MBand why Vladislav Ramm left. The latest MBAN concert appeared on the network with Vlad Ramma

MBand why Vladislav Ramm left. The latest MBAN concert appeared on the network with Vlad Ramma

Vladislav Ramm decided to leave the MBand youth group. About his decision, Vladislav reported on Thursday evening on his page in Instargam. He stated that care was associated with his desire to start a solo career.

In his appeal, he thanked the guys from the group and the entire team with which he worked in the MBAND group. Special thanks said to Konstantin Meladze, who gave him a journey into the world of show business.

My life in the MBand group approached the end. I am extremely grateful to every second conducted in this team. Tolik, Nikita and Artem will forever remain in my soul. We became friends, they will remain, but not on the stage, but in ordinary life. I want to say a huge thanks to the whole team of Velvet Music. Liana Meladze, Alena Mikhailova, Denis Orlov and Makin Sasha. I wondered to communicate and work with you and under your wing. Thanks for the warmth and care. Lowned members MBand Musicians are incredibly steep guys! Roma, Serega and Seryoga! Thank you! And of course, Konstantin Meladze's sign for me. Unlimited Human Thank you! You gave me a ticket to this interesting world. I believe in Gopnik, schoolchild and Korean! I have no doubt that MBand will be the best group on the planet! I, in turn, start the solo career. Bandits, of course, the most important words of gratitude, I want to tell you! You are in my heart! Thanks for the love! For devotion! For spending! Thanks for the sip of Euphoria. Very soon I will return to you, but already as an independent artist.


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Many embarrassed the picture attached to the message. It was the following statement: "Hypper. If you smile, do not rejoice, perhaps it is not a shot yesterday's mask.


After the publication of Vladislav Ramma, many questions appeared. Namely: "What was the reason for sustainable care?", "Whose decision was it?", "Solo career or a professional perception served as a solution?".

Love Radio took a comment from the producer of Konstantin Meladze to find out whose one was the solution: his or team mband. To which Meladze answered the following:

Such people, of course, should not be in such a wonderful team, and on stage at all. The decision to remove it from work in the group, it is not mine, naturally. And solely the guys sighed with relief.

Konstantin Meladze about the departure of Vladislav Ramma

So, if we heard solo works of Vladislav Ramma, or departure from the group - the end of his musical career?

Care from the popular MBand team of one of the participants - Vladislav Ramma. - shocked fans. The fans of the youth team who won popularity after they got under the wing Konstantin MeladzeThey blew up the social networks of hashthegami # owned and # Meladzewernivlada, and the Ukrainian producer himself called the left 20-year-old singer at a bar. In an exclusive interview with Super Vladislav Ramm, spoke about the causes of MBand's departure and relationships with colleagues and producer.

Why did you decide to leave the group?

You know, I will be a few. I started thinking about it not so long ago, because I realized that I want to develop, engage in creativity and be an independent artist. I, like any man, must be established in this life, self-realize.

Being as part of the team, you could not work creatively?

All our popularity is the merit of Konstantin Meladze. Unfortunately, I see myself as a solo unit. Although, most likely, fortunately - for whom.

I think those people who had to understand him, they understood. You see, there are fans, there is a group, and I am not a supporter to take sorrows from the hut.

Konstantin Meladze said in an interview that the band members sighed with relief when you left. Did you have a conflict?

For me, this is also a little incomprehensible. I am not a judge and guys, too, do not judge. Condemn someone and reason who sighed. I can say for myself that it was my decision. I voiced it on the eve and guys, and Konstantin.

How did they react when you announced your decision?

We have enough democratic views and work and work on our team. Of course, there were our subtleties, but everyone responded on male, worthy.

In one of the interviews, Meladze said that you have a contract with him until 2021. Will you continue to work in his production center?

I can say that these are court cases, legal, I do not like them. I do not consider it necessary to endure this at the bottom so that our fans will spend their nerves and think about these problems. Everything will decide in court, by law. We live in the XXI century and everything will be solved by yourself.

Will you be submitted to the court?

I still do not comment on litigation. Everything will be solved somehow, but I once again say that I want to be an independent artist. Apparently, we will not work with Constantine, since I turned out to be unprofitable for him.

Why did he call you a professionable?

For me it is also unclear. I do not react to this, this is his personal opinion. He is a professional and very respected in this area, but with all respect for him, I do not think that it would be initially working with a professional artist for the year. And the people who chose us on the project ("I want to Meladze." - Approx. Red.), I would also not commit mistakes.

Care from the popular MBand team of one of the participants - Vladislav Ramma - shocked fans. The fans of the youth team, which won popularity after the wing of Konstantin Meladze, blew up the social networks of hashthegami # owned by and # Meladzeverevlada, and the Ukrainian producer himself called the left 20-year-old singer. In an exclusive interview, Vladislav Ramm spoke about the causes of MBand and relationships with colleagues and producer.

Why did you decide to leave the group?

You know, I will be a few. I started thinking about it not so long ago, because I realized that I want to develop, engage in creativity and be an independent artist. I, like any man, must be established in this life, self-realize.

Being as part of the team, you could not work creatively?

All our popularity is the merit of Konstantin Meladze. Unfortunately, I see myself as a solo unit. Although, most likely, fortunately - for whom.

I think those people who had to understand him, they understood. You see, there are fans, there is a group, and I am not a supporter to take sorrows from the hut.

Konstantin Meladze said in an interview that the band members sighed with relief when you left. Did you have a conflict?

For me, this is also a little incomprehensible. I am not a judge and guys, too, do not judge. Condemn someone and reason who sighed. I can say for myself that it was my decision. I voiced it on the eve and guys, and Konstantin.

How did they react when you announced your decision?

We have enough democratic views and work and work on our team. Of course, there were our subtleties, but everyone responded on male, worthy.

In one of the interviews, Meladze said that you have a contract with him until 2021. Will you continue to work in his production center?

I can say that these are court cases, legal, I do not like them. I do not consider it necessary to endure this at the bottom so that our fans will spend their nerves and think about these problems. Everything will decide in court, by law. We live in the XXI century and everything will be solved by yourself.

Will you be submitted to the court?

I still do not comment on litigation. Everything will be solved somehow, but I once again say that I want to be an independent artist. Apparently, we will not work with Constantine, since I turned out to be unprofitable for him.

Why did he call you a professionable?

For me it is also unclear. I do not react to this, this is his personal opinion. He is a professional and very respected in this area, but with all respect for him, I do not think that it would be initially working with a professional artist for the year. And the people who chose us on the project ("I want to Meladze." - Approx. Red.), I would also not commit mistakes.

Ex-Star Pop Group Mbend Vladislav Ramm denied rumors about the sunset of his solo career, the biography of the singer will continue on stage. Most recently, Konstantin Meladze and Ramm fell into a terrible scandal. At the end of the quarrel, Vlad slapped the door loudly, leaving a popular project.

Two years of singer's career was in suspended. And in the media, information about the return of the singer was leaked. Former former producer Vlada forgot? Or found a loophole in the contract? It is not known, but the journalists find out that a new project will soon appear, where the Ramm will sing a duet with a golden child. Many are confident that the scandal with the singer was conceived for the sake of this duet.

Vladislav Ramm Closed Personality, information about his family is going to grazing. Why his closest environment is so closed, unknown. But Vlad Ramm does not hide their novels in their biography.

Childhood and Youth Singer

As the successful performer himself says, he spent his childhood in the capital of the Kemerovo region. Siberian wilderness could not cover the young talent. Creative abilities in the child developed his mother, serving the musical theater. According to some data, Mama Vlad is the name of Alena. There is also practically no information about the Father. Only the name is clear from the patronymic of the singer - Alexey.

Vlad Vladually respects and in an interview often says that it was his father who instilled his volitional qualities. Male education has not passed in a gift, and Ramm does not cast words to the wind, it is clearly moving towards the goal, performing conceived.

Little Vlad wore the name Ivanov and dreamed of fame. Its studies took place in Lyceum No. 89. Kemerovo. Little paying attention to school, the future singer was diligently engaged in music. And by 18 years reached the present success. Movingly moving towards the goal and in the course of the case of the inconessemary number of tattoos, the young man could not get a lot of many on Casting Konstantin Meladze.

Ramm's casting managed to enter Oleg Tabakov's theater college. But life peripetias forced him to quit his studies. After all, there the dream of all the girls broke the heart one of the fellow students.

Project "Want to Meladze"

Ramma will not refuse in originality, breaking through to the casting, he managed to hook the wife of the main producer faith Brezhnev. Going down to her legs in balloons. The amazement was not the limit, and he immediately became a favorite of the project.

Vocal data did not leave indifferent and jury, which unanimously missed Vlad first at the first round, and in the final of the show.

During the project, young talent did not cease to intrigue and puzzled the public. As it turned out, the beautiful prince was already the king. It turned out that an attractive guy is already married, and it is only 18 years old.

Fans of such projects have not had seen such passions such. The booty performer turned out to be a windmill, started a novel with a dancer of the ballet show, and met her openly. All the life of Vladislav Ramma is covered with a curtain of secrecy. Its permanent inconsiderators give rise to various rumors.

In the final of the audience, I again waited for a scandal. He publicly admitted to his wife in treason, but she did not stay aside, having sobbing the news about his pregnancy. The famously swirling melodrama gave positive results, the performer became a finalist and got into the MBAND group, for which all the shows actually created.

MBand Soloist

Now already with the prefix ex. By winning the final of the project "I want to Meladze" Vlad Ramm was able to achieve incredible popularity. Each young girl of our country dreams of a meeting with him. The songs of the group, the soloist of which was RAMM, all young people also heard and even the older people hit him with romantic singing.

The first hit group is still one of the most popular. The composition "she will return" was presented in 2014 on November 24. Many fans have identified hitting the turns of Hit with the personal drama of Vlad.

The MBEnd group brought Vlad to a new level. Together with the team, he began to acquire personal popularity, performing as part of the group in Big Love SHOW2015. Producer and participants do not hide that it has become the Russian analogue of the famous Irish team.

But on the same year the fate of the Ramma gave the next unexpected turn. Nothing suspected fans before the new 2016 year learned about the release of Vladislav Ramma from the MBAND team. Everything happened unexpectedly, on the contact page, information was posted that Ramm is expelled from the group in connection with and professional unsuitability.

In an interview, the producer of the group and the rest of the participant stated a betrayal and unworthy of the behavior of the singer. It is known that Ramm often late for serious events. Also incorrectly communicated with the guys. Although at one of the radio broadcasts, when the lead asked him about the attitude towards Mat, Ramm said "I am not in any way I do not often use it in my speech."

The popularity of the singer is largely justified by its mystery. Despite the open and, sometimes, the shocking statements, they usually have been confirmed by anything. So Meladze states betrayal, to which Ex the soloist is responsible for extremely heading about the former producer. For example, in an interview for MUC, Ramm was very loyal to his former producer, and spoke of the hope of a solo career.

Everyone has already become clear that he doesn't do anything like that and, if he speaks about a solo career, then, most likely she will have it. But as he does it unknown, Offended Konstantin Meladze presented the requirements for the contract. They say that the soloist is not entitled to solo performances until 2021, but can pay a penalty and continue the speeches.

Where no one else knows the truth in the dispute. The remaining soloists laugh at Ramm, after its touching appeal to instagram. There he said goodbye to fans as a soloist of the group and promised to come back soon with a solo performance.

Members of MBand after the speech in the Kremlin, told about their attitudes towards the Act of Vlad, calling him a weakkan, and the "gazed" traitor. Also, doubt reacted to the promise of ex Solist back in another format. But contrary to expectations, the group did not take a new participant. What it is connected not clear.

Assumptions of the departure of Vlad Ramma from MBand

The first assumption at the time of the publicity of the Ramma departure from the group became PR. Many fans believed in a quick return, after reaching the film taken, where the team played in full. But to universal disappointment, the film released did not forced the ex Solist back.

The performer himself spoke of his care as a faithful fact. The impossibility of self-expression pressed on it and became a decisive factor in the exit of the group. Vladislav Ramm argued about an independent decision, but on his page on the social network left a two-way message. In which it was said about a certain two of his surroundings and that he was glad to take finally all the masks and arrange all the points over "and". But at the same time refused to comment on his post. Leaving fans to think the rest of themselves.

Fans also put forward their assumptions. There were even talk about the fact that he wanted to go in the footsteps of his idol Zayn Malika, the British singer-composer.

The most likely suggestion is the reason for the cause of care, misunderstanding from the remaining participants of the team and producer.

Already a field of ram exclusion from the pop group, an artistic film about MBand came out on a wide screen. At the time of filming from then another soloist came the statements that he is more actor than the singer. And hit the stage by chance, after he threw a college. Oleg Tabakova.

Music comedy called "All Fix" talks about the pop group owl "star" (Nikolay Baskov). Young people undergo many tests of both moral and physical, and manage to get out of the difficult situation, without climbing their dignity. As it should be, the film ended with Heppi End for everyone. It is noteworthy that this time, Vlad was the name of Demyanko for Titra.

Personal life Vlad Ramma

Romantic Pop Music Popper deliberately exposes his personal life at the bottom. At different times, his pages in social networks are motley photographs with famous representatives of beautiful sex. At the same time, he does not give any real confirmation of his novels.

So announcing the presence of his wife, there were no confirmation of data on marriage registration, and later, its termination.

"Wife" Ramma Muscovite Veronika Generalova on unconfirmed data gave birth to a child from him after he was publicly admitted in treason. Vlad is so secretful that sometimes it seems unreal. Even paparazzi cannot fall, it is with his family. And all unexpected shootings do not seem so unexpected. Even on the Internet there is not a single team of Ramma with his phantom child, which is rather strange.

During the show "I want to Meladze", he tried to build relations with the dancer, about the novel with which his wife was confessed. But these relationships, most likely, were needed only to raise the rating. As Ramm stated later, he specifically created intrigue around himself and the divorce was her apotheosis.

Most likely, the second novel served to maintain popularity. With a participating of the group "Viagra" Misha Romanova. The confirmation of which was a joint holiday, as well as photographs published on the network. Unfortunately, it is not known what the note remains their relationship after the break and singer's departure from the MBAND group. Today there is no information about a new girlfriend. Be that as it may, there is another hearing, about the non-traditional orientation of the shock artist. They rummed about gentle relations between Vlad and another MBand soloist. But this is no longer the first duck, with the help of which, performers raise their ratings.

Further creative fate

Immediately after breaking with the MBand group, Vladislav Ramm spoke with statements about the well-known producers who proposed him cooperation. So, in particular, Igor Matvienko was mentioned in an interview for the music TV. But, according to the singer, he is no longer interested in the producer guardianship, for this he came out of the popular group to be able to self-expression.

Another loud statement was not confirmed. The artist stated to journalists on the phone, which intends to sue Constantine Meladze, with a claim with the abolition of a ban on solo career. In the same statement, he agreed to pay a penalty and peacefully part with such a master as Meladze.

For the year of free swimming, the singer was able to record a whole album called "# Perm". In the album 13 of the compositions performed in the usual manner for modern popular culture. The most different from the usual songs is the composition "# Pervy", it is distinguished by the absence of sounds.

The sound row consists of almost separate electronic sounds, slightly resembling a melody. And the words of the song do not come, and mostly read as in the repex. The released song immediately occupied the leading position in the media players iOS and Android.

As the performer himself admits, it struck him out. Vlad says that now he has a stimulus to move on, with the blessing of his fans. By adding that finally achieved the goal.

And it's really not in vain, we have time to write an album for the year, and the singer began to release it in mobile form. Most recently, the news channels of the Internet began to face reports of future cooperation as a faithful fact. It is said that Yana Rudkovskaya is negotiating with Meladze about the possibility of transferring producers to her.

Did the statement of Ramma again turned out to be two? So far, only just know that the son of Rudkovskaya, Nikolay Baturin, together with Vladislav, recorded the composition "Enough in Spirit." And even planned the shooting of the clip. The song was published in January 2017.

It is known that photo and video of the former husband Rudkovskaya began to appear on his page. What is it for? Maybe the singer will make a loud statement again? So far, judging by the same sources, he actively records a new album and meets with his fans. We are waiting for the next speech by Vladislav Ramma.

Literally ten days before the date of the day of the M-Band, the group from the quartet was transformed into a trio. Rumored about the fact that the group member Vladislav Ramm decided to complete his work in the team. This event is unpleasant surprised by the group fans, causing a sea of \u200b\u200bdiscussions on social networks on this topic. The Society began to seek about the possible causes of the incident, going through all the imaginable and inconceivable versions of such a presumptive act that occurred, can be said at the peak of glory.

The picture began to clarify with the appearance on the official page of the group in the social network "VKontakte" reports that Vladislav Ramm dismissed in connection with the uniformity. This statement proceeded directly from the producer and head of the group of Konstantin Meladze, as well as the other participants of the Babe. Immediately it was additionally reported that the other day in an exclusive interview with the "Love Radio" ether will be diagnosed about the causes of the incident.

The singer on the page in his Instagram left a comment in which he wrote what leaves the group due to what he sees himself as a solo singerand therefore further intends to work independently. And in response to the comment by Meladze, the doubt was a doubt that Konstantin would hardly take into a group of originally unprofitable vocalist.

However, despite this, in principle, the simple and understandable explanation, the Internet users noted that Vlad unsubscribed from the pages of the producer of Konstantin Meladze and his wife faith Brezhneva, as well as from other group members, while removing all common photos. But an equally strange phenomenon was a picture that a former member of the group postponed after the appeal written in a warm form in which he thanked all those who collaborated while working at the music team. It can be said that users surprised not so much picture as the inscription: "hypocrite. If you smile, do not rejoice, most likely it is not shot yesterday's mask. "

Subsequently, in the air "Love Radio", Konstantin Meladze outlined the cause of Ramma's care and confirmed that the decision took not only as a producer, but also the guys participating in the group. Participants in the Band - Art of Pindyura, Anatoly Tsoi and Nikita Kiosse - assure that they were the initiators of leaving the group of Vladislav Ramma.

Konstantin Meladze is confident that Vladislav only confirmed the correctness of the decision. And in turn reminded Vlad that signed by him the contract is valid until 2021 and excludes the opportunity to engage in solo career. However, in an interview, the former soloist M-Band reported on the intention to defend his right in court and hope to fulfill the dream.

So what happened? What caused the departure of the Ramma from the group? These issues still twist in the air, not giving calm down the fans of the group.

Here are a few assumptions.

  1. Perhaps it was pR move To cause a reason to talk once again about the team, which is currently engaged in shooting in a television show and film. Although unlikely, but still, very desired for fans, rather a fabulous version, which is assumed at the end of the group reunification.
  1. Collective donation for the sake of solo future . This is how Vladislav Ramm explains his departure, finally promising to return soon.
  1. Since the young executor is a Yarym fan of Zayn Malik, there is an assumption about his decision to pass the trail idol (Having achieved solo triumph), and apparently, it could become a push to the departure from the group.
  1. It is a sharp statement by Konstantin Meladze and the support of his wards gives a reason to think that the place has conflict But with whom (Meladze himself or with the participants of the Babe) remains only to guess. It is assumed that such a decision followed after the Contractor did not come to a joint press conference dedicated to the Musicbox 2015 Award. It may have been the last drop in the disagreements arising between the producer and the M-Band participants with Vlad.

Recall that Vladislav Ramm began his careerBy taking part in the promoted television project Realistic Show "I want to Meladze" in 2014. According to the results of the casting, the finalists were planned to create a group.

In order to attract attention, a guy decided to hit the audience and judges an unusual act, Going away from the roof of the filming hall with a bouquet of flowers and a bunch of multicolored balloons. This caused surprise judges and thus paid attention to himself. This act was especially impressed by the former soloist "Viagra" Vera Brezhnev, who insisted to miss the young performer out of turn.

During his stay in the project, Vlad visited Timothy and Sergey Lazarev teams. As a result, Ramm passed into the final and became one of the winners of the project, After receiving a real opportunity to be a member of the newly created M-Band group. Currently, Vladislav consists in romantic relations with Misha Romanova, which is the ward of the former producer, the soloist of the Viagra group. We hope that disagreements with Konstantin Meladze will not be the reason for the breaking of the relationship of a young couple.