Backup and emergency fuel in what the difference. Liquefied gas as reserve fuel

Backup and emergency fuel in what the difference. Liquefied gas as reserve fuel
Backup and emergency fuel in what the difference. Liquefied gas as reserve fuel

Fuel fuels of the main, reserve and emergency, as well as the need for a backup or emergency type of fuel for boilers are set taking into account the category of the boiler room, based on local operating conditions, in coordination with the fuel-ins.

When transferring boilers with boilers, equipped with chamber fireboxes, for burning solid fuel to burn gaseous, as a backup, as a rule, a solid fuel should be maintained if technical and economic and environmental calculations are not justified by another type of fuel.

Reservation of liquid fuel supply

To warm up the fuel oil to the temperature required by the conditions of burning in the fireboxes of boilers, at least two heaters should be provided, including one standby.

The supply of fuel oil to boiler rooms should be provided by a circulation diagram, light oil fuel-for a dead-end scheme.

The number of fuel pumps to the boilers should be taken for boiler rooms of the first category of at least three, including one - backup, for boiler rooms, the second category - at least two, without a backup.

To clean the fuel from mechanical impurities, blasting filters should be provided (to pumps) and fine cleaning (behind fuel oil heaters). Sets at least two filters of each destination, including one standby.

In boiler rooms, designed for work only on liquid fuel, the supply of fuel from fuel pumps to boilers should be provided on two highways for the boiler room of the first category and one highway for the boiler room of the second category.

In cases where liquid fuel is used as a backup, emergency or mocking, feeding it to the boilers is provided by single pipelines regardless of the category of boiler room.

Reservation of nutritional pumps

To power boilers with a pair pressure not more than 1.7 kgf / cm 2, no less than two nutritional pumps should be provided, including one standby.

To power boilers, a single productivity of no more than 500 kg / h is allowed to use a manual pump as a backup.

The reserve nutritional pump is not provided if the nutrition of boilers can be carried out from the water supply; At the same time, the water pressure in front of the boilers should exceed the working pressure of the steam in the boiler at least 1 kgf / cm 2. In this case, a shut-off valve and check valve should be provided on the water supply station in front of the boiler.

To power the boilers with a pair pressure of more than 1.7 kgf / cm 2, it follows, as a rule, to provide steam drive pumps (piston incomplete or turbochasos) using a waste pair; At the same time, it should be provided for a reserve pump with an electric drive.

Emergency Turning on Backup Pumps

Automatic inclusion of redundant (ABR) nutrient pumps, network, feed, hot water supply, liquid fuel supply should be provided in cases of emergency shutdown of the working pump or with pressure drop. For boiler rooms, a second category with steam boilers with a steam pressure up to 1.7 kgf / cm 2 and water boilers with water temperature up to 115 ° C, if there are no permanent serving staff of the AVR pumps, it should not be provided, and it is necessary to provide for alarm disabling pumps.

Lighting reservation

The boilers should provide for work lighting, as well as emergency lighting to continue work.

Water redundancy

For boiler rooms, depending on the water supply scheme, a combined water supply line should be design for the supply of water and drinking, industrial and firefighters or a separate water supply - production, economic-drinking and fire-fighting. Fireproof water supply can be combined with economic and drinking or manufacturing.

For boiler rooms of the first category, no less than two inputs should be provided for the combined or industrial water supply.

When connected to the dead-end networks of the water supply, the water supply reservoir should be provided for the time of elimination of the accident in accordance with the construction norms and the rules for the design of outdoor networks and water supply facilities.

In many developed countries (USA, Canada, etc.), the use of SUG as a source of backup power for boiler houses operating on natural gas is a standard solution. Despite the obvious advantages over traditional alternative reserve power sources (diesel fuel, flue fuel oil, coal), it is nevertheless not widely distributed in Russia.

Sug cheaper fuel oil and diesel fuel, while they are much more environmentally friendly. Storage Park Sug in winter do not need to heat up, which reduces operating costs. It is much more difficult to steal, which is also important in the Russian conditions. When using the transition from natural gas to the air mixture with steam phase, the Sug is carried out almost instantly and imperceptibly for the consumer.

Why in Russia such a solution is unclaimed? One of the reasons is the lack of practicing the use of mixing systems in Soviet times. In theory, they are well known quite well, the description of the principles of their work is in many Soviet and Russian textbooks on gas and heat supply. But, since this equipment has almost been not produced, the experience of its use is extremely limited.

In recent years, more than 20 large objects applying the SUG as backup fuel have been designed, built and put into operation by specialists of the company. At about half of the cases, these technical solutions include mixing systems. Among them - reserve source of gas supply of the Torch of Olympic Fire at the Olympics in Sochi- 2014 (Reservoir Park Storage V \u003d 400 m 3,), reconstruction of the heat supply system of the village of Nesvel-GRES and four microdistrict G. Red Sulin Rostov region (boiler room with a capacity of 19.3 MW, a mixing system with a capacity of 708 m 3 / h in propane) and others. The economy costs for the construction and operation of backup nutrition systems allows us to talk about good prospects for its use in Russia. And here it is impossible to bypass the side of the regulatory framework today.

Reserve fuels for boiler rooms are intended for use when limiting or stopping the supply of natural network gas over a long period of time (within the "Gas Supply Rules in the Russian Federation"), which is associated with seasonal uneven gas consumption during peak loads.

According to clause 4.1, SNIP II-35-76 "Boiler plants", types of basic, reserve and emergency fuels, as well as the need for backup or emergency fuel for boilers are set taking into account the category of boiler room, based on local operating conditions and in coordination with fuel-feeding organizations.

In practice, the reservation of fuel is used in boiler houses of socially significant objects with the special requirements of sanitary rules and standards for central heat supply systems and hot water supply (first of all, these are hospitals, schools, children's preschool institutions, etc.).

As a backup fuel, liquid hydrocarbons (diesel fuel, fuel oil), liquefied hydrocarbon gases (SUG), less often - solid fuel (stone coal, peat, firewood) obtained the greatest propagation. Below we propose to consider the concept of using liquefied hydrocarbon gases (usually it is propane-butane mixture in various proportions) in comparison with the most frequently used diesel fuel.

In boiler rooms with a relatively small reserve of diesel fuel, the tank is mounted in an additional auxiliary compartment, hermetically separated from the main one. In boiler rooms greater power and / or with a large emergency stock (Fig. 1.) The fuels storage is arranged in special tanks of overhead or underground performance. At the same time, the supply of fuel to the burners is carried out using pumps. With ground arrangement of containers, the presence of heating elements for heating diesel fuel during the cold period.

Figure 1. Scheme of boiler room with backup diesel fuel

In boiler installations using SUG (Fig. 2), the containers for storing the fuel reserve are located below the level of the ground surface. As part of the equipment with such boiler houses, the main elements are also a technological impunity of containers, a pumping group, evaporative and mixing system, often combined into one block. The supply of the steam phase to the burners of the boiler room is carried out by means of thermo-isolated pipelines.

Figure 2. Scheme of boiler room with fuel reserve Sug

The most effective way to use SUG as a backup fuel is to mix it with air to achieve indices of the calorific value of natural gas. In English literature, such a mixture of Sug and air is called SNG (synthetic natural gas). At the same time, at the time of the transition of automation from natural gas on the SNG, the equipment of the boiler room "does not notice" such a shift, since both types of fuel are almost identical.

To obtain synthetic Natural Gas SNG in the Factory Warehouse

Consider diesel fuel and SUG from the point of view of the volume and cost of daily consumption at maximum booting boilers per 1 MW, conventionally adopting equal efficiency of boilers, the cost of equipment, installation and operation of boiler rooms of the same power with a reserve in the form of diesel fuel and SUG. As a South, we will consider the propane-butane mixture of the PBT brand with propane content of no more than 60% according to GOST 52087.

Daily fuel consumption is calculated by the following formula:

V.S. \u003d Rn x 24 /, kpdk x qv, where

V.S. - Daily fuel consumption (l; m 3)

R N - Nominal power boiler room (kW)

KPDK - the efficiency of the boilers

QB - the specific heat combustion of fuel to the settlement unit (l; m 3)

In the PDC \u003d 0.95, the specific heat of the combustion of the diesel fuel 11.9 kW / l, the specific heat of the combustion of the mixture of the Sug is 12.5 kW / kg, the "Massage / volume" ratio of 1.76 (the density coefficient of the PBT grade \u003d 0.568, temperature \u003d 0ºС) We obtain the results in Table 1.

Table 1. The cost of daily fuel consumption of a boiler room in the calculation of 1 MW of power

From the table, it can be seen that with all other equal parameters, it is almost 1.7 times cheaper than diesel fuel with liquefied hydrocarbon gases than diesel fuel. And, of course, the positive effect of the use of Sug increases in the period directly proportional to the volume of reserve fuel.

At the same time, we do not consider the cost of heating tanks from DT in winter, which may also be a serious cost of costs. In the regions of practice, heating the containers during the cold season is often not carried out at all, which makes it actually impossible to start the backup system.

In addition, in comparison with the diesel fuel, Sug has a number of other advantages:

  • the liquid phase of the Sug, having the same basic physical properties of the fluid as diesel fuel, nonetheless is not subject to a significant increase in viscosity under conditions of low temperatures (which negatively affects the transportation of diesel fuel from external storage to the burners), since its steam phase is served in the boiler room
  • it is possible to automatically transition from the main fuel to the backup, there is no need to apply more expensive combined burners in boilers to be combined as gaseous, so liquid fuel
  • the cost of building a module is reduced by the absence of auxiliary premises (which is necessary in the case of placing the containers of the storage of diesel fuel inside the boiler room)

Do not also forget about ecology. The burning of diesel fuel entails incommensurable large emissions of soot, sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides, rather than burning SNG.

It also needs to be taken into account, unfortunately, the situation typical of Russia with theft of diesel focus. The diesel fuel is written off and sold, and the money reversed is assigned. Steal and implement in the black market, the South is much more complicated.

No less important is the aspect associated with the possibility of more rational management of the limits of network natural gas. South allows you to more flexibly apply the so-called "armor of gas consumption" during the heating period, that is, the minimum amount of gas consumption required for the trouble-free operation of technological equipment, subject to the maximum use of reserve fuels.

The most promising use of SUG as a reserve is seen in the following cases:

  • when upgrading existing boiler household facilities to create a backup or emergency stock of fuel
  • during the construction of new objects in conditions of limited limits on natural gas, as well as with a guaranteed perspective of the growth of heat consumption and hot water in the future

The sustainable increase in prices for liquid hydrocarbons in the domestic market, their dependence on the situation on world trading platforms, as well as the internal consumption market, predicted by 2020, in relation to today's day, the growth of the internal consumption market makes the concept of the use of SUG as backup fuel most promising.

Features of boiler rooms using Sug

In accordance with PB 12-609-03, when the existing boiler houses and the construction of new, the following points should be taken into account.

  1. The shut-off valve, as a rule, should be applied steel, taking into account the climatic conditions and the working pressure of the gas (p. 2.4.4.).
  2. The design of safety valve valves must comply with the requirements of GOST 9544-2005 state standards, provide strength, resistance to SU r and be no lower than the class "A" on tightness.
  3. The design of the shut-off valves must comply with the requirements of GOST 9544-2005 state standards, ensure strength, resistance to SUG and be not lower than the class "B" on tightness (p. 2.4.5.).
  4. The ventilation system should provide a 10-fold air exchange during working hours, while 2/3 of the hosted hooker must be provided from the lower area of \u200b\u200bthe room and 1/3 from the upper zone. In case of insufficiency, air exchange work with liquefied hydrocarbon gases is not allowed. Electric motors of exhaust fans must be in an explosion-proof version (PP. 5.5.16-5.5.28)

"... m)" reserve fuel economy "- a complex of equipment and devices intended for storage, feeding and using backup (emergency) fuel ..."

A source:

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/17/2002 N 317 "On approval of the rules for the use of gas and providing gas supply services in the Russian Federation"

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  • - Backup, in which all the contents of the system hard drives are completely transferred to the backup device. Usually global copying is carried out through considerable intervals ...

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  • - 1. Production unit; 2. Production. economy; 3. Equipment for production ...

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  • - organization of economic activity based on the systematic and appropriate commission of employment. Types of farming: 1) on business person: a) personal, individual, homemade ...

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  • - equipment located in a technological reserve ...

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  • - The amount of cash that the seller of the uncovered option should be deposited and maintained to cover the value of its day position and predicted price changes during the day. English: & NBSP ...

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  • - reservoir, which is a reserve source of water supply in the event of water supply interruptions from the source of regular water supply. CM. Also: Reservoirs Water Supply & NBSP ...

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  • - Technology for copying programs and / or data in order to improve the reliability of data storage. Usually available data is copied to magnetic discs, magnetic tapes or optical discs ...

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  • - Agreement for which, in the event of a issuance of shares for preferential placement among existing shareholders, underwriter undertakes to buy shares left after use by shareholders of their right to buy new ...

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  • - Cash coefficient of the Bank: It is expressed as a percentage of its assets and shows what proportion of assets the bank must have in cash. In the US, a reserve requirement is usually 12.5% \u200b\u200b...

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  • - Equipment in the required technological reserve production facilities. In the reserve there may be only a good and prepared equipment ...

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  • - agreements between the IMF and the Member State, giving the opportunity for this state to borrow currencies from the IMF for a certain amount and on a predetermined period. R.S. - This is the decision of the Fund to open a member state ...

    Great Economic Dictionary

  • - "... l)" backup fuel "- fuel intended for use when limiting or stopping gas supply; ..." Source: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 17.05 ...

    Official terminology

  • - Equipment in the required technological reserve production facilities. In the reserve there may be only a good and prepared equipment ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

  • - Admission, Number of synonyms: 1 Prayered ...

    Synonym dictionary

"Reserve fuel economy" in books

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4. Fuel economy. Solid, liquid and gaseous fuel

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4. Fuel economy. Solid, liquid and gaseous fuel 4.1. General provisions4.1.1. The operation of the equipment of the fuel economy should provide timely, uninterrupted preparation and supply of fuel into the boiler room. Must ensure the main and

Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation of August 10, 2012 N 377
"On the procedure for determining the standards of technological losses in the transmission of thermal energy, the coolant, the values \u200b\u200bof the specific fuel consumption in the production of heat energy, the fuel reserves standards on the sources of heat energy (with the exception of thermal energy sources operating in the mode of combined generating electrical and thermal energy), including including in the goal of state regulation of prices (tariffs) in the field of heat supply "

With changes and additions from:

Table 1

Type of fuel

Fuel delivery method

Volume of fuel reserve, day.

railway transport


railway transport


21. To calculate the size of the NEZT, the planned average daily fuel consumption of the three coolest months of the heating period and the number of days:

on solid fuel - 45 days;

in liquid fuel - 30 days.

The calculation is made according to formula 2.2.

(thousand tons), (2.2)

where is the average heat energy release to the thermal network (production of boiler rooms) during the three coldest months, GKAL / SUT.;

The estimated standby of the weighted average fuel consumption for the heated thermal energy in three the most cold months, so.t. / Gcal;

T - the number of days, day.

22. For organizations operating heating (production and heating) boilers on gas fuel with reserve fuel, the amount of reserve fuel required for replacing gas fuel during periods of gas supplying organizations is additionally included in the NEZT.

The value is determined according to data on the limitation of gas supply with gas supplying organizations during the cooling period established for the current year.

Taking into account the deviations of actual data on the limitations of the reported gas supplying organizations for the current and two previous years, the importance can be increased by their average value, but no more than 25%.

(th), (2.3)

where - the number of days during which the gas supply is reduced;

The share of daily fuel consumption to be replaced;

The coefficient of deviation of the actual indicators of the reduction of gas supply;

The ratio of the calorific value of backup fuel and gas.

23. NEZT for organizations, fuel for which is called seasonally (before the start of the heating season), is determined by the total planned consumption of fuel for the entire heating period for its total duration.

The calculation is made according to formula 2.4.

(th. T), (2.4)

where - the average daily value of heat energy vacation into the thermal network during the heating period, GKAL / day;;

The weighted average standard of the specific fuel consumption, for the heating period, so.t. / Gcal;

T - the duration of the heating period, day.

NNZT for organizations, fuel for which is soldered seasonally, is not calculated.

24. The main source data and the results of calculations of the standards for creating fuel reserves are recommended to be issued in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Procedure.

25. According to organizations that the production and transmission of thermal energy is not the main activities, the onzt includes:

NNZT, calculated according to the overall thermal load;

NEZT, determined by the electrical load of external consumers of thermal energy.

26. Calculations of the standards for creating OHZT heating (production and heating) boilers are recommended for form according to Appendix N 2 to this order.

the word "instruction" in the appropriate case is replaced by the word "order" in the appropriate case;

in paragraph 3 after the words "on one gigacalria (kg U.T. / GKAL)" add the words "with differentiation by month";

e) in applications N 1-14 to the instructions:

in the numbering headers of the word "to the instructions for organizing in the Ministry of Energy of Russia, work on the calculation and substantiation of the standard of specific fuel consumption on the electrical and thermal energy from heat and electric stations and boiler houses" shall be replaced by the words "to the order of determining the values \u200b\u200bof the specific fuel consumption in the production of electrical and thermal energy ";


"The procedure for determining the standards of technological losses in the transmission of thermal energy, coolant";

paragraphs first and second paragraph 1 shall be amended as follows:

"1. The standards of technological losses in the transmission of heat energy, the coolant (hereinafter referred to as standard of technological losses) are determined for each organization operating thermal networks for transmission of heat energy, coolant to consumers (hereinafter referred to as a heating network organization). The definition of technological losses is carried out by the fulfillment of standards for standards for regulations for The heat network of each heat supply system is independent of the calculated hourly thermal load attached to it.

The standards of technological losses in the transmission of heat energy, coolant for thermal networks of organizations, for which the transmission of thermal energy is not the main activity (hereinafter - enterprises), providing services for the transmission of thermal energy to third-party consumers connected to the thermal networks of the enterprise are approved in part relating To third-party consumers. At the same time, technological losses in the transmission of heat energy for their own consumption of the enterprise from the specified standards are excluded. ";

There is a very serious question about the reliability of the heating of the factory territory. If suddenly something will happen to the old boiler room without heat, production facilities will remain, not to mention the administratively household sector.

Not so simple.
To do this, "translation schedules" must be compiled for backup fuel, which includes all organizations, obliged to have backup fuel economies according to their fuel regimes. The amount of tanks should usually be at least two for storing backup fuel. In some cases, storage is allowed in one container. The duration of the backup fuel is regulated.
In addition, the order of transition to backup fuel should be specified in the company that provides the connection and supply of gas.
And this is just the beginning ...

Reserve fuel for boiler plants

With fuel oil and diesel, there are usually no problems, but with the gas there are many of them. First, it will be necessary to organize a place to store this very gas, and volumes of ogo! Need a gasgolder no less. The room must be underground or semide-ground with protection against static discharges, etc. I recommend to read what the emergency heat supply regulations say.

Reserve fuel for boiler plants

Guest wrote (a): What if they block the gas? Where can I keep his stock at least for the first day until you eliminate the accident?

Yes, indeed, here it is just about gas tanks, and not about alternatively fuel ...
But always, when situations related to the disconnection of boiler plants from gas supply for one or another reasons are considered, then the question arises not about the use of additional gas reserves, but on the transition of boiler plants to backup fuel, which is a stock of liquid fuel stored in special Reservoirs.
In general, the solution of backup fuel issues should be solved even at the design of boiler houses. The customer considers it a secondary, insignible and seeks to minimize costs on this article. Designers are laid in the project the cheapest, in terms of costs, options for reserve fuel economy. And then when operating a boiler room, fair questions arise ...
Gas, like reserve fuel ???
Why gas? Because its consumer properties are immeasurably higher than other types of fuel. Thanks to the use of gas as a backup fuel, the full automation of power installations is ensured. A number of technological processes in various types of production does not allow using other types of fuel.
Therefore, it may be worth considering the Option with a Gazagolder ...

Reserve fuel for boiler plants

There is an option to make an extra burner for example on diesel fuel, but the burner is not ordinary, and the burner of low power. If there is a sudden disconnection of the supply of the main gas - just run an alternative.
Diesel and store easier. Only one problem is with the rearrangement of the burner, you need to think about how to make it quickly and without problems. Maybe an additional boiler is small to envisage.

Reserve fuel for boiler plants

The catastrophes will not happen if the factory will not be heated for 25c, and 17c, if anyone is cold, simply include additional electrical heaters. And where the production is responsible - there is to provide standard heating devices on the electrical principle of operation. In the responsible production, everything should be repeatedly duplicated for forest reliability.

Reserve fuel for boiler plants

Guest wrote (a): There is a very serious question regarding the reliability of the heating of the factory territory. If suddenly something will happen to the old boiler room without heat, production facilities will remain, not to mention the administratively household sector.
What if they block the gas? Where can I keep his stock at least for the first day until you eliminate the accident?

Yes, you never know what can happen ??? Even without any accident, there are warm batteries barely warm ... to their relatives 50 with them far, far !!! So maybe if there is a danger of defrosting the system, do not break your head with an additional margin of "firewood" to heating, but to provide emergency drain of water from the system and include emergency airborne heating on electricity. We have a combined system with forced ventilation at our farm. So this ventilation for 20 years has never been turned on ... and the employees were warm with their own facilities ...