, who constantly went to raids on Russian lands, ravagering crops, hijacing people captured and sacrousing our lands. The innumerable set of features were committed by the Cossacks, but one of the most striking examples of the heroism of our ancestors is the Azov seat - eight thousand Cossacks, capturing Azov - one of the most powerful fortresses and an important node of the communication routes - were able to fight off from the two-thousandth Turkish army. Moreover, the Turks were forced to retreat, having lost about a hundred thousand soldiers - half of their army! But over time, the Crimea was released, Turkey is ousted from the shores of the Black Sea far to the south, and Zaporizhia Schish lost its meaning of advanced outpost, being several hundred kilometers deep into a peaceful territory. On August 5, 1775, the signing of the Russian Empress Ekaterina II of Manifesta "On the destruction of Zaporizhia SECHE and about the correspondence to the Novorossiysk province", Sch will finally disbanded. Zaporizhzhya Cossacks then divided into several parts. The most numerous moved to the Black Sea Cossack army, which carried the border guard on the shores of the Black Sea, a significant part of the Cossacks was resettled to protect the southern borders of Russia in Kuban and Azov. Five thousands of Cossacks who went to Turkey, Sultan allowed to establish a Sannaya Sch. In 1828, the Sannaya Cossacks with Koshevy Yipkin smoothly moved to Russia and were pardoned by the emperor Nikolai I-m. Over all the immense territory of Russia, the Cossacks began to bear the border service. No wonder Tsar-peacekeeper Alexander III once met: "The borders of the Russian state lie on the Archaka of the Cossack saddle ..."

Donctions, Kubans, Terches, and later, their brothers in arms Urals and Siberians were a permanent fighting avant-garde in all wars, in which Russia was almost without a respite of centuries. The Cossacks in the Patriotic War of 1812 were especially distinguished. Until now, the memory of the legendary commander of Don Ataman, Matvey Ivanovich, who held Cossack shelves from Borodino to Paris. Those the most shelves, about whom Napoleon with envy will say: "Be I have Cossacks cavalry, I would have won the whole world." Dosters, intelligence, security, distant raids - all this everyday hard military work was carried out by the Cossacks, and their combat order - the Cossack Lava - in that war showed itself in all its glory.

In the people's consciousness, the image of the Cossack as a natural equestrian warrior has developed. But there was also the Cossack infantry - flutter - who became the prototype of modern parts of the special purpose. She originated on the Black Sea coast, where they were slaughtered in the Black Sea Plasteps. Later, the units of Plastuna were also successfully acted in the Caucasus. Fearless of the Plastuna - the best guards of the cordon line in the Caucasus - gave tribute to even their opponents. It was the mountaineers that kept the story of how deposited at the Lipkinsky post chose to burn alive and not surrender to Circassians, even promising their lives.

However, not only the warrior exploits are known to the Cossacks. Without a smaller role, they played in the development of new lands and accession to the Russian Empire. Over time, the Cossack population has moved forward to uninhabited lands, expanding the state limits. Cossack troops took an active part in the development of the North Caucasus, Siberia (Ermak Expedition), the Far East and America. In 1645, the Siberian Cossack Vasily Poyarkov flew over the Amuru, reached the Okhotsk Sea, opened North Sakhalin and returned to Yakutsk. In 1648, the Siberian Cossack Semen Ivanovich Dezhnev sailed from the Ice Ocean (mouth of Kolyma) in the quiet (mouth of Anadyr) and opened the shed between Asia and America. In 1697-1699 Kazak Vladimir Vasilyevich Atlasov explored Kamchatka.

Cossacks of the First World War

On the very first day of World War I, from Ekaterinodar station, the first two regiments of the Kuban Cossacks were departed to the front. At the fronts of the First World War, eleven Cossack troops of Russia were fighting - Donskoye, Ural, Teresk, Kuban, Orenburg, Astrakhan, Siberian, Zabaikalskoye, Amur, Semirechensk and Ussuriyskoye - not knowing cowardice and desertion. The best qualities in the Transcaucasian front manifested themselves brightly, where only in the militia, 11 Cossack regiments of the third stage were created - from the Cossacks of older ages, which sometimes could give odds of personnel youth. Thanks to the incredible perseverance in heavy battles of 1914, they did not allow the breakthrough of the Turkish troops - far from the worst at that time! - In our Transcaucasia and together with the arrived Siberian Cossacks, they threw them back. After the Grand Victory in Sarykamysh battle, Russia received congratulations from the Union Commander-in-Chief, Joffre and Franch, who very highly appreciated the strength of Russian weapons. But the vertex of martial art in the Transcaucasus was the capture of a mining fortified district of Erzemum in the winter of 1916, in the assault of which the Cossack part played an important role.

Cossacks were not only the most damned cavalryrs, but also served in intelligence, in artillery, in infantry and even in aviation. So, the native Kuban Cossack Vyacheslav Tkachev made the first long flight on the route Kiev - Odessa - Kerch - Taman - Ekaterinodar with a total length of 1,500 miles, despite the unfavorable autumn weather and other difficult conditions. On March 10, 1914, he was submitted to the 4th flight on its formation, and on the same day the Tkachev was appointed commander of the XX team, the headquarters of the 4th army. In the initial period of War, Tkachev made several very important intelligence flights for the Russian command for which the order of the south-western front army of November 24, 1914 was awarded the Order of the Holy Great Martyr and the victorious George IV degree (first among pilots).

Cossacks and in the Great Patriotic War showed very well. In this harsh and difficult time for the country, Cossacks forgot the past resentment, and together with the entire Soviet people they rose to protect their homeland. With honor passed until the end of the war, participating in the largest operations, the 4th Kuban, the 5th Don Voluntary Cossack Corps. The 9th Plastunsk Red Banner Krasnodar Division, dozens of rifle and cavalry divisions formed at the beginning of the war from Cossacks Don, Kuban, Terek, Stavropol, Orenburg, Urals, Semirchia, Transbaikalia and the Far East. Guards Cossack compounds often performed a very important task - while mechanized compounds were formed by the inner ring of numerous "boilers", the Cossacks in the composition of equestrian-mechanized groups broke out on operational space, violated the operation of the enemy's communications and created an external ring of the environment, preventing the release of enemy troops. In addition to the Cossack parts of recreated under Stalin, there were many Cossacks among well-known people during the Second World Wars, who were not fought in the "branded" Cossack cavalry or plastic units, but in the entire Soviet army or distinguished themselves in military production. For example: Tank AC No. 1, Hero of the Soviet Union D.F. Lavrinenko - Kuban Cossack, a native of the village of fearless; Lieutenant General of Engineering Forces, Hero of the Soviet Union D.M. Carbishev - Generic Ural Cossack, Omsk native; Commander of the Northern Fleet Admiral A.A. Golovko - the TERSK Cossack, the native of the cereal village; Armored designer F.V. Tokarev - Don Cossack, a native of the village of the Egorlik region Troops of the Don; Commander of the Bryansky and 2nd Baltic Front, Army General, Hero of the USSR M.M. Popov - Don Cossack, a native of the village of Ust-Medveditskaya area of \u200b\u200bthe Troops of the Donsky, the commander of the squadron of Guard Captain K.I. The Hero of the Soviet Union and the full George Cavalier, as well as many other Cossacks.

All the wars of our time that the Russian Federation had already happened, also did not cost without the Cossacks. In addition to conflicts in Transnistria and Abkhazia, the Cossacks took an active part in the Ossetian-Ingush conflict and in the subsequent protection of the administrative border of Ossetia with Chechnya and Ingushetia. During the first Chechen campaign from the Cossacks - volunteers, the Ministry of Defense of Russia was formed a motorized rifle battalion named after General Yermolov. Its effectiveness was so high, which was frightened by the defenders of the Chechens, who saw the first step in the appearance of the Cossack parts for the revival of the Terecher region. Under their pressure, the battalion was removed from Chechnya and disbanded. During the second campaign, the Cossacks were equipped with a 205th motorized rifle brigade, as well as the curfew rots that served in the Shelkovsky, Nursupian and the Nursing areas of Chechnya. In addition, significant masses of the Cossacks, concluding the contract, fought in "ordinary", that is, non-price offices. More than 90 people from the Cossack parts according to the results of hostilities received government awards, all the Cossacks participating in hostilities and clearly fulfilled their duties received Cossack awards. For the age of 13, the Cossacks in the south of Russia each year training field fees are held annually, in which command-staff training with commander of divisions and officers, classes on fire, tactical, topographic, mine and medical training are organized. Cossack divisions, companies and platforms are headed by the officers of the Russian army, having combat experience who participated in hot-point operations in the Caucasus, in Afghanistan and in other regions. And the Cossack equestrian patrols became reliable assistants of Russian border guards and police.

Cossacks in Russia are known from the 14th century. Initially, these were eliminated from hard work, vessels or hunger settlers who mastered free steppe and forest expanses of Eastern Europe, and later reached asian unbarrous spaces, passing through the Urals.

Kuban Cossacks

Kuban Cossacks were formed by the "faithful Zaporozhets" by the right bank of Kuban. These lands were granted to them by Empress Catherine II at the request of the Military Judge Anton headed by Prince Potemkin. As a result of several trips, all 40 Kurents of the former Troops of Zaporizhia moved to the Kuban steppes and several settlements were formed there, while changing the name from Zaporizhzhya Cossacks in Kuban. Since the Cossacks continued to be part of the regular Russian army, then they had a military assignment: to create a defensive line along all the borders of the settlement that they were successfully fulfilled.
In fact, the Kuban Cossacks represented militarized agricultural settlements in which all men in peacetime were engaged in peasant or craft labor, and during the war or by order of the emperor, military detachments were formed, who spent in the Russian troops with separate combat units. At the head of all the troops stood a madden ataman, which was chosen from the Cossack environment for voting. He also had the right to the governor of these lands on the orders of the Russian king.
In front of 1917, the total number of Cossack Kuban troops was more than 300,000 sabers, which was a huge force even at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Don Cossacks

From the beginning of the 15th century in wild, nobody belonging to the lands on the banks of the Don River began to settle people. Miscellaneous it was the people: Fight convicts, peasants who wanted to find more arable land, Kalmyki, who came from their distant eastern steppes, robbers, adventurers and others. Fifty years have not passed, as a reign in those days in Russia, the state of Ivan Grozny fell out complaints from the Nogai Prince Yusuf, that his ambassadors began to disappear in the Don steppes. They became victims of the Cossacks.
It was the time of the origin of the Don Cossacks, which received its name on the river, near which people put their stages and a farm. Up to the suppression of the uprising of Kondrai Bulavin in 1709, the Don Cossacks lived with a free life, not knowing the kings or other management, except for his, however, they had to comply with the Russian Empire and join the Great Russian Army.
The main flourishing of the glory of the Don Troops falls on the XIX century, when this huge army was divided into four districts, in each of which shelves were gained, which became soon famous worldwide. The total service life of the Cossack was 30 years with several interruptions. So, at 20, the young man went to the service for the first time and served three years. After that, two years went home to rest. In 25 years he was again called for three years, and again after the service two years he was at home. It could be repeated so four times, after which the warrior remained in his village already coming and could call in the army only during the war.
Don Cossacks could be called the militiated peasantry that had many privileges. Cossacks were liberated from many submissions and the duties that the peasants were treated in other provinces, and they were originally delighted with serfdom.
It is impossible to say that the Don residents easily got their rights. They have long and stubbornly defended each concession of the king, and sometimes even with a weapon in their hands. There is nothing worse than the Cossack Bunta, it knew all the rulers, so the requirements of militant settlers were usually satisfied, although reluctant.

Hawk Cossacks

In the XV century in PP pools. Hopra, Bituge from the Ryazan Principality appear running people who call themselves the Cossacks. The first mention of these people belongs to 1444. After the joining of the Ryazan Principality, the people from the Moscow state appear here. Here, the fugitives are saved from the serfdom, the persecution of the boyars and the governor. The aliens settle on the banks of the Raven rivers, Hopra, Savala, etc. They call themselves free Cossacks, are engaged in animal fishery, bornery, fishing. Even monastic lands appear here.

After the church split in 1685, hundreds of colleagues-Old Believers, who did not recognize the "Nikonian" corrections of church books rushing. The government takes measures to stop the flight of peasants to the Hawkra region, demands not only not to take fugitives from the Don military authorities, but also to return earlier conversion. Since 1695, many fugitives were from Voronezh, where Peter I was created by the Russian fleet. Master's crafts ran with shipyards, soldiers, fortress peasants. The population in the Khopersky region is growing rapidly at the expense of the Malorosiysk Cherkasy from Russia and the resettled.

In the early 80s of the XVII century, most of the colollers-Old Believers were expelled by their Hawa Territory, many remained. When moving the Khopersky regiment in the Caucasus, several dozens of colleagues fell in the number of immigrants on the line, and with the old line, their descendants were in the Kubanskie villages, including in Nevinnomyssk.

Until the 80s of the XVIII century, the Hawk Cossacks submitted little to the Don military authorities, often just ignored their orders. In the 1980s, during Ataman Ilovai, the Don authorities have established close contact with the hopers and considered their part of the Don Troops. In the fight against the Crimean and Kuban Tatars, they use them as an extra force, creating squads from the Cossacks on voluntary principles - hundreds, fifty - for the time of those or other campaigns. At the end of such campaigns, the detachments bloomed at home.

Zaporizhzhya Cossacks

The word "Cossack" in Tatar means "free man, tramp, an adventure crawler." It was originally so it was. Behind the Dnieper thresholds, in the wild steppe, which did not belong to any state, the fortified settlements of the Schove began to emerge, in which armed people were gathered, mainly Christians, called themselves the Cossacks. They made raids to European cities and Turkish caravans, without making any differences between those and others.
At the beginning of the XVI century, the Cossacks began to be a significant military force, which was noticed by the Polish crown. The responding King Sigismund, who ruling, then, suggested the Cossacks service, but was rejected. However, such a large army could not exist without any command, in connection with which separate shelves were gradually formed, called centers, which were combined into larger compounds - Cauchy. There was a kosheft Ataman over each such cat, and the Council of Social Atamans was the Supreme Command of the entire Cossack troops.
A little later, the main stronghold of this troops, which was called "Schish" was erected at the Dnieper Island of Hortiets. And since the island was immediately behind the thresholds of the river, then she got the name - Zaporizhia. By the name of this fortress and the Cossacks in it were called Zaporozhye. Later, all the warriors were called, regardless of whether they lived in the Snows or in other Cossack settlements of Malororsia - the southern borders of the Russian Empire, where the state of Ukraine is now located.
Later, the Polish Crown still received themselves to the service of these incomparable warriors. However, after Bundan, the Khmelnitsky army, Zaporizhia passed under the power of the Russian kings and served Russia to the very disbandment by order of Catherine Great.

Khalovsky Cossacks

In 1181, Novgorod-Ukkoyniki was founded on the river Vyatka, the fortified mill, the town of Hlynov (from the word Zhlyn - "Wishkinik, River Robber"), renamed at the end of the 18th century to Vyatka and began to comply with Self. They made their trading travels and military raids in all directions of light. In 1361, they penetrated the capital of the Golden Horde of the Saraychik and plundered her, and in 1365 for the Ural Range on the banks of the Ob River.

By the end of the 15th century, the Khalovsky Cossacks became scary all over if not only for Tatars and Mariers, but also for Russians. By overthrowing the Tatar Iga Ivan III drew attention to this restless and uniformized people, and in 1489 Vyatka was taken and joined in Moscow. The defeat of Vyatka was accompanied by large cruelty - the main folk guy of Anikyev, Lazarev and the Bogodistovshchikov were in the skies are given to Moscow and there are executed; Zemsky people are resettled in Borovsk, Aleksin and Kremensk, and merchants in Dmitrov; The rest are addressed in the hills.

Most of the Khaln Cossacks with their wives and children went on their ships:

Some at the Northern Dvina (according to the location of the Ataman Stanitsa Severheukovskaya V. I. Smolshenin, the Khlynovsky Cossacks settled on the South River in the Podoysinsky district).

Others down on Vyatka and Volga, where they hid in the Zhigulevsky mountains. Trade caravans gave the case of this freeze to acquire "Zipuani", and the border towns of hostile Moscow Ryazans served as a place of profit of mining, in exchange for which the hunts could receive bread and gunpowder. In the first half of the XVI century, this Wolnica from the Volga switched to the Illyl and Tishanka and the Tishanka, flowing into the Don, and then settled along this river until Azov.

Third to the upper kama and Chusovoy, on the territory of the modern Verkhnekamsky district. Subsequently, a huge possession of the councils of Stroganov appeared in the Ural, which the king was allowed to hire the Cossacks of the Cossacks from among the former Hisovers to protect their estates and the conquest of border crossing land.

Meshchersky Cossacks

Cossacks Meshcherski (they are Meshchera, they are Mishair) - residents of the so-called region of Meshchera (presumably southeast of modern Moscow, almost all Ryazan, partially Vladimirskaya, Penza, North Tambov and further to the Middle Volga region) with the center in Casimov, who made up In the future, the people of Casimov Tatars and the small Great Russian sub-ethnos of the Meshchera. Machines of Meshchersky were scattered throughout the forest-steppelife of the Oka and the North of the Ryazan Principality, were even in Kolomna district (Vasilyevskoye village, Tatar farm, as well as in the Kadar and Shatsky counties.. Meshchery Cossacks of the time - this time is free Top Don Cossacks, Kasimov Tatars, Meshchers and the Native Vigorossky Population of the South-East of Moscow, Ryazan, Tambov, Penza and other provinces. The term "vesetcher" himself, presumably has a parallel with the word "Mozhar, Madjar" - that is, in Arabic "Fighting man." The villages of the Meshcherskiy Cossacks bordered and with Northern Don's rags. Meshcheryakov themselves were also willingly attracted to the sovereign city and watchdog.

Seversk Cossacks

They lived on the territory of modern Ukraine and Russia, in the basins of the gums of the gums, Vorskla, Sejm, Sula, Quick Pine, Oskol and Seversky Donets. Mentioned in written sources with con. XV to XVII centuries.

In the XIV-XV centuries, Sevryuki constantly in contact with Ordan, and then with the Crimean and Nogai Tatars; With Lithuania and Muscovy. Living in constant danger, they were good warriors. Moscow and Lithuanian princes willingly accepted Sevryukov to serve.

In the XV century, Sevryuki, thanks to its stable migration, begin to actively settle the southern lands of the Southern Land in vassing dependence on the Lithuania of the Novosyl principality.

In the XV-XVII centuries, Sevryuki had already been a militarized borderly population, which protected the boundaries of the adjacent parts of the Polish-Lithuanian and Moscow states. Apparently, they were largely similar to the early Zaporizhia, Don and other similar Cossacks, possessed some autonomy and community military organization.

In the XVI century were considered representatives of (ancient) of Russian nationalities.

As representatives of the servant of Luda, Sevryuki are mentioned in the early XVII century, in the era of the vague time, when they supported the rebellion of Bolotnikov, so that this war was quite often called Sevryukovskoy. The Moscow authorities responded with punitive operations, up to the defeat of some volosts. After the end of the Troubles, the Sevruck cities Sevsk, Kursk, Rylsk and Putivl were colonized from Central Russia.

After the section of Severschy, under the agreements of the deulief truce (1619), between Muscovy and the Rouch, the name of Sevryukov almost disappears from the historical arena. The Western Severnish is exposed to the active Polish expansion (Khopovskiy colonization), Northeast (Moscow) is settled by servilators and serfs from Velikorsia. Most of the Seversk Cossacks passed into the position of the peasantry, some joined the Zaporizhia Cossacks. The rest moved to the Nizhny Don.

Volga (Volzhskoe) army

Appeared on the Volga in the XVI century. It was all kinds of running from the Moscow state and the people from Don. They "stolen", holding down the trading caravans and interfering with the right intercourse with the Persion. Already at the end of the reign of John Grozny, there were two Cossack town on the Volga. Samara Luke, at that time covered with impassable forests, represented a reliable shelter for the Cossacks. The small River Osa, crossing the Samara Luka towards the direction from the south to the north, gave them the opportunity to warn the caravans who were walking along the Volga. Noticing from the tops of the cliffs, the appearance of ships, they overwhelmed on their light chelns on the mustache, then they were translated into the Volga and the rules were attacked by ships.

In the current villages of Ermakovka and the Koltsovka, located on the Samara Luke, and now still recognize the place where Ermak had once lived and his comrade Ivan Ring. To destroy Cossack declaration, the Moscow government sent troops to the Volga and built a city there (the latter are indicated in the historical essay of the Volga).

In the XVIII century The government begins to organize the correct Cossack army on the Volga. In 1733, 1057 families of the Don Cossacks were settled between Tsaritsyn and Kamyushka. In 1743, it was commanded to settle the towns of immigrants and captives of Saltan-Ulsk and Kabardian baptism in the Volga Cossacks. In 1752, individual teams of the Volgsky Cossacks who lived below Tsaritsyn were connected to the Astrakhan Cossack Regiment, which was the beginning of the Astrakhan Cossack army, formed in 1776. In 1770, 517 families of the Volga Cossacks were translated on Terek; Of them, the Cossack regiments of Mozdok and Volgovsky were formed, which were part of the Cossacks of the Caucasian line, transformed in 1860 to the TERSK Cossack army.

Siberian army

Officially, the army led and leads its beginning of December 6, 1582 (December 19, according to a new style), when, in the chronicles of legend, Tsar Ivan IV Grozny, as a reward for the capture of Siberian Khanate, gave a friend of Ermak, the name "Tsarist servitude". Such seniority was given by the Troops with the highest order of December 6, 1903 and, therefore, it became to be considered the third for the seniority of the Cossack Army of Russia (after the Don and Teres).

The army as such was formed only in the second half of the XVIII - the first half of the XIX century. A whole number of rapid, caused by the military necessity of the central government orders. It is possible to consider the position of 1808, from which the history of the Siberian linear Cossack troops is usually conducted.

In 1861, the army was subjected to significant reorganization. Tobolsky Cossack Equestrian Regiment, Tobolsky Cossack Hiking Battalion and Tomsk Cossack Regiment, and Tomsk Cossack Cossack Regiment, established a set of troops from 12 shelf districts that put a hundred in the Life Guard Cossack Regiment, 12 Horse Regiments, Three Hiking Persons with Riflers, One The equestrian artillery brigade of three batteries (subsequently the battery was facing regular, one is included in the Orenburg Artillery Brigade in 1865 and two in the 2nd Turkestan Artillery Brigade in 1870).

Yaitsky army

Even at the end of the 15th century, free Cossack communities were formed on the Yik River, of which the Yailsk Cossack army was formed. According to the generally accepted traditional version, like the Don Cossacks, the Yaitsky Cossacks were formed from refugee immigrants from the Russian kingdom (for example, from the Khlynov land), as well as, thanks to the migration of the Cossacks with the low-level Volga and Don. Their main classes were fishing, salt mining, hunting. The army was controlled by a circle that was going to the Yaitsky town (on the middle of the yaik). All Cossacks had an inclined right to use land and participation in the elections of the Atamans and the military elder. From the second half of the XVI century, the Russian government attracted the Yaitsky Cossacks to protect the southeastern borders and military colonization, allowing them at the beginning of the reception of runaway. In 1718, the Government appointed Ataman Yaitsky Cossack troops and his assistant; Part of the Cossacks is announced with a bridal and subject to refund to the previous place of residence. In 1720, Yaiksky Cossacks were excited, which did not obey the order of the royal authorities about the return of the runaway and replace the elected ataman designated. In 1723, the unrest were suppressed, the leaders of the executed, the election of the atamans and the elderly was abolished, after which the army turned out to be divided into the Starin and the military side, in which the first held the lines of the government, as guaranteing their position, the second demanded to return the traditional self-government. In 1748, a permanent organization (state) of the troops divided into 7 regiments was introduced; The military circle finally lost its value.

Subsequently, after the suppression of the uprising of Pugachev in which Yaitsky Cossacks took an active part in 1775, Catherine II issued a decree that, in order to complete the conjunction of the happening, the Yaitsky army was renamed the Ural Cossack army, the Yaitsky town to Uralsk (was renamed and still A number of settlements), even the Yacript river was called the Urals. The Ural army finally lost the remains of the former autonomy.

Astrakhan army

In 1737, the decree of the Senate in Astrakhan from Kalmykov was formed by a three-titled Cossack team. On March 28, 1750, the Astrakhan Cossack Regiment was established on the basis of the team, for the return of 500 people, the Astrakhan fortress and the fortress of the Cossacks from the allocates, former shooting and city Cossacks, as well as the Don Tropic Cossacks, Cossacks and New Tatars and Kalmykov. The Astrakhan Cossack army was created in 1817, all the Cossacks of the Astrakhan and Saratov provinces were included.