Table of rulers of the Ottoman Empire. Sultans of the Ottoman Empire

Table of rulers of the Ottoman Empire. Sultans of the Ottoman Empire
Table of rulers of the Ottoman Empire. Sultans of the Ottoman Empire

Since the creation of the Ottoman Empire, the state was continuously ruled by the descendants of Osman on the male line. But despite the fertility of the dynasty, there were those who graduated from their life with childless.

The founder of the Osman Gazi dynasty (rules 1299-1326) was a father of 7 sons and 1 daughter.

The second ruler was the son of Osman Orhahan Gazi (AF.1326-59) had 5 sons and 1 daughter.

God did not adopt the offspring and Murad 1 Huudavendigur (Son Orhan, PR.1359-89.) - 4 Sons and 2 daughters.

The famous bayazid lightning (son Murada 1, PR.1389-1402) was the father of 7 sons and 1 daughter.

The son of Bayazid Mehmet 1 (1413-21) left after himself 5 sons and 2 daughters.

Murad 2 Big (son Mehmeta1, PR.1421-51GG.) - 6 sons and 2 daughters.

The conqueror of Constantinople Fatih Mehmet 2 (right.1451-1481) was the father of 4 sons and 1 daughter.

Bayazid 2 (Son Mehmet2, PR.1481-1512) - 8 sons and 5 daughters.

The first caliph from the Ottoman dynasty Yavuz Sultan Selim-Selim Grozny (AF.1512-20) had only one son and 4 daughters.


The famous Suleiman magnificent (legislator), a husband of at least famous Rocksola (Hurrem Sultan, 4 Sons, 1 Dead), was the father of 8 sons and 2 daughters from 4 wives. He ruled for so long (1520-1566), which survived almost all of his children. The eldest son of Mustafa (Makhiderwan) and the 4th son of Bayazid (Roksolana) were suffocated by order of Suleiman 1 on charges of conspiracy against the Father.

The third son of Suleiman and the second son of Roksolana Selim 2 (Red Selim or Selim Pooven, PR.156-1574) from 2 wives had 8 sons and 2 daughters. Despite his love of guilt, was able to expand his possessions from 14.892.000 km2 to 15.162.000 km2.

And now we will greet the record holder - Murada 3 (PR.1574-1595). He had one official wife Safiya Sultan (Sofia Buffo, the daughter of the ruler Corfu, was abducted by pirates) and many concubines, from which there were 22 sons and 4 daughters (they write that at the time of his death, heir Mehmet 3 ordered to strangle all his pregnant women). But despite the love of the weak floor, was able to expand its possessions to 24.534.242 km2.

Mehmet 3 (PR.1595-1603) was a record holder for another part-in the death of the father of his father ordered to suffer all his brothers and sisters. In fertility, a much gave way to his father, only 3 sons from 2 wives

The eldest son of Mehmet 3 Ahmet 1 (PR.1603-1617, died of typhoid at 27) entered the throne introduced a new dynasta law, according to which the ruler became the eldest son of the deceased ruler.

Mustafa1, Sevsima on the throne due to the youngsters of the son of Ahmet 1 (PR 1617-1623, mind. 1639), apparently I had to pay for the sins of my father - it was not only childless, but in 6 years after he who began on the throne To fall in madness, and in Festiva Sheikh-Ul-Islam was shifted from the throne.

Little-known facts from the life of Sultanov ...

When they begin to talk about the Ottoman rulers, then people automatically appear the image of the formidable, cruel conquerors who spent their free time in a harem among semi-naughty concubines. But everyone forget that they were simple mortals with their shortcomings and hobbies ...

Osman 1.

Describe that when he stood, his lowered hands reached his knees, based on it, it was believed that he had or very long hands, or short legs. His distinctive feature character was that he never dressed upper clothes again. And not because What was a pigeon, he just loved to give his clothes by shit over coat. If someone looked at his caftan for a long time, he removed him and gave this man. Osman loved her music before the meal before the meal, was a good fighter and skillfully owned weapons. Turks had a very interesting old custom - once a year, ordinary members of the tribe worn from the house of the leader all that they would like in this house. Osman and his wife came out of the house with empty hands and opened the doors for his relatives.


Orhan's board lasted 36 years. He owned the 100th fortresses, and he spent around them all his time. None of them remained more than one month. He was a big fan of Mevlana-Jelleleddin Rumi.

Murad 1.

In European sources, a brilliant ruler, a tireless hunter, a very gallant knight and showed him a symbol of honesty. He was the first Ottoman ruler who created a private library. The hotel was killed in the battle on the Kosovo field.

Bestis 1.

For the ability to quickly overcome long distances along with your army, and to appear in front of the enemy at the most unexpected moment received a nickname lightning room. I loved the hunt and was an avid hunter, often participated in combat competitions. Historians also celebrate his master's master's possession and horse riding. He was one of the first rulers writing poetry. He was the first to be asked by Constantinople, and more than once. He died in captivity of Timur.

Mehmet Chelaby.

It is considered the revolution of the Ottoman state as a result of victory over thimurila. When he was with him, he was called a wrestler Mkhemet. During his reign, we entered the custom every year to send to Mecca and Medina the gifts, which was not canceled even in the most difficult times until the First World War. Every Friday evening prepared food for his personal money and distributed to the poor. As the father loved the hunt. During the hunt for the idar, fell from the horse and broke the hip bone, which is why he died soon.

And tell us how much it happened that there are portraits, because Islam prohibits images of a person.
Found Italian incorrect to perpetuate themselves, great?

    • Mother Padishakhov
      Murat 1,3rd ruler of the Ottoman Empire, was the son of Orhans and Byzantines, hioffers, (Niluofer Hatun).

Bases 1 lightning, the 4th ruler of the rules from the 1389th year to 1403. He was Murat 1, and Bulgarian Mother Mary, for the adoption of Islam Gulchichek Hatun.

    • Mehmet 1 Clalebi, 5th Sultan. His mother was Bulgarian, Olga Khatun.


      Murat 2 (1404-1451) was born from the marriage of Mehmet Chelaby and the daughter of the Prover Beilik Dulcadiroglu Emine Hatun. For some unconfirmed sources, his mother was Veronica.

      Mehmet 2 Conqueror (1432-1481)

      Son Murat 2 and Hyum Hatun, daughter Beei from the genus Giandaroglu. Calculated that his mother was a singer Despina.

      Basesid 2, too, was no exception - his mother was also a Christian Cornelia (Albank, Serbka or Frenchwoman). After the adoption of Islam, her name Gulbahar Hatun. Father was Fatih Sultan Mehmet 2.

      Selim 1. (1470-1520)

      Selim 1 or Yavuz Sultan Selim, the conqueror of Egypt, Baghdad, Damascus and Mecca, the 9th Padishas of the Ottoman state and the 74th Caliph was born from the Bestis of the 2nd and the daughter of influential Bee in Western Anatolia from the genus Dulcadiroglu Gulbahar Hatun.

      Suleman 1 (1495-1566).

      Suleiman Kanuni was born on April 27, 1495. He became Sultan when he was 25 years old. Uncompromising wrestler with bribery, Suleiman won the location of the people with good deeds, built schools. Suleiman Kanuni patronized poets, artists, architects, he himself wrote poems, was considered a skillful blacksmith.

      Suleiman was not so blooddered as his father - Selim I, but he was not less than his father's conquest. In addition, neither kinship nor merit saved from his suspicion and cruelty.

      Suleiman personally led 13 campaigns. A significant part of the wealth received from military extraction, Dani and taxes was spent by Suleiman I on the construction of palaces, mosques, caravan Sarai, tomb.

      Also, it was also drawn up laws (eve) on the administrative device and the position of individual provinces, about finance and forms of land tenure, the contestedness of the population and attaching peasants to the Earth, the regulation of the military system.

      Suleiman Kanuni died on September 6, 1566 during the next trip to Hungary - with the siege of the fortress of the Sigtwar. He was buried in a mausoleum on the cemetery of the Sleymani mosque along with his beloved wife Rocksolan.

      The 10th Ottoman Ruler and the 75th Khalif Muslims Suleman's magnificent, known yet by the fact that the husband of Roxolants was born from Selima 1 and the Polish Jewish Helga, afterwards Havza Sultan.

      Havza Sultan.

      Selim 2. (1524-1574)

      The son of the famous Roksolana (Hurrem Sultan) Selim 2 climbed the throne after her death. The real name of it was Alexander Anastasia Lisovsk, was his beloved wife Suleyman.

      Murat 3 (1546-1595).

      Born from Selima of the 2nd and Jewish Rashel (Nurban Sultan) Murat 3, was their eldest son and a prone to the throne.

      Mehmet 3 (1566-1603).

      Ascended to the throne in 1595 and the rules until his death. His mother was also no exception, was also abducted and sold in a harem. She was a daughter from the rich family Buffo (Venice). It was captured while traveling on a ship when she was 12 years old. In the harem in Cecilia, Buffo fell in love with the Father of Mehmet 3rd and married her, her name was Safia Sultan.

        So I am for the friendship of peoples and denominations. Now 21 century and people should not differ in a racial or confessional principle. We see how many sultans had christians? By the way, the last Sultan, if I'm not mistaken, the grandmother was Armenian. Russian kings parents are also Germans, Danes and the British.

        Son Murat 2 and Hyum Hatun, daughter Beei from the genus Giandaroglu. Calculated that his mother was Serbka Despina -
        And I read that the Mother of Mehmet was the second Armenian concubine.

      Palace intrigues of Padishakh wives

      Hyrem-Sultan (Roksolana 1500-1558): Due to its beauty and the mind, she not only managed to attract the attention of Suleiman's great, but also to become his beloved woman. Her struggle with the first wife of Suleiman, Makhidervan, was the most famous intrigue of that time, such a struggle was not on life, but to death. Roksolana walked around her in all articles and finally became his official wife. As its influence on the ruler, its influence and in state affairs increased. Soon she managed to shift and Vesiri and Azam (Prime Minister) Ibrahim Pasha, who was married to the sister of Suleiman. For married betray, he was executed. She married the next Vesir and Azama Rushem-Pasha, she married her daughter and with the help of which she managed to defame, by replacing letters, accuse in hostile relations with the main enemies by the Iranians of the Elder Son Suleiman Shahzad Mustafa. For the mind and great abilities, Mustafa was able to follow the next Padishah, but by order of his father strangled him during the campaign to Iran.

      Over time, during meetings while in the secret department, Hyrem Sultan listened and shared after the Council his opinion with her husband. From the poems dedicated to the Suleiman Rocksolane, it becomes obvious that the love of him to her was more expensive for him in the world.

      Nurban Sultan (1525-1587):

      At the age of 10 years, the corsars were abducted and sold on the famous feather market in Istambul by traders with slaves. The traders marked her beauty and the mind sent it to Harem, where she managed to attract the attention of Hyrem Sultan, who sent to the upbringing in the city of Manis. A real beauty was able to conquer the heart of the son of Hurrem Sultan Selima 2, who soon married her. Poems written by Selim in her honor entered as excellent patterns of lyrics. Selim was a younger son, but as a result of the death of all his brothers, becomes the only heir to the throne, which he climbed. Nurban became the only mistress of his heart and, respectively, Harem. There were other women in the life of Selim, but none of them was able to conquer his heart as Nurban. After the death of Selima (1574), her son Murat 3 became Padishah, she becomes Sultan's Valida (Korleva-Mother) and for a long time held the reign threads in their hands, despite the fact that this time her rival was Murat 3 Safiy Sultan's wife.

      Safia Sultan

      Life full intrigue has become the topic for many novels after her death. Just like Nurban Sultan, she was kidnapped with corsairs and sold in a harem, where Nurban Sultan was bought for the big money for his son Murat 3.

      Hot love of her son to her embarrassed the influence of the mother on the son. Then Nurban Sultan begins to enter into the lives of the son of other women, but the love of Safie Sultan was unshakable. Shortly after the death of the mother-in-law actually the rules of the state.

      Sledge Sultan.

      Murada 4 (1612-1640) Soul Sultan became a widow when he was still small. In 1623, at the age of 11 years, it is erected on the throne and Sultan's sledge becomes revenge on it. In fact, the rules of the state.

      As the son growled, she moved into the shadows, but continued to influence her son to his very death. Another son - Ibrahim (1615-1648) was erected on the throne. The beginning of his rule was the beginning of the struggle by Sultan's sulter with his wife Turkhan Sultan. Both of these women sought to establish their influence in state affairs, but over time this struggle has become so apparent that it served the formation of opposing groups.

      As a result of this long struggle, Sultan sultan was found in their room, and her supporters were executed.

      Turkhan Sultan (Hope)

      It was abducted in the steppes of Ukraine and was presented in the harem. Soon she became the wife of Ibrahim, after the death of which her juvenal son Menmet was planted on the throne, even though she became the reserve, her mother-in-law Sultan Sultan was not going to release the reign of the board from their hands. But soon she was found chosen in her room, and her supporters were executed the next day. Regency Turkhan Sultan lasts 34 years and it was a record in the history of the Ottoman Empire.

        • roksolana, with his son-in-law slandered him before his father, were drawn up letters, allegedly written by Mustafa Iranian Shah, where he asks for the latter to help capture the throne. All this is happening against the background of the acute struggle between Rumelia Turks (Osmans) and Iran's Turks for the extension East. Anatoly, Iraq and Syria. Suleiman ordered to strangle Mustafa. Liked this:

The Ottoman Empire, officially referred to as the Great Ottoman state, existed 623 years.

It was a multinational state, whose rulers were followed by their traditions, but did not deny others. It is for this favorable reason that many neighboring countries were alone with them.

In Russian-speaking sources, the state was called Turkish or Turner, and in Europe it was called the port.

The history of the Ottoman Empire

The Great Ottoman State originated in 1299 and existed until 1922. The first Sultan state was Osman, in honor of which the empire was named.

Ottoman's army was regularly replenished with Kurds, Arabs, Turkmen and other nations. Everyone could come and become a member of the Ottoman troops, only by saying the Islamic formula.

Earths obtained as a result of the capture were highlighted for agriculture. There was a small home and garden on such sites. The owner of this site, which was called Timar, was obliged to be to Sultan on the first call and fulfill his requirements. He had to be to him on his own horse and completely armed.

Riders did not pay any taxes because they paid "their blood."

In connection with the active expansion of the borders, they needed not only equestrian army, but also infantry, because they created such. Son Osman Orhan also continued expansion of the territory. Thanks to him, Ottomans were in Europe.

There they took on learning from the Christian peoples of small boys aged about 7 years, who were taught, and they took Islam. Such citizens who grew up from childhood in such conditions were excellent warriors and their spirit was invincible.

Gradually, they have formed their own fleet, which included warriors of different nationalities, took even pirates there, who wouldingly accepted Islam and led active battles.

What was the name of the capital of the Ottoman Empire?

Emperor Mehmed II, capturing Constantinople, made it his capital and called Istanbul.

However, not all battles passed smoothly. At the end of the XVII century there was a series of failure. For example, the Russian Empire selected the Crimea at Ottomans, as well as the Black Sea coast, after which the state began to tolerate more and more defeats.

In the XIX century, the country began to quickly weak, the treasure began to empty, agriculture was poorly and inactive. Under defeat during the First World War, a truce was signed, Sultan Mehmed V was abolished and left for Malta, and later in Italy, where he lived until 1926. The empire broke up.

The territory of the empire and its capital

The territory was very actively expanding, especially during the reign of Osman and Orhan, his son. Osman began to expand borders after it came to Byzantium.

Territory of the Ottoman Empire (to enlarge click)

It was originally located in the territory of modern Turkey. Next, the Ottomans got to Europe, where they expanded their borders and captured Constantinople, named in the subsequent Istanbul and became the capital of their state.

Serbia was also attached to the territories, as well as many other countries. Osmans and Greece joined, some islands, as well as Albania and Herzegovina. This state was one of the most powerful many years.

The flourishing of the Ottoman Empire

The Epoch of the Board of Sultan Suleiman I. is considered blooming. During this period, many campaigns were made to Western countries, thanks to which the boundaries of the empire were significantly expanded.

In connection with the active positive period of the Board, Sultan was nusted by Suleiman magnificent. He actively expanded the boundaries not only in Muslim countries, but also connecting the countries of Europe. He had his own viziers who were obliged to inform the Sultan about what was happening.

Suleiman I rules for a long time. His idea all the years of the reign was the idea of \u200b\u200buniting land, as well as his father Selima. He also planned to unite the peoples of the East and the West. That is why he led his position quite directly and did not turn off the goal.

Although the active expansion of the borders occurred in the 18th century, when most battles were won, however, the most positive period is still considered era of the Board of Suleiman I - 1520-1566.

The rulers of the Ottoman Empire in chronological order

The rulers of the Ottoman Empire (press to enlarge)

Ottoman Dynasty Rules for a long time. Among the list of rulers, the most outstanding were Osman, who formed the empire, his son Orhan, as well as Suleiman magnificent, although each Sultan left his mark in the history of the Ottoman state.

Initially, the Omman Turks, fleeing from the Mongols, partially moved towards the West, where they were in the service of Jalal Ud-Dina.

Further, part of the remaining Turks was directed to the possession of Padishah Sultan Kay-Kubad I. Sultan Bayazid I, during the battle under Ankara, was captured, after which he died. Timur divided the empire into parts. After that, Murad II was engaged in restoration.

During the reign of Mehmed Fatiha, the Fatiha law was adopted, which implied the murder of all those who interfere with the board, even their native brothers. The law existed not too long and was not supported by everyone.

Sultan Abduh Habib II was overthrown in 1909, after which the Ottoman Empire ceased to be a monarchist state. When Abdullah Habib II Mehmed V began to edit, with his rule, the empire began to collapse actively.

Mehmed VI, which ruled briefly until 1922, until the end of the empire, left the state, which finally broke up in the 20th century, but the prerequisites for this were in the 19th century.

The last Sultan of the Ottoman Empire

Last Sultan was Mehmed VI, who was on the throne of the 36th account. Before his rule, the state was experiencing a significant crisis, so it was extremely difficult to restore the empire.

Ottoman Sultan Mehmed VI Vakhidddin (1861-1926)

He became the ruler at the age of 57. After the beginning of his reign, Mehmed VI dissolved the parliament, but the First World War strongly undermined the activities of the empire and Sultan had to leave the country.

Sultanshi Ottoman Empire - their role in government management

Women in the Ottoman Empire did not have the right to rule the state. This rule existed in all Islamic states. However, there is a period in the history of the state, when women actively participated in the Board.

It is believed that the feminine Sultanate appeared as a result of the end of the campaign period. Also in many ways, the formation of a female Sultanate is connected with the abolition of the Law "On Preconvelation".

The first representative was Hurrem Sultan. She was a wife Suleiman I. Her title was Haseki Sultan, which means "the most beloved wife." She was very educated, knew how to conduct business negotiations and respond to various messages.

She was an adviser to his spouse. And since he spent most of the time in battles, she took on the main responsibilities of the Board.

Fall of the Ottoman Empire

As a result of numerous failed battles during the reign of Abdullah Habib II Mehmed V, the Ottoman state began to actively collapse. Why a state broke up is a difficult question.

But, it can be said that the first world war was the main moment in her collapse., which laid an end to the Great Ottoman state.

Descendants of the Ottoman Empire in our time

In the new time, the state is represented only by its descendants defined on the genealogical tree. One of them is Ertogrull Osman, who was born in 1912. He could be the next Sultan of his empire if she had not broken.

Ertogrull Osman became the last grandson Abdul Hamid II. He speaks freely in several languages, has a good education.

His family moved to live in Vienna, when he was about 12 years old. There he was educated. Ertogul married the second time. The first wife died, not giving him children. His second wife became Zainep Tarzi, who is the niece of Ammanullah, the former King of Afghanistan.

The Ottoman state was one of the great. Among his rulers can be distinguished by several of the most outstanding, thanks to which its borders expanded significantly for a rather short period of time.

However, the First World War, as well as many lost defeats caused a serious damage to this empire, as a result of which she broke off.

Currently, the history of the state can be viewed in the film "The Secret Organization of the Ottoman Empire", where in summary, but many times are described in sufficient detail.

Solden of the Ottoman Empire and years of reigns are divided into several stages: from the period of creation to the formation of the republic. These time periods have almost accurate boundaries in Osman's history.

Education of the Ottoman Empire

It is believed that the founders of the Ottoman state arrived in Malny Asia (Anatoly) from Central Asia (Turkmenistan) in the 20s of the XIII century. Sultan Turk-Seljuzkov Keykubad II provided them with areas of the towns of Ankara and Segeut.

Seljuk Sultanat in 1243 died under the blows of Mongols. Since 1281, Osman comes to power in the allocated Turkmen of possession (Bailice), who holds a policy to expand his Baylik: captures small cities, proclaims Gazawat - a sacred war with incorrect (Byzantines and others). Osman partially subordinates the territory of Western Anatolia, in 1326 he takes the city of Bursa and makes it the capital of the empire.

In 1324, Osman I Gazi dies. Buried him in Bursa. The inscription on the grave was a prayer that Ottoman Sultans pronounced when joined the throne.

Osmanid dynasty continue:

Expansion of the borders of the Empire

In the middle of the XV century. The period of the most active expansion of the Empire of Osmanids has occurred. At this time, at the head of the empire stood:

  • Mehmed II Conqueror - Rules in 1444 - 1446. and in 1451 - 1481. At the end of May 1453 captured and plundered Constantinople. He suffered into a plundered city of the capital. The Sofia Cathedral redid to the main temple of Islam. At the request of Sultan in Istanbul, the Residences of the Orthodox Greek and Armenian Patriarchs are located, as well as the main Jewish Rabbi. With Mehmeda II, Serbia's autonomy was discontinued, Bosnia is subordinate to the Crimea. The death of Sultan did not allow to capture Rome. Sultan absolutely did not appreciate human life, but wrote poems and created the first poetic duvan.

  • Bayazid II Holy (Dervish) - Rules from 1481 to 1512. Practically did not fought. He stopped the tradition of personal sultan leadership for troops. Patronized culture, wrote poems. He died, giving power to his son.
  • Selim I Grozny (merciless) - Rules from 1512 to 1520. He began the Board with the destruction of the nearest competitors. Brutally suppressed the rebellion of shiites. Captured Kurdistan, West Armenia, Syria, Palestine, Arabia and Egypt. The poet, whose poems were subsequently published by the German Emperor Wilhelm II.

  • Suleiman I Canow (legislator) - Rules from 1520 to 1566. Sliding the borders to Budapest, the righteousness of the Nile and the Gibraltar Strait, Tiger and Euphrates, Baghdad and Georgia. Held many state reforms. The last 20 years have passed under the influence of the plan, and then the wives of roxolants. The most fruit among the sultans in poetic creativity. Died during a hike in Hungary.

  • Selim II drinker - Rules from 1566 to 1574. There was an addiction to alcohol. Talented poet. This board occurred the first conflict of the Ottoman Empire with the Moscow principality and the first major defeat on the sea. The only expansion of the empire is to capture about. Cyprus. Died from hitting head about stone slabs in the bath.

  • Murad III - on the throne from 1574 to 1595. The "amateur" of numerous concubines and a corrupt officer who practically did not deal with the empire. With it, Tiflis was captured, imperial troops reached Dagestan and Azerbaijan.

  • Mehmed III - Rules from 1595 to 1603. The record holder for the destruction of competitors for the throne - 19 brothers, their pregnant women and the Son killed on his order.

  • Ahmed I - Rules from 1603 to 1617. The Board is characterized by a leaf of higher officials who were often replaced at the request of the harem. The Empire lost the Transcaucasia and Baghdad.

  • Mustafa I - Rules from 1617 to 1618. and from 1622 to 1623. It was considered saints for dementia and Lunatism. 14 years spent in the dungeon.
  • Osman II - Rules from 1618 to 1622. Erected to the throne in the 14th yanychars. There was a pathological cruel. After the defeat under Whether from the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, for trying to escape with the treasury killed by Janchars.

  • Murad IV - Rules from 1622 to 1640. The price of a large blood was brought into order in the Yanychar Corps, destroyed the dictatorship of the vise, cleared the courts and the state apparatus from corrupt officials. He returned to the Erivan and Baghdad empire. Before his death, he ordered to kill his brother Ibrahim - the last of Osmanids. Died from wine and fever.

  • Ibrahim - Rules from 1640 to 1648. Weak and blessing, cruel and wasteful, falling to female caress. Offed and strangled by Janchars with the support of the clergy.

  • Mehmed IV Hunter - Rules from 1648 to 1687. Proclaimed by Sultan in 6 years. The true management of the state was carried out by great vizers, especially in the early years. In the first period of the reign of the empire strengthened its military power, won about. Crete. The second period was not so successful - the battle of Saint-Gotard was lost, Vienna, the Bunth of Yanychar and the overthrow of Sultan.

  • Suleiman II - Rules from 1687 to 1691. Erected to the throne of Yanychars.
  • Ahmed II - Rules from 1691 to 1695. Erected to the throne of Yanychars.
  • Mustafa II - Rules from 1695 to 1703. Erected to the throne of Yanychars. The first section of the Ottoman Empire in the Karlovitsky Peace Treaty in 1699 and the Constantinople Mirny Treaty with Russia in 1700.

  • Ahmed III - Rules from 1703 to 1730. Sheltered the hetman Mazepu and Karl XII after the Poltava battle. War with Venice and Austria was lost in his rule, a part of possessions in Eastern Europe, as well as Algeria and Tunisia, lost.

History of the Ottoman Empire

History of the Ottoman Empire There are no one hundred years. The Ottoman Empire existed from 1299 to 1923.

The emergence of the empire

Expansion and fall of the Ottoman Empire (1300-1923)

Osman (years of government 1288-1326), the son and heir to Ertogrul, in the fight against the powerless Visantia, joined the area of \u200b\u200bthe area over the region, but, despite the growing power, recognized his dependence on Likonia. In 1299, after the death of Alaeddin, he accepted the title "Sultan" and refused to recognize the power of his heirs. According to his behalf, the Turks became called Ottoman Turks or Ottomans. The power of them over Malaya Asia spread and strengthened, and the Sultans of Konyia could not prevent this.

From this time, they have and quickly increases, at least quantitatively, their own literature, although very little independent. They care about maintaining trade, agriculture and industry in conquered areas, create a well-organized army. A powerful state is developing, military, but not hostile culture; In theory, it is absolutist, but in reality the commander, which Sultan gave different areas to management, often turned out to be independent and reluctantly recognized the Sultan's supreme power. Often the Greek cities of Malaya Asia volunteered to the patronage of powerful Osman.

Son and the heir to Osman Orhan I (1326-59) continued the policies of the Father. He considered his vocation to unite all ordressive under his authority, although in reality the conquest of him was sent more than west - to countries inhabited by the Greeks than east, in countries populated by Muslims. He very skillfully enjoyed internal parties in Byzantium. Not once, the arguing parties appealed to him as an arbitration judge. In 1330, he won Nice, the most important from the Byzantine fortresses in the Asian soil. Following the power of the Turks, Niccoming and the entire north-western part of Malaya Asia and the Black, Marble and Aegean Seas were hit.

Finally, in 1356, the Turkish army under the superior of Suleiman, the son of Orhans landed on the European coast of Dardanelle and gallipoli collapsed and its surroundings.

Bâb-ı âlî, High porta

In the activities of Orhans on the internal management of the state, his permanent advisor was his elder brother Aladdin, who (the only example in the history of Turkey) voluntarily refused the right to the throne and adopted the post of great Vizier, especially for him established, but preserved and after him. To facilitate trade, a coherent case was settled. Orhan coins a silver coin - accumulating on his own behalf and with verse from the Quran. He built himself in a luxurious palace, at a high gate of which the Ottoman government received the name of the "high port" (literal translation of the Ottoman bab-ı ı - "High Gate"), often portable to the Ottoman state itself.

In 1328, Orhan gave its possessions a new, largely centralized management. They were divided into 3 provinces (Pashalyka), who were divided into districts, Sanjaki. Civilian government was connected to the military and subordinate to him. Orhan marked the beginning of the Yanychar's troop, recruited from Christian children (first 1000 people; later the number has increased significantly). Despite the significant proportion of tolerance to Christians, the religion of which was not pursued (at least from Christians and took taxes), the masses were switched to Islam.

Conquest in Europe before taking Constantinople (1306-1453)

  • 1352 - Capture Dardanwell.
  • 1354 - Gallipoli capture.
  • From 1358 to Kosovo field

After taking the Gallipoli, the Turks strengthened on the European coast of the Aegean Sea, Dardanell and the Marmara Sea. Suleiman died in 1358, and Orhan was inherited by the second son, Murad (1359-1389), who, although not forgotten about Malaya Asia and won the Angora, but the center of gravity was transferred to Europe. Having won Frace, he in 1365 moved his capital to Adrianopol. Byzantine Empire was reduced to one Constantinople With his closest surroundings, but continued to resist the conquest even a hundred years.

The conquest of Frakia led the Turks to the nearest contact with Serbia and Bulgaria. Both states passed the period of feudal crushing and could not consolidate. For several years, they both lost a significant part of their territory, pledged to tribute and became dependent on Sultan. However, there were periods when these states managed, using the moment, partially restore their positions.

Upon joining the next Sultans, starting from the bayazet, it was used to kill the nearest relatives to avoid family rivalry due to the throne; This custom was observed although not always, but often. When the relatives of the new Sultan were not presented in their mental development or for other reasons, neither the slightest danger, they were left alive, but their harem was made up of nonwalkers made by barren through the operation.

Osmans have come into a collision with Serbian breeding and wins under Chernneye (1371) and Savra (1385).

Battle on Kosovo Field

In 1389, Serbian Prince Lazar began a new war with Ottomans. On the Kosovo field on June 28, 1389, his army is 80,000 people. I agreed with the army of Murad at 300,000 people. The Serbian army was destroyed, the prince was killed; In the battle Pal and Murad. Formally, Serbia retained its independence, but she paid tribute and pledged to supply auxiliary army.

Murdes Murada

One of the Serbs, who took part in the battle (that is, from Prince Lazari), the Serbian Prince Milos Ozulich was. He understood that the chances of Serbs were small, and decided to sacrifice his life. He came up with a tricky operation.

During the battle, Milosh snuck into the shutter Murad, pretending to be a reprimor. He approached the Murada as if to transfer some secret and broof it. Murad died, but managed to call for the rescue. Consequently, Milos was killed by the guard of Sultan. (Milos Ozulich kills Sultan Murada) From now on, the Serbian and Turkish version of what happened will begin to disclose. According to the Serbian version, having learned about the murder of his ruler, the Turkish army succumbed to a panic and began to scatter, and only the tossing control of the son of Murad Bayazid I, saved the Turkish army from defeat. In the Turkish version, the murder of Sultan was only angry with Turkish warriors. However, the most realistic version looks like the main part of the troops learned about the death of Sultan after the battle.

Beginning of the XV century

The son of Murada Bayazet (1389-1402) was married to the daughter of Lazarus and this acquired the formal right to interfere with the solution of dynastic issues in Serbia (when Stephen, Son Lazari, died without heirs). In 1393, Bayazet took Tarnovo (he strangled the Bulgarian king Shishman, whose son escaped from the death of Islam), won all Bulgaria, Valachia ordered Tanny, conquered Macedonia and Fesseal and penetrated Greece. In Malaya Asia, his possession expanded far east for Kyzyl-Irmak (Galis).

In 1396, he broke the Christian army under Nickopol, collected by the King's Crusade Sigismund Hungarian.

The invasion of Timur at the head of the Turkic Halomba to the Asian ownership of Bayazeta forced him to remove the siege of Constantinople and personally with considerable forces to rush towards Timur. IN battle with Ankara In 1402, he was headed and captured, where in a year (1403) and died. A significant Serbian auxiliary squad (40,000 people) was killed in this battle

Captivity and then the death of the bayazeth threatened the state to the division into parts. In Adrianopol, the Sultan of Bayazet Souliman (1402-1410) proclaimed himself, who captured the power over the Turkish possessions in the Balkan Peninsula, in Bruss - Isa, in the eastern part of Malaya Asia - Mehmed I. Timur accepted ambassadors from all three contenders and all three promised her support, obviously, wishing to weaken Ortsman, but he did not find it possible to continue its conquest and went east.

Mehmed soon won, killed ISU (1403) and reigned over all Maly Asia. In 1413, after the death of Suleiman (1410) and the defeat and death of the Musa's brother, Mehmed restored his power and over the Balkan Peninsula. His reign was relatively peaceful. He tried to preserve peaceful relations with his Christian neighbors, Byzantia, Serbia, Valahia and Hungary, and concluded contracts with them. Contemporaries characterize him as a fair, meek, peace-loving and educated ruler. He more than once, however, had to deal with the inner uprisings with which he was very vigorously.

Such uprisings began and the reign of his son, Murad II (1421-1451). The brothers of the latter to avoid death, managed to run in Constantinople in advance, where they met a friendly reception. Murad immediately moved to Constantinople, but he managed to collect only a 20,000 thousand army and therefore was defeated. However, with the help of bribers, he managed shortly after grabling and strangle his brothers. The siege of Constantinople had to be removed, and Murad drew his attention to the northern part of the Balkan Peninsula, and later on the South. In the north, a thunderstorm was gathered from Transylvanian Governor Mathia Hunyadi, who won the victory over Himstadt (1442) and Niche (1443), but due to a significant advantage of the Ottoman forces, the head was broken on the Kosovo field. Murad will convinced thesalonics (earlier three times conquered by the Turks and the newly lost them), Corinth, Patras and a significant part of Albania.

His strong enemy was brought up at the Ottoman courtyard and the former Murad's favorite Albanian hostage Iskander-Run (or Skandardbeg), who adopted Islam and promoted him to spread in Albania. Then he wanted to make a new attack on Constantinople, who was not dangerous for him in militarily, but very valuable in his geographical position. Death prevented him to fulfill this plan implemented by His Son Mehmed II (1451-81).

Take Constantinople

Mehmed II enters Constantinople with his army

The pretext for the war was that Konstantin Paleologist, Emperor Byzantine, did not wish to give Mehmed's relative of Orhan (Son Suleiman, the grandson of bayazeta), which was designed to excite me, as a possible applicant for the Ottoman throne. In the authorities of the Byzantine emperor there was only a small strip of land on the shore of the Bosphorus; The number of troops did not exceed 6000, and the nature of the management of the empire did it even weaker. In the city itself there was already a lot of Turks; By the Byzantine government, since 1396, it was necessary to resolve the construction of Muslim mosques next to Orthodox churches. Only the extremely convenient geographical position of Constantinople and strong fortifications gave the opportunity to resist.

Mehmed II sent an army against the city of 150,000 people. And the fleet in 420 small sailing vessels that blocked the entrance to the Golden Horn. Armament of the Greeks and their military art was somewhat higher than Turkish, but the Ottomans managed to armafully arm. More Murad II made several plants for casting guns and the absorption of gunpowers, which were headed by Hungarian and other Christian engineers who made Islam for the benefits of renewability. Many of the Turkish cannons produced a lot of noise, but did not apply the other harm to the enemy; Some of them broke themselves and killed a significant number of Turkish soldiers. Mehmed began preliminary siege works in the fall of 1452, and in April 1453 began a proper siege. Byzantine government appealed for help from Christian powers; Dad hurried to answer the promise to the preaching of the crusade against the Turks, if only Byzantium agrees to the churches; Byzantine government with indignation rejected this proposal. From other powers, one Genoa sent a small squadron from 6000 people. Under the entry of Justiniani. The squadron brave broke through the Turkish blockade and landed the landing of Konstantinople, who doubled the power of precipitated. For two months, the siege continued. A significant part of the population lost his head and instead of becoming in the ranks of the fighters, prayed at churches; The army, both Greek and the Genoese, resisted extremely courageously. He headed her emperor Konstantin Paleologistwho fought with the courage of despair and died in a skirmish. On May 29, Ottomans opened the city.


The era of the power of the Ottoman Empire lasted more than 150 years. In 1459, all Serbia was conquered (except Belgrade taken in 1521) and addressed to Ottoman Pashalyk. In 1460 conquered Athenian Duchy And after him, almost all Greece, with the exception of some seaside cities remaining in the power of Venice. In 1462, the island of Lesbos and Valahia is conquered, in 1463 - Bosnia.

The conquest of Greece led the Turks to a collision with Venice, which entered into a coalition with Naples, Dad and Karaman (independent Muslim Khanate in Malaya Asia, in which Khan Yuzun Hasan rules).

The war lasted 16 years in the Sea, on the archipelago and in Malaya Asia at the same time (1463-79) and ended with the victory of the Ottoman state. Venice in the Constantinople world of 1479 lost to Ottomans of several cities in the sea, Lemnos Island and other Islands of the Archipelago (Negripont was captured by Turks in 1470); Karaman Khanate He recognized the power of Sultan. After the death of Skanderbega (1467), the Turks captured Albania, then Herzegovina. In 1475, they waged war with Crimean Khan Mengyley with a gyreum and forced him to recognize themselves dependent on Sultan. This victory had a large military value for the Turks, since the Crimean Tatars delivered them the auxiliary army, at times of 100 thousand people; But afterwards it became fatal for the Turks, as it was collided with Russia and Poland. In 1476, Ottomans devastated Moldova and put it in vassal dependence.

This time ended the conquest period. Osmans belonged to the entire Balkan peninsula to the Danube and Sava, almost all the islands of the archipelago and Small Asia to Trapezund and almost to Euphrates, for the Danube Valahia and Moldova were also in the strongest dependence. Everywhere managed or directly Ottoman officials, or local rulers, approved by the port and those who were in complete submission.

Board Bayazet II.

None of the preceding Sultanov did so much to expand the limits of the Ottoman Empire, as Mehmed II, which remained in history with the nickname "Conqueror". He was inherited by his son Bayazet II (1481-1512) in the midst of shatter. Junior Brother Jam, leaning on the Great Vizier Mogamet-Karamaniya and taking advantage of the absence of a bayazet in Constantinople at the time of his father's death, proclaimed himself to Sultan.

Bayazet collected the remaining true troops; Hostile army met in Angore. Victory remained behind the elder brother; Jam fled to Rhodes, from there to Europe and after long wanders found himself in the hands of Pope Alexander VI, who offered Bayazet to poison his brother for 300,000 ducats. Bayazet accepted the offer, paid money, and Jam was poisoned (1495). The reign of bayazetic was noted by several more uprisings of his sons, completed (except for the latter) safely for the Father; Bayazet took the rebels and exposed execution. Nevertheless, Turkish historians characterize bayazets as a peace-loving and meek man, the patron saint of art and literature.

Indeed, there was some stop in Ottoman conquest, but rather due to failures than the peacefulness of the government. Bosnian and Serbian Pasha repeatedly made raids on Dalmatia, Styria, Carinthia and extremely and subjected to their cruel devastation; Several times they were attempted to take Belgrade, but unsuccessfully. The death of Matthew Corvin (1490), caused anarchy in Hungary and, it seemed favored by the plans of Ottomans against this state.

A long war, leading with some interruptions, ended, however, not particularly favorably for the Turks. The world, concluded in 1503, Hungary defended all his own possessions and although it was supposed to recognize the right of the Ottoman Empire to tribute to Moldova and Valahia, but did not refuse the supreme rights to these two states (rather in theory than in reality). In Greece, Navarin (Pilos), Modon and Crown (1503) were conquered.

By the time of Bayazet II include the first relations of the state of Ottomans with Russia: in 1495, ambassadors of the Grand Duke Ivan III appeared in Constantinople, in order to provide Russian merchants unhindered trade in the Ottoman Empire. The bayazet was entered into friendly relations and other European powers, especially Naples, Venice, Florence, Milan and Dad, seeking his friendship; Bayazet skillfully balanced between everyone.

At the same time, the Ottoman Empire leads war with Venice for the Mediterranean, and causes it a defeat in 1505.

His main attention was drawn to the East. He began the war with the Persia, but did not have time to finish her; In 1510, his younger son Selim took over against him at the head of Yanychar, broke him and overthrow from the throne. Soon bayazet died, in all likelihood, from poison; Other relatives of Selim were also exterminated.

Board Selima I.

The war in Asia continued with Selim I (1512-20). In addition to the usual aspiration of Ottomans to conquests, this war had a religious reason: Turks were Sunnites, Selim, as the extreme jealousness of the Sunnism, hated Persian-Shiites, passionately, was destroyed up to 40,000 shiites living in Ottoman territory. War was carried out with varying success, but the final victory, although not complete, was on the side of the Turks. By the world of 1515, Persia gave way to the Ottoman Empire of the Diyarbakyr and Mosul, lying on the top flow of the Tiger.

Egyptian Sultan Kansu Gavry sent an embassy to Selim with a sentence of the world. Selim ordered to kill all members of the embassy. Kansa advocated him to meet him; The battle occurred in the valley of the Dolbeck. Thanks to his artillery, Selim won a complete victory; Mamiluki fled, Kansa died during escape. Damascus opened the gate to the winner; After him, Sultan was obeyed by Sultan, and Mecca and Medina were given to his patronage (1516). The new Egyptian Sultan Mist Bay after several defeats should have given in Cairo Turkish Avangard; But at night he penetrated the city and destroyed the Turks. Selim, not being able to take Cairo without a stubborn struggle, suggested its inhabitants to surrender to the surrender with the promise of his mercies; Residents surrendered - and Selim produced a terrible massacre in the city. Fog Bey was beheaded when during the retreat he was broken and captured (1517).

Selim aparted for the fact that he did not want to obey him, the Lord of Orthodox, and developed the theory of Muslim's brave in the mouths, according to which he, as the ruler of Constantinople, is the heir to the Eastern Roman Empire and, therefore, has the right to all lands ever included in its composition.

Understanding the inability to manage Egypt exclusively through its Pasha, which in the end inevitably they would have to become independent, Selim retained the 24 leaders of Mameluch, who were considered subordinate to Pasha, but used the well-known independence and could complain about Pasha in Constantinople. Selim was one of the most cruel Ottoman Sultans; In addition to his father and brothers, except for countless prisoners, he collated seven of his great viziers for eight years of his reign. At the same time, he patronized literature and left a significant number of Turkish and Arab poems. In the memory of the Turks, he remained with a nickname javos (adamant, severe).

Board Suleiman I.

TUG. Suleiman gorgeous (1520)

Selim Selima Souliman I (1520 -66), nicknamed Christian historians magnificent or great, was the direct opposite of his father. He was not cruel and understood the political price of mercy and formal justice; He began his reign with the fact that he let go to freedom several hundred Egyptian prisoners from noble families contained in chains. European merchants robbed in Ottoman territory at the beginning of his reign, received a generous cash reward from him. More than his predecessors, he loved the pomp, who his palace in Constantinople struggled Europeans. Although he did not refuse the conquest, but did not like wars, only in rare cases personally becoming at the head of the troops. Especially high, he appreciated the diplomatic art, which brought him important victories. Immediately after joining the throne, he tied up peaceful negotiations with Venice and concluded a contract with it in 1521, which recognized the venetians to trade in the Turkish territory and promising them to protect their safety; Both sides have pledged to give each other fugitive criminals. Since then, Venice also did not hold in Constantinople a permanent messenger in Constantinople, but the embassies from Venice to Constantinople and back sent more or less regularly. In 1521, Ottoman troops took Belgrade. In 1522, Suleiman landed a large army to Rhodes. Six-month siege The main citadel of the Ioannited knights ended with its capitulation, after which the Turks began to conquer Tripoli and Algeria in North Africa.

Mohach battle (1526)

In 1527, Ottoman troops under the command of Suleiman I invaded Austria and Hungary. At first, the Turks achieved very significant success: in the eastern part of Hungary, they managed to create a puppet state, which became the Vassal of the Ottoman Empire, they captured, they ruined huge territories in Austria. In 1529, Sultan moved his army to Vienna, intending to capture the Austrian capital, but he could not succeed. September 27 began siege Vienna, Turks at least 7 times exceeded the number of besieged. But the weather was against the Turks - along the way to Vienna because of bad weather, they lost many guns and fabric animals, diseases began in their camp. And the Austrians did not lose time with a gift - they strengthened the city walls in advance, and Ertzgercog Austria Ferdinand I led to the city of German and Spanish mercenaries (his older brother Carl V Gabsburg was simultaneously the emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire and King of Spain). Then the Turks made a bid on the undermining of the walls of Vienna, but the deposited constantly made the babblers and destroyed all Turkish trenches and underground moves. Due to the impending winter, diseases and mass desertion, the Turks had to leave after 17 days after the start of the siege, October 14.

Union with France

The nearest neighbor of the Ottoman state and the most dangerous enemy it was Austria, and to join her serious struggle, without waking up someone's support, it was risky. The natural ally of Ottomans in this struggle was France. The first intercourse between the Ottoman Empire and France began in 1483; Since then, both states have exchanged the embassies several times, but this did not lead to practical results.

In 1517, the King of French Francis I suggested the Emperor to the German and Ferdinand Catholic Union against the Turks in order to exile them from Europe and the derage of their possessions, but this union did not take place: the interests of the European powers were too opposite to each other. On the contrary, France and the Ottoman Empire did not contact each other anywhere and the nearest reasons for hostility did not have. Therefore, France, which once took such a hot participation in crusades, I decided on a bold step: on a real military union with a Muslim power against the Power of Christian. The last push gave the unfortunate battle for the French at Pavia, during which the king was captured. Recents Louise Savoyskaya sent an embassy in Constantinople in February 1525, but it was beaten by the Turks in Bosnia contrary to [the source is not specified 466 days] The desire of Sultan. Not embarrassed by this event, Francis I from captivity sent Sultan Messenger with the suggestion of the Union; Sultan was to attack Hungary, and Francis promised War with Spain. At the same time, Karl V did similar proposals to the Ottoman Sultan, but Sultan presented the Union with France.

Soon after, Francis sent a request to Constantinople to resolve the restoration of at least one Catholic Church in Jerusalem, but received from Sultan a decisive refusal in the name of the principles of Islam together with the promise of all the patronage of Christians and security of their security (1528).

Military successes

In terms of the truce 1547, the entire southern part of Hungary to Offen inclusively appealed to the Ottoman province divided into 12 Sanjaks; The North has moved to the power of Austria, but with the obligation to pay Sultan for her 50,000 Dani Duchoves annually (in the German text of the TRANCE Agreement was called the honorable gift - Ehrengeschenk). The Supreme Laws of the Ottoman Empire over Valahia, Moldova and Transylvania were confirmed by the world of 1569. This world could only take place because Austria spent the huge amounts of money for bribing the Turkish authorities. Osmanov's war with Venice ended in 1540 by the transition to the power of the Ottoman Empire of the latest possessions of Venice in Greece and in the Aegean Sea. In the new war with the Persia, the Ottoman occupied in 1536. Baghdad, in 1553 - Georgia. By this they reached the apogee of their political power. The Ottoman fleet freely floated throughout the Mediterranean Sea to Gibraltar and in the Indian Ocean often robbed Portuguese colonies.

In 1535 or 1536, he was concluded between the Ottoman Empire and France, a new agreement "On the world, friendship and trade"; France had from now on the permanent Messenger in Constantinople and Consul in Alexandria. Sultan's subjects in France and the subject of the king on the territory of the Ottoman state guaranteed the right to freely drive around the country, buy, sell and exchange goods under the protection of local authorities at the beginning of equality. Harvests between the French in the Ottoman Empire were to deal with French consuls or envoys; In the event of a litigation between the Turk and French, the French was provided to protect them by consul. In order of internal management during Suleiman, some changes occurred. Previously, Sultan was almost always personally present in the sofa (ministerial council): Suleiman rarely appeared in it, providing, thus, greater expanse of his sights. Earlier, the posts of Vizier (Minister) and the Great Vizier, and also the governor Pashalyka was provided to ordinary people more or less experienced in management or military business; With Suleiman, in these appointments began to play a prominent role of harem, as well as monetary gifts given by candidates for high posts. This was caused by the needs of the government in money, but soon there was as if the rule of law and was the main reason for the depth of the ports. Government's waste has reached unprecedented sizes; True, government revenues due to the successful collection of data also increased significantly, but, despite this, Sultan had to often resort to the damage of the coin.

Board Selim II.

Son and the heir to Suleiman's magnificent Selim II (1566 -74) joined the throne, having no need to beat the brothers, as his father took care of this, wanting in favor of his beloved last wife to ensure the throne behind him. Selim, reign safely and left his son to his son, not only not diminished geographically, but even the increased; This, in many respects, he was obliged by the mind and energy of the Vizier Mehmed Fall. Fall finished the conquest of Arabia, which was previously located only in weak dependence on the ports.

Battle at Lepanto (1571)

He demanded from Venice concessions of the Island of Cyprus, which led to a war between the Ottoman Empire and Venice (1570-1573); Ottomans suffered a heavy marine defeat at Radano (1571), but despite this, at the end of the war, Cyprus seized and were able to keep it; In addition, they obliged Venice to pay 300 thousand duoks of military conference and pay tribute for the possession of the Owner in the amount of 1,500 ducats. In 1574, Ottomans mastered Tunisia, who previously belonged to the Spaniards; Algeria and Tripoli have previously recognized their dependence on Ottomans. Two great cases thought: Done and Volga compound with a canal, which, in his opinion, should have to strengthen the power of the Ottoman Empire in the Crimea and subjugate to her Astrakhan Khanna, already conquered by Moscow, and a breakthrough Suez Pereshka. It was, however, not forces to the Ottoman government.

When Selim II took place ottoman Expedition to Aceh, leaving for the establishment of long-term connections between the Ottoman Empire and this remote Malay Sultanate.

Board of Murad III and Mehmed III

During the reign of Murad III (1574-1595), the Ottoman Empire came out the winner of a stubborn war with a percia, capturing all Western Iran and the Caucasus. Son Murad Mehmed III (1595-1603) When joining the throne, I was executed by 19 brothers. However, he was not a cruel ruler, and even entered the story under the nickname fair. With it, the state largely ruled his mother through 12 Great Visers, which often replaced each other.

The reinforced damage of the coin and the elevation of the filings has repeatedly led to uprisings in various parts of the state. The reign of Mehmed was filled with a war with Austria, which began at Murad in 1593 and ended only in 1606, already under Akhmedi I (1603-17). She ended with the Sitatorok world of 1606, marking a turn in mutual relations between the Ottoman Empire and Europe. No new Dani was imposed on Austria; On the contrary, she was freed from the former Dani for Hungary, which at the same time paying the contribution of 200,000 florins. In Transylvania, the ruler was recognized by hostile Austria Stefan Bochkim with his male offspring. Moldova, repeatedly trying to leave from vassalite, managed to defend in the course of border conflicts with Commonwealth speech and Habsburgs. Since that time, the territory of the Ottoman state has no longer expanded otherwise, as a short time. The sad implications for the Ottoman Empire had a war with a per sight of 1603-12, in which the Turks suffered several serious lesions and had to give up East Georgian lands, Eastern Armenia, Shirvan, Karabakh, Azerbaijan with Tavrius and some other terrain.

Empire decline (1614-1757)

The last years of the reign of Ahmed I is filled with rebellion, continued and under his heirs. His brother Mustafa I (1617-1618), the Millennik and the favorite of Yanychar, who he did millions of gifts from public funds, after three-month administration was overthrown by Father Mufti as squeezed, and the son of Ahmed Osman II joined the throne (1618-1622). After an unsuccessful hike, Janchar against the Cossacks, he made an attempt to destroy this violent, every year he had ever less and less useful for military purposes and more and more dangerous for state-state order of the army - and for it was killed by Yanychars. The Mustafa I was again erected again and again in a few months he was overtaken from the throne, and after a few years he died probably from poisoning.

Osman's younger brother, Murad IV (1623-1640), intended, seemed to restore the former greatness of the Ottoman Empire. It was a cruel and greedy tyrant, resembling Selima, but at the same time the capable administrator and an energetic warrior. According to calculators, the accuracy of which cannot be certified, with it executed to 25,000 people. Often he executed the rich people exclusively in order to confiscate their property. He again dismantled in the war with Persians (1623 -1639) Tavriz and Baghdad; He also managed to defeat the Venetians and conclude a favorable world with them. He doubted a dangerous uprising of the druz (1623-1637); But the uprising of the Crimean Tatars almost freed them from Ottoman power. The devastation of the Black Sea coast produced by the Cossacks remained unpunished for them.

In the internal management of Murad sought to introduce some order and some savings in finance; However, all his attempts turned out to be impracticable.

With his brother and heir to Ibrahim (1640-1648), in which state affairs began with a harem, all acquisitions of its predecessor were lost. Sultan himself was overthrown and strangled by Janchars, erected to the throne of his seven-year-old son Mehmed IV (1648-1687). True state rulers at the first time of the reign of the latter were Yanychars; All government positions were replaced by their defaults, the Office was in full disorder, finance reached the extreme decline. Despite this, the Ottoman fleet managed to inflict a serious marine defeat of Venice and break through the blockade of Dardanwell, which with varying success kept from 1654.

Russian-Turkish War 1686-1700

Vienna Battle (1683)

In 1656, the post of the Great Vizier captured the energetic man Mehmet Kepelulu, who managed to strengthen the discipline of the army and cause several defeats with enemies. Austria was supposed to conclude in 1664 not particularly for her favorable world in Vavwar; In 1669, the Turks won Crete, and in 1672, in the world in Buchach, they received a compulcient podolia and even part of Ukraine from the speech. This world caused the indignation of the people and the Seimas, and the war began again. Russia took part in it; But on the side of Ottomans stood a significant part of the Cossacks led by Doroshenko. During the war, the Great Vizier Akhmet-Pasha Kypeully after the 15-year-old country department (1661-76). War, who went with varying success, ended Bakhchisarai truceconcluded in 1681 for 20 years, at the beginning of the status quo; Western UkraineRepresenting the real desert after the war, and the podolia remained in the hands of the Turks. Ottomans easily agreed to the world, since they had a war with Austria, which was taken by the successor to Ahmet-Pasha Kara-Mustafa Köc. Ottomans managed to penetrate the veins and begged it (from July 24 to 12 Sep. 1683), but the siege had to be removed when the Polish King Yang Sobyki entered into an alliance with Austria, hurried to the aid of Vienna and won around her brilliant victory over the Ottoman army. In Belgrade, Kara-Mustafa met the envoys from Sultan, who had an order to deliver to Konstantinopol. The head of unable commander, which was fulfilled. In 1684, Venice was added to the coalition of Austria and the Commonwealth against the Ottoman Empire.

During the war, in which Ottomans had not to attack, but to defend themselves in their own territory, in 1687, the Lie Vizier Suleiman Pasha was divided into Mohache. The defeat of the Ottoman troops caused irritation of the Janicar, which remained in Constantinople, Bunuya and Grabia. Under the threat of an uprising, Mehmed IV sent them the head of Suleiman, but it did not save him: Yanychars lowered it with the help of Fetwa Mufti and forcibly erected to the throne of his brother, Suleiman II (1687-91), a man of dedicated drunkenness and completely incapable of managing. The war continued with him and with his brothers, Ahmeda II (1691-95) and Mustafa II (1695-1703). Venetians mastered the sea; The Austrians took Belgrade (soon she got to Ottomans) and all the significant fortresses of Hungary, Slavonia, Transylvania; Poles occupied a significant part of Moldova.

In 1699 war was completed Carnish peaceful contractwhich was the first to which the Ottoman Empire did not receive any tribute or temporary contribution. Its value significantly exceeded the value Sitatoroki world. It became clear to all that the military power of Ottomans is not great at all and that the inner turmoil is loosened by their state more and more.

In the very empire, the Karovitsky world caused consciousness of certain reforms among the more educated part of the population. This consciousness has previously had a kisperul - a family that gave the state during the 2nd half of the XVII and early XVIII centuries. 5 Great Visers who belonged to the most remarkable state people of the Ottoman Empire. Already in 1690 led. Vizier Keperyul Mustafa published Nizami-Jedid (Osman. Nizam-ı Cedid - "New Order"), which has established the maximum norms of the magnitude of the pharmaceutical supplies charged with Christians; But this law did not have practical application. After the Karlovitsy world, Christians in Serbia and Banat were forgiven for the year; The Higher Government in Constantinople has become in times to take care of the protection of Christians from defeats and other oppression. Insufficient in order to reconcile Christians with Turkish nest, these measures annoyed Janacar and Turks.

Participation in the Northern War

Ambassadors in the Palace Topkapi

Brother and heir to Mustafa, Ahmed III (1703-1730), built on the throne of Yanychar's revolt, discovered unexpected courage and independence. He arrested and hurriedly executed many officers of the Yanychar's troops and deducted from office and exiled to the great Vizier (Sadrid-Azam) of Ahmed-Pashi. The new Great Vizier of Damad-Gassan Pasha docused uprising in different places of the state, patronized by foreign merchants, based school. Soon he was overthrown due to intrigue, which emanated from the harem, and the vizers began to replace with the striking speed; Some remained in power no more than two weeks.

The Ottoman Empire did not take advantage of even difficulties tested by Russia during the Northern War. Only in 1709, she took Karl XII from Poltava, and under the influence of his convictions began a war with Russia. By this time, a party had already existed in Ottoman ruling circles, which dreamed of not about the war with Russia, but about the Union with her against Austria; At the head of this party stood led. Vizier Noman Kepers, and his fall, the former thing Karl XII, served as a signal to war.

The position of Peter I, surrounded by the 200,000 Army of the Turk and Tatars, was extremely dangerous. Peter's death was inevitable, but the Great Vizier Baltadji-Mehmed was bribed and released Peter for an unimportant relatively concession of Azov (1711). The batch of war of the overall Baltadji-Mehmed was extended to Lemnos, but Russia had achieved a diplomatic way from the Ottoman Empire to remove Charles XII, for which I had to resort to strength.

In 1714-18, Ottomans were war with Venice and in 1716-18 with Austria. By Passiarveritsky Mire. (1718) The Ottoman Empire received back to the sea, but delivered Belgrade to Austria with a significant part of Serbia, a banat, part of the Valahia. In 1722, taking advantage of the cessation of the dynasty and then followed by the Truses in Persia, Ottomans began religious war Against shiites that they hoped to reward themselves for losses in Europe. Several defeats in this war and the invasion of Persians to the Ottoman territory caused a new uprising in Constantinople: Ahmed was lowered, and his nephew, son Mustafa II, Mahmoud I, was erected to the throne.

Board Mahmoud I.

With Mahmud I (1730-54), which made up its softness and humanity, an exception to a number of Ottoman sultans (he did not kill the overthrown Sultan and his sons and generally avoided the executions), the war with a percue, who did not have certain results continued. The war with Austria ended with the Belgrade World (1739), according to which the Turks received Serbia with Belgrade and Orsoy. Successively operated against Ottomans Russia, but the conclusion by the Austrians of the world forced the Russians to make concessions; From its conquest, Russia has retained only Azov, but with the obligation to distort the fortifications.

In the reign of Mahmoud Ibrahim Basmadji, the first Turkish typography was founded. Mufti after some oscillations gave Fatwa, which in the name of the interests of the enlightenment blessing the undertaking, and Sultan Gatti Sheriff allowed him. It was forbidden only to print Quran and Sacred Books. In the first period of existence, the printing house in it was printed 15 works (Dictionaries Arabic and Persian, several books on the history of Ottoman state and universal geography, military art, political economy, etc.). After the death of Ibrahima Basmadzhi, the typography closed, the new appeared only in 1784

Mahmuda I, a deceased natural death, was inherited by his brother Osman III (1754-57), the reign of which was pecked peacefully and who died just like his brother.

Reform attempts (1757-1839)

Ottoman inherited Mustafa III (1757-74), Son Ahmed III. Upon joining the throne, he firmly expressed his intention to change the policy of the Ottoman Empire and restore the brilliance of her weapons. He wondered rather extensive reforms (by the way, the breakthrough of the channels through Suez Steel And through small Asia), she did not openly sympathized with slavery and let go on the will a significant number of slaves.

Universal discontent, and before that there was no new news in the Ottoman Empire, it was especially strengthened by two cases: a caravan of Orthodox, who returned from Mecca was robbed and destroyed, and the Turkish Admiral ship was captured by the detachment of the marine robbers of Greek nationality. All this testified to the extreme weakness of state power.

To resolve Finance Mustafa III began with savings in his own palace, but at the same time allowed a damage of the coin. With the patronage of Mustafa, the first public library, several schools and hospitals was opened in Constantinople. He very readily concluded a contract with Prussia, which provided Prussian shopping ships in Ottoman waters; Prussic subjects in the Ottoman Empire were subordinated to the jurisdiction of their consuls. Russia and Austria proposed a Mustafa 100,000 duokates for the abolition of rights, Prussia's data, but unsuccessfully: Mustafa wished to more close his state with European civilization.

Further, the attempts of reforms did not go. In 1768, Sultan was to declare the war of Russia, which lasted 6 years and the earned Kuchuk-Kaynardgia world 1774. The world was already concluded at the brother and heir to Mustafa, Abdul-Hamid I (1774-1789).

The Board of Abdul-Hamid I

The empire at this time almost everywhere was in a state of fermentation. The Greeks, excited by Orlov, worried, but left by the Russians without help, they soon and were easily grateful and cruelly punished. Ahmed-Pasha Baghdad declared himself independent; Tacher, supported by Arabic nomads, took the title of Sheikha Galilee and Acres; Egypt under the rule of Mohammed Ali and did not think to pay tribute; Northern Albaniawho ruled Mahmoud, Pasha Scortary, was in a state of a complete uprising; Ali, Pasha Yaninsky, clearly sought to the foundation of an independent kingdom.

All the reign of Adbul Hamid was occupied by the gracious of these uprisings, which could not be achieved due to the lack of money from the Ottoman government and disciplined troops. To this joined new war with Russia and Austria (1787-91), again unsuccessful for Ottomans. She ended Issine World with Russia (1792)In which Russia finally acquired the Crimea and the space between the Bug and the Dniester, and the Systov world with Austria (1791). The latter was relatively favorable for the Ottoman Empire, as its main enemy, Joseph II, died, and Leopold II sent all his attention to France. Austria returned to Ottomans most of the acquisitions made it in this war. The world was concluded at the nephew Abdul Hamid, Selim III (1789-1807). In addition to territorial losses, one significant change in the life of the Ottoman state: before its start (1785), the empire concluded its first national debt, first internal, guaranteed by some state revenues.

Board Selim III

Sultan Selim III was the first to be aware of the deep crisis of the Ottoman Empire and began to reform the military and state organization of the country. Energetic measures, the government cleared the Aegean Sea from pirates; It patronized trade and folk education. His main attention was drawn to the army. Yanychars proved their almost complete uselessness in war, at the same time holding the country during the periods of the world in the state of anarchy. Their formations of Sultan intended to replace the army of the European sample, but since it was obvious that it was immediately impossible to replace the entire old system, then the reformers paid a certain attention to improving the situation of traditional formations. In a number of other reforms, Sultan had events to strengthen the combat capability of artillery and fleet. The government has concerned about the transfer to the Ottoman language of the best foreign essays on tactics and fortification; invited to teaching places in the artillery and maritime collections of French officers; At first of them, he founded a library of foreign essays on military sciences. The workshops for casting cannons were improved; Military vessels of the new sample were ordered in France. These were all preliminary measures.

Sultan Selim III

Sultan clearly wanted to go to the reorganization of the inner structure of the army; He installed a new form for her and began to introduce more strict discipline. Yanychar while he did not touch. But here on his way began, firstly, the rebellion of the Viddine Pasha, the Embol-oglu (1797), which was clearly neglected by orders, emanating from the government, secondly - egyptian expedition Napoleon.

Kuchuk-Hussein moved against the Eggs and led the real war with him, which did not have a certain result. The government finally entered into negotiations with the rebellious governor and recognized his life-lifelong rights to manage the Widdine Pashalyak, in reality on the basis of almost complete independence.

In 1798, General Bonaparte made his famous attack on Egypt, then at Syria. On the side of the Ottoman Empire became the United Kingdom, which destroyed the French fleet in battle of Abukir. The expedition had no serious results for Ottomans. Egypt remained formally in the power of the Ottoman Empire, in fact - in the power of Mamlukov.

Mostly ended the war with the French (1801), as the Yanychar's uprising began in Belgrade, dissatisfied with reforms in the army. The oppression from their part caused a people's movement in Serbia (1804) under the supervision of Karageorgia. The government first supported the movement, but soon it resulted in the form of a real popular uprising, and the Ottoman Empire had to start hostilities (see Battle of Ivanakovat). The case was complicated by the war, begun by Russia (1806-1812). The reforms had to re-postpone: the Great Vizier and other top officials and the military were at the Theater of Military Action.

Attempting coup

In Constantinople, only Kaimakov (Assistant Great Vizier) and Deputy Ministers remained in Constantinople. Sheikh-Ul-Islam took advantage of this moment for a conspiracy against Sultan. In the conspiracy, the ulea and Janchars were attended, among which rumors were spreading about the intention of Sultan to reset them on the regiments of the permanent army. I joined the conspiracy and kaimakov. On the appointed day, the squad of Janicar unexpectedly attacked the garrison of permanent troops, standing in Constantinople, and produced a massacre among him. Another part of Janacar surrounded the palace of Selim and demanded from him the execution of those hated persons. Selim had courage to refuse. He was arrested and imprisoned. Sultan was proclaimed the son of Abdul-Hamid, Mustafa IV (1807-1808). The massacre in the city lasted two days. On behalf of the powerless Mustafa managed Sheikh-Ul-Islam and Kaimakov. But Selim had their adherents.

During the Cabacci coup, Mustafa (tour. Kabakçı Mustafa Isyanı), Mustafa Bayraktar (Aledar Mustafa Pasha - Pasha Bulgarian City of Rushchuk) and his adherents began negotiations on the return of Sultan Selim III for the throne. Finally, with the sixteen thousandth Army Mustafa Bayraktar went to Istanbul, sending earlier Haji Ali Agu, who killed Cabacci Mustafa (July 19, 1808). Mustafa Bayraktar with his army, destroying pretty a large number of Rebel, arrived in the high port. Sultan Mustafa IV, having learned that Mustafa Bayraktar wishes to return the throne of Sultan Selim III, ordered to kill Selima and his brother Shah-Zade Mahmoud. Sultan was killed immediately, and Mahmoud Shah-Zade, with his slaves and servants, was released. Mustafa Bayraktar, removing Mustafa IV from the throne, declared Sultan Mahmoud II. The latter made him sratrazam - a great Vizier.

Board Mahmoud II.

Not inferior to Selim in energy and in understanding the need for reforms, Mahmoud was much tougher than Selim: angry, vengeful, he was more guided by personal passions, which were killed by political foresight than the actual desire for the good of the country. The soil for innovations was already several prepared, the ability not to think over the means also favored Mahmuda, and therefore his activity left more traces than the activity of Selim. He appointed Bayraktar, who ordered the beating of participants from Selim and other political opponents. The life of Mustafa himself was coming for a while.

As the first reform, Bayraktar outlined the reorganization of the Yanychar's corps, but he had the negligence to send a part of his troops to the theater of hostilities; He had only 7,000 soldiers. 6000 Yanychar made an unexpected attack on them and moved to the palace to free the IV Mustafa. Bayraktar, with a small detachment connected in the palace, threw the corpse of Mustafa, and then blew apart the part of the palace on the air and buried himself in ruins. A few hours later, the three thousandths of Ramiz-Pasha led to the Ramiz-Pasha led, was divided by the Ramiz-Pasha, and destroyed the significant part of them.

Mahmoud decided to postpone reform until the end of the war with Russia, ended in 1812 Bucharest world. Vienna Congress There was some changes to the position of the Ottoman Empire or, more correctly, determined more precisely and approved in theory and on geographic maps what has already happened in reality. Dalmatia and Illyry were approved for Austria, Bessarabia for Russia; seven Ionian Islands Received self-government under the English Protectorate; British vessels have received the right to pass through Dardanelles.

Even at the remaining territory, the government did not feel confidence. In Serbia in 1817, the uprising began, which ended only after the recognition of Serbia Adrianopol world 1829 by a separate vassal state, with his own prince headed. In 1820, the uprising began Ali Pasha Yaninsky. Due to the treason of his own sons, he was broken, taken captive and executed; But a significant part of his army formed the frames of Greek rebels. In 1821, the uprising, grown in war for independence, It began in Greece. After the intervention of Russia, France and England and the Unhappy for the Ottoman Empire Navarino (marine) battle (1827), in which the Turkish and Egyptian fleet died, the Ottoman lost Greece.

Military losses

Relief from Janacar and Dervysh (1826) did not save the Turks from the defeat both in the war with Serbs and in the war with the Greeks. For these two wars and in connection with them, the war was followed by Russia (1828-29), which suffered Adrianopol world of 1829 The Ottoman Empire lost Serbia, Moldova, Valachia, Greece, the east coast of the Black Sea.

Following the Ottoman Empire, Mohammed Ali was postponed, Hediv Egypt (1831-1833 and 1839). In the fight against the last empire suffered such strikes that were put on the map of its very existence; But her twice (1833 and 1839) saved the unexpected intercession of Russia, caused by the fear of the European War, which was probably caused by the dissection of the Ottoman state. However, this intercession brought Russia and real benefits: the Ottoman Empire provided the Ottoman Empire in Gunjar Skebessi (1833) to the Russian courts through Dardanelles, closing it for England. At the same time, the French decided to take away from Ottomans Algeria (since 1830), and earlier, however, formerly only in the nominal dependence on the empire.

Civil reforms

Mahmoud II begins upgrading in 1839

War did not stop the reformists of Mahmoud; Private transformations in the army continued at all time of his reign. He also cared for raising the level of education in the people; With it (1831) began to go out in French the first in the Ottoman Empire of the newspaper, which had official character ("Moniteur Ottoman"). Since the end of 1831, the first official newspaper in the Turkish language "Takvim-and Hebui" began to be published.

Like Peter the Great, perhaps, even consciously imitating him, Mahmoud sought to introduce European morals in the people; He himself wore a European costume and encouraged his officials to that, forbade the wearing of Turban, arranged the festivities in Constantinople and in other cities with fireworks, with European music and in general on the European sample. To the most important civilian reforms conceived by him, he did not live; They were already the case of his heir. But then the little thing he did, there was a contrary to the religious feelings of the Muslim population. He began to cover the coin with his image, which is directly prohibited in the Qur'an (news that the previous sultans removed portraits from themselves to be much doubtted).

Throughout his reign in different parts of the state, especially in Constantinople, the Muslims caused by religious feelings were inconsporated; The government was extremely cruel to them: sometimes in a few days in the Bosphorus, 4000 corpses have rushed. At the same time, Mahmoud did not hesitate to expose the execution of even the rules and the dervish, who were generally his fierce enemies.

In the reign of Mahmoud, there were especially many fires in Constantinople, part of the sorces originated; The people explained them to God's punishment for the sins of Sultan.

Results of the Board

The extermination of Yanychar, first damaged the Ottoman Empire, having deprived it although bad, but still not useless troops, after several years he was highly benefactor: the Ottoman army became the height of the European armies, which was clearly proven to the Crimean campaign and even more In the war of 1877-1878 and in the Greek war of 1897, the territorial reduction, in particular the loss of Greece, was also more profitable for the empire than harmful.

Ottomans never allowed the military service of Christians; Region with a solid Christian population (Greece and Serbia), without increasing the Turkish army, at the same time demanded significant military garrisons from it, which could not be put into a minute of need. In particular, this applies to Greece, which because of the stretched maritime boundary did not even imagine strategic benefits for the Ottoman Empire, stronger on land than the sea. The loss of the territories has reduced state revenues of the empire, but the reign of Mahmud was somewhat revived the trade of the Ottoman Empire with European states, the productivity of the country (bread, tobacco, grapes, rose oil, etc.) somewhat risen.

Thus, despite all the external lesions, despite the terrible battle for NizibaIn which Mohammed Ali destroyed a significant Ottoman army and followed by the loss of a whole fleet, Mahmoud left Abdul-Medzhid the state rather reinforced than weakened. It was also strengthened by the fact that from now on, the interest of European powers was closely related to the preservation of the Ottoman state. The importance of Bosphorus and Dardanwell was unusually rising; European powers felt that Constantinople's seizure of one of them would cause an irreparable blow to the rest, and therefore the preservation of the weak Ottoman Empire was considered more profitable for themselves.

In general, the empire was still decomposed, and Nicholas I rightly called it a sick person; But the death of the Ottoman state was delayed indefinitely. Starting from the Crimean War, the Empire began to make overseas loans intensively, and this has acquired the influential support of its numerous lenders for it, that is mainly financiers of England. On the other hand, internal reforms that could raise the state and save him from death, became in the XIX century. Everything is predicted. Russia was afraid of these reforms, as they could strengthen the Ottoman Empire, and by their influence at the court of Sultan tried to make them impossible; So, in 1876-1877, she destroyed Midhad Pasha, who turned out to be able to make serious reforms that were not inferior to the reforms of Sultan Mahmud.

The reign of Abdul-Medzhida (1839-1861)

Mahmouda was inherited by his 16-year-old son Abdul-Medzhide, who was not distinguished by its energy and inflexibility, but it was much more cultural and mild in his character.

Despite everything made by Mahmud, the battle of Niziba could finally destroy the Ottoman Empire, if Russia, England, Austria and Prussia did not conclude the union to protect the intentions of the ports (1840); They accounted for a treatise, by virtue of which the Egyptian vice-king retained Egypt at the hereditary beginning, but it was obliged to clear Syria to immediately, and in case of refusal, all his possessions should have lost. Union this caused indignation in France, who supported Mohammed Ali, and Tiere did even prepare for war; However, Louis-Philippe did not dare to her. Despite the inequality of forces, Muhammed Ali was ready to resist; But the English squadron bombarded Beirut, burned the Egyptian fleet and landed the building in 9,000 people in Syria., Which, with the help of Maronites, there are several defeats of the Egyptians. Mohammed Ali gave way; The Ottoman Empire was saved, and Abdul Medzhide, supported by Hovre-Pasha, a decide-Pasha and other Father's associates, began reforms.

Gulhanee Hatt Sheriff

At the end of 1839, Abdul-Medzhid published the famous Gulhanee Hatti Sheriff (Gulhane - "Rose Residence", the name of the square, where Hatt Sheriff was announced). It was a manifesto that determined the principles that the government intended to follow:

  • providing all the subjects of perfect security regarding their life, honor and property;
  • the correct way to distribute and charge taxes;
  • as the right way to set soldiers.

It was recognized as necessary to change the distribution of the filters in the sense of their equation and abandon the system of passing them to the sputter, determine the costs of land and sea forces; Installed publicity legal proceedings. All these benefits applied to all sultan subjects without distinction of religions. Sultan himself briefed the faithfulness of Hatti Sherif. It remained a promise actually.


After the Crimean War, Sultan published a new Gatti Sheriff Humayun (1856), in which the principles of the first were evaluated in more detail; Particularly insisted on the equality of all subjects, without distinction of religion and nationality. After that, Gatti Sheriff was canceled by the old law on the death penalty for the transition from Islam to another religion. However, most of these decrees remained only on paper.

The highest government part was unable to cope with the loss of lower officials, part and itself did not want to resort to some measures promised in Gatti Sheriffs, such as, for example, to the appointment of Christians for various positions. Once it made an attempt to recruit soldiers from Christians, but it caused discontent and among Muslims, and among Christians, especially since the government in the work in officers was not solved to abandon religious principles (1847); Soon this measure was canceled. Mass murders of Maronites in Syria (1845, etc.) confirmed that the vermorpability was still alien to the Ottoman Empire.

During the reign of Abdul-Medzhide, they were improved on the road, many bridges were built, several telegraph lines were held, the mail was organized on the European sample.

Events of 1848 did not respond at all in the Ottoman Empire; only hungarian revolution The Ottoman government prompted to make an attempt to restore his domination on the Danube, but the defeat of the Hungarians scattered his hopes. When the koshuts with comrades were saved in the Turkish territory, the Austria and Russia turned to Sultan Abdul-Medzhid demanding their issuance. Sultan replied that religion prohibits him to disrupt the debt of hospitality.

Crimean War

1853 -1856 There were times of the new oriental war ended in 1856 by the Paris World. On the Paris Congress. The representative of the Ottoman Empire was admitted on the basis of equality, and this most empire was recognized as a member of the European Concern. However, this recognition was rather formal than valid. First of all, the Ottoman Empire, whose participation in the war was very large and which has proven an increase in its combat ability relatively to the first quarter of the XIX or with the end of the XVIII century, actually received very little from the war; The dispersion of the Russian fortresses on the northern coast of the Black Sea had an insignificant value for her, and the loss of Russia had the right to keep the military fleet on the Black Sea could not be long and was canceled already in 1871. Further, the consular jurisdiction was preserved and argued that Europe still watches On the Empire of Osmans as a barbaric state. After the war, the European powers began to start their postal institutions independent of Ottoman on the territory of the empire.

The war not only did not increase the authorities of the Ottoman Empire over the vassal states, but weakened it; Danube principalities in 1861 were united into one state Romania, and in Serbia, Obrenovichi friendly Turkey were overthow and replaced by friendly Russia Karageorgievichi; Several later, Europe forced the Empire to remove its garrisons from Serbia (1867). During the Eastern Campaign, the Ottoman Empire made a 7 million chance in England pounds; In 1858,1860 and 1861. I had to make new loans. At the same time, the government has released a significant amount of paper money, the course of which is soon and strongly fell. In connection with other events, this caused a trade crisis of 1861, heavily affected by population.

Abdul-Aziz (1861-76) and Murad V (1876)

Abdul-Aziz was hypocritical, voluptuous and bloodthirsty Tiran, rather reminding Sultanov XVII and XVIII. Than her brother; But he understood the impossibility in these conditions to dwell on the path of reforms. In his published when joining the throne, Gatti Sheriff, he solemnly promised to continue the policies of the predecessors. Indeed, he freed the political criminals imprisoned in the previous reign, and retained his brother's ministers. Moreover, he stated that he refuses the harem and will be content with one wife. Promises were not fulfilled: A few days later, the Great Vizyr Mehmed Kybryrysli Pasha was overthrown due to the Palace Intrigue, and Aali Pasha was replaced, which in turn was overthrown in a few months and then again took the same post in 1867.

In general, great vizizers and other officials replaced with extreme speed due to the yam's intrigue, which was very early soon. Some measures in the spirit of Tanzimat were still accepted. The most important of them is the publication (far, however, not exactly the corresponding reality) of the Ottoman state budget (1864). During the Ministry of Aali Pasha (1867-1871), one of the smartest and clever Ottoman diplomats of the XIX century, a partial secularization of vacuf was produced, the right to own Europeans. realistic property Within the Ottoman Empire (1867), reorganized state Council (1868), published a new law on folk education, introduced formally metric system of measures and scales, not intimidated, however, in life (1869). In the same ministry organized censorship (1867), the creation of which was caused by a quantitative increase in periodic and non-periodic press in Constantinople and in other cities, at Ottoman and foreign languages.

Censorship with Aali Pasha was distinguished by extreme petty and severeness; She not only forbade writing about what seemed to be an uncomfortable Ottoman government, but directly prescribed to print the praise of the wisdom of Sultan and the Government; In general, she did all the print more or less official. The general nature of her remained the same after Aali Pasha, and only at Midkhade-Pasha in 1876-1877 she was somewhat softer.

War in Montenegro

In 1862, Montenegro, seeking fully independence from the Ottoman Empire, supporting the rebels of Herzegovina and hoping to support Russia, began with the War Impire. Russia did not support her, and since a significant advantage was on the side of Ottomans, the latter quickly won a decisive victory: the troops of Omera Pasha penetrated the very capital, but did not take it, as the Montenegrins began to ask the world to which the Ottoman Empire agreed .

Rise in Crete

In 1866, the rebellion of the Greeks in Crete began. The uprising this caused hot sympathies in Greece, which began to hastily prepare for war. European powers came to the aid of the Ottoman Empire, which resolutely banned Greece to tramble for Christians. The crit was sent to the forty-fighter army. Despite the extraordinary courage of Christians, who led the partisan war in the mountains of his island, they could not hold on for a long time, and after three years of struggle the uprising was gratened; The rebels were punished with executions and confiscations of the property.

By the death of Aali Pasha, great viziers began to replace with extreme speed. In addition to haremnal intrigues, there was another reason: at the court of Sultan, two parties fought - English and Russian, acting on the instructions of the ambassadors of England and Russia. Russian ambassador in Constantinople in 1864-1877 was a graph Nikolay Ignatievwho had undoubted intercourse with displeased in the empire, promising them with Russian intercession. At the same time, he had a great influence on Sultan, convincing him in the friendship of Russia and promising his assistance in the conceived sultan change of order prestolyedia Not to the eldest in kind, as it was before, and from the Father to the Son, since Sultan really wanted to transfer the throne to his son Yusufi inevit.


In 1875, a rebellion broke out in Herzegovina, Bosnia and Bulgaria, an ongoing decisive blow to Ottoman finances. It was announced that from now on, the Ottoman Empire in his foreign debts pays money only one half percent of the other half - coupons payable no earlier, as in 5 years. The need for more serious reforms was aware of many top officials of the empire and headed by Midhad Pasha; However, with a capricious and despotic abdul-aziz, their conduct was absolutely impossible. In view of this, the Great Vizier Mehmed Rushdi Pasha arranged a conspiracy with Ministers Midhad Pasha, Hussein Avni Pasha and others and Sheikh-Ul-Islam for Lfoliance of Sultan. Sheikh-Ul-Islam gave such a felt: "If the Lord of Orthodox proves his madness, if he does not have the political knowledge necessary to manage the state, if he makes the personal costs that the state cannot bear if his stay on the throne threatens with disastrous consequences, Is it necessary to mince it or not? The law says: yes. "

On the night of May 30, 1876, Hussein Avni Pasha, who puts the revolver to Murad's chest, the heir to the throne (the son of Abdul-Medzhida), forced him to take the crown. At the same time, the infantry detachment penetrates the Palace of Abdul Aziz, and he was announced that he stopped reigning. Murad V joined the throne. A few days later it was notified that Abdul-Aziz revealed himself the scissors of Vienna and died. Murad V, and before, not quite normal, under the influence of the murder of uncle, who followed the murder of several ministers in Midkhad Pasha's house, Circass Khassan-Behem, who was meant for Sultan, and other events had completely descended and became just as uncomfortable for his progressive ministers. In August 1876, he was also lowled with the help of Father Mufti and his brother Abdul Hamid was built to the throne.

Abdul Hamid II

Already at the end of the reign of Abdul Aziz began uprising in Herzegovina and Bosnia, caused by the extremely serious position of the population of these areas, part of the obliged to serve the Barbachina on the fields of large landowners-Muslims, part of personally free, but completely dysfunction, oppressed by exorbitant charges and at the same time the close neighborhood of free Montenegrins in his hatred for the Turks is constantly heated.

In the spring of 1875, some communities turned to Sultan with a request to reduce ram tax and tax paid by Christians instead of military service, and organize a police from Christians. They did not even answer. Then their inhabitants took up the weapon. Movement quickly covered all Herzegovina and spread to Bosnia; Nikšich was besieged by the rebels. From Montenegro and Serbia, detachments of volunteers moved to the help of the rebels. The movement caused great interest abroad, especially in Russia and in Austria; The latter turned to the port with the requirement of religious equality, lowering taxes, revising real estate laws and so on. Sultan immediately promised to execute all this (February 1876), but the rebels did not agree to put weapons until the Ottoman troops from Herzegovina were displayed. The fermentation passed on Bulgaria, where the Ottomans in the form of an answer made a terrible massacre (see Bulgaria), which caused indignation throughout Europe (Gladstone brochure on atrocities in Bulgaria), whole villages were cut off, inclusive to chest children. The Bulgarian uprising was surrounded in the blood, but Hercegovinsky and Bosnian continued in 1876 and finally caused the intervention of Serbia and Montenegro (1876-1877 g; see Serbo-Chernogorsk-Turkish war).

On May 6, 1876, in thessaloniki, the fanatical crowd, in which some officials were also killed, the French and German consuls were killed. From the participants or consciousness of the crime of Selim-Bay, the police chief in thessaloniki, was sentenced to 15 years of fortress, one colonel to 3 years; But these punishments, given by the fulfillment, were not fully satisfied, no one was satisfied, and the public opinion of Europe was strongly initiated against the country where such crimes could be performed.

In December 1876, in the coincidence of England was convened to resolve the difficulties caused by the uprising, the conference of the Great Powers in Constantinople, which has not reached its goal. Great Vizier at this time (from December 13, N. Art. 1876) was Midhad Pasha, Liberal and Anglofil, the head of the Young-Best Party. Considering it necessary to make the Ottoman Empire of the European country and wanting to submit it to such an authorized European powers, he developed a constitution in several days and forced Sultan Abdul-Hamid to sign and publish it (December 23, 1876).

Ottoman Parliament, 1877

The Constitution was compiled according to the sample of European, especially Belgian. She guaranteed personal rights and installed the parliamentary regime; Parliament had to consist of two chambers, from which Chamber of Deputies was elected by the universal closed feeding of votes of all Ottoman Cases without distinction of religion and nationality. The first elections were produced during the management of Midhad; His candidates were chosen almost everywhere. The opening of the first parliamentary session occurred only on March 7, 1877, and even earlier, on March 5, Midhad due to the palace intrigues was overthrown and arrested. Parliament was opened with a touch speech, but after a few days dissolved. The new elections were produced, the new session was as short, and then without the formal cancellation of the Constitution, even without a formal dissolution of parliament, he was no longer going.

Main article: Russian-Turkish War 1877-1878

In April 1877, the war began with Russia, in February 1878 she ended San Stefan World, then (June 13 - July 13, 1878) a changed Berlin treatise. The Ottoman Empire has lost all rights to Serbia and Romania; Bosnia and Herzegovina are given to Austria for the order in her order (de Facto - in full possession); Bulgaria amounted to a special vassal principality, Eastern Rumelia - an autonomous province, soon (1885) connected with Bulgaria. Serbia, Montenegro and Greece received territorial increments. In Asia, Russia received Kars, Ardagan, Batum. The Ottoman Empire was supposed to pay Russia to the ending of 800 million FR.

Bunta in Crete and in areas populated by Armenians

Nevertheless, the internal living conditions remained approximately the same, and it affected the riots that constantly arose in one, then elsewhere of the Ottoman Empire. In 1889, an uprising began in Crete. The rebels demanded the reorganization of the police so that it consisted of not one of Muslims and patronized not one Muslims, a new court organization, etc. Sultan rejected these requirements and decided to act weapons. The uprising was suppressed.

In 1887 in Geneva, in 1890 in Tiflis, Armenians were organized by the political parties of Narchak and Dashnaktsutyun. In August 1894, the organization of Dashnakov and the members of this batch of Ambarcuma Boyadyan began excitement in Sasun. These events explain the powerful position of Armenians, especially the scatters of the Kurds, of which part of the troops in Malaya Asia consisted. Turks and Kurds answered a terrible thunder, reminded Bulgarian horrors, where the months of the river flowed blood; whole villages were cut out [the source is not specified 1127 days] ; Many Armenians captured. All these facts were certified by European (mostly English) newspaper correspondence that very often acted from the standpoint of Christian solidarity and caused an explosion of indignation in England. The presentation made on this occasion of the English ambassador, the port responded with a categorical denial of the fairness of "facts" and the statement that the case was about the usual paculence of the rebellion. Nevertheless, the ambassadors of England, France and Russia in May 1895 presented Sultan claims on reforms in areas inhabited by Armenians, based on the rulings Berlin Treaty ; They demanded that the officials that control these lands are at least half of Christians and that their appointments depend on a special commission in which Christians would also be presented; [ style!] The port replied that she did not see any need in reforms for individual territories, but that it means general reforms for the entire state.

On August 14, 1896, members of the party Dashnaktsutun in Istanbul attacked the Ottoman Bank itself, killed security and entered a shootout with the arrived army parts. On the same day, as a result of the negotiations of the Russian ambassador, Maksimov with Sultan Dashnaki left the city and headed to Marseille, on the yacht of the Director General of the Ottoman Bank Edgard Vincent. European ambassadors made the submission of Sultan on this. This time, Sultan found it necessary to answer the promise of reforms, which was not fulfilled; Only new control of vilayets, sandjackers and nakhiyei was introduced (see State Device of the Ottoman Empire), very little changed creature of the case.

In 1896, new unrest began in Crete and immediately accepted a more dangerous nature. The session of the National Assembly opened, but it did not use the slightest authority of the population. Nobody expected to resist Europe. The uprising flared up; The rebel detachments in Crete were disturbed by Turkish troops, more than once I have strong losses. Movement found a lively echo in Greece, from which in February 1897, a military detachment was departed on the island of Crete under the head of Colonel Wassos. Then the European squadron, consisting of Germanic, Italian, Russian and English military vessels, was under the team of the Italian Admiral Kanevaro, took a threatening position. On February 21, 1897, she began to bombard the rebel military camp near the city of Kanea and forced them to disperse. A few days later, however, the rebels and the Greeks managed to take the city of Kadano and capture 3000 Turks.

In early March, there was a riot of Turkish gendarmes, dissatisfied with the incompleteness of a salary for many months. This riot could be very useful for the rebels, but the European landing disarmed them. On March 25, the rebels attacked Kanee, but were shepherd from European courts and had to retreat with big losses. In early April 1897, Greece moved his troops to the Ottoman territory, hoping to penetrate Macedonia, where at the same time small riots took place. Within one month, the Greeks were headed, and Ottoman troops occupied all the fun. The Greeks were forced to ask for the world, which was concluded in September 1897 under pressure from the powers. Territorial changes did not occur, except for a small strategic correction of the border between Greece and the Ottoman Empire in favor of the latter; But Greece was supposed to pay military contracting of 4 million Turkish pounds.

In the fall of 1897, the uprising on Crete island ceased, after Sultant once again promised to the island of Creit self-government. Indeed, at the insistence, the Prince of Greek Georgy was appointed by the Governor General, the Island was appointed, the island received self-government and retained only vassal relations to the Ottoman Empire. At the beginning of the XX century. In Crete, a noticeable desire for the perfect separation of the island from the Empire and to join Greece was discovered. At the same time (1901), fermentation continued in Macedonia. In the fall of 1901, the Macedonian revolutionaries captured one American and demand a ransom; This causes great inconvenience to the Ottoman government, which is powerless to protect the safety of foreigners in its territory. In the same year, it was manifested relatively with more power to the movement of the young-standing party, at the head of which I once stood Midhad Pasha; She began to strangle brochures and sheets at Ottoman language in Geneva and in Paris to spread them in the Ottoman Empire; In Istanbul itself, it was arrested and awarded to various sentences on charges of participating in young-bearing agitation a lot of persons belonging to the official and officer class. Even the son-in-law of Sultan, married to his daughter, drove abroad with his two sons, openly joined the young -den party and did not want to return to his homeland, despite the persistent invitation of Sultan. In 1901, the port did an attempt to destroy European postal institutions, but this attempt was not crowned with success. In 1901, France demanded that the Ottoman Empire satisfy the claims of some of their capitalists, creditors; The latter responded with refusal, then the French fleet took Mitilene and the Ottomans hurried to satisfy all the requirements.

Check out Mehmed VI, the last Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, 1922

  • In the XIX century, separatist sentiments intensified on the outskirts of the empire. The Ottoman Empire began to gradually lose its territories, yielding to the technological superiority of the West.
  • In 1908, the young curves overthrew Abdul Hamid II, after which the monarchy in the Ottoman Empire began to wear a decorative character (see the article Young-bearing revolution). Entered Triumvirate, Talat and Gemal (January 1913) installed.
  • In 1912, Italy captures Tripolitania and Kerenaica from the empire (now Libya).
  • IN First Balkan War 1912 -1913 The empire loses the overwhelming majority of its European possessions: Albania, Macedonia, North of Greece. During 1913, she managed to win a small part of the lands in Bulgaria during Intersport (second Balkan) war.
  • Weemed, the Ottoman Empire tried to rely on the help of Germany, but it was only drawn it into First World Warending defeat Four Union.
  • On October 30, 1914, the Ottoman Empire officially announced his entry into the First World War, a day before, actually enhancing the firmware of the Black Sea ports of Russia.
  • In 1915, Armenian Genocide, Assyrians, Greeks.
  • During 1917-1918, the Allies occupy the Middle Eastern ownership of the Ottoman Empire. After World War I, Syria and Lebanon moved under the control of France, Palestine, Jordan and Iraq - Great Britain; In the west of the Arabian Peninsula with the support of the British ( Lawrence Arabian) Independent states were formed: Hijaz, weeks, Asyr and Yemen. Subsequently, Hijaz and Asiirs became part of Saudi Arabia.
  • October 30, 1918 was concluded Mudrossky trucefollowed by Sevra Mirny Treaty (August 10, 1920), which did not take effect, since it was not ratified by all sides by the parties (ratified only by Greece). Under this agreement, the Ottoman Empire had to be dissected, and one of the largest cities of Malaya Asia Izmir (Smyrna) was promised Greece. Greek army took it on May 15, 1919, after which began war for independence. Turkish military-states led by Pasha Mustafa Kemamem Refused to recognize a peace treaty and armed forces left under their command, expelled the Greeks from the country. By September 18, 1922, Turkey was released that it was recorded in Lausanne Agreement 1923, who were recognized by the new borders of Turkey.
  • On October 29, 1923, the Turkish Republic was proclaimed, and Mustafa Kemal, who later took the name Ataturk (father of the Turks), became its first president.
  • March 3, 1924 - Great National Assembly of Turkey Califat was abolished.

For all many hundreds of years, during which the formation and development of our country occurred, relations with tribes who lived in the territory of the current Turkey were tense. The most powerful opponents have always been the Omman Turks, the dynasty of which the rules over the years.

Where did they come from?

Even in the middle of the first millennium of our era, during the greatest relocation of peoples, the first representatives of the Turkic-speaking tribes appeared in Malaya Asia. But during the power of the power and forces of Byzantium, when the central government was still strong, they all successfully assimilated and special influence on the history of the area did not provide. This continued for almost a thousand years. By that time, Byzantia was barely able to stand under constant strikes of Arabs, and therefore could not effectively oppose the attempts of external penetration.

At the same time, Seljuki moved its capital into the depths of Anatolia, which was located in close proximity to the Byzantine lands. Of the arrivals of Turil-Oguz, Greeks, Armenians and Persians over the years began the formation of those Turks, which we know today. But this process was very long and difficult, since in those regions ancient times many nationalities lived, many of whom were confessed by Christianity.

Turks - not Turks

Even the emergence of a large number of Turks, which by that time had already confessed Islam, did not change the situation radically. Oddly enough, but for hundreds of years, representatives of two religions quite peacefully coexisted with each other, even though the Turks occupied the leadership positions in power.

Therefore, "Turks", which later turned into the Turks, it is possible to call only the "core" of that society with the stretch, while all the other people initially did not have any relation to this ethnicity. So how did Ottomans appear, the dynasty of which then the rules of several centuries?

Education of the Ottoman Sultanata

The mixture of Islam and the traditional tribal structure of the Turkuli themselves predetermined the features of the Sultanate received as a result. As the result is a weak center, managed not only by the ruler, but also by the official apparatus. In it, by the way, not the Türki, and all the same Greeks and Armenians played the dominant role. The columns were governed by a whole "Vassal Institute", the role of which influential BAs performed. Accordingly, these "districts" were called by Bayliki. Osmans out of one and came out. The dynasty began with one particularly distress ruler.

Before Good, this state could not bring. Ultimately, the Bay began to rule the country, using an extensive network of their relatives at the court. In the 13th century, the story of the future Turkey was generally not over: the Shiite sectants rebelled first, and then the intrusion of the Mongols took place. Sultan died. Beiliki was also in a distressed position ... With the exception of the one who belonged to Beya Osman.

In 1299, he became the ruler of his own state, as to obey him, by and large, there was no one. It was he who was the historical figure from which all the subsequent Ottoman Sultans went.

Assimilation of Byzantine provinces

Osman was very lucky: the center of the PromonGolsky state was far away, and the weak and staring Byzantium is close. He began to gradually attach her provinces to his country, pass off the part of the stunned Mongolian emissaries. The successors of the smart bary became successors of a successful policy: first they finally "dredged" under themselves all small Asia, and after they reached the Balkans.

In 1396, the Turks were able to break the combined army of the Crusaders, and in 1400 even went to the attack of Constantinople. For the first time they did not succeed, but still the days of the old Byzantium were finally considered. In Constantinople, with the second attempt, it was still taken, and all territories, including finally under the rule of Osman.

Path to the East

In 1475, he also recognizes himself by the Vassal of the Ottoman Empire. After that, the most important trading paths have fallen into the hands of the Turks than they could not help. In 1514, the strengthened empire managed to break the army of Sefavoid Iran. After that, the country gets free access to the Arab East and, more importantly, sharply grow up its own territories. Already in 1516, the Turks fully occupy the whole Syria and rush further. Ottoman sultans "on horseback" in the literal and figurative sense.

In just a year, they invade Egypt in Egypt, in terms of the fully abolish power of the caliph. And the latter turned out so well that the Turkish Sultan became hardly the official successor of the last Califa, which made it possible to completely avoid the inevitable in this situation the struggle for power and civil war. In principle, even otherwise, the Sultan would still have been warmly adopted by the "electorate", since for all recent years the Ottoman Empire grew rapidly, the rich, well addressed the conquered peoples, and therefore those who wanted to voluntarily enter her composition.

It is difficult to consider an accident to be difficult, since in a few years a small Bain Province has already been able to prove the presence of smart rulers, conducting an independent and reasonable policy. It was Ottomans, whose dynasty achieved outstanding success, erected Turkey to the top of her greatness. Former Turkic put on rummaged and intensified so much that he began to present a serious threat to all of Europe and the Russian Empire.

In addition, the Turks left the world a developed culture, many specimens of which are proud of museums around the world. But who were Ottoman Sultans? The list of rulers in our article completely their list can not give (it is too big), but the main idea of \u200b\u200bthem gives.

The most significant Sultans Ottomans

Of course, we can not stop at the identity of Osman I Gazi. It was he who was the ruler of a small province of the Turkic Sultanate, which later, subsequently before the ruler of an independent state. Who was he, this man?

Born in 1258, died in 1324 (according to the chronicles). Contemporaries considered him "the Kravets and Volve Man", who possessed the "barbaric, but fair nature." Was on the throne since 1281. He was buried in Bursa, his tomb became the center of pilgrimage of all righteous Muslims of that time. All Turkish rulers, entering into the rights of the board, pronounced the words of the oath ... which was knocked out on the tomb of the first Osman, speaking as an epitaph. So, Ottoman Sultans in order ...

Sultan Orhan

Years of life - from 1281 to 1360. He was the youngest son of Osman. Completed the seizure created regular troops (those Yanychars), the first of the Ottoman rulers began targeted conquest Europe. It was Orhan who is considered a man to whom the Turks are obliged to becoming his ethnos.

Sultan Murad II.

Personality is no less bright than all his outstanding predecessors. He lived in the period from 1403 to 1451 years. The state of Ottomans strengthened, harshly suppress all the inner turmoil and civil enginemen. During his rule, Evgeny V dad called all Christians to the next cross campaign. The absurdity of the situation was that Murad was not an enemy of Christians at all: two faiths were perfect in His country, his wife was the daughter of the Serbian king, freely understood Christianity.

He agreed to the unprofitable terms of the contract, which was proposed by the Vatican. Crusaders wrapped his oath for the Gospel, and he was on the Quran. But soon the papal legats violated their word. The battle happened at Varna. The crusaders were headlong, and the Turks got a direct journey to Eastern Europe. Who were other Ottoman Sultans, the chronology of the rule of which is considered on the pages of our article.

Sultan Suleiman I Canow

The name of this person is probably known to everyone who is fond of the series "Magnificent Century". He lived in the period from 1495 to 1566. Known as "great", "magnificent", "legislator". Perhaps was the last of the first Ottoman series, really worthy of the glory of the ancestors. Under it, Turkey really lived his heyday peak, and when his descendants began the collapse and extinction of the empire. It can be said that the Ottoman Dynasty during Suleiman's great began to fade, because he failed to raise a worthy descendant.

He expanded the borders of his empire so that her outskirts reached the dreamer to go in the footsteps of the Macedonian and unite the whole world under the wing of their country, conducted many reforms that retained their relevance until the 20th century.

History also kept his attachment to the favorite Roxolane, which was officially becoming officially his wife. This could not be achieved by any other concubine for those preceding two hundred years. In recent years of life, he headed Hungary by Hungary, but did not live to victory. His death was hidden until Sultan Selim climbed into the throne. He was the son of Suleiman and Roksolan. Drunka and a weakweight person, he began the collapse of the empire. Who were the other Osmans (the Dynasty of Turkish Sultanov)?

Sultan Murad IV.

Years of life - 1612-1640. Rules of 17 years, "famous" as a bloody dictator. But were at his board and positive results - it was Murad who managed to commit to the prosperous collapse of the army and the army of the viziers. I just killed for the sake of killing, he managed to return justice to the courts ... he returned the ever-lost Erivan and Baghdad, but did not have time to enjoy the victory fruits. He was extremely sensible and even a self-critical person, but she had overwhelmed his brother Ibrahim on the mortal apprentice. He was the last heir to Ottomans on the men's line, but ...

His mother saved. Ibrahim rules in 1640-1648. Weak ruler, a timely and extremely lustful person: the concubines for him were caught even in urban baths. It was often the beauties turned out to be wives and daughters of prominent citizens, and officials at the palace had to spend huge amounts for the settlement of cases ... In the end, the highest clergy and Yanychars, all this mess was finally tired, unnecessary "loving" ruler was simply suffocated. What were the remaining Ottoman Sultans, the years of the reign of which were marked by the final sunset of the once great empire?

Sultan Mahmoud II.

He lived from 1784 to 1839. I sincerely respected Peter the Great and I myself dreamed of becoming a reformer of a fairly fired and glanced created by mail, paid great attention to typography, published newspapers and completely reformed almost the entire state apparatus. But all this was done too late: the processes of the decay of the state was already unable to stop. Known by what applied for help to Nicholas I, when it was necessary to suppress the uprising in the Egyptian provinces.

In the Russian army, the moods were told about the return of Constantinople in the Lohn of the Orthodox Church, and "purely technically" to make it possible. But Nicholas I did not want to spoil relations with England and France, and weak Turkey was much more profitable than the strengthened Egypt. Mahmoud lived for a long time, at the 54th year of his life he died, and without leaving the next Zaveny.

Do you live in our time Ottomans? The dynasty in our time can be said not preserved. There are no direct heirs, only far descendants live in Turkey and Europe.