Russian classifier products by type of economic activity. How to find product code for okpd

Russian classifier products by type of economic activity. How to find product code for okpd
Russian classifier products by type of economic activity. How to find product code for okpd

In this article, consider: the application of current OKPD codes 2 to products within the framework of public procurement, as well as the selection of Code 2017, the use of old and new codes, a penalty for violating product classification.

The All-Russian Classifier of products by type of economic activity (OKPD) is a single state standard of the Russian Federation used to describe, systematization, classification and coding of various goods. OKPD was introduced to simplify the process of interaction between companies, buyers and government agencies - the assignment of an individual code for sale (purchased) product avoids misunderstanding and confusion during the design of the transaction.

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Under the "products" in the OKPD means not only the goods, but also services and work. All products are divided into categories and subcategories by industry. To date, the OKPD 2 system operates (introduced in 2014 to replace the old OKPD classification).

Where use the OKPD code

Assigning an OKPD code for products is necessary to make most of the standard transactions, including when conducting public procurement.

Mandatory indication of the OKPD is necessary:

✔ for the needs of state statistics;

✔ in the process of taxation;

✔ For compiling various acts (depending on the industry);

✔ to confirm the proper product quality;

✔ When carrying out transactions within the framework of state contracts for 44-ФЗ.

Since when working with state contracts, strict quality control of all products is carried out, the indication of the OKPD 2 code (actual year) is a mandatory requirement. The code is used in drawing up a procurement schedule for the current period, when developing documentation for the tender and in a number of other cases. The Handbook of the OKPD codes is freely available and the Customer (Contractor) in the preparation of documentation may independently find the code that must be assigned to the purchased (sold) products.

On the OKPD Code 2, potential suppliers will be able to quickly find suitable tenders.

OKPD tenders

Sample OKPD 2 code:

11/01/11/12 (Seeds of winter solid wheat), where "01" is the designation class of products, "01.1" - subclass and so on.

OKPD code has a hierarchical structure that includes: class, subclass, group, subgroup, view, category and subcategory. The code is submitted exclusively by numbers, although the directories also use alphabetic designations for the convenience of finding the desired code. The code may consist of 2 - 9 digits, where each additional figure serves for greater detail. There is a point between each two digits.

Despite the fact that the transition from OKPD to OKPD 2 began sufficiently long ago, since 2015, there are still problems with the assignment of a new system value. For the convenience of customers and performers there are reference books and services that allow you to quickly translate the old OKPD code into a new OKPD code 2.

The official date of the mandatory transition of all manufacturers on the OKPD system 2 - 1 January 2017 (Order No. 1745). The current version of the classification can be found on the unified information portal of the state procurement.

Random and intentional mistakes in OKPD 2

The customer, hosting information about the tender in a single system, must assign the right code of OKPD 2 for its products, for violating this rule, the Customer may incur administrative responsibility. However, situations where the OKPD code was labeled incorrectly, there are quite often.

In most cases, the incorrect assignment of the code is a random error, but in some cases unscrupulous customers intend to indicate the wrong classifier. When assigning an OKPD 2 code to work with state regulations, be careful, use only current reference books of 2017 with decoding to avoid incorrect assignment of the identifier and fine.

Answers to any questions about purchases you will find in the magazine "Gospaz in matters and answers"

Classifier OKPD2 2019 with decoding is a classifier of products, goods and services.

What is it needed for?

The main purpose of the development and introduction of such a document is the unification of the list of goods and services. It is used for coding, classification and identification of goods in various purposes:

  • when conducting statistical studies;
  • in the development of laws on the regulation of certain types of activities;
  • when compiling some documents of strict reporting and primary documents.

Entrepreneurs are used to search for lots within the framework of the GOZakupok, in determining which tax breaks are valid in the production and implementation of certain goods.


OKPD2 2019 with decoding with a search by name is universal. This reference book was replaced by the previously used OPKs and OKPD and was introduced by order of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014 No. 14-art. The new classifier supplemented and deciphered some of the "old" provisions, from January 1, 2014 to January 1, 2017, a transitional period was used when both versions were used. But from January 1, 2017, only a new classifier is applied, which is abbreviated called OKDP2.

What is myself

OKPD2 2019 with decoding by type ACTIVITIES Westerns to carry out a direct search for the desired position on affiliation to system classification units. At the same time, goods and services are systematized from a more general feature to a narrower. The system navigation does not allow to get confused in the classification, in the code you can progressively determine the numerical values \u200b\u200bof the next, narrower group of products. In fact, it is a "matryoshka" of the codes invested in each other, with each next, more small code clarifies the previous one.


OKPD2 since 2019 with decoding with searching for the name has a logical construction. The document must comply with the EU Classifier. Maximum code length - 9 digits, minimum - 2 digits.

Reading codes is as follows:

  • the first two digits indicate the product class, here the details of the properties are not yet produced;
  • three - subclass, determined in accordance with the purpose of the product;
  • four - a group, by the name of which most often can be judged;
  • five - subgroup of goods, in the title contains information about the field of product use;
  • six numbers are a type of product, full information about consumer properties is revealed in the item;
  • more than six categories and subcategories.

It looks like this.

Where to find

If the question arises whether OKPD2 2019 has a decoding official site, then you need to answer negatively ..

It should not be expected that the first problem with which the solicified or IP person will face will be the need to understand the complex system of state classifiers, codes and abbreviations. However, over time, when the primary documents and the head of the newly created company will be able to gradually begin to conquer living space on the market, to delve into the subtleties of the domestic and European classification and decrypt incomprehensible terms - or it will be necessary to use the relevant reference books that greatly facilitate the merchant life.

One of the most common codes used in the Russian Federation is OKPD 2; Without it, do not do in the exercise of almost all activities. As the abbreviation is decrypted and where you can download the full handbook on OKPD 2 codes - in the next brief explanation.

Why do I need OKPD 2?

To begin with the decryption of the term. OKPD 2 is, according to official data, the All-Russian (o) classifier (K) of products (P) by type of economic activity (E). As can be seen, in the creation of the abbreviation, not all words involved in the complete name were used, which creates a small confusion with another frequently used code - OKVED, all-Russian (o) classifier (K) species (c) of economic (E) activities (E). The difference between codes is nevertheless there is, and very significant.

The new OKPD 2 system, who replaced the earlier OKP and OKPD, was approved in 2014 by order of Rosstat No. 14; At the same time, the structure of the document for several years was developed by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

Important: In the official documents (in particular, in the recently mentioned order), classifiers are different, complex for memorizing the name: accordingly, OK005 93 (OKP codes), OK034 2007 (OKPD system) and OK034 2014 (Actually OKPD 2, finally listed in accordance with European CAPES 2008). It is easy to guess that the digital designations after the abbreviation are the years of developing or approving codes systems.

Like his straight predecessor, an OKPD, having and currently, OKPD 2 is part of a single system of classification and encoding technical and economic and social information, which allows not only to quickly find, but also use a unified automated approach to the processing of applicants in Rosstat Production of products and services.

Although the formally mentioned department allocates four main areas of application of the classifier (economic, accounting, statistical and standardization), in practice codes are called simply statistical, since the use of OKPD 2 for other purposes of entrepreneurs is known even less than about the main.

In essence, the all-Russian product classifier in his second edition is a large directory (you can download it in the Internet in both parts and one document, usually intended for work in MS Word), moving on which or using the built-in search function, businessman, Only ending with or already having a sufficient experience of commercial activities, can independently find "its" code and check the correctness of its appointment by the registering authority. Check the counterpart on the OKPD 2 list, however, will not be released: the maximum of information that the entrepreneur can receive is the generic activity of a potential business partner.

Important: Although the OKPD 2 codes system was developed by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, editors are applied only in coordination with the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat). Currently there are about twenty fixed fixes, therefore, for an individual entrepreneur or the head of the commercial structure, it has a special meaning from time to time to be checked with relevant classification.

The information contained in the All-Russian OKPD 2 products classifier is particularly used in the following cases:

  • When developing and decoring acts serving to adjust any activities. As you know, checks in different fields are carried out with different periodicity, and therefore the entrepreneur may be in a situation where in each new episode (when the commercial orientation of the enterprise) is already a different code; This once again demonstrates the importance of timely reconciliation of data; The act with an incorrect code can be invalid.
  • When classifying products, works and services for statistical studies. The data obtained from all entrepreneurs registered on the territory of the Russian Federation enter the Federal State Statistics Service and are processed in order to create a single picture, important to assess the economic situation in the country. All that is required from the businessman is simply to provide the Rosstat in time; All other operations are carried out by civil servants.
  • When conducting public procurement at any level: from the federal (all-Russian) to regional and municipal. Statistical codes, including OKPD 2, are used in the development and design of documents, as well as when submitting an application - an entrepreneur who want to participate in the competition. Of course, in this case, it is necessary to provide relevant information, referring to the latest affordable OKPD directory, otherwise the application may be simply rejected.
  • When registering and further taxation registered organization. Here the load falls on the employees of the Federal Tax Service; An individual entrepreneur or the owner of the Jurlitz remains only to check, using the online or downloaded directory, the correctness of the code appointment according to the product classifier by type of activity and, if necessary, notify the FTS on the mistake.
  • When standardizing and further verify the quality of manufactured products or services rendered. Active actions on behalf of commercial activities are also required in such a situation: codes in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier (you can find them in a single directory) are assigned and used by the registrar; The businessman follows, from time to time highlighting a bit of free time, to check the codes assigned to him with relevant and in the detection of inaccuracies to notify the state bodies.
  • When drawing up documents required for economic activities at the international level. If the application is drawn up by the entrepreneur himself, follow the correctness of the data leading in it it follows him directly; If the merchant is represented by the state structure, this duty falls on civil servants.

Important: Despite statistical and representational significance, in the daily life of the entrepreneur, codes on the All-Russian Classifier of OKPD 2 products are relatively rare. It is much more likely to be needed or checking it on the basis of the federal service of bailiffs than to make sure that the type of business partner's activity, and so by default, the second side corresponds to the code assigned to it. Therefore, when concluding contracts on cooperation, the reconciliation stage of OKPD 2 codes can be missed by concentrating on more important details of commercial activities.

Classifier structure

As already mentioned, the All-Russian Production Classifier, works and services of OKPD 2, developed and approved in the Russian Federation, is brought into line with the European CPES 2008 Classification (statistical classification of products by type of activity in the European Economic Community - CPEC, or CPA 2008).

In most cases, the Russian developer, the Ministry of Economic Development, for the purpose of maximum compliance, left two-six-digit CPES 2008 codes unchanged, but sometimes, taking into account the peculiarities of the development and operation of the domestic economy, "Expanded" seven-, eight and Nine-digit codes. The Russian Federation on this issue is no exception: such a practice is distributed in a number of EU countries, as well as states - applicants for joining it.

As you can make sure that OKPD 2 contains a huge amount of information, fully eliminating the possibility of a simple consistent classification. On the other hand, too complicated breakdown on the subcategory would lead to the emergence of new problems and inevitable confusion, threatening not only economic, but also reputational losses. Therefore, when developing a classification, a decision was made, as before, to use both methods: and consistent, and hierarchical. Types of products manufactured or services provided are transferred consistently, and subspecies (subcategories) - in the "deepening", hierarchical order.

The structure of the classifier in the general form consists of:

  • 00 - classes (the most common category);
  • 00.0 - subclasses;
  • 00.00 - groups of goods, works or services;
  • 00.00.0 - subgroups;
  • 00.00.00 - types of products offered by an entrepreneur (on this, the pan-European classification ends);
  • - categories (in the Russian system);
  • - subcategories (in the Russian classifier).

As can be seen, the number of numbers in OKPD 2 organizations can range from two to six (within the framework of the CPA) or up to nine (taking into account the specifics of the domestic economy).

Important: To preserve the compliance of the codes used by OKPD 2 and KPES 2008, as well as to improve the perception of the point are separated:

  • second and third code signs;
  • fourth and fifth classifier signs;
  • in the Russian version - the sixth and seventh signs (ninth, if it is, is written in a punch with the seventh and eighth).

In addition, it is currently accepted in codes corresponding to European standards (that is, including no more than six characters), use all nine digits, replacing the last three zeros. If the goods or service have Russian specifics, the final three symbols (or only the seventh and eighth) differ from zero.

An example of a classification of products using OKPD 2:

  • 05 . General class name: "Coal."
  • 05.2 . The name of the subclass: "Coal brown (lignit)."
  • 05.20 . Title of the group of goods: "Coal brown (lignite)".
  • 05.20.1 . The name of the subgroup: "Coal brown (lignit)".
  • 05.20.10 . The name of the type of product: "Coal brown (lignite)".
  • . The name is the first subcategory provided by the regulator: "Coal brown ordinary (lignite)".
  • . The name of the second subcategory: "Coal brown enriched (lignit)."
  • . The name of the third subcategory: "Brown coal concentrate (lignite)."

In order to prevent possible misunderstandings, the developer of OKPD 2 provided for categories and subcategories included in the name Explanations that serve for:

  • accurate, not leaving space for ambiguous interpretation of understanding of separate terms, abbreviations or phrases in the general name;
  • creating an unequivocal concept of the specifics of developing, providing and using goods and services included in this category or subcategory;
  • providing a reader exhaustive or allowing the extended interpretation of the list included in the category or subcategory of products or work carried out;
  • preventing the intentional or accidental inclusion in the described category (subcategory) not provided for by the compiler of goods or services (for example, mixing shale and anthracite coal).

For "European" (up to six characters) codes explanations for classes, subclasses and so on, descending products and services usually comply with the adopted in the European Union and are not given in the directory (or are partially listed) or, if there are significant discrepancies, are included directly into the classification.

Important: In accordance with the logical principle of building hierarchical lists, a comment relating to a more "general" group is fully applied to the subgroup included in it. Consequently, when you try to find my own code on the All-Russian Classifier, the entrepreneur must take note related to "higher" categories.

For example, in domestic practice instead of the European standardKPES 2008 are used:

  • for subclass 10.4 ("vegetable and animal oils and fats") - technical regulations of the TC-024/2011 of the Customs Union regarding the relevant products;
  • for subclass 10.5 ("Milk, Dairy Products") - Federal Law (Technical Regulations) No. 88-FZ, approved in June 2008;
  • for subclass 10.32 ("juices from vegetables and fruits") - technical regulations of the TC TP-023/2011 of the Customs Union;
  • for all drugs included in OKPD 2 - ATX (anatomy-therapeutic-chemical) classification system and so on.

When using unified codes are not used, but are included in all online and offline directories, the most general, alphabetic designations of the classifier sections. They do not have a practical value and rather serve to understand the structure of the system itself:

  1. Section A.. It includes agricultural products, animal products from fish and forestry.
  2. Section B. - All products belonging to the mining industry.
  3. Section C. - Products offered by manufacturing enterprises.
  4. Section D. - Gas, steam, electrical energy and air-conditioning services for air conditioning.
  5. Section E. - WORKING WITH WATER WITH WATER AND MANAGEMENT OF WATER FLOWS, as well as reclamation services.
  6. Section F. - All types of construction work.
  7. Section G. - services related to retail and wholesale commercial activities; And besides, with the repair of mechanical vehicles (passenger and trucks and motorcycles).
  8. Section H. - Work on the organization of transportation and warehouse activity.
  9. Section I. - services in the field of hospitality and catering.
  10. Section J. - Services carried out in the field of communication (including cellular), processing and transmitting information.
  11. Section K. - Financial services (including investment) companies and insurance agencies.
  12. Section L. - All set of services to ensure the interests of clients in the field of real estate.
  13. Section M. - Work related to the engineering, professional and scientific (not applied) area.
  14. Section N. - administrative and economic, organizational (in the general sense) and subsidiary services.
  15. Section O. - A combination of public services for social insurance (obligatory part of it), management and military support.
  16. Section P. - Services provided by state or commercial structures in the field of education.
  17. Section Q. - Services carried out in the field of health and social protection of citizens.
  18. Section R. - A combination of services in the field of entertainment, cultural events, recreation, sports (in its entertainment part) and art.
  19. Section S. - other services provided to citizens, including the activities of public organizations.
  20. Section T. - Goods, works and services manufactured and rendered at home and for our own use.
  21. Section U. - Services rendered by the consumer with extraterritorial structures.

Council: Although in the formal manner, let's not use when using OKPD 2 codes, since it is recommended to be excessive information, an individual entrepreneur or the owner of the Jurlitz, a mention code in the text of the document, add the corresponding name in brackets - this will allow the counterparty faster to check the given data on Director.

Download OKPD Classifier 2

What is the OKPD differ from OKPD 2?

In total, three options for classification of products were consistently used in the history of modern Russia:

  1. OKP, that is, just a all-Russian product classifier. Since 1991, several practically independent state structures on behalf of the Government of Russia have been developed since 1991. Approved by the State Standard of the Russian Federation at the end of 1993; Entered into force next year. Not related to European requirements for the classification of goods, works and services; It consists of six significant characters (the first two, denoting class, separated by a space) and the final control digit that allows you to verify that the code assignment is correct. Thanks to the use of hierarchical structure, the code can be unmistakably determine to what kind of products it refers. The All-Russian OCP classifier is fully derived from use, according to the order of Rosstat from 2014, starting from 2017.
  2. OKPD. Appeared in 2008 (initially as a supplement to the main classifier of the OKP). The first of the domestic systems summarized by European standards (at that time, the CPEC (CPEC) from 2002). Approved by order of Rostechregulation No. 329 at the end of 2007; Entered into force next year. Included only 17 sections (four less than in the current edition), but almost 40 thousand groups against the now used 18 thousand. Formally derived from consumption in accordance with the aforementioned order since 2017, but for a number of reasons below are used and now.
  3. OKPD 2.. Came at the beginning of 2015 to change the OKP and OKPD at the same time. To a large extent, it corresponds to the European CPES 2008 system, with the exception of the use of 7-9 symbol codes instead of the six digits adopted in the European Union, separated by points. Usually, OKPD 2 codes are given in consent to OKVED 2 codes, but there are also obvious discrepancies that no one is going to eliminate. Official OKPD 2 is the only classifier used in Russia from the beginning of 2017.

Important: In accordance with the order of the Federal State Statistics Service No. 14 of 2014, individual entrepreneurs and owners of large commercial structures should be used in the work (starting since 2015) exclusively codes on the All-Russian OKPD Classifier 2. Nevertheless, to facilitate perception it makes sense to bring in Documents and old codes - if, of course, the company was registered until 2015. Obsternally, the OKPD or the OCP to be assigned simply could not, and therefore the merchant does not have something to choose from.

It also makes sense by making up an act or contract, if there are several codes, each time it is possible to point in brackets after them. Together with the new code) will be given in the document, not provided.

Let's sum up

OKPD 2 code is used for unambiguous classification and identification of goods offered by the manufacturer, works or services. The structure of the code is a sequential-hierarchical, using non-submissive sections and six-nine-digit unique digital sequences in the document in a document. Control numbers at the end of the code are not currently used.

You can find any code on the All-Russian Classifier of products in accordance with economic activities (the abbreviation of OKPD 2) can be used by using an online directorial or document for MS Word, which can be downloaded according to the link above. Currently, in accordance with the Order of Rosstat from 2014, exclusively, OKPD 2 codes should be applied: OKP and OKPD went into the past.

OK 034-2014 (KPES 2008) approved by order of Rosstandard from 31.01.2014 N 14-st) (ed. From 12.05.2016) with the date of introduction to action on February 1, 2014

In accordance with the order of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014 N 14-st (as amended by 10.11.2015) All-Russian OKDP classifiers OK 004-93, OKPD OK 034-2007 (KPES 2002), OKUK OK 002-93, OKP OK 005- 93 canceled from January 1, 2017.

classification of products in OKPD ...

The Russian classifier of OKPD 2 products is built on the basis of statistical classification of products by type of activity in the European Economic Community (CPA 2008) - Statistical Classification of Products by Activitu in The European Economic Communito, 2008 Version (CPA 2008).

OKPD code is 9 digits separated by points. Points divide various levels of classification - class, group, view and category

The first 6 digits of the OKPD code xx.xx.xxxxxxx (class, group and view) correspond to 6 digits of product codes in the European Codemaker 2008.

The last 3 digits code (category) reflect the features of product accounting in the Russian economy. If there are no details on the product at the Russian level, the last 3 characters have a value of 0.

OKPD 2 is based on compliance with the CPES 2008 classifier (statistical classification of products by type of activity in the European Economic Community). In KPES 2008, the first 4 digits of the product code are the code of the type of economic activity for the production of this product in the NACE Rev.2 classifier (statistical classification of the activities of economic activities in the European Economic Community. Therefore, the first digits of the OKPD code XX.XXXXXX.XXX are defined by the code of the corresponding activity in NACE REV.2.

- The Russian classifier of the types of economic activity - also built in accordance with the classification of the European Community NACE REV.2. OKVED 2 code consists of 6 digits, the first 4 digits of xx.xx .xx are determined by the code of activity in NACE REV 2, the last 2 digits xx.xx.xx reflect the specifics of the Russian economy.

Those. OKPD 2 and OKVED 2 codes coincide at the level of the group (the first 4 digits), because Defined by the code of activity in the European Classifier NACE Rev. 2.

Download also information:
On the appointment, principles of construction and the introduction of the OKPD in info. System state. Statistics (DOC)
Answers to questions on identifying products received from enterprises and organizations in the process of implementing the OKPD to the system of state. Statistics (DOC)

OKPD is designed to solve the following tasks:
- for classification and coding of products (services, works) for the purposes of state statistics;
- To prepare statistical information for comparisons at the international level.

OKPD is based on harmonization with a statistical classification of products by type of activity in the European Economic Community (CES 2002) - Statistical Classification of Products by Activity In The European Economic Community, 2002 Version (CPA 2002). The structure of the OKPD is interconnected with the structure of the OKVED to 3 or 4 signs, since the produced products are the result of the types of economic activities carried out by business entities. For example, Class 01 has the name "Agriculture, Hunting and the provision of services in these areas" in OKVED, and in OKPD, it is called "Products and Services of Agriculture and Hunting." The similarities of many classes of OKVED and OKPD facilitates the choice of representatives of representatives for each type of activity presented in OKVED.

OKPD groupings in terms of substantive filling up to six code signs correspond to the European Classifier Production Classifier (KPES 2002), and features reflecting the specifics of the Russian economy are taken into account in the OKPD groupings with 7 to 9 discharge codes.

The objects of classification in the OKPD are goods, services and works that in international practice are combined into the concept of "products".

For the disintegration of OKPD groupings on the 7-9-M code signs, the groupings of the commercial nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Russian Federation (TN VED of Russia), the grouping of the European classifier of products in the mining and manufacturing industry for structural surveys (Prodcom) and those grouping of the OKP, which were not lost its relevance.

The close relationship of the OKPD with TN WEDs of Russia will compare the data on production, sale, exports, import of products using the method of consignment flow at the national and international levels; Develop new basic tables "Cost-issues" on the basis of the results of a solid federal statistical monitoring of the activities of small and medium-sized entrepreneurship activities.

In OKPD from the CPP 2002, dividing dots are borrowed, which are affixed between the second and third, fourth and fifth code signs. If there is additional fission levels in the OKPD compared to the 2002 levels of division, the point is also made between the sixth and seventh characters of the code.

Structure of OKPD codes

first stagesectionsone Latin letter
second stepsubsectionstwo Latin letters
third stepclassesXx
fourth Step subclassesXx H.
fifth stepgroupsXx Xx
sixth stepsubgroupsXx Xx H.
seventh StepviewsXx Xx Xx
eighth StepcategoriesXx Xx Xx Xx0.
ninth stepsubcategoryXx Xx Xx Xxx