Nonna Grishaeva: "Most of all I am afraid of war. Nonna Grishaeva: "I realized that you need to take care of how you met my husband

Nonna Grishaeva:
Nonna Grishaeva: "Most of all I am afraid of war. Nonna Grishaeva: "I realized that you need to take care of how you met my husband

Three years ago, you became the artistic director of the Moscow Regional Tyus. Why do you need, demanded actress, so heavy burden?

Yes, not easy, but I do not regret a second. The fact is that I really love children and the theater perceive as a real enlightenment. This is very important in my opinion. And then, despite the demand, I did not always have the opportunity to play the roles that I dream. Here I can embody my desires: it happened, for example, with the "Lady Perfection" and with the "five evenings." And everything from this just won - both I, and theater.

The role in the play "About my mother and about me", for which you got the Award "Star of theater", was also your dream?

Not really. I did not know anything about the existence of this play, but, after reading, I immediately realized that it was necessary to put it. And that it is very important for me to play in it. It is smart, thin and, most importantly, a very useful play of Elena Isaaya, whose relationships are sometimes folded, to put it mildly, not easy. Mom helps her daughter in choosing a life path, and mom's daughter - in search of a beloved person, in general, they are real friends.

- Do you have the same warm relationship with your daughter? She is completely adult.

Yes, it is that. I always believed that the child should not be a teacher, but a friend. It is important that the children feel shy to talk to Mom and dad that they really worries. And if you read the notation all the time, then what could be frankness?

- But after all, parents have more controlling and facing functions. How to combine all this with friendship?

It is difficult, but I manage. The main thing, from the very beginning to find the right path, and not to look for it when the child will be 15 years old. For example, for every holiday, I tried to leave Nastya somewhere together. We communicated, both received tremendous pleasure
And, of course, behaved like girlfriends.

- Have you really managed to do without comments and a variety of "impossible"?

Yes. Just from early childhood, I did not forbid, but explained why it is not necessary to do it or that. The child is not a fool, he will understand, just need to make efforts and spend time. We now have children sick gadgetomania. And the parents are to blame for this: Mom fuss in a child Aipad with games, and herself goes to chat with a girlfriend. And the children need to pay attention. A lot of attention. I still, whatever tired, I read my son for the night (although he himself knows how to read it for a long time). Now, for example, "White Sail Lonely" Valentina Kataeva. It is as important and natural how to pray the baby before bedtime.

- Son you raise up as loyal as daughter?

Even loyal (laughs). With Nastya was easier, after all, girls are always easier to understand each other. The boys are completely different, this is a separate planet. And some incredible love. With Ilya, I probably too soft, but in a different way it simply does not work. Sasha ( Alexander Nesterov - Nonna Grishayeva's husband) Sometimes it is strict.

- Cort about the upbringing of Ilya?

We do not always converge in these issues. For example, the son asked for his 10th anniversary tablet. Grandpa, grandmother and dad thrown off and handed him this gadget. And I was fundamentally refused to participate in it! I came up with my gift - Quest "Star Wars". And the book, of course.

- Family, cinema, theater ... How are you enough for everyone?

Lacks. The body does not always cope. Recently, the premiere of the Judi-Judic Music was held ( director Alexey Fraddingti) in which I play the famous Hollywood actress Judy Garland. I guess I went to this role all my life. The rehearsal period was heavy, and before the release I was so tired, what got sick.

- Your heroine in this performance, by the way, is also not very healthy.

Yes, I already thought that the roles make a magically affect my life: the same as heroes begins to happen to me.

- For example?

Before you get married the second time, I put on a wedding dress in three performances. Garland, as you correctly told, was sick, and I got to the hospital before the premiere. And went on the scene literally from under the dropper.

- It is already serious. Do not want to slow down the turns?

In the family, I constantly say that it is necessary. We have now moved to a country house and live with your husband's parents: So, they are just shocked by how much I work. And in every way trying to help.
Despite the mad rhythm of life, you look wonderful.

If there is a little time, I go to SPA, I adore it. If not - cutting creams and masks.

Recently, you have become the face of the "Black Pearls. Self-election. " Which of the products presented did you like most?

The whole line "self-election" is interesting, but if you choose what I especially liked, I would call two tools. The first is a night cream mask. It has an enhanced effect, nourishes the skin and smoothes the relief, and most importantly - it works until I sleep. Second - BB-cream: It is perfectly adjusted to the skin color and has a rejuvenating effect. I have not met a similar tool.

- It seems from the outside that you have everything, for whatever you take. Are you lucky man?

Yes, definitely! The point is true, not only in good luck, but also that I always worked a lot and honestly. And she was compromised, even when I wanted to turn around and leave.

- Never spare about it?

Compromises can save the most difficult situation, without them anywhere. At the same time, I am cancer on a horoscope, so scary offensive: I react even to minor reasons. The worst - betrayal, but even it is necessary to be in myself the strength to forgive. Sometimes years go to it, but when it turns out to be released offended ,. Aprob, by the way, it is even harder to me than forgive, but I force myself to do it. And I advise everyone.


If I have free time, I try not to just spend it with my family, but to arrange a real holiday for children.

On vacation, take the plays with you. I need to read them at work, and in Moscow I do not have time to do it.

The city in which I is always good, it is Odessa.

I do not dream of a specific role. Two cherished wishes were recently embodied - I played Tamaru in "five evenings" and Judy Garland.

Most of all I am afraid of war.

If I were offered to make up three desires, would have limited to two: let the world be and do not hurt. The third I somehow myself.

Nonna Grishaeva is grateful to God for the fact that he has a gift to mix people. According to the actress, many colleagues suffer from what they receive exceptionally serious roles and therefore are perceived as acutely accomplished performers.

Actress Nonna Grishaev

Grishaeva prefers to reincarnate in the heroes, who personally cause sympathy.

"Otherwise I can't, I am not an evil person. I am very parody with love. Maybe that is why it is so liked by people. "

But the actress has repeatedly proved that women with difficult fate can play, reflecting, deeply worried.

Childhood and youth

Nonna Valentinovna Grishaeva was born on July 21, 1971 in Odessa in an ordinary family. The great-grandfather and great-grandmother of the future artist were famous opera singers in the prestigious "La Scala". Mom - Engineer, Father worked on a cargo ship. Little Nonna also showed creative abilities as a child and already at the age of 5 years old, and at 10 years old came to the stage of the theater Operetta in his native Odessa.

Nonna attended a ballet school and sincerely dreamed of becoming a great actress. At the end of the high school, the girl decided to enter the theater university and went to Moscow. Upon arrival in the capital of Russia Grishaeva, a competitive selection was held at the Schukinsky school from the first time, but Nonna's mother was afraid to leave a daughter one in the big city and took her back to his native Odessa. There Grishaeva entered the music school on the department of vocals.

In the first year of teaching, the girl had a chance to visit the Russian capital, where she went on touring together with classmates with the production of "Princess on the Gorochin". The student performance had a big success, and Odessa students played on the stage of the play 53.

This work of Nonna Grishaeva proudly calls his battle baptism. After the tour, the girl's desire to learn in "Pike" became a global goal, and Nonn still managed to persuade parents to let her go to Moscow.

In the summer, the future star of cinema and theater re-submitted documents to a prestigious theater university, where Nonna was remembered since last year. Grishaeva was adopted immediately at the 3rd rate for separation to V. V. Ivanov. The student of the artist was held in difficult times of restructuring when products on cards were normal in the country. The artist recalls these hungry years with horror when the mother faded it with grocery sets with Odessa, which ended in literally in a few days.

In view of the financial difficulties, the starting actress went to work in a popular TV show "Oba-on", where he received the first work experience on television and achieved significant popularity, so far began to get a lot of interesting jobs.

Films and theater

In 1994, a young artist successfully graduated from Schukin's Higher Theater School, after which he received three sentences about work in the theater. Choosing between Satirikon, Lenkom and the name of the name, Nonna Valentinovna preferred the last option, while parallel to the movies. The first paintings of Grishava became the "first blow", "Countess de Monsoro" and "place on earth".

Nonna Grishaeva in the film "Risk without a Contract"

For the first year, the actress's theater career played quite a lot of roles in theatrical productions: "Ali-Baba and forty robbers", "Princess Turandot", "Skapele's trim". However, Grishaeva did not wait for the very cherished role that would bring her grandiose success.

Almost 10 years passed until Nonn managed to gain visual sympathy and recognition. Success brought played in 2004 the main role of Deniz in the formulation of Mademoiselle Nitush, which, at first glance, is specifically written for Grishava.

She became a laureate of the theater award of the publication "Moscow Komsomolets" "For the best female tandem." A year later received the title "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation".

In 2014, the actress was taken by the post of head in the Moscow Regional Theater of the Young Spectator, where the roles in the musical "Lady Perfection", "Seagull" and "Five Evening" performances. For the scene, Grishaeva refused to participate in the TV projects, but continued to cooperate with the Quartet and played in the "Election Day" and "Radio Day". In addition, we took part in the screenings of these entrepreneurship productions, where it was also called her heroine - Nonna.

Nonna Grishaeva in the play "Warsaw Melody"

After the triumph on the scene of the theater in the career of the artist followed filming in the cinema. In 2006, Nonna Grishaeva played key roles in films and sitcoms "Lyuba, Children and Plant", "", "Who is the owner's house", "Lily Silver".

In the youth tape "Club 69" about the adventures of the Adventure of the adventurous institution, Grishaev appeared in the image of the hero's wife. In the comedy "Day of Money" on screen husband, the actresses became. The spouse with friends - these roles went and Denis Yasin - found $ 33 thousand, lost to the boning criminal authority. And from that moment on the company began problems.

Nonna Grishaeva in the TV series "Daddy's Daughters"

In 2008, Nonna joined the film crew of the television series "", in which he played a major role throughout all seasons. The image of moms of five daughters brought the artist of the premium "Woman of the Year 2009" in the nomination "Smile of the Year", "Golden Eagle 2009" in the nomination "The best female role on television", "television" in the nomination "Favorite actress".

In the same year, the woman began to try forces on television. The viewers remembered the popular show "Big Difference", in which Nonna Grishaeva became one of the first persons of the TV project. On the stage of "big difference", the actress perfectly embodied fifty representatives of Beaumd. Her works were parodies on and, and, and. And I wanted to remove the program about actress, which so reliably portrayed it.

Nonna Grishaeva in the show "Big Difference"

We did not cost without Grishava's transferring the "Ice Age", "Thank God, you came!", "Minute of Glory", "Two Stars", "one in one".

However, Nonna did not forget about roles far from parodies. The actress received a small role in the romantic comedy "Irony of Love" C, and. The film, shot in Moscow and Kazakhstan, told about the girl who dreams about the glory of the television. Girlfriend offers heroine assistance, but provided that she will tempt the first man who will enter the cafe. They were the hero of Chadov, a sports massage therapist. The difficulty was that the mother in his life occupies the main place in his life. A woman throws all the strength to defend his beloved Chad from the young rival.

Nonna Grishaeva in the film "Serving Soviet Union!"

In the military drama "serve the Soviet Union!" Nonna showed a non-free dramatic talent, reincarnated in the singer Taisia \u200b\u200bMeshcherskaya. The plot is built around the relationship of the artist with an army officer performed. Events unfold on the eve of war, in the camp, where the soldier and a girl who has become an objectionable power fall, who refused to take care of himself.

Another actress Grishaeva played in the TV series "Unadial Life". In the film, Nonna fell a heroine, introduced her with a future husband, whose role was given.

Music tape "Dance with me" attracted Grishaev by the fact that this is "the eternal story of love of young people, against whom everyone fell." Nonna Character - Mom's Major Heroine Kati, whose role was played by Anastasia Novikova. Eccentric lady, failed artist, believes that the daughter should marry a rich producer. And the girl falls in love with a simple dancer.

Nonna Grishaeva in the film "A man with a guarantee"

Romantic tape "A man with a guarantee" confirmed that social status is not important for real love. Nonna Grishaeva in the image of the owner of the trading network in the final marriage to the guard store, which was played.

Grishayeva heroine in the Melodrame "Esemace" - a careerist who has set itself a goal to get a significant position. Understanding that in addition to work there is another life, comes to the girl after she receives a SMS message sent by someone.

In the series "The Consequence of Love", Nonna Grishaeva played a divorced mother of three children, successful and siblings to educate, and crimes investigate. The role of a former husband appeared in the role of the head and a new ridicker -.

Alexander Mokhov, Nonna Grishaeva and Igor Lifanov in the series "Consequence of Love"

The character Nadezhda Polyakova turned out to be close to the performer. Grishaeva admitted that she was the same crazy mommy, and in life it happens to be guided by internal voice, intuition, as well as the screen investigator.

Personal life

Nonnet Grishayeva's personal life looks like a fascinating love romance. After 3 days after the end of the theater university, the young artist married the actor and the musician. Over time, the woman disappointed in love. In 1996, the daughter was born Nastya, but this joyful event did not establish relations with his spouse, and the actress filed for a divorce.

Then the heart Grishayeva won a businessman whose name Nonna does not call. The couple lived in a civil marriage, during which a man presented an artist mansion on Nikolina Mountain, car, boat.

Happiness prevented a friend Masha. Nonna, in one moment I fought in love and friendship, got along the nervous breakdown to the hospital, but in the end I forged both. However, the delibe is not married to Grishava's companion.

Despite unsuccessful previous relations, Grishaeva did not lose faith and hope for great love. However, after meeting with actor Alexander Nesterov, I did not immediately realize that it was her fate.

At first, the Nona's future husband became her "the best friend" and morally helped to cope with depression after the destroyed relationship. And after some time, Alexander Nesterov and Nonna Grishaeva got married in Prague, in 2006 they became the parents of Son Ilya.

The birth of a child did not affect the appearance of the actress. Nonna, without a rustle, said that he was worn out on the home simulator, and dancing and pool help to keep the figure. In addition, Grishaeva refused meat, macaroni and alcohol, although he considers himself gourmet. Traveling spouses learn local cuisine.

Nonna's husband is under the age of 12, but it does not prevent him from being a real strong support for his wife, helping her as director to overcome various difficulties in his career. Nesterov became the perfect father for the daughter of the beloved woman from the first marriage.

In 2015, over a happy marriage, Nonna and Alexandra answered the threat - the media actively discussed the love of Grishava with, with which the actress played the main roles in the "Warsaw Melody" formulation. According to employees and acquaintances, they were close not only on stage, but also behind the scenes.

Dmitry and Nonna appeared together at events, in restaurants, went to rest abroad. The actors categorically refused to comment on rumors, arguing that there was no speech about any novel between them, because Nonna is married, and Dmitry Isaev married to the ballerina Olga Horn.

Treason her husband was forgiven, the spouses continued to live together. Alexander loves his wife, he understood everything and forgave. According to colleagues, the actress, Nesterov insisted that Nonna and Dmitry do not intersect either on the set or theatrical projects. And as if Grishaeva had accepted this condition. Nevertheless, a number of media reported that the former lovers later continued to play entreprepacy.

The actress believes that children are the main thing in the life of every woman. On this occasion, Nonna showed talent in the new role and presented the book "Tips for daughters", the circulation was about 25 thousand copies. Nonna Grishayeva's book survived two reprints and until today enjoys considerable demand for readers.

Nonna Grishaeva at the presentation of the book "Tips for daughters"

Throughout the acting career, the artist did not miss the opportunity to act as a singer. He recorded several own songs, in particular "Tango", "Summer", "again Night", "Comme Toi", "Platinum Paradise". In 2012, Nonna Grishaeva released the first solo album.


  • 1995 - "Moscow holidays"
  • 2006 - "Money Day"
  • 2007 - "Election Day"
  • 2007-2011 - "Daddy's Daughters"
  • 2008 - "Radio Day"
  • 2010 - "Irony of Love"
  • 2012 - "Man with a guarantee"
  • 2012 - "Personal life of the Savelyev investigator"
  • 2014 - "Boatsman Seagull"
  • 2015 - "I urgently marry"
  • 2015 - "Unadial Life"
  • 2016 - "Dance with me"
  • 2017 - "The Consequence of Love"
  • 2017 - "Mole in Putin"
  • 2018 - "From the bottom of the vertex"

Her career is moving rapidly up. It is strong, but at the same time charming and gentle. How does she manage to remain a fragile woman in total employment?

Sensible "Daddy's Daughters", the "Two Star" project and the humorous show of the first channel "big difference" did their job: Nonna turned into one of the most sought-after actresses of Russian cinema, and her children - Nastya and Ilyusha - now less often see their star mother.

Chain Town for Star
Nonna, answer the question, tormented by most women: how to realize in the profession, create a happy family and stay at the same time?

I confess, the answer to this question is still looking for. (Laughs.) All the last year I live in Zetynote: the shooting of the "father's daughters" took so much time that the family lost me: in the morning I barely managed to say hello to children, as the service car hooked on the set, and when at night brought back, everything was already in the house slept.

That is, there is a crisis in the country, and you have gained work?
Exactly. I thought that would rest in the spring when shooting would end. But it was not there, it was - could not refuse to participate in the project "Two Stars", and he demanded a monstrous energy consumption. When we were abandoned with Mark Tishman and our couple was on the verge of departure, I was terribly nervous. I understand: Yes, this is a game, nothing terrible, and still snapped. On the nervous soil even dried legs. It's time to the scene, but I can't climb. Dima svtsov was nearby, he ran up, began to massage me caviar ...

Yes, in a couple of minutes I put on the heels and went on stage. Only after a while everything was repeated. I realized that this is a signal. After the final she said: "Enough!", And gathered with family to the sea. Mom just heard from acquaintances of the famous waterproof in China and offered me to fly there. I thought and agreed. I confess, for the first time in my life, I was engaged in my health, so I have nothing to compare with, but still what Chinese doctors are creating, I consider it a miracle. It is a pity that I had time: instead of the last two weeks I stayed in the hospital only 9 days. But still came out from there with absolutely another person - not a trace of fatigue!

How did you restore you?

5 facts about Nonn Grishava
1. The best holiday for the actress is peace. There are no active entertainment, parachutes, skis and paragliding - just lie down and bask in the sun. Still Nonna loves aromascape and SPA procedures.
2. If it is suddenly there is a fitness room, it prefers simulators and choreography from all loads.
3. One of the most effective ways to deal with Stress for Nonna - Go to the store and buy a couple of things. The mood immediately rises.
4. Despite the excellent physical form, the star is not removed naked and in bed scenes: it believes that for his wife and mother two children it is unacceptable.
5. The actress loves chocolate very much - it raises the mood and helps to cope with the loads. He refused Nonna chocolate only during breastfeeding.

Massages, wrappings, acupuncture, bathtub from morning to evening ... Procedures were flowed alone to another, and it's time to dinner and sleep. In the hospital, I arrived in such a disassembled state, which began insomnia. At the reception at the needle therapist told about it. Elderly Chinese nodded: "Nothing, today you will sleep well." And indeed, it was worth my head to touch the pillow, as I forgot my baby, and in the morning I wanted to fly, it was so easy and good. Another time I posted: "Here, wrinkles on the forehead ... you have to do Botox." The doctor noticed: "But this is nothing" - and put a few needles around the perimeter of the forehead. Strocious! For the week, the forehead smoothed completely.

What procedure made the strongest impression?
I was shocked by the baths. One room is posted by natural agate and jade, another - crystal, third - clay, and between them basins with mineral water of different temperatures. I learned that the clay has a beneficial effect on the vessels, and nephrite harmonizes Yin and Yang energy ... But the biggest revelation is a pool with tiny fish, which the Chinese are used instead of peeling. And patch, and funny!

Closer to the body
Nonna, you recognized that we consider stem cells by panacea from many diseases and even keep them in hemobank ...
Yes it is. When Ilyusha was pregnant, I read an article about stem cells, of which all other cells of our body are formed, and thought that sin would not take this chance. When the Son was born, we kept the cord stem cells and now we know that the health of all members of our family is reliably protected. In addition, this is a great rejuvenation. I believe that progress achievements will certainly need to use, especially when it comes to health.

Autumn courtyard. How are you insured from seasonal colds?
This fall prevention is one - Chinese toning additives. I trust science, which is already over a thousand years. And in the rest - I do not dare with cold water, I do not do sports. After giving birth, she looked into the gym exactly a month and threw - no time. But for now, I don't need simulators (smiles): muscles in tone, no excess weight. I eat a lot, even at night, but never get better, calories are burned at work. I try not to eat potatoes with meat, because it is harmful, but if it is hungry, I'll eat and it will not be capricious.

Relax in Grishaevsky
Nonna, for you, relaxation is first of all what?

5 tips from Nonna Grishava
1. Do not try to be stronger than you are. You can withstand the highest loads, successfully combine work and family, but you do not need to take on more than you are able to endure. I live aphorism of Monteneya: "Everything is good in moderation!"
2. Purge! The advice is not original, but not set to repeat: the main secret of beauty is an eight-hour sleep.
3. Cut the cozy home. You can deal with a bad mood using interior design. For example, I have orange curtains on my windows - this is the color of optimism, it greatly increases vitality and adds the sun.
4. Balle yourself delicious. Vegetables, fruits and seafood - light and useful food. Here is the recipe of my favorite salad. We take 4-5 leaves of the knocked salad, avocado, green apple, a jar of cocktail shrimp. My and cut the salad, we learn on the colander of shrimps, clean and cut apples and avocados and mix everything. You can add a quarter of corn jars. It remains mayonnaise.
5. Work on yourself. Love and family relationships are a permanent job. You need to learn to squander yourself, suppress unpleasant quality. I am very touching, but I try to cope with this, so that your loved ones it is easier to communicate with me.

Take a bath with foam and essential oils, lie down, without thinking about twenty minutes. Although, as you know, it is better not to strain at all. But how? Eternal hurry, bustle, fear of late, do not catch and trouble a big city - traffic jams. Although I have long squeeze the car, I recently drive with a chauffeur. And as soon as I sit in the salon, I immediately fall asleep! Chronic lack of sleep taught to sleep anywhere and at any time. And I do not interfere with no light or noise.

You have long and very well-kept hair. How do you care?
From everywhere, where I come, a hair mask is visible. I paint and rushing at home, although, of course, not my own person, my makeup arrives and makes beauty. And I do masks myself: I wash my hair, I will put the remedy, weeping a towel and doing homemade. I am an ordinary woman, time, like everyone else, in the edge. Even the manicure is engaged in herself.

Beauty salons do not like?
To take traffic jams to the cabin and return back - half a day as it did not happen. I can't afford such a luxury. Only when I notice that it became completely unimportant to face, I run to my cosmetologist and gone to her magic hands. She is a famous doctor, many actors are treated for her. It was recommended to me when I sang in the musical "ISIKA Witches", and suddenly I became scary to fall out hair. The producer said: "Go to my paradise, she will do everything" - and not mistaken. Before starting the procedure or treatment, Raisa necessarily takes blood test in order to know exactly what the body needs.

And what do you need your body at the moment?
So far I don't do anything cardinal with the compuffice - normal care. I hope that by the time the person will need a serious restoration, the doctors will come up with something more gentle than plastic surgery.

I'm afraid of the scalpel, because I know only two people to whom he did not harm.

With caution, I even care about such operations such as an increase in lip or breasts. Successful experiments have not yet met.

Stop on demand
How do you support your optimism? What do you say when tired, miss children who see little?
Recently, I began to understand: no matter how busy, whatever projects have offered and what they would be thrown, it is necessary to stop running at least for a short time, otherwise it's not to stretch for a long time. You need to take care of yourself. In August, I suspended all the projects and at a long time I left the children to my homeland, in Odessa. Three weeks of bliss! He removed the house on the coast, in the morning we had breakfast and went to the sea, the day slept, then bathed in the pool, played. I still managed to go to the construction market for materials for the repair of Mamina Odessa Apartments. In the evenings met with friends, and when it became dark, he went home and she stacked the children to sleep. Ilyusha asked every time: "Mom, will you be with me Bai-Bai?", And I was happy when I said: "Well, of course." He is in the wonder - usually he falls asleep with grandmothers or dad.

How do you think the microclimate in the family needs to be specifically built or everything should be natural, even if not without conflict?
To build, of course, it is necessary. And about conflicts ... we have a big family: and my husband and two children and mom and his spouse still live in the same apartment. Of course, we can chain, but Odessans always saved humor. We will immediately translate any claim or underwent into a joke.

You do not at all like a lot of popularity on which many of your colleagues do?
Well, I can't afford some female weaknesses in the form of long shopping or conversations with a girlfriend for a cup of coffee. But it's not so scary. There is simply no time for such things - I try to spend each free second with children. Family for me - all.

Actress, singer, TV presenter, Honored Artist of Russia, artistic director Mogtutyu, winner of the prestigious Star Star Prize for a major role in the play "About my mother and about me" and the nominee for the premium of this year for the play "Five evenings", who loved all the beauty Nonna from the "Election Day", the mother of "father's daughters" iseverything She, brilliant and very positive Nonna Grishaeva! In an exclusive interview with "Light!" Actress talked

"Parents have completed that such a" geek "in the family"

Nonna, you as an artistic director for several years have been heading the Moscow Regional Theater of the Young Spectator ... yese. those tips for their young act e. rams and actresses?

Theater is a big responsibility. And since I in life in life, in principle, hyperspical, for me it is very difficult. I'm actually verye.strong leader, but at the same time leaving. During this time, we fell in love with each other, which became absolute The first performance that came out of us - "Lady Perfection", I play there Mary Poppins. favorite teacher Mikhail Borisovich Borisov became rum. Huge thanks Maxim Isaakovich Dunaevsky for just gave us the right to use his songs! It turned out really a magical performance! Children work in our theater, but they are quite a bit. Soviets give, of course, because from childhood on stage and know a lot. And since childhood I remember how it is necessary. By the way, one day a funny story happened on this performance. We are in the status of the Moscow Region Theater - therefore a lot is touring. And here we play "Lady Perfection" somewhere in the suburbs, in the final we have bows, bye.m for the bis "33 cows", children run up to the stage, stretch the flowers, they ask autographs - and I see the edge of my boy, who pulls my hand with a piece of paper and shouts something very expressively. And at the beginning of the performance there is a scene, where children tell their parents as they made gunpowder and blew the fireplace pipe. So, when the music ended, I realized that he did not need an autograph. He pulls me a handle, a piece of paper and shouts: "Powder recipe! Porch recipe write! " We are very laughing with artists!

In childhood, you dreamed of becoming an actress?

I did not dream - I always knew that I would act as an actress, it was without options at all! And parents somehow immediately reconciled that such a family geek - well, what can you do ... (smiles). When I was going to go to go, my mother said: "Where are you going? Who needs you? We do not have any money, nor Pope Bondarchuk, who are you there railwaye.t? " And I answered: "Mom, I know!" I went to every theater university, but I have a very strong intuition in life, and when I entered the Higher Theater School named after Schukin, which is located in the Arbat Lane, then Mom said: "I will learn here!" She replied: "Yeah, right now!" But it turned out that I was correctly felt, and 17 years of my life were held on this magic street Arbat, because after graduating from the school I went to work at the Wakhtangov Theater.

"I think: I wonder how to live to the final or not?"

Many artists are rather superstitious and fear to play heroes with a tragic destiny. You have such roles. Are you not afraid that something goes from heroes to your life?

Not afraid. I do not refuse such roles as in the film "Unadial Life" - this is my favorite role! There is a stunning acte.range range - from the actress, stars, all beloved, to the desired, spoken alcoholic, dying from the liver cirrhosis. Here is this life, this path is very interested to go through, live. I'm waiting yete. Such roles, really waiting! I am not afraid to die on stage, in the musical "Zorro" I died every day and I was taken out of Roma. The same Judy in the play of the same name - a heroine with difficult fate. Her monologues reveal the essence of the problems of the acting and our relationship with journalists, viewers. There is a lot of terrible terrifying truth about this. I am incredibly interesting to play such a role. Although before the start of each performance, I think: I wonder, how much does the final or not? Because this story is very hard for mee.laya, physically and emotionally ...

You worked with a huge number of directors in the theater and movies. And who of them is truly yours?

My director, unfortunately, passed away. The absolute gift in my fate was the fact that thanks to the theater named after Vakhtangov managed to work with Peter Naumovich Fomenko. And although we are talking only about inputs in the roles in the play "Peak lady" and "without guilt", it still was happiness. I came to Peter Naumovich in the theater, we sat alone with him in his office, and what he said, how he introduced me - it was an absolute shock! In general, happiness is to work in the theater where different directors can come. I debuted in the production "I don't know you anymore, the dear" Roman Viktyuk. We need to pay tribute to the novel Grigorievich, who was not afraid to risk. Two weeks before the premiere, the artist broke his leg, and he was told: "There was a young, she dangby." And Viktyuk immediately redoned the role under the dancing me, comes up with a sexy such dance with Grisha Siavinda on a chair - and so, and soyak! And in the end, he began to build bows separately. I dared to ask a question: "Roman Grigorievich, why do you build bows as a separate performance, a separate story?" He me: "Baby, you gave energy for three hours - take back!" That is, on the bonds of the IDe.t Here is the same energy exchange. I remembered it for life.

"I spawned, she sprinkled - the book is not written in vain"

What roles are you closer - humorous or tragic? In life, are you playing friends?

We have enough draws, laughter, games on stage. Other theater we are completely different. And I never play anyone, it's stupid and no one needs. We are so tired, working that in life we \u200b\u200btry to somehow "exhale." As for the roles ... As my friend and parties once said very accuratelye.sasha Olesko, the viewer often comes to look at the "remote" character, which is used to see on television: "Well, come on, show that you can on stage!" Therefore, Judy, Gel in the "Warsaw Melody", Tamara in the "five evenings" - this is the very attempt to break the stereotype, overcome a television cliché. And for me the most valuable and beautiful - when people after the performance speak and write: "We could not even imagine what kind of you, the dramatic actress!"

A few years ago, your book came out "Tips for daughters." Who inspired to create it?

My daughter Nastya, who at that time was 14 years old - transitional age. So when the publisher appealed to me with such an idea, I thought: and indeed, I have something to say, and it may be necessary for someone. Now the daughter finished separation of graphics and illustrations in Cambridge, and then 6 years ago, it was the first book that she illustrated, her drawings were decorated for forcedes (a sheet connecting the book block with the cube.lid. - aut.). Once there was such a moment: we played our benefit from Sasha Olesko, I do not remember, in which city, and after that we always have an autograph session. We sat signed postcards when a girl came up with this book and said: "Nonna, thank you very much! I have no mom, and you helped me a lot ... "I sprinkled, she spun, and then I realized that the book was not written in vain. There really have a lot of necessary advice and raise such topics that moms often do not decide to speak with her daughters, but necessary.

You still have a son Ilyusha. How big is the difference in the upbringing of the daughter and son? And did the desire appear to write now "Tips for Sons"?

Space difference, these are two absolutely opposite planets. And the councils of sons must write fathers, because they themselves were the boys. Therefore, do not expect, there will be no book "Tips for Sons", I do not have the right to take it.

How are you everything Have time to your engine?

I do not really know that my engine. Probably some thirst for work, I am an absolute workaholic. I do not know where it is from me, but it was always, since childhood. Where to take strength - probably, in those moments when I'm leaving for the sea. I hire this air, I will form the sea - and work again!

In the photo: Nonna Grishaeva with her husband

"I realized that I fell up, it was falling, I carry"

I heard that someone from your relatives sang even in the Milan Opera La Scala ... Is it true?

I am infinitely grateful to the "first channel" for the fact that they once explored my pedigree, ande.m Okokalo E.e. Until the V century AD! Greek archons were in my family, imagine? My grandfall lived in Kazan, was a teacher in the Orthodox spiritual seminary, the first translator of the Quran, but at the same time remained Orthodox. And the great-grandmother and great-grandfather were just opera singers and toured the world, including in La Scala. So thateverything It is probably not just like that. There are roots, and they make themselves felt.

Nonna, how do you find time and effort on your husband and children with such a demand and workload?

I refuse a huge number of invitations - just in order to stay next to my We practically do not go to all sorts of telegraphs, conversational programs, and they call ten every day. Bonde.i say "no" without much regret, because for me much more happiness to stay at home with loved ones. We love to relax all together, the most expensive places are of course Odessa, then Montenegro (especially the Gulf of Kotor) and Mexico, which we have discovered quite recently. A completely fantastic country, it is some kind of space! All these gardens, parks, oze.rA, Forests are unthinkable, jungle, seats ... just fantastic!

You have a song with an interesting name "Fall up." Is it possible?

Of course, perhapse. as! Verified on yourself! This expression was born at that moment when three projects were shot at the same time - "big difference", "daddy daughter" and "two stars". And wheneverything It happened, I realized that I fell up, it was falling, I carry. So the song was born and its name.

The recently known actress Nonna Grishaeva, along with the daughter Anastasia (21 years old) and the 10-year-old Son Ilya took part in the show of the new collection of the brand "Our". The children of Nonna Grishayeva were extended by the podium in fashionable images, and after the show, the actress shared with the readers of by the advice on the upbringing of children, told about the family and fashion.

"Nonna, you said that in the root revised their views on life priorities, is it?

It's true. In his youth, in the first place for me, a career was standing, I literally lived my work. But already long ago, with the birth of the younger son Ilya, I managed to put priorities correctly. Career rapidly went uphill - success, loud projects, fame. Now the family for me is the most important thing in life.

- What advice can you give women who do not get to combine care of the family and building a career?

Council one - find the golden middle. Of course, to continue your career, you need a grandmother or a good nanny, but at the same time do not forget that no one will never replace mom's mother. You need to find time, days, hours, weeks to be with the child. I, with my crazy employment, it is incredibly difficult, however, I adjust the graphics of filming and performances under the holidays of children, which gives us the opportunity to spend all your free time together.

- How did you meet my husband?

My daughter from the first marriage of Nastya went to the children's New Year's play of the Quartet and "theater, where my future husband Alexander Nesterov played the role of a bear. It was our dating day. We began to communicate, but there were no thoughts about any novel. Just a sincere person, without false, good, responsive, with a wonderful sense of humor, became my friend.

We had absolutely trusting relationships, we often called up, chatted a lot, Sasha came to us with Nastya. But I did not perceive it seriously - unlike Sasha. We went to rest in Thailand and exactly there they realized that I love each other. Soon Sasha made me an offer, giving a wonderful ring with engraving: "From Nesterov with love!". So we got married. The wedding at the request of Sasha was held in the center of Prague.

- My husband is younger than you for 12 years. Did it bother you?

Honestly confess, on the first couples it was very embarrassed me, miscomiputed in our relationship. But now all the complexes have passed, and this is the merit of Sasha. He often says that I behave like a 25-year-old, so who is younger - it's a big question.

Alexander Nesterov and Nonna Grishaeva in the theater at the premiere of the musical "Auditor"

Now you are participating in theatrical productions of Alexander, the fashion show came along with the children. Do you easily work with family members?

We are very comfortable to work together. With Sasha, we understand each other with a half-clow. The husband just held the premiere of the new musical comedy "Auditor" in the theater. I threw all the things and was with him for two weeks. Helped, supported, gave advice and was simply near. We have absolute mutual support and mutual understanding, which helps a lot. And to participate in any projects with Nastya and Ilya for me - one pleasure.

- And how do children relate to each other?

Nastya with Ilya is well getting, helping each other, they still have common interests, despite the ten-year difference in age. And with our daughter and with your son, sincere and trusting relationships are preserved. We frankly talk to any topics, always in touch, even at a distance calling "a hundred times". I believe that parents must participate in every way in the lives of children and help them in everything - in the implementation of their desires, in the development of their talents. But it is important to know the measure and not impose your opinion.

Graduation exhibition in London: Pushkin, "Golden Cockerel", Suit Shamakhan Queen

- What are your children are interested in?

Surprisingly, both have opened abilities for drawing. Ilyusha is fascinated by painting and playing the saxophone. And Nastya, graduating with honors from art school, studied at College in Cambridge, graduated from university in London, Faculty of illustration and graphics. She has to make a choice, where to subsequently implement his talent: become a designer, a theater artist or work in an animation cinema. The daughter recently returned to Russia and now we finally live together in a country house.

- Childhood of your children is going through, how did you want?

Yes, it is with our relocation of the city. Country life is such happiness when your children breathe fresh air, spend time not on the sofa with a gadget, but in active games. In addition, for Ilya, there was an absolutely stunning school near our house. The child says every day: "Mom, thank you for this school!", And for me it is like a balm on the soul. By the way, the school in his own childhood is my nightmare, hated it with all his being. The words "physics", "mathematics" caused extreme disgust.

- Does your husband take part in raising children?

Sure. Sasha is an amazing father, he is very preferable to children, I was surprised that in his young years he has such a developed paternity instinct. We adhere to a single policy in the upbringing, and, it seems to me, we have very good results.

- Word the basic principles of child upbringing.

These are the principles of my heroine in the play "Lady Perfection" - you need to be strict, but good. This very clearly characterizes me as a mom.

- What to do parents if the education of Chad does not bring the desired results?

In no case cannot be lifted to the child, I think it launches only the reverse process. You can agree with anyone, to find a common language, you can always explain why it is impossible or not bad. You need to deal with the child, read him books, and not give a gadget to get rid and engage in your business. It should be understood that all this will face with such a force in the future, which is even scary to imagine.

- What would you like to updo your children?

Now such a difficult time ... I want to upset your child from everything that it can harm, from unwanted dating, malice.

Nastya listens very much to me. That it is from clothing, she will always ask my opinion, because he knows that mom has a good taste. We often go shopping with the whole family: choose clothes, we are advised that someone comes, in general, we have fun.

- Shopping for a woman - the best therapy?

Definitely, for me personally - the best. In a good store, I can spend eternity.

- Are you a connoisseur brands or prefer stylish clothes regardless of the brand?

I prefer exclusive clothing, the original cut, sewing, mainly the models of Russian designers. I have such clothes, and without these things, my wardrobe is not a wardrobe. It is important for me that that clothes I acquire was only one.

In secular events, you can often be seen in elegant dresses that emphasize the beautiful figure. In ordinary life, do you prefer to always look perfect or can afford to be cozy, in comfortable clothes?

Of course, I wear and comfortable clothes, but it must certainly be beautiful and high-quality. And this rule apply not only for yourself, but also for the whole family.

- Is it possible to say that after 45 life just starts? Your secret of beauty?

I have no it. I do yoga, it fell apart, dancing always and everywhere - that's all the secrets. As for my inner state, I like me much more, as I look, I feel and thinking now, rather than in 20 years.

Photo from personal blog actress

Comment Article "Nonna Grishaeva:" Who is younger, I or my husband is a big question ""

If, in the first call, the husband will run to her daughter or son, and his wife on the side, it seems like it is not, it means my husband still has a wife or not. And why my wife is why such a husband is going on, that it seems to be married on paper, but on The case is alone. And will look on the side of the one who will give her ...

Motuz under the hands of Nonna Grishava. This is a balcony, comfortable space. The fairy tale is beautiful. Place - Motuz under the hands of Nonna Grishayeva. Introducing 2 tickets to the "Lady Perfection" on March 11 at 12-00.

Lady Perfection with Natalie Fast or N. Grishava Magic Musical Performance 7+ In Theater Motuz [link-1] Tickets for 1100 (instead of 1500- at the box office) and other nominal 9 April, at 12.00 and good afternoon! Motuz under the hands of Nonna Grishava.

Discussion of adoption issues, forms of children's children in families, education of adoptive children, interaction with care, training in my girlfriend at the institute was half a gypsy (for mom). He lived with dad (Russian), Mom lived with a tabor and a new husband - children.

Discussion of family issues: love and jealousy, marriage and treason, divorce and alimony Husband looks at slender. There was a novel with a girl of my age, but she in my opinion, the author suffers mostly that the lady had a husband - oligarch, and the author, apparently, no.

"Husband is much older." Serious question. About her, about maiden. Discussion of the issues of the life of a woman in the family, at work, relationships with men. I know that there are those who have a much older husband. I have a question - is there any age you are afraid of?

PR Children / Para's results. Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms we do not have information about the health of children and information about their relatives, since this section: PR Children / Results of the Piara (children for adoption Smolensk region photo).

Nonna Grishaeva: "Family is an understanding!" How not to irritate your own child when he "plays a hormone"? Is it possible to raise your hand on children? What to do with the jealousy of the older to the younger? And how to soften the pain of the baby at the divorce of the parents?

Nonna Grishaeva and musical talent .. music, books, TV, cinema. About her, about maiden. Discussion of the Questions about the life of a woman in the family, I did not see today, but in general I like Grishaeva, she is talented :) especially in the "big difference" is greatly paroding ...

my husband was under 7 years old, broke up at all because of this ... My husband is under me for 7 years. When I got married, I was 28 to him 21. I chose it because it was responsible and wiser the men around me, we had common interests and hobbies.

Discussion of the issues of the life of a woman in the family, at work, relationships with men. The face suspenders she began to do later, and did once every five years. Therefore, at 70 years old and the mask turned out. But the nose did in young age. You can search for her old photos ...

Section: Fathers and Children (as I am with a child from the first marriage again married). I see genuine interest on his part, like a ripened man who wants to have a family, a child and from the Son, who does not see in their own male house ...

Fate of escaped men. Fathers and Sons. Family relationships. I wonder if the examples from life - is it true that life (fate, rock, karma) punishes men who threw a wife with a child (children, pregnant) without any moral and material support?

Dark-skinned children. - Sowing. Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms of children's children in families, education of adoptive children, interactions with care, training in someone in D. DD met the dark-skinned children? I want to adopt such. I live in Moscow.

Former spouses. Incomplete family. Education of children in an incomplete family: divorce, alimony, communication, a former husband, a former wife. Section: Former spouses. The child and the new wife of the former husband .... That's interesting, reading the answer from the ex-wife to the lower topic I myself caught ...

Sexual relations: love and sex, husband and wife, lover and mistress, contraception, family. It can be stupid, but I bother me constantly: my husband was to me a virgin lover he is chic, and therefore it is even more bothering, but I'm not waiting, I'm not waiting for the treason ...

Discussion of family issues: love and jealousy, marriage and treason, divorce and alimony, relations between relatives. I do not want to look older husband, which it will also be unpleasant. I want to be a woman smart and beautiful.

Old or young. Two men love me: one younger than me for 2 years, and the other older for 20. Age by and large nothing means. And I mean questions that come with therefore a young lover gives her more pleasure than the peer or ...

A young pair is hardly suitable, especially if there is a small child. I believe that this is a very correct idea. Or I also brought someone an example: you can go to the store and buy a new blouse, but you can connect it with your own hands, by overgrown with thousands of loops.