Alla segalova's father. Alla segalova - biography, information, personal life

Alla segalova's father.  Alla segalova - biography, information, personal life
Alla segalova's father. Alla segalova - biography, information, personal life

Sigalova Alla Mikhailovna (born 1957) - Russian choreographer, director, actress, teacher. Has the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. In 2008 she became a laureate of the Golden Mask Prize.

Birth and family

Alla Sigalova was born on February 28, 1959 in Volgograd. Her parents had just finished their studies at the higher educational institutions of this city, but they themselves were native Leningraders. When the girl was only a few months old, the family returned to Leningrad.

The baby was surrounded by a creative atmosphere from birth. Her mother was directly related to the art world, she was a ballerina. Dad played the piano professionally, taught at a music school, where he headed the piano department. True, he quickly and suddenly disappeared from Alla's life. He was an incredibly beautiful man: black hair, a pronounced Jewish type, snow-white teeth. Even after six years, the girl did not see her father, the years spent together instilled in Alla a love of classical music.

Childhood in Leningrad

It so happened that Alla was brought up in a family of intelligent descendants of the famous Russian artist Konstantin Somov. Earlier, her mother lived and was raised in this family with several girls. Since Alla's mother was from a poor family, she was taken on to provide for Somova. Noble roots made themselves felt, members of an intelligent family first fed hungry girls, then dressed, brought up and educated. So it turned out that Alla's mother, and subsequently Sigalova herself, became members of the Somov-Mikhailov family. Mom left to work as a choreographer at the Krasnoyarsk Musical Comedy Theater, while Alla stayed in Leningrad. In this city, her childhood passed, it was he who considered her family.

The atmosphere in this house was full of art, every week they went to the drama theater, philharmonic or ballet. On the weekend, there was definitely a trip to Pushkin or Peterhof. On Sundays, the girl studied at the Hermitage school, the children were taken to the exhibition halls, told the biographies of the artists. And when the Hermitage was closed and there were no visitors left, the children were allowed to walk alone in the halls. Alla still remembers this sound of her lonely steps through the empty Hermitage. Sigalova herself says:

“I had a fantastic childhood, the happiest and most incredible. But that is precisely why remembering my childhood years is very painful for me. It's hard for me to do it. "

In the childhood memories of Alla Sigalova, the main place is occupied by two annual holidays, which were celebrated in a special way in the Somov-Mikhailov family - New Year and Easter. They decorated the Christmas tree, lit candles and gave all the children gifts made with their own hands, selected individually for each child. Until now, Alla keeps the mittens presented to her for the New Year in her distant childhood, worn out, but so expensive.

Sigalova had a grandmother in Leningrad on her mother's side, but she could not come to terms with the fact that Alla's mother married a Jew and categorically did not accept her granddaughter for the rest of her life.

The path to the world of dance

The world of ballet attracted the girl from early childhood, she often visited the theater and stood behind the scenes. Alla still remembers the smell of sweat and ballet rosin, which ballerinas grease their pointe shoes with before the performance so as not to slip on stage. She, while still very young, set a life goal for herself - at all costs to enter the Vagankovo ​​School and become the most famous in the world of ballet.
But the path to fame turned out to be long and thorny.

It all started when Alla was not accepted into the ballet school. For admission, I had to connect the connections of my parents. After becoming a student, Alla studied well, but for her bad behavior they tried to expel her from the choreographic school several times. She fought with boys, expressed her point of view to teachers, talking to them boldly and with a challenge. As a child, Alla had the opportunity to delve into the closed funds of the public Leningrad library. She re-read many books, had a decent amount of knowledge and, of course, it infuriated her when teachers told incorrectly about Balanchine or Turgenev.

In 1978, Alla Sigalova graduated from the Agrippina Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet. The life of a great ballerina awaited her, but chance decided the fate of Alla in its own way, she was injured. For seven months, the girl was bedridden, it took almost a year to cope with her illness and depression. At the age of 19, Alla Sigalova had to leave the world of classical ballet.

Moscow and creative career

Sigalova moved to Moscow, where she began a completely new life, she entered GITIS at the directing department, which she brilliantly graduated in 1983. Then she took up teaching.

From 1984 to 2004 Alla Sigalova:

  • taught at the Russian Academy of Theater Arts;
  • was engaged in dancing;
  • as a director and choreographer, she directed her own performances;
  • for two years (from 1987 to 1989) she worked as a choreographer at the RGT "Satyricon" named after A. Raikin.

In 1989, Alla created Alla Sigalova's Independent Troupe, where she was the permanent artistic director for almost 10 years. They were the first in Russia to show "modern dances".

In 1999, the troupe ceased to exist, and Alla decided to try herself in a new role. She began to work as a choreographer of pop performances for singers Angelica Varum and Laima Vaikule.

Since 2004, Alla Sigalova has been working at the Moscow Art Theater School, is engaged in teaching, received a professorship, and is the head of the Department of Plastic Education. She is a very strict teacher, but the students adore her.

Work on radio and television

Since 2007, Alla Sigalova has been a permanent jury member in the television projects "Dancing with the Stars" and "Stars on Ice". In 2015, she was the main choreographer of the Dance with the Stars project on the Russia 1 TV channel.

On the television projects "Old songs about the main thing-2", "Old songs about the main thing -3" Sigalova was a choreographer and director. She also staged New Year's shows on the NTV channel.

As a presenter, Alla works on radio and television in many projects.

As an actress, Alla worked in the following films:

  • "My love, my sorrow" (1978);
  • Broken Sky (1979);
  • The Hoaxer (1990);
  • "The Sky in Diamonds" (1999).

The most beloved people in Sigalova's life have always been members of her family. Like any normal mother, Alla adores her son and daughter, does not hide the fact that she can "bite" for them. Doesn't give advice to his children if they don't need it. They will call, ask how to behave in a given situation, Alla will immediately come to their aid, she herself never creeps into the personal lives of children.

There were two marriages in Sigalova's life. In the first, a daughter, Anya, was born in 1982, but soon Alla divorced her first husband. Now Anya's daughter already has her own family, she is a designer and, together with her husband, is raising her son Fyodor.

The second time Alla got married when she was 36 years old, for the theatrical actor and director Roman Kozak, he directed the Moscow Drama Theater named after A.S. Pushkin.

The couple had a boy, Mikhail, in 1994. In addition to great love, family and child, they were connected by creativity. They worked together at the Moscow Art Theater School, Alla played in the plays of her husband.

In 2010, after a serious long illness, Roman Kozak died. She and Alla were an ideal couple and lived in their own little ideal world, and suddenly in an instant she was left alone. Even at these moments, Sigalova did not allow anyone to feel sorry for herself. After her death, she supervised her husband's students, staged the play "Giselle, or the Deceived Brides" with his graduates. Alla says that only her husband Roman knew who she really was, and no one else would know about it. Until now, she remains faithful to the memory of her husband, despite all the efforts, the yellow press has not been able to catch her in any new connections over the years.

Character, habits and life principles

Alla, being incredibly emotional in her profession, is always calm and polite in life. It is simply impossible to piss her off. She says so about herself:

"My armor is too powerful and can't penetrate."

At the same time, Sigalova loves soft toys and hot chocolate, which so touchingly emphasizes her femininity. He loves white chocolate with nuts very much, allows himself quite often, because he constantly trains in the gym, regularly works out with dumbbells at home.

Although Alla Sigalova's creative and professional life is rich, in life she is a rather closed person. She lets only dear and close people into her personal world. Alla has no friends, she does not understand the meaning of this word at all, recognizes friendship only between men. She believes that there is no female friendship, there can be no talk of any friends in her life, she has no time for all sorts of gatherings, gossip and tea drinking.

Alla always has a clock on her hands, in all the rooms in the house too, so that she never be late for anything, she values ​​time very much.

Sigalova Alla Mikhailovna is a unique woman, worthy of adoration, integral nature and personality with a capital letter. As someone subtly noticed about her: "A star, but so earthly." Her main qualities:

  • fortitude and iron character;
  • incredible exactingness to oneself;
  • grace and beauty;
  • hard work;
  • sociability and a sea of ​​charm;
  • high culture and sophistication;
  • impeccable style.

Despite the fact that Sigalova has been living and working in Moscow for a long time, the capital did not become her hometown. Alla considers St. Petersburg the best place on Earth - the city of childhood, in which she learned the world, culture, art, people, night, day, dawn, sunset. Alla is sure that childhood determines a lot in human life.

For many, Alla Sigalova remains incomprehensible, but a person is always judged by his deeds. To understand this passionate and enthusiastic woman, you need to watch her productions and performances.

Alla Sigalova is a choreographer working in different genres. The royal posture and slender figure of this graceful, elegant, gentle woman can tell a lot about her fortitude and will to win. The trauma that happened in the life of 19-year-old Alla forced the girl to leave the classical ballet, which she has been doing since the age of six. Sigalova turned out to be above circumstances and became a choreographer, actress, director, TV presenter, theater director and even a professor at the Moscow Art Theater studio. The personal life of Alla Sigalova is interesting to her fans, such strong-willed women always arouse healthy curiosity.

Biography of Alla Sigalova

The future star was born in Volgograd in February 1959, a few months after the birth, the girl's family moved to Leningrad. This city became her homeland. Mom, a famous dancer, showed her daughter the beauty of classical ballet. From the age of six, Alla learned to dance to the melodies of her father, a pianist. All teachers were surprised by her amazing artistic ability. Nevertheless, Sigalova entered the Vaganov School only with the help of parental connections.

The girl was great in dance, and all the teachers of the academy were sure that they were releasing a future ballet star who would conquer the famous stages of the world. But fate decreed otherwise: a severe injury at the barn closed classical ballet for Alla, but opened other roads.

Willpower and the creative path

Long six months after the injury, Sigalova spent in the clinic, bedridden. Then for a whole year I learned to walk again and just live. The ex-ballerina had to pull herself out of severe depression. The only right decision was to start a new chapter in life.

So she did, and four years later she brilliantly graduated from the directing department of GITIS. And from that moment on, Alla Sigalova's career went up rapidly. Alla taught students of the theater academy, staged performances, created an independent theater troupe, directed the theater, hosted programs on the Russia TV channel and even starred in four films. Whatever this woman was fond of, she devoted herself to the end to the end and certainly achieved success.

For Sigalova, personal life is the main thing

Alla believes: there is nothing more important than personal life, the most successful career will not replace the warmth of the family hearth for a woman. A true woman is determined by the desire to love. And all of Sigalova's performances are about this - there is nothing more important than a woman's ability to give this amazing feeling.

In 1981, in her second year of university, Alla got married, and a year later she had a daughter, Anna. Soon, Alla divorced her husband, and many years later admitted in an interview that she was very sorry that her daughter practically did not live with her father. A complete family is the key to the correct upbringing of children.

Alla Sigalova and Roman Kozak - absolute happiness

For the second time, Alla Sigalova got married only at the age of 36. Her chosen one was a wonderful person - a talented director Roman Kozak. A conscious mature marriage brought real happiness to a famous woman. Alla adored her husband and respected immensely. She was happy that fate sent her such a strong, successful, confident, wise and cheerful person. “Otherwise, I would have remained unmarried,” Sigalova once admitted. The woman appreciated every minute spent with her husband. They could talk for hours, and they were always interested in each other. Roman considered his wife an amazing person: she fell asleep and woke up with a smile on her face, and for all 16 years of family life, he was amazed at her ability to “be absolutely lucky”. In 2010, after a long illness, Roman Kozak passed away.

Children of Alla Sigalova

Daughter Anna and son Mikhail, who was born in a marriage with Kozak, - Alla considers the main achievement and wealth in her life. She sees her task in raising children in boundless love for them. The daughter did not follow in the footsteps of the famous mother, she became a successful interior designer. Mikhail is studying journalism and dreams of becoming a famous reporter.

With daughter

With son

Talent to be a woman

Through the armor of strict upbringing, high morality and tremendous fortitude in Sigalova, it is impossible not to see the passion that is inherent only in a true woman. And no matter how old she is, she will always be of interest to men. You can experience the whole cascade of feelings for this amazing woman, but there will not be the only one among them - indifference. She attracts with her outward severity, behind which feminine softness is hidden. Her fiery temperament and talent amazes fans. Such is she - Alla Sigalova, whose personal life deserves attention.

Alla Mikhailovna (Moiseevna) Sigalova. She was born on February 28, 1959 in Volgograd. Soviet and Russian choreographer, actress, TV presenter, teacher. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2001). Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2014).

Father - Mikhail Sigalov, pianist.

Mother - Tamara Aleksandrovna Sigalova, ballerina.

In Volgograd, Alla's parents ended up after university - they were sent for distribution. Later they returned to Leningrad, where Alla grew up. From an early age she studied music and choreography. In 1969-1978 she studied at the Leningrad Ballet Academy. AND I. Vaganova, her teacher was N.M. Dudinskaya.

In 1978, while in class, she suffered a leg injury that made her solo career impossible. She lay in a cast for six months, then learned to walk again. In addition to physical pain, she also experienced serious emotional disturbances, for her it was a strong moral blow.

In 1979, she became a student of GITIS, from which she graduated in 1983, the directing department, theatrical art was taught to her by A.V. Efros and I.M. Tumanov. She received a diploma as a teacher-choreographer.

Since 1978, she began acting in films, playing the main role in the Soviet-Turkish melodrama "My Love, My Sorrow" - a screen version of a romantic poem based on N. Hikmet's play "The Legend of Love". Her heroine is Shirin. The film is a love story of Farhad and Shirin, sung by the great poets of the past and recreated on the screen by director Azhdar Ibragimov. Famous Turkish actors Turkan Shoray, Faruk Peker, Iilmaz Duru starred alongside Soviet actors, Vladimir Samoilov and Alla Sigalova.

Alla Sigalova in the film "My Love, My Sorrow"

Later she starred in several more films - "The Broken Sky" (Katya), "Plato is my friend" (Vika), "The Sky in Diamonds" (Nina) and others.

Alla Sigalova in the movie "Broken Sky"

In 1983-1985 she worked at the Assistant of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts as a teacher-choreographer.

From 1984 to 2004 - teacher at the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (GITIS).

In 1987-1989 he was a choreographer at the Satyricon Theater.

In 1989-1999, he was the artistic director of the Alla Sigalova's Independent Troupe.

Theatrical works of Alla Sigalova:

"Diary of an ordinary girl based on" Diary "by Nina Kosterina theater. Mayakovsky;
"Notre Dame Cathedral" by V. Hugo / Musical Comedy Theater in Kiev;
"Bedbug" by V. Mayakovsky / Theater. Mayakovsky;
"Overstocked barrel" after V. Aksyonov / theater directed by O. Tabakov;
"The Handmaids" after J. Genet (directed by R. Viktyuk) / Theater "Satyricon";
"Hercules and the Augean Stables" after F. Dürrenmatt;
“Playing hide and seek with loneliness” to music by O. Messiaen, G. Mahler, J. Gershwin / “Alla Sigalova's Independent Troupe”;
Othello to music by G. Verdi / Alla Sigalova's Independent Troupe;
The Queen of Spades to music by A. Schnittke (directed by Yuri Borisov) / Alla Sigalova's Independent Troupe;
Salome after O. Wilde, to music by K. Shimanovsky and E. Chausson / Alla Sigalova's Independent Troupe;
Pugachev after S. Yesenin, to music by F. Handel and A. Schnittke / Alla Sigalova's Independent Troupe;
The Sculptor of Masks by F. Krommelink to music by K. Orff (directed by I. Popovski) / Independent Troupe of Alla Sigalova;
La Divina, in memory of M. Callas / Alla Sigalova's Independent Troupe;
"Passion for Bumbarash" by Y. Kim after A. Gaidar, music. V. Dashkevich (director V. Mashkov) / Moscow Studio Theater directed by Oleg Tabakov;
"Banana" based on the play "Widows" by S. Mrozhek (directed by R. Kozak) / "Independent troupe of A. Sigalova";
"Yvonne, Princess of Burgundy" after V. Gombrowicz / State Theater of Lower Saxony, Hanover (Germany);
"Tango", after S. Mrozhek;
"Piggy Bank" by E. Labiche;
The Nutcracker to music by P. Tchaikovsky;
Cynics after A. Mariengof / Alla Sigalova's Independent Troupe;
"Yellow Tango" to music by A. Piazzolla;
"Visions of Ivan the Terrible" to music by S. Slonimsky;
La Traviata to music by D. Verdi, New Theater;
"Bolero" to music by M. Ravel Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theater;
“Sketches for Sunset to music by L. Desyatnikov, A. Piazzolla, E. Sati (music director A. Goribol);
"Seven Deadly Sins" by K. Weill and B. Brecht / Lithuanian Opera and Ballet Theater;
"Dreams of Love" on music. European tango;
"Red and Black Dances" to music by L. Desyatnikov, M. Ravel, A. Piazzolla and A. Terteryan / Theater "Angar";
Fairy Kiss to music by I. Stravinsky (conductor T. Currentzis) / Novosibirsk Academic Opera and Ballet Theater;
"Nights of Cabiria" by F. Fellini, to music by R. Pauls / Moscow Drama Theater. A.S. Pushkin;
"Jan" after A. Platonov (directed by R. Kozak) / Moscow Drama Theater. A.S. Pushkin;
Russian Seasons to music by L. Desyatnikov (conductor T. Currentzis) / Novosibirsk Academic Opera and Ballet Theater;
Concerto Grosso to music by F. Handel (benefit performance by I. Zelensky) / Mariinsky Theater;
"Madame Bovary" by G. Flaubert / Moscow Drama Theater. A.S. Pushkin;
“Carmen. Etudes "after P. Mérimée, on music. Bizet-Shchedrin / Moscow Art Theater A.P. Chekhov;
“Stravinsky. Games "/ Moscow Art Theater School, course of K. Raikin;
"Amadeus": a theatrical, musical and plastic project based on the little tragedy "Mozart and Salieri" by A. Pushkin and the works of V. A. Mozart and A. Salieri (E. Stychkin, - Mozart; D. Spivakovsky, - Salieri ) / Yaroslavl, festival;
"Transfiguration", City Exhibition Center "Old Town";
"Office" - a play based on the play by Ingrid Lauzund, theater. Pushkin, Moscow;
Poor Liza - choreographic short story to the music of L. Desyatnikov's chamber opera, at the Theater of Nations;
"Young Ladies from Vilko" - a play based on the prose of Y. Ivashkevich, theater in Modena (Italy), together with dir. A. Hermanis;
"Giselle, or the Deceived Brides" - a choreographic performance on music. A. Adana, Moscow Art Theater School;
"Casting / Casting" - a performance based on the libretto by J. Kirkwood A Chorus Line - Mossovet Theater.

Laureate of the Golden Mask Prize (2008) in the Contemporary Dance nomination for the play Carmen. Etudes "-" For the fruitful synthesis of choreography and drama. " for the play “Carmen. Sketches ".

"We generally have a lot of gifted people on the stage. It's just that somehow everything turned in the wrong direction ... Unfortunately. As a choreographer, I collaborated with many of our artists when I was doing Old Songs about the Main Things" - a New Year project that went to for 3 years. I am not ashamed of what I once did on the stage, "Sigalova noted.

Since 2004 - Head of the Department of Plastic Education at the Moscow Art Theater School.

Since 2013 - Professor, Head of the Department of Contemporary Choreography and Stage Dance at the Russian Institute of Theater Arts (GITIS).

She worked a lot on TV. Since 2008 - the author and host of the KONTRDANCE dance program on the Kultura radio. In 2007-2011 - member of the jury of the dance competition-TV show "Dancing with the Stars" on the TV channel "Russia 1". Since 2010 - the author and presenter of the Eye to Eye series of television programs on the Kultura TV channel. In 2011 - the host of the television project of the channel "Culture" - "All Russia". In 2011-2014, she was the host of the TV project of the Kultura channel, Bolshoi Opera.

In 2012, she was the host of the television program Bolshoi Ballet on the Kultura TV channel.

In 2013 she was awarded the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of culture for the creation of the Bolshoi Ballet television program.

In 2013 - the host of the television project of the TV channel "Culture" "Big Jazz".

In 2015, he was the main choreographer of the Dancing with the Stars project on the Russia-1 TV channel.

In 2017, she was a judge at the dance show "Everybody Dance!" on the TV channel "Russia-1".

Alla Sigalova in the program "My Hero"

Alla Sigalova's height: 166 centimeters.

Personal life of Alla Sigalova:

Husband - Roman Efimovich Kozak, director, was the artistic director of the Theater. Pushkin. She got married late - at the age of 36. As the artist said, "before marriage, I lived a stormy life." "To come to the correct understanding of marriage, time must pass, you have to go through a lot, to develop as a person. At the age of 36 I married the director Roman Kozak absolutely consciously. We are not bears living in the same den, but people who respect, love each other friend and work to make life together be a joy to us, "she said. They were married until 2010 - until the death of their spouse.

Two children were born in the marriage: daughter Anna (born 1982) and son Mikhail (born 1994).

The daughter did not follow in the footsteps of the famous mother, she became a successful interior designer.

Filmography of Alla Sigalova:

1978 - My love, my sorrow (Ferhat ile Şirin) - Shirin
1979 - Broken Sky - Katya
1980 - Plato is my friend - Vika
1990 - Mystifier
1999 - The Sky in Diamonds - Nina
2007 - Artist of a forgotten genre. Vladimir Shubarin (documentary)
2009 - Alla Larionova. The Tale of the Soviet Angel (documentary)
2010 - Documentary camera. Dance and Time (documentary)
2012 - Casting (film-play) - Anna Pavlovna, director and choreographer

Alla Sigalova's works in cinema as a composer:

1990 - Vultures on the Roads - musical score

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation

Alla Mikhailovna Sigalova


2014 - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

2001 - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

2013 - Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of culture (together with S. I. Belza, M. V. Denisevich, L. I. Platonova, D. A. Khomutova) - for the creation of the television program "Bolshoi Ballet".

2008 - Prize "Golden Mask""For the fruitful synthesis of choreography and drama".

1991 - Moscow Prize - for the performance of the Independent Troupe of Alla Sigalova - Othello.

2013 - Gratitude from the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation for work on the projects of the Kultura TV channel.

1996 - Prize "Best Choreographer of the Year" in Latvia, for choreography in the play "Dance of Death" by Roman Kozak, Latvia.

2011-2012 - Award "Best ballet performance of the year" - "Othello", in theatrical season, Latvian National Opera. Latvia.

Graduated from the Academy of Russian Ballet. A. Ya. Vaganova in 1978 (class of N. Dudinskaya).

The directing department of GITIS (teachers A. V. Efros, I. M. Tumanov) in 1983.

Assistant internship in 1985

1987-1989 was a choreographer at the Russian State Theater "Satyricon" them. A. Raikina, worked on the choreography in the performances: "The Maids" by J. Genet, "Hercules and the Augean Stables" by F. Durrenmatt.

In 1989-2000 she was the head of the theater "The Independent Troupe of Alla Sigalova".

Performances: "A game of hide and seek with loneliness" to the music of O. Messiaen, G. Mahler, J. Gershwin, "Othello" to the music of G. Verdi, "The Queen of Spades" by A. Schnittke, "Salome" to the music of K. Shimanovsky, E Chausson, "The Sculptor of Masks" by F. Crommelink, "La Divina", "Cynics" by A. Marienhof.

She also worked on choreography in the performances: "The Diary of an Ordinary Girl" by N. Kosterin, "The Bedbug" by V. Dashkevich and Y. Kim based on the play by V. Mayakovsky at the Theater. Vl. Mayakovsky.

"Overstocked barrel" by V. Aksenov, "Passion for Bumbarash" by V. Dashkevich and Y. Kim in the Theater directed by O. Tabakov.

"Banana" S. Mrozhek at the Theater. Mossovet.

"Yvonne, Princess of Burgundy" by V. Gombrowicz at the Theater of Lower Saxony.

"Tango" S. Mrozhek at the Nuremberg Theater in Germany.

"Piggy bank" by E. Labiche at the Theater Liege in Belgium.

The Nutcracker by P. Tchaikovsky in the Yekaterinburg Municipal Ballet.

"Duets", "Yellow Tango" by A. Piazzolla, "Bolero" at the Latvian National Opera.

"The Visions of Ivan the Terrible" by S. Slonimsky at the Samara Opera and Ballet Theater.

La Traviata by G. Verdi at the Novaya Opera.

"Sketches for Sunset" to music by L. Desyatnikov is a joint project of the Lithuanian Opera and Ballet Theater, the Latvian National Opera and the Moscow Union of Musicians.

Opera "The Seven Deadly Sins" by K. Weil and B. Brecht at the Lithuanian Opera and Ballet Theater.

"Dreams of Love" at the Variety Theater.

"Romeo and Juliet" by W. Shakespeare, "Jan" after A. Platonov at the Theater. A. Pushkin.

At the theater. A. Pushkin has carried out two independent directorial work: "Nights of Cabiria" and "Madame Bovary" by G. Flaubert.

She staged the ballet Russian Seasons to the music of L. Desyatnikov at the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater.

Professor of RATI (GITIS), where he teaches stage dance at the directing department.

Professor, head of the department of plastic education at the Moscow Art Theater School since 2004.

In 2008, she was awarded the Golden Mask National Theater Award "for the fruitful synthesis of dramatic theater and choreography".


1969 - 1978 - Leningrad Ballet Academy named after V.I. A. Ya. Vaganova.

1979 - 1983 - Russian Academy of Theater Arts (GITIS), directing department.

1983 - 1985 - Assistant to the Russian Academy of Theater Arts, specialty teacher-choreographer.


Since 1984 Teacher of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (GITIS).

From 1987 - 1989 Choreographer at the theater Russian State Theater "Satyricon" them. A. Raikin.

Since 1989 Head of the Theater "Independent Troupe"

Since 2004 Professor, Head. Department of Plastic Education of the Moscow Art Theater School.


1984 "Diary of an ordinary girl" N. Kosterin, theater. V. Mayakovsky, Moscow.
1985 "Notre Dame Cathedral", musical based on the novel by V. Hugo, Kiev.
1986 "Bedbug", musical by V. Dashkevich and Y. Kim based on the play by V. Mayakovsky, theater. V. Mayakovsky, Moscow.
1987 "Overstocked barrel" V. Aksyonov, theater p. R. O. Tabakova, Moscow.
1988 "Maids" by J. Genet, t-r "Satyricon", Moscow.
1989 "Hercules and the Augean Stables" F. Durenmat, Theater "Satyricon".
1989 "The game of hide and seek with loneliness", "Independent troupe", Moscow.
1990 Othello W. Shakespeare, The Independent Troupe. Moscow.
1991 "The Queen of Spades" A. Pushkin, "Independent Troupe", Moscow.
1991 Salome by O. Wilde, The Independent Troupe. Moscow.
1992 "Pugachev" S. Yesenin, "Independent Troupe", Moscow.
1992 "The Sculptor of Masks" F. Krommelink, "Independent Troupe", Moscow.
1993 “La Divina”, in memory of Maria Callas, “Independent Troupe”, Moscow.
1993 "Passion for Bumbarash" V. Dashkevich and Y. Kim, theater p. O. Tabakova, Moscow.
1994 "Banana" S. Mrozhek, theater. Mossovet, Moscow.
1994 "Yvonne, Princess of Burgundy" V. Gombrowicz, Theater of Lower Saxony, Germany.
1994 "Tango" S. Mrozhek, Municipal Theater Nuremberg, Germany.
1994 "Piggy Bank" E. Labiche, Municipal Theater of Liege, Belgium.
1995 The Nutcracker PI Tchaikovsky, Yekaterinburg Municipal Ballet, Yekaterinburg.
1996 "Cynics" A. Mariengof, "Independent Troupe", Moscow.
1996 "Duets", one act ballet, Latvian National Opera, Riga.
1997 "Yellow Tango" A. Piazolla, Latvian National Opera, Riga.
1998 "Visions of Ivan the Terrible" Slonimsky, Samara Opera, Samara.
1999 "La Traviata" by D. Verdi, New Opera, Moscow.
2000 Bolero, Latvian National Opera.
2000 "Sketches for Sunset" - ballet to music by L. Desyatnikov. A joint project of the Lithuanian Opera and Ballet Theater, the Latvian National Opera and the Moscow Union of Musicians.
2001 The Seven Deadly Sins - opera by K. Weill and B. Brecht. Lithuanian Opera and Ballet Theater.
2001 "Dreams of Love", Variety Theater, Moscow.
2003 "Red and Black Dances". Entreprise, Moscow.
2003 "Nights of Cabiria", theater. A.S. Pushkin, Moscow.
2004 "Jan", theater. A.S. Pushkin, Moscow.

2006 "Russian Seasons", music by L. Desyatnikov.

2006 "Concerto Grosso", music by Handel.

2006 "Madame Bovary", Flaubert Theater named after A.S. Pushkin, Moscow.

2006 "Carmen. Etudes", Bizet-Shchedrin "Carmen Suite".

2007 "Stravinsky. Games" - music by I. Stravinsky.

2008 "Amadeus", music by W. A. ​​Mocert.

2009 "Poor Liza", Theater of Nations, Moscow.

2010 "Giselle, or the Deceived Brides"- choreographic performance to the music of A. Adam, Moscow Art Theater School. New stage of the Moscow Art Theater. Moscow.

2012 "Final Cut"- choreographic performance based on the album Pink floyd « The final cut". The diploma performance of the Moscow Art Theater School.

2012 Othello- choreographic performance to the music of I.S.Bach, J. Xenakis, A. Terteryan based on the tragedy William Shakespeare, Latvian National Opera. Riga. Latvia.

2013 film-play "Final Cut"- based on the choreographic performance to the music of the Pink Floyd album "" The Final Cut ”, TV channel“ Culture.

2014 Enufa - opera by L. Janacek, choreographer, La Monet Theater (Royal Opera), Brussels, joint work with director Alvis Hermanis. Belgium.

2014 "Khanuma" - a jazz comedy based on the play by A. Tsigareli, music by G. Kancheli, stage director and choreographer, Riga Russian Theater. Mikhail Chekhov, Latvia.

2014 "Final Cut"- plastic performance based on the Pink Floyd album “ The final cut". Graduation performance from Harvard University, Boston. USA.

2014 "Nutcracker. Opera "opera to the music of PI Tchaikovsky's ballet" The Nutcracker ". Author of the idea (together with P. Kaplevich), stage director, choreographer. Theater New Opera. Moscow. Russia.

2015 Enufa - opera by L. Janacek, choreographer, Bologna Municipal Opera. Italy.

2015 "Five stories about love", based on the prose of I. Bunin, music by S. Rachmaninov. Choreographic performance of the Moscow Art Theater School. New stage of the Moscow Art Theater. Moscow.

2015 "Ballad", one-act ballet to music by B. Yusupov and S. Rachmaninov. Choreographer-director. Premiere at the Kremlin Gala. Moscow.

2015 "Condemnation of Faust" opera by G. Berlioz. Choreographer-director. Opéra National de Paris, stage Opéra Bastille. France.

2016 "Two Foscari" opera by D. Verdi. Choreographer-director. La Scala, Milan. Italy.

2016 "Enufa" opera by L. Yanachik. Choreographer-director. Poznan Opera and Ballet Theater. Poland.

2016 A Journey to TWIN PEAKS, a fantasy based on the David Lynch TV series Twin Peaks. Music by Angelo Badalamenti. Stage director and choreographer. School-Studio of the Moscow Art Theater. Moscow.

2016 "Danae's Love" opera by R. Strauss. Choreographer-director. Salzburg International Music Festival - Salzburger festspiele... Salzburg. Austria.

2016 "To Love", a play based on V. Tokareva's play "So Let It Be", stage director and choreographer, Riga Russian Theater. Mikhail Chekhov, Latvia.

2016 "Madame Butterfly" opera by D. Puccini. Choreographer-director. La Scala. Milan. Italy.


  • Choreographer-director of variety and solo programs Limes Vaikule (since 1995, in the concert hall "Russia") and Angelica Varum , as well as many television show programs on Channel One: "Old songs about the main thing-2", "Old songs about the main thing-3", the New Year show on NTV.
  • Leading New Year and other television show projects on the Kultura TV channel.
  • 2011-2014 - host of the television project of the Kultura channel - Bolshoi Opera.

    2012 - host of a television program on the Kultura TV channel - Bolshoi Ballet

    2013 - the host of the television project of the TV channel "Culture" - "Big Jazz"

    Principal choreographer of the 2015 Dancing with the Stars project.


1988 - Pedagogical seminars at the Boston Theater College, USA.

1989 - Pedagogical seminars at the Theater Institute in Krakow, Poland.

1990 - Theater practice, New York, USA.

1991 - Pedagogical seminars at the Boston Theater College, USA.

1992 - Pedagogical seminars at the University of Arizona, Phoenix, USA.

1995 - Master classes at the municipal theater in Nuremberg, Germany.

1996 - Master classes in Liege, Belgium.


"Bedbug" (musical by V. Dashkevich and Y. Kim) - Italy, France, Greece, Switzerland, Belgium, Spain, England, Germany.
Othello W. Shakespeare, G. Verdi - Austria, USA, Costa Rica.
"Handmaidens" by J. Genet - England, Mexico, Brazil, Spain, Argentina.
"Salome" O. Wilde - Austria.
"Cynics" A. Marienhof - Germany, Japan, USA.
"Yellow Tango" A. Piazolla - Japan, Holland, Turkey, France, Austria, Germany.
The performance "Othello" was recognized as the best performance of the Moscow theater season 1990-1991.
At the Moscow Festival "Podium-89" the play "The Game of Hide and Seek with Loneliness" received the highest award.
"Othello" - Grand Prix of the Festival of Contemporary Art in Costa Rica (1993).
The play "Pugachev" was recognized as the best performance of the 1993 season. according to a theater review in Russia by leading theater critics in Sweden.


Alla Sigalova was born on February 28, 1959 in Volgograd. Parents were native Leningraders, who, after graduating from institutes, left for Volgograd, where she was born Alla... The girl was several months old when she was brought to Leningrad. In this city Alla Sigalova grew up and considers him a family.

In 1978 she graduated from the Academy of Russian Ballet. Agrippina Vaganova (class of N.M.Dudinskaya) and it so happened that the 19-year-old Alla She was forced to leave classical ballet due to an injury. For her it was a tragedy, the end of her life. She moved from St. Petersburg to Moscow, "... to hide from herself and from everyone."

Terrible, according to her, it took a year to recover, somehow straighten up. She weaned herself from falling into depression and forgot how to cry. In Moscow, she went to the directing department of GITIS (teachers A. V. Efros, I. M. Tumanov), which she graduated in 1983.

From 1984 to 2004 she taught at the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (GITIS). From 1987 to 1989 she worked as a choreographer in the theater of the Russian State Theater "Satyricon" them. A.A. Raikin.

Then, from 1989 to 1999, she was the artistic director of the theater "Alla Sigalova's Independent Troupe".

Since 2004, he has been in charge of the Department of Plastic Education at the Moscow Art Theater School.
Since 2008, the author and presenter of the KONTRDANCE dance program on the Kultura radio.
Choreographer of the variety programs of Laima Vaikule (since 1998) and Angelica Varum.

Today Alla Sigalova is one of the brightest Russian choreographers working in different genres. She stages ballet in Riga, opera in Vilnius and Moscow. Works with Kremer and Desyatnikov, Rostropovich and Goribol. Sigalova did not become a classical ballerina. She has much more - she dances what she puts on, what she is madly in love with herself.

In 2008 Alla Sigalova became a laureate of the "Golden Mask" award.

Personal life

Mother of two children (daughter and son). Husband - director Roman Kozak.
This is how she herself speaks of her marriage Alla: "In general, I really like that my husband is a strong man. If it were otherwise, perhaps our relationship would not have worked out at all. I love people who are lucky. I do not tolerate men who are weaker than me. That is, I do not tolerate to be close in life. It's great when they are at work. And only they should be. But at home, of course, everything should be different. Therefore, I happily obey Roma, happily become weak. Well, or play it. Any woman it's nice.

I am always surrounded by men, and there is always someone I like by my side. And I flirt to infinity. But Roma and I just trust each other. At this age, it is already ridiculous to engage in flirting. You can fall in love - that's scary. But to get carried away ... Well, I was carried away by Seryozha Vikharev, just in love with him. I am passionate about Gidon Kremer, Lenechka Desyatnikov. These are all people who are in the zone of my hobbies, but it would be strange to be jealous of them. Such creative hobbies just have to be. When Roma worked with Tanya Vasilyeva, I saw that he liked working with her - well, great! "


1984 Diary of an ordinary girl (based on "Diary" by Nina Kosterina)
1985 Notre Dame Cathedral (by V. Hugo)
1986 Bedbug (after V. Mayakovsky)
1987 Overstocked barrel (according to V. Aksenov)
1988 The Handmaids (by J. Genet)
1989 Hercules and the Augean Stables (after F. Dürrenmatt)
1989 A game of hide and seek with loneliness (to music by O. Messiaen, G. Mahler, J. Gershwin)
1990 Othello (to music by G. Verdi)
1991 The Queen of Spades (to music by A. Schnittke)
1991 Salome (after O. Wilde, to music by K. Szymanowski and E. Chausson)
1992 Pugachev (after S. Yesenin, to music by F. Handel and A. Schnittke)
1993 The sculptor of masks (after F. Crommelink, to music by K. Orff)
1993 La Divin (in memory of M.K allas)
1993 Passion for Bumbarash (after A. Gaidar, music by V. Dashkevich)
1994 Banana (based on the play "Widows" by S. Mrozhek)
1994 Yvonne, Princess of Burgundy (after V. Gombrowicz)
1994 Tango (after S. Mrozhek)
1994 Piggy bank (after E. Labiche)
1995 The Nutcracker (to music by P. Tchaikovsky)
1996 Cynics (after A. Mariengof)
1996 Duets
1997 Yellow Tango (to music by A. Piazzolla)
1998 Visions of Ivan the Terrible (to music by S. Slonimsky)
1999 La Traviata (to music by D. Verdi)
2000 Bolero (to music by M. Ravel)
2000 Sketches for Sunset (to music by L. Desyatnikov, A. Piazzolla, E. Sati)
2001 Seven Deadly Sins (after K. Weill and B. Brecht)
2001 Dreams of Love (on music of European tango)
2002 Red and Black Dances (to music by L. Desyatnikov, M. Ravel, A. Piazzolla and A. Terteryan)
2003 Fairy Kiss (to music by I. Stravinsky)
2003 Nights of Cabiria (after F. Fellini, to music by R. Pauls)
2004 Jan (after A. Platonov)
2005 Russian Seasons (to music by L. Desyatnikov)
2006 Concerto Grosso (to music by F. Handel)
2006 Madame Bovary (after G. Flaubert)
2006 Carmen. Etudes (after P. Mérimée, music by Bizet-Shchedrin) - "Golden Mask" 2008 "For the fruitful synthesis of choreography and drama"
2007 Stravinsky. Games.
2008 Amadeus (based on the little tragedy "Mozart and Salieri" by A. Pushkin and the works of W. A. ​​Mozart and A. Salieri)


1978 My love, my sorrow
1979 Broken Sky
1990 Hoaxer
1999 The sky in diamonds