Yoo hoi. A hero of his time: remembering Yuri Khoy, his life and mysterious death

Yoo hoi.  A hero of his time: remembering Yuri Khoy, his life and mysterious death
Yoo hoi. A hero of his time: remembering Yuri Khoy, his life and mysterious death

The leader of the punk group "Gaza Strip" Yuri Khoy, whose cause of death (according to official documents) is a heart attack, left behind a large number of riddles. In one of his songs, he sang that he would not live to be forty here. The author was unable to reach this milestone. He died at the age of 35 full years. Until his 36th birthday, he was only 23 days away. The tragedy happened on July 4, 2000.

The birth of an idol of the 90s

Yuri Nikolaevich Klinskikh (pseudonym - Yuri Khoy), whose biography is very interesting, was born on 07/27/1964. It happened in Voronezh. School years the future singer went with whom he spent more time than with textbooks. Accordingly, Yuri could not be called an excellent student or good.

Despite the fact that Yura grew up in an ordinary working-class Soviet family, he chose for himself an informal way and lifestyle that was not well understood at that time. However, this did not affect the development of a specific literary mindset. Yuri independently wrote the lyrics for his songs. His poems touched upon forbidden topics, on which many of his compatriots were even embarrassed to speak.

Finding your Self

After serving in armed forces For some time he worked as a traffic police officer, but, not finding himself in this business, he went to the plant. In the late 80s, the first rock club was opened in Voronezh. It was located in the industrial area of ​​the city, far from the center. At first, the singer performed solo, without the presence of outsiders on the stage. He sang his own songs. In 1987, Yuri Klinskikh created his own group and named it after this zone of the city - “Gaza Strip”. The first performance of the band took place on December 5 of the same year.

Glory and popularity

For the first 2-3 years, the young team was not popular and performed at the opening act for rock bands coming to the city. Gradually, in direct proportion to the drop in publicity in a country that had already begun to fall apart, obscene songs became more popular and accessible to the ordinary listener. The population finally got access to previously forbidden topics. Thus, pirated recordings of the Gaza Strip group appeared in Moscow kiosks. Yuri Khoy and his team, however, did not have any profit.

The group gained popularity only after the release of the third and fourth albums - "The Evil Dead", "Louse". A year later, after Yuri Klinskikh sent the recordings of songs to Moscow through his friend, he received an answer and an invitation from the Mir recording studio.

The two previous albums were reissued and released on cassettes and LPs. "Gaza Strip" begins to cooperate with the first commercial recording company "Gala Records" in the USSR. In 1994, in the summer, the group released another masterpiece that impressed many with its style. It was the punk opera "Koschey the Immortal". V further plans Yuri had to make a video version of this album. But sudden death did not allow him to carry out his plans.

The mid-90s is considered the heyday of the band's popularity. But this does not bring the musicians a lot of money. Much of their work is sold in dubbing on the pirate market. The popularity of the group is confirmed by numerous tours in many cities of Russia and the countries of the commonwealth.

Yura Klinskikh is changing his image. A leather jacket, a T-shirt and jeans are exchanged for an expensive suit and an ironed shirt. There are also certain changes in the work: there are fewer obscene vocabulary, the lyrics touch on more serious topics and less scandalous. But this does not particularly affect the popularity of the group. Nevertheless, the album "Gas Attack" became the best-selling album ever released.


Despite the fact that Yuri Khoy did not have music education, the team under his leadership reached an unprecedented peak of popularity and released 13 studio albums that you can listen to now. Moreover, some fragments of his poems became real and full-fledged quotes found in ordinary life, for example:

Valiant, honest and dear to heart,

State traffic inspectorate, you are like a mother to us.

Personal life

Yuri Khoy, whose cause of death remains unsolved for many, was born into an ordinary working-class family. Parents worked at the Voronezh Steel Plant. Despite his image as a fighter for freedom of speech and informal, he was married and had two daughters, Irina and Lilia.

Yuri met his future wife, Galina, even before the army. After demobilization, they got married. Although since 1991, after meeting Olga Samarina, the singer began to whirlwind romance, he did not leave the family. Nevertheless, Yuri did not hide his relationship with his mistress. According to mutual acquaintances, it was she who attracted Hoy to drugs.

Poets death

An ambulance who came to the call recorded the deceased young man: the girl next to him called him by his name - Yuri Khoy. The cause of death was unacceptable to many. Having never had a heart problem, the singer died of a heart attack.

The second version of what Yuri Khoy died of was drug addiction and alcoholism, which together slowly but surely killed a young talented guy. But this version is unofficial. The singer said to all his relatives and friends that he had already given up drugs.

From official documents, nothing is known except that hepatitis C was found in his blood. The police did not conduct a separate investigation, since the medical report recorded an ordinary death without a trace of crime.

"The fight of extrasensories"

The specific and explicit themes that the singer chose for his songs influenced further life his relatives even after the death of Yuri. The fact is that on Yuri Khoy, a tombstone is periodically destroyed. It seems to burst in half. The singer's daughter turned to the television project "The Battle of Psychics" with a request to try to sort out this strange issue.

The recording of the reports of famous sorcerers and magicians was posted in the 15th season in the 5th episode of the project. During the discussions, one of the burst tombstones... Some psychics were able to accurately indicate that the element covered with cloth was brought to the studio from the cemetery. Tatyana Larina even transported herself to the kingdom of the dead and was able to communicate with the deceased there. She said that he asks his relatives for forgiveness and begs them not to blame him for his untimely departure from life.

Others argued that the person to whom this monument was erected very often walked on the razor's edge: he drank alcohol, took drugs, performed at his concerts with songs on behalf of the dead, praising death:

... You can't run away from her,

You can't breathe from it.

I'll take a bike

And I will go to the next world.

Well, I went ...

In addition, the death of the group's keyboard player was predicted by the magicians from the "Battle of Psychics" project. Yuri Khoy, according to them, brought evil on all the members of the famous collective with his songs, and now they are doomed.


So what did Yuri Khoy die from? Was it hepatitis C caused by alcohol and previous drugs, or was it just a normal heart attack? Or maybe otherworldly forces are involved in this? This question still remains unsolved, because the author has repeatedly mentioned death, vampires, ghouls, the dead, Satan, witches in his poems.

Hoy devoted his last album, Hellraiser, almost entirely to otherworldly forces. Moreover, relatives remind that he died trying to record last song from his 13th album. This is another mysterious fragment from life. legendary singer named Yuri Khoy. The cause of death of a man, whose repertoire in its popularity is equated to the poems of Viktor Tsoi, still remains a mystery and keeps a lot of unclear.

Members of the popular mystical show"Battle of Psychics" found out the cause of the death of the soloist of the group "Gaza Strip" Yuri Khoy. Two daughters of Yuri Khoy Irina and Lilia and his son-in-law came to the program, where people supposedly possessing the gift of clairvoyance find explanations for unusual phenomena. The musician's relatives wanted to find out who regularly breaks the gravestone on the grave of the punk rock legend and why the reason for his death is still unknown.

As stated by the relatives and fans of Yuri Khoy, after his death they were given only a death certificate, and the autopsy results were allegedly lost. The circumstances of that tragedy are shrouded in mystery. The musician died on July 4, 2000 in one of the private houses on Barnaulskaya street. On this day, he was going to go to the shooting of the video clip "Night of Fear" at the Art-Prize studio in Voronezh. According to the official version, the musician died of a heart attack, although nothing was previously known about heart problems. According to an unofficial version, Yuri took drugs and suffered from hepatitis, which was the cause of death. Hoi did not live to see his 36th birthday 23 days.

Relatives of Yuri Klinsky were brought to the studio of the show last time broken monument that stood on the grave of the musician. The presenters covered the marble slab with a cloth and asked the participants of the "Battle" to guess what was underneath. Different participants in the show expressed similar versions - "associated with death", "mysterious death", etc. Someone even said that a curse was imposed on the "Gaza Strip" group.

However, some psychics surprised the musician's daughters by almost one hundred percent guessing some of the events in Hoy's life. For example, they described the accidents in which he got, talked about his experiences because of love triangle... The audience was amazed at the precise hit of some of the clairvoyants. So, one of them even "saw" a white cat, Hoy's beloved pet - the animal died just six months ago. She also predicted that other members of the group would gradually have to leave behind the leader of the group. The hosts of the show connected her phrase “the chain has not yet closed” with the fact that shortly before the broadcast, the group's keyboard player Igor Anikeev died.

Some participants in the show explained the death of the musician musical activities... Allegedly, he always played with death: he sang on behalf of the dead, collected a collection of horror films, wrote poems about afterlife... However, a psychic put an end to the proceedings, who told about many moments in the Klinsky biography, when he managed to avoid death. The clairvoyant voiced a completely non-mystical version of the reasons for the death of the musician - alcohol and drugs. The relatives agreed with this conclusion.

Musician, poet, composer, founder and permanent leader of the Gaza Strip group.

“It’s probably better to live without anything… You become free, like an animal, like a bird… The sky… A lot of time for creativity…” Yuri Klinskikh.

His mother, Maria Kuzminichna, was a housewife, and his father, Nikolai Mitrofanovich Klinskikh, was an engineer who worked at the Voronezh aircraft plant. Yuri was not the only son of the Klinsky couple, he had two older brothers. Since childhood, Yuri grew up as a smart and inquisitive boy, interested in everything he could see. At school, Yuri did not stand out in anything special, he studied for C and wore home "bad" for his behavior. In his secondary education diploma, there was one single four in labor. Yuri often did not go to his first lessons, while staying up late at home with books. He was honest and tried never to lie.

Older brothers from a young age introduced Yura to music, in the Klinsky house you could often hear rock and roll. All three brothers besides Soviet music listened to the groups The beatles and Deep Purplе - first on records, then on reels. Father taught youngest son to poetry, the study of literature and the rules of versification. He himself wrote poetry all his life, published, but without much success. The lessons given by Nikolai Mitrofanovich later manifested themselves in his son's bouncy songs, which, despite the "ugly" in the opinion literary critics, the content, had "impeccable syllable and style."

If his father helped Yura with the syllable, then the holidays in the village, where Yuri often left for the whole summer, helped with the content. Another source of inspiration for Yuri was horror films - first Soviet ones, such as Viy, then any that could be obtained on cassettes. Hoi learned to play the guitar at school and then composed his first songs.

After graduating from school and studying at DOSAAF, where Yuri received a driver's license, Yuri was drafted into the army in the tank forces.

Part of it was stationed in the Far East. Shortly before serving in the army, he met his future wife Galina. Without any special incidents, Yuri served in Blagoveshchensk as a tank driver and was demobilized in 1984.

After the army, Yuri went to work in the traffic police, but did not take root in the police. “To work in the police, you need bad man to be. There are, of course, normal ones, but they have no place there, ”Yuri said later. He himself always loved speed and cars, tried not to fine drivers who slightly exceeded the speed, pitied people from the villages. At the same time, he did not like to fawn on the authorities. Once Yuri stopped the mayor of Voronezh, who was driving at a red light. And to the question: "Do you know who I am?" - He replied that he did not want to know. On another occasion, he stopped an important priest, and both times made himself into trouble. In addition, Hoi could never fulfill the plan for fines assigned by the traffic police. Three years in the militia were a real hard labor for him.

The last few months of his service in the internal affairs bodies, Yuri served in the non-departmental security, counting the days until the new "demobilization". As Nikolai Mitrofanovich later recalled, Yuri barely worked his last day in the police, came home, took off his uniform, threw it on the floor and began to trample it with his feet. Having finished with what, in his opinion, a bad job, Yuri worked as a milling machine operator, a CNC machine operator on the Videophone, and a loader. In his spare time, he wrote songs and played the guitar. He bought a Volga-31 and nearly crashed on it on a Moscow highway somewhere near Tula. Yuri sold the car restored after the accident, and after that he tried to stay away from domestic car brands. His next cars included a red diesel VolksWagen Golf III and a white Daewoo Nexia with power and air conditioning.

In his free time from part-time jobs, Yuri watched mystical or horror films, played billiards and studied music. In the period from 1981 to 1985 he recorded the acoustic album "Years pass like a moment ..." on a tape recorder. And when a rock club opened in Voronezh, Yuri became a regular at it. At a spring concert in 1987, he played several songs for the first time, which he began writing at the same time - in February and March. As Yuri later said, he did not like the poverty of those amateur groups and he decided to enrich the rock club with his participation. “I wrote my first poem at school, I remember something about spring. Then, before the army, I learned to play the guitar and tried to do something. But the songs were primitive, about love, every little thing. Then, when I came back from the army, I worked at a factory and did not think about anything. When the rock club opened, I looked at amateur groups, I didn’t like their poor subjects, I remember they sang something about the world, about love, about something so incomprehensible. I also decided to shake the old days. And since the experience has already remained, I started to get it pretty good. Everyone liked it, and that's how it went ... ”, - Yuri later said.

Yuri sang solo in the club or invited someone. On December 5, 1987, he gathered the first line-up of his "Gaza Strip" and sang the songs "I Am Scum", "Crazy Corpse", "Drowned Man" and "Collective Farm Punk" on the stage of the rock club. "I never considered myself a punk ..." - Yuri said.

At first, "Gaza Strip" acted as the opening act for groups that came to Voronezh, such as "Sounds of Mu" and "Children". The name “Gaza Strip” was for Yura “a mysterious combination” and at the same time - his own Voronezh reality. In his childhood, it was heard because of the Arab-Israeli confrontation, which was then often talked about on the radio. And in Voronezh, the so-called industrial zone with big amount factories and smoking chimneys, and the corresponding criminal atmosphere, where the rock club was located. In general, it was easy for Yuri to come up with a name for his team. According to him, it was "the local name for a group that was not going to go outside the urban rock-club6a." In the future, the composition of the "Gaza Strip" has undergone many changes throughout its existence, but the soloist and leader of the group has always remained one: Yuri Khoy selected people for himself.

Two years later, by 1989, the group recorded two "cassette" albums - "Plows Woogie" and "Collective Farm Punk". The quality of the recordings was terrible, and they were sold exclusively in Voronezh. A breakthrough for the team was the album "Evil Dead", released in 1990.

Many works, especially from early songs, were autobiographical for Yuri. The songs "Java" and "Ment" were written after Yuri left the sobering-up station, and the songs "Yadryona Louse" and "Took the Blame" were dedicated to his brother. At that time, Yuri himself tried to "separate" himself and " lyrical hero"-" a kind of monster in smelly socks, suffered from all known venereal diseases and earned impotence. " He said that singing about human vices does not yet mean approving them. For Yura, such songs were, rather, somehow in a special way fight against them.

Hoy never considered himself a classic "punk". “Perhaps, at the beginning of his work, pure“ pankuha ”was seen here and there,” he said in his interviews. Basically, Yuri did what he liked personally, without being attached to the style. And indeed - in musically his albums were quite varied. Yura himself defined the style of his team as "fusion".

We were born with mothers, we live with mothers.
We studied with swearing, and we will die with swearing.
We ate the mother's milk with mother's milk.
With mothers, my father beat mother with his fist.

Hoy's role models and favorite music were western groups- Rage Against The Machine, Biohazard, AC / DC and Alice Cooper. V last years Yura was impressed by heavy rap with its blues, crisp rhythms and rock guitars, and throughout his career he loved punk and death metal. In an interview, Yuri said: "Gaza Strip" is not even a group, but one of my projects. Even now I cannot say that Sector is a group. It's more of a live line-up, because I always work alone in the studio. And since 1992 I have been inviting Igor Zhirnov, the guitarist of the Rondo group. I am not at all a supporter of changing musicians, as, say, the same BG does. If someone left, it was only of their own free will. The main thing in the team is that the person is not goaty. Indeed, sometimes the tour can take several weeks or even more. And to be next to such - no, sorry. "

The pseudonym "Hoy" clung to Yura at once and quite firmly. In general, this exclamation was then used by many performers - from Venya D'rkin to Yegor Letov, borrowing either from Oi! music of British Cockney, or from the philosophies of BG, but his pseudonym was made only by Yuri Klinskikh. “Hoy, the month is young! Hanging - nailed with a nail! ”- said Venya D'rkin. As Yuri himself said: "Hoy" is just an exclamation, I often say it during songs. The fact that it reminds someone of Tsoi (with whom Yura was personally, albeit occasionally, familiar) is an accident. " However, in the last years of his life, Yuri began to use the pseudonym “so that there were no problems with the traffic cops”. And then - they will stop, and he “What are you guys, I'm a soloist in the“ Gaza Strip ”. And they - “You're lying! Hoy sings there. "

After the success of the albums "Evil Dead" and "Yadryona Louse", which Yuri sent to Moscow with the help of his friend, the group began performing at various parties, but Yuri quickly got tired of it. “When we went to big stage, then a person who had previously worked only with “pop” and who began to feel sick at the word “rock and roll” began to deal with us, ”said Yuri Khoy in an interview.

Yuri did not want to move to Moscow - "the depraved city of impudent youth", although he took the opportunity to record at the Mir studio. His records were published by one of the first Russian labels - "Gala Records". Yuri began legal concerts, and with him - concerts of fake "Hoyev" in the cities. Yuri himself did not like to "shine" and deliberately supported the proliferation of rumors and legends about his group. Due to the huge sales on cassettes, everyone knew his group, but most sound carriers were released by pirates. Hoy did not complain, he lived from the interest that Gala Records paid him after the rights were realized in Moscow, official releases on Black Box in Voronezh and numerous concerts. “I am not ashamed of my city, I have lived in it all my life, in it, most likely, I will die ...”, - said Yuri.

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During creative activity the group toured many cities in Russia and abroad - in Belarus, Germany, Israel, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Ukraine and Estonia. The albums were released in 1994, then were reissued by Gala Records in 1997.

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Press the Gas and Kolkhoz Punk were also released in 1991 and 1993 - already on CDs and unchanged cassettes. In 1991, at his concert in Moscow, Yuri met Olga Samarina, whom he later met in the last years of his life, without hiding this from his wife Galina.

The popularity of the Gaza Strip group grew very quickly. It is known that Vladimir Zhirinovsky was delighted with the songs of the "Gaza Strip", and the apolitical Hoy "reciprocated" the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, but for money. Yura did not have his own political predilections, sending the whole policy “... to the ass. A gimbal! "

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Political system he was quite happy because he was able to make good money from his talent. “It makes no difference to us who to play for, we are far from politics. Zhirinovsky pays - we play for Zhirinovsky, another faction will pay - we will play for her, ”said Yuri Khoy. However, Hoy believed that if he had to get stuck in the movers, then, of course, he would be dissatisfied with the government.

Everybody says: everything is very good in the West.
Who will tell me like this, I will grind it into powder!
Everything that is Soviet is nishtyak - cars and pants,
Let everything be expensive, but everything is ours, guys.

As popularity grew, Hoy's songs became folk music, music of demobels, vocational school students, students and rural youth. Zhlobrokgruppa - so ironically they often called the "Gaza Strip" - a group that Hoy himself compared to porn, and which neither rock nor pop music accepted. Even Yuri Nikulin liked the work of the group. After Yuri Khoy played a concert in the Nikulin circus, famous artist invited the young man to his dressing room. Under words of admiration and gratitude, Nikulin took out a bottle of cognac and invited Hoy to talk. The artist himself was so flattered by these compliments that he often told his friends and relatives about this case.

Yuri Khoy's songs amazed the audience with their frankness. He opened the deepest caches with surgical precision. human soul, which were not spoken about in the USSR. His work aroused either deep interest or protest from the audience. The artistry of the band leader and only live performances were the opposite of the concerts of the performers who performed to the soundtrack. Yuri Khoy caused a stir outside the stage: for example, during one of his last concerts in Voronezh, he rode around the city on a horse, portraying Koshchei the Immortal. Yuri Khoy had a very interesting position regarding his image - he tried to talk less about the group, believing that the lack of complete information causes more excitement among the listener.

It is known that Yuri wanted to play in a concert with the DDT or Alice groups, but he was not called, and he himself did not ask for it. In 1994 he recorded the punk opera "Kashchei the Immortal", which was a thrash mixture of Russian fairy tales and music in the spirit of AC / DC, Red hot Chili peppers and Ace Of Base. For this "fairy tale" it was planned to create a video sequence, but this was prevented by the death of Yuri. He managed to shoot only a few scenes, and now there are working video versions of the tracks on the Internet: "Aria of Ivan and Frog", "Second Aria of Ivan" and "Third Aria of Ivan".

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Hoy shot a video for the song "Fog" - with a black-and-white chronicle of Russian wars. In total, the "Gaza Strip" released 4 clips. The fifth video for the song "Night of Fear" was not completed due to the death of the singer.

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Since 1996, Yuri Khoi changed the style of the group several times, many of the lyrics became more serious and cleared of mate. The result of these experiments was the album "Gas Attack", which later became the most commercially successful in the history of the group. In 1999, Yuri Klinskikh became a character in the comic strip "The Adventures of Yura Khoy in the Kingdom of Evil". The comic consisted of fabulous adventures, the hero of which was the leader of the "Gaza Strip" himself, collecting his albums. The author of the comic was the artist Dmitry Samborsky.

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In the late 1990s, "Gaza Strip" released a number of techno-remixes with the participation of the Voronezh DJ Mole. In the last years of his life, Yuri decided to change his image and sound. Instead of a leather jacket, ripped jeans, old T-shirts and army boots, black expensive shoes, dark trousers and a shirt appeared in his wardrobe. Instead of swaggering "collective farm" punk, the listeners were offered the "cool heavy metal" of the last album. “I was always striving for a heavy sound,” said Yuri Khoy.

By the end of the 1990s, friends began to suspect that he had a strong drug addiction. In addition, as his friends believed, his companion Olga was a drug addict. “I've tried almost all drugs, but I'm not used to anything and I'm not going to get used to it. I tried it and that's enough, ”said Yuri Khoy.

In 2000, Yuri was full of the brightest plans. For three years he was hatching the concept of a new album, which was originally supposed to be called "Poor Yurik". In 1998, Yuri changed the name to Hellraiser, deciding to make a completely mystical rap album, which Yuri finished in June 2000. But his release never came.

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Hoy planned to shoot a video for the release of this thirteenth album. He got sponsors willing to invest significant resources in advertising. On July 4, 2000, he was going to go to the shooting of the video clip "Night of Fear" at the Art-Prize studio in Voronezh. Cameraman Oleg Zolotarev, on the air of the Tower program on RTR in the fall of 2000, recalled the joint work on the clip “Night of Fear”: “Already in June, he called me and said that we would urgently, we would urgently shoot the video. On June 22, filming began for the first time. The last time the shoot was scheduled was on the day of his death. We agreed for four hours, a day. I sat waiting for him. I waited, waited, waited ... Andrei Deltsov called instead, said that Yura was no more. "

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On July 4, the shooting was scheduled for 4 pm, Hoy himself and his girlfriend Olga Samarina were supposed to take part in it. Before filming, they had to visit the make-up artist at the Theater Young Spectator... In the morning Yuri felt unwell, he was pale, his forehead was covered with sweat, he could not understand what was happening to him, but after drinking an aspirin pill, he decided to go anyway.

At 11:30, Yuri Khoi and Olga Samarina left a rented apartment on Dorozhnaya Street, in the South-West District. By car, they went to the make-up artist, with whom they had an appointment at 12:00. At 11:40 on the road, Yuri felt worse and worse, and decided to change the route. He turned onto Barnaulskaya Street, where his acquaintance Andrei Ksenz lived in the private sector. Hoy went to his house and immediately lay down on the sofa, unable to stand on his feet. Tormented him strong pain in the left side and abdomen. Olga was nearby. Soon she went into another room for cigarettes, and there she heard a crash - it was Yuri who fell to the floor, losing consciousness.

Olga and the owner of the house tried unsuccessfully to bring Khoi back to life by giving him artificial respiration. They tried to call an ambulance, but they flatly refused to write down the address with the dubious reputation of a drug den. From the fifth time, Samarina still managed to transfer the address. She ran out into the street to meet the ambulance. At this time, Yuri died.

Later in the official medical documents it was written: “ Sudden death". As for the unofficial version, there were many of them. We can only say for sure that Yuri was killed by his lifestyle, crazy touring, work to wear - in the last 10 years at concerts, Hoy always gave all his best to the end and never watched over his health. The consequences of a turbulent youth could not but affect: “From the age of 23 I don’t remember myself being sober even a day”, - roughly how Hoi described his youth.

I'm a very modest guy
I'm a very quiet guy.
In general, when I am sober, I am a pure standard.
But often I go wild, but often I go crazy,
As soon as the mumbles, I'll drop the balloon.

He began to monitor his health only at the very recent times when it was too late. In addition, while touring the Far East in the fall of 1999, Yuri fell ill with hepatitis C.

Yuri Khoi, who adored heavy sound and heavy rap, speed, simple words and mystical horrors, even “made” his death look like an unassuming “horror movie”. The sum of the digits of her date was 13, his last album - "Hellraiser" - contained 13 songs, was the 13th album, released on the 13th year of the existence of "SG", and two memorial days- 9 and 40 fell on the 13th.

Yuri Khoy was buried at Levoberezhny cemetery in Voronezh.

Yuri's wife Galin, after his death, never married and lived with her youngest daughter. Yuri had two daughters. Irina became a psychologist after graduating from the Voronezh Pedagogical Institute. Lily in this moment studies. The eldest daughter Yuri had a son, Matvey, in 2011.

In memory of Yuri Klinsky, a documentary television program was created, shown on October 20, 2000 on the RTR TV channel as part of the Tower project. And in June 2002, the Sector Gas Attack group released their debut album, which they dedicated to the memory of Yuri.

In 2004, the book "The Gaza Strip" through the eyes of loved ones was published. " The book contained memoirs of relatives of Yuri Klinsky, articles, interviews, little known facts from the life of the "Gaza Strip" group and its leader, memoirs of fans, poems dedicated to Yuri Klinsky. In 2005 sound recording studio"Gala Records" released a tribute album of the "Gaza Sector" group, in which such groups and performers as "NAIV", "Kirpichi", Sergey Kagadeev ("NOM"), "Mongol Shuudan", "Bakhyt-Kompot", Igor Kushchev (ex- "Gaza Strip") and other groups. On June 30, 2006, on the DTV channel, in the TV show "How the idols left," a story about the work of Yuri Klinskikh was broadcast.

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October 5, 2008 was dedicated to the memory of Yuri Klinsky short film, shown on the NTV channel in the TV show "The Main Hero".

On December 6, 2012, a concert dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Gaza Strip group was held in St. Petersburg. On July 26, 2014 in the city of Samara in the rock-bar “Podval” a concert entitled “I am 50!” Was held, dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of the leader of the legendary “Gaza Strip” Yuri Klinskikh, with the participation of Samara bands and performers.

On July 27, 2014, to the fiftieth anniversary of the birth of Yuri Klinsky, a monument in the form of a full-length sculpture was erected, and a festival in memory of Yuri Khoy was held.

The text was prepared by Andrey Goncharov

Used materials:

Materials of the site www.bestpeopleofrussia.ru
Text of the article by Vyacheslav Chesh
Materials of the site www.hoy-sektor.ru
Materials of the site www.sektorgaza.net
Materials of the site "Wikipedia"

The fourth of July marks the 15th anniversary of the death of the leader of the Gaza Strip group, Yuri "Khoy" Klinskikh.

Yuri Klinskikh. Photo from the site hoy-sektor.ru

The creator of the collective farm punk style was born on July 27, 1964 in Voronezh. Returning from the army in 1984, he worked for some time in the traffic police and at a factory. The emergence of new rock bands inspired the Klinskys to compose their own material, because in the bands existing at that time he was not satisfied with the overly soft sound and "toothlessness" of the lyrics. Therefore, initially he made a bet on everyday subjects, transmitted without excessive sentimentality, as well as on mystical themes, which were in abundance in folklore... The definition of "Gaza Strip" as a punk band is nothing more than a convention, since the band's work includes a lot of songs in the style of hard rock and pop-rock, the influence of pop and chanson is noticeable.

Hoy, contrary to the common stereotype, also tried not to abuse his profanity. Abusive expressions his songs always convey the character and peculiarities of the characters' speech, and he expressed his attitude to this in the early song "Avtomat", where he emphasized that Russian people usually resort to strong words in extreme situations purely by inertia. The best songs of "Gaza Strip" - "Bite of a Vampire", "Near Your House", "In the Evening on the Bench", "Time to Go Home", "Fog" and many others - do without a mat at all.

Gaza Strip "Vampire Bite" (Kemerovo, 1998)

For all the "homeyness" of his stage image, Yuri Khoy always gravitated towards a kind of theatricalization. Even his early albums often contain introductions, epilogues and various reprises between songs and even in the lyrics itself, and the most successful disc "Gas Attack" includes an imitation of the throat singing of Tibetan monks, as if introducing the listener into a "gas" trance and smoothly leading out of it. The 1994 disc "Kashchei the Immortal" is a punk opera with poetic dialogues and "arias" to the music of "Pesnyars", Queen, Nirvana, Ace of Bace and others famous groups... Despite the fabulous background of the album, the characters turned out to be very recognizable. The king is a good-natured, but lustful head of the family, who is not at all involved in the upbringing of his sons. Dracula is a good-natured metalworker or biker who scares away the inhabitants with his appearance, but is ready to come to the rescue at the first call. Kashchei is a typical gopnik. Ivan is a restless Russian guy who, if necessary, without further ado, will take up arms and go to defend his family and homeland. Vasilisa is a beautiful and narrow-minded country girl, willing, due to her folly, in anticipation of a big and pure love sleep even with Kashchei himself.

Irina Bukharina (ex-vocalist of the "Gaza Strip") "Aria of Vasilisa the Beautiful"

Yuri Khoi himself was breathing unevenly towards metal and rap. In a late interview, he admitted that in his extensive home collection there are about 1200 discs, 400 of which are rap, the rest is metal. Last and best album"Gaza Strip" "Hellraiser" is recorded in the style of metal core. All songs on the disc are clearly arranged in a single storyline... The album opens with "Demobilization", which, in comparison with the rest of the compositions, sounds lightweight, but Hoy not without reason insisted on including this song on the track list.

Gaza Strip "Night of Fear"

The next thing "Wedding" kind of hints to us that after serving, the hero took his beloved girl as his wife. Unfortunately, the life of the young did not work out. In the song "Horns" they began to cheat on each other, and in the "Country Toilet" there was general discord in household led to the ridiculous death of his wife. The inconsolable widower fell into a terrible binge and died after being bitten by a vampire in Dirty Blood. Followed by detailed description life of a couple with underworld... Getting closer and closer to all sorts of evil spirits - they perish for the second time at the hands of the valiant vampire fighters and await their final fate until the Second Coming of Christ. Despite the shocking naturalism of some of the tracks ("Black Ghoul"), the Klinsky always puts the accents right. "The moral of the song is this: not the dead and not vampires are not as dangerous to life as rotten toilets," he sings in "Country Toilet", making it clear that real horrors should be sought not in cheap horror stories, but in the everyday disorder of our life. And by the way, unlike his Western counterparts from heavy bands, Hoi never flirted with demonism. In the songs "Night of Fear" and "The Vampire Slayers" the goodies unambiguously declare their boundless devotion to Christ. A video was being prepared for the "Night of Fear", but the sudden death of Yuri Khoy on July 4, 2000 in his native Voronezh prevented the timely implementation of this plan. The video was shown from working materials only by 2013.

Gaza Strip "It's time to go home" (to the left of Yuri Klinskikh, Alexei Privalov plays the guitar)

In Moscow, Yuri Khoy had practically no close friends. One of the few with whom he closely communicated over the last five years of his life was the tour manager of the Gaza Strip Alexei Privalov - the current director of the SerGa and Evgeny Margulis groups .. - When I met Yura and began to discuss the conditions with him work, I was surprised by his democratic views on life. Conditions, a hotel - for him all this was not important, although then he could collect a thousandth hall at any point the former Soviet Union... At the same time, in some ways, over time, he still became such a bourgeois, but his attitude to many benefits remained more than calm. I remember how one day he bought a set of sound home equipment with the words: "Well, I bought it for life!" It was fun to hear, especially given that technology is constantly changing. Sincere, direct, he absolutely did not know how to cheat or deceive, very kind and insanely talented, there was not a drop of snobbery in him. Yura was actively interested in other performers in music, any kind of art, I took him to some exhibitions in the Central House of Artists, visited museums with him, he was happy to perceive a variety of manifestations of creativity. It was easy to walk with him, because no one really knew him by sight. On the tapes of the "Sector" there were some drawn people, in whom it was difficult to identify the real Hoy. And the stage behavior and absolutely clear working discipline on tour were surprisingly contrasted with each other, although, probably, I already got the team “grown up”, and I did not find the early frenzy of the early 90s ”.

Gaza Strip in "Program A"

Nevertheless, sometimes there were overlaps with Hoy on tour. Once, forgetting his passport, he did not get to the concert of his own group in Riga. “The hall was completely sold, it was impossible to cancel the action, and keyboardist Alexey Ushakov had to sing for Yura,” continues Alexey Privalov. - The first 40 minutes people stubbornly chanted: "Yura!" The musicians were settled in Jurmala. Deltsov and I (Andrey Deltsov, sound engineer of the Gaza Strip. - site comment) left for Riga on business, we return, and some kind of "gorilla" sits in the musicians' room and drinks with them. It turned out to be a man who went with the goal of dumping the "left" "Gaza Strip"... He was presented with compacts, which besides the Yurins and photographs of the guys were on, he, having made sure of the authenticity of the composition, was delighted and stayed to drink. "

Gaza Strip "Demobilization"

Many are trying to discern some kind of mysticism in the death of Khoy, but Privalov is skeptical about such speculation: “About a year before his death, he went to Voronezh and met with some witch-grandmother, who told him that if he would not part with Olga (his Moscow girlfriend, who really played a tragic role in his fate), then he will die. After that, he came to me, shared it, was very depressed. Nevertheless, I wouldn’t look for some “devilish” background (13th album, 13 songs) in Yura's death. But his last performance in life - on the "Soundtrack" turned out to be really mystical. A mini-disc with a phonogram, which I recorded with my friends, radio operators, is stuck. They somehow hastily surpassed the songs, and then I did not check the carrier - there was no such equipment at home then! Naturally, when the backing track “got up” twice in the same place, the number was disrupted ... I left the concert in a depressed mood. After that, Yura and I silently went home and did not communicate for a week and a half, and then he called me himself. I began to warmly apologize, as I was worried all this time. believed that he very seriously framed the Artist to the fifteen thousandth audience in the Luzhniki Stadium. He replied that all this is garbage and in general, those who do not work are not mistaken. After that, he offered to travel around the Voronezh villages in order to choose a location for filming a video for the song "Wedding". He was going to shoot a real rural wedding. We agreed that he would go there first, and then pick me up in Moscow. Literally a few days later, Lyakhov called me (Konstantin Lyakhov is a friend and business partner of Privalov - ed.) And, crying, said that Yura had died in Voronezh. requiem, funeral, all the necessary procedures. Farewell was in "Luch", there is such a cinema in the center of Voronezh. Crowds of people went to bow to him for the last time. On this day " Russian radio"In Voronezh, where Lesha Ushakov was the technical director, shut down the Moscow broadcasting, and played the songs of the" Gaza Strip "all day. It was very unexpected and pleasant, and there was an absolute feeling that it could not have been otherwise - he was a real hero of this city, and the city paid him with great love. "

Gaza Strip "My Death"

Privalov does not welcome the epigones and "successors" of the lela of the "Gaza Strip" who have multiplied after the death of Khoy. “I have a very bad attitude to any attempts to make money from“ leftist ”people on Yurin’s name and work,” he emphasizes. - All these strange absolutely illegitimate projects that arose after his death, using the name "Gaza Strip", first with the modest prefix "ex", then dropped out, or some transparent rehash of the loud name, fortunately, did not deceive the audience. Unfortunately, I personally did not have legal rights to protect the heirs. I could only regret and disdainfully distance myself from that orgy with the rights to songs, titles, etc., which began immediately after the funeral. Yura himself was a very conscientious guy and he would hardly have liked the way unscrupulous guys tried to dispose of him creative heritage... I remember how he once said the following at the table: “Well, what am I going to sing such songs from the stage at the age of 60? This is not impressive ... "And I did not ... I sometimes miss him very much ..."

“It’s probably better to live without anything… You become free, like an animal, like a bird… The sky… A lot of time for creativity…” Yuri Klinskikh.

His mother, Maria Kuzminichna, was a housewife, and his father, Nikolai Mitrofanovich Klinskikh, was an engineer who worked at the Voronezh aircraft plant. Yuri was not the only son of the Klinsky couple, he had two older brothers. Since childhood, Yuri grew up as a smart and inquisitive boy, interested in everything he could see. At school, Yuri did not stand out in anything special, he studied for C and wore home "bad" for his behavior. In his certificate of secondary education, there was one single four in labor. Yuri often did not go to his first lessons, while staying up late at home with books. He was honest and tried never to lie.

Older brothers from a young age introduced Yura to music, in the Klinsky house you could often hear rock and roll. All three brothers, in addition to Soviet music, listened to The group The Beatles and Deep Purplé - first on records, then on reels. The father taught his youngest son to poetry, the study of literature and the rules of versification. He himself wrote poetry all his life, published, but without much success. The lessons given by Nikolai Mitrofanovich were later manifested in his son's bouncy songs, which, despite the "ugly" content in the opinion of literary critics, had "an impeccable syllable and style."

If his father helped Yura with the syllable, then the holidays in the village, where Yuri often left for the whole summer, helped with the content. Another source of inspiration for Yuri was horror films - first Soviet ones, such as Viy, then any that could be obtained on cassettes. Hoi learned to play the guitar at school and then composed his first songs.

Part of it was stationed in the Far East. Shortly before serving in the army, he met his future wife Galina. Without any special incidents, Yuri served in Blagoveshchensk as a tank driver and was demobilized in 1984.

After the army, Yuri went to work in the traffic police, but did not take root in the police. “To work in the police, you have to be a bad person. There are, of course, normal ones, but they have no place there, ”Yuri said later. He himself always loved speed and cars, tried not to fine drivers who slightly exceeded the speed, pitied people from the villages. At the same time, he did not like to fawn on the authorities. Once Yuri stopped the mayor of Voronezh, who was driving at a red light. And to the question: "Do you know who I am?" - He replied that he did not want to know. On another occasion, he stopped an important priest, and both times made himself into trouble. In addition, Hoi could never fulfill the plan for fines assigned by the traffic police. Three years in the militia were a real hard labor for him.

The last few months of his service in the internal affairs bodies, Yuri served in the non-departmental security, counting the days until the new "demobilization". As Nikolai Mitrofanovich later recalled, Yuri barely worked his last day in the police, came home, took off his uniform, threw it on the floor and began to trample it with his feet. Having finished with what, in his opinion, a bad job, Yuri worked as a milling machine operator, a CNC machine operator on the Videophone, and a loader. In his spare time, he wrote songs and played the guitar. He bought a Volga and nearly crashed on it on a Moscow highway somewhere near Tula. Yuri sold the car restored after the accident, and after that he tried to stay away from domestic car brands. His next cars included a red diesel VolksWagen Golf III and a white Daewoo Nexia with power and air conditioning.

In his free time from part-time jobs, Yuri watched mystical or horror films, played billiards and studied music. In the period from 1981 to 1985 he recorded the acoustic album "Years pass like a moment ..." on a tape recorder. And when a rock club opened in Voronezh, Yuri became a regular at it. At a spring concert in 1987, he played several songs for the first time, which he began writing at the same time - in February and March. As Yuri later said, he did not like the poverty of those amateur groups and he decided to enrich the rock club with his participation. “I wrote my first poem at school, I remember something about spring. Then, before the army, I learned to play the guitar and tried to do something. But the songs were primitive, about love, every little thing. Then, when I came back from the army, I worked at a factory and did not think about anything. When the rock club opened, I looked at amateur groups, I did not like their poor themes, I remember they sang something about the world, about love, about something incomprehensible. I also decided to shake the old days. And since the experience has already remained, I started to get it pretty good. Everyone liked it, and that's how it went ... ”, - Yuri later said.

Yuri sang solo in the club or invited someone. On December 5, 1987, he gathered the first line-up of his "Gaza Strip" and sang the songs "I Am Scum", "Crazy Corpse", "Drowned Man" and "Collective Farm Punk" on the stage of the rock club. "I never considered myself a punk ..." - Yuri said.

At first, "Gaza Strip" acted as the opening act for groups that came to Voronezh, such as "Sounds of Mu" and "Children". The name “Gaza Strip” was for Yura “a mysterious combination” and at the same time - his own Voronezh reality. In his childhood, it was heard because of the Arab-Israeli confrontation, which was then often talked about on the radio. And in Voronezh, the so-called industrial zone with a large number of factories and smoking chimneys, and the corresponding criminal atmosphere, where the rock club was located. In general, it was easy for Yuri to come up with a name for his team. According to him, it was "the local name for a group that was not going to go outside the urban rock-club6a." In the future, the composition of the "Gaza Strip" has undergone many changes throughout its existence, but the soloist and leader of the group has always remained one: Yuri Khoy selected people for himself.

Two years later, by 1989, the group recorded two "cassette" albums - "Plows Woogie" and "Collective Farm Punk". The quality of the recordings was terrible, and they were sold exclusively in Voronezh. A breakthrough for the team was the album "Evil Dead", released in 1990.

Many works, especially from early songs, were autobiographical for Yuri. The songs "Java" and "Ment" were written after Yuri left the sobering-up station, and the songs "Yadryona Louse" and "Took the Blame" were dedicated to his brother. At that time, Yuri himself tried to "separate" himself and the "lyrical hero" - "a kind of monster in smelly socks, who suffered from all known venereal diseases and became impotent." He said that singing about human vices does not yet mean approving them. For Yura, such songs were, rather, some special way of dealing with them.

Hoy never considered himself a classic "punk". “Perhaps, at the beginning of his work, pure“ pankuha ”was seen here and there,” he said in his interviews. Basically, Yuri did what he liked personally, without being attached to the style. Indeed, musically, his albums were quite diverse. Yura himself defined the style of his team as "fusion".

We were born with mothers, we live with mothers.
We studied with swearing, and we will die with swearing.
We ate the mother's milk with mother's milk.
With mothers, my father beat mother with his fist.

Hoy's role models and favorite music were Western bands - Rage Against The Machine, Biohazard, AC / DC and Alice Cooper. In recent years, Yura has been impressed by heavy rap with its blues, crisp rhythms and rock guitars, and throughout his career he loved punk and death metal. In an interview, Yuri said: "Gaza Strip" is not even a group, but one of my projects. Even now I cannot say that Sector is a group. It's more of a live line-up, because I always work alone in the studio. And since 1992 I have been inviting Igor Zhirnov, the guitarist of the Rondo group. I am not at all a supporter of changing musicians, as, say, the same BG does. If someone left, it was only of their own free will. The main thing in the team is that the person is not goaty. Indeed, sometimes the tour can take several weeks or even more. And to be next to such - no, sorry. "

The pseudonym "Hoy" clung to Yura at once and quite firmly. In general, this exclamation was then used by many performers - from Venya D'rkin to Yegor Letov, borrowing either from Oi! music of British Cockney, or from the philosophies of BG, but his pseudonym was made only by Yuri Klinskikh. “Hoy, the month is young! Hanging - nailed with a nail! ”- said Venya D'rkin. As Yuri himself said: "Hoy" is just an exclamation, I often say it during songs. The fact that it reminds someone of Tsoi (with whom Yura was personally, albeit occasionally, familiar) is an accident. " However, in the last years of his life, Yuri began to use the pseudonym “so that there were no problems with the traffic cops”. And then - they will stop, and he “What are you guys, I'm a soloist in the“ Gaza Strip ”. And they - “You're lying! Hoy sings there. "

After the success of the albums "Evil Dead" and "Yadryona Louse", which Yuri sent to Moscow with the help of his friend, the group began performing at various parties, but Yuri quickly got tired of it. “When we entered the big stage, a man who had previously worked only with“ pop ”and who, at the word“ rock and roll ”, began to feel sick, began to deal with us,” said Yuri Khoy in an interview.

Yuri did not want to move to Moscow - "the depraved city of impudent youth", although he took the opportunity to record at the Mir studio. His records were published by one of the first Russian labels - "Gala Records". Yuri began legal concerts, and with him - concerts of fake "Hoyev" in the cities. Yuri himself did not like to "shine" and deliberately supported the proliferation of rumors and legends about his group. Due to the huge sales on cassettes, everyone knew his group, but most of the sound carriers were produced by pirates. Hoy did not complain, he lived from the interest that Gala Records paid him after the rights were realized in Moscow, official releases on Black Box in Voronezh and numerous concerts. “I am not ashamed of my city, I have lived in it all my life, in it, most likely, I will die ...”, - said Yuri.

During their creative activity, the group toured many cities in Russia and abroad - in Belarus, Germany, Israel, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Ukraine and Estonia. The albums were released in 1994, then were reissued by Gala Records in 1997.

Press the Gas and Kolkhoz Punk were also released in 1991 and 1993 - already on CDs and unchanged cassettes. In 1991, at his concert in Moscow, Yuri met Olga Samarina, whom he later met in the last years of his life, without hiding this from his wife Galina.

The popularity of the Gaza Strip group grew very quickly. It is known that Vladimir Zhirinovsky was delighted with the songs of the "Gaza Strip", and the apolitical Hoy "reciprocated" the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, but for money. Yura did not have his own political predilections, sending the whole policy “... to the ass. A gimbal! "

He was quite pleased with the political system, because he had the opportunity to earn good money from his talent. “It makes no difference to us who to play for, we are far from politics. Zhirinovsky pays - we play for Zhirinovsky, another faction will pay - we will play for her, ”said Yuri Khoy. However, Hoy believed that if he had to get stuck in the movers, then, of course, he would be dissatisfied with the government.

Everybody says: everything is very good in the West.
Who will tell me like this, I will grind it into powder!
Everything that is Soviet is nishtyak - cars and pants,
Let everything be expensive, but everything is ours, guys.

As the popularity grew, the songs of Khoy became in fact folk music, the music of demobels, vocational school students, students and rural youth. Zhlobrokgruppa - so ironically they often called the "Gaza Strip" - a group that Hoy himself compared to porn, and which neither rock nor pop music accepted. Even Yuri Nikulin liked the work of the group. After Yuri Khoi played a concert in the Nikulin circus, the famous artist invited the young man to his dressing room. Under words of admiration and gratitude, Nikulin took out a bottle of cognac and invited Hoy to talk. The artist himself was so flattered by these compliments that he often told his friends and relatives about this case.

Yuri Khoy's songs amazed the audience with their frankness. With surgical precision, he opened the deepest recesses of the human soul, which were not discussed in the USSR. His work aroused either deep interest or protest from the audience. The artistry of the band leader and only live performances were the opposite of the concerts of the performers who performed to the soundtrack. Yuri Khoy caused a stir outside the stage: for example, during one of his last concerts in Voronezh, he rode around the city on a horse, portraying Koshchei the Immortal. Yuri Khoy had a very interesting position regarding his image - he tried to talk less about the group, believing that the lack of complete information causes more excitement among the listener.

It is known that Yuri wanted to play in a concert with the DDT or Alice groups, but he was not called, and he himself did not ask for it. In 1994 he recorded the punk opera Kashchei the Immortal, which was a thrash mix of Russian fairy tales and music in the spirit of AC / DC, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Ace Of Base. For this "fairy tale" it was planned to create a video sequence, but this was prevented by the death of Yuri. He managed to shoot only a few scenes, and now there are working video versions of the tracks on the Internet: "Aria of Ivan and Frog", "Second Aria of Ivan" and "Third Aria of Ivan".

Hoy shot a video for the song "Fog" - with a black-and-white chronicle of Russian wars. In total, the "Gaza Strip" released 4 clips. The fifth video for the song "Night of Fear" was not completed due to the death of the singer.

Since 1996, Yuri Khoi changed the style of the group several times, many of the lyrics became more serious and cleared of mate. The result of these experiments was the album "Gas Attack", which later became the most commercially successful in the history of the group. In 1999, Yuri Klinskikh became a character in the comic strip "The Adventures of Yura Khoy in the Kingdom of Evil". The comic consisted of fabulous adventures, the hero of which was the leader of the "Gaza Strip" himself, collecting his albums. The author of the comic was the artist Dmitry Samborsky.

In the late 1990s, "Gaza Strip" released a number of techno-remixes with the participation of the Voronezh DJ Mole. In the last years of his life, Yuri decided to change his image and sound. Instead of a leather jacket, ripped jeans, old T-shirts and army boots, black expensive shoes, dark trousers and a shirt appeared in his wardrobe. Instead of swaggering "collective farm" punk, the listeners were offered the "cool heavy metal" of the last album. “I was always striving for a heavy sound,” said Yuri Khoy.

By the end of the 1990s, friends began to suspect that he had a strong drug addiction. In addition, as his friends believed, his companion Olga was a drug addict. “I've tried almost all drugs, but I'm not used to anything and I'm not going to get used to it. I tried it and that's enough, ”said Yuri Khoy.

In 2000, Yuri was full of the brightest plans. For three years he was hatching the concept of a new album, which was originally supposed to be called "Poor Yurik". In 1998, Yuri changed the name to Hellraiser, deciding to make a completely mystical rap album, which Yuri finished in June 2000. But his release never came.

On July 4, the shooting was scheduled for 4 pm, Hoy himself and his girlfriend Olga Samarina were supposed to take part in it. Before filming, they had to visit the make-up artist at the Theater of the Young Spectator. In the morning Yuri felt unwell, he was pale, his forehead was covered with sweat, he could not understand what was happening to him, but after drinking an aspirin pill, he decided to go anyway.

At 11:30, Yuri Khoi and Olga Samarina left a rented apartment on Dorozhnaya Street, in the South-West District. By car, they went to the make-up artist, with whom they had an appointment at 12:00. At 11:40 on the road, Yuri felt worse and worse, and decided to change the route. He turned onto Barnaulskaya Street, where his acquaintance Andrei Ksenz lived in the private sector. Hoy went to his house and immediately lay down on the sofa, unable to stand on his feet. He was tormented by severe pain in his left side and abdomen. Olga was nearby. Soon she went into another room for cigarettes, and there she heard a crash - it was Yuri who fell to the floor, losing consciousness.

Olga and the owner of the house tried unsuccessfully to bring Khoi back to life by giving him artificial respiration. They tried to call an ambulance, but they flatly refused to write down the address with the dubious reputation of a drug den. From the fifth time, Samarina still managed to transfer the address. She ran out into the street to meet the ambulance. At this time, Yuri died.

Later in the official medical documents it was written: "Sudden death." As for the unofficial version, there were many of them. We can only say for sure that Yuri was killed by his lifestyle, crazy touring, work to wear - in the last 10 years at concerts, Hoy always gave all his best to the end and never watched over his health. The consequences of a turbulent youth could not but affect: “From the age of 23 I don’t remember myself being sober even a day”, - roughly how Hoi described his youth.

I'm a very modest guy
I'm a very quiet guy.
In general, when I am sober, I am a pure standard.
But often I go wild, but often I go crazy,
As soon as the mumbles, I'll drop the balloon.

He began to monitor his health only very recently, when it was already too late. In addition, while touring the Far East in the fall of 1999, Yuri fell ill with hepatitis C.

Yuri Khoy, who adored heavy sound and heavy rap, speed, simple words and mystical horrors, even “made” his death look like an unassuming “horror movie”. The sum of the digits of her date was 13, his last album - "Hellraiser" - contained 13 songs, was the 13th album, released on the 13th year of the existence of "SG", and two memorial days - 9 and 40 fell on the 13th.

Yuri Khoy was buried at the Left Bank cemetery in Voronezh.

In memory of Yuri Klinsky, a documentary television program was created, shown on October 20, 2000 on the RTR TV channel as part of the Tower project. And in June 2002, the Sector Gas Attack group released their debut album, which they dedicated to the memory of Yuri.

In 2004, the book "The Gaza Strip" through the eyes of loved ones was published. " The book contained memoirs of Yuri Klinsky's relatives, articles, interviews, little-known facts from the life of the Gaza Strip group and its leader, memoirs of fans, and poems dedicated to Yuri Klinsky. In 2005, the recording studio "Gala Records" released a tribute album of the "Sector Gaza" group, in which such groups and performers as "NAIV", "Kirpichi", Sergey Kagadeev ("NOM"), "Mongol Shuudan", " Bakhyt-Kompot ”, Igor Kushchev (ex-“ Gaza Strip ”) and other groups. On June 30, 2006, on the DTV channel, in the TV show "How the idols left," a story about the work of Yuri Klinskikh was broadcast.

On October 5, 2008, a short film was dedicated to the memory of Yuri Klinsky, shown on the NTV channel in the TV show "The Main Hero".

On December 6, 2012, a concert dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Gaza Strip group was held in St. Petersburg. On July 26, 2014 in the city of Samara in the rock-bar “Podval” a concert entitled “I am 50!” Was held, dedicated to the fiftieth anniversary of the leader of the legendary “Gaza Strip” Yuri Klinskikh, with the participation of Samara bands and performers.