Peddortion. Spring in the music of Russian and Soviet composers and paintings of Russian artists "White Nights"

Peddortion. Spring in the music of Russian and Soviet composers and paintings by Russian artists
Peddortion. Spring in the music of Russian and Soviet composers and paintings of Russian artists "White Nights"

Pictures of changing the seasons of the year, the rustle of foliage, bird votes, splashing waves, the murmur of the stream, thunderstorms - all this can be conveyed in music. Many famous were able to do it brilliantly: their musical works about nature became a classic musical landscape.

Natural phenomena, musical sketches of the plant and animal world appear in instrumental and piano works, vocal and choral writings, and sometimes even in the form of program cycles.

"Seasons" A. Vivaldi

Antonio Vivaldi

Four three-part violin concerts of Vivaldi, dedicated to the times of the year, without a doubt, the most famous musical works about the nature of the Baroque era. The poetic sonnets to concerts are written, as it is considered to be the composer himself and express the musical meaning of each part.

Vivaldi passes with its music and thunder-rolls, and the noise of rain, and the rustle of the leaves, and the birds trill, and the dog Lai, and the uphold of the wind, and even the silence of autumn night. Many remarks of the composer in the score directly indicate or another phenomenon of nature, which must be depicted.

Vivaldi "Seasons of the Year" - "Winter"

"Seasons" J. Haydna

Josef Gaidn

The monumental oratorio "Seasons" was a peculiar result of the composer's creative activity and became a genuine masterpiece of classicism in music.

Four seasons are consistently appeared before the listener in the 44th pictures. Heroes Oratori - rural residents (peasants, hunters). They know how to work, and have fun, they have no time to indulge. People here are part of nature, they are involved in her annual cycle.

Haydn, like his predecessor, widely uses the possibilities of different tools for the transmission of nature sounds, such as summer thunderstorms, rogue of grasshoppers and frogs.

Haidna's musical works about nature are associated with people's life - they are almost always present on his "paintings". For example, in the final of the 103th symphony, we are as if we are in the forest and hear hunter signals, for the image of which the composer resorts to a well-known means. Listen:

Gaidn Symphony No. 103 - Final


"Seasons" P. I. Tchaikovsky

The composer elected the genre of piano miniatures for his twelve months. But the same piano is capable of transmitting nature paints no worse than the choir and orchestra.

Here is a spring jurisdiction of the lark, and the joyful awakening of the snowdrop, and the dreamy romance of white nights, and a livelot of a bootman, striking on river waves, and field works of peasants, and the psovy hunting, and anxious and sad autumn fading nature.

Tchaikovsky "Seasons of the Year" - March - "Song of Lyonk"


"Carnival of animals" K. Saint-Sansa

Among the musical works about nature, the mansion is the "big zoological fantasy" of Saint-Sansa for the chamber ensemble. The disadvantage of the plan defined the fate of the work: "Carnival", whose score of Saint-Sans even forbade publishing during life, was completely performed only in the circle of the composer's friends.

Original instrumental composition: In addition to stringed and multiple winds, there are two piano, chest and such a rare tool, like a glass harmonic.

In the cycle of 13 parts, describing different animals, and the final part, which combines all the numbers into a solid product. It's funny that the composer is taken to the number of animals and beginner pianists, diligently playing gammas.

Carnival's comicness emphasize numerous musical alluses and quotes. For example, "Turtles" are performed by the Offenbach Kankan, only several times slowdown, and the double bass in the "elephant" develops the theme of the Berliosovsky "ballet of the Sylves".

Saint-Sans "Carnival Animals" - Swan


Sea Element N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov

The Russian composer knew about the sea not at the time. Mademaryan, and then Michman on the clip of "Almaz" he did a distant path to the North American coast. Favorite seaside images arise in many of his creations.

Such is, for example, the topic of the "ocean-sea of \u200b\u200bblue" in Opera "Sadko". Literally in several sounds, the author transmits the hidden power of the ocean, and this motive permeates the entire opera.

The sea reigns in the Sadko's Symphony Music Picture, and in the first part of Schöherazada Suite, "Sea and Saintbads a ship", in which the calm replaces the storm.

Roman-Korsakov "Sadko" - the accession of the "Ocean-Sea blue"


"The ruddy glow was covered with the East ..."

Another favorite theme of musical works about nature is the sunrise. Here immediately come to mind the two most famous morning topics, something incense with each other. Each in its own way defias the awakening of nature. This is the romantic "morning" E. Grieg and a solemn "Dawn on the Moscow River" M. P. Mussorgsky.

At the Migra, the imitation of the shepherd horn picked up with string tools, and then and the whole orchestra: the sun rises over the harsh fjords, and the murmur of the stream and singing of birds is clearly heard in music.

The dawn of Mussorgsky also begins with the shepherd melody, in the string orchestral sound as if the ringing of bells is woven, and the sun is closed above the river, the sun covering the water with gold ripples.

Mussorgsky - "Khovanshchina" - the introduction of "Dawn on the Moscow River"


List all in which the theme of nature is developing is practically impossible - this list will turn out too long. Here you can include the concerts of Vivaldi ("Nightingale", "Cuckoo", "Night"), "Bird Trio" from the sixth symphony of Beethoven, "Flight of Bumblebee" Roman-Korsakov, "Golden Fish" Debussy, "Spring and Autumn" and "Winter Road »Sviridov and many other musical pictures of nature.

Grade 2.
The purpose of the lesson: familiarity with the peculiarities of the music of nature of different composers.

Tasks: Education of moral culture, love for nature,

the ability to correctly determine the musical paintings of nature,

features and changes in music, the development of performing skills.

Equipment lesson:

laptop, presentation of nature paintings, screen, projector, music discs, tape recorder, KASSIO keys.
During the classes:

About nature is written a lot of poets poets - A. Fetom,

F. Tyutchev, A. Pushkin, M.Lermontov, A.Blokom ....
Spring, spring, spring came,

On the street becomes warm.

Spring droplets

From all sides hear ...

The sun rays are cheerful,

The first snowdrops want to get out.

Everything is having fun, the sun sparkles

Nature always flourishes in spring ...

I asked you too to prepare poems about the spring (homework).

Children expressly read verses of spring.

And what happens in nature in the spring?

The sun shines brighter, it becomes warmer, the first leaflets appear on the trees, the first flowers begin to appear, the birds arrive from warm edges ...

All nature awakens from the winter sleep and blooms ...

On the board prepared different pictures of nature.

Children together with the teacher determine what paints paintings are written, features of the image, artistic picture of the painting, which musical works would come to these pictures.

View slides with image of nature paintings on the screen.

The theme of nature, spring is reflected in the paintings of many artists:

Repina, Shishkin, Vasnetsova, Nesterova, Korovina, Rylova ..

And now let's enter and we enter, let's notice from the winter sleep and perform our rhythmic exercises "Spring has come," "Swallow", "Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring" ...
Placing on the speakers: "Birchings", "Seasons of the Year", "Spring",

"I go with the bias" ...

And now we will show how they sang songs in dances, on holidays and fulfill our songs about nature, about spring ...

A group of children for execution is selected. Folk Investments are distributed (students perform rhythm songs).

Another group of children becomes in a dance (girls' heads are decorated with flowers) and perform songs "with a view I go", "Spring", "Swan's" ...

Groups of children with tools and songs are changing, others are selected.

Paintings of nature reflected in their works not only

poets, writers, artists, but also many composers -

russian and foreign: P. Tchaikovsky, S. Rakhmaninov, A.Vivaldi, E.Grieg, N. Rimsky, Korsakov, I. Stavinsky, M. M.Morusorgsky and others ...
Now we will listen to fragments of works about the nature of different composers:
P. Tchaikovsky "April.SdsNezhnik (" Seasons of the Year "),

A. Vivaldi »Spring", s.rahmaninov "Spring water",

E.Grieng "Morning" ...

Students determine the nature of music, changes, features, performers, tools ...

To each work it is possible to choose the corresponding picture of nature located on the board or on the screen.


In notebooks on music, draw pictures of spring to the works listened in classroom, choose the corresponding poems about the spring.
Conclusion: Spring Theme is in the works of poets, writers,

artists, composers.

They all showed their attitude, their feelings

to nature through their works.

Nature music in all composers is different.

But it is always - beautiful, tender, light,


  • Educational:
    • to acquaint with outstanding works of art, creativity of outstanding artists, find out how poets, artists, musicians of different eras reflect spring in their works;
    • find out the variety of spring images in music, in the visual activities;
    • recall the creativity of P. Tchaikovsky, give the ideas about the work of A. Vivaldi;
    • teach children to watch the beauty of spring nature;
    • learn to observe in the image of the proportion, size.
  • Developing:
    • develop figurative speech, musical perception, musical abilities, singing voice, musical rumor, creative abilities.
    • develop a sense of beautiful, artistic skills and skills.
  • Educational:
    • improve the emotional scope of students;
    • educating musical, artistic and aesthetic taste, interest and love for music and visual art.

Methodical equipment:

  • spring song phonograms Oksana Razumovskaya, Spring-Red - T. Morozova
  • music P. Tchaikovsky - "April. Snowdrop",
  • video from the album "Seasons" P. Tchaikovsky,
  • music A. Vivaldi "Spring" from the album "Seasons", S. Rachmaninov "Spring water",
  • portrait of P. Tchaikovsky.
  • the slides of the reproductions of artists:
  • I.I. Levitan. "March", "big water", "Spring time. The last snow "," blooming apple trees ";
  • I.Shishkin: "Spring Forest";
  • Savrasov: "Graci flew";
  • K.Uon. "The end of winter. Noon";
  • A. Sisley: "Fruit Garden. Spring".

TSO:diaprosector, screen, computer, tape recorder, VCR, TV.

Materials for children:spring Spring Sky and Earth Papers on White A4 Paper, Pencil, Eraser, Gouache, Watercolor, Brushes, Water Jar, Napkin, Methodical Tables "As a tree grows", "Winter trees", children's drawings of past years.

Lesson plan:

I. Organizational moment. Entrance to the music
II. Conversation about the spring in the work of composers, artists, poets.
III. Conversation about the work of great artists (showing pictures of spring - presentation).
IV. The compilation of sayings and will take about the spring the performance of the song "Spring-Krasnu is coming." Poems about spring.
V. View video of the plot "April" P. Tchaikovsky from the album "Seasons of the Year".
Vi. Practical work. Drawing spring to the music of A. Vivaldi "Spring".
VII. Exhibition of drawings.
VIII. Outcome.
IX. Execution of the song "Spring".


I. Organizational moment

Entrance to the music of S. Rakhmaninova "Spring Water".

II. Conversation about the spring in the work of composers.

Music teacher:Guys, who did not pay attention to what was sang in the musical work, which you entered the class? (About spring)
Indeed, the Romance Sergey Rakhmaninova "Spring Water" ( Appendix 1 1. . Slide 1). What featured you determined that this is precisely spring?

Students:The melody resembles the streams of spring water, stormy murmuric streams.

Music teacher:The composer was able to transfer the spring state of nature with the help of means of musical expressiveness: melodies, rapid tempo, major Lada. The melody seems to repeat the overflow of moving water. It seems that we are standing near the stream.

- Guys, how do you think, are composers, musicians often turn in their work to the images of nature? (Yes)

Music teacher: Yes, indeed, very often, after all, every time of the year is beautiful and attracts its diversity of paints. With the onset of each season, we have different feelings, moods, sensations, whether it is winter, summer, spring or autumn. But today we would like to talk about the spring, how artists, poets and composers feel and transmitting spring in our works. Theme of our lesson: "Spring image in ..." ( Attachment 1 . Slide 2)

III. Conversation about the spring teacher from, drawing up proverbs and sayings, the performance of the song "Spring-Krasnu is coming"

Teacher from: Guys, raise your hand, who of you loves the spring? Why do you love her?

Responses of children:For the bright sun, for warm air, for fresh young foliage, etc.

Teacher from:I will add: ( Attachment 1 . Slides 3-16) Spring fills the souls of people with a sense of waiting. For children, this is a cheerful waiting for warmth, vacation, freedom, allowing paper boat streams, a wicked cheerful drops from the roofs, this is a bright warm sun. And for adults, the spring awakening of nature does not hope for the renewal of feelings.

- I will open you a secret: there are two spring - it's an early and late. Question to children: What are the signs of early spring?

Work on the slide number 16.

The sun shines brightly, but it is not very warm, longer than the shadow, swelling the kidneys at the Willow, loose snow, spring warmth, freshness of air, smell of wet bark and melting snow.

Teacher from: And signs of late spring?

Answers children: the sun is bright and heats, the day has become longer, green grass and primroses appears, the snow is only in deep ravines.

Teacher from: Which of you will show me an early spring for those signs that you said.

(Children choose from the presented pictures on the slide number 16 early spring).

- Well done!

Teacher from:And who will show late spring? ( Children choose from the presented pictures on the slide number 16 late spring).

- Well done, you coped, you know how to distinguish early spring from late spring. ( Attachment 1 . Slide 16) Look, what colors artists used in their pictures when describing the image of spring ? (Warm lights, yellow, green, red, orange, but encountered cold colors).

- Yes, spring artists are different: it is bright, stormy, and multi-water, and sunny, and joyful and sad. Guys, you know that artists who write about nature are called landscape stakes, and their paintings are landscapes. Artists depicting nature, very much, it is also I. Levitan, I. Shishkin, Savrasov, Jouv, etc.

IV. Drawing up sayings and will take about spring. The performance of the song "Spring-Krasnu is coming"

Teacher from: And about the spring there are many sayings and proverbs, and we now check how well you know them. You are offered the game "Composition Proverb."

Drawing up sayings and proverbs about spring (by groups), children call proverbs and sayings.

  • Bird is glad spring, and mother's baby.
  • On someone else's side and spring is not red!
  • Seagull would fly, and spring will be.
  • Early hopes - long does not melt.
  • Early spring is a lot of water.
  • Spring will show everything.
  • Geese are highly flying - water will be much; Low - little.
  • Spring red flowers, autumn - snaps.
  • Loda Spring sink - on a hard year.
  • Early swallows - to the lucky year.

The performance of the song "Spring-Red is coming."

Music teacher:Well done, sayings and proverbs about the spring you know. But still a lot of songs and poems are written about the spring, in which the image of spring is revealed differently. Now we will fulfill with you the song "Spring-Krasnu goes", and you think about questions.

(Attachment 1 . Slide 17)

Music teacher:Children who want to spin?

The performance of the song "Spring-Krasnu is coming".

The teacher asks a question after the execution of the song.

1. What image of spring is revealed in the song and how did you define? Who compares spring and why?
2. What mood is the song imbued?

Responses of children:

- Spring sunny, fun, spring rushing, ringing, perky.
- Spring is compared with a red maiden.
- The song is a cheerful, joyful mood, you want to dance.

Music teacher:What kind of overall tool gives us the sound of birds and spring droplets, and in general, give a song Easyness, grace?

Responses of children: Swirl.

Music teacher:Guys, earlier in distant times, people to meet the spring were preparing in advance, baked from the birds of birds, went outside or in the forest, hung them on the trees, sang the Spring on the spring.
- What do you think for what people sang the shakes?
- Which of you knows Spring Channels?
- And who can read the poems about the spring?

Children read verses of spring.

V. View video of P. Tchaikovsky "April" from the album "Seasons"

Music teacher:Now you view a small video in which you hear the sound of music of one very famous composer. After watching ( Attachment 1 . Slide 18)
1. Try to determine what month does music characterize and what does it indicate?
2. What composer could compose such music?

- What do you know about this composer?

Responses of children:

1. Music characterizes the month of April, since we see the murmur of the stream ...
2. The author of the music is P. I. Tchaikovsky - Russian composer.

Music teacher:Guys, really, the music is called "April" from the famous album of Tchaikovsky "Seasons". Call me the feature of this album?

Responses of children: The album includes 12 musical plays, each of which Tchaikovsky gave its name.

On the board encrypted the name of this play (Snowdrop)

Music teacher:So, tell me what image of spring, appeared before us in the plot? (Cheerful, ...)
- Yes, Spring runs, rushing, revives everything around, spring is felt in everything in the singing of birds, in the murmur of the stream, in colors, in swelling of the kidneys.

Vi. Practical work

Teacher from: Well, now I will proceed to the practical part of our lesson. Imagine that we are artists-landscape players and on our submarines that you have prepared at home, Dorisu, your spring. She may be bored with streams, blooming snowdrops, flashered by the Verba. At leisure, I also love to draw landscapes. I portrayed my spring, which I like, and you depict your spring.

- Guys, and so that you have easier to present your spring, you will help you with the music of the Italian composer A.vivaldi, which is also called "Spring", like P. Tchaikovsky from the Album "Seasons". Only Vivaldi lived at another time, much earlier than Tchaikovsky, but also loved the nature and music.

VII. Exhibition of drawings

Teacher from:Guys, you are well done, spring you got different, and fun, and sad, and even happy .

VIII. Outcome

Music teacher:So, guys, tell me who made from the great artists and musicians with the help of sounds and paints spring? (Children's responses)

Teacher from: What kind of spring is found in their works? (Early, bright, fast, rapid, murder, hurried, sad).

(Attachment 1 . Slide 19)

Before the guys are represented by the Slide with the words of the Armor, children must choose the appropriate:
sad, sad, merry, perky, evil, fearless, bright, awakening, rapid, murmuring, hurried, stormy, ringing, long-awaited, sunny.

IX. Performance of the song "Spring"(Attachment 1 . Slide 20)

- We want to wish you so that this spring for you too was fun, sunny, joyful and of course happy, as it goes in the song, which we will fulfill all together.

- The lesson is over! Bye!

As an artist describes the nature of paints, the composer and musician describes the nature of the music. From the great composers, we got the whole collections of works from the cycle "Seasons of the Year".

Seasons in music, the same different colors and sounds, as different works in the work of musicians of different times, different countries and different style. Together they form the music of nature. This is the cycle of the seasons of the Italian composer of the Baroque A. Vivaldi era. Touching to the depths of the play on Piano P. I. Tchaikovsky. And also, be sure to try the taste of an unexpected tango of the time of the year A. Piazzollah, the grand oratorio of J. Haydna and a gentle soprano, a melodic piano in the music of the Soviet composer V. A. Gavrilina.

Description of musical works of famous composers from the cycle "Seasons"

Seasons Spring:

Seasons Summer:

Seasons autumn:

Seasons winter:

Every time of the year is a small work, where every month is small plays, writings, variations. The composer is trying to convey the mood of nature, which is characteristic of one of the four seasons of the year. All works together form a music cycle, as the nature itself, passing through all seasonal changes in the year-round cycle of the year.

Subject: "Spring image in classical and folk music."

Type of lesson: learn lesson and primary consolidation of new knowledge.

Purpose: Development of associative figurative thinking and artistic imagination of children.

Tasks: 1. Educational - the formation of love for music, artistic abilities, the ability to embody the impressions of the picturesque, musical and verbal improvisations;

2. Educational - acquaintance with the work of the Italian composer A. Vivaldi, the Norwegian composer K. Sinding, Russian landscape players I. Levitan, Al. Savrasov, with Russian folk creativity;

3. Developing - development of vocal cholar skills, improvement of the game on musical instruments.


  • piano;
  • noise tools;
  • record player;
  • portraits of composers A. Vivaldi and K. Sinding;
  • reproductions of paintings by I. Levitan, A. Savrasova;
  • drawings guys;
  • crafts of clay larks.

1. The organizational moments.

2. Music greeting:

Attention! Attention! Wonders!

Attention! Attention! Silence!

Go to us, music goes to us!

3. Conducts the record K. Sinding "Spring Rust"

Questions after hearing:

  • Guys! Did you feel about this music?
  • What is she a story?

W.: Music told us that Spring came.

Spring! Spring!
How the air is clean!
How clear the sky!
His Lazuria is alive
He blinds my eyes. (E. Baratsky)

U: Spring! So he came to the thaw, downtowed, handed over to the sun of drifts, snowdrops will soon bloom in the forest protane and raghi will arrive.

We are with you, guys go out on the street, look at the sun and do not know the usual world. So winter passed, cold, everything is behind. Joy! Spring fills the soul! Let's listen to the work of Christian Sinding, the Norwegian composer of the 19th century, living 100 years ago, which is called "Spring rustle"and reveals the amazing paints of the upcoming spring when everything is in nature

woke up
Caughty. /Hearing/


W. : Never new spring is not like old. And we always expect anything new this year, but always spring mysterious, fabulous beautiful

And who of you knows how to celebrate the spring 5, 10, 50, 100 years ago? In old times?

At: Spring met with fun, with joy, with songs, dances, dances.

With the first signs thaw, the peasants have climbs, spring to visit. The guys had care - to prepare for the arrival of birds: to build birdhouses. And to speed up the travelers of the feathery, it was necessary to make toy larks, kulikov, caravliks. They loved living birds, raising them high on long twigs (climbed the roofs of houses). Twisted twigs, as if birds fly. Impaid bird voices with whistle made from clay. It seemed to our ancestors, if you show the real birds to their images, and even instant birds, they will rather go to these edges and rather will give spring.

And on the day of the spring equinox, on March 22, when "forty-birds arrive, forty puffs make their way to Rus," the first spring birds fly to us, and the first of them are larks.

On this holiday, on the eve, from the evening, the guys asked their parents to bake a cookie, buns similar to the larks. To have head, body, wings, instead of eyes - raisins or nuts.

The larks went out ruddy, tasty, on the wings of spring carriers. Children eaten them, but sang a callous songs - Freesniki, in which there was a major request; In order for Spring soon, it was not delayed in warm edges. Let us also fulfill the spring:

No. 1 Zhikchik, Hook, Spheres
Arrive to us kulchok
I see, I see, Vai,
Bring spring in our area!

/ Slashing on chromatic range - Birds rise higher and higher /

№ 2 races fly
On the whole rus tube
Do-do-du, do-do-du,
We carry spring!

No. 3 Forens, quail,
Militate to us
Bring us!
Spring - Red
Heat - Petheko
Green Posk
Get dry frost!

No. 4 goes Mother - Spring,
Answer-ka gate!
The first March passed,
White snow has gone.
And behind him - April,
Opened the window and the door.
And behind him - and May
Come out - Walk!

W.: Guys!

  • What is common in all spring?
  • What request does it sound?

/ Request for the fastest parish of spring /

  • Why do man need warm?

/ Summer Warm - Vintage, will not be hunger, cold /

  • What poetic remedies help express the beauty of the spring?

/ Spring - Red;
Spring - Mother;
Affectionate words - kulichok,


U: Yes! Since March, spring opens - they speak the people:

March - the first month of spring, a joyful holiday of light.

Guys! BUT Which of you knows how before in Russia called the spring months?

March - a protontarp, drip;

April - pollen, snow slim, creeper;

May - herbal.

  • And why such a figurative comparison?
  • And what else can we compare the spring?
  • Let's try, dream!

What associations do you associate spring?

  • snowdrop,
  • mother's holiday,
  • laughter's day
  • rainbow,
  • thunder,
  • bright sun,
  • day longer
  • birds arrive,
  • birthday, etc.

I want to tell you that the spring was born wonderful composers and poets:

March 6, 1844 N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov,
March 9, 1839 M.P. Mussorgsky
May 20, 1804 M.I. Glinka
March 13, 1913 Poet S. Mikhalkov,
March 4, 1882 K.I. Chukovsky.

And what proverbs, sayings about the spring you know?

Martar came - put on seven port.

Spring day red.

I saw Skvortz - know, spring at the porch.

From the roofs dripping - and the nose is arisen.

I want to tell you that nature has a soul, there is your language, today, on March 20, the people are called Vasily - Ducklock.


What did the xylophone portray?

/ Large icicles are dripping. /

What did Metallone depicted?

/ Small, thin icicles dripped /


Artists and composers call these sounds: the music of the forest, the music of nature.

And in you today watch the forest music in the work of the Great Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi / 1678 - 1741 /, who lived 300 years ago in the amazing Italian city of Venice, in the city of Love. And one day he met the spring with such words:

Spring came!
Solemnly noticed
Cheerful dance of her
And the song in the mountains sounds. . .

Questions after hearing:

  • What did we hear in music?
  • What happens in nature?
  • What did music depict?
  • What feelings expressed?

A. Vivaldi depicted the arrival of spring, which birds welcomed with joyful singing. Hear a quiet murmur stream and tenderness of the wind. But there are clouds raid, lightning sparkles, thunder rattles - a thunderstorm began! Finally she passed, and poultry sank again! The people welcome their dance spring!


Yes! Spring powerful wakes nature. Rivers bloom, shake the winter dream trees, swell the kidneys, the first bristles of blades are made on the fields. Air is filled with a wonderful aroma.

And this fragrance fills the paintings of the great Russian artists I.I. Levitan, Savrasova.

  • Guys!
  • And what are the pictures about nature?

/ Written on the word board scenery /

- Let's consider along with professional paintings and your work.

  • What features we see that spring is depicted?
  • What are the paints see?
  • What are hearing sounds?
  • What feelings cause pictures?

I.I. Levitan said:

"Nature breathes forever. Everyone he sings, and the song is solemnly. Earth - Paradise, and life - mystery, beautiful mystery. "

"I think that all of us adults and children is very useful to observe what is happening in nature. Unique paints of nature, a variety of votes from artists, composers, cause various feelings: joy, sadness, surprise.

And then they create works of art

- And today we listened to you, sang, played spring in sounds, looked and painted in the colors - all this caused our unique feelings.

- And let's in the conclusion of the lesson perform the song "This is all Spring!" / Song sounds /.

- We today heard many wonderful works about nature. I hope that after our lesson, you will even more love and listen to the "Spring Music", see not only with my eyes, but also in your heart.

Or maybe some of you will try to write your story, your poem or music about spring.

- I will be very glad.