Orthodox shrines in the world. Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra

 Orthodox shrines in the world. Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra
Orthodox shrines in the world. Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra

Cancer is a magnificent piece of applied art consisting of several parts and performed in the style of Baroque. The memorial complex of the remains of Rev. A. Nevsky was created during the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna, it was designed from silver and weighs one and a half tons. Previously, the cancer of the Great Tsar was located in the Trinity Temple located on the territory of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

With the arrival of the Bolsheviks, the memorial complex was transferred to Hermitage, since 2012 it is in the process of restoration work. The relics were safely returned to the Lavr Cathedral in 1989

Description Craki Holy

The memorial composition of the sacred cancer is kept in the Hermitage Concert Hall, but the remains rest in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Cancer, which is a unique religious monument, is composed of seven parts: two ark, two candlesticks, two pedestals and one pyramid. The composition is majestically combines the motives of architecture and sculptural skill.

Pointy Prince Alexander Nevsky in Alexander Nevsky Lavra

The ornament and plots were performed using a high-teen chasing, which gave the holy cancer additional paints and shadows.

  • Small ark, created at the end of the XVII century, created in the Moscow Baroque manner. The relics of St. Alexander at the insistence of Metropolitan Illarion shifted into a new cancer when it took the restoration of the former after the fires that occurred in 1681 and in 1689
  • The small ark is covered with an icon where the Monarch is depicted in monastic clothes. At the top of the wooden crayfish, a plate of silver passes, there are words that inform about finding the relics of the blessed prince A. Nevsky on it. The boards are decorated with a copper ornament, events from the life of the sovereign are told on decorative medallions.
  • Large cancer has a lid into which the icon is inlaid. The Ark was manufactured during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. It is an example of a memorial in which the baroque art has reached its highest peak. It was made in the period from 1746 to 1751. Figure Cancer created the city of Grotto, and the decorative sketches made Ya. Schlyanin.
  • For the creation, one and a half tons of silver, splashed on the monetary court of St. Petersburg. In 1748, the first version of the ark was completed, but many silver details, as it turned out, did not fit the complex. It took new drawings and model. The team of masters collided with great difficulties in creating a unique memorial: many details were redone, others were purified from impurities. Work on the monumental structure was completed at the end of September 1753
  • The third part is a large pyramid consisting of five tiers. It is designed to create an impression of an architectural building, possesses asymmetric forms, where direct lines cannot be detected. When installing this pyramid, it turned out that the praising memory of St. Alexander is absolutely not visible. Empress Elizabeth ordered to attach to the construction of two cast angels, and these words apply to their shields.
  • The three-tiered headboard demonstrates majesty for the entire environment. In the middle of the second tier there is a decorative bas-relief depicting Rev. Alexander with the banner in the desk. Reliefs with the most important events from the life of A. Nevsky (victory over the Swedes, the Germans, the liberation of Pskov and the burial) are located with sornery of sacred sarcophag.
On a note! If you consider the issue of reverending St. Alexander, it should be consistent with one of the first historical and agiographic books "The Tale of the Life of the Princely Prince ...".

The first edition was written in the Christmas monastery, the author considers the contemporary of the ruler (no later than 1280). Scripture appears as pagnika (literary praise) of Rev. A. Nevsky. The creator of the "story ..." included the facts in the book that demonstrated the deepest reverence and impression of contemporaries in front of the Personality of Prince. Life consisted of preface, episodes of activity and posthumous crying, after which a spiritual miracle was described, which indicates the holiness of the prince and its moral purity.

History of reverence of power

Westing Alexander Nevsky originated at the site of the burial of his body in the Christmas monastery of the city of Vladimir immediately after the death. During a farewell ceremony, a miracle happened: Metropolitan Kirill, guiding the ritual, was approaching the coffin to give the prince spiritual letter, but the dance of the deceased itself started and accepted this sacred sheet.

Holy Power of Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky

After the church believers told about this event, many people began to consider Alexander Saints and praised him in prayer chants.

  • The book called "Life A. Nevsky" was known in Moscow, Veliky Novgorod and Pskov. From the XVI century to the holy defender of the Russian Earth, the eve of battles were applied.
  • The Ponomer of the christmas christmas christmas told that in 1380 (on the eve of the battle on the Kulikov field), he was a spirit that gives the blessing of "His His", the prince D. Donskoy.
  • After this significant battle, the official autopsy and further identification of the remains of St. Alexander occurred. Having stayed in the land of 117 years, the power remained ample and fragrant. Metropolitan Cyprian solemnly announced that Alexander will now be referred to as blissful, the Great Intercession of the Fatherland was learned by the church celebration, in his honor they wrote canons and icons.
  • Removing the relics expanded in the period from XV to XVI centuries. ROC ranked A. Nevsky to the face of the saint as a wonderworker. Based on the Book of Life (XIII century), canonical biography was created.
  • One of the miracles happened in the presence of John IV, which made a trip to Kazan and who stopped along the way in Vladimir. The approaching king healed his hands, making a prayer with the relics of Rev. Alexander. Subsequently, churches and monasteries in the glory of the Great Wonderworker and Defender of the Fatherland are being built in Russia.

West from the XVIII century. to the present day

In 1710 Peter the first published an order for the transfer of the relics to St. Petersburg. This step, the ruler wanted to perpetuate the fame of the winner of the Nevsky battle. Peter wasveling so that Alexander was depicted in the future as the Grand Duke and the patron saint of the new capital, and not a simple monk. Saint became for compatriots by God's ascetic. In the XIX personality A. Nevsky acquires the character of the high-thunder hero. With respect, the prominent Russian historians of Karamzin, Solovyov and Kostomarov respond to him.

Icon of St. Alexander Nevsky

  • An opening of the tombs occurred in the summer time of 1917, an examination of evacuation was performed. The Bolsheviks who came to power did not take into account the life and the miraches of A. Nevsky, as he was considered the Holy RPC and represented the monarchy. They wanted to open and withdraw the power, this blasphemy could not even stop the protest of the metropolitan and many believers. In 1922, the tomb was disassembled into parts, and the power was made to see the atheism museum.
  • The name of the presence of Alexander again appeared on a hearing only after 15 years. For Soviet patriotism, he became an outstanding figure. The researchers paid a lot of attention to the times of the reign of St. A. Nevsky, and in 1942 the state was celebrated with a 700-year anniversary of the ice entrance.
  • In 1944, an exhibition dedicated to the Great Patron of the Fatherland was held. This event was supported by the ROC, which at the height of the war gathered cash donations to the construction of the Aviation Fleet named after A. Nevsky. The image of the reverend, winning Teutons, best suited to strengthen the morality of Soviet soldiers in the fight against fascism.
  • The relics were safely returned to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra from the Kazan Temple only in 1989, but the Ark remained in the Hermitage. A year later, there was a consecrated land in a special vessel next to the remains taken from the Nevsky Battleships. Patriarch Alexy II called on believers to pray before the relics for those who died, courageously defending their Fatherland. Today there is a restoration of the memorial complex, and disputes are being conducted relative to the issue of creating a copy of cancer, which will be transferred to the ROC.
On a note! Interest in the personality of St. Alexander does not disappear in our time. Information about life was recorded in literary monuments drawn up by testimonies and opinions of eyewitnesses of events.

Experts and readers with great interest deliberately in these details and give praise the grandeur of the Holy Defender of the Fatherland. Today, the state annually celebrate the date of the two great battles, in which the Blessed Prince A. Nevsky won important victories.

The relics of St. Prince A. Nevsky, as well as his name, became extremely revered immediately after the death of the Great Ruler. The remains who made the wonders of healing are asking for help not only Orthodox believers, but also people of secular society. Over time, Alexander began to be honored as God's ward, Defender of the Fatherland and Patron of St. Petersburg, and not as a simple monk and a spiker.

The relics of the holy prince Alexander Nevsky

The spiritual center of the Northern Capital of Russia is the Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra. The male monastery was equipped by order of Peter I and more than 300 years fulfills its functions. The architectural ensemble of the monastery is one of the most popular attractions. Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg attracts pilgrims and tourists from different parts of Russia and foreign countries. Visitors have the opportunity to inspect the monastery, necropolis, monuments, a museum operating in the laurel.

Simultaneously with the creation of a new Russian capital, King Peter I ordered to equip in the city of the male monastery. As a construction site, a plot on the bank of the Black River was singled out. According to chronicle documents, it was in the area that a decisive battle of the squad of Alexander Nevsky with enemy troops occurred. Peter I wanted to perpetuate the memory of his outstanding predecessor and therefore ordered to move his power to a new monastery. The monastery acquired a holy patron and was awarded the name "Alexander Nevsky". The overall development plan of the territory was developed by architects D.Terzini and I. Starov. The foundation was laid in 1710. The Annunciation Church (1712) became one of their first buildings. Around it was formed a complex that includes various construction functions.

Residential buildings, with cells for monks, are interconnected and form in the form of the letter "P". The inner space of the monastery is broken into zones with flower beds and gardens. Later the cemeteries appeared on the territory, where monks and laity were buried. Members of the Imperial Dynasty (Empress Anna Leopoldova, Tsarevna Natalia Alekseevna) were honored to be buried in consecrated land (Empress Anna Leopoldovna), prominent state figures (A. Razumovsky), outstanding commander (A. Savorov), famous scientists (M. Lomonosov), famous writers (F. Dostoevsky, D.Fontvizin, I. Krylov), composers (P. Tchaikovsky, M.Muvourgsky, N. Rimsky - Korsakov) and artists (I. Shishkin, A. Kindji).

In the 20s, 18th century. The monastery becomes the center of enlightenment. A typography and seminary begins to work in it, which over time is transformed into the Spiritual Academy. By decree of Paul, the abode receives the status of the Lavra (1797). After the establishment of Soviet power, the struggle against religious institutions begins. In the winter of 1932, the monastery was abolished, and the monks arrested. The buildings were given to the needs of government agencies. The revival of the Lavra began at the end of the 20th century. The buildings were transferred to the ownership of the diocese, the monastery charter was approved, worked craft workshops, in the temples carried out reconstruction and resumed worship.

Saints and shrines

Pilgrims come to the laurel to worship the Great Prince Alexander Nevsky, pray to the miraculous icons (Seraphim of Sarovsky, "Nevskiy Skilistry", "dignity") and the relics of the Holy Kiev-Pechersk elders, and also inspect other shrines.

Saints Lavra

With the history of the monastery, the names are honored in the Orthodoxy of the Saints. They were the state of laurels and spent part of their lives in her walls. Saint Innocent, the miracle, John Kulchitsky, Martyr Veniamin Kazansky enjoy wide fame among pilgrims. In 2000, Rev. Seraphim Vyritsky was canonized. During the 2nd World War, he became famous for his moles on the stone. Nowadays, his cells were transformed into a chapel, which is open to visiting.

The relics of sv. Alexander Nevsky

The main shrine of the Lavra is the relics of Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky - the patron saint of the monastery. Initially, cancer with the remains was located in the city of Vladimir and was solemnly moved to the northern capital by order of Tsar Peter I. In August 1724, the relic was placed in the Blagoveshchensky Church of St. Petersburg. By order of the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, a new ark was made to store the princely remains. It was cast from silver on the Sestroretsky weapon plant.

In the 20s The last century, during the fight against religion, the relics of the saint were removed from the repository and exposed to review at the Atheism Museum. The precious cancer was transferred to the State Hermitage Foundation. Patriarch Alexy II returned the shrine on the place like her. In 1989, the remains of the Osts of the Blessed Prince Nevsky in the Trinity Cathedral on the territory of the Lavra took place. Every year in a memorable date (June 3), a festive prayer is held in the monastery in front of the stencils.

Icon of the Mother of God "Nevskaya Svopelist"

Special reverence among parishioners and pilgrims enjoys an icon with the face of Our Lady "Spear Silver." It is a copy of the original shrine stored in the Dohir Monastery in the Athos Mountain. In the original form, God's Mother was captured alone, and when creating a list, it was depicted with a baby Jesus on her hands. The new "Spear-head" was brought to Russia the Hieromonahs of Warsonfius and Athanasius at the end of the 19th century. The image was placed in the Alexandrovsky chapel. After the face did not suffer from fire during a fire, he began to endow the miraculous force. Icon was able to survive during the brutal struggle with a cult.

During the blockade of Leningrad, the image of the "oath" was exhibited in the Vladimir Temple, together with the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. Believers turned to the faces of Our Lady with requests for help and heavenly intercession. It is believed that the prayers pronounced before the "Supilistry" find a quick response. Because icon received such a name. For greater clarity, the Russian copy began to refer to the "Nevskaya Skilistry". From the late 50s. Last century, the place of its permanent deployment is the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Lavra.

Building complex

The architectural ensemble of the monastery was created in 17-18 centuries. It is characterized by baroque and classic styles. Design and construction was carried out with the participation of famous architects - D.Terzini, I. Starov, t. Schutfegera, M. D. Rastorgueva. Residential and service hulls form a car around the courtyard. Each case has its own name, indicating its purpose - the Metropolitan, Okrug, Seminarsky, Risnic, Library. Towers are placed in the corners. In the territory of the abode there are 15 temples. On the banks of the R.Monastrki (in the past, the Black River) is erected by the 2-storey Annunciation Church (1724). It has a rectangular shape.

The peak is crowned with a 8-graded dome. This is one of the oldest churches built from stone. The inner interior is decorated with modeling (brothers Rossi), wall painting (I. Nikitin, I. Vishnyakov), icons (Gzel). In Kripte there are tombs of many outstanding people. Above the entrance to the monastery is equipped with a commemorated sorrowing church (God's Mother of all mournful joy). It was intended for artisans and merchants serving the needs of the Lavra. The mansard position led to a modest, largest, sizes of the temple.

Holy Trinity Cathedral

The core of the monastic complex is the Holy Trinity Cathedral. The building was built at the end of the 18th century. He is inherent in the features of a classic architectural style. The central facade has a view of a portication with 6th columns. The upper part is made in the form of a triangle. The external decor of the building is sculptures illustrating excerpts from the Old and New Testament. They are made according to the sketches of the famous Russian architecture F.Shubina.

The inner space of the cathedral has 3 tape separation. Walls around the iconostasis are covered with marble. The altar partition is made of bronze casting with elegant pattern. Vaults and dome are painted on sketches D. Kvrenigi. 2 bell tower with a height of 47 m is adjacent to the temple. The bells are installed on them, incl. "Blagovets" (weight - 18 tons).

Cossack cemetery

On the territory of the Lavra in the 18-20th centuries. Several places for burials were equipped. In cemeteries inside the monastery, the monks, clergymen, citizens were buried. The most famous monastic necropolis is inner Alexander - Neva Cemetery. It is also referred to as Cossack. In memory of the Cossacks who died during the acceleration of the Bolsheviks demonstration in July 1917, the official date of opening of necropolis was recorded in historical documents - December 1919

During the years of Soviet power, the name of the communist site was entrenched. The place was taken away for the burial of the participants of the Civil War, party functionaries, employees of the internal affairs bodies and the CC. Since the 1930s, the graves of famous scientists (N.Marr, B. Melran, M. Basov, I. Grekov, S. Fedorov, etc. began to appear on the court. The number of burials increased during the blockade period. On the territory of the cemetery found the last shelter, many prominent military leaders, the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. From the 70s. In the necropolis, the burial of urns with ashes after cremation is allowed.

Artistically - aesthetic importance have small architectural forms (tombstones, steles, sarcophages, obeliski, etc.), widely represented on the cemetery. In addition to the worldly, the graves of servants of the Orthodox faith are located in the necropolis. As a rule, they are marked with crosses. In 2005, a monument called "Celebration of Orthodoxy" was established on the territory of the Cossack cemetery. He glorifies the memory of the people who died in the years of repression and an anti-religious struggle. The monument is made according to the project E.Solovyeva. The general plan includes almost 450 graves. According to historians, over a period of existence, over 700 people were buried at the Cossack cemetery.

Monuments on site

During a walk through the territory of Alexandrian Lavra, visitors have the opportunity to explore a number of monuments. They were installed in the early 2000s. At the entrance to the monastery, the figure of Alexander Nevsky rises. The saint patron of the monastery is depicted, sitting on horseback. The sculpture reminds of military and spiritual feat of the famous prince. The creator of the project was the sculptor V. Kazanyuk. Square in front of the Trinity Cathedral decorates the monument dedicated to Christmas Christ. Height of stele 7 meters. About the sacrifice of Jesus in the name of all mankind resembles another symbolic sculpture. She depicts a circle with a cross inside. Allegoric image is installed in the monastery garden in 2005.

In honor of the reunion of the Russian Orthodox Church, abroad with the Moscow Patriarchate was laid a special Poklonnaya Cross. His in 2013 was erected in the Metropolitan Garden of the Lavra. To the 300-year anniversary of the abode, which was celebrated in 2013, a panel was created depicting St. Alexander Nevsky. The bas-relief is cast from bronze and is fixed on the wall of the browsing case. The Metropolito Body of the Lavra is marked by a commemorative board, which indicates the death of the priest Peter Skepmetrov. He fell from the hands of Bolsheviks in January 1919.


Alexander Nevsky Lavra is famous for his handicraft workshops. They are created not just objects to send a cult, but genuine works of art. Specialists working in the restoration workshop care about the savings of ancient iconography. It was organized at the end of the 20th century by order of the bishop Nazaria. Active participation in the workshop activities is taken by Professor A. Krylov and the icon painter D. Mimenko. Under their leadership, a new image was created by Alexander Nevsky, depicted against the background of Trinity Lavra.

Masters, workers in the art and jewelry workshop, produce objects for worship. In their works, they use a variety of techniques - casting, enameling, thread, engraving. Jewelry is made of noble metals, precious and diverse stones, rare wood species, ivory. In the Fedorovsky corps, the monastery with 2006. placed sewing workshop. Her staff is developing design materials for church vestments and decor of temple premises. Sources of inspiration often serve museum exhibits, vintage illustrations.

Since 1974, the Creative group of Alpha ceramists has been operating in Leningrad. It is engaged in creating samples of new porcelain products, incl. With religious theme. The group participated in the release of Nevsky's land with the bas-relief of the holy, Easter souvenir eggs, a series of porcelain dishes "Kizhi". In 2007, Alpha was transformed into a separate art workshop, which is based on the territory of the monastery. The monastery also has its own pottery. In Pottery, the manufacture of dishes, household items, toys are established. Products are implemented through the store. In addition, master classes are organized on weekends for visitors to Lavra. Their participants are trained by the skills of pottery craft.

In the late 90s. 20 V. At the monastery was organized by a nuclear workshop. It specializes in creating and restoring salary for storage icons. The masters also consult about the right arrangement of the iconostasis at home. A special place among monastic workshops is printed - graphic. Its main products - lithographs, linographs, etchings. In the process of work, old manual printing technologies are used. Illustrations possess highly artistic value. They are published by small circulations and are collectibles.

Schedule Services

Access to parishioners and tourists is open in Lavra every day from 5.30 to 23 hours. Services in the Holy Trinity Cathedral pass according to the established schedule:

  • prayer at 6 in the morning (Monday- Saturday)
  • 6.20h semi-perch. in the morning (Monday Saturday)
  • early liturgy at 7 am (Sunday)
  • late liturgy at 10 am (Saturday - Sunday and in church holidays)
  • evening at 17 pm (Monday-Sunday)

In the Church of Theodore Novgorodsky, Late Liturgy is committed in 10 hours (Monday, Friday) and the evening service at 17 h. (Sunday - Thursday). Sacredness (liturgy) in the noteworthy church occurs in 7h. Morning from Monday to Saturday.

Where is and how to get

Laurel is located on the monastery island. Its official location is the embankment of monastery, house.1. The easiest way to get to the monastery on the metro on the Nevsky-Vasileostrovskaya line. Exit to art. "Alexander Nevsky Square."

Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg on the map

Hermitage, Kunstkamera, Petropavlovskaya Fortress ... Attractions of St. Petersburg can be listed infinitely. But in this selection we decided to tell you about familiar and not very places of the northern capital and the Blessed surroundings, which can be attributed to the real Orthodox shrines of the city!

1. Chapel of the Saint Blessed Ksenia St. Petersburg

The temple of one of the most respected saints in St. Petersburg, Blessed Ksenia. After the death of her husband, who died unmarried, at 26 years old, a young girl chose the path of the Skitalitsa, died in his wife's clothes and responded only to his name. She said that Ksenia died, and her husband was alive. All the property of the family donated the church. At the site of her burial, the church was erected in 1902 on the project of architect A.A. Vysoslavina.
Location: Kamskaya Street, 24

2. Kazan Cathedral

The cathedral is the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, the unofficial spiritual symbol of the war of 1812, Russian patriotism and the Orthodox faith. The place had a huge ideological significance in the monarchy.
Location: Kazan Square, 2

3. John Monastery

Initially, the monastery was built as the foundation of the John-theological Women's community, and in 1901 he received the status of a full-fledged monastery. Here she was drunk by St. John Kronstadsky, a formidable defender of the Faith of the beginning of the XX century.
Location: Embankment River Karpovki, 45

4. Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra

The most, perhaps, the famous temple of St. Petersburg, where there are many different shrines. The relics of the heavenly patron of the city of Alexander Nevsky, the icon of Paraskeva Friday, who had a particular interest among the Germans, and other relics.
Location: Embankment of the Monastery River, 1

5. Savior Transfiguration Cathedral

Here is the image of the Savior of the Nehuxerous, which was accompanied by Peter I and during the reasons of St. Petersburg, and in the battle under Poltava. Icon patronized the founder of the city, so its meaning is clear for Petersburgers.
Location: Preobrazhenskaya Square, 1

6. Church of the Holy Righteous Job of Multi-Practice

The only one in the north-west Church of St. Job, the character of the Old Testament. Job was rich, had beauties-daughters, but Satan demanded that God experience the righteous. Then, God took all of Job and the commander for suffering and flour, after the end of which he rewarded the triple. An interesting fact: this temple did not stop working ever, even on the days of the blockade.
Location: Kamchatka Street, House 6, Volkovo Orthodox cemetery

7. Holy Source in Sybero

Here is one of the oldest holy sources of Russia and the stone with a trace of the phenomenon of the Mother Paracean Friday, who predicted victory in the Ice Battleship Alexander Nevsky.
Location: Leningrad region, Luzhsky district, Siabero village

8. Temple of St. Nicholas Wonderworker

The temple where the icon of Nicholas Wonderworker is. Nikolai Wonderworker - as already follows from the name - it works wonders, including - helps in commercial deals, since it is very kind to people.
Location: Kolpino, Camp Highway, Urban Cemetery

- Orthodoxmalemonastery on the eastern tip of the Nevsky Prospect in St. Petersburg. The first and largest monastery of the city. Since 1797 has laurel status. The architectural complex includes several famous necropolias, where many outstanding figures of the XVIII-XIX centuries are resting.

Mid XIII Art. It was one of the hardest periods in the history of Russia. Enemy raids from the north and the West, which began in 1237. The invasion of Mongol-Tatars was expensive Russian people and ruined almost all of Russia. Although Tatar moloch did not come to the great Novgorod, but the city remained alone with other enemies. At that time, Alexander Yaroslavich, the son of Pereyaslavsky Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, rejected in Novgorod. The role of it in historical events of that time is huge. First of all, it is the protection of Russia from the northwestern direction. Victory over the Swedes and the Germans secured Novgorod, allowed to win the Pskov and the fortress Coporye. For the victory over the Swedes, won in 1240 at the mouth of the Neva, Prince Alexander received Nickname Nevsky. On April 5, 1242, the squad under his command of the head broke the invincible army of Teutonic knights. Thanks to the diplomatic gift, Alexander Nevsky has repeatedly managed to soften the wrath of Khanan Golden Horde and remove the Russians from cruel retaliation for inconsistency. Returning from the next, very heavy and humiliating trip to Saraj-Berk, the capital of the Golden Horde, the prince got very sick. Anticipating an ambulance ending, he, according to the customs of the time, took a taking into account in Sococy and Schima. This happened in the Meodor Gorodetsky Monastery, near Nizhny Novgorod. In it, on November 14, 1263, Alexander Nevsky died at the age of 45 and died. His body was buried on November 23 in Vladimir, in the monastery in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin.

The Orthodox Church ranked Alexander Nevsky to the face of the saints for his Christian virtues and wonders. According to legend, during the time of Dimitry of the Don in the Church, where the coffin was resting with the body of the prince, suddenly the candles broke out. Two elders came out of the altar and, approaching the coffin, said: "Alexander! Get up and save the greatness of your Dimitria overcome! " The covers of the coffin opened, the deceased rose and left the church with the elders. Speaking this miracle Ponoloire spoke about this abbot. Then the power of Nevsky was extracted from the coffin and placed in cancer. Candles near the crayfish was sometimes self-coordinated, touched on her with prayer and faith received healing. By 1695, the relics of St. Alexander were in Moscow and rested in wooden, fine threads, cancer.

The next stage of the history of saints is associated with the name of Peter the Great. In 1710, in St. Petersburg, Peter examined the places for future buildings and, as recorded in his magazine, "... At the mouth of the river, a fair place was cleared, which was called Victoria, where he pointed to build a monastery in the name of the Holy Trinity and St. Alexander Nevsky."

The construction of the monastery began from 1712, at the same time the first buildings were settled there. On March 25 of the next year, the first (wooden) church in honor of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary was consecrated on the left bank of the Black River. From this date the monastery leads official chores. In 1717, the construction of a two-story church began in the name of St. Alexander on the project of Trezini, approved by Peter himself. In 1724, the church was erected. August 30, 1724, on the occasion of the third anniversary of the Nesteadt world, the relics of St. Alexander were solemnly postponed to the new church of his name.

In 1753, on the command of Empress, Elizabeth Petrovna for the holy relics of Alexander Nevsky was made silver cancer. Its length was about 2.5 m, the width is a little more than 1 m. Cancer was decorated with images with the episodes of the Nevsky Battle, Ice Empire and the solemn entry of Prince Alexander in Pskov. About one and a half tons of pure silver went to her manufacture.

Alexander Nevsky Lavra from Neva. I.A. Ivanov. Watercolor. 1815

On August 30, 1790, the consecration of the new Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, its Central Cathedral Temple. Under the altar, a silver board was laid with a particle of the relics of the Apostle Andrei First Called. In consecration, Empress Ekaterina II was present, her son Pavel Petrovich is the future emperor Paul I, the great princes Alexander and Konstantin. At the same time, a silver cancer with the relics of St. Alexander Nevsky was solemn to the cathedral. They were placed behind the right-wing trail, where they are resting at the moment.

However, relics for a long time left their place of rest. In 1918, Laurea was closed, most of the monks are exiled or shot. Four years later, the relics of St. Alexander Nevsky were moved to the Kazan Cathedral, where the new government was opened by the Museum of History of Religion and Atheism. Silver cancer was transferred to the Hermitage. Only in June 1989, the holy relics were returned to the laurel, although she herself was transferred to the Church back in 1956.

In Alexander Nevsky Lavra, there are some more particularly revered shrines. These lists from the miraculous icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Spearness" and "is worthy", as well as the icon of Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky. In 1991, in the Trinity Cathedral of the Lavra worsaged the relics of the most Reverend Seraphim of Sarovsky. They were discovered in the stockbags of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg. Later they were transferred to Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

In the same Troitsky Cathedral and at about the same time, the power and three other great wonderworkers - Rev. Zosimima, Savvatia and German Solovetsky, who are currently located in the Savior-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Monastery.

After the formation of the St. Petersburg Diocese, since 1742, the archimandritis of the monastery are St. Petersburg bishops. In 1797, the monastery received the name of the emperor Paul, the monastery of the Lavra.

On October 25, 1721, the order to the monastery was founded by the Slavic School. In 1726, she was transformed into the Slavic Greco-Latin seminary, and in 1788 - to the main seminary. In 1797, the main seminary was transformed into the Alexander Nevsky Theological Academy, after the reform of 1809 renamed St. Petersburg Theological Academy (currently SPBD Rector - Archbishop Peterhof Ambrose (Ermakov), Vicar of the St. Petersburg Diocese).

By the decision of July 7, 1923, the city authorities seized the laurels from the brethren of all rooms except temples. In May 1920, the relics of St. BLGV. kn. Alexander Nevsky and prickly cancer; Since 1922, the relics were in the Foundations of the Museum of History of Religion and Atheism, Cancer - in the Hermitage Museum.

Since 1920, the Lavra ensemble is under the protection of the state, having received the status of a cultural monument. By 1936, all the Lavra temples were closed, since then it was located up to 17 institutions.

In 1957, the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Lavra was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church, the parish was formed. The abbot of the cathedral was the ruling bishop of the St. Petersburg Diocese. On June 3, 1989, the works of Metropolitan of the Leningrad and Novgorod Alexia (Ridigra, † 2008; subsequently - the Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia) was returned to the Cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky.

On September 14, 1995, the first monastery service was held in Trinity Cathedral, and on November 3, 1997, the Parish meeting of the Trinity Cathedral was abolished and the Cathedral received the status of monastic.

Together with the revival of the monastery and liturgical life in the Lavra there is a revival of traditional crafts. Here they work: icon-painting workshop, cabinetry, jewelry workshop, workshop of the Christian tin miniature. The pilgrimage service organizes trips believers in the Leningrad region and beyond. In the summer of 2007, the restoration of the Dome of the Trinity Cathedral and the gilding of the 14-meter Cross were completed.

In 2013, it was solemnly noted.

From April 1997. Undream in PR. The governor of Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra is the Bishop of Kronstadt Nazarius (Lavrinenko), the vicar of the St. Petersburg Diocese.

Saints, new homeworkers and rest confessors:

· Blagovetra Prince Alexander Nevsky (power - in the Trinity Cathedral of Alexander Nevsky Lavra)

· Saint Innokenti, Bishop Irkutsk

· St. Sophronia, Bishop Irkutsk and All Siberia

· Metropolitan Kiev and Galitsky Vladimir

· Metropolitan Leningrad and Gdovsky Seraphim

· Saint proof, Archbishop Odessa and Kherson

· Sacred Martyr Victor, Bishop Glazovsky and Votkinsky

· Saint Rev. Seraphim Veritsky

· Sacred Martyr Archimandrite Lion

· Rev. Feodor Sanaksarsky

· Metropolitan Petrogradsky and Gdovsky Veniamin

· Holy Martyr Gregory, Bishop Shlisselburg

· Sainted Lavra iconography

· Sacred in Innokenty (Tikhonov)

· Rev. Seraphim (Vavilov)

· Poblika Prince Feodor Novgorodsky


· Cathedral church in the name of the Holy Library Trinity (Holy Trinity Cathedral)

· Ishidor Church

· Theodore church

· Blagoveshchenskaya - Alexander-Neva Church

· Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit (spiritual and educational center "Svyatodhovsky")

· Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God

· Proprietary church of the icon of the Mother of God "All Morning Joy"

· Church of the Righteous Lazar

· Church of St. Nicholas Wonderworker

Lavrian cemeteries:

· Lazarevskoye (XVIII century necropolis),

· Tikhvinskoye (necropolis of art crafts)

· Nikolskoye

· Cossack cemetery

Lazarevskoye and Tikhvin cemeteries, as well as Lazarevskaya and the Blagoveshchensk tomb of Alexander Nevsky Lavra, are part of the State Museum of the City Sculpture, which was founded in 1932.

Information for pilgrims:

Lavra address:Russia, 193167, St. Petersburg, pl. Alexander Nevsky, 1.

In Russia, only two Lavra - Trinity-Sergiyev near Moscow and Alexander Nevsky in St. Petersburg. In Alexander Nevsky Lavra, there are always many visitors - both pilgrims and tourists. It would seem that everything is known about this laure. But is it? What do most people know about her, except for the most common "tourist" information? Now, when the 300th anniversary of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra is celebrated, we offer readers a few interesting facts about it.

1. The place where the monastery was founded at the beginning of the XVIII century, Victoria was named, since the victorious fight with the Swedes of St. Prince Alexander Yaroslavich, according to one of the versions, was held here.

2. At the monastery in 1720, the first typography was opened in St. Petersburg, and in 1721 Slavic School opened "to teach young children, reading and writing." This school has become the basis for a whole network of spiritual educational institutions, the St. Petersburg Orthodox Spiritual Academy and Seminary is leading from it.

3. In the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, the relics of the Saints - St. Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky, a particle of the relics of St. Innocent Irkutsk, are kept. In 1922, they were withdrawn from Lavra to the Museum of Religion and Atheism, and in 1989 - again returned to the monastery.

4. Many Lavra's statements in Soviet times were injured for Christ. Almost all the governors of the Lavra after 1917 and before its closure in 1933 were shot. Among them are Archbishop Odessa and Kherson proof (Titov), \u200b\u200bwhich was a governor of Lavra since 1917. When, in January 1918, the Red Army team tried to capture Lavra, he refused to give them the keys to storage rooms and was arrested - but relieved according to the requirements of believers.

Memorial Sign of New Martyrs, Alexander Nevsky Lavra

5. Such famous people like Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky are buried in Necropolis, as Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (in the last years of his life, a desire to be buried exactly there), Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky, Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky (which was buried there on direct instructions of the sovereign Alexander III).

6. In January 1918, the Soviet government, then still located in Petrograd, decided to propen the premises of the Lavra. People's Commissar of Public Charity, Alexander Kollondtai, wrote the corresponding decree and armed redarmeys went to fulfill him. But on their way, the half-million critic of the Peters, who came out to protect Lavra. Scale, unthinkable in our time ... and Soviet power retreated! Lavra's life lasted for another 15 years.

7. The Aleksandro-Neva Brotherhood created under the monastery on January 21, 1918 was unique to the post-revolutionary Russian phenomenon. Despite the ban of the Bolsheviks on the missionary and social work of the Church, until 1932, the members of the fraternity were ignorantly engaged in Petrograd spiritual enlightenment and charity. After the introduction of a ban on the study of the Law of God in schools, members of the fraternity under the leadership of Hieromonach Lion (Egorov) launched a large-scale work on Christian education among children and adolescents. Lavra Inqua and Mijan from the Brotherhood taught children with church singing, the Church Slavonic language, conducted special festive meals and even special "children's" liturgies, on which children sang, read and helped the priest.

8. In the territory of Lavra, the Blagoveshchensky Temple (the first stone temple of the Lavra, from which her history began) still does not belong to the monastery. It is now housed the museum of the city sculpture, and the monastery is achieving the return of this temple.

9. WHAT NOT PARKERS, but in the center of the Lavra is the "Communist Site." Before the entrance to the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Lavra, on both sides of the alley leading to the Metropolitan Corps, you can see the tombstones in the burial places of proletarian fighters and heroes, officials of the first years of Soviet power, party leaders, military leaders, engineers.

10. The first laurel governor after its discovery in 1994 - Archimandrite Kirill (Nasel) was a prisoner of Nazi and Soviet concentration camps. And the current governor of Lavra, Bishop Nazari (Lavrinenko), actively uses modern information technologies, for example, reads and comments on Facebook.

Photos Vitaly Kaplan