An essay on the topic of true and imaginary values ​​in the novel the master and margarita, bulgakov read for free. Analysis of imaginary and true values ​​in the novel "The Master and Margarita"

An essay on the topic of true and imaginary values ​​in the novel the master and margarita, bulgakov read for free. Analysis of imaginary and true values ​​in the novel "The Master and Margarita"

He puts his heroes before a moral choice, makes them think about the true and imaginary values ​​of life, about the purpose of existence and the laws of being. Love is the undeniable and highest value in the novel. It is she who is able to change everything around and overcome the most difficult obstacles. At the very beginning of the work, the author introduces us to two writers Mikhail Berlioz and Ivan Bezdomny.

From their conversation it becomes clear that their work is false and one-sided. As punishment for Berlioz, he chops off his head with a tram, and Homeless falls into psychiatric clinic where he meets a real writer with true values. Ivan himself realizes the meaninglessness of his poetry and promises the Master not to write anything in the future. Thus, according to Bulgakov's version, creativity can be true and imaginary. To other controversial matters, he refers to personal freedom and friendship.

For example, in the Moscow Association of Writers, the leaders have created a huge number of unnecessary circles, just to somehow occupy the time of the participants. As a punishment, Woland's retinue made them sing without stopping, so that they could feel what it was like to do something without much desire and without ability. The theme of friendship in the novel is closely intertwined with moral issues... According to the author, happy is the one who finds friendship in love and everyone is rewarded according to his faith.

The best examples of friendship can be called the close relationship between the Master and Margarita and the kind-hearted relationship between the mere mortal Ha-Nozri and the powerful Pontius Pilate. The author presented money as an imaginary and clearly false value. Both in the Yershalaim world and in modern Moscow, they lead to negative consequences. Two thousand years ago, Judas sold Ha-Nozri for thirty pieces of silver, for which he was later killed.

And in Moscow in the 1930s, people lose their heads from the unexpected rain of money arranged by Woland at the Variety Theater. As a punishment, all the bills that they greedily collect are later turned into ordinary pieces of paper. A special punishment was imposed on the chairman of the housing association of the house on Sadovaya, who suffered from bribery mania. He was charged with currency speculation. The only heroes who remained indifferent to money were Woland and his henchmen.

It should be noted that Margarita was also not at the mercy of money. She was only interested in personal well-being with the Master and a worthy appreciation of his work. If we compile two separate lists of true and imaginary values ​​touched upon in the novel, then love, friendship, true creativity, personal freedom, faith and honesty will join the first. And the second category is money, deceit, " housing problem", Betrayal and a thirst for personal gain.

Summing up, we can say that Bulgakov, dividing the world into true and imaginary, singled out the strong and weak people. Strong people could resist false values and I oppress them, but the weak do not.

In his immortal novel The Master and Margarita, Bulgakov raised eternal questions of a different nature. So, for example, he considers the problem of true and imaginary values ​​in human life. According to Bulgakov, one of the most important values ​​in this world is true art, true creativity. At the very beginning of the novel, the writer introduces us to two heroes - representatives of the "writing fraternity". One of them is the chairman of the board of the largest Moscow literary association, the other is a poet published in this magazine. The author clearly shows us the narrowness, stupidity, and narrowness of Berlioz. For him, talent is measured by devotion to the word of the party. Berlioz has no idea about true art. Berlioz's young friend, Ivan Bezdomny, agrees with him in everything, but he has a chance to rethink his views, including his “poetry”. That is why Homeless ends up in a clinic for the mentally ill, where he is reborn. For the author, the assessment of the truth of art is especially painful, it is no coincidence that many literary scholars guess Bulgakov himself under the guise of the Master. The writer shows us the members of MASSOLIT who only care about filling their stomachs. They are not creators, the ideals of these hackers are their own, purely material, well-being. The master is expelled from this environment because he is different. Bulgakov is sure that the artist has no right to be sold, otherwise he will lose his gift. This is the main moral law of a true creator. If the Master is incarnation true creativity, then Margarita is the ideal of “real, true, eternal love". I believe that in true love she was (in Bulgakov's understanding) truly moral, followed her beloved to Satan himself. Fateful meeting The Master and Margarita were like lightning. A life for which "many women would give anything" seems to Margarita so empty that one spring she leaves with yellow flowers to find someone you loved "a long time ago." And it was not beauty, but "never before seen loneliness in the eyes" of Margarita struck the Master. I must say that this heroine is embodied author's ideal love and beauty, Bulgakov painted a truly worthy girlfriend of the great artist. The master does not withstand bullying and wants to get away from life, hiding in a clinic for the mentally ill. But Margarita remains faithful to him. Her love is able to crush all obstacles. With the help of her image, Bulgakov revealed the theme of true devotion. So, the Master wrote a novel about Pontius Pilate and Yeshua Ha-Nozri. The Master's Yeshua is not a "divine phenomenon", but simply a wandering philosopher who brings simple but eternal moral values ​​to the world with his teaching. Through the biblical line in the novel, Bulgakov continues to affirm the theme of true and false values ​​in human life. So, using the example of the image of Pontius Pilate, the procurator of Judea, the author sheds light on the issue of conscience in the novel. Pilate sees that before him during interrogation stands an innocent man, capable of bringing only good to people. The procurator faces a serious choice - true or false value - truth or career. Afraid of losing your high position, the hegemon condemns Yeshua to a terrible death penalty... The payment for cowardice for the procurator was immortality and eternal pangs of conscience. It is important that in the "real" Moscow of the 20s of the 20th century - Bulgakov observes only people who are possessed by vices. Styopa Likhodeev, Varenukha, Rimsky, Georges Bengalsky - they all forgot about morality, about simple human values... Self-interest, bribery, lust, drunkenness and gluttony - all this, as Bulgakov shows, typical features Muscovites of the early 20th century. And it is for them that they are punished - each his own, but terrible. Thus, in its genius novel M. A. Bulgakov touched upon great amount eternal topics and questions. So, among others, in his work the writer touches on the problem of true and false values. He claims that moral - biblical - attitudes are eternal. Only they are able to keep the human soul immortal.

1) I. Bunin in the story "The gentleman from San Francisco" showed the fate of a person who served false values. Wealth was his god, and this god he worshiped. But when the American millionaire died, it turned out that real happiness passed by the person: he died without knowing what life is.

2) The name of a simple peasant girl Jeanne d "Arc everyone knows today. For 75 years, France waged an unsuccessful war against the British invaders. Jeanne believed that she was destined to save France. The young peasant woman persuaded the king to give her a small detachment and was able to do what the smartest military leaders could not do: she set people on fire with her fierce faith. After years of shameful defeats, the French were finally able to defeat the invaders.

When you reflect on this truly wonderful event, you understand how important it is for a person to be guided by a great goal.

3) Few people know that during filming famous film N. Mikhalkova "Burnt by the Sun" the weather turned bad, the temperature dropped to minus six. Meanwhile, according to the script, it should be a sultry summer. Actors who portrayed vacationers had to swim in icy water, lie on the cold ground. This example shows that art requires sacrifice from a person, complete dedication.

4) French writer G. Flaubert in the novel "Madame Bovary"Talked about the fate of a lonely woman who, entangled in life's contradictions, decided to poison herself. The writer himself felt the signs of poisoning and was forced to seek help. It was no accident that he later said: "Madame Bovary is me."

5) Fidelity to one's calling cannot but command respect. Narodovolets Nikolay Kibalchich was sentenced to death for an attempt on the king's life. While awaiting death, he worked on a jet engine project. More than own life, he was concerned about the fate of the invention. When they came for him to take him to the place of execution, Kibalchich gave the gendarme the drawings of the spacecraft and asked them to hand them over to the scientists. “It is touching that the person in front of terrible execution has the strength to think about humanity! " - so wrote about it spiritual deed K. Tsiolkovsky.

6) “I was always amazed at Kirill Lavrov's immense hard work and patience,” director Vladimir Bortko recalls about the outstanding actor: “We had to shoot a 22-minute conversation between Yeshua and Pontius Pilate, such scenes are filmed for two weeks. On the set, Lavrov, an 80-year-old man, spent 16 hours wearing a 12 kg chest armor without a word of reproach to the crew. "


Moral responsibility of a person (artist, scientist) for the fate of the world

The role of personality in history

Moral choice human

Conflict between man and society

Human and nature

Approving theses:

1. A person comes into this world not to say what he is, but to make it better.

2. It depends on each person what the world will be like: light or dark, good or evil.

3. Everything in the world is connected by invisible threads, and a careless act, an accidental word can turn into the most unpredictable consequences.

4. Remember your High human responsibility!


1. There is one undoubted sign that separates the actions of people into good and evil: the act of love and unity of people increases - it is good; he produces enmity and disunity - he is bad (L. Tolstoy, Russian writer).

2. The world itself is neither evil nor good, it is a receptacle for both, depending on what you yourself have turned it into (M. Montaigne, French humanist philosopher).

3. Yes - I'm in the rook. The spill won't touch me! But how can I live when my people are drowning? (Saadi, Persian writer and thinker)

4. It is easier to light one small candle than to curse the darkness (Confucius, ancient Chinese thinker).

6. Love - and do what you want (Augustine the Blessed, Christian thinker).

7. Life is a struggle for immortality (M. Prishvin, Russian writer).

8. They went into darkness, but their trail did not disappear (W. Shakespeare, English writer).


In everyone's hands fate the world

1) In a combat operation near Pervomaisk, the fighters who were repelling the attack of the militants rushed to the box with grenades. But when they opened it, they found that the grenades had no fuses. The packer at the factory forgot to put them in, and without them a grenade is just a piece of iron. Soldiers carrying heavy losses, were forced to retreat, and the militants broke through. The mistake of the nameless person turned into a terrible disaster.

2) Historians write that the Turks were able to capture Constantinople, passing through the gate, which someone forgot to close.

3) The twentieth century is the first century of world wars in the history of mankind, the century of the creation of weapons of mass destruction. An incredible situation is developing: humanity can destroy itself. In Hiroshima, on the monument to the victims of the atomic bombing, it is written: "Sleep well, the mistake will not be repeated." To prevent this and many other mistakes from being repeated, the struggle for peace, the struggle against weapons of mass destruction, acquires a universal character.

4) Sown evil turns into new evil. In the Middle Ages, a legend appeared about the city, which was invaded by rats. The townspeople did not know where to get away from them. One man promised to rid the city of vile creatures if he was paid. The residents, of course, agreed. The rat-catcher began to play on the pipe, and the rats, enchanted by the sounds, followed him. The magician took them to the river, got into a boat, and the rats drowned. But the townspeople, having got rid of the misfortune, refused to pay the promised. Then the sorcerer took revenge on the city: he played the pipe again, children came running from all over the city, and he drowned them in the river.

The role of personality in history

1) "Notes of a Hunter" by I. Turgenev played a huge role in public life our country. People, having read bright, vivid stories about peasants, realized that it is immoral to own people like cattle. A wide movement for the abolition of serfdom began in the country.

2) After the war, many Soviet soldiers, who were captured by the enemy, were condemned as traitors to their homeland. Story M. Sholokhova "The Fate of a Man", which shows the bitter lot of a soldier, made society look differently at tragic fate prisoners of war. A law was passed on their rehabilitation.

3) American writer G. Beecher Stowe wrote a novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin" which told about the fate of a meek Negro, beaten to death by a ruthless planter. This romance shook the whole society, the country broke out Civil War and the infamous slavery was abolished. Then they said that this little woman started a big war.

4) It is unlikely that King Edward III of England fully understood what his audacity would lead to: state emblem he depicted gentle lilies. Thus, the English king showed that from now on, neighboring France was also subject to him. This drawing of a power-hungry monarch became the pretext for the Hundred Years War, which brought countless calamities to the people.

Human and nature

1) Before our very eyes, man continues the fateful work that he began thousands of years ago: in the name of the needs of his production, he destroyed forests filled with life, dehydrated and turned entire continents into deserts. After all, the Sahara and Kara Kumy are obvious evidence of human criminal activity, which continues to this day. Isn't the pollution of the oceans evidence of this? A person deprives himself in the near future of the last necessary food resources.

2) In Russians folk tales the unselfishness of a person is often glorified. Emelya was not going to catch a pike - she herself fell into his bucket. The wanderer will see the fallen chick - he will put it in the nest, the bird will fall into the trap - he will free it, throw the fish on the shore in a wave - he will release it back into the water. Not to seek benefits, not to destroy, but to help, save, protect - this is what the folk wisdom teaches.

3) Human intervention in difficult life nature can lead to unpredictable consequences. One famous scientist decided to bring deer to his region. However, the animals could not adapt to the new conditions and soon died. But the ticks that lived in the skin of deer settled down, flooded forests and meadows and became a real disaster for the rest of the inhabitants.

4) Global warming, which is increasingly being talked about in recent times, is fraught with disastrous consequences. But not everyone thinks that this problem is a direct consequence of the life of a person who, in the pursuit of profit, violates the stable balance of natural cycles. It is no coincidence that scientists are talking more and more about the reasonable self-limitation of needs, about the fact that not profit, but the preservation of life should become main goal human activities.

5) Polish science fiction S. Lem in their "Star Diaries" described the history of space vagabonds who ravaged their planet, dug all the bowels with mines, sold minerals to the inhabitants of other galaxies. The retribution for such blindness was terrible, but just. The fateful day came when they found themselves on the edge of a bottomless pit, and the ground began to crumble under their feet. This story is a formidable warning to all mankind, which is rapaciously robbing nature.

The novel "The Master and Margarita", written by the famous Russian writer Mikhail A. Bulgakov, is truly one of the most mystical works 20th century. For many centuries, people have been tormented by eternal questions about love and hate, about good and evil, about light and darkness, about truth and lies. And Bulgakov was able to clearly and clearly express his thoughts on this difficult topic. The topic of human values.
He describes a society in which there is no moral values, and there is only money and intoxicating power. And people experiencing envy and fear of those who are higher and striving in various ways to achieve their personal gain, no matter what. Bulgakov, describing Margarita's torment at Satan's ball, makes us understand that only strong personality can oppose false, perceived values ​​in the name of a higher goal.
Speaking of values, one cannot fail to mention the biblical component of the novel. The eternal struggle between good and evil is not considered here, but an important problem of conscience and moral choice is highlighted. AND the main character here - Pontius Pilate, trying to make right choice: Execute innocent Yeshua or keep his power and power. Of course, the fear of losing power is stronger than the fear of killing a person, so his choice is unambiguous - the execution will take place. Thus, Pilate lost himself as a person, and his reckoning was eternal remorse. Some Muscovites also suffer a similar punishment in the process of Woland's “observations”.
Woland and his retinue reveal the essence of Moscow society, pointing out their vices. The first vice was the lie of the entertainer, because of which his head was turned off, and the audience from the audience when it came to piquant questions. The second vice - greed, came to light thanks to the rain of money over the audience and an open ladies' store with a free exchange of things. These two great sins have sunk Moscow society to the bottom. But the light component also remained in him - love. Forgiving, mutual, light love. The same feeling that can resurrect even the most rotten and most callous soul. So Woland, quid pro quo, of course (after all, he is the devil), fulfills Margarita's wish - to return the beloved Master to her - and provides them with an escape from the rotten city into a serene and comfortable life.
This is the first work where justice is restored by the dark forces, which, in fact, amazed me. It does not contain the usual image of the omnipresent God - only Satan in the person of Woland, who is establishing balance in the fallen world.
The novel "The Master and Margarita" not only draws our attention to imaginary values: money, property (uncle Berlioz went to Moscow out of greed, having learned about the apartment), betrayal, personal gain (newspaper critics who spoke about the Master's work), but also demonstrates real values: love, faith, freedom and friendship.

There have always been values ​​that were considered an immutable truth; attention, love, understanding, loyalty, empathy, trust. Gradually, a person learns to communicate with other people, gain experience. He has his own view of the world, of people, and gradually forms his own system of values. Everyone chooses how to behave in a given situation. But a person makes a choice based on his existing system of values.

People with completely different views of the world are shown in the epic novel by Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy "War and Peace". In the work, the author tells about the life of people of various strata of society. The beloved heroes of the author are the guides of true values ​​in the epic novel. This is Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov, Natasha Rostova. However, we are watching life secular society filled with insincerity, selfishness and arrogance.

Tolstoy opposes false values ​​to true values ​​and reveals them in full on the example of the Kuragin family.

We meet the head of the family, Vasily Kuragin, already in the first chapter of the novel. During a conversation with Anna Pavlovna Sherer, we learn that the main purpose of visiting Kuragin was not to ask about the maid of honor (she had the flu) or to talk about the war with France. No. The main task was to find out "is it true that the Empress Dowager wishes the appointment of Baron Funke as first secretary to Vienna." Prince Vasily wanted to assign his son to this place. Subsequently, we learn that Kuragin only wanted wealth for himself and his children, which is why he married his daughter Helene to the rich Pierre Bezukhov.

Anna Scherer is also interested in wealth. Her attitude towards Pierre changed dramatically as soon as he became rich.

At the first meeting, "Anna Pavlovna greeted him with a bow, referring to the people of the lowest hierarchy in her salon." When the count received the inheritance, "whatever he said, everything came out charmingly." For both Kuragin and Anna Scherer, the main dignity of a person was his wealth.

The Kuragin family is opposed to the Bolkonsky family. Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky undoubtedly loves his children. He considers it necessary to constantly study mathematics with his daughter. He himself is constantly engaged in some kind of physical or mental activity: "a high writing table, on which lay an open notebook, a lathe with unfolded tools and shavings scattered around." Nikolai Andreevich also loves his son Andrey. The old prince knew the military and political circumstances of Europe in all details, but did not dissuade his son from going to war, although he was very worried. Unlike Prince Kuragin, Bolkonsky did not try to find a place for his son in a prestigious, lucrative place.

A lot of space in the novel is devoted to the description of military events. This is the Shengraben battle, and Battle of Austerlitz, and the Battle of Borodino. In the work, when describing the Shengraben battle, the author talks about the manifestation of heroism by Captain Tushin and the manifestation of heroism by Fedor Dolokhov.

Dolokhov, who had recently been demoted to a soldier, strove to regain his officer rank as soon as possible. Fedor proved himself by killing one Frenchman and capturing an officer of the enemy army. But in his head, perhaps, least of all, the thoughts flashed that he was fighting for the good of the country, and not for his own benefit. It was important for Dolokhov that his act was noticed and remembered by the regimental commander. Fedor persistently repeats: "I have captured an officer. I stopped the company ... Please remember, your excellency." Thus, Dolokhov only cares about the return of the rank, he is only concerned about the promotion. Unlike Tushin, who is concerned about the success of a common cause, Dolokhov is only interested in selfish interests.

Captain Tushin showed great heroism and courage in battle. With only four cannons, the captain fought off French attacks for a long time. The captain will show courage, not letting enemies near the main army. Tushin could draw the attention of Prince Andrei to his contribution to the common cause when he came with the order to retreat, but he did not, since he was not looking for glory.

Tolstoy developed family thought throughout the entire piece. At the end of the novel, the results are summed up. The author concludes "War and Peace" with a description of the lives of two families. Maria Bolkonskaya married Nikolai Rostov, and Natasha Rostova married Pierre Bezukhov. In families, mutual understanding reigned, the spouses loved each other. Using Natasha Rostova as an example, the author shows that the rich is much more important in life. spiritual world, love for people, the ability to empathize and sympathize with them, rather than external indicators. Comparing Natasha with Helen, whose "constant smile" did not leave her face, we can say that Natasha did not seek benefits for herself in communicating with people, did not seek happiness in money and wealth. She shows sincere feelings and emotions. She loves to sing and dance. Natasha appears to be alive, real. With the formation of the family, Natasha finds happiness. She completely gives herself to her family, now she sees her mission in serving her husband and children.

Thus, in Tolstoy's novel great attention given to true values. Their bearers are the author's favorite heroes. They care about each other and love their homeland. Lies, cunning, opportunism are unacceptable to them. Tolstoy shows that the future belongs to such people, and Russia can be proud of such people.

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