Biography of Yuri Klini Hoi. Grave of the leader of the Gaza Group "Gaza Sector" Yuri Klinsky (Hoy) on the Left Bank Cemetery of Voronezh (Cemetery "on the tanks")

Biography of Yuri Klini Hoi. Grave of the group leader
Biography of Yuri Klini Hoi. Grave of the leader of the Gaza Group "Gaza Sector" Yuri Klinsky (Hoy) on the Left Bank Cemetery of Voronezh (Cemetery "on the tanks")

Last year, one tombstone was changed at the Left Bank of the Voronezh cemetery. Well, the cemetery is already accustomed to broken monuments and such castling. Hoi. With a guitar, Hoy without a guitar, Hoy with a cross, Hoy on the background of the inscription "Hoi" and its own quotes about the unknown sense of life - as if, after death, this restless guy cannot tighten its ever-key energy.
There are biographies requiring a decent knowledge of geography. Life that has not yet knows that she is a biography, throws people to one end of the card, then in the other, draws the line, bizarre zigzags of dasheds between strange foreign names - the real Arabic lick, to unravel the long hours.

There are others. Life line in such biographies is not the line at all. She rather looks like a confident fat point on the map. At that point was born, lived and died Yuri Klinsky. It is very easy to imagine - take a handle and draw two circles. The one in the center is to paint. Top to imprison - Voronezh. And a little larger - Hoy. From her, it is clear, some silent scratch paws will be reached - in Moscow, to the Far East, still somewhere. But all this is no matter. The personality "inclusive" on July 27, 1964 did everything to "turn off" there, in July, 36 years later.

"I wrote the first poem in school, I remember something about the spring"

Yura Hoy, then still - just Jura Klinsky was born in the family of a housewife Mary Kuzminichna Klin and engineer Nikolai Mitrofanovich, who walked on the Voronezh aircraft plant. He was not the only son of the four Klinsky, a little haw had two senior brothers. Since childhood, Patzan grew intelligently and inquisitive, interested in everything, which was reached.
At school, Jura did not stand out special. He was lazy, he studied on the troika, wore a "bad" for behavior. His secondary education diploma is decorated with one single fourth. Not by singing, according to work. In addition, the Jura did not come to the first lessons, it was late - stuck with the books of late. He was honest, tried never to lie.

The older brothers from the young age joined Yura to music, in the house of Klinsky, it was often possible to hear rock and roll. The guys listened to Soviet music, "Bitles", "Deep Purpl" - first on the plates, then on bobbins. The father also accepted the younger to ... poetry, the study of literature and the rules of the poetry. He himself wrote the poetry all his life, published - but everything is somehow without much success. The lessons they were later manifested themselves in the Matery, the tearing songs of the Son, which, despite the "frozen", "ugly" in the opinion of literary critics, the contents, had a "impeccable syllable and style".
If a father helped with a syllable Yura, then the contents were thrown into a mandatory rustic holidays, on which he often disappeared the whole summer. Another source of inspiration was the horror films - first the Soviet, like Viya, then - any, which could be obtained on the cassettes and to inspect the nights. Hoy learned to play at the guitar, at the same time, he also folded his first songs.
After graduating from school, and extinguishing himself in Loszaf for the sake of free, Yura sat down for two years for the "Brank" of the tank. His part was stationed in the Far East. Without special incidents, he survived until 1984 and demobilized.

"What would work in the police, you need to be a bad person. There are there, of course, and normal, but they are not there. "

After the army, Yuri was summed up in the traffic police, but did not take it in the police. He himself always loved speeds, cars, and he could put himself in place for a simple person - he tried not to finish a little exceeded speed, people from villages, moneyless - sorry. But before the bosses did not know how to fade. They say, since Jura slowed down even the mayor of Voronezh, who kicked up on red. And the question "You know, who am I?" He replied that, and not wanting to know. Another time, in such a manner, he stopped some kind of important priest, and, of course, both times have acquired troubles. In addition, he could never fulfill the plan for fines appointed by the Guide. Three years in MenOnovka smoothly turned into a catherea. The last few months of the Jura contract served in private security, counting the days to the new "demobel". As Nikolai Mitrofanovich later recalled, the last day in the militia Yuri barely worked, came home, sorted out of his shape, threw on the floor and to become trampled by her legs, to tear something. Having finished with Pogatan, in his opinion, the work, he began to interrupt other earnings - worked by a milloverman, a CNC machine operator on a "video fon", a loader. In his spare time, wrote songs, playing the guitar. The "Volga-31" started (the first of four cars), and almost killed on it, on the Moscow highway, somewhere under Tula. He sold restored car, and since then from domestic brands tried to stay away. Among his next bar, there was a red diesel Wolkswagen Golf III and white Daewoo Nexia with an electric car and air conditioning.

"I do not hesitate my city, I lived all my life in it, in it, most likely, die ..."
Yura Hoy

In a free time, the time, Jura watched countless horrors or mysticism, played billiards and sometimes - as a hobby - I did music. When Rock Club opened in Voronezh, Hoy became him frequent. At the spring concert in 1987, he first played a few songs, which began to write at the same time - in February and March. As Yura later told - he did not like the poor to those amateur teams - "On love, the world, something like that ... incomprehensible", here he decided to enrich it with his participation. "I like it all, and so everything went ..."
He sang at the club solo or invited someone. And on December 5, 1987, he collected the first composition of his "sector" and sang a few songs - "I scum", "crazy corpse", "Drill", "Colhoment Punk" - on the rock club stage
The name "Gaza Strip" was for Yura "Mysterious Combination" and at the same time - his "in the board" of Voronezh reality. In his childhood, it was heard because of the Arab-Israeli confrontation, which then often spoke on the radio. And in Voronezh, it was also called a bunch of bunch of plants and smoking pipes, and an appropriate criminal atmosphere, where the rock club was just located. In short, with the name of the team Yura was simple. According to Huga, it was "local name for a group that was not going to go beyond the city rock cly6a"

"Panke did not consider himself ..."
Yura Hoy

Two years later, by 1989 the group recorded two "cassette" albums - "Plugi-Vui" and "Colhoment Punk". The quality of records was terrible, and they diverged exclusively in Voronezh. A breakthrough for the team was the album "Evil Dead", published in 1990.
Many, especially from the early songs of the autobiographical - "Java", "Ment" (after the release of Yura from the detox), "Kudron,", "I took the blame for myself" - Dedication to my brother.
At the same time, Yura tried to "dilute" himself and the "lyrical hero" - "a sort of monster in smelly socks affected by all known venereal diseases and earned impotence." He said that she does not mean to sing about human vices yet. For Yura, such songs are rather a special way to combat them.
A classic "puncture" he had never considered herself. "... maybe at the beginning of creativity a clean" punk "somewhere and visible" - he told in his interview. He then began to do what he liked himself, not tied to style. And indeed - in the musical terms of his albums were quite varied. Yura himself defined the style of his team as Fusion.
Samples for imitation and beloved music for Hoy were Western groups and Rage Against The Machine, Biohazard, AC / DC, Alice Cooper. In recent years, Yura was impressed by heavy rap with his blues, clear rhythm and rock guitars, and throughout his career loved punk and death metal.
"Hoy, the month is young! Hanging - nail nail! "
Venia D'rkin
The pseudonym "Hoi" to Jura was closed immediately and quite firmly. In general, this exclamation was then used - from D'rkin to Letov, borrowed from OI from OI! -Musics of British Cockties, or from the CG Movies, but only Jura was made by the pseudonym.
As he said himself: "Hoi" - just exclamation, I often pronounce it during the songs. The fact that it resembles someone in Tsoi (with whom Yura was personally, albeit episodically, a sign) is an accident. "
In recent years, Yura has become less than using the pseudonym "so that there were no problems with traffic cops." And then - will stop, and he "yes you are, guys, I am a soloist in the" Gaza Strider ". And they are "lying! Hoy sings there. "

"When we went to a big scene, we began to engage in a person who had worked only with" Popsoy "and which, with the word" rock and roll "began to nauseate
Yura Hoy

After the success of the "sinister dead" and "cherry wagon", Jura began to perform on all sorts of mixed parties - "50x50" and the like, but it was tired of him quickly. In Moscow, he did not want to move to Moscow, although he took advantage of the possibility of signing up at the World Studio. His recordings publish one of the first Russian labels - "Gala Records". Legal concerts of the group begin, and with it - concerts of Lipovaya "Hoev" in the cities. Yura himself did not like "glowing", consciously supported the growth of rumors, legends about his group. In terms of sales - everything was known on the cassettes, but 99% of albums produced pirates. He did not complain, lived from the percentage that Gala Records sold in Moscow, official releases on the Black Box in Voronezh and numerous concerts (all of them more than 300). His albums were published in 1994, then they were reprinted with Golana in 1997. "Click on gas" and "collective farm punk" were also published - in 1991 and 1993 - already on CD, LP, and unchanged cassettes.

"We have no difference for whom to play, we are far from politics. Zhirinovsky pays - We play for Zhirinovsky, another fraction will pay - play for it "
Yura Hoy

Grew and popularity. It is known that Vladimir Zhirinovsky was delighted with the "sector", and apolitical as Banana Hoi "answered reciprocity" for the Liberated, but for money. Yura did not have their political addictions, sending all the politics "... in the ass. Brasnik! ". It was built, he was completely satisfied, because, being from the workers, earned a good money on his talent. However, Hoy believed that if he had to get stuck in the loaders, then, of course, he would have been dissatisfied with the government.
As the popularity of the "fog" and "time home" he has become actually folk music, the music of demobels, ptushnikov, students and rural youth. Zholokroup - so ironically called the "Gaza Strip" - a group that Hoi himself compared with porn, group-izgoy, Paris, which neither rock nor pop music did not accept.
It is known that Yura was not averse to play a concert with DDT or "Alice" but he was not called, and he himself did not like him. In 1994, they were recorded by the Punk Opera "Koschey Immortal" - a thrash mix of Russian fairy tales and music in the Spirit of AC / DC, Red Hot Chili Peppers or, Ace Of Base at the attention of critics. There is a "fairy tale" video on which they did not make out due to lack of funds, then the black and white "fog" - with the chronicle of Russian wars. In total, the "SG" comes out 4 clips. Fifth - "Night of Fear" - was not finished due to the death of the singer.
In the late 90s "SG" produces a number of techno-remixes, with the participation of the Voronezh DJ CROT.

"I have sought hard sound all the time."
Yura Hoy

In recent years, Yura Klinsky changes the image and sound. Instead of koshuhi, ripped jeans, old males and army boots appear black expensive shoes, dark trousers and shirt. Instead of the roashaw "collective farm" punk - "cool tires" of the last album.
"... I tried almost all drugs, but I'm not used to nothing and I'm not going to get used. I tried - and enough "
Yura Hoy

The exact causes of the death of Hoy are unknown. July 4, 2000, he died in the same house on Barnaul, along the way from his home to the next entry. In recent years, he has aggravated health problems - suspected hepatitis and heart problems. Hoy drank a lot, and by the end of the 90s, the friends began to suspect his strong narcotic drug addiction. In addition, as many, his companion Olga was a complete addict. Before the death of Yura complained about pain in the bottom of the abdomen, side and "boiling water in the veins" - but decided that he would pass. It did not pass, with Olya, being in the "bad" area went out on Barnaul. In the apartment he immediately leng, once again, saying about "boiling water" in the veins. Olga began to call in the "ambulance" - but they answered only for the 4th time. Doctors could not help - the heart stopped.
Hoy died. A person died not loved the "discharged party", gay and kirkorov. A man died, who loved the heavy sound and heavy rap, speed, simple words and mystical horrors. He "did his death" like a unassuming "horrorist" - the amount of the numbers of her date was 13, his last album - "Raising from Hell" - contained 13 songs, was the 13th album, released on the 13th year of the existence of "SG", and two memories Day - 9 and 40 fell on the 13e number.
After Yura Klinsky remained two daughters - Ira and Lily.

16 years ago, July 4, 2000 left the life of Yuri Klinsky (Hoi) soloist of the Gaza Sector and the author of all her songs.

"In life I met friends and enemies.

In life, a lot of things have passed.

But I did not recognize the meaning of life, but.

Sun body my laughed, wind hair drill,

But I did not recognize the meaning of life. "

Yuri Klinsky was born on July 27, 1964 in Voronezh in the family of engineer and rivers of the Voronezh Aviation Plant Nikolai Mitrofanovich and Maria Kuzminynna Kurban. In school, Yuri studied satisfactorily, but he had an insurmountable passion for music. A passion for the renovation of his father, who wrote poems and tried to publish. Yura early learned about the existence of Western rock culture, since rock and roll sounded in the family of Wednsky. Soon after that he decided to independently master the guitar. Father's lessons were not in vain, so Jura began to compose poems, of which his first songs were folded.

At the end of the school (Voronezh Secondary School No. 30) (1981) studied at DOSAAF on the driver ZIL-130. Before the army met with the future wife of Galina. He served in the Far East (Blagovchensk) in the tank troops mechanic-driver. It was fired in the reserve in 1984. After serving in the army, Yuri worked for two years by the traffic police inspector and one year in the private security, then the milling machine, the operator of the CNC machine on the Voronezh "video fon", a loader, and wrote songs at leisure. His creativity perceived as a hobby, not even dreaming of a big stage. He recorded an acoustic album on the tape recorder in 1981 and partially overwritten it in 1985. After opening in Voronezh, the rock club became it regulant. In the spring of 1987, a concert took place in the club, where Yuri performed several songs of his own essay.

"I wrote the first poem even at school, I remember about the spring something. Then to the army on the guitar learned to play and tried to do something. But the songs were primitive, about love, every such little thing. Then, when he came from the army, he worked at the factory and did not think about anything. When a rock club opened, I looked at the amateur groups, I didn't like their poor in the topics, I remember about the world sang something about love, about something, incomprehensible. I decided to shake ancient. And since experience has already been left, I began to get quite good. I liked everyone and, so everything went ...

Yuri Klinsky "

For half a year he performed solo or with invited musicians. The first composition of the group, called the "Gaza Strip", gathered on December 5, 1987 and was often changed in the future. The name group received thanks to the nicknamed part of the left-bank district of Voronezh, a well-known ecological situation and a criminogenic environment. As for the pseudonym, he occurred from the branded cleric Yuri: "Hoy!", - which often uttered during his speeches, and also used in his work.

The first time the Gaza Sector acted on heating from those who came to Voronezh groups, such as the "sounds of mu", "Civil Defense" and "Children". Because of the abundance of abnormative vocabulary in the texts of the Gaza Sector for a long time remained in the underground. Yuri Klinsky in those years worked first at the plant of consumer electronics, then a loader; Music earning did not bring. Outside of Voronezh concerts, the group did not give, the records of the "Gaza sector" were distributed by the country for the efforts of fans.

Universal fame, the group received only in 1990 after the release of the albums "the ominous dead" and "swirl", which Yuri sent to Moscow with his acquaintance. In 1991, the Gaza Sector gets the opportunity for an album record in Moscow at the World Studio. Soon the recording of the group publishes one of the first in Russia commercial recording companies "Gala Records", after which the group's popularity increased significantly and it was able to legally give concerts. The albums officially went out in Voronezh at the Black Box studio, and the Moscow Studio "Gala Records" published them in 1994 and reprinted in 1997. Albums "Kolkhozny Punk" and "Gas" were published in 1991 and 1993, respectively on plates, disks and cassettes.

In June 1994, Yuri records the Rock Opera "Kashing the Immortal" in the form of a new album. Later, Yuri wanted to create a video version of this album, but his death was prevented. He managed to comply with just a few scenes, and now on the Internet there are workers' video believe Tracks: "Aria Ivan and Frogs", "The second Aria of Ivan" and "Third Aria Ivana".

Since 1996, Yuri Klinsky has somewhat changing the style of the group, many texts become more serious and cleaned from the mat. The result of these experiments becomes the album "Gas Attack", which subsequently became the most commercially successful in the entire history of the group.

Since 1997, Yuri drastically changes its image - instead of koshuhi, ripped jeans, old males and army boots appear black expensive shoes, dark pants and shirt.

For his creative career of large money, Klinsky never earned due to the prosperity of "piracy", which affected the number of licensed discs sold about 1% of the total. However, the group and its leader became very famous in Russia and the CIS. Despite the fact that the Late Texts of the Group were more restrained, most fans and representatives of the Music Industry "Gaza Strip" were associated with obscene vocabulary and pokhabi songs. During the creative activity, the group visited the tour in many cities of Russia and beyond (Belarus, Germany, Israel, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Ukraine, Estonia).

Why and how Yuri Hoy died.

July 02, 2000, Sunday. Yuri Hoy and Olga Samarina came to Voronezh from Moscow. In the evening, at the request of Galina's wife, Yuri will remove the family in Usman.

July 3, 2000, Monday. In the evening, Hoi brings to his consolidated brother Anatoly ("I was already drowned, and he drove me"), then Igor Kuschev (there was no house), to Vadim Glukhova ("On the eve of death, he went to my home-in the evening A neighboring house "), rides the native city. He comes home and completely watching a video of her concert, although somehow did not like to watch his records, go to bed.

July 4, 2000, Tuesday. The day promises to be hot, Yuri Hoy has a tense schedule: today the shooting of the clip should be completed to a new album on the song "Night of Fear" at the Art-Prize studio, and the further work on the clip with Oleg Golotarov operator's clip. The shooting is scheduled for 16:00, Hoy and his girlfriend Olga Samarin takes part in the shooting, to shoot, they need to visit Grimyra in the theater of the young spectator. In the morning, Yuri feels no matter, he pale, the forehead is covered with an embryo, he cannot understand that with him: "blood boiling water runs on the veins", but drinking a tablet aspirin, decides to go anyway.

11:30 Yuri Hoy and Olga Samarina leave the rented apartment on the street road, in the southwestern district, which is on the right bank. On a white car "Nexia", they are sent to the Grimer, the meeting with which is assigned at 12:00, the beginning of the first.

11:40 On the road, Yuri feels worse and worse, very pale, "I'm like a dead man, don't even make grimit." And he decides halfway to change the route, turns into the barnaul street, here in the private sector he lives his friend named Andrei Ksenz.

11:50 Hoi enters the house and immediately go to the sofa, unable to stand on the legs, it torments strong pain in the left side and stomach, "everything is burning with fire." Olga is near, apparently considering that this attack, which will pass soon.

11:55 Samarina is moving into another room for cigarettes, and suddenly hears the roar - Yuri falls to the floor and loses consciousness.

12:00 Olga and the owner of the house unsuccessfully trying to return the Hoy to life, making artificial respiration. They are trying to call "ambulance" assistance, however, there, flatly refuse to record the address with a dubious reputation of drugprot, from the fifth-samarina, still manage to transfer the address. Olga runs out to meet an ambulance "ambulance" so that they are "not lost in homes." At this time, Yuri "suffocates, burgundy face ... and how he lay, and died ...".

12:35 The people who came to the death of Yuri Klinsky. By chance, the ambulance doctor turns out to be familiar Galina Klinsky, Hoy's wife.

13:20 The operational group of the criminal investigation team arrived at the place of events, which is a protocol for detecting the corpse. Militiamen contains operational shooting of the scene.

Recording from Militia Protocol:
4.07.2000 at 13.20 on the st. Xhhhhhhhhhh, x in the house of a friend,
Without foreign samples of violent death found
Corpse Klinskiy Yu.N.1964, Pub.ul...xxxxxxxxxxxxx KVHHX,
Soloist group "Gaza Strip".
Reported: ROVD 15:00 ATC 15:18 POP 1563
Leaving: oour
Seized: physical evidence not detected

What is not so in the official version:

Yuri Hoi was supposed to be made to be made to the theater of the Young Spectator (Tyuz), which is located at the address Ul. Dzerzhinsky, 10a. ("When Yurka ran like a crazy, I wanted an ambulance" ambulance ", and he rests on:" We need to go to the theater of the young viewer, to be made for filming in the clip! "Express newspaper," Hoi with them! "From 23.07. 2008)
The Tyuz on the right bank, from the removable apartment of Hoy on the street road to the theater is completely close - to go for 10 minutes, and here to the street Barnaul, on the left bank (where he ended up) - twicear longer.

Take the book "Hoy! Epipastia Rock-Rolling "and on page 118 We read" ... got into the car, went ... and says my friend lives, let me come to him ... "

Then watch the card and ask the question "Where was he, when said that?". And did he speak at all? Is it possible to believe that Olga says?

Notes to the route:
Point A - Removable apartment from where he left (starting point)
Point in - Theater of the Young Spectator (destination)
Point C - Str. Barnaulskaya (place of death)

Good day! I as a local in a nutshell: Barnaul Street is located on the left bank of Voronezh, in the area called "Gladovka". Many believe that the area is called "Mashmet", but he is next. Of course, here "On the way" from the streets of the road to the LAT, not to fall, since the Tyuz is located approximately in the middle between the road and Barnaul. All you correctly counted.

Now about the main thing: in the house on Barnaul, known to the entire dock "cooking", or according to the protocol "Narcoditon". The owner of the house has a share of "poison" with visitors coming to him, for the provided "kitchen". His name is Andrei Ksenz. He still lives and lives through the same address. Of course, the cops, seized all evidence and evidence of death. The event itself found all the rules, and friends, and a family, except those who were with him next to that minute. Therefore, everything looked confused. No one knew what would happen next. All these people were together only for one reason - Yura, and after his death, they had nothing to do anything. Only the delay. The cops gave the installation to talk about the head of the heart. And therefore everyone did breathed his own. It was impossible to declare for the whole country that the artist known for the whole country "drove down at the point." Imagine that it would be with the head of the local ROVD! Hence the discrepancy of the testimony. Moreover, in the city, every cop knew Yura, and no one would like everyone to know how and where everything happened.

Regarding drugs - it is believed that Olya put it. Yes and no. He smoked her grass to her, and that such a poppy knew that he also knew. She opened to him other, more heavy drugs. Here, in Voronezh, it is generally a whole epidemic! Gypsies, hiding cops, flooded everything with their "refreshments". 50% of the generation of the 90s now lies in the graves.

December 19, 2014, 20:13

Yuri Klinsky was born on July 27, 1964 in Voronezh in the family of engineer and attorney of the Voronezh Aviation Plant Nikolai Mitrofanovich and Mary Kuzminynna Kliana. In school, Yuri studied satisfactorily, but he had an insurmountable passion for music. A passion for the renovation of his father, who wrote poems and tried to publish. Yura early learned about the existence of Western rock culture, since rock and roll sounded in the family of Wednsky. A negligible student, hooligan holy believed in music. He, desperate Meloman, soon decided to master the guitar himself.

At the end of the school and extinguish in Loszafa "For the sake of Nahalyava's rights," Yuri changes the ZIL-130 on the tank for two years. Served Yura in the Far East, DMB-84.

After serving in the army, he operates for three years by the traffic police inspector, then the milloverist, the CNC operator on the Voronezh "VideoTone", which was made by VM-12 video recorders, a loader. In the afternoon it works, and songs songs. I don't dream about a big stage, perceives my musication as a hobby, like an intense from gray life.

Together with the opening of the Voronezh Rock club, the Gaza Sector Yura appeared, the name of the club served as the location of the club - the industrial area of \u200b\u200bVoronezh with strongly smoking plants.

"The mysterious combination of the" Gaza Strip "was on my hearing since childhood, when the Arab-Israeli conflict was going and without end, this geographical name was told on the radio. There is a" Gaza Strip "in Voronezh - the so-called industrial zone. Such is the local name for the group which was not going to go beyond the urban rock-cly6a. "

In 1989, the group released in Voronezh two of its first magnetoalbom "Plugov-Vuy" and "collective farm punk", but for a truly famous it became only after the release in Moscow in the 1990th year of the albums "Viogen" and "the ominous dead".

Popularity burst into Yuri unexpectedly, it became possible only thanks to the Liya Gorbachev Perestroika, hungry to forbidden topics. Merry Material Songs of Yura Klinsky trembled all of Russia. His albums were mounted around the country by millions of circulations. Demand gave birth to an offer. Youth of the Ballada from the Pearl Perlov Yura. For him, no censorship existed, he sang what he wanted. And "the scandalous collector" thundered "from the taiga to the British seas."

In contrast to modern "popes", Yura did not write empty songs, and first found the topic for the future composition. Some songs are autobiographical, this "yawn", "Java", the song "Ment", which is written after Yura was released from "Sober", a "took blame for himself" Yury devoted his brother, but not all.

"Many for some reason perceive my songs as something autobiographical: imagine me with a certain monster in smelly socks victims from all known venereal diseases and earned impotence."

As for the pseudonym "Hoi", then he occurred from the company Kum Yura: "Hoi" - just exclamation, I often pronounce it during the songs. The fact that it resembles someone Tsoi is an accident. "By the way, few people know that the leader of the SG was familiar with Viktor Tsoem.

Yuri Klinsky did not consider himself a puncture: "I never believed myself. Well, maybe at the beginning of creativity a clean" punk "somewhere and looked through. I do what I personally like it. Each album is musically diverse. Style" Sector Gas "I define as" fusion ".

About your songs: "If you sing about human vices - this does not mean that they approve them yourself. Perhaps, it is even a kind of fight against every mud."

Yuri Klinsky avoided Tener: "Recently were invited to the" sharks of the pen ". I immediately refused. I do not want to sit like wisely, when you have such a lot of hostile people who are staring. By the way, so I don't do one, many do not go there - those who are Inconsider. Only idiots who dream of "unwind" on freebies are agreed. And in the end, they are there, on the contrary, "twist". Why appoint yourself. I do not strive for someone to know me. So easier to live. "

Yuri Klinsky about his parents: "They are proud that their son has become a popular person. And as for the songs, such as" fog "and" time home ", they generally consider the classics of the Russian song. I am terribly nice, because Zapvaska "That parents have an old - mother loves" oh, frost, frost, "father - Zykina."

Yuri Klinsky About Moscow: "Moscow is a center where all the furious people are going to earn money. But this is a depraved city. It is very dangerous for young people. There lives very baking youth."

Yuri Klinsky About F. Kirkorov: "It is better to be honest hooligan than to make false how Kirkorov. He himself did not write a single song. I am writing songs myself. And honestly talking about what I'm worried about and what I think."

Yuri Klinsky externally apolitated: "Yes, this policy went in ...! Braschik!"

The popularity of the group is limitless, the "Gaza Strip" listened not only by ordinary people, but also professors and politicians - the "Gaza Strip" like Vladimir Zhirinovsky. The group received a reward from the leader of the LDPR "for an invaluable contribution to the development of the Russian language." Especially popular SG in provincial cities, villages and in the army.

Yury Klinsky never consisted in the party, although he had a certificate of assistant deputy. Despite this, the Gaza Strip group performed at the LDPR campaign concerts. Klinsky commented on this as follows:

"We have no difference for whom to play, from politics we are far away. Zhirinovsky pays - We play for Zhirinovsky, there will be another faction - we will play for it. Everything else is no longer our problems."

He was recorded in the book of records, as the only person who managed to get a rolling expression of the "Secretary General of the CPSS Gorbachev Central Committee."

The creation of the group also liked Yuri Nikulin. After Klinsky played the concert in the Nikulina circus, the famous artist invited a young man to the grimer. Under the words of admiration and gratitude, Nikulin took out a bottle of brandy and suggested Hoy to talk. The artist himself was so flattered by these compliments, which often told about this case to his friends and relatives.

Yuri Klinsky about the modern Russian scene: "Rock and Roll is dead," said Grebenshchikov. I would clarify: dies. There is no longer that energy, there is no one that has been typical for the 80s, Sukacheva, Kinchev ... And the young ... I do not want to offend anyone, and therefore I will say ... "

Yuri Klinsky about the group "Red Mold": "Suck some ..." Red Mold ", for example ... Let your something they find ... We rarely, but we are not aptive, that is, absolutely everything to the place. Unlike , let's say, from "red mold", where just to the music swear with a mat ... "

Yuri Klinsky About modern Russia: "... It all depends on the social class to which you treat. I am from workers, but I managed to earn a decent money at the expense of my talent. Modern Russian system helped me in it. If I continued to work as a loader , getting a penny, naturally would be dissatisfied with the government. "

This group can be rightfully called the phenomenon of the Soviet and post-Soviet show business. Formed at the dawn of restructuring, she proved the time that it is not terrible banners, censorship, not complete isolation from television, radio and newspapers. A group that existed most of his life on pirate audio cassettes, won real love among ordinary people and became truly folk.

Personal life

Before the army met with the future wife of Galina, he later married. Two daughters were born in marriage: Irina and Lily.

Without dealing with his wife, had a long relationship with the girl Olga Samarina, which he himself told the spouse. I got acquainted with her in 1991 at his concert in Moscow, the connection was launched until the last days of the musician. According to loved ones, it was Olga who added to the use of drugs.

For some - this girl, the last drug addict and rubbish, who sat on the needle Yuri, for others - she is his last love. Olga recalls that she never felt the difference in age, but felt that he was spoiled by women. According to Olga, she knew that he was married that his wife went to Voronezh, as she was not satisfied with such a tour life that they had all on the verge of a divorce. Olga tells that Jura liked everyone, his simple, community, kindness and responsiveness. With these soulful qualities, he was very different from Muscovites. Olga notes that Yuri did not suffer from "star" disease, was usual. Living in Moscow, he saw how everyone deceived each other, knew that Savin was deceiving him. Olga says that Yuri did not like the disassembly, he was a creative man, and he had no time to do financial affairs. Then, as Olga recalls, Yuri reconciled with his wife, they had a daughter of Lily, and he disappeared for Olga. She brought himself a new friend and they already lived together. Olga says she knew that he would never quit the family that he was pulling it to her and to the family. He often said it that they were suitable for each other, as both smashed, that he loves her as a woman, and his wife belongs to his mother as her sister.

Olga in his memoirs complains that because of her, Yura had a lot of quarrels and family problems, and because of these troubles, he did not receive an album. Remembering how they spent their free time, Olga says that Jura read a lot of thrillers and mystics, and they also went through the bars, there and the heroin of the hooked. Well, and then in Vienna. Olga believes that if Yura would not get sick, he would surely jumped, he was treated and tried to treat her. Remembering the morning of the 4th day, Olga says that when I woke up, Yura has already ran around the apartment, I myself do not understand what is happening to him, and as if the blood is boiling on the veins. She tried to call him ambulance, but he refused, saying that she would drink aspirik and everything would pass. He drank aspirin, and they went to shoot. But on the way he became worse and they drove to a friend Yuri. Olga recalls that he immediately lay down on the bed, rolled out by the Kalachik and everything complained that he was hurt and everything would burn. Then he fell from the bed and lost consciousness.


Hoy dies in the morning on Tuesday, on July 4, 2000 in one of the houses on the street Barnaul, which is on the left bank (the address is known to the entire district "cooking", or according to the protocol "drug breaker"). Eyewitnesses tell that Jura was going to meet with televisers - he shot a new video clip, - when he complained about pain in his stomach and left side. The pain was intensified, but Hoy decided to meet, they say, they will fight and passes. And after a few seconds, the heart stopped. Friends rushed to call "ambulance", but the arrivals came out powerless.

Yuri Nikolaevich Klinsky was buried on July 6 in Voronezh, on the Left Bank Cemetery (another name of the cemetery "on the tanks").

The participants of the popular mystical show "Battle of Psychics" figured out the cause of the death of the Solist of the Gaza Sector of Yuri Hoy. For the transfer, where people, allegedly possessing a gift of clairvoyance, find explanations with unusual phenomena, came two daughters of Yuri Hoy Irina and Lily and his son-in-law. Native musicians wanted to figure out who regularly breaks the tombstone on the grave of Punk Rock legends and why the cause of his death is still unknown.

As the native and fans of Yuri Hoya said, after his death they were given only death certificate, and the results of the opening allegedly were lost. The circumstances of the tragedy are shrouded in secret. The musician died on July 4, 2000 in one of the private houses on Barnaulskaya Street. On this day, he was going to go to the shooting of the video of the night of fear on the Voronezh Studio Art-Prize. According to the official version, the musician died of a heart attack, although there were no need for problems with the heart before. According to the unofficial version, Yuri took drugs and suffered from hepatitis, which was the cause of death. Hoi did not live to his 36th anniversary of 23 days.

Native Yuri Klinsky brought the last broken monument to the studio of the show, who stood on the tomb of the musician. The leaders covered the marble slab to the cloth and offered to the participants of the "battle" to guess that under it. Different participants of the show expressed similar versions - "associated with death", "mysterious death", etc.Someone even said that the group "Gaza Strip" is imposed curse.

However, some psychics surprised the daughters of the musician almost one hundred percent guessing of some events of the life of Hoy. For example, the accidents described in which he fell, they talked about his experiences due to the love triangle. Spectators were amazed by the exact hit of some clairvoyants. So, one of them even "saw" a white cat, his beloved pet's pet, - the animal died literally six months ago. She was predicted that other members of the team were gradually following the leader of the group. Its phrase "the chain has not yet been closed" the leading shows tied up that the keyboard player of Igor Anikseyev died shortly before the ether.

Some participants of the show explained the death of the musician with his musical activity. Allegedly he always played with death: sang from the face of the dead, collected a collection of horror films, composed poems about the afterlife. However, the point in the proceedings put extrasens, which told about many moments of the Biographies of Klinsky, when he managed to avoid death. Clairvoyant voiced a very long-master version of the causes of the death of a musician - alcohol and drugs. Relatives with this conclusion agreed.

Gas Sector / 9ROt, Song "Fog", Video

Famous Soviet and Russian musician, artist in the style of punk rock, composer, poet and leader of the Gaza Gaza Music Group Yuri Hoy was born in the Russian city of Voronezh. The date of birth of Yuri Hoy - the twenty-seventh of July 1964 (07.27.1987). Hoy - creative pseudonym musician, present his name - Klinskiy Yuri Nikolaevich.

Father Yura Hoy was a local aircraft factory. In the study of Jura, Klinsky did not particularly shine and studied, to put it mildly, moderately. But I had a huge passion for music. Pope Yura, Nikolai Mitrofanovich Klinsky, he himself very much like poetry, wrote poems and instilled this love to his son. Parents of Yura Klinsky loved rock and roll, and foreign music constantly sounded in their home. Yura himself was able to learn to play the guitar and began to try writing his first songs.

With his future wife, Galya, Yura Hoy met even before I went to serve in the army. He served Yuri Klinsky driver, he served in the Far Eastern region. After demobilization, on the eighty fourth year, for the first three years, he worked as an inspector of the traffic police, a year in the OIO (private security). Yuri changed a lot of professions - was a loader, and worked at the factory, but he never forgot about music and any his free minute Yuri Hoi devoted to writing new songs. At first he perceived the music simply as entertainment, hobbies. He loved to go to the rock club Voronezh. For the first time on stage, Yuri Hoi spoke at the eighty-seventh year, he performed his songs in the Voronezh rock club. During a couple of years, Yuri sang the most or other specially invited performers.

The birthday of the legendary now punk rock group "Gaza Strip" can be considered the fifth of December 1987 (05.12.1987), when the first team was formed. The unusual name of the group went from the nickname of one of the districts of the city of Voronezh, who "famous for" with an increased level of crime and a bad environment. My pseudonym is explained very simply - during the speeches, it was the original cry of Yuri, addressed to his audience.

At the beginning of its path, the "Gaza Strip" was at the "warming up" of popular rock performers who came to Voronezh on tour. But at the beginning of the nineties, the situation changed dramatically.
"Gaza Strip" released musical disks "Kudron," and the "sinister dead". Hoy "secret trails" handed over his records to the capital. Soon the musicians of the Gaza Strip group, as they say, woke up famous. The "sector" began to sign up at the Studio "Blackbox" in Voronezh, at the Moscow Studios of Records "Peace" and "Gala-Records". Hoy and his musicians officially left the underground and began to give legal concerts, and the discs and cassettes with their album were sold at every corner.

In the summer of the ninety fourth year, Yuri Hoi released Punk Opera called the "Kashing Immortal", which enjoyed great popularity at the "Gaza Strikists" fans. Hoi dreamed of doing the video version of this album, but was able to do it only partially, so his plans interrupted his tragic death.

Despite the fact that in the nineties, the Gaza Sector Group was "on the crest of the wave", Hoy and his colleagues could not boast of serious earnings, since almost all of their works were replicated on pirated media. But the musicians did not despair - their popularity was so high that the Gaza Strip was constantly invited on tour not only in Russia, but also in the near and far abroad.

Of course, in the texts of the songs of the Group "Gaza Strip" often there is a lot of abnormative vocabulary. But the popularity of their songs is not explained by this. Just he always said what others were silent or shy to speak, he frankly sang about our lives and bribed the listener. After all, it is in the repertoire of Yuri Hoy Songs and without non-normative vocabulary, but no less popular than everyone else, for example, "home", "fog", "30 years".

Yuri Hoi died the fourth of July 2000 (07.07.2000 g). The official cause of the death of the singer is a heart attack (although the artist on health has not complained). Unofficial - complications caused by drug use. One way or another, so far the circumstances of the death of Yuri Hoy is shook in fog. The album "rising from hell" came out after the death of the singer.

Yuri Hoy was married, he has two daughters - Ira and Lily, 1984 and 1995.

Yuriie Hoi Interesting Facts

  • As the website reported on June 9, 2014, and more precisely - 27 July in the city of Voronezh, a monument to Yuri Hoy, leader and soloist of the Gaza Strip Group will be established. It was on this day that the singer would be fifty years old. As reported, in the area where Yuri Hoi lived and worked, his sculpture will be established in full growth. On the same day, a concert will be held in Voronezh, during which the songs of the "sector" will sound. It is also planned to release a memorable postcard depicting Yuri Hoy.
  • Voronezh City Hall banned the installation of the monument to the leader of the "Gaza Sector" by Yuri Hoy, according to a number of the media, July 27, in Voronezh, the opening of the figure monument to the rock musician Yuri Klinsky (Hoy) was to take place. However, the administration of Voronezh believes that this is not possible. The State Hall statement says: "In some media, there have been reports of opening in the Vai microdistrict (near the cafe" Nelson ") on July 27, 2014, on the Day of the 50th anniversary of the Leader of the Gaza Sector of Yuri Hoy (Klinsky), monument A musician who is a sculpture in full growth. Meanwhile, the administration of the urban district The city of Voronezh did not give the applicants to the official permission to install any sculpture. On December 18, 2013, the issue was considered at a meeting of the City Public Commission on Cultural Heritage. Most of its members spoke out against the installation of a monument (urban sculpture) and recommended to establish an art facility in the Gaza microdistrict, dedicated to the Gaza Sector group. In the course of further verbal negotiations with the applicants, an agreement was reached on the need to study the concept of the art object and the place of its installation, after which it is planned to assemble for making a final decision. The initiators were also given and a written response. To date, the project of the art facility to urban cultural management is not submitted, in connection with this, the installation of the monument to Yuri Hoy and the holding of July 27 (on the day of the Navy), the activities of its opening are not possible. "