Comparison of Pechorin and Onegin briefly. Comparative characteristics of Evgenia Onegin and Grigoria Pechorin (comparative analysis)

Comparison of Pechorin and Onegin briefly. Comparative characteristics of Evgenia Onegin and Grigoria Pechorin (comparative analysis)
Comparison of Pechorin and Onegin briefly. Comparative characteristics of Evgenia Onegin and Grigoria Pechorin (comparative analysis)

Evgeny Onegin and Pechorin - Heroes different works Two famous classics of Russian literature - Pushkin and Lermontov. The first worked on a novel over seven years. Pushkin himself called his work "feat" - of all his works only "Boris Godunov" was awarded such an epithet. Famous Roman Lermontov "Hero of our time" was written for two years and published in St. Petersburg for the first time. Further, the article will compare Onegin and Pechorin, show the features that bind and distinguish them.

Pushkin's work. Short description

The work on Roman Alexander Sergeevich began in Chisinau, in 1823. Pushkin at that time was in the link. In the course of the narrative, it can be noted that the author refused to use romanticism as the main creative method.

"Evgeny Onegin" is a realistic novel in verse. It was assumed that the work initially will include 9 chapters. However, subsequently, Pushkin has several recycled the structure of the novel, leaving only eight in it. The head of the journey of the main character was excluded - she became an app to the main narration. In addition, the description of the novel's description of the vision of Onegin not far from the Odessa Pier and rather sharply pronounced judgments and comments was seized. Leave this chapter for Pushkin was quite dangerous - for these revolutionary glances he could be arrested.

"Hero of our time". Short description

Lermontov began work on the work in 1838. His novel includes several parts. In the process of reading, you can see that chronology is broken in the narration. This artistic reception The author used for several reasons. Mainly such a structure of the work shows the main character - Pechorin - first by the eyes of Maxim Maxim. Then before the reader appears the character on the records of his diary.

Brief Onegin and Pechorin

Both characters are representatives of the metropolitan aristocracy. Heroes got the excellent level of their intelligence higher than average level surrounding their people. Characters shares ten years, but each of them is a representative of his era. The life of Onegin proceeds in the twenties, the effect of Roman Lermontov unfolds in the 30s of the 19th century. The first is under the influence of freedom-loving ideas in the conditions of the heyday of an advanced social movement. Pechorin lives in the period of cruel political reactions to the activities of the Decembrists. And if the first could still join the rebel and gain a goal, thus putting sense of its own existence, then the second hero had no such opportunity. This is already talking about the larger tragicity of the Lermontic character.

The main features of the character of the novel "Hero of our time"

The image of Grigory Pechorin was one of art discovery Lermontov. This hero is the epochlen mainly because in the image it was expressed by the peculiarities of the peculiar era. Externally, this period is characterized only by losses, cruel reactions. Inside, an active, continuous, deaf and silent work was performed.

It must be said that Pechorin is a fairly extraordinary person, everything is in dispute. For example, the hero can complain about drafts, and after some time jumping to the enemy with a checker. Maxim Maximych talks about him as a person who can endure the complexity of nomadic life, shifting climates. Grigory was built, his height was medium, the physique is strong with thin mill and wide shoulders. According to Maxim Maximich, the essence of Pechorina was not defeated by either the depravity of the life of the capital, neither spiritual torments.

What is common with characters?

Comparison of Onegin and Pechorina should be started with the analysis of the characteristics of the characters. Both characters are very critical towards people and lives. Understanding the emptiness and monotony of its existence, they show discontent with themselves. They are oppressed by the surrounding position and people, mired in slander and malice, envy.

Disappointed in society, the heroes fall into melancholy, begin to miss. Onegin to meet his spiritual requests is trying to start writing. But he quickly tires "hard work". Reading also briefly fascinates it.

Pechorin is also quickly fully tired of any business started. However, hitting the Caucasus, Grigory still hopes that there will be no place under bullets. But he gets used to military actions very quickly. Bored with Lermontov character and love adventures. It can be seen in and Bale. Having achieved love, Gregory quickly loses interest to the ladies.

What else is the similarity of Pechorina and Onegin? Both hero is selfish by nature. They are not considered any feelings or opinions with other people.

The relationship of heroes with others

I didn't want to lose freedom, Onegin rejects the feelings of Tatiana. Feeling his superiority over people in general, he accepts Lensky's challenge and duel kills a friend. Pechorin brings the misfortune to almost everyone who surrounds it or meets. So, he kills the pearshnitsky, grieved to the depths of the soul of Maxim Maximich, destroys the life of faith, Mary, Bala. Grigory seeks the location and love of women, following exceptionally wishes to entertain themselves. After hanging boredom, he quickly crepts to them. Pechorin is quite cruel. This quality is manifested even in relation to the sick Mary: he tells her that he never loved her, but only laughed at her.

The brightest features of characters

Comparative characteristics Onegin and Pechorina would be unfinished without mentioning the self-criticalness of heroes. The first torment the remorse after a duel with Lensky. Onegin is unable to stay in places where the tragedy happened, throws everything and begins to wander in the light.

The Hero of Roman Lermontov admits that he had caused a lot of grief for their entire lives. But despite this understanding, Pechorin is not going to change himself and his behavior. And the self-criticalness of Gregory does not bring relief to anyone - neither him nor others. Such an attitude to life, to himself, people depict it as a "moral cripping".

Despite the differences in Pechorin and Onegin, both of them have a lot general damn. Particularly pronounced in each of them the ability to understand perfectly in humans. Both heroes are good psychologists. So, Onegin allocated Tatiana immediately, at the first meeting. Of all representatives local nobility Eugene came out only with Lensky.

Hero Lermontov also corrects about people who are found on the way. Pechorin gives enough laid and accurate characteristics of others. In addition, Gregory perfectly knows female psychology, it can easily predict the actions of the ladies and, using this, conquers their love.

The comparative characteristics of Onegin and Pechorin allows you to see the true state of the internal characters. In particular, despite all the misfortunes that each of them caused people, both of them are capable of bright feelings.

Love in the life of heroes

Realizing his love for Tatiana, Onegin is ready for everything to just see her. Lermontov Hero immediately rushes after the faith left. Pechorin, without giving the beloved, falls in the middle of the road and crying as if the child. Pushkin hero noble. Onegin is honest with Tatiana and does not think to use her inexperience. This Lermontov Hero is the direct opposite. Pechorin appears the person of immoral, the person for whom the people around him are only toys.

Ideals and values

The comparative characteristic of Onegin and Pechorin is mainly a comparison of the inner world of each character. The analysis of their behavior makes it possible to understand the motivation of certain actions. So, for example, differently at the heroes attitude to a duel. Onegin sleeps on the eve. He does not perceive the duel seriously. However, after the death of Lensky Evgeny covers horror and remorse.

Lermontov Hero, on the contrary, all night before a duel with a pearshnitsky is not sleeping. Grigory is immersed in reflections, he thinks about the goal of his existence. At the same time, Pechorin will kill the pearshnitsky rather coolly. He will calmly leave the duel area, politely responding.

Why Pechorin and Onegin - "Extra People"?

The society has relate enough to the heroes. The surrounding could not understand the behavior of the characters. The point of view, the views and opinions of Pechorin and Onegin did not coincide with generally accepted, therefore they were perceived in the bayonets. Both characters feel their loneliness in the world, among the crowd, feeling the superiority of these young people. In the images of Pechorin and Onegin, the authors protest protested against the vuality and the sharpness of the time depriving people to the goal to waste their strength, not finding applications or their abilities or skills.

/ / / Comparative characteristics of Onegin and Pechorin

And - outstanding images that personify their time. They created different authors, but they are very similar. The simplest explanation for this is that Mikhail Lermontov was largely equal to Alexander Pushkin. However, Pechorin Lermontov is not imitation of Pushkin Onegin, but a similarity in the worldview image.

What brings these images? Onegin and Pechorin - people of noble origin. Both are still young and full of energy. From nature they are endowed acute mind. Intellect of heroes is mainly much higher than those of their surroundings, so they feel lonely.

Onegin trained a alien governor who tried not to redistribute the pupil with science. But Eugene, still received a good education due to his intelligence and love of reading. Pechorin is as well educated.

Attitude towards love also brings the heroes. They early learned the "art" of love, knew how to easily conquer women's hearts. However, herself could hardly be able to truly love, although they strive to ideal. Onegin was tired of relationships with stupid and false metropolitan ladies, but also the love of a pure rustic girl he also did not accept. His strict refusal he wounded the feeling of a sincere girl. Love Peripetia Pechistan is even more difficult. The greatest crime was his passion for Young Belle. I like the desire to possess a girl, he takes her captive, falls in love with himself, and then, having played in feelings, forgets about her.

Both heroes have rejected the society in their own way, in which they lived. Onegin it did passively, his cynical and indifferent attitude to all. Pechorine is a more active personality. Perhaps the reason is that Onegin is a bummer, the baloveman of fate. He did not serve anywhere, but just lived in his pleasure. Pechorin is an officer who went through the provinity to serve in the Caucasus.

Onegin and Pechorin - romantic heroes disappointed in his time. But despite this, they are a generation of their time. No matter how the Onegin from the generally accepted rules were removed, he depended on public opinion. That is why he goes to a duel with a friend to "not fall" in the eyes of other people. Pechorin is also shooting on a duel, thinking that it will dismiss the hated society so. However, such an action only becomes part of it.

Heroes do not believe in real friendship. Onegin is friendly with Lensky from boredom. Pechorin does not let Maximovich Maximovich's friendly Maximovich come to him. When meeting with the senior comrade, Pechorin holds a demonstratively cold. Although Maxim Maksimovich still sympathizes the hero, perhaps feeling his real soul.

Onegin and Pechorin - bold, decisive young people. But nevertheless Onegin is more cautious. He is accustomed to his life, even though she is in many ways tired. Pechorin is a fatalist playing with life. What is only worth his participation in the game "Russian Roulette". Pechorin easily risks his own life, and it also relates to the life of other people.

Both heroes twisted in anticipation of some great deal. Their inner force, the thirst for adventure could come in handy, they will be born in a more "heroic" time. And if Onegin could still be implemented in the ranks of the Decembrists, then Pechorin found the time of cruel reactions of the authorities to the Decembrists' uprising. Therefore, Pechorin is a more tragic image.

Evgeny Onegin Alexander Pushkin and Grigory Pechorin Mikhail Lermontov have a lot in common, and at the same time they are original literary images.

What a short term is divided by Pushkin Onegin and Lermontov Pechistan! The first quarter and the forties of the XIX century. And yet it is two different epochs, desepass an event unforgettable for Russian history - the Decembrists uprising. Pushkin and Lermontov managed to co-set the works, reflecting the spirit of these eras, the deliberations, in which the problems of the fate of the young noble intelligentsia were affected, which could not find the use of their forces.

Herzen called Pechorin " younger Brother Onegin ", so what is common in these people and what do they differ?

Onegin before becoming a "young honey", received traditional education and extensive, but high-speed education. Due to the fact that in the end he could "perfectly" express in French, it is easy to dance Mazurka and "go at ease", "the light decided that he was a smart and very mil." However, quickly resurrected by the fune bustle of secular life, Onegin begins by it, but nothing finds in return. Understanding all the nickname of existence secular peopleOnegin begins to despise them, goes to himself, indulges "Russian Handra." Lively only by himself, without taking into account the feelings and experiences of other people, Onegin commits a number of unworthy actions. By the time of acquaintance with him, Push-Kin noted in Onegin "inimitable strangeness", "sharp chilled mind", "dreams of involuntary dedication", internal gap and misunderstanding between him and surrounding people. Despite the deep contempt for the "St. Tu", Onegin remains dependent on public opinion, and as a result kills his friend Lensky. Egoism at-lead the "hang of fermented" to a severe spiritual drama and once-Lada with himself.

We know about the past of Pechorin not so much, mostly - from the pages of his own diary, from his conversations with other people. We learn that Pechorina "Soul is spoiled by the light": "Since childhood, everyone read signs of bad properties on my face; But they were assumed - and they were born. " Now, the surrounding people often do not understand the thoughts of Pechorin, nor his stupns, but he (and often very justified) considers himself head above the surrounding. Unlike Onegin, Pen-Chorin will not avoid people, does not avoid contacts with them, and on the contrary, it becomes an extremely subtle psychologist who can figure out not only in other people's actions and thoughts, but also feelings. Unfortunately, communicating with him most often brings people and even himself only suffering and dissatisfaction. Unlike Onegin, Pechorin is not yet tired of life, he interferes in everything, it is interested in many, but he is not able to truly love and be friends. And if only Tatiana suffers from love to Onegin (and after - from any-vi of Onegin), the Pecho-Rin brings the misfortune to all women with whom he faces: Bale, faith, Princess Mary, even a friend of Kon-Trabandists. Material from site.

The problem of Onegin - in the inability to make his life interesting, bright, fill it with significant co-existences. Pechorin also concerns the question of the goal own Life, its sense. The consciousness of lost opportunities constantly pursues him, because his faith in its "high-value" does not find real, confirmation. And one, and the second value in his freedom, liberty, but it turns out that they too often bring to her in a taper that they are truly expensive.

Differences in the fate and characters of heroes are explained by the differences of the epoch: the life of Russia on the eve of the December uprising (Onegin) and the severe political reaction of the Poshe lesion of the Decembrists (Pechorin). And Onegin, and Pecho Rin belong to the type " unnecessary people", I.e., such people, for whom, in the surrounding society, it was not located neither place nor the case. And yet, even despised surroundings, Onegin and Pechorin were children of this society, that is, the heroes of their time.

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On this page, material on the themes:

  • differences of Pechorin from Onegin
  • comparative characteristics and peopinger
  • comparative characteristics of Onegin and Pechorina
  • onegin and Pechorin will value with his freedom, nothing to affect
  • than Rudin is different from Onegin, PechorinayoBlomova


I. The problem of time hero in Russian literature

II. Types of extra people in Romans Pushkin and Lermontov

  1. Spiritual drama of the Russian Europeans Evgeny Onegin
  2. Pechorin - the hero of his time.
  3. Travel and difference of images of Onegin and Pechorin



The problem of the time hero has always worried, worries and will worry people. She was put on classics writers, she was relevant and so far this problem was interested in and worried me from the same time when I first discovered the works of Pushkin and Lermontov. That's why I decided to turn to this topic in my work. Roman A.S. Pushkin in verses "Evgeny Onegin" and Roman Lermontov "Hero of our time" - the vertices of Russian literature of the first half of the 19th century. In the center of these works, people standing in their development above the surrounding society, but not able to find the use of their rich forces and abilities. Therefore, such people are called "superfluous." AND target of my work to show the types of "extra people" on the images of Eugene Onegin and Grigory Pechorin, as they are the most characteristic representatives His time. One of tasksI put in front of myself - it is to reveal the similarity and distinction of Onegin and Pechorin, referring to Articles V.G. Belinsky.

І. The problem of the hero of time in Russian literature

Onegin is a typical figure for noble youth of the 20s of the 19th century. Back in the poem " Prisoner of the Caucasus"A.S. Pushkin put his task to show in the hero" the premature old age of the soul, which became the main feature young generation"But the poet, according to his own words, did not cope with this task. In the novel" Eugene Onegin "this goal was achieved. The poet created a deep typical image.

M.Yu.Lermonts - the writer "completely different era", despite the fact that the decade with Pushkin shares them.

Years of cruel reaction did their job. In his era, it was impossible to overcome the alienation of time, or rather, from the timeless of the 30s.

Lermontov saw the tragedy of his generation. This is reflected in the poem "Duma":

Sad I look at our generation!

His coming - Ile is empty, Il is dark,

Meanwhile, under the burden of Poznan and doubt,

In idle, it will be ...

This topic was continued by M.Yu. Lermontov in the novel "Hero of Our Time". The novel "The hero of our time" was written in 1838-1840 years of the XIX century. It was the era of the most severe political reaction, which arrived in the country after defeating the speech of the Decembrists. In his work, the author recreated in the form of Pechorin, the main character of the novel, typical character 30s of the XIX century.

ІІ. Types of extra people in Romans Pushkin and Lermontov

The type of "superfluous person" was associated in the first third of the XIXVEK an idea of \u200b\u200bthe "Hero of Time". She has undergone a number of transformations, not losing the main essence, which is that the hero has always been a carrier of spiritual idea, and Russia as a purely material phenomenon could not accept the best of his sons. This contradiction of the Spirit and Life becomes decisive in the conflict of the hero and the Motherland. Russia can offer a hero only material field, career, which is absolutely not interested in him. Being cut off from the material life, the hero cannot be rooted in his homeland in order to embody his high intentions on its transformation, and this gives rise to his Skalism, inevitable. The type of "excess person" in Russian literature dates back to the romantic hero. Feature romantic behavior - conscious orientation on one or another literary type. A romantic young man necessarily associated himself with the name of any character from the mythology of romanticism: a demon or a verter, hero Goethe, tragically in love and the context of the suicide of the young man, the Melm - the mysterious villain, a demonic seducer or Agasfer, Eternal Jew, who has taken over Christ during his ascent On Calvary and for the damned immortality, a gyura or Don Juan - romantic risks and sovereigns from Bayron's poems.

The deep meaning and characteristic of the type of "superfluous man" for Russian society and Russian literature of the Nikolaev era probably most accurately determined A.I.Grenz, although this definition remains in the "storerooms" of literary studies. Speaking about the essence of Onegin and Pechorin as "unnecessary people" of the 20s and 30s of the XIXVEK, Herzen made a remarkably deep observation: "The sad type of superfluous ... man - just because he developed in man, then not only in poems and novels, but on the streets and in the living rooms, in the villages and cities. "

1. The spiritual drama of the Russian Europeans Evgeny Onegin

Roman A. S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin" is hardly the greatest work The first half of the nineteenth century. This novel is one of the most beloved and at the same time the most difficult works of Russian literature. Its action unfolds in the 20s of the XIX century. The center of attention is the life of the metropolitan nobility of the era of spiritual quest for the advanced noble intelligentsia.

Onegin is a contemporary Pushkin and Decembrists. Onegin does not satisfy savor, Career official and landowner. Belinsky points out that Onegin could not do useful activities "According to some inevitable and not from our will, meaningless circumstances," that is, due to socio-political conditions. Onegin, "Strong Egoist," yet uncommon person. The poet marks such features as "dreams involuntary dedication, inimitable strangeness and a sharp chilled mind." According to Belinsky, Onegin "was not among ordinary people." Pushkin emphasizes that the boredom of Onegin occurs because he did not have a publicly useful case. Russian nobility That time was the estate of the land and the funeral. It was the ownership of estates and serf peasants that was a measure of wealth, prestige and height of the public situation. Odegin's father "gave three bala every year and finally dreamed," and the hero of the novel after receiving the inheritance from "all his relatives" became a rich landowner, he is now:

Plants, Waters, Forests, Lands

The owner is full ...

But the theme of wealth turns out to be born, the words "debts", "Pledge", "Borrowers" are found already in the first rows of the novel. Debts, reloading already laid out of estates was not only poor landowners, but many " strong Mira This "left the descendants of huge debts. One of the reasons for general debt was the established in the reign of Catherine II provision that the" true noble "behavior is not just in large spending, but in spends not by means.

It was at that time, thanks to the penetration of various borders educational literaturePeople began to understand the harm of serfdom of the economy. From among such people was Eugene, he "read Adam Smith and was a deep economy." But, unfortunately, such people were a bit, and the bulk of them belonged to young people. And therefore, when Eugene "Yarem ... the barbecues of the ancient lifestyle was lightly replaced",

In his corner sneaked

Seeing terrible harm

His calculating neighbor.

The reason for the formation of debts was not only the desire to "live by noble", but also the need to have free money at their disposal. This money was obtained by laying estates. To live on the means obtained when laying the estate, and was called to live on debt. It was assumed that the nobleman would improve their position on the money received, but in most cases the nobles lived this money, spending them on the purchase or construction of houses in the capital, on balls ("gave three bala annually"). It is on this that is familiar, but leading to the ruin of the path and the father of Eugene went. It is not surprising that when the father of Onegin passed away, it turned out that the inheritance burdened with big debts.

Before Onegin gathered

Bewares greedy regiment.

In this case, the heir could accept the inheritance and with him to take on the debts of the Father or refuse him, providing creditors to settle the bills among themselves. The first decision was dictated by a sense of honor, the desire does not burn the good name of the Father or to preserve the generic estate. Friendly, Onegin went on the second path. Obtaining the inheritance was not the last tool to correct upset. Youth, the time of hope for inheritance, was as if a legalized period of debts, from which in the second half of life should have been freed, becoming the heir of "all his relatives" or profitably married.

Who in twenty years was Frant Il Vushka,

And in thirty, married;

Who fifty released

From private and other debts.

For the nobility of that time, the military appeared as natural that the lack of this feature in the biography should have a special explanation. The fact that Onegin, as clear from the novel, never served anywhere in general, made a young worm-raven in a circle of contemporaries. This reflected new tradition. If before the refusal of the service was pounding like egoism, now he has acquired contours of the struggle for personal independence, defending the right to live regardless of state requirements. Onegin leads the life of a young man free from official duties. Only rare young people could afford such a life at that time, whose service was purely fictitious. Take such a detail. Headed by Paul's iPoretok, in which all officials, including the emperor himself, were to go to bed early and early to get up early, preserved under Alexander I. But the right to get up as long as possible was a kind of sign of aristocraticism, separating the unusual nobleman not only from the common, but also from Rustic landlord. Fashion get up as possible as possible to the French aristocracy of the "old pre-revolutionary regime" and was listed in Russia with emigrants.

The morning toilet and a cup of coffee or tea was replaced by two-three clutch climb. Loved places of the festivities of St. Petersburg France were Nevsky Prospect and English embankment Neva, it is there Onegin and walked: "Nadiva Wide Bolivar, Onegin rides on the boulevard." . About four hours of afternoon there was a lunch time. A young man leading a lifestyle rarely contained a cook and preferred to dining in a restaurant.

The afternoon young France sought to "kill", filling the gap between the restaurant and the ball. The theater was given this opportunity, he was not only a place of artistic spectacle and a kind of club, where secular meetings took place, but also the place of love intrigues:

Theater is full; lodges shine;

Parter and armchairs - all boils;

In Warake, impatiently splash,

And, swaying, the curtain of the noise.

Everything claps. Onegin enters

Goes between the chairs on the feet

Double Laurenet Squeezing

On the lodges of strangers.

Ball had a dual property. On the one hand, there was an area of \u200b\u200brelaxed communication, a secular holiday, a place where socio-economic differences weakened. On the other hand, the ball was the place of representation of various social layers.

Tired of urban life, Onegin settles in the village. An important event in his life was friendship with Lensky. Although Pushkin notes that they agreed "from doing nothing." This, in the end, led to a duel.

At that time, people looked at the duel in different ways. Some believed that a duel, no matter what, is the murder, and therefore barbarism in which there is nothing knight. Others - that a duel is a means of protecting human dignity, since the poor nobleman, and the farm of the yard, turned out to be equal.

Such a look was not alien and Pushkin, as his biography shows. Duel meant the rigor of compliance with the rules, which was achieved by referring to the authority of the experts. Such a role in the novel plays Zaretsky. He, "in duels Classic and Pedant," led the case with big omissions, or rather, consciously ignoring everything that the bloody outcome could be eliminated. At first visited, he was obliged to discuss the possibility of reconciliation. It was part of his responsibilities of the Secundant, especially since there was no blood offense and everything except the 18-year-old Lensky was clear that the case was misunderstood. Onegin and Zaretsky violate the rules of the duel. The first is to demonstrate its irritated contempt for the story, in which he came against his will, whose seriousness still does not believe, and Zaretsky because he sees a funny story in a duel, the subject of gossip and drawing. The behavior of Onegin on a duel irrefutably testifies that the author wanted to make him the killer unwittingly. Onegin shoots from a long distance, making only four steps, and first, obviously not wanting to get into Lensky. The question arises, however, the question: why nevertheless Onegin shot in Lensky, and not by? The main mechanism, with which the society, prisimed by Onegin, still powerfully controls its actions, is the fear of being funny or become gossip. In the Onegin district, rustic duels caused an ironic attitude. A man who came to the barrier was to show an extraordinary spiritual will to preserve his behavior, and not to accept the norms imposed on him. The behavior of Onegin was determined by oscillations between the feelings he experienced to Lensky, and fear would seem funny or cowardly, violating the rules of behavior on the duel. What won us, knows:

Poet, Pensive Dreamer

Killed by a friend!

Thus, it can be said that the Drama Onegin is that he replaced the real human feelings, love, faith with rational ideals. But a person is not able to live a full life without experiencing passions, not mistaken, because the mind cannot replace or subordinate to himself. In order for the human person to develop harmoniously, spiritual ideals should stand still in the first place.

Roman "Evgeny Onegin" is the inexhaustible source telling about the nrules and life of that time. Onegin himself is true hero His time, and in order to understand his own and his acts, we study the time in which he lived.

The main hero of the novel "Eugene Onegin" opens the significant chapter in poetry and in all Russian culture. Ogein followed the whole string of heroes, called later "superfluous people": Lermontov Pechorin, Turgenev Rudin and many other, less significant characters that embody the whole reservoir, the era in the socio-spiritual development of Russian society.

2. Pechorin - Hero of His Time

Pechorin - educated secular man with a critical mind, dissatisfied with life and not seeing for himself the opportunity to be happy. He continues the gallery of "extra people", open by Evgeny Onegin Pushkin. Belinsky noted that the thought of portraying the hero of his time in the novel does not belong exclusively to Lermontov, since the "knight of our time" Karamzin already existed at that moment. Belinsky also pointed out that many writers early XIX. The century has occurred to such a thought.

Pechorin is called in the novel " strange person"So they say almost all other characters. The definition of the "strange" acquires the shade of the term, followed by a certain warehouse of character and the type of personality, and is wider and capacious than the definition of "extra person". There were similar "strange people" to Pechorin, for example, in the story "Walk around Moscow" and in the "Essay of Craid" Ryleev.

Lermontov, creating a "hero of our time," said that he was "fun to draw a portrait of a modern man as he understands him and I met us." Unlike Pushkin, he focuses on the inner world of his heroes and claims to "preface to Pechorina magazine" that "the history of the human soul, at least the smallest soul, is hardly more interesting and not more useful than the history of the whole people." The desire to disclose inner world The hero was reflected in the composition: the novel begins as if from the middle of the story and consistently communicates until the end of the life of Pechorin. Thus, the reader knows in advance that the "mad race" of Pechorin for life is doomed to failure. Pechorin makes the path that made his romantic predecessors, thereby showing the inconsistency of their romantic ideals.

Pechorin - a hero of transitional time, a representative of noble youth, who has entered life after the defeat of the Decembrists. Lack of high public ideals - a bright feature of this historical period. The image of Pechorina is one of the main artistic discoveries of Lermontov. Pechorinsky type of truly epochlen. It received its concentrated artistic expression, the indigenous peculiarities of the Peculoscript era, in which, according to Herzen, on the surface, "only losses are visible,", inside, " great work.... deaf and silent, but active and uninterrupted. "This is a dedication inconsistency of the internal - external and at the same time conditionality of the intensive development of spiritual life is imprinted in the image - type of peopinger. However, its image is much broader in it in the universal, national - To the worldwide, socio-psychological in moral and philosophical. Pechistan in his journal repeatedly speaks of its controversial duality. Usually this duality is considered as a result of the sequence of secular education, the destructive impact on the nobility-aristocratic sphere, the transitional nature of its era.

Explaining the purpose of creating the "Hero of Our Time", M.Yu. Lermontov in the preface to him quite clearly makes it clear how the image of the main character is: "My hero, my hero, my merciful state trucks, precisely portrait, but not one person: this is a portrait made from the vices of all our generation in full development" . The author set itself an important and challenging task, wanting to display the hero of his time on the pages of his novel. And now we have Pechorin - a truly tragic personality, a young man who suffers from his integrity, in despair asking himself a painful question: "Why did I live? For what purpose did I born?" In the image of Lermontov Pechorin - a person is quite a certain time, position, socio-cultural medium, with all the contradictions arising from here, which are investigated by the author to fully artistic objectivity. This is a nobleman - the intellectual of the Nikolaev era, her victim and hero in one person, whose "soul is spoiled by light." But there is something more in it, which makes it a representative of not only a certain era and social environment. Pechorin's personality appears in Lermontov's novel as unique - individual manifestation In it, specifically historical and universal, speculative and generic. From his predecessor of Onegin Pecherin differs not only with temperament, the depth of thought and feelings, the power of will, but also the degree of awareness of itself, its attitude to the world. Pechorin is more than Onegin, thinker, ideologist. He is organically philosophical. And in this sense, he is a characteristic phenomenon of his time, according to Belinsky, the "century philosophizing spirit". Intense meditation of Pechorin, his constant analysis and self-analysis in its meaning go beyond the limits of his era, have both universal importance as the necessary stage in the self-institution of a person, in the formation of individuals in it - a generic, that is, a personal, beginning.

In the indomitable effectiveness of Pechorin, another most important side of the Lermontov concept of a person was reflected - as creatures not only reasonable, but also active.

Pechorin embodies such qualities as developed consciousness and self-consciousness, "fullness of feelings and the depth of thoughts", the perception of themselves by the representative of not only cash society, but also the entire history of mankind, spiritual and moral freedom, the active self-assertion of a holistic being, etc. But, being the son of his time and society, he carries and their indelible seal affecting the species, limited, and sometimes distorted manifestation in it. In the personality of Pechorin, there is particularly characteristic of socially unsecured society a contradiction between his human essence and existence, according to Belinsky "between the deepness of nature and the might of the action of the same person." However, B. life position And the activities of Pechorina more meaning than it seems at first glance. The seal of masculinity, even heroism, is noted in front of the non-acceptable denial of reality for him; in a protest against which he relies only on own forces. He dies, in anything, not done by his principles and beliefs, although not committing something to do in different conditions. The possibilities of direct social action, Pechorin seeks, however, to resist the circumstances, to assert its will, its "own need", contrary to the dominant "stateless need."

For the first time in Russian literature, Lermontov brought the hero on the pages of his novel, who directly set itself the most important, "recent" issues of human being - about the purpose and sense of the human life, about his appointment. In front of a duel with a pearshnitsky, he reflects: "I run everything in memory of my past and ask myself unwittingly: why did I live? For what purpose did I born? And rightly it existed, and rightly, there was a high destination, because I feel in the soul My strength is immense; But I did not gues this appointment. I got carried away by the baits of passions of empty and ungrateful; From the horror, I came out firm and cold, like iron, but lost forever of noble aspirations, best color Life. "The victim of the Pechorin's time worn Bal, forcibly pulled out of her medium, from the natural course of her life. Especially wonderful in its naturalness, but fragile and short-lived harmony of insincerability and ignorance, doomed to the inevitable death in contact with reality, at least" natural "Life, and even more so with an increasingly powerful invading" civilization ".

In the era of revival, individualism was historically progressive phenomenon. With the development of bourgeois relations, individualism deprives its humanistic foundation. In Russia, the deepened crisis of the feudal-serf system, the birth in its depths of new, bourgeois relations, victory in Patriotic War 1812 caused truly revived lifting of a sense of personality. But at the same time, all this is intertwined in the first third of the XIXVEK with the crisis of noble revolutionism (events of December 14, 1825), with the fall of the authority not only religious beliefsBut the educational ideas that eventually created a nutrient ground for the development of individualistic ideology in Russian society. In 1842, Belinsky stated: "Our age ... this is a century ... separation, individuality, age of personal passions and interests (even mental) ...". Pechorin with its total individualism and in this respect is an epochal figure. The principal negation of the peopling morality of the modern society, as well as his other men, was not only his personal dignity. It has long been raised in a public atmosphere, Pechorin appeared only the earliest and most bright expressive.

Significantly different: individualism of Pechorina is far from pragmatic, adapting to the life of egoism. In this sense, the comparison of individualism is indicative, say, Pushkinsky German from " Peak Lady"With individualism of Pechorina. Individualism Hermann is based on the desire by all means to conquer his place under the sun, that is, to rise to the top steps of the social staircase. He revolts not against this unfair society, and against his underlined position in it, not appropriate, As he believes his inner significance, his intellectual-willed opportunities. For the sake of winning a prestigious position in this unfair society, he is ready to go to everything: to overstep, "bear" not only through the fate of other people, but also through ourselves as a "internal" person " . There is no individualism of Pechorin. The hero is full of truly rebel the rejection of all the obstacles of society, which is forced to live. He least is concerned about his position in it. Moreover, in essence, he has, and it could easily have even more of what Herman seeks: he is rich, noble, all doors are open to him higher LightAll roads on the way to a brilliant career, honors. He all rejects it as a purely outer tinsel, unworthy aspirations living in him to the true fullness of life he sees, according to him, in the "completeness and depth of feelings and thoughts", in gaining significant life goal. He considers his conscious individualism as something forced, because it does not find an alternative to him acceptable for himself.

There is another feature in the character of Pechorin, which makes it in a lot in a new way to take a look at the individualism professionable. One of the dominant domestic needs of the hero is his pronounced attraction to communicate with people, which in itself contradicts individualistic worldviews. In Pechorin affects constant curiosity to life, to the world, and most importantly - to people.

Pechorin, according to the preface to the novel, - the type of "modern man", how the author "understands it" and how often I met.

3. Travel and difference of images of Onegin and Pechorin

The novels "Eugene Onegin" and "Hero of our time" are written at different times, and the time of these works is different. Evgeny lived in an era of the rise of national and social self-consciousness, winsted sentiments, secret societies, Hoping for revolutionary transformations. Gregory Pechorin - the hero of the era of timeless, the reaction period, the decline of public activity. But the problematics of both works are one - spiritual crisis The noble intelligentsia, which critically perceive reality, but not trying to change, improve the device of society. Intelligentsia, which is limited to a passive protest against the confusion of the surrounding world. Heroes went to themselves, intelligently greeted their strength, conscious meaninglessness of their existence, but did not possess public temperamentnor social ideals nor the ability to self-sacrifice.

Onegin and Pechorin brought up in some conditions, with the help of fashionable French governors. Both received quite good for those times, Onegin communicates with Lensky, talking about a wide variety of topics, which indicates his high education:

Tribes of the past contracts

Fruits of science, good and evil,

And prejudices of centuries

And mystery fathers

Fate and life ...

Pechorin freely discusses with Dr. Werner. comfortable problems modern science, indicating the depth of his ideas about the world.

The parallelism between Onegin and Pechorin is obvious to triviality, Roman Lermontov intersects with Pushkinsky not only thanks to the main characters - their correlation is supported by numerous reminiscences. It would be possible to bring many considerations regarding the reflection of the Antithesis of Onegin - Lensky in a pair of Pechorin - Grushnitsky (it is significant that in 1837 G. Lermontov was inclined to identify Lensky with Pushkin); On the transformation of the narrative principles of "Onegin" in the "Hero of our time" system, which detects the obvious continuity between these novels, and so on. However, it is interesting for us, first of all, not this, as well as not objective differences, between the images of Onegin and Pechorina, repeatedly considered from Belinsky and AP. Grigorieva to the works of Soviet Lermontov. It is interesting to try to reconstruct on the basis of the Pechista figure, how Lermontov interpreted the Onegin type, which he saw Onegin.

Characteristic of the "Onegin" principle of self-sensing heroes through the prism of literary stamps is actively used in the "Hero of Our Time". Purpose of Grushnitsky - "Make the Hero of the Roman"; Princess Mary seeks to "not get out of the received role"; Werner reports Pechorin: "In her imagination you have become the hero of the novel in the new taste." In Onegin, a literary self-infliction is a sign of naivety, belonging to a children's and an inexistan look at life. As the spiritual ripening, the characters are freed from literary points and in the eighth chapter appear not as literary images famous novels And poems, and how people, which is much more serious, deeper and more tragic.

In the "Hero of our time", the alignment of accents is different. Heroes outside the literary self-sinking, - Characters of the type of Bale, Maxim Maximovich or smugglers, - simple people. As for the characters of the opposite range, they are all - and high, and low-lying - encoded literary tradition. The only difference is that Gruschnitsky is Marlinsky's character in life, and Pechorin is encoded by Onegin type.

In the realistic text, a traditionally coded image is placed in a fundamentally alien to him and, as it were, an extralectricated space ("genius chanced to the office table"). The result of this is the displacement of the plot situations. The self-treatment of the hero is in contradiction with those surrounding contexts that are given as adequate reality. Bright example Such a transformation of the image is the ratio of the hero and the plot situations in the Don Quixote. The title of the "Knight of our time" or "Hero of our time" includes the reader in the same conflict.

Pechorin is encoded by Onegin, but that is why he is not Onegin, but his interpretation. Be Onegin - for Pechorin role. Onegin is not a "extra person" - this definition itself, as well as Herchansky "smart unnaturalness," appeared later and is some interpretive projection of Onegin. Onegin eighth chapter does not think himself with a literary character. Meanwhile, if the political essence of the "excess person" was revealed by Herzena, and the social - Dobrolyubov, the historical psychology of this type is inseparable from the experience of herself as the "Hero of the Roman", and its life - as the realization of some plot. Such self-determination inevitably puts the question of his "fifth act" - apotheosis or death ending the play of life or her human novel. The theme of the death, the end, the "fifth act", the final of his novel becomes one of the main in the psychological self-determination of a person of the romantic era. how literary Character "Lives" for the sake of the final scene or the last exclamation, so the person of the romantic era lives "for the sake of the end." "I will die, brothers, ah, how nicely die!" - exclaught A. Odoyevsky, leaving December 14, 1825 on the Senate Square.

The psychology of the "excess person" is the psychology of a person, whose life is aimed at death and which, nevertheless, did not die. Roman plot cares of "excess person" after the end of the fifth act of his life play, deprived of the scenario of further behavior. For the generation of the Lermontov "Duma", the concept of the fifth act is still filled with historically real content - this is December 14th. In the future, it turns into a conditional point of the scene. Naturally, the activity after the activity turns into a fitness of inconsistency. Lermontov extremely clearly revealed the relationship of the failed death and the aimlessness of further existence, forcing Pechorin in the middle of the "Princess Meri" to say goodbye to life, to reduce all the scores with her and ... do not die. "And now I feel that I still live for a long time." L. N. Tolstoy in the future showed how this literary situation becomes a program of real behavior, re-doubling ( romantic hero As a certain behavior program, implementing the real actions of the Russian nobleman, becomes an "excess person"; In turn, the "extra person" becomes, having made the fact of literature, the program for the behavior of a certain part of Russian nobles.

III. Evgeny Onegin and "Hero of our time" - the best artistic documents of their era

What a short term is divided by Pushkin Onegin and Lermontov Pechistan! First quarter and forties of the XIXVEK. And yet it is two different epochs separated by an event unforgettable for Russian history - the Decembrist uprising. Pushkin and Lermontov managed to create works, reflecting the spirit of these eras, works in which the problems of the fate of the young noble intelligentsia were touched upon, not able to find applications to their forces

According to Belinsky, the "Hero of our time" is a "sad thought about our time", and Pechorin is "this is a hero of our time. The nursing of them between them is much less than the distance between you and Pechoro."

Evgeny Onegin and "Hero of Our Time" - Bright art documents His era, and their main characters personify all the futility of attempts to live in society and be free from him.


So, we have two heroes before us, both representatives of their difficult time. Wonderful critic V.G. Belinsky did not put between them the sign "equal", but also did not see a big abyss between them.

Calling Pechorina Onegin his time, Belinsky gave proper unrivaled artistry of Pushkin's image and at the same time he believed that "Pechistan above Onegin in theory", although, as if he had a certain categorical of this assessment, added: "However, this advantage belongs to our time, and not Lermontov. " Starting with 2. half XIXVEK The sovereign was strengthened by the definition of an "excess person."

The deep meaning and characteristic of the type of "superfluous man" for Russian society and Russian literature of the Nikolaev era probably most accurately determined A.I.Grenz, although this definition remains in the "storerooms" of literary studies. Speaking about the essence of Onegin and Pechorin as "unnecessary people" of the 1820-30s, Herzen made a remarkably deep observation: "The sad type of superfluous ... man - just because he developed in man, was then not only in poems and novels , but on the streets and in the living rooms, in the villages and cities. "

And yet, with all the proximity to Onegin Pechorin, as the hero of his time, marks completely new stage in the development of Russian society and Russian literature. If in Onegin is reflected painful, but in many respects the semi-wild process of turning the aristocrat, "dandy" in a person, the formation of a person in it, then in Pechorin is captured by the tragedy of the already established highly developed personality, doomed to live in the noble-serf society with autocratic mode.

According to Belinsky, the "Hero of our time" is a "sad thought about our time", and Pechorin is "this is a hero of our time. The nursing of them between them is much less than the distance between you and Pechoro."


  1. Demin N.A. The study of creativity A.S. Pushkin in grade 8. - Moscow, "Enlightenment", 1971
  2. Lermontov M.Yu. Hero of our time. - Moscow: " Soviet Russia", 1981
  3. Lermontov. Works. Moscow, Publisher "Pravda", 1988
  4. Pushkin.c. "Evgeny Onegin", M.: Fiction, 1984
  5. Udodov B.T. Roman M.Yu.Lermontova "Hero of Our Time", Moscow, "Enlightenment", 1989
  6. Manuilov V.A. Roman M.Yu.Lermontova "Hero of our time" Comment. - Leningrad: "Enlightenment", 1975
  7. Schetalov S.E. Heroes Roman A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". - M.: "Enlightenment", 1986
  8. Gerstein E. "Hero of Our Time" M.Yu. Lermontov. - M.: Fiction, 1976
  9. Lermontovskaya Encyclopedia - M.: OV. Encyclopedia, 1981.
  10. Belinsky V. G. Articles about Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol - M.: Enlightenment, 1983
  11. Viscovatov P. A. Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov: Life and creativity -M.: Book, 1989
  12. Nabokov V. V. Comments on Evgenia Onegin Alexander Pushkin - M.: NPK "Intelvak", 1999
  13. Lotman Yu. M. Roman A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin": Comment: Manual for the teacher. - L.: Enlightenment., 1980
  14. Pushkin A. S. Favorites - M.: Enlightenment, 1983
  15. Vikristannya Intternetu at the formistannі fund biblіotek

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Comparative characteristics of Onegin and Pechorin
(Advanced people of the XIX century)
My life, where are you going from and where?
Why am I my way so unclear and Ten?
Why do I not know the goal of labor?
Why don't I carry my own owner?

Pushkin worked on the novel "Eugene Onegin" for many years, it was his favorite work. Belinsky called in his article "Eugene Onegin" this is the work of the "Encyclopedia of Russian Life". Indeed, in this novel, a picture of all layers of Russian life is given: both of the highest light, and a small nobility, and the people - Pushkin studied the lives of all the seasons of the beginning of the XIX century. In the years of creating a novel, Pushkin had to survive, lose many friends, experience bitterness from the death of the best people in Russia. The novel was for the poet, according to him, the fruit of the "mind of cold observations and hearts of sorrowful notice." On a wide background of Russian paintings of life shown dramatic fate The best people, the advanced noble intelligentsia of the Decembrists era.

Without Onegin, Lermontov hero would be impossible without Onegin, because the realistic novel created by Pushkin opened the first page in the history of the great Russian novel of the XIX century.

Pushkin embodied in the image of Onegin, many of those traits, which are then deployed in separate characters Lermontov, Turgenev, Herzen, Goncharov. Evgeny Onegin and Pechorin are very similar in nature, both of them from the secular environment received good upbringingThey stand at a higher level of development, hence their longing, handra and dissatisfaction. All this is characteristic of souls more subtle and more developed. Pushkin writes about Onegin: "Handra waited for him on guard, and she ran after him, like the shadow of Ile a faithful wife." A secular society in which Onegin rotated, and later Pechorin, spoiled them. It did not require knowledge, there was enough superficial education, it was more important to know french And good manners. Eugene, like everyone else, "easy Mazurka danced and bowed at ease." Their best years He spends like most people of his circle, on balls, theaters and love hobbies. Pechorin leads the same way of life. Very soon both begin to understand that this life is empty that there is nothing for the "external tinsel", the boredom reigns in the world, slander, envy, people spend domestic powers Souls on gossip and malice. The small bustle, the empty conversations of the "necessary fools", the mental emptiness makes the life of these people with monotonous, outwardly dazzling, but deprived of the inner "content of the idleness, the lack of high interests are shifting their existence. The day looks like a day, there is no need to work, there is a little smarter, so the smartest and The best misfortunes of nostalgia. They don't know their homeland and people. Onegin "wanted to write, but the work stubborn him was a torn ...", he also did not find it in his books. Onegin smart and could benefit society , but the lack of work in labor is the reason that he does not find his own classes in the shower. From this he suffers, realizing that upper layer Society lives at the expense of the slave labor of serfs. The serfdom was disgraced tsarist Russia. Onegin in the village tried to facilitate the position of his fortress peasants ("... ... he was light replaced with an old patch with an old patch with an old lifestyle ..."), for which she was convicted by the neighbors who considered him the eccentric and dangerous "free-rope." Pechorina also do not understand. In order to deeper the nature of his hero, Lermontov places it in a wide variety of social spheres, confronted with the most diverse people. When a separate edition of the Hero of Our Time was published, it became clear that the Russian realistic novel was not to Lermontov. Belinsky pointed out that "Princess Mary" is one of the main leads in the novel. In this story, Pecherin talks about himself, reveals his soul. Here the most important features of the "Hero of Our Time" appeared psychological novel. In the Pechorin's diary, we find his sincere confession, in which he reveals his thoughts and feelings, mercilessly by the biles inherent weaknesses and vices: there is a random of his character and an explanation of his actions. Pechorin - a victim of his hard time. The peculiar character is complicated and contradictory. He talks about himself; "In me, two people: one lives, in the full sense of the word, is another think and judges it." In the image of Pechorina, the character traits of the author himself are visible, but Lermontov was wider and deeper than his hero. Pechorin is closely connected with the advanced public thought, but it ranks himself with a pitiful descendants who wander around the ground without beliefs and pride. "We are not capable of more great victims for the good of humanity, nor for their own happiness," said Pechorin. He lost faith in people, his disbelief in ideas, skepticism and undoubted egoism - the result of the era that comes after December 14, the epoch of the moral decay, cowardice and the vulgarity of secular societyin which Pechorin rotated. The main task that Lermontov set amounted to him is to sketching the image of the modern young man to him. Lermontov puts the problem strong personality, so unlike noble society 30s.

Belinsky wrote that "Pechorin - Onegin is our time." The novel "The hero of our time" is bitter meditation over the "Human Soul Story", the soul, destroyed "brilliance of a deceptive capital," seeking and not finding friendship, love, happiness. Pechorin - a suffering egoist. About Onegin Belinsky wrote: "The forces of this rich nature remained without an application: life without meaning, and a novel without end." The same can be said about Pechorin. Comparing two heroes, he wrote: "... In the roads, the difference, and the result is one." With all the difference appearance and differences in characters and Onegin; And Pechorin, and Chatsky belong to the gallery "of unnecessary people for whom there was no place in the surrounding society, nor the case. The desire to find its place in life, to understand the" appointment of great "is the main meaning of the novel Lermontov lyrics. Do not these reflections occupy Pechorin , lead him to the painful answer to the question: "Why did I live?" You can answer this question with the words of Lermontov "Perhaps that the thoughts of the heavenly and the power of the Spirit are convinced, I would give the world a wonderful one, but for me to be immortal ... "In the lyrics of Lermontov and meditation of Pechorin, we celebrate the sad recognition that people are skinny fruits, the words of Pecherin are echoing about the fact that he despises life, and Lermontov words," but the fate and the world will be despised, "therefore In the "Hero of our time" we are so clearly heard the voice of the poet, the breath of his time. I portrayed the fates of my heroes typical of their generation? Pushkin and Lermontov protest against reality, which forces people to waste forces s.