Are Orthodox churches in Spain. Spain - country of the ancient shrines

Are Orthodox churches in Spain. Spain - country of the ancient shrines
Are Orthodox churches in Spain. Spain - country of the ancient shrines

The rich history of Spain is based on the inner spirituality of people who have retained interesting monuments of architectures from past centuries to our days, having often tragic and, at the same time, exciting their biography. The spiritual base was laid during the reign of Ferdinand II Aragon, belonging to the Catholic faith and continued by Isabella I Castille. It was during this period that the Roman Catholic Church gained its strongest influence. However, this does not prevent Spaniards to be tolerant to other confessions. Wonderful in this regard is the city of Toledo, which is also called the "city of three religions".

A peculiar Mecca of Spain for all Christians can be considered. This city is a final pilgrimage point known as the path of St. Jacob. UNESCO included this route to the World Heritage Monuments. The beginning of a religious journey takes in the south of France, then the path lies through the Pyrenees and ends in the Cathedral located in Santiago de Compostela, where the relics of St. James Zaenedheyev are also located.

Black Virgin Mary Spanish

Another greatest shrine of the country can be called a black virgin Mary. According to the legend, the figure of the woman cut out in the first century AD. Apostle Luke. The history of the masterpiece is fascinating. According to the will of the holy Black Virgin Mary was buried in Malaya Asia with him. Then, together with the remains of Luke, the figure was transferred to Constantinople (IV century). In the 6th century Virgo visited Rome and Spain. Then after the attack of Mavrov, the figurine disappeared. And only in 1252, Montserrat was revealed again on Mount, where the peasant was indicated, seeing a prophetic dream. There was also a beautiful basilica, where the sculpture of the Virgin Mary is located. There are rumors about her miraculous power, healing patients.

In autonomy, Valencia is located. It is exhibited in the Cathedral. About her mythical strength, the history of the creation of the bowl and the battles for possession of it can be told for a very long time. Touching it, you can cure from many ailments, but at the same time the patient must sincerely believe in virtue of the holy bowl.

In Cantabria is located Monastery of St. Toribo de Liebanawhere the cross is located on which Jesus was crucified at the assurances of the rector.

Several shrines included in the UNESCO list are located in the Asturian community: Church of St. Michael de Lillo, Church of St. Juliana de Los Prados and Church of St. Mary del Naranko. In Salou is located. Translated into Spanish, this phrase means "Holy Maria to the sea."

Holy places Spain attract pilgrims from around the world. Friendliness, the ability to enjoy life, the sparkling southern temperament of the Spaniards complement the amazing cathedrals, the vintage castles of the country and other holy places of the country.

Benedictine Monastery Montserrat in Catalonia, Spain

Excursion programs in Spain and Portugal

Christian shrines of Portugal and Spain

Program date for 2017: upon request of customers

Example of the program for 9 days / 8 nights

Lisbon (2 H) - Nazare-Evora-Thomar-Fatima (1N) - Kimbrador (1N.) - Himarayesh - Santiago de Compost (2N.) - Ponferrada- Astorga-Leon (1N.) - Oviedo-Samora-Salamanca (1N) - Madrid

1 day. Moscow-Lisbon.

Flight Moscow-Lisbon. Meeting pilgrimage group at the airport.

Acquaintance with the historical center of the city, which preserved an old unique look. Baishes - the center of Lisbon, restored from the ruins after the earthquake of 1755 on the orders of the marquise of the pombala. Independence Avenue framed by chestnut alleys. The area of \u200b\u200brestorers, on which the Granite Obelisk is located, erected in 1886. In memory of liberation from the Spanish expansion. Square Rossiu, with amazing bronze fountains, motley flower beds, the statue of the King Pedro IV and the building of the National Day of Don Maria II. Commerce area. In the XV-XVII centuries, there was a majestic palace built by King Manuel. The trip along the embankment: Bridge April 25, Belensky Docks, Area Alfons Albuquerque. Visit the monastery of St. Jeronima Zheronimush in Belene. Here I found the last rest traveler Vasha da Gama ..

Inspection of the Belen Tower. This is one of the most elegant Lisbon monuments of the XVI century and the most photographed place in Portugal. Grand monument of discoverers made of granite.

Pilgrimage to the CathedralXII century Castle CV. George, Medieval Quarter Alpha,).

Lunch in the Brazilian Restaurant

Accommodation at the Lisbon Hotel. Free time

Overnight in Lisbon.

2 day. Lissbon-Evor.

Breakfast in the hotel.

Evora- one of the most ancient and beautiful citiesPortugal, R.posted in the province of Alentezh, at a distance of 130 km from Lisbon. The unique ensemble of the old city is fully included in the world heritage of UNESCO. The appearance of the city was formed under the influence of Romans, the Maurines and the Medieval Portuguese kings. The central square of Don Gerald with arcades (some columns of ancient origin) served as a place for the executions of heretics and witches. Here is the Church of Santa Anthony (XVI century). The unique monument is the Temple of Diana (II century. N. E.) - the only preserved Roman temple in the country. Famous for his beautyCathedral Evorait was erected in the Romano - Gothic style between 1186 and 1204 years. Church of St. Francischka with a chapel of human bones, reminiscent of the glority of earthly existence. In Evore, 130 churches and temples - only here you can see the image of the pregnant Virgin Mary .

Return to Lisbon. Lunch at the National Restaurant with Drinks.Free time. Self Return to Hotel .

Night at the hotel in Lisbon.

3 day. Lisbon -tomar - Fatima.

Breakfast in the hotel. Departure with things. Visiting Tomar.

Tomar - this picturesque town lying on the banks of the river is 140 km. from Lisbon. It was founded during the time of reconquists and for many centuries was the property of the Great Order of the Templars. This confirmation of the Majestic Monastery of the Order of Christ, built by the "knights of the temmen" in 1160, he is the most majestic architectural achievement of Portugal. It is believed that the sacred grail is here. Monastery Batalia - the masterpiece of Portuguese gothic architecture, built by King Juan I in memory of the victory over the Spaniards in 1385. Tomb of representatives of the Avisian royal dynasty. This is a true masterpiece of Portuguese gothic architecture, built while mixing the styles of Manuelino and English Gothic. Lunch at the National Restaurant

Fatima - the place of Catholic pilgrimage, where in 1917. There was a phenomenon of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Every year here come or come on foot to 5 million people. Fatima received worldwide fame and became one of the centers of Christian pilgrimage due to the phenomenon of the Virgin Mary Three Portuguese children-shepherd - Jasinta and Francischka Marta and their cousin Liasia Santos soul. Virgo Maria was children several times from May 13 to October 13, 1917 and, among other things, the upheavals for Russia were predicted in the XX century. A visit to the village of Alzhunsk, where shepherds were born and lived, visiting their homes preserved with the life of those times. Let's go through the "Road of believers" it is over her "Custoders" chased their herd, sometimes stopping for prayer. Visit the museum of wax figures with the city history. Visit Square and Basilica.Accommodation at the hotel in Fatima. Overnight in Fatima.

4 day. Fatima - Kimbra - Porto

Breakfast in the hotel. Departure with things.

Excursion to Kuimbre, visiting one of the oldest Universities in Europe, the Church of the Monastery of St. Cross

Porto. Pilgrimage to the Cathedral (XII-XIII century). Church of St. Anthony (part of the relics of sv. Roman's customer -I century). Church of St. Peter (part of the Table of St. Navy. Panteleimon). The oldest temple of the port -IX century (Overview).

Hotel accommodation. Dinner and overnight in the port.

5 day. Porto -Gimaraysh - Breag - Santiago de Compostela

Breakfast in the hotel. Departure with things.

Himaraes - The cradle of the Portuguese nation. Square St. Jacob Zerecedheeva, where the apostle stopped in his missionary path to the Pyrenean Peninsula. Square of the Blessed Virgin "Oliveira", whereXIV. A miracle happened - the dried olive. FortressX-XII century (review), the temple of Arkhangel Mikhail (XII century), where the first King of Portugal - Afonus Enrikesh was baptized. Church of St. Torquato - Bishop Braga, victims of faith inVIII century Pilgrimage to the unwanted relics of the saint.

Braga -religious, industrial and cultural center of the country. 5 km. From the city is one of the main shrines of Portugal, standing on a mountain terrace with a height of 564 m., Church of Bon -Zhuzushu - Du - Monte. The city is proud of its architectural monuments, among which the "Old Town" stands out with dozens of churches and palaces. Also attractive: Town Hall (XVIII century); Mizerekorda Church (XVI century), Santa - Crush (XVII century) and, undoubtedly, the Cathedral of the XVII century., in which there are two amazing gilded organs in the Baroque style.

Lunch in Braga with drinks

Moving to Santiago de Compostela. Hotel accommodation.

Overnight in Santiago de Compostela.

6 day. Santiago de Compostela - La Coruna.

Breakfast in the hotel.

City of Santiago de Compostela, It is considered the third after Rome and Jerusalem the center of Christianity. In the Middle Ages, numerous pilgrims overcame the mountains and valleys, trying to get to it.
Nowadays, tourists flock here from all over the world. First, to see the majestic cathedral. Secondly, to wander through the medieval city, look at his palaces and buildings, admire Romance and baroque churches from golden granite. This "Stone City" is worthy of admiration.

In the course of the excursions, we will refer to the very sources of the origin of Christianity, you will learn the story of the discovery of the remains of the Holy Apostle Jacob (this is the only holistic relic in the world, which has preserved since the times of Christ, which rests in the Cathedral of the city) and the history of the city itself. In person, see as like a giant architectural jewel, a city was formed by means of aesthetic convulsions of time: almost all existing styles in the architecture are presented on the main square of the city.

The beauty of Santiago de Compostela is unique and unique. Walking through the historical zone of the city with its grand palaces and bizarre churches will clearly demonstrate to you why UNESCO ranked the city to the objects of world historical heritage


1 Palace Helmires - Archbishop Palace

2 Palace Fonsek (San Heronimo)

3 Palace Raxa (City Council Building)

4 Hotel "Hospital of Catholic Kings" - the very first hotel in the world, listed in the Guinness Book of Records


1 San Francisco (St. Francis Azis)

3 San Pelaio

dr. architectural monuments

Inspection with visiting:


Porticity of Glory

Chief altar

Crypt, where cancer is stored with the relics of St. Jacob

Chapel of St. Virgin Mary del Pilar and others.

La Coruna - City on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean. Roman lighthouse (II century. N.E.). The temple of the Most Holy Theotokos (XIII century), the temple of St. Apostle James (XIII century). Fortress St. Anthony XVI century.

Dinner and night lay in Santiago de Compostela.

7 day. Sanago de Compostela - Ponferrada-Astorga-Leon.

Breakfast in the hotel.

Ponferrada. Fortress of the Templars: Exhibition of Ancient Geographic Manuscripts.

Villafranca del Biars. Church of St. Jacob, "Mortgage forgiveness." Since for hiking pilgrims, the road is more particularly difficult, many centuries believe that the achievement of this temple is equivalent to pilgrimage in Santiago de Compostello

Astorga. Gothic Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mother: pilgrimage to part of the life-giving cross of the Lord. Episcopal Palace (architect A.Goodi): Archaeological Museum, Exhibition of Christian Medieval Art and Modern Painting

Leon. Cathedral - the best stained glass windows (XIII.- XVI centuries). Pilgrimage to the temple of St. Isidore Seville (saintVII in.); The Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the patroness of pilgrims. Church of St. Martin. Former monastery of St. Brand (XII.- XVI centuries) who served as a hospital for pilgrims. On the square in front of the monastery - the bronze sculpture of the pilgrim.

Dinner and overnight in Leone.

8 day. Leon Oviedo Samora Salamanca

Breakfast in the hotel.

Oviedo. Cathedral: pilgrimage to the greatest shrine of the Christian world - Fee (sudraulum), which was closed by the face of the Savior after removing from the cross. Doromanian templesIX in.: Santa Maria Del Naranko, San Julian de Los Prados, San Miguel de Lino. Holidays on the top of the mountain (rising by bus) - at the statue of Christ, blessed city.

SAMOR - "Museum of Romanesque Architecture": TemplesXII. in.

Salamanca. Cathedral, City Square, Famous University of SalamancaXIII. in., Romanesque church of St. MartinXII. in.

Dinner and overnight in Salamanca.

9 day. Salamanca- Madrid.

Breakfast in the hotel. Liberation of numbers. Continued excursion and moving to Madrid airport.

Departure to Moscow.

The cost of the program per person from 1035 €

Seven periods of Spanish and Western history

Two thousand years ago, the Iberian Peninsula, like most of Western Europe, was part of the Roman Empire, and Spain, and Portugal as countries did not exist. The entire peninsula was gradually completely laminated, with the exception of two areas inhabited by Celts and Basis. The first lived in the north-west of the country, in the region known as Galicia, while the basks settled the northeastern region of the peninsula - Western Pyrenees. Without a doubt, Christianity came to the Iberian Peninsula in the first century, during the first period of Spanish Orthodoxy - in the Apostolic Epoch.

As in other Western European countries, the second period, which embraced the end III and the beginning of the IV century, followed the Apostolic Epoch, was followed, marked by terrible anti-Christian persecutions, the most cruel of which was erected by Emperor Diocletian. This second period of Iberian Christianity, the period of martyrs ended in the reign of St. Constantine, who experienced great influence of the Spanish Hierarch SVT. Osi confessor. St. Konstantin founded the Roman Christian empire, which stretched out of Asia to Europe, with the capital in Constantinople.

Then the third era, the era of the reverend and saint, which lasted before the beginning of the 7th century came. In part, she was interrupted in 409, when the peninsula was conquered by the German tribe of the Sveov, who settled in the North-West, in Galicia. Soon after them came other barbarians - notorious vandals who settled in southern Spain and from where they crossed in North Africa, devastating her and defeating the local Roman colonies. Finally, in 507, another Germanic people came to the territory of the peninsula, which settled in the center of Spain, making her capital first Seville, and then located near the modern Madrid Toledo, and becoming the owners of all Spain. Vandals and Vizigoti were Ariana and fought for a long time with Christianity, which led to new martyrdoms to the fame of faith. But after Christianity was accepted at the end of the 6th century, the great Christian revival came in Spain. Its flourishing falls on the VII century, when under the influence of the great devotees of monasticity and educated episcopate, especially Seville and Toledo, the Spanish-Gothic Christian originality of the peoples of Spain was formed. The result of this process was the assimilation of the Germanic nobility with the local Latin-speaking population.

In 711, the third time ended and began the fourth period, when the intrusion of Muslim-Saracinov or Mauris from North Africa occurred. Their offensive was so successful that they quickly advanced through the Iberian Peninsula to the center of Western France to the city of Poitiers. Here in 732, they were defeated and were thrown into Central and South Iberia. With their capital, they made Cordova, in the center of Southern Spain. Christian kingdoms have been preserved in the north, especially in the northeast, in the rest of the territory of Christians lived under the Muslim Igi in the feat of the martyrdom and were called mosarabami or "imaginary Arabs". It was a period of Mosara test culture, culture of the Spanish Orthodox Christianity under the Muslim oppression, with his own Mozaraban Nuturgy and Christian rites and many great martyrs for faith.

The fifth period - the period of reconclockists of Iberia from Islam - was foreseen of the first victory in 722. In total, the reconquist lasted 750 years before 1492, when the last Muslim Citadel Granada was fell. However, the beginning of this stage can be attributed not to the end of the IX century, but by 1002. When at this time, civil wars were suddenly started among Muslims, it became clear that Islam was in the final decline. This era of the spiritual revival of monasses after the defeat of Muslims led to the development of powerful Christian kingdoms in the north, the famous Catalonia on the Mediterranean coast, then in the depths of Spain - Aragon, even further east - Navarre and in Western Pyrenees on the Atlantic Coast - the Kingdom of Basque. Then Castile appeared - to the northeast of the center, Leon - north of the center, Galicia - to the north-west and south of Galicia around the port, where the Kingdom of Portugal originated.

Unfortunately, during the XI century, this great border between the two epochs in the history of Western Europe began, the sixth period began. Since that time, the Christian life of the Iberian Peninsula and all of Western Europe began to change. The early Christian culture of piety, scholarships, church ministry, spiritual traditions were supplanted by the uniformity of Catholicism separated by the West. Muslims and their allies of Jews played a decisive role during this period, since it was through them the teachings of an ancient world, especially the philosophy of Aristotle, acquired a non-Christian shape and became the basis of medieval scholasticism. In 1049, Bishop Santiago de Compostela in Galicia was excommunicated from the Church with a new reformed papacy for his claims to the department, based on legend, the apostle itself, Jacob Zeyadeev. In 1050, the papal legats first appeared in Spain, bringing with them a new ideology of Pipizm, which was then spread in France with Klyona movement. It was the beginning of the end of Iberian Orthodoxy.

It can be said that this sixth period of the history of the West lasted from 1050 to the 2050, when the seventh and the last period of universal and widespread decristianization began, the period of the upstation. This era, however, is also characterized by a refund, albeit very few, to the completeness of the Christian faith.

Apostolic period

Our first certificate of Christianity and Iberia is contained in the Message to the Romans, where St. Paul writes about the desire to travel to Spain (Rome.15.24, 28). Unfortunately, there is no evidence that he really was there, but there is a firm legend that the apostle was in Spain and walked around the entire Iberian peninsula from East to the West. It is known that when he created the church in Rome, he met with the Iberians, therefore, no doubt, Christianity came to Spain in the first century. The Apostolic Epoch keeps the memory of the apostle Iakov Zaesev, whose power until now is reverently stored in the city of Santiago de Compostela in the north-western corner of Spain. The very name of Santiago means "Holy Jacob" and although a legend about his sermon in Spain refers to a later time, we have no reason to subjected to his doubt. Indeed, over the centuries, Santiago was the most important center of pilgrimage in Western Europe after Rome. However, other preachers are mentioned in the annals of the peninsula. First, these are the men apostolic - St. Torquat Cadiz, near Granada, St. KTesiFon Vergsky, St. Seconds Avilsky, St. Urshsky's Indelations near Almeria, St. Ets Gibraltar, St. Eufrazia Anguharic sent according to legend to preach the Gospel in southern Spain. Most of them took martyrdom and their memory is celebrated on May 15. Secondly, it came to us a legend about the preaching of St. Gerunation, Bishop Italiki near Seville in Southern Spain, also adopted martyrdom in about 100 years. His memory is celebrated on August 25. And finally, we know about St. Epitations, also martyr I century, which was a bishop of Thuja, the Galician city on the border with Portugal. His brother, St. Vasily, was the first Bishop of Braga. The memory of both saints is celebrated on May 23.

Martyrs period

Certificates of the second period of Christianity in Spain, the period of martyrs are since 240, when the spouses of St. Orente and St. Pacience was tortured in Lore on the very Northern Aragon. According to the ancient Spanish tradition, they were the parents of St. Lawrence, tortured in Rome in 258. Memory of sv. Oryatery and Paciencies are celebrated on the same day on May 1. In 251, on the board of Decia (249-251), the Holy Deva Martha was beheaded in Astorga. She is the heavenly patroness of this city, in which her holy power is kept. Then, according to official data, which reached us, in 259 was tortured by St. Fruitozo, Bishop Tarragona, modern Barcelona. He was burned alive on the fire along with his Diauches of St. August and St. Eurogile. According to legend, when the flame of the fire burned the body of the Holy Martyrs to the bones, they crushed their hands cruelly and did the Spirit of the Lord. Their memory is celebrated on January 21. In 270, in the North-East of Spain in the capital, Navarre Pamplona was tortured by St. Onesti, missionary from Gaul. The holiday of this saint is February 16. In 283 were decapitated by SVV. Hust and Abunday, their memory is December 14th.

We approached the large group of martyrs affected by Diocletian (284-313), the first of them took death for Christ in 287, the last in 307. Here are their names:

SWV Hust and Rufin, two sisters, tortured in Seville in 287 and became the heavenly patrons of this city. Memory July 19th.

SWV Claudius, Loperkiy and Victoria, in all likelihood, children of sv. Marcello, Roman Centurion, tortured in 298 in Tanzier. Three brothers took martyrdom in Leone and became the heavenly patrons of one of the famous monasteries in Galicia. Memory October 30.

SWV Horoni, Evtichius and Stephen martyrs were affected by Asta in Andalusia in 300. Memory on November 21.

SWV The facands and primitive, born in Leone, took death nearby, on the site of the current Sahagun, where one of the famous monasteries of Spain was founded. Memory on November 27.

SWV Zoil's tags and 19 of his comrades were tortured in Cordove in 301. Their relics later were transferred to the monastery of St. Zoyl near Leon. Memory on June 27.

SWV Vincent, Sabin and Christ took a martyrdom in Avil, in Central Spain in 303. Memory October 27.

Sv. Vincent, was born in Weais in the northeast of Spain, served by the deacon of St. Valeria, Bishop of Saragossky (see under 315) and accepted martyrdom in Valencia in 304, when the great many martyrs suffered. After torture, he was unsuccessful to crucify, and then burned alive on the grid for torture. Now it is reliced \u200b\u200bin Rome. Martyr Victinti is one of the greatest Saints Spain and the memory of him is celebrated in the whole Christian world on January 22 in the Western and 11 November along the Eastern Personalone.

St. Elaria, the fourteen-year-old Deva-Martyr from Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwas killed in 304. She is one of the most revered Saints Catalonia, where the saint name is pronounced as Aulair, Aulasia or Ollaya. The celebration of her memory is made to Eastern and Western monthly month. On Western monthly monthly, her memory is celebrated on February 12, on the Eastern August 22.

SWV Optot, Luberkiy, Saxes, Marcial, Julia, Quintilian, Publists, Front, Felix, Cecilian, Events, Primitive, Apodemia and the Four Saints with the name Saturnin were tortured in Saragossa in 304 in the Board of the Daciana Prefect. Memory on April 16.

St. Engration (Encross, Encursion), Martyr Deva suffered in Saragossa in 304. In place where it was scared, and where she underwent torment for Christ, still stands the temple. Memory on April 16.

St. Cukufas (Kugat, Kukofat), one of the most revered men's martyrs in Spain, suffered not far from Barcelona. At the place of his martyrdom, the monastery of St. Cugat Valsky. Memory July 25.

SWV Central and Elena, the Martyrs, were injured in 304 near Burgos in the old Castile, in the north of Central Spain. Memory August 13.

St. Magine. Born in Tarragona, preached the gospel in the vicinity of his native city. Suffered in 304. Memory August 25.

SWV Faust, Yanuaria and Martzial were terribly frustrated and tortured in the same year in Cordove. They became known as three crowns of Cordoba. Memory October 13th.

In the same year, another group of martyrs suffered in Saragossa, but the exact number of their and names are unknown, unlike eighteen, the Saragos Martyrs, which were mentioned above. Memory this sainting on November 3.

St. Elalia Saragosskaya, whose name is made only in Eastern monthly monthly, was tortured in the same year. Memory on November 11.

SWV Atciscius and Victoria, Brother and sister from Cordoba, who organized the church in their home, suffered in 304. They became the main celestial patrons of the city, who had seen the suffering of many martyrs. Memory on November 17.

St. Elalia is probably the most revered from all Spanish martyrs whose name is made in the Western and Eastern Persons under one date, was from Merida in the center of South-Western Spain. At the age of thirteen, it was burned in the oven in the same fatal 304 year. Memory on December 10.

SWV Hust and pastor, two brothers Thirteen and nine years, were beheaded by the town of Alkal in 304. Memory on December 14th.

SWV Vincent, Oretony and Victor. Two first were brothers. Holy profits on the Pyrenees from Gaul and preached the Gospel. They suffered in 305 in Piguser near Barcelona. Memory on January 22.

SWV Servanand and Herman were injured in Cadis on the southern coast of Spain in 305. Memory October 23.

SWV Narcissus and Felix, Bishop and Deacon, suffered in 307 in Girona in Catalonia. Memory March 18.

It is known that many other martyrs were injured in the IV century, the exact date of their martyrdom is unknown, but it can be assumed that they all were injured in diocletian. Here are their names:

SWV Hermitteria and Heledonius, warriors suffered in Kalaorre in the old Castile. Miracles were performed on the site of their burial, and the Baptistery was erected). Memory March 3.

Fathers period

After that, the last period of Roman persecution begins the era of association and strengthening, struggle against heresy, the era of the reverend, saint and righteous. The first character of this era is St. Valery, Bishop Saragozsky, who, although the arrest has undergone and the link, was not tortured as his deacon, St. Vakenty (see above), and peacefully died in Saragossa in 315, the memory is celebrated on January 28. Its relics are now in Greece. Following him, another symbol of this period was St. Asia Cordovsky (259-359). He had a decisive influence on the equal to the Emperor of Constantine. Indeed, the idea of \u200b\u200bconvocation of the First Ecumenical Cathedral in Nicaee, not far from Constantinople in 325, belongs to St. Osi, who was his chairman. Contrary to what it is sometimes claimed, he was firm in his support of St. Athanasius and his opposition to Arianism, for which he was concluded in the dungeon until the end of his life. He moved to the Lord in 359 after more than sixty-day Mobility of the Episcopal ministry and his memory is prayerfully celebrated on August 27 along the Eastern Personalone.

On March 9, we remember St. Paciana, Bishop Barcelona (365-390), which wrote many works about church discipline, and from which the treatise came to our time and three letters. St. Gregory from Elvira, now Granada (+394). He defended faith from the Great Enemy - Arianism. In the cathedral in Rimini in Italy, he adamantly defended Christian dogmas. The memory is celebrated on April 24.

St. Dotin, Bishop Astorgsky (North-West Spain), departed to the Lord in 420. Memory July 24th.

St. Tourism, Bishop Astorgsky, defended the Orthodox faith from heresy for forty years of his bishopric. He was pressed in 460 and glorified as a heaven patron of Astorgi on April 16. St. Florence Seville, was pressed in 485 and glorified on February 23. Around 527, sv. Neurdius, Bishop Egara, near Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe memory is celebrated on February 9. In the vicinity of Urchel, also in Catalonia, the first bishop of this town Svt is revered. Hust. He is known for lives, compiled in the VII century, and written by the interpretation of song songs. He also finished his earthly life about 527 years and his memory is celebrated on May 28. In 528, SVT was pressed. Tourism, Bishop Palencian, who founded a major monastery in Lieban in the north of Spain. His memory is April 16. In 560, sv. Victorian, a native of Italy, who founded the monastery in Asan, now named San Victorian, in the Pyrenees. His memory is celebrated on January 12. On May 5, we remember SVT. Sasories, Bishop Murvydra (East Coast of Spain), which was also already in 560.

St. Fidelis - it is believed that he was born in the east - was a bishop of Merida. He graduated from his earthly life in 570, and his memory is February 7. During this period, the saint, the reverend - the founders of the monastic life, spiritual fighters with Hergy, one saint occupies a special place. This is St. Emilian or Milllan, who was a shepherd in Navarre, in Western Pyrenees. He was born near 474. In the poor family in the place of La Rioha, near Navarre, became a monk, and then the presbyter, he loved the poor and distributed to them everything he had. Saint loved privacy and retired with students in a desert place. Becoming their mentor, he founded there the great monastery of La Kogolia. Saint was pressed at the age of 100 in 574 and the memory is celebrated on November 12. In the same place in the pyrenees monk the monastery of St. Victorian in Asan (see above), St. Gaudios, became a bishop of Tarasonon, near Saragossa, was pressed in 585 and revered in this city, which keeps his holy power.

The end of the 6th century is marked by the turning point in the history of Spanish Christianity, associated with the appeal of Vizetov (Visigoths) from Arianism in Orthodoxy. In 586, St. Ermeningeld, the son of the ruler of Spain, the King of Leviogilde, renounced Arianism and was baptized in Orthodoxy, taking the name of John. He was deprived of his father all right and sharpened to the dungeon. On the eve of Easter, April 13, 58 6, refusing to accept the "communion" from the hands of the Arian Bishop, he was sentenced to death on his stepmother. As a martyr for faith, he is revered in the Orthodox Church, and in the Catholic April 13 in the West and November 1, along the Eastern Personalone. The relics of sv. Ermeninger rest in Seville, and he is the heavenly patron of this city. Three years later, on the third Tolesky Cathedral in 589, the next King of Vizetov, the younger brother of St. Ermeningeld, Recarred, also turned from Arianism to Orthodoxy. This event has become the basis for a period that can be considered the golden age of Spanish Orthodoxy marked by the full spiritual unity and the consciousness of the church and the state.

The first holy and great symbol of the upcoming breakdown time was St. Leandr, Archbishop Seville (540-601), Senior in a wonderful family of saints. He was born in a notable family in Cartagena, in the south-eastern shore of Spain, entered the monastery of St. Claudia (see above, 300 g), being very young, as a capable and virtuous young man, he was sent with the instructions of Constantinople, where he spent several years. Here he tried to enlist the support of the Byzantine emperor against Arian, this assistance followed when the Byzantine troops captured South Spain. In Constantinople, he also met with St. Gregory Great, the future dad of Roman, and became his close friend. SVT. Gregory later sent St. Leander Icon of the Mother of God Guadelupe, who was very revered in Seville. Upon returning St. Leandr was ordained in the Archbishop of Seville, which soon became the capital of Spain. Here he showed himself as an active archpastor, ordered the litrorship charter of the Spanish Church, drew the above-mentioned St. Yermeningeld and Vizetov in Orthodoxy and was the initiator and active participant in Toledo Cathedrals 589 and 590. On the first of them, which took place in May 589, in the Faith symbol appeared insertion "Filipino", which was introduced as a temporary measure in order to address Arian in Orthodoxy. If, according to SVT. Leandra, the Holy Spirit proceeds to us through Christ, how can the Son of God not be God, as Ariana argued? Unfortunately, this diplomatic missionary reception was in order to not be recognizable and applied in evil at the end of the 7th century in bad political purposes. SVT. Leandr was, no doubt, one of the greatest saints of Spain, some of his many essays reached us, and he is honored in the Orthodox Church, and in the Catholic, February 27 in Western and, along with St. MCH. Yermeningeldom - November 1, on Eastern Personalone.

The importance of the Arian problem is visible from other events. The first of them was the martyrdom of St. Victory, Abbot Monastery St. Claudia (see above 300 g.) In Leone, March 11, 63 0. Two days later, other brothers of the monastery were killed together with the abbot of the monastery and the entire community of St. Ramir. In 633, St. North, Bishop Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwas also cruelly tortured by still holding the Arianism Vizents, which killed him, driven nails in the head. His martyrdom for Christ is glorified on November 6th.

St. Elladium, Bishop Toledo from 615, being still layman, served at the courtyard of Vizetov, where he was the minister. But he loved the monasticism so that he left his position for his life in the Agalian monastery near Toledo, and later became his abbot (Igumen), and later by the archbishop of his native city. He soil in 632 and memory is celebrated on February 18. In all likelihood, the younger brother Svt was pressed. Leandra, St. Fulgenia, Bishop Ets in Andalusia, also the ex-greatest lamp of the Spanish Church (Memory January 16). At the same time, soil sv. Renovat (Memory March 31), who turned from Arianism, who became the Abbot of the Caulian Monastery (the modern territory of Portugal), and then was a bishop of Merida for 22 years. The following is the following in this glorious list. Florentina (memory June 20), SVS sister. Leandra and Fulgenation. She became a monastery and abbatisa (Igumenia) of the monastery in Andalusia, for which St. Leandr wrote the rules of the monastic life that came down to us, touching the letter presented in the form of writing. She was pressed in 636.

Finally, we approached the greatest personality of this Golden VII century, the most revered from this holy family, SVT. Isidor (memory on April 4), Archbishop Seville (560-636). He brought up and received education from his older brother St. Leandra, after which he joined the Seville Department in 600 g. He fought with Arianism, presided over numerous cathedrals, founded schools, strengthened the monastic life and completed the formation of the Mossara Treating of the Divine Liturgy. He embodied his encyclopedic knowledge in the compositions of theology, the Holy Scripture, Geography, History, Astronomy, who were compiled by them the lives of saints. During his lifetime, he was read as a miracle.

Another significant person and the compiler of the life of the saints was St. Bralyuli (March 26), who studied in St. Isidore. Monk Monastery St. Entractions (see above, 304) in Zaragoza, he was ordained in Ierodicone, and then in Hieromonach his brother John, archive. Saragossky, whom St. Browuli changed on this department. He was a bishop of 22 years, 44 of his letters reached our time.

Returning to the primary Tolelian department at the time, we remember St. Eugene, EP. Tolesky (Memory November 13). He was a spiritual poet and a musician. In 646, he became Bishop Toledo. St. Eugene pledged in 657

The successor to the Tedalsky department was his nephew of St. Ildefonso (Memory January 23). He was born in Toledo in 607, he studied in St. Isidore, became the monk of the Agalian monastery, became Archbishop, unified the worship of the Spanish Church and wrote many works about the Mother of God, which he especially read. He was pressed in 667. The following in this list is PRMCh. NounT (Memory October 22), the Monastery Abbot is not far from Merida in Extremadur. He was killed by robber in 668

This glorious VII century ends in the 690s in three outstanding personalities. SVT. Julian Tolesky (MARCH 8), successor at the Tedal Department of the SVV. Eugene and Ildefonso. St. Julian was by the origin of the Jew, but he took the baptism in St. Evgenia and became the monk of the Agali Monastery. He was ordained in Toledo's Archbishop in 680, chaired three cathedrals and became the first archbishop that carried out jurisdiction on the entire church of the peninsula. Julian was an outstanding writer, presided over several cathedrals and worked a lot on the charter of worship services. He was pressed in 690 g.

St. Valery (Memory February 21) was born in Astorga, first became a monk, and then the abbot of the monastery of St. Peter in the mountains (San Pedro de Montes) and left us several ascetic writings. He graduated from his earthly life in 695

Sv. Prudencies (28 April), first monk, then presbyter and finally, Bishop Tarasonsky in Aragon. He is the heavenly patron of this diocese. He was pressed in 700 g.

The second period of martyrs

Spain's spiritual revival in the VII century comes to an end, but no less than a glorious period comes. This is the second period of the martyrdom, the time of Iga Mavrov or Saracinov, who captured the Iberian Peninsula in 711 and whitish the same as the Gentiles of the Romans. However, obviously, this cruelty began to manifest itself in the 9th century. The VIII century became the transition period between VII and IX centuries. However, the provisional of what had to happen in the 9th century was the martyrdom of St. Eurozia (Orosy) (MEMORY 25 JUNE) in Hake, in Pyrenees in 714. There she is revered as a heavenly patroness until today. Following her, two her brothers and sister were injured. Fructus, Valentin and Entractions, the last two were tortured in Sepulved, in the old Castile in Northern Spain in 715. St. fruitus managed to escape, he died the wilderness. The relics of the three waters of God are revered in Segovia, where church honors are given and the memory is celebrated on October 25. Not all saints of the VIII century - martyrs, which is confirmed by an example of SVT. Prudencing, Bishop of Tarasonsky in Aragon (memory on April 28). He was pressed later than 700 years. Also was not a martyr and the PPP. John Atarese, hermit, hung up near Khaki in the Pyrenees. He built a celle under a huge rock and soon two brothers from Zaragoza joined him. Here is Felix. This dwelling of the Inok was subsequently turned into a monastery of St. John De La Peña, who became a spiritual support of the Christian kingdoms of Navarre and Aragon, later - centers of Christian culture and resistance for other Spanish lands subordinate to Muslims. SWV John, Vettus and Felix were praised in 750 and their memory is celebrated on May 29.

SVT. Martzian, Bishop Pamplona (19 June), was praised around 757 years old. In the VIII century St. Emerius, a native of France, founded another monastery dedicated to the first fellow and Archidiacon Stefan in the town of Banalles near Girona in Catalonia. His memory is celebrated on January 27, along with the memory of his mother. Candida, which became a monk and lazed near the monastery of his son and peacefully betrayed his spirit to the Lord in 789. The end of the VIII century is associated with the identity of St. Beata (19 February), whose famous interpretations on the Apocalypse reached us in three lists of the X century. The native of Asturias in Northern Spain, he became a monk, and then the presbyter in Luzne (see above). He defended the truth of Orthodoxy, defending it from Arian and even more non-traditional delusions of heresy adoptsianism. Lickening argued that Christ is not the Son of God, but only adopted by God. These ideas made by the influence of Muslims were later very involved in Spain. St. Beat at the end of his life retired to the monastery of Valvakado, where he graduated from his earthly wandering in 789.

About 800 years old died. Marin, Bishop and abbot of the monastery of St. Peter in Besal in Catalonia; The memory is made on August 19.

By the same period there are the lives of two saints from Galicia. One of them, St. John Tuy (Memory on June 24) was a monk in Tue on the site of the modern border with Portugal, where his power rests. Other, SVT. Alfonso, was an astorga bishop. He went on peace and became a monk in the famous monastery in the name of St. Stephen in Ribas de Forces in Galicia. Another monk was St. Urbicia (Urbes), Frank by nationality, which was praised in 805, he was captured by Moors, ran away from there, became a monk and lazed near the Huesca in the Aragonian Pyrenees. Another reverend beginning of the IX century, which is true, almost nothing is known - this is St. Daniel from Gerona in Catalonia. It is believed that he was Greek origin and was tortured by Moors in Geron.

So we approached the period of the great persecution of the middle of the 9th century, the center of which became the capital of Mavrov - Cordoba, a period that can only be compared with the sufferings that dropped into the share of Christians in Spain in the era of Diocletian or with the epoch of Greece's new martyrs, formerly under Turkish ig. This period lasted from 835 to 864. Here are the names of those who were tortured for faith:

St. Pompoz, a nun into the monastery of Penasseliria, near Cordoba, she was beheaded in 835. Memory: September 19.

SWV Adolf and John, two brothers born in Seville from the Father Muslim and Mother of Christian, were tortured in Cordoba around 850. Tiran Abderrahman II. Memory: September 27.

St. Perfect (this name means - perfect), Cordin priest, lived life, respectively, by his name, adopting a martyr's crown at Easter 851. Memory to him: April 18.

St. Sancho (Sanctus) was taken to Cordova, as a prisoner, from Albi in South France. Becoming a guard at the courtyard of Mavrov, in 851, he was tortured by attraction on the number of refusal to become a Muslim. Memory to him: June 5th.

SWV Peter, Vastrebons, Sabinian, Wistremund, Habenzia and Jeremiah, were all tortured in Cordoba in 851 for the nationwide disintegration of Islam's Neslam. St. Peter was a priest, sv. Valabons Diakom, others - inocities. The elder Jeremiah, who founded the monastery near the city in Tabanos, was scored to death to death, others were decapitated. Memory them: June 7th.

St. Cisenand was born in Badaju in Extremadura in the West of Spain, but became a deacon in Cordove in the church in the name of St. Acycles (see above). He was also beheaded in 851. Memory to him: July 16.

St. Paul, the diacon of the monastery of St. Zoila (see above), who selflessly served by the brothers Christians, who were under the Muslim IG, was beheaded in 851. His holy relics rest in the monastery in the name of St. Zoyl. Memory to him: July 20.

SWV Nunylo and Aladia, daughters of the father of Muslim and Mother of Christian, were arrested, and then decapitated in Weais in 851. Memory of them: October 22.

SWV GUMEZIND and SERVUS DEI (in Greek Christodul, in Russian - servant of God), respectively, the priest and a monk were tortured in Cordove in 852. Memory: January 13.

St. Isaac was born in Cordoba, perfectly possessing Arabic, he became a notary at the courtyard of Mavrov. However, he left everything to become a monk in the Tabanos Monastery, which in seven miles from Cordoba (see above). In 852, he accused the wickedness of Mohammed, participating in a public dispute, and was tortured in his hometown at the age of 27. Memory to him: June 3.

SWV George, Aurelius, Natalia, Felix and Liliosa - everyone suffered in Cordove, probably in 852 SVV. Averali and Natalia, SVV. Felix and Liliosa were spouses, sv. Georgy was a hieraodic of Palestine. Sacred memory: July 27.

SWV Leviogilde and Christopher, both monks, the first of the monastery of SVV. Hust and pastor in Cordove (see above, 304), were tortured there also in 852. Memory of them: August 20.

SWV Emilas and Jeremiah, the first deacon, were beheaded in Cordove in 852. Memory them: September 15.

SWV Rogelle and Servus dei, the first monk, his second student, were also tortured in Cordove in 852 for the nationwide vessels of Islam. Memory them: September 16.

St. Fandilas, originally from Andalusia, was the abbot (abbot) of the monastery in PenaMeliria near Cordoba, where he was beheaded in 853. Memory to him: June 13.

SWV Anastasius, Felix and Dagon were tortured in Cordove in the same year. St. Anastasius was a deacon in the church in the name of St. Acycline (see above, 304), but became a monk in the male monastery of Tabanos with St. Felix. The latter was Berber by origin from the city of Alkala, but he became a monk and lasted in Asturias in the north of Spain. St. Digoon was a monk in the Women's Monastery of Tabanos. They were all decapitated. Memory them: June 14th.

St. Benildis, a Christian from Cordoba, was so hung as an example of their faith and martyrdom, which courageously accepted death at the fire the next day in 853. His memory: June 15.

St. Columbus, a nun from the Women's Monastery Tabanos, was brought by Muslim persecutors from her monastery back to her hometown of Cordov. Here in 853, when she called on to reject Christ, she rejected Mohammed, for which she was beheaded. Her memory: September 17th.

St. Abundius was a parish priest in Ananelos, a village in the mountains near Cordoba. In 854, he confessed Christ in front of Caliph in Cordove, he was beheaded and his body was thrown by dogs. His memory: July 11.

SWV Amanator, Peter and Luis were tortured in Cordoba in 855 St. Amanator was a priest in his hometown of Martos near Cordoba. St. Peter was a monk, Louis - Miryanin. Memory them: April 30th.

SWV Elijah, Paul and Isidore were tortured in Cordoba in 854, sv. Elijah was an elderly Cordin priest, other his young students. St. Eagle (see below) left us evidence of an eyewitness about their martyrdom. Memory them: April 17th.

St. Avreya (Avra), Born in Cordoba from Mauri's parents, became a Christian and, Ovdov, became the nun in the town near Sukhetlara. She stayed here about 20 years old when the family renounced her, and was beheaded in 856 by her memory: July 19.

SWV Flora and Maria, Virgin from Cordoba, were beheaded in 856 s. Mary, the nun, was the sister of St. Valabons (see above, 851) and laughed in Cuteclara near Cordoba. After their martyrdom, which is best described by St. Eurogon, (see below), the body of St. Maria has not yet been found. Memory them: November 24th.

SWV Ruderik and Solomon were captured and beheaded in the 857 s. Ruderik was a priest in the vicinity of the Babries and was devoted to his brother Muslim. Celebration to him: March 13.

St. Argir was also from the Cabra, where he served as Head. He was lowered from his post because of faith in Christ, and after that he became a monk. A little later, in 858, he was openly impulsed Islam, confessed Christ and was beheaded. Memory to him: June 28.

St. Eagle Cordovsky, one of the most revered martyrs, was a prominent clergyman in the city. Well known for his educational activities and pastoral jealousy, he consoled Christians in their suffering and inspired martyrs, making up "Memories of Saints" for them. In 859, he himself was captured and then beheaded for the protection of St. Lebcritis (see below), which appeal from Islam. His memory: March 11.

St. Luccriti (Lucretia), a virgin from Cordoba, the daughter of Mavrov's parents, appealed to Christianity and was expelled from her home. Supported St. Energium, she was bichned, and then beheaded four days after him. Memory to her: March 15.

St. Laura was born in Cordove, Ovdov, became a nun and lazy in the vicinity of Cutelars. In 864, she was convicted as a Christian and thrown into a boiler with molten lead. Her memory: October 19.

St. Laura was the last of this group of martyrs, but not the latter among the martyrs affected by the Moors. Indeed, the next victim became St. Stephen, the abbot of the Castilian monastery in Carden near Burgos, who was tortured with other monks in 872. The memory of them is made on August 6.

Restoration of Orthodoxy

The seed of the church is her martyrs. So it was always. So, we approached the final period of the history of Spanish holiness, the seeds of which were sown with martyrs and were cultivated by St. Ix century, who made their feat from the end of the 9th century to the fall of Orthodox Iberia, which occurred about 1050. This last period is opened by the names of St. Vintiilov, Rev., who, which, Poohino, near Orense in Galicia in 890 in 900, St. Lambert, a servant who worked near Saragossa was killed by his master Maurus for being a Christian. After some time, I was satisfied. Ansurinary, Bishop Orense, who contributed to the foundation of the Ribas de For Forces monastery, in which he retired as a simple monk in 922. He was pressed in 925

Then, sv. Tigridia, which was the province of the Women's Monastery in the Neye Burgos, she won in 925 at the age of about ten years, St. Pelagii (Spanish Pelaio) was captured by Moors in Asturias in the north of Spain and delivered to Cordo. Here he was offered freedom and other awards if he becomes Muslim. After three years in prison, before you kill, it was subjected to torment and he took righteous death at the age of 13 in 925. He still revered in Spain.

In 936, SVT was pressed. Gennady, Bishop Astorgsky. Before the abbot (abbot) of the monastery of St. Peter in the mountains (San Pedro de Montes, see above), he restored him and actively promoted the revival of monastic life in all of the North-West Spain. He was a bishop of Astorga for 36 years to about 931, when he retired as a simple monk to the Monastery of St. Peter, where he accepted the peaceful death. SVT. Gennady helped in his works of St. Urban, the abbot of the monastery in the penalter, in the Diocese of Astorga, who soil at 940. Two years later, about 942 sv. Yermogo, a native of Thuja in Galicia and the founder of the monastery in Laureli. Uncle St. Pelagia, he was also captured and captured in Cordov, but was released by Moors. At the end of life, he, being a bishop of Tui, retired to the monastery of Ribas de Forces. Svt successor. Gennady, about which we mentioned above became its former student, SVT. Vincent, who was pressed in 950 g.

Proof of the fact that during this period of revival of Christian life, the time of the martyrdom has not yet ended, serve examples of SVV. Pelagia, Arseny and Silvana, the Inok, who hung around Burgos in the old Castile, where they are revered so far. They were tortured by Moors in 950, until their righteous death, they launched into the skete, who later became an artican monastery, in which their memory is made on August 30.

St. Yermeningeld was a monk in Salcedo near Tuya and contributed to the spread of monasses in the Spanish and Portuguese Galicia, together with the Great Portuguese of St. Rudezind. He was pressed in 953 and his memory is performed on November 5th. Another reverend of this period was St. Amasvint, monk and rector for 42 years of the monastery near Malaga in Andalusia. The memory is celebrated on December 22. St. Peter (928-987), was born in Venice, was the commander of the Venetian flotilla, then abandoned the sake of the sake of the attainment of the night and retired to the Kuksi Monastery in Pyrenees, where he graduated from his life in monastic.

Another Peter (Martinez) or Peter Morazosky, became a monk in the Mozonzo monastery in Galicia around 950. around 986, however, he already became the abbot of the monastery of St. Martin in the compostele in Galia, then was erected in the San Archbishop of this city. It is very revered as the hero of Spanish reconquists. He especially honored the Mother of God. He was praised about 1000 sch. Virila was the abbot of the monastery of St. Sav. Savior in Liere in Navarre. He was praised in 1000 s. Froylan, also from Galicia, being another young man, became a monk, and then the abbot of the monastery in Seaweel in the old Castile, and then Bishop Leonsky. He made a lot to restore the monastic life, along with his assistant (see below), he created monasteries for hundreds of monks and nuns in Western Spain. St. Froylan was praised in 1006 and traditionally praised in Leone on October 5, being a heavenly patron of Leon Diocese. St. Frolana skillfully helped St. Attila (Attilan) (939 - 1009), formerly by a monk and came from Galicia. At Easter 990, one day with St. Froylan, he was ordained in the bishop Samora, cities south of Leon. Memory of sv. Athilan is made on October 5, two days later after the church celebration of His Holy Friend.

St. Ermengudia (in Catalan - Armengol) was very active and had a true monastic attitude of the Urchel bishop in the Catalan Pyrenees from 1010 to 1035, when he peacefully betrayed his soul to God. His memory is celebrated on November 3. St. Gillermo Penakoradsky was a monk in the Satagun monastery in Leone. In 988, he ran from Mavrov and settled with other monks in the Penacure, where he founded the monastery, now wearing his name. He was pressed in 1042 and the memory is made to him on March 20. St. Atto was first a monk and lasted in the middle of the old Castile, and then became a bishop and served in the vicinity of Oca-Wallpust. He was pressed in 1044 and his memory is made on June 1. Finally, we approached the name of St. Casilda (+1050). She was born in Toledo and was probably Mauritan in Christianity, but he turned into Christianity, became a nun and lasted in Briviesto near Burgos.

Hidden land

Looking at the history of the peoples of Iberia, we experience, obviously, a special regret that they did not remain in Orthodoxy. If this had not happened, the Iberian Church would not only be replenished and became famous for new saints, but also Latin America and Mexico, as many peoples in Africa and Asia, would enlighten the unmandable light of the Orthodox faith and there would be no tragic events, performed by the bloodshed of events, which occurred after the branch of Iberia from Orthodoxy. When we look at this hanged list of two hundred Saints of Spain, and this name of the country in Phoenician means "hidden land", we can not pay praise to God for the heroism and the sacrifice that the saints of this land have shown in their lives for Christ. Holidays of the Holy "Hidden Earth" and their true spirituality are truly "the light in the revelation of languages \u200b\u200band the glory of the people of your Israel."

According to the sacred legend to her husbands, the apostolic includes the saints that were direct disciples of the apostles, they knew the apostles personally.

According to other sources, St. Leandr first was ordained in the bishop of Seville, and in the San Archbishop he was erected later than St. Gregory Great, after the Cathedral of 589, who paid tribute to the works of SVT. Leandra on the appeal of visa to Orthodoxy (approx. Translation.)

This monastery is a monastery in the valley (Convento de Valle) in Andalusia. According to the Spanish researchers, the PRP. Florentina was the founder of women's monasses in Spain

Spain - Catholic country, and other religions here always have a bad thing. In the first half of the twentieth century here, in Madrid and BarcelonaThere were only two Orthodox churches: Greek and Serbian. However, there were never Russian churches here. Until recently.

Often all emigrants unites one thing: longing for homeland. However, at least, for various reasons, they prefer to be in a voluntary "link", still experiencing a strong need to build a piece of native land around them. An important role in this is also played by spiritual aspirations - so, probably, in every country of the world and appear russian Orthodox churches. Here, parishioners get the opportunity to pray in the usual eye and the heart of the Church, as well as to unite with themselves like.

The BACKO Family experienced such a spiritual need, in 1995 moved to Spain from Rostov-on-Don. Having bought your own real estate on the coast Costa BlancaAlready the next year they acquired a land plot for construction and ordered the project of the temple. This was the beginning of the creation of the church of St. Michael and Church Community, which at that time consisted only from the same Family BACK.

Orthodox church in Altea

But only 2007 the temple of the Russian Orthodox Church was consecrated in the history of Spain. It is located in one of the most picturesque places of the Mediterranean coast of the village of Costa Blanca - City Altea. in the province Alicante. The service is carried out here in Russian. Church of St. Michael the Archangel Erected by all canons of Russian Orthodox churches, and her golden dome gladly glad of each Russian tourist. Now this temple is true symbol of Russia in Spain .

Temple of Archangel Mikhail, schedule of services

The temple is open daily:

monday - Friday 10: 00-18: 00

saturday 10: 00-20: 00

sunday 08: 00-18: 00

How to get to the temple in Altea

The temple of Archangel Mikhail is located at:

163rd km. Roads No. 332, Altea (about 70 km. from the city of Alicante). It is easy to notice on gold-plated domes.

Official site:

Second russian Orthodox Temple in the territory Spain is an church of the Nativity of Christ in Madrid. His construction is in the final stage and will end in 2014. Temple Located at: Concejal Francisco José Jiménez Martín, 78 - 1b.

However, Russian orthodox community Spain Not limited to two official churches, and organizes parishes without individual temples and house temples. At the moment, the parishes exist in the following Spanish cities: Alicante, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bValencia, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Madrid, Marbella, Palma de Mallorca, Sevilla, Tarragona, Tenerife (Tehina de Isifera), Elche, El Ehido and the largest - in Torreviele.

Sometimes we are asked - the Orthodox life abroad differs from life in Russia? It seems to me that there is one difference, important, if not for everyone, then for many people. Here you live in Moscow, for example, or in St. Petersburg, and it became you to eat. You can sit down and go, for example, in the Don Monastery, or Smolenku. You look, and let go a little, or even at all. And the man arrived in Madrid - where to go? Where do batteries charge?

So I was thinking at first 12 years ago, when we started to serve in a place where the Latin American and Moroccan emigrants were called on the phone home, and sold peaches and tomatoes. It is hard to start myself, punch your head ice, I thought! Gradually, we learned that we were not the first. The forgotten story of our arrival, the leading began from the mid-XVIII century, we discovered a wonderful priest - about. Constandan Kustodiev, who served in Madrid in the 1860s, leafed the pages of the history of an unrequited church in Spain.

In England, all Orthodox people know about the first goal of Albania, the ancient Celtic saints, make pilgrimages in Wallsingham and other holy places. And Spain is a blank sheet. We began to master the "Orthodox geography" of the Iberian Peninsula. Many places we visited more than once - and with the family, and with the arrival.

1. Santiago de Compostela

Santiago de Compostela is the capital of Galicia. This is an area located in the northwest of the country. Those who know Spain on the beaches of the Mediterranean will be surprised by coming here. Green fields, birch, ocean waves - and completely different people. Galicians are descendants of the ancient Celtic tribes, these people remember their past. Go to the Casa Das Crechas Bar, where local nationalists love to gather, or simply listen to the Galician Volyn at the Square of the Square at the Cathedral - and you will understand where you got.

According to legend, here at the beginning of the IX century were acquired by the relics of the Holy Apostle James Zejedeeva. In Spain, they believe that it was he brought here a message about Christ. However, many modern scientists belong to this skeptical. It is unclear how Jacob could get to Spain to his martyrdom of the death described in the actions of the Apostolic (Acts 12: 2), as his power was in Spain, and why the ancient Spanish historians and chronicles are silent about his sermons. Nevertheless, a legend about the apostle is deeply rooted in Spanish culture.

Camino de Santiago - the path connecting different European cities into a single network of roads and routes, in the Middle Ages created a single European space - long before the European Union. In recent decades, the pilgrimnic route was revived, every year it takes more and more pilgrims. Russian travelers have already created their group in Facebook. In addition, a small number of Orthodox people lives in Santiago and neighboring cities. For them, we regularly commit worship in the Cathedral.

2. Oviedo

Residents of Asturias are very proud that they are real Spaniards, and not half-live cordoba and Granada. When Arabs Muslims won the Iberian Peninsula, many shrines were transported to the current Oviedo - the capital of "Free Spain". The most significant of these shrines is a court (boards), who lay on the face of the Savior after burial. The evangelist John mentions about him: "Simon Peter comes, and enters the coffin, and sees some pellets lying, and the boards, which was on the chapter of him, not lying, but a particularly pig in another place" (John 20: 6- 7).

Sudar in the Cathedral of San Salvador in Oviedo. Photo: RTPA.ES.

Scientists have proven the identity of the judgment of the Turin Corporation, however, it should be noted that, unlike the shroud, the story of which is extremely confused, the sorrier is in one place from the middle of the 9th century. In addition to him, in the Cathedral of Oviedo there are the relics of the Martyr Evlalia Meridskaya, the Holy Martyr Eneroga Cordobsky and many other shrines.

In Oviedo and its surroundings, Many Doroan temples of the IX century, located in very picturesque places, seeing the temple of Santa Christina de Lena, can not remember the temple of the cover to Nerley. Despite the proximity of Galicia, the landscape here is completely different - more dramatic, mountainous. In the mountains "Picos de Europe" - just like in the Alps. "Paraiso Natural" - so called Asturia its inhabitants.

3. Barcelona

Barcelona is not only the Gaudi architecture and the plot of songs, Spear Freddie Mercury and Montserrat Caballe. The Cathedral of the beautiful city of Spain is the relics of the Holy Martyr Evlalia Barcelona - the patroner of this place, affected by legend, at the beginning of the IV century. The saint's relics were found wonderful on October 23, 877. Bishop Ferodoine in Barcelona in the place where the Church of Santa Maria Del Mar is now located.

Since its veneration began in a few centuries after the death of the Evlalia martyr from Merida and suffering almost in detail, they repeat, most of the scientists believe that Evlalia Barcelona did not exist at all, and its reverence is a reflection of the reverence of the martyr from Merida. Catalans consider this theory of "imperial" and protect their holy. In the sacraticles of our church, her name entered the works of St. Dimitri Rostov. Her memory is celebrated in the West on February 12, and on the calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church - August 22 / September 4.

4. Santo Toribio de Liebana

In the monastery of Santo Toribio de Liebana, in the mountains of Cantabria, the largest part of the Cross of the Lord outside the Vatican is kept. According to legend, it was transferred to the monastery together with the relics of St. Toribia in the VIII century. Daily, the cross is carried out of a special chapel to worship pilgrims. Schoolchildren skeptically smoke, those who are older are suitable with reverence. For many years, during which we come to the monastery, the cross makes one and the same monk - a calm and well-known to all who accept the blessing from the Cross, not always aware of the seriousness of the moment. Around the monastery - the picturesque Mountains of Cantabria, and a little higher - the cave, where in the 6th century Holy Toribiy lived, his founder.

5. San Miyan de la Cogoya

The monastery was founded by Rev. Emilian Kukkulatte (474-574). His life was written by Browlion, the Bishop of Zaragoza (Caesarangi), about 640. Emilian was ordained to priests and aimed at parish after 40 years of privacy. Did this be a recognition of his merit; In the Westgoth Church, he was wary of herger monasures and sought to take control. Its parish service was short-lived, thanks to the complainants and enviously, Emilian returned to the monastic life, and during his lifetime he was famous for the wonderfulness.

In the library of the monastery, codes with the most ancient inscriptions in Castile are preserved; In Spain, the monastery is called the cradle of Spanish. The upper part of the monastery ("Suso") is a cave complex built with VI to the XI century. Subsequently, when the monastery began to expand, the construction of a new monastery complex (YuCO) began to be launched below in the XI century), where the relics of the saint were launched. The ark, made in the XI century, decorate miniatures from ivory.

Some of them were in different museums of the world - including in the State Hermitage. Not far from the monastery - Cave, where the saint lasted in solitude. For me personally, this is one of your favorite places in Spain. Try to visit these places in the fall, driving through the vineyards of Ryoi, do not be lazy to overcome the rise to the saint cave, and it will certainly become your friend.

6. Cave monasteries

In the northern part of Spain - a lot of cave monastery complexes remained between the country of Basque, Burgos and Palencia. Scientists database these caves in different ways; Presumably, the most ancient of them belong to the VI century. Not surprising, if you remember here about the cave monasteries of the Crimea. In Spain (not without some exaggeration), this region is called "Spanish Cappadocy".

7. Valley of silence

"Valley of Silence", or "Barcian Fiival" is close to Ponferrada. It is known as the place of the monastic feat of ancient times. The beautiful temple of Santiago de Penyalb, built in the X century, has been preserved. Saint Gennady, Bishop Astorgi was buried here. In half an hour walk from the temple, you can visit the cave, where Gennady lived in solitude, having lost from the Episcopal ministry.

It is possible to continue the way further along the mountain path and to be at the ruins of the monastery of San Pedro de Montes, founded by the Holy Fruit Dutomius Bragank in the VII century. There are no hotels here, but there are "Casas Rurales" - houses that are surrendered for tourists and travelers. In Santiago de Penalba, you can stay at the desceria, and he feeds you for dinner with a satisfying "Botillo" - a traditional hillside dish living in Leon's province.

8. Westgoth Temples in Castille Leone

23 km from Samora is a unique temple of San Pedro de la Navva. It should be flooded during the construction of the dam, but the works of the historian and the archaeologist Manuel Gomez-Moreno moved to 1930-1932. The Capitals of the Temple decorates the stone carving depicting the sacrifice of Abraham, Daniel in the Lion Radi and other figures. The temple is traditionally dated to the VII century, although later dating (IX-XI centuries) was offered. In the temple a wonderful rector about. Louis Santamaria, who jokes, talking about herself that he is the youngest priest in the most ancient temple of the diocese.

In the city of Venta de Banos there is another unique temple - San Juan de Los Banos. The temple was built in 661. Its construction began on the orders of the king of the recession, which received healing from the source near the church. Do not forget to bring a bottle for water with you!

9. Leon

In Leone, it is certainly necessary to get to Colegiata de Los Reyes - see Romanesque frescoes, in particular, those depicting personalized months, each with their seasonal business and occupation. Nearby is a basilica, where from 1063 in Leone are the relics of St. Isidore Seville. St. Isidore - Certainly, the largest figure of the Spanish Patristics. After the death of her senior brother, Leandra Isidore became his successor at the Department of Higispalis (Seville).

St. Isidore, like his elder brother, entered the story as an uncompromising wrestler with Arianism. He presided over the II of Seville Cathedral in 619, condemned heresy "Akeafalov", and at the IV Tedalsky Cathedral in 633. The saint died on April 4, 636; According to the Mosarabian "Recovemund calendar", the memory of the saint was committed on the same day.

Worship of the saint in the era of an undivided church came far beyond Spain; In addition to the two Mosara test calendars of the X century, his name is found in the French "Martyrology of Usard" of the middle of the 9th century, the Litania of the Psaltiri Karl of the Great and several other liturgical texts of France and Germany of the IX-XI centuries. Dante places an Isidore in empires - for the tenth heaven.

St. Isidore is one of the many holy unrequited churches, who is devoted to one of the Heads of Synaksary, compiled by the Ieromonach of the Afonov Monastery of Simonopetra Makaria and published by Sretensky Monastery in 2011. His name was also included in the Saints of the Orthodox Church in America.

10. Toledo

Martyr Leokady. Evgeny Malyagin's letter icon, transmitted as a gift to the Cathedral of Toledo from the believers of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Most of the tourists who come to Madrid tries to get to Toledo - the ancient Spanish capital, located in an hour's drive from the present. Few people know that the Roman city of Toltum became the place of suffering from Leockadia's martyrs, who died in the dungeon at the beginning of the IV century.

It is known that at the site of the burial of the martyr in 618, the King of Sisebut was built a temple in which the IV, V, VI and XVII traded cathedrals were held. Tradesian bishops Eugene, Ildefonso and Julian were buried here. The life of Ildefonso Toledo describes in detail the acquisition of the power of the Holy in the VII century. During the Arabic conquest, the temple was destroyed, but also today the burial place of the martyr is preserved in the Cristo De La Vega Temple. Also in Toledo is the temple of Saint Leockadia, built, by legend, on the scene of the holy house.

In the VIII century The relics of the saint were transferred to Oviedo. And now the pilgrims to the Savior's Savior, who is located in a special chapel of Cámara Santa in the Cathedral, can go down to the lower level of the chapel and be in the crypt of St. Leokady, where they lay her power. In the XI century In the era of Alfonso VI, the power of St. Leokady were in the Flemish Abbey Saint-Gile, from where they returned to Toledo on April 26, 1587. At the moment they are stored in Toledo Cathedral in a special chapel of "El Ochavo", access to tourists is usually closed. The packing with a part of the chapter of the Saint is stored in the Orthodox Church of St. Equal Mary Magdalene in Madrid.

11. Khaka and surroundings

The city in the north of Aragon is associated with the memory of the EUROSI martyr (Orosia), injured in the era of the invasion of Arabov Muslims. Her relics were moved to the Cathedral of the city of Khaka in the XI century. The first literary evidence of its death and reverence refer to the XIII century. According to the traditional version, she came to Spain from Bohemia. The beginning of this tradition was found in 1493 by the Czech monk Juan from Monte Olivoli. However, since the beginning of the XVII century, many have subjected this version of the origin of the saint doubt. Anyway, it will not be a mistake to say that in church veneration of the Holy Euro personifies a living connection between the Ancient Spain and the Slavic Christian world.

Her head is in the temple of the village of Yebra de Basa, from where it can be climbed into the mountains in the picturesque path, to the place of her martyrdom, which built the temple. We once performed this path and we are pilgrims from Madrid. We had to descend on a different trail, indicated on the map, to another village, where the bus was waiting for us.

In addition to beauty, we started searching paths down, but it was not. In addition, the thunderstorm began - not from above, and on the side, moving right on us, as it happens in the mountains. There was no soul around. It was dangerous to descend. Suddenly we saw the shepherd. It seemed strange to his Aragon accent, but soon he had an explanation. Vasil was from Chernivtsi, and half of our group turned out to be His countrymen. It is difficult to say who was more glad to meet - he, we or his dog called Trotsky.

From the mountains we descended on the Jeeps of the Civil Guard, and since then I took the rule - never trust the cards and not carry people along the routes that I did not pass myself. In spite of everything, a wonderful trip turned out. So stand before the eyes of snow peaks of pyrenees, meadows, shepherd, dog Trotsky and the image of Saint Eurwhussia, which is revered as a patronage of those who fell into a thunderstorm.

In October 2016, for Orthodox Russians it is planned to pilgrimage to the shrines of the Ancient Spain, which I hope to head. Come, we will be happy!