BITL group. History Bitlzdiscography The Beatles

BITL group. History Bitlzdiscography The Beatles
BITL group. History Bitlzdiscography The Beatles

"Beatles" is a British rock band. She comes from Liverpool. From 1960 to 1970, the group "Beatles" existed. The composition was not immediately formed immediately, the name was also changed several times. We will tell about all this, as well as about the history of this greater musical team in the world in detail below.

The emergence of The Blackjack and The Quarrymen

John Lennon (1940-1980), learning to play the guitar, founded with his comrades a group called them The Blackjack. A week, however, the name changed to The Quarrymen (the school in which the guys studied, was called Quarry Bank). The group performed Skiffl - a special British rock and roll style.

The Quarrymen formation

John Lennon (in the photo below) in the summer of 1957 after the speech at the concert met another future member of the team - Paul McCartney.

He surprised John with his knowledge of the words and chords of the latest innovations in the world of music. They joined them in the fall of 1958 George Harrison, Paul Friend. George, Paul and John became the main in the group, for the other participants The Quarrymen, this group was only temporary hobbies, and they soon left the team. The musicians played episodes at various events, weddings, parties, but the case did not reach records and concerts.

The group decayed several times. His group was George Harrison. And Paul McCartney and Lennon began to write songs together, sing and play, inspired by Buddy Holly, who was his producer himself and played his own songs. In the group at the end of 1959, Stewart Satcliffe entered. John Lennon was familiar with him in college. His game was not distinguished by skill, which often caused irritation at Paul McCartney - a demanding musician. The group in such a composition was practically formed: vocals and rhythm guitar - Lennon, vocals, rhythm guitar and piano - McCartney (photo is presented below), Solo-guitar - George Harrison, Bass Guitar - Stewart Satcliffe. However, the problem of musicians was the lack of a permanent drummer.

Some other names of the group

The Quarrymen actively tried to fit into the club and the concert life of Liverpool. Talent contests were held one by one, but the group was not lucky. She needed to think about changing its name. No one has yet been attached to the Quarry Bank School. At the local television competition held in December 1959, this group was already under a different name - Johnny and The Moondogs.

History of the name of The Beatles

In 1960, in April, the participants came up with this name. His authors, on the memoirs of the group members, are considered to be Stuart Satcliffe and John Lennon. They dreamed of the title, having a double meaning. For example, a group B. Holly was called The Crickets, that is, "crickets". However, for the British there is another meaning - "Cricket game". As John Lennon said, this name came to him during sleep. He saw a man covered by the flame, who advised to name the Beetles group (beetles). However, this word has only one value. Therefore, it was decided to replace the letter "E" on "A". There was a second meaning - "bit", for example, in the music of rock and roll. Thus took place the Bitles. At first time, the musicians were forced to change the name somewhat, as promoters considered it very short. At different times, the group performed under such names as The Silver Beatles, Long John and The Beatles.

First tour

Music skill of the team participants grew very quickly. They were increasingly invited to perform in small clubs and pubs. The Beatles in his first tour went in 1960, in April. It was a tour of Scotland, and they act as an accompanation group. At this time, they have not yet gained great fame.

Group of Group in Hamburg

"Beatles", the composition of which was not yet finally formed, in mid-1960 they were invited to play in Hamburg. Already played by several professional groups in the style of rock and roll from Liverpool. Therefore, I decided to urgently seek the hell musicians from Bitles. The composition of the group was required to replenish them in order to comply with the contract and be at the level of professionals. They chose Perts, playing very well. The story of "Beatles" continued in that in 1960, on August 17, the first concert in Hamburg took place, at the Indra Club. Here the group played October under the contract, and then, until the end of November, performed in Kaiserkeller. A graph of speeches was very tough, participants had to be crowded in the same room. A lot of material was needed to play on the stage besides Rock and Roll: Rhythm and blues, blues, old jazz and pop rooms, folk songs. The Beatles have not performed their own songs yet, as it was believed that in the surrounding modern music there was a lot of material suitable for them, and there was also no necessary incentive for this. It is daily hard work and the ability to perform various styles of music, mixing them, became in the formation of a group among the main factors.

Beatles become famous in Liverpool

Bitles in December 1960 returned to Liverpool. Here they were among the most active groups, rival with each other by the number of fans, repertoire and sound. The leaders among them were Rory Storm, playing in the best clubs of Hamburg and Liverpool. At that time they met and quickly moved with the striker of this group, R. Starr, musicians from Beatles. The composition of the group will be replenished with them a little later.

Second tour in Hamburg

The group in April 1960 went again to Hamburg on the second tour. Now they have already played Top Ten. The Beatles precisely in this city did their first professional record, speaking by the accompanying ensemble for singer T. Sheridan. Beatlam also allowed to make several own compositions. Satcliffe at the end of the tour decided to leave the group and stay in Hamburg. The floor McCartney had to play a bass guitar. And a year later, in 1962 (April 10), Satcliffe (in the photo below) died from hemorrhage to the brain.

Speeches in Liverpool in 1961

The Beatles since August 1961 began to perform at the Liverpool Club (club name - Cavern). They made a year 262 times. Next year, July 27, the musicians gave their concert at Litherland Town Hall. The concert in this room was a great success, after him the press christened this group to Liverpool.

Acquaintance with George Martin

The Beatles manager, Brian Epsteen, met with George Martin, producer from the Parlophone label. George is interested in the young group and wanted to see her performance in Abbey Road Studio (London). The records of the team were not impressed by George Martin, but he loved the musicians themselves, attractive, fun and some arrogant guys. When J. Martin asked if they like everyone in the studio, Harrison replied that he did not like Tie Martin. Producer rated this joke and offered a group to sign a contract. It is starting with history with a tie, direct, sharp and witty responses of the participants of the "Beatles" on an interview and press conferences became their branded style.

Ringo Starr becomes a drummer

Only Pete Best did not like George Martin. He believed that Best does not reach the level of the group, and suggested Estayna to replace the drummer. In addition, Pete defended his own individuality and did not want as other participants of the Beatles, make a branded hairstyle to fit the overall style of the group. As a result, in 1962, on August 16, Pete Best leaves the group, which announces officially Brian Epsteen. Starre (in the photo below), who played in the RORY STORM group, they take to his place without thinking.

First singles and first album

Soon the studio work began the participants of Bitles. The first entry did not bring any results. In October 1962, The Beatles released their first single called Love Me Do, which has reached the charts of the 17th place. It was a pretty good result for young bits. In the same year, October 17, the first concert of this group on television in Manchester's broadcast (People and Places program) took place. Then the Beatles recorded a new single Please Please Me, which took the first places in the charts. In 1963, March 22, the group finally releases the first album with the same name. Only in 12 hours the material was created for him. This album headed for whole six months a national hit-parade, bringing a great success "Bitles." The hits of this group have become popular throughout the country.

Stunning success

The birthday of Bitleania is considered to be October 3, 1963. The group was waiting for deafening popularity. Participants gave her a concert in the hall of Palladium London, from where the Bitles was broadcast on the whole of the United King. The group's hits listened to about 15 million viewers. A lot of fans filled the streets near the concert hall, seeking to see the bitles live. Group November 4, 1963 played a concert at the prince of Welsh Prince. The queen herself, Lord Snowdon and Princess Margaret attended it, and the Queen admired the game. Beatles on November 22 released the second album called With the Beatles. More than a million copies of this record was sold by 1965.

Brian Epsteen has concluded a contract with VEE Jay, who has released Singles from Me to You and Please Please Me, as well as an introducing the beatles album. However, they did not bring success in the United States and did not even fall into regional charts. In the United States, at the end of 1963, the single I Want To Hold Your Hand appeared, which changed the situation. Already next year, on January 18, he turned out to be in the first place in the table of the American Cash Box magazine and on the third - in the weekly table called Billboard. The company from the USA Capitol released on February 3, the gold album MEET THE Beatles.

Thus, the bitleania crossed the ocean. In 1964, February 7, the band members landed at the New York airport. They were greeted about 4 thousand fans. The group played three concerts: one in the "Coliseum" (Washington) and two - in Carnegie Hall (New York). Also, The Beatles performed twice on television in "Shaw Ed Sullivan", which watched 73 million viewers - a record in the history of television! Bitles in their free time communicated with journalists and various musical groups. They returned to their homeland on February 22.

The group after a trip to the United States began to record new songs, as well as shoot the first musical film (A Hard Day's Night). The single called Can't BUY ME LOVE on March 20 collected many preliminary applications - about 3 million.

First major tour

In the first major tour across Holland, Denmark, Hong Kong, New Zealand and Australia, the group went on June 4, 1964. With a deafening success passed touring Beatles. In Adelaide, for example, a 300 thousandth crowd met at the airport of musicians. July 2, Bitles returned to London. And three days later, there was a premier a Hard Day's Night, after which the album was released with the same name.

The difficulties that the group had to come across

The tour of North America launched on August 19 of the same year. Bitles over 32 days overcame 36 thousand kilometers and visited 24 cities, wing 31 concerts. About 30 thousand dollars (today it is equivalent to about 300 thousand dollars) they received for one concert. However, musicians were worried about money, and for the fact that they were prisoners, isolated completely from the rest of society. Around the clock hotels in which the group was stopped by the crowd.

At that time, the equipment on which the musicians played in the huge stadiums would not satisfy even the embossed restaurant ensemble. The technique has long lagged in development from the paces specified by Bitlas. Musicians because of the deafening reva of people in the stands often did not hear themselves. They were shot down from the rhythm, in the vocal parties they lost a tonality, but this did not notice this, which also did not hear anything. Beatles in such conditions could not progress and experiment on stage. Only behind the scene in the studio they could create something new and develop.

Continuation of success

Returning to London on September 21, the musicians immediately began to record a new album - Beatles for Sale. Many styles of music, ranging from rock and roll and ending the country and western, was presented on this record. Already on December 4, 1964, on the first day of the exit, she was separated by 700 thousand copies and headed soon the English hit parade.

In 1965, July 29, the premiere of the film Help took place! In London, and the album was released in August with the same name. The Beatles on August 13 went on the United States tour. They visited at Elvis Presley himself, where not only talked, but also played by writing a few songs on tape recorders. Unfortunately, these records were not published, since they did not find them, despite all the efforts. Millions of dollars today are calculated their cost.

Rock and rock and roll in the middle of 1965 turned from entertainment and dance music into serious art. Many groups that appeared at the time, such as Rolling Stones and The ByRDS, amounted to the Beatles serious competition. Bitles in October of the same year began to record a new album - Rubber Soul. He showed the world of growing beats. Again there were far behind all competitors. On the day of the beginning of his record, October 12, the musicians had no ready song, and already on December 3, 1965, on the shelves of shops lay this album. The elements of surrealism appeared in the songs, which included were subsequently in many "Beatles" songs.

State awards

The participants of the group in 1965, October 26, were presented in the Buckingham Palace State Awards. They received the Order of the British Empire. In some other owners of this order, military heroes, the presentation of awards to the musicians caused a perturbation. In protest, they returned the Order, as they, in their opinion, depreciated. However, no one drew special attention to protesters.

Conflicts and proceedings

At Bitles in 1966, serious problems began to appear. Due to the conflict from the first Lady Philippines during the tour, the musicians refused to come to the official reception at the presidential palace. The angry crowd almost broke into parts of the beats, they barely managed to carry his legs from this country. After returning the group to England, a big hype rose to England in the United States because of the statements of Lennon that "Bitles" is now more popular than Jesus. In the UK, they soon forgot about it, but in America, protests were rolled against the musicians - they burned their portraits, the plates on which the songs "Beatles" were recorded ... The musicians themselves perceived it with humor. However, John Lennon under pressure presses still forced publicly apologize for the statements. It happened in Chicago in 1966, August 11.

New breakthrough, cessation of concert activities

Musicians, despite these proceedings, released at that time one of the best albums called Revolver. Since very complex studio effects were used, the Music Beatles stage did not assume.

"Beatles" turned into a studio group. Charter from tour, the musicians decided to stop concert speeches. In 1966, on May 1, their last performance took place in the hall of Wiembli Stadium (London). Here they participated in the gala concert and appeared just 15 minutes. The last tour took place on the United States in the same year, where the Bitles last appeared on the stage in San Francisco on August 29. Meanwhile, Revolver was leading in world charts. It was evaluated by critics as the culmination of all creativity of this group. Many newspapers believed that the group decided to dwell on this high note, but this did not occur to the musicians themselves.

Latest albums

In the same year, November 24, they began to record another album. Recording it lasted 129 days, and he became the greatest album in the history of rock music. Sgt. Pepper "S Lonely Hearts Club Band came out in 1967, on May 26. He had a phenomenal success and lasted 88 weeks at the first places of various hit parades.

In the same year, December 8, the group released the 9th album called Magical Mystery Tour. In 1967, on June 25, Bitles became the first in the history of the group, the performance of which was broadcast on the whole world. He was watched by 400 million people. However, despite this success, the "Bitles" went to the decline. Brian Epstein died on August 27 from the overdose of sleeping pills. "Beatles" at the end of 1967 began to receive negative reviews about their work.

The group conducted the beginning of 1968 in Rishikesh, where he studied meditation. McCartney and Lennon after returning to the UK announced the creation of a corporation called Apple. They began to produce plates under this label. "Beatles" in 1968, in January, released the film Yellow Submarine. On August 30, Single Hey Jude went on sale, and by the end of the year, the sale of the records reached 6 million. The White Album - a double album released in 1968, November 22. Between the musicians during his record, the relationship has greatly worsened. At the time of the group left Ringo Starr. In several songs, because of this, McCartney performed the drums. Harrison (photo is presented below) and Lennon, in addition, began to produce solo plates. Approached an imminent collapse of the group. Later, Abbey Road and Let It Be albums appeared - the latter released in 1970.

Death of John Lennon and George Harrison

John Lennon on December 8, 1980 was killed by Mark Chpen, a US citizen in New York. On the day of his death, he gave to journalists an interview, and then approached his wife to the house. Chepman made 5 shots to him in his back. Now Mark Chapman is in prison, where it is serving a life sentence.

George Harrison died in 2001, November 29, from the brain tumor. He was treated for a long time, but the musician could not be saved. Paul McCartney is still alive, he today is 73 years old.

The Beatles (MFA: [ðə Biː.tlz]; Separately, the participants of the ensemble are called "Bitlas", they are also called the "magnificent fourth" [English FAB Four] and the "Liverpool fourth") - British rock band from Liverpool, founded in 1960 The year, which was played by John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr. Also at different times, Pete Best, Stuart Satcliffe and Jimmy Nicol appeared as part of the group. Most The Beatles compositions are created in co-authorship and signed by John Lennon's names and Paul McCartney. The group's discography includes 12 official studio albums published in 1963-1970, and 211 songs.

Starting with the imitation of the classics of the American rock and roll of the 1950s, The Beatles came to their own style and sound. The Beatles had a significant impact on rock music and were recognized by the specialists of one of the most successful groups of the 20th century, both in creative and in the commercial sense. Many famous rock musicians recognize that they became such under the influence of the Beatles songs. Since the release of the single "Please Please Me / Ask Me Why" in 1963, the group began ascent to success, giving rise to its work global phenomenon - bitleania. The four became the first British group, the plates of which won the popularity and first places in the charts of the United States, and it began with the worldwide recognition of British teams, as well as the "Liverpool" (MerseyBeat) of rock music. Musicians of the group and their producer and sound engineer George Martina belong to innovative developments in the field of recording, combining various styles, including symphonic and psychedelic music, as well as shooting video clips.

Rolling Stone magazine put The Beatles on 1 place in the list of the greatest performers of all time. In the list of Rolling Stone 500, the first place is the SGT album. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. The group won ten grammy awards. The whole fool, in the sign of the recognition of merit in front of the country, was awarded the orders of MBE. As of 2001, over 163 million discs of the group were sold only in the United States. The total sales of the units of the media system (disks and cassettes) associated with the group at this point exceeded one billion copies.

The Beatles stopped working together in 1970, although already at least since 1967, Paul and John conducted their own projects. After decay, each musician continued the solo career. In 1980, John Lennon was killed near his house, George Harrison died from cancer. Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr continue to engage in creativity and write music.

Main participants:
John Lennon
Paul McCartney
George Harrison
Ringo Starr

Stewart Satcliffe
Pete Best
Jimmy Nicol

Official discography group:
1. "Please Please Me" (1963)
2. "WITH THE BEATLES" (1963)
3. "A HARD DAY'S NIGHT" (1964)
4. "BEATLES FOR SALE" (1964)
5. "Help!" (1965)
6. "RUBBER SOUL" (1965)
7. "Revolver" (1966)
8. "SGT. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band "(1967)
9. "The Beatles (White Album)" (1968)
10. "Yellow SUBMARINE" (1969)
11. "Abbey Road" (1969)
12. "Let IT Be" (1970)

7 replies

If in the second question under the "best group of all times" to understand the "most successful group of all times", then such an approval of quantitative indicators and a variety of regalia can be explained. For incomplete 10 years of group existence, they recorded 12 studio albums (or 13 - depending on what to count for the album) - more than 200 !!! songs; The Beatles received 26 nominations on Grammy, winning 10, in the list of the greatest performers of all times of the magazine Rolling Stone, the Bitles occupy an honorable 1st place; The participants of the group were awarded the Order of the British Empire (received a knightly title from Queen Britain) "For an outstanding contribution to the UK prosperity"; Finally, The Beatles fell into the Guinness Book of Records as the best-selling group in the world - already in early 2000s, more than a billion discs and cassettes were sold associated with the group name.

An unambiguous answer to the first question is not easy to give. But it becomes obvious that popular music cannot be fully described exclusively in musical, aesthetic terms. Of course, the success of the group is largely due to the non-real talent of the team participants - John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and the Ringo Starré, their hardworking, full of their favorite music, willingness to change, bring new elements to their own creativity. But all this, in fact, can not characterize the uniqueness of the "Beatles" - in one Liverpool of the late 50s-60s there were many talented, hardworking, innovative teams. It is worth saying about the features of the city's musical environment. It's no secret that the British rock is American youth pop music grafted by traditional British motifs. However, to describe the sound of Liverpool teams, the concept of LiverPool Sound is used ("Liverpool sound"). Liverpool was a major port city, in which from all over the world, not only production products, but also songs, music (for example, Yamaican, Indian, African) were flocked. A variety of diasporas, and just arriving merchants and sailors, formed thousands of music clubs in this city, a special nutrient medium that is not exhausting excreted by American pop and British folk music. It was in this environment that "Beatles" was cooked, although again - not only they.

Further, an important role in the success of the Group played awareness by participants to the need to professionalize their activities. Inviting Brian Epstaina, the owner of the Gramplastine store, the role of the Group's manager has become one of the turning points of the history of the group. He scared the plastics of the beatles at his own risk, so that they rose in the ratings, ordered the schedules of the group's speeches, was engaged in drawing up programs of performances, worked on the scenic way "Beatles". Here we go to another important component of success - the stage image. Regardless of the one who came up with the recognizable image of the group (various people who had a relationship to the group were claimed) - haircut MOS top, conservative black suits with jackets without collars (sometimes such jackets are called "Bitlovka"), "decent" behavior on scene. For Gopornary England, where the attitude to music is often determined by the moral and moralizing assessment of musicians (for example, a young tour, and later the Great, Rock'n Roller Jerry Lee Lewis in Britain were torn because of his inappropriate behavior), "Beatles" got incredible The advantageous label "Good-Boys", as opposed to bad guys from Rolling Stones, and sexually disheveled strangers from the states. Nevertheless, professionalization and image are important elements of popular music, starting in the 30s, and there is also nothing unique-Bitlovsky.

Another aspect that needs to be taken into account, speaking about The Beatles is the search for the perfect sound and experimentation with sound and sound record. George Martin - Fifth Beatle, the producer and sound engineer of the group, played a huge role here (although the participants themselves are stuck in experiments with great interest, it is enough to point to flirting with oriental motifs in the second half of the 60s George Harrison). Martin, brilliantly crashed in music, made it possible to embody many bold ideas of the participants of the group, and the embodiment, almost perfect in shape (for example, the "symphonic" side "Yellow submarine" or the unity of Strawberry Felds Forever, composed of different parts and tone of parts ).

Finally, speaking about the worldwide popularity of the Beatles and the phenomenon of Bitleania, which began with a speech to Shaw Ed Sullivan, it is worth keeping in mind some historical circumstances that have prepared the soil for the very possibility of success of British music in the United States. So, in the second half of the 50s, almost all the leading American pop musicians disappeared from the stage: in 1959, Kaddi Holly died in a car accident, and Chuck Berry was sentenced to 5 years of conclusions, a year earlier Elvis went to the army, Little Richard He moved away from musical activity, becoming a preacher in 1957, Jerry Lee Lewis was susceptible to the marriage in a minor cousin (the end of the 50s is sometimes called, based on the Don Macline song, "Time, when music died) . Actually, this vacuum in the market of youth popular music and was filled with new British rock music, which was subsequently called the British invasion. Although "Beatles" and turned out to be the first British group who had achieved the vertices of American charts, they were not the only one.

Thus, all these reasons are the environment, talent, hard work, dedication, professionalization, experimentalness, attention to the image of a group and perfect, favorable market circumstances, multiplied by the unique charisma and personal charm McCartney and Lennon, is important to take into account, speaking about uniqueness and The success of the group. It can be said that these are the necessary elements of the Beatles, but insufficient: many groups could even exceed the beats, but did not achieve such fame or such commercial success. In this sense, the uniqueness of the Beatles lies in the fact that it is impossible to give an exhaustive explanation of this uniqueness. But it is so easy you can enjoy their music.

Bitles turned out to be brilliant authors of songs, and, despite sending to one or another American authors and performers (first of all, Buddi Holly and Little Richard) did not look like pale copies of American originals, unlike earlier British singers. Plus optimism of early songs, innovation in working with sound effects and unusual tools and friendly image. And they opened their own music to the Americans: as a result of the British invasion, many guys in America thought that since these islanders had a soul in our music and earn it, it means that we could also. Without Bitles, there would be no followed boom of excellent British music, nor a symmetric response of America, where there is also something to listen to.

There are very witty memoirs, in which it is written that all the work of the Beatles is created. He was a musical theorist and composer, but we are first known as a sociologist from the Frankfurt school.

And here he, if we still do not believe in the TK (conspiracy theory)? Despite the fact that in his book he quite interestingly described musical creativity as a social process, and the Beatles are very organically stacked in his recipe. Beatles is interesting, first of all, as a social phenomenon on which the time and ideas of this time imprinted. In addition, a good horizon and not bad taste helped them snatch all that happened around, both in a musical plan and socially. Therefore, falling out of their context, it may seem that they came up with almost all the modern music. In addition, the murder of Lenon gave his candy in their favor (and the TK associated with it). All this makes it possible to perceive them as a phenomenon without context, and without a total of a dozen albums listed there and a billion sales. Beatles is a part of a language on which music is talking, understandable and yielding, without begging and with the necessary accents - everything is something like that.

The best group of all times is in any case subjectivity, especially when you have worked out the workers and Velvet Underground.

Perhaps Makarevich's rights in his assessment of the Bitles phenomenon. "Voorland Makar" considers the appearance in his life of the Bitles the main event that determined his further fate, but he just mocks the position that "Beatles committed a real revolution in the stage" that "the first to sing about love, about such a person, as you and you "(I bring the statement of Makarevich further, by editing" for yourself "). - "What a nonsense! They were still sang about all this from the very creation ... And they did not commit any special revolution in pop music, since they did not invenate anything truly supernova, and then there were enough groups using the same melody-rhythmic techniques who played on the same topics ("love-carrots") were at that time and the best vocalists, instrumentalists, however ... Beatles had no and no one explaining the magic that was irresistible to the public, "clinging" (as they say now). Lennon and McCartney made up a "magic tandem" - exceptionally successfully complemented each other, Leonard Bernstein even compared them with the saints John and Paul (although Paul and especially John were far from holy); and two others (Harrison and two others (Harrison and Starr) Very harmoniously fit into the ensemble, and despite the fact that guitarists were technically twisted Harrison, and the ringo was technically in general, the middle drummer, no one in the group instead of them it is impossible to imagine themselves. Guys are not taxed It was constantly developed ... However, the latter can be said about other groups, but Bitles did it, again, magically, others ... it cost Bitlam to release "Sergeant Pepper", as other groups followed the example and began Record your "sergeants", and the Beatles were already far ... Beatles and weak things (such as Tell Me What You See, I Will, Baby You "Re Rich Man, I'LL Get You) - unsuccessful experiments or" "In primitivism, but the best of their things are noted by uniqueness," piece "and the very magic. Someone from major musicians when he was asked to draw up the top of the greatest conductor, said the following: "Cope Caraians and ... All others." Similarly, you can say about the groups of the 60s "Bitles and all others." Yes, and subsequently (already in the next 10th anniversary), nobody surpassed them and did not even get close to them. And they broke very busy - they got to their apogee, "Everest", and then decided (first of all Lennon), which mostly all the most worthy that it was possible to create together, created and executed, so the time (while the public is still Something is waiting for) to close the project, and "carry legs" better a year earlier than a day later, and stay forever on Tom "Everest" (well, even leave the hope of the public, that somehow they will gather and be happy to be happy Masterpieces; But journalists, when interviewed some of them in the 70s, almost invariably asked the question of reunification). .. When I first heard them (being also, it seems, the 4-year-old boy (I am 63rd)), it was prematched, so much the music was not similar to all that I was heard earlier; More consciously, I heard them already in 74th (i.e. 4 years after decay, I turned on a classmate) and undergoing real delight ... Currently, the delight has long been transformed into a "smooth power drinking".

Recently, the Ringo Starr, praising about those glorious times, said that "when the first volunteers of glory were drunk, many believed that we were - so, the next one-day ... but ...". "One-day" is still in many of the lips. Many of the "young people" have no idea about them - due to the fact that now they will not "come off now", "you will not" pull "and do not" be caught "(then there were no such words and said the type" Ballery "," Kayfan " And "EXTARE"), and listens to the Beatles young enough advanced, who knows a lot about music and can appreciate our cornea in dignity. In general, if rephrase Mayakovsky, "Lennon lived, Lennon is alive, Lennon will live!".

So what is the phenomenon of the Beatles? Why after almost half a century after the collapse of the group, there are still disputes about its significance for the history of music?

First, the Beatles became the first group of real world fame, and in a very short time. They contributed to the popularization of rock music as a genre. Watching thousands of people around the world, they took the tools and began to play rock.

Secondly, Bitles actively experimented with music, always staying in the forefront. One of the early compositions of the psychedelic rock - "Tomorrow Never Knows", orchestral rock - "a day in the life", metal - "HELTER SKELTER", experimental rock - "Revolution 9". The music was distinguished by the breadth of the range of genres from mercyp before blues rock, and from Raga-Rock to the prog. They some of the first began to play psychedeli - the great-grandfathers of most modern rock, and not only genres.

Thirdly, we paid a lot of attention to the design of albums. It is now difficult to imagine how boring decoration was at the plates until the mid-60s. Sergeant Pepper, White Album, Abby Road - covers of these plates became memes living their own life and objects of numerous parodies. Beatles could afford to be invited to work famous artists of their time, thanks to their efforts the cover of the album became a full-fledged artistic work, and not an ordinary paper envelope.

Fourth, the important role was played by the musical talents of the quartet. The authorship of McCartney, Lennon, Harrison is written by several dozen hits, the rights to their belongings are fabricated. Another indicator is the number of trunks on their works. Only one yesterday is more than 2.5 thousand. Naturally, the exact amount is impossible to calculate, but the very fact that songs continue to live in someone else's performance, testifies to the author's talent.

Fifth, Bitles became one of the most significant cultural phenomena of their era. In Western society, important changes ended with the transition to a new historical era. In essence, the 60s occurred bloodless (relatively) revolution. People felt much more freer, changed fashion, language, music, cinema. Rock music has become a symbol of change in society. The expressive of all this, including the Beatles. Changes in the public consciousness were reflected in their image (there were long hair and beards) and their music (they began to experiment more actively with sound). They did not keep them away from what was happening and actively expressed their civil position. Lennon distinguished more than others. Hippie, along with hipsters and bikers, became one of the first counter-cultures.

And Grammy and other figurines are generally not talking about anything, like ten gold gramophones of the water-mounted singer Nikolai Baskov.

So, however, not only with culture, very many in Russia, for example, are confident that Jack Daniels is not a collective farm Syucha for Rednek, but good alcohol.


By 1958, when John, Paul and George began to play together, the American Rock and Roll was spread over the United Kingdom. Young people waited for a second breath, some spark that eclipsed by British canvas and post-war gray, wanted musical development. The idol of young people in those times was Elvis, under which she was ready to dance the nights. Of course, in addition to ordinary adorable things, he had and imitators. Hundreds of amateur groups throughout England rehearsed in cellars and garages, imitating American stars. In Liverpool, such groups were not considered. Even the special genre of British music is allocated - mercybit (by the name of the Liverpool River Mersi).

In those days, our heroes were far from the only group playing such music. You can recall at least about the group The Undertakers, which refused to cooperate with Brian Epstaine (who knows, perhaps these guys would become the most influential group of the world in history, to sign the contract). Yes, and in the 1960s, British music was not limited to "Bitles" alone: \u200b\u200bthere were The Kinks, The Who, The Rolling Stones, Cream and many others. But it was The Beatles that managed to thunder on the whole world so that the echoes are heard so far.

Who knows whether it is merit of one Brian Epstine or a collective, but the fact remains: from hundreds of the same groups, the famous Liverpool Four became legendary. They managed what others could only dream of.

  • Bitomania

    Mass hysterium, caused by the beatles at once, which began in Liverpool and Hamburg, and subsequently engulfed the whole world (and even the USSR). Look at the records of concerts: the roar of the stands stands such that the music itself is sometimes just not heard. The broken crowd pursued a group literally on his heels and did not give her a pass. It was sometimes very difficult to get from the airport to the car, and only a police ring was out.

    Such wild love of fans tired Bitlov so much that in 1966 they declared the cessation of concert activities: so much the group was extended by the phenomenon that she herself also caused - a world-class bitleania, which started in the 1960s and not ceased to this day. Of course, and now every group will have particularly loving and fans, but no longer a team has repeated such a scale.

  • Pop Cultural Phenomenon

    The Beatles music was understandable to everyone. Under it it was possible to dance, dream, sad, love and do anything in general anything. Bitles turned into a real phenomenon of culture in terms of their mass popularity, which no one had to them, nor after them. And the art with especially mass love is beyond the scope of its species, becoming more than just art - the symbol of his era. The Beatles became one of the main symbols of the 20th century. Their images still can be found in many places: from photographs in restaurants to graffiti on the walls, and products with the symbols of the group still take place in great demand.

  • Influence

    List of musicians who confessed in their love for the Liverpool Four and pointed out her creativity as a source of influence on their own, huge. Here are some of them: The Who, The Velvet Underground, T-Rex, Tom Petty & The Heartbragers, Bee Gees, Oasis, Aerosmith, The Jam, Cheap Trick, David Bowie, The Smiths, The Beach Boys, The Stone Roses, The Flaming Lips, The Black Keys, Nirvana. Each of these teams gives tribute not only to the glory of The Beatles, but also their musical talent.

  • Fruitfulness

    13 albums for 7 years - an absolute record. With all this to each of his album, The Beatles approached very responsibly and never did the work after the sleeves, just soon to release the album to earn more. To the fruitfulness of the "Bitlov" level on the British scene, was approaching except Deep Purple (10 albums from 1968 to 1975), The Rolling Stones (12 albums from 1964 to 1974), LED Zeppelin (4 albums from 1969 In 1971) and The Smiths (4 albums for 3 years of existence, not counting the collection of rare records). It is worth adding that on one of the "white album" 30 songs. Today, a large group requires an average of 3-4 years to record an album from 10-15 songs.

  • Development

    The legendary four never stood on the spot and with each album brought something new in his work. For 10 years of existence, the musicians tried themselves in a variety of genres - from rhythm end-blues to psychedelic rock and hard rock. In the latter, the group is generally a pioneer: the song Helter Skelter is considered to be a harbinger of hard rock and heavy metal. The Beatles and Metal, can you imagine?

    The range of these guys was really great. The tools in the songs were also used in various ways: in addition to standard guitars and drums, you can hear a sitar, a lifting harmonica, bongo and a classic string orchestra. The Beatles always went uphill, and when it seemed that they had already reached the top and then go just nowhere, they surprised their listeners with a jump above their own head.

  • Awarding Elizabeth II.

    "So what's this? "You ask," Mick Jagger and Robert Plant also awarded, the usual matter. " True, but only these two were awarded their awards in the 2000s, and The Beatles were the first and in this. In 1965, the participants in the group were presented to the Order of the British Empire - a very honorable rank - for its contribution to the development of British culture and its popularization around the world. This meant two things: the recognition of rock music with conservative establishment (although some owners of the Order were offended by this event so much that they had returned their awards) and the appearance of a new business card before this Nemusical UK.

  • Video session

    Of course, the Beatles were not the first to use the clips format, but they set certain standards in this area. Famous films, such as Help, A Hard Day's Night, Yellow Submarine, are forever entered the story not only music, but also cinema. After the Beatles, many groups willingly used such a format (for example, The WHO and Pink Floyd).

  • Separately

    The World Glory The Beatles led to the fact that after the collapse of the work of all four (!) Participants of the Group paid the same active attention to the group. Of course, the behavior of the participants themselves contributed to: John Lennon's protests, George Harrison's hobbies of the Indian philosophy, the Wings group, which included Paul McCartney and his wife Linda ...

    Recall what usually happens when the group disintegrates. A vocalist and guitarist usually use the attention to solo activity, and it is necessary to possess just superstatus, so that the degree of attention to the work of all ex-participants does not fall.

  • Status Quo.

    Time went, the music developed, new heroes and genres appeared. Appear so far. But one remained unchanged: all the leading music editions The Beatles were recognized as the best group of all ever created, and their albums have always remained in the top of the history.

    Take at least the rating of the "500 greatest albums of all times" according to the Rolling Stone magazine. It includes 10 albums The Beatles, 4 of which are in the top ten. This is another record of the Liverpool Four: more albums on this list only at Bob Dilan - 11, but in the top ten only 2. The magazine more than once was accused of excessive love for rock 1960s and 1970s when drawing up a list, but in that That all the plates of The Beatles there absolutely in the case, no one had any doubts.

  • Creativity "Beatles" - one of the greatest groups in the history of modern music - and the personal life of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starre and George Harrison over the years that have passed from the group of the band around the world, is studied thoroughly. A gigantic array of materials about "Beatles" can be safely called "Bitlology" - by the science of "BITLS" by the Bitloman.

    And yet, in the biographies of the group and its participants, you can still find not very constructed interesting, funny, and sometimes tragic facts.

    1. From February 1961 to August 1963, Bitles played 262 times on the stage of one of Liverpool clubs. It impresses the dynamics of the then fourth fees - from 5 pounds for the first concert to 300 per last.

    2. In 1962, Decca Records refused to conclude a contract with the Group, informing the musicians that the guitar groups had already come out of fashion.

    3. The first album "Beatles" "Please Please Me" was recorded in 10 hours of studio time. Now, in the presence of powerful electronics and computers on the recording of the album, months go. Beatles themselves in 1966, only the song Strawberry Fields Forever recorded exactly 30 days.

    4. Now it is very difficult to imagine, but scenic monitors did not exist in the era of Bitomania. Speaking in a large hall or at the stadium, "Beatles" simply did not hear themselves in the visge and singing a crowd. By a member of the expression of one of the musicians, the organizers could well carry wax figures instead of living people.

    5. To the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo, the Sports Complex "Nippon Budocan" was built, which became Mecca for Japanese Sumo fans and martial arts. In 1966, one concert "Beatles" was enough to make "Budocan" from the center of martial arts of the main concert area of \u200b\u200bJapan.

    Concert "Beatles" in "Nippon Budocan"

    6. Final chord songs "A Day in The Life" Lennon, McCartney and 8 more musicians performed on one piano of 10 hands. Accord sounded 42 seconds.

    7. Almost all drum parties in the songs "Beatles" performed the Ringo Starr. But there are exceptions. In the compositions "Back in the u.s.s.r", "The Ballad of John and Yoko" and "Dear Prudence" on the drums played Paul McCartney.

    8. In the song "All You Need Is Love", first performed as a final composition of the world's first worldwide television satellite satellite show "Our World", sounds of the song "Marsellise", for some time in 1917 by the former unofficial anthem of Russia.

    9. Asteroids with numbers 4147 - 4150 are named by the full names of the participants of the Liverpool fourth. And Lennon has a personal lunar crater.

    10. This is nothing more than an accident, but by the time of the collapse of "Beatles" recorded 13 albums. However, in the most complete compilation of the albums of the group 15, "Magical Mystery Tour" and "Past Masters" are added to authentic, the collection of non-lying songs.

    11. In fact, "Beatles" can be considered inventors of the video clip. In the most fruitful period of the group in 1965, musicians became a pity, leaving for traditional weekly television shows. On the other hand, participation in these shows was the necessary element of the promotion of singles and albums. Beatles began to record speeches in their own studio and send the resulting videos to television office offices. Of course, not free.

    12. According to his own recognition of Stephen Spielberg, one of his ways to install the Magic Mystery Tour Magic Mystery Tour. After seeing a very weak film, it is difficult to understand what its installation could teach the future of the film.

    Young Stephen Spielberg

    13. In 1989, the loud process was completed between the former Bitles and EMI. The musicians accused the musical label that he was selling the "Beatles" songs, intended for non-commercial distribution for charity purposes. Inattention to charity, manifested by EMI, brought McCartney, Starre, Harrison, and Yoko on Pockets and Yoko 100 million dollars. Three years, previously unpaid author's remuneration for the musical "Beatlemania" brought only 10 million participants on everyone.

    14. According to a rather popular legend, Paul McCartney crashed in 1967 in the automotive accident, and his place in the group was taken by a former police officer Bill Campbell. Supporters of the version found a lot of confirmation of its truth in the design of the covers of albums and the texts of the songs "Beatles".

    15. The first to land of countries, during the "Beatles" seashest of partitioned in the USSR, began the Ringo Starr. The drummer with his group "All-Starr Band" gave concerts in both capital of Russia in 1998.

    16. With the filing of home-grown rock stars Western musical critics are seriously written about the contribution of "Beatles" into the destruction of the communist system. The "great four" in their opinion, influenced Makarevich, Grebenshchikov, Gradsky and other rock musicians, that the USSR was simply doomed. However, in the 1970s, journalists put Lennon in one row with Mao Zedong and John Kennedy

    17. Rivalry "Beatles" and "Rolling Stones" existed and exists exclusively in the heads of managers of groups and their fans. There were friendships between the musicians. In 1963, John and Paul came to the "Rolling" concert. After the speech of Kit Richards and Mick Jagger complained to them that it was about to release a single, and they lack songs. McCartney had a song melody, to perform the Starr as part of Beatles. After a little refinement right in the sidelines of the Rolling Stone concert, they got the missing song. It was called "I Wanna Be Your MAN."

    18. Mother John Lennon was special, far from Christian virtues. John lived with four years and brought up in the house of his aunt. The sisters of the relationship did not burst, and John often met with her mother. After one of the meetings, the drunk driver knocked down Julia Lennon to death, which became a very heavy blow for the 18-year-old Lennon.

    At the wedding of Clapton

    19. Eric Clapton for a long secretly met with his wife George Harrison Patty Boyd. This love triangle could well revive "Beatles" in 1979. Harrison was so grateful to Clapton, who saved him from a tiring divorce from Patti and "Whipping Plate, Slok and Property Section", which decided to collect Eric and Patti at the wedding. Ringo Starr and Paul McCartney arrived and played a few songs, but Lennon's invitation ignored. Before the death of John remained one year.

    20. Incity in the face of Yoko, it in the house of Lennon was let the magnificent of John Cynthia. She regretted a fragile Japanese, Karalyu John's watch at the threshold and invited her to warm up. In the studio "Beatles", John brought Japanese himself. Soon the marriage of Lennon, and the Bitles group ceased to exist.