Cool poems for a gift medal. Anniversary medal "50 years of the armed forces of the USSR. Anniversary medal 50 years

Cool poems for a gift medal. Anniversary medal "50 years of the armed forces of the USSR. Anniversary medal 50 years

922 - Date of official adoption by the Bulgar Khanate as the state religion of Islam.

1619 - A Russian mission of 11 people, headed by the first Russian ambassador to China, the Siberian Cossack Ivan Petlin, returned to Tomsk from Beijing, which had gone there a year earlier.

1648 - The victory of Bohdan Khmelnitsky over the troops of the Commonwealth near Korsun.

1744 - By the decree of Queen Elizabeth Petrovna, the death penalty was abolished in the Russian Empire.

1768 - Empress Catherine II issued a decree on the construction of a monument to Peter I - the future "Bronze Horseman".

1815 - Joining the Duchy of Warsaw as a personal union to the Russian Empire under the name of the Kingdom of Poland.

1863 - Start of construction of the Odessa railway.

1866 - The inauguration of the Nikolsky Monastery of the Same Faith in Moscow took place.

1867 - The Red Cross Society was founded in Russia, although the first community of sisters of mercy operated during the Crimean War (1853-1856).

1867 - A law on schismatic Old Believers has been adopted in Russia.

1896 - The first film show in Russia took place in the Aquarium Garden in St. Petersburg.

1908 - The Russian Empire adopted a law on compulsory primary education with a phased introduction into force within 10 years.

1924 - The first issue of the Murzilka magazine was published in the USSR.

1930 - In the USSR, re-tariffication was carried out in all industries: production rates were increased, prices were lowered. As a result, the salary has been cut by one and a half to two times.

1931 - The First All-Union Conference on Aerodynamics has opened.

1934 - A warrant was issued for the first "arrest-search" of the poet O.E. Mandelstam.

1935 - The signing of the Soviet-Czechoslovak agreement on mutual assistance.

1935 - The Bureau of the Sochi City Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks visited the apartment of the sick writer N.A. Ostrovsky and heard a report on his creative activities.

1943 - The uprising in the Warsaw ghetto was brutally suppressed.

1943 - German troops launched Operation Gypsy Baron to destroy Soviet partisans in Belarus and Ukraine.

1945 - In Prague, the Soviet state security authorities arrested 59-year-old A.L. Boehm, a literary critic and critic who became famous even before the revolution.

1947 - A film by N.N. Kosherova "Cinderella".

1950 - A decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR was issued on the construction of a complex of marine nuclear power plants V-10 at the IPPE site in the village of Obninsky (now the city of Obninsk).

1957 - Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the establishment of the medal "In Commemoration of the 250th Anniversary of Leningrad".

1959 - A film by V.S. Ordynsky "Companions". For the first time he starred in a movie (in a tiny episode) V.S. Vysotsky.

1960 - In the USSR, from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute of Communications. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich, the first experimental color television program was broadcast.

1967 - In Leningrad, at the plant. N.G. Kozitsky made the first batch of color televisions "Rainbow".

1969 - The Soviet interplanetary spacecraft Venera-5 reached Venus.

1972 - Russian poet I.A. Brodsky was ordered to leave the USSR.

1972 - Plane crash in Svetlogorsk - a military transport plane fell on a kindergarten building.

1985 - The Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On measures to overcome drunkenness and alcoholism and the eradication of moonshine" was adopted, which was published the next day in all newspapers of the Soviet Union.

1990 - The beginning of the work of the I Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR.

2004 - Ukrainian singer Ruslana took the 1st place at the 49th international music contest "Eurovision".

2007 - The first synagogue in Estonia for the last 63 years, the city of Tallinn, was opened.

2009 - The Eurovision Song Contest 2009 has ended in Moscow.

The anniversary of the country's Armed Forces is a significant date. In honor of this event, commemorative events are held, and anniversary awards are instituted. One of these awards was the 50th Anniversary Medal of the Armed Forces of the USSR. It appeared on December 26, 1967 in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Armed Forces, and is timed to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union.

Who is it for

The jubilee award could be awarded to:

  • The officer corps of the Armed Forces, including admirals and marshals. In addition, it was received by the junior staff of the long-term service if they served in the army, the Navy, or the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the State Security Committee on the date of foundation of the medal.
  • Students of military universities of the country of different types of troops.
  • Officers of all ranks who were retired at the time the awards were instituted and have at least 20 years of service.
  • To persons who previously became the owners of the highest awards of the country - the Golden Star of the Hero and the Orders of Glory of all 3 degrees.
  • People who took part in the Civil War in the ranks of the Red Guard.
  • The military, with arms in hand, defended the country in the ranks of the Armed Forces from enemies.
  • Partisans of the Civil War and the Second World War.
  • The military, who were awarded some Soviet awards during their service.

It is accepted to wear the medal "50 years of the USSR Armed Forces" on the left. The senior award is “40 years of the USSR Armed Forces”. It is known that at the beginning of 1995 the award was given to over 9.5 million people.

Sign design

The sketch of the appearance of the sign was made by the artist A.B. Zhuk. The medal is brass and has a yellowish tint. It contains enamel elements. The diameter of the sign is 3.7 centimeters.

Almost the entire obverse is occupied by a large 5-pointed star, the tips of which are covered with red enamel. Behind her, between the ends, there are 5 bundles of rays. In the centers of the star there is a medallion with a diameter of 1.9 cm. Its background is matte. On it are the profiles of two SA soldiers. One of them is wearing a budenovka head, the other is wearing a helmet. The date of the foundation of the Armed Forces is engraved on the left - "1918", on the right - "1968". There are wreaths along the edge of the obverse. Laurel on the right, oak on the left.

In the upper part of the turn there is a matte 5-pointed sprocket, inside which the plow and hammer are placed. Under the star in 3 lines is the name of the sign: "Fifty Years of the Armed Forces of the USSR". Both sides are provided with a collar.

The medallion is suspended from a 5-sided block. On the back of the last there is a pin clip, by means of which the sign is pinned to the clothes. On the front side there is a turquoise ribbon, in the middle of which there is a 2mm white stripe. On either side of it there are 2mm red and 0.5mm white stripes.

After the revolution

The army of Imperial Russia ceased to exist after the Bolsheviks came to power. The new government has embarked on a course of eliminating all the previous institutions of power. The founders of Marxism called for the abolition of the army after the socialist revolution. Instead, there should be a general armament of the people.

This happened immediately after the February revolution. The Red Guard began to form. She was a volunteer armed group. They were formed by party bodies directly on the ground. The Red Guards became the main force of the Bolsheviks in the preparation and conduct of an armed coup in the fall of 1917, as well as in the first period of the Civil War.

The Red Guard lacked a centralized command. Their creation and disbandment was carried out in accordance with the decisions of local party and Soviet bodies. The Red Guards took part in the suppression of a large number of armed conflicts, including the uprising of the cadets, the Czechoslovak corps, etc.

However, due to the fact that the young state was surrounded by enemies, it was necessary to create a new regular army. In the fall of 1917, about 200 thousand people were in the ranks of the Red Guard. 30 thousand were in Moscow and Petrograd. At the beginning of 1918, by the decision of the Council of People's Commissars, the Red Army was created and the units of the Red Guard gradually began to join it. This process went differently in different regions. The last in the fall of 1919 were the Turkestan Red Guards.

The emergence of the Red Army

When the civil war engulfed almost the entire country, the new government was faced with the task of forming the Armed Forces. The then existing Red Guard could not fight the war for several reasons. Therefore, on January 15, according to the old style, the RKKA was created, and on the 29th, the RKKF. In the spring of 1918, a universal education appeared, engaged in military training of workers.

The first subdivisions of the spacecraft were created by local councils. As a result, various types of detachments were formed, which included the most diverse strata of the population. Naturally, the combat readiness of the volunteer spacecraft was low, the commanders were chosen. Despite this, the spacecraft units managed to achieve some success.

In April, the election of commanders was canceled, they began to be appointed. Since there were not enough competent specialists, officers of the imperial army had to be invited. But, since their political views were dubious, military commissars soon appeared to supervise the activities of military specialists, educate personnel in the spirit of communism, etc.

Attempts to create a spacecraft only on a voluntary basis failed. In the units, there was weak discipline, disgusting combat effectiveness. Declassed elements often joined the ranks of the KA, whose purpose was exclusively profit. In addition, there were not as many volunteers as required.

In July, a law on compulsory military service was passed, as a result of which the number of the Armed Forces has grown significantly. Trotsky introduced in the army one-man command, a general uniform. The death penalty was introduced. In early autumn, the Revolutionary Military Council was formed, which led the Armed Forces. L. Trotsky was appointed head of the new structure. Very harsh measures were practiced. There was nothing of the kind in either the tsarist or the white armies.

Red Army in WWII

06/22/1941 is a sad date for our country. Early in the morning, the Nazis invaded Soviet territory. In the first months, the spacecraft was forced to retreat and lost hundreds of thousands of servicemen. It is believed that this was caused by the unwillingness to attack the Nazis. Already in the first days, a general mobilization was announced. At first, our army retreated, losing people and territory.

The first success was achieved by the spacecraft in the battle of Moscow. But it was not possible to build on the success, our army continued to retreat. Measures were taken to stop the retreat. The soldiers fleeing in panic were shot. This measure was called "not a step back". The commissars received a new name - political commissars. In 1943, the titles returned by analogy with the pre-revolutionary ones.

A real turning point occurred at the end of 1942, when the spacecraft managed to encircle and block the Hitlerite grouping in Stalingrad. It was finally destroyed on 02.02.1943. The success was consolidated as a result of a successful operation on the Kursk Bulge. After that, the spacecraft launched a counteroffensive. One after another, more and more territories were liberated.

By the summer of 1944, our Armed Forces were on the state border. The position of fascist Germany was constantly deteriorating. Its allies one by one left the coalition, refusing to fight. In addition, at the beginning of the summer of 1944, Britain and the United States opened the 2nd front. The USSR liberated one country after another, and in April 1945 they approached Berlin. The assault on this city ended with the surrender of the Wehrmacht troops. It was signed on the night of May 9, 1945.

Over the years of the Second World War, more than 29.5 million people were drafted into the spacecraft. Before that, its number was over 4.8 million. Poles also fought on the side of the Soviet Union. In 1943, we created the Polish infantry division. T. Kosciuszko. By the spring of 1945, the number of Polish troops reached 200 thousand troops.

At the beginning of the Second World War, the spacecraft was not well equipped. There was little car technology. At first, the Soviet Air Force was significantly inferior to the Luftwaffe. In addition, most of them were destroyed almost immediately. In addition, a huge part of the country's military industry was located in territories occupied by the enemy. But the people working in the rear did everything to increase military production, and soon the situation changed. New, advanced equipment was created, for example, the famous "Katyusha". This mortar became very popular.

After the end of the Second World War, demobilization was announced. Of the 11 million people, 8 million went into the reserve. Many veterans were later awarded the medal "50 years of the USSR Armed Forces."

The jubilee medal "50 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR" was established by the Decree of Pres. The USSR Armed Forces dated December 26, 1967, and the Regulations on the medal and its description were approved (Vedomosti of the USSR Armed Forces, 1967, No. 52). In addition to the Decree, the Resolutions of Pres. The USSR Armed Forces of February 22, 1968 and "of December 19, 1969. By the Decree of the Presidential Supreme Council of the USSR of July 18, 1980, part 2 of Article 6 of the Regulations on the Medal was declared invalid.

In accordance with the Regulations on the medal and the Resolutions of Pres. The USSR Armed Forces, the jubilee medal "50 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR" was awarded to: marshals, generals, officers, as well as foremen, sergeants, soldiers and sailors of the long-term service, who by 23 February 1968 were in the staff of the SA, the Navy, the troops of the MOOP of the USSR, troops and the bodies of the KGB of the USSR; listeners and cadets of military educational institutions of the SL, the Navy, the troops of the MOOP of the USSR, the troops and bodies of the KGB of the USSR; marshals, generals, admirals, officers and super-conscripts dismissed from active military service in the reserve or retirement and having seniority in the SA, the Navy, the troops of the MOOG1 of the USSR, the troops and bodies of the KGB of the USSR for 20 or more calendar years; Heroes of the Soviet Union and persons awarded the Order of Glory of three degrees; former Red Guards, servicemen who took part in hostilities to defend their homeland in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the USSR, as well as persons awarded during their active military service orders of the USSR or medals "For Courage", Ushakov, "For Military Merit", "For Distinction in the protection of the state border of the USSR ", Nakhimov," For labor valor "," For labor distinction "; partisans of the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945

The medal and certificate were presented to her on behalf of Prez. The USSR Armed Forces: military commanders of military units, formations, and heads of institutions, institutions; to persons who left the army - by military commissariats at the place of residence of the awarded - according to the lists drawn up on the basis of: documents confirming their 20-year service in the Armed Forces of the USSR, participation in hostilities and partisan movement, order books and certificates for the above awards.

The jubilee medal "50 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR" was awarded to 9527 thousand people.

Round medal with a diameter of 37 mm, a thickness of 2.9 mm, made of gold-colored brass, one-piece stamped. A five-pointed red enamel star is placed on the obverse of the medal. In the intervals between the ends of the star, there are five beams of diverging rays. In the middle of the star, on a circle with a diameter of 19 mm, there is a bust image of two soldiers of the Soviet Army, wearing a Budenovka and a helmet. To the left of the circle is the date "1918", to the right is "1968". Along the edge of the medal are laurel and oak branches in the form of a wreath, intertwined in the lower part with a ribbon. On the reverse side of the medal at the top is a five-pointed star with a hammer and a plow in the middle (the emblem of the Red Army from April 1918 to April 1922, worn as a cockade). Below the asterisk there is an inscription "FIFTY YEARS OF THE USSR ARMED FORCES" in three lines. The medal is bordered on both sides by a rim. The medal is connected with a lug and ring to a pentagonal block covered with a turquoise silk moire ribbon 24 mm wide. In the middle of the tape there is a longitudinal white stripe 2 mm wide, to the left and right of which a red stripe 2 mm wide and a white stripe 0.5 mm wide

We give you a medal
We don't feel sorry for her at all.
For you, for dear,
The golden man.
For cordiality, kindness,
Friendship, loyalty, warmth.
We can't list everything,
This list is numerous.
Let there be a place for her
On your big chest.

For wisdom, patience,
For strength and zeal,
For work and courage,

For the fact that your merits are all priceless,
For using your time for a reason.
We present the medal to the sound of fanfare.
Congratulations on your holiday!

We present you with a medal
Deservedly by right.
For achievements to you
We shout loudly: "Bravo!"

Always be a leader and know
The medal is not given to everyone,
May there be happiness in your soul
And the song flows in my heart!

Success, joy, warmth
And new achievements.
Medal - victory is a good sign
And a promotion incentive!

We award you with a medal,
And we are proud to ask you to wear it!
We hand it over personally,
Only with you it should be!

And we wish you a lot of praise,
Various successes, and in everything.
We sincerely congratulate you,
May there be happiness every day!

Award you with a medal
On this holiday we decided
We've been looking for her for a long time
And finally we bought
If you wear it
We will be very glad to everyone
You deserve to be happy
And, of course, awards!

There is a very important detail:
For great achievement
You got a medal
Not just congratulations!

You can be proud of yourself
But, know, you shouldn't relax
After all, you need to strive for the best
And to achieve new goals!

We hand you a medal
As the highest sign of recognition
We sincerely wish
Goodness and prosperity.

Let the reward be skillful
Your costume adorns
And a feeling of respect
At the counter calls.

We will all note your merits,
And plans that go into the distance
Like the best gift in the world
Give a medal today.

And let's say both honestly and strictly:
We are very proud of you
Medal made of simple metal,
Your character is golden!

Unfortunately, impossible
To give happiness to people.
We wish him to you
And we want to present the medal.

Let her remind
About successes, about friends.
And makes sure that the owner
Didn't stay on beans!

We hand you a medal
For the merits, all yours
Get a worthy prize
Wear it on your chest!

You are a true friend,
You set a brilliant example
All the merits and do not count,
Well, you are in the world!

Jubilee Medal "50 Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945."

Medal "50 Victories in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945."- a state award of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus, established by the Law of the Russian Federation No. 5336-1 dated July 7, 1993 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 296 dated March 22, 1995 "On rewarding the jubilee medal" 50 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. " 1995), the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of the Resolution of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 2485-XII of October 26, 1993 and the jubilee medal of the Republic of Belarus on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 102 of March 14, 1995.


Awarding of the jubilee medal "50 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945." subject to:

Servicemen and civilians who took part in the ranks of the USSR Armed Forces in hostilities on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, partisans and members of underground organizations operating during the Great Patriotic War in the temporarily occupied territories of the USSR, military personnel and civilians who served during the Great Patriotic War. Of the Patriotic War in the Armed Forces of the USSR, persons awarded the medals "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", "For Victory over Japan", as well as persons who have a certificate for the medal "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War war 19411945 " or a certificate of a participant in the war;

Home front workers, awarded for their selfless labor during the Great Patriotic War, orders of the USSR, medals "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945." For the defense of Moscow, For the defense of Odessa, For the defense of Sevastopol, For the defense of Stalingrad, For the defense of Kiev, For the defense of the Caucasus, For the defense of the Soviet Arctic besieged Leningrad ", or a certificate for the medal" For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 ";

Persons who worked in the period from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1945 for at least six months, excluding the period of work in the territories temporarily occupied by the enemy;

Former underage prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of detention created by the Nazis and their allies during the Second World War.

Jubilee Medal "50 Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945." worn on the left side of the chest and is located after the anniversary medal "Forty Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."


medals "50 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945."

The medal is made of tombak in the form of a regular circle with a diameter of 32 mm. On the obverse of the medal there are images of the Kremlin wall with the Spasskaya Tower, the Cathedral of the Intercession on the Moat and the festive fireworks. At the bottom of the medal there is an image of the Order of the Patriotic War and the numbers "1945-1995", laurel branches around the circumference. On the reverse side of the medal in the center there is an inscription “50 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945”. Below, along the circumference, is a laurel half-wreath. The edges of the medal are bordered by a rim. All inscriptions and images on the medal are convex.

The medal is connected with an eyelet and a ring to a pentagonal block covered with a red silk moire ribbon 24 mm wide. There are five stripes on the left edge of the ribbon: three black and two orange. The width of the strips is 2 mm. Extreme black stripes are bordered by orange stripes 1 mm wide.

Sketch for the medal "50 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945." was developed by the chief artist of the St. Petersburg mint of the association "GOZNAK", honored artist of the Russian Federation A.V. Baklanov.


Presentation of the jubilee medal "50 years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945." produced on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation:

Persons who left the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - by military commissariats at their place of residence;

Persons who left the troops and internal affairs agencies of the USSR and the Russian Federation, troops and state security agencies of the USSR and the Russian Federation - by military commissariats at their place of residence or by the relevant ministries and departments;

Home front workers, former partisans and members of the underground - the local administration.