Yuri Loza Oleg Yakovlev Comments. Yuri Laova spoke on the sustainable death of Oleg Yakovlev

Yuri Loza Oleg Yakovlev Comments. Yuri Laova spoke on the sustainable death of Oleg Yakovlev
Yuri Loza Oleg Yakovlev Comments. Yuri Laova spoke on the sustainable death of Oleg Yakovlev

Russian singer Yuri Laova spoke on the unexpected death of the former Vocalist of the Ivanushki International Group Oleg Yakovlev due to the rapid deterioration of the work of the internal organs.

"Something they have some kind of family on the team. The second soloist leaves. I know a few examples when pop artists have treated their health. All the time we hope for avos. It is a pity when people have no such problems in the exact location of themselves, "the newspaper Izvestia said.

At the same time, the work of the group "Ivanushki International" vine called absolutely talentless.

"For me, the issue of creativity is related to the fact that a person created something. Matvienko worked for them, Chaganov worked for them. They are performers. All three have always been absolutely talentless in the matter of creativity. It's just normal guys, good. I am very good for them. But you do not need to put them in creativity. They put numbers, wrote songs, picked up by type. And Yakovleva was chosen by type, "the singer stressed.

"Let's be frank what he wrote? What did he create? I got the right person at the right time. Faceped face, and came in handy. This does not mean that he did something big. He was born - everything, "signed Yuri La View.

Close and colleagues of Yakovleva with a vine probably disagree, as they already stated that. "When we met for the last time, he had so many good musical undertakings. I always thought that it was cool that Oleg would have such new songs that he would independently conquer the world. I'm shocked by what happened, "the former participant of the group" Hands up! "Told journalists Alexey Potekin.

As reported by Ridus, the cause of the death of the former vocalist of the Ivanushki International Group Oleg Yakovlev was caused by the liver cirrhosis. On the eve, it is connected to the device for artificial ventilation of the lungs. .

Recall that Ivanushki International pop group, whose participant was Oleg Yakovlev, founded the producer Igor Matvienko in 1995; Comparatively quickly, she gained noticeable popularity. Andrei Grigoriev-Apollon, Cyril Andreev and Igor Sirin, were included in its composition. In 1998, Sirin left the team and soon drovely died, which spurred a public interest in Ivanushkam, and Oleg Yakovlev took his place.

In the new composition, the group had a clip on the song "Topolina Pooh", which ascended her to the tops of people's love. In the second half of the 2000s, the popularity of Ivanushki International fell, hits have become less. Oleg Yakovlev announced the departure from the group in February 2013 for the sake of solo career.

Singer Oleg Yakovlev for the last few hours. Doctors did everything possible, fans and colleagues prayed for his recovery, but the miracle did not happen ..

Colleagues and friends of Yakovleva express the condolences to his family, remember what Oleg was in life, and share opinions about what happened.

So, the Kolleaga Yakovlev in the group Andrei Grigoriev Apollonov called the death of a friend of the ridiculous. He expressed condolences to all close Oleg Yakovleva, and fans who loved his creativity so much.

Comment by Yuri Vozia.

The death of Yakovleva commented on the Russian artist Yuri Laose. To the question of journalists, that Oleg Yakovleva thwarted, Loza replied that he had disguised himself.

"He could not lose weight. Everyone ruins himself. We are looking for some reasons again. He is all himself. Him what - held hands on drafts? Here the man frozen himself. No one forced him to do anything, he could do his favorite dolls, go to the temple, everything could do anything. He himself did not mean on time, he did not engage in his health. You understand, the inflammation of the lungs does not develop in one second. She has bothered - trees, and do not go to any tour. " - said La View

"We have nothing to talk about. For me, all the performers who were recruited by type, not interesting, "said Line.

Career end

Recall, Oleg Yakovlev became a member of the Ivanushki International group in 1998. The first popularity brought him a song "Topolina Pooh", which became a popular hit of the time. In 2012, the singer announced the beginning of a solo career and left the musical team.

Joinfomedia Marina Kornev journalist reminds that on June 28, 2017, Oleg got into the hospital with a diagnosis of "bilateral pneumonia", and on June 29, he could not withstand complications.

Composer Yuri Laose, known for its acute statements about the Russian show business, expressed a point of view on the work of the Ivanushki International Group. Oleg Yakovlev, one of the former collective soloists passed away. On Saturday, a farewell ceremony with a singer and its cremation took place on Saturday.

Many suggested that "Ivanushk International" touched the evil rock. Yakovlev came to the place of Igor Sirin, who was tragically died in 1998. The vine holds the position that the artists did not follow health.

"Something they have some kind of family on the team. The second soloist leaves. I know a few examples when pop artists have treated their health. Sasha Barykin is the same situation. He was told to lie, he went on tour. You need to think your head is a bit, there are no iron people. Beloisov Zhenka - he also talked, watch himself, take care of health, the doctors said. All the time we hope for avos. It's a pity when people have no such problems, "the composer noted themselves," said the composer.

The famous composer adheres to the opinion that Yakovlev had to turn to doctors in time. According to Yuri Eduardovich, some of his colleagues on show business are inadequately assessed by their strength, so in the end and "burn".

"Somewhere it was necessary to relax, fumble, go to the temple, sit on the shore with the fishing rod, just relax. If you understand that your body is not very, kidding, buy a belt made of dog wool. I understand this life, I practitioner, sorry, "added a musical figure.

Analyzing the songs of the team, Yuri Eduardovich focuses on the fact that the trio has always collaborated with talented authors and producers, and the guys themselves are nothing. The musical figure stressed that "Ivanushki International" is absolutely incredible in the matter of creativity.

"It's just normal guys, good. I am very good for them. But you do not need to put them in creativity. They put numbers, wrote songs, picked up by type. And Yakovleva was chosen by type. He left, but, nevertheless, it is necessary to understand that in itself he was needed as a type. Let's be frank what he wrote? What did he create? I got the right person at the right time. Faceped face, and came in handy. This does not mean that he did something big. He was born - all, "said Line.

Many condemned the composer for criticized a person who passed away a few days ago. According to users of networks, Yuri Eduardovich was not worth it to speak in the address of the artist, as it may be unpleasant to the closest singer from the life of the singer. By the way, the media put forward several reasons that could lead to such a sustainable death. A number of publications wrote that the artist had AIDS. Oleg Alexander Kutsevol girl plans to submit to the court on the worships, which will determine the reputation of a man.

At the request of "KP", the musician Yuri Loza was spoken about this tragedy, which, like no one else knows what to burn at work.

- We didn't get acquainted with him. We have nothing to talk about. For me, all the performers who were recruited, uninteresting. He was taken, because he approached the type. Also, 8 arrow compositions were gained - by type. And now, talking about them, how about creative people big? Of course not. Matvienko led all this business, looking for a type in Ivanushki. Oleg approached. And they took a guy to work. Good guy. Who says that bad? He ended up like a puppeteer, but he never worked in dolls. Sang. As a vocalist, it is also very impossible to consider it, because the songs were written under "Ivanosha" who could sing everything for which vocalists are not needed. Matvienko specially made this project under certain people.

All know how to sing a little. Sit at the table, pour everything in a glass - and let them sing. What should be able to sing? There is a vocal school. Here my son can sing - he studied for 10 years. But this is a training, this is a school. He is not self-taught, it does not mean that he himself reached. He rides a teacher who lives in Vienna, she was engaged in Maria Callas. This is a serious approach to singing.

And how to talk about vocalists on stage? What is there to sing? So specifically did, so it was necessary that your songs were singing for each table people who could not sing. This condition, tasks. If I create a similar project, I will not take vocalists either, who sleep, and no one can repeat after them.

Redhead "Ivanushka" is the same type. His surname of Grigoriev-Apolloov no one mentions ever. There must be one redhead, one black, one small "Ivanushka".

One little "Ivanushka" committed suicide, the second is now died due to the inflammation of the lungs. Take the third little "Ivanosha". It is easy enough to find such small ineffous people with us, especially those related to art, with a scene, something studied.

Matvienko had another task - so that the man does not move the roof. Because he makes man a star. Then the person will have big problems, so it creates it to a stiff contract. So Bari Alibasov is also done - they take some boys with very medium abilities, exactly suitable by the type.

- What thugged Oleg Yakovleva?

- He could not smooth him. Everyone ruins himself. As in the song it is: "Every owner of his destiny and the share of his Creator." We are looking for some reasons again. He is all himself. Him what - held hands on drafts? I understand how the famous execution of General Karbyshev, when he was artificially killed by cold. Little "Ivanushka" no one killed cold. Here the man frozen himself. No one forced him to do anything, he could do his favorite dolls, go to the temple, everything could do anything. He himself did not mean on time, he did not engage in his health. You understand, the inflammation of the lungs does not develop in one second. She has bothered - treated, and do not go to any tour.

For example, Barykin, who was told that you need to lie down, and he drove on tour and died. Let's talk about burning feats at work. You could simply get seized and tires to cancel, but the young wife says: "We went, we need money."

Zhenka Belousov, who doctors tell lying, do not drink. He drank him. He has poisoning after Thailand, wildly the situation, in no case can it be helped, load the body! But he loaded. And then we say: "Oh, it happened!" Well, what happened? Learn to rest, learn to stop. Moreover, a person familiar with pop craft should know how to recover. You should be able to be very good. And you need to take breaks. Maluche girl is now chibano. Well, I liked to work, but you won't do all the work, you won't go to all concerts. Somewhere I had to relax, fumble, go to the temple, sit on the shore with a fishing rod, just relax. If you understand that your body is not very, kidding, buy a belt made of dog wool. I understand this life, I practitioner, sorry!

- People of your profession are often burning at work ...

- I'm grief at work 45 years. And what, I will pour on someone later if my sores get out? Something wrong, I went to the examination, went to be treated. Do I know how many concerts canceled health? I had a lawsuit after I canceled the concert because of the illness. I am ready to work out later when I'm in good condition. Now I can not, sorry, health is more expensive. What now, die at this work.

Another lesson for everyone. People think your head! There are no iron people, iron health. Therefore, it is less than enough to overload, less stress. This is a big long life you need to live. To burn at work and completely to dare to die from some nonsense - it is wrong! Responsibility must be in front of relatives. I, for example, have someone to feed, who is learning, I have a lot of things, people depend on me, so I have to think about my health.

- His mother died, his father did not know, sister 5 years ago died, there were no children ...

- A lot of people did not see fathers and mothers. Here I have parents. My father is also practically an orphan: grandfather shot, the mother crushed the stones of 8 years under Karaganda. He did not see his parents. At the age of 12 went to work, lived a normal life. How many people have such fate. No children? Many have no children. Take a child from the shelter, make a good deed, raise a normal person. Why not, I do not understand? Guys, do not invent too much. As my favorite medieval philosopher said: "Do not create entities without need."

Yuri Loza made a scandalous statement about the dead Oleg Yakovlev. The famous composer and musician expressed his opinion on the death of the ex-vocalist "Ivanushk International". In addition, Line said that the deceased did not have a talent at all, and only luck was obliged to be popular.

No weeks have passed since in one of the Moscow hospitals Oleg Yakovlev. Many stars of the domestic show business are a good word honored the memory of the colleague left. Also expressed his opinion, the scandalous famous singer and composer Yuri Laova. The artist drew attention to the fatal fate, which was no longer the first participant in Ivanoshek. Recall that in the late 90s, Igor Sorin was gone due to suicide from life, a member of the first composition of the group. Yuri Laova suggested that everything is a dismissive attitude of musicians to their health.

In addition, Yuri Loza made another loud statement in his style. The artist is confident that the singer did not at all posilate. According to the vine, no achievements on the died, no achievements on the musical field. Yuri noted that Yakovlev was chosen to participate in Ivanushki only due to its external data, and its appearance in the group is connected only with a random coincidence.